THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PATt'KDAT. AUGUST 29. 1901. 9 r' SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaewteete fee thee elaasBB rill aatll IS as. fr tk vealac ltla eatll M , as, tar eswrala. sad liKir Mltl.i. II at pa. 1 l-2a at were) rat laaartlaa, la a war thereafter. Katataa; takes far leee Iku g& far tka flrat lavser tlau Thee ad verttaesseats asast ka raa taaiMallYflf. Advertisers, ky re atlas; a be red ckeelt, aaa kave auwtn a dr4 ta a Baaabered latter Is. eara f Tka Bee. A aawara aa addressed will ka delivered STWaaalatlea af tka akeak ewlr. SITYATIOSS WAITED. WANTED Bjr young man of good ed.lre-a and experience, position ss bookkeeper; bunk preferred; good reference. Andrews Bee. A-M Bj6x WAITED VILE HELP. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 1. DAT AND NIGHT. Boyles College Ni!.. HlkrC LlKk. hLj. eiTBU." tea, Siicju i tiAN o. xi A"E WRIT- ISO. AuNUiUiiL Appiy fur Catalogue, B 144 WANTED, for United Stale army, able bodied, unmarried men, between uses of H and AS. citizens of United ritates. of food character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read ud write Englisn. For In formation apply to recruiting otticer, laih ana ioage au., umana, end xtasuuga, xtao. a All.a .WILL grr a worthy young man or woman a pala-up scholarship in Omaha a leading buameaa college, to be paid for wben couraa Is flinsiied and position secured. WA'TtD, at once, a registered druggist; married man preferred Schsefer a Cut- Fric Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sts. A M134 WANTED, experienced window trimmer. A. Aj. Ail andei bona, Omaha. WANTED, a tailor at Council Bluffs Steam Dye Works, 1015-1017 Want Broadway, ouncu Atiurra. i Mva CAPABLE manager for branch office to be opened la turn city by large manufactur ing corporation: aalary ls monthly: ex perience unnecessary; expenaee and caah commissions; security and A-l references required. Western i. A. Co., St. Louis, jao. A Ma x J'OUNO men not belonfi-ln to dnions wanted to register for street car work; no jenae; enciueea aeu-aoaressea envelope. The Western Register Bureau. Portland, st: a 9.1 jo . aSH boys and girls wanted; must be 15 years or over. Apply J. 8. Brandela A Hons. B Milt ft) WANTED Good messengers. A. D. T. Co., zu a. imo. a 1 WANTED, young man with small capital or sood business DrlnciDles. to take charge of business Just under way; good faying thing to right party. Address L au, use a iu ix WANTED Br one of the larrest llauor houses a reliable salesman of ability and experience to aell their goods direct to the consumers. He must be able to speak German as well as English. High wages for the right party. Address L. a Bee. B MITT 14 WAITED IALEIME. WANTED Salesmen, up-to-date, active, to sail firsl-ciaaa groceries direct to consum ers at wholesale; nral-class territory and liberal Inducements. George Meldmra A Co, a? No. Green tL. CtUcago, 111. MX30x SOLICITORS Ladles and gentlemen. Room ii union noiei. ii aux BOOK SAUCSMEN ATTENTION W 1 have an entirely new proposition for men of ability. Territory la being rapidly aa- signed, coupon ana cara ieaas. r. 'K Mayer, Broadway and Locust sts., St. Louis. Mo. . Mlt Hi WANTED Salesmen to solicit orders for a fine line of nursery stock. Conveyance will be furnished to reliable men. Pay ments weekly, jr. Al BUtnnaxd ft Co., Ottawa, Alan. siitift w WASTED FEMALE HELP, lot Girls. Call Caaaillan efflee, 16th A Dodge. c z WANTED, girls for light housework; family 01 two. Aooreas 4 w. cee. aiwt WANTED, competent girt for general housework; three in family. Mrs. Harry wooawaro. wn r-mcinc t. sua WANTED Eperlenced salesladies In un derwear and hoalery deparunants. J. L. BranoeiS bona. Uoutm C M5S2 WANTED, a washerwoman, at IU N. 41st St. Call at once C MAI TWO young woman to take a ceuse of training in vnuLna-r lorence rtaul tart urn. Addreaa Dr. W. A Koaa, 2V0. Lake Bu, vmau i . aos ax 8ALES LADIES, dept. At once. Bennett a. at once, for Mrs. Gleasoo, millinery 2d f.oor C 744 II WANTED, experienced girl, general house work; small family; good wages; refer ences requireo. xum AJodge it. C M145 K) WANTED, a girl for general housework. Jars. a, ty. AJavu, im ueorgia Ave. C M144 SOoc WANTED Good girl for general bouae- wo'rk: good wages. Mrs. Robe R. Bovd. mis uiui au c lu isrx . . CI . WANTED Sewing girls In cloak depart- bwii, Aiaua wis, tmaoa, C 137 a WANTED, a cook and dining room gtrl at Ths HiUsld. 1UA N. Asto. O Mlju Svx WANTED, competent second girl; good wages: email lamuy. sirs. tu. As. Mora Aa,venport and K1 Ave. C MIO Six WANTED, girl for general Apply 1137 & th 8u housework. C Ml 48 SO WANTED Experienced salesladies In cloak aepartmant. nayaeu Atros.. Omaha. ' C M164 AOs WANTED, three experienced salesladies tor dry goods and skirt department steady noalUun and rood waa-na ta rivht party. Novelty Bargain Store. 17 and 11 ,v w, D,r.rz. it Mala St-. Council Bluffs, C MITs ux roa rest hoi a; s. IIUUOCO c. Psters A Co.. Bee Bldg. U WM PATNE-HOSTWICK A CO., choice houses, iul-aoA New York 1-11 Bldg. 'Phon luia. WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age CO. lei. lsi. otnea. Webaiar SL AJ CM -'"3t-,30. F. Davis Co.. BUS Bee bldg. - A 4 CENTRAL. 1st -class T-room house. r N. IX A M477 FOR RENT, a Beat t-room house, all mod ern except furnace. Ha, C. M. Bactimaan. un raxion oio.s A Mija FOR RENT, T-room cottage, modern con venlauce. nl-e yard. Ill Park Ave. Was. few Poller, Ateceiver, sua Airown llk. D-150 HOUSES, Insuraaoe. Rlagwalt. Barker Blk. A Jl llOliKRN. I rooms. Tit N. HI at. Z3 Burt. AprOy at AJo771 8. 14th, T rooms, modern Sit 1.47' 1 t lth. I r-jo ins. modern flat. 1.1 F01 Wooiworth Ave.. I rooma modern. Lie New and coetly built S-roosn house, complete and snvdera. R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Flour, Bee Bldg. FOR RENT. 1M N. fcth ave , 10 rooms, naw, fine eak finlaa. hardwood door a, atrtctly mudern. eaceptlonally choice lo caUun: tu on flve-yaar lea or tut for U. V. TL A 8HOLE9 COMPANY. ta N. X. Ufa Bldg. A-7al U for Rtn-rtRKisHCD room. FOR RENT HALL On 7th floor of The FORMERLY LODGE ROOM $5 per single night. . SPECIAL To lodges and societies A3 night elevator service electric lighted. Large room well ventilated Piano splendid floor. Platforms and pedestals Apply R. C. Peters Co., Rental FOR REST HOtSES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.. office 15114 t arnam or Tela. L&9-"-A. A tiki S-ROOM. MODERN. Z713 Dewey ave. D-T45 COTTAGE. & Franklin St. D-689 ONE t and one g-room cottage, large, beau tiful grounds; no rurnace: i eno- aio. 4Ji and lu Nicholas st. Key on prem ises. Kingwalt Bros., barker block. i in MODERN HOUSE. LARGE TARD, 47& North 21th St., two blocks north Ames ave.; rooms, new piumoing, iurn&oe. nret-clasa condition; also Darn. ju.w. Northwest corner 2th and Jackson sts.; a rooms, modern- iju.uu. E South I4th St.; room cottage. tlT.U. GEORGE CO.. loOi A-arnam su D ML35 ? FOR RENT The best equipped tine-room modern Douse in umana; nesiea oy laieei hot water system. Tel. lteu. rurtr at McArdle. D M 1M EIGHT room modern house, furnace, laundrv. rorcelatn batn: excellent loca tion. I'i Sso. t5th. Rent WO. Possession tct. 15. N. P. Dodg A Co., 161 Farnara St. iMLia a C3 BURT ST. Eight room brick bousa large bam and snaoe trees, iwo oam reuma. steam neat. Ha. iv r. i"wt at Co., lilt t arnam st. D illrf 2t FOR RENT, No. KG So. 39th ave., 11-roora hrir-k run eeiiar. cistern, oaa noors ana finish; furnace and all modern. In best condition. No. liSl So. 10th ave.. 10-room, complete and modern, nnesi appointment ana nn lsh; possession September L- Inquire en premises. vsom FOR RENT 2564 Harney St., desirable modern house oi s rooms in nret-eiaaa re pair, $35. Garvin Bros.. 1904 Farnam st. NINE-ROOM house, modern. C0I Harney street. uiui FOR RENT No. 4U N. 21d St. Inquire at Ho. 410. FOR RENT-36, 1706 Park ave.. S rooma. modern; Sjo, ira cnaries si., roome. modern; 44 K3 Burt. rooms, moaern, bam: IS. 17 single rooms, Wlthnell Bldg. N. P. Dodge CO., lblt nnuisn. in. g29. A MlTtl au FOR RENT. 11 rooms. 1611 Howard St.. all la flrst-clas repair, two bath rooms. $55. GEORGE COMPANY, 1801 Farnam St, l" mi FOH REST FCRSI9HED STOOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 11th and Farnam. ROYAL HOTEL, European. lth Chicago M I II II U.00 to $2.00 per week, 43 So. 11th St.. one block SOU in OI conn uvumm. ' NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha A-178J. E 705 AETNA HOUSE. European. UU as Dof - NICE cool room, mcdern. very reasonable; gentlemen preierreu. w O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 4 VIENNA HOTEL. 10U :JP0fn?- ROOMS. 11 per week aa tip. State hotel, B Mitt 811 Ill AJOUgias sk NICE room, day or week. 1S2S Howard. E Mm Slax PAPlTOL HOTEL lth snd Cspltol Ave.; I : . . ,V. mrllrkntlt DOHQ. I elegant rooma " i. uru 1415 Cuming NICELY furnished room. E M154 SAX st. I MODERN rooms, front. mi St. Mary' E-Wl 6?r FURNISHED ROOMS-Flne location, r era detached hou Steam h"1 able. CIS Farnam at, mod' reason- lx FIRB1SHED ROOMS ASP BOARD. wv-,b BENT A very aesiraoiB ini 'with alcove. The Pratt. AAA o- -o-t. unxEL. Euro Dean plan. n . v fv- ' - AT M8S0 Sis ii iu. I wh e without board. &S Har- i f ma.o x nsy. BOARD snd room; furnace. 434 S. lth at. F-15S KT7X ... in OTsm and ooara i'" riw ' ;-' r 14 50 per 1' "w 1 noulre N. Sd at. F-1S7 B3X rtRSITVRK FACMlsa PETERSON LUNDBERG. lli 0- 7ta. FOH REST STORES ASIA OFFICES. r. r-vr-T- QIMlnff auitaAlS lor SBOlS- ""rr'rr.:: i....- -ax lour SST: lemTnT-d-bmeiiJ. ,iv "or7fin end burglar prool va ml. T. T unt.r and itxture. For price end particulars inquire w. r7,.rv .twa bea lijUding Co., ron Ait. ee 1-AUai bunding. FOR RENT The bulging fortnerry tore- ftad by A ue im ' " j- -Jur scone and ba-emant wUc. was formerly ed a in - ' i t v i i - ,..ti reasonably. Inirnuud apply at tOie of C C. Roae witx? seer r. roatn 1A Be bulloing. 1-iai STORE ROOM. lUi Howard St.. with good basement, MA I - . . . L k I .l B 1 H A al n I . ur-u-. - i-w M r.i.-oi.- . tar MnL a4 Paxton biock. - lte uprvjiTiiHT buildins. 1S7 Howard st .... ii'-k-. . rwl Bm LaKiunL F. l tVeid, Ui luglas. I Ml 7a 51 AGEXTS WAXTEAA. WE have ell six of th different pope Lao Xlll bouse; best larnas, iraigai pawl, ouint free. Call or writ W. A Hixaa- l , . a a Cav. aju Wax blk.. Omaha. J-MA49 Bee Building OF THE ROYAL ARCANUM. RATES for regular nights. for lodges purpose Agents, Ground floor Bea Bldg. AGESTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents in JT rnuntv to solicit SJDSCrlpUOns IO ina, TWENTIETH CENTURT FARMER. Rteadr emolovment with assured sood in come. ASenis in u couavrr iui uui ind bUaYy rai7- desired: CarTvaeri make easily & to per month. Ad-I dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau," Bee building, umana. " W ASTED TO REM, EXCEPTIONAL opportunities lor few men are onerea by me unwn -numi i - intnpinr. f'n Corresooiidence In vited. 3. M. Ed mist on A Sons, general genu. Omaha and MSS-Sen. , AGENTS, special terms and reserved field for "Lamed a History for Ready Refer ence;" also "King's Europe in Storm snd Cairn." Address The C A. Nichols Co S Dearborn Sc. Chicago. J-MHJ x WANTED TO RENT By family of t adults, two rooms and board within walking distance of court house. Ad draes. stating price. L 3X. Bee. K MTU i Ttnovs and bath, cheap, cash In advance. Bank reference; vicinity Catholic church preferred. P. U. hoi w, vmana. K US lOx WASTED TO BCY. WANTED to buy. some good dental chairs. Union Dental College. NrM57 WILL PAT cash for 40 to 50 acres within 15 miles of Omaha. Address K 52. Bee office. N 1&3&1 WANTED Good second-hand tennis rac quets. State make, price and where they may be seen. Address L 6 Bee office. N Ml six FOR SALE FIRSITTRE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Fuixiiure Co., ltlU AJoage bi. O T09 FOR SALE All carpets, furniture, kitchen utensils, dining room, office and bar flx- - tures; stock of liquors, cigars, etc. In cluding safe, cash register, pool table Barker hotel, Omaha, Neb, Inquire of Frank Barker, manager. O M U FOR SALE Household furniture and base burner, vs. bo. Zbtn sr. u mjjs sv FOR SAUB HORSES, WAGOII, ETC, TIRES set while you wait: first-class re pair wcrk. 11. ATrost, lun ana Aeaven worts. - P tut MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at HI N. I Asia at. - ux FOR SALE. 1 first-class buggies; war ranted; a snsp lor someooay. can at ttw Leavsnwortn. P M3SJ FOR SALE, three Shetland ponies; very genua. 2S34 Webster. A Mios Zux AUTOMOBILE for sale; first-class condl- tlon. engine good as new Address L 54, Be omce. P MISS SI FOB SALE MMCELLASEOIS. FOR 8AI-E. secondhand locomobile. In first-cless snape, at one-hail price. Call or sources. iaa amain bu y lis FOR SALE, a nw SJO-ampera. double-pole swiicu; nsver oeen uam. jippijr to or ad dress 'Superintendent lie Building. Omaha." (4 M.47 TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timbers; chAcsen A iocs; oas. puing. ui Aouglas. I tj 714 IRON and wire fence, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor r ence Co., AX lTtli bt. VI 714 CATALOGUE rut drug prices free. Sher man m Mccooneu Drug ta, UOabL 0-71S FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator; ran b used eltner passenger or ireignt; com plete, iron guide posts, cage and wire en closure. J. L. Brandsis A Bona. QUtt INDIAN goods and re Ilea. Liu) Farnam. W 114 ZD HAND safe cheap. De right. 111 Farnam. J 71 ICE for sale In csr load lots. Herein, Nab. Address Lincoln loe Co., Q-MTli FOR SALE thlrtr-three thousand, four hundred and ninety-seven share Gold Hill Mining Stock, ten cents a share if taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dom. Board ot Trade building. r-M457 "OR BALE Coal bustn Capital required. gA.auw.uu. J XI, !. NEW and Ad hand typswrlters. 1US Farnam. U IS lJH SALE, at sacrifice prices, bookkeep er s oess, stool, roil top desks, fiat top desks, copying press, bath, etc., office chairs and other fixtures. Apply st 1514 Farnam bu, or Telephone 13S5. Q M1U7 AO LARGE hand-power Iron punch and shear; vaigais, aia o. iAia du 4 at 14 1 ju TWO city broke saddle ponies snd house. noia gooas. b. zm sl 14155 Six YOUNG fresh cow for sale. C. O. Carlson. Q-M176 :u Florence, Neb. BLACKSMITH TOOLS 17 8. 13th st. Q Ml?? Sx CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE ' SMITH. SOVEF.E1GN LADT qlEAN of clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present snd future. Sat isfaction or no pay. u7 N. lAin. 870 MME. .LUCRET1A, medium. 17" Call for-j ma. a Ss Sax ELECTRICAL TREATMEST. MME. SMITH, hatha. Ill N. 15, 3d floor, r 1 T 721 rKMOIAL V1AVA. a wholesome nerve and tiasus food and turns treatmnl for oiaorders of women, tree booauaL Viavl Uu A4 Bee Bllg. L-m PRIVATE hwm during eonnnement: babie adopted. The Good BauuIim bam taxi um. 7S 1st eve, CwuncU Aiiurts, la. L 'JU MAGNET PILE KILLER. At dl US gills. $L If CUKKi U-;j BUAtGEOM-CH I KOFODIST. 5U x4ee kldg, L' ie YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. rERSOAL PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; bHbies Doeraeu ana adopted. Mrs Gardils. ZM Lake. Tel. Red-lv-t. U Tjg DR ROT, chlrrpodlst; corns ar.d superflu ous hair removed by eiu-iciLy. ti- i ana A. HOa Farnaia St. U PRIVATE hospital before and during eon Dneraent; best medical care ana nursing Mrs. L. Fliher. livl Vintun. Tel. las. via PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs Geriscn. B&S California St. Terms reasonable. l ua OMAHA Dye Works. ISIS Howard, fashion able cleaners, dresses, suits, cloaks, dra peries, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. U MT33 SepM ANYONE desiring to adopt a fine bsby boy about 7 months old can ontait, informa tion by Inquiring of the Rev. Lucius D. Hopkins, rector of St. John's church. 1701 N. 2ith st. U llv Sx WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week. $2 per month; we repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured: second-hand machines K to i0; second hand machines from fl to $10. Neb. Cycle Co . 1Mb and Harney. f MISS MOSEY TO LOAS REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam dmiui & Co.. LA4 F arnam street, W-7JS FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. Xhunias. First Nat I Bank Bldg. Tel. 164a, W-Tli PRIVATE money. Sherwood. U7 N. T. Life, w-;a 4 TO I PC money. Btmls, Pazton block. W 7a FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. ISO Farnam. W 734 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1530 Douglas, 'v"te WANTED Real estate loans and war- rantA R. C. peters a t-o., nee cu MOSEY TO LOAS CHATTELS. CASH IN ANT AMOUNT-A10 to S00 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., and to people holding a ateady position, without secur ity or publicity, at the very lowest rates; payments can be ir-ade to suit your cos vemence; strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Rooms 307-30 Paxton Block. xss MONET loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. c. . tteea, sis a. u. EASY Tg paT Rest exDlains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc Or if you Lava a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service is quick and confidential and wa always try to please. Ail that we ask is that you givs us a call before you borrow eisewner. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 114 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. (Established IsSii.) M S. 16 Lh St. Jt-T MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. S3 Paxton Block. ltLh and Farnam Sts. X 739 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED rturbti, mercnania, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se- niriir- easiest terms. 40 offices In nrin clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue to u. ureen, n. a, xsarser dk. . JW IV MONEY Ta salaried employes and wag earners Gel our system of loans that gets you .., r,t debt. Anv ladv or Kenueman. ruachlnist, eagineer, etc, having reliable employment can get, Just on his note. Half- Monthly. Moninly. Weekly. $100 Return to u...tJb 04 or $11 J5 or o 5 I 50-Return to us... U-U or J or I a-Return to us... e.o or I B or . l.4 I 15-Return to us... 4.00 or 1-uO or l.M Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No InqulrieA Wulck aervlcs. Courteous jmj 8TAR LOAN CO- S44 PAXTON BLK. X 37 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business coonuenuu, XV A 114 Paxton block. The J. A. Mutton Co. X 741 BfSISESS CBAXCES. WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange anv nroDertv or business quick, see J. tL. Johnson. 541 N. Y. Life. Y 744 A GOOD paying, lS-room noel lor sai us Wood ttivar, inch., a. a, T,7, Uvea In Chics go is the object in selling, Mitchell A Faught, Wood FOR BALE Drug store In very good loca tion with established trade. Good loca tion for doctor. P. a Bog MA, C ty. Y Mil OI GROCERY for sale, good location, German ooDulation. good reuons for selling, es tablished trade. L 55. Bee. y-4 FOUR-CHAIR barber whop two bath rooms; will sell for nearly half If taken In ten dsys. Address K 47. j Jx FOR SALE Good harriTOSire, furniture end undertaking Dusiner-a. awe uunuina a ISO. AQUreas ri'JI i-J". r mouth. Neb. Y-MU7 8 IT IS TRUE. . . . Cotton is tne oeft miminnui. Hotter than bonds pays more profit safely. , Better than stocks no speculation. Better than grain greater results . with out gambling. Better than horse-racing schemes no hasardoua risks. Better than mining or oil ventures no "hole In the ground" In which to sink capital yea, ,-nttnn Is the best Investment for tangit'l'i profits and visible assets. Cap ital alwavs subject to draft. Particu lars, pamphlets, free. Storey Cotton Co.. Bourse, Philadelphia, r ' yviM S-"t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tukey & Son WEST FARNAM DISTRICT offer for s few days two of the beet lots in Highland Flace; only two block from end of Farnam street tar line, in a giod neighborhood, for only ll.liw for u.em both. A. P. TUKET A BON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. kiv-io 40 ACRES. ImproveJ; Sarpy Co. Loch box luL PapUaon, Neb. RiC M;B AU HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana linn lanus. ins yj. s. Davis Co.. Room mA. tee Bidg. RE 74a WILLIAMSON fiinAgi " RE TH 1 RANCH anil farm lands for sal by Las L iu on pacific Kailrt-ad company. B. A McA !!es'er. land cummissiuner. Caioa pacihe lleadiuartors, Omaha, Nab. HE 1U FARM FOR SALE. L9) seres ten miles west of Omaha. T". P. rims through It. Guud place for stock, t per sere. N. P. Dodge Co. K14 Farnam St. RE MIS 3 1 10-ROOM modem house, 11 blocks from Lm N. Ltu, paal&l Bn icrr.ce, fee FOR ltl.EjRF.IL ESTATE. MODERN -r. house, full fJ ft. lot, best lo cation for a bonr-k Inquire 111 Inton at. fl.SOO. tl.X. I1.S0V Two fine residence lots, near 41st anil Farnam. tl.J tkes both- wonh 11, M each. Lvman Waterman, Life Rldg. RE 13 8 X acres level. irplendM lanil, near Clsrks, Merrick county. Neh., at IS an acre, f2.Ti. Owner coming to Omaha and wan's a home. What have you to offer quick? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main floor N. T. Ufa Bldg RE Ml 4 SO ARKANSAS BARGAINS Tou wlli do well to Inrestlc'. Well Improved farms, city property, timber and coal lands. Sura to double In valuation In next twelve months. Healthful climate guaranteed. J. L. Lavenue. Frisco Immigration Agent, Ft. Smith, Ark. RE M17I JCx FOR SALE Michigan improved farms and who inna in large and small tracts rrom V- to IS per sere, J. L. Marble. Milan. Mich. RE M171 x ACCORDIOS PLEATISO. GOLDMAN. 70S Douglas block. 74S ATTORSEYS, HERBERT & CRANE, 117 N. T. L. Bldg. saJBa sepux J. M, MACFARLAND. S19 N. T. L. Bldg. M 754 Pep21 BALE TIES, OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. All North 14th. 750 R. RUMPEL A SON. only tie factory In state, iryus. Attn rticiioias sts. Tel. F-xjof. Its. S4 CARPESTERS ASD JOISERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaea to. J. A, ocnntree. .'tu urn l,a afreets. J70 DASCSIO ACADEMY. MORAND'S Dancing School. 15th and Harney, reopens" for adults on Tuesday, September 1, at I p. m. You will save 13 from the regular price If you Join on or before the opening night. Call. Open day ana evening, l eu luti. M 154 Six DETECTIVES. CAPT CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. TeL A-233Z. 751 DRESS MAKISG. IN families. Miss Sturdy.. 534 N amh. S14X EXPERT ACCOCXTAJIT. R RATH BUN. room 15, Corn! Nat Bank 7M FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 761 L. HENDERSON, florist. U1S Farnam St --S4 . -I- I GOLD AXO SILVER PLATISO. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. TeL, K36. 764 GARBAOB. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools snd vaults, remove garbage end dead animals at reduced prices, 421 N. ISth. Tel. 177.. T57 LAW ASD COLLECTIOSI. aTTILLMAN A PRICE, 0U.& Nat. Bk. bid. 740 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N T. Lif Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 7a J. M. MACFARLAND. CS N. Y. L. Bldg. M-757 Sepil UWiaoWERI. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. 13th A Howard 751 LOCKSMITHS. C. R HEFLIN, MA N. 16th St. Tel. 37A Cut prices on keys uus monui. M4A2 SU MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured in thre days. Pay whan cured. No hypodermics. Writs for circulars. Gatlin InsUtuts, 211 8. 14th. MsiS MISICAU OMAHA College of Mualo and Dram tie Art, 5-3 N. aib SC. (Dodge St ear). Ex aminations for twenty free and partial scholarships In all subjects Sept. A3 and it. ab the college; practice rooms with pianos for students. A-or particulars apply F. H. Wright, L. L. C M-. director. 'Phone. 1101. 2 b U THOS. J. KELLY, V04OS. Davldgs Block. WANTED Boys with good voices for Trin ity Cathedral choir (preparatory classi. Apply F. H. Wright, organist snd choir director. rs bii OSTEOPATHY. GID. K A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suite Ha. New. York Ufa Bidg. Tsl. lu4. 7a The Hunt Infirmary, MoCagu Bldg. T. 2KZ, M Atxen A FarwelA, Paxton Blk.. gj4-7. T. 134, 745 DRS. FINCH A MILLER. U4 a Bth 8t -764 DR GRACE DEEGAN. TeL rA in N. T, Life. 747 r A WX BROKERS. rmTPlMnflfflM mIImMa a,w, rttiA. ing; all bunlnssa oonfidentiaL LAul Douglas. it P ASTI R AGE. PASTURE Benson. for horsaa. Theo. Williams, 71 Hl.x PLl'MBISG. DALY & SON PRACTICAL PLUMBERS steam and xaa fitters: Jobbing neatly don all orders promptly attended. TeL 141. Leavenworth. PATEXTS. H J COWOILL No fee unless sucosss'aL sia ov. uui dl, umana, xai. Aiaa. las PATENTS-Siisj A Co., Omsha. Neb. II- lusUsted patent book free. Tel. IfJJ VI Nil RIG M ASIFACTI RISC OMAHA Rug Factory. 15Z1 Leaven. TeL raa. SRORTHAXD ASD TYPEWRITTXO. A. C V.i 8 A NT'S achool 717 N. Y. I.lfa. T7i NEB. Business A Shorthand Coilga Bo Theater. TICKET BROKERS. Ict, CUT RATS rsilroad tick sts every wkers. AA. FhUUIn, Asv Farnann A'aona i4 8TATI ART. ORNAMENTAL work. Farnsm. Oonnella A Bro M t 8eplx STORAGE. OM. Van'Stor. Co., 1511 Fara. Tela, !&.'- O. r.s STAMMERISO ASO STITTERISO. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 4 Ramge BI 'g TTSSERS. O. E. KOCH. 14th ana Maple. TeL Il4. SI VrUOLSTEHISQ. REFINISHINO OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORKS. A1 Farnam. Tel. AIM. M454 bit GATE CITT Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. Ai-.M.fc. a.m st Mary's Ave. 755 FOSTOFFICE ROT1CI (Should be read DAILT by all Interested. aa chances may occur at any time.) Foreish malls for the week ending August 19, 1M, will close tpromptly in all cases) at the General Post office as follows: Par eels-Post Malls will close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Farcels- Post Malls lor Germany close at 4 p. ta. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close st Fore Urn Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Mails for Europe snd Central America, via Colon, close on hour later at Foreign Station). rrawaatlaatle Malta. per s. s. Umbiia, via Wueenstown; at i a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Rrooniand (mall must be dlrecte-l "per s. a Rrooniand "); at I AO a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Hohenxollern (mail must be directed per s. s. Hohen- nll.rn", tt Q 5.1 BtiTf-lVn ,1ir.r per s. s. 'Ethiopia (mall must be directed "ber s. s Ethiopia"): at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per a. s. Norge (mall must be directea - per a. s. is orgs . PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Fa per, snd Samples for Germany only. Th same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specialty directed py ner. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic stalls named above, aa dlticn&l Supplementary Mails are openec on the piers or the American, s-ngusn, French and German steamers, and re main open unul wi.tbtn Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mails for Bath Ceatral Aaaeriea, West ladles. Etc. SATURDAY At 6 A m. for NEW FOUNT" LAND, cer s. s. Silvia: for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8-30 a. m. (supplementary 30 a. m.) for CUR ACAO, and VENEZUELA, per A a. Zulla (mall for Bavaniila and Cartagena mus be directed ""r s. a. Zulla ): at 9 a. m for PORTC . ?0, per s. s. Cosmo, via Ban Juan; 30 a. m (supplementary 10S0 a. m) tor MJKTLMi IS1jAU JAMAICA. SA VANILLA. CARTAGENA and GRETTOWN. per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed '"per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 s. m. for CUBA. per A s. Havana, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overtaad, Etc.. Ex ces Traaapaelsle. ' CUBA By rail to Port Tamps, Fl,. and thence by steamer, closes at this office dany. except Thursdays, at l;30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mon- days. Wednesdays snd Saturdays) MEXICO CITY Overland, uniaas s peel ally addressed for despatch by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, i 1J0 p. m, and 11 AO p. m. Sundays at i. m. and 11:10 v. ra. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thence cy steamer, closes st this office daily at iM p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednes- dr stil Saruraart. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenee by steamer, closes at this office at 4:10 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. MiQU'ELON Br rail t Boston, and thence by steamer, ctcses at uu esc oauy a SO n ra BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ AND OUATK- MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thene by steamer, doses et this office dailv, except Sunday, at 1-IJ p. m. and 1AU p, m- Bunoajs it 11, p. m. ana iu r m. (connective mail closes hare Mo days st 111.30 p. m.) SOfiTA RICA Bv rail iew Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at tius omce dally, except Eunday, at 11:30 p. m. and IU p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and !11: p. m. (connecting mail wioses hers Tues at 111 so n m.) REGISTERED MAIL closes at p. m. previous oay. Traaapaurlflo Malls. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisco, close here dally at 4:ai p. m. up to August ?7th. Inclusive, for despatcn Der U. S. Transoort. Hawaii, japan, china and Philip pine ISLANDS, via Ban ran Cisco, close here daily at 4:30 p. m. up to August 119. Inclusive, for despatch par s. s. Cores. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:.' p. m. up to August 4uin Inclusive, for despatcn per a. a. Raga Marti. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close her dally at 5:30 p. m. up to August J1, Inclusive, for deanatch r.e.r s. a. Al&meda- CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here dally at 6 SO p. m. up to September 1. Inclusive, for dee patch per s. s. Empress of China. (Mer chandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAI? JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close her daily st I 30 p. m. up to September 14. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Gaelic. NEW ZEA'.AND. AUSTRALIA (except west), rii.w LAi.e.ii.MA, rui, ba MOA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at 4.30 p. 111, up to leptem. ber 11. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Sonoma. (If the Ctinard steamer carrylns ths British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In lime to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 1:30 a, m , S M a. m. and 4 30 p. ra. ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., S a m. and 4:30 p. ra. will be made up snd forwarded until ths ar rival of the Cunard steamer.) AUSTRALIA (except Welti, FIJI IS LANDS and NEW CA1.E1MJ.MA (spe cially addressed only) via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here dally at 4:30 p. m. up to September 111, Inclusive, for destateh Der s. s Alcana. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San A Tan ctaeo. close nere oauy at :j p. m. up te September I IS. Inclusive, for despatch par a a Asanposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe and New Zind and PhlhDDlnas via Han Fran claro ths quickest routes Philippines specially addressed '"via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the for eign rates. Hawaii is lorwaraea via nan Kranciaco exeluaivelv Transpacific malls sre forwarded to port of aalhna da llv snd ths schedule of clos ing is srrsnged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overiana transit. iKegis- tered mall closes at 4:00 p m. previous day, CORNELIl b VAN twr, rostmaster, Poslofflce. Nw York, N. Y.. August 21, 13 IAILWAT TIME CARD. tSIOS STATIOS IOTH ASD (hleas A Sort h westers. MARCY "The Northwestern Llns." 1 u. 1 Fast Chicago a I 4u am a 7:u0 am i. am Mall a a uu pm Local Sioux City a 5:10 axa Dayilghl St. Paul a 7:35 am Daylight Chicago a l uu am Local Cedar Rapids 5 10 pm Limited Chicago a I 15 pm Local Carrod a 4 00 pm Fast Chicago a 5:0 pm Fast Ft- Paul a 1:10 pm Fsst Mli Ixcal Sioux City b 4 iO pm Norfolk A Boneateel. ...a 7 :J5 am Lincoln A Long Pina....b 7:Zi am Illlaals Ceatral. a 3. Jo pin Bio 5 pm all -10 pm a I IS am a I 50 am a 3 5 pm a 1:15 am a 1 to pm DIM) alO 35 am L10HS am Leave. Arrive Chicago Expr .a 7:A5 am a 5.10 pm Chicago, Mlnnvapoli a A bi. raui luniiii.. a 7 50 pm a I am Minneapjli A St. Paul Express Chicago Iocal .... .b 7:35 am .. 10 35 am blO 3 pm alO:S am Chicago Express Chirac. Mllwaake A St Pa a I. OUcaso I"ayllxht a 7:44 am all II pm Chicago Fast Express. .a I to pm a I pm Chlcaso Limited a !.( pta a 7.50 am Dee Maine Express.. ..a 1.46 am a I SO put A1LROAD TIME CARD, I sins I'aclSe. Overlsnd Umlted a 1:40 am a V r Ah A est Mail ilAl'in alifornia Kiitosa a 4 !) pm aclric Evtre)s all .AO sun I. astern Kirress 8 Sf pm The Atlantic Epres.... s 7 A" am 1 ha (. oiorailo Special.., 7:10 era SAM ant Chicago Special 1:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromshurr r.irmi .h 4 (W rtm rl? .V rm North l lalte LooaJ a !:() am a 5 II pm Grand Island Local.... b 5 JO pm b I 35 am tklcago, Rack lalawd A PavrlSa. EAST. Chicago Dayl!a-ht L 1 d a S Ko am a J Ml am Chicago 1'ayllght Local a 7 04 am Chicago Express bll 15 am a 35 1 in a 5 J5 m bll W am Moines Express a 4 SO pm Chicago Fast Express . a I. As pm a 1 .A pm Rocky Mountain L t d .a 7.M am a 75 am Llnoiln, Colo. Springs, lnver, Pueblo an J West a l.X) tm a IrPO tm Colo, Texas, Csl. and Oklahoma Flyer a 1:49 pm aL3:K pm Mlssearl Parlfle. St, Louis Express aio n am tl5im K. C. A St, L. Ex al0.50 pm a 4.15 am Wabaak. St. Ixiuls "Cannon BaU" Express a 1:55 pro a 8:10 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a :15 am al0:I0 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH Jk WEBSTER Chirac A Xerthwesterw, Kekrasks ad Wyaalag Dlvlslaa. Leave. Arrive. Black Hill. Peaawood. lead. Hot Snrlnas a 1:00 Dm a 1:00 pro vcyonnr.s. Casper and louclaa d 1:00 Dm e I 00 pra Hastings, tork, iavia City, Superior. OenevA Exeter and Swaid....b I 00 pm b 5 V) pm Chicago, St. raw I, Mlaaeapolla ak Ossaka. Twin City Passenger.... 0 sm a 1.10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 1 pm all JO am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b I 45 am Mlaaowrl Parlfle. Nebraska Ixical. Via Weeping Water.. t b 4.10 pen alO.XS am Bl RI.ISGTOX STATIOS IOTH A MASO.f Berllagtoa Mlaaearl River. Leav. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:50 am Ml- cm Nebraska Express a I'M am a u cm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 1.45 am Black Hills and IMget Sound Expresa all:10 pm a 1:10 Dm Colorado Vestibuled Fiver a 1:10 Dm Lincoln Fast Mall b t:5 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook and I'latts- mouth b 1:15 cm bio 33 am a i Jil am Bellevue A Paclflo Jet. .a 7:n pm Bellevue A Pacific Jet.. a 3:50 am Kaaaas City, St. Joseph A Cneavrtl BlaflTe. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a :15 sm a :f pm St. Louis Flyer a 5:J pra sll:( am Kansas City Night Ex..sl0:45 pm a 4:05 pm Chlesgo. Barllagrtoa A tsnlaey. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a lS pm Chicago Vestibule! Ex. .a 4 0 pm a 7:46 am fThlcago Local a 1:1 am all") rm Chicago Limited a I Co pm a 7:46 am Fast Mali a 1:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Daily except Monday. STEAMSHIrft. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Kw Twla-Screv Bteansrs S OM Taaa rxw tork jerrriRDiM. via sxjiuainA aUiag Waaasaeay at 1 A 14. ftottewlim v AIRniilafa Sept. AJ rotasim sent, t Nocrsam SepL A SlaUndaai saet. 14 1 Ko-r4aai ... Oct. f HOLLAS D-AMERICA L1SE, Dearbera St Cklcag. 11L Mutt Ataoraa, USA Fuua sv. C. Kataartees, IUS Faraaai m.. A- A BaraalSa. UM Faraaai au OOVERHXE.1T XOT1CE8. PROPOSALS FOR BRICK WORKSHOP and water system. Department of th Interior, Office of Indian Affairs,-Washington, D. C, August 2S, 1903. Sesled propos als endorsed "Proposals for Improvements, Pierre, 8. D.," and sddresaed to the com missioner of Indian affairs, Washington. D. C, will be received st the Indian office until 1 o'clock p. m. of Friday. September IS. 1jJ, for furnishing and delivering th necessary materials and labor required te construct and complete a brick workshop, with ' plumbings and water system at th Pierre school. South Dakota, In strict ac cordance with plans, specifications and la structluns to bidders,, which may be ex amined at this office, the of the Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn., the Free Press. Pierr, S. D., the Argus Leader. Sioux Falls. S. D.. Th Be. Omaha, Neb., the Builders' and Traders Exchanges st Omaha, Neb., Milwaukee, Wis., and St Paul, Minn., ths North western Manufacturers Association. St, Paul, Minn., the U. 8. Indian Warehouses t V,. Kit tlnviH at Omuhs Knh V 1 2s So. Canal St., Chicago. 111., and No. 119-121 booster SL, New iork City and at the school For further information apply to W. K. Cox, Bunt. Indian Hchool. Pierre,' South DskotA W. A. JONES, Commiss ioner. A-Z5-17-33-S-1-I-5-S-10-11 LEGAL XOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby a-iven. that bids will be received by tha Board of Education at Tecumseh, Nebraska, until I o'clock p. m. of the 7th day of September, i'jua. at the office of the secretsry, E. H. Grist, for ths labor and material to build a school build ing In the city of Teeumeeh In accordance with drawings snd speclflcstlons for the sattis furnished by R W. Grant, architect and superintendent, Beatrice. Neb. Bids will be received for the entire building; also separate bids will be received for th team fittings. All bids must be msde on bidding sheets furnished by the erchltect, which blddln sheets can be had by applying to E, Grist, secretary of the board. The Board of Education reserves th right to reject any or all bids. Aai--s--i-issa tEAwOiABLE mimi 508 aUaaeg WgUt, It W II Teals. Misses' Waist, 4K Broad and drooping shoulder effects sr notable among all the latest styles and In advance models, and are peculiarly wall suited to girlish flgureA This very pretty ons is suited to a variety of materials, but Is shown In shepherd's check mohair, trimmed with black velvet ribbon and small ornamental buttons Th capes which form ths bertha era peculiarly notlceabl and terminate in the stole ends which mark tha season. Ths waist Is mads over a Stted founda tion, which closes with It at tb center back. The front Is tucked to yoke depth, then left free to form, soft snd becoming folds, but the back of the yoke Is separate and Is arranged over th waist, which la drawn down In gathers at the waist line. The bertha, which consists of a wider cape, trimmed at ths center to give a double effect, snd ths narrower ons with stole er.da. is arranged over It and serves to outline the yoke. The sleeves ere snug for a short distune below the (boulders, but full at the wrists, where they terminate la ruffs that harmonlx with the stole. The quantity of material required for th medium six Is F- ysrds 27 Inches wide. :S yards 44 Inches wide or ZH ysrds 53 Inches wide. i Th pattern, 450S. Is cut la slae lor girls o 12, 14 and II rears of age. I. Co