TITE OMATTA DAILY fiEl,: THUltSDAY, ACOUST 27. 190.1. SPECIAL NOTICES will b take ! 33 aa. tar th evening e-attlen and a ntll R tn p. an. (or Hariltn and lindif edition. Rate, 1 I -2e a ward rat Insertion, la a ward thereafter. Rathlaar taken tie. These (Ttnbianli mast be raa eonaeentlvely. Advertiser, by reaaestla; a bereel ebeak, aaa have aaawara n IrtMt. ta m nassbered letter It vara at Tka Be. Aaawara aa addressed will ka deliver aa nresentatlan a( tka kaak aalr. SITUATIONS WASTED. WANTED By young man of snort address and experience, position ai bookkeeer; bank preferred; good reference. Address 1M, Pee. A-M &Xx WASTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM september 1. Day and night. Boyles College ' ME. lOKK LIFE BLj. BLBINtBB, SliuliihA.su, lirEWRIT 1NO. tN'UUHH. Apply for Catalogue. B-m WANTED, for United Slates army, able- booled, unmarried men, between ages of kl ana 16. cllize.is of I'nlted Htainl of good character anu temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English, a or In formation appiy to recruiting officer, lb in ana lAjugt dib., Omaha, aud Hastings, it mo. & Mtis WILL give a worthy young man or woman a palu-up aciiolareniD in Omaha a leading bualneas college, to be paid for when course la flnlaned and poaitlon secured, Addreaa B 28, lie. 11 olO .WANTED, at once, a reslstered drusK-tst: married man preferred. Bchaefet's Cut s-rice urug btoie, loin and Chicago Bts. ti M134 WANTED, experienced window trimmer, J. L. Biandela A Bona, Omaha. B M6A3 .WANTED, a tailor at Council BlufTa Steam uye worjts, IU15-1017 Weal Broadway, Council Bluff. B M723 CAPABLE manager for branch office to be openaa in tnis city by luge manufactur lng corDoratlor. : salary inu mnnihlv: i perlence unnecessary ; expenses and cash commissions; security r.nd A-l references required. Western F. A. Co., Bt. Louis. a ftlUZl Zyx WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Po sitions wulting graduates. Short term completes. Hplondld chance before school Is crowded for winter. Catalogue mailed free. Molar Barber College, li- Douglas 11. B Milt tax XOUNQ men not belonging to unions wanted to register for street car work; no Strike; enclosed self-addressed envelope. The Western Register Bureau, Portland, TEN good clgarmakers wanted 802 Leaven worth. B MifSO 11 .WANTED, boy. about 30, to take care of horse and cow and deliver goods. Apply 1318 Farnam. B MW 27 WANTED Cylinder Dreasman. Klopp & Bartlett, Tenth and Douglas. B Ml:A 23 TOUNQ man In real estate office who has some knowledge of stenography and book-keeping. Address L 68, Bee. B M 132 27 CASH boys and girls wanted; must be 15 years or over. Apply J. 8. Brandeis & n"ns. B Ml 14 l WANTED SALESMEN. BOOK SALESMEN, attention I We have an entirely new proposition for men of abil Hy. Territory Is being rapidly assigned Coupon and card leaus. F. D. Mayer, Broadway and Locust Bis., St. Louis, Mo. . M btts 20x WANTED Salesmen, up-to-date, active, to sell rtrst-olass groceries direct to consum ers at wholesale; first-class territory and liberal Inducements. George Meldrura & Co., t No. Ureea st, Chicago, 111. -M120 30z WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girl. Call Canadian office, Uth Dodge. C ojt WANTED, girl for light housework; family of two. Addresa J too, Bee. C Muol .WANTED, competent girl for general housework; three in family. Mrs. Harry Woodward, SouJ Pacific C W5 .WANTED Eperlenced salesladies in un- derwsur and hosiery departments. J. L. BrandeU Bona, Omaha. C M532 WANTED, a washerwoman. Call at once at 316 N. list St. t c-Wa two young women to take a couse of training In Omaha-Florancs Ranii.rii.m ,111111 1U Address Dr. W. L. Rosa. 2121 Lak Ht Omaha. C tfiS 6x SALESLADIES, at once, for millinery dept. At out. Mr. Uleason, 2d lloor Bennett . . C 746 21 WANTED, thoroughly competent girl for ?.ou,,..w?.r,"-- W; A- urer, 831 ?d ave., Council Bluffs, Io. C M7W WANTED LAdte to learn halrdressing. manicuring or facial massage., Splendid chano4 cow before school Is crbwded for winter. Few weeks completes. Fall terra opens Sept 1st Make application uow. Moler College, 1302 Douglas 8t C-M79J-28x WANT1LD, a girl for general housework; must be first-class coos; good wages paid Apply 1044 S. 28th st C 7iS7 QIKL wanted for general Apply at 3109 Webster st housework. C-SW2 26x WANTED, girt for general housework; Sood wages. 2244 Landon court, between t. Mary ave. and Hulf Howsrfl. on 24th . C S'.nO 26 COMPETENT girl for ureneral houmwnrk family of four: gvod wages; muxt bvu meroituHs. vau at cnce, tat b, J7ih nt. C-Ml.V FOR RENT NOISES. HniKF1" " Part" ot city- R. I1UUODO c, reter at Co., Bee Bldg! ' D u PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO., eholoe houses." 601-oui New York Life Bldg. 'Phone luli WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van A Stor age u. in. two. umce, i.Lt Webster 8t D &i HO SF.S n f.a" J 'v. The - - j. r. LJ avl Co.. 608 Bee bldg. U li'Ji CENTRAL, lst-claas T-room house. 220 N. 21 D M477 FOR RENT, a neat t-room house, all mod em eicepi lurnace. i. t. al. liaenmann. o( ruiun uioca. D M13e FOR RENT. T-room cottage, modern con veniences, nice yard, till Park Ave. Win. n. l oner, neeeiver, ioj iirown Blk. D 150 FOR RFN'T. 11 rooms, 1611 Howard St . all In first-class repair, two cam rooms. Vm. GLORGE & COMPANY, Idol Farnam St D M60S 30 FOR Kiss i; ia a. ntn ve., 10 rooms, new, tine oak finish, hardwood floors striotly modern, exceptionally cholo lo cation; x on five-year lease or 340 for tnree years. D. V. 8HOLES COMPANY. TeL 49. 72J N. Y. Ufe Bldg. D 761 28 HOUSES, Insurant Ring-wait Barker Blk I i)7 TO MOVE rlht get Omaha Van Storage V.O., unice uu-ii iwuuii, or leia. tu-kt4. D tam Kiy-Toi 8. lth, T room, modern flat. IM s p tilth. 4 rooms, modern flat. 321 T01 Woolworth Ave., I rooms, modern. JS New ind costly built 8-room house, complete and modern. R. C. .PETERS & CQ . Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. P M908 lODEKN, 8 room. 713 N. 23d St Aprly at X2J3 Burt. L f. 29 FOR RENT, seven-room house; gas and sewsr: seven block south depot. !ulr siU ln i . P-4WI r x . FOR REST FtTRNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT HALL On 7th floor of FORMERLY LODOE ROOM $5 per SPECIAL To lodges and societies All bight elevator service elect rlo lighted. Large room Piano splendid floor. Platform and pedestals Apply R. C. Peters & Co., Rental FOR RENT HOUSES. I-ROOH, MODERN. 2713 Dewey ave. ; D 145 130. COTTAGE. 2606 Franklin at. P-WS GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 25SS St. Mary's Ave., 8-room modern, 30. 2H10 N. 19th St., 8-room, modern, J17.50. Iu3 Stanford Circle. 6-room. modern, SIT. 1409 8 . 7th Ave., 8 rooms, 114. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D M108 ONE 6 and one 6-room cottage, large, beau tiful grounds; no furnace; 114 and lis. 2o and 410 Nicholas st. Key on prem ises. P.lngwalt Bros., Barker block. D 1U MODERN HOUSE. LARGE YARD, 4768 North 24th St., two blocks north Ames ave.; 8 rooms, new piumoing, lurnace, first-class condition; also barn. 30.uu. Northwest corner 28th and Jackson Bts. ; 9 rooms, modern. Uo.OO. 820 South 24th St.; 8 room cottage. $17.80. GEO RUE & CO., ltWl Farnam st. D M133 s7 FOR RENT The best equipped nine-room modern house In Omaha; heated by latest hot water 'system. Tel. ltoo. mray McArdle. D M 134 EIGHT room modern house, furnace, laundry, porcelain bath; excellent loca tion. 6i4 So. 2th. Kent 40. Possession Oct. 15. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1614 Karnam st. D-M123 29 2023 BURT ST. Eight room brick house large barn and shade trees, two bath rooms, steam heat, 346. N. P. Dodge Co.. 1614 Farnam St. D Ml4 29 FOR RENT, No. 1029 So. 80th ave., 11-room brick, full cellar, cistern, oak floors and finish; furnace and all modern, in best condition. No. lifll So. 90th ave., 10-room, complete and modern, finest appointment and fin ish; possession September L Inquire on premises. D M121 FOR RENT 2664 Harney St., desirable modern house of 8 room In first-class re pair, 336. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam st. D M119 FOR REST FURNISHED HOOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, E 6S ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th fc CMca 31.00 to 32.00 per week, 422 So. 18th St. one block south of court house. E 701 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha stenm laundry. Viou ii A-1783. E 706 AETNA HOUSE. European. Uth & gJJ NICE cool room, modern, very reaaonable; gentlemen preferred. 1426 N. 17th. O. M. E. haul trunk. Telephone 70J VIENNA HOTKU 1011 """pf, ROOMS. 31 66 per week and up. S tate hotel. 13U Douglas su ... . w nr wak. 1426 Howard. r.u.M " - i KM608 eibX CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave. J elegant rooms wnu vi jjjfjm FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 60 S. 25TH AVE.; privata family. F-Wl rrR RENT A very deairaoie iron rwi. " with alcove. The Pratt, 313 B. in . CENTER 1IOTEU European plar 210 N. 17th. , - daiiuq with or without board. 2oS0 Har- M7ft ia ney. FURNISHED ROOM, with "A. tor two aentlemen. 1812 Chicago. t -M10b 27X VSFtRNISHED ROOMS. 3 ROOMS. 626 So. 20th. O M737 27X and bath. 2C7S 2. 3 OR 6. wltn neat, - U IW Ui Ht. Marys ave. FVRNITl'RB PACKlNa PETERSON 4k LUNDBEKG, IX So 17th. FOR RENTSTORES AU OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable lor wtok sal purpoaw at 816 Faruam. 22x90. four stories aid tlrsi-claas cemented basemsut, elevator, lire and burglar Proof vault oihce counter and fixtures, k or prtce and particulars inquire v. ""TT" , "' TTr; rctai y the noe ouums building. 1-Mje; nrKT Th, huiidlna formerly occu- pled by The Bee at 81 Farnam st. It ha ,iri,i said a buetnaul which was .,mA &s The Bee press room. Ihls will te ranted very reasonably. If luieresied spply at office of c. C. Rose- water, secretary, room ivw. 'u,' i 1 vUl STORE ROOM. 1616 Howard St., with good basement, 350. GEORGE 4k CO.. luul (AlinAjl oi. 1 MtAH 9y BtSK room for rent 634 Paxton Jock AGENTS WANTED. Wk7 have ail six of th different Pope Leo Xlll DOOMS, UCSl 1IU, liu rTuiiit fm. Call or write W. A. Hlxsu. bauh A Co.. 600 Wax blk.., Omaha. J M63 iirvrii WANTED 375.80 weekly easily made selling our Doable ludemuuy Combination healtn and acciaent poiicica Liberal commisaiun; strong company; expertno un.teceaiMU-y. Write for term, v ....... i lialtl, and Accident Assucia. turn. M Crocker Bldg. Dc Molncs. la. J an A2 AGENTS, special terms and reserved Meld "irnnl'i History for Ready Refer ence'" also "King's c.urop in buirm and Calm." Address ine c. SU Dearborn St. Chicago. Nichols Co, J-M.'it 29x iverPTiiiNIL ocDorrunlUes for a few men are offered by the Union Central Life Insurance Co. Correspondence In vited. J. M. Edmlaton A Sons, general ssuu- Oman aiid Lincoln. J HSO Sep. The Bee Building OP THE ROTAL ARCANUM. single night. RATES , for regular nights. well ventilated for lodges purpose Agents, Ground floor Bee Bldg. K-M-R14 AGESTS WASTED, WANT ten Can vassinc aaenU In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY tAKULK. Hieadv smijlovment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily ) to iuu per niunin. au dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Be building, Omaha. J 211 WAITED TO REM, WANTED TO ENT By a family of 3 adults, two rooms and board within walking distance of court house. Ad dress, stating price. L 33. Bee. K MTU WANTED, board and room In modern home by traveling man with wife and 5-yesr-old daughter; must be tlrst-clnsH. Address P. O. Box E78, City. K 112 6x WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy, some good dental chair. Union Dental College. N M574 WILL PAY cash for 40 to 60 acres within IK miles of Omaha. Address K 62, Bee office. N-M331 WANTED, to buy, for cash, horse and buggy. Inquire for Mr. Pugh. care Peo ple" Store; N-M101 28 BUILDINGS to be removed. 1624 Douglas St. F. D. Wend, MODERN cottage, $2,600 or less, within mile limit. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. N M12 27 FOR SALE FIRS ITT. RE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1110 Dodge Bt. O "09 FOR SALE All carpets, furniture, kitchen utensils, dining room, omce and bar na tures; stork of liquors, cigars, etc., ln- Barker hotel', Omaha, Neb. Inquire of Frank Barker, manager. . O M 31 FOR SALE Household furniture and baBe burner. 2i Ho. 2Mn st u Mim m FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set While you wait: first-class re pair w.'rx. ri. mroat, mn and ieaven- worta. 7W MONROE sells pleasure vehicle at 811 N, letn t f m FOR BALE, 2 first-class baggies; war ranted; a snap for somebody, call at ZhZO 2eavenworin. truisui FOR SALE, three Shetland ponies; very gentle, a3S Webster. r Mlfw 3UX FOUR-YEAR-OLD rangy colt. broken single or double; phaetou and rubber-tired piano box buggy. F. D. Wead, lbzi Douglas P M130 27 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE, secondhand , locomobile. In nrst-class shape, at one-half price. Call or address, l&a Farnam bt. J 713 FOR SALE, a new 8u0-ampere, double-pole wucn; never ueen useu. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaha." Q M?t7 TELEPHONE POLES; long fir timbers; chicken ituce; oa puing. yol Douglas. I Q-71 IRON and wire fence, tree guards, trellises. Western Ancnor ence Co., MS N. 17th St Q-716 CATALOGUE rut drug price free. Sher man 4c Mcconneu Drug Co., Omaha. Q 718 FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator; ran oe usea euner passenger or ireignt; com plete, iron guide posts, cage and wire en closure. Jf. L. Brandel t Son. Q 698 INDIAN goods and relic, lilt Farnam. V 714 2DHAND af cheap. Derlgbt, 1119 Farnam. V718 ICE for sale In car load lota. Addreu Lincoln ice Co., Lincoln, Neb. Q MTU FOR SALE, thirty-three thousand, four hundred and ninety-seven shares Gold Hill Mining Stock, ten cents a share It taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn. Buard ot Trado building. Q M457 FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required. et.wv.w. , see. t dw NEW and JUhand typewriter, lilt Farnam. ;u FOR SALE, at sacrifice prices, bookkeen, er s desk, stool, roll top desks, flat top desks, copying press, bath, etc., office chairs and other fixtures. Apply at 1514 Farnam St., or Telephone 13&. Q M107 30 TH r.O LOGICAL library, 290 volumes, and smau nrtprooi salo. F. D. Wead. 15.'4 pougiaw. CJ M126 27 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN i.Aui quacn oi clairvoyant; every- Hung miui ye.", prwteui ana ruiure. ftat Ufactlon or no pay. ko7 N. ISth. S 7i0 MMS. L.LCRETIA. medium. 170 Califor nia. B 310 8sx MADAM MONETA Is now In your town. Have her to tell you your past, present and future. Rh min point out the unfavorable ixrrlods In your life. She can tell your lover's name. She can by her Ood-glen faculty unite the separated, settle quarrels, locate lost or stolen property. If you huve never con sulted a genuine clalrvuyant now Is your time for honesty and reliability. Her par lors are private. Sutlxfactlnn guaranteed In all sittings. Hours, I to 8. Iin5 Howard st., yecuno iinor. room it B M115 2x ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, IIS N. U. 3d floor, r I T 721 PERSONAL. VIAVA. a wholesome nerve and tissue food and l.jme treatment for uisorder of women. re booklet Vlavi Co., Br Bldg. U .li PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Iteiuarlttn Saultaxluin. 738 1st ave.. Council Blurts la. u is PRIVATE koapital before and during con tinemvnt; babies boarded and adopted. tax, liardua, ZM LaA. 11. IttO ia U iaS WANT A GOOD ROOM? THE BEST DIRECTORYOF ROOMS FORRENT IS ON THIS PAGE PERSONAL. DR. ItOY, chiropodist; corns ar.d superflu ous nair remuveu oy eiecuiuiiy. ti. J and 1, i'i Farnam st. J,ii PRIVATIC hospital before and during con ' ftiietueut; best medical care and nursing Mrs. L. Ftther, laul Vinton. Tel. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At drugglets, 31. IT CUUK3. U.-i4 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during connnement Dr. and Mrs. Uerlsch, Zut Califotula BU Ts.ias reasonable. V-,i 38 SURGEON-CKIROPODIST, Da Be3 W.)g. U-7S OMAHA Dye Works, iri5 Howard, fashln. alile cleaners, ilresKs. ruits, cloaks, dra peries, rugs, lace curtains: we dye carpels. U-M733 Sepl ANYONE desiring to adopt a fine baby boy about 7 months old can ohtnin informa tion by Inquiring of th" Rev. L.ui'ius I. Hopkins, rector of St. John's chur.-h, 1702 N. 2th ft. U 1 10 2Sx MO.NEV TO LOAS-IUCAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnaoi dmilh & Co., UJi Fariuun street W-T29 FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nit'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1646. VV-721 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, fc!7 N. Y. Life. W 732 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Berals, Paxton block. W-73S FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 734 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douga. WANTED Real estate loan and war rants. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee bldg. W 79 MOEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. CASH IN ANY AMOUNT 310 to 3600 loaned on furiature, pianos, etc., ana to people holding a steady position, without secur ity or publicity, at the very lowest rates; payments can be made to suit your con venience; strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. X366 MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 3. 13. X-748 EASY 18 ?A? Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, elc. Or If you nave a permanent position we can make you a SALARY. LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our Service is quick and confidential and we i.lways try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow ilnewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE 1XAN CO., lia Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 293. CEsUblished 182. 3U6 B. Uth St. X 737 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and eusy term. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block, loth and Farnam St a. X-7S9 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team ters. boarding houses, etc., without se curity: eaaieat term. 40 offices In prln dual cltle. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. A io CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan CO., sue. to d. ureen, n. s, oarser ou. A-lU MONEY Tn salaried emoiore and wage earner Get our system of loans that get you out of debt. Any lady or geutleman. machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment ciw get, just on his note: Half- Mnntnlir. Monthly. Weekly, i 100 Return to us. ..326 66 or 313 36 or 8o 66 60-Return to us... 13.33 or 6 b5 or 2.3a 26 Return to us... 6.66 or 333 or l.b6 8 16 Return to us... 4.00 or 2 ou or i w Easiest term, lowest rate, confidential. No Inquiries, Julck service. Courteous THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. JW 40 MONEY loaned on plain not to alaried f eople; business connuenuui, ioii ii V.xton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. -v "7,1 B18INESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, ell or xchang any property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson. 843 N. X. Lite. im A GOOD paying 18-room hoicl for sai in Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner live In Chicago l me oojecv u '"" Mitchell & Faugbt, Wood Wvev'N1bj FOR SALE Drug tore In very good loca tion with estauusneo traae. uwi vxmr tlqn for doctor. P. O. Box 243, C ty. Y Mi 16 cu FIRST CLASS bakery in South Omaha for ale. 26th. and fil ot. j-nuw FOR SALE, cheap, a neat little restaurant established trade; living room, cneap rmn, term to suit Box So3 Washington, Kan. Y Mai 2&x GROCERY for sale, good location, German population, good reasons ior selling. s- taoiisuea iraue. u uu, oct, y 974 30x FOUR-CHAIR barber shop, two Abath rooms; will ell tor nearly nan u wu In ten days. Address lv 67, M10J ,x FOR SALE Good hardware, furniture and undertaking Dusiness, ure uununii residence also. Address Box VA- Viy mnnih X'eb 1 Mil FOR EXCHANGE. FOR equity In desirable brick property can trade gooa vacam propeivjr. Fine residence for land or rental ProPery' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tukey & Son Let u tell you about the properly, tor- -0r w . C s A T f- sjg2;i M 1 ,.. v. u 'ihiu nrniieriv in luidicu on k iix boulevard, with no special taxes to pay; 6 feet solid sidewalks, Just completed, with brick walks around the house, with a good i..t it The house is 2 stories, consist of 9 rooms, and most of the rooms are lartte. rToni iir sliding doors to front parlor, and friim front to back parlor; dining room, kitchen Hne mantel In parlor: 6 good sleeping rooms ur-f,tatn. with bay windows In t of them: iari- i tu.ii ui"- '" nto one of the bedrooms; bathroom and back etairs; furnace and gas fixtures in the house. We are going to repaper the entire up stairs do u!l necessary repairing and put the p'roirty In fine shape. Our price on this property I. only 13.1. & 444-446 BOARD OF TRADE 11LDO. RE-1U 26 A Fine Platte Valley Ranch on U. P. Ry. t 730 acre deeded land, of which 1.672 acre U bottom hay and alfalfa land, balance iTraxlns Will run 1 ioo to 20 cattle. Price cut from 835.000 to 35). owner old and must retire. This Is s bargain such s w seldom get to sell. See us or write. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY OMAHA. Neb. RB-M717 7i 40 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co. Ujck box 101. PapllUun. Neb. Rfa-M.itf AU HOUSES and lot In all part of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis CoV. Room 6us. bee Bldg, B.E-74 UMI I la MCriW C 1103 WILLinilUWIt Farnam street HE 341 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from poMoftlce, for sale cheap. l'Jsl -V. l'trv Benewa A Co. RB 747 MODERN 8-r. house, full M ft. lot, best 1 catiou for a home. Inquire 1411 Inton sL R127M S p21 RANCH and farm lands for sale by th Union Piiclflc Railroad company. B. A. McAKeater land commissioner. Union Pacltlo Uendiuarters, Omaha, Neb. RK 741 FARM FOfl SALE. 120 seres ten miles west of Omahn. V. V. r'ins tsrougli It. Good place for stock. in per aire N. P. Farnam St. RE M123 29 F. D. WEAD. 'IMi'ls the time to buy Omaha property have had 81.000 advance offered on 35.OO0 property sold a year ago, and 31. 2J,i on another. Here Is some that will advance: 35,000 Business property on 24th street; rent, 3T20. jjm Residence north of Hansoom Park. 31.2"0 6-r cottage on Mlama street. 34,Ouo 3 acres and house, S. E. Hanscom Park. 3t.SnO-2!x:'63. Uth and N streets. 35,6002 houses, 23d and California; rent. I'm jl.Rnn House and 10 lots, lfith st, pared. i,iio 7-r nouae, aszi iecatur st. 300 2 acres near Country Club. 3700 6-r house, 22 Lindsay ave. 3700 6-r house, 4420 N. 31st St. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas Street. RK-M131 27 ACCORDION PLEATING. QOI,nMV. "X Douitlas block. -749 ATTORNEYS. HERBERT 8. CRANE, 117 N. T. L. Bldg. M366 seplux J. M. MACFARLAND, 819 N. Y. L. Bldg. M 75S Bep21 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 760 R. RUMPEL A SON, only tie factory tn stnte. Try us. 14Ui ft Nicholas Sts. Tel. F-3369. 148 P4 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20 Ui and 'Lake street. S70 DANCNIG ACADEMY. MORAND'S, Crelghton hall; private lesson dally; waits and two-stsp, Jo. Tel. 1041. Wl A 31 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. TeL A-?8:!3. 761 ORESSMAKING. IN families. Mis Sturdy, 624 N. 20th. 464 S14X EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R RATHBUN. loom 15, Cora l Nat Bank 762 FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 763 L. HENDERSON, florist. 1619 Farnam St .-764 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. TeL 2535. 766 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage i nd dead animals at reduced price. 21 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 767 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. TILLMAN 4k PRICE, 33 U. 8. Nat Blc bid. isw NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life mag., attorneys ana collector every where. 1H J. M. MACFARLAND, 819 N. Y. L. Bldg. LAW N MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. Uth Sc Howard LOCKSMITHS. C. R. HEFLIN, 309 N. 16th st. Tel. 2874, Cut prices on key this month. M43J 613 LOST. LOST Black and white English setter; reward II returned to dus o. ui st. Lost M96 27x MEDICAL. i.ioiTfiR HABIT cured in three day. Pay when cured. No hypodermics. Write for circulars. Uatlin Institute. 222 S. 14th. M668 LADIES! Chichester' English Pennyroysl pills are the best Safe, reliable. Take no nthrr. Send 4c.. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Cnemlral Co.. Philadelphia. Pa MUSICAL. OMAHA College of Music and Dramatic Art. 6J3 N. 2oiii Bt, (Dodge Bt car). Ex aminations for twenty free and carnal scholarships In all subjects Sept. 23 and 24, at the college;-practice rooms with j,lanus for students. For particulars apply F. IL Wright, l A, c. aa.., oirecior. 72s 4)19 THOS. "3. KEXX.Y, Tolc. Davldg Block. WANTED Boy with good voice for Trin ity Cathedral choir (preparatory class). Apply F. H. Wright, organist and choir director. OSTEOPATHY. Th Hunt Infirmary, MoCague Bldg. T. 2363, m Atxen Farwell. Paxton Blk., 8o4-7. T. 136. DRS. FINCH A MILLER, 124 8. 35th St lira DR. GRACE DEEQAN, 833 Tel. 26b. N. Y. Life. 767 mr v - 1 1 JiT? JOHVBON- oateooaths Suits 616. New York LiXe Bldg. Tel. 1664. 73 BS tL PAWNBROKERS. CAULiC 1, Will , . . . lug; all buslnss conndential. I3ul Douglas. ..,- n v . Hll.hl. ir.r.r. rr. t FASTI RAGE. PASTURB Benson. for horses. Theo. William. 709 MUX PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless success fuL Jn, 8. lith St, Omaha. Tel. a. -it PATENTS Sue & Co., Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book tree. Tel. l-23. M 7n N1S SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VA.4 BANTS school 717 N. Y. Life. 770 N K B. Buslnesa 4k Shorthand Collsga Bovd'n Theater 7X lUfJ MAUt FACTI RHO. OMAHA Rug Factory, li-1 Leaven. TeL 7' si, . . . ja STATl ART. ORNAMENTAL work. Qonnelln A Bro., M T8 s-pinr 3"?s F'trTtnm. STORAGE. OM. Van'stor. Co.. 1611H Farn. Tela. tbiG-SXl. i 8 STAM MERINO ASD STtTTERlMU. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge BIJt TINNERS. U. B. KOCH. 24th and Maple. TeL 1-149. S3S TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. H. PhJlbln, 1606 Farnam. Phone ?s4. -774 tPHOLSTERINO. REFINISHING OMAHA FURNITI'RE REPAIR WORKS. 2J01 Farnam. Tel. 24U. M4S4 S14 GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wire springs tightened. Tel. B-2076. 1706 St. Mary's Ave. 756 rOSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, a changes may occur at any time.) Forpls'.i mails for the week ending August 29, 1WJ3, will close (promptly In all cusesj at the General Post office as follows: Parcels-Post Midls will close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 6 p. in. Monday and Wednesday. Regular end supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). rransatlantlo Malls. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROrE per s. s. Augusta Victoria, via Plymouth Cherbourg and Hamburg (mail for France must oe uirectea per s. s. Augusta vic toria"); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, IffALY, SPAIN, Pon TL'GA I j, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECH, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. QUEZ, per s. . La Bretagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of F.urope must be directed - per s. s. Ja ureiasne . FRIUAY At 8:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per . s. Vancouver, from Boston. SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Umbrla. via Wueenstown; at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Kroonland (mail must be directed "per s. s. Kroonlnnd"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. H'ohenxollern (mail must be directed "per s. s. Hohen lollern"); at 9:30 for SCOTLAND direct per s. s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ethiopia"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per . s. Norge (mail must be directed "per a. s. Norge"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamor takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specialty directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, ad ditional Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and re main open until wirhin Ten Minutes of th hour of sailing or steamer. Mall for South and Central America, West Indies, Eta. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per a. . Orizaba (mall for Mexico, via irogreso. Campechaand Vera Crus must be directed "per s. s. Orizaba"); at 12 m. (supple mentary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Jason: at 11:30 n. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per . s. Corean, from Piilladei- Rnia. IDAY At 12 ra. for MEXICO, per . a. City ot Washington (mall must be di rected "per s. . City of Washington"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary l:3u p. m.) for INAGUA and HAITI, per a. . Bolivia: at 1 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per a. s. Alice, from Boston tmall for other parts of the Dominican Republic must be directed "per r. s. Alice"). SATURDAY At 6.30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, ner s. s. IS lv a: at V a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m (auoulementarv 9:20 a. m.) for CUR ACAO. and VENEZUELA, per . s. Zulla (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Zulla ): at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per . . Coamo. via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. ra.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANILLA. CARTAGENA and GREYTOWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mail for Costa Rica must be directed '"per s. s. Alleghany ); at 10 a. m. zor clua, per a. . Havana, via Havana. Mall Forwarded Overland. Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA By rail to Fort Tampa, Fls,, and thence by steamer, close at vhls onlce dally, except Thursday, at 15 AO a. ra. the connecting malls clone here on Mon days. Wednesdays and Saturday). MEXICO CITY Overland, urvlsas peclaUy addressed for despatch by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 d. m. and 11:30 D. m. Sunday at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. ra. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thenc by steamer, closes at this office daily at 6:80 p. m. (connecting mail close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at mis omce at 640 tv m. everv Tuesday and Thursday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, nose a: iru omce uaiiy at 6:30 D. ra BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ AND OUATB- a:wt.a By ran to rnew Orleans, and thenc by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and J 11:30 p. m. Sundays at II p. m. and 111:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes her Mon days at 111:80 p. m ) iOSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and tnence by steamer, closes at mis omce dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 111:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and (11:30 p. m. (connecting mail vioaes here Tue Sv at (11:30 n. m.) IREGISTERED MAIL close at I p. tn. previous aay. Transpavelfle Mall. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at 6:JU p. m. up to August 27th. Inclusive, for despttcii ner U. B. Transrjort. HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP- 1'lMK ibiamjs. via nan rrancisco. close here dallat 6:30 p. m. up to August Jt, inclusive, tor aespatcn per s Korea. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at G:30 D. tn. up to August 8)lh Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Kag Maru. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August :;i. Inclusive, for despatch per s. . Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria. H. C , close here dally at 6:3o p. m. up to September l. inclusive, tor aes patch per s. s. Empress of China. (Mer chandlne for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:80 p. in. up to September , inclusive, Tor aeustiati-n per s. s. tjaene NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Franctaco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in, up to Septem ber fl2, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamor carry In the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this deaoatch. extra malls closing at 6:30 m , 9 30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 4:30 p. m will be rr.al up and forwarded until tne ur rival of .ha Cunard steamer.) AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI IS LANDS and NEW CALEDONIA tspo eiallv addressed only) via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to September 12, Inclusive, for iieBfiMti-h ner s. p M'wna. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, vis Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September 1 15. Inclusive, for despatch per . . Mariposa. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe and 7nnit and Fhlllonlr.es via San Fran Cisco ths quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the for eign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via Ban Frinclsco exclusively Transpacific mall are forwarded to port postoffick notkf.. of aniline dully anil th schedule of rim ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. tHesi- tered null closes at :( p m. v loses at :00 p m. previous day. CORNELIl 8 VAN COTT, Postmastor, I'oeloTlee. Now York. N. Y.. Auanat il. 19"3. ItlLWAY TIME t'AHD. WGUSTEII DEPOT 1ST II WEBSTER t hlraga A Northwestern, Nebraska mud Wyaaaln; DUIslwa. Leava Arrive Bla?k Hills. Dead wood, Iad, Hot Springs 3.-O0 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d"3 00 pre, e 6:00 pm Hastings. York. Dnvtd City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 3:00 pro Cblraao, St. Pnal, Minneapolis Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am a 3:10 pm Plmix city Passenger... a 2:t) tim ill . Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 6:46 am Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Iyocal. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO 38 am MARC Y. UNION STATION lOTII AND Chicago A Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." , Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago a 3:4ii am a 7.00 am Mail a S:00 fm a 8:30 am l.ocal Sioux City a 6:10 am a 3 3D pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:36 am nio 26 pm Daylight Chicago al wim all 1 pm Ixii.il t'lilriigu all:.10nm a 6:10 pin Local Cedar Rapids 6:10 put Limited Chlrngo a 8:16 pm a D.'.S am Loral Carroll .' a 4:00 pm a 9:60 am Fast Chicago a 6:60 pm a 3.46 pm tan pi. raui a s.iv pm a ":1S am Fast Mail K 2 40 pm Local Sioux City Norfolk Bonesteel., Lincoln & I-ong Pine. Illinois Central. ...b 4:( pm b 9:60 am ...a 7:1$ am al0:36 am ...b 7:25 am bl0.36 ana Leave. Arrive ...a 7.36 am a 8:10 Dm Chicago Express Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited s, 7:60 pm a 8:00 am Minneapolis A St. Paul Express b 7:36 am bl0:36 pm Chicago Local 10:36 am Chicago Express 10:35 am t'nlon Pnclflc. Overland Limited a 1:40 am a 9.60 pm The Fast Mall a 3:26 pm California Express a 4:20 pm Paclllc Express oll:S0 pm Eastern Express a 6 J? pm The Atlnntio Express... a 7:30 am The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Spclal a 3.40 am LltAoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. .b 4 :o0 pm bl2:60 pm North Hatle Local a 8.00 am a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am Cblcaao, Milwaukee A St. Panl. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:16 pm Chicago Fast Expresses 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited ... ....a 8:06 pin a 7:50 am Des Moines Express.... a 7:46 ra a 3:40 pin Chicago-, Hock lalnud A. racloc. EAST. Clilcaa-ii Davlleht L t d a 3:63 am a 3:60 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am . a 9:35 pm Chicago Express oii:;n am a o:w pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Faal Express, .a 6:36 pra a 1:26 pin WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd...a 7:30 am a 7:26 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Penver, fueoio ana -West 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. and Oklahoma lyer ......a b:w pra ai:wpm Hlasonrl Pacinc. St. Louts Exprejs a 10:00 am a 6:26 pm K. C. St L. ax aio:oo pm a :i am Wabash. i 6t. Louis "Cannon Ball" . ExDres a o:w pm a s:zo am Bt. Louis Local, Coun cil Blue ...a :u am a iu:ju pm BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH A MASON Bnrllngton A Missouri River. Leave. Arrive. Wymore. Beatrice and . Uncnin a 8:50 am M2:06 Dm Nebraska Express a 8:60 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am Black Hills and Puget Round Exuress all:10 pra a 1:10 Dm Colorado Vesllbuled Flyer a :iu pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:53 pra a 8:08 am Fort Crook and Platt- mouth ;....b 3:15 pm b10:3S am BeMevtie St Paciflo Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 3:27 am Bellevue & Paciflo Jet.. a 3:60 am . Kansas City, St, Joseph Council Blafls. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am a 8:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 5:26 pm all:6am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:46pm a 6:06 pm Chicago, Darlington A Qnlney. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3:55 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 ant Chicago Local a 9:18 am all :(X pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mall a 3:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. Daily except Monday. STEAMSHIrS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New Twta-gmw Sin at U.M Teas 3fgW TOHK ROTTSKDAM, tU BOUUXiNS. slUag W4uas4ar st 10 A. at Rotterdam Sept. ilRrndim Sept 91 Poudtin aet Noortm Btpt M Buuadam Bpt. ItlKoiutrdsia Oct I HOLLAND-AMERICA LI NIB, OO Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Harry Moons, 1W1 rmm sv, C. Bathertsr. U rims st, 1. U. iuruelaa. IMS ranwoi st GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BRICK WORKSHOP and water system. Department of th Interior, OHlce of Indian Affairs. Washing ton. D. C. August 18. 1903. Sealed propos als endorsed "Proposals for Improvements, liurre. S. D., and adaresseo to ine com missioner of Indian affairs, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian olHc unt'l 3 o'clock p. m. of Friday, Keptember .8, 1903t for furnishing and delivering th necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete a brick workshop, with plumbing and water system at th Pierre school, Boutn imoi, in bitiui no cordance with plans, specitlcatlyi and In struction to bidders, which may be ex amined at this office, the offices of th Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn., the Free Press. Pierre, 8. D., the Argus Leader. Sloux Falls. 8. D., The Bee, Omaha, Neb., the Builders' and Trader Exchanges at Omuha, NeD., Milwaukee, Wis., and St. Paul, Minn., the North western Manufacturers' Association, St Paul. Minn., the lf. 8. Indian Warehouse at No. 815 Howard St., Omaha, Neb., No. 2i6 So. Canal St.. Chicsgo, 111., and No. 119-121 Wooster t, New York City and at the school. For further Information apply to W. H. Cox, Supt. Indian School, Pierre, South Dakota. W. A. JONES, Commiss ioner. ,A-25-2i-29S-I-3-5-8-lo-13 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ' Notice is hereby given, thst bids will he received by the Board of Education at Tecumseh, Nebraska, until 8 o'clock p. m. of the 7th day or Beptemner. W3, st th office of the secretary, E. 11. Grist, for th labor and material to build a school build- , lug in the city of Tecumseh in accordance with drawltiKS and speclllcatlon for th same furnished by R. W. Grant, arc-hitect and superintendent, Beatrice, Neb. Bid will be received for the entire building; also sepnrate bids will be received for th steam nttlngs. All bids must be maae on Diaaing sneet furnished by the srcl.ltect, which bidding sheets can be had by applying to E. If. Grist, secretary of (he board. The Hoard or cuuciuun reserves in right to reject any or all bids A21-2J-25-!7-'3M READY TO RECEIVE SUMNER Officials at Array Headquarter Will Greet New Commander ot th Department. Preparations have been made at army headquarters for the arrival of Major Gen eral Samuel 8. Sumner, U. S. A., the new commander of the Department of the Mis souri, who is expected here within a very few day. General Sumner arrived at Vic toria, B. C, last evening from Manila, with, his family, cn board th steamer Empress of China. It Is not yet known Just what route he will take from Victoria to Omaha, nor the exact date of hi arrival here. However, the Department of the Missouri official will be notified in ample time and will be at th depot to meet ldm.