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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1903)
IAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. ArOUST C4. 1903. V ( V A 'V SPECIAL NOTICES llTfrllunmi far Ikct ralaaans will V takes til 13 aa. fr ta alas; edition aa natll Sit a. am. far aanlii and Saadar edltlea. Rate, 1 l-3e a ward lrt laarrttaa. ta a wi thereafter. thlnc takea far lee kaa xa far the Aral laser tloa. Thee advertisements maat a ran eoaaeeattvely. Advertiser, by rraiMtlif lia trl ehtrk, raa kart aaawera d reared ta a tiattrta letter Ik rara af Taa Ha. Aaawera aa addressed will a delivered as arntaUUaa at taa Mk a air. WASTSD-MiLB HELP. FALL TERM " I 8EPTEMBER 1. i Day and muht. Boyles College ...Nt lOHK LIFE bl j. L SIN too, SMorti HA.NiJ. urEWRIT 1U. ENGLISH. Apply fur Catalogue. B lai WANTED, for United State army, abl b'Klled. unmarried men. between ages ot A alld 35. of Cmled Htale. ot food character and temperate habit, who can speak, read and wrua Lngllsn. For in formation appiy to recruiuna oMcer. lbin ana uocge ou., utnana, and Hastings, B Mt.a .WILL give a worthy you ng man or woman a palu-up scholarship In Omaha s leading business college, to b paid (or wbeu sours la finished and position secured. Auurwa a -l Me. B WAITED, at once, a registered druggist; married man preferred. Schaefer a Cut- a-ric Drug store, lath and Chicago Sta. B-M134 W AMED, experienced window trimmer. J. L. Biandeia A Sons, Omaha. B Mio3 WANTED, a Ullor at Council Bluffs Steam Dy -Works. lo!5-lul7 West Broadway, I.UUQCU U1UHI. Li WANTED, boy to do check binding and cut stock. Douglas Printing Co., lin Howard street. B 767 24 WANTED, by wholesale firm, young; man inr omce wora. Answer in own hand writing, aox lur., umaha, Neb. B M858 2 CAPABLE manager for branch office to be opened In this city by large manufactur ing corporation; salary monthly; ex perience unnecessary; expenses and cash coramiwiuns, security and A-l referenci required. Western F. A, Co.. St. Louts. mo- b lua ax WANTED, first-class stenographer: youni man preferred; opportunity for advance ment; glva references. Address L 63. Bee. B MM 24 WANTED, Physician who Is either regis tered In Mo., 8. D., Wis. or Minn., to travel in anvertisinic way. Address ur. Romner, Blair, Neb. B toa 22x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Po sitions waiting graduates. Short term completes. Splendid chance before school In crowded tor winter. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College. 13 l Douglas Bt- B M794 -ex PERSONS to call on retail trade and agents for manufacturing house; local territory; salary, 319, paid weekly; expense money advancea: previous experience unneces sary; business successful; enclose seif- addressed envelop. Standard Ha use, Chicago. B M972 Z4x WAITED-SALESMEN. BOOK salesmen, attention: We have an en tirely new proposition for men of ability. Territory la being rapidly asaigned. Cou pon and card leatia. If. D. Mayer. Broad- war and Loauat sta.. St. Louis. Mo. M 7bl 24x WAJITED FE MALE HELP. sM Girls. Call Canadian offica, ISth dk Dodga, WANTED, girls for light housework; family oi two. Address J tut, Bee. c Mbtil .WANTED, competent girl for general housework; three In family. Mrs. Harry w oodwaxu, SMt i-acinc c Mm WANTED Eprlenced salesladies In un derwear and hosiery deparuneuts. J. L, Brandels A sons, Omaha. C Ml! .WANTED, a washerwoman, at 316 N. 41st St. Call at one C M3K3 GIRL for general housework. Utu. 1733 South C tal TWO young women to take a cous of training in omana-f lorence sanitarium. Addreaa Dr. W. L. Ruaa. 2121 Laae riL C 4es 6x BALES LADIES, dept. At one. Bennett's. at once, for Mrs. Gieason. millinery -d tioor C 746 U WANTED, for northwestern Nebraska, married couple foreigners nreferreni yard man and laundress; wage, 14J, board ana room. a,so cnamoermaid. Adur L 36. Be. C MTU Mx WANTED, thoroughly competent girl for ho us work. W. A. Maurer, 831 2d ave.. Louncu oiuua, is- c M,v COMPETENT girl for general housework; iwn waajon. ise is. sum ave. o 102 4 TOl'NG girl to assist at general ho work. Luuuire 127 South 26th St. C M91I 2S WANTED Experienced stenographer; S50 or more. Bmllh-f remler operator pre- rrea. auunaa, 1 aa, uee. C MS3225 WANTED, at once, small girt to help In uuniiy 01 two. i.jt jacaaon St. C-MM2 24X WANTED ladles to learn halrdremung. manicuring or facial maasaae. Splendid chance now before school Is crowied for winter. Few weeks complete. Fall term opens Sept. lal. Mak application now. aiuler Loilege. UcB Duuglaa St. C M793 28x FOR RENT HOUSES. UnilCC?1" a11 Prts of th city. R. nUUJtJ c. Peters A Co., Be Bldg. Lt tM PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO . choice house. 6vl-u3 New York Lit Bldg. phone 1016. D t&a WE MOVE pianos. Mangard Van A Stor es Co, let. law. unit,, 1711 Webster St. D & lipvlTCpCIn all parts of the city. nUUJLJo. F. Davis Co.. 5oC Be Th bldg. D tB4 CENTRAL. 1st -class 7-room house. 2L0 N. :3- D M477 HOUSES FOR RENT. LARGE lu-roora houae. steam hest. two bath rooms, large lawn well shaded. barn. Sm. &C3 Burt au N. P. Dodite Co.. 114 Farnam su D 74 34 FOR RENT, a neat t-room house, all mod ern except furnace, (la. C M. BAcnrniiin, 4A-37 Paxtun biota. D-MU4 475s N. 34ln St., blocks north 34th and Ames avenue, l-twin house, aU mod ern, new piiimbinK. ail nrM- lass cuiuu- tlon; corner lot. An aru. barn (20 a. "tta st., t-room ti. . GLoiiUE dc IU, lie. 1 rx:uaul St. D MtiUi 34 S-ROOM. XX. MODERN. T713 Dewey ave., D-74J TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., uff.c ku't ari or Tela. Jj FOR RKNT. 7-room cottage, modern con venient vs. nice yard. Ml i'ark Av. Wm. K Potter. Keculter. 3ui Brown Uik. D 150 FOR RENT. 2ft4 Harney St.. modem house of rvmis. In hrsl-ciaas rpir, Li UAltVIN Bin.'d. Ioo4 FARNAM ST. D M374 " FOR RENT. 12 moms. 1511 Hdward St . all tn flrst-cUas repelr. two bat?i C-i- lituHGE A COMPANY. 1001 St. D ilJi 3u FOR RENT. 13 N. SSth ave.. 10 rooms, new. One oak Oman, hariwood n k. a, amctly modern, excepilonally lo ration: w on live-year iea or j Jor lure V-ar. D. V. 6U.ULE3 COMPANY. TaL aft. 71 N- Y. Li. B'dg. d 71 a ran bent furnished noon. FOR RENT HALL On 7th floor of The FORMERLY LODGE BOOM $5 per SPECIAL To lodges and societies Ail night elevator service electric lighted. Largo room Piano splendid floor. Platform! and pedestals Apply R C Peter Co., Rental FOR REMT HOCSE9. HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. u (Ml t3(7Ti s. 16th, 7 rooms, modem fiat. US 7' 8. lth. 8 room, modern flat, in 2701 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, modern. Ho New and costly built 8-room house. complete and modern. R. C PETERS Sl CO. Ground Floor, Be Bldg. D M90S FOR REIT-Tl'RSISHED ROOMS. DEWET European total, 13 in and Farnam. Dt H ROTAL HOTEL, European. 16th A Chicago COO to COO per week. 42 So. lth St., on DlocK aoutn OE court nouaa. a, u NICELT fumlflbd rooms. Inqulr Omaha ateam laundry, 7H ieavenworxn. f none A-17S3. AETNA HOUSE. European. 13th at Dodga. E 74 ROOMS, H-SO to B OO per week; board, COO. Taunton Hotel, lfetu and Jackson aim. Ed auj it NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; g-snueinen preierreu. iu r. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam: 'phona ROOMS. H 30 per week and up. State hotel. 1311 Douglas si. NICE rooms, day or 163 Howard. E M6t S15z CAPITOL HOTEL. ISth and Capitol At"-; elegant rooms witn or wimuu TWO front rooms; gentlemen preferred. E U932 26z 2210 Harney. NICELT furnished mom. modern, suitable for one or two genueiuu". erences exchangea. u o. -. FTTRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ! 60S & J5TH AVE.; private family. F-70T FOR RENT A veirdeslrable front room with alcove, im - r r ROOMS, with or without board. W Har ney. " CENTER HOTEL, European plan. 210 N. 17th. I wri j a with Ar without board. 25 Har. F M70 29X VN FURNISHED ROOMS. I ROOMS. 625 80. 30th. G M737 27X 1 S OR 6, with heat, rns ai nd bath. 7J -7 l 23X. BL aaary s ave. i. FCRNITIRE PACKINa PETERSON A LL'NDBERU. 11 o. iw Tel. L-3Z&. " FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Building sultabl for whole- saia purposes at si iuumu, a lories and hrst-olas oamentad baaemenc. levator. nr and burs. ax proof vault, otnc counter and futures. For price and particulars Inqulr C. C. Roaewater, ao retary tha Be Building Co., ruosu luO. Bas b milling, 1imJB FOR RENT Tha bul'dlng formerly occta- ?ied by Th Bee at ia arnam at, it una our atone and a basement wtUch was formerly used as Th Be press room. This will c rented very reasonably. It Interested apply at office of C C. Roae water. acrctry. room luu, Ba building. STORE ROOM. 1615 Howard Sc. with good basement, $50. GEORGE A CO., Ibul si. 1 Mn4 30 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. DE&K room for rant. 434 Paxton block. a ,u.vv OFFICE space, street floor, 1614 Famam St. Midlaud U. 1. CO. J .0 - AGENTS WASTES. WANTED Canvassing agents is every co axil to auucii suosenpuuna to 1 Ha, T V at'TLaTT 11 ChiNTlkl F aiUUH. btaavuy employment with aasured good in cuxuu. Aaeuis in th country wiia aura aud tiusay npciavuy doairU. Cauvaaaari niMa caaliy MX to tjM per muuua. AU- ureas Caulury Farmer Suiicllors Bureau, Be building. O WE hava all six of tha. different Pop Leo Xlll bouas; beat term; ireiasm paua; ouint tree. Ci. or aril V. A. Hlasa Uauaih A Co., War tux-, Omaha. J-M&43 I AGENTS WANTED IT5.00 weekly aaaily uiau sell i us our uuuoi luaemuity Couioinauon naalua and accident poalciaa, 1 .1 r -' cumauaaioa; ua cuutui; eapermc uimecaaiarr. Writ for leroia NaUoul Hailu and Accident Associa tion, aa Crocaer B.UX, Lea Moines, la. J EXCEPTIONAL spportunlues tor a few men are aflerea by the Lniou Central Lite Insurance Co. Correapouuence in vited. J. J Edmlston A mum. genoral agenta. Omaha and Lincoln. J-M325 Sep. I AGENTS, special terms and reserved field for "Larred s History lor iteady Refer ence;" also "King s Lurope In Storm and a.m. ' AJdrea I'he C. A. Nivnois Co., I'earborn SL, Chicago. J M773 2Sx WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT By a family of 2 ado, is. two rooms and board within ma.aui.g diatanc of court house. Ad d.eaa, stating Vlic. L -3. Be. K MT11 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy. aura good dental cbaira Union Dental Colics;. N M-:t WILL PAY cash for 15 bums ni 4matia. utSa to 50 acrna within Addreaa K 52. be N-M3U Bee Building OF THE ROYAL ARCANUM, single night, RATES for regular nights. well ventilated for lodges purpoaea Agents. Ground floor Be Bldg. POR SALE FCRSITIRE. FURNITURE of t-room flat; good location; full of ood Daying roomers; will sell at a bargain If lakua soon. Call or address 411 North 14th St. O H,M 36 FULL Une of hard coal stoves now on sal. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge St. O 70S rOR SaLE HORSES, WiOOHJ, ETC. TLRE3 aet whllo you wait; flrst-clasa re pair work. H. Frost, 14th and Leaven worth. P-710 MONROE sella pleasure vehicles at 811 N. Ibth St. P-711 FOR SALE. 1 first-class buggies; war ranted: a snap tor somebody. Call at A&0 Leavenworth. P U3U HALF-SPRING WAGON, carriage and buggy for sale cheap. See A. W. John son, with John Deere Plow Co. PM 7(10 & FOR SALE MI.otC&LLAXEOL'S. FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile. In tlrst-class shape, at une-hall price. Call or address, lol Farnam St. W 713 FOR SALE, a new SOO-ampere, double-pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent Be Building, Omaha." U 41767 TELEPHONE POLES: long fir Umbers; chicken f;nce; oak. piling, fell Douglas. IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fenc Co., iii N. 17Ui bl . W as CATALOGUE rat drug prlcas free. 8har- man A McConnall Drug la, Omaha. Q 713 FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either passenger or freight; com plete. Iron guide poats, cage and wire en closure. J. L. Brandeia A Sons. Q 591 INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Farnam. 4i 714 XDHAJtD safe cheap. Delight. HIS Farnam. Q 719 ICE for sale In car load lots. Address Q MTU Lincoln lea CO.. Lincoln. xeo. FOR SALE, thirty-three thousand, four 1 hundred ana ninety-aeven snare uom nm Mining Stock, ten cents a share If taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn. Board of Trade building. Q M457 FOR SALE Coal business. Capital r mired, S2.GbO.tM. i &. B. QmA NEW and tdhand typewriters. 111 Farnam. FOR SALE, a very gentle cow and calf, fresh. 2&2S Webster street. Q 7 26x CLAI R V O YAJfTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY wCEEN of clairvoyanta; every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. su7 N. lath. 8 720 Id ME. LL'CRETIA. medium. IT'S Califor nia. 8340 Sex ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MMJ& SMITH, baths. 111 N. 15. 3d floor, r 3 X 321 GRACE OB RYAN, Baths, 729 & Utn. X M6M LENA DE GRASSL elegant massage. vapor baths, alcunol ruboliig. Ls N. l&in St., Hat E. T M73 27x PERSONAL. VIAVL a wholesale nerve and tlssu food ana hum treatment ior aiauraera ot woman, i roe bouauab VI vl Cu, 34k Be Biosv u DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns sx4 superflu ous hair removed by aavcuidty. R. 2 and L 15u Farnam st. U MAGNET PILE KILLER At druggists, SL IT CURES. U 33 PRIVATE horn during confinement; babies adopted, Tbs Good Sainartiua baniiartum, TSk 1st are.. Council Bluff. la. U-1 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted, airs, csardaas. -OM Lak. TL Red-lw. MUk PRIVATE hospital before and during ooa nnement; best medical car and nuraixig Mra L, FUnar, Lail Vinton, TL lass. U L2S PRIVATE Sanitarium for Udlea befor and during cononemenu Dr. and atra. Geiisck, mm taiiiornia at. lerias reasons Die. L'-atJ a SURGEON-CHIROPODIST. 512 Ba bldg. I U 7s OMAHA Dye Works. 1515 Howard, fashlon- aol cleaners, dress-, suits, cloaks, dra peries, rugs, lac curtains; we dve carpet a L M733 SepJ) MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam bum a A Co.. U-W Farnam streeL W 7.3 FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nai. I Bank Bid. Tel. ltna. W 7il PRIVATE money. Sharwood, S37 N. Y. Ur V.U 4 TO 5 P. C money. Bemia, Paxton block. W 731 FIVE PER CENT loana Garvin Bros.. 1S04 Faraam. PRIVATE motley. F. D. Wad. 15 DougMaa WANTED Real attat ranta B- C Peters A loans snd war- Co.. Be bldg. W 7M MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. CASH IN ANY AMOUNT HO to 3500 loaned on rurratur. pianoa etc.. and to pcopi holding a steady position, without ttKur ity or pub. loiiy. at in vary lowest rales; pay man la can b made to suit your coo temeiue. su Ic'.ly cunnientlal. RELIABLE CREDIT CO: Rooms ai'I-JUt Paxton Block. CHATTEL, salary and Jwlry loana. Foiay Loan ta, atao. lat O. Uracil, R. t. Barker 64. "OET TO I.OWHITTF.I., EASY Best explain our method. We loan on furniture, piano recfipls. etc. Or it you hava Dauuun we can make you a warehouse permanent tiAiJihV LOAN without security, except ycur own agree ment to repay. Our service la quick and confidential and we siwsys try to please. Ail mm wa auk la that you give ua a uui before vou borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE 13AN CO.. La Board of Trada Bid. 11. 25. vEstabuaned la!2. 3i d. lblh St. x-737 MONEY To salaried empoes aaiJ wage earners: uel our ayaicui ui ivauv umi ak out ot dec I. Any lauy or geni.enian, machinist, eng'.nee:, etc., r.av.i.g reiiauia empiuydient can get, just on his not; UaiX- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. COO Return to us.. . J w or (li-Ja or to Hi eo Heturn to us... It-U or . or 1 tveiurn to u... i or .m or i H Ketura to ua... 4-W or 2.o0 or l.uu Easirat terms, lowest rates, connuenuai. No lnquiriea. tuicit aervlc. Courieoua f rA I mt. n C. THK aTAA LOAN CO.. 44 PAXTON BLIC A MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If vou want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., ta Paxtou Block. lth and Farnam St. X J3t tABOEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALAK iil rLurLc., icui sters boarding houses, etc.. without ae ...leat terma 40 offices In Drln dpal clUea. Tolman. 440 Board of Trada Bids- atONET loaned on plain note to aalar!d people; business connaenuai, bi Paxion block, in J. A- ttuitnn . a. X T41 MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, lew elry, horse, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. Sl S. 1J. BLSI5ESS CHA.1CES. WHEN you want to buy. ell or exchange any property or ousmea tuiv, . - jooxaon. wa n. i GOOD paying 18-room ho.el for sale tn Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner Uvea In Chicago la the object in aeiung. Mitchell at Famtht. Wood Hlver, NeD. T M63S SPLENDID opportunity Show tor ile panorama Datties all yaria oi gioou latent in Phlllrrines; also v'.ews Euro- n eitiaa In.iuire JZIO N. 16 th st V-M-S7 24 FOR SALE Drug store In very good loca. tion with established trade. Good loca Hon for doctor. P. O. Box 243. City. y M7:s 32 FOR SALE, flouring mill, eastern lowa; will consider land. J. x. mggs, wateriou, Neb. x mv.- a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE FOR SALE. I Twenty acres near Griffin farm, In south west part of ctry. J jnresiuent anxious to sell. Everv acre high and siKhtly; U 250. N. P. DoUge A Co., Ibl4 r arnam St. RE 76j 4 DO TOU WANT A FIRST CLASS 7 PER CENT INVESTMENT? Wa hars acmething. A No. i: Glad to ex- pla.'n :t 10 you. Pnyne Investment Co., Mai u finer, N. Y. Lite. Tel. RE M748 28 A Fine Platte Valley Ranch on U. P. Ry. 3,730 acres deeded land, of which 1.572 acres Is bottom hay and alfalfa land, balance e-railna. Will run LaoO to 2.000 cattle. Price cut from 335.0O0 to 328. SbO. Owner old and must retire. This Is a bargain such J as we seldom get to sell. See us or write. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY ! OMAHA. Neb. RE MT47 28 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Lot on Farnam at.. Between U)tn ana 13 in Bin.. &xlZ. only xm.P0.oo. R.700 buys lot and two houses, rented for lvu a mourn. THOMAS BRENNAN. a 13th St. RE 710 25 60 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co. Lock box 1UL PapilUon. Neb. BJ M7U3 A31 HOUSES nd lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana farm lands, ine u. r. Lavla Co.. Room 5os. Be Bldg. BJ6 74 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks front postofflce. for sai cheap, lus M. Lttv Benrwa A Co. RE HI MODERN -r. house, full 52 ft, lot, best lo cation for a home. Inquire HU lnton st. Kl 766 Bepa. RANCH and farm lands for sale by tha L nion Facinc Kauroad company, a. A. McAliester. land commissioner. Union Facino lleadiuarters. umalu. Neb. RE-J4I WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 1201 Farnam street. RE 74 FOR SALE, country home with forty-fly acres of land; clear title, no incumbrance. mUes N. E. of Scrlbner. NeU Mrs. Mary A. Robinson, Scrlbner, Neb. RE 00 25x ? FOR 8 ALE ISO-acre farm four miles from Omaha. The O. F. Davis Co.. frC B bldg. RB M6S4 24 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. ATTORNEYS. HERBERT & CRANE. 17 K. Y. L. Bldg. JaJba sepiux J. M. MACFARLAND, H N. Y. L. Bid. J. ii 8ep21 a 23x BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co.. Ill North 16th, 760 R. R UMBEL A SON. only tie factory In state. Try us. 14U A Nicholas Sta. Tel. F-33tA lis Sd CARPENTERS AID JOINERS. I ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaaa to. J. x. uchUtre. JK4 and Lake streets. 470 DANCNIU ACADEMY. MORAND S. Crelghton ha'l; private lessons daily; walls and two-aiep, 35. Tel. iwL Sal AJ1 UETECTTYES. CAPT CORMACK. 517 Karbach block. TeL A-Tf Tl DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 634 N th. S14X EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R RATHBUN. room 15, Cora 1 Nat Bank FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 141s Farnam. 763 L. HENDERSON. florist. 1513 Famam St. ---54 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Be Bldg. TeL 2S35, GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean cesspools and vaults, ramuvai gartias snd dead ammala at reduced prices. 71 N. loth. TaL 177s. 7S7 LvAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P Melchoir. 13th A Howard LOCKSMITHS. C. R. IIEFLIN, st N leth st. TeL 2S74, Cut ericas ua kei s this month. -MU2 fill LAW D COLLECTION". ST1LLMAN at PIUCE. 21 U. & Nat. Ba. VW. ,J NEW oN'UW-:HURCH CO., 1st Hoor N. T. Life B.dg., aiturneys and eolieclois every where. ! J. M. MACFARLAND, 330 N T L. B.1g. M 757 S"('-i LOST. UMBRELLA, with stag handle bearing owners nam. Beturn to t . e. o.'.-y z.s S. ioin St., and receive to. Lost M4 LOST, collie dosr. black body and tan head and legs: return to J73-1 Chicago St.; last seen at 30th and Dodge sis. I-nst-MTJ :'4x MEDICAL. LIQ'"OR HABIT cured in thre dars. Pay wnen curea -o nypwirrmi's. ri tor cu-cuiars. Gatlln Institute. 3 S. 14th. M3iS nrsicAL. OMAHA College of Music and Dramatic Art. o-3 N. Juth St.. tuooge ti car). t-x-aminations for twenty iree and parual scholarships in all subjects Sept. -J nnd V4. at the coilege; practice nmmi with pianos fur students, for particulars apply H. W right, u. c. 41., uirectnr. 726619 THOS. J. KEi-LT. voice. Davldgs BliK. WANTED Boys with good voices for Trln ltv athedral rliolr iDrenaratory riassi. Apr'v F. H. Wright, organist aril choir director. ,ji sis OSTEOPATHT. Tli Hunt Infirmary. McCagu Bldg. T. ZSoi 74 Atxen Farwell, Paxton Blk., j4-T. T. 1344. IL DRS. FINCH & MILLER. L'4 S. S5th St. 764 DR. GRACJC DEEGAN. Tel. MA S3! N. T. Lif. 767 Q1D. E e ALICE JOHNSON', osteopath Sulla Els, New York Ufa Bldg. Tal. 14. 763 P.ISTIRAGE. PASTURE rtenson. for horses. Theo. Williams -S18x PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unle succesv'ul. idl 9. 15th St.. Omaha. TL 179S. 762 PATENTS Sues A Co.. Omaha. N'eb. Il lustrated patent book tree. Tel. 1-3. M 570 N15 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Offlc. reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. Lil Douglas. 7 liS SHORTHAND AJfD TYPEWRITING. A. C VA.i S ANT'S school. 717 N. T. Life. 770 NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Bov.l'o Theater. r.l BIG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory. 1521 Leaven. Tel. 206. its 9TATI ART, ORNAMENTAL work. Gonnella A Bro, 2c3 Famam. M s. 8 tepi6x STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 16X1 Farn. Tela. lfcs-sO. TTf STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramg Bl ia 771 UPHOLSTERINO. . RE FINISHING OMAHA FURNITUaRE REPAIR WORlid. Z-Vl Farnam. Tel. a4L M454 314 GATE CITY Upholstering Co.. woven wlr spring tightened. Tel. B-OJTi. 1705 SI Mary's Ave. 756 TINNERS. (i. EL KOCH. Mtb and Maple. TeL L-194J. 333 Sit TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATH railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbln. Ujua Farnam. 'Phone 7-4. 774 Alamito Court Beautiful and Sightly FOUR CHOICE BUSINESS LOTS 33fi I aort 5 T230Q $1800 I 43ffV Ok 1 1 1 EVERY ONE k BARGAIN. W. Farnam Smith Sl Co. 1320 Farnam St. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 1UTH AMD MARCY. Cnlaa PaelSe. Leava .A 3.40 am Arrtv. Overland Limited Th Fast Mail.... a 1 U pra a 3. J pm California Express a 4 20 pm facmc Lxpreas aU:u pm Eaaterc Expreaa a S 3 pra lb Atlantic Lipresa... The Colorado Soectal. . .a 7:10 am a 7 30 am a S.40 am Chicago Special Llncoin. Beainc and a 3:40 am Stmmsburg Express.. b 4:00 pra b!2 M pra North Platte Local a 1:00 ain a a is pm Grand Island Local b 5.30 pin b 45 aa Calcac A Nsrtb wawtara. "Th Northwestern Lin,' Fast Chicago a 3 4u am a 7 OS ara lail a I.M pm a a 30 am l.ucal Sioux C.iy a k.iu am a 3.JS pm Daylight St. Paul. .a 7 am alO .ti nm Layugnt t. nicago Local Chicago Local Cedar Rapids.. Limited Chicago ...a I 00 am all 10 pm ...all 3d am a 5.10 pm ... a. 10 pm ...a t 15 pm a 5 15 am Local Carroll Fas. Chicago Faat St. Paul Fast M .ll ...a 4 A pm a t:M am ...a I 50 pra a IS pm ...a 1.14 pm a I 15 ara a ! 4U tirn Local Sioux City ,b I K pm b 50 am .a T J am all) ;s am Norfolk A Bonesteel Lincoln A Long Pin b 7.-3 am blO li am Chieaa-ta, Mllwaakta A It. FaaL Chicaso Dayliaht a T 46 am all 11 pra Chicago Faat Express.. s i.t pm a I 0 pm Chicago Limited a l.o pm a t m ara Dm Motaes Express.. ..a 7.4s am a 2. 40 pra iiiwtt TiE rtno. llllaola Central. Clncdgo Express ... .a 7 36 am a S.10 pra Ch;cn' linnnir 11a aV St. Paul Limited A 7.50 pra a I 06 am M -neapoiis St. Paul Express D . .a am old ii era rUfnn Iic- il 1C.J6 am Chicago Exnres a", 0 3 am Xiaanarl Pari Sc. gt. Louis Expre.a sin oa am a ?5 pm It. c. at. l. ex aium pm a ". am t'ltlalioma Flyer a a -to nm 1I:10 pm Ihlcasa, Rack lalaua Jt rarlaa. EAST. Chleaca A Xsrtkwettera, Chicago Davllgiit L I d a J.56 am a 1 50 am a 3i pra a S .tS pm bll SO am a 1:3 pm Chicago Dai light Local a 7.00 am Chicago txprea Dlivam t'es M ilnea Express a 4 30 pm Chicago Fat Express, a S.35 pm Rocky Mountain L'l d...a 7.30 l am a T.2S am Lincoln. Colo, sprins. Denver. Pueblo ana West a 1.30 pm a 1:00 pm Colo., Texas, CaL and Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a &.& pm a 1:20 am St. Louis Local, coun cil Bluffs - a :u am a 10 : pm WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH Jt WEBSTER Caicaco Jtoj-t aweatera, Nebraska and Wyomina Ttlvlslaa Blark Hila. Dead wood. Lead. Hot Springs a J:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d I 00 pm 5:00 pm MnsiliKrs. iora, l'svica City, Sup: lor, Genava. Exeter and Seward b 3 00 pra b I 00 pra ttalcaao. st. rail, Minneapolis Omaha. Twin Citv Pissenirer a 0 Jn am a :10 pm Sioux City rasenger...a 2 no pm all:30 am Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b 1:45 am Mlaanarl rsrilc. NehraKka Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:19 pm alO 35 an BIRLINGTO STATION 1OT0 A MAJOI Kansas City, St. Jaaeph A Conacll BlntTa. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 15 am a OS pm Si. Louis ! Iyer aa.-apm ii:tMi Kansas City Night Ex. .a!0:45 pin a 6.06 pm Burllaartan A Mlssoarl Itlvcr. Leava Arrlva. Wvmore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:50 am bl2 ns pra Nebraska Express ..a 8 SO am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4.10 pm a (.46 am Black Hills and Pugel Sound Express ..ail :10 pm a 1:10 pra Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a 110 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b I 51 pra a 1:08 am Fort Crook and Platts- tnmith b J IB nm bin Si am Pellevue A Pacific Jet.. a 7 S pm a 1:27 am Bellevu A Facinc Jet.. a 3:50 am Chicago, Rarilnartoa A Qnlney. Chlcaro Sneolul a 7:00 am a 3 5B om Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4 'W pm 7:45 am Chlrauo Local a :is am all :00 pm rhicKo Limited a S 05 Dm a 7:46 am Fast Mall a ::ao pm a Dallv b Pally ercent ffunday d Pally except Saturday. uanv except aionany TEAMSHITS. HQLLAXD-AMERICA LINE New Twta-aerew stMain 1 ls.lw Tons HSW TOKK ROTTERDAM, via BOIUXJNA alllac Wttmtir at 1 A. H. ftoordam ..... Aaa. aS'Stnteniaal Sept. II Kotlenuta Snt. I Krndam sept, al Potsdam Best. Noordam IrpL W HOLLAND-AMERICA LI SR. 0 Daarkara It.. Chlcaao. 111. Harry Mean. 101 raraam su. C. Katkarrwl, uu raraam at.. 3. A aarauds, IMS raraam m- GOVERNMENT NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Neb.. July IMi. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12, noon, central standard time, Au gust 26. 1&3. for Installing a ateam heating plant In officers' quarters at Fort Robin son, Nebraska. Full information furnished on application to this office, or to th Quarturmaster, Fort Robinson, Nebraska, where plans and sneclflrdonB may b seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Steam Heattng Plant," and addressed to P. W. DAVISON, Acting Chief Quarter master. A3-d4t&24-5 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Neb., July 27. 11K3. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this offlc until 12. r.oon, central stanuara time. Au gust 26. 193. for the construcri' n of an ad dition to hospital at Fort Robinson, Ne-brar--" Full information fu Ished on ap plies to this office, or t tiie Quarter mast Fort Robinson, Neb . where plans and jpecltica;lon may b seen. Propoaals to be mnmeu. rroyutaia ior .n'lition to Hospital," and addressed to P. W. DAVI SON, Acting Chief Quartermaster. Aj-ottv " 4102 Girl's Box Plaited Froak, 4 to 12 yra. , Child's Box Plaited Froca, Having Skirt and Body Cut In One, 4602 To be mad with or without the collar: Box plaited frocks are much In vogue for little girls and ar shown In a variety of materials. This stylish on can be made with &e collar and trimming as illustrated or without, as shown In tha small sketch, and Is adapted to a wide rang of materials, but ss shown Is mad of roe colored linen trimmed with hlte embroidery. The frock consists of tha fronts and the back, both of which ara laid In box plaits. and is shaped by means of shoulder snd under-arm seams. Extensions at the waist line In the under-arm seams are laid In In verted plaits to give extra fullness to th skirt. Tli sleeves ar plain. In bishop style, end gathered In straight cuffs. and th yoke Is finished with a standing collar. When tha sailor collar la desired It Is arranged over the frock on Indicated lines and Is finished with a band of embroidery that Is extended st th front to give a stole suggestion. At tha waist Is a narrow belt that oan ba of th material or of tha trimming, as msy b preferred. The quantity of material requirea ror th medium sis is yeara Is a1 yards 17 Inches wide. 2H yards 44 inches wids or 2 yards 52 inches wide. The pattern. 45u2, is cut In sixes for girls 0f 4, , g, 10 and 12 years of age. For the accommodation of Tha Ba fellder. theM patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 50 cents, win oe lumisnsa at a nominal price. 10 cants. wti::h covers all oxpense. In order to get a pat Urn enclose 10 cents, give number and nams of pauara. A Bart Never Harta After Porter's Antiseptic Healing OU la ap plied. Relieve pain Instantly and heals at tha aama time. For man or beast. Price, 2c Tsrssie, Oat, and Bel ara tut Tha abev rate via WABASH R. R. from Chicago sold August 25 to 21. All Informa tion at Wabash City Offlc. 10I Farnam St,, or address Harry E, Mooraa, Q. A. F. D.. Omaha, Neb. SEASQKASLE FASHIONS SIGSBEE SAVED THE MAINE Incident in th) Carstr of tha Naw Au.oirs Bffors the Harms Disuttr. HARD SAILING IN NEW YORK HARBOR Rammed a Pier ta Sat aa Eietralea Steaaaer Collision With a Bridge Pier Narrowly Averted. Newspaper men who wero at Havana In the days when the Maine horror was so fresh as to b an ever present remembrance. with Spaniard aa well as Yankee, will recall the great nervous tension under which Cap tain, now Rear Admiral, Slgsbee labored. Is It to b marveled at? He had hundreds of pressing routln duties demanding daily attention. Each of these duties had to do with his lost ship. In those early days h could not know hoar fully Ms government and fellow citlxens exonerated him from all blame. His heart, if not his duty, called him often to the hospital where his maimed seamen fought for their lives. Ha had hourly telegrams from Washington to an swer and attend to. and many conferences with the Spanish officials were required. In these conferences he must be courteous ta suavity, firm o obstinacy must never, by speech, look, or gesture, give Indication of the storm of wrath within htm when h "remembered the Maine." Slgsbe knew his battleahlp had been blown np from the out side; that th good craft whoa engines, aa the late Chief Engineer Howell told me. "never once stopped when it left a port until It reached Its succeeding harbor." was sunk by treacherous, dastardly hands. Dissimu lation was gall to the frank sailor. Daya af TrlaL Brava to meet the trial of long days ss ba was to meet the sudden Imminence of danger, Slgsbe bora up marvelously. Ha was cheerful, ready, prompt, effective. But the strain ahowed In the deepening lines of his kindly face, the quick start at a sudden sound, the worn look In his weary eyes. Saturday morning, February 13. th fourth day after the disaster. Consul General Flts hugh Lee personally asked the principal correspondents not only to refrain from questioning the captain about Main, but. If possible, to lead him to talk of other things. "Help him to lose for a moment or mora tha mental picture of that ghastly wreck." aid Lee. uid we all cheerfully agreed. About 11 o'clock that Saturday night my work of running faka and real stories to earth, jollying the censor, and urging speed on the cable operators having ended. I was tending bedward In tha Hotel Ingla terra, when Captain Slgsbe came In. After a word or two of greeting be said: "Let's go Into the cafe and get some cold milk or something (the mercury was In th eighties). My room Is opposite tha Tacon theater, and as they are having their nightly ball, of course I can't sleep. How In the world they can call that long-drawn trumpet shriek music surpasses my ken." Mindful of General Lee's request I be thought me of a very gallant thing Slgsbe did In 187, and recalled It to his memory. One morning Slgsbee had brought th Maine through Hell Gate and was steering down the East river to a berth in the Brooklyn navy yard, when an excursion boat, loaded with women and children, got directly In front of him, and th master, losing his grip, rang confusing bells until a panic was Imminent. The Maine could not turn to port, for a couple of big barges loaded with freight cars wer in tha way. Two Tkrilllnc Iacldaata. "I simply could not run ; down that steamer," said Slgsbee, as he recounted th circumstances. "I knew It was dangerous to run a battleship Into a dock, but I had no other choice. When the big ship crashed Into the pier near Thirty-fourth street I said to myself. 'Slgsbee, there goes your commission,' and when. Instead of blaming, the newspapers praised my action In un measured terms, and th Navy department wrote me in laudation, I felt pleased, I can tell you. "Funny, though," continued tha captain, with a smii. "I never was praised for what I did a few moments later, and It was a fairly good Job, too. When Milne backed clear of th pier and we discovered the ship's hurts wer superficial and slight we straightened out tor the navy yard. But It is no Joke to handl a .tXW-ton man-of-war. drawing twenty-flv feet or ao. In a crowded river, with th tlds running strong and all sorts of eddies to contend with. In spit of all precautions w swung under th Brooklyn bridge before w got turned for the yard. Then a vicious addy struck us and carried the ship closer and closer to the Brooklyn pier. To hit that meant destruction. I was on tha bridge and cone too easy In my mind, you may wager. Presently tha officer of the ueck reported: ' 'We ar only a few feet from tha pier. captain.' I know it, sir,' I replied, and then I signalled the engln room to go full speed ahead with the starboard engine and half speed astern with the part. It worked, and ws swung ahead and clear, and in a few moments were safely at dock In the yard. But it was a cloe thing, and I had to de cide a number ot question in a seoona s time, while I had no certain knowladg as to th fore or direction of th currants that were placing th ship In jeopardy." After musing a moment and finishing his cold milk, S gsbee added: "Honestly, that was about as creditabi a thing as I vr did. In its way. But I didn't brag about It. for tha query would hava been natural. 'What did you let your ship get into that fix for? I couldn't help It, of course, hut would hav had to do a lot of explaining. As I did hav to do for bringing Maine through HU Gat without a pilot," ba added after a moment's pauss. Aa Accident. "What's the matter, JohnniT asked a small boy, aa Johnnie emerged from tha hous crying. "Frightful accident." replied Johnnie, briefly. "No! What was ltr "Well, you see. I was talking to mother, and I got mad and saased her' "Yes." "And then sha started after ma." -Yes." "And I ran all over th house, and down Into th yard, and round that, and then Into tha woodshed, you know" "Yes; go on!" "Well. I was runnln' under full steam, you sea." "Yes. yes; of course." "And I ran Into an open switch. Th old gentleman was In tn woodshed with on. Terrl bis accident on that road. I can tell you. Tracks sln't cleared yeL No; I don't bellev I'll sit on th fenc." Chicago Post. SPECIAL TRAIN VI th Hartkwaalars Line ta Lak Y lew, Item, and rara, Saturday, Aug. 29th, Front Omaha 7 30 a m.. back horn sam evening. Only 31 SO Round Trip tl. ML Spend a dsy at beautiful Wall Lake. Fin groves, steamboats, bathing, rowing, fishing. Only SLM. 21 50. 21 CO. City ticktt afflos) 1401-1402 Faraaas SKxt.