Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Divls sells drugs.
Stoekcrt at'lls carpels.
Crayon enlarging. Brondway.
Expert watch repairing. leffert, tot B'y.
CeieorateJ Meta oer on tap. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at Lefterts, J3
Broeu way.
14K ami 1SK wedJlng rings at Leffert's,
. Broadway.
At List Gentry" circus will visit Coun
cil fluffs, Mttuiuay, August
Oni-fourth to onL-th.rd oft on pyrography
outius. C E. Ai-xaiiuer t Co., U tt way.
Kev. C. E. B. Ward of Colorado SprtnKS
Will preacn tins morning at trie oecond
Presbyterian church.
The regular meeting of the Knights and
Ladies 01 Security will be holu Tuesday
evening In the Merriiim block.
Kev. Henry Deixmg will conduct servlcns
this evening at tne reopie's Lnion cuurcn,
'Ahlrty-titui street ana avenue ts.
The several Odd fellow and Rebekah
lodges of tins city are arranging to hold a
Joint picnic at Lake Manawa next Hatur
Uay. For rent, office room, ground floor; one
of the most central locations In the busi
ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bee
cilice, city.
e contract to keep public or private
Ii0ve3 iree Horn roaches by the year. In
sect iilxtermlnator Mauu.aciunng company,
Council Blurts, lit. Telephone -6J4.
The Second Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services In Modern Woodmen of
America hall in Mernam block at U 46 a.
m. bubject: "Cnrlai Jesus." bu.,day
School immediately after the service.
Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at
Tonight The Burgomaster will appear
at tne Mew theater, lis popultrity can be
judged lie.t by the tact mat It had a
two weeks run In Chicago whlcij showed
receipts amounting to l3.uw. It will
douotless be greeted here with u well filled
Miss Caroline Hill, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John hi. Hill, ili hmh avenue, died
yesterday morning trom typnold fever,
aged U years. Tne funerai will be held
Monday anernoon at i o'clock from tne
tamlly residence and burial will be in
h'alrvlew cemetery.
The First Church of Christ (Scientist)
will holu services at 11 o clock this morn
ing In tho Uapp building, wnen the subject
wnl be "Christ Jesus. ' eunday senool will
be hold at the clone of the services. Tne
regular midweek testimonial meeting will
be Wednesday evening at o'clock.
There will be regular preaching services
at 11 o'clock this morning in the Flr.t
Christian cliurcu. Sunoay school will be
held at D;4o a. m., and tno meeting ol the
Ciirisilan Endeavor society at V p. m. Kev.
W. B. Clominer of les Moines has ac
cepted the call to tne pastorate of the
church and will take up the work Sep
tember 1.
Thomas Lookablll. a well known police
court cnaracter, was yesterday committed
by Judge Wheeler of the district couit to
eighteen montns In the stale hospital for
chronic Inebriates at Mount Pledfant.
Lookablll was recently before the court
chin Bed with being a chronic Inebriate,
but escaped commitment for the time be
ing by promising to abstain trom Intoxi
cating liquor. He failed, however, to keep
. Tom Fegley and A. C. Turner became In
volved In a quarrel with a colored man
last evening on Brondway. When I'atrol
man Anderson Interfered Fegley and Tur
ner jumped on lilni. Tho oiilcer laid out
Fegley In short order with his club and
Turner started to get a brick with which
to assault the officer. Anderson, however,
beat Turner to the brick and succeeded In
holding him and Fc3ley until the arrival
of the patrol wagon. Fegley and Turner
wore booked for being drunk, disturbing
the peace and resulting an officer.
Plumbing and heating, wxby Y Son.
Two Days' Convention to Bo Held In
Presbyterian Church la This
The tenth annual convention of the Chris
tian Endeavor union of the presbytery of
Council Bluffs will be held Monday and
Tuesday In the Second Presbyterian church
of this city. The convention will open
Monday evening and will close Tuesday
Afternoon. Following the session Tuesday
afternoon the delegates and local members
will enjoy a picnic and outing at Lake
Manawa. This Is the program for the
7:46 Song service.
H:lb Paper, "Carthage Must Be De
stroyed." K. O. llyland, Casey.
B:to-Addrees, "Christian Unity Our Hope
and Despair." Rev. W. B. Gage, Guthrie
9 :iu Announcements.
3:30 Devotional exercises. Miss Hattle
Taylor, Avoca, ... ....
:jt-Sormon, "Wild Grapes. Isaiah, 8:2.
Rev. J. N. Currcna, Logan.
9:15 Paper, "How to uevelop the Spirit
of Giving in the Boclety." Miss Myra
Hutchinsun, Council Bluffs.
9:30 Paper, "How to Make the Junior
Society a Success." Mrs. U. U. Funk, Au
dubon. (:46 Paper, "How Can We Make the En
deavor Prayer Meeting More Spiritual?"
&11"S Grace Harrison, Neola.
10:00 Address, "The Results of Creed Re
Vision." Rev. W. 8. Barnes, Council Bluffs.
10. & Paper, "Christian Endeavor and the
Qreat Commission.' " MIbs Alma Ham
mond, Adair.
10:40 Paper, "The 'Salt' of Christian En
deavor." Miss Edna Stone, Logan.
10:66 Paper, "What Actual Uood Follows
the 'Consecration Meeting?" " John Hell
wig, Council Bluffs.
11:10 Paper, "Soul Winning the Constant
and Ultimate Aim of Christian Endeavor."
11 :J6 Address, "At the Assembly." F. E.
11 :4i Announcements.
1:15 Devotional exercises. Mlsa Hazel
Aahton. Guthrie Center.
1 : SO Reports.
1:60 Address, "Iowa Home Missions. Rev.
3. F. Hlnkhoune, Audubon.
1:30 "Two Years Among the 'Mountain
Whites.' " Mlsa Jennie Buchanan, Paint
Rock, N. C.
8.60 Paper, "How Can We Interest Young
Men In the Christian Endeavor?" Charles
Miles. Council Bluffs.
8.10 Paper, "la tho Pledge a Help or a
Hindrance fn the Christian Llfo?" Robert
De Coil. Woodbine.
3:46 I'arer, "The Christian Endeavor Op
portunity In the Sabbath School." Rev. N.
R. Miles, Menlo.
4:0o-laDer. "The Chrtitltn Endeavor Op
portunity In the Midweek Prayer Meeting."
Mls Carrie Knsner. Avoca.
4:15 Paper, "The OhrlHtian Endeavor Op
portunity In the So-Called 'Revival Meet
ing.' " Mrs. E. R. Forsythe, Grlswold.
:Ko The Christian Endeavorer at home.
4::(& The Christian Endeavorer In society.
4:40 The Christian Endeavorer In busi
ness. 4:46 The Christian Endeavorer In poli
tics. 4.60-The Christian Endeavorer studying
the Bible.
4:65 The Christian Endeavorer alone with
t oo Basket supper and outing at Lake
Life Had Too Many Troubles.
CLINTON. Ia., Aug. 2!. (Special.) Isaao
Hale of Belle Plolne committed suicide at i
a hotel here last night. He left a strange '
letter In which he said; "I am suffering so
much misery, both, mental and physical,
God help me. I cannot stand It any longer." !
He also said la the letter there had been a
ecret In his life. The letter la addressed
to Belle Pla'.ne people and ask Mayor John
Mllner to come here for the remains.
tt Pearl BL. Council bluffs.
'Phone (I
Free-for-All During the Ersning tbi Lsit
Event on tin Program.
Messrs. Lohr and glremberg of Sioux
City (or North and South and Mrs.
Jackson and Mrs nice Enst and
West Prise Winners.
The midsummer meeting of the Central
Whist association, the sessions of which
were held In the ball room of the Rowing
association's club house at Lake Manawa,
closed last evening with a free for all con
test, which was won by H. F. Coe of
Omaha and J. J, Shea of Council Bluffs,
north and south, and Mrs. Crummer and
Mrs. Colpctzer, both of Omaha, east and
Twenty-four pairs were played In the pair
contest yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Lohr
and Stromberg, the Sioux City players,
captured the prize buttons for north and
south, whllo Mrs. Jackson and Miss Rico,
who have played a strong game at each
contest, carried off the prizes for east and
west. The score for the afternoon pair
contest follows:
Rank. Score. Plus. Minus.
6 Coo and Shea 146
2 3-4
3 Crummer and Harness. 149
4 Benjamin and Shea.... 148
3 Mrs. Bailey and Mrs.
Martin 149
6 Burrell and Dreyfoos.. 146
2 Redlck and McNutt.... 151
ft Mrs. Duke and Mrs.
Shank 145
3 Jenks and Preston 149
1 1-4
1 1-4
I 1-4
2 3-4
2 3-4
5 I'latt and Mrs. Payne.. 147
1 Lohr and Stromberg.
6 Bushman ana Koss.
6 Prince and Slevers 147
Average, 147 3-4.
Rank. Score. Plus. Minus.
6 Askwlth and Mnynard. 165
5 Stlmson and Walters:-. 166
10 Mrs. Shea . and Miss
Shea 157
1 Mrs. Jackson and Miss
Rice 174
6 Mrs. Albright and Mrs.
Cory 165
9 Mrs. Stubbs and Mrs.
Klwell IBS
4 NefT and Howlett 167
7 Lewis and Custer 160
9 Bhugart and Brulng-
ton 168
2 Mr. and Mrs. Potter... 172
8 Mrs. Sherman and Mr.
Stubbs 169
3 Copeland and Benja
min 1C9
1 (-6
7 l-
9 5-
2 6-6
t 1-fl
7 5-6
4 6-6
Total 1,970
Average, 164 1-6.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel SO. Night. F667.
Pottawattamles Tot l' Too Swift a
Game (or Visiting; County
The Harrison county offukvs have among
their number several good ball players,
but nevertheless they went down In de
feat before the Pottawattamles yesterday
afternoon at Lake Manawa. At the close
of the seventh Inning the scalps of the
biaves from Logan, tho county seat of
Harrison county, were dangling at the
belts of Freeman and Reed and other offi
cials of -Pottawattamie county. To In
part compensate them for their defeat the
men who administer the affairs of Harri
son county were the guests of the Potta
wattamles at dinner at the Grand hotel at
the close of the game when the bravea
doffed their war paint and once more as
sumed the garb of civilians.
The Harrison county men, 125 strong,
headed by the Royal Highlanders' band
of Logan, journeyed to Council Bluffs In a
special train over the Illinois Centra!,
reaching here at 3 p. m. They arrived
fully confident of downing the Pottawat
tamles but despite their brlllant dark green
and red uniforms they were forced to re
turn home acknowledging that they had
met their Waterloo.
The game was, taking everything into
consideration, a very fair exhibition of ball
and was much enjoyed by the large crowd
which filled the grandstand. In size and
weight the Harrison braves easily out
classed the Pottawattamles but the up,
down, In and out curves of Dr. Wyland of
Underwood for the home team told the tale
and brought defeat to the visitors.
The team of the Harrison county men
was made up of the following: C. L.
Huff, deputy county auditor; E. S. Garri
son, cleric of the district court; H. L. Har
vey, county recorder; D. W. Owens,
deputy recorder; T. M. Adams, deputy
treasurer, A. W. Blackburn, deputy clerk
of the district court; A. J. Shlnn, sheriff;
G. W. Atkins, deputy auditor; D. E.
Bralnard, county surveyor.
Pottawattamie county was represented by
Freeman L. Reed clerk of the district
court; Tracy Rod well, deputy clerk of the
district court; Dr. Wy!and, county physi
cian. Underwood; Harry M. Brown, clerk
of the superior court; Ed. Canning, former
deputy sheriff; G. Balrd, of the recorder's
office; E. Smith, jr., of the recorder's of
fice; BUI Nye, unattached; William Amd,
count:' trea&urer.
W. R. Adams of the county treasurer's
office of Harrison county essayed the role of
umpire and bravely defied the threats of
lynching that was freely made. Deputy
Sheriff Groneweg of Council Bluffs and G.
E. Ferguson of the Logan Nucleus acted
as official scorers.
Freeman Reed pitched the first two ln
nlnta for the Pottawattamles .and his
work was a revelation to his friends. After
the second Inning his arm gave out and
he retired In favor of Dr. Wyland who
pitched the rest of the game. Bill Nye
was behind the bat and In consequence he
has "-several sore spots on his hands and
ehlns. For the visitors County Treasurer
Harvey pitched for the first five Inning
and then made way for Deputy County
Auditor Huff. Harvey's retirement from
the box was due to the fact that part of
his rnlnmcnt met with an accident and he
was compelled to seek a change. E. 8. Oar
rlKon, clerk of the district court, was be
hind the bat and showed that It was not
the first time he had essayed the role of
To describe the game In detail would be
nuperfl uoua and the official scorers not be
ing versed in the Intricacies of the great
national game did not keep a very accurate
score. The game ended, however. In favor
of Pottawattamie by the score of I to t
For the first tour Innlnzs Harrison county
looked like a sure winner, but the Potta
wattamles were ra iled by Dr. Wyland and
at the cIoko of the fifth Inning It was a tie,
eurh side having secured I runs. At the
close of the sixth It was I to I In favor
of Pottawattamie and at the close of
the first half of the seventh It was again
a tie. Then In the last halt of the last
Inning the Pottawattamles scored two men
and won amidst the applause of the ad
mtrins multitude.
Dinner was served at the Orand betel
when the game was played over again and
the visitors returned to the con dries of
their own county much pleased with their
trip, leaving behind them an Invitation
for the Fottawattamles to Invade Harrison
county and piny a return game. The In
vitation, It Is understood, will be ac
cepted. liny Voting- Contest.
De Long's boy voting contest started yes
terday, and the first day's ballot resulted
as follows:
Arthur Clean 8.1,1
Genrpre S. Davis, Jr.......... 131
Guy Ilourlelus 110
Orover Heno f9
Eldred Hart 75
Wallace Benjamin, 60; Blnlne Wilcox, BO;
Roger Keellne, SO; Paul Rnsmussen, 46; Roe
Bullls, 26; George Hahman, 20; Claude
Fleher, 18; Louis Crockwell, 15; John Mc
Neil, S.
The winners will receive two handsome
gold watches, and the contest Is open to
any boy In Council Bluffs. ' One vote la
given for each cent's worth purchased In
the book or stationery departments at
Harvey DeLong's, 307 Broadway.
Organising; Improvement Clnb.
' Residents of the western part of the city
are of the opinion that the municipal au
thorities do not pay sufficient attention to
the needs of that section of the metropolis
and that In order to get their rights they
must organize. With a view to enforcing
their demands upon the city authorities It
has been proposed to organize a West End
Improvement club and a meeting for this
purpose will be held Wednesday evening
at the county building at the corner of
Twenty-fourth street and Avenue B. The
meeting will begin at 7:30 and all persons
Interested In the welfare of that section of
the city are urged to be present and take
a hand In the proceedings.
Sues (or Heavy Damages.
Elizabeth TJelllsen, a young woman of
this city, has brought suit In the district
court against William C. Droge for $10,000
damages for alleged betrayal under promise
df marriage. Miss TJelllsen alleges that
the defendant, who Is a member of the
firm of Droge Bros., wholesale dealers in
hay, and who is reputed to be quite
wealthy, entered into a verbal marriage
contract with her In January last. The
plaintiff further alleges that not only did
Droge fall to carry out his promise to
marry her, but circulated reports defama
tory to her character.
Monday's Special Bale Begins.
Special cash sale all this week. Roast
beof, 6c a pound; five pounds good steak,
2oc; No. 1 ham, 8c; rib roast, 6c; boll beef,
34c; bacon, 13c; good lard, three pounds,
25c; good butter, 20c pound. Orvls markot,
637 Broadway.
No Pretentions Events of Any Kind
Durlns; the Last Seven
Miss Martin Is visiting friends at St.
Mrs. E, A. Rlsser Is spending a week at
Miss Lulu Bailey Is visiting friends at
Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Chirles Lunkley are Visit
ing friends In Illinois.
Mrs. Robert Mollis has returned home
from an eastern trip.
Mrs. C. A. Wiley has returned from a
vlalt with Chicago friends.
Mrs. D. W. Belhy and daughter are
visiting friends at Des Moines.
Mrs. 8. A. Whaley visited friends at
Silver City during the last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bloomer are home
from a three months' European trip.
Mrs. L. W. Ward of Emerson Is spend
ing several days with friends in the city.
Klrt Moor of Parkham, O., is the guest
of his brother, A. B. Moor of Fifth avenue.
Mrs. William Harden of Mornlng3lde en
tertained at a luncheon Thursday after
noon. John N. Baldwin is home from Watervllle.
N. V., where his family is spending the
A. W. Rlekmon of Chadron, Neb., a
former resident of this city, Is visiting rel
atives here.
Mrs. Robert Thelnhardt entertained at a
1 o'clock luncheon Friday. Covers were
laid for six.
Miss Burt of Sioux City, who has been
visiting friends In this city, has returned
to her home.
Miss May Mayne of Gretna, Neh., Is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. 8. RIgdon of
Fourth street.
Mrs. N. M. McKune of Des Moines Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. C. M. llarl of
Oakland avenue.
Mt a 8. J. Swanson has returned from
the west, where she has been spending the
summer months.
MIfs Price of Seventh street has gone
to Cedar Rapids for a short visit with
relatives and friends.
Will Hillls of Butte, Mont., Is In the city,
the guest of his sister, Mrs. Edward Brown
of South First street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Montgomery, 1702
South Eighth street, left yesterday to visit
relatives id Hamilton, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Fllcklnger left Friday
evening for a trip to Duluth and then by
boat to Buffalo and return.
Miss Grace liecbe entertained the mem
beis of the Flower mission at her home on avenue Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Hannan and children are
home from Wuincy, Mich., where they have
been spending the summer mouths.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer entertained a
few friends at a picnic party given at
Krug's paik In Omaha Friday evening.
Miss Maude Smith entertained at a lunch
eon Thursday complimentary to Mlsa
Stewart of Des Moines. Covers were laid
lor ten.
The marriage of Mr. Theodore Tholl and
Miss Orosvener will occur at St. Francis'
Catholic church Wednesday morning, Au
gust 26.
Mrs. Edward Canning and children of
Sixth avenue arrived home yesterday from
Denver, Colo., where they have been spend
ing the summer.
Claude Matthal. private secretary to At
torney John N. Baldwin of the Union Pa
cific, la home from a trip to New York and
other eastern points.
Mrs. C. A. Tibblts and daughter. Mrs. A.
Hatrington, have gone to St. Louis to at
tend the golden wedding of Mrs. Tlbblls'
brother, Henry Dietrich.
Mrs. Ida Wles-Seybert entertained a
number of friends Informally Wednesday
evening at the Wles country home. About
.twenty guests were In attendance.
Mrs. M. F. Rohrer and Mrs. Rachel Har
mon entertained at a luncheon Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hohrer,
complimentary to Miss Hettie Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Head of Jefferson,
la., spent the last week in this city, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Bonham of
tiouth Second street, Mrs. Head's purents.
Mrs. M. H. Paynter and children of
Planklnglon, 8. D., who have been visiting
Mrs. Paynter's father, J. H. Brooks. 1(jj
Avenue B, left for their home yesterday.
Harry M. Searlo arrived home yesterday
from Put-In-Bay, O., where Ills family is
spending the summer. Mrs. Searle and the
children will remain there several weeks
W. A. Hillls of Butte. Mont., who is vis
iting Ms sisters, Mrs. E. C. Brown and Miss
Ida Hillls of South First street, left lust
evening to visit relatives In Earllng, ia.
He was accompanied by his niece, Miss
Hazel Brown.
Flht Almost Kads In Murder.
MARSHALLTOWN, Ia.. Aug. 1!. (Spe
cial.) A fight between Thorn is W. Allen
and William M. Hayes almost ended In
a murder last evening. The men have been
enemies for some time and when Hayes
passed the Allen home last night they re
newed the old quarrel. During the fight
Alien pulled a gun and Hayei was bidly
wounded In the arm. Allen claims he drew
the gun t8 scare Hayei, and that tha gun
was discharged accidentally In the scuffle
to secure possession of the weapon. Both
parties have beea arrested. .
Besolt li Hinrelf and City of Dei lfoioei
Will Have a Dama;e Suit
Entries (or State Fair Close vrltb
I.araest List In History o( the
Society and Other Still
Regains; for Space.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Aug. 22. (Special.) George
A. Williams, of Chicago, a former resident
of the city but who had been absent from
here for nenrly thirty-four years, mot
with a dlsagreeab'.e experience while here
and as a result city officials will have a
suit for damages to defend in court. Wil
liams was walking along the street and
stopped one who proved to be Detective
Hardin, to ask him for the location of a
good restaurant. The detective arrested
tho man and marched him to Jail. He was
kept In Jail a day or two and was released,
no charge having been made against him.
He succeeded in convincing the city au
thorities that he was not a grafter and
had a right to be In the city and further
that he was known to persons here. He
proved to be a son of Rev. A. C. Williams,
for many years a pastor of the Methodist
church here In an early day, and as a
boy lived In Des Moines. He Is also a
nephew of 3. L. Walte, postmaster of
Burlington. This afternoon he called up
his cousin. Clay Walte, In the office of the
Burlington Hawkeye and was Identified
by long distance 'phone, though the cousins
had not met for fifteen years. He em
ployed an attorney and commenced suit
for damages against the detective and
city officials and the city for false and
malicious imprisonment. The city police
force had been making it a rule to run
in almost everybody on the street not
recognized in anticipation of a great in
flux of persons for the state fair.
Military Instrnction Resnmed.
Military Instruction will be continued
right along at the various colleges In Iowa,
despite the orders of the secretary of war
for raising the standard of military work
done where army officers are assigned for
such instructions. At the state university,
Iowa City, the orders of the department
will be compiled with and the work in
military discipline will be raised to the re
quirements. At the state normal school at
Cedar Falls no attempt will be made to
comply with the department orders, since
It is not regarded as possible to do this in
a normal school. Major Olmsted, who Is a
retired officer, in charge of the detail at the
normal school, will probably be selected
to represent the regular army In Iowa for
Instruction of the guards, but until de
tailed on that work will go on with the
military work at the normal school. There
Is one other college-SImpson college
where a retired army officer Is under assign
ment to this work.
Did Not Buy Furniture.
The Board of Trustees, of the State col
lege held a session yesterday for the ex
press purpose of buying furniture and
furnishings for the new agricultural hall
and the president's home at Ames. It
was found that offers were at rates entirely
too high. The specifications will be changed
and the building committee was authorized
to proceed with the furnishing of the build
ings as far as the funds at the command
of the college would permit.
Locate Gnnrd Camp.
Adjutant General Byers tonight definitely
located the camp of the Fifty-sixth Iowa
regiment at Clear Lake, and date of camp
for Fifty-fourth regiment was fixed for
September 14.
' Entries (or Pair Close.
Entries for the state fair closed tonight.
The books of the officers show that never
in the history of Iowa state fairs have
there been so many entries, not in one or
two classes, but generally in all classes,
and therefore never a. finer outlook for a
great exhibition. In the horse department,
for Instance, there Is one class of Percher
ons where there are sixty-four entries
a larger number than at any American
show of horses. This morning the secre
tary received telegrams from two leading
horse breeders begging for still more space
and promising to add many more horses to
their exhibits If they could only get In.
New C
The Farmers Mutual Co-operative Cream
ery company of Cumberland filed articles
of incorporation with the secretary of state
today; capital. $5,000, by D. B. Frtnk and
others. The Alllson-Littlg company of Dav
enport, with 110,000 capital, became Incor
porated. The Pauls Lumber company of
Pella Increased capital stock to $40,000.
T. F. Teagarden of Montana this morn
ing secured, through an action in court, a
right to find out where his sister lives. The
girl had been left an orphan and was
turned over by the county to a home-finding
association which placed her In a home
In Minnesota. Mr. Teagarden had left
home and knew nothing of this. He has
been engaged several years In the stock
business in Montana and returned to find
his sister, but the home-finding society
would not give him the information. In
court today the officers of the association
finally gave him the desired Information.
The child Is now in Minnesota.
Found a Gold Nucaet.
While digging a well on the J. F. Thomas
place, twelve miles southwest of Armstrong,
George Davis, according to the Journal,
found a gold nugget. The well was about
140 feet deep and when the "slush bucket"
was being emptied Mr. Davis noticed the
nugget fall out. It has been tested with
acids and other tests and ts pronounced
by experts to be genuine gold. It is worth
in the neighborhood of 110.
Life Insurance Company Sold.
The purchase of the stock of the North
western Life and Savings company of Des
Moines by the Northwestern National Life
Insurance company of Minneapolis was
consummated tonight The capital stock
of the Des Moines concern will be retired.
Mississippi Valley Spiritualists Elect
Officers for the Year at Clinton
CLINTON, Ia., Aug. tt. (Special Tele
gramj At the annual meeting of the
Mississippi Valley Bplrttualist association
the following officers were elected for the
coming year: President, W. F. Peck, St.
Louis; vice president, W. A. Willing. North
wood; secretary, Mrs. Mollis B. Anderson
of Nebraska; treasurer, Mrs. Christine
Cooper, Clinton; trustees, M. 3. Olmsted of
Webster City, O. H. Brooks of Chicago,
D. Staton of New Sharon, Mrs. Rowantree
of Clinton, Max Hoffman of Chicago and
W. M. Kellogg of New Boston.
Bryan Draws Crowd at Atlantis.
ATLANTIC. Ia., Aug. 23.-(8peclal Tele
gram.! Today has been the largest day of
the Atlantic Chautauqua and several thou
sand people assembled to b the address
Speaking of Hats
Our line ol fall shapes are now in and ready for your inspection
In black, brown, pearl, nutria and snuff and in all the proper
shapes of the new season.
"Get the Habit" buy your apparel of us and you'll be right
Joe Smith & Co.,
of W. J. Bryan this afternoon. General
Fltzhugh Lee, Colonel Copeland, Father
Nugent, Dr. Phil Balrd, Mrs. Chant, Champ
Clark, Senator Burton, Bishop Fnlloflh and
Tom Beauchamp have been the attractions
during the past week, and Rev. Robert
Mclntyre of Los Angeles will close the
program tomorrow. This is Atlantic's first
venture in the Chautauqua line and all are
well pleased 'With the success achieved and
are enthusiastic for Its repetition next year.
Remains Are Identified.
ATLANTIC, Ia., Aug. 22. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho dead man found near the rail
road bridge here yesterday morning is now
almost positively Identified as the remains
of one Albert Kay, a coal miner, whose
headquarters seem to have been Mollne,
111. In response to inquiries sent out, a
telegram has been received from the au
thorities at Mollne describing a man who
has been missing from there and this de
scription, even to the filling In the dead
man's teeth. Indicate that Kay Is the un
fortunate. ' No full report has yet been
made from Mollne and the remains still lie
at the undertaker's awaiting final action
by the coroner's jury and the call of
nealt Thieves Rob Jewelers.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Aug. 22.-Spedal.)
Sneakthleves today stole a tray of rings
worth $1,200 from A. C. Taylor & Son, Jew
elers. There is no clue.
May Hare Beea Murdered, as She Fre
quently Responded to Calls
la the Slums.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 22. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) London Is
agitated over the inexplicable disappear
ance of Miss Frances Hickman, 29 yean
old, a fully qualified medical practitioner,
doing temporary duty in the Royal Fiea
hospital on Gray's Inn road. 8he has been
missing from the hospital since list Sat
urday. One theory is that she may have
met with foul play somewhere near the
hospital, which is surrounded by one of
the lowest sections in London, as she was
accustomed fearlessly to visit poor out
patients at their homes.
Armenian Is Murdered.
BUCHAREST, Roumanla, Aug. 22 An
Armenian named Garabet Mardorosula
has been murdered at Kalafat, on t.
Danube, by orders. It Is believed, of th
Macedonian committee. Mardorosslan liv i
four years at Kalafat, acting as agent o.
the committee In facilitating the passage
of arms into Bulgaria. The Roumanlin
authorities discovered documentary proof of
his relations with the committee. It is
reported that he was assassinated because
of his failure to comply with some of the
recent orders of the committeemen and
that the latter selected a relative of Mar
dorosslan to punish his offense with death.
Theodore Winters.
FAIRMONT. Neb.. Aug. 22. (Special. )-
Theodore Winters died at his home In this
city from a complication of rheumatism
and dropsy. Deceased had been a great (
sufferer for many years, but with indomlt- I
able will he pursued his business, naving io
go about on crutches. For the last eight
months he has been confined to the house
end suffered extremely. He was about 69
years old snd was one of the pioneers of
Fillmore county. He leaves a wife, daughter
and three grandchildren.
John Huffman.
FAIRMONT, Neb.. Aug. 23. (Special.)
John Huffman died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. James Merrltt of West Blue
township, of general debility, aged S3 years.
He was a native of Kentucky and a veteran
of the Mexican war. He was rejected from
service in the civil war on account of dis
ability. Funeral services were held at the
house and conducted by Rev. Sutton of the
McCool Baptist church. The remains were
laid away In the Fairmont cemetery.
Mrs. Rebecca Maglll.
HOLDREGB, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.)
Mrs. Rebecca Magtll died at her home,
twelve miles northeast of Holdrege, of ail
ments due to advanced age. She was 7J
years old. Mrs. Maglll came to Nebraska
In 1873 and for about a year uvea in Ham
ilton county. Then she removed to Phelps
county, where she lived ever since. She
leaves four sons, two living in Phelps
county and two in Indiana.
Thomas F. Collins.
WAHOO. Neb., Aug. 22. (Speclal.)-The
funeral of Thomas F. Collins was held from
his residence In this city today. Mr. Col
lins was about 76 years of age and an old
and highly respected citizen of Wahoo. He
died Thursday at tho asylum In Lincoln.
He had been In poor health for some time
and last June was taken to Lincoln In
hopes he would recover, but he had been
falling ever since. He leaves a widow and
a small grandchild.
Child Dies ol Peritonitis.
HASTINGS. Neb., Aug. 22.-(8peclal Tel
egram.) Miss Glaydla Violet Brookley, 12-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Brookley, died at a late hour last night of
peritonitis. The funeral will be held to
morrow afternoon from the family home.
II. P. Rlcketts.
CHICAOO, Aug. 22. H. P. Rlckotts, ed
itor of the Memphis Scimitar, was found
dead In bed at the Kalserhoff hotel here
today. He had been 111 for several days
snd his unexpected demise Is attributed
to heart failure.
The best from three
of the best
American Hatters
i3 oiVK4HT
Great Armored Cruiser is Added to Amer
ions Nay 7,
Speed of the Kew War Shin to Be
Twenty-Two Knots per Hoar
With 23,000 Indicated
Home Power.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 22. An occasion
which will be memorable In the history
of this state transpired today when the
great armored cruiser, Philadelphia, named
y the daughter of senior senator and
.iltlcal leader, was launched at the yards
. the William Cramp Ship and Engine
-ulldlng company.
The maiden plunge of the formidable
addition to the United States navy was
witnessed by one of the largest and most
distinguished assemblages that has ever
gathered at Cramp's ship yards. More
favorable weather could not have been do
sired, and the flag-bedecked sea fighter
gliding down -the ways greeted by the ac
clamations of thousands of spectators and
the shlll blast of the myraid of river
craft was an Inspiring scene. "
Christened by Senator's Daughter,
Under the towering prow of Pennsyl
vania was directed a platform from which
2,000 specially Invited guests witnessed the
launching. From the main stand rose a
small platform upon which stood the
chrlstlng party including Miss Cora L.
Quay, daughter of United States Senator
Quay, the ship's sponsor; Senators Quay
and Penrose, Governor Pennypacker, Mayor
Weaver, Rear Admiral Slgsbee, United
States navy; Admiral Melville, United
States Navy, retired; Charles H. Cramp,
Edwin S. Cramp, and a number of ladles.
In the main stand were assembled the
heads of the various navy department
bureau. Captain Alexander Boutlkoff, Rus
sian naval attache; Commander I. Takahlta,
Japanese naval attache; Cheklb Bey, Tur
kish minister of the United States, snd
Lieutenant Commander Sabry Bey and
Lieutenant All Bey of the Ottoman navy.
After tho launching the guests were enter
tained at a luncheon.
peed is Twenty-two Knots
The Pennsylvania Is powered with a twin
screw, vertical, triple expansion engines
and boilers of the Nlclause type, which
are required to develop a mean speed of
twenty-two knots an hour for four hours.
The engines are estimated to develop a
collective Indicated horsepower of 23,000.
The contract price for the hull and
machinery of the warship la 13.780.000.
Models of All Kinds from Palaces
to Cottasros on Exhibition
la Paris.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. 22. (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) A novel ex
position was opened lately at the Grand
palace, an "Exposition of Dwelling
Houses." All aorta of dwellings, or models
of them, are exhibited. There are samples
of the modern house, hunting pavilions,
colonial habitations and the cheapest mod
ern dwelling that can be built on hygenle
principles. There is also a very Interesting
exhibition of furniture. A Louis XV bed
room Is especially to be remarked for its
marquetry and bronze work.
Third Child Dies front Bsploslon.
PAPILLION. Neb., Aug. 22.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Earl Sharp, the young son of
Charles Sharp, has died from the effects
of burns received In the explosion of July
t It will be remembered that during the
absence of Mrs. Sharp ons of the children
poured oil on the fire and placed the can
containing a gallon of oil on the hearth.
415 Broadway
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Our workmen will be found not only thor
oughly competent, but careful, clean and
painstaking. Walls, furniture tnd bric-a-brac
will not be soiled or Injured. Our aim
ia to do first class work In all respects. We
make a. charge that Is reasonable for this
class of work.
J. C. Bixby & Son
101 Mala A tot Pearl 8ts., Council Bluffs. Ia
Telephone IIS.
Between Life and Death
The conscientious druggist stands shoulder
to shoulder with the physician. We don't
prescribe; but we do fill physicians' pre
scriptions accurately and correctly. Fur
thermore, our prices are not excessive. It's
to your Interest to bring your prescriptions
Prescription Druggists,
10 Broadway - COUNCIL BLUFFS.
PRICES 25c. 50c, 75c. SI.OO.
60 PEOPLE 60
The explosion killed two children anH
badly Injured young Earl, who has Just
Francis Joseph Willing; People Should
' Talk Abont Royalty If
They Wish.
(Copyright. 190$, by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA, Aug. 22.-(New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Frank
Doeckel, a turner's apprentice, recently
made a slighting remark about Arch
duchess Maria Valerie, the emperor's
younger daughter. The remark was re
ported to the police and Doeckel was sen
tenced to prison for four months. His wife
Immediately appealed to the archduchess,
who went to her father, the emperor. He
Immediately ordered, at her request, that
Doeckel be released and at the same time
gave peremptory orders to the police that
lese majeste prosecutions are only to be
pressed where an overt act has been com
mit tod or is feared.
Frenchman Confronted by Situation
tor Which Thera is No
(Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Aug. 22. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Senator Provost
de Launay and Viscount de Kerguesac, the
manager of the Nouvelle Repuhllque, fought
a duel over an article that appeared In the
letter's paper. Since then the senator's
father has admitted that he himself wrote
he article. What the proper thing to do
now Is not known, for ths code does not
provide for such a contlgency.
At a duel since the one mentioned the
antagonists exchanged four shots without
damage, but one had a rib broken through
the hurglng that occurred at the recon
ciliation after the duel.
Emperor Francis Joseph Is Getting;
Tired of tho Continual Trouble
In Hongjary.
VIENNA, Aug. 22. Rumors are sgain In
circulation of the possible abdication of
Emperor Francis Joseph as king of
Hungary because he is tired of the con
tinued political struggle.
Both Austrian official circles and ths
Hungarian opposition deride the reports,
the flatter believing them to be spread by
ths government with the view of Inducing
the abandonment of the aggressive attitude
of the opposition..
Prlvats Information from Buda-Pest
declares ths emperor Is not ready to grant
the army concessions demanded by the
Hungarian Diet -
Merchants Plan Shoppers' Rest.
WEST POINT. Neb., Aug. 22.-(Speclsl.)
A movement Is on foot among the mer
chants of this city to establish a "rest"
for the wives of farmers and others visiting
the city for purpoees of trsde. At present
the tired women have to stay In ths stores
waiting for ths time to go home, snd It Is
believed this works a mutual hardship upon
both the merchants and customers.