Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Arrangement for tlie Aooommod&.ion and
D.iplar of Ail Auimt t
tlit I Cokui of Depnrtmrnt Uires Oat
Information la Lleiall toncernln;
the 1'la.n and Scop of the
BT. LOUIS, Aug. 22 (Special Correspond
ence.) The preliminary pi lie list, classifica
tions and rule and regulations governing
the World fair live stock shows have been
received from Chief F. D. Coburn. They
Constitute an artistically made book of
nearly 204 pages and cover the divisions fur
horses, asses and mules, cattle, sheep and
gouts, swine, poultry and pigeons. The dug
show prize list and that fur Belgian hares,
oats and other pot stuck will be Issued later.
The scope of the shows is summarised in
this announcement in the prise list:
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition will
provide ample accommodations for com-
filete exhibits at the World s fair, tit Louis,
WA, of the useful recognized breeds of do
mestic anlmsls and fowls, and without
charge for entries, stalls or pens in any
division. The classifications of awards for
rh division are comprehensive and the
prizes offered for the var ious exhibits In the
department of live stork are on a scale of
unprecedented liberality, Including, unless
Otherwise Indicated, a first, second, tnlrd,
ourth and fifth award, payable In cash;
also diplomas or certificates of "high com
mends lion" and "commendatlun." The
grounds, amphitheater, buildings, stables
and all needed conveniences will be pro
vided for the exhibition and Judging of live
tock to the best advantage, and every fa
cility afforded for the entertainment and
instruction of visitors Interested In animal
husbandry and its wonderful modern
The far-reaching extent of the classifica
tions, the very liberal prises, together with
the ample and attractive accommodations
to be provided for the comfort and exhibi
tion of the entries are Intended to be fully
In keeping with the magnitude and impor
tance of the Industry they reuresent.
Many Kerr Lines Represented.
With this object in view great care has
been exercised even In the minor details to
make the classification very thorough and
Very equitable. An arrangement of the
distribution of more than a quarter of a
million dollars in prises calls for plans on
twice the scale of any previous undertaking
of the same sort. The World's fair prise
list contains offerings along many new lines
as well as a corresponding enlargement of
the usual classes in a list of live stock
prizes. Mr. Coburn lias endeavored to add
to or enlarge the list only In such ways
as will distinctly sec ere useful results for
the live stock Interests. An Inspection of
the prize-list will show bow far this baa
been realized.
It Is evident that Its purpose is to present
to World's fair visitors the finest display
of Improved animals and fowls possible to
assemble. The rules have been devised
with Intent to bring animals of best quality
and to stimulate stock improvement in all
lines. The abolition of all entrance fees
and stall or pon charges throughout the
hows from horses and poultry and dogs to
an Indication of the gauge by which the
list has been planned, and has had no paral
lel at any exposition ever planned before.
Liberal Inducements for Exhibitors.
The divisions for horses, ponies, jacks.
Jennets and mules includes twenty-four
classes, distributing IS3.6W iu cash prises.
The sums given to each class range from
4,S06 for thoroughbreds, Peroheron and
breed of similar Importance In any of
Which It is possible for a single animal to
win In individual awards JWo-down to tWM
(or ponies in harness. The amounts set
aside for horses of commerce, business
horse and mule aggregate 17,165.
Twenty-one classes are given to cattle
and the cow demonstration. The total
cash award in the classes are 164.030.
Shorthorn, Hereford, Aberdeen-Angu and
Galloway cattle are eaah giveu $5,630, with
the other breed in proportion. Provision
Is mad for a display of oatalo, the produat
of crossing a domestio bull with the female
American bison. The cover page of the
prlse-llat gives an illustration of the front
of the magnificent Shorthorn, Young Ab
batsburn, champion bull of the beet breed
at the Columbian.
Sheep bav fifteen classes and goat
three, with a total cash allotment of MX
0. The Merino types are placed in three
Classes, being separated into the wrinkly
and delaine and an intermediate class.
The sum of 132,186 has been set aside for
wine awards, which are arranged in nine
claases. Berkshire, Poland-China and
breeds of the same standing are given $5,110
each. The lowest sum for any class la I48&.
Cash prises for poultry make a total of
111,786. Varieties of poultry, with a few ex.
ceptlon. have been divided into three
group according to statistics on total num
ber and valuation. First prises in these
groups range from 110 to 16. Ostriches are
allotted $23. In addition, pigeon are
given $3,984 in cash prise.
The Intent of It management I to make
the universal exposition of 1904 worthy In
very department, marking the progress
and uplift of the world as exemplified by
exhibition of the finest types produced In
this twentieth century, and the work of
the department of live atook 1 being done
for the attainment of auch results. . The
prlxe-tlst will repay careful study, and
eoplu may be obtained from T. D. Coburn
chief. World Fair Ground. St Louis'
U. B. A.
Rales for the Snow.
Tha more Important rules which will
govern the exhibit of live stock at St.
Louis In 1904. a formulated by Chief F. D.
Coburn and confirmed b the manager
and board of directors, read as follows:
All prises in the department of live
ti;?ltof itl l'ou'alana Purchase exposition
will be awarded by individual Judges of
the 'one-Judge system." and by comparl
eon. These Judges wll! be chosen for their
special qualifications and their Intimate
knowledge of the characteristic and qual.
Itles that make valuable the breeds upon
which they will give Judgment and their
awards will be final.
Judges are instructed to award In each
Instance only prises of such grades as the
tnerlts of the individual animals fully
Justify. Absence of competition will not
Summer Complaints
BowclTrouble, Stomach Ache, Chol
era Morbus and Diarrhoea
Art) Speedily Cured by
Duffy's' Purs Malt Whiskey
a drlnkln water and vou will nut V
troubled by Ojslreaslug summer diseases.
It kills the disease g.rms and keeps yc
well, strong and active during the war
Sold at all drusratsta. arooera. nr dlri at
ll.uu per bottle. Medical booklet free.
Luity Halt WUlekejr te, jWvbeator, N. T.
be accepted In any Instance a Justifica
tion for awarding high-class prizes U
MUm.s of medium or Infarior quality.
Only such animals as bav been awarded
first prizes In their respective classes will
be eligible to championship awards, and
the championships will in each Instance
be a war aid by the Judges who awarded
the breed s claas prizes.
No annua: ueemed unworthy shall be
awarded a prize, nor shall a prize be with
held merely Lecause of lack or competition;
but whore there are fewer entries in a sec
tion than prizes offered the Judge shall in
his discretion award a prize or prizes of
such grade as the merit of the anlma-s
may warrant.
Kntrlea on prescribed form for the several
divisions must be riled with the chief of
the department of live stock as follows:
Horses, asses and mules, by July ID.
cuttlu, July 30; cheep, August 20; swine,
August 110; poultry, pigeons, pet slock
and dogs, September 10. In divisions fur
horses, cattle, sheep and swine, exhibitors
will be restricted to the entry of more
than two animals In each section or ring.
The dates for exhibition of live stock
In liie several divisions will be as follows:
Horses, asses and mu'es. Monday, August
22, to Saturday, September I, ISM, Inclusive.
Cattle, Monday, September 12, to Saturday,
beptumber 4, inclusive bheep and swine,
Monday. October 3. to Saturday, October
15, Inclusive. Poultry and dogs, Monday,
October 24, to Saturday, November 6, In
clusive. The ages of cattle, sheep snd hogs will
be reckoned from date of birth to Sep
tember 1, yen. The ages or horses arm
foals, except draft breeds, will be reck
oned from January 1, and in case of draft
breeds the ages shall be determined from
date of birth. All fouls, except in draft
breeds, will be considered as 1 year old on
January 1 succeeding birth.
Ample facilities will be provided for the
distribution of feed and water throughout
the grounds. Fornge. grain and bedding
of good quality will be available to exhib
itors st reasonable prices at warehouses
conveniently located within the grounds
Exhibitors, If they desire, may bring to
the exposition with their stock a supply of
fornge and grain.
There will be a grand parade of horses
and cattle through the exposition grounds
as follows: Hoi see, Tuesday, Auguxt 23.
and Thursday, September 1, 1904; cattle,
Tuesday, September 13, and Thursday, Sep
tember 22, 1IM.
On the day following the close of the
swards to each breed or class of horses and
cattle all the prize winners In the renpectlve
ellipses will le pmaded together in the
pavilion and through the streets of the
quarters occupied by the' department of
live stock.
Auction Sales Arranged For.
Provision will be made for the accommo
dation of the various national live stock
breeds' associations desiring to sell at auc
tion animals of the breed the respective
associations represent, no sale to exceed
in number 100 animals of any one breed,
such animals to be selected by their breed
associations from those entered (ur pi lues.
The auction sales of animals of any given
breed will be made within the period In
which such breed Is on exhibition, in a
suitable buildlr.c adiolnlna the Live Stock
amphitheater, conveniently arranged for
the purpose, and will be under the auspices
of the breed association, who will alone
be rexponeible for all matters in connection
The special Drlzes to be offered by asso
ciations, state commissions or Individuals
for live stock will, so far as known, be
announced In a second or flnul edition of
the Prize List.
The necessity for uniform and unouea-
tlon awards will forcibly suggest the ad
vantage of having conditions governing tiie
award of SDeclal Drlzes contorm to the
exposition classification. Such prizes will
men, much to the advantage oi ail, ioiiow
the reaular awards mad by the ofllclal
Judges. The donors of special prizes are,
for the reasons mentioned, requested to
make their offerings correspond us nearly
as possible to the ofllclal classification,
whether such ofTerlnas are greater or
smaller than those by the exposition.
For use of the press ana in tne nnai re
port of the exposition all exhibitors are
urged to furnish to the chief of the de
partment, at the time of making entry,
two unmounted cabinet-size photographs of
each animal entered.
Great Liberator' Sou iaocusnb ta
Malaria Canght la Eeonomlo
ROMS. Aug. 22. Menottl Garibaldi suc
cumbed tody to a tlx weeks' malarial Ill
ness contracted on aie estate ai aram
which Is situated In the worst spot of vJP
r ............ DnM.-A T hta Maa li r.
he could transform this estate into one
of most luxurious cultivation.
Heroism and mildness were the dominant
qualities of Menottl Garibaldi, and It lias
long been believed that the Garibaldlan
tradition oould not have a better exponent.
He was the living picture of bis family,
having the same leonine head and the
same herculean proportions, allied to a re
markably sweet and almost feminine ex
pression In hi eyes. After fighting In all
the war for Independence he was made a
general on the battlefield, but, like his
father, he turned hi mind to the eeonomlo
regeneration of Italy, beginning with a
plan to redeem the Campagna Romano.
When elected a deputy he was asked by
the president of the Chamber what pro
fession he followed, and he replied, "Agriculturist"
Until this morning no serious fears were
entertained regarding his condition, but he
suddenly grew wore. King Victor Em
manuel, who had a special affection for
hint, was Immediately telegraphed to. The
news of the death soon spread, and pro
duced a profound Impression, as Menottl
Garibaldi was on of the most prominent
of Romans. Garibaldi veterans hastened
to the house and displayed the greatest
emotion. Menottl Garibaldi, like his father,
died poor, leaving his family almost with
out means. Everything he had was em
ployed in hi project for the redemption
of the Campagna. It 1 supposed the gov
ernment will make arrangement to have
the pension he enjoyed a the son of
Garibaldi pass to his family.
Gemma, Menottl's daughter, waa so dis
tressed at her father's death that she tried
to throw herself out of a window, but waa
Circa Teat Valla aad Tracks Are
Walked Oat, StaUlas; Kxour
aloatata. DENVER. Aug. 23. A cloudburst occurred
over part of this city this afternoon while
other sections were only visited by a light
rain. Considerable damage waa done by
the rain and in some place tb street car
track ware so covered with sand that
they had to be dug out.
Norrls A Rowe's circus tent fell during
the heaviest part of the storm and caused
a panic Most cf the audleuo had left
the tent before it fell and no one waa hurt.
Near Buffalo park, In Platte canon, an
other cloudburst occurred and a wall ot
water, said to be ten feet high, rushed
down the river. Two and a halt mllea of
track of the Colorado eV Southern railway
was covered with debris and some wash
outs occurred.' About SCO excursionists are
stalled on the other side of the damaged
tracks and cannot reach Denver tonight
Will Organise Nationally aad Yet
Hold State aad National
TERRE HAUTE, Ind.. A"- a.-Flve
hundred delegate from New York. Pitts
burg, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Hamilton, O.,
Chicago, St Louts. Little Rock, and San
Antonio, Texas, arrived here today to at
tend the annual meeting of the Krleger
bund of North America. The largest de
legation will be here tomorrow.
All the uniformed organisations In Terre
Haute will turn out for the big parade on
Sunday morning, which preceeds an enter
tainment at the fair grounds.
The plan of organization will be similar
to the Grand Army of the Republic, with
arrangement for state and national meet
lugs. Heretofore there has been no cen
tral national organisation
OuaaLa Cannot Expert Eastern Money, bat
Hag Plenty at Heme for Imprmmenta,
Omaha Real Estate Members Ira' to
.Waken Is to Existing- Conditions
' and to Continue Active la
Maalrlpal Affairs.
The "weekly talk" at the regular meeting
last Wednesday of the Omaha Real Estate
exchange was made by N. P. Dodge and
was radically different from the "boom"
and other talks, In a highly complimentary
vein to Omaha, to which the members
of the exchange have recently listened.
Mr. Dodge said in part:
"I have recently returned from a month
in New York and Boston, with which cities
I waa familiar for over ten years. The
east is suffering a financial depression that
Is the main toplo of conversation and con
sideration. They think the situation more
ominous thsn western conditions Justify.
The west ha been prosperous for five
years or more and pouring It money into
eastern depositories. Every western bank
carries a large deposit in New York and
the banks there have loaned the money
for the purchase of Industrial stocks at
unreasonably high prices. These stocks
have dropped to their actual values, or
less, and to cover their holdings people
have had to sacriflce good slocks and
pushed down the market on these to low
values. Although these losses fall only
on speculators, so called, you must re
member 100 men In the east, in all lines of
business, Invest In stock to on that buy
real estate, and hence the loss is heavy
among all classes who had money to Invest.
"The financial depression In the east has
not, and probably will not, affect the pros
perity of the west. Only the crop can do
that. The enormous amount of building
in Boston and New York has been done
by local money, and the time Is past when
trustees, widow and orphan will send
their money west to be Indiscriminately
loaned on outlying additions.
Mast Use Local Money.
"Consequently, Omaha must look to west
ern and local money for Its real estate
Improvements, together with conservative
loan by the large Insurance companies
and similar corporate lenders. Let us
create and foster local confidence and tha
Improvement will result, for tha money Is
here. There la mora money In Omaha
bank and among Its people than ever be
fore in Its history; there are more people
within its limit than ever before and more
work for them to do at higher wages. In
short, Omaha Is sharing the general pros
perity of the country and no amount of
tock speculation or corporate Inflation can
stop It, for our people do not Invest in
them. Our crops alone can bring us re
verses. "Therefore, as one of the new generation,
I wish to protest against the weekly
wall that arises from some of the member
of thla exchange because there I no actual
return of real estate speculation, commonly
known as a "boom." The worst thing
Omaha has ever had happen to her was
the boom of 17 when eastern people wer
Induced to buy and loan money on Omaha
real estate, at Imaginary value. There Is
no more reason for the return of such a
boom in real estate, than a return of the
tulip speculation In France, when many
decade ago tulip were bought and sold
for thousands of dollars, for the peopl
got the Impression that they wer valu
able. There waa no more reason for such
an absurd Idea then than there is now,
and yet, It cost the people thousands oi
dollars to gain a little sense. Let us erase
all tulip values of real estate from our
minds and in buying and selling real
estate, Judge It as of today, with a reason
able expectation of what It will b worth
if Omaha continues to prosper steadily,
a in the past five year.
Foreign Onueriklp Hurtful.
"Lot us remember that Omaha I spread
out over twenty-five mile of territory,
when ten square miles would suffice for It
present population and be better for our
city finance and real estate values. Lot
us make the best of It and fill up our
vacant space by selling at a reasonable
price for horn builder. Let ua use all
our endeavor to sell the foreign owned
houses now going to ruin to people who
buy our homes and by painting and re
pairing them, improve our city. Don't
advise the owner to hold them with the
hope of getting back what they coat on a
boom loan. That hope 1 futile, for be will
lose In the majority of cases. In all the
Omaha Savings bank real estate we lost
over W per cent on what It coat the bank.,
due to bad loans, bad time, and worse
mortage foreclosure laws In this state. Let
us toll the foreign owner to sell out, and
by selling to worklngmen for a home we
will in time have !esa property for sale
and a better looking city.
"I regret to hear some of the member
of thla exchange expressing a desire for
the exchange to get out of civic agitations
and politics. The Real Estate Exchange
could make no greater retrograde move
ment than to follow such advice. If some
of the member wish It to degenerate Into
a ladles' luncheon or sewing circle, I am
certainly not one of thera. This exchange
ho done mure for clvlo reform and good
government in the past two years than
any club or organisation In Omaha, and I
hop it 1 only the beginning.
Work lor tho Exchange.
"The member are engaged In a business
that glvea them more time for such work
than any other aet of men, and what I
till more Important, they are lea amen
able to corporate Influence, direct or indi
rect, alnce they pay no freight. Moreover,
we have among our membership men ot
great public spirit and energy who have
worked like Trojans tor tax and municipal
reform at great personal sacrifice ot time
and money, without any benefit that was
not shared by every property owner in
"There 1 but one Issue In every munici
pal question or campaign honesty and
economy, a against dishonesty and extrav
agance, good government against bad. Let
the Real Estate exchange take an active
interest In every clvlo quaatlon and cam
paign. Let It conduct hearings when fran
chise oc contract are asked for by pub
lic or private corporations and give tha
people the benefit of Its Impartial advice.
Let us have a permanent committee on
municipal affairs and let that committee
begin Its work by seeing that the present
city council repairs the downtown pave
ments, so a stranger coming within our
gates will not be so Jolted he will curs
the place for evermore. This Is the first
work of our exchange, and there Is much
more that awaits It. Make Omaha attrac
tive to Omaha people and they will then
Invest In and Improve Its real estate. We
have the men and the work. Let ua then
accomplish a result, and when tha Real
Estate exchange takes up a clvlo question
let It ahow the people ot Omaha that It I
not a Jovial body that passes weekly reso
lutions on well-filled stomachs and cigars,
but meete here for weekly conference on
municipal affs'rs aud sees no atone un
turned that will make our city prosperous,
attractive and economically governed In
short a city w may boaat of ta any
stranger We may meet."
.Fa!! Term, September I
oyles Coll
New York Life Bldg.
Business Course
bookkeeping, Arithmetic, Correspondence,
Penmanship, business Law, Hanking, Commis
sion, etc., comprising a complete business education.
Shorthand Course
Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Correspond
ence, Punctnatiou, Individual iustruction.Fivc
experienced teachers' are employed in our de
partments of shorthand and typewriting.
Hookkceplng Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic, Grammar, Penmanship, Spelling, Mon
,day, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7 to 0 o'clock beginning September 2.
Apply for catalogue.
H. B. BOYLES, President.
Judga Gray and Pillow Arbitrator An
uouno Demand in Alabama Oais.
lien's Demand far Eight-Hoar Day
and Operator Request that Bm
nleye Be Made ta Warl&
Both Ignored.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Aug. .-Th Board
of Arbitration appointed to aettle certain
matter In controversy between the coal
operator and miner in the Birmingham
district announced its award tonight
The miner' claim coming within the
scope of the arbitration wer decided to be:
(1). That thera ahall be aa Increase of
cents per ton on the minimum and maxi
mum of the existing sliding scale with a
proportionate increase to day men and for
narrow work.
;). An eight-hour day.
3). A semi-monthly payment of wages
and earnings.
Tha operators' claim decided to be within
Hi scope of the arbitration war:
(1) . A readjustment of rat for narrow
(2) . An adjustment ot the differential be
tween machine work and pick work.
(8). The establishment of a minimum
number of days per month In which a
miner shall be required to work.
(4). A readjustment of day wage.
(6;. A readjustment of dliterance of wage
scale between Pratt and other mines.
The award follows:
O) The ratea per ton for mining coal
on the Pratt basis will be as follows: When
the pig iron is selling at K per ton, IVa
cents. When pig Iron Is selling at W per
ton, M cents and 2hk cents for each addi
tional rise of 60 cents. The same pro
portionate increase shall be given on day
U A semi-monthly payment of wages:
From and after October 1, the earnings
of miners and wagea of day men shall ie
paid semi-monthly and such commlaary
checks or credits as the operators may is
sue to their employes shall not be trans
ferable. (3 The total of the maximum price on
the Pratt basis to be paid for work in
headings exclusive of air courses, shall be
$3.71 per yard In lieu ot t2 M per yard, the
present rate. ... ,. ,
() The arbitrator find It Impossible to
arrive at a satisfactory conclusion In re
gard to a differential between pick and ma
chine mining. ...
() Differential between PTatt and other
mines: The differential in the rate for min
ing coal at the Jefferson mine and the Kim
berly mine of the Central Coal company
shall be reduced 2V cents per ton.
(7) On and after September 1, 1903, no
boy under the age of 14 shall be employed
or permitted in the mines by any of the
mine operator who are parties to this
it) When differential for thin coal are
paid they hall not apply to yard price.
OKOKOE 6RAY, Chairman.
Into prison on trumped up charge, and,
according to hi statement when he
eventually got out, he waa ahamafully
Meanwhile the runaway prlnceaa waa
captured and put into a private asylum,
where he could not find her. There h
became the mother of a son, her third
child, which her lawful husband refuses to
acknowledge. The two eloping princesses,
Louise of Coburg and Baxony, can
sympathise in many respect, bealdea hav
ing suffered in the same petty kingdom.
I ie
w3 C
Isissif Daaaatar at the Klsf ot
the Belgians Finally Galas
ilea Release.
(Copyright, 1, by Preaa Publishing Co.)
DRESDEN. Baxony Aug. 41-tNew York
World Cablegram apeclal Telegram.)
Prince: Louise of Coburg, the eldest
daughter of the king of the Belgians, now
much broken in health, has been released
from the Liudenhof private lunatto asylum
near here, where she waa secretly plaoed
five year ago In order to aeparate her i
from her lover, a Hungarian lieutenant ,
named Oesa von Mattachlch.
If she ever was Insane which many doubt
she ha fully recovered her reason and the
government Inspector could not refuse her
request for liberation, although King
Leopold exerted every possible Influence
through the Saxon court to prevent her
But when she waa set free she consented
to leave In the care of attendants, who
came from Belgium, and It Is surmised that
she Is now virtually a prisoner again In
some secluded chateau In the Forest ot
Ardennes, where she ha been taken at
the Inataance of her father, the king. Her
departure from her became known through
her creditors, who apply periodically tor
the payment of their heavy bills, principally
for jewelry.
Princess Louis' life haa been a mis
erable one. Hhe married Prince Philip of
Coburg twenty-elgbt years ago, and after
suffering much, hel friends say, from hi
neglect and cruelty, she finally eluped six
years ago with the Hungarian lieutenant.
Prince Philip &nd Mattachlch fought a
duel over It, in which the prince waa
wounded. Then the lieutenant waa thrust
Fayete-Cole, Osteopath, SOS Paxton block.
All the Omaha camna of tha Wmvtmon
of the World will unite In a grand plonlo I
and log roiling at Krug park Batuidy,
Firemen were called to the rear of the
Calumet restaurant last night to ex
tinguish a small blase reused by some
grease which had been left In one of the
ovens of a range, Igniting. There waa no
Max Rubenstein, 2250 Pleroe street, could
not see why It was necessary for htm to
secure a license to permit him to dispose
of a few goods, consequently he Is now
enjoying an enforced rest in the city jail.
He will explain to Judge Berka Monday
Edward Homan, 420 North Eighteenth
street, grew angry at Nellie McMahon on
North Eleventh street last nlgnt. The
only plan to get even which suggested
Itself to him was to smite her aad he Im
mediately proceeded to put the thought
Into execution. He Is locked up charged
with assault and battery.
YV. 11. Hall and Oeorce Hall, who re
side at 118 South Twelfth street, tried to
settle their difficulties yesterday evening
by engaging in a fistlo ennoumer. They
did not succeed In determining who 1 the
better man on account of the arrival of a
policeman. They are both locked ut,
charged with disturbing the peace by fight
ing. Ootlleb Loercher, residing at Sixteenth
and Clark streets, called at the police sta
tion last night and reported thai he had
been robbed in a resort on Capitol avenue,
belie Hurley, colored, waa locked up
charged with the crime. Loercher identi
fied ner as an Inmate of the house he
visited. Loercher was held as complaining
Minnie Allen, who resides at Sixteenth
and Webster streets, was severely bitten
In the right thigh by a dog belonging to a
neighbor woman last nlarht. Tha two wom
en had some trouble and during a scuttle
which ensued the dog ju nped at the wo nan
and bit her. Police Surgeon Schle ei
dressed the injury. The Injured wo nan .
expressed her Intention ot filing a co nplalnt
Monday against the owner of the dog. ;
Dan Robertson, colored, 1723 Dorois ;
street, went to a saloon In the neighbor
hood of his home to procure a pitcher of
beer for supper yesterday evening, lie
met Dick Rice, also colored. In the saloon,
and he asserts Rice made some lr ul 'n
remarks to him. A fight started In which
Rice pulled a knife. The two men were
separated before any cutting waa done,
and they are now locked up charged with
dlHturblng the peace.
Uhe B ?s of
Vla Rock Island System
City Ticket Offlca
1323 Farnam Stmt, Onuiia, Neb.
F. P, RumrftT., D. P. A.
-Nnmv-feiP w 1 . 1 1,1,1 1 1 111 '
mt Tr
: 1. .... 'i-:. -. iT!
"WIN II Nlll'iWl
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
Home Visitors
Indiana and Ohio
StPT. 1-8-15, OCT. 6
City Offlcagi i
14011403 FARNAM ST.
til. e24-ei
a -- s I
til mechanical department
of a great offlca building la.
The Baa Building la on of the few
in Omaha, which maintain It
own power and lighting plant.
Like everything elae connected
with it service. It la la every
way efficient, which la a great sat
isfaction to the tenant, who hag but to
turn the button for hlg electric light at
any time of the day or night; where
the elevator run without Interruption
and with perfect aafety. . There la ou
additional charge for electric light In
the Bee Building, neither are tha rent
higher because it offer all day, oil sight
and all Sunday elevator erric ta Its
Ooo4 ataed. nleaaaat room.
burglar proof vault, for IlLOe.
This la one f the obolcest
rooms In the building, wlUoh
la vaoaal
It. G. PETERS & CO.,
- stantal Ag-anta.
Ground Floor. Be Bulldln.
sKate Tislnarta).
Fo4 tnanectar.
LRmtHWTI, D. V. S.
as laAraaarf. astik aa4 liaaan Sta,
BeMsVjlB Tet Bfc