2 THE OMAHA DAILY I1EK: SUNDAY, AIM1UST 23. 100.1. .'!r,hrme li-(B. ' " ' ' DURING JCir AND At'OVST WJ To get the most pleasing, and up-to-date effect fn the new style tailored suits, cloths especially woven for these garments should be used. Mannish mixtures, Scotch tweeds and zibelines will be in greatest demand and mixed meltons and cheviots a close, second. Colors will be about equally divided between dark brown, dark blue and dark red. An all wool mixed zibcline 30 Inch ROq per yard. In effect, as rich as the more exppnslre. ' - Better grades at 75c, 11.00, $1JW). $1.73 and $3.00 Mannish mixtures nnl Scotch tweed effects, $1.00 to $2.00 per yard. New fall walntlngs. 7."u and 85c per yard. . New fall- styles 1n metallc velveteen, 75c. . . New boulevard Tehet cord for suits, waists and Jackets, $1.00 per yard. 11 KI lY: M. C. A. Building. Cornet' soon hauled- bsck Into place and then, with Ita three balloon nails setting- Ilka plaster, the stately yacht aped homeward like a frightened deer. v The fleet remained to salute Shamrock as It rounded, and then with a Jingle ot be I la In the engine rooms scampered away 10 be In at the finish. ' In setting its balloon jib Shamrock en countered another piece of bad luck. One of the Stops would not break and the sail hung for some minutes like a limp rag on the stay. When both yachts had been squared away for home It was seen that Reliance was making a runaway race of It. With Its crew aft to keep its head up It skimmed along the surface of the water like a gull with outstretched pinions, leav ing Shamrock further-and further astern. The pace .was So fast that many of the tugs and not a few of the steam yachts were left behind. The scene at the finish was sout stirring. Under Its towering cloud of canvas, roll ing rymthmtcally in the swell, Reliance bounded across the finish line like a queen. The excursion boats gathered there fairly awakened the echoes with the terrific din which they let looae. Then the Immense poncourse waited till Shamrock, majastic. even In defeat, swept by between the stake boats. The recep tion It received was, if anything , more hearty than that accorded to Its success ful rival. Boats Pres-are for Start. ,i A snappy southwest wind .was Wowing when, a few 'minutes after 10, Shamrock III, followed by 'Reliance, reached Sandy Hook lightship. . At 10:30 the regatta com mittee's steamer signalled that the starting line would be shifted and the races post poned beoause a windward course south west would have landed the racer's On the beach off Long Branch. The cup yachts went trailing oft to the eastward for about Ave miles and at 11:10 a starting line wan marked by Navigator and Unique, and the committee's tug signalled a course fifteen "miles to windward and return, r. The wind was Increasing, when at the flash of the starting gun at 11:46 'both yachts luffed across the line. Shamrock III four seconds ahead of Reliance., - ; The official starting , time was: , . . , Shamrock III, 11:45:1?. ' 'Reliance, 11:46 :21. '.' ri Both got away on the starboard tack, carrying three lower sails and clubtopsalls. Reliance also set a baby jib topsail. Then followed the prettiest, closest and hardest fought fifteen mles thresh to windward .that has ever been witnessed In those hln torlo waters. all Neck to Neesx.: For nearly half an hour the boats held on one' tack and during all that time the most acuta observer could not detect that their relative positions had varied more than half the length of either of them. Shamrock III held the lead under the lee bow. of Reliance, but could not add an inch to it. Neither could Reliance, although In the weather position, get past the leader. If Captain ' Wrings luffed Captain. Barr luffed also, and one seemed to' be as good aa the other at this trick. If Captain Wring gave his craft a hard full and tried to' run away from Reliance Captain Barr eased the American boat a bit and went after him. Boats and skippers were evenly matched. ' " ' Just about an hour after the start, when the yachts had' oovered nearly half the distance to the' outer mark, opportunity was afforded to note how closa the con test feally was. Reliance and Shamrock III wars approaching each other, with the former on the starboard tack and having the right-of-way. ' As they neared it was a question which was loading. Shamrock III was forced to go about to avoid a col lision. One hour's work bad given neither the advantage. They held that tack for twenty minutes, when Shamrock III sud denly' went about and Reliance followed suit, only to see Shamrock III return to Its former couree. Plainly it was Captain Wrings' trick to shake off the' defender, which must have been threatening to blanket the British boat Aa soon as Boys' and Girl's Wc never expect to have another fire sale, grasp the opportunity now f i Specials for Monday Boys' Felt Hats fine fur (alt hats suitable for ftQr boys' up to 11 years, -1 quality. Vv Boys' Wash Suits Ages H to 10 years. A few dozen In Russian and Sailor styles, worth from 61.60 to R. fS()r while they last at too. kSK and." w Hoys Woolen Suits Ages tVt to 16 years. In all the new styles and materials. LOT 1 Suit worth 6&60, not the klud that is usually sold 'rojnd town tor 11160. but actually worth f 73 Ji5o-th go at Is JO LOT I Suits that are rather out of the rlasa carried by the ordinary clulhlng and dry goods stores, re.il Intrinsic value to parents gauged by our standard 15) O sale prU-e LOT 6 In this lot are line nove'tle that sold for $0 6o. WjO and 7.6 your buy will look fine In 1 QS one, choice Get th boys and (iris BIX90M Do Not :B. August , OS. CLOSE SATUflDATS AT 1 P. M. Fall Fashions in Dress Goods mmm lWe-m fsOt I Sixteenth and DougWSt Shamrock III got clear of Reliance It laid a parallel course. The wind began to mod erate a bit and wise observers asserted that Reliance had half a minute's ad vantage Wind. Favors Defender. When Cbth yachts were about a quarter of a mile apart and a mile and a half from the turning mark Reliance was ahead, but considerably tq leeward of Shamrock III. They, were southwest of the . mark and heading toward the Jersey coast, when the wind Suddenly shifted from south-southwest .to south by southwest, three points. This placed Reliance In a windward posi tion. It was. clear1 luck and gave the de lender distinct advantage. Shamrock III held on Its course toward the Jersey coast and Reliance crossed Its bow a quarter of a mile to the windward. Both theft made short hitches to the turning mark, and when Reliance rounded It, three min utes and twenty seconds In advance of the ohallenger,' the whistles of the fleet ac knowledged Ita luck and its lead. This, with the four seconds, loss at the start, gave Reliance three minutes and twenty four seconds clear gain. Once around the mark, Reliance broke out Its balloon Jib topsail, Swung out its spin naker polo and broke out Its spinnaker for a run dead before the wind to the finish. Whether its spinnaker sheet parted or slipped from its fastening, or the boom lifted, was not clear, but the pole swung ahead high In the' air and the blg sail hung In looae folds across Its Jib topsail stay. For a minute it-looked as though it were in serious dlfilculty, but the pole was hauled aft to its proper position and the spinnaker began to do its work. ' Shamrock Ronads Mark. Reliance was three-fourths of a mile away when Shamrock III turned the mark and broke out its balloon Jib topsail. The upper part ot It refused to break out and slill hung in stops, but only for a few minutes. As. with Reliance, Ita spinnaker, too, swung across Its Jib topsail stay and hung empty of wind for a minute or more. When it was sheeted back Into position there was a good aised rip In the leach of it near the masthead and during all the run home It bellied out loosely aa though Captain Wrings was not filling It for fear he might' lose It altogether. During all the fifteen-mile' run which the yachts covered at a twelve-knot clip Reliance steadily and persistently crawled away from the now hopelessly beaten challenger. The smoke of the skurrylng fleet almost hid them from the shore as Reliance swept across the line and into a long lane of the faster boats which had got there in tltne to see the finish and to acknowledge Its victory. Eight minutes and thirty-six sec onds later the plucky challenger followed It across the line and received the saluto ot the entire fleet. The summary (official): StSrt. Turn. Finish. Bl'd. Reliance 11:46:21 1:55:10 3:17:38 8:82:17 Shamrock III. .11:46:17 1:6S:30 3:26:34 1:41:17 Olvlng Shamrock III an allowance of one tntnute, fifty-seven seconds, according . to the measurement, acknowledged to have been incorrect. Reliance would have beaten it by seven minutes, , thirty-nine seconds. The net result of the race shows that barring the fluke Shamrock III held Ita own In the windward work and had been beaten more than Ava and one-half min utes to leeward. It is expected the next raoa will be sailed on Tuesday Shamrock to Bo Remeasarod. 8hamrock will be remeasured In Erie basin Monday morning, In the presence of a representative of Reliance. Lewis Cass Ledyard, chairman of the racing commit tee of the New Tort Tach club, notified Bharman Crawford, vice commodore of the Royal Ulster Tacht squadron, to that ef-' feet in the following telegram; Mr. laelln reports that' you Informed him Just before starting on yesterday's race that Shamrock III when measured did not have the anchor and ca'ole on board before starting. Tou reported It 110 to the regatta committee. This, if true, would require a new measurement under the agreement before starting another i-ere. 1 appreciate that It would be Im possible now for you to procure a measure ment before starting tomorrow, and under- Wear Fire Sale Baby Bonnets A large assortment In silk and 9Sr wash goods, choice sSOW f Boys and Girl's Hose Fast black hose, 30o value' 2C GiiTs Wash Dresses Your last chance to buy dresses for large or small girls at such prices. Urrssrs worth two and three times our fire sate prices aic, toe, )C, Crc, tuc. and OC Girl's Hats A big assortment of cloth and felt hsu and a few chiffon hats, worth - mree um our sate price 25c soa, cue, wo ana Baby Shoes Dainty little shoes In tan, bUck f)r or white, Sk- values, go at IVW ready for school now. TWO WITT'S tref stand thst the regatta committee has re quested that Shamrock HI be remeimured on Monday. Vnder the circumstances, knowing that the error arose from an ovxrlght, cur com mittee Is willing thst your boat shsll stnrt tomorrow, but permit the measurement to be taken net Monrlsy. The vessel, on such measurement. Is to be exactly in the same trim as when sailing Saturday, whlrh fact will be estnhllslied by your own state ment. UK WIS CASS LEDXAHb. Mr. CrawfordVa answer was: Thanks for the telegram. We were meas ured without finchor or chain on board during the first race, and we find thry are required by the rules. We piopose, with our permission, to sail tomorrow with the same trim as measurement, and then carry out your wishes by romeasurlng on Monday with anchor and chain aboard. If your committee he snv more sugges tlons we will meet them with pleasure. CRAWFORD. ' Oreralsjht, Bays Mptoa.- C. D. Mower, the official measurer ot the New York Yacht cluo, notllled Mr.' Craw ford this morning that he would measure the yacht at' Erie basin' with a representa tive of Reliance en board. Nobody on board either yacht would discuss the meas urement of Shamrock with Its anchor and chain aboard. Sir Thomas Lipton said:. It was all an oversight and the yacht club representatives were only nindn cog nizant of our IVInK measure! without them when we told them. Neither their representatives nor ours presnt at the measuring noticed the error at the time. It won't make any difference. May Make Some Difference. When Shamrock III was first measured the .hatches had to be removed and two lightweight men substituted for two heavier ones In the crew, to keep the water line Inside of ninety feet. This trought It up to 89.81 feet. The anchor and chain weigh as much as two men and it Is. thought that when the yacht Is remeasured there will be some difficulty ' In getting Inside tba water line maximum. Llptoa Comes l Smiling. Erin steamed Into Its haven at Sandy Hook after the race With the American flag flying at the main mast and another at Its bow, a tribute to the winner. Sir Thomas Upton said with a smile: "We Were beaten fairly and squarely. It was splendid weather and Shamrock did not do as, well as I had expected In the race to windward and return. I appreciate the splendid manner in which my boat was handled. Reliance is a wonderful yacht. My confidence in Shamrock, how ever is not shaken and I hope it will yet make a much better showing." C. Oliver Iselln went to New York as soon as the race was over and could not be seen. Captain Barr said: "My boat did Jmt what I expected, but it can do even belter, I think." LONDON, Aug. 22. The result of the race between Reliance and Shamrock III. was a distinct disappointment to all Britishers In London, whose hopes, dashed by Thursday's failure, rose again during tho first half of today's contest. Only at the hotels, which are frequented by Ameri cans was there any evidence of enthusiasm over the result. The announcement of the defender's victory was made known to the London public by colored bombs and bal loons, and In the extra editions of the newspapers, and It was conceded every where that Sir Thomas will not lift the cup this year. " Clyde Sailors Disappointed. GLASGOW, Aug. 22. Clyde yachtsmen have little to say concerning the defeat of Shamrock III. by Reliance, though they are unable to conceal their bitter disap pointment. They had confidently ex pected to triumph In such weather and under such conditions as prevailed today. Belfast Wot Surprised. BELFAST, Aug. C Tho defeat ' of Shamrock III. has caused the keenest dis appointment In Belfast and in the numer ous yachting resorts In this vicinity. Yachtsmen anxiously awaited the 1 an nouncement of the result, though the possi ble defeat of the challenger was early con DEDICATING THE DECATUR Aa Inntaii Throne Pay "Their Re spects on Opening; Day Yesterday. It was a gentlemanly opening and lady like, too, for that matter. There, were S.000 nickel matchsafes, bound In celluloid, beautiful affairs, given away to tip gentlemen who called, and 2,500 American beauty roses were handed ' put during the day, one to each lady. ' That is sufficient evidence ot the Immense crowds who visited the opening of the De catur, the new' shoe store at 1521' Farnam street, yesterday. Business men on the way down town early in the morning tried the door before o'clock, and immediately upon opening the door the rush began. Eeveryone seemed to vie with the other to see who could do the Decatur and Frank Wilcox, the manager, the moat honor. Indeed, It la a atore worth visiting. The front presents a handsome appearance In mahogany effect, and the window trimmers succeeded in making a fine display ot De catur shoes In both windows. What Is so attractive, after all. as a brand new, shoe In a brand new store? Inside the store, Is finished In mahogany, relieved with green trimmings on the walla and celling, and the floor la covered with a, beautiful pat tern of linoleum. So Inviting and restful Is the appearance of the store that it was often remarked during the course ef the day that at last some one had shown a willingness to pay a little attention to that tired feeling, for which 'men are not often given credit. It la a most comfortable place to go to have a ahoe fitted, and It's for men only. In this connection. It may be Just sa well to state that Mr. Wilcox, the manager, who Is too well known In Omaha and this vicinity to need any eulogy, has gathered about him a corps of men noted for their capabilities as experts In fitting shoes to the feet of men, rather than as experts In suiting shoes, the selling part being left to the shoe Itself, which sells at $3.60 and $5, the 93.60 shoe being one equal to those usually sold at $6. and tho 15 shoe being equivalent to "made to order" shoes. Mr. Bert Cook, s wa announced In last Sunday's paper, has tsken an important po sit Ion with the Decatur Shoe company, and he shared with the proprietors yesterday the many congratulations showered upon them. , Mr. A. L. Beegle, one of the firm, wit rinseed the siege and was highly elated over the reception given Mr. Wilcox and the new store, by not only the best men In town, but by at least i.EOO ladles, repre senting the very bat class of Omaha cltl tens Oellenbeck's bsnd discoursed sweet music from banjos, mandolins and guitars during the course of the day and evening. Mr. Decatur, after whom the Decatur shoe ts named, has been manufacturing this rnoe for a great many years, and feels that he hns the msklna- of it down to a system) at any rate, those who have seen. It and Tom It pronounce It one of the beet In the world end purcsswrs of the shoe at the Omaha store have the distinct advantage it buying It direct from the maker to the "tirer. There was but one hitch dining the whole .-nentng. end that occurred st T p. m when the aonvenlrs save out. But a siipple--ne-.tsrr shipment has been wired for and n two weeks time those who were d'sap "otnted last night will have in opportunity e seeure one In remembrance of probahly he meet eoneplmone opening Omaha shoe mea oaa rtnieiiiber. BINDERS ATTACK MILLER Union Deo' ares Government Employe Claims Apprenticeihip Kerer Eerrei MARITAL IRREGULARITIES ALSO NOTED Men's Organisation Says Accused Man Was Well and Traly Tried and roeael WeatlnaT by Ilia Peers. WASHINGTON, Aug. 22.-The book binders' union of this city today gave out an authorised statement regarding the controvetay with W. A. Miller, assistant forman of the bookbindery of the govern ment printing office. The bookbinders claim that when Miller first entered the service he made misrep resentation to the effect that he had served a full apprenticeship which )ie had pot done and they repeat the charges of merltal Irregularities, They explain at length the grounds for Miller's expulsion from - the union which they say was due to his making misrepre sentations to congress regarding the work done at the government printing office with a view to securing a reduction of the binders' pay. On this point they say: He was granted a fair and Impartial trial by his peers. He was given every right and prlvllea-e accorded by the constitution he had obligated himself to conform to and support. During the progese, of the trial the evidence that he had outrageously vio lated his obligations was so convincing and overwhelming that he wss denounced as unfit for membership in an organization composed of self respecting men and they expelled him therefrom. They also deny as untrue the claim made by Miller that he has Increased the out put ot his division at reduced cost. Bridge Company Asks Time. The St. Louis Merchants Bridge com pany has asked an extension of time In which to reply to the demand made by Secretary Root to show cause why the bridge should not be forfeited to the government of the United States. The secretary sent the demand to the bridge company on August 4, giving them until September 15, to make answer, the claim being that the bridge had become forfeited because the law under which It was built had not been compiled with by keeping It a separate and distinct bridge and free ft'om consolidation or working agreement with other bridges. J. E. McKeigan, an attorney of the company today filed at the War department a paper requiring an extension of time until December 1, when the company's counsel, John H. Overall, who Is now at Carlsbad, will have re turned. -' ' SALISBURY IS DEAD (Continued from First Page.) years the wife of his father, and during the latter part of this time the Intimate friend of a much younger man, the present earl of Derby. It was universally supposed that she would become Lady Derby as soon as her year of widowhood was over, but it was not until the death of Lord Derby's father and his own accession to the peer age that the marriage took place. It was, of course, extremely distasteful to the Sallsburys, but there was no open opposi tion, for there were grown and growing children of the new Lady Derby by the former Lord Salisbury, half brothers and sinters of the present peer, and for their sake he was silent. Association with Derby. After awhile they became .even closer by political relationship than by mar riage, for both. husbands were tories, and In 1874, when Disraeli returned to power as the acknowledged head of the party, both men entered the cabinet. At first Lord Derby was more prominent; he was even spoken of as a possible premier, but ha waived his pretensions and took office under Disraeli as secretary of foreign af fairs. Salisbury, however, had not for gotten his old quarrel with Disraeli, and held aloof for awhile. He had, Indeed, characterized the apoMacy of the shrewd politician in the hardest terms, and was very unwilling to become his subordinate. But It was found Impossible to form a tory cabinet without the heir of Hatfield. And now came in play the wifely influ ence. Lady Salisbury waa very ambitious for her husband and perceived his oppor tunity. But Salisbury was difficult and unyielding. His whole character, Indeed, la full of determination, not naturally pli ant or diplomatic In any way,. and the lo ries became anxious; their ret urn to power was at stake. Finally the Duchess of Marlborough, the present dowager, a great political woman herself, a tory of the tories, appealed to Lady Salisbury at the Instance of several statesmen, and besought her to Induce Lord Salisbury to consent. Whether the duchess touched the feminine heart, or , STRANDED FOUR DAYS YoaasT Canadian Robinson Crasoes. A couple of young Canadians had an acci dent to their canoe and were left upon i small uninhabited Island for four days be fore help came, during which time they had nothing to eat but a couple of packages of Grape-Nuts. In telling the story one of them says: "There was quite a party of us, and we prepared to apend a Jolly time hunting in Muskoka. I provisioned tho party and among other supplies laid In a stock of Grape-Nuts food of which I am very fond. 'One day we .left camp to paddle to the nearest - steamer landing 12 miles away. Just as wa pushed off, one of our com panions threw Into the canoe two-packages of Grape-Nuts and a can of condensed milk saying. Leava these at Verne's with our compliments, they were wishing they had some yesterday.' We had gone about half the distance when It began to blow, the Lake becoming very rough, ao'we turned our frail boat toward a small Island and paddled, with all our might td gain this shelter. Heavy rain began to fall and we drove the boat ashore with more haste than caution and in doing so struck a sunken log and tore a large hole in the light canoe. We scrambled ashore and hauled the boat up after us and a nice plight we were In "We were on a small island of about a quarter of an acre and out of the track of steamers; a hole a foot long In our boat with neither tools nor materials tq repair It; no shelter except some big trees and jur csnoe and no food except tba Grape-Nuts and milk. s "For four long dreary days we waited and hoped for help and finally our friends missed us and organised a search party and found us on the bare little Island. "Aa we had no fishing tackle we could not fish and not having a fire we could not cook. But we had three meals day on LOrare-Nnts and condensed mlik and when rescued we were none the worse for our experience. Thanks to the Grnpe-Nuts on which we had lived and kept In good health for four days. "After this adventure I never drive a canoe to shore In a hurry and I never go on a hunting trip without a supply ?t the ready rooked ready-to-eat and always ac ceptable food Grape-Nuts. Names given by. Postuna Co., Battle Creek, Mkt, . f whether Lady Salisbury was convinced by m the arguments of her friend, certain It Is that her Influence was thrown Into the tcry scale. Lord Salisbury surrendered and became a member of Disraeli's cabi net, whom he had criticised and ridiculed for years. Becomes Foreign Secretary. He probably was never sorry for taking this atep, for In 1S7S another division oc curred In the tory government. It was during the Tureo-Russlan war. Disraeli had become Lord Bcaconsncld, and Initi ated a foreign policy which excited great dissensions. Many ot his own party dis agreed with the chief, among these at first both Salisbury and Derby. llut Lady Salisbury again saw Into her husband's future, and as Lord Derby remained firm in his opposition, she persuaded Salisbury to recant. This gave Salisbury the posi tion and the Influence In the cabinet which Derby was abandoning. Finally a tre mendous exp'.oslon came; Lord Derby left the government at the crisis of the eastern war, and Lord Salisbury took his piece us foreign secretary. From that time he up held tho same policy which he had before obstructed and opposed. The change of front was absolute, and ao waa his re ward. Derby divulged to some extent his reasons for leaving the cabinet, and then occurred one of the most dramatic scenes that of lata years has enlivened the rather prosy ses sions of the Housa of Lords. The noble Kinsmen contradicted each other on the floor of the august assembly, and Salisbury used the prohibited word when he gave the other the lie. He declared that Derby had betrayed cabinet secrets and represented facts to foreign governments without au thority. Then, growing furious,' he com pared the man who had married his fath er's widow, the bearer of one of England's historic names, with the most Infamous character In English history, and ss he mentioned Titus Oates In the same breath with' Derby a shudder passed over the aris tocratic audience. Sells Principle for rower. In all this crisis Lady Salisbury was cred ited In high English circles with exerting great Influence over her husband's octlOns. She pointed to the prise w hlch Disraeli con trolled and Salisbury fell. He did exactly what he had attacked Disraeli for doing years before; he gave up his avowed prin ciples for the sake of. power. The family feud at once broke out anew. After the language which Lord Salisbury had used in the House of Lords, .the two noblemer. of course could not speak, and the noblewomen took up the quarrel. But the Sallsburys reaped the harvest for which they had labored. Lord Salisbury refurn ished and almost rebuilt a great London house, and as foreign secretary assumed the position Lord Derby had left. Lady Beaconsfleld long was dead, and Lady Sal isbury at once became the most prominent woman In the government, often welcoming sovereigns as her guests. Lord Salisbury was never a good friend to America. He uttered very hateful, or, as the English say, very "nasty" things dur ing the debates on the Geneva arbitration, although his chief, Disraeli, was generous both to America and to Gladstone. But Salisbury Is high-tempered and bitter, and after he entered upon his title and estates became the representative tory of the realm hating democracy whether at home or abroad. At this time Lady Salisbury refused to conform to tho etiquette always observed at the English court, and present American ladies to her rriajesty when there was no American minister's wife to perform that office. Mr. Welsh, our representative at that time, was a widower, with only an unmarried daughter to preside over his household, and the queen had laid down the rule that the unmarried daughters of a minister 'could not make presentations. In consequence, Lady Derby or any other wife of a foreign secretary had always pre sented American ladles at the request of the minister. After Lord Salisbury became foreign secretary the minister, as usual, sent In to Lady Salisbury the names Qf the American women whom he begged her to present; but the British peeress replied that she would consent In this Instance as a favor to Mr. Welsh, but she did not mean to hold herself obliged to present all Arrar lean ladles who might be recommended by him. Mr. Welsh was of Quaker blood, and swallowed the Indignity, but there have been wars for lesser causes. The refusal on account of nationality waa unprece dented. "The minister, however did not re port the circumstance to the government. and prohibited his subordinates from men tioning it, or Mr. Hayes would probably have resented the Insult, either by refus ing to receive British Subjects at Wash ington or possibly by withdrawing Mr. Welsh altogether from London. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Many Karat Carriers Appolated for Iowa and Some New Routes Established. WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (Special Tele gram.) These rural carriers were ap pointed today: Nebraska Liberty, regular, Henry L. Yother; substitute, Lewis Vnsey. ' Iowa Carson, regular James McSweeneyj substitute, Leon D. McSweeney. Centre vllle, regular, George D. Cate; substitute, Robert J. Rowse. Dyersvllle, regular, Fred J. Keen; substitute, Albert Keen. Hawkeys, regular, George M. Jones; substitute. Clara B. Johes. KnoXville, regular, William C. Ruckmkn; substitute, Z. A. Ruckman. Manchester, regular. John E. Crocker; substitute, Mrs. Nettle M. Crocker. Mon-J trose, regular, Roy v. Allison, jrrank k. Kerr; substitute, Clarence Reed, Ed H. Kerr. Ossian, regular, It Nessct; substi tute, John Nesset. Panora, regular, John M. Lobdell; substitute, Luoy Lobdell. Pleasanton, regular, T. Loving; substitute, B. J. Loving. Tlngley, regular, F. B. Reffner; substitute, J. Reffner. Wiota, reg ular, J. W. Brooks; substitute. Bertha B. Brooks. The following Iowa rural routes will be established October 1: Altamont, Clinton county, one route, area covered, twenty three and one-half square miles; popula tion,. 490.' Laureps, Ppcahontas county, one additional, area, thirty-six square miles: population. 490. . Leon, Decatur Lounty, one additional, area eighteen square miles; population, MS. M ixweu, niory county, one additional, area, nineteen square miles; population, 445. MUo, War ren county, one additional, area sixteen square miles: population, 461. MILK POISONS CHILDREN Dearer Hraltb Department Will Pro ceed Atrnlast Dairymen I'slnar Preserve! Ires. - DENVER, Aug. 22 The health depart ment announced today that complaints are being prepared against dairymen who have been dispensing mlk treated with poisonous preservatives. It is alleged thst In the lsst four days nineteen Infants have died from dlsesse traced to milk pre served with formaldehyde. The record of the health department show that only thirty-eight deaths of ihlldren under two years of age wre re Sorted last year, while this year seventy five have already been reported. Congressman la 1'nipll. Congressman Washington Gardner of Michigan, lrothr of Mrs. iitirrlson Ithoden. North T wan ty-fourth street, will speml eitpt-cted to puek from the pulpit ot f f. wurd Street ileitioJist church In 't lit J cveuliig. rr nn rr?. n d n n W m liii m lid fcl u "iki1"1 -siBi-1. ..:.!.,'.&, 'living la..,,,,!,., ni'.tf'iTiin'T1"1"",!1!1",1 waa The largest three weeks' business In the history of our store. We will make the last week A Record Breaker. We are offering close cash buyers an opportunity to save 25 per cent from the lowest' cash price ever made In the city Qn Furniture, Rugs and Curtains. Monday Morning, 8 to 10, We will sell $2.C0 Golden quartered oak and mahogany finish taborettes for $1.00. Monday Morning, 10 to 12 For Two Hours Only, f 10.00 PIANO. FINISH ROCKERS FOll $4.00. These goods will be sold only between the hours advertised. Furniture Bargains to be Found Monday. 1105.00 Solid Mahogany Parlor Suit upholstered in satin damask with margutry work backs, $G5.00. I $75.00 genuine leather three-piece suit, tufted back, plain seat, beautiful carving, $47.50. $50.00 Solid Mahogany arm chair, upholstered in stripe velour, $32.50. $38.00 Solid Oak davenport, upholstered in best quality velour, plain, $23.00. $25.00 Solid Mahogany corner or window seat, upholstered seat, inlaid back, $17.50. $22.00 round extension table, ' solid quartered oak with 48x48 top, pedestal center, $18.00. . . $20.00 quartered oak -swell-front "china .cabinet $15.00..:",w! $20.00 solid oak surpentine front, one drawer lined, bevel 'plate mirror, $13.50. , $18.00 couch with roll spring edge, plain center, covered in cut velour, $12.75. : $9.50 sanitary davenport with national spring, $6.50. i $7.00 sanitary couches with both sides drop and well braced, best national spring, $5.50. . $1.50 solid oak, cane seat, brace arm dining chair, 95c. Choice of ten different iron beds, in different finishes, woiVu $8.00 to $10.00, for $5.00.. Curtains and Rugs. - The Last Week. For three weeks we have sold room size rugs at a saving of 33 per cent. You pay us $15.00 for rugs you cannot buy for less than $22.50. You pay us $25.00 for room sir rugs you cannot duplicate for less than $35.00. You pay us $32.75 for the best Wilton rug made, size 9x12; you cannot duplicate this rug for less than $10.00. We Will Sell Monday Biglow, Axminster and Lowell Body Brussel Rugs, worth $35.00, for $25.00. 36x72 Biglow Axminster Rugs, the rug advertised by all houses, as a leader, at $5,00," On Sale SZf Monday, at M.V7 Curtains oppor?uit Our entire. line of lace curtains, Including all i.. novelties shown this season In Battenberg, Irish Point, Cluny, Arab and Brussels curtains, ON SALE ONE DAY, At a Special Discount of 33 Per Cent. Think of buying new up-to-date CURTAINS AT A DIS COUNT OF 33 PER CENT. ' RAP o) Jll 3m n re FURNITURE GO. 1315-17-19 Farnam St.