Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18

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bale: ties.
OMAHA Hay Bale Tit Co.,
U North lth.
R. RT'MBKIj ft
Hut. Try u.
BON. only tie factory In
14th ft Nichols Sts. Tel.
14 PS
brass rot.iDnt.
BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat
ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41
N. Main HI., Council Bluffs.
AUt. kind of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attrnaco. 10. i.
nril f,l streets.
MORAND 8. Crelghton hM; private lessons
aaily; waits and two-step, 6. Tel. lwl.
CAPT COHMACK. S17 Karbach block. Tel.
A - 7VTI. 751
IN famine.
Miss Sturdy, 624 N 20th.
464 814X
O. B
RATHBUN, room It, Com'l Nat Bank
JIEH8 ft BWOBODA, 1416 Fornam. 753
1 HENDERSON, florist, 11 Farnam BL
OMAHA PIRATING CO., Be Bid. Tel. 253
cesspools and vault, remove garbage
anrf A.A animals at reduced price. -l
N. Tel. 1T7!.
P. Melcholr, 13th ft Howard
C. R. HEFL.1N. 309 N. 10th st.
Cut price on Key this month,
Tel. 974.
-M432 S13
BTI1XMAN ft PIUCB. 23 U. 8. Nat. Bk. Md.
NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO., lt floor N. T.
Life Bldg., attorney and collector every
J. M. MACFARLAND, 819 N. Y. L. Bldg,
M 767 nepa
UMBRELIA, with stag handle bearing
owner name. Return to F. E. Colby. 21S
8. ltflh t., and receive lo. rxst M
LOST In Rlvervlew park, imall red bill
book containing 118 and papers. Return
to Her Grand and recolve reward.
Lost 738 32x
LOST, ladles' gold watch with fob; Initial
in Old Hingiiaii on eacn. neiurn u rvu
Patrick store; reward. ist 1 ax
T.OHT. near 29th and Mason sts.. nurse con
talnlna- bills and silver, house key and
rant recelDts bearina- name of Mrs. I. A
Brayton. Return to 2313 G St., South
Omaha, and receive reward..
IXST, small sliver watch with leather
chain at 24 N. 20th. Reward for return
of same. Lost 860 23
LIQUOR HABIT cured in three day. Pay
when cured. No hypodermic. Writ for
circular. Gatlln Institute, 222 S. 14th.
Ou .-k Cure for weak men. Acts imme
diately. "It doe the business." Sample
KHKU. Kraigco, Chemist Dept. 71. Ml
waukee, Wis. 790 23x
LADIES, our harmless remedy relieve
1 without fall delayed or suppressed men
" struatlon. For tree trial address Pari
Chemical Co., Milwaukee, wis.
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and children; 30 year practice.
, umce, Li'iK cumin, Mesioeiice telephone,
lf-iiW, omce, a-it.
DR. PRIES, German graduate, renowned
for hi skin and experience in confine
ments; cuivs sterility, long standing tils
ease of uterus and ovaries, cure painful
profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru
atlon, from any cause, recent or of loni
standing. Ladles who have suffered fo
years, hopeless and dejected, can bo cured
witnout operation or tne nospitai. it a
personal Interview is Impossible state your
case fully, Inclose stamp and answer and
advice will promptly be given. Address
K. F. Pries. M. D.. Iul3 Dodge at, Omaha,
BISTERS IN DESPAIR: If In need write
me for remedy which relieved me of oh
stinate suppression In rive hours. Mrs,
A. Green, 130 Dearborn St., Chicago.
& CO.
Manage Estates and Other Properties
Act as
and fiscal agents of
1320 Farnam. St. Tel. 1064.
rtlO MASlFACTiniflO.
OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. TeL 2M8.
22. Farnam.
Gonnella ft Bro.
M 678 Sepl6x
OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611V Farn.
Tels. 1S59-SS2.
CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430
Ramg 111)1
REPAIR WORKS. S01 Farnam. Tel. M81.
M4&4 14
GATE C1TT Upholstering Co.. woven wire
springs tightened. Tel. B-W.a. liut tit.
Mary's Ave. 7&6
G. B. KOCH. 24th and Maple.
Tel. 1-1941.
83S BS
CUT RATE' railroad tickets everywhere.
P. H. Fhllbln, U06 Farnam. 'Phone 74.
MONEY to build house on 11,000 lot In good
location. Address L 51, Bee. 939 23:
A. 0. Oho, A. M., LL. B., Pres., Omaha,
Piio. A. J. Low Br. Trine.
tlankand hnlnit, m,n.
$10,000 In Jtoll Top Isks, Bank Fixtures and
60 Typewriters. Students can work for board,
flend for free catalogue, bound In alligator,
finest ever published bv a Business College,
Bead It and you will attend the M. B. C.
Endorsed b First Nat'l
Notice is herebv riven that M,l will
be received by the Bonrd of Education at
lecumsen, Mebraska, until 8 o clock p. m,
of the 7th day of September, 1903. at the
office of the secretary, E. H. Grist, for the
labor and material to build a school hullrt.
Ing In the city of Tecumseh In accordance
with drawings and specifications for the
same furnished by K. w. Grant, architect
and superintendent, Beatrice, Neb. Bids
will be received for the entire bulldinc
also separate bid will be received for the
steam fittings.
All bids must be made on bidding sheet
furnished by the architect, which bidding
mircis ran ue naa Dy applying to ti. n
unat, secretary of the board.
The Board of Education reserves the
ngnt to reject any or all bid.
TJalon Paclfle.
..a 0:40 am
a 9:60 nm
a 1:26 pra
LADIES! Chichester' English Pennyroyal
Pill are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no
ether. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars,
"Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Cnemlcal Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Overland Limited .
The Fast Mail
California Express a 4:20 pm
Paclflo Express all:30 Dm
Eastern Express a 6:1W pm
The Atlantic Express... a 7:30 am
The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am a 3:40 am
Chicago Special a 1:40 am
Lincoln, iseatnco ana
Stromaburg Express. ,b 4:00 pm bl2:M pm
North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:16 pm
Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:36 am
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paal.
Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:lS pm
Chicago Fast Express. .a 6.45 pm a 3:40 pm
Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am
Dea Moines Express.... a 7:45 am a 1:40 pm
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 5:10 pm
Chicago, Minneapolis ft
St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 1:06 am
Minneapolis ft St. Paul
Express b 7:36 am bl0:36 pm
viui-.uKa Aucai ih; am
Chicago Express 10;35 am
Chlcaa-o Jt Northwestern.
'The Northwestern Line.
Fast Chlcasa
Local Sioux C.ty....
Daylight St. Paul..
Daylight Chicago ..
Local Chlcaao
Local Cedar Rapid.
OMAHA College of Muslo and Dramatic
Art, 623 N. 2uth St., (Dodge St car). Ex
aminations for twenty free and partial
scholarships In all subject S,;pt. 23 and
24, at the college; practice room with
planus for students, tor particulars apply
V. M. Wright, L. U C. M., director.
THOS. J. K SILLY, voice. Davldg
WANTED Boy with good voices for Trin
ity latnearoi cnoir (preparatory
Anply F. H. Wrlaht.
organlitt and -choir
WANTED, a lady violinist for school work;
must be good player and teacher. Address
L 39, Bee.
4 23
The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2351,
Atxen ft Farwell. Paxton 111., l-7.
T. 1366.
DBS. FINCH ft MILLER. 114 8. 15th St
Tel. 2&S.
E33 N.
Y. Life.
GID. E ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths
Bull 61i, New York Life Bldg. Tel. 161.
for horses. Theo.
70s 8 1 kx
XI. J. COWOILL No fee unless successful
tiii S. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 17a. 7fcJ
PATENTS Sues ft Co., Omaha. Neb. II
lustrated, patent book free. Tel. l.,:3.
M-4.0 N15
EAGLE Loan Offlce. reliable, ircnmnodat
lug, U business cuntldential. Uul Douglaa
team and gaa fitters; JotMug neatly done;
all orders prompuy lei. -ti
Uu6 Leavenworth.
Jf.l M-- i-ANT'S ohooi. TXT N,
T. Life.
. 77
In ft aaorthana College. BoJ v
.a 3:4o am a 7:00 am
..a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am
..a 6:10 am a 8:30 pm
..a 7:36 am al0:26 pm
..a 8:00 am all :10 pm
..all :30 am a 6:10 pra
d.iu pm
Limited Chicago a 8:16 pm a 8:15 am
Lxcai carroii a w pm a 8:60 am
Fast Chicago .a o:nj pra
Fast St. Paul a 1:10 pm
Fast Mall
Local Sioux City b 4:(0 pm
Norfolk ft Boneateel....a 7:26 am
Lincoln ft Long Plne....b 7:26 nm
Missouri Paclfle.
St. Louis Express al0:00 am
K. C. ft St. L- Ex al0:60 pm
Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 m
Calcase, Rock IslauU PaclQe.
Ckleaso ft Northwester.
a 3:46 pm
a 8:16 am
a 2:40 pm
b :50 am
a10:36 am
bl0:36 am
a 8:25 pm
a 8:15 am
al:40 pm
a 1:50 am
a 8:35 pm
a 6:36 pm
bll:50 am
a 1:15 pm
Chicago Daylight L t d a 1:66 am
Chicago Da) light Local. a 7:00 am
Chicago Exprea Oil:: am
Les Moines express a 4:au pm
Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:36 pm
Rocky Mountain L't'J...a 7:30 am a 7:26 am
Lincoln, Colo. Springs,
Denver, Pueblo ana
West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 Dm
Colo., Texas, Cal. and
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 5:55 pm a 1:20 am
St. Louis Local, Coun
cil Bluff :-a 8:15 am a 10:30 pm
Chicago ft Northwester, Nebraska
and Wyoming- Division.
Black Hills, Deadwood,
Lead, Hot Springs a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pm
Wyoming. Casper and
Douglas d 1:00 pm 1:00 pm
Hisilncs. York, David
City, Supe lor, Geneva,
L'xeicr and Seward b 1:00 pm b 1:00 pm
ChlrnKo, St. Paal, . Minneapolis
Twin City rassenger....n 8:30 am a 8:10 pm
Rloux City Passenger... a 2:dO pm all:20 am
Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 1:46 am
Missouri Pad Sc.
Nebraska Local. Via
Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO:S5 am
Kanaaa City, St. Josepk ft Coanell
Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 1:15 am a 6:05 pm
M. Louiu r iver u 6 :6 pm all:tuuin
Kanms City Night Ex. .alu:45 pin a (:Ub put
Darlington ft Mlasonrl River.
- Leave. Arrive.
Wymore. Beatrice and
Uncoln a 8:50 am bl!:0t Dm
Nebraska Express.. ....a 8 50 am a 7:46 pra
'trnver uiniuni n i.iu via a :4a am
Black Hill and Pugel
Sound Express frll:I0 pm a 1 10 pm
Colorado Vestlbuled
. Flyei a l it pm
Lincoln Fsst Mnll b 1:61 pm a 1:08 am
Fort Crook and Piatt.
mouth b II H pm blo w am
Rellevu A Paclflo Jet. .a ? M pm a 3:27 am
tsriievue & pacino Jet. .a IN am
Chlracn, Bnrllaatoa ft 4alncy.
Chicago "peolal a 7:00 am a I 65 pm
Chu-ago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am
Littla leHow Hm n txcitinc Tirx Trying
to Unit OonpUa.
Some Odd Entanglement Straight
encd Oat and Benches of Happi
ness Scattered on Life's
The "good old summer time" ia ap
parently having Its effect on Dan Cupid,
Judging from the variety of prank he
haa executed In the last week. In the
excess of hi endeavor during the "silly
season be took It upon himself to demon
strate to Big. Marconi that he himself can
accomplish something In the way of
abridging distance.
To do thi the little god choe two lover
of the Inventor' own nationality, Maria
Danllgherl, who live In Messina, Italy,
and Natale Mangano, a fruit dealer of
Cincinnati. Knowing the romantic nature
of the Italians ever since he introduced
Juliet to Romeo, and realizing how often
the glitter of American coin was liable to
separate youthful Italian lovers, the llttlo
archer induced the lawmaker's of the
southern clime to come to his assistance
By his direct Influence a law Is on the
statute books whereby a couple appearing
before royal Italian notaries In different
parts of the world may be married by
Tills the young couple decided to do, and
Wednesday night a solemn ceremony took
place, with Salvatore Magno representing
the bride. The young wife was at once no'
yfied, and the funds are now on the way
to bring her to the man oi ner cnoioo.
Cnpld Interferes with Commerce,
After thus showing what power he had
Dan chose to display his antipathy toward
commercialism to the metropolitan gaxe of
New York.
- Left an orphan two years ago. Miss
Anna Mclntyre went to live with her
aunt, a milliner of New York city, under
whom she soon mastered the trade. But
this wa not the way Cupid had fixed her
horoacotie. and in hi anger, ah was
thrown to the street while alighting from
a car. Sending Edward F. Dunn, claim
agent for the railway company, to her
home to Interview her, Daniel immediately
strung his bow, and so straight flew the
first shaft It was a case of love at first
All went well until Mr. Dunn left the
railway and became Interested In the the
atrlcal business. To this the aunt ob
Jected most seriously and she did all In
her power to Induce her niece to give up
th vnnnr tnnn'a friendship. Under the
Impression she had gained her point, the
aunt turned the management of the Store
over to Miss Mclntyre and betook herself
to the seashore.
Thursday evening Miss Mclntyre received
letter from Utica. Mr. Dunn was there
with his company. Then did the delirium
of CuDld's arrow begin work. Packing
ho.tiiv mothered trousseau Into a vailse,
Miss Mclntvre only took time before catch
lng a train for Utica to paint on the lid of
a hat box which she placed in tne winaow
her marriage announcement:
ntnra r.iosed during: August Will re
open on September L"
Falls In Lot with Photo.
One more was distance overcome when
Frank Moon of the Fifth United States
cavalry gazed on the photograph of Miss
Cora Denton, a young woman ot Harrison
county. Ky. Moon had as his bunkmate
in the Philippines a young man from Har
rison county, in whose possession was the
wnmnn's nortralt. Attracted at
J V ut u "
first ala-ht. the cavalryman opened corre
spondence with Mis Denton, and shortly
after they 'became engaged.
After receiving his discharge Moon re
turned to the states and hastened to meet
his fiance. Mutually pleased at this meet
ing, the pair carried out the program and
were married In Louisville.
The tale of another- Kentucky soldier's
wooing does not read so smoothly as the
flrt. With his wedding day but a week
distant, James Slnnett, 27 years old, who
had been sought for, four years, was ar
rested at his home In Meade county, Ky.,
on a charge of being deserter from the
United States army.
After remealnlng away from ms sweet
heart five years, four or wnicn no nu
roamed about the country as a refugee,
Stinnett could no longer stand the suspends
ana returned to the one who had won
love, only to be arrested and branded to
the world as a coward. The glrrior whose
love he will go to prison has been his
sweetheart from early childhood. As school
children they were playmates. In later
years they became lovers, and finally the
girl consented to be his companion through
life. - v
Lev Makes nlm a Deserter.
in a fit of lealousy Slnnett enlisted In the
artillery at the outbreak of the Spanish-
American war. After the novelty or naving
a soldier for a sweet heart had worn away
the girl became filled with remorse.
After the peace protocol with Bpam was
signed the Fourth artillery returned to the
United States and was stauoneo. at run
Washington. Md. The letters from his
sweetheart still continued, and one day his
love for her got the bettor of him. Stinnett,
who had three more years to serve, de
But he had not made his path easier by
so doing, for If he returned home he would
h arrested. During the years Btinnett
roamed around the country he corresponded
with his sweetheart and promised to return
home snd claim her as his bride. Three
weeks ago he decided to return. Arriving
In Garnettsvllle, he kept his whereabout
well guarded and perfected arrangements
for the wedding.
Now the "villain" appears. A nvai or
Stinnett heard he was Daca noma aim
notified the aheriff. who put an end to the
young man's hopes by placing him under
Cnpld Makes a Fresh Start.
Wit this abrupt ending of his carelnssly
laid plans the tiny god concluded he should
return to first principles. no inn""
chose to exercise his art where his experi
ence would give him every advantage, ana
selected children who were enjoying free
dom from school during their vacation.
Four little tots of Northvllle. Mic-lt., con
..lnrted the wisdom gained during the win
ter months sufficiently fitted them for bat
tling with life's problems, and engineered
a double elopement. vny,- -
the in with the-power of rapid transporia-
Unlike. other cereals it is.not confined to use wilh cream.
i he mmt
jr 9
j perfect
1 1
I consider SKreddtsd Wheat Biscuit the
most perfect of all foods thus far put
on the market, Mn. Strsh Tjitn Rtrtr
Your grandfather lived on natural foods hit bone were
strong, hi muscle good ha was a perfect phjrncal man,
(I am imm
Makes the best toast because it is a network of shreds
each shred being highly porous thus permitting an
even and thorough application of heat. As cream
toast or with a poached egg it is never "soggy.
Being a natural food it has perfect affinity with all fruits and vegetables, and
served wilh preserves, jelly, honey or maple syrup, makes a palate-charming
dessert. Shredded Wheat is the only
naturally porous food made from wheat
Fresh from our ovens drily. Sold (7 all grocers.
sms a s it s n it .a a. iiit tur. in ( r nt nji n i tit r.-nr it t ti-iinitnftii n wi,fnis iiiiimf firm'
tlon they might have gone farther then
they did before being overtaken by anxious
At lust reports four devoted fathers, each
with a stern expression on his countenance,
wore striding toward the woodshed, a mag
nificent specimen of hickory In hand, and
Daniel was among the also wept.
Ho Wants a Wife.
"I know exactly what kind of a woman
I want for a wife and I can't be Imposed
upon by any gold brick scheme. I'm too
old to be In a hurry, but I'm getting anx
ious to settle down and have It over with.
I'll give a bunch of money and half a
beef to the man that finds me what I
Thus spoke Daniel Overmyer, an elderly
and well-to-do farmer who lives down on
the line between Fulton and Pulaski coun
ties, Indiana, and who has been advertis
ing for a wife. He means business and
has had responses to his "ads" from many
states and from many candidates, but la
still a single man. He owns 200 acres
of good land, well Improved, considerable
stock and grain and Is out of debt. His
standing Is good among bis neighbors and
there Is nothing queer about him except
little Inoffensive eccentricity. Been at his
farm home, he spoke freely of hfs matrl
monlal hopes and described the woman he
Is seeking.
"8he must be young enough to cackle
and too old to lay," he said, "and she
mustn't be afraid of work or too tired to
spruce up a bit and go to a plcnlo with.
me once In a while. I like them Sunday
excursions, too, and I don't want to drag
ho dead woman around with me. She
must have good sense and suit my eye
for looks."
Overmyer Is a good looking fellow of
about GO, Stresses neatly, has a pleasant
home and raises fine stock. He declares
that he Is sound !n wind and limb and can
do stunts In farm work with the best
man in the country. He has eleven heirs
and will divide his property and give his
accepted wife her share In "cold coin" at
the wedding. "I am a good provider,"
he continued, "and will contract to kill
three young beeves and five hogs on the
place every year. If any lady wants to
look me over for a week I will meet her
at the train and send her back with all
expenses paid If she Is not satisfied." Chi
cago Tribune.
Chlcsarn Limited...
Fast Mall....
.a 8:06 pm a 7:45 am
a 1:40 pm
a rsllv. b Pally except Sunday, d Dally
except Saturday, e Dallv except Monday.
)o Tti- Iummi el 11 M. I
S.I1ISS W4om44 .1 I A. St
Mvoraaa lut4u S. s.t. t S.H. U
PoiIab Noort.m...-. Spl.
at) Dearborn Ckteaan, III.
Surf Mn ! r.r- C. .lkf.I-t
U rarsa sk, J. a. luraeMe, IM rM sb
Iced Melon.
Breakfast Food. Cream.
Boiled Hacon. Hashed Potatoes.
Cream Biscuit. Coffee.
' Cream of Tomato.
Roast Spring Chicken. Sliced Potatoes.
Bummer equasn Cucumber Salad.
Frosen Peaches. , Cake.
Deviled fh
Buttered Toast. Cake. Tea.
Melon Salad Place cantaloupes on Ice
until thoroughly chilled. Just before they
are needed, open and scrape out the seeds
carefully, divide the melons in crescents and
remove all skin and green part leaving
only the ripe portion. Heap these In a
low salad dish sprinkling bits of Ice among
them, pour over a French dressing. Mayon
naise dressing may be used but It should
be made with lemon juice and free from
Cuban Cantaloupe Peel and cut In
squares the meat from a fine ripe canta
loupe, place In a deep agate pudding dish
with just enough water to cover. .Place
In a moderate oven, well covered and cook
until tender. Remove the cantaloupe and
place in a deep hot dish to keep warm.
Measure the juice and pour into a sauce
pan, add a few bits of lemon peel, and
boll until thick as a jelly. While the juice
Is boiling heat some sugar, one tablespoon-
ful to each cup of juice. In the oven, and
add this to the juice when thickened. Pour
scalding hot over the cantaloupe and
cover until cold.
Stewed Muskmelon Pour one pound of
pure cane granulated sugar In a preserving
kettle and add to It one pint of water.
Peel and slice one muskmelon which Is
not sweet enough for serving plain. Sim
mer gently for ten minutes In the syrup
which should be flavored with lemon juice.
Remove the cantaloupe frpm the syrup
and place In a dainty glass dlah, cool the
syrup and pour over. This Is fo
be eatsn cold and may be served with
plain chilled or whipped cream.
Cantaloupe Cream Dissolve one-quarter
box of gelatine In a little bolting water.
Whip one cup of cream until thick, add
two tablespoonfuls of sugar and beat
again; then add the gelatine and beat all
thoroughly. Add one cup of cantaloupe
meat cut In cubes. Pour Into a ring mold
and place on ice to become solid, unmold
on chop platter and fill center of ring with
whipped cream which has been whipped
very stiff.
Watermelon Salad Remove the seeds
from a ripe watermelon and break the
pink portion into pieces with a silver fork;
place In layers In a low glass dish, sprinkle
each layer with sugar and place the dish
on Ice for two hours; when ready to serve
pour over half a pint of claret If wine
Is objected to, strawberry syrup may be
used In Its place.
Cantaloupe a la Buo Cut la half thor
oughly ripe fine cantaloupes which have
been thoroughly chilled, remove carefully
all seeds and stringy parts. Pack the
halves with pistachio Ice cream, garnish
with fresh ripe peaches cut In quarters.
"Just throw MM
Tell Lie.
half a doses of yeur
The Big State Fairs.
town, Deslfolnes..". .....Angnst 84 2&
Minnesota, Damlln. . ..Ansr. Hi-Sept. 8
Nebraska, Lincoln September 4-11
oath Dakota, Yawfctoa. . . . Sept. 1418
Colorado, Pneklo Sept. 11-1A
Kansas, Topeka., Sept. 14-19
Illinois, Iprlncaeld . . . . Sent. HS-Oot.
The detailed prospectus of The Twentieth Century Farmer
for the year 1903-4 will be issued shortly, but in the interval its
publishers desire to announce that the steady improvement
shown in that publication from its inception will be still moio
marked in the coming twelve months, keeping fully abreast with
the rapidly expanding subscription list and the regularly increas
ing advertising patronage. The Twentieth Century Farmer has
forged to the front as the most up-to-date and popular agricul
tural weekly in the country, typical in every feature of the push
and enterprise of the western farmer. It will appeal to every
member of the farmer's family and to every one interested in
rural pursuits with special emphasis on the great stock raising
industry. None of the other departments of agriculture, how
ever, are neglected and the whole tone of the paper is directed
toward broadening and uplifting life and work on the farm. The
big state fairs are now coming on. The Twentieth Century Farmer
will be represented at each of them by a competent staff and will
review in successive issues the progress reflected in the exhibits.
Those who are not familiar with the paper should write for
sample copies' and advertising rates. No one interested in west
ern agriculture can afford to go without reading The Twentieth
Century Farmer from week to week and no one who wants to
reach the most intelligent members of the farming communities
of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, South Dakota. Wyoming,
Colorado and adjoining states can afford not to use its advrrtis
lng columns. '
Twent'e'h Century Farmer. Omaha
One Dollar a Year.
biggest trout." said the man with the ,
costly angler's outfit.
"Throw 'em!" exclaimed the astonished
fish dealer.
That's what I said," replied the party
of the first part. "Then I'll go home and
tell my wife I caught them. I may be a
poor fisherman, but I'm no liar." Chicago
News. S
An Inspector of the city sealer's staff In
Chicago reports that the scales of one Ice
peddler make a fifty-pound cake of Ice ap
pear to weigh eighty pounds. The man's
scales had not been tested previously for
four years.
Dr. C. M. Mills, curator of the Ohio State
Archaeological society, has discovered a
prehistoric village on the Gartner farm, a
few miles souin oi cniuicoiue, j. lie naa
made excavations, which disclose many
valuable relics of the ancient people who
wandered over the country ages ago.
The county court of common pleas of
Monmouth, N. J., hns decided the case
bright by a landlord against a tenant
for rent which was unpaid because the
tenant had to move, owing to bedbugs.
The court favors the tenant. Few cases
of the kind are on the court records.
The scheme formulated by Cornelius Van
derbllt for the establishment of an Amer
ican art school In Paris has fallen through,
owing to the procrastination on the part
of the owners of the Chateau de la Muette,
who had been offered 15,000,000 francs for
tho property. The chateau was once the
home of Marie Antoinette. The owners
demanded 1,000,000 francs for the property.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wayne of Albany,
N. Y., born the same day sixty-eight years
ago, died on the 10th Inst, within a few
hours of each other and were burled to
gether. The aged couple were devoted
to each other during a long married life.
The husband died first of apoplexy. When
she realised that he was gone Mrs. Wayne
took to her bed and shortly after died.
Scrub women of Toledo, O., have formed
a trust. Two months ago they raised their
wages from 11 to 11.26 a day; a few days
ago they demanded 11.60 and two meals a
day. Cleaners In public schools and olhce
buildings, as well as In private houses, are
included. Scarcity of help compels the
granting of the demsnd.
The contracts awarded by the Minnesota
Stale Board of Control for supplies for the
ensuing quarter include a considerable
quantity of chewing gum to pacify the
patients of the Insane asylums and the
state hospitals. The observation of tbe
board Is that chewing gum often has an
excellent effect on the patients, snd that
It ennblea the Inmates to concentrate their
minds on various forms of work and
soothes them during violent spells. On be
ing given gum some of the violent patients
have been known to collect their wits and
diligently pursue a task.
A curious place for swarming has been
chosen by a hive of bees at Arcot Hail, Newcastle, England. The bees had
swarmed up an apple tree, and the gar
dener, on going up a ladder to examine,
was startled by observing a green linnet
fly out of the middle of the swarm. Closer
investigation revealed Its nest, with two
engs in It, the queen bee having settled on
the nest with her attendant hosts, the
green linnet meanwhile calmly sitting on
her eggs. With great rare the gardener
cut off the bough of the apple tree swarm,
nest and all and, after having smoked the
bees off, he carefully stuck the bough up
again. The linnet returned to her est. and
Is tow sluing oa four eggs.
Little Journeys
in Colorado...
, There is Colorado's greatest attraction the
number and variety of the one-day excursion tripB
it offers.
Denver has at least a dozen that are worth
while: "Around the Loop"; to the summit of
Pike's Peak; to Cripple Creek; to Colorado Springs
and Manitou; to Platte Canon; to Ft'. Collins,
Greeley and Boulder.
The famous "Around the Circle" trip takes
considerably longer four or five days. It costs
$28, and is nearly a thousand miles long. No trip
in America surpasses it in beauty or Interest.
Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs are best
reached from all points east by the fast and splen
didly equipped trains of the Rock Island System.
Train gel-Tic from Omaha Is follows: '
Rooky Mountain Limited, leaving at T:30 a. m. Daylight train for
Colorado, and "Big Fire," leaving at 1:30 p. m, and arriving at Colo
rado next morning.
The limited is lighted by loctrldty, and la one of the handsomest
trains In America.
Summer tourist rates to Colorado an In effect all rammer long.
Tickets, berths and full information at this
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