Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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    Tun uma if A. DAILY BKK: SUNDAY, AUUU8T 2'A, 1903.
tr , q
Will takes aatll 19 a. ! ta
veala Itlaa aaa amtll S IM . a,
fee meralag aa Hilar ealMaa.
Ratee, 1 I -In m war Irtl laeerflea,
1 a war thereafter. KatfctasT take
far le tku Sta far the Srst laser
ttea. Tint aavertlseaaeat aut ha
raa eoaseoatlvely.
Advertiser, hr reajaaatla a
fcerea rkeek, eaa have aaawera a
aresa ta a aanhered letter IK eara
f The Bee. Aaawera aa addressed will
a delivered aa preseatatlaa af tha
tank aalr.
W ANTED, by refined, experienced lady, po
sition aa salrsludy or clerk. Address Mies
K. Gunley. Fremont, Neb., West Mill
ave. A M762 2Jx
PRINTER foreman desire position as a
make-up man on small dally or large
weekly. Will accept position as foreman
country office. . Two years' experience aa
foreman. Address L 40, cars of Bee.
A Mo 23x
i . day and night.
Boyles College .
Apply for Catalogue.
B 146
."WANTED, for United Bute army, able
bodied, unmarried men, between ages of
21 and 36. citizen of In Red Stale, of
good character and temperate habits, who
can speak, read and write. English. For in
formation apply to recruiting officer, lttih
and Dodge bt., Omaha, and Hastings,
Neb. B M476
WILL give a worthy young man or woman
a paid-up Scholarship In Omaha's leading
business college, to be paid for when
course Is finished and position secured.
Address B , Bee. B tilO
WAJfTED, at once, a registered druggist;
married man preferred, bchacfer's Cut
Price Drug Store, loth and Chicago Sts.
B M134
."WANTED, experienced window trimmer.
J. L. Biandels &. Sons. Omaha. B M633
."WANTED, a tailor at Council Bluffs Steam
Dye- VVorks, 1015-1017 West Broadway,
Council Bluffs. B M723
.WANTED, experienced salesmen
to sell
wrapping paper and wooden ware:
OKI, state experience and sal
ary expected. Pill
Becker Paper Co.,
Sioux City, Iowa.
B Dii rsi a
.WANTED, boy with bicycle; good wages.
Sherman dc McConnell Drug Co.
B M730 23
.WANTED, traveling representative with
experience In the beer business to Intro
duce to car-lot trade the bottled beer of
a leading Missouri Brewing Co.; only
men with experience In the wholesale
beer brewing business and trade need
apply; state past employment, territory
you are best acquainted In, salary wanted,
etc. Address V23, care of Lord A Thomas,
Chicago. B M735 23x
.WANTED, good solicitors to represent us
at state and county fairs, carnivals and
stock shows. To those who are successful
at the work a permanent position with
an assured good Income will be given.
Call at Twentieth Century Farmer booth
In new Live Stock Pavilion, State Fair
Grounds, Pes Moines, or on E. R. Mc
Clellan, Klrkwood Hotel, Des Moines,
from 7 to 8 o'clock p. m. B M734 23x
WANTED, men everwhere, good pay, to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. B M749 23x
WANTED, a good, strong boy about 18
years old for carpet department. Peo
ple a Store. B M768 23
WANTED, boy to do check binding and
cut stock.- Douglas Printing Co., 1508
- Howard street. B 767 24
MANAGER wanted In every large county.
"Game o' Skill" nickel slot machine for
drinks, cigars or money; takes place of
forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful
everywhere; rented or sold on easy pay
ments; sixty thousand now In use. cun-
nlngham Furniture Co., Department 85,
. Chicago. 111. , B 816 23x
CIRCULAR and, sample distributors; no
canvassing or peddling; experience un
necessary; good pay. Continental Dis
tributing Service, Chicago. B 793 23x
7WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Po
sitions waiting graduates. Short term
completes. Splendid chance before school
Is crowded for winter. Catalogue mailed
free. Moler Barber College, 13i(i Douglas
Bt. B M75H 28X
WANTED Circular distributors; good pay;
steady employment; enclose stamp. Dr.
Merrow, Burlington, Vt. B 796 23x
fVANTED, man desirous traveling position
In slate Nebraska. Experience unneces
sary; good salary; establish trade for
manufacturer; young man; state age
Addressed envelope. Manager, Room 701
Star building, Chicago. B 784 23x
WANTED, state superintendent to manage
branch omce Chicago nrm; la.uuu yearly,
Including commissions: also office ex
penses; steady position; 8100 security re
quired. Adores wiiuam laKn, pres.,
&s uearoorn, umcago. u tea ax
WANTED, traveling man for Nebraska
advertising and collecting; 880 monthly
10 start, aiso an expense. meaay em
Dlovment to aatliifactory narlv: refer
ence required. Address Manager Trav
elers, sii ronuac uiag., Chicago.
, B 779 23
WE WILL pay any rnan $88 per month
and all traveling expenses, such as horse
hire, railroad fare, hotel bills., etc.. to
take orders for the greatest portrait
house In the world. .Tour salary will be
guaranteed and (Mild to you weekly It
prererrea. Address K. 13. Curry, Dept.
67. Chicago, 111.
B 780 2,H
FINANCIAL corporation offers excellent
ii port unity to a man of character and
anility who can aell bonds and high
grade securities. Address National Se
curities ana finance Co., 1034 National
l.lie nuuuing, Chicago. B 781 23 x
WANTED, state, county and local repre
aentatlve for a new hls-h rlu mii,
sine. Address 'Uplift," 130 Boylston St.,
WANTED, by wholesale firm, youna- man
for office work. Answer in own hand-
writing. oox jwi, umana. Neb.
B MS58 84
A FOSSIL IS VALUABLE, but not In hn.l
ns. Are you becoming fossilised T Can
you earn more money if In the right
pini'r r h mi, wrua us ror pian ana t
leu w nave openings for managers,
superintendents, bookkeepers, salesmen
eic executive, clerical, technical; high
grade men of all kinds. Openings for col
lege men. Hapgond (Incorporated), Suit
uu aionaanoca uuuamg, unicago. B
EARN $18 weekly proofreading: employers
....... 1 1 .4 I J , l . . j r. . .
uiiiira. iiuwi .wimnjHjcun DCnoOl,
ruiiaaeipnia. B
WANTED Clerks and others with pom
mon school educations only, who wish
Qualify for ready position at 825 a week
and over, to write for free copy of mv
nw prospectus, and endorsements from
leading concern everywhere. One grad
uate fills $MM) place: another 85,uu0, and
any number earn 81.SU).
The beat clothing ad writer In New York
owea his success within a few months to
my leacningn; aematia exceeds supply,
ueorge i. roweii. anveriimng ana bust
neits expert, lis Temple Court, New
lora. B
CAPABLE manager for branch office to be
opened in tnia cny Dy larir manufactur.
ing corpora i ion : salary t monthly; ex
IMH-Ienc unnecessary; exrwnsrii ami ri
committors; security and A-l referencea
riuira. western r. a. Co.. Hi Unnli
TAILORS wsnted; pant and veitt makers
nun e aoper men; liraflv ol vear
rouna. i. w. numpnrey, ivorroiK. Neb
B-i a
1st. FR1CB, 31 "6 WHOM! YEAR. W.
. D. Cameron, AGENT, 14 Farnam st ,
R USS 28
....WANTED Kxperienred (enofrrapher; 850
bow,) It per month. Address, L H Fee.
pr4a B-Mffll-88
Mxi'ErvA nr,t n1 ,ond cook to go
,,nl ""wrtT out of town; good waitea. Ap-
u tiArney M., Monday evening, up-
Bovles College
Omaha Business
Corner 17th and Fa mam St., Omaha, Neb.
Fall Terme Opens Sept. J.
Night School, Oct. 5.
This school gives thorough instruction In all
commercial branches and In shorthand
and typewriting. No "slipshod" work dona
here. Tou may attend the Omaha Busi
ness University for one month before you
pay any tuition. If you are then satisfied
with your work you may pay tha regular
rates from the time of entrance. If not
satisfied, the month costs you nothing. A
visit to the OMAHA BUSINESS , UNI
VERSITY will convince you that this
school is the proper place In which to pre
pare for commercial or stenographic work.
All students who completed their work In
the past year were placed into good posi
tions. We urge you to call, but If It be Impossible
to do so please writ or 'phone for frea
illustrated catalogue. B 797 23
WANTED, first-class stenographer; young
man preferred; opportunity for advance
ment; give references. Address L 63, Bee.
B M964 24
WANTED, physician who Is either regis
tered in mo., d. v.. wis. or Minn., to
travel In advertising way. Address Dr.
Komner, Blair, Neb. b iws Z3x
WANTED, a single man to work about
house and barn; good wages. Apply at
office of Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl St..
Council Bluffs. B-61 23x
WANTED, salesmen, up-to-date, active, to
sell nrst-ciass groceries oirect to consum
ers at wholesale; first-class territory and
liberal Inducements. - George Meldrum a;
Co., t No. Green SU, Chicago, 111.
. -M713 13X
WANTED, salesmen to solicit orders for
a full line of nursery stock, conveyances
will be furnished to reliable men. Pay
ments weekly. F. H. tttannard dc Co.,
Ottawa, Kan. M 765 83
BOOK salesmen, attention! We have an en
tirely new proposition tor men or ability.
Territory is being rapidly assigned. Cou
pon and card leads. F. D. Mayer, Broad
way and Locust sts., St. Loul, Mo.
M 761 24x .
TRAVELING salesman to handle staple
Una especially adapted to Holiday trade.
Exceptional opportunity for wideawake
hustler. Business established. Refer
ences. Box 17, Detroit, Mich.
798 23x
SALESMAN, bright, up-to-date man, capa
ble selling general iraae nign-ciass. spe
cial line In a special manner. Address
L 88, Bee. 7KS 23X
WANTED, city and traveling salesmen
calling on drug ana department store
trade to carry profitable side line. Lib
eral commissions. Name territory cov
ered and references. Hygienic Bath Ap
pliance Co., Dept. 16, Chicago. 71 23x
WANTED, two salesmen for fall trade.
Direct from factory, no scneme. per
manent position at good pay. Address
L 37, Bee. 778 23x
WANTED, at once, experienced traveling
salesman for Nebraska, umy nign grade
men need apply. Bond required. Ad
dress Drawer S, Chicago. 862 23x
SALESMEN We .have a nice side line
which we can place in the nanas or a tew
good men. Box 669, Cedar Rapids Iowa.
, 863 23x
WANTED, capable traveling salesman for
Nebraska Tor staple line to couniry mer
chants. References and bond required.
Box 608, St. Louis, Mo. 864 23x
TRAVELING salesmen 6 We want five
men who have brains, piucx ana suck
tultlveness. Big commissions; liberal
Inducements to the trade; agencies es
tablished in every town. OTve experi
ence and references. Columbian Stock
Food Co., 67 Bates St., Detroit, Mich.
866 23x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with ataple line. Hign commissions wun
advance of SloO.OO monthly. Permanent
position to right man. Jess H. Smith
Co., Detroit, Mich. 867 23x
SALESMEN wanted for Nebraska terri
tory at once, uo uue. ,,r.,,,-.
Commissions better than salary. Addrees
L. 84, Bee.- 23x
A COMMISSION big enough to produce
heart failure, for traveling men with
golden tonguea ana esiaonneu mure
Addreas Bide Line, Box 663, Cincinnati, O.
772 23x
SALESMAN WANT8ED, to fill vaoancle.
Two traveling grocery salesmen uim
3125 per month and expense. Good ter
ritory. Well known house; established
trade. Write, giving age, experience and
referencea. Personal Interview if satis
factory. Address L . Bee. 868 23x
WANTED, salesmen; 8i0 monthly and ex
penses; permanent, rirsi national nuc
series, Rochester, N. Y. .
SALESMEN Automatic copying book, new.
needed by every Duine mmy
for agenta. Perablng Mfg. Co., South
Bend, Ind.
SALESMEN, traveling or local; aide line:
25 er cent commission; goods new; sell
to every buslneas. city or village, nampie
ease free. Address U N. Co.. 248 E. liith
St., New York.
' ST. JOSEPH, Mo., 7:00 t. in., Aug. 21, 1903.
Omaht Bee:
Gentlemen -We have received over JO Inquiries from the few lines In your paper
for cooks and waiters. Please state through your columns that all the places are filled.
Save my answering all correspondence, and If anything Is due you please mall your bllL
Per M. Hilgert, Manager.
. This ad appeared August 11 and ten day
after replies still kept coming. I
An Advertisementsmay cost a few cents more in The Bee but if answers
that mean quality, as well as quantity, are what you wdnt you get them.
100 Girls. Call Canadian office, lEth & Dodge.
C i
WANTED, girls for light housework; family
of two. Address J to. Bee. C M6U7
WANTED, competent girl for general
housework; three In family. Mrs. Harry
Woodward, 3007 Pacific. C 996
WANTED Eperlenced salesladies in un
derwear and hosiery departments. J. L.
Brandeis Sons, Omaha. C M632
WANTED, a washerwoman,
at 316 N. 41st St.
Call at once
C M892
GIRL for general housework.
1733 South
C 41 .
TWO young women to take a couse of
training in Omaha-Florence-Sanitarium.
Address ,Dr. W. L. Ross, 2121 Lake Bt,
Omaha. - C 488 6x
SALESLADIES, at once, for
dept. At once. Mrs. Gleason,
2d floor
C 746 a
WANTED, for northwestern Nebraska,
married couple (foreigners preferred),
yard man and laundress ; wages, $40, board
and room. Also chambermaid. Address
L 86. Bee. C M763 24x
WANTED, thoroughly competent girl for
house work. W. A. Maurer, 831 2d ave,.
Council Bluffs, la. C M760
COMPETENT girl for general housework:
good wages.
. 1826 S. 80th ave. C 762 24
WANTED Experienced salesladies for
cloak and suit departments; state experi
ence, where previously employed and sal
ary expected. Address, L. 31, Bee.
. C 883-23
OVERALL makers wanted. Steady work.
Good wages. Living expenses low. Write
at once to Lincoln Overall & Bhlrt Co.,
Lincoln, Neb. C ew 23x
826 PER hundred copying letters; good
salary guaranteed: addressed, stampea en
velope. Haeine Wholesale at Retail Co.,
604 Racine Ave., Chicago. C 79 23x
LADIES to do piecework at their homesi
we furnish materials and pay from 1 to
813 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 84 Monroe 8L, Chicago.
C 8-23x
WANTED toadies to learn hairdresslng,
manicuring or facial massage. Splendid
chance now before school is crowded for
winter. Few weeks completes. Fall term
opens Sept, 1st, Make application now.
Moler College, 1303 Douglas St.
C M79S-28X
LADIES do sewing home, machine or hand
work. Material furnished. No deposit.
Self-addressed envelope for particulars.
Woman's Remedy Company, 12 Slate St.,
Desk A 7, Chicago. C 7S8 23x -
ANTED, energetic lady to travel In Ne
braska collecting and managing local
people; steady position to right party;
20 weekly and expenses. Address W.
Chapman, SC8 Dearborn St., Chicago.
C 7S3 23X
820 A HUNDRED writing letters home.
Addressed envelope for particulars. Elec
tric Remedy Co., Dept. 10, 235 S. Michi
gan, South Bend, ind. C 786 23x
YOUNG girl to assist at general house
work. Enquire 127 South 26th at.
C M918 26
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
mall family; wages 85. 3667 Howard St.
C 776 23
EARN,.i8 weklv proofreading; employers LARGE, cool room, with excellent board;
supplied. Home Correspondence School, llne well-shaded lawn: references re-
Fhliadelphla. C quired and given. 3016 Farnam.
1 F 068 23 X
WANTED, girl or woman for general .
fam"y, f c"- BOOMB, with or without board , Har-
WANTED, at once, experienced millinery
TJrTvlTi.. t?Itoo?0Bi;m - VNFttRNlSHED ROOMS.
- 0-968 28 3 ROOMS, 626 So. 80th. G M737 TtX
WANTED Experienced stenographer; 860 . ' . . . K.ffc ZT
or more. Smith-Premier operator pre- ? , h"V 5 nd Mx
ferred. Addre, 1, 48, Bee. Bt- Mary' ave. Tel. 274. Q i40 Z3x
C MS92 28 gaasxasae - s-aaea
WANTED, at once, small girl to help In " FURNITURE PACKINt.
family of two. 2723 Jackson st. . . ,,r ....
C M962 24X PETERSON LUNDBERO, ' 116 So. 17th.
i Tel. L2Sb8. H 788
DEWEY European iotel, 13th and Farnam.
E 699 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole-
D , T . . v , aale purpose at Sli Farnam, 22x80, four
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago etorlea and nrst-cla cemented baaement,
- E 700 elevator, fire and burglar proof vault,
" . ; olBce counter and fixture. For price and
', ,-0?tp,I week. 422 So. 18th Bt-. on. pt.rUculM. in,ur. C C. Roaewater. nc
block eouth of court house. B701 , fetary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee
' - building. 11167
NICELY furtilld room. Inquire Omaha
tesm Uundry. 1760 Leavenworth. Phon FOR RENT The buHdlng formerly oomi-
AETNA HOUSE. Europe.. 13th Dodg. X' J7rZ
' ' , This will be ranted very reasonably. If
ROOMS. H.80 to 83.00 per week; board. 83.00. i?':! ?pi "TtSi k"..iS?-
Thurston Hotel. Wthand Jaokaon St. wtr. "cruurj. room 100. Bee building.
K-M617 14
NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; STORE ROOM,
gentlemen preferred. 1426 N. 17th, 1615 Howard St., with good bament. ISO.
E-703 GEORGE at CO., 1601 FARNAM 8T.
. 1 MAM 80
O. M. E. haul trunk. Telephone' 611. . , ,
K 701 AN ESTABLISHED cereal food company
desire the service of reliable man to
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam: 'phone 679. fill responslbe position: compensation
B M371 seplO 83,000 per annum. Highest references
required and given. Address Auditor's
ROOMS. 81 60 per wek and up. State hotel. Department, Box 4848, Battle Creek, Mich.
1212 Douglas St E 41135 B13 I
WANTED, two good short order whit
cook; wages, 316 and
cook: was. 316 and 812: also. I w
waiters. Addreas Lock box 8, Bt. Joseph,
B MJ73 16x
A. C. ONG, A. M.f L.L. D., PRES.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 1.
The Attendance Will Be the Largest In the History
of the School
Many have already arranged to enter. We will have students as far north as
Wisconsin and North Dakota and as far south as Texas,
The thorough nees of work and popularity of this Institution Is provincial. The
best of everything makes It possible to produce the best results. During the last
sixty days over forty students of tha advanced class have been assisted to positions.
If you want to maka sure of a position when you have finished your course of
study; If you want a thorough business training- enabling you to command a salary
any where; if you want tha best Instructors money will procure; If you want a select
school of strict discipline, of a high moral tone, an up-to-date Institution In every
particular w solicit your patronage and aak you to call and Investigate our facil
ities, tha advantages we are offering, and tha results ws are obtaining.
Apply for a Souvenir Catalogue, FREB bound In alligator finest ever published
by a Business College. Bead, compare, and you will enter tha N. B. C.
On 7th floor of
To lodges and societies
All nl gilt elevator
Largs room wall ventilated
Piano splendid floor.
Platforms and pedestal
.',1.1 .
Apply B. C Peters A Co., Rental
NICE rooms, day or week. IKS Howard.
B M08 B1SX
CAPITOL HOTEL 18th and Capitol Are.;
elegant room with or without board.
E M704
THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnished,
with piano, for students or musical peo
ple; fine location on car line; good board
close by. Address F. H. Wright, Omaha
College of Music, 623 N. th 8t.
PLEASANT, cosy room, modern conveni
ences and telephone, to gentleman . deslr
J ing a quiet home. Address, L. 43, Bee.
E 802 Z3X
TWO nlcelv .furnished rooms, all modern
conveniences. 2619 Jone t. E 631 Z3x
609 a 26TH AVE.; prlvat family. F-707
FOR RENT A very desirable front room
with alcova. The Pratt. 112 8. 16th .
F M46S
ROOMS, with or without board. 2690 Har
ney, r Mfifi Z2x
CENTER HOTEL, European Plan. 210 N.
17th. M660 SIS
The Beo Building-
single night.
for regular nights.
servioe eleotrio lighted.
for lodges purposes
Agenta, Ground floor Bee BIdg.
E M-S14
TWO front rooms;
2210 Harney.
gentlemen preferred.
FOR RENT, nicely furnished room, mod'
ern, at 1919 Cass street. E 804 23
124 N. 84TH ST.. nice, large, newly fur
nished rooms; splendid location.
E 893 23
NICELY furnished room, modern, suitable
for one or two gentlemen, near cars; ref
erences exchanged. L 64, Bee.
E M963 24x
BEAUTIFUL furnished and unfurnished
rooms, strictly modern In every way, well
ventilated. In new brick building, close to
business and postofflce. 1616 Webster st.
DESK- room for rent 834 Pax ion block.
I M640
OFFICE apace, street floor, 1614 Farnam
at. Midland u. & T. Co. j 763 Z4
WANTED Canvassing , agent In every
county to solicit subscriptions to Tilij
Steady employment wltn assured good in
como. Agents in th country with nurse
and buggy eapeulally desired. Canvassers
make e tally tM to siuo par month. Ad
dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau.
Be building, Omaha.
WE have all six of th different Pop Leo
XIII book; beat terms; freight paid;
outfit free. Call or write W. A. Illxeu
bauga 4 Co.. bOu Ware blk.. Omaha.
AGENTS WANTED-176.00 weekly easily
mad selling our Double Indemnity
Combination health and accident policies.
Liberal commission; strong company;
xperlnc unnecessary. Write for term.
National Health and Accident Associa
tion, 608 Crocker BIdg. Das Moines, la.
J ma A2&
EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few
men are offered by the Union Central
Life Insurance Co. Correspondence in
vited. J. M. Edmlston A. Sons, general
agents, Omaha and Lincoln.
J-M325-Sep. 8
AGENTS, wake up! Gobble the gold dust
obtained from handling the Perfect Dust
Beater. Its merit sells lt. Write for
prices. Spring Beater Mfg. Co.
)., Buffalo,
J 813 23x
LOCAL manager In every town over 1,000
population; big profits, attractive; every
body Interested: capital unnecessary; ref
erences required. World's Fair Guarantee
Ass'n, Rialto BIdg., St. Louis. J 812 23x
WE WANT men and women of good stand
ing In every community In the United
States and Canada to represent us. Hust-
lers, aa soon as they learn the business,
can earn 85 per day and upward. No
money la required. Addrvsa T. J. Brad
ahaw, Pre., Room 6U2 Granite Block, St.
Loula, Ma J-811 23x
AGENTS or deputies to represent largest
Sick, Accident and Death Benefit Associa
tion In the country. Up-to-date plan;
choice of territory. To good producer will
give first-class contract. American Benev
olent Aaa'n, St. .Louis, Mo. J 810 23x
LADIES at every P. O. to act aa agent for
th newest and beat magazine published:
2oe yearly; Bend today for terms. World
Wide Friend. St. Lout. Mo. J-809 23x
BOYS and girls can make money after
achool acting aa agenta for the best tnaga
slne published; 2oc yearly; send todt y for
terms. World Wide Friend, St. Louis. Mo.
J hue 23x
WANTED, agenta to aell a new necessary
article; a good seller. Central Illinois
Novelty Mfg. Co., Dept. F, Peoria, III.
J-807 Z3X
OUR MEN are making 81 to 810 a day fitting
f;laaeea; our free Kye Book tells all about
t; write today. Jacksonlan Optical Col
lege (chartered), Jackson, Mich.
J 808 23 X
AGENTS. 830 to 850 weekly easily made.
We prove thl. Luminous nameplatea,
number, signs readable darkest niKhta;
samples free. Right Supply Co., Eugl
wood. III. . J-782 23x
AGENTS Writ now for free sample of
work and term, eltar Harness Mender;
beat 26c seller out; we make other quick
selling rttcessitl. Columbia No. Mfg.
Co., Bt. Louis. Mo. J
AGENTS wsnted In every tt to handle
a new work:, lust out; a simple business
balance record for merchants and husl
na men. A huatler can make to
3jv per month. Address, with stamp,
W. aC.Widerfelt, Florence. Col".
. i I, 4 Z3X
PORTRAIT asents; send us your work.
Ciin quote excitonn I iirTi e. iir wirk
will give entire satisfaction and bring
other orilem. HmlHon Portrait Co., lf9
W. MilrtlMon St., Chicago. J 820 23 X
VH START you selling diamond. Don't
accept employment until getting our lib
eral offer. fc daily sure. Carbon Dia
mond Co.. Syracuse, N. Y. ' J H18 21
MAN cleared 1,1K2, liirty 31'20 Inst 6 months
introducing llollndny's Pluck Marvel
Wnterproof Helf-Hhlnlng Hhoe 1'ollsh;
whv imt yon 7 liemoiistmled samples
free. llolladay A Co., II. Chicago.
J-81S 23x
MEN or women; steady work: a good In
come at Imme in the mail or.ier ousinees;
straight, legitimate; no experience neces
sary; no capltnl required; write for par
ticulars. Miitunl Mull Order Co., Al
bany BIdg., Boston, Mas. J 817 23 X
WANTED, three Al salesmen willing to
hustle six days In the week and ten
months in the year for n Income rang
ing from 82,010 to fS.O'iO net per year, oth
errt are earning It, why not youT For full
particulars write Harrington-Monnett
Co.. Decatur, 111. J-816 23x
AGENTS wanted to handle the Cyclone
Kotary Hand Fan, the greatest selling
novelty of the season; Immense profits;
sample, postpaid, 2f Enterprise Mfg.
Co., 164 Luke St., Chicago, 111.
' -
AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle
"Novelty Sign Cards. Every merchant
buys from 10 to 1W on sight; 801 varieties.
Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 11S9 Maple
wpod Ave., Chicago. J-824 2Sx
AGENT8 wanted everywhere; medical at
tendance by local doctors for entire fam
ily; 8500 Insurance policy; all benefits;
32.60 year. Union Medical Society, Bible
House, New York. J-823 23x
AGENTS 810 a day or evening selling auto
matic funnels to saloons ana orug stores;
wonderful Invention; cannot overflow
bottles; sells at sight. Auto. Funnel Co.,
Box 48, Blddoford, Maine. J-822-23X
AGENTS Every demonstration with
"Cleanil means a saiei i;nh
weekly. Sample and particulars free.
Progressive Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O.,
Station R. J-821-23X
BEGIN buHlness for yourself; stop working
. . .... ...... In n.nAl.h A
lor otners. we bibh jvu m
mail order business at your home. Pleas
ant work; immense profit, unlimited
possibilities. Full information for stamp.
Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J
WANTED, manager in every city, county,
to handle best-paying nusiness Known,
legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co., 16 W. 28th St., N. T. J 775 23x
AGENTS, special terms and reserved field
for " Larnea s Misiory lor nuj
ence;" also "King's Europe in Storm and
Calm." Address The C. A. Nichols Co.,
858 Dearborn St., Chicago. J M773 29x
AGENTS making big money selling new
nuuniuiuu L,,ji3iii n,. ... - -
windows; retails 50c. Ramona Novelty
MIg. CO., SUl IllBlilll vc, jjjx
Good side line for Insurance agent.
American Life Ins. Co., Box 24. Elkhart, Ind.
AGENTS Smith's Scrap Book of the Bible
at 31 a copy can be old to every Intelli
gent man. One agent sold 87 In five day;
another 9 In six days. W. P. Smith &
Co., Box 1538, Providence. R. I. J
AGENTS! Our new mall box for city use
ells quick... Only one endorsed by post-
. ... ...1 hnni. nn1lrtlnnfl
Write. Liberal terms. Signal Mall Box
Co., joiiet, in.
WANTED, agents to sell a successful 35
typewriter; ' per cent rnmmiwon. jv.
Hoffman Mfg. Co., 620 Spruce st.. St
Louis, Mo. J M920 23x
WANTRTi. hv two Dractlcal men. to leave
-electric light plant of town 3.000 to 10,000
population. Address u is. Bee.
T"flI9 23X
Is It large enough? If not. we can Increase
xir k.v. o vtm ttvr nhtnfnlntf em
ployment for capable people that cannot
be excelled, write tor our pian kiiu ikwr-
I ' fn. IK. a.lrlnv Am.rlnn
Fniployment Exchange, heed office 431-433
Water Bt., fittsourg, x-a, u. a.
J 88T 23x
GENERATj agent wanted for Omaha on
... II' IiaaI, rmn rtm H T..hAI "
,1 1 1 1 1 1 .Tl 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 n ... " ,
Thousands of union men are waiting for
this great dook. win aieo sen w o.n in
telligent people. A hustler with a little
capital can make big money in next few
months. Aanress. wun merem-,
American Book and Bible House. 148 North
10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. J-M847-23X
WANTED TO RENT By a family of I
adults, two rooms and board within
walking distance of court house. Ad
dress, stating price, L 33, Bee. K MTU
WANTED By man and wife, furnished
rooms near good board; private family
preferred. Address, L 45,
Iw 886 33X
BT SEPT. 26. a 6 or 6-room cottage, modern
or modern except furnace; convenient to
street cars and within seven blocks of
school: family of three. Give location and
rent. Address, L. 42. Bee. K-825-23X
WANTED To rent for family with no
small children 9-room modern dwelling
within ten blocks of High school. Glv
price and description. Addresjt L 36, Hee.
Iv o2o J3X
FAMILY of two adults wants two or three
rooms, (furnished or unfurnished) with
bath; state price and location. Address
L 62, Bee. K 7l X3X
WANTED to buy, Htnt good dental
chair. Union Dental Colleg. N M674
WILL. PAT cash for 40 to 60 acre within
15 mile of Omaha. Address K 62, Bee
office. N M3S1
WANTED To buy English setter puppy
under fifteen months old. Give descrip
tion and price. Address, L 41B,jiJx
MODERN cottage. 32.500 or.1'"' wltnln
mile limit. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas
BUILDINGS to be removed. F. D. Wead.
1524 Douglas St. N-M9U 23
FURNITURE of 8-room flat; good location;
full of good paying roomers; will sell at
a bargain If taken soon. Call or address
411 North 14th St. O-M708 fc
FULL Una of hard coal atove now on sal.
Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge St.
O 70
THEOLOGICAL library 280 volumes, and
"mall fireproof safe. F. D. Wead. 1&J4
O 14-23
PRIVATE sale of furniture of 7-room flat.
Call afternoons and evening first half
this week, third floor. 2117 German Ave,
TIRES et while you wait: flrat-claa re
pair wcrkt H. Frost, 14lh and Leven-
MONROE Ua pleaaur vehlcleg at 811 N.
16th BU
FOR SALE. 2 first-class buggies; war
ranted; a snap for somebody. CU at K
la. van worth. rHJ4
GENTLE driving horse and full leather
top .urrey. Call at 818 N. 23d. after 1 1 p. m.
FOR SALE, 1 Concord rubber-tired top
buckboard, hand-made; never been ueed;
regular nifg. price 1176: will aell at 13p
cash. Can be seen at 2641 Chicago st. A. P.
Tukey it Bon. P 742 33
HALF-SPRING WAGON, carriage and
buggy for aale cheap. See A. W. John
son, with John Deere Plow Co
FOUR-YEAR-OLD rangy colt, broken
-i.,i- r.r rf,.nhir nhaeton and rubber tired
piano box buggy. F. D. Wea.1. 1W4
BEST matched pair of Shetland ponies In
th stale, with harness and 2-aeated trap
fur sale at Palace stables, 17th and Dav
enport sta. P k U
FOR SALE, cheap for cash, brand new Co
lumbia. pha-ton. Lard ru.boer tlr"
drts L 4u. Bee, . . J"-
FOR SALE, secondhand looomohlle,- in
flrat-rlasa shape, at one-nan puce. . au
or addreaa, ltwll Farnam St. V 713
FOR SALE, a new Son-ampere, double-pol
wlicn; never pern ui. ,.,Mjr m ui nw-
drees "Superintendent Bee Building,
Omaha." W Miiii
TELEPHONE POI-ES; long fir timbers;
chicken fjtice. oak piling. 8vl louglu.
I Q-.15
IRON and wire fence, tree guard, trellises.
weatern ancnor rence tv. aivii oi.
Q 716
CATALOGUE rut drug ptloes frea. Sher-
man It McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
Vr 711
FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator;
be used either passenger or freight; com
plete, iron guide posts, cage anil wire en
closure. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. Q 688
INDIAN good and relic. 1118 Farnam.
Q 714
1DHAND af cheap. Derlght, 1118 Farnam.
Q 718
ICE for al In car load lots.
Lincoln Ice Co., Lincoln, Neb.
FOR RALE, thirty-three ' thousand, four
hundred and ninety-seven shares Gold Hill
Mining Stock, ten cents a share if taken
quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn. Trrd
of Trade building. Q M4S7
FOR AA LB Coal business. Capital reiutred,
32,000.00. J 11, Bee. Q-6uS
NEW and 2dhand typewriter. 1119 Farnam.
FOR BALE, a very gentle cow and calf,
fresh. 2828 Webster street. Q 769 2x
We have the largest and most complete Una
to select from, both new and second hand
machines, at guaranteed lowest prices.
Don't fall to write for our bargain offor
Ings. We positively have the only western 1
facilities lor doing the finest and moat
difficult autnmobllo repairing and manu
facturing. The Wlttmaun Co., Lincoln,
Neb. Q
FOR 8ALR Stein way & Sons square piano
at a bargain. Geo. J. Bird, 330 Board of
Trade. y 82U 23x
IF YOU want to buy a secondhand wall
soda fountain cheap call 'phone 1441.
J Ci 23x
FOR SALE A life scholarship In one of
the best business colleges in Omaha.
Every privilege guaranteed. Address at
once L 60, Bee. Q 936 23x
FOR 8AI.E One boar hog, Berkshire, full
blooded, one year old, good condition.
Call at east entrance of Old State Fair
Grounds, half mile north of Center street.
Q M8H8 23x
LADT QUEEN of clairvoyant; every
thing told; past, present and future. Sat
isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8720
MME. LUCRETLA. medium, 17(0 Califor
nia. S 840 SSx
FREE Your Fortune. The truth and noth
ing but the truth. Send now three 2-cent
stamps and blrtbdate. Mr.' Best, 112, D. .
666, ChloagTX 8 30 23x
YOU SHOULD consult the reliable busi
ness medium and get satisfaction. 1708
Webster st- S B59 23x
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d Hoot.I
GRACE! O'BRYAN, Baths. 720 S. 13th.
LENA DE GRASSI, elegant massage,
vapor baths, alcohol rubulng. 317V N.
16th St., flat E. T-M736 87x
VIAVL a wholesale nerve and tlrsu food
and noma treatment for dlaoror of
women. tT booklat. Vlavl Co 348 Be
BIdg. U 723
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corn and superflu
ous hair removed by elecUlclty. K. I and
8. 1606 Farnam St. U 788
At druggist. 81.
PRIVATE home during confinement;
bablea adopted. The Good Samaritan
Sanitarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluff,
laV U-1W
PRIVATE boapltal before and during con
finement; babies bearded and adopted.
Mrs. Gardeis. 2234 Lake. Tel. Btd Wi
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement; beat medical care and nursing.
Mrs. L. FUhar. 1601 Vinton. Tel. lsati.
' U-728
PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and
during confinement. Dr. and Mra. Geriscb,
8625 California St. Terms reasonable.
U-663 28
U 7
OMAHA Dye Works, 1616 Howard, fashlon
able cleaners, dresses, suits, cloaks, dra
peries, ruga, lac curtains; we dye carpets.
U-M733 Sep20
REFINED young lady desires roommate.
References exchanged. L 47, Bee.
UNMARRIED gentlemen or ladles, enclose
tamp for sealed Information. United
Alliance, Box 143, Indianapolis, Ind.
U 787 23x
ELDERLY gentleman, wealthy, retired
from buslnoss; would marry; description
free. Address Mrs. Chase, 260 Euclid,
Room 202, Cleveland. Ohio. U 833 23x
RACES Do you win at them? If not, It la
because you do not know bow. Write me
for free Information; 20 years' experience.
Enclose atamp. T. J. Smith. 22" Dear
born St., Chicago. U-831-23X
I SEEK husband for lady of 22. worth
10,X, and beautiful farm; young widow,
16.000 and stock farm; lady,- 24. Vfi.m;
widow. 42. 335.000. Address Jessie. a.
Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. U 832 23x
ANY man can easily make 310 dally dis
tributing In sporting circles samples of
latest discovery. Write Union Medical
Supply Co., 76 6th Ave., Chicago, III.
p 844 23x
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and mole
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation' free and confidential ; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. L.
CORRESPOND or Marry Sample Illus
trated paper. 6 cents, paper and prlvat
list, 10 cents; describe yourself. National
Alliance, Grand Rapid. Mich.
MME. PERCY Is the most famou astrolo
ger In America; her predlctlona come
true. Bend 10c and birthday for trial
reading. 1007 First Ave. So., Minneapolis,
Minn. V
A WIDOW of culture and refinement de
sires management of wldower'a home,
where servant Is kept, or any position of
trust; best references, Address B. Bee
office. Council Bluffs, la. U 863 23x
THE REGENT ladles' toilet parlor and
ladle' bath also annex for gentlemen)
just opened; finest In west; at 2u5 Ramus
BIdg 'Phone 2079. U ii
WANTED, city loana and warrants. W.
Farnam d'-ilU) at Co., Ud Farnam street.
W 7.3
FARM and city loana; low rate. W. H.
Thomas. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1048.
PRIVATE! moaey. Sherwood, K7 N.Y. Life.
4 TO i P. C. money.
Bern la, Faiton block.
FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 104
Farnam. W-784
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 DugUe.
WANTED Real estate loans and war
ran la R. C. Peur at Co., Be bllg.
w 78
BEND l5o nd atamp, with date of birth,
and get tram reading of your past, pres-
nl and future. I tell full name, datex,
age and date of maitiage. ieciilalion,
divorce, changes, etc., and tell whether
the on you love I true or false: guaran
teed atlsfttciion. Addreaa Mrne. L
Vr. Luck Bo 18. Kan t-'y'.Mo
.... . -SJ IS