Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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Tlffi Omaiu Sundax Per
rllr Fee (without Sundsy). One Tear. .$4 00
pally Be and Bundsy, one Year w
llluetrated Dm, One Tsar.
1 00
Bun.lar Bee, one xear.
flu turd" y
f4 fine Ywir
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year
a. 1 rux-AX v itu" jk -
a!1y Fee (without Sunday), per copy.... Jc
)al)y Bee (without Bund-v), per week... .12c
ally Bee (Including Sunday), per week..lio
6unUy Bm, pr copy
Kvninc B (without flunday). pr wwk fto
rnmnl.lnta of Irregularities in aeuvery
hould be addressed to City Circulation De-
Prtm",t- OFFICES.
Omnha The Bee Building.
South Omaha-City Hall Building. Twen-ty-flfth
and M Streets.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Ftreet.
Chl'-aro M40 Unity Building.
New York-aa Park Row Building.
Washington 491 Fourteenth Street.
Communication, relating to new. and edi
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Only 4-cent .tamps accepted in payment of
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County
George B. Txschuck, secretary of Tho Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
av. that the actual number of full and
complete copies of Th. Dally Morning.
Evening and Bunday Bee printed during th.
month of July, lu3, waa a. follow.:
17 30,300
18 30,080
1 2T.800
20 83,810
J! S9.0OO
0 80,200
U 3O.07O
24 aoioo
2S 30,020
n 27.140
21 80,3410
tf 80,310
M ll,720
SI .....30,010
1 0,MoO
1 81,00
10 80,760
11 8O,T70
U 117,010
13 80,000
14 80,040
15 ao.oso
18 04iUO
Total 033,313
Leaa unsold and returned copies.... ,tt4S
Net total sale. 833,007
Net average .ales 30,790
Subscribed in my presence and .worn to
before me this 31st CLay of July, A. D. 1803.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Parti, leaving the eltr (or
seat to them regelarly by
tifylnc Th De. Business
fflce, la parson or by mall.
Th. wlt b. changed
a often a. lrd.
Reliance is no misnomer.
The farmers do not trust enough
trusts to form a trust of their own.
Does advertising pay? jUBt ask Sir
Thomas Llptoa If you don't believe It
Andrew Carnegie will have to give it
away faster if he is to avoid a dlsgraee-
iui death.
Tho Humberts present another object
lesson or the old adage about giving a
rogue rope.
Perhaps Blr Thomas can , be induced
to Join forces with Prof. Langley and
iae xo air navigation.
What David B. IIU1 says about Freai
dent Roosevelt is matched only by what
no minks about William J. Bryan.
The year 1003 promises to go down
into history as a fateful year for the
grand old men of the nineteenth cen
una two conventions of Nebraska
democrats and populists this week will
not fuse, but they will each simply
name uie same ticket.
King Peter of Servla is again threat
ening to abdicate his new made throne.
King Peter may threaten once too often
and I taken at his word.
Harper's Weekly thinks , that what
President Roosevelt most needs is the
dally advice of a sagacious politician.
If he had that be would be in hot water
all the time. ,
Uncle Bam insists on enforcing hts
ban on the sun dance. Tho ' Indians
should follow the example of their white
brethren and take to the more refined
cruelties of the price fight '
1 , . y
During the fiscal year ending June
80, 1003, 557 new national banks were
organised. This is pretty good evidence
that the restrictions of the national bank
act do not constitute a bar to profits in
the banking business.
After' all .'the big universities put in
new schools of Journalism we may ex
poet the legislatures to be ,lmportuned
to enact laws to prevent anyone from
practicing in tho newspapers without
first showing a diploma.
An effort Is to be made to revive blcy
cling as a moans of outdoor recreation
and sport. The bicycle has one adran
tage that ought to help restore it to
popular favor when it breaks down it
doea not require a two-horse team
haul it back to the nearest town for re
Lord Salisbury broke into Parliament
as a member of the House of Commons
at the age of 23. Had be been making
his bow in public life in this country he
would have found that the constitution
barred him out of the lower bouse of
congress until he attained the age of
25 and out of the senate until he could
point to 30 years.
Tho TraasmlssUslppl congress has ad
Journed its Seattle settalon after passing
resolutions favoring about everything
m. the calendar from an international
Jowv,tchery t0 gutehood for Okla
THE lAsU did not seise the opportunity
' a few booms for presidential
'-aUc&Cl hjijora.
Among American railway magnates
who take deservedly high rank Stuyves
ant Fish of the Illinois Central stands
peerless, not only as a master of trans
portation, but as a man of the highest
culture. President Fish has recently
given out a statement In which ho com
mends railway business consolidations
s helpful to the general prosperity of
the country, but lays special stress on
the beneflclal effects of railway mergers
which, he declares, are made to secure
greater economy and ahould bring about
lower transportation rates. According
to Mr. Fish, "there is no danger that the
railroads will ever be controlled by One
man, or by the government The right
way to do Is to let the railroads consoli
date, or merge, all they want to, and
then let the people look after the traffic
rates and taxation."
In advising the people to strike home
for equitable taxation first, and then
freight rate reductions, Mr. Fish has
struck the keynote. But when shall
the peoplo begin? The railroads west
of the Mississippi, and especially those
west of the Missouri, are already con
solidated into systems, and one or two
have been merged with other systems,
ostensibly in tho interest of economy.
but in reality to inflate their capitaliza
tion to Justify excessive transportation
tolls adjusted on the higher level basis.
The railroad systems to which Ne
braska is tributary, for example, have
within the past few yenrs doubled,
trebled nnd even quadrupled their earn
ings, but they have not only maintained
their exorbitant freight rates, but have
actually raised them by changes in
classification and by various other sub
tlo methods for rate raising best known
to traffic managers. In spite. of the enor
mous increase in earnings nnd the in
creased volume of traffic that taxes their
rolling stock facilities to the utmost,
railroad managers have spurned the
prayers and resisted every effort of the
people of Nebraska to share with the
railway corporations their Just propor
tion of the burdens of taxation. Under
pretext of self-defense they have In
vaded the halls of legislation to manipu
late corruptly the legislatures to thwart
the will of the people for the enactment
of Just legislation. Not content with
this, they have exerted a pernicious in
fluence upon the executive department
of the commonwealth and destroyed
popular self-government by the conniv
ance of executive officers acting as a
state board of assessors and state board
of equalization.
These enormities on the part of rail
road corporations are patent to all men
who live in Nebraska and unless the
railway managers abandon . these an
archistic practices we shall witness an
other political upheaval. True, the peo
ple of Nebraska are prosperous, but
even the greatest measure of prosperity
will not reconcile them to paying a com
pulsory tribute of from 30 to 50 per cent
more in local freight rates than la being
exacted from people of adjacent states
east and south, and in addition to this
tariff paying several hundred thousand
dollars a year in taxes that should Justly
be paid by the railroads.
RKiiicDits for la h Lcssn ess.
Recent utterances of distinguished
Jurists in regard to remedies for mob
violence, with particular reference to
lynching, . merit the very earnest and
serious consideration of the American
public. ' The subject Is one which should
not be dismissed from attention and we
think will not be. Its great importance,
there la reason to believe, will become
more and more realized, with the result
of a greater awakening of popular in
terest and an Increasing desire to find
a wise and practicable way for remedy
ing so great an evil, the growth of
which all intelligent men see would be
most dangerous to our social wcyi being
and even to the maintenance of our
political institutions.
While there is practical unanimity
among those who have given careful
and unprejudiced study to the subject,
there Is diversity of opinion as to what
is necessary to be done to check and
mitigate that form of lawlessness com
monly described by the term mob vio
lence. A deliverance which has ' at
tracted more attention than any other,
because of Its high source, is that of
Justice Brewer of the United States su
preme court That eminent jurist be
lieves that in order to stay tho epidemic
of lynching one thing is the establish
ment of greater confidence in the sum
mary and certain punishment of the
criminal He says: "Men are afraid of
the law's delays and the uncertainty of
its results. Not that they doubt the
Integrity of the Judges, but they know
that tho law abounds with technical
rules and that appellate courts will often
reverse a judgment of conviction for a
disregard of such rules, notwithstanding
full belief in the guilt of the accused.
If all were certain that the guilty ones
would be promptly tried and punished.
the inducement to lynch would be
largely taken away." There is unques
tionably force In this. It will hardly be
questioned that the law's delay is to
some extent responsible for those out
breaks of violence which have become
a reproach to the country. But Jus
tice Brewer does not strengthen his po
sition In advocating the doing away
with appeals In criminal cases. That
would be a most radical step which It
Is safe to say the American people
would not approve. Doing away with
appeals in criminal ' cases would of
course expedite the administration of
Justice, but it is easy to understand
that it might also result in the punish
ment of innocent persons and this Is a
risk which our people would be uuwlll
lng to take.
As was said by Judge Woodward of the
second appellate division of the New
York supreme court, "the technical rules
which are mad use of by the guilty to
delay the day of execution are the rules
which guarantee to the innocent the
preservation of their rights, even in the
face of soAulU Chief JuUc.
Love of the Delaware supreme court
takes a somewhat similar view, saying
thnt the remedy for mob violence "Is
not In hnsty and feverish action of courts
of Justice agalnstt the criminal whose
offense is the exrlliiig cause," and
he declared that "the claim that be
cause courts in any case refuse to 'rail
road' the criminal to the gallows Is
an excuso for brutal lynching is not
worthy of consideration before Intelli
gent people." That there is good rea
son for the demand that the adminis
tration of Justice In criminal cases
should be expedited, which It is en
tirely practicable for the courts to do,
will hardly be seriously questioned. "Nor
Is It to be doubted that the effect would
be wholesome, as Justice Brewer points
out. In staying the epidemic of lynch
ing. There Is urgent need of reform in
this respect, but there are not many
who will accept the view that appeal in
criminal cases should be done away
The establishment of the first Ameri
can school for Journalism througli an
endowment of $2,000,000 provided by
Mr. Joseph Pulitzer, proprietor of the
New York World, Is an event of national
magnitude. The Fourth Estate of the
nineteenth century has become the First (
Estate of the twentieth century. The
press is universally recognized as the
moulder of public opinion the un
crowned potentate that rules the civi
lized world. The men who wield such
tremendous Influence for good or evil
should come equipped to their calling,
not merely with intellectual endowment,
but with such training as will fit them
for the most efficient discharge of duties
and responsibilities that devolve upon
the leaders and moulders of the popular
thought and conscience.
There Is no royal road to learning in
any profession. In the language of the
famous founder of the Springfield Re
publican, Samuel Bowles, "You cannot
Improvise a Journal nor a journalist,"
but the crude material with which the
pioneers of Journalism have been com
pelled to build up the newspapers of
their day would no longer satisfy the
wants of the modern daily, great or
small. A smearing of printer's ink and
a knowledge of ward politics no longer
suffices for the making of an American
editor. The American newspaper of to
day commands and demands not only
natural talents and early education, but
special education that cannot be ob
tained in any existing school or Uni
versity. This long felt want Columbia univers
ity will be able to fill by the generous,
in fact, princely, contribution of Mr.
Pulitzer, under the direction and super
vision of Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler
and an advisory board composed of
veteran editors, statesmen and scholars,
distinguished In the field of journalism
and bringing to the taBk Imposed upon
them ripe experience and comprehen
sive understanding of the desired
branches of instruction and study. A
course of instruction formulated by them
on practical lines will enable ambitious
young Americans to enter the profession
imbued with the highest ideals of its
mission coupled with preliminary train
ing that will fit them for positions on
the staff of any newspaper. No educa
tional institution is more favorably lo
cated for a great school of Journalism
than is Columbia, in the very heart of
the American metropolis, that boasts
the greatest, best equipped and most
progressive newspapers in the world.
thc c r sua asd tbe railwatb.
Inquiries have been sent out by the
census bureau in order to get data for
a series of bulletins on wealth, debt and
taxation. Incidentally these will deal
with the value of railway property and
the New York Journal of Commerce ob
serves that this alone is sufficient to give
the question of railway assessment new
prominence. It is further remarked by
that paper that the railways themselves
are alive to the importance of what is
to be done in the present investigation
and representatives of largo railway in
terests recently consulted with officers
of the census bureau for the purpose of
securing the adoption of "fair" methods
of estimating values. "Under the lead
of ex-Senator Manderson and others,'
says the Journal of Commerce, "there
seemed to bo a disposition on the part
of some powerful roads to assist the
census officers in their inquiries, provided
the latter would meet them half way by
accepting certain ideas upon the mode
of valuation," and, that paper tiHs, "A
great opportunity is now presented to
the census officers. It is that of valuing
railway property so fairly and so reason
ably that state and local officials will be
dlnposed to accept the figures as a basis
for taxation and to discard their own
crude and inharmonious methods."
It should be unnecessary to point out
that if the census officials rely upon the
representations of the railways as to
the value of their property they will not
get a fair statement, but on the con
trary will be misled at every step of the
investigation. It is perfectly safe to say
that there is not a railroad company In
the country that would make a fait
statement or estimate of the value of its
property, especially where there was
Involved the question of assessment for
taxation. If the census officials charged
with the Investigation desire to obtain
Information as nearly accurate as posst
bio regarding the value of railway prop
erty they will not rely wholly or mainly
upon the officials of the railways, but
will also consult state and local officials
who huve to do with the voJuation for
assessment of railway property.
The Journul of Commerce says: "If
the Interest cf the census office itself is
deeply involved in the question of rell
nhle returns, the same is true of the
railways. A fair and reliable estimate
will not in the long run be injurious to
the roads, but will largely benefit them."
This may be a sound theory, but it is
not generally accepted or acted upon by
railway officials, whose common practice
Is quite the opposite. Census estimates
of tho value of railway property will be
worth very little if obtained exclusively
or maluly from the railroads.
The growing trade of the Dominion,
as shown in the statistics submitted to
the congress of British Chambers of
Commerce In session at Montreal the
past week. Is worthy of attention as
evidence that our northern neighbor is
really making substantial progress to
ward that commercial independence
which a gTeat many of her people are
hoping for and earnestly believe to be
attainable. The figures show that In
the last ten years the trade of Canada
bus more than doubled, amounting in
1901 to over $407,000,000, and it probably
exceeded this last year. The percentage
in commercial growth during the past
five years was greater for the Dominion
than for any other country, the United
States included, being 64.97 per cent
against 32.30 per cent for this country.
This seems almost incredible and yet
the details presented fully support the
The commercial congress adopted a
resolution urging the imperial govern
ment to maintain and extend commer
cial treaty rights, which is construed as
favorable to the reciprocity principle,
so far at least as the United States in
concerned. Whether or not this infer
ence is correct it is well understood
that the Canadian influence in the con
gress was in the main favorable to reci
procity and it is not altogether improb
able that the Dominion government will
make overtures at Washington next
winter for the negotiation of a reciproc
ity treaty.
tbb yacht racks.
It the first race between Reliance and
Shamrock III can be taken as giving
fair indication of their relative speed
merits and the comparative skill of tho
competing crews, there is little danger
that the America's cup will pass out of
our possession this year. The result is
not unexpected; in fact, a different out
come would be most surprising, in view
of all we have been told by the experts
who have watched the preliminary tests.
That widespread interest attaches to
the races is plainly evident and it is
easy to Bee the foundations for intense
popular excitement should it develop
later that the supremacy of the Ameri
can vessel is not bo certain as is com
monly supposed.
Yacht racing is thus far the culmina
tion of competitive sport So few are
the people who can indulge such expen
sive fads and bo rare the meetings for
championship honors, and so thorough
the newspaper publicity they achieve,
that a personal concern ia aroused quite
generally, even among landlubbers who
have never seen a yacht and have small
hopes of ever setting eyes on one. Yacht
racing, however, is as a rule quite harm
less, both to participants and spectators,
and as a stimulant of the true sporting
spirit has no superior.
Mississippi democrats will have to
hold a second primary election to aaw
off between the candidates for governor,
none of whom received a majority of
the votes cast at the original primary.
Three candidates originally submitted
their names, but only the two with the
highest vote will be allowed to contest
in tbe second primary. In Mississippi, of
course, a democratic nomination is the
same as an election, so that the primary
is more important and elicits more In
terest than the election itself -in fact &
greater vote has doubtless been polled in
the preliminary bout than will be polled
later on the regular election day.
State Senator William P. Sullivan, con
victed of soliciting bribes during the re
cent session of the Missouri legislature,
has been sentenced to pay a fine of $100
without serving an hour even in a
county Jail, while members of the St
Louis city council who have been con
victed of the same offense have been
given terms in the penitentiary ranging
from one to three years, which goes to
show that Doodling is considered a very
heinous crime if committed by the St.
Louis councilmen, but a slight offense
when committed by members of the
Missouri legislature.'
If the Colombian government showed
any disposition to go ahead and build
the Panama canal by itself, its obstruct
ive tactics against the canal treaty
would be readily understandable. Inas
much, however, as it has neither the
coin nor the credit it may as well wake
up to the fact that if Uncle Sam does
not dig the ditch it will not be dug at
At the meeting of the Society of Amer
ican Florists and Ornamental Hortlcul
turlsts, the designation of the carnation
as the national flower was again urged
In florid language. Here is another
chance for Senator Dietrich to invite a
shower of bouquets.
Following the lead of our state con
vention endorsing in tbe platform all
the work of the late legislature, the
republican national convention next
spring will have to endorse all the laws
passed by two congresses.
Th. Good Old Way.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Speaking of schools of journalism, Horace
Greeley said the real student lived on ink
and slept on a pile of newspapers.
Smoked Hams.
Chicago Record-Herald.
When it come, to the '"bog" question th.
fellow who cling, to the end .eat la lnaig-
ulflcant in comparison with th. one who
goes on day after day making the air foul
with smoke.
Cod Liver Oil la Trada.
Boston Advertiser.
Few people realize that a many lives
are lost In the cod fisheries to .ecur cod
liver oil aa are saved by th. oil after it I.
extracted and refined. Statistic of the
Industry prove It Bioce the liver oil of the
cod came to be accepted, about fifty year.
ago, as a our. for tuberculosis maay thou-
sand peopl. have been restored to health
from wasting disease. The cost 1. seen In
the bereaved families along the Newfound
land coast It seems to be life for life,
Provocation for a Mob.
Philadelphia Record.
A Illustrative of th. law', delay, It 1.
noted that of the nineteen boodlera who
have been convicted In Missouri through
the active and Insistent labors of District
Attorney Folk, not one has yet been landed
in the penitentiary. He ha. brought them
to the door, but they will linger on th.
outsld. a. long a. Incarceration can be
postponed by appeal to the higher courts.
Diamonds May Become Common.
Philadelphia Pres..
The lover of diamonds, who do not have
the money to buy all they want, .hould
feel encouraged over the new. from South
Africa, where a valuable new field ha
been discovered, equal, It U .aid, to any
thing previously known. Th. De Beer,
monopoly I said to have a large quantity
of diamond, on hand which they hold back
to keep up prices. They will have to ac
quire the new field, which 1. .aid to be
ezten.lve, or diamond, will b. apt to take
a fall In price. That fall may make them
lea fashionable.
Dancer la Patent Dope.
Indianapolis Journal.
Scarcely a week passe, that one does not
read of some person being killed by a pat
nt headache cure. There are many of
these pretended cure, on the market, and
they are injurious, while some are dan
geroua They are for the most part com
posed of powerful drugs, such aa should
only be taken on the prescription of a
physician In carefully prepared doses.
Taken without reference to existing con
dition, they are dangerous. An ordinary
headache probably come from ordinary
causes, and may be cured by reat and fast
ing. A severe or prolonged one argues an
unusual cause, and calls for medical ad
vice. Patent headache cures should be
let severely alone.
Americanising America.
New York Evening Post
The partition of China, the eastern ques
tion, the development of South Africa are
mere child's play by the side of the mys
terious question, "Will America ever b.
Americanized?" In all seriousness, it i.
time that an "American invasion," like
charity, should begin at home. It 1. no
blind worship of the past, least of all pes
simism, to sigh over the American spirit
of a former day, a. Wordsworth did over
Milton, and say: "Thou shouldst be living
at this hour." With contempt of orderly
legal process rampant in various part, of
is land; with the equality of men before
the law sharply challenged, and with the
career open to talent denied, thoughtful
Americans may well cry out for a re-
assertion of American liberty under a
government of law.
Chancellor Andrew. Say. Membership
Do.. Not Aid Colleae Work.
Prof. R B. Andrew, in Success.
Were I entering college again I should at
first, however warmly solicited, join no
fraternity. At some institution, with which
I am acquainted I should never Join, and
anywhere I should wait to know my ground.
Fraternities do great good. A. they exist
at many a .eat of learning they can hardly
be criticised. I often use them with effect
in holding their member, to hard work and
exemplary conduct They are susceptible
of indefinitely large service in this way, a.
In other way. But at "some center, their
influence painfully promote, clique., shib
boleth, and partisan temper. Where it la
so I shoald utterly avoid them, preferring
the risk of losing wb.atever good a fra
ternity might do me rather than that of
falling into thla antisocial spirit American
manhood need, toning up in individuality
of thought and action. In matters of opin
ion we go too much in drove.. Instead of
strengthening this tendency college life
should help annul it
Fraternity electioneer, sometimes seek to
dragoon their victims Into the Valley of
Decision by crying: "Now or never. Thl.
1 your last chancs; unless you join us at
onoe you are hopelessly 'left.' " Thl. in
sults the man to whom it 1. said. . It mean,
that when you are better known you will
not be wanted. It may be that men unite
with fraternities who, should they wait.
would wait in vain; yet upper classmen are
taken into the bet fraternities every year.
I would not enter a fraternity under thl
or under any other pressure. However de-
slrabl. to be in a fraternity, suoh member
ship Is not absolutely necessary for college
success. If you wish to oln. proviaea you
are worthy and your initial college reoord
la good, they way will open, even If you
are not rushed in on the ides of your fresh
man October.
What It Cost Noted Doctor to Vio
late the Rule. ,
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Th. Hth of Dr. Play fair, the celebrated
London gynaecologist, calls attention not
enly to his great service, to numamiy
(hrnnirh the Dractlce of his profession and
the number of textbook, he ha. written,
but to the fact that he wa mulcted in tne
aura of $60,000 for breach of professional
etiquette by revealing to hi wife, and
through her to other, certain matter con
f his Datlenta which reflected
h. ,.hBrrteF. At the trial the truth ,
or falsity of the matter he revealed wa
not allowed to be considered, ana tne jury ;
assessed him In the heaviest damage ef
th ort on record. j
t m.v he said that not only legally, but
professionally, he wa th cause of etab- i
llshlng a principle which I. ..sentlal to the ,
.fr of society. If a physician were al
lowed on any pretense, except as a man- j
date of the law to e.tabll.n ju.tic. xo re- .
veal the secrets which he learn. In his I
profession, a .tat. of 'hlng. would ensu
kih i. unthinkable. The ohyslclan corns
into the closest possible contact with his
patient, much closer, as a ruie, man re
ligious adviser, and It 1 only , on the
assumption that what I revealed to him
can be kept absolutely secret mat euner
patient or physician can aecure the beat
results. ,
rhia Familalte of secrecy ha no relation
to crime, but Is bounded by much larger
i.ynaiileratlons. Human beings of the de
cent sort desire to protect tbelr Individ
uality a muck aa possible. It l an un
pleasant feature of life that It Is so often
to be borne under untoward circumstances.
The state of perfect health is a rare one
indeed, and those who are obliged to con
sult Dhvslcian. frequently are among the
great majority. The skillful physician de
pends not alone on the knowieage oi meai
cine for his healing powers; he must know
hi. patient', mental ond moral .tatu. a.
far as possible, and he Is often tne conn
dant of the most .acred secrets, which are
of no concern to the world in any event,
and the knowledge of which would bring
humiliation and pain without any corre
sponding benefit to humanity.
It la a great tribute to the profession
that so few of Its member have ever dis
honored It in tht way. In th ease of Dr.
Play fair, he thought he was doing a great
service In revealing what he had learned.
To hla cost he found that be had mad. a
mistake which clouded his later year. It
I th kind of mistake that is not likely to
be repeated, for, aside from the ethic of
tha nu and the law provided, it work
Injury to the reputation and Income ef the
violator of profession! eorecjr.
Minneapolis Time.: When Oerontmo and
a down of hi. Apache warrior Joined the
Methodist church a short time ago a good
deal of surprise wa. expressed, for old
Oeronlmo was one cf the fiercest of the
fierce In his fighting day. It may be aald
In hi behalf, however, that he quit danc
ing a good many year. ago.
Boston Transcript: Doubtless the pope's
gift of $20,000 to the poor of Rome wa. not
coupled with any condition, that other
people raise a similar amount or that the
money should be so invested In lodging
house or lunchroom a. to earn 2v per cent
Modern charity, conducted on business
principle, 1. all right; but so, once In
a while, I. the old-fashioned kind.
Springfield Republican: The story that
the Austrian government Interposed It. veto
again. t the election of Cardinal Rampolla
as pope 1. now confirmed in an authorita
tive way at Vienna. Nothing more I.
needed to show how very superior wa. th.
reporting of the recent conclave. It wa.
often said before the death of Leo XIII
that the right of veto, held by Spain,
Franc and Austria, would never again be
exercised, although It wa. conceded that
Austria was more likely to Interfere Utaa
either of th other power. Th reason
for Austria's action I not obscure, since
It wa dlreoted against Rampolla. That
cardinal, who earn very near being pop,
wa deemed by European statesmen more
likely than any other member of th sacred
college to be a "political pontiff," and th
powers want no such spiritual aoveretga
on th throne of St Peter. It will be ob
served that th semi-official statement In
Vienna repudiate, th Insinuation that Em
peror Franols Joseph acted as the spokes
man of Europe. Tet it la, on th contrary,
quit likely that he knew well th senti
ment of Paris, Berlin, Rome and St Peters
burg when he vetoed Cardinal Rampolla,
Th anddeit feature of th Panana canal
mix-up I. that It may provoke anpther
speech from Senator Morgan.
Th present I a. good at any time to
get up a match' between tike Ice men and
tho coal men for th lightweight cham
pionship. There is no call for sympathy for Cor
bett He got 111,000 out of th melee, a
pretty fat consolation purse for a back
Th crasy who fired Into a crowd
listening to a band concert Intended th
lead for th band. Th band was playing
Experts In th vicinity oonfess that the
Kaw river at any stags does not afford
any Inspiration for a poet It I. fit to take
"on th. side."
Chicago reached Its one hundreth birth
day last week. No one would have sus
pected the century mark, but the papers
got gay and gave the old dam away.
The old reliable favorite of th newspaper
headllner, th bashlbasouka of Turkey,
are getting In their work in the Balkan
muddle in fin eh ape. 7n fact they ar
having a killing time.
A Pennsylvania man whose won died of
lockjaw from a toy pistol wound ha sued
the dealer who sold th pistol for 15,000
damages. Thl. case may furnish a prece
dent more ffotiv than publio sentiment
In banishing th sal of oemetery promot
ers. President Roosevelt". admonition to
Brooklyn youth, to shun, profanity and
observe r.irity of speech finds a responsive
echo In all Utan minds. Of all classes
In this country th Quaker ar probably
th strictest observers of the rule of clean
speech. Occasionally, however, a mem
ber la tcieJy tempted. Entering a Phil
adelphia hotel the other day, a Quaker
stepped en th tiling and measured hi
length cn th floor. Getting on his feet
hi accosted a newsboy: "Son, doest thou
swear?" "No, sir," quickly roplled th
dlplomatlo youngster. "I cannot use thee,"
murmurod the injured man in sorrowful
tones as he ambled to th desk.
"aW . - -ei
Died DUnl and a Pa.per In Nw
Jersey Alsnsbon...
WASniN'GTON. N. J., April 27.
Joslah E. Lynn, who twenty years ago
was. next to John I. Blair, the wealth
iest man in Warren county, died in tho
almshouse on Saturday night He was
73 years old. In bis early days he and
Jay Gould ran a tannery In Pike county,
pa. Nine years ago he became blind
and his fortnne was swept away.
jr. r. Bun.
Can there be
any stronger argument
for an endowment policy?
Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the United
H. D. Neely, Mgr.,
404-403 Merchant's Nat'l Bank Bidr-,
"Were you out drlvlnir yesterday t"
"Tes; out tS for the rl. The girl told me
.he was engaged to another fellows'Chi
cago Tribune.
Newiywed lo you think you can help
me to eeonomhe?
Mrs. NewlywedOh. John, I never told
you before. I can do my own manicuring.
New l'ork 8un.
"Whnt Is the best powder for babies?"
asked the woman.
"Uunpowder." absently replied th dni
frlnt. who had been up all night with Ills
own. Detroit Freo Press.
"Now. that we are married, dear," said
the bridegroom, "you have a serious task
before you." v
"Why, George, what Is It T"
"You must prov to my three alstor
that you ar worthy of me." Philadelphia
Nell Po she, engaged at last. She aeema
likely to beat u all in the matrimonial
Belle Tea. At any rate, aha told me she
was on her last lap thl. time. Somorvllle
"Orac I greatly worried. Sh can't de
cide where to go on her bridal tour."
"When 1 .he to be married?"
"The date hasn't been fixed yet"
"Whom 1. she going to wed?
"That's another detail that la yet to be
arranged. But .he ha her trousseau all 1
planned." Kansas City Journal.
Thar wa. a young woman of Sti!t
Who longed for a lover to wault;
She got one. but he,
Alarw "N. O "
which mad her feel awfully blault.
New Tork Commercial
Oliver Wendell Ho rasa.
That age wa older ono. than now,
In .pit of lock, untimely abed.
Or silvered on the youthful brow;
That babes make lav and children wed.
That sunshine had a heavenly alow.
Which faded with those "good old day"
When winter, earn with deeper .row.
And autumn with a softer base.
That mother, sister, wife or child
The "best of women" each hes known.
Were school-boy. ever half .o wild?
How young th grandpapa, have grown.
That but for this our .mil. ware free,
And but for that our live, were bleat;
That In some season yet to be
Our eare. will leave us time to rest.
Whene'er we groan with ache or pain
Some common ailment of the race
Though doctors think the matter plain
That ours Is a "peculiar case."
That when Ilk babe, with finger burned
W count one bitter maxim more.
Our lesson all the world ha. learned.
And men ar wiser than before,
That when we sob o'er fancied woe.
The angel, hovering or rhead
Count every pitying drop that flows.
And love u. for th tears w shed. "
That when we stand with tearless eye '
And turn the beggar from our door
They still approve u. when we algh.
"Ah, had I but on thousand store."
Though temple, crowd the crumbled brink
O'erhanglng truth', eternal flow,
Their tablet, bold with what we think.
Their echoes dumb to what we know
That one unquestioned text we read,
All doubt beyond, all fear above.
Nor crackling pile nor ourslng creed
Can burn or blot it; God la love.
. Social atmocptMir lnv-llk and happy.
Gtraral ad oaUeg prj-atory course.
tittPtlmal vantaf-) rn mualo, art an1
literary tntcrvrttatlon. Prepare, tor any
collet cvn to women. Taasar, Wellealey,
Mt Helyoks. Wtrtara Reserve University.
University t Ncferaka and University ef
Chicago, admit rPM without exainlnaUov,
on Ui. certificate ex the principal mid
faovlty. Thorough! Insisted upon aa oa
enlial to character building. - Phyle.i
training under a proUaaional director
Well equipped rTiutslim, ample provi
sion for out door ejort. Including private
Skating ground. Send for Illustrated caU
logu. Mia. Macrae, Principal.
:S f