12 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: BUNDAY, AUOUST 23, 1903. ABOUT PLAYS PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES One week from tomorrow wltneseea the beginning of the winter amusement season In Omaha, for which the theater managers have made unusual preparations. The new theater, the Krug. wilt be flrat to open Ira doors beginning on Monday night, but n .Thursday night Jhe Boyd will again welcome Ita patrons. In selecting "Sweet Clover" for the flrat attraction at their new bouse Messrs.- Hudson A Judah have been Actuated solely by a desire to preaent to their prospective patrons an example of the ort of entertainment that may be looked for during the season at that house. They bad an opportunity to secure one of the several swell attractions, but preferred to begin the season much aa If they were an old established firm. A little reflection will show the wisdom of this course. By bring ing on one of their regular attractions and opening at regular prices they will not be In danger of creating a false Impression, but will make clear to the people Just what may be expected at the theater during the win-, trr. On Thursday evening of this week a ort of houee-waf mlng affair will be given, .when the K.'ug will be opened for Inspec tion by the public. The theater will be lighted, the orchestra will be there to fur pish music and the publio la Invited to at tend and Inspect. - The Boyd season will be opened with .."Prince of Pilsen," one of Plxley Luders' merriest musical comedies. Incidentally, the Hat of bookings announced by Mr. Bur tress on his return from New Tork last Monday has been the subject of much fa vorable comment. It la rarely the caae that a manager so far away from the amuse ment center of the country can offer so at tractive a bill to his patrona. Omaha peo ple feel the compliment that ha been paid them by the theatrical promotera In ar ranging to a end so many of the big things to the Boyd, but Omaha people have long since established their appreciation of good things by giving most liberal patronage to all. This la generally admitted by the man agers and Omaha Is listed as among the seat "show towns" in the United States. . That anticipation la not likely to outrun realisation of many of the attractions promised Is made plain by the stories now being told In the eastern papers of the preparations for the tours of the several stars. Mr. Mansfield Is preparing to give his playa such magnificent settings as will, If possible, outstrip his former ven tures, and any who saw his "Hanry V," his "Cyrano" or his ' "Julius Caesar" will admit 'that Mr. Mansfield as a producer Is hardly seoond to Mr. Mansfield as an aotor. In "Iran the Terrible" he has an opportunity for a setting of unusual rich ness, the semi-barbaric nature of the Rus sian, oourt at the- time dealt with permit ting the ubo of aoenery and furnishings of' gorgeous splendor and Oriental richness. It may be . accepted as certain that Mr. Manafteld. will make the- most of his op portunities, in this .direction, , But Mr. Mansfield is riot to be the only' star 06 the road this coming season with a pro duction of more' than ordinary note. Mr. N. C. Goodwin is to be surrounded In his "Midsummer Night's Dream" with a scenlo equipment that will outdo anything of the ort ever known. None of the Bhakv speresn plays afford a mora inviting field for the scenlo art than thla merry bit of nonsense, with it unctuous - foolery and witty wisdom, and when Nick Bottom awakens In Tltanla's bower with his as sinlne head and appetite, he will be sur rounded by such flowers as might only grow in fairyland, but' for which Messrs. Klaw ft EJrlanger last week Jet a contract calling for $7,000 worth of artificial flower alone, .Aa-. thla, production ia- JSiOnet) fche new ' Amsterdam theater, on 'which the firm has spent . mora than .- a. million of dollars. It Is being prepared regardless- of expense an ; It -1s to be sent ,' on Its " tour.v wltli all of Its aoenery, aoceasoriea and . equipment. Mr. Bot hern's new play la to be given appro priate Setting, and' the various Bhake-spe-rean. revivals, of which there are sev eral, will all be tricked out with the bright est arid ' newest of new scenery. The Warde-Jamee production of ."Alexander the Great" also, gives the artist great scops for the exercise of his faculties in the way of restorfng the atmosphere of a vanished Urns of . barbarlo magnificence. "These are only a few of the many good things promised," as the advance man would ay, bat they Indicate, In a measure, what may be expected. Painters are buay at work In the Boyd Just now, and when the doora are' opened to the public' riext' week the house 'will be as bright as'' new. Several' changes will be noticed, the most notable being in the lobby, where the well-remembered goldn ak and' green will give way 'to Flemish oak arid . white.' ' None of the ' beauty of the pretty' entrance" will- be- lost; on the' contrary? Atahagtt Burgess Is sanguine that the change wjll, enhance' the appear ance of &e lobf)ya'nd that the general ef fect will be pleasing' as1 well as' artistic Inside the 6odwork will all be repainted, the carpets wlU"be renewed -and the whole (auditorium will be 'gone over and bright ened up, so that the house will be spick and spaa for the beginning of what prom ises to be the most prosperous season of Its hUtory., Ope. thing more should be born In mind la connection with the coming here of Messrs. Hudson A Judah. Although a ' Kansas City firm, they are firm believers In the home Industry patronage doctrine, and everything needed for the construction or equipment of the Krug theater,., was bought from, an Omaha firm. In building the theater and furnishing It the managers have expended halt again aa much money aa was estimated as the coat In the first place, .- The death at New York on . Friday of John Ellaler. remove one of, the veritable landmarks of the. theatrical ' profession. Mr. Ellsler. belonged essentially to the oil eclieol, but waa active in hla profesln until a very few years ago, when advanc . Ing age made It Imperative that he tease his participation in the affaire of the mttnlo world pf which he had ao long been a prominent figure. His name has bten a familiar one for many year and is not likely to be toon forgotten. Major E. C. Hrdy of The Bee, who waa an Intlttate friend ut Mr. Ellalar durtug a long time of hlSjlife, has this to say In regard to him: "Another veteran of the stage has passed to the 'undiscovered country.' John A. ElMer. who died in New York Friday at the great age of 82 years, waa for fully half a century before hla retirement fair year ago, one of the beat known actor and managers tn this country. For many years he managed the actors la Cleveland and Pittsburg and the houses he oonducted were celebrated for the unl formerly high character of their entertain ments. Mr. El'.sler always regarding the theater aa -an educational influence that ehould be kept at a high standard. Like Joseph Jefferson, wjth whom In hie earlier years he waa associated, John A. Ellsler T-tl proud of his profession and profoundly bownj-d in lla uaetulnes tn both instruct preparxwell as entertaining people. Aa an as, a waa remarkably vereatlle and Trit IAe be undertook be did well. The American stage has never had a better Polonlus than Ellsler. While as Sir Peter Teaale, Father Barbeau and Colonel Deraara, to mention only a few of the mora prominent parts he personated, dur ! Ing his long career, he had few peers. Those 1 whose success In the dramatto profession I waa due largely to the Instruction and I guidance of Mr. Ellaler have been numer , ous. - He waa a- moat genial and compan ionable man and to know him was to esteem him." , People sometime wonder what becomea of the atage aettitigs and equipment, prop erties and wardrobes used In the big pro ductions that have been the vogue for several years. ' Here Is a story from the New York Times that will explain what Richard Mansfield does With his great ac cumulation of scenery, furniture, costumes and the like when he goes from one play to another: Whll. Rlnhard Ifansflald ia atudvlna' his fiew characters In "Ivan the Terrlble'rnd 'Old Heidelberg" on the deck of his yacht, and making occasional trips into New York to auperviae the pi ogres." of prepara tions for next itunn. ancther reallv bis ' work la being done at his behest. in his character ai star Mansneia naa produced eleborittly neailj twenty-five plays. He haa kept all the costumes, all the scenfry, all tne furniture, armor and properties of each of. the productions. The houRlng of this motley accumulation Is no small consideration. He has a live atory atorage warehouse of his own over near the Hudaon river on West Twenty seventh atreet In New York. Here are ! packed away as clo;ly as Ingenuity can , devlBe all his professional belongings. Two entire floors are given to scenery, one floor is riven to the dlna-y cratea of coetlv fur niture, another to hundreds of trunks of superb coetumes and another to properties, mechanical devices, some scenery and vari ous odds and ends. The material glories of the stage "all must, like chimney sweeper, ccme to dust." Mnnsfield recently directed that a general house cleaning be inaugurated. The entry has all been taken out and overhauled. Any defects In upholstery of furniture Or In the general integrity of the multiplied fropertlea have all been rectified. But the ardent work of all was the scouring of the armor and the renovation of the cos tumes. Mansfield owns nearly 400 suits of mediaeval and Roman armor and there are In the trunks upward of 1,50 costumes. Individually complete. Instead of taking these to a cleaner's plant it was decided to Institute a plant In the building next door, aa there waa no room in the lansAeld storehouse. I In the September Century Thomas Bailey Aldrlch has a most entertaining and scholarly article on "Poor Yorlck," from which the following weird tale Is taken; fn a bracket In Edwin Booth's bedroom The Players the apartment remains as he left It that .solemn April day ten years ago stands a sadly dilapidated skull which the elder Booth, and afterward his son Edwin, used to soliloquize over in the graveyard at Elslnore In the fifth act of "Hamlet." '. In the early 40s, while playing an en gagement somewhere In the wild , west, Junius Brutus Booth did a series of klnd neeses to a particularly undeserving fel low, the name of him unknown to us. The man, aa It seemed, waa a combination of gambler, horse stealer and highwayman in brief, a miscellaneous desperado, and fireeleely the" melodramatic sort of peraon ikely to fouch the sympathies of the half mad player. In the course of nature or the lu w. . presumably the . law... the adventurer bodily disappeared one day, and In time ceased to ex let even as a reminiscence In the florid mind of his sometime bene factor. . .... Aa the elder Booth waa aeated at break fast one morning in a hotel at Louisville, Kv m nrrA hnv entered the room bearlns: I .u ... h.ulf.t nMtlv envereri with n anowy napkin. It- had, the general aspect of a basket of fruit or flowers sent by some admirer, and a such It figured .for a moment on Mr. Booth's conjecture. On lifting the cloth the actor atarted from the chair vCth a genuine- expression on his features of that, terror which he was used so marvellously to simulate in "Richard III " In the midnight tent , scene or ae Macbeth -when the : ghost of Banquo usurped his seat' at table. - . . . -In the pretty willow- woven basket lay the heaa. of Booth'e old pensioner, which, head the old pensioner had bequeathed In , due legal form to the tragedian, begging him henceforth to adopt It aa one of the necessary stage propertlea in the fifth act of Mr. Shakespeare's tragedy of "Hamlet." "Take It away, you black imp!" thundered the actor to the equally aghast negro boy. whose curiosity had -happily not prompted him to investigate the dark nature of his burden. ' ' . Shortly afterward, however, the horse stealer's residuary legatee, recovering from the first shock of his surprise, fell Into the grim humor of the situation and propertied to carry out to the letter the testator'a whimsical request. Thus It was that the skull came to secure an engage ment to play the role of poor Yorlck in J. B. Booth'e company of strolling players, and to continue awhile longer to glimmer behind the footlights in the hands of his famous son. Harry Gllfoil, the comedian, mlmlo and whistler, who will play the title role tn Klaw ft Erlanger's latest Drury Lane spec tacle, "Mr. Hlue jjeara, next season, was for fourteen years Identified with Charles H. Koyt's farces. He relates a very amus ing Incident in connection with his - first meeting with Mr. Hoyt at Bellows Falls, Vt., about seventeen years ago, when he waa but 18 years of a pre. playing a comedy part .with Newton Beers Dramatic com pany, presenting "Enoch Arden" and a repertoire.4 Jerome Sykes, who Was then In his late teens, was the "heavy villain" of the company. .Mr. Beers played In Bellows Falls on a Saturday night. Mr. Hoyt, who was at Iris -home- In Charleston, N." H., came over to see the show. After the performance he met the -company at the railroad sta tion. Gllfoil waa perched on a high atool eating pumpkin pie and drinking a glass. or mux. Mr. woyt warned Dy mm several tlmea. looklnsr him over and then ap proached him with the Inquiry: "How's the pie?" If there was anything on earth that Charlea H. Hoyt loved. It waa pumpkin pie, Gllfoil responded, "flood," and the next Instant Hoyt waa on a stool beside htm ordering pie and milk. "With tne trouper - quenea noyi. oy way of opening a conversation. lea, repuea union, wun nis mourn full of pie. "Are vou the fellow with that awfully big voice?" aakedVHoyt, with that peculiar New England twang that distinguished him all his life. "Guess I am," replica uuron. wno naa done his specialty In mlmlory during the performance. "Where'd yer get itT" twanged Hoyt, aa he amputated a big mouthful from his piece of pie. "'Natural." responded Gllfoil. "Sav." remarked Hoyt. sfter a moment's reflection, "I'm Charlea Hoyt. I want yer for one of my shows. What .does Beers Fo'ty dollars." replied Otlfoll, who had acquired the actors' habit and made . Ill look like to himself. "I didn't ask ye what he promised ye, but what he paid ye." snapped Hoyt. "What yer want to lla fort" "Well, he pays me $15," Oil toll eulkily responded. . "That's more like tt. I'm going to put on a new show and I want ye, but I dont want ye bad enough ter pay yr more than? jV If you'll take that I'll eend ye on to Frank McKee Juat aa soon as Beers will let you go." , "All right." replied Ollfoll. , "I'll take HO," Inwardly elated that he was prom ised t and would get ISO. too. 80 It was arranged that Oilfoil ehould report to Mr. McKee, Hoyt's general man aaer. two weeks later. He remained four teen yeare with Hvt and aaw hla 110 per week Increase to 1300. payable weekly. Here is another of the press agent's stor ies, which la good enough to be tn a class by Itself: Lillian Burkhart haa a scrapbook. Tn fart, she probably haa twd or three or four rrarbooke. But she haa one In particular which' is unique. She calls It her "personal literature" book, and In It she haa a collec tion of fugitive lines of the paragraphs written by well-meaning but poorly equipped press scents and advertising writ ers concerning her and her performances. The rem of the collection, she thinks. U a line from a Ptttslura dead wall which Is eased from year to year by the manager of the vaudavtlle theater In which the plays there. Instead of pasting the wall over with printed r-oeter or llthocrapha each week, one of the scene palmer's asaiatanta la sent over every Baturdny nl-ht to decorate it with an effective desla-n in colors, with the names end "turns" of the performers for the new week told off In neat lettering. It seems that the regular prea agent ut the theater had been 111 or out of town during the week prevtding Miss Burkhart's en gagement there, and the wording for the wall was furnished bv a stage hand with literary aspirations, who promlly called her attention to the following 'bining:' e Miss Lillian Burkhart, the young,'. passe, and elite comedienne pathet- Ique. J A Camden (N. J.) manager once billed her all over the town as "The Pet of New York's ton." The man who writes the mat ter for. the house programs In a tfieater In the Suburbs of Brooklyn described ' her aa "the politest and daintiest of the ring"! soubrettes." An sdvertlsement In a, Wor cester (Mass.) newspaper called her "the daintiest and most compelling of the In genues." A. newspaper in the same town, speaking Of her performanr-e In a "Passing Kanryt" said that "her laughter was So Infectious and her raillery and by-play So enervating that we should like much to see her la a longer piny. An Atlantic City correspondent of a Phil adelphia newspaper on one occasion sent his pnper the information that the hit of the performance on one of the piers there had been made by "that fair dlsclpl of Ysay, Lillian Burkhart. wno la doing so much to make the vMin popular with vaudeville audiences." ." Coming; Events. "Sweet Clover," a comedy drama in four gets, by Pauline Phelps and Marion Short, must be credited with 'one of the most pro nounced and substantial hits of last Season.' It tells of a sweet young girt, reared y ,an. old father with lealoua care, lest she .fall Into the path that years before led her" mother to forsake her baby and huaband. The plot leads with rapid sequence through events wherein the girl learns that her secret lover Is the son of the man who lured away her mother. She then marries the man her father chooses' for her, and, while happy in his love and learning to ro turn it In full measure, meets her returned lover and discovers he was only the adopted son of the villain. The climax of the play comes when, after a tableaux party, hus band and wlfo having returned home, the frantic lover enters the house through a dobr momentarily left ajar by the husband, who is preparing o leave the city that night. The wife descends In' her chamber robe to say a parting word to her husband and finds herself in the presence of the old lover instead. The scene that ensues Is in tensely dramatic. The young wife, true to her husband, feels keenly the Indignity thrust upon her honor, and the impetuous lover seals his doom when he tries to force his caresses upon her. Banished and loathed, he leaves, but the husband, whose suspicions have been aroused, returned, to discover the recent presence of the man and to cast off the Innocent, but compromised wife. But. like all plays, "Sweet Clover" ends happily for all concerned. "Sweet Clover" will be the opening attraction at the Krug theater, starting Monday, Au gust II, and continuing for the balance of the week. The advance sale opens at trie box office at 9 o'clock next Thursday morn-' Ing. Today at Krug park will open the en gagement, of the great cornet virtuoso, Mr. A. H. Knoll, for an extended engage ment with Huster's concert band. Also a repetition of that awe-lneplrlng spectacle of shooting a man from a capnon in mid air by J. Waldorf Hall. Mr. Knoll earned the distinguished title of America's great-, est. cornet virtuoso during. the year of 1SS3 at Detroit, at a contest open to the world, at Which all the reputed artists appeared and bowed acknowledgment to his .peculiar artistic and clear-toned accomplishments. Ha waa the only cornet soloist engaged as a special feature for the Pan-American; exposition, and even at this ' early hour holds a contract with the directors of the St Louis World's Fair for a like engage ment. Jflr. Knoll handles the classics In music as readily as does .he the popular selections, and as he occasion demands ia prepared to entertain hla audiences in. a fitting manner. His appearances will be at 4 and t o'clock every afternoon, 'and t:30 and 10:30 each evening. All the perma nent features will be greatly embellished, aitd a; special program rendered by the 0Klssler-Hlrschhour. Tyrolean ' tr; vpe. Prof. Hall 'will make his sensational Jump into space promptly at 6 o'clock sharp, wind permitting, and Munkacsy's Paint ings and the Passion Play will be pro duced at their regular hours. The: street railway company has aspured ample trans portation facilities -for the throngs sure to visit this resort for a day's recreation. - The season at the Bo yds opens on Thurs day evening, September 3rd, with Plxley 4 Luder's biggest success "The Prince of Pilsen." Mr. Savage has spared no ex pense to make It the same success as last year. , ... Sixty chorus girls are required to make twenty changes of costumes during each performance, and the company In cludes over 100 people. The management announces that during the coming sea son orders for seats will be received when accompanied by check or money for all attractions.' , , ,'' " 1", Gossip from Stag-eland. Loudon Charlton will have the direction of the Bostonlane' , business affairs here after. It Is announced that the Sothern-Marlowe tours will be for forty weeks and continue three seasons. Henrietta Crosman's ' rehearsals of "Aa You Like It" begin at the Manhattan theater. New York, tomorrow. Maurice Levi has been engaged by Charlea Frohman to direct and look after the tauslo for the Frohman productions. The Bostonlans have secured a new opera; "The Queen of Laughter." It is by Ysabla peWHt Kaplan, with music by S. William Brady both of Cincinnati. On September 21 Virginia Harned will open at Washington In "The Light That L.lea in woman s feyes, a piay ty ner husband, E. H. Sothern. Edward Milton Royle and Sellna Fetter Royle will atar again thla season In "My Wife's Husband." They open the Madlaoa Square theater In New York on Monday. The women members of the company that will appear with Miss Henrietta Crosman In her forthcoming revival of "As You Like 1. T.-.... ........ Trl,UAhft,ia. Ka will nl.u the part of Phoebe; Maude Winter as Celta, I ana wessie uaiawin aa Auarey. John C. H. HrockmaA" of Davenport, la., oboist with Nordln's Orchestra at Court land Beach. Ieaes Tuesday evening for a few days visit at hla home, before leaving for New York City, where be goee Septem ber 1, to Join the Castle Square Opera company. One of the prettiest souvenirs of the sum mer season sent out by the managers is that from the Dearborn theater, Chicago, which commemorates the triumph of Richard Carle In "The Tenderfoot." It Is a statuette of the star as he appears In the piece. "Miss Bob White." the musical comedy in which Alice Dovey Is singing the part of Golden Rod, a prim little Quaker miss, hss been very well received at Philadelphia. Miss Dovey s voice is much praised by the critics and she divides honors with the star In public estimation and approval. William A. Brady and the Shubert broth ers have not yet definitely decided upon a play for Aubrey lioucicaull. They are trying'to determine which of three come dies purchased abroad Is best suited to his use, and rehearsals will brgln as soon as a decision la reached 0 this point, Webber A Fields new Globe theater In Boston, which Is soon to be opened by James K. Hackett, la built on a new plan. From the proscenium back to the balcony line it resembles a huge tube, and back of the balcony It enda in a curved wall, the object being to reproduce aa nearly aa possible the Hues of a speaking trumpet. Mr. Robert burns Mantle and Miss Lydla Holmes Sears were married at the home of the brides mother. Mrs. Jasper D Sears, In Denver on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mantle spent a couple of days iu Omaha on their way east. Mr. Mantle la dramatic editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean and one of the brightest writers In the profession. Mui Bertha Gslland. who Is to star this season In I'aul Keeier'a atage version of "Dorothy Vernon of lladdon Hall." under the direction of J. Fred Zimmerman, Jr., created such an lmpreaslon during the apo dal season of old comedy aitu tragedy nlaved this season at the Columbia theater Ui Waahlnnton that Mr. Zimmerman haa arranged to present her again in a supple mentary season of Bhakenpearelan parts, Wiejndlng ''Romeo and Juliet," "As You Like It r and an elaborate production of "Macbeth." Channlnr Pollock and William A. Brady, who are dramatising Frank Norrls' novel, "The. Pit," for the use of Wilton Ijickaye, Were constant Spectators at the Stock ex change . during last week's troublesome times on Wall street. Both of them heard the announcement of the failure of Talbot, Taylor A Co., an announcement paralleled In the fourth act of "The Pit." Blanche Walsh, who, as usual, haa been summering In the Adlrondnks, will return to New York Monday, when rehear.-wila will be Inaugurated at the Victoria thea ter of "Rcaurrectlon,"- In which play she will appear on tour until after the holi days. Miss Walsh's company the Coming season, 'Will number forty-seven people, among whom are: Alexander von Mltzel, Charles MarDonnld, Cloment Hopkins, W. N. Wartsworth, Miss Zenalde Wll lanK, Jes' sle Ralph, Mrs. Henry Vandenhoff, Miss May Warde and Miss Laura Linden. Henrietta Crosman. who Is to appear as Rosalind for a short time this full in a magmticent, revival of "As You Like It," has-become an ardent pedestrian this sum mer. She Is spending her holiday at Ike Bunapee, N. II.. and has gone In for walk ing. Every day, rain or shine, she has taken a walk averaging eight miles and has even gone aa far aa fourteen. She does not keep to the roadways, but plunges Into the woods, and as all the country about, her summer home Is mountainous these excursions are no slight exercise. Lawrence Wilbur of Henry W. Savage's . King Dodo" company has been presented with, a gold medal by the United States Life Saving 'cori for saving two bovs frort drowning at Ocean bench early In the summer. The rescue was A particularly daring one ami waa made at the risk of his. life. It Is an odd coincidence that two, other members of the "King Dodo" com pany are possessors of mednls awarded for saving lives under hasardous circum stances. Richard Golden, who plays King Dodo, saved n man and a woman from drowning at Port Washington, L. I., two years ago and was awarded a medal, as well as made a life member of the Port Washington Life Saving corps. Arthur Wooley, the Dr. Fiza of the company has J , meoais tor saving lives l .uniiTrni nines at Hants iiaxcara. Cal, flir. wooley Is well known as an athlete uui un tne coasx. - MUSIC AND MUSICIANS CHICAGO, Aug. 22. (Special Correspon- aence.) The weather here is delightful; cool and pleasant, breezes, sunshine ga lore, blankets at night, old Michigan sub lime and no Omaha dust A friend of ours drove us down to the union depot of Omaha when leaving there. and here I am Just recuperating from the Tearful shaking up I received from the "holed" pavements. From the boulevard end, at Cuming and Nineteenth streets, to the depot fti one perpetual golf links, with holes, fiatzards, bunkers and things all complete. I mention this now, lest I for get jvhen I return. I thought, from read ing the papers that Sixteenth street was! the only bad spot ' ' 1 The Coliseum Is the attraction now at nlhta.-lTh big barnlike structure is a veritable fairyland, myriads of lights, (I believe that is the traditional phrase) Statuary, miniature woodland and garden scenes, and the Marine band of Chicago, with its interesting leader, Tom Preston Brookel and 1 1 almost forgot I am' told there Is Edelweiss Hop Sundae on draught. J met Corlnne Paulson of Omaha yes terday on Wabash avenue. She was look ing at her Best, and she is very enthu siastic over her European trip, from which ahe has Just returned. ' She will arrive in Omaha early next week. " And the Hacelton, our much appreciated tcmor, rah over me the other day, hurry ing out of Lyon ' Healy's with a roll of music In his hand. He was looking better than I have ever seen him. His vacation has done him lots of good and he Is doing some workr here on his voice. So we 'may expect good things from him next season. ' I met yesterday, Rosslter O. Cole, who has recently moved here from Grtnnell, la., where- he'tiullt Alp' In & laTge" measure the music of . tfie college at that point Holmes Cowper is singing this, week -at Bay View, Wis.' We may go up there tomorrow and come back with him on the "Manltou" , Saturday. Cowper .goes, to "Sinai" church next season, succeeding George Hamlin, who, I believe, will sing at . the leading Christian Science church, Sinai is Rabbi Hlrsch's church. Hamlin is east and will not return until about Sep tember 1. ... ' I had the honor of declining to consider a very flattering -offer as choir dlrecter In a large church here. The proposition came from Mr. Schmidt, manager of Lyon Jk Healy's organ department. Seeboeck, the pianist, Is another local light whom I ran across today.. .Ha says he is' figuring with an Omaha manager for a recital there In the fall. - I am resting thoroughly and already I feel like a new being. No cares, no wor ries,' Just perfect rest. I will be back Just tn time to hold the first rehearsal for the St Mary's Avenue church choir..on -August 28, the last Friday In the month. Till then, aa revolr. THOMAS J. KELLY. . , RELIGlOtS. Rev. A. J. Mamie of Norrlstown, Pa., last Sunday began the flfty-elRhth year of his service In the' Episcopal ministry He has been rector of Christ church -In Norrlstown since 1877. Miss Bafford, who recently resigned the pastorate of a Unitarian church In Sioux City, has held it fourteen years, her oon- frregatlon being the largest ot that denom nation In Iowa. ' Philadelphia leads the world In the "num ber of Christian Endeavor mission study classes. It haa fifty-six, twenty of which have been, organlxed during the paat year. First church (Methodist Episcopal) at Salt Lake City has changed Its name to--Mo-Cabs Memorial In honor of Bishop Mo Cabe, who some time ago raised the heavy debt then resting on the church. There seems to be a surplus of Congre gational ministers. The Year Book reports that 2,047 ministers are without pastoral charge. The denomination's gain In min isters during the last thirty years has ex ceeded the gain in churches by 250. Father Albert, a full-blooded Pottawetto mle Indian, haa been ordained a priest In St.' Joseph's Catholic church In Oklahoma City, v He Is the flrat full-blooded Indian ever ordained In the Catholic church in America or in the world. The new pope must be classed among the younger memners of the sacred college, al though he Is 8 years old. Twenty-two out of the sixty-four cardinals who attended the conclave are older than Piux X. The oldest - member of the sacred college I Cardinal Celesla of Palermo, who is 80 years old. Cardinal Rampolla is more than ten years the Junior of the new pope. Cardinal Glbbona is one year older than Pop Plua. . . Blahop P. T. Rowe ot the Episcopal church for the diocese of Alaska, la now on the Yukon river visiting and eatabllsh lng new missions. The blahop will remain ou Seward peninsula during the coming winter, traveling from place to place In a dog team. He will be accompanied during hla long stay by Mr. Chisliolm. a divinity student Nome will probably be the pre late's headquarters for the next few months. Rev. George Phllkp Ooll, pastor of St John's Lutheran church, Maytown, Pa., enjoys the ii distinction of being a buse ball manager as well as earnest church and Sunday school worker. He waa at one lime a roisaiouary to Africa and has ac complished much In rellgloua work. A friend to athletics, he oigantxed and la manager of the Maytown Juniors, a quali fication to memhj-alilp on the team being that player refrain from profanity. The team haa won many a victory under the pastor's management Rev. Henry Alfke, pastor of a Baptist church In Chester, Pa., firmly believes that churches should adopt all harmleka meana to attract adherents, particularly the young people. Acting on this conviction he has with his own hands built In the basement of hla church, two shuffle-board tables, which are being well patronised by young Wien of the place every evening. He also has rigged up a punching bag and even "puta on the gloves" htmnelf occasionally, being rather a clever boxer. Behsa st Serloas totadltlsa. Fred Behm, the I'nlon Paclno electrician who was injured In the Killer shop esler day by a fall Into some machinery, is this sfternoon reported from HI. Iph' hos pital as In an unchanged condition. While he is not unconscious his c eaditiua Is eon. sldered serious. VALLEY PARK, IOWA, Thursday, August 27 The Northwestern Line Special trains from a. m. and from Ever Games, Races, Speeches, Refreshments ,'. Spend a day under the trees Take the family. Tickets, $1.00. Children, 50c Including Admission to the Grounds. P. S. All groceries ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM Last Thursday' evening; Omaha tent of the Knights of the Maccabees held its regular weekly review with a smaller num ber of members present than usual. For the first time In over eighteen months the degree team was uncalled for, as no can dldates were in waiting to be initiated This is the first "skunk" since Sir Knight George Ostrom has had charge of the tent, but to make up for thla detect fourteen applications were read and the applicants were elected to membership and will con stitute a class for initiation at the next review. It was also the sense 'of the meet ing that an unusual effort should bjt made In an attempt to Increase the membership to the thousand mark by October 1 and every sir knight present promised to aid , Miss" 'SorcnsortJ 'voice Studio, ppen Sept. 1. in the movement. After the disposal of the routine business, several of the sir knights addressed the meeting on the good of the order, after which the tent closed in form. . The Ladles of the Maccabees of Oate City lodge No. 9 will hold their annual picnic at Courtland' beaeh next Saturday. The sir knights are all invited -and it is the earnest purpose to make this the best and most largely attended plcnlo ever given by this lodge. Races, dancing and other Interesting pastimes will b Indulged in. AH arrangements for the consolidation of Pioneer, Omaha! and Douglas councils Of the Koyal Arcanum are completed. In vitations ' With program of that event are issued for' Tuesday evening". - It Is the de sire of the committee of arrangements that all Members will 'be present -o enjoy the occasion and "get acquainted at the hall of Plonee council 4n the Continental build ing, Fifteenth and Douglas streets, at I O'clock p. m. LABOR AND IXDL'STRY. At the bea-Innlnsr of the year there were K.0O0 women members of labor unions in New Tork state. The machine for winnowing gold by blow ln awav the rrnvel while, the heavier arold grains fall Into a receptacle is to be used in Australia. A co-operative grocery, the company for which waa incorporated May 13. has been launched at Elkhart, Ind., the Lake Shore shopmen being the prime movers. An Ingenious watchmaker in Paris, France, has Invented a "union watch" that goes only eight hours a day. It is Intended It seems for the use qf walking. delegates. Trnnapontlnentfll rnllrnnds In western WashlnKton have sfent east In an effi'rrt to secure a sufnolent supply of labor to carry on their construction work. -The men are engaged at wages 10 per cent higher than the companies paid at this time last year. At Trenton. 'N. "'J.,- the Central Labor union has" officially decided that the Juris diction of barbers over. the patrons con tinues even after death. The question was raised by a complaint of the barbers' union that local undertakers were allowing their employes to ttttclto as barbers.. The most northerly rallorad in the world waa opened for business on the 14th of July. It runs from Oelllvare, an Inland town in Sweden, located fifty milea north 1 or tne Arctic circle, to uroten, on the coaat of Norway. It haa been built by the Eng lish owners of the iron deposits near Oel llvare for the transportation of the ore to tide water. Napkin rings hair combs, walking stick knobs, brush backs and handles, cigarette caaea and holdera and a variety of other amall objects are now being made of milk, according to a Paris correspondent. It HP- fiears that much of the cheap Imitation vory now in the trade comes from the cow. There are even alleged pearls worn in ear rings, or in other kinds of so-called fancy Jewelry, which are literally drops of con densed milk. E. O. Acheson of Niagara Falls, while he waa aearchlng for the beat clay to make cruclblea, read the statements tn the fifth chapter of Exodus about the use of straw snd stubble In the manufacture of ancient Egyptian brick.' He procured some straw, had It boiled and mixed the dark red llq.ild thus obtained with clay. He found that the plasticity was greatly fr creased. In vestigation showed that tannin waa the ac tive agent and when he treated other clay with a solution of tannin In water he ob tained surprising results The strength plasticity of the clay was increased and the tendency to shrink and warp ia greatly reduced.' In thla proceas sun drying Is far superior to burning, and In ten daya the clay la better tempered than la munthe or even years by the old process. Consul B. H Warner, Jr., at Lelpxig, re cently reported the testing of a new rail road brake In Germany which la a great Improvement on the brakea In use In the I'nited fitatea. . The apparatus Is known aa the Sti-lner distance brake. Speaking of It Mr.' Warner says: "It is ao connected with the all brakes of a train that when the front wheels of a locomotive pass over a danger or halt slKnal placed on the tracks It will automatically put on she brakea, at the aame time oiwring the whistle valve. The apparatua worked with perfect satis faction, even "at the great speed of 83.78 miles an hour, but because of the extraor dinary atraln to which It was subjected an Important part thereof waa broken. The commission has ewenmmended that an ex tended trial be glv.n tiie Htelner brakes upon the regular train service." AMD BUTCHERS' PICNIC AT VIA Union Depot, Omaha, 8 a. m., 8:30 a. m., 9 U. P. Depot, South Omaha, 7:30 a. m. and .meat markets will CLOSED UNTIL SEP TEMBER 1st MR. KELLY'S STUDIO. Comlnar This Seasow JACQUES THIBAUD ,: The Great JPreateb.. Violinist. '.-' ' SEASONABLE FASHIONS 47 Hhlrt Waist, St to 40 bust. . 4411 Walking kirt,Ulo 10 waist 1 A' Stylish Shirt Waist 8ult-8hlrt Waist 437J and Walking Skirt Mil-Walking suits in shirt waist style are exceedingly popular and have the merit of being us comfortable and satisfactory to the wearer as they are smart. This one is mado of blue pengee, stitched with silk, and is trimmed with col lar and cuffs of lac and bands of velvet ribbon and drop ornaments, but the design Is appropriate for all the materials in vogue, linen, cotton, silk and wool. The waist can be lined or unllned, as pre ferred, and la laid in tucks that extend for full length at the back, to yoke depth at the front, with box plaits at the center I front which meet in prlnneaa atyle. The sleeves are the new ones that are snug above the elbows and full below. The skirt Includes a front gore that is extended to form a yoke, with plaited portions that are rut In cores and are attached thereto. The quantity of material required lor the ' medium site is, for waist, t yards a Inches wide, 4 yards 27 inches wide, yards SI inches wide or t yards 44 inches wide; for Skirt, I yards 27 Inches wide, 4 yards 44 inches wide or tV yards t4 Inches wide. The waist pattern 4373 is out in slsea for a 12, U. W, 38 and 40-lnch bust measure. The skirt pattern 4411 la cut in sixes for a 22, 2i K, 28 ard 30-lnch waist measure. For the accommodation of The Bee readers thrae patterns, which usually retail at from 24 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal prloe, 10 centa, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number aad asms of pattern. TP1 Invited close all day Thursday; ABICIEME.T9. OMAHA'S POLITE RESORT Parti ANOTHER STUN NING PROGRAM. FIRST TIME HERB OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST , CORNET VIRTUOSO" ' ' A. H. Knoll AFTERNOON AND EVENING WITH HUSTER'S CONCERT BAND AT O'CLOCK SHARP TODAT J. WALOOflf HALL THE PRE-EMINENT AERONAUT SHOT FROM A CANNON , FROM HI8 MONSTROUS AIR SHIP "KRUO PARK." Ladlea ot the Q. A. R. Picnic, August 27. W. O. W. Joint Picnic, August 29. Celebration Battle of Sedan, September 2. South Omaha Emergency Hospital Benefit, Saturday, September 5. lima JMEATRE FORMAL OPENINd Monday flight, Aug. 3. ENTIRE "WEEK. , , THE SUCCESSFUL COMEDY DRAMA SWEET GLOVER WITH OTIS B. THAYER and EDNA R0BB ADVANCE SALE Opens at Box Of lice ai m., Thursday, August 27.' Ptwlar Ma'i. Wed. ML Jl Ccala 15, 25, 50 and 75 Cents Prlcaa Never Chance In order to give the people of Omaha and surrounding country an opportunity to ylew the Interior of this beautiful theatre. It will be Illuminated and thrown open to the public THURSDAY NIGHT. AUGUST 27, when there will be a free promenade con cert. Everybody luvlted. FAREWELL CONCERT TOUR SCHUMANN - II EI INK BASE BALL OMAHA vs. KANSAI CITY, Vinton Street Park, Aug. 22-21-24. Game called M 14 "TIIE REGENT'' Ladlea' Toilet Parlors and Ladlea' BATHS ALSO "THE REGENT" ANNEX . FOR QENTLBMBN , Juat Opeoed Piacat la the Wast. I. M. Nlcbol and Dr. D, Rhode Propa ' SUIT 209 RAMCE BUILDING. Osstsili tti Ofskeue Tsaattr. Hair Dressing, Shampooing. Manicuring. Masaage and Beauty Culm re, Steam, Yapur, Hot Air, Electric, Shower and Needle Buray Baths. Only etUabllshment west of New York administering "TlliS Krug INTERNAL, BATH 1 Khiatilng Process 4 Investigate for your health's sake. 4 Y