The Omaha Sunday JBa9 EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES 11 TO 20. ESTABLISHED JUXE 19, 1871. OMAITA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1903. single oopx ftve cents. s3VSW523!ml j WW 1YI 1MB RKI.1AULI-: fTOUfe:. , ewawasmwamw- It is very evident that we lead them all in silks. We lead with the largest stock. We lead with the lowest prices. Note these extremely low prices for Monday's big sale. FANCY SILKS Bui h aa 34-Inch wide satin Dammesse In bright colors, plaid. stripes. and handwme point warp taffeta, swell silk, worth up to $1.00 on sale 39c GRAND LOT OF PLAIN AND FANCT SILKS Worth up to 11.50. on sale at c Plain 'sffetas, changeable taffetas, colored loulsene,. colored. peau do ante, whits figured waah silk. K-in. ro'ored wash silk, extreme and fashionable plaids, fancy pongee silk, brocade satins, fine crepe de chene, white and colored waah taffeta silks worth $1.00, 11.26 and $1.60 over 100 pieces on sale MONDAY YOU WILL AGAIN HAVE THOSE GRAND BLACK PEAU DE SOIE WORLD BEATING PRICES. DI.ACK PEAU DE SOIE BLACK PEAU Pure silk, real Wrong rfjft warranted to lUn. wide, on Bale OJV 27-ln. wide. THESE BLACK TAFFETA AT THESE I3I.ACK TAFFETAS 19 In. wide. worth bnc, for BLACK TAFFETAS 27 In. wide, worth 66c, for 29c 39c BLACK TA F ETAS 44 worth $1.76, for SPECIAL IN FINE BLACK SILKS ALL SILK AND W A RR ANT ED Black peau de cygne, b'ack peau de seine, black aatln luxor, black arm lire, black faille francaiae. black French poplin, black motre taffeta, black caahmere Qflf gros grain. Magnificent allka, actually worth P.M, In this sale only 006 There Is no taffeta In the whole world like the Wlnalow taffeta for giving good service. It beats any taffeta that was ever manufactured. FREE A little booklet entitled the LADY IN BLACK, printed on fins paper, con tains reproductions of eight exquisite models designed by Redfern, the famous Parisian dressmaker. It clearly demonstrates the great popularity of black silk for tbs coming falL Big Linen &nd Domestic Department Tbs prices we are making you for Monday 1.T.1 TABI.K MSEX 91 Extra fine quality bleached IJnen Table Itamask elegant aatln finish, t yard wide, pretty patterns with wide, open borders, will last for years, mailt Irom . the finest selected flax yarn, free from all chemicals, $1.76 value, I ftfj Monday only, at yard IttJU 91.33 TABI.K I.ISE TSe Extra, heavy quality silver bleached Ger man Damask, 2 yarda wide, guaranteed all pure linen, IP, $1.25 value IOC l.OO TABLE I.IKS S Finest quality Austrian Table Linen, satin finish, all puie linen, elegant patterns, $1.00 quality, Monday only, CC at yard 036 T5e TABLB LIKE 63c This Is one of our leading numbers. In 10 fiatterna to select from, every thread Inen, cannot be duplicated for lees than 7&o yard, Monday only, PP at yard 0SC JMHj TABLE LISF. 2Ur Me quality extra heavy Cream Damask. 60-ln. wide, 10 pieces, full bleached Union Table Damask. 4-ln. wide, for )Qn Monday only, at yard &)C 1.SO XAPKIXfl He All linen bleached Damask Napkins, fast edges, slse lsHxmfc, the $1.60 AQ. quaUty, Monday at. dos. f0G Another Big Fruit & Fancy, targe, Juicy Lemons, worth 25e doaeo, en sale Saturday at each, Paaer large Mediterranean Sweet - Orangps st each ,, Celluloid. Elastic or Eleotrlo Starch per package ; The Beet Corn Starch per package '.. Good Rice, Sago, Pearl Barley, Tapioca, etc per pound Jellycon or Fruit Pudding per package Oil or Mustard Sardines per can All brands of Laundry Soap per bar .1 ...7c 31c 3c 5c 2-c WOMAN AND MARRIED LIFE Another Ohtptai In th Dtbata on How to Happy Thougu Married. MAN IS TO BLAME FOR MANY THINGS Mrs. MeKllllp's Letter Aroases am Omaha Woaasus to tho Pwlat ot Brok.las; m La see (or tho 1 Other lido. OMAHA, Aug. n. To tho Editor of The Bee: I have not read the article of Mrs. Oilman which appeared In the Literary Di gest, but whether I agree or disagree with her views would be a matter of no moment to anyone. I once had the pleasure (?) of listening lo Mrs. Oilman (then Mrs. Stet son) when she addressed the Omaha Woman's club, hut I was much more Im pressed with her untidy, loose-jointed ap tetranre than by any brilliancy or depth In her remarks. Evidently, along with other reforms for which she was laboring, she was also an advocate of dress reform, but was not a pleasing advertisement, by any means. My only acquaintance with Mrs. McKll llp ss a writer is through two communica tions to the columns of The Bee, In both of which she evinces far mors admiration for the male sex than for her own. Probably no one objects to this, but fscts don't Jus tify It. unless her snvironment has been ex ceptional. Her statement that woman has the easy side of married life may bo true in her case, but In the larger number of houses It is not. Man may "bold the heavy end of the lever" It Is one's right that he Should; It was so ordained but the fact that no man has ever been found who would exchange his sex. If he could. Is evi dence enough, all things considered, which he thinks la working undor the greater train. Arralsm Mas as Welt. Mrs. McKlllip's assertion that "thousands ef women expect love and devotion and all the fortunate gifts of life as their rightful due. when they hav neither wit, beauty or brains, agreeabllity or scarcely common sense" Is j'ist aa scathing an arraignment of the other sex aa her own. It displays great stupidity and lack of discernment on the part of those same thousands of hus bands to marry such women when the won't Is full of noble, desirable ones. For every silly, brainless. Incompetent iind un reasonable woman there is A counterpart among men. Speaklbg cf weakness only, women havs their share, but when It comes to actual sin and vice, where is the prtponderaneeT Mrs. McKillip also declares that when the home Is unhappy, nine times out of ten It ' Is tho fault of the wife. That makes me tired! To phrase my meaning more ele gantly. It fills my soul with righteous In dignation. Just the reverse Is much nearer truth. Nine-tenths of wives are more loyal to home ties and marital duties, mure un selfish and patient la discharge of them than axe the husbands. IX It were as! a 7fiM The Greatest Stock of Llil$ Silks in tho Entiro Vcst SPECIAL. PURCHASE Changeable 811k for lining, neat designs. In figured silk all colors, very strong, mut of silk and linen, sale 25c prlo 69c THE OPPORTTNTTT OF BUYING AND BLACK TAFFETA AT THESE DE 801E- BLACK PEAU DE BOIE- wear fin guaranteed in every. I 1K on aali le.vJUl way, as-m. w1de,,eele PRICES have no competition anywhere. i BLACK TAFFETAS 77 In. wide, worth $1 "0, for BLACK TAFFETAS M in. wide, worth $1.60, for 69c 98c In. Wide, -1.15 are the LOWEST ever made by any house. 2 .AO KAI'KISS 91.T9 Will plane on sale Monday only 100 doxen full bleached double satin damask Nap kins, all up-to-date patterns, sue xi. would be cheap at $2.50. I 1Q Monday only, at, doa 1(19 Dresser ftcrafa All linen hemstitched Dresser Scarfs IQ. at $1.1, 76c, ec Wo and tilli Stand rovers ad Pillow Shams Hemstitched Stand Covers and Pillow Shams, at, each $1-26, 86c 79c, )Om 4!c and Liiy 15 Yds. Maslla for 1 8Hc soft finish bleached muslin, yard wide, well-known brand, Monday only, I nn at 16 yards for JiUIJ 12 Yds. Cambric for aU 12Hc fine snow white Cambric, yard wide, Monday only, 13 yds, for 1.00 12 Yds. Bagllah Ui Cloth tl.OM 2o quality soft flnlah English Long Cloth. yard wide, Monday only, I flQ U yards for lUO S Yds. Bleached Rheetlag 2Sc duality bleached Sheeting, 81 Inches wide, one of the best known brands on earth, Monday only, at 6 yards for 98c Special sales all day In our ready-to-use Sheets and Pillow Case Department. Grocery Sale Mond ay Fancy Alaska, Salmon per can One pound package Imported Macaroni T r - tt.ll.n Xi,nM . 9c 7ic 3i per pound Fan-.-y Mulr Peaches oi . per pound QI s-lb. pkg. of Union, High-Five or I Tankee brand Breakfast Oatmeal.... I3C Fresh Soda Crackers C per pound -w.. Ou Fresh Butter Crackers C per pound 0" Good Santos Coffee speclal) IC per pound 13" Fancy Spider Leg or Sun Dried SO. Tea for Ice tea per pound 4UG the ratio of divorces would be largely in tx- ! cess of the figurs she quotes. But the most offensive statement In her whole article la this: "A woman who has the comforts of life provided by a husband who doesn't get drunk and beat her has no business to allow marriage to he a failure." Everyone knows a man may drink enough every day to unfit him for business and the companionship of any decent, self-respecting woman he may be an Intolerable nui sance to his family and obnoxious to every one with whom he comes In contact, save his own kind, and yet not beat his wife or feel disposed to.' The worst that I could wish for one unwomanly enough to hold such opinions, and willing to publish them. Is that shs might be condemned to exDerl nce the comfort and society of such a charming husband for a season. It would not take long to change her mind If she had any but it goes without saying. Judg ment so warped and unsound will carry very Uttle weight. Whea Character la Molded. Another gross misstatement Is that a wife can make what she chooses of a bus- Dana, noma women nave such power over soma men, but it la almost Invariably where It leads to ruin. Boys of 16 and IT are very crude. Imaginative young anl male, yet at that age multitudes of them go out from the control and restraint of mother and home into the world on their own behalf. And our beat universities, colleges and less pretentious schools are very poor educators along soma lines. We all know how few Christian homes are open to the strange young business man in our cities, how Uttle help he has to do right, what manifold temptations to do wrong. These sre the crucial years In the establishment of character, when the sculpturing Is done, and this is usually be fore he falls Into the hands of a wife. It may be said v-Knoui irreverence that the Creator himself could not make a man or a gentleman out of all men, for in many cases ths possibilities were left out of his construction. In one paragraph of the article under consideration there is evidence that the writer lapses for a mo ment Into lucidity, for shs acknowledges that it Is impossible to love a man Just because he provides a living and keeps his barn clean, although this Is a complete contradiction to what precedes. The homes described as more agreeable than workshops, with ths possibilities of culture In music and literature, with ar tistic adornments and agreeable associa tiona of husbands and friends, would sat isfy sny reasonable woman, but, unfor tunateky. these are the homes of the few not of the many. Nor can we hope such ever will be. The requirements of life must stand aside for bare necsMltlea. The dally meals to be provided, the ooal octo pus, the real estate vulture, the unavoid able accidents and emergencies arising In every household consume every dollar .of the average wage earner. And the wife who must always make one dollar do the work of two is even more distraught than he who earned it. Many a husband and wife have millionaire tastes snd only a pauper purse with which to gratify them. The man with the hoe is deserving of sym pathy, but the Madonna at the tub is even more to be pitied. It la aaay to describe' an ideal Ufa, an our Bargain Ho. 1 Women's regular $1.00 Wrappers, made of percales and lawns, for 34c Marsala So. 2 Women's White Lawn Waists, the regular price of which will average about jffjt $3.26, on sale Monday at t I C Bargala Xo. 3 10 dozen Children's Dresses, ages t to 14 ..27c ...37c years, average price $1.90. at .each Rara-sla Jfo. Women's Wash Underskirts, average price $1.60, each Bargain He. B Women's Waists made of pongees, fine lawns and Swisses, average price about $4.50, Monday, each.... linens. 97c Watch our ad It will be to your Interest. again in (man. After you take The sale will continue the merchandise home. Garpet and Rug Dept. Monday will be a banner bargain day In our Rug and Carpet Department. A com plete line of new foods at the lowest prices ever neara or. $lT.6o 9x13 Axmlnster Rugs, at $21.75. $ 9x12 body brussels at $25.00. $1800 Srxl2 Tapestry luigs at $12.98. $16.0O-i9 Tapestry rugs at $10.88. Beat grade all wool ingrain carpet, dropped patterns, at 69c yard. $1.20 velvet carpets at i5c yard. $1.16 axmlnster carpet at 96c yard. Special Shsat Music Sale Tomorrow we will place on sale regular 60c and 0c sheet music at only 19j per copy; by mall 20c. We have selected some of our very best sellers for this sale, such well known hits as "Hiawatha" both vocal and Instrumental; "When Kate and I Were Coming Through The Rye," "Cordelia", two step, very good; "Bowery Buck", by Turpln; "The Heart of a Girl", fine waits song; "Ariiona March", latest by Paull; "In Dear Old Fairyland ', latest by Harris; "On a Sunday Afternoon", "Where the Sil very Colorado Wends Its Way", "Think Once Again Before We Part", very pa thetic ballad; "Daisy and The Butterfly", a fine selling song: "The Same Old Crowd", song; "Southern Smiles"; fine new two step by Kelly; "A Rag Time Wedding", two step; "Telegraph" two step; "Dat Gal of Mine", two step; "My Georgia Lady Ixve". pretty coon song: "Two's Company Three s a Crowd", popular coon song.' All day Mondty only 19c; by mall, 3bc To obtain these special prices mail orders must be received Immediately, otherwise regular rates will be cnarged. Mall orders filled the same' day we receive them. fir ui Ideal husband, and to picture a wife so nearly an angel that we are always ex pecting her to spread her wings for more congenial spheres, but actualities are stern and uncompromising. We must take peo ple as they are, and their homes will be like them neither better or worse. That hsppy homes are not always contingent on big salaries or plethoric bank accounts is shown In the exquisite pen picture which has Immortalised Robert Burns' "The Cot ter's Saturday Night" E. M. T. PRATTLE OF THE YOI JIGSTEBS. Aw. Swlpsey, ye hain't gone an' jlned de Sunday school, have ye?" Yep. Dat's right ' One o do kids wot b'longs to it dared me to Jlne it, an' I won't take a daro f m nobody!" Hush! Lucy." said Mrs. Lushman, wbq calling upon Mrs. Pcpley. "Don t make so much noise." Why?" demanded her little daughter. Because you'll wake Mrs. Popley's baby." "Gracious! does the baby have to sleep till he's sober, too?" Remember, Willie. I told you If you at peaches snd cream you could not have the watermelon. Now, I made up my mind I would eat the watermelon." But mamma." said Uttle Willie, "I did not make up my mind that I wanted the watermelon until I finished the peaches and cream!" A teacher In one of the schools near Philadelphia had one day been so disturbed by the bussing of lips and shuffling of feet of the children that she was on the verge of distraction. Finally she said: "Children, I cannot stand so much noise. Please be quiet for a little while, at least Let me see If you can't b so still that you could hear pin drop." ' Instantly every enlld became as still as a mouse. Then a little boy in a hack seat piped out with marked Impatience: "Well, let her drop!" An acquaintance from the country, says Stray Stories, having visited some friends, and being about to depart presented a little boy, one of the family, with half a crown In the presence of his mother. "Please, la it a good oner asked the lit. tie ftltow. "Of course It Is," replied the gentleman, surprised- "Why do you ask?" "Because I'd rather have a bad one, and then they 11 let me keep It If I get any good money It goes Into the bank, and I never get It again." Charles Stockier was recently visiting a friend whose children are very fond of him. reports the New York World. His host's little daughter was sltUng on his knee. She had a little brother, whom shs regarded with wonder. -I know a man," said BtecUer, "who would give a whole roomful of gold for your Uttle brother. Will you sell himr The child shook her head. "But" said Stockier, "think of how many nice things a roomful of gold would buyt Don't you think that you had better let the man have him?" No." answered the girl, thoughtfully; "I'll keep him till he's older. He'll be worth more then." After a three months' absence, spending most of the time in the Cloak and Fur. markets of France, Germany and England. He has secured for the ladies of Omaha the most' exclusive and nobbiest styles to be found in these countries. We will announce through the daily press the arrivals of these garments which we expect to arrive about the middle of September. While in New York on his way home he secured fo? spot cash fhe greatest and grandest bargains in Women's Suits, Skirts, Waists and .Wrappers that was ever bought by a western buyer. Some of these goods are here and will be on sale Monday at such low prices that will induce you to- buy. The great sale commences in Cloak Department' Monday morning at half past 8 o'clock, and we promise you bargains that were never less thaen $40.00. Bargain Xo. Women's Wash Suits, made of very fine fine Imported materials, trimmed wiui laces and embroideries, averagS price about $r.60, for only Ilaraaln Sin. T A few Women's Pongee Coats for, each Bargala So. H 25 Women's silk finished Capes, with lace and lined, with percallue, for only M9 1.50 trimmed ...57c Barsaln So. 9 About 30 Women's Waists, made of fine taffetas, fine satins, China silks and pon gee silks, in all the newest styles. In pinks, blues, cardinals, grays, and In fact all colors, average price 17. aO, I Ql for. each Our buyers secured bargains in New Torkln large quantities that can never be shown from day to day until all are sold. If you are not more than pleased, bring It THE ABOVE ARE FOR MONDAY ONLT. Drapery Department $7.50 tapestry portieres at KK $ 00 tapestry portieres at $$.75. l)o tapestry piece goods, 60 inches wide. any color, at 69c yard. 63c yard Persian stripes, 60 Inches rwlde, at 33o yard. 500 velours remnants from 1 o i yards long, worth 75o yard, at 26c yard. Matchless Trunk Bargains Large size trunk canvas covered, , hard wood slats on top and bottom, solid brass "Monitor lock, large slse trap with cov ered hat box. These trunks are worth up to $8.60 your choice for S5.00i i Ladles' and men's dress suit cases from $1.98 to $18.50. Values from 40o to' $16.09. All kinds of traveller's effects. CUPID INVADES A CONVENT LitU Cherub 8teitli Suiter of Mercy, Who it Bow Mr j. late Johnson. V SBSBBBBSBBBSBB MARRIES CARPENTER WHO WORKS THERE Like a Medieval Roaaauaea, ths Be trothed Forgo Their Plans Even Despite tho Jail Doors 4 Kan's Vows. Ye good old days of romance Indeed are gone. No longer the noble cavalier with sweet stringed lute beneath My Lady's lat tice and the moon plays away vain fear. so that anon My Lady comes so softly down and tremblingly, and they are gone to his strong castle, there to defy the an gry lord; no longer the bold knight goes forth to find the Holy Grail, that if per chance he does return it is to honor and to the beauty waiting there yet even in these prosaic days, when commerce ruies, Cupid, whose aiming none may know, plays odd new tricks which may be old renewed; even in Omaha, a city not well famed In the romantic tales, and within a few weeks past tit that the convent has been be sieged and has yielded up the lady fair. In Omaha It was not as of old with sere nadethe lute and the cat find hard wel come now but the game was played out simply in a modern way; the man was a carpenter, Ed Johnson, and the maid a nun. Sister Mary Louise, in the Sisters of Mercy convent, at Eighteenth and Cass streets. Ths two left the convent In a carriage one Wednesday afternoon and took the i to o'clock train for Cedar Rap Ids, where they were married by the priest. From there they went to Clinton, la., where Johnson was employed, -and where they will make their home, setting up housekeeping with the furniture of W. T. Johnson, the father of the groom, which has been stored at the Benson orphanage since the death of his wife. There were aa usual In ths trail of Cupid many obstacles. Johnson left tho city prison to meet his bride, and she doubtless passed through trying scenes before the convent doors closed behind her. The story Js simple enough until the chapter before the last where trouble Is always waiting, set up ready to ths printer's hand. How Casid Worked. Young Johnson had for about four years been doing work about church property and In this way met Sister Mary Louise, who was a teacher In the convent schools. The elder Johnson also worked about the Cast street convent but knew less about the Intrigue probably than any other Inter ested person. The young carpenter did work at the Banson orphanage and later at the Cass street convent and was attracted by ths sweet voiced sister who had f re quently to direct his work. But the Interesting chapter, comes when he was sent to O'Connor, Neb., which Is six miles from Greeley Center, there to erect a large barn for the mission; and arriving there finds the lady of the sweet voice. J This was In January aad tho work was not 0) o) Eft) shown before by any house in Bargala Ho. lO About 300 Women's Tailor Made Suits. These we bought at a sacrifice and will sell them accordingly. The greatest val ues we ever knew. Suits In this l"t worth up to S35.0V. 0 07 for only. WW Harare I a Ha, 11 Women's Walking Skirts, about 4"0 of them made from the best all wool English, Scotch and Irish tweeds and cheviots perfect In fit, hang and style C average price $6.75 only fciw I How Fall Suits 350 of those long mannish suits, beautiful styles, mlxtur In plain blues, rnecks anil lancy mixtures, at, each $40, $30, nn nri 2t and. kVIVW back and get your money. Flannel Department Three cases plain colors, extra heavy out ing flannel, regular 10c, per yard 6c. Two cases extra heavy twilled Shaker flannel, worth 16c, per yard 8V4o. Extra heavy twilled cashmere plaids, flannel, worth 25c, per yard 10c Extra heavy bleached cotton flannel, per yard. 6c 10 cases sample Blankets to close out. cotton blankets, wool and all wool bed blankets. In all colors, less than mill prtoea. Home made bed comforters. We have now over L700 home made comforters to select from. Filled with extra- fins white cotton, covered with the best Value in outing flannels, silkollne and sateen, full also and weight, price $1.60, $1.98. $3.26. Optical Department L p-to-date styles . In frames fins Quality lenses. . No charge for examination by first-class viician. Gold filled frames. 18 years guarantee, 13.00 value. tLtt. . Complete spectacle or svaglgssss, InclueW wa leuiner case, wortn az.w, at sc Colored ground glasses, 60c kind, at Do. complete until last June, when Johnson re turned to Omaha for a day and then went on to Clinton to do his work. But there ' wss an understanding and he returned lately to claim his own. Now this Is the chapter of trouble. The carpenter was thrown Into Jail on Monday charged with being a "suspicious charac ter" and was held until Wednesday morn ing, tho day of the departure. Friends say that he was Imprisoned thus upon the complaint of the mother superior (truly a medieval scene) In an attempt to foil the little god. But if this were true It was Ineffectual, so the priest withdrew the vows and Sister Mary Louise was a nun no more. When young Johnson drove up to take his bride the father was standing across tho street and received a wave ot the hand from the son. When the young woman drove away with the latter, the father first became aware of things. And this Is the story of tho carpenter and of Sister Mary Louise who Is now Mrs. Kate Johnson. The couple is at home In Clinton, Iowa. DOES NOT ISSUE MANDAMUS Jadge Read Grants Reetralalag Order, hat Hot Final Writ la Advertising Case. Judge Read In the district court yesterday morning granted the petition of the World Publishing company for an order restrain ing the mayor and city council from award ing the annual advertising contract to The Bee. Tho court declined to Issue the mandamus requested, naming the Evening World-Herald as the official newspaper. In his decision Judge Read said the re sponsibility and remedy. In case the city was Injured by the absence of a city paper nd consequent delay to public work, rested with the mayor and council. The latter are now free to make a contract with the World-Herald, but not with The Bee. The suit was brought by ths World Pub lishing company before the council had made an official award, but after con clusions had been reached In executive com mittee session, following an attempt by Ths Bee to show ths World-Herald did not have at least $.000 bona fide subscribers on June 304 also that In reality, under certain con ditions, Tho Bee bid wss ths lower. Attorney W. J. Connell. who eppeared for ths mayor and council and Tho Bee, and City Attorney Wright argued In court that the court had no Jurisdiction In ths present status ot the matter, and that the mayor and council were entitled to certain discretionary powers In awarding ths eon- tract The court ruled that under ths law the bid of the lowest competent bidder, who had compiled with .necessary provisions, has to be accepted; further, that the evi dence presented to him showed the World Herald qualified to receive the award. It was held that an Injunction would not In terfere with the rights of ths mayor and council. It Is understood that If the council does not make the award to the World-Herald another attempt to secure ths mandamus which Judge Read refused will be made at the opening of the fall term of court, the supreme court having ruled that In vaca tion rime a Judge may not Issue a man damus where there is dispute as to fact. So T" lift I nifliniY llm of UUUU5UUU5U tho West While for years we have surpassed al other houses In this city in dress roods, this year will be the most remarkable of all for as the styles sre now changing to hiah class novaltles. to high class, plain two-toned long tuft and close clipped sid elines te cravenetted mohairs, and Sicilians, etc. We have Imported direct from Priestley of England, Lupin of France, Arnold of Germany, besides all the domestic mills of America, the grandest line oi aig b on sale In omaoa. BLACK DRESS GOODS Zlbellnes, TSc, tLOO, $1.3. up to, yard Voiles. TSc. $1.00, $1.25, tLSO, up to, yard Fancies, ZV too, 75o, $1.00, up to, yard 500 398 7.50 Monday in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Doom Nearly all the St. Louis and St. Joe storks are In now, and the tables In the domestic room will be loaded to their ut most capacity with these beautiful new fall goods, bought at lass than 4U cents on the dollar. EVEHY LADY IN OMAHA AND VI CIN1T. SHOULD SEE THtE GRAND DISPLAYS OF BARGAIN S ONtkUONDAY MORNING. 36o ML'HAUSEN WRAPPER CLOTH. 16c. Those goods are made In Germany, are ex tra heavy and extra fine materials, per fectly fast colors, and manufactured to sell at X2 a yard. Also 6 cases of fleece lined pique, a new fabrlo never shown be fore this fall It Is a new waistlng, wash able and fast colors, made to sell at 26c a yard our price ICs will be only, yard Iau 25c WAIST AND WRAPPER CLOTH. 12c 10 cases of the new pau velvet and Lerom s cloth. In all the new fall shades pane velvets are for walstlngs and Lerome Is for wrappers and full house dreeses, fast colors and beautiful patterns and made to sell at 26o yard I9lir our price, per yard Ifc'v 19c and 25c FALL GOODS AT 10c. IS cases of the celebrated ARNOLD'S ECLIPSE FLANNEL, the fastest colors made In cotton goods the patterns are exquisite, dark and light colors. Per sians, borders, etc they are sold here in this town, and, In fact, every town In the country, at 19c, 2uc, our fY, price so long as they last only 15o AND 19c NEW FALL GOODS AT 70, 12 cases of the handsomest flannelettes. In new fatl colors, perfectly fast, that was ever put on sale for this money you will be asked 15c for this grade elsewhere, and Monday's Bargains' I SEVERAL LINES THAT WE ARE OVE 1st Lot of Tinted Pillow Tops and Barks and Lithographed 'lops, worm cc 2So to 6uc go one sale a u - 2d Lot Including a fine line of Pillow Shams, Center pieces ana iresser Scarfs, worth 35o to 60c IQc SPECIAL SALE ON LACES WE ARE MOVING OUR ART DEPARTMENT A.u Hardware. Stoves and Housefurnishings PDeclal cut price on all gasollua stovea SPECIAL SALE ON ALL SUMMER GOODS. EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO BE STORED WILL BE CLOSED OtT AND PRJCJbfl CUT TO MAKE THBM GO. Special cut prices on ail rengerators. ws have them up from $4-9u - AGAINST TRADING STAMPsjfQR MtilfjAL INSURANCE six Uaadred Retailers Record Their Veto am Negative ef the Proposition. Over 600 postal card replies have been received by Secretary Fischer of the Retail Grocers' association, to the circular recently sent out by the committee of re tailers and It is now authoritatively an nounced that there will be no trading stamps hereafter In Omaha. With one exception every one of the replies was unfavorable to give out stamps and the exception wss noncommittal. Every line of business was represented by replies, and as thsy represent over 75 per cent of the retail business of the city the matter. Sec retary Fischer eays, is settled, secretary Fischer added: 'Using the stamps would cost the re tailers 6 per cent of their gross receipts and not benefit either them or their cus tomers. The only signatures to agreements to use the stamps which were obtained by the solicitors were obtained on false re presentations, to the effect that com petitors of the retailers being solicited had signed agreements to use stamps. Omaha's experience several years sgo with trading stamps, when the company failed to redeem Its stamps and quietly slid out of the city. Is still fresh In the minds of those retailers, who then used them. The use of trading stamps Is not businesslike, and so far as Omaha and other cities In Nebraska are concerned the 'stampmen will have hard sledding after the campaign we have made against them. They are still working In Lincoln, we understand, but we have not heard anything from them In Omaha for several days. Tou Uke the American girl best yon know her. You'll Uke Cook's Imuerial Champagne best. Get an Introduction. . FOR CHEAPER BACON AT HOME elga Prices Are Tee Lew for These Exacted la Oasaha.' "1 am In receipt of a letter from a friend In Glasgow, Scotland," said Simon Rohln sen at tho Omaha View Improvement club Friday night, "and he stated that American bacon, the product of the Armour establish ment at South Omaha, was sold there at 11 eenta, 10 cents and t cents per pound. This price represented the shipping cost and the wholesalers' profits. I think that the matter Is of sufficient Importance for the Omaha Improvement clubs to take up, slncs we pay as high as 23 cents retail, to see If corresponding concessions In the prices of pork products could not be ob tained nearer home." The t)eeea ef Aaaerleaa Waterlsg Places." (The poetic name given to Atlantic City) and other Atlantic sea coast resorts, sre reached from the west via the Lehigh Val ley Railroad. Send S-rent stamp to General Patncer Department Lehigh Valley Railroad, New Task, far Atlantic Cit booklet (111 iiIS uli THE RKLIABLK STORK. grade dress goods that was ever placed COLORED DRESS GOODS NovelUes, 4o, TSc, $1.00, $L25, I1.M. C ff up to, yard UiUVJ Walstlngs, In all the ow evening shades, c, 6wo. 75o. $1.00. C flit up to, yard tfiUU Mall orders filled. Samples free. thov are reallv worth It but we lucky to get U cases In the St Jos stuck that we can sell at this ridlc- Tin ulous price Monday I" 10c. 12Hc AND lao GOODS AT 6c YARD. Here Is the champion square of this city. This Is a table that a lady of little money can secure goods at a trifle ot their cost. They are Odds and ends ot a tine stock, and large remnants of good goods wortn from I to 4 times their regular price. They consist of 12Hc fine heavy flannel ettes, fast colors, good patterns. 19c dark Koyal Failes, M-lnch heavy percales, last colors, remnants of 16a. lo and i6c wash goods, loo dress ginghams and. In fact, anything you may want for children s ' school ureases, ladles' wrappers, waists or klmonas nothing on Cn this table over, yard EXTRA SPECIALS Cleaning up all summer goods, waah goods, prints, ginghams, linings, walstlngs, swn" VALl'E Imported Spanish linen, mer ceiiscil, .-irlis, embroidered striped mer ce. i. ii ginghams, mercerised oxford wa img-. Scotch madras see and corded baliMe, will sell I9C Monday, for Ifcl 40c VALUE Imported embroidered Swisses embroidered striped French batiste, French soft finished percales and woven corded madrases Iflrt will sell Monday for ........ lU SOc VALUE Macname laced organdies, satin striped batiste, printed mercerised oxford walstlngs, Irish dlmlUes and chambray ginghams IsC will sell Monday for I 25c and 50c Pillow Tops for 15c. . ... an -T AQTVfl OUT RSTOCK.D Oi frd-Lot consists of a lot of Fancy Colored Pillow Cords, wortn ioo io J win per yard, on sale at I" Brooks' Crochet Silky gc BjolT'lot oT Ladles" Handkerchiefs, from the renney siuca, on VtG sale at. AND EMBROIDERIES MONDAY Special cut price on all gasollii We have them up from C. Special cut price on aU screen doora have them up from 69c Special cut price on all lawn mowers. We have them up from $3.4 Special cut price on all garden hoes. v e have them up from 6c. EVERY ONE A MONET SAVER. ONE WEEK. Flaring Tin Palls Mo Gallon Oil Cans llo Dover Egg Beater Kloe Root Scrub Brush Jo Double Mincing Knlie o Galvanised Chamber Pall ...o Adjustable Screens Jpo Foot Tubs J Steel Frame Wringer .-SBo Larga Gasoline) Oven ...... ...........ll-sv Galvanised Pails 16o Kindling Hatchet fo Wire Egg Beaters Jo Vest. Brusheo Tubular Lanterns 4o Enameled Wash Boards 2oo 60-lb. Fancy Flour Cans 4 Section Clothes Racks o O. K. Washers . -8 Fine Carpet Broom . . lws TWO CARS OF NAILS JUST RECEIVED. 10 D Nails "o 8 D. Nails 2V 10 D. Nails Jc D. NalU Plan ii Proposed by Hebrukt EeUQ Mer chant to Form Company, WILL BE DISCUSSED AT COKVEKTIO Promoters Believe Protertfeai te Thele Property Ceald Be Better Se eared mt Less Coat hy This Method. Organising a mutual fire Insurance com pany will be the principal subject con sidered and on which action may be taken, at the third meetlns of the Nebraska Retail Merchants association. The convention will be held In Omaha October C. 7 and t, arid It Is expected that at least 600 merchants from all parts of ths state will attend the sessions. Tho associ ation was organised In Omaha in 1901 with 79 members and about 400 were present at the annual meeting last year In Lincoln. Owing to the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, and consequent low rates, it Is expected that many more merchants will attend the con vention this year. The notices of and Invitations to the con vention, to the number of 1914. will be sent out In a short time. Ths Omnha Retail Grocers' association Is affiliated with the stato association and will take an active part In entertaining the delegates. In cluded In ths last of 1.914 are retail grocers In the cities and proprietors of "general" stores In the country districts. If deemed advisable the membership. It Is believed, can be greatly Increased by extending In vitations to retail dry goods men, retsll shoe men, druggists and other retailers. There Is a decided sentiment among ths retailers of the state in favor of organising a mutual fire Insurance company, the busi ness to be confined to members of tbs as sociation. Owing to the acquaintanceship among the members, both in a business and social way, the taking of undesirable risks could be avoided and at ths same time the matter of fraud. In the matter of overvaluations and In other ways, could, it is believed, be eliminated. Another feature In favor of such a fire insurance company as opposed to "foreign" compsnles which has been brought forward by members of the association Is that the premium money would remain at home and that whatever employes would be required to conduct ths business of the company would live in the state and expend their money in It. Statistics showing ths number of fire losseh among the retail merchants of the stats and the amount of premiums paid by them will be prepared and It Is believed they will show that the retail merchants can save a material percentage on In surance by forming a company. Baraed by Carbelle Arid. Pearl Swanson. living over Boyle's Saloon at Eleventh and Douglas street, was badly hurned yesterday morning rv carbolic acid which she accidentally si'"" In the dark she was searihlng f jr . thing on a bureuu and upset the tx? acid, from wiilcli the cork cat. I Surgeon Schleier of the police f I stopped the burning, ' j .... ' .