Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Demand Explanation of States of Nebraska
Home Builders Company.
Former Fresldent, JuAme Raster, ff
retary, Hurry fcott, aad Receiver
Are Invited to K.xplala
Where Money Weal.
What has become or the Nebraska Home
Builders' company?
That lit a question which about 200 share
holders of this concern are asking them
selves and preparing to submit to former,
officials of the company. In order to get
at the matter In some tangible form the
shareholder have Invited a general meet
lng of. the former officials, themselves and
the receiver of the company, the meeting
to be held Friday night at 8 o'clock In the
offloe of Elmer E. Thomas, 811 New York
IJfe building. A call for this meeting Is
signed by A. D. Fetterman, N. P. Plant,
E. I Potter, W. R. Watson and others,
all Interested shareholders.
During the latter part of 1901 the Ne
braska Home Builders' company was or
ganiied. Its mission was the building of
homes by all who took stock In It. About
800 persons became shareholders. The
hares were valued at $1,000 each, on which
the registration was S3 a share. This was
really the agent's commission. After that
a, payment of 11.35 per share per month had
to be made until the shares matured, when
the payments rose to 16.35 a month on each
hare. The ostensible idea was rapid ma
turity. rejectors from K a nana City.
The ooncern was projected and for awhile
promoted by Kansas City parties, who
were succeeded In Its management by Ir
ving F. Baxter, Judge of the district court,
as president, and Harry Nott, then In the
county court offloe, as secretary. The
shareholders relied upon the advice and
Judgment of their president for the relia
bility of the project.
. The concern established regular offices
and for about Ave months all the share
holders seemed to keep in tolerably close
touch with movements, but after that time,
according to a shareholder who signed the
call for this meeting, conditions changed.
Boon Judge Baxter ana Nott resigned
tholr offlclal positions, since which time
nothing has been known, definitely, by the
shareholders. The offices were finally
closed and letters sent to the various
' parties Interested that the company had
become involved In litigation and hoped
for a favorably decision from the supreme
court upon the receipt of which the com
pany would resume operation.
The shareholders rested upon this advice,
vague as they considered It. for a while,
but finally the disposition of unrest mani
fested itself stronger than ever and It was
determined that something must be done.
The supreme court decision was never
received, so far as the members knew.
Receiver is Appointed.
. Edaon Rich of the law firm of Rich A
Clapp, being a shareholder, at length had
a, receiver appointed for the Nebraska Home
Building company In the person, it Is un
derstood, of his partner. Charles E. Clapp.
Mr. Clapp Is therefore invited with Judge
Baxter and Mr. Nott to meet the share
holders Friday night and explain the status
of affairs. '
"They may be all right," said, a share
bolder, "if so we want to be assured of it
and If not, then we. went to know that and
be In a position to resort to whatever
recourse is necessary to protect ourselves."
These 200 shareholders own about 700
shares en which 87,000 has been paid in
and about half returned. Now, what they
wish to know is, what has become of the
other half?
At the time this concern was organised
the old building and loan association
resisted It and charged that It was a lot
tery. They organised to fight the new
company in the courts, but so far as any
body is aware the onslaughts of these old
companies was not the force which crushed
their alleged illegitimate competitor.
Greater Portion of Prisoners Are of
the Class Asalnat Which, Cam
paign Is Directed.
Eighty-four persons were arraigned In
police court yesterday and the greater
part of these were colored men and women,
While a large number of these were dis
charged thirty the city la still benefited
to the extent of $142.60. It is the avowed
Intention of Chief Donahue to rid the city
of the women who have been guilty of the
numerous thefts in the Third ward and
also of their male companions, who are
usually the recipients of the prooeeds of
these crimes. It haa been comparatively
easy to deal with the women, but the men
have so far escaped and, while frequently
treated, have usually been dismissed for
Want of. sufficient proof of gambling and
other misdemeanors to convict. Chief
Donahue said yesterday that these men
and women would continually be arrested
until they left the city, or until the men
were able to shew satisfactory evidence
that they were working at some legitimate
Of the colored women arrested the fol
lowing ware fined $5 and costs: Eva Tylv.
Leola Smith, Florence Owens, Joe Rogers,
Luella Peterson. Nellie Miles, Emma Jack
son, IiOulsa Cohen, Daisy Scott, Daisy
Shannon, May Woodford,' Mamie Riley,
Lulu Singletree, Mary E. Brown, Myrtle
Pope, Frankle Wells, Lillle Fisher and
Mary Bell. The men arreeted for oon
duotlng rumbling houses, for gambling and
as vagrants were all discharged.
Al Lysle was given twenty days for the
theft of a brass lubricator from a hoisting
engine used by John Hart at the telephone
building. Floyd Van Winkle drew a sim
ilar period for vagrancy; Frank Brooks,
$36 and costs on a charge of petit larceny;
Jaoob Wald, thirty days for being drunk
and disorderly; William Schneider, $4 and
costs for assault and battery; John Kraft
and John Budney disturbed the peace to
the extent of $4 and coats, and J. W. Kelly
and J we Murphy put up $f and the ex
penses pf prosecution each for a friendly
fight Tuesday.
Raddlsoa oa. the Chippewa.
A new town in Sawyer county, Wisconsin,
on the Omaha road, located on both the
Chippewa and Couderoy rivers. In the cen
ter of a most fertile and promising hard
wood district. Good musallonge, bass and
piks fishing In both rivers. Exceptional op
portunity for land seekers. If looking for a
new location don't fall to see this new
country. For map and full particulars write
to Postmaster, Radlsson, Sawyer County,
Wis., or to T. W. Teaadale, General Pas
senger Agent. C. Et. P., M. O. Ry.. St.
Dr. P. W. Slabaugh, dentist, lit N. T. Life.
Pollcemaa lees His flea.
John Hudney. T!4 Bancroft street, and
John Kratl. 1723 Hancrort street, were ar
rested by Officer Imla Tuesday night. In
nuuting me arrest me omcer was forced
to um bis club on Uudney. who had a
tattered head when he waa taken to the
station. It ' alleged by the police that
ibe two men arrested, together witn others,
have been plotting to wgylay Oftlcer Inda
and give him a pounding, and It Is said
that last tilsitl was olioor-n ae the time t
put tbe plan Into execution, but If such
a. schema eilste4 it proved a dismal (allure.
Sale of
Meek wear i
Saturday IJj
Thursday's Bargain Events
Ladies' 75c Undermuslius 29c
All the ladies' fine muslin and cambric draw
ers and corset covers, handsomely trimmsd
with very fine embroideries and laces, clus
ters of tucks, all sizes,
This U the greatest muslin underwear oppor- gfY
tunity of the year. Many worth 75c, -w .
at, each .
25c Handkerchiefs at 7ic
Ladies' and men's all pure linen handkerchief, all widths pat j
of hemntitcb.lnir, also ladles' embrlodered handkerchiefs. jf T
All on bargain counter, worth up to 25c, at 2
All the ladles' summer underwear, embroidered and lace turn over
collars, mercerized stock collars, up to 25c fitlCl 10c
All the odd lots of ladles' wrappers
worth up to $1.00, to at
$1 Summer Wash Goods at 7Jc
Tomorrow we will place on sale onr entire stock of summer wash goods.
These jroods were formerly carried in our dress Roods department on
main floor; they ranged in price at 60c, 75c and $1.00 a yard; they
consist of silk: embroidered crash suitings, fine mercerized oxfords in
white and all colors, Imported piques In white and fancy
printings, lace grenadines, In fact, all the 1H03 high grade
summer wash goods novelties; all go as long as they last
on one big bargain square, at, a yard
25c Wash Goods at 5c a Yard
One big table of 15c and 25c embroidered Swiss nov
elties, In long mill lengths, go tomorrow, as
long as they last, at, yard
The fashionable ladies hat for late summer and
early fall, trimmed and untrlmmed, In all the smart
liffht shades at great bargains for Thursday.
Ladies $4 Walking Skirts at $1.98
Swell walking shirts in correct weight for early fall wear.
They are made of meltons and basket weaves, novelty
plaids, also all over pleats worth $3. 00 and 1 Q O
$4,00 each Thursday special at .. la pO
Ws announce for special Saturday's sale extraordinary purchase of twelve
casks of CUT CLASS together with a fine collection of HAND PAINTED
CHINA. We bought these wonderfully cheap and will place thero oa sale
Saturday, August 22, at the greatest bargain figures ever heard of for high
grade cut glass and hand painted China, We solicit your attendance at this
great Saturday's sale.
?L 3nmH tc pins
,i;..,,n.,.LX'U, UIIIIIUMIMilJ IL SJIIM I Jill i.H UM .11 HlllllfMI
Real Estate Exchange Desires Infor.
atloa ea Proposed Ten-Year
Ugrhtlnc Coatraet.
President Nash of the Omaha Electric
Light and Power company will be invited
to attend the regular meeting of the
Omaha Real Estate exchange next
Wednesday and explain to the exchange
the ten-year street lighting proposition
which he has announced will be submitted
to the city.
. The motion to Invite him, made by W. H.
Green and seconded by E. A. Benson, was
not adopted without a lengthy discussion.
It was opposed on the ground that Mr.
Nash should not be asked to do any ex
plaining' until after his proposition Is sub
mitted to the city council, as he could not
be expected to reveal his business before
the proper time. W. O. Ure moved an
amendment that the Invitation be not ex
tended until after the city has made a ten
year contract and this part of the opposi
tion was knocked out.
- "Whether or not an officer of the Omaha
Gas company should be Invited to be pres
ent was next discussed and the motion was
so amended that President Murphy or some
other offlclal of It will be invited to speak
one week from next Wednesday, and offi
cials of both companies will be invited to
attend each of the meetings.
G. G. Wallace was appointed a commit
tee of one to prepare a showing of the
advantages, especially to young people, of
fered by Omaha to prospective home own
ers. N. A. Kuhn, who has recently returned
from a trip through Colorado, and N. P.
Dodge, Jr., who has just returned from a
trip to Boston, spoke on the present and
prospective Omaha.
Don't be guided by sham prejudices. Ordsr
Champagne according to your own good
taste then it'll be Cook's Imperial.
Flads Oao Voto Ho Missed la Race
Agralmst Stent, Who Corn
tests Klectioa.
The ballots cast in the last city election
in the tint five precincts of the First ward
were counted yesterday in the Stuht
Back contest. The result waa a net gain
of one vote for Back, with a dispute over
one ballot, marked for him by an oblique
line Instead of a cross. . The count will pro
ceed under the direction of Judge Vinson
haler until all precinct returns are can
vassed. Goes from Bad to Worse.
Always true of constipation. It begins
many maladies, but Dr. King's New Life
Pills cure or no pay. Only 26c For sale
by Kuhn A Co.
Via the Northwestern Llae to Lake
View, Iowa, aad Hetara,
Saturday, Aug. 2ft h.
From Omaha T:I0 a. m., back home same
Only $1.50 Round Trip $1.60. '
Spend a day at beautiful Wall Lake.
Fine groves, steamboats, bathing, rowing,
, Only $160, $1.60. $1.60.
City ticket offloea 1401-1403 Farnam Street.
Baak Aeeoaats.
Ws open accounts for $1 or more and pay
i per cent Interest. Little home safes
loaned free' to depositors.
J. L. BRANDEI8 at SONS. Bankers.
Checks on all banks cashed.
Toroato, Oat., aad Hetara
The above rate via WABASH R. R. from
Chicago sold August S to . All informa
tion at Wabash City Office. 1601 Farnam
61, or address Harry Moores, O. A. P.
D Omaha. Na,
Sale of
made of fancy percales,
That's what the Ak-8ar-Ben want
and that's what we want 1,600 oxford
sales by Saturday night and we're
King to have It if price and Quality
m anything to do with It.
G 3 . 6 0
for any Hanan'a woman's oxford In
our store regular $6.00 oxfords patent
leather only.
Then 25 Per Cent Off.
of any man's patent leather oxford
In the house Including Hanan and
Clapp all our $6.00 J5.60. 5.00. i $4.00
and 13.60 oxfords take this discount.
Don't you think we ought to sell
1,600 pair at these prices by Saturday
Omaha's Up-to-Date Shot House,
1419 Farnam Street.
Brick sat Stoao Work Will Bo Be
somed Meat Week aad
1 Fashed.
Brick and stone work will be resumed on
the Auditorium next week.
The building committee, Messrs. Sanborn,
Carpenter and Pickens, Architect Latenser
and Contractor Vlerllng held a conference
at the building this afternoon and the com
mittee will make a report Friday in favor
of proceeding, at least to a certain point,
with the brick and stone walls.
Contractor Vlerllng expressed his belief
that this can be done safely and Architect
Latenser consented. The trusses are on the
way, as shown by letters received, and
while all would prefer to proceed according
to regulation plans. If the building Is to be
enclosed before cold weather, It will be
necessary to push up the walls ahead of the
Iron work.
New Germ Destroyer.
Dr. King's New Discovery kills consump
tion and grip germs; cures coughs, colds
and lung troubles or no pay, 60c, $1.00. For
ale by Kuhn & Co.
Palaters aad Docarators.
Members local union No. 109 are notified
that our plcnlo will be held at Sarpy Mills,
Saturday, August 22. Wagons will leave
end of Q street car line, South Omaha, at
9. 10 and 11 o'clock a. m. Plcnlo private.
For members and union's Invited gueets
only. A. C. 8MITH.
Chairman Committee.
M'BRIDE Dana, aged 11 months, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will W. lie
bride. 111 North Twenty-sixth street.
Funeral at U o'clock Friday morning.
Ladles' fine lisle thread vests, drop stitch
and fancy yokes IC
worth 2oo and 39o af 13
One lot of ladles- gowns, drawers and
skirts, hundwimely trimmed with lare
and embroidery, some slightly solleii
worth $1.60 to fc.50 , QQc
One lot of ladies' fine corset covers and
drawers, handsomely trimmed and hem
stitched crt
worth $1.00 at 3C
200 doxen Indies corset covers and drawers,
all lace and embroidery trimmed, ICn
worth up to 76c on sale at 19
Lndles fine lisle thread korso, used for an
undervest and corspt cover for low nerk
or yoke. dresses worth If?
60c we are closing out at 13
Ladies' fine silk korsos, hnndsomely trim
med with fine lace, worth $1 P
we are cloning out at sitf
Ladles' low neck umbrella style, lace
trimmea union suits
worth 60c at . ".
The prices we are making are the lowest:
eoc stit-tiitt. c.
Linen finish sheets, slse 81x90
6uc value at
Linen finish pillow slips, size
42x 36, the 15c quality, at
Soft finish English long cloth, yard wide,
16o quality !-,
at, yard IU
Extra heavy water twist bleached muslin,
yard wide, serviceable and Tip
strong, loc quality, at, yard I
Greatest Domestic Room
Extra heavy swansdown. In all the best
shades, the heaviest and finest Imported
cotton goods made for winter wrappers,
and sold everywhere at 89c
yard, our prlre, on sale at
The new fleece lined pique, light and dark
colors for new fall waists Cf
made to sell at 25c, our price 13
Arnold's celebrated ECLIPSE FLANNEL
sold the world over for 19r our price Is
only 10c, In dark and light colors, none
genuine unless the ticket Is tTn
marked "Arnold's Eclipse Flannel".. I UL
Ko plaid dress goods, 10c
16o percales, 86-inch, 6c.
12Hc extra fine flannelette. Bo.
6o shirting prints, Sftc.
6o cambric, 2o.
Ribbon Sale Thursday
Our Invoice has Just been -completed, and
we find we have a big lot of odd pieces
and odd colors, of fancy, plain and velvet
ribbons. Thursday' will be ribbon day.
You can buy ribbons for less than one
half the actual cost:
Velvet ribbons, In colors, at yard Ho
Satin and gros grain ribbons, at, yard..l4c35o fine taffeta ribbons, at, yard ....V.'.'.Uo
Frank Wilcox Manager
$2.50 and $3.50
Our Monogram $2
Our Sorosis $3&
There is a style
about them obtained
in no other shoe
and there's the fit
ting of them to your
foot much depends
upon that
shape and comfort
depend upon it.
$3.50 always.
catch bass
...JN THE....
012.60 VIWL.
Dally during July,
August and September.
Talk with us at
ledj Farnam Street.
Dlat. Pass. A(bC
PerfielcTs ..rco.
Bee Bdjr., Rosa 7. Telephone 701
We . Story AUark Ln4wl ia.
I '
Ladles' fine lisle thread union suits deep
lare trimmed I- f ,
worth $l.tio at 3UC
Ladles' fine cotton vests, low neck sleeve
less, rnncy trimmed
worth 15o at
All the ladles' fine cotton and lisle thread
hose, In drop stitch and fsncy hlark
and colors worth from 2fic to $1.
on sale at 10c, I'M:, 2."c and ,
All the children's fine hose. In all stie
special value at
10c, 15c, 19c and
All the men's hosiery from the Penney
stock, worth up to 50c 9$r
on sale at loo, 15c and H1'
All the men's underwear from the Penney
stock worth up to $1.00 Qlc
on sale at 25c and ' Vtf"
Men's $1.00 colored laundered shirts, with
separate cuffs ... Q Qq
Big Linen and
Domestic Dent
16o HUCK TOWELS, 10c
Full bleached huckaback towels
19x40 size, 15c quality, at
8c TOWELS. 6c
Honeycomb towels, size 18x36,
the 8c quality, at
Extra henvy all linen Barnsley's
crash, lVo quality, at, yard
.. 5
One big table check and stripe nainsook,
Leno stripes, etc M s
lOo value, at, yard fiC
in Omaha's
The new mercerized French flannels. In
dots and stripes, all . dark colors, mer
cerized on one side and fleece lined on
the other a grand combination for fall
and winter wrappers and waists, made
to sell for 25o also another line of fancy
colored A SILKA on one side, a fine
silky, mercerized finish and a heavy napp
on the inside also made to sell for Sfirt
all will go on
sale at, yard ..
12Sio Royal pique, all dark colors, 6c.
Extra heavy German blue calloo, 82-ln.
Wide, 8Hc.
No dealers or peddlers sold at these
No. S and No. 7 satin and groa grain
ribbons, at, yard Ifto
A big Job of ribbon remnants, at, each..4Ho
A big Job of ribbon remnants, at eaoh..9o
26o fancy ribbons, at, yard 7Ao
, phone
M l Q
if -m '
e Best Shirt
on Earth
for the price
WORTH 1.50
Tbe inanufactmrr wns hard to convince that he
should accept the price he did, and people who know
good shirts positively claim they are worth fl.50.
Thursday you may select from the choicest' collec
tion of negligee shirts we have yet offered, at tlie price
we have made famous this season
Seventy-Five Cents
The materials are the best used in shirt making,
at the regular prices. The patterns are exactly those
that tasteful men most admire. The variety is "prac
tically unlimited. Think of the best shirts you have
have ever seen at $1.25 and $1.50, and you'll EZf-t
. not be disappointed iu -these at
r n r n
1 I l 1111 111!
Bt - - - St .ast r. m w
Showing of E3ew
E3eady-9o-t7ear Presses
Second Floor.
Mixed gray and black Zlbellne Suit walking length long skirt f ft ft
Jacket strapped with rows of taffeta pretty cape effect cheap IiJbSJIJ
at lls.00 for Thursday only
Prettv Venetian Cloth Suits Jacket trimmed and shaped with 10 Cft
taffeta long coat effect In navy blues cheap at $18.00 upeclal laCstltJ
only "
A yery nobby Black Cheviot Suit with double capes Jacket pret- If? ft ft
tlly trimmed and lined with a good quality of satin very cheap laJsUU
at J20.0O-at
A very swell Covert Suit In pretty castor and tan shades Jacket )? ft ft
87 Inches long lined with Skinner's white satin turned cuffs and lj.JIJ
velvet collars Jaunty belt looks like a 150 suit special sale " w
800 pieces plain and fancy RIbbons"all silk" neck and saah widths IS.
sold as nigh as sixty cents a yard on special sale Thursday at aC
yard A
60 dosen boys' ribbed Cotton Undershirts and Drawers all sizes high 0J
neck with long or short sleeves and knee or ankle drawers worth up sSC
to 80o garment on sale Thursday at aajar
100 ladles' short and long Underskirts nf cambric and fine muslin with tucked
ruffles, hemstitched ruffles, tucked ruffles with embroidery and lace Tffl
trimming these are slightly soiled and formerly sold as high as 11.4k I SIC
we clean them up on Thursday at
High grade gooda aold in our Gro
cery Department at low, popular
prices. Investigate and save
money. '
Lea A Perrln'a Worcester 8auce-9Rr
pint bottle 49V
Cross Blackwell Chew Chow 44.
H pint bottle L
Lasenby's Pickled Walnuts 35
Bennett's Capitol Preserves 9 Of
one pound Jar
Cross & Blackwell's Malt Vine- 44.
gar quart bottle ssu
Bengal Chutney QRrt
bottle , 03
French Mushrooms 4 4
can LIS1
Puke's Salad Dressing - 4Cn
Vs pint bottle 4UU
Bayles' Tobasco Pepper Sauce 4A
bottle g(
Bennett's Capitol Jelly
tumbler I
Russian Caviar 9. fir
pound can wll"
Bishop's Preserved Fig jgg
Tropical Chips Ginger I4f
can It
Bennett's Capitol Marmalade 4 A.
one pound Jar aUv
Pfnnla l.ivina nt a Distance
Desiring dentistry will receive prompt attention at our offloe. Teeth ex
tracted and a new set made within four hour's time.
BAILEY, Tho Dentist,
Lidy Attendant. Telephone 1035. 3rd floor Paxtoa Block.
at all times, a we never
use but the best materials,
and employ only skilled
CROWNS (22k) $5.00
Taft's Dental Rooms
J 51 7 Douglas St.
fl i j pU S.rooMH.iirtiiu"id
HlJ W U 1 fMU oououd. ur.luo. luwel.
lyl Igg B XJ Married uuta and uieu lutonum
to Bilr-TiUouTd MWnl.lilnl rullt
uti.ll IUk uru Mid lot UM let
oherniaa MuCoaneU Xruf Oa,
30 Jlt7
i 1 1 1 1 1
W ' W w
J. Pouyat's White China
Lemonade Jugs especially
for decorating-
Beautifully decorated Royal
Austrian Chiua one hun
dred-piece Din
ner Sets
Sugars and Creamersrniee
German china rose deco
rations nil new goods; to
Introduce them- I K ft
per pair j(j
Large : plain 1 white Water
Pitchers capacity
2 quarts each
Heavy Hotel Vege
table Dishes doz,
60 c
Another large shipment of
White China or ' decorating
Just received.
Am A m 4fc m m A see A a A I
We wish to call the attention ef the pub
llo In tliui entire community to the fact
that the hardest fight In the history of the
retail drug tradn la now being waged
againnt tne culling or pnrti ay isiaii
driigglsts; several new schemoe are now
being concocted whereby the manufactur
ers of putent medicines, with the financial
aid of the retail drug combine, are en
deavoring to stamp out the "PKAOO.V
CUTTKK" a term which they apply to a
retail druggist who sees fit to sell HIS
We have been made the OHJECT OF
ATTACK In this city and are alone In thn
fight against this combine notwithstand
ing the fact that sevrral drugglHtx are
claiming to be -f'tTTTERH OK PHICES."
TUT I'RICK DRUOG1HTH." etc. All we
ask Is the support of the paople In the fu
ture as we have enjoyed In the paat, and
we will take our chnce on BKIN1 COM-
T'KI.LEU tf oln the rjRKATr.HT t.'OM.
Twa raoaee-7T aaa TT.
lath aa Calsaa atreeie. Oasaaa.
J Of OMAHA J . .
raM niui int.M. n ii.aa
PfM Mwvkf. p I HIM. a a Wad. M