Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1903, PART 1, Image 1

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    The. Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 10. I
Arnold Whit lfntei Scathing Oiitidim
fifths Journalism of England.
Soei Hot Dan to Expose Corruption or
Incompetency in High Place.
Departmental Administration Bath Costly
and Inefficient,
War Prru to Particularise and Point
Oat the Derelict OfllclaU Woall
Be Considered Bad .
(Copyright. 1S03, by Press Publishing Ca)
liONDON, Aug. 15. (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Arnold White,
the author, to whose courage and pertinac
ity Whl taker Wright's prosecution la en
tirely due, and who went' to Brixton jail
rathor than pay the fine of $500 Imposed on
htm under contempt of oourt procedure
by Lord Chiof Justice Alverstone, for pro
testing in the London Sunday Bun against
ball being granted Wright on his arrival
in this country, has written for the World
the following Interesting and pregnant com
parison between press liberty In the United
States and England, and the efficacy of
the press as the guardian of public safety
In the two countries:
"It would be highly Improper If I were
to make the slightest allusion to the clr-
um stance under which I waa fined 100
by the lord chief justice on Tuesday and
committed the same day to Brixton prison
for refusing to pay. The public, however,
took the matter to heart. By the unsolicited
klndnesa of the dally World the amount
waa colloctod and I waa liberated, much
to my surprise, within fifty -two hours of
tny committal, and after I had refused the
offers of co less than seven personal friends
to relieve me of my obligation.
"The fucta In the ase draw attention to
the extraordinary contrast between the
practical working of a free press on the
two sldos of the Atlantic It la some years
since I waa In the United Slates, but I
am In the habit of reading the chief Amer
ican newspapers, and can, therefore, claim
the right to express an opinion on respec
tive methods. The chief difference notable
is the. absence of servility In the American
riMTT . If - niil.tU
matter who he la, ha learns the truth f bout
himself with a faithful force that leaves
little to Imagine. Wealth, position, political
and social distinction are no shields to an
American financier or politician. The oon-
sequence Is that the lash of public opinion'
Is freely applied to prominent wrong-doers,
who would escape on this sldo of the
Terror to Evil Doers.
no doubt this system has Its disad
vantages, piers ourioslty, an unhealthy (ore
far personal private details and a taste
for the sensational as such, are stimulated
under tho American system. It la thus
that the fellow - press has a bad name,
especially among . offloe-holders like those
of Tammany, who bare iood reason to
dread as exposure of 111 deeds only possible
If doue In the dark. After the Spanish
war the American administration received
a wonderful stimulus to Its efficiency owing
to the liberty of the press. No treat
scandal can take place across the water
without the searchlight of publicity being
turned on every cranny.
"How different It Is over here. Our lib
erty of the press, which began with Mil
ton's matchless 'Aroopaglttca,' has degen
erated Into crawling servility toward the
rich and the fashionable which should make
the bones of Cromwell's latin secretary
turn in his grave.
"During the Boer War there was an
awful waste of good money and better
Uvea owing to gross faults In men highly
placed. This was condemned in the mass,
bat scarcely a newspaper touched the sore
spot by naming the men and , the women
responsible. To do so would be bad form.
We In England live In worship of twin
gods bad form and prejudice.
"If our press were free In the American
sense we should have profited by our bitter
lessons In the Boewar. We have learned
nothing, mainly because our press Is too
much enamored with a section of society,
the iridescent scum, to care for the nation
aj Milton eared.
What It Costs.
"What Is the consequence Our army Is
more costly and more Incapably organised
than ever. Our Foreign office Is filled with
well-dressed men, who dispose of trade to
attend office at noon and regard affairs
of state as their own personal, private
"Our departmental admfnstratlon Is costly
and Inefficient, mainly because our
press Is not free to drag scandals to light,
since good form would be Infringed if In
dividuals were arraigned, an my humble
way I have tried to adopt American
methods. I have tasted prison In con
sequence possibly not' fortunate to serve
my country and go to prison rather than
become K. C, B. for servility to a minister
or a moneylender. -
"Honors in England ' are losing their
value because our press has lost Its once
vaunted freedom. The best men refuse
them because they are bestowed on those
who place their patron or their party be
fore the interests of the state. As a rem
edy I see nothing for it but to adopt the
American methods without the vulgarity of
encroachment Into personal details of no
legitimate puullo Interest.
"The next time a millionaire wishes to
benefit England let him leave free libraries
alone and take Into the streets df great
I.ondon a journal that shall be fearless
and free, Important, wealthy and eoTirv
tent. The effect would be enormous If ths
proprietors began with a self-denying ordi
nance not to aooept honors of sny kind
from the administration of the day. ,
"But this Is a dream I am unlikely to
Bee fulfilled In my lifetime.
"lay Proeeeuto Hooley.
T?i sucMwa of Arnold White's Mmiulm
In getting Whitaker Wright prosecuted
promises to be an unfortunate thing for
Ernest Terah Hooley. By assigning his
property to his wife and other subterfuges
Hooley has boon able to carry on his pro
moting game, but the public prosecutor Is
Bow considering whether he can be prose
cuted for paying for his tes'tmony given
In the suit about a bill he nl,ialned In pay
ment for worthless shares.
The judge remarked that It was a public
scandal that Hooley, an undischarged
bankrupt, ahould be able to live In the
most Insurious West End hotels, carrying
on bis operations, while race track sharpers
ferare feeing; proa ecu ted.
EDllih Woman the Reigning- rtr-
Ite of the Kmwoi at
(Copyright. by Press Publishing Co.)
IX)NDON. Aug. IS. m Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Miss "Mar
gie" (Margaret) Chandoa-Polo, who appar
ently In the lioness of tho Newport season
under the tutelage of Miss May Van Allen,
In a (laugher of Lady Anca Chandos-Pole,
who la a great aunt of the present earl of
Harrington and ranks 13.(772 In Burke's
peeragn. There are certain persons In Eng
lish society who occupy a far leaa proml-
nent position In London than at some fash-
(nnahltt itntillnAntal w 1 tn viI.ab V1 1 M I
Chandos-Pole Is one of these. With her
mother, Miss Chandos-Pole has for years
ZJL a ' "It"1 ',!.rr
from an English point of view, of all the
continental cures. There Miss Chandos-
Pole was the organizer of all the "smart"
dinners, though not the giver of them, and
any entertainment which she did not at
tend did not count for much from the social
standpoint. The prince of Wales went reg
ulsrly to Horn berg for many years, admired
Miss Chandns-Pole very much, though not
an much ss he did her extremely handsome
and stately sister. Lady Claude Hamilton.
The old grand duke of Mecklenburg-
Strelits took great notice of Miss Chandos
Pole, too. In fact, she had a way of
fascinating the royal or semi-royal visitors
at Homberg. She Is noted for her ex
tremely Independent character and her un
conventional views, and especially on the
subject of chaperone, whom she entirely
discards, many of the straight-laced Brit
ishers, and the Americans who Imitate
them, were disposed to look askance at the
way this a"tctlve young woman used to
comport herself, but that never affected her
nor her position In the ultra "smart" Horn
burg set.
This Is not her first visit to America.
The last time she wan there she had a
great sucess. It Is considered remarkable.
however, that she should sacrifice her
Homburg season even for Newport. But
there are rumors of a possible engagement
which may account for it. In Burke's
lauded gentry It la recorded that "Edward
Sacheverell Chandos-Pole, esq., of Rod
bourne hall, high sheriff of County Derby,
1867, married, August 15, 1860, Lady Anna
Caroline Stanhope, daughter of Leicester,
fifth earl of Harrington." Then follow the
names of eleven children, five sons and six
daughters. In the Hat appears "V" (mean
lng fifth daughter) Margaret C, 21 May,
Bays High Priced Dos; Because Young
Woman Says She
Wants It.
(Copyright, 190S, by Press Publishing. Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 16. (New Tork World
Cablegram Special .Telegram.) A story Is
going around that .Bourke Cockran. dining
ons evening, shortly before he sailed for
his .home, ' at Mrs. George West's (Lady
Randolph Churchill) heard ' the beautiful
Gladys Deacon rsve about a Japanese toy
terrier she had seen that day at tho RIoh- I
roond dog show. Her rapture was so In
tense that the gallant New Tork. lawyer
assured her that she should have the dog.
As It was "no snd" of a' champion and
gold-raedal-list and was. priced' at ti.500
Miss Deacdn did hot 'take the assurance
seriously. But the next day there arrived
at. her mother's house oh John street an
elaborately fitted up dog basket containing
the coveted treasure, with Its pedigree and
record of thirteen gold medals and twenty-
two first prises. It has been rjuned Mikado,
and never is away from Its new mistress.
There la a whlsoer that Mrs. Deftrnn
who still la a llvelv woman la consider! ,..
a second marriage, which would make It
better for her ivn riancrhtet-a who r ...
dependent upon their friends for chap
eronage. Count Albert Mensdorff, a cousin
of King Edward, and the first secretary
of the Austrian embassy. Is devoted to
Mrs. Deacon, and manages to go to everv
party,, race meeting, dance, etc, where the
fair American widow is nrasent. The
Deacons took a house at Cowea during
the regatta week, with their Intimate
friend. Mrs. William Cornwallls West, and
her daughter. Prinoess Henry of Pless.
Count Albert Mensdorff Joined them, and
they had the gayest of gay times.
James H. Bmlth certainly has spent a
good deal of this season In and around
London. He has now gone north to stay
with his sister. Mrs. Oeorge. He arrived
from Paris on Sunday night, and the next
day. waa speeding away to their splendid
game preserves. Mr. Smith Is an excellent
Mrs. Arthur Paget Is at Trouvtlle, look
ing fairly well, at the stems hotel with
Baron and Baroness Alnhonse DeRothschllrt
Mrs. Diiryet, Mrs. Vsnderbllt and Mrs.
JIatterson, who drives a lovely Fanhard
automobile, and Captain and Mrs. Coudert
arlved there yesterday. Mrs. Paget gave
a race breakfast last week, having Mr. and
Mrs. Bach and Baron Maurice Rothschild
among her guests.
French Government Negotiates With
Arabs Who Hold Them
(Copyright, 1 90S, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Aug. 16 (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Foreign
Minister Delcasse, replying to a demand
by the rress for action relative to the five
Bailors deserted by "Emperor" Lebaudy In
his "Empire of Sahara," makes public a
letter showing that the French govern
ment Is conducting negotiations for their
release. The sailors are In the hands of
Bald Tartafa of Alanada, and the Moorish
government is taking part In the
negotiations. France will send a warship
when they are released and turned over to
the French consul at Mogador to be sent
Henri Rochfort In his paper, the In-
translgeant. complains bitterly that ths
Intranslgeant waa mulcted some years, ago
In heavy damages for calling Jacques
Lsbaudy insane He declares that ths
eventa connected with Lebaudy's "Empli
in ths desert of Sahara ahow the Injustice
of the sentence, and that the Intranslgeant
was right.
Danghter of Mrs. Humphrey Ward to
Wed Son of Sir George
Travel y an.
(Copyright. 1903, by World Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 16.-(New York World
Cablegram 8peclal Telegram.) The be
trothal Is announced of Miss Ruth Ward,
daughter of Mrs. Humphrey Ward, to
Oeorge Ttevelysn, son of Sir George
Trevalyan, who is engaged In writing a
history of tho American war of !adiud-
Amerioaa Oirl Stxks to Lorer Who Quar-
reli With Wealthy Tather. '
Young Man Had Great Prosp' cVhen
Engagement Was Mr S
vj;. r t..i,.. flloflin. Wall
Jk.nOWn on D0U
Demonstrate She Ilaa a Little Fight
ing Blood Heraelf When the Crit
ical Time la Her Career
(Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. lB.-(New ork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The marrlaga
in London In the quietest manner possible
of Utlca Celestejr Wells, ths daughter of
Dr. Stuart Wells, the New Tork Physician
living in London, and Qeorge Beecham,
grandson of the founder and son of the
present controller of the great Beecham
proprietary medicine business, would give
material for a whole volume of romance as
exciting and sentimental as any novel made
It Is true that the founder of the Beecham
Industry, Thomas Beecham, sr., began busi
ness In an extremely humble way, btand
ing on the street corners In St. Helen's,
near Liverpool, selling pills from a tray
slung around his neck. When people didn't
buy readily he gave away a few boxes.
But now he pays Income tax on ffl3.UOO.000
and his son, the father of the bridegroom
elect, has enough millions to yield him an
Income of $40,000 a year. Young Thomas
Beecham Is the eldest son and his grand
father's namesake. It was generally under
stood that he would eventually get the bulk
of both these huge fortunes, according to
the English system of Inheritance. He waa
a catch compared to which a duke or an
earl were not In it, where money was con
cerned. The girl had rich prospects of her own.
She is the niece of the well known Ameri
can reformer, Tennessee Claflin, later Lady
Cook, who married the millionaire baronet.
Blr Francis Cook, possessed of large es
tates in England and Portugal. Lady cook
took great Interest In her niece, Utlca, as
the girl has a brilliant mind as well as a
beautiful face. She passed her examine
tlons for a legal degree at the University of
the City of New Tork ahead of all the men
In her class when sha was only 16, and her
talent In art Is remarkab'-. This she In
herits from her father, who :s an artist In
his leisure moments and has exhibited with
success in New . Tork and London. Along
with everybody else. Lady Cook waa de
lighted with the engagement and expressed
her Intention of doing something handsome
for her niece when the marriage cam off.
Change of Fortune. -
But that waa three years ago, and. in
three years much has happened. In the
meantime Mr. and Mrs. Beecham have had
domestlo troubles which have given one of
the most sensational divorce scandals of the
day. Beecham got tired of his wife, shut
her up In a lunatic asylum and she oould
not get out because there were orders that
she should see no one. Her eldest son,
Thomas, discovered her after much search
lng In the third class ward, in a pitiably
neglected condition, the father having paid
nothing at all for her. The son succeeded
Betting his mother away from his father
and Into Dr. Wells' house. There she has
been for two years under medical treat
ment on aooount of her terrible experience
In the asylum.
Mrs. Beecham had to go Into court to
get any money from her husband upon
which to live and the long and bitter fight
which has developed into rour suits ana
I counter suits, promises to keep the courts
engaged for anomer year or two. Mr.
Beecham was compelled to pay hio wife
big alimony, between $25,000 and $30,000 a
rear, the largest ever paid to a woman In
I England.
When young Beecham got Into difficulties
with his father, all of Miss Wells relatives
and friends, with the exception of her par
ents, tried to induce her to break the en
gagement. She was young and beauUful
and talented, made conquests wherever she
I went she was a fool to marry Oeorge
Becham without a penny to bless himself
with, they told her. But the girl has stuck
to him, and In all probability will heal the
breach between her husband and his father,
the elder Mr. Beecham was formerly
verT tond of th8 "'rl and encouraged ths
love affair In every way,
Bridegroom Is Mnaleal.
The bridegroom Is very much like his
mother, has small Inclination for business,
but great talent as a musician. He is
only 31. but has conducted orchestras In
many large cities In England and Is now
writing the music for Sgr. Illlca's new
opera. His father used to be proud of the
boy's refined taste and gave him the edu
cation of a nobleman, sending him to
Oxford and letting htm live like a prince.
Dr. Wells was In former years connected
with the United States embassy In London,
and bis daughter Is a great favorite at ths
legation. She was presented to Queen
Victoria In 1K)9. being the first woman law
yer to kiss the queen's hand. She was
Invited to King Edward's court last year.
though there were more than 6,000 women
refused who asked to go. She is considered
a plucky girl to marry the man of her
choice In his misfortune. But she comes
of a plucky race. On her mother's side sha
Is a cousin of General Miles, and on her
father's side she has many famous an
cestors of revolutionary days.
Earl Roaslyn Attempts to Prevent
Marrlago of His Di
vorced Wife.
I (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Aug. 15. (New York World
Rosslyn tried to prevent the marriage of
his former wife and Charles Jarrott, ths
motor expert. He both wrote to the
countees and saw her In the hope of per
suading her to abandon the match. She
naturally did not see what claim the earl.
who had divorced her for desertion, had
upon her. At the final Interview Jarrott
entered the room and showed the earl out.
The countess has been motor mad for
two years. She Is an expert motorist her-
ilf. and aper.ds all her time motoring.
I Jarrott is a partner In a fairly prosperous
I motor scency. The countess intends to be
kuwn ss Mrs. Jarrott, although she might.
If ah wished, retain the title of oouoiesm.
Describe the Da
illy Rontlno of
His Life While in
(Copyright, 1903. by rress Publishing Co.)
ROME. Aug. lS.-(New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) The Worlds
pedal correspondent, who has visited the
new pope's Venetian home,, found in the
tudy which Cardinal Sarto occupied as the
patriarch of Venice for the last ten years.
only one ornament a picture of a gray
haired peasant woman In a fustian dress
with a kind. Intelligent face, the mother
of the' new head of the Roman CathoUo
His three sisters, Maria, Rosa and Anna
Sarto, all well preserved women over 60,
of the excellent peasant type of northern
Italy, speak the dialect of their district
and are made only the more humble and
unostentatious by their brother's elevation
to the highest position on earth In their
estimation. With them waa a niece, a
bright, lovely maiden of 26, who chatted
unreservedly to tha.World correspondent
about her uncle's dally life.
"He used to rise early," she said, "at
6 o'clock In the summer snd only half an
hour later In the winter. At 6 he read
mass, after which hs took some black cof
fee with a little liquor.
Then In the summer time he went to
Lido for a bath. Lately hs used to eat
two boiled eggs when he got home.
"Three times a week he gave audiences
from 10 o'clock In the morning until noon.
Then he saw the clergy. At 1 o'clock he
dined on soup, boiled beef with vegetables
and a little fruit that was all. Then uncle
slept a short time, after wnlch he returned
to his tudy to work or to see people.
Sometimes in the afternoon he went out
on foot or in a gondola. He liked to go to
see sick people, but into society he never
In summer he took some ale at 4 p. m..
and In winter a cup of coffee. At 9 he
supped with us on a little soup and bread
and perhaps a cutlet, but nothing more.
Then he talked to us till jxrhaps 11. He
was always merry and liked a good Joke.
My aunts are so sorry they can no longer
live with him. They cannot yet rejoice
over the great good fortune."
Accustomed to a life of such sbsolute
simplicity. It is small wonder that Plus X
Is physically somewhat overcome by the
splendors and responsibilities of his high
Incessant Rains Are Disastrous to
Both Society and the
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Aug. 15. (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The so-called
Bummer season continues Its disastrous
course. The rainfall for June, July and
August, so far as the season has gone, has
beaten the record for these three full
months by a long way. Trade In London
has been crushed and the up-river business
brotight to a standstill, while the seaside
resorts have scarcely half their usual com
plement of August visitors, owing to the
incessant rain. , The . fruit crop Is about
one-sixth of tho. average and home-grown
fruit Is sold at exorbitant prices. Flowers
also have been spoiled and are very dear.
Moreover, a plague of caterpillars has
overrun the vegetable gardens, threatening
a scarcity of the principal vegetables. The
corn baa been so beaten down by the rain
It Is not worth the labor of saving It to
cut.' Hay is floating about in the fields,
ruined beyond redemption.
The weather forecasts give no hope of
Improvement and the trade outlook is most
Vicar of Gorleetono and Mrs. Brown
Potter Work Together
In Charity.
(Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 15. (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Mrs. Brown-
Potter, the actress, hss no more devoted
admirer than Rev. Stanhope Forbes, the
unconventional vicar of Oorlestone. Three
or four times a year this talented woman
goes down to Oorlestone and reads or re
cites for Mr. Forbes' parishioners In aid
of the charities connected with his church.
Whenever Mrs. Potter appears In a new
piece In London the vicar does not fall to
come to see her.
He Is original In his own way, great at all
manly sports and has an Idea that religion
can be more attractive to the tolling mnsses
If put in an Interesting form, nnd therefore
the vicar Identifies himself thoroughly with
all the amusements of his flock. Ho has
done a vast deal of good work among the
east coast fisher population by his many
kindnesses and devotion to their material
Mrs. Brown-Potter assists him in thl
work and despite the frowns of his bishop
and the misgivings of the stralght-laccd of
his congregation he invites the actress1
co-operation on every possible occuslon.
Skull nnd Crossboues Pnlnted
Dashboard Suggested as
(Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Aug. 15. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) The Parisian
authorltlea are seriously considering some
new regulation for automoblllsts convicted
of scorching. It has been suggested that If
convicted these chauffeurs he compelled to
paint their machinea a certain color In
order that pedesteriana may be warned in
advance of their proclvlllty and that the
police may keep special eye on them. It
has also been suggested that an appropriate
design for machines belonging to such
dlsregarders of public rights would be a
skull and across bones on the board.
The swarms of Americans at Deauvllle
are greatly Interested In the 500 metre
(1.610 feet), automobile test to be made
there September 12 and 13. A hill climbing
contest is also fixed for September 13 at
Bemmering, near Vienna. Several Ameri
cans figure In the yat of entries.
Apprenticed as a Joiner nnd Parents
Entertain His Fellow
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Aug. IS (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Hon. Dudley
Gladstone, the 20-year-old son of the earl of
Aberdeen (formeily governor general of
Canada), haa beer apprenticed to a joiner
at Aberdeen, line earl and eounteas have
Just entertained his fellow workmen at
Haddo. Gordon Is a hard-working, very ef
ficient artisan. He lives with the workman
as one of themselves.
Kauai City Hatband Brutally Harden
Helpmate Popular in Social Circles,
DriTM Wa?on Through Hooting Striken,
and Flogi Insulting Masher.
Man Enten Bedroom, Drags Girl by Hair
and Thrioe Shoots.
Wedding Takes .Place In Defiance of
Bride's Family, bnt Leads to
Man's Amassing Riches on
Woman's Cnnltal.
KANSAS CITT, Aug. 15. George B.
Evans, manager of the American Transfer
company, murdered his wife, Mrs. Lillle
Maude Evans, In a most cold-blooded man
ner at their home In the southern portion
of this city early today. Later he was
found dead in Mount St. Mary's cemetery,
two miles distant, having shot himself.
Mrs. Evans was attacked as she lay
asleep. Evans entered his wife's apart
ments at about daylight and fired
two shots at her. Neither took
effect, and then, dragging Mrs. Evans to
ward him by the hair, he deliberately
placed his revolver against the back of
her neck and fired. The shot literally blew
the woman's head off.
Evans escaped and his body was found
only after several hours search.
Files Salt for Divorce.
Mrs. Evans, who was 26 years old, was a
society woman. She was married to Evans
In 189S. Last Wednesday she filed suit for
divorce, alleging drunkenness and cruelty,
and at the same time brought suit demand
ing that her husband pay $800 for rent
of the barn occupied by the company, of
which be Is manager. The property, Mrs.
Evans asserted, belonged to her, and in
addition she asked an order restraining
Evans from disposing of two valuable race
horses and other property, which, she said.
also belonged to her.
'Mrs. Evans attracted much attention last
March during the teamsters' strike by driv
ing one of her husband's wagons, which
the regular driver refused to take out of
the barns for fear of violence at the hands
of the strikers. Mrs. Evans made several
trips perched on the seat of a big truck
between her husband's barns and the
freight houses, driving fearlessly through
crowds of jeering strikers. When soma of
the strikers tried to cut the horses' traces
she lashed the men with her whip and pro
oeeded without being further molested.
Two years ago Mrs. Evans also gained
some notoriety by horsewhipping a man
who had attempted to flirt with her.
Loaves Door TJnlocked.
Mrs. Evans had feared that her husband
would kill her and had talked, ot. her fears
last night. She locked the door of her
room when she retired, but, by a strange
fatality, unfastened it during the night to
gain fresh air. Evans svldently had planned
the tragedy deliberately. He spent the
night at a neighboring saloon. Returning
home, he entered the house through the
pantry window, near which his umbrella
was found today, and apparently went di
rectly to his wife's room.
Mlas Bettie Burns, a neighbor, slept with
Mrs. Evans and. narrowly escaped being
struck by the bullets fired at the latter.
Miss Burns woke dased, aroused by the
shots, fired in quick succession, and a
scream from Mrs. Evans, who expired al
most Immediately . and without a struggle.
She climbed over the dead body a minute
later and saw Evans standing In the cen
ter of the room.- Hs remained a moment
as If spellbound, then hastily left, cursing
as he went. .
Evans was born In Kentucky 38 years
ago, his father being sheriff of Breathitt
county, the scene of many bloody feuds
The older Evans was himself killed In a
feud. Evans had lived In Kansas City
for many years and Is said to have been
married twice before.
He married LUlie Maude Perry, the H-year-old
daughter of Mrs. E. C. Perrry, a
widow of Argentine, Kan., against the lat
ter's wishes. Evans built up a prosperous
transfer business from $10,000 given him by
the woman be killed.
Man Whom Veterans Will I.lkely
' Elect Commander Arrives In
San Francisco.
CAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 15-More than
2.000 members of the Grand Army of the
Republic and its allied associations have
already arrived here to swell the van
guard of the host which will attend the
thirty-seventh annual encampment of ths
national organisation.
Among the latter arrivals are the delega
tions from South Dakota, about 100 strong,
and from Illinois, numbering 220. The last
named delegation Included among Its num
bers General John C. Black, who Is a
prominent candidate for commander-in-chief,
with a strong possibility that hs
will be elected, and Adjutant General Par
tridge of the Illinois department. Grand
Army cf the Republic.
The veterans of the Spanish-American
war are evidently going to cut quite an
important figure In the coming of the vet
erans of the Gnand Army of the Republic.
They are pouring Into the city from all
quarters and one of the principal features
of the coming week will be the consolida
tion of all organisations of the lata war.
The triumphal arches and ths street
decorations are advancing rapidly to com
pletion and the announcement Is now made
thut everything will be In readiness for
ths general Illumination on Monday night.
The National association of the veterans
will be represented In this city during the
encampment by about 1K members.
The subscriptions have now run up to
Three Others Mast Jim Sueeus
Twlgg's Had Prank, with
ib to
WINFIELD. Kan.. Aug. 16. Seven sre
now dead ss the result of Twlgg's rifle
practice on Thursday night. Elmer Fame
worth, a cigar merchant, died today.
The deaths of Everltt Rldgeway. a plast
erer, living at Wichita; Will Moore, a
farmer's son, near Arkansas City, and
Otis Carter of Wlpfleld, a billpoater, are
hourly expected. Four others are In
dangerous condition, but have a slight
chance for recovery.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair In Eastern,
Showers an.1 Cooler In S'estern Portion
Sunday; Monday Probably Fair.
1 Asserts British Press la ot Free,
t.lrl (Unas to Man In Adversity.
Kansas City Man M orders Ills Wife.
Itnssla Tells Tnrkey to He tiood.
3 gee Knrt of Macedonian Rebellion.
Severe Storms In the West.
Fleet Bendy for the Manenvers.
S Doings at the Mate Capital.
Many County Conventions Held.
4 Sliver Jubilee of Francescans.
Affairs at South Omaha.
Accused of Conspiracy to Rob.
5 Austrian Official Visits Omaha.
Ciny Foray Wins Drill Mednl.
Opposes the I.lahtlng Mouopoly.
A Past Week In Omaha Society.
T Woman's Place In the World.
Making War on shipping Trust.
8 Council Bluffs nnd Iowa ews.
- New Van for Old Fort Omaha.
9 Results of the Ball Uamea.
CJeer Is Champion Sculler.
Kvrnts on the Race- Tracks.
10 Harty Is Made an Archbishop.
Dra Moines tiofera Are Beaten.
Western Tennis Kmperts Coming.
11 Shaw's Shoes Made In Omnha.
Sheriff's Views Concerning Crime.
Wide Tires Needed for Asphalt.
12 Amusements and Moslc.
13 Weekly Review of Sports.
14 ttdltorlal.
13 Trials of Girl Reporters.
18 Paul's Advice to Singers,
ltt Commercial and Financial.
Pauper Burled In Elegant Tomb.
20 Englnemea Secure an Increase.
Temperature at Omaha Testerdayi
Hour. Deg. Hour. Dear.
ft a. m 4 1 p. ns 7S
6 a, m...... tut 9 p.m...... T3
T a. m sa 3 p. m 74
8 a. m OA 4 p. tn TU
9 a. m tttt ftp. m 7T
lO a. m (ID ft p. m 7B
It , n , Ta T p. n...... 74
la m 74
Husband Steals Spouse Barefooted
and Scantily Clad ' from
Father's House.
BLOOMINQTON. 111., Aug. 15. A ' mob
which formed last night to rescue Mrs.
Homer Mansplle, whoso husband forced her
to leave her father's home last night bare
footed and attired solely In her nightdress,
captured Mansplle tonight near Mayvlew.
Sheriff Clark took him to jail.
The nude body of Mrs. Mansplle was
found among some bushes partly covered
with a blanket. Her feet and body were
badly torn by briers. Mansplle stood over
her with a drawn revolver and swore to
kill his wife and himself If the pursuers
approached nearer.
A deputy sheriff slipped up behind Man
splle, threw his arms around him to prevent
his shooting and the crowd soon made him
a prisoner. Mrs. Mansplle was taken to a
neighboring farm house and Is being cared
for. She is In a serious condition.
Georgia Prison Commission Holds
Warden Technically Right, bat
' Practically Wrong;,
ATLANTA, Oa., Aug. 15. The Georgia
prison commission, which has been Investi
gating the whipping of Mamie Decrlss, a
white woman convict on the prison farm,
lias made Us report. ' 1
The charges of Improper proposals by
Allgood, alleged by the woman, and similar
conduct towards other female convicts, are
found to be absolutely false and malicious.
The report says the warden acted entirely
within his authority in whipping Mrs.
Decrlss and that he was led to It by severe
aggravation. The commission, however,
holds the particular form of punishment
adopted as an error on the part of the
warden, who, recognizing that his useful
ness may have been Impaired by reason of
the prejudice against him, has voluntarily
handed tn his resignation, which has been
Will Build to Benton Harbor, Con
necting; Thence by Lake
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 15. The Journal
Bays: Tne announcement was made by
officials of the Wabash who are In this
city today that Milwaukee is to be made
a terminal of the line through a car ferry
connection with B-nton Harbor. Mich.
The line will be extended to South Bend
and from there to Benton Harbor. A system
of car ferries will be run from Benton
Harbor to Milwaukee. Terminal facilities
will beT Installed on property on the lake
front which will cost in the neighborhood
of $5,000,000.
Judge Hefners New Trial la Feud
Case, Sentencing; Prlaoners
for Life.
CTNTIIIANA, Ky., Aug. 16. After over
ruling the motion for a new trial. Judge
Owborn today granted an appeal and gave
the defense In the Marcum murder case
until September 9 to file Its bill of excep
tions. Jett and White were formally aent
enced to life imprisonment at hard labor.
The troops broke camp, one detachment
taking Curtis Jett to Jail at Lexington and
another Thomas White to Jail at Covington.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Aug. IS.
At New' Tork Arrived 8t. Paul, from
Southampton and Chertxiiirg; Colorla, from
Liverpool and Queenatown. Hailed Prins
ttlgnisinund, for Hamburg; Ktrurla, for
LivtTKMjl; Finland, for Antwerp; Meeaba,
for London; Latin, for Naples, etc.; Mar
quette, for London; Astoria, for Glasgow.
At Antwerp Sailed ixroonlaud, for New
At Havre Hailed La Bretagne, for New
At Liverpool Balled Umbrla, for New
At Plymouth Arrived Barba rosea, from
New York, for Cherbourg and Bremen (and
At Hong Kong Arrived (Previously), In
dra Pura, from Portland, Ore., via Yoko
hama, etc.
At Toitohama Arrived (Previously), Shi
nano Maru, from Seattle.
At Glasgow Arrived Siberian Prince,
from Philadelphia, via Ht. Johns.
At Cherbourg Arrived Moltke, from New
Tork, via Plymouth, for Hamburg (and
proceeded). Balled New York, from South
ampton, for New York; Augusts Victoria,
for New York.
At Bremen Sailed Friederirh der Grosse,
for New York, via Cherbourg.
At Rotterdam Arrived 1'ottsdam. from
New York, via Boulogne. Balled Rotter
dam, for New York.
At CJueenstown Arrived Arabic. from
New York, for Liverpool (and proceeded).
Sailed Cymric, for New York.
At London Sailed Minneapolis, for New
Black Sea Squadron Ordered to Constanti
nople to Overawe the Sultan.
Rtmia Declines to Accept Apologies and
Insists on Cranio Punishment.
Forts Must Afford Adequate Protection to
Christians Within Empire,
Present Move Declared Outside Mace
donian Revolt, Which Muscovites
Say Is Criminal and Not -to
Be Supported.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 15. A squndron
of the Russian Black Sea fleet has len
ordered to sail for Turkish waters. Noti
fication of this has been telegraphed from
bebastopol to the Russian ambairador nt
The dispatch of the squadron Is tnlen-led
to emphasise Russia's Intention Of enforc
ing complete compliance with its UtroanJs
as to the satisfaction for the murder by a
Turkish gendarme of its consul at Mon
astic The following telegrams, exchanged be
tween the Foreign office and Russ an rep
resentatives abroad, show the first Heps
taken as a consequence of the murder of
M. Rostkovskl, the Russian consul at
On August 11 Count Lamsdorff, the for
eign minister, telegraphed to M. Zlnovlrff,
Russian ambassador ' at Constantinople,
that r.elther the sultan's expression of rc
great, the visit of Prince Ahmed, the sul
tan's son, to tho ambassador, nor the ex
pressions of sympathy by the grand vizier
and other high Turkish dlgnltoiicj was
considered to be adequate satisfaction for
the murder of M. Rostkovskl.
When M. St Cherbina, the Rusttian con
sul, was murdered at Mitrovltsta, con.
tlnued Count Lamsdorff, the csar took
Into account the fact that the murderer
was an Albanian whose tribe was In re
bellion against the government. Tho out
rage at Monastlr, however, was of quite
another character and called for the sever
est punishment.
Promises Not Aecepted.
The cxar, therefore, ordered thut no .
promise on the part of the Turkish gov
ernment ahould be accepted, but that de
mands should be made as follows:
The immediate severe punishment of the
murderer; the arrest and exemplary pun
ishment of the person who nrea at M.
Rostkovski's carriage; the Immediate pro
duction ot positive proofs that the vail of
Monastlr has been actually banlshea; the
immediate severe punishment of all the
civil and military officials responsible for
the murder.
In addition to these demands, Ambassa
dor Zlenkleff was Instructed as a means ot
general pacification In the. vilayet of Mon
astlr to make- the following demands:
The Immediate severe punishment of all
Turkish officials regarding whose outrage
oub behavior a report was made by the
director of the Rusalan consulate at Uskub,
after making a tour of the vilayet of Koh
sovl in company with the Austrian consul;
the reinstatement of Jsmal Hakko, who
was dismissed, but whose efllclency was en
dorsed by Hllml Pasha, Inspector general
of Macedonia; the Immediate release of the
peasants on whom according to the reports
cf the Russian and Austrian consul the
Turks perpetrated atrocities; the Instant
dismissal and punishment of the oirlclals
of the administration of Balonlea and Prls
rend, whose malpractices have been brought
to light, and finally that the foreign officer
employed In Macedonia shall immediately
enroll fresh gendarmes and police Tor the
requisite protection of Hie peaceable popu
lation and Introduction of legislative order.
No Adequate Satisfaction.
On August 12 Count Lamsdorff telegraphed
to the Russian diplomatic agent at Sofia
that the government could not obtain an
adequate satisfaction for the assassination
of M. Rostkovskl and therefore had Already
taken measures to secure redress. As on
the occasion of the murder of Consul St.
Cherbina the suppression of the Insurrec
tionary movement among the. Albanians
was demanded so on the present occasion
demands had been presented to the otto
man government for the severe punish
ment of all. the military and civil author!-,
ties guilty of atrocities against the Chris
tians. Count Lamsdorff Impressed on th diplo
matic sgent that It was his duty to see
that Russia's vigorous sttttude toward the
porte was not Interpreted by the Bulgarian
government or the Macedonia committee
as Indicating any change in the political
program laid down in previous government
XI IftiUlu w uaiici,iu. ri I l , mill, -I
the Russian foreign minister, on the part
of the principality to consider Russia's
present action as fostering the revolution
ary spirit of the Macedonian committee,
whose continued criminal activity whs a
hindrance to the pacification of the vilay
ets, and therefore to the Introduction ot
From the Russian consular reports it
was clear that the peaceful population suf
fered at the hands of the revolutionary
bands as much as they did from the out
rages and robberies committed by Turks.
All these circumstances, concluded
Count Lamsdorff, proved the necessity for
the most vigorous counteraction on the
part of tho Bulgarian government, with a
view to the suppression of the troubles In
the Balkan peninsula.
Consul Aids Judges.
Ths following telegram has been received
by the government from Dr. Mandelstnm,
who succeeded M. Rostovoskl, the mur
dered Russian consul st Monastlr, giving
an account of the court-martial of the
After proceedings extendMig over four
davs, the military court, presided over bv
Kdhem Bey, today gave Judgment. During
the trial 1 exercised the rights and privi
leges of a public prosecutor in view of th
circulation of the outrageous calumny th.
the consul had Insulted and struck tt
Turkish sentry and had even shot st fi..-
I insisted that before the court gave judg
ment it should clear up the circumstances
of the affair.
By replying to a series oi questions put
by myself the court found ss follows:
(1) The sentry did not give the consul a
military salute.
2) The consul first beckoned to him. and
left the carrluge and asked the mao his
name. .
(3) That M. Rostovoskl neither shot at
Hallm, the sentry, nor In any way In
sulted him, but Hallm Immediately find at
the consul several times, and when the con
sul fell, stepped up and fired again with
the rifle close to the consul s head, after
ward battering his temples with ths butt
of his ritle.
Hallm waa charged with ths actual mur
der. Another sentry named Abbas, who
waa present., charged with having foiled
to afford the consul anv protection, and
two other aentrles. tielnel and Assin, who
were absent at the time of the raurdor. but
the former of whom tried to shield Ml
comrade, were brought before the court
on the charge of perjury. The chief of
gendarmerie waa also charged with havlS