A "To TiTE OMAnA" PA1LT BEE! FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1003. iggsasssassm: Velvet Zlbellnes atl Yd TODAY III THE BASEMENT Danish Cloth at I2c yd SPECIAL REMNANT SALE To close-out all the htilance of our Bummer goods remnants, we will male some ridiculously low prices tomorrow. WHITE MERCERIZED WAISTINGS-All the balance of our stock ot short lengths ot mercerized wblta walatlng rem nanta upto one yard long, go at 5c each. These are worth op to 63c a yard WHITE GOODS REMNANTS All th balanct of our Jin white goods remnants, fcy loot yUtids, satin ttripei, etc worth tsc, goat, yard.... PERCALES All the balance of oar light colored percale, worth 121-2c goat.... ee a 5c 5c 5c One table of lace curtain 2.n. scrim, a yard w 40-Inch wide fine India llnon rem nants, at, per yard 1ftr only One table of silk finished fomner print, per yard 4c One table of all the new outing f lannota worth 12 1-3 cents a , fr yard, go at, a yard.. M. ...-... .. One table of 19c and 25c gingham. In mill length, O 1, a yard. ......... ..' One table of unbleached 1 1 r muslin, a yard One table of very fine muslin and cambric, per yard, 5C Embroidery Reitinants KSSSSt- and carobrto, in wlde,nsrrow and medium widths, 22C"10C"7iC"3C Pretty Wash Laces In all tha wldtha desirable for trimmings tbev come In insertions, galloons, etc, worth.up fl-Cr. toUoo-a yard, at, yard lUt'OfAU ON THE MAIN FLOOR An Extraordinary Special Selling of DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Many thousands of splendid remnants from the best goods In our Dress Goods Dept In 8 to 7-yard pieces every desir able color, weave and style these are In fall weight cloths and thin goods at yard.. STRIKING OFFER OP PALL DRESS GOODS Just received, several cases of new fall dress goods pieces none are less than of a ynrd Ion r Venetians, Panamas, Canvas, Zlbellne, Cheviot, Clay worsteds. Beavers, etc. enough to match for skirts and Jackets these are priced all over the .-country FOR FALL TRADE gl.60 AND S2J50 A YARD these splendid remnants at apiece AT I7c PIECE We place on bargain square tomorrow greater and better bargains than last remnant day. AVe show particularly some dnlnty silk and woolmixtures, Voting and Eta mines all colors w and styles enough alike for little dresses and skirts O at apiece ; 3G Special Sale Saturday lO.GOO yards Bobblnet stlSt -a yard aOW Special Sale Saturday Men's $2. SO and 93 Tr Shirt on sale at 4 W 1. "gl. Pruts & pn3T prftafeti & pm FORMER OMAHA MAN RILLED E. D. Lord, Veil Known Traveling Bales man, Meets Accidental Death in Ttxae STRUCK BY PIECE OF EXPLODED BOILER Althuagh Boot TJIataaee f rem the E. " arise Be la Alsaost lastaatly Killed Wall Batlas; Dinner. TS. Tt. Lord, who traveled for May Bros, of Fremont for a number of years and later for McCord-Brady A Co. and other Omaha firms, was almost Instantly killed at Peaumont, Tex.' The boiler of the Itlack Hawk Oil company's plant on Spin dle Top exploded and flung fragments high Into the air, one of the flues of the boiler shooting through the air for 100 yards and smashing' through the house wher Mr. Lord was eating dinner. It struck him on the side of the head and tore a large gash which resulted In almost instant death. A negro woman, who had called for laun dry at the time, was also struck and badly injured at the same time. Mr. lord was about 45 years old and was well known la Omaha and throughout Ne braska, where he had made a good record as a traveling salesman. In 1898 his poor health necessitated his removal to the south, and he eventually located In the oil Holds, where he had been quite successful In the land and oil business. He was un married. Three sisters survive him, Mrs. Carpenter of Grand Island, and Miss Ida Lord and Stella Bartlett of 199 East Twenty-fifth street, Chicago. The remains were shipped, to. his blrthplaos, Dunkirk, N. Y...fur interment. Mr. Lord's death occurred August I CXiAff-RA-GAEI. PICHIC, Aseot Park. Iowa, limit la The Clan-Na-Oael Societies of Omaha and South Omaha will give their fourth annual plcnlo at Ascot Park. la.. Sunday, An elaborate urogram hea bean nmniNul consisting of an address by Mr. Thomas' . v w uukwm, jsu., oraior or me day. A Quartet will orxm the ifturmnn gram, Oames of all kinds, for which prizes win do awaraea... The first train win leava th TTnin. .... tlon, via Illinois Central R. B,, at 9:S0 a m.; arternoon train. 12:45 p. m. First train returns at e p. m. Diarrhoea. When you .want a quick cure without any unnecessary loss of time take Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea I:emedy. It never faUs. When reduced with cold water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. It la standard throughout the U. 8. and in many foreign countries. . Coastable Cleaaiag Htua The Wkhorn Valley house at Eleventh end-Dodge streets Is getting a thorouah cleaning yesterday under the direction of cnniUMt uensei. wno nas a writ ot evic tion under which the work la belne dona. The building Is owned by E. L. Means and the oonatable Is moving out the household goods of billy Atkins who, for several months, has railed to psy his rent. The bedtiln thrown Into the street was filled with vermin. Dr. Ralph Inspected it and said he would order it aestroyea. Card ef Thaaks. To the members of the I. A. ot M., to the pastor and quartet and to all the friends and neighbors, who so kindly comforted us during the illness and fun eral of our beloved husband, son and brother. MRS. HENRI O. WIECK. OTTO WIECK and FAMILY. Thai Beaaett Compaay. PEANUTS! PEANUTS I to A FULL QUART FOR So. ' ALL DAT FRIDAT. ALL. TOU WANT IN BASEMENT. FUhl.gr aad Halting. The angler will find in Utah unni. n. portunlties to indulge la his favorite sport. xne mountain streams are stocked with gamy trout and tha but llttl. u.a mv black bass abounds in the waters of Utah LAite. in season good duck hunting can be naa on utan Lake, the Jordan and around me poois ana lagoons of the Salt Lake Val ley, un ine mountain sides grouse nre plentiful, and larrer cama can ba fmmA nn the mountain ranges of the Uintah and Un- compangre reservation. To enable people to reach thee favor localities without the unnecessary exnaniii. turs of time and money, the UNION PA CIFIC has put In street very low rates and splendid train service from Mlaaourl T?ivr Accommodations provided for all classes of paeeengera. . City ticket office. 1154 Famam St.. 'shone ais. Sw 0) 0 L2) nnnnn Ml M 1 I UVJ j Ml J Qlothing for young Men ond mall Men Two hundred suits on sale Fri day & Saturday All our eighteen, twenty and twenty two fifty suits. First and last call. On first table Harney street entrance Friday and Saturday Bargain Sales in Dry Goods Unbleached Sbaker Flannel worth T cents at Harney street bargtln circle, yard ....., White Shaker Flannel worth 8 cents yard Harney g street bargain circle DC Curtain Scrim 38 Inches wide 10 cent quality Harney street bargain circle, yard . ,,. . OC Extra fine quality summer weight Blanket large '( whites, A f tans, grays 75c , quality Hartley street bargain circle ....... 64-inch Table Padding the good 60-cent quallty-rr .-. 07 only, yard White Curtain Swiss, 36 Inches wide, figures, dots and stripes r values to 25c a yard, only, yard "C 100 pieces fancy Flannelettes, nice weight,, French Flannel pat- 4 f terns cheap at 15c only, yard X vC CO pieces Drapery Cretonnes worth 121-2 cents j tj only, yard ... JL 2p All on Sale In Domestlo Depart ment. & Rcady-to-wcar Bargains Another Die Waist Sale for Friday and Saturday All our fine Summer VTalrta that sold from $3.60 to 17.00 qq Boys' White Blouse Waists with sailor collars, trimmed with em- ie broidery 8 to 7 years worth Too while we have 'em 50W Boys' and girl's Percale Dresses that sold for 60c ages J to 6 je years while we have 'em 150 dozen one dollar Ladles' Wrappers best quality percales dark . Afr colors Friday and Saturday only v ...... 60 dozen ladles' fast black Cotton Hose plain and dropstltch. full tfr fashioned, high spliced heel and toe lao values, per pair 10 dozen ladies' Short Chemise fine carabrlo, ruffle trimmed OCr worth up to 60o each uw . LADIES' FINE) LISLE FINISH COTTON VESTS AND DRAWERS Vests high neck and long sleeves, taped yoke; drawers crocheted trim- OBp hied, in white or cream, regular 40o values, for garment 100 LADIES' POCKETBOOKS, CHATELAINES, WRIST BAOS AND CHANGE) PUK8E8 AND CARD CASES In seal, walrus, suedes and fancy OEp leathers values up to 76o Special each AC7k Dr. F. W. Slabaugh. dentist. 5l U. T. Ufa Candidate for Coaaty Assessor. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Assessor subject to the ap proval of the republican voters of Douglas county. W. Q. SHRTVKR. DR. WILKINSON'S EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT CLINICS. CREIGIITON BLOCK. I5TII AND DOUGLAS. OA1AIIA. Treatment and operations daily for Ca tarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Adenoids often cause of mouth breathing, liHtlessne-ui ana aearness in rnllaren. Uluhaiied Nosea, Chronic Sore Throut. Enlarged Tonsils. Growths In Nostrils. Polvol. tn . Cftt Palate, Harelip. Running Ears, Cross Eyes straightened by operation. Headache, due to eye or nasal causes. Affections ot the voire, irritable coughs, hay fever, etc. THESE CLINICS ARB FREE TO THE ruuiit X TU S O'CLOCK. Open evenings T to 8 p. m.. No charges ur lummiuoD oi pauenta cBssi&i Full line of Clear Havana cigars 0"t00 j Complete line of Pipes, all guaranteed. rf j' OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR UOVST" Main Office, 1404 Douglas ' Btr,t- Est IK! Tel. 1M0. y. M Cmife! YOUR DENTAL WORK FREE! Our sucosss is due to the high grade work done by the professors of the college. No students. Teeth Extracted Without Pain by Our New Patent Method. UNTIL AUGUT 18. FULL SET OF TEETH, $2.85. We save broken down teeth. CUT PRICES All our Dressing Sacques put into 3 lots, those that sold from 93c to $1.35, now 58c from $1.50 to $2.25, now 87c from $2.75 to $5.00, now $1.50. Line of Bizea perfect. TltS FOR BABY CARRIAGES Those that sold lor $2.75, now $1.25 sold $1.75, now 75c sold $1.25, now, 50c sold 83c, now 35c. KNIT VESTS, LOW NECK, no aleere or abort aleeve, sold for 25. now 13 cents. Drawers sold for 25o, now 15c sold for 60c, now 35c. Vest and corset covT combined, sold for 50c, now 25c. Odd Corseta la aizt 13 and. 19, lncludinc p. D. Net Corset, that sold for t'Z.QO, jmw io LACECOV Save your teeth. Bave your money. We save aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. We save old roots. We can save K per cent of teeth others extract. M'e restore dlsuolored teeth. We perform all branches of dentistry. Work Guaranteed 10 Years. r In order to give all a chance to consult the professors, we will continue to do jvorK FKB.E. buALb viiAxxuco HAixniAu vail sarjy aua a' te sure you are In the rignt place, we ao as we advertise. tvoid the rush. s you are in in ngni yimv. vs uu aa we advertise, we nave siuua ine test. Nearly 10.0U0 patients in last montns. we heat the Jealous, idle, sorehead dentist and dental sac's. Complete victory (or the Union. Tertk Katracte ........... .Free Alamlaaaa Platee fress. . . . . . SH.OO Kllliaaa frosa SK Cald Crawaa from. .......... . S.8S Set mt Teeta, tair $2.00 Silver rietaV Crewas XJH) UNIOri DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Open daily till a, Sundays to 4. IS22 Douarlae Street. Perfield's Cut Price Fiano Co. tee Bid., Room 7.' Telephone 701 Wtkar. , ateryauara usavaj acauar. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER fcrchsntil.'aticrialDank or OMAHA VNITBD sraTSS WiHJHiTOKV, ll.f lM. IWMT WHEN YOU BUY A PA 0 TAKE OUR ADVICE; GET THE BEST YOU CAN AFFORD And by taking adrantage of the special prices we are now quoting, you can af ford a better piano than you probably expected to get then, too, the extra terms given by 01R HOUSE EXCLUSIVELY on standard, first-class makes IS A BOON to musical families with a moderate income. WE CHALLENGE COMPAR ISON OF PRICE AND QUALITY. We are now showing samples of the new deshrn for I90t noma of which are positively unique, rare, natural woods magnified by lustrous polish these pianos are a revelation of nature's art a genuine treat to connoisseurs. For a short time we will continue to sell new, up-to-date pianos from the BE3ST FACTORIES ON EARTH, at a less price than small dealers can buy them regular 1260.00 to $350.00 in struments are sold here every day at 1.00, $172.00, $180.00 to $21A.00. Pianos of the very highest class are going rapidly at $238, $263 to $338. Some of these are worth up to $300 to $600. WE ARE THE PRICE-QUTTERS , Out-of-town customers should call at their earliest convenience or write for catalog and special prices we wilt give correct information regarding any make of Piano all correspondence and the selection of mail orders receive the personal attention of the firm. SCtilOLLER & MUELLER 1313 FARNAM ST., Tel. 1028. OMAHA- The Bennett Company Groceries Big Sales Bis Bargains Big Stocks Best Goods Quick Deliveries Ring Phone 137 If Yoo Cannot Call 10c package Spaghetti for To 6c bo Blueing 9o 13o can Choclatlna lOo. 22o can Apples In heavy syrup.... 10c 22a can Strawberries 10a 12a can Raspberries lOo 8c can Preserved Blackberries.... So 12Hc can Balmon... So 8c bottle Lemon Extract to 80c bottle Oedney's Pickles 22o 2ftc bottle Oedney's Pickles 18o BEST Laundry Soap bar Va We Are Headquarters for Pure, Fresh, Delicious Country Butter. We Get it Direct from the Dairy. Fresh Country Butter -4 ES-s per pound lOL We Lead in Teas & Coffees Here's a speclsl offer la Jepea O ft Teas per pouad ssow Tee Sittings per lfn pound IUW Fresh Roasted Cotfee-pir 12c pouad . riarvelous Values. Special in Candy a I ted Peanut par I Of pound aW "BEKKETT SELLS IT FOR LESS" LOT 1 148 do cm Women's Wrappers, made of percale, lawns, calicoes and prims, m all pretty patterns, extra wide at hips, separate waist lining. 15-lnoh flounce ruffle over shoulder, edpod In two rowji of braid, worth at least $1.00 Prldnr at i)9U LOT f 8"0 dosen Wrsppers, made of por- cnJes, dimities, bstlste and lawns, in tancy patterns, extra wii?n, rum ovur mnmi ders, trimmed In braids and embroideries, wrappers that sold as high as IQa $1.60-Frlday only "3W -N l.kl. . TXr.la.a n..a Ff all WSSll Tnil VIIV IJ1UIO 111 , . .min, . . . . IcriaiH, in ail colors, worm Vk 1 IK U JU One table 'of 'Ladles' Fine Colored Wnlsts. other wash fabrics, worth up to $.00, for 800 doten Women's White Wslts, made In dainty patterns, tnmmen in nne jac-!, in sertions and embroideries, Hlir worth up to $3.50, tor only UJ One table of Ladles' Fine Waists, made of good quality or lawns, linens aim batistes, worth up to I MO IT W wi .u.u nnnrifp atthtrtan RTt.KS. both In solid color and chameleon these siiks are woven in nt-n-i. P'"-'. r ; - I" are very strong and durable and will make handsome waist or entire dreea. These silks sell everywhere from 40c to 60o Friday take your choice ot piecea in 25 dlderent colors lor oniy - FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY In the Great Domestic Room . . . . . . . n t tHfln of their value: also AiwuT two canoaas oi i nn utut io w v. . vj v - ------ -- - ----- the Bt. Joe stock and the Penney hosiery stock will be on sale-and the. pnoes eacn day will bo more astonishing. ew ran gooa ai uie j.iiua i Host Any Drug Store Should b able to fill th tmpl presciip- litnia fTincu tiivi tiuiiii VMTmuiaii w t con , HUT DO THEY FILL EN'OUOH OF THEM to keep their stocks In FRESH CONDITION? We aim to have all the new and up-to-date remedies which OMA HA'S PROGRESSIVE PHYSICIANS are using and are always, glad to have an op portunity to price, and thereby prove that we fill prescriptions for less money than any other up-to-date drug store In . this citv. Here is a rood point which is worth thinking about when you have a prescrip tion to be tilled: OTJR PRB:SCRiPTION CLERKS MANY OP WHOM HAVE WORKED IN OTITER LARGE OMAHA DRL O STORES ALL AORKH THAT WE RiiFIL MOKii PRESCRIPTIONS, IN PROPOKllON TO THE NUMBER OF NEW ONES. THAN ANT STOK THEY HAVE EVER BEEN EMPLOYED IN. WHY BECAUSE WE DON'T BCARB THE PATIENT TO DEATH WITH A HOLD UP PRICE. OPEN ALL NIGHT. SGUAEFER'S CUT PRICB DKUO STORE Twai 'Pkoaas 141 a a TT. lta sst Chieasia atraate, Omaha. TV0 MORE DAYS In which ta buy bargains at the sals of the Levtra stock on our Jnd floor. Boys' long pants, from 26-2$ to $0-S0, only 19o pair. Brown and black half hose, $o a pair. Underwear, 10c a garment. Men' sweaters, So. Felt hats, stiff and soft, that Levlre sold as high as $3.00, your pick. 75c Men's all wool pants, neat aad up- to-date, tso this is a rare bargain. Full dress and Tuxedo suits from the Levlrs stock, $02.60. Mackintoshes, $1.66. Big Largalns in odd coats at much leas than the cost of making. The Guarantee Cloth ing Co., 1M9-1521 Douglas Street XMpaty sjtata YwtartnafleaV . Food Inspector. n.L.R&n&CC!9TTI. D.V. S. Cm VKTERIJtAJLLm. Offloa aad laarsaary; tsta aad Uaaoa Ma ' K su - atsraa wrappers, inr Ullt' 3 Ha WSJ TIIK HKLIABL.H STUHU. Wrappers, Wrappers Another of onr famous Wrapper Bales. Our entire stock of light wrappers at one- tliirtl price. We also Include in this sale 450 dozen dark wrappers. Bigger values than ever before. More wrappers to se lect from than all other houses combined nothing reserved. Over 1,000 Women's Wrappers, all pretty patterns, neatly fl ished. LOT $860 doren Women's Wrappers, made of lawns, dimities, percales and other materials, made In prettiest colors and designs, some with white tuoked yokes. ' ruffles over shoulders, edged In laces, em : hrolrierts and Kerrptlan oralds RQa worth up to $2.00. for U3t LOT 4 M dosen Women's Percale and Lawn Wrappers. In light and dark colors, elaborately trimmed, worth up RQft to $X0O. for Bargains i in Our Waist Department T7i..fr. m.i-sa f oil wah ma- $ St A dozen Women's W'lh Waists, m ami 50c 810 dosen Women's Wssh Waists, mad" of best quality lawns, oimiues, rer- hUf cales and plane, worth up to $.1, for..W3ti ine table of Women's Fine Waists, made of xst quality real linen, mercvlsd ginghams, cotton cheviots and I MO pongees, worth up to $6, for only.... tU Women's White Waists $6.00, tor. Tour choice of any White Waist, on our counters, made of finest opera batiste, fine lawns. Imported linens and other white wash fabrics, worth up to Q Qfl $1100. for U3U Women's Tailored uus, in i styles, nt $46.00, $20.00, $15.00, I and down to ;. .12.50 Silk Salo Friday-KEP" effects; I5c DID YOU EVER SEE SUCH PRICES BEFORE? , Remnants of 44o Colored Wash. Goods lOo. Imported percales, soft finish; St. Oall em broidered and lace stnpea Bwissee, mer cerised striped organdies, satin striped French batiste and mercerised spun glass linings. In pieces or from 3 to 10 yards, Friday 10c Remnants 74c its of SSe Colored Wash Goods 8 l-3c. Printed Oxford walstlngs, printed penangs. woven striped, printed Madras and French novelties In pieces of from 3 to Ola 10 yards, Friday OB Remnants of SOo Colored Wash , Goods T l-3c. Macname laced striped Swiss organdies. woven corded Madras, mercerized pnntea walstlngs, choice styles In yard wide per cales, yard wide sephyr ginghams rjid linen Datiste in pieces oi irom a to 10 yards, Friday Remnants of Colored Wash Goods So. WORTH 10C. 1BC. 20C AND 2BC. Park plaid ginghams, black India llnons. black sateens, plain cnamoray gingnamn, yard wide percales, Irish dimities C and Scotch lawns, Friday 9 b Remnants of light and dark prints and lin ing camDrica, worm up to ai. 7c, Friday at - 09G 8 l-2o Mnslln Be. Indian Head Muslin, extra heavy Quality, long mill ends, VsC quai- Ca lty, at yard til IBa White Goods 8-4o. One big table of White Goods, In check nainsooks, lace stripes, mercenzea stnpea, etc, long mill ends ana.iuu pieces, Mit ....- worth 15c yard, at yard. dot dot 28o White Goods lOo. 40-Inch India llnon, lawns, batiste, r. i l..A mull, a rtti gwUses, long mill ends, worth Ifla 26o yard, at yard 1WW 1 km rnruNi wTfl riV ALL KINDS TABLH 'LINEN TOWELING AND BHEETINCH Af HALF RKQULAR PRICES. V lOo PitlOTf Slips T 8-4o, Bleached Pillow Slips, $-lnoh hem, slsea Gx 36 and 4&xS6, worth ... 7 3 1 10c, at - S 1 aoa Sheets afie. Extra fine ready to use bleached sheets sue 81x90, the 60o kind, 5C lOo Camhrlo T 8-4e. Fine snow white cambrlo for summer skirts and fine underwear, i Inches wide, full piece, 10c quality, at yard I V 23 1-ao Sheeting 1A l-2o. Extra fine quality brown sheeting, 81 inches wide, 22c quality, at yard lSe English Lons Cloth lOe. 8H-lnch English long cloth, soft finish, t(m full piece, 15o kind, at yard IUW Remnants of best grade lOo Out- ftl. lng Flannel, per yard Usl Remnants of iZhia and lo Sllko llne, per yard Remnants of 80-Inch wide extra heavy C. Cotton Flannel, per yard... Wis Remnants of extra heavy Shaker Flannel, per yard CLOSING OUT TUB HAMMOCKS & CROQUET SETS All Hammocks and Croquet Seta will be closed out at prices which will surprlso you. , i I6ic j 10c He ; 5c 4c Elayden (Bros. Gloating Salo of Lien's and Boys' Clothing Still Going On In order to make room for our fall and wln ter clothing we nave cut me pnc m mm half the regular value. All of our suits that were sold at $6.60 and 4 1C $7.60 go at ws I w Thi. T inrludea cheviots and eaaslmeres. In neat stripes and checks and all well tail ored throughout. For B We Pat on sale ah ei oar alts that Were Sold at fSJSO and 1MM. In this lot you will fine plain and fancy e fleets in worsieas, serges anu cnmiou, In brown and gray mixtures, blue serges and fancy colorings, tailored equal to any $10.00 suits our clearing C (I ft sale price , O'UU All of Onr Salts that Were Sold at 19.SO aad f 1B.OO Go la This Clear, las; Bale at 87.00. This lot Includes all the season's latest and 1 f .7.50 most up-to-date fabrics in the market sucn as tancy cneviots, tancy worsteas, unfinished worsteds, black . and blue. , chevlou, fancy tweeds, and all are madeV with hand padded shoulders, hand ma4i button holes and band felled oollam, Most of these suits were tailored by the ' well known clothing manufacturers, Hart, Bclianrner nuirx our clearing sale price only........ About 2&o pair of pants to be closed out in this sale most ot these pants are left from suits where coats and vests have been sold none worth less than $2.60 snd up to $3.60 in this clsaii ug I CA sale go at. Iswv For $2.60 we have ths greatest line of pant ever shown, in all the latest patterns and .n fabrics. In stripes, checks, mixtures and " h plain colors. In worsteds, cueviots an vaulnuira. all well made and oerfect fl ting; none worth leas than $6 go 4 Rfl in this great dear lng sale at only fci Oil mm ibJ 12) i ta . mt t. k u imm rinna-fsi srrvaxiaa for wives for mothers for daughters If abslutJy pure talldly stimulating bealU buliaia. OimsU macs et r5l BiMiiiiI s say salt at erfltr a raw irora ure j b - . r LEE MICH ELL, Wholesale Dealer. Council Bluffs. Tel M or Bujo P. BILZ. U24 Doa( . . T..l,.. lilt Our Work is bound to please you, as we use only the best material and rinploy the best dentUts. Call and see us before having, your work Upns. Crowns (the best)... $3.00 Fillings 73o "P Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. A FEW PRICES. Wool waists cleaned and pressed 50c; silk waists 75c to $1.00; skirts 75c to $1.25. Veils 10c; stoves 10c; collars 10c; satin slippers 25c. v There Is nothing made of silk or wool that we cannot proper ly clean. THE PAIlTOniUH OMAHA. . 40T Eo. liU bt. TL 60S iS 6 1