Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1903, Page 7, Image 7
Til Fi OMAHA DAILY TITF.: MONDAY, AUGUST 10. 1003. f 4. i SPECIAL NOTICES . ?j- ATrtlsaaeaa fee IhfM eolomne Will to taken natll 1'J aa. for the venlnc edition a ad aatll M:30 a. aa. far Mara la and Saadar edition. Hat, 1 l-2 word Brut Ineertlan, l r4 tktr.tflir. KetblnaT taken far leaa than ne far the Hrat laser tlaa. Theee averttaeeaeate aaaat aa raa eonaecntlvely. Advertisers, ar reqaestln a ff check, aaa kirt aaawara ad flreaaed ta a a a inhered letter Is cara af The lie. Aaawara aa addraaaad will delivered aa areaeatnUoa af taa shook aalr. WASTKD-StTl ATION. WANTKD-Application of stenorraphJ-B desiring positions or better positions, on any make of typewriter. Call at or ad dress the Hmlth-1'rrmler Typewriter Co., cor. 17th and Fa mam sts. A Mtf)2 11 EXPERIENCED office man desires posi tion. Address K 47, Deo. A M347 lux WANTED MALE HELP. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 1. Boyles College NEW YORK LIFE BLDU. BUSINESS. BIIOKTHANU, TYPEWRIT I NO. ENGLISH. Apply for Catalogue. B 146 WANTED For United State army, abl bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 11 and 3a. citliens of United States, of food character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English, For Information apply to recruiting officer 14th and Dodge Bt., Omaha, and Hastings, Neb. B M4 WILL give a worthy young man or woman a paid-up scholarship In Omaha's leading business college, to bo paid for when course ts finished and position recure.t Address, B 26, Bee. B 410 WANTED, two carpenters; 25 cents an hour. Address Jos. Shleslger, contractor. I uian, iset,. aBllA WANTED At onco, a registered druggist married man preferred. Schaefer'o cut prlca drug store, ltith and Chicago sts. B MIS4 WANTED, a Welshman for coal vard: Should have some experience In handling coai. Address t: u. Dox Zaa, uriroin. re0 3146 13 WANTED Meat cutter for country. Ad dresa K 86, lit, slating aalary wanted. B M2u4 Wx WANTED Electrician capable of manag ing light plant In county town. Address K 38, Hee, stating axperlenco and salary wantea. u MJJ3 iox WANTED, men to learn barber trade; comparatively no expense; few weeks complete; new method; practical expert enoe; expert Instructions that saves years; Investigate. Moler Barber Col lege, 1303 Douglas St. B M346 14x WANTEIV-Experlenced window trimmer, J. L, Brandels ft Bona, Omaha. B M533 WASTED SALESMEN. BOOK SALESMEN, ATTENTION. We bar an entirely new proposition for men or ability; territory is being rapidly as signed; coupon and card leads. F. D, Mayer, Broadway and Locust Bts., St. Louis, Mo. Mlf.J lOx WANTED FEMALK BEU. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 16th ft Dodge. .WANTED, girl for light housework; family of two. Address J tk). Bee. O M7 .WANTED, girl for general housework; family of threo. Mrs. Blmeral, (74 North Ssth Ave. C 671 WANTED, competent girl housework; three In family. Woodward. S007 Pacific, ... for General MrCHarry WANTED Ki pert enred bath woman ,t Oarrotaon bath parlors. Address D. B. . Clawaon. Sioux City. Iowa. C M13 13 WANTED, ladles to learn . hair dressing, man louring or facial massage; qualified teachers, free clinic, diplomas, tools and position given. Busy season soon. Call or writ. Moler College, UU9 Douglas St. C-M34S 14x WANTED Good girl for gsneral house work. Apply 3349 Harney at. C M300 13 WANTED Experienced salesladies In un derwear and hosiery departments. J. L. Brandola Bona, Omaha. C M532 WANTED, head dining room girl, $S a week; chambermaid, $4; laundress, 34; none but competent need apply. J. O. Webb, Valentine, Neb. 6 M3G6 16 FOR REST HOISUS. HOI lFi lnu ParU ot oJty. R. nUUOCO c, Petora ft Co., Boo Bldg! D4W3 tlUUOCO o. K. Davis Co., Cos Bee Bid D K4 rATNE-BOSTWICK ft CO.. choice houses toa-ooj New York Lifo Bldg. 'Phono 1014. WE MOVB pianos, Maggard Van ft Stor age Co, Tal 14M. Office, 17U Webster St. umtt CENTRAL, Ut-claas T-roora house, zx N DM477 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 7 VO MOVB right get Omaha Van Storage Co.. office UtUVs Farnam. or Tela. 1568-fc.a. D m FOR RENT, T-room cottage, modern eon- vauieiiw, ui v. oia runt Ave. Wm K. Potter, Receiver, 303 Brown Blk. D-1S0 MODERN -rom cottase( 328.00; 2306 Sher- maa ato. u. c. luraington, bUb Bee D 771 FOR KENT A neat s-room house, all mod- m pirrpi surnace, sj U6-n Paxton block. rn exrept furnace, 318. C. M. Bschmann. u ana FOR RENT, modern house. 2318 Douarlaa D M2T8 11 TEN-ROOM avonuo. modern house, Ma Capitol TOR RENT 6-room pottage. 806 North Wth , iuiuir at oui iNortn J?(n street D Man ii JiDUKii.N, T-room house, near park. 1V9 " D M3: aaaaae eraaag. , TOR RENT-FIR.MSHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. a but ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago p 00 to 33 00 per week. 423 So. ISth St., one block south ot court house. E 701 NICE root room, modern, very reasonable; gnusmen preierrso. - la is. iJtn. E 701 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone Oil. E-703 AETNA HOUSE, European. Uth ft Dodga B 704 E3 N. 17TH, cool froat rooms for two. E M444 13 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha texm laundry. 17W 1-eavenwurlh. Phon A-lTtt. E-704 BOOM 8. 31.60 to 33 00 per week; board. 13 00. Tauratoa tlwtel. Uta ana Jackson his. E Ml7 34 THRES wall-furnished room. 601 No. lath st. nui ii TWO furnished al! modern rooms, board close by, on block from car; gentlemen preferred. Call tut N. 33d st. E Mm n FVRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. V,4jpjv rooms, the Famant. 19' U and m iw WELL veaaatad modern rooms; first claaa boai4. Velephvoo. 3106 Douglas at. F M731 FiniiMirn roond and rord. V B. KTH AVE.; privste family. F-707 ROOMS. with or without board. 2M0 liar- FM 324-15 ney. FOR RENT LNFIRNISHED ROOMS. THREE rooms. & South 3uth st. O-M140 l.tx FLRNITIRE PACKING. PETERSON ft LUNDBERG, 115 So. 17th. Tel. L-4&S. FOR IIE.IT-STORES AND OFFICES. t'UR RENT The budding formerly occu pied by The Bee at iS tarnam si. u naa lour su-nes and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. 'Ihis will te rented vary reasonably, if Interested apply at office of C C. Rose water, secretary, room iuO. Boo building. 1 .61 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at Ki iarnam, :xii', lour sioi ies ai.d tlrst-clas cemented basement, elevator, tiri and burglar proof vault, oittce counter and fixtures, lor price and particulars inquire C. C Rosewater, sec retary IDs Bee Building Co., room luu, Beo building. I M5o7 DESK room for rent $34 Paxton block. 1 MtHU AGENTS WANTED. WANT ED Cunvasslng agent In every county to solicit suOsci iptlous to THui TVVENTIEHI CLMLH X FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. A genu in the country wiiu home find bnggy specialty desired. t,'lA"' tnaae easily aWi to luu per month. Ad uress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope lto -N.111, written witn tne encourage ment, approbation and bleesing of tils Holiness, the Pops, by Munoiguor Ber nard O KelUy. 641 Paxton Bldg. J-MS&4 WE have all six of the different Pope Leo X1U books; beat terms; Irelght paid; outfit tree. Call or write W. A. Hixeu baugh Co., 6(W Wars blk., Omaha. J-M562 AGENTS WANTKD-475.00 weekly easily made selling our Double Indemnity Combination health and accident policies. Liberal commistlon; strong company; exptrlnce unnecessary. Write fur terms. National Health and Accident Associa tion, &un Crocker Bldg, Des Moines, la. J-4KiS Aa THE ONLY authorlied life of Pope Leo Alii.; written witn the bncouragement, approbation and blessing of his boltness, by Mgr. Bernard O'Reilly, D. D LL. D who for eight years lived in the Vatican as domestic prelate to the pope. This dis tinguished American author was sum moned to Rome and appointed by the pope as his official biographer. Approved and recognized by Cardinal Gibbons and ail church authorities aa the only ofllclal biography of the pope; over fcOO pages, magnificently illustrated; . unparalleled opportunity for agents; best commission ; elegant outfit free; send 16o for pontage. Thi John C. W-lnston Co., 32s Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. J MluO lax EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few men are offered by the Union Central Life Insurance Co. Correspondence In vited. J. M. Edmlston & Sons, general agents, Omaha and Lincoln. J-M325-Bep. 8 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, furnished house for winter, by family threo adults; close in. Address K. Z5, Bee. K M126 Lix W ANTED, by youbg woman, room and board in private family; must be con venlent to car line. K 2i, Bee. K 1S1 WANTED TO BCY. WANTED to buy, some good dental chairs. TTnlon Dental College. N M 574 FOR SALE FURNITVRB. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. mm. new ana secona-nana nougni, soia. exenangea. u io FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE, one largo aix-paasenger closed family carriage, one large open family carriage, ono large platform-anrlna snider phaeton; all -rubber-tired; two double sets of harness, one silver mounted, and ono single set oi nnrneaa. tau f rank hi. Morses, tnj nu. " M51 TOP BUOGY at half prjee, also nearly new. aon, witn jonu kw riww vo. P-M700 AM tires set whllo you wait: first cLa. r.. pair worn. u. rrust, inn ana Leaven- wort n. P 710 HORSE, buggy and aurroy. 2016 Bt. Mary's avenua (Cady's barn.) P 8U 2x MONROE sells pleasure vehloles at til N. lstn st. r Til FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE Secondhand locomobile. In nrst-claas snajpe, at one-naif price. Call or aaareas, iki arnam bl w 7U FOR BALE Empty ink barrels, 86 cents aach; large, well made barrels; make first-class garbage receptacles. Fred Younga, foreman. Bee proas room, rear oniranoe eo tua(. M431 INDIAN goods and falica. Ul Farnam. Q 714 FOR SALE A new WM ampera double polo awiicn; never ueen useu. Apply to or ad- aress -Buperintenaent nee Hunting, TELEPHONE POLES: long fir timbers; cniuaen lout., oaa piung. sui uouilas. v I AW IRHK a r.A wire rennea tM. vii.nt. tMlll. western Anchor Fence Co., xuj N. 17th 8u " ' ....w , m ..m. , i,,il.D.. ID1IAND safe cheap. Dertght, Ul Farnam. WAREHOUSE; scales cheap. Ham'l Bums. V JUKJ4 il FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can oe usea eitner passenger or iregnt; com' pleta. Iron guide postit, cage and wire a- Closures. J. nranaaia Hons. Q-ess 31.000 BRICK fcr sale. W. farnam Smith & Co., isw r arnm at. (j-eu FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required. ai,uuv.w. j u, mem. mi 1 CATALOttl'E rut drug prices free. Sher man 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 713 NEW and 2Jhand typewriters. U18 Farnam, 'U FOR SALE. VAULT DOORS. I have twelve of Hail s beat grade vault doors, 3x76 almost new and in perfect order; will sell one or all at a bargain; they muat bo aold Immediately, Orand Island. Neb. M. Hareis, W M4 1J CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY UulKN of clairvoyants: every thing told; past, present and future. Sat israclion or no pay. sui . utt, tt iw MME. LUCUETIA, nia. - medium. 1709 Callfor- S 340 Bx ELECTRICAL TrtEATMKNT. MME. SMITH, hatha. Ill N. li 3d floor, r i in GRACE O'BRYAN. Baths. 730 8. 13U. T-M& MINNIE TEMPLE, magnetic treatment and aloohol ruUUi.g. c N. loth. 3d floor T IjH 14x MR& DAVIS, 1401 Howard St., front rooms. tub bain; nrsi-ciaas attendant. TM-S S PERSONAL. VIA VI. a wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women, tree booklet. Ylavl Co., 344 Bee Bldg. vra DR. ROY. chtrooodlat: corns and suoorflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 1 and t. Uub tarnam St. u IM PRIVATE borne during conflnemen babies adopted. The . Good Samaritan Kanltarluin. Tin 1st ave.. Council Bluff la. vm OUR AD MEN WILL WRITE YOUR. WANT AD SO AS TO BRING BEST RETURNS. TELEPHONE 233 AND ONE WILL CALL PERSONAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, 31. IT CURES. U ViA PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; bauies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardeis. 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-W-4. U-7: PRIVATE hospital before and during con tine merit; best meotcal care and nursing Mrs. U Fisher, iiol Vinton. Tel. lssa. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Uerlacb, 3ia California St. Terms reasonable. U-ehl a SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee bldg. U iM MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 134 Farnam street. W 7l FARM and city loans: low rates. V. H. Thomas" First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. 1644. , lV4ii PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 37 N. Y. Life. 4 TO t P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block. W 733 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 104 W 784 Farnam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. WANTED Rfsl estate loans and war Co., Beo bldg. W 796 rants. R. O. reiera D00 PRIVATE money. L. D. Holmes, 713 yvm 10 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET TO PAY .-. ..niainn our methods. We loan oa furniture, pianos, wurenuuse ' Bl t w . i .., or it you navo a bwiumuoui without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service is quick and confidential and we always try to please ,i .ht wa ask is that you give us a call before you borro w alsew 'here UK Board of Trad Bldg lei. fi5. (Established lt2.) Sk 8. Wth St. I ARQEST BUSINESS IN UUAIVS TO atera boarding houses, etc without se-enrltv- easiest terms. 40 offices In nrln ;in.i iitln. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 740 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system oi loaua iui ;uu out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc , having reliable employment can get, Just on his note: Monthly. Weekly. 3100 Return to us...3iii.i or J13.S5 or 4u.6o 50 Return to us... . or o j r . ou u.iiim to ua... 6.66 or 8.33 or Lot) 15 Return to us... 4.00 or 3.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, connuenuai. No Inquiries. - wuica service, tuuuoum treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PLANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Trr us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., (33 Paxton Block. )6th and Farnam 6tL MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connaeniiai; lowni rw. nnaenii The I 614 parton niocx, A. Hutton Co. X 741 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan CO., sue. to u. ureen, n. a, urntr ua. X 743 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- ejry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 a. 13. X-743 CASH IN ANY AMOUNT-310 to SO0 loaned on furniture, pianos, etc., ana to peupm holding a steady position, without secur ity or publicity, at the very lowest rates; payments can be made to suit your con venience; strlrtly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Booms 3o74o8 Paxton Block. . , , , . X356 BUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD business chance for man with small capital; bays ijuu per montn ciear; best town In Black Hills. Address J 68, Bee office, Y-Mii56 11 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or ousineaa quics, see j. n. Johzson. 843 N. Y. Ufe. Y-744 l GOOD paying 18-room hotel for sale In Wood River, Neb., st a bargain; owner lives In ChlcRgo Is the object in Selling. Mitchell ft Faugbt, Wood River, Neb. Y M&33 FOR SALE The WlekwlU hotel in Hooper. Neb.; town has l.w population, ana nuiei Is doing good business; rate, 33 A day; only first -claas hotel in town; headquar ters for traveling men; sickness reason for selling. For particulars address Joe Vlasak. Y-M22U Ux FOR SALE Real estate and Insurance busi ness in the best town ana county in norm east Nebraska: leading Inaurance agency In town of 1.606. Parties engaging In new business. K 44, cars of Bee, Omaha. Y M322-11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S-ROOM cottage, with barn and little work shop, full lot with shade trees, close to Farnam st. car and only 10 blocks from the city hall owner going west 31,300, HARRISON & MORTON 912-13 N. Y. LIFE TEL, 314 RE 130 FARMS a , AND , .RANCHES LAND BARGAINB ALONG THE UNION PACIFIC IN NEBRASKA Choice , land vniy ai-Du iv per aero one-ieuiu casu. FlaJd, r South 13lh St.. Omaha. NEBRASKA LA.ld ARE CHOICE IN' VKSi'MLNTW. You can find great bar gains in the Union pacino Co. s list ot unsold sections. Only one-temh caah le- quirea. Asa ifieia, zzi boutb uth tL Omaha. A MILLION ACRES GRAZING LAND IN W lOMINQ for sale by the Union Paolfto at fifty cents per acre only one-tenth cash. If you want a land investment try this. Field, South 13th St.. Omaha. UNION PACIFIC LANDS IN COLORADO arc selling fast. Low prices, splendid ollmate and one-tent li cash for first pay ment are the attractions. Field, L2 South Uth St.. Omaha. KANSAS IS BLEEDING ain-this time with prosperity greater than ever. First class wheat land fur sale in western Kansas at from 35 to HO per acre one tenth casu. You will make no mistake by looking this up if you want a new home or an investment. Field. 222 South 13th St., Omaha. INVEST OK SPECULATE IN UNION PACIFIC LANDS and yv.u will be satis fied. Ask for full information about the big land business now under way in Col orado, Kanaas and Nebraska. Don't be the last to Join the procession. Field, 823 South 13th St., Omaha. KE MU1 11 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Wo have hundreds of propositions ranging from ltO to iUi.uuv acres oireci irorn owners mat thev will sell or exchanse for anvthlmr Give full particulars in first letter and we will submit one or more deals promptly t,. a. ,. x .... v. .. r.. RE M357 10 166 ACRES near Council Bluffs: fine or chard, brns, creek. 7-room house, close to proposed electric line, high bottom snap at 367 50. Address 304 Sapp block, Council Bluffs. Rtt-MXI U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I -ROOM house, built for home; barn, shade trees, two full lots, high and sightly. In west part of the city; house Is partly modern and In good condition; owner making a change. A snap for some one. 12, COO. HARRISON 12-13 N. Y. Life, MORTON, Tel. 814. RE M281 10 WANTED Young mnn U or JO year, with some mechanical abl'.lty. Call at office of the Smlth-Prrmler Typewriter Company, cor. 17th and Farnam sts. RE M1S2 11 40 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co, Lock box 101. Papllllon, Neb. RE M792 A31 SALINE COUNTY farms nre the boat. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at onae. F. Q. Johnson. Dorchester, Neb. RG 11693 H 10-ROOM modern houM. 11 blocks from nostofflce. for sale cheap. 108 N. l.ith. Benewa ft Co. RE 747 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 608. Bee Bldg. RE 746 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McA Hester, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neh. RE 7tt WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 1303 Farnam street. RE 748 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. V)0 Douglas block. 749 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North Iftth. 7W R. RUMBEL ft SON. only tie factory In state. Try us. 14th ft Nicholas Sts. Tel. F-3359. 148 S CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T, Ochiltree, th and Lake streets. 370 DANCNIQ ACADEMY. MORAND'S, Crelghton hall; private lessons daily; waits and two-step, a. Tel. A-Z124. 881 A 31 DETECTIVES. CAP T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. TeL A-2832. 761 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. R. RATHBUN, room 15, Cora'l Nat Bank . 762 FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 753 L. HENDERSON, flbrlst, 1619 Farnam EL 764 FOR S Abb FAR M LANDS. BUY an Interest In a paying ranch; good opportunity to get In cattle and hog rais ing on small capital; absolute safety; best references. Address K 84, Bee. RE M1D3 MX LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN ft PRICE. 23 U. 8. Nat. Bk. Md. IbU NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Lifo Bldg., attorneys and collectors every- wnere. 101 FURNITURE PACKED. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire . i v. ...... rVm.1 uwy?K 1 ,Ut at Uar)' Ave. 756 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Beo Bid. Tel. 2M6. , IB GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garoai and dnad enlmals at reduced prices. N. 16th. TeL 1779. 767 LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. 13tn ft Howard 758 LAWNMOWER3 sharpened, saws filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc ?'J N. iin. Tel. 2974. 759 MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidgo Block. 3i OSTEOPATHY. GID. E at ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite Sla. New York Lifo Bldg- Tel. 1064. 7(3 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2353. 754 Atten ft FarweU, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1S65. lb DRS. FINCH ft MILLER. 124 S. Mh St DR. GRACE DEEQAN, 833 N. Y. Life. 767 Tel. IWS6. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED To borrow 3S00 to 3900 home money on well rented South oroana resi dence property, security amplof at 7 per cent. Addresa K 42. Bee. M-312 U PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unlens successful. 318 S. i&tn St., omana. 'lei. ima. it PAWNBROKERS. EAOLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential. Uul Douglas. 76K HIO MANIFACTI RING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 151 Leaven. Teb-WtJS. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING:. A. C. VA.4 8ANT 8 school. TIT N. Y. Life. Tilt NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. 771 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., 1511 H Farn. Tela. ljoMWJ. 778 STAMMERING AND STl'TTERIKQ. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramgs Bl'g 773 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. H. Plulbln, louj Faruam, 'Phono 7s4. -TA TINNERS. a. E. KOCH. 24th and Maple. TeL U1943. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw wo aa isau se LEGAL NOTICE. RIDS FOR COAL. Pealed bids will be received and opened Aug. 2o. Y.m;, for the delivery of ten cars of anthracite coal, at once. f. o. b., Yank ton, So. Dak. All bids must be accom panied by a certified check mude payable to J. A. Helfeld, Sioux City, Iowa, on some solvent bank, for SMVOO. to be forfeited In case party falling to the signing of con tract and giving of bond. J. A. BEIFF.LP. Sioux City, Iowa. ASd-l-'t-M IA1LWAY TIME CARD. l.MON STATION 1UTH AND M ARC Y, I'bIob Paclfle. I .ears. ...a 8:40 am Arrive, a 8 5o pm a 3:21 pm Overland Limited ., The Fast Mull California Express Pacific Express ... ..a 4:10 pm ,.all:30 pm Eastern Express '1 he Atlantic Express... The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am Chicago Special Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromoburg Express. .b 4:00 pm North Pltitte Local a 8:00 am a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am a 3:40 am a 3:40 am bl!:B0 pm a 6:15 pm b 35 am Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm CMcaao, Milwaukee ft St. Paal. Ch'cago Daylight .......a 7:46 am all:15pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chlcaao Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am Dea Moines Express.... a i:46 am a 3:40 pm Chicago A Northwestern. "Tha Northwestern Line. Fast Chicago .....a 3:40 am Mall a 8:00 pm a 7:00 am a 8:30 am a 8;S0 pm al0:2u pm all: 10 pm a 6:10 pm a 9:15 am Looal Bionx City a 6:10 am Dayllyht St. Paul a 7:35 am Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am Local Chicago all:80 am Looal Cedar Rapids 6:10 pm Limited Chicago a 8:15 pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pm Fast Chicago a 6:50 prrt Fast St. Paul a 8:10 pm a 9:50 am a 3:45 pm a 8:15 am Fast Mall Local Sioux City b 4:ii0-pm Korfolk Bonesteel a 7:25 am a 2:40 pm b 9:50 am al0:35 am Lincoln & Long Plne....b 7:1!5 am bl0:38 am Chicago, Rock IslaaA ft Paclfle, EAST. Chlrss-o Daviie-ht L't'd.a 8:55 am a 3:50 am Chlcugo Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Exprens nit:io am a o:jo pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:50 am Chicago Fast u;xpre. .a o: pm a i.-o om WEST. . Rockv Mountain LTd...a 7:30 am a 7:26 am Lincoln, Colo. Spring. Denver, Pueblo ana West a 1:30 pra a 6:00 pm al2:40 pm Colo.. Texas. Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a o:i pra Wabash. St T.rtnia "Pannnn Tnii ExDress a 6:6o pm a t:a am R ftiiia Tinnl. Coun cil Bluffs a :io am i: pm HUaols Central, Chicago Express a 7:38 am a 6:10 pra Chicago, Minneapolis ft Bt. faui limited a i:du via a 8:06 am Minneapolis ft St. Paul Kxpress o : am Chicago Local 10:36 am Chicago Express Missouri Pavlfle. St. Louis Express al0:00 am K. C. ft St. L. Ex a 10:50 pm bl0:36 pm al0:36 am a 6:S5 pm a 6:16 am WEBSTER DEPOT IffTH WEBSTER Cklcaa-o, St. Paul. Minneapolis ft Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am Sioux City Paasenger...a 3:00 pm Oakland Local b 6:46 pm Mlsaoari Paclfle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a 8:10 pm all:20 am b 8:45 am a!0:8S 4m Chlcaao Jt Northwcatera, Nebraska and Wyomlns; Dlvlalon. Black Hills. Deadwood. Lead. Hot Springs a 8:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pra 5:00 pm Hnstlnwrs, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b tM pm b 5:00 pm . . . BURLINGTON STATION 10TH ft MASON BnrllnaTtoa ft Mlaeoorl River. Leavs. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am b'l OS pm Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:43 am Black Hills and Puget Bound Express all:10 pm a 810 pm Colorado Veatlbuled Flyer , a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:62 pm a 3:08 am Fort Crook and Platti- month b 3: pm M0:S8 am Bellevuo ft Pad ft o Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue ft Pacific Jet.. a 8:50 am Kansas City. St. Joseph ft Caaacll Eclnffe. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a :1S am a 6:08 pm St. Louts Flyer a 6:10 pm all:05 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:JO pm a 6:U am Chlcaao, Barllngttem ft Qnlnoy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:65 pm Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4:00 pra a 7:46 am Chicago I)cal a :18 am all:00 pra Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm a Dally, b Dally eTceot Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, o Daily except Monday. STEAMSUlrS. . HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE N.w Tvln-acrew tataura af U,40 Tods NEW YORK ROTTERDAM, via MOUbOONal Sailing Walaaaaar at It A. H.! m Mis. UlRoturdaa 84. 8 n-rf.m A.UA. .9 PotBdam fcDt. S Noortam Au. M autaiidaai Sept. 14 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINK, Cu Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. Harry Moo raa, 1(01 raraaat bl, C. atbartsrl IMS Farnam at , 3. B. atayeaUa. IMS Paruaa at. PHYSIQUE OF GREAT MEN Some Giants la the List and Quite Bonch Below the Average Stataae. Some of the greatest men In letters, the arts and sciences have been somewhat In significant In personal appearance, although there have been notable exceptions. Nor has the character of a man's work given an accurate conception of his proportions. Shelley, the poet. Instead of being small and ethereal, as his verse would suggest, was five feet eleven inches and had re markable physical strength. Hawthorne was five feet ten and a halt laches, Thack eray six .feet four Inches and Walt Whit man six feet. Men of genius well above the medium height were BWmarck, Bunyan, Charle magna, Columbus, Ben Jonfeon, Dr. John son, Froude. Corot. Faubert. Mllabeau, Emersou, Goethe, Von Humboldt, Moliaro, Talne, Sterne, HelmholU, ' Richelieu, Schopenhauer, Tennyson. Taaao, Words worth, Tourgeneff and Jean Paul Rlchter. Among the men of genius of medium height you find Byron, Beaconsfteld, Dick' ens, Oladstone, Dante, Gabriel Rosetti, Bui wer. 8wift, Voltaire, Wellington, Zola, Baudelaire, Alexander the Oreat, Chopin, Sir Thomas Browne, Browning, Defoe, Haxlett. Poe, Michael Angelo, Luther, Newton, Do Mauspasaajit and Verlalne. The little fellows make a brave showing. You find Balsac. the novelist, who was five fact four; William Blake, artist and mystic, barely five feet; Beethoven, that giant of music, five feet four; Napoleon, only five feet one inch; Nelson, the groat admiral. five feet tjur; Caesar, Aristotle, Pryden, Calvin, Ectiainua. Faraday, Gibbon, Gar- rick, Goldsmith, Horace, Hogarth, Harvey, the surgeon who discovered the circuU tion of the blood; Kepler, tne great as tronomer; Montaigne, Milton, Mozart, Wag ner. Spencer and Turner, the artist be loved of Ruskln. . Shakespeare has been described as ot middle height, spare and of sweet coun tenance. but the height standards vary with each cantury. UNCLE SAM'S BIG PRINT SHOP A World-Beater in 8ise, Colt, Equipment end Celerity. EQUAL TO FOURTEEN ACRES OF SPACE Modern Conveniences aad Modcra Methods of Operatlone Notable Reeorda la Frlatlna Slae of the raj roll. The magnificent 32.&00.OO0 government printing office, which has been under erec tion for the last four years in Washington, Is now practically completed, and Is being occupied as rapidly as the plant, a great deal of which Is also new, can be put In place. If the seven floors of the huge new print ing office were spread out side by side In stead of being one above the other, they would cover fourteen acres, or four ordi nary city blocks. Ench one of these floors Is practically a single room, ss there are few partitions. As printers need a good deal of light, one-third of all the wall space Is glass, there being 1,600 windows In the new building. In order that this light may not be lost, the Interior walls are lined with white enamelled bricks which can be washed. The building Is fireproof, or as nearly fireproof as any building can be. It Is also as substantial as possible. Its walls are built like those of a fortress, as type Is heavy and printing presses cause con siderable vibration, and it would be unfor tunate to have the roof and walls cave In and bury 4,000 American citizens under ma terial and machinery that Is Intended fot the dissemination ot Intelligence. The floors, ao the engineers calculate, will sustain a weight of 86.000,000 pounds, which is, of course, much In excess of any weight which they will be called upon to bear. The out side walls are three feet thick, and to con' struct them 10,u0,000 red bricks were re quired, enough to rebuild two-thirds of the Washington monument. Inclosed within them Is a steel framework weighing about 13,000,000 pounds, which Is heavier perhaps than the frame of any other building In the country. The steel columns, beams, girders and plates are not made of ordinary stock steel, but were forged to order, and the steel work is so protected that In case of heat being generated by any cause its strength will not be affected by warping. Modern Methods of Operation, The most modern methods of operating the machinery have been provided. There will not be a foot of shafting In the whole building. Bach of the 8u0 presses will have its own motor, propelled by throe of the largest dynamos In the country, each of 800 horse-power. These dynamos will also supply 7,000 Incandescent lights and a most novel system of ventilating fans, which are plaoed In the loft and will draw the air from the different floors through shafts and expel tt through the roof with such rapidity that there will be an entire change of atmosphere in the building every seven minutes, and each employe will have 3,000 cublo feet of pure, fresh air an hour. Another novelty will be seventy-five drinking fountains placed at convenient lo cations throughout the building, fed from pumps In the basement, which force the water through an ammonia freexing plant, reducing it to a temperature of 46 degrees In all parts of the building. A complete system of telephones has been Installed, so that the foreman of every department can communicate with the chiefs of di visions, and by lifting a receiver to his ear Mr. Palmer, the public- printer, may know Instantly what Is going on In any part of the establishment. Vaults have been con structed at convenient places on the differ ent floors for the storage of "standing type," electrotyped plates and printed doc uments of a secret and confidential char acter, such as messages of the president. reports of his secretaries, treaties, reports of congress committees, and other docu ments until it Is time to give them to the public. There are enormous storerooms for the stock of material kept on hand, which Is probably greater In amount than can be found In any similar establishment In the world. In the regular course ot business the printers use about fifteen tons of pa per a day, and In the caeea are more than two million pounds ot ordinary type. An Inventory of some of the material In dally use in the printing office In ordinary amounts on band Include 8,000 tons of pa per, 37,000 pounds of glue, 4,000 packs ot gold leaf. 76,000 square feet of Russia leather, 86,000 sheepskins for binding: the Statutes ot the United States, 3,600 gallons Of lubricating- oil, 40,000 pounds of printer's Ink, 20.000 pounds ot roller composition, 11,000 Turkey Morocco sklnsr 11,000 gallons of benslne. t.OOO pieces of book muslin and 8,600 yards ot canvas. Payroll of the Shop, There axe 3,857 employes on the payroll of the government printing office, distrib uted about the establishment as follows Executive office, 42; main composing room. 886; bindery, 837; main press room, 38; job press room, 83; Job composing room. 122; electrotype room, 86; specification room, 2SS; folding room, 721; "Congres slonal Record" room. 10J; chief engineer's room, 69; Treasury department branch, 62 Library ot Congress branch, 70; Interior department branch, 32; Navy department branch, 33; War department branch. 28 State department branch, 83; Departmen of Agriculture branch, 17; publio document division, 40; miscellaneous, 165. With this force the government of the United States does more printing and pub lishes more documents than any other na tion In the world. Last year the cost ot this branch of the service reached 85,848, 453.08. The most remarkable Job of print Ing ever turned out by the Institution, and one which Is regarded as tha record- breaker ot the world, was the publication of the report of the congressional commit tee which Inquired Into the hating incl dents at West Point threo years ago. The manuscript was delivered to Captain Henry Brain, foreman of printing, about o'clock one Saturday evening, and on Monday morning three volumes of t.OOO printed pages were upon the desks of members ot the House of Representatives, who wanted to refer to the testimony In the debate that was to take place that day upon the military academy Impropriation bill. The edition was a small one, so that the preaswork was limited, but 10,000 copies could as well have been printed, stitched and bound in the same time. Another record breaker In the printing line was the report of the court of Inquiry on the Maine disaster. The manuscript was received after I o'clock one evening and a volume of 300 pages, with twenty-five illustrations, was delivered at the Navy de partment at the opening ot office hour the next morning. Twenty-four of the Illustra tions were half-tone, one being colored, which required two Impressions. Record ta Book Makia. Some years ago the revised statutes of the United States, a volume of 1,000 quarto pases, was put in type, printed and bound In abcep between Wednesday night and Saturday noon. No other printing office In the world could have done the Job In that time. Captalr. Brain declares that the ca pacity of the plant has never yet been tested. It has no limit, bo asserts, and If It was necessary the type could be set, the preaswork and binding done and a book as big as Webster! dictionary or a set of four volumes of 1,000 pag each could be delivered In twenty-four hours. Captain Brain Is anxious to have soma one ask the Imixiaslhle of the government printing of fice, and declarea that It could produce the blRKest book ever written In a single day. The largest annual publication ot the gov ernment Is the earlo)k of the Agricultural department, a volume of 8) or 9o pages, of which sn edition of 600,i0 copies Is printed and bound every year; but that Is an easy Job. The presses are capable of turning out an avnrnge of 1.0"0.000 Impressions a dsy. Among these presses nre some almost aa large ss those In the big newspaper offices, as well ns some freaks. One of the latter Is a rress which prints cards on both sides from a web of brlstol board at the rate of 65.000 an hour. There are also four envelope presses which turn out 10,000 envelopes an hour. Printing the Record. The printing of the Congressional Record Is one of the most Important tasks of the government printing otTU-e. This Record Is In reality n dally newspaper, recording nothing but the official sayings and doings of the national legislators ot both houses. The official reporters of the house and senate take down In shorthand every word that Is uttered during the session. They then dictate the matter to typewriters and this typewritten copy Is sent to the print ing ofllce by messengers. The first of the copy reaches tho printer about p. m., at which hour the compositors go to work, and. unless there is a night session In progress, all of the matter for the Issue of any one day is set up so that a member may see the proof of hlB speech before he retires for the night, and find It In tho Record at the first delivery of mall In the morning. The printing of the Record costs the govern men t 3125,000 annually. Congress furnishes more tasks for the government printer than do all of the government de partments combined, and the charge la a long-slaudinK one that much money ts wustcd by the printing of worthless and useless documents for the legislative body, a habit which is continually growing. It Is said that a company at Kdlnburxh. merit more than twlco as large us the gov ernment ofllce at Washington, and that tt will cost 37,xiO,0OO, while Uncle Sam's prinl- ery represents only about "H.OOO.OOO. The French government has the next biggest printing establishment. In a village near Paris. That of the German government is the third in sue, while the Japanese is fourth. The firm of Sputtiswoode ft Eyre does the printing for the British govern ment under contract. The work is done In several Urge establishments, but if they were all placed together they would not be half so large as the printing office. There is now no private establishment In the world that bears any comparison with the government office; in fact, there is none one-half aa large. The Clock Struck One, y The head of the family, with his beloved - sweetbrlar and his favorite magaslne, had settled back In the rocker for a quiet, com fortable evening. On the other side of an intervening table was the miniature counterpart of himself. the wrinkling of whose 8 year old forehead , Indicated that he was mentally wrestling with some perplexing problem. After a -while he looked toward his comfort loving ' parent, and, with a hopeless Inflection, asked: "PaT" "Yes, my son." "Can the lord make everythlngT" Tes, my boy." "Every everythlngT" -. "There Is nothing, my soil, that Ha can not do.". 'Papa, could He make a clock that would strike less than one?" . "Now, Johnny, go right up stairs to your ma, and don't stop down here to annoy . me when I'ni reading." '- ' ' t" Johnny wont and wondered ttUl:-lLib " plncatt's Magaxme.' " ' : At the Teller'a Windaw. f " "Takes a good head, doesn't ItT" queried tha depositor, watching the receiving teller In the bank count out the big plies of twos, fives, tens and then an annoylngly big package of one-dollar bills. "This Is nothing," replied the teller cheer fully. "Walt until you see some one get a wagon load of ones. We had a brewery firm deposit with us one day 34,900, all In one-dollar bills, in addition to a big pile of fives and tens. It's such a deposit as that that makes things hum." New York Times. Strikes at the Root. Many' dangerous diseases begin In Impure blood. Electric, Bitters purifies the blood. and cures, or no pay. Only 60& For sals by Kuhn ft Co. - SEASONABLE FASHIONS mm 4400 Woman's Walsta . . 2 to 44 butt. Woman's WaUt t4iO. Waists with ex tensions over the shoulders are among the most fashionable of the season and ate becoming to the greater number of figures. This stylish one ta jnUoes tliat feature with a novel trimming that gives a yoke effect and la adapted to many materials. As shown tt 1 of nlle 'reen loulslne silk, with the trimming of cream lace piped with panne a shade darker than the silk, and the tucked portion above the center ;vlalt ot cream moussellne, but all waist and gown The waist Is made with a smoothly fitted lining on which Its various parts are ar ranged. The back Is smooth across the shoulders and Is drawn down In gathers at the waist line. The fronts ars tucked to yoke depth and are gathered at the wslst line where they pouch slightly over the belt. At the center is a wide box plait that la pointed at Its upper edge and above this plait Is the tucked chemisette, the edges of which are concealed by tho lace. The sleeves are tucked above the elbows, but form full puffs below and are gathered Into straight cuffs. The quantity of material required for the medium slxe is 41 yards 21 Inches wide, 4 yards 27 Inches wide, or 2i yards 44 Inches wide, with i yards of all-over lace, 1 yards ot applique and 'A yard of tucking to make aa Illustrated. The pattern 0 Is cut In site for a 3t 34, 84, 88 nd 40-lcch bust measure. For the accommodation of The Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail st from 25 to 50 cants, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all xpenss. In order to get a pattern encloew 10 cents, give numb and name ot pattern.