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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt JIOXMY, AUGUST 10, 1903. ST. JOE TAKES ANOTHER ONE liakss it Six to Three at Sunday Guns with Eourknites, FIRST INNING DECIDES FINAL RESULT Horn Team Raaa to Foir relate, Osnahs Never Saeeeede 1 Catehlag t With. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Aug. .-Special Tel egram.) Omaha was unable to overcome a lead aecured by tha Saints In tha first Inning today. At tha beginning the visitors want up in tha air, letting in four runs. The home team wag able to bunch Its hits again In the eighth, getting two more runs. In tha third tha visitors secured two runs on McBrlde's errors and two bases on balls. Their other run was made In the seventh, and was earned. Carter opened the game for Omaha with a slow grounder to Rohe. He made first on Rohe a error. He then went to second on a wild throw of Glade to first. Cenlna sacrificed to QladJ, Miller followed with a single to second, but Carter was caught trying to come home. Thornton went out on a fly to Bel den and retired tha side. Donahue opened the game for the Saints with a single through second, Belden f ol-' lowed with a two-bagger, and Donahue got home on an error in left field, Keramer followed with a two -bagger In center field, Belden went horns. Hartman singled to short and followed Kemmar homo on a bad throw to third. In the second Welch went out on an ln field grounder. Shugart was hit by a pitched ball, Hlckey hit out to Kemmer, who caught Shugart at second, Gondlng reached first on McBrlde's fumble, Hender son retired his side by a ground hit to McBrlde. The Saints failed to score In their part of this Inning, in spite of Kern mar's three-bagger in left field. In the third Carter walked, Oenlns snerl flced to MoBrlde and Millar to short. Thornton got a walk. Welch made a hit to right and Carter came home. Thornton came home on MoBrlde's error. Shugart was thrown out at first. Tha Saints went out on flloa and McBrlde's attempt to steal seoond. In the fourth the visitors flew out. Glade walked for the Saints and Donohuo and Belden flew out. Rohe got to first on a slow grounder to Hlckey, who threw out Glade at second, retiring the side. In the fifth the visitors were shut out by clever fielding. In the sixth the same old story is told for the Saints. Gondlng opened the seventh with a two bagger. Henderson followed with a hit In oenter. This let Oondlng home. The others died on bases. Thornton opened the eighth ' With a single. Welch flew out to Belden, who threw wild to first, letting Thornton pass to third. Shugart sent a grounder to MoBrlde, who threw out Thornton at home. Hlckey followed with a grounder to Gar - vln, who threw Shugart out at second. Gondlng opened the ninth with an unsuc cessful bunt to Glade. Henderson flew out to Belden. Carter was thrown out at first, ending tha game. Score l ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. IB. Pa A. B. Donohue, rf 6 I 1 2 ! Belden, If 8 J ! 5 ? . Rohe, 3b 4 0 0 I 0 X Kemmer, lb 4 1 2 1 g Hartman, cf 4 1 1 12 ? Garvin, ss , 4 0 0 I 1 J McConnell, o 4 0 0 J 0 1 McBrlde, 2b 4 1112 1 Glade, p 1 3 J I I II 37 13 . Totals. - 3S OMAHA. AB, R. H.NPO. A. . Carter, rf 1 J I - J 0 Genius, ss I 0 1 1 0 Miller. 11 4 0 0 4 0 Thornton, lb 8 1 1 S 1 Welch, cf 4 0 1 I 1'0 Shugart, 2b 0 0 4 4 0 Hlckey, 3b 4 0 0 1 i 9 Gondlng, C 4 1 1 I 1 HenUcrson, p 4 1 1 , t Totals U I "i 34 11 i St. Joseph 4 0 00 00 03 Omaha 0 03000l0O- Earned rtttis: St. Joseph. 5: Omaha, 1. Two-base hit: Gentns. Three-besa hit: Keinmor, Belden. Wild pltohi Glade, l'lrst base on ballst Oft Glade, 3; oft Hen derson, 3. Hit by pitched belli Glade, 1. StrucK out; uy uiaas, o; ny nenuarauu, , Time; !:. Umpire) McCarthy. Millionaires Dowa Peoria. PEORIA. Aug. . Colorado Sprtogs won an exciting game from Peorl. today. At tendance, 'i.iiiO. Score. R.H.D. Peoria 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 10 1 Colo. Springs ..0 00130100-J133 Bittertes: Peoria, Olmstead, Friend and Wilson; Colorado Springs, Jones and Do ran. Ilea Molaoa aad Kavrs 'Vide. KANSAS CITT, Aug. I. Des Moines and Kanaaa City each won a game In a double header today. Both gamea ware fast and Interesting. Attendance, 000. Score, first gme: Kansas Clty....O 1 0 I t t t t MID I Des Moines 0 10 0101 01 9 1 Batteries: Hess and Messltt; Barry and Fohl. , Score, second game: ' Kansas Cliy... 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 T I Des Moines 0 10030010433 Batteries: Milton and Alessltt; Miller and Fohl. ttJ Mlleraakaa Takea m Coaale. MlI.WAl'KEK, Aug. 9.-MUwaukee won the first game after twelve tuning., when Kyler wa foroed to retire because of a wrenched back. The seoond game was easy for Milwaukee, being won In seven Innings. Attendance, i.buO. Soore. first mne: R.H.E. Milwaukee 0 9 0 0 0 1 0 9 001 t 3 uenver VvUOOOloooB o l t l Butteries: Milwaukee. McPharaon and LucU; Denver, Kyler. Barber and Schlel. Svora. aaound aura: R.H.E. Milwaukee 1 10 I I 0 M 11 1 Denver 3 0 0 0 1 0 0-3 4 7 Batterlea: Milwaukee, yollendorf and The Quality Smoke A PopsjUr Price 5c Sold Ertii-jrwhens th leattfost SotOu saal of CTajaag i ' Lucia', Denver, Barber end Baerwald. Maadlag ef the Team. Flmed. Won. Lost F.C. Milwaukee SpO 87 M 3J Colorado Springs ....81 65 M ,H Kansas City w 41 41 .Hi St. Joseph M 46 41 .682 Peoria 91 42 49 .Vd Denver 91 40 u .4M Des Moines 91 41 C1 .440 Omaha R9 S4 65 .582 Games today: Omaha at St. Joseph, Des Xfolnes at Kansas City, Denver at Mil waukee, Colorado Springs at Peoria, GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Walt Box Almost that Oat Cardlaals, Finally Wlaalaa; Three to Oae. CHICAGO. Aug, 9 White was at his beet, and but for Tannehlll's error In the first Inning would have scored a shut-out. Three scattered hits was the best the vis itors could do. Chicago scored twice In the third on three alngles and a sacrifice, and added another In the eighth on Calla han's three-ba titer and Wallace's error. Attendance, 4,SuO. Score: CHICAGO. I ST. LOUIS. R.H.0.A K R H 0 A C Hallman. It.. 1 1 I ' Mart la, rf ... 1 1 0 Ub.ll, lb.... 11 nrrlel, tb 0 Silt Jonaa, rf a 1 0 t VAnrfcraou, lb. i I 0 Orrm. rf 1 t SlUallao. as.. 0 I 4 1 Callakan, lb. 1 1 II iiHrmphlll, cf. 9 1 Mion, lb.. 0 I I 0 Kahoa. e t I 1 T.nn.hllt, MS 1 1 4 ljHIII, lb 0 I 1 Slatlarr, o... 4 4 11 '.'Kiarora, .... title Whit, f 1114 4lSllf4lO 4 1114 Totals .... S 1 n II l Total 1 l M II 1 xBatted for Friel In ninth. Chicago 0 0100001 -8 St Louts 1 0000000 0-1 Left on bases: Chlcsga, ; Pt. Louis, 4. Two-bsse hits: Callahan, Anderson. Three base hit: Callahan. Sacrifice hits: Ihell, Slattery. Double plavs: Greene and White, Kahoe and Hill, struck out: By White, 6; by Selvers, 4. Bases on balls: Off White, J; oft Reivers, 1 Hit by pitched ball: Hall man. Time: 1:17. Umpire: CLaughlln. Poatpoaed Games. At Detroit Cleveland-Detroit game on ao oount prohibition Sunday ball. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C. Boston 98 89 83 .641 Philadelphia 93 M 89 . 681 New York M 46 41 .623 Cleveland 92 47 45 .fill Detroit 90 4.5 44 .611 St. Louts 91 42 49 .4.12 Chicago II 43 49 . 42 Washington 91 29 it .319 Games today: Chicago at Cleveland, Washington at New York, Philadelphia at Boston. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Mlorobea Dowa tha Plrataa la Close One by Goad Alt Aroand Play. CHICAGO . Aug. 9. Chicago defeated Pittsburg today In a close game by timely hitting, clever sacrificing and good base running. Taylor kept the visitors guessing all the way through except In the ninth when they fell on him for two doubles and a single. Attendance, 15,200. Bcore: CH1CAOO. P1TT8BURO. RU. O.A.I. R.H.O.AB. Blade, If 4 1 I 9 0 Beaumont, ef 1 I I 4 4 Caeer. lb.... I til Clark, If 1 114 Chase lb... 1 1 II 4 Sabring, rf... 11 Jonaa, cf 0 4 1 0 Wagner, aa... 4 114 wiiuama. lb, 1 I i T Orananem. lb 4 4 10 4 9 Harley, rf.. Kllng, e.... Tinker, as.. 1 ' 1 I 4 4 Teach, lb ... 1111 4 4Rltrhy, lb. .44111 Smith, e... Taylor, p.. Totals , .4141 Kennedy, p. Vall. p . 4 10 17 13 lKruger .... , Touts .... 9 11 14 It 1 xBatted for Vail In ninth. ' Chicago , 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 Pittsburg 0 00010003-3 Two-base hits: Stagle, Harley. Three base hit: Sebrlng. Sacrifice hits: Jones, Harley. Stolen bases: Chance (3), Kllng, Taylor. Beaumont, Wagnor, Struck out: By Taylor, 1; by Kennedy, 1; by Vail. 1. Base on balls: Off Taylor, 2; off Kennedy, 1; off Vail, 1. Hit by pltohed ball I Chance. Time: 1:4a Umpire: Moran. laolnaatt Dowa a Salnte. CINCINNATI. Aua-. 9. Cincinnati took tha first Sunday game of the aeason at home today from St. Louis by timely hit ting, Hahn waa hit more than Murphy, but he kept them well scattered. Attend ance, 9.3(io. Score: - CINCINNATI. I ST. LOV1S. R.H.O.A .! R.H.O.A.B. Donlln. If... 4 1 4 4 4 Terrell, lb... I 1114 Seymour, ef.. 4 1 1 4 Donovaa, rf.. t 1 ( Dolan, rf 4 14 Smoot, el.... I I Berkley, lb.. 4 IB I Brain, aa. 314 8telnfl4t, 19 1 1 I I 1 Barclay, If... 1 I iMlr, lb lilt Corcoran, aa. 1 1 I I 0 Haberer. .. 1 1 1 I I1 Haas, p 1 I I I 0 llackett, lb.. 1 burke, lb.... 0118 Ryan, a 4 I Murpky, p. .. 9 1 9 9 9 Totala ... I I IT 11 1 Totals 9 14 84 9 9 Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 9 8 6L Louis 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 1 0-3 Earned runs; Cincinnati, 2; St. Louis. 1. Two-base hit: StainfeldU Sacrifice hit: Haberer. Left on bases; Cincinnati, 7; St. Louis, 6. First baae on balls: Off Murphy, 1; off Hahn, 8. Struck out: By Hahn, 1; by Murphy, 1. Wild pitches: Murphy, 2. Time: 1:80. Umpire: O'Day. Staadlatj of tho Teama. Played. Won. Lost. P.O. Pittsburg 3 New York 90 61 83 .664 64 84 , 6j0 68 40 .693 61 45 .631 43 47 .478 3& 60 . 433 35 61 - .36o 31 61 .337 hloags 98 inclnnaU 96 Brooklyn ....90 Boston ....W St. Louis 96 Philadelphia 92 Games today: Boston at Philadelphia. New York at Brooklyn, SL Louis at Pitts- Durg. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Louisville Tnkee Aaothov from Lead, era, Thaa Makiaaj tt Throe Straight. LOUISVILLE). Aug. 9. Louisville mad it three straight from the leaders today. Both Walker and Ferguson pitched a good game, but errors behind the latter gave the victory to the looals. Attendance, 8,000, Bcore: i .. LOVIITILLB I a H O A. I a. rf... 184 if lllo rr. Tin R.M.O.A.M. Kerala, rf... 184 darter, tb 4 I I 4 I Hart, If Ills O Rhannoo, cf.. 441 Brian ear, . t 4 4 dJackaen, rf... Ill Odw.ll. cf.... 1 8 1 llBchaefor, aa., 11111 Sullivan, I. I I 1 Pierre, lb..'.. Ill I I Srhrlever, a.. 4 Kloumoy. If., 4 114 4 Wblte, lb.... 4 4 11 4 , Wheeler, lb.. I 1114 Qutnlan. as.. I 14 4 f t. Sullivan, it t 2 I I Walker, p.... t I 4,Kargvoo, p.. 4 4 I I ToUla ....T8 It'll Total! ....S "51? 148 Louisville 3 11010017 St. Paul 0 1 0 0 0 03 Two-base hit: Odwell. Stolen bases: Od- m tW Wosii tail mm e ;'v it Tag ' ' '" " .. T MouraTOTicrvt ' " well, Brashear, Hart. Sacrifice hit: Bra- hesr. Bane on belle: Off Walker, 3. rtrurk out: By Walker, I; by Ferguson. 1. Double play: Qulnlnn to fWwell to White. Time: 1:47. Umpire: Mullane. Brewers Scare a Win. COI.UMBfS. O.. Aug. 9-Mllwaukee de-fe-ited Columbus today by bunching hits In the eighth Inning. Attendance 6.434. Bcore: CuLUMBtS MILWAIKEE. RHOABl ft.HOAI. Morrlwr, U.. 4 10 S'-haftrr, Jb .O t rilngman. aa. 1 1 t Donahue, Jb. 1 1 II 1 4 tml-h. rf.... 1 4 4 IWnnd, t 4 1 4 t 4 Rarmer, Jb.. I 4 0 Unalaob, lb.. 4 4 Bannonn, cf.. 4 I 4 Orianl.r, rf..., 114 4 Mfllor, lb... 1 I 14 4 C PunleaTV, If. 0 1 1 I Turner, lb... Ill d Hrmphlll, it. I 1 I 4 I roi. c 4 14 1 Vol, aa 4 114 4 Barter, p 4 4 I c Maradlth. p.. 4 1 4 1 4 Total 111111 i ToUla .... I 4 17 1) 4 Columbus 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 18 Earned runs: Columbus, 1; Milwaukee, 1. Stolen bases: Morrlenv, Ganley. Two base hits: Meller, 3. Three base hits: Hemphill. Double plays: Turner to Ray mer to Meller; Volx to Schafley to Dona hue. Struck out; By Berger. 1; by Mere dith, 3. Base on balls: Oft Berger, 1. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Haskell. Toledo J amps aa Ktwi, TOLEDO, O., Aug. 9. Toledo defeated Kansas City in a one-sided game today. The work of Schaub and Owens was a fetitcre. The game was called at end of the seventh to permit Kansas City to catch a train. Attendance, 2,000. Score: TOLEDO. I KANSAS CITY. R.HO.A E. R H O A . Smith, rf.. t hi Ida. lb.. Ovana, cf.. Klalnow, e. Schaub, tb. Turner, lb. Crleull. if. Ball, aa,... Relating, p. I 1 4 I'RiXMnaa. lb. 1 1 T 4 4 4 1 t Otar, rt-et... 1 I I Nanoa. lb.... 1 1 Oradr, t 4 1 0 Butler, ef-rf. 1 0 Knoll, If 1 I.eewe, aa.... 0 MrAnar'a, lb 4 uurnaia, p... 4 ToUlt ....1117 311 Totals .... I 14x14 I I xSchaub out on Infield fly. Kansas City 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 S Toledo 0 1 2 7 1 1 -13 Two-base hits: Owens (2, Schaub (2), Chrlstell (2), Rothfuss. Three-base hit: Knoll. Home runs: Ball, Klelnow, Smith. Stolen bus?s: Smith. Ball 2l. Bases on balls: Off Relsling, 8; bff Durham. 6. Struck out: By Relsling, u; by Durham, 6. Left on bases: Toledo, 4; Kansas City, 7. Wild pitches: Durham, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Knoll. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Cunningham. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. St. Paul 98 64 34 . 953 Milwaukee M H 34 .917 Louisville 91 E2 44 .M Indianapolis 97 63 46 . 63o Kansas city VI 45 47 .4X9 Columbus 99 40 69 .401 Minneapolis 94 88 60 .BSd Toledo 97 37 60 .381 No games today. ORIGINALS "TAKE BOTH GAMES Omaha Team Finds Easy Picking la the Council Bluffs Joe Smiths. The Lee-Olass-Andreesen Originals de feated the Joe Smith & Co. team of Coun ell Bluffs in two games yesterday after noon at the Vinton Street park before I crowd of not over 800 spectators. The first game was highly Interesting and was Won by the hardware men through the excellent pitching of Saffelder, who had the Mormons at his mercy during the entire game. Kerry also did cood work for the Bluff' ltes, but could not overcome the fast work of Pearson s colts. The Lee-Olass-Andreesens scored In the first Inning on hits by Waller. Brook ford and Sage and In the fifth on an error by ijrown ana a nit oy waiter. . The eecond game was uninteresting-. Sul llvan started to pitch for the Originate and was replaced by Saffelder In the fifth and it. rjmitn relieved urown in tne rourtn. Eddie Crelghton worked behind the bat in both games and kept the Mormons hugging tha bases during the entire time. Next Sunday the hardware men play the B. Jetters on the South Omaha grounds. Score, first game; ORIGINALS. AB. R. BH. Pa A. 1 1 Waller. 8b.... Bradford, 2b.. Chalman cf... Taylor, If Sage, rf Foley, lb Kennedy, ss.. Crelghton, c... Saffelder, p... .... 4 13 1 1 0 0 0 11 1 10 1 0 0 Totals 82 4 7 27 11 I JOB SMITHS. AB. R. BH. PO. A. E. Schldertl, ss 4 o Brown. 3b 4 0 i 0 0 0 0 Utterback, lb 4 0 0 9 0 0 Berghausen, 2b 49010 Sheldon, cf 4 0 1 1 0 0 Goff. If 10 0 10 0 Ferry, p ... 8 0 0 0 3 0 F. Smith, o 3000 Burton, rf S 0 0 1 0 0 Totala 30 ! u t o I 7 2 Originals i 0 0 0 0 0 - Joe Smiths 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Earned runs: Orltrlnale. 1 Left on basest Originals, ; Smiths, 4. Double play; Crelghton to Bradford. Two-base hits) Waller (2). Three-base hit: Bare. Hit by pitched ball: Sage. Base on balls: Golf. Struck out I By Saffelder, lo; by Ferry, i. Time: 1:20. Umpire: Kelly. Score, second game: ORIGINALS. AB. R. BH. PO. A. 0 1 Waller, 8b 1 Bradford, lb 8 Chalton and sage, rr. 6 0 Taylor. If.. 0 I 0 Howe, ct Foley, lb Kennedy, as Crelghton, o Sullivan, p Saffelder, p....... in; iis Total 30 12 10 21 JOB SMITHS. AB. R. BH. Pa Sohlfferti, ss 2 19 2 Utterback. lb 1117 Berghauser. 2b... 4 1 1 Berghauser, Jb... 4 i Sheldon, Bheidon, cr , s Brown, 8b and p t ! ! SI I DlUFiii M au y e j H. Smith, p and 8b.. 4 Goff. If I F. Smith, o 4 Ferry, rf t Burton, rf...y.. 1 0 0 1 10 3 1 I 0 0 0 0 Totala 30 7 7 20 10 . Originals 0 0 3 0 0 3 112 joe Btnitna u u i u i i Earned run: Originals, 1. Stolen bases: Originals, 4; Smiths, 4. ' Two-heee hlta: Bradford. Utterback. Hit by pitched ball: Waller (2), Foley, Goff. Basea on bails; Off Sullivan, 1; off Brown. 1: off Smith, 1 Struck out; By Sullivan, 8; by Bafteler, 4; Dy urown, i. rassea Dans; omitn, s. nine 1:06. Umpire: Kelly. f BALL GAME ENDS IN A ROW tanadars Coaaty Team Leavea Field, MTahoo Getting Deoleloa, Mao to Nothing. MEAD, Neb., Aug. 9. (Special.) A oloae Kame of ball between Wahoo and a team made UP of player from Saundere county broke up In a row In the last half of the ninth inning, when the Wahoo taua waa at bat. Until the row the score stood 2 to I, and Wahoo failed to soore up to the seventh Inning. With two men out and a rank decision on third In tha ninth. Captain Devere ef tha Saunders county team nailed his men off tha field, and tha game was given to Wa hoo, 9 to 0, by the same umpire who of ficiated at the Wahoo-Schuyler game a couple of weeks ago, and which was given to wanoo oy tne same score, score: "aJnders 1 000000 1-1 Wahoo 9000011 Batterlea: Devare and Woltai Longa- nccaer ana jonneon. toldlera Wla a Hart Fight. FORT CROOK. Neb.. Aug. 9 -Special Telegram.) The Fort Crook team won a Card, uphill fight here 'his afternoon by bunching hits m the seventh inning. The Armours took a commanding lead In the Brat and Increased It In the fourth to what aeemed a cliuh on tha lama. In the aev enth the eoidlera got Wllklnaun'a range ana ror a moment niaa tne visitors out fielders think It waa raining baee balls. A fine . collection of aafetlee waa etufted Into the atmosphere and topped off with a screaming homer by First Baaeman Congo. This ended the fireworks, but Roae nbers contributed a circus catch In the eighth that spoiled a chance for tha Armours to tie the score. It wsa a run ning catch In deep left, which waa much applauded by tha large crowd that wati-hed the game. Score: RU B. Fort Crook ... V t 1 1 I 0 i I Mil I Armours I 0 1 3 0 9 0 04 4 Batteries: JlVrmours. Wilkinson. Flttrer aid, Sullivan and O'Keefe; Fort Crook, anoauey, crippeo ana cmiey. Omaha Clar Makers Wla. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Aug. t (Spe cial.) Tha cigar maker ef Union No. M, Innaha. and t. team compoeed of local clear " ' v4 a aejuv vi vaa ua aula city yesterday sfternoon. reeultlng In a vieinry ror tne lormer team by s to a. A reception In honor of the visitors was given at Odd Fellows' hall In the evening. PACKERS TWICE BEAT BLAIR Stork Yards Jaalore Start Nebraska Tear with Doable Vie. tory. BLAIR. Neh., Aug. -(Speclsl Tele gramsThe Union Stock Yards Juniors of South Omaha started their Nebrseka trip today by taking two games from the home team before a large crowd. In the first game K. Noyes wns In the box for Blair and pitched a splendid game up to the ninth inning, striking out twelve men snd allowing but four hite. In this In ning the Juniors struck a batting streak, tying the score. They knocked Noyes out In the tenth, winning the game, 9 to 6. Hlnton, for the Juniors, pitched a steady ?ame, keeping the hits well scattered. The esture was the heavy hitting of the Ju niors. Score: R. H E Juniors 008000003 19 14 1 Blair 0 10120000 15 94 Batteries: Juniors. Hlnton and Miller: Blair, E. Noyes and R. Miller. Karned runs: Juniors, 7. Two-bsse hits: Talbot, Miller, Jellen. Stolen bsses: McLean. Bases on balls: Off Hlnton, 1; off Noyes, 6. Struck out: By Noyes, 12; bv Hlnton, 7. Passed balls: Miller. Umpire: Dick son. The second game was more Interesting and was anybody's until nil over. - The Juniors played a fast fielding game and won In the ninth by heavier hitting. Their batting was. again the feature. Noyes, Matthews and Miller, for Blair, seemed to be the only ones to connect with the ball In either game. Boors: R.H.E. Juniors t 1 1 1 0 0 D 0 1-6 U 4 Blair 0 00030002674 Batteries: Juniors, Adams and Miller; Blair, W. Noyes and Miller. Two-base hits: Miller, Jellen, Hlnton, Adams. Stolen bases: Talbot, McLean, Jellen, Adams. 'Double plays: Adams to Talbot to Hach ten. Struck out: By Adams, 4: by Noyes, . Base on balls; Noyes, 1 Time; 1:40. Umpire: Dickson. Ideals Wla aad Lose. In the doublo-header played yesterday at Manawa the Ideals of Omaha, and the Council Bluffs Eagles divided honors. Ths Ideals won the first game, 6 to 8, and the Eagles won the second game by the close score of 4 to 3. In the second game the Ideals outbstted the Eagles, but lost It through careless base running. Score, first game; R H Ideals 1 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 8 9 3 eagles V U O 3 0 0 0 0 13 9 I Earned runs: Ideals, 4: Eagles, 2. Two base hits: Gibson, Campbell. Stolen bases: Ideals, 4; Eagles. 4. Struck out: By Bel linger, 3; by Mathews, 10. Bases on balls: Off Bellinger, 2; off Mathews, 1. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Swarts. Score, seoond game: - R.H B Ideals 0 0.0 1 0 0 1 0 08 15 3 Eagles 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 10 1 Earned runs: Ideals, 3; Eagles, 4. Two base hit: Lynch. Stolen bases: Ideals, 2. Struck out: By Bellinger, 2; Mlnlkus, 4; Mosher, 4. Bases on brills: Off Bellinger, i, on jKuniKus, i. him: i.&j. umpire: S warts. Bancroft Defeats Oakland. BANCROFT, Neb., Aug. 9.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Bancroft defeated Oakland today In an eloven-innlng ball game. The game waa closely contested and Interesting from tart to finish. Score: Bancroft, 9; Oak land, 8. Batteries: Bancroft. Tarrsnt and Harvey; Oakland, Young, Palmqulst and Rook. Struck out I By Tarrant, 17: by Young, 6. Umpire: Fletcher. Games la Three-t League. At Dubuque Dubuqus, 4; Davenport, 2. At Rock Island Rook Island. 4: Decatur. 8 (eleven innings). At cedar Kapids cedar Rapids, I; Rock ford, 14. At Springfield Springfield, 2; Blooming ton, 8. Rcgre: ataC own Papioa. PAPILLION. Neb.. Aua. . fSrjeclal Tel egram.) The Regents of Omaha played the Paplo team here toda. Score, 18 to , in ravor ot tne jrtegenia. HARDY TO SHOOT WITH CHASE CThamploa aad Kebraska flhot Agree to Terma ot Big Con teat. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Aur. 9. Bna-Jnl Ray H. Chase ot Alexandria, 8. D., who early In the spring won the rtfle-shootlng championship by defeating Harry Benson of Rookford. HL, has practically concluded arrangements for a contest between him self and A. H. Hardy of Hyannla, Neb. liar ay recently cnauengea (nane, one of the conditions belna- that the contest should be held In the Black Hills. Chase wouia not agree to go to tne Black Hi lis. He Is now In receipt of a letter from Hardy saying the Nebraska man will come to Alexandria If Chase will pay hla rail road fare. This Chase Is willing to do, and the date for the contest will soon be de termined. The purse will be 8600 a side, and the distance a twenty-four-foot rise, the rifles to be loaded by parties other than the contestants. The balls are to be thrown from a trap In any direction the shooter may choose. The one who hits $500 balls In the least time will be declared the winner. Both con testants will have the privilege of using aa many guns as he wishes. A forfeit will be posted Immediately after the articles of agreement are sinned by both parties, i ne corneal is Deing looseq rorwara to with great Interest, and will be witnessed by several thousand people from Alexan dria and this part of the state. BERRY DRAWS WITH SIMMS right la BUppery King; Proves CnsoU entitle and I'noxeltlngr to gpoetatora. MINNEAPOLIS. Aur. 9. -Artie Slmms of Akron, O., and urjarlae Berry of Milwau kaa fouaht fifteen rounds to a draw be fore the Pickwick Athletic club of Minne apolis today. The flitht was hld In a ling Pitched in tne open woods across tne slate in near Plcola. Wla.. before a larae crowd of Minneapolis and St. Paul sports and was a fierce contest throughout. A continued rain auring tne morning ra made the rlnc slippery and neither man was able to do effective work, clean breaks having been substituted for straight rulea because of the slippery condition of the ring. The men fought at catch weights snd neither waa in tne best or oonditlon. Berry being several pounds tne beavler Only In one round did either have the ad. vantaae and thla w?s in the third, when Simms had Berry f)!ghtly groggy with a couple ef straight lefts to the jaw. The men will be re-matched at weight In the near future. Frank Force, sporting editor or tne Minneapolis intjune, re re reed tne ngnt. Rastlaaja Eatrlee Oat. The following la the list of entries for tne Hastings mains and nrlvlna- Park association races on August 19. 30 and 21: For August 19, 3:17 pace: Jessie M., b. n.. Norvai utile r, rred Robare, Beatrice, ou. , ii.i'uni v. ii. , AIIItullEier, r. . Tufta. St. Paul Minn.: Yankee Boy. . a.. Behlo. F. J. Tufta, St. Paul, Minn.: Harry ii-vans. o. g., ueneral Evans, le Costello, dersonlan, R W, Lowry, Lincoln, Neb. ; Rubber Neck. J. T. Slusher. 1:45 trot, one-halt mile and repeat run: Red Leaf, b. m.. King Harold, Jack Ransdell, Topeka, Kan.; Minnie Wilkes, o. in.. Honor. R. C. Condrev. To peka, Kan.; Meaaerisn, b. h.. Superintend ent. H. D. Bennett, Lincoln, Neb.; Model Aionarcn, d. n., Aimonarcn, Frel J. Turts, St. Paul, Minn.; Daisy L., br. in., Garrett L.. Fred J. Tufts, St. Paul. Minn.; Happy Secret, b. m.. Happy Heir. J. J. Oardner. St. Joseuh. Mo.: HauDV Maud. b. m . Itannv Heir. J. J. Oardner, St. Joseph. Mo.; Mlee ixK-anari, o. m., rayton ixcanart, rt. u. Newton, Lincoln, Neb.; Peyton Lockhart, d. n., Liocanart, w. w. Towle, Lincoln Neb.; Oeralnt. c. h.. Onward. W. T nrown. rremont, rveDj McKlnley, blk. h. Red Rubans, R. D. Conroy. York, Neb. 1 1 ' , I V. A . ASS V 11AB"I1. For Auaruet 30. U n.u:! Rlurk Real blk. m.t Roy Wood, Jack Randall, To- peaa, Kan.; The Kebel, r. to.. Alcarmo, It. U. Vtald. Fremont, Neb.; Kchore, c. g. Reohore. T. B. Drurjee. Oreelv. Ted Brunswick, b. a.. Union Medium R A. Templnton, Tekamah, Neb.; Joe Galea br. g, Kquator, F. J. Tufis. St. Paul Minn.; Slycorn. e. g, Judge Rice, H. K Wledemeyer. Marvl'Je. Kan.; Alice Hill b. m. Wm. M. Hill, O. Smith. Haatlnsa, Neb.; Sunny Slope, b. m.. Happy Heir, AKiey m. onrier. nansaa t'lty: Hiancn. b m.. Heir Apparent. Akley A Bhlrer Kan. aaa C'ttr! Haaer. a. m Journalist. R V Davldaon, St. Joseph, Mo.; Lady Miller, e. m., oir iMormany, .. u. Miller, York Neb. 3;J trot, g-yaar-lda and under, one mile aoi repeat run: uor. Bryant, b. a., Im preaslon. Mra. Bryant. Blair. Nab.: Wll . v . m w., . . w, w, wain ' uuiuii, M. J. Brown, Oacaola, Neb.) Bob'.y Ooodln, VtcRoberta. H. H. Smith, Armour, & D. Mrj-.ey,a v Tfcero aro Gniy two lilstds HA At ''.Ml -4 I" and the other kind. Those who know the Search U;ht Match, use it and proCt bytsmcnt. Those rrho use the other kind, t-ct along the best they can. The Search Light Match ii the longest, strongest, most uniform match ia the "world. A Valuable Coupon in Every Box. ASK YOUR aftooEn. Ijjs!;-, Bell McGregor, McRoberts. H. H, Smith, Armour, S. D. ; Wllbar, br. h., Escohar, H. D. Bennett, Lincoln, Neb.; King Airy, b. h., Norval King, F. J. Tufts, Bt. Paul, Minn.; Fern W., c. m., Louis Wilkes, O. G. Williams. Syracuse. Neb.: Winnie .. b. f., Wanan, R. C. Brownell, Morse Bluffs, la. For Auirust 21. 1:21 care: Jack Sawyer. b. h., Allerton, dam by Ensign, L. 8. Patterson, Unlonvlile, la.; Mack Boy, Mc Roberts, H. 11. Smith. Armour, S. D. ; Riley C, g. g., Happy Riley, J. K. Strohn, Aurora, Neb.; Echore, e. g., Rechore, T. P. Drupee. Greeley, Nebj Ted Brunswick, b. s.. Union Medium. R. A. Templeton. Tekamah, Neb.; Samandie, c. g.. Semi colon, it. L). ennetti Lincoln, nw.: Allaboard, b. h.. Almoneer, T. J. Tufts, SL Paul. Minn.: Yankee Boy. b. h.. Hebio. T. J. Tufts, St. Paul, Minn.; Anawtll, b. m., Andersonlan, R. W. Lowry, Lincoln, Neb.: Bentell, nr. g., untrsced, Willis Beesley. Syracuse, Neb.: Fred H.. br. G. H. Hlene, Hooper, Neb.; Rubber Neck, J. T. Slusher, Hooper. Neb.; Alice Hill, b. m., Wm. M. Hill, O. Bmlth. Hastings, Neb. Bunny mope, d. m., nappy weir, Akley & Shire, Kansas City. Mo.; Blanche, b. m.. Heir Apparent, Akley ft Shire, Kansas City, Mo.; Henryett, b. m., Hugh Patton, R. P. Davidson. St Joseph, Mo. 2:30 trot, three-fourths mile and repeat run: So So Mack, McRoberts, H. H. Smith. Armour. S. D. : Model Monarch. b. h., Almonarch, Fred J. Tufts, St Paul, Minn.: Daisy L., br. m., uarrett U., I Tea J. Tufts, St. Paul, Minn.; Happy Secret, b. m., Happy Heir, J. J. Oardner, St Joseph, Mo.; Red Van, b. m., Idavan, F. A. Hart, Lincoln, Neb.; Nlilllne, b. g., W. T. Brown. Fremont, Neb. FIND TROTTING RACE FRAUD Oae Boffalo Jadge Wishes to Expel Celdebord for Crooked Work. OUriAlAi, AUB. . A. . amc.m, K 1 " -' Ing judge of the Grand Circuit meeting en A..- tl T VUln just cjosea Jiere, nag aivCTI statement about the scandal In the 2:00 pace yesterday. In that race F. O. Celde bord, owner and driver of Little Squaw, was taken out of the sulky and Ben Ken ney drove and won the heat and the race. Nick Hublnger, tne New naveu iiuiib". . . J u ah Vm. AUIJA of a lob when Charley Hayt beat Little Squaw In Slow lime, no pruieamu. Mr. Klein says If he had had authority . . . . 1 1 A Awne ne wouia nave rjiiuiou and driver of Little Squaw; W. L. Snow, trainer, ana urana Tvuuaiiia Wi.v the owner of Charley Hayt The other two judges overruled him. Dr. L. R. Pres ton, another of the authorities, said the oase would be protested to the governing board of the National Trottlna association next winter. Hublnger had bet much T Uela, Qniam and It 1 Ifl nfafl znoney on aJiiu giaa promised Celdeborg 400 If tha mare won. Jie euspectea iraua. Washington Maaagensent Vaehaaged. WASHINGTON. Aug. . It was said to nlitht that the recent sale by Mr. Poatal of Wa atock in the Washington American in m .I., n. material differ- i.eaaue ciuu win .,. .. ence In the policy of the management and that the transrer oi ina aiwn. . I . , i . - .Ml .Antral the rlnh tne American - " -through Ban Johnson. Manager Loftus, It 1S saiu, ir ek , . n i v. . . - - -- son, and the recent deal was consummated to save mm nia poamuii, """ stood ready to buy out Postal and place tjatcner viaraa in i.iiiia. Sports Off to Shoot. a n.Fi of Omaha marksmen left Omaha yesterday for Hot Springs, 8. p.. for the annual trap shoot of the Hot burlnss uun ciuo, wiucn In the party were: W. B. Townsend. OAnU Y AlllUIKJ AA. . O " ' --' TAvinr Htnrv Klrbv of Kansas City and Others will join me panjr. iw woo in tv,. vint Snrlnu-a ahoot a oarty coea from Omaha to Okobojl to shoot under the aua- plcea of the Indiana. Reliance Ooea to BrtatoL vu-nr Dn a T. X T aiitf I.Thl run vm.rht AA1.,TAWAA. AV. A, ' I Reliance, atrlpped of all aalla, waa towed to Bristol tonignt oy tne lenaer, uunoram It waa noticed durlnsr its brush with Con- atituti.m on Saturday that Its new main sail did not aet properly ana tne necea- murv altera none win De maae at criaroi. Constitution wil! be towed to New London tomorrow and put out ct commission. Vanderbllt Horea Wlaa Race. viviici, rrenct., auk. a. y. av. iiu derbllt'a Alpha, with Nash Turner up. to- uw w r.n Hi. lira rA Pri A ii Oarnllai Inter. national, worth $6,000. . . ...... r r. . . . . ... T r Vanderbllt's Marigold today ran third In he l-'rli f'hemln da Far." Crcstoa Defeata Hcaderaoa. CRESTON. la., Aug. 9 (Special Tele- j gram.) Creston and iienaerson piayea a close and Interesting game today, resulting In a victory for Creston by 3 to L There waa about 1.000 people present Batteries: Welch and Townsend, Klser and Coppack. Umpire: Golden. ghaaaroek III la Dry Dock. NEW YORK. Aug. O.-Shamrock III was taken Into dry dock without accident at the Eric baain today and the work of getting It ready for the races waa begun. Xebraska Certldeate Hoaored. PIERRE. 8. D., Aug. 9 (Special.) The supreme court has admitted to practice In the courts of South Dakota. T. F. Elliott of Pierre on a certificate from the supremo court of Nebraska. locant Becomes Gaaaa Wardea. PIERRE. 8. D , Aug. 9.-Bpeclal.)-OoT-ernor Herretd haa granted a commission to M. A. Slocum of Ipswich as game war den for Edmunda couijty. - Might aa the Spot Where rheumatism palna, rub Bueklen'e Arnica Salve, tha great healer. 'Twill work wondera. Slope pain or no pay. tpo. For aala by Kuhn Co. ;iee?e.f 4 SHEEPMEN AREUP IN ARMS Object to Government Order to Dtp rioeka, Deelarlac They Will Rot labmlt. LARAMIE), Wyo., Aug. 9. (Speclal.) A. J. Plstor, government aheep Inspector, has arrived here to take charge of the work of inspecting and dipping the flocks of Albany county. The sheep owners are up In arms, however, and many say they wilt not submit to the demands of tha In spectors. They say their sheep are not In fected with scabies, and that their ranges have not been Infected for over six years. Some of the owners say they will place a valuation on their ftocki and turn them over to the government and then bring suit for damages. It Is pointed out that the dipping of sheep at this time would entail heavy loss among lambs, and that It will cost approximately DO cents per head for the 120,000 sheep In thla county. Inspector Plstor wilt meet the aheep owners, but aa the law la plain, and the worS of disinfecting aheep In other sec tions of the stata has gone on without In terruption, it Is not probable the govern ment agents wilt stop now. The local flockmasterj may beleve the dipping a hardship, but In the end they will be bene fited. All sheep In the state that are Infected with acablea, -or that have been exposed, must be dipped, and the objection of the owners will have no weight with tha gov ernment and state offlolala. CHEYENNE. Aug. 9.-(Speclal.)-The State Board of Sheep Commissioner will meet in Cheyenne on Saturday, aft which time some Important business will be transacted. The board has extended the time limit under which all exposed or in fected sheep must be dipped from August 16 to November t At the forthoomlng meeting some new rulea governing the shipment or trailing of sheep Into tha state will b adopted. Fish glories Extraordinary. HURON", 8. D.. Aug. .-(Special.) Loa Angeles and Catatlna Island papers re ceived here give accounts of remarkable catohea of fish at Catallna by two Huron men. One la Fred M. Wilcox and the other Rev. H. D. Wlard. In a single day Mr. Wilcox landed a jewflsh that weighed 170 pounds, while Mr. Wlard landed one weighing 220 pounds, besides a number of Guaranteed Pure. Order Iron H. -B'Q BEERS Five Trains a Dav To CHiicag via the Chicago & North-Western Railway, over the only double-track railway between Omaha and Chicago, offer to the traveling public tht best ef everything in the way of the modern conveniences of travel. The Eastern Express fast train, leaving Omaha daily $ 50 p. m arriving Chicago 7.15 next morning, with an admirably arranged equipment of Pullman draw ing room and tourist sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and standard day coaches, nutlet smoking and library cars, and dining cars (a la carte), is one of the most popular trains in the West. The Overland Limited electric lighted, with buffet compartment sleeping car. icaves unuiia uauy vnicaeo q.oo me neat Other through trains ana points can at ana 11.30 a. m. Information aa to schedules, rstei, sleep ing car leaimationa, on sppiictlioa H.O.OHCYNgV. I40I-OS of matches in itiQ world THC DIAMOND MATCH CO. rock baas, whlteflsh and yellowtails. Tha monster landed by Mr. Wtard waa tho largest fish caught at the Island this sea- ' son with hook and lino. A day or two after Mr. Wlard departed for home Mr. Wilcox landed a 800-pound jewflsh, and receives the medal. It required forty-five mlnutea to land the fish, which Is counted remarkably quick for one so heavy. Cali fornia fishermen appear a trifle surprised that the honors for big catches should go so far north as South Dakota. Hay Crop Too Lasarlaat. PIERRE. S. D., Aug. 9.-(Speclal.) Early In the season ranchmen In the Chey enne river country were fearful that they would be short of a hay crop this year, aa that section received little rain In the spring months. The reports which come In from that section now are different, the lato rains having started the grass growing rapidly, and the Indications now are that there will be plenty of hay. In faot, tha whole of the western part of the state Is covered with such a rank growth of grass this year that unless the greatest care I used there Is likely to be serious loss In" many localities from prairie fires. Broker Proloaga Packing- Fight. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.( Aug. 9.-(Special.) The legal controversy involving the mam moth packing plant In this city' will have another Inning before Judge Cnrland of the United States court tomorrow. The prinoipels In the contest are Charles T. Crocker, a wealthy resident of Fitch burg, Mass., and John Lea Backer, who lives In England. John King, a local at torney who was appointed special master to take testimony In the case, filed his re port recently. Bocker has filed exceptions to the report of the special master, and II la this which will be argued tomorrow. , Iloneseekers Flock to Pierre. PIERRE, 8. D., Aug. 9.-(Special. Re gardless of the fact that August was looked on as ene of tha months In which farmer would be too busy to get out Into thla country to look tip new locations, the ex- v curslon for the first of the month proved to be heavier than any since early In tha spring and over 100 came In Tuesday and Wednesday of last week either to secure lands by homeateadlng of to buy, Tho Indications now are that the filings for August will go as high as for any of the othsr months this year. None So Good. Mar Coaapany smoking car, standard and cars, observation and library at 0.1 j p. m., reacning morning. leave Omaha for Chicago 3.49 a. m., 0.00 a. m. SABNAat at., 1