Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1903, PART 1, Page 10, Image 10

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British Tennli Champloni Defeat Larned
and B. D. Wrenn ia Binglea,
Amor Iran TWendera Oaly Seowro On
Polat, that Bala Olvea la Da
laalt Wkei Elder Vleltoa
Sprains Shoulder.
two acta to one In favor of Doherty, Wrenn
pulled out the fifth act. although H took
fourteen una to decide It
Ia tha last game of tba fifth set deuce
was called eight times before Doherty won
the neceaaary two points and the match.
In the three days covering the contest
for the cup the Americans scored only
one point, and that was on a default by
IV F. Doherty, occasioned by his sprained
shoulder. The cup will be placed In cus
tody of the English Lawn Tennis associa
tion and It Is quite probable that an Amer
ican team will go to England next year
In axk effort to regain It.
BOSTON, Aug. 8. The International ten
tils trophy, presented three years ago by
Dwlght H. Davla of this country, goes to
Ens-land through the united efforts of R.
F. and H. L. Doherty, who clinched their
victory by winning both matchoe In alnglea
St. Faal Sncoombs to Louisville,
Thanks to Hart's Sensational
T.OTTTHVTTJL'E. Kv.. Alia?. 8. Louisville
tnd.v and scorlna- In the entire contest four I defeated Ht. Paul today in a most exciting
out of a total of live points. Each of the game. Jimmy Hart saved the game for
yui m l" I tns locals n the ninth by making a sensa-
two contests today went a full Ave ss -a. H. Uonal of wheeler's long drive with
T. rohrtv. the Enallsh champion, aereat- I a man on second and a man on third and
Ing William A. Larned. the American Cham- I two out. Attenaance, s.iuu. ocore.
I ntrretnt f a tlT HIT
plon, -8, -, 6-0, 2-. 7-5, while his brother hh"oa.b
disposed of R. D. Wrenn, former American I Karwin, rf. . 1 4 I 4 o
champion, 0-4, I-, 8-8, -
Mm Crowd Excited,
Hart, It 1100
braaaasr. lb. I I I I
Olw.ll, cf.... I 1 1 0
Bullion. 3b.. (toil
Tha mifliM were tilaved on adjoining I BrnrleTer. c. 1 t t 0
courts, and were witnessed by 6.000 tennis gXian. .i" i
enthusiasts. From the start the excite-1 tn. .
tnent was intense and after each match Totals ..
had been squared at the end of four sets,
everyone was fairly on tip toe until H. I Louisville
T 0 i
14 0
Olur, lb 1 t I 1 I
Shannon cf.. 1 I
Jackson, rf... 1 I
gchaafer. H.. 1 0 t 0 0
Pl.n-., lb.... 0 1 4 t 0
rimirnor. If. 1 0 t 0
Whoelor. 3b.. 0 1 t t
J. Sullivan. 0 0 t 1
K.rguaon, p.. 0 0 I 0 0
aJl.manf. p.. 0
10 10
Totali ... f M (
.3 0400000
Doherty won a .on. deuce aet hi. -
and the necessary three points to obtain 1 nl. wheeler. Stolen bases: Odwell,
tMMuuwatnn of the cud. I lournoy. Saorlflce . hit: Shannon. First
- ... I V.. W-1I. I . TT-.. 4. FT Varviiann
A large portion of the crowd remained to
aee R. D. Wrenn finish his contest wltn me s. DV Allemansr. 8. Double clay: Schriever
aider Doherty. At one time It looked as I to Brashear. wild pitch: Allemang. Left
. . . ,.. ..n .. - k rmhMli on panes; ujuuvum, o, oi. rui, . nuia.
.i n. - - 1;52- Umpre. Mullane.
U L. Dohertv's marvelous ability to cover I
-,,r nrto.ihtedlv won him the match with COLUMBUS, O.. Aug. g.-columbus shut
I Ati, Ullmimli u tAmv In o fa.) .am. I h.
learned, although to the minds of many I vlsltor, ,ecured but one hit off Dorner, a
e-n unfortunate decision at a crltloal stage single by Wood In the ninth inning. The
In the last set waa the cause of the latter's Jfcaia buncnea wis. Attendance,
failure. With the games all In In thle aet. 'coldmbcs. . milwaukkb
. ,. nnh.rl.'i I Morrlaaar, If. 1 1 1 0 0 Sehadey, lb.. 0 0 0 1 0
ajamo, v.u . ' - Clio,, aa 1 0 14 0 Uonahua, lb. 0 0 11 1
second service, the linesman lanea to can, smith, rf 114 0 OiWood. o o l t
nd Larned then making It a double fault. JU;-jr. 10.. o un.jaub. a-o l
turfed to chansre tourta. believing Itillor. lb.... 1 0 I 0 OiDunlaarr. If. 0 0 . 0 0
gam. was his. The referee decided that J o o!v.P Ill'
the point was to be played over again. I bornor, .... ill. o Muiiar, p 0(110
This took the anap out of Larned a game .. "al TTd t..i. . .. o i
t once, ana jjonercy naa mu auuumvjr c0iumbuil 4 0 0 2 0 0 j 0
wlnnlnc. I Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Thia tv. TT L. Dohertr-Larned match. I Earned runs: Columbus. 2. Stolen base:
was looked on as the feature of the day Smith. Three-base hit: Fox. Double play:
and many clustered about this court. The I ,,T. bv Muller.'l. First base on balls:
ease with which Doherty won the first set I Oft Dorner, 6: off Muller, 2. Hit by pitched
mnt dl.eoursjrlna-. esoeclallr aa Wrenn lrae: umpire; naneu,
was putting up the game of hie life against Kaasas City Hammers Toledo.
It F. Doherty. Larned seemed wild and TOLEDO. Aug. 8. Kanaaa City and
bis errora were frequent, while Doherty Jo. broke even today the flrat game
. ' . ... . . . , ... falling to Kansas City after heavy hitting,
played carefully, although he relied almost whllo" the set;0nd was much more of a
entirely on his opponent's mistakes. pitchers' battle. Attendanoe, 2,774. Soore,
Rnora In first set. by Dotnts. waa aa fol- nr game.
Impor'd Wash Goods 8c
Five thousand yards fine imported lawns,
batistes, dimities and corded novelties not a single old
pattern in the bunch we purchased an en
tire stock at a Terr low prioe yours the
advantage values up to 35o a yard while
hey last
ran r.
r i j v kBT 11 ii 11 riv ay
Remnants Tnblo Linen 1
and Odd Napkins
A big lot to choose fromall will go
Monday at
35c & 50c on the Dollar
0 1
0 0
H. L. Doherty.. ..1 4 2 1 4 4 4 8 4-89 6
Larned 4 2 4 4 2 2 1 8 1-23 2
Doherty Starts la Strong.
The foreigner again started out like a
winner in the second aet and through Lmws, aa....
1110 1
RotMuaa. lb. . 4 10 V 1 Smith, rf.
Gear, rf 0 OlChllda. 3b 1.110
Kanoc, b.... . . . I O Owana, la-rf. 1.1(0
1 0 t 0 Klelnow, c. .. 114 1
Oratlr. o.,
Durham, of., . 1 . 0 1
Knoil, It
1 . . 0 1
Larned'a oontlnued unateadlneaa made the J,,,,"' ,"; j J J J.
Hchaub, Sb... 0 0 1
0 1.
0 111
1 0
0 0
10 0 10
0 0.00
I Turnar, lb..
I C natal). If
i Ball. aa-p.... 0 0 11
D (Iwnin n.
aoore I to 1, then the American oegan iiuiaiin, of
. .v.. v.i. im votai h n t si
ruiiouia uiv ub .vt ..." . i i Totala f SxM 1 1
Sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth games Kansas City 3 4 0 2 3 2 0 4 o 1
created almost a furor. The set finally Toledo 0 0 0 1 0 1 S 0 07
reached deuoe and four games were neces- 'Two-base hits: Owei.a (2), Nance. (2),
aary before Lamed pulled It out and evened gomVun.."
the match. base on balls: Oft German. 2: oft Alloway.
Soores In the aeoond sat: J. Struck out: By German, 1; by Ball, 1;
TT rtnwtv i i 4 K 4 1 1 0 t 4 1 R fl l-M-8 .. owB.y. o. jjouoie piay: uau to
I jirnoi tiiiiiiitiiii i 46 wwiaa to Turner. Left on bases: Toledo,
learned ..........i u e s z a 1 1 is . c,tv wna nith..
The spectators naa anotner mgnt in me jr- r h-.V-rA.
" ...I... j " .... i xv umpire; running nam.
apparent ease that It looked as If the match I ccore, secona game:
0 . 1 0 01
0 0 . . 0
.10 0
might be settled In one more set. Larned's
errors throughout were of the moat glar- I amltn, rf
Ing description and his drives out of court
were sometimes yaraa Deyona mo tines, i Klalnov. e... 0 0 . 1
Larned failed to get a game and scored Sohaub. lb., l i l i o
1.. - M I 1 1 . . .W.
VIM m yvutim. i CrlaUII. B
The score In the third set was: I Ball. aa...
nviauns II.
II. L. Doherty ;,4 4 4 ( 8 4-37-4
Larned .......0 0 1 8 4 I 10-0
After the usual rsat Lamed cams out I
0 1 . 0
o i o I i
0 1 1 1 (
4 10x10 . i
Rothfuaa. lb. ... 1 0
Oaar,. rf 0 1.00
Nance. Ib.... 0 1110
OraOr, a 0 0 . 1 0
Durham, of.. 0 1 1 0 0
Knoll, If 0 14 0 0
as.... 0 0 . . 1
McAn4'wa, lb 1 1 1 . 1
Jooua, p..... 0 0 0 1 0
xCoona out on Infield fly.
. T 11 t
and started In with renewed vigor and the Toledo . i a n i n
case witn wrucn ne won me iourm set &.ansas Ulty l 0 0 0 2 0 03
revived the hop that he might eventually I tamed runs: Toledo, 1; Kansas City, S.
null out the match. Nearly all the noints 2-b"e hits: Owens (2), Kothfuss, Gear.
- - m I ' hiaa.IkAaa kit I.aU a. - 1 .
In thla aet were made through daring place Owens, tacrlnce MtT Owen." First base
anota oown tne aiae lines ana across ine on Dans: ui install, 2; oft Coons 1
courts. In short, the whole play waa thrill- 'ruclt ,"t: Orlatall. 1; by Coons, 2.
in. throughout. Tltne: Pt: Cunningham.
Points on the fourth set were: ladtanaaoUs Twice Beats Oles.
TT It TVihertv ft 0 K 1 4 1 1 11fLiI INDIjk NAPOI.I8. Ind. Alio- ATHI.
limed 4 4 8 4 1 4 4 4 28- spoils won both games from Min.rapolis
The last set was naturally the most ex- tousy wiuiout much trouble. The last game
citing of the match and the crowd went 'hw ,ti.ln '"? 11 "n
wild with enthusiasm when Larned In lha .Zn,.: '
eighth game made the score 4 all. Then INDIAnapous.
came the unfortunate decision on Do-1 T,,, ,h
herty's servloe and after that Lamed Fox, lb 1 l .
aeemed to have but littlo life, though he 7",r; " I i ! J ?
man agon to onng the aet to deuce. Do- Jon.a, if o i l o oi
hertv. however, wod the next two aamea. I H'rOon. o... 0 0 I 0 0
.u. " . .v - : 0 . . I
uio i.u niiun anu cup, ana ne I Kibm, lb.... . 0 10 0 0
was cheered vociferously by the orowd as P-... 1 0 .
ha walked out of the court. I Totals .
Tha noints In tha last aot wan' I
H. L. Doherty .... 4 4 S J 6 4 1 5 J 5 4-tR-T SSSi!
XJUTiea 31B43Z4I348 2 4-B I ""-"'
R.H.O.A.E.I h H n i K
0 0 0 . 0 Sulllran, cf.. 1 0 0 0 0
tUHpoonar, lb.. 0 0.00
Lallr. If 0 0.00
Momtrr, it. o o l o
Yeaftr, 0.... 0 0 4 .
Oylar, aa.... 0 0 4 .0
Martin, lb... 1 1 4 . o
Williams, rf. 0 1 1 0 0
McDonald, s. 0 1 0 1 1
Vaablndar, p. 0 1 0 0 0
I lilll I
Wrenn's Games Hard ronsht.
ToUla ... . 4 .4 11
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 I
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
pans: By Kellum 4, by McDon-
u c ?ut: ' ullum fi by Mo'
- - whvm . A 7 ftJCIlUIIl D. uy AlO-
in the meantime the orowd on the other lt,
Ids of the enclosure was getting Its All luui, MoDonald. Uacrlnce hit: Hogrlever.
of excitement In the match between R. F Publ,-plaL Warcan-Fox-Klhm. Stolen
Doherty and R. D. Wrenn. Thla match 0.".:
rmm mnrA Wlu . V. .. . , . . . I 1 , . a.v , i . n '
..w.. Avui. kitati ma une in ine I .w. wuiyiitf; r orernan.
adjoining court, many of the gamea reaoh-1 Bcore, second game:
Ing deuce and the rallies being Ion and
brilliant. After the match had been made Tamaatt. b.. i
roa, lb 1
it's Disease
Diabetes News.
1 1 I VI
Hoariavar. rf. 1 1 . 0 C
Coultar, ct... 1.10 0
Jon. If 0 1.10
Woodruff, .. 1 4 1 o
Marcaa. as... 0 10 10
Klhm. lb 0 14 0 0
Vola. s 0 0 0 0 0
WJIlama, p.. 0 0 1 0 ol
. , R H.O.A.E
SulllTan, ef.. 0 0 0 0 I
8poonar, lb.. 0 1 ( t 1
Lllr. It 0 . 0 0 0
aaoimrrs, ID. 0 0 . . 0
Yaaser, 0 0 1 4 4 1
Oyler, aa 0 1 1 . o
M.nin. ib... 0 0.41
Williams, rf. 1 0 0 0 0
Tbomaa, p... 110 11
. Ilill 4
The John J. Fulton Co. of Sao Fran
Cisco, First In the World to An-
nounce the Cure and Present a
Totals ... 10 1. I li
Indianapolis 0 1 6 0 0 9
Minneapolis 0 0 10 1 02
Bases on balls: Rv Vni x xviui..,. a
Struck 0ut: By Williams 8, by Thomas 1.
lilt by pitcher: Coulter. Two-base hit:
Oyler. Sacrifice hits: Fox 2. Oyler. Double
Definite Percentage ol Recoveries EL'i "c.anw?2:!clhS' JeaJrmseit.
18 fCC tnt) and Give Out Lists ol P" n buses: Indianapolis 4. Minneapolis
the Cured. Is- Empire: Foreman. Time: 1:20.
Here ar some of the Ban Francisco r
taadlaa: of the Teams.
ooveriea. AU of them were declared by Bt. Paul .
Fnyaiciana to o incurably Ul with Brlghfa Milwaukee
Disease or Dlabetua: N. w a...i, I Louisville
President Bpauidln. Saw Co.; Adolph l"dna"0AiB
eske. founder Cal. Cracker Co.: c.ri n ,"".'ty
Played. Won. Lost.
Games today:
Kansas City at Toledo
Belle. , pioneer druggist; Chas. Engelke!
"'" rn-ucuioo journal: . m wi
editor Spirit Review r Edward hir ,1
Call; C. X. Newton, yardraaater a. p. Co I M!! ' 1?lunlb,ui Bt- Paul at Loula
8acramento); John A. Phelps. Hotel Reoe- I ' M'nneP at Indianapolis.
II... K I r m, n . . . .
iju Bieiner Bt.; Mrs
B. B. Cllne. 17S7 ilroansav ur. t '
heneU. tus FlUmor bt. UPPed St times) IJNCOitN' ,ls!'b-, A"f -(Special Tele
S J- Ma?.he'de?;' Coast Agt. ball teams, ths lstter of Omaha, played
-wau-am w.4 lis, a. -jTiusr, At- I m "'x --iiirsii4-u Bj&me i rua after
New Colored Dress Goods
at Thirty-Nine Cts. Yard
One hundred pieces full 36 Inches wide a
f very pretty lot of eolorlngs and f
- VJ Cl patterns nothing nicer for chll- J C
dren's school dresses rery cheap
at 60c a yard to open the aeaaon all go Monday at 89o a yard.
Twelve caees of new
wool drees goods on
special sale this week. WB HAVD
PRICE. In this lot you'll find the
season's latest novelties In the prettiest of patterns. The as
sortment is too big to describe in detail tha rr!oe Is not muoh
over half their actual values at 48a.
Colored Dress Goods on big bargain circle
"a 1 ; liO pieces pretty wool plaids f .
I jJ. pretty mixtures, bourett ef- I J.'lesC
w fects values are 30c to 25o a li
yard on big bargain circle, for 12H cents.
Domestics Linens, Etc.
Bed Sheets Eleven dosen very fine bed
sheets, made of the finest grades of muslins,
sizes are 72x90, 81x90 and 90x90 They are
juBt a bit soiled on the edges val- CQn
ues up to $1 your choice Monday vJOL
Table Napkins Fifty dozen b i 1 ve r
bleached homespun linen napkins f Cp
an extra fine $1.25 quality, 7......
Table Linen 66 inches wide extra
heavy silver bleached table linen EEf-i
a good 75c quality Monday, yard., yv
Towels 19x38 full bleached -huck towels,
slightly imperfect cheap at 18c Ql n
each-- Monday, each O 3W
Monster Silk Sales for Monday
One hundred nnd fifty pieces of NEW FALL SILKS worth 11.75 and $2.00 a
yard, at FIFTY-NINE CENTS. Mr. Redmond, our silk and dress goods buyer,
secured a manufacturer's sample stork st
These silks are Imported from France
were consigned to a prominent New York
house, who accepted Mr. Redmond's offer for his full line of samples, from
which the Immense stocks were purchased. Samples are the acme of careful
selections better generally than the stock. We offer this sample line of new
fall silks In lengths running from SO to 60 yards In a piece checks, stripes
plaids, granites and bourettes. Our Monday morning silk sales are hummers.
An Immense Sale Foulard Silks
and Honey-Comb Taffeta all worth $1.25 and $1.50 a yard at 48c.
Foulards will be very popular for reception gowns. W have a big lot of
these line silks, bought at a very low figure. Among them ar some very
handsome floral designs In rich colorings,
finished In exquisite embossed satin, many
of them are worth 11.50 a yard.
Honey-Comb Taffetae are new in this
market and we have them In creams, pinks, blues and linen shades. The
regular selling price of Honey-Comb Taffetas Is J1.28 a yard for one day only
we will offer both lines Foulard Silks and Honey-Comb Taffetas at 48c.
48 c
A Big Waist Sale for Monday
Fifty doaen fine wash waists In lawns, batiste, piques and madras clothi
whites ant colors, trimmed with lac and
awlss Insertions and tucks, not one that Is
worth less than TWO DOLLARS AND
Waists at One Ninety Every summer waist in our stock that sold from
K.50 to 17.00 made of the nnest wnite
HaMtau silk, dotted Swisses, linen, madras,
mulls and Persian lawns. In white and col
orsremember they are really worth from
13.60 to 17.00 MONDAY MORNING AND TILL ALL ARE GONE-at $1.90,
Waists at One
.hat sold from
Ginghams at 41 Cents Per Yard
aa..n rtrti-r ATTlt TTV II cnAv CI TI a -ra S Irt
Circle at
Mercerized Dress Novelties at 5c
Bargain Circle Monday .
Black Dress Goods
at Fifty Cents a yard
46 inch Iirilliantinesj, 42-inch all wool chev.
iots, 44-inch all wool Henriettas, 40-inch
heavy crepe Granites, 40-inch fancy M'ohairs
every yard is new goods and A Qp
worth 75c easily Monday, a yard
Black Dress Goods
at One Dollar a yard
54-inch French Venetian, 46-inch Twine
cloth, 44-inch Melrose, 45-inch English Can
vas, 53-inch English Serges, 45-inch English
Brilliantine values up to 11.50 i fS
and $1.75 yard all on sale at. .. . leVVJ
In Our Suit Department
Second Floor.
We have three white wool, Buits, one each
of voile, etamine and canvas: jacket and skirt
eilk lined throughout and prettily trimmed.
A $125.00 Suit for.e.'.,.... $48.50
A 67.50 Suit for $39.00
And a $52. 50 Suit for ... ... . $32.50
Dress Skirts Etamines, voiles, rerges and
(Sicilians, in plain white and black and white
stripes trlktmed with taffeta bands, buttons
and tucks $17.50, ?9.90, Q C
?8.95 KJ,Z7lJ
Children's Dresses A pretty line of
children's wash dresses in whites and colors,
prettily trimmed ages 1 to 4 years IIALP
PRIOE all go Monday at HALF PRICE.
Rousing Crockery Bargains
per dozen O w
Nine dozen lead-blown Tumblers, ylo
at', each Tt
Ironstone China Plates, large ' ylr
size TcC
Haviland & Co.'s white Ransom Breakfast OaTn
Plates,' each
Large Hotel Slop Jars, r
' each
One-gallon Milk Crocks,
each ...C
Bohemian decorated Glass Water Sets, A Q
?1.25 values for J.,tOC
Many new and attractive lines of imported China arriv
ing every day. Come and see our unparalleled Crockery
Bargains. Second floor.
Indian Beads
Indian Beads
Extra long Indian braided
and rope
bead chains, yj.
all colors
A magnificent square bead
chain, made in "fe CA
Mexico, very
Long white Indian
Jewelry Dept. ruin Floor.
The original
Mexican Sails
Hammocks. . .
Our Cut Price
Drug Dept.
These are rock-bottom prices. You
cannot go one better on these.
Carter's Little Liver
mils IOC
Allcock's Porous Plasters -4 r
2 for 25c each IOC
Cost or la we sell the rtg
Hire's Root A g-
Beer IOC
California Byrup of A f
Figs fiUC
Btunrt's Dyspepsia a g
Tablets .... HtxJC
Mennen's Talcum
Powder lAmtQ
Duffy's Malt QCT,
Whiskey OuC
Llsterlne rtn
75c and vUC
Plnkham's Vegetable TE?
Compound A OC
Horllck's Malted Milk- A
$3.15, 75c and 4liC
at Cut Prices
V A Large
1 nt
L Jj
for the
Price of
a Smal
Has 8 walls
of asbestos
and charcoal
filling the
grade box on
the market,
47, 34 and 20 in., holds one hun
dred pounds of i A QEst
ice, price .llOU
In Hardware
Department We
Will Sell Monday
A Xo. 8 Granite Tea (kAr
Kettle for .VJtk
A 2-qt. Granite Pre
serving Kettle lV-IL
A 3-qt. Granite Pre- 1 Qn
serving Kettlo xzs
A 5-qt. Granite Pre- Of p
serving Kettle .-aWTw
A 2-qt Granite OOr
Coffee Pot sWVL'
A lj-qt'. Granite Oat- A Clri
meal Cooker for
TT 4U mr- Better values than
Hfl IT 1 1 T ft ever we make prices
A Ull,WA that induce lively
buying buying here involves a saving of time and
economy and the assurance of the best in styles finish
and construction. Here are some rare bargains for this
week you'd better see the goods, they tell the story
better than we can .
16-inch top Parlor Table for 59c
Large Comfort Rattan Rocker for 3.35
A Four Twenty-eight Ladles' Rattan Swing Rocker for 2.96
An Eight Dollar Solid Golden Oak Chiffonier for 5.2 S
Big bargains In odd dressers at $9.90, $11.98, $12.25, $13.25 and up.
An Eleven Dollar Couch, beautifully upholstered for.... 7.28
Steel Folding Bed Couch, each 5.98
ROCKING CHAIRS By far tha biggest assortment and grtatest values Ex
tra fine bargains In large arm comfortable rockers, wood seat, Oft
hand polished rockers, worth up to $5.60 Monday $3.60, $3.33 and ..sMeO
Sideboards Never better bargains than these solid golden Q
crk sideboards $16.75, $15.85, $14.85 and
Corner Roman Chair worth six dollars Monday 3 98
Iron Beds! Iron Beds!
Our entire line of new Iron Beds on
sale. We have Juat tha bed you are
All sizes
All Finishes.
All at money-saving
Over one hundred and thirty-eight
patterns to choose from.
Bargains on Table No. 1
Art Department, 2d Floor.
Brlc-a-Brac In all woods suitable
for pyrography that sold up to 35c,
Napkin Rings,
Needle boxes,
Match boxes,
Pin trays,
Pin cushions,
Mexican hats,
Etc.. etc.
Cute Varied Unlq ue Pretty.
See our immense attractions in Pic
tures and Picture Frames.
A one dollar Etching for.
Bargains in
..jiiiiii iii .j.iii . ., ..u , j ff mi a I P . '.a Ssp mjftf
torosy, KM Wm Bu; Wm. Hide. Real UitaLa I noon.n !' city, the capital city Christian
H ttansoma BU. Mrs. C C 7?!.' r1.1"1' by , core ' 1- he Omah
MrchaiT tliTllunra) Tol Wm laJki?:- f a ,?V,r1 We",,ct.d h,, hammered
JJ. Wu.rtwma.wr 'a eDaVtm.nt .KJ.PJ?" ''.
wacker, Menhant. lii sm ml iiTT I L 1Z . na tooa
a .w a wiiai ecvincu lu isn aa r immunn na laa.i
f other, 'bum. were at d.atS".rt"ir??!! Jh? .vJ.!l""L.r""f , h? "'nth "inning
ul on the compounds, but mVn I 'l'a "Y" v5?J"yt,.ul OI lnB do11 "corlnK
tril. That uianv i. in .T I, I lnrom run., jnorinmaon was SUDstltuted,
ilZr tJZL.Vtl. Wo'r ln lrem' may I with second and third bases oocuDle.1 .mi
had bean
"udu d!i.m,ovra o nobidy out ind the next
M.&h.'i! "era reUreKa In order. The
,han,aX.?. ? Htlo
' . ...... v. uiihi m lor last Interviews
ndv rvred who were in a aut,
of atsolute coma. VD
i,.. wft bout tT per cent of all cases
ct Blight s Wsease and Utabatea. nere?S!
f"1? Ju-'Uvly hirurable. are now curable
."m.""7.1L0V.",D0Un'J- The
free. Wa hav- ju.t stahllshid diwlt fn
your city wh.r vOU m nni "uTw
r.ound. and pampnleu. ,1,; Bhermin
Ka.- w- Cor. utb and
three batsmen
acore :
. . R.H.E.
1 8 14 S
0 0 17 11 T
Batteries: Cronly. Thorciimson ani
Smith for Toung Men's Christian Associa
tion: Knight and Hathawav for Ulrni
Btrurk out: By Cronly 7, by Thorgrlmson L
by Knight 1. Wild pitches: Crouly i.
MeCerd.BraSy's Wia.
Ths McCord-Brsy base ball team de
feated the Paxton Gallaghers on tha
diamond at Thirty-seventh and California
streets yesterday afternoon by a s-ore of
I to 7. Batteries: Mc-Cord-Brsdy, Oray and
Mrown; f aJLlun uauagner. vorwald sad
UoweU. s
Booiety Turni Oat in Luge Hamben and
ivnt ii rrononooaa oaooeai.
Poverty, Maud I svad Toaltaa Are
AmonaT Horaes that Drstlngalab.e4
TbemselTes SehedmAe of
Yesterday's racing matinee la accounted
tha most successful that tha Omaha Driv
ing Park association has given. Tha crowd
waa large and greatly Interested and scat
tered through the grandstand and ln trapa
and carryalla and tallyhoa ovsr tha pad
dock. It waa aoclety day from tha gen
eral appearances. The program waa very
well arranged and everything went off
without any confusion or great delay. Tha
horses, too, were well matched and gave
several very pretty and close heats.
One of the best races of the day was
the second in class B. Poverty cams In
third ln the first two heats and then made
a splendid race in tha third heat, winning
by halt a length. The next heat she car
ried herself prettily, but was passed a
quarter of the way down and clung to
tha tall of Mable L. all down the back
atretch, creeping up to within a noaa at
tha end of ths heat.
Voallae Makes Good Showing?.
Fred Nash's Vonllne made a great allow
ing in tha class D race and took tha two
first heats, lesding the feld all of the way.
Vonllne has been driven by Mr. Nash for
the last seven years and for tha last two
years has been tha family bores. The last
race he entered Vonllna and raced
horse for the first time.
The results of the races are
Class E m
Mtrhael Angelo, b. g. (M. A. Weath
erbee) Bell (T. C. Byrne)
pollie. g. m. (W. A. Rath)
Lucy Two Step, a. m. 10. S. Moore)..
Class JJ
Vonllne (Fred Nash)
Rocker, g. g. (J. UIHrance)
Chantwood b. m. KU llurke)
Bayman (Ed BurkeJ
Class C
Rose M, bL m. (J. Johnson)
Princess, b. m. (C. F. Reed)
Oray KM. g. g. (Kid Mullen)
Class a
Roy F, br. g. (F. J. Campbell)
Mable U ch. m. (O. O. Uray)
Poverty, a. m. (W. C. Russell)
Class A
Blusen. br. g. C. C. Kendall)
Tony W, b. g. (W. A. McKay).
1 1
2 2
t 3
3 S 3
Black Hawk, bl. g. (R. A. Thomp
son) :
Judges: V, F. Lapp, Fred Johnson,
El. iJillrance. Timers: Henry Dunn, J.
Byrne, M. L Leonard.
Goad Time ts Made Despite the Heavy
Track Caused by Friday's
TEKAMAH. Neb.. Aug. 8. (Special Tele
gram.) The balance of the program of the
race meeting was pulled off at this place
this afternoon with 2.000 people on the
grounds. Jessie M sold a favorite all the
way through the 2:17 pace and won wjta
ease. In the (-year-old trot Wilbur was
also an aaav winner and after the first
heat won tha next two without any
trouble. In the 2:22 pare Anawlll had
everything Ita own way. Summaries:
1:1 pace, purse 1300:
Star Oneida, jr., bl. a. (Star
Miss Nutwood Allerton, b. m. (Al-
Babby Qooden, s. s. (McKoberts)..
Vllbar. br. s. (Escobar)
King Airy, br. s. (Norval King)....
Drift Allerton, b. s. (Allerton) ...
Time: 2:364, 2:344. 2:S41A.
2:22 pace, purse S:sou:
Henrietta, b. m. (Hugh Patten)....!
Annawlll. b. m. (Andersonlan) 1
Mack Boy, b. g. (McRoberts) 8
Hen Tell. br. a. (t'ntraced) 7
Samandie, ch. s. (Semicolon) 4
Alluboard. b. s. (Almoner)
Fred li, b, g. (Alhambra) 3
Rubber Neck, s. g. (Free Coin
age) 6
Time: 2:21W. I:21V4. 2:2114, 2:2SH.
Whllo the track was ralher heavy from
yesterday's rains, yet very good time was
made and everybody was well satisfied
with tha race meet.
4 3 16
4 6 I d
1 t
.3 4 7
Yankee Boy. a. m.
Trilby, a. g. m. (Comet Allen)...
Harry Kvans. b. it. (Wen. Kvana)
Joule M. b. m. (Norval Chief) 2 1 1
Time: 2:20. :J2t. 2:24. :2l.
t 40. 3-year-old trot, purse 10:
Wllmore, ch. s. (Conqueror) 3 T
Fern W. eli. at. (Louis Wilkes) 1
Oqv. Bryant, b. a. iTha lmprsa.
"Pttteborg Phil" Nets 40,000 Whea
Aristocracy Captures Sara,
toga Special.
NEW YORK. Aug. 8. The features of to
day's races were the Travers stake for
$10,000 for S-year-oMs at one mile and a
furlong, inn ine Mraidca special aor
ear-olils at five and a half furlongs. Ada
Nay won the Travers by six lengths from
Reliable. It was reported that "Pittsburg
Phil" won I40.mi on Aristocracy, the ai-to-1
shot winner of the Saratoga special by two
lengths, liroomstirk was second, a head
ln front of Stalwart. Results:
First, seven furlongs: Mermls won. Major
Dalngertield second, Stamping Ground
third. Time: 1:2W. .
Second, steeplechase handicap, full
course: Tankard won, Wool Gatherer sec
ond. Time: 6:21- , , m . v ia
Third. Saratoga special, fla and a half
furlongs: Aristocracy won, Broomstick
second Stalwart third. Time: 1:11S-
Fourth, mile and a furlong, the Travers
slake: Ada Nay won. Reliable second,
Ulmcrack third. Time: 1:57.
Fifth, five and a half furlongs, selling:
The Iidy Rhodesia won. Bailor Knot sec
ond. Kxeentral third. Time: llOH-
Sixth, mile, selling: Rostand won, Gold
bell second, Oottsge Maid third. Tims:
CHICAGO, Aug. . Results:
First, sU furlongs: floral Wreath won.
Dutch Carter second, Christine A. third.
Time: 1:16.
Second, four end a half furlongs: Clifton
Forge won. Fred Leppert second. Don
Domo third. Time: 0:5j?.
Third. Chicago stakes, mile: Pick Welles
won. Toah second, Bragg third. Time:
Fourth, six furlongs: A. D. Gibson won,
Skilful second, Tho Giver third. Time:
1 'Fifth, five furlongs: The Kentucklan
won. Bards second, liardolph third. Time:
114. '
ST. LOt'IS, Aug. 8.-Results:
First, six furlongs, selling: Miss Ouldo
won, Reducer second, One More third.
Time: 1:16.
Second, live and a half furlongs, selling:
Tom Klley won. Doctor Cartledge second,
tiappy Hooligan third. Time: l:10l4.
Third, mile and seventy yards, selling:
Noweta won, Bind I second, Morris Vollmer
third. Time: 1:474.
Fourth, six furlongs. Ozark selling stake:
Mafutda won, Mngnoiln second, Mildred I
third. Time: 1:17V.
Fifth, mile and a sixteenth, purse: Orris
won. Lasso second, Orpheum third. Time:
Sixth, mile and a sixteenth, soiling: Pi
rate won. Light Opera second, B. Gates
third. Times 3:04. .
Seventh, seven furlongs, selling: Ana N.
won. Orleans second, lfobart third. Time:
Armoars Beat Field Clob.
At ihM Vleld elnh vrounds yesterday
afternoon the Armours won through the
t Itching of Adams. Nine or the rieia ciuu
atstnen struck out, and only Ave scat
tered lilts were secured by them. Tho
,core: Rir.E.
Armours 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-8 13 4
Omsha F. C 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0-3 6
H.tterlea: Armours. Adams and O'Keefe:
Omaha Field club, Davidson and Martin.
Webster City Wist from Vlmtoa.
WEBSTER CITY, Ia., Aug. 3. (Special
Telegram. With Ted Green In the box,
Webster City won from the Vinton team
thla afternoon by the score of to 1. The
visitors got but one hit off the Invincible
Ted. The same teams will ploy tomorrow
st Lehigh, when a special excursion will
be run from this city.
Crostoa aad Clarloda Break Evea.
CRK8TON, Ia., Aug. 8 (Special Tele
fram. Creston and Clarinda broka even
here today, Creston winning tha first gams
by a score of 6 to 0 and Clarinda tha sec
ond by a score of 6 to 2. Three home runs
were made in the first cunt. Nona of the
Clarinda players reached second base In the
flmt game and could rot find Corn, tho
new Creston pitcher. Batteries: Creston,
Corn, Ward and Corbett: Clarinda, Howie.
Meekenson and Depew. Umpire: Golden. .
Argonauts Crack Oarsmen.
ST. CATHARINES, Ont.. Aug. 8. Tha
St. Catharines Henley was continued today
with the following result.: Junior doubles,
finals: Argonauts flrat; time, 7.43. Junior
singles, finals: J. E. Coliaon, Hamilton,
won: time. H:17; Craig, Detroit, upaet and
swam ashore. Intermediate fours: Argo
nauts won; time, 7:18. Intermediate
eights: Argonauts first; time, 7:06. Inter
mediate doubles: Argonauts first; time,
Victory for Bakers.
The Baker Furniture company team took
a game from the Doup Mattress boys Sat
urday afternoon on the diamond at Twenty,
seventh street snd Ames avenue by a score
of 18 to 11. Batteries: Baker, Barker and
Latsch; Doup, lienllck and Hall.
Defeader Takes First It are.
TORONTO. Aug. 8. Strathcona, tha de
fender, today won by a quarter of a minute
In the first of the races for the Canada's
cup. I
!& Headachy
EL take af9w
No heart depressant or narcotic, bat a
0ro clearer and tlmnaeh ulllrr ; It brings
the liver and bowels Into health j action.
Vud ay Amrru-an pkytutatu axarfy a yaara.
oe. aaa I , at bragsuu e b stall Iron
THE TAR KANT CO, 21 Jay Street, New Verh