THE OMAHA DAILY IlEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. 1003. 9 V " I If ( 1 CIASIS JUMP OS PHILLIES TA a Ooaple'of Gamei by H o Work en Home Groaad. BARRY'S FINE HI1TING WINS SECOND Visitors' Hot Fielding Make Ip (or Mathereson'e Wllrtnea and Aids Taylor's ftplendld Tnlrlers, Which Come Later. NEW YORK. Aug. ?.-New York took both camet today. In neither context did tht visitor, show to sny great advantage, their play being alow. Mathewson waa wild, but Taylor pitched a fine game, nnd Barry', hittlnt waa the feature of the see ond fame, tie made a safe drive each time be came to the bat. Attendance, 10,12. Core, first tame: KBW YORK. . PHILADELPHIA. M 11.0. A. 8 H M O. ... Brawn, rr... 1 II J Thomaa, ef..t I preaa'h'a. tit I I 1 (Union, Ik.. 1 I Mcnna, t . t I 11 I woit't a, lb. I I I tn. It.... lilt C'Kttr. ft... t 1 I Bakb. a t ill C Barrr. If.. . J I i Dunn, Ik.... till rl'ouaJeM, Ik. t i f Gllkert, lb... t I i Iiililtt. . I I Wrhr, j 111 4 tiiti, c 0 I 1 auih'wa, . i I I .Limslebf, b. I t I t i : i Tt1t ...111 It I ll Total ... I 114 14 I New York 0 4 I 1 0 0 7 Philadelphia 10 14 10 10 0-1 Earned runs; New York. 2; rhllad-'l-phla, 2. Left OH bnse.: New Tot k, ; f hlladalphla, 8. Two-base hits: Harry, Rrnanahnn. Hahh, Mntliewnnti. Btolen base: Ullliert. Sacrifice hit: Ulessort. First base on errors: New York. 1; Philadelphia, L rirst base) on balls: off Mathewson. D; off Duggleby, 8. Hit by pitched ball: Ry tJugglehy, 1. Struck but: Py Mathewson, 10. Time: 1:M. Umpire: Hurst. Score, second game: NKW YORK. , PHILADELPHIA. R If O A B . R H O At Brown, rt... 1 4 I 0 ethftm. ef.. 1 Brem'lTB, ef 1 1 t I U Oleaann, 2b . euns, Ik., C j II Wnle t s, b. t Vmn, it... I I t o t K'lftir. rr... B. a 1 1 e I I Harrr. It... Irn.n, lb.... f III o liointlaea, lb Ollkert. lb., till k'Huiawltt. tm Waraar, ... I T t Imnln. ... Tajlw. ..., a I 1 mt.hell. b. , . . H.lml ...0 0 TeUlt . .. I I IT 19 I 1 Totals ... I 1 II IS I Hatted for Mitchell In ninth. New ork 1 M I I I I M Philadelphia 1 6 0 0 9 1 0 0 6-2 Earned runs: New York. 3; Philadelphia, 1. Left on bises: New York, 6 Philadel phia, 7. Three-base hits: McQann. liabl). Sacrifice hits: Uleasnn. Btolen Pases-Browne-, Gilbert (2i. Thomas. Kelster. Lmoln. First base on errors: Philadelphia. 2. First on bells: Off Tsylor, 1: off Mitchell, 6. Hit by pitched hull: By Tsylor. 1: by Mitchell, I. Struck out: By Taylor. 7; by Mitchell, I. Time: 1:10." Umpire: Hurst. Danltn Aide Cincinnati's Victory. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 7,-St. Iritis' Inability to hit at opportune times cost them the game today. McFarland was hit hard, eleven hits, Including four triples and a home run, being marie off his delivery. Mike Dunlin batting was the feature, a home run and a, triple being hie batting work of the day. Attendance, 3.134. Score: CINCINNATI. I ST. LOUIS. R H O A K. R.H.O.A.K. Donlta. If. 110 iVarrell. lb... 111 Seymour, ef. I I Donovaa, rf. ( I Dolaa, rf-tf,. 1 "moot, rf.... 9 till Parkier, lb. . j It 1 Drain, e....j 4 14 1 StalDt'dt. lb. f 0 1 i 1'arrlar. If..i lilt I'.lr, Jb I lit tlmrk. lb.... 4 1 t i Corcorn. a. i 1 1 14 I Hackett. lb. I t 11 1 t flftl. i I I 1 ll O Nail, till) Sulhnff, a.... t I 0 MrFarl'e, . 1 t I t Ewlng, rf.... t 0 t xDunlesey .. t t t 1 Totals ... 4 11 ai ll Total .. I I It II I Batted for O'Nell In ninth Ir.ning. Cincinnati 00012000 1-4 St. Louis 110000000-1 Earned funs: Cincinnati, t. Three-base hlta: Don 11 n, Daly, Corcoran, Pelts. Home run: Donlan. Sacrifice hit: SuthorT. Double play: Bmoot to Farrell to O'Nell. Passed 4)8118: Pelts, 1. Stolen bases: Daly, O'Nell. Wlld pitch: Buthoff Struck out: By MoFarland, 4; by Suthoff, I. Left on baaes; St. Louis, 6; Cincinnati, B. Time: l.U. Umpire: O Day. Broaklyat 'Vldea wltfc Boaten. BOSTON, Aug. 7. Brooklyn won the flrat Same of a double-header from Boston to ay. but lost the second, 6 to 3. Boston made the flrat game exciting by tying a seemingly hopeless (score in the ninth, but Malarkey was easy In the extra Inning, whereas Uarvln braced. The locals bunched their hits along with roor playing by Flood toward the end of ha second game. Williams waa trild, but Brooklyn threw away the chnnc-es he gave by heedleas base running. Dobbs and Mo Croery tnade good catches In the flel 1. Boston fielded cleverly in both game. At tendance, t,l20. Score, first game: BROOKLYN. I BOSTON, R H O it H.a.O.A.B. Strang, Ik... t I 1 rmtly. if.,.. 1 I t Sbrckare. If. 4 I tTannay, III... t lit 1 t pabba, at.... lilt, rf.. t t I t Lsyl. lb.... I 1 11 1 IfiniK, rf... 0 I I t I Dahlan, a... till o Koran, e I I 1 I I Mr('rry. rt 4 t 1 t t'Ab'tlrhlo. Ibl j I I I Fl4. lb.... t 1 1 t Orm'sr. Ib Rlltrr, tilt VAnbrtr. ... 01114 Oarvla, .... till rittlnCrr, . I it 4 t I Malarkar, . t 4 t t t Tetalt 4 11 10 11 t!xleitr 1 t t t t IiiWi, llama . t t t I Total ... 4 11 M It t X Batted for Mslarkey In ninth, sa Batted for Plttlnger in ninth. Brooklyn 01I00000! Boston 0100000010-4 Esrned runs: Boston, 1; Brooklyn, I. Stolen baaes: Tenney, Copley, Sheckard. .'Double play: Strang to Flood to Doyle 1 First base on balls: Off Plttlnarer. : nff AOarvin, I: off Malarkey. S. Hit by pitched sa nan: Moran. i:a nucn: :00. Umpire: Emelie. SiArA Ann. vama Plttlnger. Time: BOSTON. BROOKLTN. H.H.O A.E R.H.O.A.B. Coly, If ... 1 1 I t I I t t'Strant. lb. 1 I I I I Tnnr, Ik.. I tanlor, of.. I Crar, rf... 1 Moran, a t Ab'tlahl. Ib t Oram'tar, lb t tl Shack-. It. 1 t Dooba, of..., t Otoyle. lb.... t Dahlan, ... 1 MrCrar. rt t 1 1 t I VI 1 t t 1 I t t I I 1 t I t 4 I 1 ii tiPloo4, lb.... C Jarklltacb. . t lRldy, Auoray. as... t Williams, f. I e Totala ... ( Hill t' .Total ... I III I 1 Boaton 10000014 - Brooklyn 100010t 1-4 Earned ruha: Boston, 4; Brooklrn, 1. Two-baae hits: Moran, Strang, Sheckard, Jackiltsch. Btolen bases: Doyle, McCreery. Fliat baaa on balla: Off Williams t: off Keldy, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Wil liam. Dohbs. Dah fen ; by iReldy, Moran. Struck emu By Williams, 1. Pasaed ball: Jar-klltseh. Wild pitch: Willlama. Time: l.W. Umpire: Emalle. Blaaatlatl of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. T P xiiiauurs a vi 00 tl .633 57 S .f93 tl 3 .Fpl 49 44 .R27 43 4 .4KS 37 60 .: 34 59 . 3'jJ 31 60 .341 Chicago W New lork . H9 Cincinnati ... Brooklyn .... Boaton St. Louis .... Philadelphia ... n ... 88 ... K7 ... S 91 names today: Brooklyn at New York: Boaton at Philadelphia; Pittaburg at Chi cago: Cincinnati at St. Louis. Gersnaalewa Wlas. OERMANTOWN, Neb., Aug. 7. (Spe cial.) The locals won the game here yes terday with Mllford. Score: Oermantown 1 0 0 1 0 S 0 J Mllford 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Batteries Weaterhoff, Harrison and iiltchel; Norton and Michaels. Lexlagtea M'laa at Coaad. COZAD. Neb., Aug. 7. (Special Tele gram ) The ball game here this afternoon between Lexington and Coxad reaulted in ecore of I to 3 In favor of Lexington. Batterlee: Lexington. Bills and Walker; Coaad, Henry ami Atkinson. Webster, City win raat flame. WEBSTER CITY, la., Aug. T (Speclsl Telrgram.) The faatest game of baseball In this city for some time waa played thia afternoon with the Vinton team, and re- H. Maw i'owaiaar c3 suited In a victory for the locals, 4 (o 1 It waa a pitcher' tattle all through, and earn hnd errorless support. Thi work ef both waa phenimtnal. The ecore: Webster City 1 i t 1 I I M H Vinton 0 0 I 0 5 0 01 Batterlee Webtef City. Boyle end White, Vinton, Stlllman and Adams. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Loalsyllle Tramplea on Leader, PH lag If Eight to ft. Paul's Tare. LOflSVILLE. Ky., Aug. 7.-The local oulblaved the leaders todar end won the flret gnme of the series. Walker held the visitors snfe st all times. A stop by Oeler and a catch by Hart were features. At tendance, f.roo. Score t LOLI8VILLK ST. PAUL. . n h o a rt ! R.u.o A,g. garwin. rf... 1 4 i I sneler, lb.... 1 1 I f 1 Hart. If...,,. I 1 I I I Sh.nao. rf. 0 I I I 1 Dmihaar, lb. t I I I (Jik.on. rf.. t t t t Oilwall, vt ... t I I I 'S-titr!T, aa. I 1 1 I I S S 'n, Ib. I I tl Pl.rr. Ik... til t Ihrlerar, .. ( I 1 I Flournny, If. i 4 I 0 I White, lb.... it Whlar. Ib. I i i i I Oulalas, a., till C.J. g ran, i., i I i Walker, ... I 0 I I t-Charh. t 1 i 1 I Tetalt ... I 14 17 II V fntale ..."t "t T Louisville 8 0 114 10 10-3 St. Paul , 0100030 0-3 Earned funs: Louisville. 1. Twrt-hrtsa hits: S. Sullivan. Odwell, Bharhofi. Home run: Hrasheflr. Btolen base: White. Sac rifice hits: flchrlever. Hart First b on balls: Off Waiker, 3: off Chech, 1. Struck out: By Walker, 3: by Chech. 4. Passed bulls: J. Bulllvcn (J). Left on bases: Louis ville, 9: Bt Paul, 7, Time of game: l:lio. Umpire: Mullane. Bretvere Defeat Colambwe. COLfMBl'S. O., Aug. 7.-MllWauke de feated Columbus today In n fnst game. It was a pitcher's battle snd ElUott had a shade the better of It. though he allowed onrt more hit thsn Wagner. Cllngman's error In the eighth proved cosily to the locals.. Attendance, 3.S35. Score: MILWAt'KER. , COLUMDt'R. R.H.O.A.Bl RHAE Arhaltey. fb . t t I t t Mnrriaaey, If t I I t t Dnhahu. lb. t 11 I llnsman, u t I 1 t I Wo4, I I 4 I 1 Smith, rf ...I I I I I I'mUilb, Ik, I 1 i I IKaymar, lb.. 1 I I 4 I OinlfT, rf... 0 1 Oliamnn, rf.. t 1 I I t UunlKTr. If. 1 0 4 t tMallirr, lb... I t 11 1 t H-mphlll. el. i t 1 t Turner, Ik... t t I I t Vlni, sa t 1 t I 4 Tow, ti t t 1 i t Klllott, p.... Oil lWiir, B... 1111 Total! ... I t IT 14 ll Total ... I 7 M 14 i Mllwnukea 00001111 I Columbua 01100100 03 Earned runs: Columbus. 2; Milwaukee. 3. Stolen bases: Hemphill (2). Dunleavy (2). Two-base hits: Smith. Wood. Struck out: By Wagner, 3; by Elliott. 4. First base on balls: Off Wagner. 3: off Elliott, 1. Wild Pitch: Elliott. Hit by pitched ball: Vlox. Priseel ball: Wood. Time of game: 1:54. Umpire: Haskell. Oles Lose Spiritless Otic. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 7.-No particular interest was taken in the opening game with Minneapolis today, the attendance being small. The home team took the lead from the eecond Inning and the gnme to the end was somewhat Spiritless. Attend ance. 54S. Score: INDIANAPOLIS t MINNEAPOLIS. R H O A I n .H .O A H. Tamaett, 8b.. t t t I IjSulllran, ef. 1 1 1 6 V Fm. lb till liSpnnnar, lb.. 0 I If 1 0 Hnarlarer. ill I I 1 I Lallr. if 1 1 Coulter, rf... 1 1 I llMrlntrr. Ib 1 1 I I Jonr. If lilt tlTeaser, r.,.. t 1 I I Hejrdnn, r... I 1 I ! llOylrr, tilt! Marran. aa,. lilt liMartln, lb... t t 0 t I Klhm. lb.... 1 in 0 W.lllimi, rf. I I I Newlln, ... t I t I ujStlmniel, p.. 1114 4 Total ... T 11 IT 11 t Totala ... 4 M is i TndlafapollS 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 7 Minneapolis 0 I 1 0 0 0 3 0 04 Bases on balls: By Sllmmell. 4: bv New. lln. 4. Struck out: By Stlmmell, 1; by Newlln. 3. Wild pitch: Stlmmell. Sacri fice hits: Klhm, Sullivan. Double plavs: Mnrcan to Fox to Klhm; Marcan to Klhm. Stolen bases: Coulter. Fox. Passed ball: '-T-ydon. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 3; Minneapolis, s. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Williams ana oacuonaia. Kiwi Bat Oat Victory. TOLEDO, 0 Aug. T. Kansas City batted out a victory today, McGill waa Ineffective at critical momenta. Attendance, Score: KANSAS CITY. I TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.K. I a u n a a Roth fun. ef. I I I t Ojdmlth, if..... t 1 I t t uar, n i i i i vi'nud, ib... lilt Nanr, b.... till 1 Owan. of.... 1 I I 1 Orady, lb.... 3 I Klelnow, e..l I It Butler, .... I t t Olarhaub, Ib... 1 1 1 I Knoll, If 1 1 4 J'Tiirner, lb... 0 1 I 1 lyaaw. ..,, ill ttrriatall. rf.. lit Taaenra'r, Ib 1 t lllall, aa 4 t I I McAnd'a. Ib. 1 1 M Olbaoo. p.... Still 1 1 OjMcOlil, p t t Ttalt ... t it IT it l Totals ..11 lTxH t V xTurner forced out on strikes. Kansas City 03003104 1-15 Toledc 000011400 ( Earned runs: Toledo, 4; Kansas City 8. Two-base hits: Chllds, Klelnow, Cwena. Smith, Orady (!), Butler (2), Lee we, Qeo Nance, Knoll, Hothfuss. Home runs: C'ris tall, Olbson. Stolen bases: Crlstall, Lee we. Struck out: By McUill, t; by ,hon, . Flrat base on balls: Off MeOlll. S; off dlb son. 4. Double plays: Schsuh to Chllds to Turner, Gear to Iewe, Butler to Nance. Left on bases: Toledo. 11. Kansas Cltv, a. Hit by pitched ball: Schnub, Knoll. Time 9f game, 3:15. Umpire: Cunnlnghum. ttandlnv of tbo Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C. St Paul .... Milwaukee . LcUlevllle .. Indianapolis Kansas City Columbus ., Minneapolis Toledo 6 64 33 85 44 45 45 63 63 .6C7 .00 .. 91 .. 94 .. 95 .. 89 7 .. .. 94 67 60 60 44 39 38 S3 .0,13 .6.(1 .191 .43 ,5o 69 Games today Kansaa f?itv si TnUrir, Milwaukee at Columbus. St. Paul at Louis- mi", jniiiuvupuus ai inaianapous. GAMES IN WESTERN LEAGUE Millionaires Take Last from Mllwaa kee la tbo Eleventh Inniagr. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 7.-Mllwaukee lost the last game of the series to Colords Springs in the eleventh Inning, when the visitors scored three runs. Score) Colo. Springs 0000010000 36 7 1 Milwaukee 0000100000 03 I 1 Batteries: Milwaukee. Volendorf and Lu cia; Colorado Springs, Villlman and Dorn. Peoria to Protest. PEORIA. Aug. T. Denver won today's game by 8 to 0 by bunching hits In ths sey enth and eighth Innings. Captain Wllsin will protest the game on account of a re versed decision by Umpire Berryhlll, who allowed Caputln Delehanty to ieume pi ly after he had been ordered from the tiold Attendance, 1,000. Score: R.H.E. DenVef ,0 0 0 0 0 1 1 C 3 1) 0 Peoria 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 4 0 Batteries: Peoria, Friend and Wilton; Denver, Barber and Schlel. Postponed (lanies. At Kansas City-Kansas City-Omaha game postponed; rain. ' At St. Joseph St. Joseph-De Moines game postponed; rain. gtaadlnit of the Teams. ' Milwaukee Hi 63 38 Colorado Springs.... M M 33 Kansas City M 4 40 St. Joseph bi 43 40 Peoria 63 41 47 Denver H7 4 47 Des Moines 87 39 48 Omaha M 33 63 . .Iti .in . .46) .3ai Games today: Omaha at St. Joseph, pfiiver at Milwaukee, Colorado Springs at Peoria, Dee Moines at Kanaas City. GAMES IN "AMERICAN LEAGUE Braaeaters Dladala Phillies' Twtstere, Tablag Last of Rerlee Vfl'h Lase. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. T. -Boston batted Philadelphia hard today and easily won the concluding game of the series. The fielding of both teams was again of a high order. Attendance, 11, '.'SI. Score: , BOSTON PHILADELPHIA. R.U.OAB.' RHOAC Dousb'tr. If. I 1 1 I Hoffman. It . l a I Collin, lb... till flcaerlol. cf t t 4 I . gtahl. cl. 1 I M I Dei. lb ... t I 11 t t rTMU41, ri.AT 1 1 V IL. I TO. b. t t t 1 I Paraot, a. . I 4 11 4 llj. lb..... t t 1 t La banr. Ill lit t Par. bold, rf.. 1 I I 4 t I ma, ib. .. ? f purpay. Ik.. I I t t M rroa. nufaaa p .. 1 s I B roaara, Plaak. ..... i 1 1 i B t t t I is. p t t t I t Total ...11 li IT It 4 H.Oaekan, I I Total. ... it IT It J Boston I I I I U I I 111 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 t 1 Earned run: Bostr.n, 4; Ph'.ladlphla, I. Two-base hits: 'Dougherty. Collins (t, C. fitslil. Parent. Davis Hi. 65crlttv:e 1,11a: 1 C'haiice. Ferris (ill. Double pl.iys: Cflllus m reins id i.ainame, nujhel to la Chance. Left on bases: Boaion. 7: Phlia- tlelphia, 8. I'lrsl base on balls: Off Hughes. 1: off Plank. I. Hit by pitcher: By Me tieeban, L Btmck tmtl B Plana, 1; by McGcehaa. 1. Wild ritches: By Plank. 1; by Mctieehan, 1. Time: t;W. Umpire: HassetL Donklo Loses Last Oar. WASHINGTON, Aug. T.-Dunkle's tnU erable box work before be was taken out permitted New York to win today s game and capture the whole series. Howell was batted freely by the home team, but the good fielding of the visitors kept the score down. Attendance, 1,06. Score: NEW YORK. WAIHINOTON. K.M.O.A.E. II U O.A B. Conroy, Ib... lilt t Moran, aa... 1 I I t 1 Kalr, rf... lilt t Hyan, of t lit Elbtrteld, . i t i 4 triirka, lb... t 1 11 i 4 William, lb I I I ttelbath, If., t Mil Fu.t.. of 1 1 Q i iu. rf 1 1 f I Tannthlll, ef CoshllB. Ik, 1 t 1 I t Oant.l, lb ... 1 111 1 tMrtcrk. Ib. t 1 I I I M K'arl t. If I I I Klttre4f. Bevlll. r. ... 1 4 4 L'unkl. p....t t 4 4 0 Howell, p... lilt tOrtk, p Ill Tot! ...It 11 n It "' Tetllt ...""ltTll 1 New York 01111010 010 W ashlngton 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 04 Earned runs: Washington, 4; New York, 4 Two-base hits: Coughlln, Moran, Con roy. Three-baae hits: Coughlln. Moran, McFsr'and. Conroy. Double playi Conroy to Williams to Qanseli. Bases on balls: Off Dunkle, 1; off Orth, 1. Hit by pitcher! balls: Moran, Keeler. Struck out: By Dunkle, 1; by Orth, 8; by Howell, J. Left on bases: Washington, ; New York. 1. Time: 1:61. Umpire: Sheridan. Cleveland Gives Detroit a Game. CLEVELAND, Aug. 7. Errors predomi nated In today's game and Cleveland made Detroit a present of the game. Attend ance, 1,407. Score: DETROIT. . CLEVELAND R H O A K R.H O.A.B. Barrett, ef... l t o'Fllet, rf 1 I t 4 Luah, If I 1 1 Bay, ct t t Crawford, rf, I I Biatley, lb., 11144 Carr, lb 1 1 T I 0: Lajoi. Ib... 1 I t t Courtney, . 1 i f t whKkns, lb. t 11 t M'Oulr., e. . I i I 1 llMct'erthy, If t 0 t Jeaier, lb... t l 1 j liAbbott, o.... 1 1111 Smith, ib.... 4 t I 1 rlnovhn'sr, . t I I I Kltaon, p.... t t 1 1 IjJos. p t 1 t 1 1 MuAIIK'r, t 9 1 I 1 t xBemls t I I t Total ... t I IT 11 Totals ... t t IT 11 4 x Batted fcf Oochnauer In the ninth. Detroit 9 i 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Cleveland 00030000 01 First on errors: CleVe'.and, I; Detroit, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, 8; Detroit, 4. Three-base hit: Lush. Two-base hits: Lush, Carr. First on balls: Off Jotm, 1; off KitsoH, I. Struck out: Bv Joss, S; by Kltnon, f. Sacrifice hit: Crawford. Stolen buses; Yenper, McGulre. Wild pitch: Kit son. Pa-ased ball: Abbott. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Connolly. Saints Down White Sox. CHICAGO. Aug. 7. The locajs could do little with Budhoff'9 delivery today. In the seventh after two outs Wa'.lace fumbled, rilling the mascs. Sudhoff then passed the i" i mw, lorcing in unicago s only run. Attendance, 1,025. Score: ST. l.OI'IS. . CHICAGO. h.H O.A.a I R H O A.E, Burkett, If.. I 1 t Hallman. If. 1 I t t Martin, rf... I 11 label), lb.... 114 Frlel. Sh till 1'Jone. cf till Anderaon, lb 1 I 10 I Q. Green, rt.,.. t I t Wallace. .. 0 0 I I ; ('allahn, lb. t t 0 Hejiiphlll, cf. 1 0 I 1 o! Maroon, lb., t I t Kahoe, e.... 0 111 o Tannehlll. ra 0 t t Hill. Ib till o'Sla'tarr. t... SSI 1 e t t Stirthoff, p... t t I I J Flaherty . p..'t t t lPttron, p. 1 1 Tout ... I T 17 It t.iHolme .... tot I Total ... 1 t IT It t x Batted for Patterson in the ninth. St Louis 010000100-3 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Left on baaes: Chicago, 1; St. Louis. 1. Two-base hits: Anderson (2), Martin. Sac rifice hit: Maroon, Sudhoff, Frlcl. Stolen bnsei Jones. Struck out: By Sudhoff, 3. BaweS on balls: Off Flaherty, 4; off Pat terson. J: off Sudhoff, 4. Hit with ball) Martin. Time: 1:1. Umpire: OLaughlln. SlhadlaB of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. uoston , Philadelphia ... New York , 91 69 33 .37 92 64 33 .M7 86 44 41 .619 91 47 44 .bit 89 46 44 .606 89 41 48 . 4bl 89 41 48 .461 W 29 61 .823 Cleveland Detroit Chicago Bt. LiOUIS , Games today: St. Louis at Chicago! De troit at Cleveland) Washington at New York) Philadelphia at Boston. PACKARD LIKELY TO STEP. OUT Boras ol Colorado Springs Xegotlat. logr (or the Beaver Fran chise. DENVER, Colo., Aug. f.-(Speolal Tele gram.) Thomas Burns, . the Colorado Springs magnate, has been negotiating with D. C. Packard for the past few nays with a view to purchasing all of the lat ter'e holdings in the Western league, which includes ownership of the Denver team and part interest in Kansas City and Mil waukee. Burns is convinced that if he se cures the Denver franchise he will make thle a paying city, euch as It never has been before. He will place a ball club here that wilt be the greatest organisation of Its kind In minor league company. It Is Said that Packard has so many other irune in the tire that he la tired of being a mag nate, and is contented to relinquish his holdings. It is not known what price be has made to Mr. Burns, but It is learned that it is a satisfactory one, and that Mr. Burns will soon complete the deal. Games In Three-I Leagae. At Springfield Springfield, 1; Blooming ton, 3. At Rock Island Rock island, 2; Decatur, 1. At Dubuque Dubuque, I; Davenport, 8. At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids, 1; Rock ford, 0. Central City Loses Another. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Aug. 7. (Special Telegram.) Central City lost the second game of base ball to the Atchison colored team by a score of 5 to 3. Batteries: Atch ison, Jones and Grey; Central City, Kom brink and Jeffers. Hits: Atchison. 4; Cen tral City, 10. Bloomers Defeat Sidney. SIDNEY, Neb., Aug. 7.-(SFeclal Tele gram.) The Boston bloomers put up tna Beat ball game that has been plaed on the local diamond this season. Not an error Vs made by them. Score: Bloomers, 17; Sidney, 0. SHAMROCKS INMANY WINDS Breeso Shifts ao Constantly as to Make the Trial DU versified. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J.. Aug. 7. The Shamrocks isced in many kinds of wind todsy. Running and reaching in a shifting fcreese, Shamrock. Ill outsailed Its puce.uuker ty two minutes aad six sec onds In sailing fifteen miles to the outer mark, and beating back by four minutes and nine seconds, a total of fix minutes and fifteen seconds clapped time. The course was southeast and the start Was from ths Scotland lightship before a light west wind. When the stsrtlng whistle blew both boats lay head to the wind side by side to windwstd of the line, each cap tuln trying to blanket the other boat. After a minute they compromised, filled away on ol ix site tacks and went across the Una breaking out spinnakers. The starting time was: Shamrock I. Jl::46: Shamrock III, 31:23:38. Within thrre minutes the challenger over took the old boat and besu to leave it asiern. The wind was softening, but at noon the old boat csuqht a freshening slant of new wind from the west, and. smothering It spinnaker and setting balloon JJbeall, rut down half the challenger s lead before the latter felt it. They ran for half an hour without spinnakers, and then, the wind hauling back to northwest, set them again. The wind first dropped and then fresh ened. The challenger gained alowly. At the turn It had a lead of a quarter of a mile, but once close hauled for the wind ward thresh In a stlffer wind, began to draw awey. Half way back the vschts Vern sailing a pretty race In a ten-knot w'nd end the cnsllenaer crns.d the line while the old boat was more than a mile away. TENNIS LOCALS OUT OF MATCH Chicago Players Como Oat on Top In Northwestern To or. r.tnoat. MINNEAPOLIS. April 7.-AU the local players wwn put out of the running In the Northwestern Tennis tournament. A. C, Snow of Chicago defeated Nllee Werner of this cltv In an easy match by 6-0, 6-t I H. Waldner of Chicago defeated R. O. Hunt of California. 6-2. 6-2. 6-S. Finals will be 4lyet tomorrow. In the double semi-finals A. C Snow of Chicago and R. O Hunt of California de feated Ioul Northrop and Nlles Werner of Minneapolis by -). 6-t In consolation sintrle Josenh ThOTinafin Of Bt. Paul defeated W. ( Jones of Min neapolis. 6-2. 6-1. Joseph Thompson also won from Julian Eaton of Mlnnaapvlis, 4 3, 6-4. BOTH ECASS IN THE FINALS tXaassaXalkBtJWSSi Qolfing Ccuiim E:ch Win Another, Thui Coming Together for Champ'ooihi-i. LAST YEAR'S HISTORY IS REPEATED Western Amntenr Tooraey Frodares Fine Play, Brown Losing; One rp and Rossell Two Vp In Rest to Last Rossi. CLEVLAND, O., Aug. 7. -The two Egans will meet tomorrow in the western ama teur golf championship finals. This morn ing they defeated their rivals In the semi finals. Chandler disposing of E. R. Russell of Detroit, 1 up, and Walter Egan de feating E. Brown of Cleveland, 1 up. Both matches were exceedingly close and were not decided until the eighteenth hole. The Brown-W. Egan match was the most hotly contested of the two. Brown won the tenth by Egan's hard luck In slicing out of the course, and also took the eleventh, making It even up. The twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth were halved In four, bothlng making some re markable putts. Brown Won the fifteenth by one, stroke and the sixteenth was halved through some fine playing on Egan's part as he wae In the ditch on his drive. Brown lost the seventeenth through hard luck, getting ihto the bunkers and siloing to the roligh grass. It all depended on the eighteenth, as It was even up, and Brown again went to the buhkers on his second shot. Egan was on the, green in three, but he holed a forty-foot putt for the patch. C. Egan had Raymond Russell one up on the seventeenth hole, and on the eighteenth Russell sliced his second shot to some trees and was unable to get out in three, conceding the hole to F.gnn, who was on the green In two. The match was a see saw to the sixteenth, and for twelve holes It was not even up once. Tomorrow the Egans meet for the finals at thlrty-slx holes, as they did last year. Today's scores: W. Egan beat E. Brown, 1 Up. H. C. Egan beat R. H. Russell, 1 up. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Trro Favorites Ron as One Horse Till End, When Postmaster Wright Sports. CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Postmaster Wright and Sidney C. Love, equal favorites ftt 6 to 6 in the mile handicap at Harlem today, ran as one horse until they straightened for home, when the former drew away and wen by a length ami a hulf. Results: First race, six furlongs: Hadley Cross Won, Rabunta second, Mr. Tlmberlake third. Time: 1:17H. Second race, six nnd one-ha!f furlongs: MiGee won, Wslnamolnen second, Anecka third. Time: l:22Vfc Third raoc, one mile: Postmaster Wright won, Sydney C. txvve second, Bloux Chief third. Time: 1:44H- Fourth race, steeplechase, short course: Golden Link won, Ceylon second, Mr. Ron third. Time: 1:39. Fifth race, Rve furlongs: Mai Wellea won. Liberty Bell recohd, Atlantlco third. Time: 1:034. Sixth race, mile and Sixty rards: Floyd K won, Sergo second, Mr. Dingle third. Time: 1:47. SARATOGA, N. Y., Aug. 7. Results: First race, six furlongs: Highlander won, Duellist second. Glorlosa third. Time: 1:20. Second race, mile and a furlong! Sur mise won, Himself second. Time: 2:10. Third race, five and one-hair rurlonjrs: Montrrasen won. Golden Drop second, To ledo third. Time: 1:14. Fourth rac. one mile: Btroller won. Vln- cnnee second. Setauket third. Time: 1:60. ritui race, rive ana one-hair rurlongs: Avengef won, Dutiful fetand. Van Esher third. Time: 1:16. 6 xih raoe. one mile: Conundrum won. Walkover second. " ST. LOUIS, Aug. 7-Results: First race, one mile: Domlnls won. Goo Goo second, Margie S third. Time: 1:47. Second race, four and one-hnJf furlongs: Haven Run won, Foxy Grandpa second, Sweet Noto third. Time: 0M. Third race, one rrtlle: Varna Fonso won, Hook Be Oka second, Neverauch third. Time: 1:47. Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Mies Go'lghtly won. Stand Pat second, Actine third. Time: MSVi. Fifth race, mile and one-sixteenth: Near est Won. Pirate second, Belvlno third. Time: 11. Sixth race, ope mile: Ida romance won. Extol second. Little Lois third. Time: 1-46. BUFFALO. Aug. 7. Results: First race, six furlongs, selling: Ben Mora won. John second, Drummond third. Time: l:15tt. Second race, five furlongs: Panacea won, Tontue second, May Combs third. Time: l:os'. Third race, one mile: Flora Bright won, Bummer II second, Merriment third. Time: 1:41 u. Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Free born won. Zarkee second, Malakoff third. Tlnve: 1:16. . . Fifth raoe. mile and one-sixteenth, sell ing: AnlmoMty won, John Yerkes second, Tmcadero third. Time: 1:47, Sixth race, seven furlongs, setting: Am orous won. Dvrstlc second, Spring Brook third. Time: 1:2 ELASTIC POINTER IS VICTOR Takes ttSS Grand : Clreoit Pace in Three straight Heats. BUFFALO, N. Y.. Aug. T.-The attend fines at the Grand Circuit meet at Klnll worth today was large. The track was good. The feitttr of the card, the Fron tier Stsks of tR.OOfi for 1:28 pacers was easy for Elnatle Pointer, son of Brown Hal, who won In straight heats. In the 2:07 trot. Budd Dohle mado a gal lant effort to land The Romsn in first rnoney, but Monte Carlo had the speed. Results: Class 1:20, pace, purse 11.000: Tom Keene. ch. g., by Weet Egbert (George Binders) Ill trilby Direct, b. (Walker) 1 3 4 Funston. ro. g. (Snnwl 6 11 Ebony King, blk. g. (Bognsh) 14 1 A I Patchen. blk s. (Heck) Ill Oeary. rh. g. (McEwen) 4 ds Governor Plngree, b. g. (McLaugh lin) ds Time: 2:08. 1:11. M3,. Second race. r 2f class, pace, Frontier stakes, purse 36.000: Elsstlc Pointer, b. ., by Brown Hnl (Hussey) 1 Kins- Direct, blk. s. fOeers) 2 1 Mary Anna, K m (Snow) 4 2 8 Ruh. b. (Walker) 1 3 ds Time: 2:09, 213W. 2:14. Third race, 2:07 class, trot, purse 31,010: ifonte Carlo, b. S., by Mendocino (Walker) 1 1 The Rnms n, b. g. (Doble) 2 2 Bitle J, ro en. (Titer) 1 1 Time: 1:08. 2:10. Fourth race, 1:11 class, trot, purse 11,200: Dr Strong, gr. g., by Blrong Boy (Gar- rlgm) 1 1 Frances R. -ch. m. iPnnw) J f Palm Loaf, rh. m (McCarthy) 3 I Pug. gr g. (Merrlrteldi 6 4 Bl'ver Sign. b. a tColburn) 4 ds Time: 2:13. 1:11. .TOLIET. III.. Aug 7.-Fesults: First. 1:10 Trot, fwn-mue da an- won or Conduct. T'me: First mile. 2:23: both rdles. 4:4SU. Second, freo-for-all trn: McKlnley won In three straight heats. Time: 1:10, 1:11, l:MU. Third, fog pact, did not flu and was de- rleeed off. Fourth. 1:24 trot: PhvlHs mm In two straignt neata. Time: j:vi. z:it. Rata Stops the Bares. TEKAMAH. Neb., Aug 7. -(Special Tele grsm.) Ths races were railed here tody under threaten'ne weather, and all had to be called off with the exceptlm o' ths three-quarter ml'e and repeat running race In which Queen I, won the first and second bent In 120 and 1:19 respectively. Tilth I.sdv Chatham a close second. On account ef the rainfall s't oth-r rac-s were de-cTs-ed off uitll Pstordav. A is' st 1, at whtch time ths full timerim wl'l be car ried out, weather permitting. Mew York Tro'-tlaa; Pfeata. NEW YORK. A u T.-C. A. McCirlly, wrr'uc or ins mew io' irottina ass, elntlo". hes " r-sr e-d a Msf cf ev-pt for rirand Circuit rreet'g it Brlehton Beech on Anausl 17. It. I 20. i nrt On the nprnlnar day Lou Dillon. 2:02V. the champion trot tin: mare, will ao sgalnat the world's trotting record of 102, now held by Cresceus. The festure for August )9 will be the attempt of Han Patch, 1 to break Star Pointer's world's record of 1:5!', made In lx:'7. The other features will be an attempt on the part of l'U Dillon to break the world s half-mile rec ord to wagon. This will be the feature on August 0. Matinee Haees nt Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. 7 (Special Tele- ram.) The matinee races of the Beatr.cs rlving sssoilation, held here this after noon, were largely attended. Following is the summary: , ree-ror-aii trotting race, mile .heats, two In three: Lottie Lee Msrk Hanna Red Sun Organise lime: 2:32. 2:&. Romlster race, half mile heats, three: Prince Off Lady Jeannette , Grace , 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 two in Babe Baby Mattle Welsh Time: 1:40. 1:33. Pacing race, mile heats, best two In tnree: Red Harry 1 Rebel Medium J Prince 3 Time: 2:49. 1:39. Roadster race, two In three, half mile: Wymore Boy 1 3 1 Black Joe 1 1 3 Belle 1 l Nellie Minkler 4 4 4 Time: 1:23, 1:27. 1:23. GILBERT IS HIGH IOWA GUN Makes 84 Oat of Posslblo 400, While Horn, the Amatenr, Cornea Next. MAR8HALLTOWN. Ia.. Aug. 7.-Oilbert was high gun at the closing day of the Marshalitown Gun club tournament. He made iffi out of a possible 200. Klein of Spirit Lake was second with 18S; Budd of Dea Moines third. 1S4. For professionals. Gilbert during the two days mado S7H out of a possible 400. while Budd scored 3i',4. For nmateurs. timing the two days William Hoon made the highest evernge, 3.:7; K. O. Wallace, Marslialltuwn, second, 3'i3. Tenpln Contests. In a tenpln contest lant nlpht on Clark's n'lcys M. It. Huntington and F. J. Marble defeated Charles French and I. 8. Hunter. The score: Int. 2d. Id. Total. French 1K6 JR2 177 626 Hunter , 1G3 184 207 655 Totals... . 318 1st. . tl . 217 34 2d. 147 201 . 3S4 1.0R0 3d. TQtal. lill 63!) 234 662 Marble Huntington Totala... 418 348 425 1,191 ArtTonants Win Senior Fonrs. ST. CATHARINES, Ont., Aug. 7. At the Canadian regatta today the cenlor fourj was won by tho Argonauts, Winnipeg sec ond, Don third. Junior fours, first heat: Wlnnltiea first. Ottawa second. Detroit third. Second heat: Argonauts won, Don second, Toronto third. Pair ours: Detroit first, Argonauts sec ond. Jeffries Boxes e.t Benefit. SAN FRANCISCO. Auk. 7. For the first time since he has been in training Cham- f'lon Jeffries sparred Bt Harblne Sprlngi ast nliilit. He appearel at on entertain ment given for the benefit of n cripnl and boxed three rounds each with IT 2 I nmons, Joe Kennedy nnd Jack Jeffries. He ap peared to re in npicnatd condition and ap parently quicker on his feet than formerly. Pklladelphlana in Lead. LONDON. Aug. 7.-Phlladelr.hla cl red its first inning today lor ti runs. Surrey waa all out toi- 240 runs, in tue beconu inning the visitors made 81 for two wickets, when slumps were drawn for the uay. SCIENTIFIC SIDE OF INEBRIETY Remarkable Showing; of the Effect of Drag Store Boose In nn Iowa Toivn. If it is true that inebriety Is a disease one must marvel that the disease has re ceived so little study of genuinely inductive and scientific kind. Almost the only study of the kind which we have seen is by Dr. Charlea F. Applegate, superintendcnl of the Iowa Mt. Pleasant State hospital (Bulletin Iowa Institutions, April, 1903). The patients subjected to examination num bered 150, six of whom were women. Inves tigation was made as to ancestry, heredity, age and nationality, beginnings of the habit, occupation, education, religion, do mestic relations, use of tooacco ft other narcotics, kinds of liquors used, physical examination, blood tests, urinalysis, treat ment, etc. As to the treatment. Dr. Ap plegate. while urging that there can bt none thai is uniform for all patients, thinks that the Willis Parker cure, the Tracy cure, the suggestive, hypnotic, osteopathia, and other "cures" have "much more of a tendency to cause other diseases to prog ress than to Cure true ineorlety." Of the Keeiy euro he says, "It has done some good In a few cases. In others much harm, and has failed utterly to cure the disease." Ninety per cent of the patients are suffer ers from other diseases, Is reason enough j Why no treatment is sufficient. In sixty- ' three out of the 150 cases mere wns some ocular lesion, muscular, nervous or optic, : but in all the methods of treament de scribed none, apparently, was especially di rected to the eyes. In fifty-two out of the lm cases severe and prolonged, dyspepsia Is the most evident ana complained of symptom. The casual relation of drlnklmr to Insanity, crime, etc.. Is vividly pointed out, snd as to syphilis, it certainly existed In fifteen, probably in forty-seven, and was suspected in thirty-four of Dr. Applegate's cases. "In a little town of southern Iown ft nearly 4 P00 I fourd they bad consumed In one year 6.0O gallons of spirituous li- j quors. There were nine artig stores; no saloons." American Medicine. CAUGHT AFTER HARD CHASE Michigan Man Who Elopes Willi Toting C.lrl and Sought In Oniahn la Run Down. J. Baldwin, the Adrian. Mich., eloper, for whom the police here have been look ing for the last month, has been arrested In Chicago, Balwln la a clgarmtker and is said to have recently enticed away from her home n 16-yeir-old girl, the dn'-hter of a prominent Ailrlan cltixen. Tho couple, the report says, came Im mediately to Omaha and had their goods shipped here. The Omaha police were notified to arrest the man. but when they Went to do so Baldwin and the girl had left the hotel at which they were stopping. The goods belonging to the pair remained In the Wabash freight house, and sine. Baldwin's disappearance the police have kopt a watch on these, expecting him to return. When Baldwin and the girl left Omaha they went direct to Denver, evaded the police there, and then on to Portland, Ore. When they arrived there Baldwin wanted to go on to Alaska, and the girl refused. He then took tier back to Chicago, with the understanding that he was to send her home. He was arrested upon arri. Ing in the Windy City. When the man and elrl first left Adrian Sheriff Shepherd of that place came to Omaha to search for them. At one time he located them about two miles from Council Bluffs, but they had, fled rehen he got there. What Follows Grlpf Pneumonia often, but never when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Is used. It cures colds and grip. 60c, 11.00. For sale by Kubn A Co. Girl Disappears from Homo. MARYVILLB. Ho, Aug. 7-f8uecial Tho lo-yenr-old daughter of Mra. Martha Cameron dieapLj&ri from houie on AuijuM t. U U iletr?! thut two yrunpr men of ih- lown wr Mtb th lrl pheu he left, nnd tho mother tUve thty abducted her. The girl has dark bair and syea and is surttcuvv. DOIIERTVS ARE IN THE LEAD Wrenut Netd Both Gatnei Todar to Keep Intef:at:orjil Tecnii Cup, BRITONS SCORE TWO POINTS TO ONE Double Easily pall to Challengers, Whose All-Ronnrl Play la Vastly Superior to Amerlraa Defenders. BOSTON, Aug. 7.-The British pair. R F. and H. L. Doherty, scored another point for the International lawn tennis trophy today by defeating R. D. and O, L. Wrenn the American pair, three sets to one. before 4.000 persons at the Long wood Cricket club, the scores being 7-S, 1-7. 1-1. 6-J. The record stands two to one In favor of the challengers, and tomorrow two more matches in singles will be played, and the Americans must win both to retain the cup. In points today the British team hnd the advantage, 140 to 131, but the scores and points fail tb show the all-round superior ity of the visitors. They excelled the American pair In nearly every department of the game, handling the high lobs, which their opponents relied upon almost en tirely to win points, with an ease and skill that was surprising. On the other hand, the team work of the American pair and their general play was much better than was anticipated nnd their fine play brought forth almost continuous applause. In tho third set the visitors let up on their game and allowed the Americans the set, in order to take advantage of the ten minutes' rest. To the uninitiated It seemed ns if the Americans might tie the match In the next Set, but George L. Wrenn began to weaken. after the first two games, so thut he visitors hnd no difficulty In taking the set and match. Hare Aid to Loner Life. Elcctrlo Bitters give an active liver, per fect digestion, healthy kidneys, regular bowels, fine appetite, or no pay. 60c. For sale by Kuhn A Co. Boston's Rig Mackerel. Boston People were much Interested re cently in a big horse mackerel exhibited there which weighed 1.1S0 pounds. The fish was caught near Magnolia, on Cape Ann, by some fishermen, after it had botliy de moralized one of their fish traps. The capture of the fish will doubtless cause n stir on the little Island of Santa Catallna, off the coast of California, where the tunn fishing Is now at its height, for the tuna of the Pacific and the hors mackerel of the Atlantic are the same, except that the horse mackerel masquerades under a typi cal Yankee sobriquet. This fish caught off our const Is nn unusually large One, bigger than the: record tuna nt Sunta Catallna, the only plnee where they are killed with rod and reel. The finh In the Atlantic will J not take halt, nnd even If they would they are found at such rare Intervals that few would have the patience to fish for triem. But even this huge llsh will not admit the men who caught It within the sacred portals of the Tuna club, for to wenr the coveted little blue button one must kill his 100-poUnd tuna with rod and reel. SprAig field Republican. River Falls Two Feet. . KANSAS CITY, Aug. 7. The Kansas river here and at Lawrence, Kan , fell nearly two feet during the night nnd con tinues to fall tcday, removing all danger of further damage. SOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. ftauct Guar Signature rf PaoSlmile Wrapper Below. Yer sataO on so easy r) taka as sagas. TCn HUOACHL FOR DIZZiNCS. rOR BIllO'JElESI. FOR T0RPi3 LIVED, ron CONSTIPATIOB. FOR CALLOW SKIN. FORTKF.C0MPLCX1i0 CARTERS faf f Irwrary YeTMtl s-yw5. OURS SICK .:.tAOACH&. HALF RATES BALTIMORE, IVSD, VIA B. & O. S-W. ACCOUNT S0VERE8N GRIND 10DGE I. O. O. F. Ticket Wlil BJ.Sold For All Train Ssptenber 1 3 111, 1 3 h nl mi Uood Returning to 5eptemb3r, 28 tb With PRIVILEGE OF EXTENSION, 4 To 0:tober 3rd, 1903. 3 53LIO VBSTIB LB) TiltlMI DAILY BLBOANT COACrlBi, D1NIN3 CARS. PULLTlAN DRAWIN3 R03H SLEEHERi ANDOBSBRVATIUM CARS, C4AH.n.,oef A "h'-Jton. D. ft . OlUp-VT V,l O Deer Park, nt, Lak, Park, and Oaklsnl, Ml For Rates. Time of Trains, Sleeping Car Reservations, etc. Call on your near est Ticket Agent or O. P. MeCAnTY. Qeneral Tassenger Aijent. laclonstl. 41. MEN AND WOMEN. It ft If 41 for 0A'iirafc A m httrf t,.uUntmtoa.v lrriUttions ov u.cretm iif mveuBt ntm lrns. lnlaa and ant aitriu t4. gout or MlMiuoua. t1tt f rill! it nrvMcei am Im lUCflSwUai MJppreSSIOll 7Tmmm i IM 11! OfSJV-T A IS -fZCl't fvo wnIIi .ltJl 1 M a beau t kwaue tt. SaM la OiaU W t feemHl Urag UU arlanj Saw fas susolMt) AG IP 4BtttV4TWl faf m l auknare. " ar W Pee-Mla Caaiae. YTaTimEllASlCklMttit -tlCisiTL0r"'1 ol4 by Jrvrgtsla, C.t.- J perBlu plat wrBPr, jrfy I t' .1 Bia.a. rcepald, ol V yii SI tU. "I I b-tile Tt. tutelar aaai ea nt.ast AMt 6rtok ALWAYS EVERYWHERE Save the Bands isvjsiyn PARKER'S Hair Balsam Promotes the fcrowtb. of the hair and elves it the lustre and sllkLtMssa of youth. When the hair is gray or faded it BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. ESCAPE THE HEAT by a trip through the Switzerland of America on ths line of the Canadian Pacific Ry. (Soo PiUflc tool.) A. Route of Mlgrhty Mountain Wonderful Cascade Immense Glacier Appallingr Canttn unequalled In any cnuntry in ths world, Tho only DUSTLESS ROUTE and eoolett trip on the continent. Round trip ticket will be sold to Vancouver. B.C., Victoria. B. C, Seattle. Wash., Tacoma. Wash., Portland. Ore. " $40.00 " 0f.1A.IA (Car tipMdlof latct Frta Otktr Mats) from August 1st to 14th, good to return Until October 16th, 1903. Stopovers will bs grant' od at all points. The Great Glacier of the Selkirk Lakes in the Cloud Yoho Valley Banff Snd many other places of Interest krt) sH4 ated on this line. For deaorlptlvs Illustrated iitartttiir a4 in form s flnti writs, A. C. CHAW, Qca. Ageat Pses(f Oofst cmzxao Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS Cure All Special DISEASES OF MEN BLOOD POISON WEAK, NERVOUS MEN KIDNEY AND BLADOEB DISEASES Treatment nnd Medicine S5.00 PER MONTH Examinations and advice free at office dr by mall. Written contracts given In all Curable dlseesoa r refund money paid fvf treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 year, in Omaha. Co. 16th and Donalas, OMAHA tTBJs. WW For Gonorrhon.ClMl. LtucorrhtM. Iptfrntttrrhoit, Pllei, an. All Ihhetltha Seiusl Dltchtrgeg. NO PAIN. NO. STAIN. NO STRICTURE. FREE SYRINQE 8" A More frcenle f lla-M. - Sent to any address for 11.00. OUCH M AX tr SIcC OMMCLL. Ouiaha. UlMor 'Mt(. ('.. Laaeater. O. DR. file GREW rr'kVIALIir. Tie) all lorstt ef DISEASES' Of MEN l. )tw fr.viii;. i iu Osiianb. fi.W4 4m curat. Klltbl, iud iaaIu). Lurtt g uavraiilvvl, r.aLigrt low. Trtnurt tr uiaU. Call or writ. :.nx iu,. OAc ovtr ti . :i bt Kt , iiMAHA. KKH. MAKE PERFECT MEN ftr Iilitfttrf toB AJIabltiiJDKOf tfi ona be factored to you, Tba far; and drain of lll pow.r. Ineurret bf tlidlatrollori or oaaof rlf yeail mrjartvicur arwt woien.-r tov.r tf. Brae ai Ike tjnaiu. Oi ac. bloors I tl, keekaiullaair to tbo y of rfAluulu or eld. One S renew eltal onerry pit J baae at ?t.kaoiiiplateu''nel cur. Xvrfr n,ar tm u.let I n be emrne in ct oe- uckt. Sold verrkr.or ntnet in tdalo wrefper on recall,! off Tri. .b t'k-icrrcl Cl fcti; tOMl-AS. 4 s.,14 U Omaka, Vek , by Kaha Co., 1Mb a..u P-iia-laa; Sherman a MeOonnall lni( Co., Hik n4 iodi in Council BluSa. la., by Cat. UroB,al 11. la. T.ta V. l-euuyr,.!: nu, a auifle laiiura; lonue.l. iau , Obalinal cue. Klleewl 1 lew -ie; IUi nt I blitruum t McCorusll Drug Co., Omuba, Jv t W ARE MILD 1 anJ. i ft... h6 rfillA LOTION AI rr