Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Baftden Only U!ow Duff'. Sludger.
Three Binglesj One Ttree-Bagger.
the Omaha Teaaa Oatbnte 1
Opponents and This Tlma It
Wins the Game tow
MILWAUKEE. Wia.. Au. ..-(Special
Telegram.) Rourkes team won the last
came of the aeries with Milwaukee here
this afternoon by a score of I to L
The victory was due mainly to the su
perb pitching of Banders, aOio held the
leaders down to three scattered hits. In
only one Inning, the second, did the Creams
prove dangerous, ' and In that Inning; i
three-bagger by McVlcker, a balk by Ban
dors and an error by Shugart netted the
locals tfcelr two tallies. After that Duffy's
sluggers proved easy picking for Banders
and only one more hit was secured oft his
The Omaha, team played a much better
came todray than they did yesterday,
lllckey being the. chief (Tender today, but
the'ml-playa did net count against Rourke's
men, as they were mads, when there were
no runners on bases. . Omaha started off
with a rush In the opening Inning. Carter,
the first man up, hit a hard one to Vollen
dorf, which the latter let get away from
him. Oenlns followed with a Single, Miller
waa retired, but Carter managed to score
on Bhugart's fly to center. Then Frank
Miller contributed an error and Oenlns
scampered across the plate. For four In
ring the visitors were blanked, btit In the
sixth after Shugart had walked, Welch
lined out a scat single, advancing Shugart
to third, from whence he scored on next
out to first
The Creams made a bold stand in the
ninth after the two had been retired. Lucia
worked his way to first, Kcnna was put
In to bat for Vollendorf. The best he
could do was to hit a fly to Hlckcy and the
aide waa .retired. The score:
A 8. R. H. PO.
3 111
banes: WsKhlngton, 7: Boston, I. Time:
:3u. Umpire: Bheiidan.
lata Boat White o.
BT. I.Ori3. Aug. 1-St. Louis took the
opening game with Chicago In good fashion
today. wvars pitched a loose game, nut
ulled hlmxeir out or some tlgnt nolo,
'owell went In with Hlattery at bat In the
ninth and fanned, him for the third out.
Attendance, .200. ' Score:
ST. LOlr.t. , CHICAOO.
R H.O.A C. I R.H O AK.
PnrV-t. If. . . . 0 I I I 9 Hott-oa, If... 0 0 1 a
Martla, rt ... 1 11 Slab-ll, lb..... 1 111
"rial, Ib 1 t Jonaa. cf I I t 0
Antfaraon, 1b. 1 I 10 0 0 Own. rf 1 0 1
WllUi-o, M .I 1 I I lcallahaa, Ib. I 1 1
Hrniptilll. ef. S I 1 IHiima, Ib...t 1 i I 9
uln. C....0 114 0 T.nn.hlll, M. 0 I i 4 0
Hill. ID S a M U.MBinry, a a w w
Smm, p.... 4 l.PUIwrty, ..
' Totals I 11 14 14 1
i t n i i1
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 t -6
, 00000010 3-3
Chicago, 1; St. Louis, 1.
Callahan. Sacrifice hit
Carter, rf
Oenlns. cf
P. Miller, If...
fthugcrt, 2b...
Welch, lb
Thomas, es..i.
Hickev. 3b...
Oorullng, c...
Sanders, p.,...
A. E.
Powall, p...
St. Louis
Earned runs:
Two-base hit:
Mareaa lta Oronnrtr hr. Thaa Gly
lag; St. Paal Twa Raas aa
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. I.-An error by
Marcan In the ninth Inning today lost the
game for Indianapolis, he letting Sullivan's
speedv grounder get through his hands,
and two score resulted. Fox's and Shan
non's fielding were features of tha game.
Both pitchers did work that was highly
complimented. Attendance. 1,942. Score:
It.M.O.A.E R.H. O.A.I.
Oelcr, Ib 0 0 I I 0,HnTlfir, HI 1 I
Shannon, rt .O 14V Jon. it I 110
Jarkann, rt...l 11 roultar. ef... 1 1 I
-rha-rar. M..0 I I O'Kihrn. lb I 1 II
Huaalna. lb . 1 10 2 liH'yoon, C....0 1 T I
Fl-urno-, If . I 10 1 Tama-H, Ib..l 114 1
Wbaelrr, lb. 1 1 10 Marcan. ... 141
Fulll-ao. -... 111 1 For Ib I I I I I
Chech, p.
,0114 a Ncwlln, p
T 27
i i
Oreen, Flaherty. Stolen base: Jones. First
base on balls: on Birvers. 6; on Flaherty,
2. Struck out: By Slevers, !; by Powell,
Innings pitched: By Slevers, nK; by
Powell, 1H. Hits: Off Slevers, 11; off Fowl
0. Lft on liases: St. Louis, 6; (.'mcago.
14. Time of game: 1:43. Umpire, O'Laugh-
Donoraa aires Cleveland Victory.
CLF, V ELAN D. Aug. 3. Donovan's bases
On balls In the ninth Inning forced in a run
and gwe Cleveland the game. Joss pitched
axoousnt Dan. i.ourmey s neming was a
feature. Attendance, 3,008. Sonre:
R.H O A S. R.H.O.A.B.
rites, rf 1 110 frBarratt. ef... 1 1 I 0
Bar, cf 1 110 Lunh. If. 1 14 0 0
hradlay, b..O Oil Crford. rf. 1 1 1
Lajota. lb. .. I III C'arr. lb 0 lilt
Hickman, lb. 1 1 10 1 0 Courtney, as.. 0 1 I 4 0
McCarthy. It. 0 0 0 0 0 Filelnw, C....0 0 111
Bamla, a 111 Teaar, 8b.... 1 1 I I 1
Oochnaur, aa. 1 0 4 I Smith, lb.... 0 0 10 0
Joaa, p 0 1 I 1 liDonoran. p.. 0 1 0 1 1
Totale "l "ill 10 V Totala 4 Till I I
xOne out when winning run scored.
Cleveland OOOJ 1 000 I 8
Detroit 11000100 04
Earned runs: Cleveland, 1; Detroit 1.
Two-base hits: Flick, Bemls. Three-base
hit: Crawford. Sacrifice hit: Crawford.
Stolen bases: Hickman, McCarthy. First
on balls: By Donovan, 4. Left on bases:
Cleveland, 8: Detroit, S. Struck out: By
Joss, ; by Donovan, 4. Wild pitch: Joes,
1. Time: 1:47. Umpire: Connelly.
Phillies Beat New . York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3. In a game devoid
of exciting Incidents Philadelphia beat New
York today. The locals' fielding waa not
aa sharp as usual and Plank managed to
keep the hits made off him well scattered,
except in the sixth, where a double and
two singles earned a run. Attendance,
3,072. Score:
a H. O A E l R.H.O.A.B.
Hoffman. H..1 110 0 Conroy. Ib... 1 10 10
L. Croaa, lb.. 1111 O.Wllllama. lb. 0 11 I' 0
Ssyboia. rt...l 114 0 Fultn. cf..... t 110 0
Murphy, lb .. I III Oidanlcl, lb....0 1 14 1
Totala I 7 17 11 ll Totala 1 I IT II I
St. Paul .' 00000000 J i
Indianapolis 00100000 01
First base on balls: By Newlln, 4; by
Chech. 2. Hit by pitcher: By Checn (-).
Two-base hit: Hugglns. Three-base lilt:
Coulter. Sacrifice hit: Schaefer. Double
play: Hugglns to Schnefer to wheeler.
Stolen bases: Jones, Wheeler, Shannon.
Left on bases: St. Paul, 6; Indianapolis. 7.
Time of game: 1:50. Umpire, Foreman.
Kansas City Deserts Field.
COLUMBUS. O.. Aug. 3. Columbus won
out In the ninth Inning of today's game
with Kansas city, being assisted largely
by Durham's lack of control. Kansas City
left the field In the ninth In protest a grains t
a decision by the umpire. Attendance, 1,022.
MntTtaaer. If. I 1 I 0 0 FnthfnM, ef.. 1 0 4 0 0
:ilnmn. aa. 0 1 I I I near, rt I 0 S 0
Arndt, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Nanra, lb.... 1 1 T I
0 10 4 I OradT, lb....l 14 0 0
1110 0 Butler, e 0 0 I I 0
0 I II 1 0 Knoll, It 0 0 10 0
0 1f! linn, aa.... 0 0111
1 0 i 0 0 McAnd'wa. Ib 0 0 I 1 0
0 0 1 4 0 Durham, p... 0 10 10
1 0 0 0 OOlbaon, p 0 0 0 1 0
Plrkerlna. cf. 10 110 fcreler. rt.
I)ala, lb..... I 111 OKIbarfald, aa. 0 I I 4
M. Croaa, aa.. 1 1 1 1 1
pnwera, a..., 0 0 I 1 0
flank, p 0 0 0 1 0
Stone. If.
McVlcker, cf.(
Cockman, 3b.
O'Neill, rf....,
Urann, lb..,..,
F. Miller. 2b.
Gatlna, as.-...
Lucia, c
Vollendorf, p
AB. R. IB. PO. A. E.
0 0 0 0 0
.1., 4
Totala I I 27 I 1
New York ..
McFarlaad, If 0 0 0
Berille, e.... 10 11
Howell, p.... oiai
Totala I I 17 II
.... n 1 O I) 2 0 1 1 06
.... 00000100 13
Earned runs: New York. 1: Philadelphia,
1. Left on bases: New York, 8; Philadel
phia. 4. Two-hnse hits: Klherfeld. Fultc,
Howell. Beybold. Three-base hits: Elber-
led. Li. cross. Sacrifice hits: ncKering,
Powers. Stolen base: Murphy. First base
on errors: New York. 1: Philadelphia. 2.
First base on balls: Oft Plank, 1; off How
ell, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By PlanK, l
Standing of the Teams.
Plaved. Won. Lost. P.C.
by Howell, 1. time of game: Two hours.
Totals 31 2 8 27 13 2 umpire : nassen.
Batted for Vollendorf.
rttnnhn 2 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 03
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Boston
Three-base hit: McVlcker. Stolen bases: Philadelphia 89
F. Miller. JJ. Miller. Base on nans: un Cleveland .... 87
Vollendorf, 2: off Sanders. 4. Sacrifice hit: New York 83
Carter. Time: 1:50. . Attendance: 200. Urn- Detroit So
plre: Brennan. I Chicago 85
- ni..nw.. ' n nia I St. Louis
Washington 87
PEORIA, Aug. S.-Klllen held the visitors Games today: Chicago at St. Louis, De-
down to six scattering hits. Attendance, trolt at Cleveland. Boston at Washington
boo. score:
Peoria 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ) . 6 19 6
Des Moines 0 1 o 0 0 0 2 1 0-4 1
Batteries: For Peoria, Killen and Wil
son; tor Des Moines, Harry and Fohl.
St. Jo Wins in Eleventh.
fLf. JOSEPH", Aug! 8. St. Joseph won to-,
day after eleven "Innings- of hard playing.
ooorei . . ...
Rt. .Tosenh 0 301120000 10 13 3
Denver ...,0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0-8 H 3
Batteries: For Denver, Barber and
Schlel: for St. Joseph, Falls and McCon.
nell. :
Fostpoaea uamei,
null Ai virr y ( laiin. . .vvi- . 1 1
Philadelphia at New York.
Pirates Ranted at St. Lonls, Aided
by Barelay'srtnnnlng
' ' ' 3nt6h.. .
Raytner, lb.
Bannoa, ef . . .
Meilor, lb...,
Turner, lb...
Roach, a....
Bfraer, p....,
xx Wa (iter ..
Totala I 10 il 14 Totala I TxM 10 0
xTwo out when winning run scored.
xxBatted for Berger In ninth.
Columbua 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 86
Kansas City 00010002 28
Earned runs: Columbus. 2: Kansas Cltv.
1. Stolen bases: Morrlssey. Rothfuss,
jear. rsaennce nits: not muss, Butler,
Two-base hits: Arndt (2), Ramer, Bannon
Three-base hit: Oear. Struck out: By
Fkmons Bone Captures Big Event at Sew
Toik Opening Day.
C....h..w... Finishes Good Third,
Well la Front af Heno, While
Whitney Pair Finish la
SARATOGA, N. T., Aug. 3. Tbe summer
meeting of the Saratoga association waa
usplclously opened today, with interest
naturally centering chiefly In the Sara-
toga handicap, which waa won by J. B.
Haggla's Waterboy in the excellent time
of 2:3514.
Waterboy and the Whitney pair, Gold
smith and Gunfire, opened at to 1 and
the play was about equally divided be
tween the three.
The horses got oft to a perfect start,
with Gunfire, Hermls and Caughnagawa a
little In front passing the stand. The
horses ran well bunched until the three
quarters waa reached, when Hermls, who
had been leading, fell back, beaten. Water
boy, splendidly handled, took the lead
down the stretch, followed by Hunter
Raine, who had managed to get through
from the rear. Hunter Ralne forced
Waterboy to a mild drive, but the race
was nsver In doubt. Caughnawaga finished
third, well in front of Heno. Both of the
Whitney pair were back at the finish.
HermLs dropped back so fast that South
Trimble trod on his heels at the turn and
fell. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Chuctanunga
won, Leonara Lorlng sucond, Sadduccee
ship doubles will be called with: Field snd
Hannay against Tebblns snd Ollmore;
Hughes and Schneider against Armstrong
and Baker: Scrtbner and Pollard against
Collett and Van Camp; Martin and Ken-1
nard against McConnell snd Hoel; Haskell
and Hopkins sgalnst Chase and Kohn:
Knox and Chambers sgalnst Lemere and
Webster; Dufrene and Neville against
Welty and Kuhn.
'At 6 p. m. the seml-flnals of the cham
pionship singles will take place with:
Caldwell against Young; Haskell against
Scrlbner. ,
Iast evening the courts were In excel
lent condition and the games were wit
nessed by many spectators. Now thst the
matches are nearlng the finals, commencing
with tonight's play, some most exciting
contests are promised and a large gallery
Is expected to be present,
Dee Moines Men Enter Cnateet for
Western Aasatear Cham,
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 8. One hundred
and twenty-eight of the west'a best golfers
are entered for the fifth annual Weatern
Amateur Golf Championship tournament,
which begins at Cleveland tomorrow. Na
tional Amateur Champion Louis N. James
of tilenvlew, Weatern Amateur Champion
H. Chandler Egan of Exmoor and Walter
E. Egan of Exmoor are tha most prominent
players who will compete for the honors.
At the drawing for place, held In Chicago
today, forty-two drew byes. Among them
were: Ross H. Flnkbone, Des Mplnes;
James O. Berryhlll, Del Moines: A. D.
Stlckney. St. Louis; J. H. Tweedte, Bos
ton; Louis James, Glenvlew.
The remaining fefty-rour players, paired
as follows, will begin rlay tomorrow:
Frank Weber, Inverness, and Ray T.
York. Cleveland; 11. Chandler Egan, F.x
moor, and Robert Demtng, Euclid; Warren
Dickinson, Des Moines, and C. S. Russell.
tiim, ri r TkninniiHi Pittsburg, and
F. M. Backus,' Euclid; R. E. Daniels, Mid
lothian, and J. u. ciimo. .cuciiii, n-.
Herr, Euclid, and P. McKttrtck, St. Louis;
E. M. Byres, Allegheny City, and L. fe
Jones, Lake Geneva; John A. Town, Glen
vlew, and C. C. Preston, Highland Park;
xv c rnauM tr Hlarhland Park, and E.
L. Ames, Glenvlew; R. B. Tewkesbury,
Euclid, snd Chrlsholm Beach, Cleveland;
Charles Baker. Auburn Park, and C. T.
i.w.b , uinni,WailHii M Doran. lr.. St.
Paul, and L. Allls, Milwaukee; W. C. Car
noiiia AiierVienv Pltv. and John B. Mar-
fleld. Mlnnekaddn; C. B. Fowness, High
land Park, and F. S. Ronton. Euclid; tiar
old W. Fraer. Inverness, and Walter E.
California ghaek Doea I.lttle Damage,
Thoagh Most Severe tor
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3-Rports from
different portions of California say that
but little damage was done by last night's
earthquake., although It was quite severe.
The tremor centered at San Jose, where
numerous windows and much crockery wae
broken. Mrs. P. M. Dusson, a sufferer
from heart disease, died during the shock.
Lick observatory reports the shock the
heaviest of the history of the place. . The
Indicator of the eleemograph wae dislodged
and no record obtained. In San Jose the
shock lasted from twenty to thirty seconds
and waa from east to west. The time as
given by Lick observatory waa 10:49:24.
Three shocks were felt In the Yosemtte
thlri. Time: 1:21.
Second race, the Balllston cup, ateeple
chase, full course, about two and a half
miles: RockstOrm won. The Virginian
second. Double Thong third. Time: b:2.
Third race, the Mah stakes, tlve and a
half furlongs: Tippecanoe won, Ormondes
TJI..U 1 . Tim... 1 UU
I'' ?J,-' " "e.XLTZ;: w t .hrn Onwentsl.
Berger. 3: by Durham. '3. First base on Saratnara hanrllcan: Waterbov. 127 (Ortoml. and R. 8. Home. Allegheny City, AIDert
balls: Oft Berger, 3; off Durham, 8; off 13 to 6. won: Hunter Kalr.e. 104 (Cochran). B. Lambert, Glen Echo, and James 8. Mar-
nibann 1 Vtlt hv nlhar- v rilkann 1 I it i -K n. ... 1 , ju , l I tin IKirViliinil Vnrlc! W Arthur BllCKney,
Time of game: 1:45. Umpire: Fox. I kins), 50 to 1, thlro. Time: 2:U64. St. Louis, and T. Sterling Beck with, Cleve-
, Fifth race, five and a half furlongs, aell- land; L. H. Burton, iae
Tla Game at Loalsvllle. g. Yo won juvrnai Maxim second, Wiley Carhart, Detroit; R. D. Bokum, Jr.,
LOUISVILLE. Aug. 8-Loulsvllle and Avenger third. Time: 1:7S. Glenvlew. anrt lu. f. Man.n . '""""-
Minneapolis piayea an eieven-lnnlng tie D,Al" imitiuic. ru.U. ou " " " "V, i,.:i ciav.
ran.e todav. Bohannon waa relieved hv Sever second, Easy Sireet third. Time: Pease, Cincinnati;- C. H. Stanley, Cleve-
Walker In the tenth. Martin was ordered 1 1:0.
out of the gnme and Stlmmell off the Rnln Defeats Dlelt Welles.
grounds by Umpire Mullane. The game I
was called arter tne eieventn inning on ac- lmiuauo, Aug. s. tiait an nour nerore
count of darkness. Attendance, 300. Score: I the running of the Garden City handicap
i nnpr, v i , , i , , , , , , , .... .
land, and R. P. Kevin. Jr.. Allegheny Oty,
Kerwln, rf... 1 110 ar-.Sulllvan, ef 0 0 1 0 0
Hart. If I I I 0 OSpoooer. lb.. 1 114 1 1
Braehear, 2b. 10 14 llLallr, If 114 0 0
Oriwell, cf.... 0 4 0 0 u Smith, rf I I
I gulllran, lb 0 1 14 ojoyler, aa 1
Bohrlever, e.. 1 1 li 1 0 Mclntrre. Ib. I I
White, lb....0 1 11 0 llManln, lb . ..0 1
Dohertys Expected to Wla Doubles
and Larned to Beat On
Britisher. .
Quintan, aa.. 1 I I 4 0
Bohannon, . 1 I 0 0 0
Walker, p.... 0 0 0 0 0,
ToUla I 1 11 IT ll
YeaKer, e 0 I
Mcnonald. o. 0 0
Vaablnder, p. 0 1
WlUUma, lb. 0 1
10 1
4 4 0
13 0
4 1 1
1 J 0
0 10
Kins cf on BofJed Bcert,"
Brwa)J from Bohemian Hops.
Order from
Clara Barton Wishes Red Crass So
ciety In Every Inlted States
OXFORD, Mass., Aug. 3 A national re
lief organisation with franchises In every
town in the United States, with branch No.
1 in her native town of Oxford, Is proposed
by Miss Clara Barton, foundor and presi
dent of the Red Cross.
The plan has been formulated by Miss
Barton In anticipation ot the time when
she must necessarily lay down the work.
Miss Barton proposes that a national fund
be established to be at the ready command
of a financial committee of men of na
tional reputation when calamity breaks
upon the country. She suggests that the
organisation be known as the National
Society of Red Cross.
Minneapolis Man Aeeaeed of Bribing
Mayor to Close Rival Theaters
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 8.-J. 8. Bodlnl.
former theater owner of this city, who went
to Italy last ear after being indicted, re
turned today and gave himself up.
Sndlnl Is accused of offering a bribe of
$1,000 to Mayor Ames on the understanding
that he would close two rival theatera.
yEoFTt t jL JB"y
Forty Slits. He la Wc Each.
A. SAKTAELLA e CO., ftakera. Tims. Fla.
throuRhout the world recommend
6X1 SJ
C roaeers a Co.. 30 H. WHIIssa St., N. Y.
RdHTfiN Ana? I Two American and two
British tennis players, W. A. Larned and
R. D. Wrenn, and R. F. and H. L. Doherty,
Totala I ll It U 1
Louisville 0010801011 1-8
Minneapolis ...0100000061 18
Earned runs: Louisville. 4: Minneapolis.
4. .Two-base hits: Odwell (2), Smith
Schrlever. Three-base hits: S. Sullivan,
Odwell, Smith. Stolen bases: Kerwln,
Hart, C. Sullivan (2). Sacrifice hits: Quln
lan. Oyler. Hart, White, Brashear. Baso on
ball: Off Bohannon, 6; off McDonald, 3; oft
8: by Waiker, 1; by McDonald, 4. Double
at Harlem todav a heavy rainstorm com
pletely changed the aspect of the race and
caused the defeat of Dick Welles. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Sardine won.
The Forum second. Father Wentker third.
Time: 1:1414.
Second race,flve furlongs: Flo Bob won,
Fred Leppert second. Geranium third.
Time: 1:02.
Third race. Garden City handicap, six
Orfeo tti
r u li r ill ritue, ict j'i '-i uiwsr;, miuri course; I . . iTw. . ...... vw nmlolil
Golden Link won. Tatar second, Indian II OP preaented three years ago by Dwight
Fifth race.' one mile: Postmaster Wright This Is' the third attempt which British
-1 j r-, i ,L,., m. . I niavAra have mnde to lift the Davis cup.
won, jtivuce Bcnjunu, vidwio iiuru. lime; I J . . ' " , . ... - , v,
1 jfiii On the first year that It was offered tne
Sixth race, one mile and an eighth: Major foreigners were badly beat en at o"fwo""
rn w j vn" i .i.i'ij I A veto r am tha tA iKinef tVai. Wit u Ur.
rr4A. .aa I Jnshua Pim. made another bid for
gs: Jack Battlln won. Ahola aecond. rtaq"'," nA S?Jt mateh
third Time- l ltHi. I club a courts tomorrow In the first maicn
rth race! "SeinlMhaaa. ahort course: for the International Tennis Challenge
Reanlta at St. Lonla.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 8.-Results:
First race, one mile and seventy yards,
plays: Sullivan to Brashear to White; selling: Ben Hempstead won, Exapo see,
MCl-TOnaia. I uilu J"ia uiy mnu. aiiuc
Martin to Spooner. Wild pitch
Left on bases: Louisville. 9; Minneapolis,
11. Tlma 2:46. Umpire: Mullane.
Toledo Battlea Till Dark.
TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 8. Toledo and Mil
waukee played a thtrteen-lnnlng tie game
here today, to a tie, 2-2. The game was
called on account of darkness. Both pitch.
ers played brilliantly. Attendance, 7i0.
Second race, five furlongs, sellina: Carvota
won, Angeiee second, momaine third. Time:
the cup and won two of tne nve
points necessary for its possession.
The British team this year Is again
made up of the two Dohertys and
H. S. Mahoney as a tnira memper. n was
announced this afternoon that the two
Dohertys would play in both single and
double matches, leaving Mahoney aa a sud-
stltute In case of accident.
Two matches win De piayea lomorruw
. Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
' tin c, o, er,t
ST. LOUIS. Aur. 3. St Louis won from
Pittsburg today by 8 to 2. Pittsburg got
off In the lead by scoring two runs in tha
third, their only tallies in the game. St.
Louis Dy a game enort ilea tne soore in
the sixth and scored the winning tally In
th uuanlh PhK.r Val VeirtVmrir of Pitta-
Kansas City-Colorado Springs game again f "r w" r?"e.Ye!
postponed. I feature of the came. Attendance. 1.364.
Standing; of the Teams. I Score:
g2 R.H O.A.K.I r.m.o.a.b;.
A07 I Farrell, Ib.., 0 I 9 0 V neaumoni, ei i i
Donoran, rf.. 0 0 1 0 S. bring, rt... 0 1110
Kill I BHIUUl, V..... V W ., Ma""', WWW-
01Vlnral. a a a l n n.n.eM. lh ft 0 1 1 0
J Oarular, If... 0 I I 0 3 Leaeb. lb.... 0 1110
f'f I B.irk. lb.... 0 Oil j'liltch.T. lb.. 0 1410
447 lb.. 0 110 I Knwnr. If... 0 I 1 I
.3S1 Ryan, a 0 0 I 1 Smith, e 1 1 4 1 0
Colo- Murphy, p.... 1 1 0 4 0 Falkenb's. p. 0 1 1 1 0
fcW '.I i i,,,. -
Totala I10IJU0
1 Totala. I I 14 10, 0
GAMES ' IN AMERICAN LEAGUE fiS : :::::"": I S S 0o i J o tX
Ealned runs: St. Loula. 2: Pittsburg, 2.
Two-base hits: Beaumont, Be bring.
Ritchey. Sacrifice hit: Beaumont. Stolen
bases: Brain (2). First base on balls:
Off Murphy, 1; off Falkenburg, 2; off Leever,
1. lelt on oasts: Bl. iouis, s; rumours,
8. Innings, pitched: By Falkenburg, V4;
Leever, 'lVs. Hits: Off Falkenburg, ;
Leever. 2. Time of game: 1:30. Um
pire: O Day.
Broaklya Downs the Phillies.
PHILADELPHIA. Aur. 3. Superior hit
ting won today's game for Brooklyn from
Philadelphia,. The noma team ituiea to get
A hit off Sohmldt after the third inning.
was splendid.
Attendance, 7.7W. ocora
Smith, rf.'.,
Chllde, lb..
Owena, ar.,
Turner, lb,
Relallna, e.
Srhaub, Ib.
Vlanaaan. rf. 0 1 1 0 1
Ball, aa 0 0 1 1 1
couxnun, p.. o o o x o
Milwaukee .......... 82
Colorado Springs.... 84
Kansas City......... 4
St. Joseph 81
Peoria 8f
Denver 84
Des Moines 85
Omaha . 84
Games today: Denver at Peoria;
rado Springs at Milwaukee.
Totala I I II 20 I Totala .. I 10 II U 1
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Toledo 0 0000100
Earned run: Toledo. 1. Two
Schaub, Oanley 12), Unglaub (2), Vlox.
Home run: Smith. Stolen bases: Dunleavy,
Unglaub. Sacrifice hits: Owens, Ball,
out: By CouShlin, 7; by Elliott, 1. Base
on balls: Off Coughlin. 4. Left on bases
Toledo, 1; Milwaukee, 11. Double play:
Helming to cscnaun. mil oy pitcnea Dan
BattlasT Honors Ara Even, hat Wash-
Ington's Bnached Hlta Beat
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2,-Battlng honors
-vera even.' Washington bunched In the
seventh Inning and won today's game hand
ily. Boston's infield work waa the feature.
Attendance, 2,710. -Score:
. H.H.O.A.B.I R.H.O.A.B
Moran, aa.... 1 111 o Doherty, if... 1 I ll 1 1 a hit off Sohmldt after th
Kyaa. ct 1 110 o Collina. I0...0 III o 1 The fielding of both teams
Liarae, io.... a a a v Biani er... 1110 0
B.lbaoh. 1I...1 14 1 olPraenwa, rf.,1 I I I
Lee, rf..,....S 0 10 0, Parent, aa 0 0 14V
i ougtuin, : l I i 1 !, iMaoa. Ik t 1 10- 0 I
traas. lb.... I t 1
McCorm'k, lb 0 I 0 Perrla. lb.... I 0 0 11 mSSi it 110 0
Klttrldae. 0..1 I T 0 0 Crlg.r. a f 1 I 0 0 Doboa ef 1 I
or,h. "jii.'S";. j j ; BSE 3:::: i iJ S J
7 Z.Z "' U' " ' I'ehlen. aa....O 114c
Totala f hit 0
Totala I I 14 14 1 1
xLaChance out for Interference,
xxliatted for Crlger. '
Washington 10 0 60040
Boston U 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 03 I
Earned- runs: Washington, 4: Boston, t
iwo-Dase nus: urm, ciarae, c Btahl (I).
McCrearr. rt. I 0 I 0 0!
Flood, ib 1 1 I I 1
Jarkiltech, . 0 1 I 1 1
Schmidt, p... 1 1 1 I 1
ToUla T 10 17 11
Batted for Fraser In ninth,
Stolen base: Doherty. ' Sacrifice hit: Ryan. gr?,ly ; J ?
First baa on balls: Off Uibaon. a bV,,7 Philadelphia 8 0 1 9
Thoaua. ef... 1141
Qleaeon, lb. . 1 1 1 T 0
woivrtoe. lb 1 I a 1 1
Tltaa. rf 10 110
llarrr, It 1 0 0 0
Douglaa, lb.. 0 0 I 0 1
Hulawltt. aa.. 0 4 10 0
Both, e 0 1110
Kraaer, p 0 0 0 4
out: By Orth. ; by Gibson, Left on
her nana at MeConnell Bay Hyoanel
Will Glva Relict gold lader
The aeaaoa for hay fever la almost at
hand ajid many people feel that they will
be obliged to leave town 'in order to avoid
tha sneeslng, watery ayea and other an
noying symptoms of this disagreeable turn-1 nd
mer disease.
.4 I IT 11 1
8 0 0 0-7
0 0 0 0-4
Eearned runs: Brooklyn. 1: Philadelphia,
2. Two-baee hits: Doyle. Gleason. Three-
base hit: Roth. Home run: Sheckard.
Double play: Wolverton to Roth. Stolen
baaes: Strang, Dobbs, Doyle, Flood, Wol
verton. Titus. Barry, Fraser. Struck out
By Schmidt, 1; by Fraser, 1 Left on bases
Brooklyn, v: rnnaaeiunia, a. f irst base
on balls: Off Bchmldt, 4; off Fraser, 2.
Time of game: Two hours. Umpire, John
Mew York Wins la Eleventh.'
BOSTON. Aug. 3. New Tork scored three
runs In the eleventh inning and defeated
Boston, 4 to 1, In a long-drawn-out but ex
citing game. After Boston tied the score
and still had men on bases in the ninth,
Mathewaon struck out the side. Willis
k.ukMiH In thai ailAventh .nil kl .unnnp
au..uuuui wian us a an-1 iiuiea mm. Atienaance, i.ns. coore;
nounce that when Hyotnel Is used, either I tork. . boiton,
as a pravenUva or euro, there will be no Urowne. rt... o VJw.i.Un it a 'i . .B,
hay fever. Tbey ad visa tha use of Hyomel I breanahao. at I l 1 o o Tenner, ib. ..o in o i
dally for two or three WMk Kf... .k I "eUena. Ik.. e II 0 tfStaaley. ef... 4 1 I 0 i
ouaiy lor ive or tnree weeks before the I Manw. it.... 0 0 10 (M araai. rl ... l i a a
usual time for tha annual appearance of I bbb, 4 114 OMuraa. e 0 l I o
hay fever. In this way tha attack will ba fX!- .;- 7 ; i J t,!:: 'Jl! ! ! i
prevented. If, however, the preventive ''' ' 1 1 11 I v Aubrey. aa... o I I I :
treatment wi not started soon enough tm"M' i J ' -JJJJj
and the dlseuaa oomas on, use H yomel six Totals. 4 I u ll ll ToUla ."I"MW
or seven times daily and also rub Hvomei New York 400010000 34
Balm thoroughly Into tha nnatm. .n "' " - vy u i
,w. , . . . :i iwpDan mi: moran. nmien Daaea
,uur.,... ,...av. a.u. treatment will Bresnahan. M.Oaiin. Uertea, Gilbert, Ab-
relleve at one and glva a speedy and per. I battlchU. Double plays: McGann (unaa
manent Cure. ... I eisted), Babb to Glltwrt. First base on
v,-i. .... i muis: vn n una, a; on Matnewson. 2. Hit
Hyomel actually bring Into your own hv nltrhed ball: Babb fiiihr a.r,,.w
home, a climate filled with osone and hi. I By Mathewaon, 11: by WHlla. k. Tim. n
Ing balsams, tha same air that one breathes ,un,; 4 vmynrm; cmsne.
taaaiaaj of tha Tea ana.
Flayed. Won. Lost
.. 89 40 29
17 61 se
... HI
... M
... Hi
... 1
. .4a
at the White Mountains or other health
resorts. .
There Is no stomach dosing when Uvn. I Pittsburg
met Is used. It Is Nature's own Method cmI
iur cunua uiawaawjai i mm respiratory I Cincinnati
organs, ana is creamec through a neat I Brooklyn
pocket innaier mat accompanies every I IT .
. . . . . . . f I rt. Louis
ouini, ma mat arm mouicaiea air reaches Philadelphia
tha minutest air cells, killing all germs Games todsy: Brooklyn at Philadelphia,
and soothing and healing the . Irritated I N,w Iora at Boston. Pittsburg at Chicago,
mucous merabiano. ......
It la the 'one treatment for hay levari Atiantia Keeps aa Wlaalngr,
whsre Sherman aV McConnell guarantee I tlRINPA. Ia.,' Aug. 8. SpeclU Tele
to refund tha money If It doea not give 5w!rlinJlo.Ton,, fxlay s game by
satisfaction. AU who are aubjact to hay lug. SocVe: Atlantto ii" f7.V--TT E'Y.'
tavar should begin 1U usa at oaoa go aa to Atlantic. 10; Clartnda. , tix.ra: AtlanUo!
prevent the diaevaa. I TjjTli"1' 6m fay two gaoies
1 I I 4. 0
Bch' I 1 I I I
Dooahue. lb.. 0 1 17 1 0
110 OHVood. e 11 1 I
1 15 1 Oil'nalaub. lb.. 0 118 1
,0111 01 Hemphill, ef. 0 1 0
,0134 Oinunleavy, If.. 1 1 1
Oanley, rf.... 110 0 0
Vlox. aa 0 1 I I 0
Elliott, p 0 0 1 I 0
ira llXllL'n' a-" aftfrnponeachbeglnnlSg at 3. Larned
Will play rt. 1'. uoneriy, tne ewor ui ui.
two brothers, while Wrenn will face H. L.
. . , ... n...An. T3l,la. nn.mnlnn lirt
frdDairW,.a,l?S? D Or eCOn'1, SUnd Pat Wednesday R D and' 6 L. Wrenn will
won, Protenalon second, I ngol thrift third.
nme: iiwa,
Sixth race, one mile &nd seventy yards
Submarine won, Iminorta second, Sllsa Eon
miru. xiiiiv, i.avva
Reanlta at Buffalo.
BUFFALO, Aug. 8. Results:
been decided before that time, there will be
two more matches in singles, Larnod play
ing H. L. Doherty and Wrenn meeting R.
r . uonerty. r.acn maicn win uuum
point and the majority will decide the con-
Larned a defeat of R. F. Doherty in the,,n.i match at NewDort last year
First race, six furlonits: Bthel Davis I .-i.o- him h fnvnrlte tomorrow, but the
won. Herodes second. JutKer third. Time: I -,.u irnnnn atreneth of the brothers In
1:134. .... doubles leads to the belief that they will
eeuona race,' nve ana a naif furlongs: l k successful over the Wrenn brotners on
M mAnnA I ... . .... mi.... I. u ru,,, , , 1 0 1 1 n Tl
the match
U Doherty.
1000 0-2 P.andmo.rJwo5( Henry Ralto second, Uoo Wednesday. There is much s
10 00 0-3 Many third.. Time: l.Wk. jti therefore, as to the outcome of
k . ww. Third race, one mile: Cranesvllle won, hiTween R D. Wrenn and H. L
base hits: Arra Gowan second, passadore third. Time between n' u- """"
Fourth race, one mile and an elrhth.
Toronto Civlo handicap: Wlreln won, Auto-
Hemphlll, Wood. Vlox, Donahue. Struck light second, Albula third. Time: l:62i
illtn race. lour and a half furlnnu-a
Silver Dream won, Maud Johnson second,
Shina-le third. Time: 0:65.
Sixth race, five and a half furlonea: La
Wood. Passed ball: Relsllng. Time: 2:0u. I Montague won, Cormac second. Deckaimer
Umpire: Cunningham. , third. Time: 1:15.
.. - . . . i Bevemn race, steepiecnase. anour one mile
IIIBOIDI OI ine leama. .nrt three-ouartara. handican; Heil P.r " iut .TefTrlea did
Played. Won. Lost P.C. I Trenct the Mere second, Faraday, Jr., third! I little work yesterday, but this morning
Jeffries Baorclses Hare, wnua tor-
bett Takes Part la Theatrical ,
SA NFRANCISCO, Aug. 8.-Advlees from
St. Paul.. 92 61 31 .ftffl Time: 3:64.
Milwaukee 87 64 S3
Indianapolis 81 48 42
Louisville 90 46 44
Kansas City 84 40 44
Minneapolis 82 8s 64
Columbus 93 38 64
Toledo 8 33 66
Games today: Kansas City at Columbua
Milwaukee at Toledo, St. Paul at ladianap-
ons, aiinneapuiis at xxtuwvuie,
Jetters Defeat - the Crescents.
went Into tha gymnasium and exeralsed
.,r,i1 ha aiaa Barlow. Ha then DUt On the
GRAND CIRCUIT AT BUFFALO glovea and engaged in lively bouta with his
unnitu vinnuil HI DUTTHLU tenders. He soon had Fitislmmons, Ken-
nertv and his brother Jack sparring lor
Which Ronsea Grand
wind, while he himself waa fresh &n4
strong. . . . .
Those wno see jennes at wore, arm ni.
his steady improvement declare he will
be In rare form on the night of August 14.
J. J. Corbett, wno on oaiuraay ana nun
BUFFALO. Aug, 3.-The Buffalo Driving ".f '"A. VSuSTlt!"
ciuu s grana circuit meeting opened today rr . ,.,;.V in hn iralnlne nuarters at
The B. Jetters beat the Crescent m ten KenTl worth track Geers and Doble met Ji"". i, iiood form and will n"
inlngs of the most Interesting game of J" th J trot and lr. the third heat of ifi",6' TOaslb lity of defeat"
all witnessed on tha Manawa g'oJnda this rtce XhlK It"1 to w,Ie for a flnl,,h posslDinty ot oeieat.
h, 11
season. Next Sunday both teams wh meet M1"' 1.. nnoril CCIIO DIM Ufll niMflfi
at B. Jetters' park, south Omaha. Score: 1 CV. i" """'i L rUOl PL. OLLUO UMUk. I iuuui ll Uvi
l . .AkAAAAl ouiiiiiini J r
? 2.13 pace, puree 31.200:
crescents UUaVUUlU M l ICeene fh ar l,v W.. fK...
Hin an nnaear jairara. 7 i,Ani. a I ( l ur . .
Struck out: By Adams, 11; by Peterson, 1 Trilby Direct, b. m. (Walker) 2 1
11. Two-base hits: .Collier, Tompeett, Ebony King. blk. g. (Bogart. 4 3
oasri on Dana: K. aouii, i; ore reierson, I eanie uaron, cn. m. (snow) 3 ds
2. Time; 1:60. Umpire: Swaru.
Pragma Beats Malmo.
PRAGUE. Neb.. All. 8 (BDeclal.l Tha
Malmo and Prague base ball teams crossed
bats at Prague yesterday. Prague defeat-
'i?.M.almo 1 J J'v.Btt.erJ",: or Malmo, Hawthorne', to. m. (Hudson)
U...U..B vu.., im i mjo- i Anna Hem, n. m. (rccner)..,
nato and Frabm. Time: 2:i 2.10H 2:11V4.
z:i2 pace, purse li.uv:
Waahlnglan Amerleaa Cfnb Praaldent
Disposes of iteck to Former
ds I WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. President Pos
tal of the wasnington American league
base ball club tonight disposed ef his
Rector, b. g. (Emery).
Time: 2:09, 2:104.
2:12 trot, nurse 82.000:
Billy Buck. b. g., by St. Clair (Geers) till stock in the club to four of the present
:n. m., Dy Aicamedla
r ranees B., c
(Snow) ...
Allle Wood, b. a (Miller)....
Trad Carey for Ilngh Hill. I Dlabllto, b. g . by Diablo (Walker).. 14 1
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3.-Flrst Rmm.n l"m aTLm: i"V
Carey of the Washington baseball cluh MW.rnoS. n,r,,:Mii.e;i
nas oeen trauea lor i-ucner Hugh Hill of E MAfirVaVrir m m li.
the Nashville Southern league team Hll &n. h m (Snow)..
' l 'nme zilli
-, v T7T 1 3:09 trot, purse 31.000: -
Blonx tlty a Winner. ran T.. b. g.. by Crawford (Geers) 8
SIOITX FALLS. S. D.. An. 3 rqn.ui I Monte Carlo, b. s., by Mendocino,
Telegram. )-The Sioux City team of the . '"If,8" "."i: K-kV"v. X 1
Iowa-South Dskota league defeated the I L?r.d yinort. D- V st- Vincent
Sioux Falls on the local around this efr. I ?attersoraV I 1
Aoon to 2. I Dulce D Or, b. g. (Miller) X 2
l ne noman, o. g. uaimai..,.
tnplrholriera. I
14 4 Charles Jacobson, one of the purchasers,
8 8 8 will be the new head of the organisation.
... s 3 2 1 Tom Loftus will be retained as manager.
a ear
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 8. The Northwest
1 4 I Tennis tournament scneauiea to open to-
6 t I day was postponed until tomorrow on ac-
2 8 count of rain, rairtngs tomorrow iojiow:
3 3 R. G. Huntington. California, Pacific ooast
8 6 champion, ana rl. neimnois, miiwu;
ria T.arnr.,1 Chlcaao. and L. NorthruD. Uni
versity of Mlnneaota cnampion; A. v. snow,
Chiruaro. ana uiaire vvinne. tormer uni
1 1 versity champion, mis city,
8 S I Rain Halta Teaala Toaraey
i 1 1 CHICAGO, Aug. i. After one set naa
CHALLENGER RUNS LIKE WITCH a.j V g. (Davis":::::::
uiiiana BBBnrgcK l ay mora Thaa a
Mile la Thlrty.Mllo
Baron de Shay, b. g. (McHenrv).. 8 7 dr
Time: 3:0H. 3:lOH. "'V 3:iz4.
8:26 trot, for 8-year-olds, nurse 11.000:
Tireless, b. g.. by Klectrlo Bell (Miller) 1 1
Mary fesge, b. f. (Kenny) j J
Lord Roberts, n. e. (Titer) 3
Time: lUltj, z:ifl-
-With all tha luck aaralnal it Bh. rA,J'TTr ' Ullllla Wlinifll lUltOniT
today again proved Itself a snlHndid nr.,
In light winds by berating Its paoemaker I singles Down to Beml-Flaals and
a. si in a iniriy-inue wiiiGwara ana leeward
race on Dttnoy nwii.
The boats rrosaed the line: Shamrock
in. n u n; naaniroca i, ll ll J,.
ice boats aot away on different lov.
Shamrock I heading off shore, while the
I hnan flnlshed for the American chamDlon
a j I .hin trutuv between Krelah Collina. the
J." 4 6 6 ro I present holder, and A. O, Snow, a heavy
7 8 7 ro I rainstorm pui an enu iu un conieii. i ne
Weeding Oat Started la tha
challenger started toward the Jersey shore. inr,
An hour after the start Shamrock III was ,"1? ?!
Play was continued In the city tennis
t at tne rieia eiub courts last
""-." ""S" to WlllQ- I nl are rinwn to tha ill
wara. nnen uoin Doats needed for tha I ..Tii.r T i.. iI.iL.Jrr
r'from1 a wlSda Tdp Wil t all matches in th. nrsYrounS BAR HARBOR M... Aug. 8-Th. naval
turn but Caotalr. Wrlmrl h5 f5 "f. conaolatlon singles are now finished, maneuvera actually began today, whan
two short tacka. '"5S?J?llo7'm.
rV I "'srht and aa a result the championship
first set went to Collins. 8-0. Weathsr
permitting, the other two sets will Va
fought out tomorrow.
Games la Three-I Uafot,
At Bloomlngton Bloomlngtdn, t; Rock
Island. 2. . .
At Davenport I avenport. t; Dunuque. 1.
At Rockford Cedar Raplda, ; Rock-
ford, 0. ...
At Decatur ijecaiur, is; npringneia, .
Hostile Saandroa Withdraws Ready
to Break Tnrongh Katloaal
Both broke out anlnnaker. ,A Ka11. I nampionsnip singiea, inira rounn: J.
tooa for the run hark. All tha ... I " 1 ow' oersuit
a wucn
Championship doubles, preliminary round:
the so-called offensive squadron withdraw
from the combined North Atlantic fleet and
departed froaa the harbor.
enlng breese. Shamrock I was more than Roaera. 8 2 -? MartlS and K?TJ1, 2T I The 1a-lrt"' ,n cmniand of Rear
5,'h"e-?."'r0., th" rbJ1e' 8h. ahV'BSrr brothlVM. WmcCo Admiral Sand, and consisted ot the battle-
nail and HoH dffrated Pftlmer and Do- I ahlpa Texas, Indiana and Maasachusetta
k-,.Oar t-.u Jl-vr.. ..IS T nUT 12 .-... 1 1 i I ....
Shamrock III.. 11:12:17 2:W 32 4 11 00 4 6S:41 kTns defeated destroyers Lawrence
Shamrock I... .11:11:37 2:08:02 4:21:17 1:08:2 Sw:,,), v.L liul Whipple. The vessels When laat aeen
BRISTOL. R. I , Aug. tn'ompletely and West. 6-0. 8-0. W(re heading In a south-southeasterly di
nned out for Its great contest with Sham- Championship douhlen, first round: Bat- ,nM
rock III Reliance left Its builders' works ln snd Hill defeated Sleepack and Selfken. ' . ..... ... ..,..
today and proceeded down the bay to New- 8-2. 8-4. On Wednesdsy at noon the remainder
a"-- I I'onsoiaunn singles, nrsr mund: Hovt I of tha fleet under Rear Aomirai Banter
.,. I Burr defeated J. R-annrll by default; Tab- i in Aumma tha defensive Each vessel
Kid Herman Gala a Match. bins defeaied Welty by default; Wehrner W ! . lM aern,,v- cn VBM
Wn-H nnmea rVn- at , . . -,. I u-ieeieo j imer. o-a. Mure da. - - " -
i 0m,fr-0m t.,cP".ha Kid fe. ted McWhorter by default: ran Camo instructions. Some time between Wednea-
vverser o. a,- noon nA Monday the hostile s-iuad-
defeated Dcto ron muat make whatever demonatra Uon 18
I to ha made or secure an anchoraaa la order
fiSh. wUl' con!. iK'ST Augvith'S:'i oJrt U'xW- WlowSf-" ht fftt t0 "ln' An 'ttck b
ertnan of (.nijaao. who waa in Omah. I ..... x...
the middle of U.t wek looking for a g. feiwd Roaers7 8jT 8-3 Hill
a'.oc'.W J0"nhbOr,UJh.WLth.hl,k1 "y. Uohn by default; Monne
i L?.. rn. nh,"rr th winner to I hen y, 8-i j.j.
flght Lattllug Nelaon of ChleagO. The I Thi matehaa a-hanl-yl - t
At I p. m. the first round of champion-1 ' t,me Ealrt and Cape Ann.
Dally to Sapt SOtK.
between Omaha, and Denver
Double Berths. $1.50 '
Accommodations provided for all classes
of passengers.
Writ for copy of booklet,
" Tha Roeklsa, Great Salt Lake And Yellowstone."
City Ticket Office, 13U4 Farnnm St.
Phone 310.
Only 045.00
California Return
$15.00 is the rate for a first class round trip
ticket Omaha to Los Angeles or Ban Francisco,
August 1st to 14th inclusive. Return limit,
October 15th. For 11.00 more $56.00 in all
you can return Tla rortland, Ore.
Remember the dates, the rate and the fact that
the Rock Island has two lines to California
via El Paso and Colorado.
Through standard and tourist sleepers daily.
For further information call at or address,
City Ticket Office
1323 Farnam Street, Omaha,
F. P. Rutherford, 0. P, A.
P. S. $45.00 round trip to Portland, Tacoma,
Vancouver and Seattle, same dates and limit".