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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY I1EE: M ON DAT, AUGUST 3. 1003. c fSPECIAl NOTICES will t taV.ea til IX as. far the ! edition and aatll m SO p. aa. for moral Saaday rltla. ftatea, 1 l-9e a tl first lasertlea, fa a ward thereafter. .thla takea far less tliaa IS for Ik frtl laser tloa. These aavertlsesneats an) be raa eieeatlvely. Advertiser, ay reqaastla a kered eaeek, eaa hav aaawers ad dressed ta a aamttercd letter Ik ear f Tb Pee. Answer aa addressed will be delivered aa prsatatlas ( tb ak WANTED SITl'ATIONS. COMPETENT young lady stenographer wants position in suutnenstern r-ienrsnn. Address, Stenographer, E. nth St., Aopesa, ivan. A io tx WASTED-MALE HELP. FALL TERM. Opens September 1. Bend for catalogue at I orce. Aw classes in all departments. I Why not attend a lew months and secure I good position? It la ready for you. I Omaha Commercial College , I i . IfMI B.IIU VUUKIHI OIB. B-M883 WANTED For United States army, abls bodied, unmarried men, between agus of 21 and 3s, cltlaens of United Stales, ot good character and temperate hat.lts, who can speak, read and wine Englisn. For Information apply to recruiting officer. liith and Lodge' Sts., Omaha, and Hastings. Neb. B Mtfi WILL give a worthy young man or woman a palu-up scholarship In Omaha's leading business college,' to be paid for when course IS finished ana position secure 1. Addrese, U la, liee. u l .WANTED Small Job of cellar cementing done. Apply at eu7 in. x. ure mag. U M646 DRl'O clerk, with J or J years' experience. willing to work. Address, K. F. tfrown, Bioux Fans, b. jj. a boi t TWO men for handling lumber, two man for factory work. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. 13 670-6 .WANJED-Flwt class moulders; steady The F. Si. Davis Iron Works Co., Denver, Colo. a Mw WANTED, j boy who has completed his schooling, or a lady, for general office work and bookkeeping. Address K i. Bee office.- . . . n wu ix .WANTED Men- to learn barber trade; our I diplomas assist to. top wages; our method wvn J F ' m ltv tn uvbii; u earnea oexorv compieLixix; our caiaioKue tells how. mailed free. Write Moler Bar ber College, 1303 Douglas SL B M801 7x WANTED. , performers, male and female, I lor UDernn,, uur, Dciiitrautr i I to 11: acrobats, singers, dancers, eta Write at one to uoerun street f air Co., Oberlln, Kan. 3X BUNDLE wrapper wanted A good bright boy aoout 11 years oia, to wrap bundles. Apply J. ij. uranaeis a eons. li M WANTED A single man to drive and work about barn ana uouse; gooa wages. Ap ply at office of Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. B M923 4x ' 1 1 1 I .WAOTED-A flrstlas. rteat snd pastry COOK sat. iur UVWIB (cnusui.ut, O Ctn f,trs, " 1 urgls D.; wages o0 a month tor a good, sober man. SCAN with references for commercial traveler, to eall on merchants and agents; experience not required; salary t24 per week wun expenses aavanceu. jhiiuiuw, azs ljearDorn St.. cnicaguk a m a WANTED SALESMEN. 300K SALESMEN, ATTENTION We have an entirely new proposition for men of ability. .uMuory is oeing rapiuiy as elaned. Coupon and card leads.- F. D. Mayer, Broadway and Locust Sts., St, Louis. Ho. M801 Zx WANTED FEMALE HELP, In Girls. Call Canadian offlca, Uth & Dodge. aj WANTED, girl for light housework; family Ot two. Aaaress j w, ceet c oaai WANTED, rlrl for general housework: family of tore. Mrs. KUneraU tfli North iHth AT. C-671 WANTED, girt for general housework. 1811 Chicago. c oo i WANTED, lad'es to learn halrdresstng. manicuring or facial massage; few weeks completes; our diplomas assist to top wages; our iree catalogue explains now. Moler couego, iM jjougias oi. C MS12 Tx; TOUNO girl to assist st general house- work. Inquire izi b. zotn bi. c aiss; 4 WANTED Middle aged woman to cook for family of four; no washing; wages 84 a WANTED Girl for office work: bring recommendations.- sis jaccague niag. ' C MWO 4x WANTED Girl for office work: must be good penman. Aaaress Jv u, uee. - . C-M933 4 FOR RENT HOUSES. flUUSLO c. Peters fc Co.. Bee BIdg. : U Sii FOR RENT, 7-room house, all modern ex cept furnace, 704 N. 30th St., 8J0. C. M. uacnnian, jraxton til. u 3ts tlVJUOCO o. r. Davis Co., 60s Bee Bid A H PAYNK-BOBTWICK at CO., cholc houses eui-ous .cw lorx uie uiag. i'tiono lma. D-5 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A stnr. age Co. Tel. ltkKi. Omce, 1713 Webster St. D usi CENTRAL, lat-dass I-room house. ZX N. St. D M477 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. jj ti( TWO -room nouses, all modern, $18.00. c. M. jaaenntann, raxton block. V AI769 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storaire Co., o., offlc lillH r.rnara, or Tela Iau9-S.j. D (84 X318 Douglas St., 11 rooms. Apply tv N. Y. IJie. D 28 rOK RENT, a cottage. 1108 Marcy St.; 87 per month. Win. K. Potter, receiver. Soj thrown piocs. D tli37 8-ROOM house, modern Improvements. 1316 Capitol Ave. u Alti6l 8x T-ROOM house, modem Improvements, ills capitoi Ave. u .iiJ ax KOOM1NU house, is rooms, modern. In nrBi-ciasa roiiuuion, inn Howard St.. de sirable location; toaai. or will rent 24 rooms. auiMw per uiouin. ueorge Co., lui arnam u D Mtt49 7 THREE-HOOMKD house for rent. 2012 N. Hrq. D-M7S1 lx 107 S. 28TH. I-room cottage. 8S; 3TJ0 Mander- son. rooms, k, ibis Howard. 4 rooms. modern uai, iiju. ivmgwait Airos., Har- ker nig. D uil MODERN g-room cottage 835 00; 2?0R Sher man AVI. u. 13. Turlington. 6CS llee D-776 MODERN 1-reom house. 130. 142 s. Sth st. l M947 8x HOUSE to rent, lell Sth st; T rooms. tlXoO per month. D 166 x roa RENT ri'RNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY Europe a hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 6if ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th at Chicago E 7uu II 00 to 83.00 per week. 422 So. 18th St . nn block south of court house. E-7ul NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; geatlsessa vrfWT4. Ii2t N. 17th. B-701 FOR. ROT-FIRIIMIEn ROOMS. O. M. E. hauls trunki. Telephone 611. r, uw FRONT nnd other desirable rooms, butt), c"l nnd central, for gentleman, lolt Cans St. E-MW7 4 AETNA HOUSE. European. 10th A Dodce. HOTEL HUB BEL. 13 & Howard. Phntie 2m E Mill Sit N. 1TTH. cool front rooms for two. li M 44 1 li NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omsha Hpin laundry, liJO Leavenworth. Phone A-17S3. E-7K ROOMS, $1.60 to $3 no per week; board, $3.00. Tnumton Hotel, 15th and jacason ms. E MS17 zt CNR or two furnished rooms for rent; fine location. lawn and shade, gentlemen pre ferred 2215 Farnom St. E 775 sx TWO pleasant rooms, private, ear line. walking distance. Address K lz. nee omcc. K, .i;.u ox WKU, f'lrnlnhod room In private family. for single gentleman only, lis h. mn si. t, vvs jx FIVE V nnd tin rooms nt 25 Capitol ave.. two Mocks west of hlRIi sc-nool punning; no other roomers; gentlemen preferred. tr-MJaa x eictantw furnished from parlor; beautiful Iswn snd p and bsrk parlor; beautiful iswn snd pnrcnes; one block from city hall. 1SZ1 Do"las st Kmv ax, FIRSISIIKU HOOMS ASD BOARD. TjFaiRABLE rooms, the Farnam, 19th and Farnam. F 71 6"J9 8. 2ITH AVE.; private family. F 707 WELL ventilated modern rooms; first- class board. Telephone. Z1US Douglas at. f XI , 31 NICELY furnished room for two gentle men with first-class board; close to car linH and within walkinc distance; also one very cozy single room. 2i16 Daven- port at. x iw THE beat furnished rooms with board by the day or week, home cooking. 9-i c. 19th st. F M728 ROOMS-Modern, 230 Harney st. F-K4 8X FOR RET ISFinHISHED ROOMS. KOR RENT All modern basement floor. Including heat In winter; $13- Inquire 116 8. 26th st. u M,w I FIVE large unfurnished rooms, lawn and porches; no cnuuren. isi iougiaa l FlnSlTlRK PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERG, 118 So. 17th. Tel. L-3o8. tx IU8 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu - pied uy ino J3ee at, io rarnam si. it nas I tour stones and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee orens room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at otnee oi c. c i-tose- water, secretary, room 100, Be building. 1201 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole- retarv the lit. Hulldinar Co.. roam luu. Vte I building. 1-MD67 - - - - - - , . I -M640 STOREROOM, 1615 Howard St., with light meL,it1,jIJ; p!2nfS?J n:',rear' $00.00. George & Co.. 1601 Farnam st. A AIMS AS AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THs. TntUIIllClH - L'lMOKI t'AKMbK, Steady employment with assured aad in come. Atents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make vusuy 4o to ioo per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Dee nuiiauig, umana. - j jut AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pops ceo Alii. written wun me encouraee- ment, approbation and bleoslng of His Holiness, the Pope, by Monslgnor Ber-1 nard O Rellly. m Pax ton Bldg J-M364 WE have all six of the different Pope Leo XIII books; best terms; freight paid: outfit free. Call or write W. A. Hixen- baugh Co, W0 Ware blk., Omaha. MSC2 AGENTS WANTED-JJ75.00 weekly easily made Selling our uoubie Indemnity Combination health and accident policies. Liberal commission; strong company; experince unnecessary. Write for terms. National Health and Accident Associa tion, 6o8 Crocker Bldg, Des Moines, la. J w A3B FOR best book, best terms on life of Pope Leo Alii call or address u. a. zimmer. oi in. i. iii mug., crmana. j estj WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, by young' msn of good char- actor, room ana ooara in private family, where he can enjoy t,h comforts of a modem home; will pay well for the de-: sirea accommoaaiions. jv MSSia 4x WANTED TO BIY. WANTED to buy, some good dental chairs. Union Dental College. N M574 FOR SALE FVR.MTIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. aim. New ana second-hand bought sold. exenangeo. ci ius FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE, one large six-passenger closed rum v carriaae. one tarire antr. r.miiu carriage, one large platform-spring spider pnaeion; an ruuui'i-urcu, iwo aouuie sets vi. iio. wi.u a,,. ir, iiiuuuicu, .im one Single vei ui unrucH. cuii rranK E. Morses, city nan. P Mgl6 FOR SALE One second-hand 1902 model Olds itunaooui, in gooa condition, -(uu. I One oecond-hnnd 1901 model olas Runabout. i usea very imio, uw uics, goou running order. tJuO. One shop worn Bpauldlng, 375. rtn new Milwaukee steam waron. run probably so mues, ouui io oruer wun au mprovements, an. rin aeeond-hand Milwaukee steam waaon built to order, with till Improvements, used three months only and an excellent i.'im.r XJaU. The largest line of new automobiles in th entire western ""i""?. JONAS AUTOMOBILE CO., Milwaukee. Wis. P-MT88 Tx HAVE your rubber tires set while you wait. 11. Frost, ittn ana ieavenwortn. P-710 1 MONROE sell pleasure vehicles at 811 N. I 16th St. r 711 fstn nnnriT imif nii.. ,1 rmH. ha 2' gear, cheap. Bee A- w. jnnnson. with John Deer Flow Co. P M7i A 26. FOR SALE Half Interest In trotting bred mare; also trotting orea staiuon tor sale. Address K 10. nee. I'M sj 1 FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 1.6O0 feet of seconhand wire rout, in good condition. Apply to or ad dress "Superintendent of liee licil.llng. Omaha. W M.06 NEW and Zdltand typewriters. 111J Farnam. vt ia FOR 8ALE Secondhand LocomobI!, In I flrst-class hnie. at one-half price. Call or address, ltwl Farnam c (j 711 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. IS eentt each; large, well made barrels; pinko first-class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foreman. Bee press room, reir entrance lie lildg. y MUl INDIAN goods and relics. HIS Farnam. U-714 FOR 8ALE-A new 80) amp.ra doubl i P' switch; never been used. Apply t-i or ad- dreas "Superintendent bee Running. ' Omaha PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sal. Apply RoaVs an wiur. j ,11 sale purposes at 18 Farnam 22x90. four VjXVi, a wholesale nerve And tissue food stories and flrst-class cemented basement, iJ treatment for disorders of elevator, Are and burglar proof vault, i" ,mv,il booklet. Vlavl Co 34? Bea office counter and flxtures. For price ami SPi"- W booklet- Vlavl Co., Bee particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater. sec- '" WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE MONEY THAN SOME OF YOUR UNUSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A WANT AD IN THE BEE WILL SELL ANY OLD THING. FOR SALE HlS(ELLAKOH. TELKfllOXE POLES: long flr timbers; chicken fence; oak piling. 9"1 Umlai. FOR HALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either passenger or freight; com. plete, Iron guide posts, cage unu wire en closures. J. L Brandels & Sons. Q 538 IRON and wire fences, tre? guards, treillses. estern Anchor Fence Co., Ju , nth St. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. lilt Fnrnam. WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam 1 Hums. VI M.t 11 21,0no BRICK for sale. W. Farnam Bmlth Co., 1320 Farnam St Q 560 FOR SALE Coal business. Capital reiulred, Si.uw.uu. j zi, nee. . (J bob CATALOG I' E rut drug pieces free. Sher man mcconneil Drug Co., unant. VI .is FOR SALE Great Lane pup. R. Erlksen, rsewman urove, iseo y amis ix FOR SALE A few 6 to 15-horse power boiler and engtnec, of both horizontal and vertical types; also two I.ambert gasoline engines. 4 to 8-horse power; all In ptrfoct running oraer.. N . A. carpenter. Xork Neb. O g7ft-x FOR SALE CHEAP One secondhand steam heater that heats school house with flv rooms; In fair condition; the reason for selling. We are going to build larger. In quire or write, Z. . Linvllle. Secretary of school Hoard, Carson, la. y M6..- FOR tl( and your old sound box we will give you twelve ten-men uic talking machine records, price 1 each, 'and a new Concert sound box. Collins Pluno Co., 113 S. 17th st. Q MJ ( WHILH they last we will sell $1 Climax disc records for 6i cents. Collins hMano Co., 113 S. 17th St., Omaha. vi MX I FOR SALK, cheap, carriage tenm; color, blacx; Hge, s and 7 years old. . 4. ur gess. Boyd's Theater. CLAIRVOYANTS. MUG. LUCRETIA, medium, 1T03 California. S SOS At MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY tfUEEN of clairvoyants: every thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfactlon or no pay. su7 N. lth. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME, SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r.2 1 721 GRACB O'BRYAN Baths. T20 S. 13th. T M696 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., front rooms. tub bath; tirst-ciass attendant. i mm as PERSONAL. . . , . . . - .."h'a.V moK'.uIcK? RTSX " ; . .. .., MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURE8, At druggists, il. U 734 PRIVATE home .during, conflnement babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, ai 1st ave.. Council Blurts, la. ' u 1 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies poaraea ana aaoptea. Mrs. Uaroeis, iaae. xei. nea-ist. U (20 pdivatf. hospital before and during con finement; oesi meaicai care anu nursing, Mrs. L. liner, iwi viiuou. lei. low. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement, it. ana Airs, ueriscn. ItjJb Calllornia et. Itrnu rniumuic c si SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 613 Bee blrtg U-7i TO OMAHA PEOFLB Tnos wanting room and poara ai uiit ckudoji aupiy to Des Moines Beach Clubhouse; best accommodations given. V 794 5x I FOR shattered nerves, sleeplessness and exhaustion, use Exhaustion Cure. Sold only by the family supply co Boston, mass, u '""" ... . . tem and builds up ths stomach. 35 cents. IJ IW? V3L MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam umun ee cu., .."l,.ccv- W 72 FARM and. clty loans; w rates. W H. Thomas, rst Kan jjiu. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 8S7 N. T. Life. . TO . p c. ro0ney. Bemls, Paxton block, 1 !- v ""' W 733 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1401 Farnam. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 4H WANTED Real estate loans and war rant. It J. jreiers a. v-u., v 79J MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY t8v I pest explains our methods. i .v. in.n nn furniture, pianos, warenuu I receipts, etc. Or If you have a permanent I position wt can mass yuu a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential snd we always try to please. All that wo aaa is mm you b' " . before ou. borrow t ' sewnere. OMAHA Itll '11 IK1 vi r v ' '. , 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. tXSii. (Established 12.) 306 8. Wth St. X 737 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system ot loans tnai gaia uu out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. Just on his note: Monthly. Weekly. 1100 Return to us... I'JO Oi or $13 35 or tti 65 I 60 Return to us... 13.33 or e w or -315 8 25 Return to us... 6 o4 or 133 or l.tki I 16 Return to us... 4.00 or 2.00 or 1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. WulcK service, courteous tr,nlirifinL THE STAR LOAN CO.. 044 PAXTON BLK. v ifli I cash in a.t i jjj. j. 111111.11 op furniture, planes, etc., and to peopl holding a steady position, without secur ity or publicity, st the very lowest rstes; payments can be made to suit your con venience; strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms iuT- Paxton Block. X73S MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. . 633 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sts. X-7J8 L-A.RGE8T BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms. 40 offices In prln fina! cities. Tolmun, 440 Board of Trads Bldg. X-7 MONEY loaned on pW.n note to salaried people; business con'iilentlal; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hution Co. X-741 I CHATTFL. salary and Jewelry losns Foley Loan Co.. sue. to D. Green, R. 8. Barker bk X-742 MONEY loaned on pianos furniture. Jew- airy, norsea, cows, tic. C . Reed, 3'1 8 it. x-7a B18INE8S CHANCES. FOR SALE, by administrator, good clean stock of general merchandise In good brick building In good location, ready to begin business at any time; Invoice about io."jo; must be sold soon. Call on or ad dress 8. W. Chambers, administrator, Blair, Neb. X M71 FOR SALE, cltan, new stock of general m-rennnmse ana otuiaing; invoice about $i.t0; well established trade; good com munity. Address J 34, Bee. X M'Mb i A OfHID business chenee for man with small capital; pay IJio per month clear; best town in Black Hills. Address J &a, Bee office. Y MOW 11 FOR SALE, real estate, rental and Insur- rance business in best county In Ne braska; a snap for a man with a little money and some push. Established ten years. Address Lock Box 346, Inside, Neb. Y AlOuti 6 NEWSPAPER for ssle. Good, paying te- puuiican weekly; county seat; occupies special field. Address J 65, Bee. Y-M890 5x FOR SALE, at a bargain, bskery and con fectionery; good loi'auon; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new; will sell or. one year's ttme, with approved security. Address Mrs. F. E. Laker, West Point, Neb. Y Mt27 7 A GOOD paying H-room hotel for sale In Wood River, Neb., at a hargaln; owner lives in Chicago Is the object In selling. Mitchell at Fuught, Wood River, Neb. Y M6S2 WANTED, party with J250 to take half In terest in good paying business well estab lished. Address J 6o, Bee. Y M833 tx WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange nj property or ousiness quiCK, see J. M Jorson. 43 N. Y. Life. Y 714 FOR SALK, real estate and loan business; other business; small capital required J 68. Bee. Y "75 lx FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Are you looking for a home in Omaha? If so, call, phone or write for our list of "100 BARGAINS IN OMAHA REAL ESTATE" We have the choicest list in the city. They are going fast, but some of them are still left BENSON & MYERS, 18 N. Y. Life Bldg. DESIRABLE HOUSE WEST PART CITY 111.000 for 136 N. 38th Ave., east front lot 80x166 feet, known as J. H. Mcintosh place; 11 rooms, strictly modern through out, combination furnace and hot water heat, oak finish and hard wood floors on first floor. Also good barn. Possession can be riven any time. GEORGE tfc COMPANY, 1601 Farnsm St RE MB04 8 EASTERN party anxious to close out his real estate deals In Omaha will sell mod ern house on paved street one block from car line; hot water heating; good barn; for 83.600; house cost. $,000 to build. Thomas Brennan, 809 So. 13th St. RE M7S5 RANCH and farm lands for sale by th Union Pacific Railroad . company. B. A. McAllc-ter, land commissioner. Union Pacific .Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. . i .. RE 748 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 608. Bee Bldg. RE-746 SALINE COUNTY arms', ar th best. I have some bargains.,. Writ for partlcu- ' lars at once. F..G. onnson, uorrnesier. Neb. i RE M692 22 W. C. CHISSELL, 833 N. T- LlfBMg 10-ROOM modern house. ' 11 blocks from rostofflce. tor sale cneaij. iwo jj- Benewa St Co. RE-747 WILLIAMSON Ssfreel.' - RE 745 40 ACRES. Improved; Sarpy Co. Lpck box 101. Papllllon. Neb. RE M.92 A31 FOR SALK. eighteen sections of land In North Dakota, well watered; will cut hay for 1.000 head of cattle, C. Ji,oll'n"i i13 S. 17th St.. Omaha. RE Ma6 3 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 500 Douglas block. 749 BALE TIES. OMAHA Kay Bal Tie Co., 81i North lfith. 760 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake streets. - 870 DANCMG ACADEMY. MORAND'S. Crelghton hall; private lessons daily; waits ana two-step, ta. lei. a-ziz. Ml JkAX DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 517 Karbach block. Tel. A - 2S3 761 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATHBL'N, reom 15, Com'l Nat Bank FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 1116 Farnam. 758 L. HENDERSON, florist 1518 Farnam Et -I'M FVRMTIRE PACKED. OATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightenod. Tel. B-2076. 1706 St Mary's Ave. ibo GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. in GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage end dead animals at reduoed prices, o-'l N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 757 INVESTMENTS. YOUR MINING stock may be valuable. We furnifh reliable reports on stocks and mines. Mining Information Bureau, 1621 16th St., Denver, Colo. M6, x LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED, p. Melcholr, 13th at Howard 7i8 LAWN MOWERS sharpened, saws filed. umbrellas repaired. Keys. etc. 3us IN. lih. Tel. -Vi.. Ib'i LAW AND COLLECTIONS.' 8T1LLMAN PRICE. 23 U. 8. Nat Bk. Ud. iw NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Lire man., attorneys and callectois every where. 7rn Ml RICA L, THO8. J. KELLY. voice, Davldge Block. 3.3 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Ix'an Office, reliable, lug; sU biuiusas coatldenUaL 13vl Dour la . ) OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suite 613, New York Life Lldg. Tel. 14. 73 The Hunt Infirmary. McCague Bldg. T. Stf! ,b4 I Atxen & Farwell, Paxton Blk.. 8t-7. T. IKS. itu DRS. FINCH A MILLER. 124 S. 15th St .Wi Dr. Grace Detgan, 609 McCague. Tel. Z1-.2. 7t.7 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. ?1 B. ISth St., Pmnh. Tel. itw, -iM RIU MAMFACTVRING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1121 Leaven. Tel. JOSS. 7tS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. 770 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. 771 STAMMERING AND STfTTERINQ. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bldg. 773 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511' Forn. Tols. 1K9-S13. 7i3 m n TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. I P. H. Philbln. 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7s4. I -774 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, a loan of 87,600 on a partly de- 1 "iiu iiiiiiina uiuiycuj in i ine purenHBe m inmuinei j u lumrei I development. The property Is worth, at I least $76,000. Will pay 6 per cent Int. I and give an interest In an adjoining prop erty of great prospective value. Full in formation given showing this to be a strictly legitimate proposition. Address L W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, J a. M-S9 6 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending August 8. 1903. will close (promptly in all cases) " M "ov . . . . .vi.vrro. I eels-Post Mails will close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels' post malls for Germany close at 6 p. ta. Monuay. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than Liimiiig nine Diiuwii uciu. r a i V' . mat I rlementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls itMDAl-At :?P... m. for Europe, per wiineim aer urosse-. via erbourg and Bremen: at 8:30 a m for Italy direct, per s. s. Urn- J"?"11 mU8t 06 directed "per s. . WEDNESDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for Europe, I (mail for Ireland must be directed "per d. a. j-vcw iuii f; hu.wil ill. xor rseiner- lands direct, per s. s. Potsdam (mail must oe airectea ' per s. s. jotsdam ); at s:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for Europe, it xcuioiuc, vin. vueensiown; ll 11 a. m. for Denmark direct, per a. s. United States (mall must be directed "per a. s. i niiea omies THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for France, swltxeriand, Italy. Spain. Portugal. Tur key, Egypt Greece, British India and vi. ii0, ,n J tvZ must ba directed "wr Iji Tonraln"i FRIDAY At 6:30 n. m. for Atores Islands. per s. s. camDroman, from Boston. - BAii tuiAi-At 8 a. m. for Belgium dl rect, per a s. Zeeland (mall must be dl reeled "per a s. Zeeland"); at :30 a. m. J SnAiSr;--:;?"'-? -l t.? "-.T.- (mail must be dlreoted "per s. a Furnes- ia y; at ji:ju a. m. (supplementary 1 R..2-' S?'Ettro- P" ' " Lucanla' vla printed matti vtc ti.i. taKes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other nartu ot Europe will not be sent by thts ship unless specially directed bv her. After the closing of the Supplementary 1 ransaiianuc mans named anove, ad- itin,.ui c,,r.i ..... ...n. . j w n n - . Uu,..iv,ucii..i j man. jb "I" i'u on the Piers of the American. Emrllsh French nnd German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes, of me uour 01 sailing of steamer. Mails for Soath and Central America, West Indies, Etc. SUNDAY-At 6:30 p. m. for ST. PIERRE- 511W u cLAjm, per steamer from North MONDAY At 1!:M p. m fsuprlemenlary i:i'J p, m. tor Of. THOMAS. 81. CKOIX. and PARAGUAY, ner a. a Anco Afrliun TUESDAY At 8:31 p.. m. (supnlementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex- i-cpi cuBia rucaj ana auiin rAurit, : (mall tor Guatemala must be directed per s. s. Ainanca" i. WEDNE8DAY At 6:80 a. m. for NEW- tVUMJLAM), per s. s. Rosslind; at 7 a. ta. for HAITI, per s. s. Oranle Nas sau (mall for Cape Haiti, Port de Palx, St fft-, U n f 1 Cnranttn t ' . Idad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per a e. Oranje Nassau"); at s a. m. ror, per s. s. Tennyson. via Pernambuco, Bahla. Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Brasil, Ar gentina Republic, Uruguay and Paraguay muei iw uireriea per s. s. 1 ennvson i THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per s, s. City of Washington (mail for Mexico, via Progreso. Campeche and Vera Cru TTilttit Ka r!trAfia1 iss a aa ltu 4 jIT 1. must be directed "per s. s. City of Wash- FRIDAY At 11 m. for MEXICO, per s. s Santiago, via Tampleo (mall must be directed "per s. s. Santiago"): at 1 d. m. ior rimiu i llAia, per s. s. Foxhall, from Boston (mall for other parts of the "per a. Fnihall' i- ut t ,. . BERMUDA, per steamer from Ifnlif.x SATURDAY At R sft a. m f,.r a TINE RDPUBLIC, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Canning; nt H 30 jsupuienieniary :w a. m.) lor ruiiru jvxv, inu v r. .z. l r-l-a, per aiarac-aiixj i mail xor Davsr.iua. ana Cartagena must b directed "per s. s. Maracalbo ): at : a. m. (surolementarv 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SA VANILLA and CARTAGENA. per s. s. Alene (mail lor Costa Rica must I bo directed per a. s. Alene ): at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m l for INA- GUA, HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. . Auironuaca; ai 9 mj a. in i supple- mentary 10:30 a. m for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD nnd WIN'Ti. WARD ISIANDd. and BRITISH. DUTCH (mail for Grenada snd Trinidad must be 4 irAit A1 ! Pit il ttl n 1 1 k aa t 111 aa n .., U'Mk'K '11 II UNA m - U. i ... . per Havana; at 12:. p. m. Ior CUBA, per a a Curttyba, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overlaad, Etc., Ex ee Traaspaelfle, m'n A Tlv rail n Pnrt Tomn. thenre by steamer, closes at this office d:illy, except Thursdays, at 15:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mou- oh vs. Wednescavn and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overlnnd. .r,.,-1.llv addrssed for despatch by steamer, closes at this office dnilv, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. snd 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 ,?,rmJ?.n.l,l1,. PvJ" .. iir.nriLiii'u.111 r y rail IO Iorrni rruiit'. "' iiioiiio i'v Bieainer. noses at this offlc daily st 8:30 r m. (connecting malls clo-e here everv Mondav. Wedr..Jl dsv and Saturday). JA MAH'A By rail to Boston, end thenre by steamer, closes at Mi. office at (.30 ..?Xmb.fe5r Tlp,w,.av. "t1 Thur,,,"y M.IQl F.IjN-l!y rail to Poston and thence n m''r, c " ora''' d,ily at npi.i7P pfPPTn rnpTiw ivn hi-jti.- MALA By rsll to New Orlesns, end thence by etesmer el i -see st this offi-e di1v. except Po-idny. s 11:8.1 r. m. nnd 111:10 p m. Snndsys a fl p. m. and aiujn p. m. (connecting mall closes her Mon rlsva at 111 -io n. m ) CO!?TA FICA-By rsll to New Or1sna. end thence by steamer, closes at this offlc LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, Chicago Daylight L t d-. w m a j 60 am BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GL'l- I Chicago Daylight Local. 7:00 am a t 35 pm ANA, per s. s. Allendale: at 1 p. m. for Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:4 put ARGENTINE I'Hfntu v "1 3,.i...m Koreau....a 4:30 pm bl 1.60 am POITorFICE NOTICE. dnlly. except Sunday, at 1:30 p. in. and 111:30 p. m.. Sun. In) at II p. m. and 111. JO Jv m. (connecting mail doses here Tues Inj st 111 : p. in.) (REGISTERED MAIL. clcscs at I p. ra. previous day. Traasparllla Malls. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close her dsily st 6:30 p. m. up to August ?vid Inclu sive, for desDstoh i.t Tosh sltru. HAWAII. CHINA. JaVAN and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS', via San Fr.inclsco, close here dally at 6 V n. m. ud to Ausust 13rd. Inclusive, for deepatch rcr S. S. Si beria. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close i"re iisny ni 9 yt p. m. up 10 upni .tn, inclusive, for desputch per s. . la- roma. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via ran i-rsnelsco, cluf here flsiiy at p. m. up to August lli'th Inclusive, for aes batch per s. s. MarfiosA. ILAWAIl, via Sen Francisco, close here dnlly at :30 p. m. tip to August 10lh, In clusive, f i riesroitrh tier s. a. Alameda. CHINA and JAi'AN. vIa Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., close here dnlly at :30 p. m. up to August Jllth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. (Merchandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA nnd THILIP- n.Mi isuamis. via taun f rsncisco, ciose here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August ll.lth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Cootie. AUSTRALIA ((Trent West). FIJI ISL- AISUS and NEW l AW;wma, via Van couver and Victoria. B. C. close her d.illv at f. 30 n. m. nn to Auaust llnth. In elusive, for despatch per s. s. Aorangl. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except WestV NEW (.ALEDON1A. FIJI. BAMUA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dailv at 6:30 p. m. up to August IIMh Inehislvs. for despatch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive in time to ronnect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m , ;so a. m. ana : p. m.; ounu 4 3a a. m S a. m. and 6:30 P. m. will be made up and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer ) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close her dally st e:30 p. m. op io August flfitn. inclusive, tor oespaicu yvi U. a. Transport NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe ana ki 7..i.n mnA ph 1 1 1 ntiln.a via San Fran- dgco the quickest routes. Philippines ....nioiiv addressed 'Via Canada" or "via ESIFS", VSh & Ign 11 forwaraea oan rr.n(-l-fl Vnlitatvi.l V. TmnKimrine malls are forwarded to port nf a4ll,.tf Hollv and the schmlule Of CloS ,ng l8 arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overiana iransn. tered mail closes at 6:00 p. m. previous uj, CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster, pogtofflce, New York, N. Y-. July S. '3 UOVERKHEKT NOTICES. nw-irv. r-UIKF' QUARTERMASTER, Omaha, Neb., July 27. 103.-Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, suojeci iu im conditions, will be received at this office until 12, noon, central standard time, Au gust 26, 1903, for Installing a stesm heating plant In officers' quarters at Fort Rpbln- . , i T.-. , 1 1 infrM-vrintlnn flirnishM "nu,1,l t,on to thlB office, or to the n. ?.IIP1C.. J, ,"nKi.n. Nebraska. HUH, nfurns... . , . . . . ..... . ,v,I ., nluflS .1d SPCC1 n C 11 OI1B III H 7 ins here 0s8ana0 marked 'Proposal; for Steam Heating i-iani. and addressed to P. W. DAVISON. Acting Chief Qunrter- master. AJ-aua-v OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, Ulimna, . . " , - - - - - ..ukuI posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this ornce ntnatia. Cieo.. juiy i, - . until 12, rioon, central standard time, Au gust 26, 1903. for tne consiruiiu" ui ... 5i..I . ,n.r.nui at Fort Robinson, Ne " this office, or to the Quarter- -'-- "Fort Robinson. Neb., where plans master, " v,. ' p,n,. . J .'.'p J, "AMtlon to i .dressed to P. W. DAVI- SON, Acting cruet wu"'",,,.-.. i . r.nn DAILWAT TIM a t Atui. I ujUON STATION tOTH AND MARC V. laloa Paelta.' . tMTt. Arrive. Overland IJmlted.. .... :40 am a. W pm Th. Mail a las pm California Express J: P n IK. 1.' v . .1 1 uiu I Eastern Express. j-iw- . r.n I Tha Atlantic Express a 7:80 am Th Colorado Special... 7;10 am a I 40 am Chicago Bpeclati . a 1:40 am Llreofn, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express.. o pm pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6: pm tena Island Local b .SO om b I 35 am ckleaao. Mllwasuke t St. Faal I rfcio ruivltrht a 7 -45 am all 'IS Dm Ch'lSK F"CEVrV.-.:::;?m pS Chicago Limited a 8 06 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines Express.. ..a 7:45 am a 8:40 pm Cbleag A Sar 41a western. ThB. KorLhwestern Ltn. Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:tx am Mail a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am a 6.10 am s 8:80 pra Local Sioux city.. 1 . DayUghl bt. raui.. ,a 7:36 am al0:2S pm a 8-00 am all:10 pm n..,l.kl I'liin.ti P1 Chicago .... Local Chicago ai',l? m ":W P Local 'Jedar iiapiua ..ii..u Limited Chicago A 8:16 pm a 8:16 am . 1 r-.rmii a 4:'."'i Dm i:tu am VV-"L - - -- r.ri ..... . tl AH Fast Chicago " - Fast St. Paul P :J c.-. vi. 11 a 1:40 pm fJSnl Bioux City b 400 pm b fc:60 am t'i J Jk T Boneteel....a 7:i1 am al0:ii am I i,7 a Long I'lne ...b 7' au 010:36 am Chicago, Rock Islana . t'aciae. I tMli Fast express.. a 6j pra a 1:26 put f WEST. Rocky Mountain L't d..a i: am a tu am Lincoln, coio. "i""' West , M. . V jyu. W B.Wf JUl Cat am? rin Texas. OXlanoma ijw. ...a 6:40 pm BL2.40 pa ( Cannon Ball' Express -- a s:w axa Bt. Louis Local, Coun- Gil B1U1TS aiu aw pm Ml'.aearl Pacta. B Louis Express. ..10:00 am a 4:25 pm ,.i0.60 pm a t:li am K. a st l. u.... Illlals CerI. Chicago Express .a 7:38 am a 5:10 pm pL,rT" Minneapolis A. CBt aU Liml"sd..7. ... VM I Dt " v. . pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis aV Bt Paul Express b T:6 am bl0:35 pm riliSiio Express Chicago svxpie era, 10:34 am wKRSTFH OEPOT IbTH A WLBIfEIL W"B 1 "' Cklcago, v I Omaha.' I Leava Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .a .w am a 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a j:uu pm all:20 am I Oakland 1-OCai w e.w iui B :tt am Mlasoarl Paclfte. Nebraskx Lo.-si Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alC:I3 aa Cbleag Northwesters', Nebraska ad Wyoaalag Dlvlsiea, Black Hills. Dead wood; laad, llul epriogs a e.w pm a 4:30 pm I Wyoming. Casper and 1 Douglas I hum. us.. d 8:00 pji 5:00 pra ' knni.rloi I Exatsr and Seward... .b S:uO pm btOOcraito close In double-breasted style. I , I RURLlNaTOS STATIOS IOTH t MASOl 1 ' L-eave. Atrlr. Beatric ana Llnooin tl2.05 pm Nebras) Express a 8.W am a 7 46 pot Denver Llmltei. a 4O0 pin a 6:45 am A 1 Ikl.nlc Tlllla and PugWf Bound Expreas... .ajl:10 pm a 1:10 pm Color adu Vestibuiet Fiyej a 8:10 pm Uncoln Fast Mail O 2:61 pra a 8:Us am lTort Crook and Platta- mouth ..b 8:20 pm blO So am Bellevue & Pacific Jet. .a 7: pm a 8:27 am Bellevue & PaclAo Jet. .a 8:64 am feUsaaa City, S4. lasah ss Cvaaell ISlaBlB. I .-.. rHt Tiw F - .r . . . u ."S.??7 ? i l ?,? ?5 pm Lul . f-: -i: '" sJUUtaoi hansss city mgnt e.x..aiu.w pm a 4 11, am I Chleaaa, ttarllaatoa at 4alar I Chicago Special a 7 00 am a 1:U pra Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4 00 pm a 7:43 am Chlcaso Local a :18 am all 00 urn Chicago Limited a 6.UJ pin a 7:45 am I Fast Mail a 1:40 pta a Dally, b Daily except Sundsy. d Dall txcipl Saturday. Daily except. Monday. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oaly fa iiiag sear. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI VXA. Galler.tine naalnst Ounmlnsa: id peal, IlufTaln. Affirmed. Albert C, divi sion No. 3. Unreported, 1. It Is not r.-v-enllnl that n iiotln of sale under a decree ot foreclosure shOUid siarr- the amount uu on th decree. It is not a valid ublectior, to a con. fhmntlon of such sale tlilt Kpy of tli decre was not attached to or Incorporated in the order of sale. 3. The signature of the presiding lodes to decree or the record Is not essential to the validity of the de- ree. 11. Parker against Parker; error. Gage. Affirmed. Oldham, C, Olvtssotl, No. I. Uu reportcd. 1. LviUooce exaininea ana neid sunicient to sustain the juMttment f '.lie trial court 12.-6r Chndron Ixan and Building Asso ciation Rg.urst Scott: appeal, Dawes. Ai flrrned. Aires, C, Division No. 1. Urue portod. 1. A motion lor a new trial on th grounl of hewly discovered evidence must be filed at the term, but not necerrarlly within thro days from the date cf th rendldtlon of th judgment comp'.-jTd of. . 1. A motion for a new trial cyjr filed within the time prescribed l v sW.tute at one terra of court mar be heard a-.d de cided at a subsequent term and If affl- . davits are required for Its support they mar be filed at any time before Us final ' submission. lfflul. Bauer against Tylor. nrror from Douglas. Affirmed. Klrkpatrlck, C, Di vision No. 1. Unreported. 1. A lessee who hss been Induced tvr ' th fraudulent representations of the lessor to enter Into a lease, may. In an action ley tb landlord for rent recoup th amount of th damages suffered by him by reason cf tb fraud. 2. Where a written contract made th basis of an action Is Impeached by proper pleadings on the ground that It was pro- . cured by the fraud of the plaintiff, evidence Is admtssable in support of the fraudulent representations alleged. 8. Fraud must l-e specifically alleged and the fraudulent motive charged In th an swer; otherwise, the answer will be In sufficient to law th basis for th Introdue- ' tlon of testimony, 4. Rulings of the trial enurt upon the ex- , elusion of testimony examined and held not error. - - 12964. Hagadorn against Wagoner. Error from Frontier. Affirmed. Duffle, C, Di vision No. I. Unreported. 1. An appeal from a judgment of a juatlo of th peace will not he dismissed for th reason that the appellant failed to file a transrrlpt within thirty days from th date of the judgment where such failure did not occur through the fault or n' gleet of'M,r iVtt j. The action of the district rouri g ft Loan Nebraska. 136. ' rourt In over ruling a motion to dismiss sn appeal for failure by the appellant to file a transcript In time will not be reversed wher It up- Sears that such ruling wns baaed on evl enco and the evidence has not been pre- , served snd presented to this court by a bill of exceptions. 12960. MacCall aaalnst LAonsv. AnrOtal from Douglas county. Affirmed. Haatlnn. - C. division No. L Unreported. 1. The provisions of wctlon 602 of tha code of civil procedure are, concurrent with ' equity junsaieunn to relieve against Jjdr ments after th term at which thy ar rendered. 2. Where Issues have been made and trlsl had on the merits the defeated fatty should not be heard to eomplnin for th first time on appeal In th court that th iorm 01 action snouid nav been by pe tition under section Vt ot the code Instead of by petition In equity. 8. An objection to a petition to set aslri . default Judgment which alleles that th Judgment complained of was rendered Oc tober at the October (190n) tetm of court, and that no knowledge of It reached the defendant till May following, on the ground that it does not enow that th Ootober term had adjourned at that time, will not be entertained when raised for lh first time on appeal in this rourt. 4. A misunderstanding between horn at torneys of a defendant eued In a eminty more than 200 miles from his residence, where service was obtained through his , temporary presence there, and attorrevs at the place of suit, by reason of whMi tne latter supposed mat tneir employment was only temporary and preliminary, bvt the former and the defendant regnrdod It as general and for the entire case, for which reason a valid defense of presenta tion and Judgment wns rendered on nn e parte hearing. Is sufficient ground for setting the Judgment aside on petition after the term, where the defendant has acted with reasonable flllgenc in pre par- . Ing his defense snd with promptness on learning of the Judgment. B Such a misunderstanding, held to be sufficiently set forth hi the pleading and the court's finding that It existed sustained tjy the evidence. u 19S. Moore against Wsddlngton. Error ' from Gag. Affirmed. Glanvllle, Ci Division ' '- No. Z. r . ' ' . j i J.n-j.rf. 1. The eontestsnt In s proceeding to con test an election may voluntarily dlembis th proceedings at any time before issue Is Joined. '"'. z. When such dismissal has been entered. - the court, until It is set aside. Is without . Jurisdiction to allow another party to In lervene ana pe suosmuieo as contestant. Whether such dismissal can be set aside, . quaere. . , 1. In such case the trial court has n authority to set aside the dismissal with out notice to the contestant. 4. After a motion to set aside such a dis missal, and an application for leave to In tervene was made by the plaintiff in error. the Incumbent onauengen ine jurisdiction 01 the court to set aside the dismissal, or to allow the Intervention, held that ao order sustaining such challenge In the enso be fore us is not snown 10 ue prejuuicany er roneous. Held further, that contestant Is a neces sary party to proceedings in error to re view such order. SEASONABLE FASH10KS 44JCaiTTiUituUWCfcJ ts Girl's Three Quarter Coat 44SS Couts that nearly cover the frock and that provide long unbroken lines are always becoming to young girls and are In the height' of style. Tills one Is made of black taffeta, stitched with silk ami trimmed with an of lace on tho collar, but th design Is suited to all ths materials used for wraps ot the sort The coat Is made with fronts and. back and is shaped by means of shoulder and under-arm seama At th neck Is a Mg round collar that laps over, with th fronts. Th ' . . . . . . sleeves ar full with pointed roll over cuffs at tho wrists. Pockets can bo Inserted In the fronts when daslred or omlttjd as may be preferred. The quantity of material required for th medium slse no years) Is I yards a Inches wide, 3V4 yards 44 Inches wld or t yards 52 Inches wld. The pattern 44K3 Is cut In'slses for girls of , 8, 10. 12 and It years of ag. For tho accommodation of Tne Ilea readers these patterns, which usua'ly ratafl at from 25 to 50 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expens. In order tc get a pattern r.clo 10 cents, glv numbcasnd nam of At tern. sTKaMtHIf. KOLLANIMUERICA LINE Me Tvlu-Bcnv Ctua.ra t 11, to faayt I.CW TOKK KOrTtHUAM. VI DoUUMiKIS. . ftoUiag Wf-JaastUF U II A at PeRaiai An 4Wcriaaa .Aig $ HotMilaja An. U'kdtuiaaaa sWrA. 8 Au. .slrijuais av MOLLAND-AMKHICA LINK, OJ Dearbora St, Cbleas. 11L Harry Maorat. 1401 ranaaa a... C. hwlMrtiarc. ta4 raruua at, J. 8) tvsiavMs, 1M1 fHus M.-