Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, PART 1, Page 6, Image 6

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rnr: omaitapaily hee$ &vstatt, adoust 2. 1003.
Smart Folki P!m Golf to Fail tha Bummer
Hoan Away.
Serial Leaders Do Vtnili of a Variety
ad Oddity that Charm tha
Cool Afternoon lato l'or
get fatness.
Felix Carmen In Colliers'.
Birdlike are the dreams that bring
Jnto youth Its Joy and spring;
Love and music and delight
Mark their coming and their flight.
Ah, If youth hut only knew
Which were false and which were true!
Birdlike lit my dream todny.
Sweet it Is, hut will not stay;
Full of love and song It Roes
Out Into a world of prose.
Ah, If only It llnds you
1 iihall know one dream that's true!
The Gymkhana la over and. Incidentally,
not a few Impression! concerning the dig
nity of certain membera of the fashionable
et, also. For the benefit of thoae who
would know, be It explained (In the lan
guage of one of the women chiefly Instru
mental In Ha Introduction here) the gym
khana la a "croaa between a fashionable
lawn fete and a firemen's picnic" and em
braced the principal feature of both, tha
handsome costuming and appointments of
the former being combined with the romp
and frolic of the latter In a lark such as
the Country club had ever seen before.
For a week a committee of women, Includ
ing Miss Belle Dewey, Mrs. Arthur Gulou,
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, Mrs. Charles KounUe,
Mn. 8. O. Strickland and others had com
bined their efforts and Ingenuity In the
arrangement of a program of events that
act society, anticipating and Insured the
auccesa of the affair from the start.
The opening hour had been set for 3
o'clock Saturday afternoon, but It was
an hour later before the fun commenced.
Out In front of the club house a course
had been staked off with flags In the
Country club colors, navy blue and gold,
and about this chairs were drawn for the
lookers-on, but before the close of the
first event these were scattered about or
pushed back out of the way to make
room for one of the largest and most
handsomely gowned gatherings of the
Mmes. John A. McShane, H. T.' Lemlst
and F. P. Klrkendall. as Judges, and Mr.
E. M. Fairfield and Mr. F. A. Brogan as
' masters of ceremonies, occupied the center
of the course, the first event being a po
tato race for the men, and the participants,
Messrs. George Pritchett, Kobort Burns,
Bam Burns, Dudley Mason, Tom Davis
and Roberts. It was simply an old-fashioned
potato race, for which Mr. Robert
Hums won the prize, a golf match safe.
A plate and v egg race for the women
tame next. Misses Lydla Moore, Hogan,
Janet Rogers, Margaret Preston, Marguer
ite Pritchett, Lucy Gore, Bessie Brady,
Mildred Lomax, Mary Lee McShane, Caro
line Johnson and Mrs. Frank Kennedy
lining up for the start. In the center of
the course, at Intervals, live baskets of
eggs were placed. Each young woman was
given a plate and the feat to be accom
plished consisted In taking an egg from
each basket and carrying it on the plate
to the goal first. Miss Dewey started them
off, the first basket being about ten feet
from the line, and at the word there was
a flutter of befrllled and betralned petti
coats that shortly mixed up In hopeless
confusion about the first basket, but In
another minute the sifting- had .been .done
. and Miss Moore scrambled out and on to
-A'- the next basket. Mis' Hogan1 and Mrs.
. Kennedy close behind her. each clutching
" j: her skirts In one nttnd while she balanced
tho eggs on the plate In tho other. Thanks
to her short skirt, Miss Moore crossed the
line a few feet ahead of Mrs. Kennedy,
Mrs. Arthur Guiou presenting her with a
pearl brooch as she stopped breathless
amid the shouts and laughter.
Messrs. Jo Baldrige. Wilson Lowe. E. M.
Fairfield, E. H. Sprague. Augustus Kountza.
Dudley Mason, Tom Davis, Sam Burns,
Robert Burns and Pritchett were the en
tries for the bottle race, eac,h balancing a
botOe on ils head while he walked, us
rapidly as possible, across the center of
the course. A shout went up as the waver
ing line madetlts way across the field, but
In spite of all care, two ' bottles were
broken In a head bumping while others
missed the course entirely In the effort
to balance the bottle. Mr. E. H. Sprague
walked In winner a few steps ahead of
Mr. Jo Baldrige and was awarded a silver
A woman's putting contest furnished the
fourth event. Miss Caroline Mercer receiv
ing a flask, as first award, and Mrs. Charles
Kountxe a pearl pin as second prize. A
three-legged nee for a purse of $2 fur
nished sport for the -caddies, and a breath
ing spell for the others. Masters John Mc
Namara and Ed llanses being winners.
The second event of the second part was
a foot race between the men. Messrs.
Fred Nash, Jr., Sam Burns, Frank Haskell,
Jo Baldrige, Roberts, Ben- Cotton, Mason,
Robert Burns and Barton Millard each
carrying a Japanese parasol, sprinting half
way around the course to where Missus
Ellen Cotton, Mildred Lomax, Margaret
Preston, Coburn, Webster, Brady, Gore,
McShane, Moore and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler
waited, each with a thread and needle
which the men stopped to thread and then
ran on again. For a second time Mr. Roh
Bums was the . winner, a silver picture
frame being the prise.
A spoon and olive race for the women
was tha third event. Misses Florence Lewis,
Mildred Lomax, Cotton, Johnson, Preston,
Sorosis Shoe
: Store
has Just received all sixes and widths
of the Patent Colt Monogram Oxfords
In seal top ties and the low button.
$2.50 Always
This Is probably the only store In
Omaha where you can at present get
any atse or width you want In a Pat
ent Colt Oxford. And the regular
price on these Monogram Oxfords Is
fifty cents less than others sell similar
Shoe Store
903 5outh Fifteenth Street
Moore and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, each with
a spoon In her mouth and an olive In the
spoon, running across the field. Ml'" Lewis
came In first with her olive In the spoon
and was awarded a silver Jewel case.
A base ball game between the benedicts
and the bachelors closed the program and
furnished one of the features of the after
noon. Almost all of the men wore skirts
and several of them were In costumes that
disguised their Identity until late In the
game. When everything was over, tea was
served from a marque stretched on the
green, Mrs. Fairfield, Mrs. Luther Kountxe,
Miss Dewey and Mrs. Strickland serving
tea. The regular Saturday evening dinner
and dance finished a red letter day In the
history of the Country club.
Golf Is on a boom among the women of
the Field club of late that promises to make
the game as popular among them before
the season Is over as It Is with the women
of the Country club. Tuesday has been
set apart for a weekly tournament and all
the enthusiasm of a few season ago has
been revived. Those who had the fever
three years ago are practicing up again,
while those who have never learned are
taking lessons and early and late the flut
tering skirts of the woman golfer may be
seen off over the course. The number was
larger than ever last week, the most of
them coming out about I In the afternoon.
The list of those who gave dinners at
the Country club Saturday evening In
cluded Miss Lomax, who had four guests;
Mrs. J. E. Summers, Jr., twelve; Mr. Hal
Tates, eight; Miss Florence Lewis, ten; Mr.
John A. McShane, four; Mrs. Arthur
Gulou, four; Mr. J. S. Brady, four; Mr. J.
B. Scobie, six; Mr. J. B. Sheean, seven;
Mr. W. A. Rediek, seven; Mrs. George E.
Pritchett. four; Mr. Frank Colpetxer,
three; Mr. A. S. Patrick, five; Mr. J. M.
Baldrege, ten; Mrs. J. E. Baum. ten; Mr.
T. C. Byrne, six; Mr. II. W. Wheeler, four;
Mr. H. 8. Llndsey, two; Mrs. A. J. Love,
eight; Mrs. E. H. Sprague, four; Mr. M.
A. Hall, four; Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, two;
Mr. E. M. Fairfield, two; Mrs. B. B. Wood,
four. Another table Included a party of
thirty-two young people.
Another enaraeement In smart circles Is
announced this week by Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Moore, that of their daughter. Miss Lydla
Grant Moore, and Mr. Edward Standlsh
Westbrook. Miss Moore was one of the
debutantes of the winter of 1900 and since
her introduction has been a popular mem
ber of society. Mr. Westbrook Is president
of the Westbrook-Glbbon Grain company.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles have planned
a delightful outing for the month of Au
. Th will leave Omaha early In the
month for New England, where they will
visit the various seaside resorts, going
from one place to the other In an auto
t- .nnnwiinn with the death of Mrs.
James G. Blaine, Town Topics has this to
say of an army officer wno Deiore no ro
nii wa In command of the military de
partment with headquarters here in Omaha,
where he was deservedly popular: "Oeneral
Coppinger, who married miss aucb
and was left a widower some years ago. Is
one of the most striking figures at the
capital. He was retired from the army
teende aa-o. but ms magninceui
physique and fresh complexion make him
appear much younger than he actually is.
He has not gone Into society to any extent
since his wife's death, but he is extremely
popular among men and has a host of
.mnnn. women. General Coppinger
Is an Irishman, a devout Catholic and a
veteran of the papal army wno came a
America after the downfall of the temporal
power of Plus IX. He has two sons, who
are at college,
re CiinM doesn't take a vacation soon
thewrwlll not be enough-bachelor members
of the Omaha club next winter to make up
a decent dinner unless some new recruits
are enlisted. .
it and Mrs. J. F. . Mawhlnney and
daughter, Elizabeth, will Btart on Tuesday
for the Berkshire hills of Massachusetts,
there to spend the remainder of the sum
Mrs. Thomas II. .8mlth Is convalescing
from a recent serious Illness and accom
panied by Mr. Smith, will leave this week
for an extendedake trip. They wll bo
absent about five weeks.
Mrs. Bertha Conn and daughter Miss
Ray Cohn. have returned from Kansas
City, where they have spent the last six
Misses Blanche and Mabel Haney are
visiting relatives and friends In Oekaloosa.
Mr. and Mra W. H. Mallory returned
Friday from a three weeks' trip to Colo
rado and Utah. .
Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. Myers left Fri
day for a two weeks' stay at Mackinac.
Mrs. H. C. .Power and daughter, Miss
Florence Power, have gone to Carroll, la.,
where they will be the guests of Mrs.
Power's sister, Mrs. Park.
Miss Elizabeth Hayden and Miss Neva
Kerley of Shreveport, La., who came to
attend the Hayden-Garner wedding, will be
guests during the summer of their aunt,
Mrs. P. O'Hawes, of 2401 St. Mary's avenue.'
Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. McWhorter, accom
panied by their three sons, will leave Mon
day for Minneapolis and St. Paul, and
from there will go to Leech lake. Later
they will go to Duluth, from where they
will go by boat to Chicago, stopping at
Mackinac. They will be absent about three
Mrs. Frank Irvine returned to her home In
New York Tuesday after a week's visit
with friends in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oahm are at Man!
tou, Colo., where they have been recipients
of many social courtesies of late.
Mr. and Mrs." E. M. Flsk have gone for
a visit with Mr. Fink's parents In Illinois.
Mr. J. M. Westerfleld of San Diego, Cal.,
Is the guest of his brother, Mr. Charles A.
Mr.'H. L. Kreider has gone for a fort
night's rest at Lake OkoboJI.
Dr. and Mrs. T. V. Moore are at Ex
celsior Springs, Mo.
.Mrs. E. D. Rice was among those who
entertained Informally at the Field club
Thursday. . .
Mrs.' William- Tracy Burns gave a dinner
at the Country club Friday. evening In
celebration of Mr. .Burns' birthday. Her
guests were: Misses Preston. McShane,
Cotton. Janet Rogers. Hogan of Chicago.
Messrs. Fred Nash'. Louis Nash, Keogh,
Bam Burns and Fred Hamilton.
Mrs. Victor Caldwell returned
from Lake Washington. Minn., where, with
ner ramily, she has spent the last few
Miss Anna Tlbbetts of Lincoln Is the
guest of Mrs. J. N. Cornish.
Miss Emily Myers of Dubuque, la.. Is the
guest of Mrs. Crofoot
Mrs. P. H. Dempster and daughters.
Misses Rose and Wlnefred hi nn.
Brooklyn. N. Y., for a fortnight s visit with
Mr. Victor White return WMov
Wome Lake, Wyo.. where he and Mra
vtnite nave spent the last two weeks.
Mr. Clarke Powell spent last week In
Chicago and Wisconsin.
Mr. E. L. Lomax la back from a brief
trip to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knott left the early
part of tha week for a four months' tour
of Europe.
Mra F. U Williams of Pasadena. Cal. la
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin.
Miss Agnes Weller is experted home to
ds y from Colorado, where she has spent
the last six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Taliaferro are plan
ning a trip abroad In September.
Mr. Lee Kennard Is the guest of Mr.
William Wallace, at his cottage at Lake
Mr. Frank Burkley and daughters, Misses
Mary and Agnes, and Miss Burkley are
at Lake OkoboJI.
Mr. George Redmond and Mr. Douglas
Davis have gone for a week's fishing at
Lake DeSoto.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Beddison and Miss
Beddison of Alton, 111., are gueMs of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. DeFrance.
Miss Marguerite Pritchett has spent the
week the guest of MIss.Magee at Colonel
Pratt's farm near Bennington.
The Misses Comstock and their guest.
Miss Favor of Chicago, spent a part of last
week at Holyoke ranch. Neb.
Miss Caroline Johnson or St. Joseph Is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates.
Miss Grace Sumney of Chicago Is the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. Burrell of 1031 South
Thirty-second avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11. Fell have sold
their renMencA rn flmith th arc.
nue to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cuscaden and
nave taken apartments at the Madison.
Mrs. L. W. Wlntari n 9111 T arlmnr. v.
nue left this week for Colorado Springs to
visit friends and to recruit her health.
Miss Marraret Kress will leave tnr Chica
go, from where she will take the lake trip.
Mr. jonn tr. uaie, Mr. H. D. Neely and
Mr. Donald v Vinvo rati
fishing trip to Woman's Lake, Kabekoua
uoane, Minn. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mawhlnnev and famltv
will leave the early part of the week to
spend the remainder of the summer in the
uerxsnire inns.
Miss Isabel Rhodes. Mrs. W U
and son will leave tomorrow for Buffalo,
wnere they will spend the remainder of the
Mrs. Carl Ballweg of Emporia, Kan.. Is
visiting her sister. Mrs. McKnlirht irui
South Twenty-eighth street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Tcmnleton f imc
Cuming street have announced the engage
ment of their daughter, Miss Florence, to
Mr. Koy u. Miller. The wedding is to oc
cur In the early fall.
Mr. E. A. Knapp has gone east on a
pleasure trip. He stormed at Detroit :t.
agara Fails and New York city and Is now
at his uncle's at Bound Beach. Conn. He
win visit Greenwich before returning.
Mrs. Lois J. Caldwell and Ml,. m a-,,.,.
Caldwell have returned from a trip to
como, coio., where they were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lord.
Miss Josephine May returned to ner home
In Des Moines Tuesday.
Mrs. Hnrrv Mn v nnd iiaurhi. in
Myrtle, will leave Wednesday for a month's
omy hi mannou.
Will R. Ronald of Chlcn trn tat In V. a au
- . n at? vuo 1 1 Jf
visiting his parents.
The Misses Josephine and Nellie Shultz
have left for Detroit and T-nU Rt rii-
to be the guests of their cousins, and on
ineir return will visit friends In Chicago.
Judge and Mrs. James H. Macomher re
turned from a five weeks' stay at Lake
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Simon left last night
for New York.
Mrs. Edward Kelfer of New Orleans, La.,
Is visiting her sister. Mrs. 3 Bm,n.,k..
at 212 South Seventeenth street.
Miss Julia Welnlander leaves today for a
visit to her home, Mt. Carroll, 111.
"The Regent" Ladles' Toilet Parlors and
Ladles' Baths. Opened Aug. 3d. 206 Rnmge
building, opposite Ornheu
elegant In west. Successors to "The
Bathery," formerly in Bee building.
!rtnc R!"!f,y o' Omaha is spending a
Paulf vlsltlnK hls mother, Mrs. J. 8.
8t,rWreIch, "'Shenandoah. Ia.. visited
with .W. L. Crosby a couple of days this
Evelyn Martin returned home Saturday
from a two weeks' visit with relatives at
Mrs. E. Harvey of Omaha spent the past
w. f,r' Vhe. SUP8t ot ner grandmother,
Mrs. Ellen DeLand.
Mrs. Emma Jensen of Omaha spent sev
eral day- of this week visiting with the
family of Fred Mi'ler.
R. P. Hills returned this week from n two
weeks' visit at Salt Lake City, Utah, where
he has mining Interests.
Mrs. Albert Heyden of Omaha was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Crosby
'iuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. J. W. Plnkerton of Mead. Neb.. is
here for a few days visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown.
Rev. C. Cardy of the Presbyterian church
returned home Saturday from a two weeks'
vacation, visiting friends In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Omaha were the
5uests of Mrs. Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
. W. Day of Hazel Dell, Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Petersen of Calhoun.
Neb., visited with Mrs. 1'ctersen's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ritchie, Sunday
Harvesting commenced In full blast this
week and all the farmers are busy. Some
little threshing has been done, and bo far
the yield promises to be fair.
The Omaha Water Works company has
had a gang of men the past week cutting
the weeds and grass from around the reser
voirs and cleaning things up generally.
Mrs. Charles V. Fouke and a daughter,
Mrs. Alexander, from Orchard, Neb., left
Wednesday afternoon for tieveral weeks'
visit with relatives In Ohio and Illinois.
A. W. Pope and daughter of Oakland,
la., are spending a ftw days here, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Lowry. Mr
Pope Is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs.
G. J. Hunt and son, Frank, left Wednes
day noon for their western ranch at
Bridgeport, Neb. Frank will remain until
the fall term of school commences at
The Ladles' Aid society met at the home
of Mrs. A. Anderson Thursday afternoon,
transacting their regular business. Their
next meeting will be at the home of Mrs
James C. Kindred. Thursday afternoon.
The Benson and Falrvlew baseball teams
crossed bats Sunday afternoon on the
grounds at Benson. The acore was 14 to
3 in favor of Benson. Butteries: For Hen
son. Kooney and Newell; for Falrvlew,
McLaughlin and Cannon.
Mrs. J. Weber, sr., accompanied by her
granddaughter. Millie Grilhn, went to Teka
inah. Neb.. Friday mornlnx. Thv will
visit there with relatives for a few d lys
and then go to Wayne, Neb., whero Mrs.
Weber will visit her sons, three of whom
live there.
The members of the Local Freight
Agents' association of Omaha made Flor
ence a visit Tuesday afternoon, they tak
ing a little outing. After their regular
bualnesa meeting and lunch at the home of
H. 8. Jaynes. agent of the Northwestern
system In Omaha. The following members
besides Mr. Jaynes were In the partv: J
J. Hherlock of the Union Pacific, H. M.
Murray of tho Burlington, M. I)ftus of
the Missouri Pacific, U. A. Cooke of tho
Wabash. J. W. Dietrlck of the Illinois Cen
tral and E. R. Woods of the Western
Weighing association.
Mra Mickey and son of Gretna, Neb.,
spent last Sunday In Benson visiting at the
home of friends.
The fourth quarterly conference meeting
of the Methodist church will he held Mon
day evening at the church at 8 o'clock.
The monthly business and social meet
ing of the Ep worth league was held last
Monday evening at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. Crews.
The regular meeting of the ladles' Aid
society will be held next Wednesday after
noon, when a locent lunch will be served
from I to S o'clock.
About tut) newsboys of Omaha came out
last Thursday and spent the day picnick
ing at Krug'a park. They Stayed all day
and were treated to a sumptuous dinner at
The minstrel show to have been given
at the Benson town hall last Tuesday even
ing by the Omaha Trinity Choir buys, had
to be postponed on account of the Inclement
weather. ,
Preparations are being made by the
plaice for the annunl Sunday school picnic,
which Is being enpected to tie held next
Saturday at Falrmount park. In Council
!''. J. Anderson, who hum twn rviM.nt
of Benson the Inst year, left last week for
omann, wnere he will reside In the future.
Mr. Anderson will h missed In tha chnn-h
circle of this place, having been one of
uie most prominent workers.
Services will be held t the Methodist
Kplscopal church today at 10:!) a. m. and
p. m. Kpworth league at 7 p. m. Rev.
Air. JennliiK. the nreslillno' elder, will mn.
duct the evening services, at which the
L,orn s supper and sacrament will be held.
The members of the Junior league were
given a recentlon Ifist FrlHav flpnnnn
from 5 lo I o'clock at the home of the
iiHrwonage, Mrs. John Csews, their super
intendent. A delightful time was spent In
various amusements and a dainty luncheon
was served by the hostess.
West Ambler.
Mr. John Blake has been quite 111 the
last week at his home In Ackerman.
Mrs. Porsey and children were guests
of Mrs. Theodore Smith on Thursday.
Oramlma Eyas Is the guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. D. Todd, on Marcy street, this
Clarence Darling, who has been under
the doctor's care the last two weeks, Is
Miss Mae Syas was the . guest of Mrs.
Blakely and, Mrs. Ebcrl In East Ambler
on Thursday. -
Mrs. Frank Wallace and son. Merrill, of
North Omaha, were the guests of home
folks this week.
Mall Carrier Blakely and wife of East
Ambler are entertaining relatives from the
far east this week.
George Cunningham, wife and son. Mas
ter Bruce, were fl-uests of their brother
John C. and family the first of the week.
Mrs. Marlon Faverty and four daughters
went to Chadron and Long Pine Monday
for a week's visit with her son and daugh
ter. Mrs. Dnvton Smith, who lives near Ttlver-
view park, was the guest at dinner on
inursnay or ner friend, Mrs. A. W.
Mr. Marlon Faverty purchased a horse
and buKgy this week and walks no more
to his work as foreman In the roundhouse
In South Omaha.
Mrs. Alice Bascom of South Twentieth
street entertained Mrs. Getty and her
sister, Mrs. I. Syas, and daughter, Anna,
and Mrs. Boyer, at dinner on Wednesday.
Mrs. White returned from her visit to
her nephew, Charles Henderson, and wife
at Sioux City, Wednesday, and will spend
a week with her sister, Mrs. Henderson,
before returning to her New Jersey home.
Clayton Tetcrson has received a promo
tion In the Insurance company which he
represents, with headquarters at Fairfield,
la., to which place he goes Saturday. His
wife and daughter, Lois, will Join him there
Mrs. John Gantz and daughter, Miss Alia,
most royally entertained the Ladles' Aid
society of Southwest church at a quilting
on Thursday. An elegant dinner was
served. There were twenty-flve present
and receipts were $3.66.
It being the seventh wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aughe, the mem
bers of Phil Kearney post. Grand Army of
the Republic, and Relief corps of South
Omaha gave a picnic in Hanscom park on
Wednesday evening. Refreshments of Ice
cream, cake and lemonade were served.
The Epworth league social, which was
to have been held at the home of E. Winn
on South Thirty-eighth avenue, Tuesday
evening, was postponed until Wednesday
evening on account of the rain. On
Wednesday over sixty were present. The
spacious lawn was beautifully lighted by
the waning moon and many Japanese lan
terns. The receipts were $14, of which the
league netted about $.
More cement sidewalks are being laid In
different parts of the village.
Tho Dundee Sunday school had Its annual
picnic on Thursday at Rlverview Park.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Barr and Miss Barr
are at home again after their recent trip
to South Dakota,
Mr. J. A. Simpson of Chicago, on his way
home from a visit to Cheyenne, called on
Thursday at the home of Dr. Van Gleson.
Mrs. M. M. Thompson of New York Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. D. L. Johnson.
Miss Thompson left last week to visit other
Mr. D. E. Jenkins has bought a home In
the vicinity of the Presbyterian Theological
seminary, and will move there with his
family in about a month.
Differences la Method of Electing m
Pope and m Presi
dent. OMAHA. Aug. 1. To the Editor of The
Bee: Your suggestion In a recent editorial
that "the college of cardinals Is supposed
to have given the inspiration for the elec
toral college Inaugurated by the framers
of our constitution" is not the Idea com
monly held by the constitutional histori
ans. Most of them accept the statement
of a contemporary of the constitution
makers, Mr. Bowdoin, in the Massachu
setts convention of 17S8, called to ratify the
federal 'constitution, that "this method of
choosing (by electors) was probably taken
from the manner of choosing senators un
der the constitution of Maryland."
Mr. McKnlght, In his work on "The
Electoral System," says: "To Maryland
undoubtedly belongs the honor of furnish
ing the fathers tho basis of our electoral
system and its essential features are found
In her constitution of 1776, the virtues of
Its methods having been openly canvassed
In the federal convention." The same view
is expressed by'Mr. Schouler In his "Con
stitutional Studies," and .by Mr. Stevens
in his "Sources of the Constitution."
. This Maryland constitution, which had
been In force about eleven years when the
Philadelphia convention met, provided for
choosing two electors from each county
for a term of five years, who should col
lectively select the fifteen members of the
upper legislative house. Sir Henry Maine
thinks that our electoral college was mod
elled upon that by which the emperor was
then chosen by the electoral princes of
Germany, and Mr. Bryce adds the sug
gestion that the college "Is a faint remin
iscence of the methods by which the doge
was then still chosen at Venice."
Aside from the fact that each body se
lects the highest offlc'al of the organization
of which it forms a part, there would
seem to be little In the constitution and
precedure of the college ' of cardinals to
suggest the electoral college. The electors
represent the different states and are
chosen by a popular vote, being, In fact,
the only federal officials, except repre
sentatives, who are so chosen. All of the
present cardinals, with one exception, are
appointees of the late pontiff and none
were selected as representatives of a spe
cific territory. The electors have but one
function the selection of a president and
their powers are exhausted when this Is
accomplished. Many of the cardinals, on
the ether hand, are members of the "con
gregations" or committees corresponding
to ministries by which the work of ecclesi
astical administration la carried on, and,
being appointed for life, may participate
In more than one papal election. The
electors meet "In their respective states"
and not in conclave as do the cardinals.
A majority of the entire college of electors
is required In order to choose a president,
while two-thirds, but only of those pres
ent, are necessary to elect a pope. The
cardinals have regularly In modern times,
though not by legal requirement, selected
one of their own number; the electors,
while not prohibited from so doing, as
regularly choose an outsider. These are
a few of tha many points of difference
between the two bodies.
But your suggestion. If Incorrect as to
the electoral college, may well be true of
its prototype. It certainly Is significant
that - the state from which our electoral
system was borrowed was the only one of
the original thirteen which was colonised
by Catholics. It Is neither Impossible nor
Improbable that the idea of having their
senate selected by an Intermediate body
came to the people of Maryland by reason
of their familiarity with the college which
met In conclave at Rome yesterday.
While the attendance at Thursday's
meeting of the annual meeting of the
Douglss County Women's Christian Tem
perance union was most gratifying, some
thing over fifty women being present. It
was evident to the majority of the workers
that the county convention accomplishes
most when held In some of the smaller
towns. Not that the need In Omaha or
the cities Is less, but because a greater
proportion of members can be reached In
the smaller towns. At Elk City last year,
for Instance, the church where the con
vention was held was filled afternoon and
evening, at least half the audience being
men, and the unions at Valley, Waterloo
and all those of tho county were repre
sented by good sized delegations, these
having driven across the country to at
tend. The Omaha union was also repre
sented by a good proportion of Its work
ing membership. In speaking of this
Thursday one of the women said: "The
larger cities do not really need these meet
ings as we do In the country, and they do
not appreciate them nor profit by them
aa we do, for they have so much of this
sort of thing, while we have so little. Our
young people attend the meetings, which
set them to thinking and are a warning to
them when they go to the cities to live.
And then It means so much to our women.
Few of them can come to Omaha at this
season of the year, even If they can afford
the expense, while they are few who could
not drive to any cf the other towns for
the afternoon or evening meeting at least.'
In the smaller communities, where there Is
not so much entertainment, the county con
vention accomplishes a revival in every
line with which It deals, and the thinking
women must appreciate the value of those
papers that bring about the discussion
from the men, the voters of the community,
that always occurs at the country ses
Mra Emma F. Byers, general secretary
of the Young Women's Christian associa
tion, has gone to her homo In Chicago,
where she will spend a part of her vaca
tion, going later to Mackinac. She will
be absent six weeks.
Miss Mary Anthony, financial secretary
of the association, has gone to her home
in Iowa to visit her parents.
Miss Nellie Welker returned Saturday
from Pennsylvania, where she has pent
the summer vacation. Miss Welker is ex
tension secretary of the association. Miss
Agnes Ward, membership secretary, has
also returned, having spent her vacation
In Minneapolis and St. Paul.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Board of Directors of the association was
held Saturday morning, and, among other
things, It was decided to give a tea, in the
fall, for the committee members.
There will be a meeting of the Women's
Foreign Missionary society of First Metho
dist church at the home of Mra J. O. Phil-
llppl Wednesday, August 6, at 2:30 o'clock.
An Invitation Is extended to every woman
of the church. Mrs. W. Vi, Lockwood
will be present and will give a talk on
China, where he expects to go soon. An
especially Interesting and helpful meeting
Is anticipated, as China is to be the sub
ject for study this year.
It Is estimated that over RfiO.OOO women
will participate In the Australian federal
election this year. Organization work In
two principal states, New South Wales
and Victoria, Is already being actively pur
sued by the various women's progressive
leagues and other agencies representing
the radical vote. Victoria, however. Is first
to have a Woman's Federal Political Plat
form. The Melbourne correspondent of the
London Chronicle sends the document as
adopted by a representative conference In
that city:
(1.) Equality of Women Under the Law
(a) Men and women to be placed on pre
cisely the same footing under the laws of
the commonwealth. No sex differences to
he permitted In the marriage, divorce or
other laws, fb) All offices under the com
monwealth to be open equally to men 'and
women on the same terms and conditions
of payment, etc. Merit and ability to per
form the work to be the sole tests In mak
ing appointments.
(2) The Health of the Community Pro
vision to be made for the careful examina
tion of all articles, of food Imported from
abroad and the prohibition of any Injurious
to health, (b) The prohibition of the Im
portation of opium and similar substances
except for medicinal purposes.
(S.) The Promotlen of Industrial Peace
Provision to be made for the establish
ment of courts of conciliation and arbitra
tion with a view to the maintenance of In
dustrial peace within the commonwealth.
(4.) The Promotion of International Peace
(a) The military and naval forces to be
organized for strictly defensive purposes.
(b) A volunteer citizen soldiery to be en
couraged In preference to regular military
The correspondent adds: "All through
the present federal session politicians In
Australia will be thinking not so much of
the measures before them as of the coming
elections. Every wirepuller has his nerves
on edge over the female vote. None dare
say how It will go. The granting of the
franclse to women and the mandate of the
legislature that every adult shall have
only one vote, and that vote only In re
spect to his actual abode, have so com
pletely overthrown the boundaries and vot
Ing strength of existing constituencies that
a miniature electoral revolution has been
produced. In New South Wales a govern
ment commissioner has Just completed the
remapping out of that state Into federal
electorates. Free trade Sidney has been
given an extra seat, thereby weakening
the representation of the country and bor
der districts In which the protectionist vote
Is, strangely enough, very strong. . The
prime minister's constituency Is consider
ably varied so much so that Sir Edmund
Barton will have practically to woo a new
set of electors In December. These things
give a new Interest to the coming contest
for political supremacy In Australia, and
render accurate prophecy an utter impossl
R. La Book will open a high art ladles'
tailoring establishment in the Karbach
block In suite 613 to 614. corner 15th and
Douglas 8t. Mr. La Book comes from
New York City and has the reputotlon of
turning out the most stylish and best
fitting garments at moderate prices.
Omaha ladles are Invited to call on end
after August t.
The Popularity of Conrtlaad Beach
and Lake Musira on the Increase.
Courtland Beach and Lake Manawa are
still the two favorite outing places with
the twin cities, and well they might be,
as both possess excellent bathing beaches,
a feature not possessed by any other re
sort In this section.
Almost every day during the past month
one or two picnics, ranging from a Sunday
school to that of a secret order social or
political organization, have been held. At
Courtland Beach yesterday the Jacksonlan
club held Its annual picnic; 20.000 tickets
were disposed of.
The list of attractions this week st Court
land Beach Include: Oscar Norln, the
champion high diver of the world, who
dives from a 120-foot elevation Into four
feet of water, and at night repeats It In a
suit of Are; Mile. Norln, In fancy diving
and swimming; the Tennessee Jubilee
Singers; balloon races by Prof. Sam Mur
phy and boat races. In addition to the
regular score or more of attractions. Two
bands will enliven things. They are Prof.
Nordln'a orchestra aud Dod son's military
band. Today, for the first time for soma
Fall Suits
First showing of CORRF.CT STYLES of tailored suits snd
dress skirts for fall 1903 which, those contemplating a trip In
the near future and young ladles preparing for the. fall term
It college or finishing school, will And advantageous to Inspect
at once, as, of most styles, we show but one garment at this
early date giving us ample time, should we not have your
slzs, to have a garment made specially for you to order.
Blouse Sweaters and the Lenox Coat this week, all sizes,
all colors.
Silk Coats and Silk Blouses, half original price this week.
0. K. Scoficld Cloak & Suit Co.,
ISIO Doug-las Street.
Dressing Sacques and Kimonas
Three Special Prices 69c,
95c and $1.50.
Many of these sold for double these prlc es.
Children's Brown Linen Capes, trimmed with embroldory-Wh!te Bedford Cord
Capes trimmed with embroidery, ages 1 to 8 years Bedford Cord Jackets, hand
somely trimmed with embroidery, 1 to 3 years all of these goods sold from $2.3 to
$4.60 Monday your choice for $1.25.
Lace Parasol Covers for BABY CARRIAGES regular price 85o to $2.76 now at Just
half price.
The Parasols and Carriage Bhades we have left we are dosing out at half former
L . 1
AC ill
The nose may make or mar the beanty V-&y
of any face. If homely or deformed It 1 -
cannot be hidden or atoned for by any m 1
other featural attraction, but when well 1
beauty and dletinotlon to the whole I II . l '( V
countenance. sis vm I
I straighten a
bumped, bent or
crooked nose,
calld up a flat or
dished nose, shor
ten a long nose
and narrow a
broad nose. I set
back outstanding
or lopped ears,
correct baggy,
p u 0 y eyelids,
eradicate wrin
kles, lines, furrow In fact, all Imperfec
tions of the features are painlessly,
safely and satiHiactorily corrected and
made to conform artistically and bar
Bionlous'.y with their surroundings.
1 permanently cure skin and scalp
diseases, stop lml r falling, fading, split
ting and promote a strong, healthy
growth. I nainlculv remove moles.
nwartg, cyst, wens, scars, superfluous
hair, tattoo, ponder or birthmarks and
all blemishes on. In or under the skin.
My experience of thirty years Is of
great value to you. Consultation In
person or by letter li free and strictly
confidential. Call or write personally to
103 State St., Chicago.
time, all kinds of refreshments will be
served at the pavilion and cafes.
At Lake Munuwa almost any sort of a
regular park umuxement one wants may
be had. The bowling alleys, swings and
devices of that sort abound. The Kursaal
as a warm weather lounging place Is
splendid. The bathing beach this year
offers many advantages to bathers not pos
sessed In other years, and as a consequence
is always full of bathers. Today refresh
ments will be served not only at the Kur
saal. but at the pavilion, which will be
welcome news. The customary balloon
ascension will be given. At the Casino
tho Floyd-Brlggs Stock company will give
the drama, "Forsaken." Opening Thurs
day, the comedy, "Other People's Money,"
will be the offering. Covalt's celebrated
band still continues to be the big feature
of the rtsorts.
Homeseekera' Eironlon,
Tuesday. August 4th, Is the next date on
which the Missouri Paciflo will sell both
one way and round trip tickets at very
low rates to points In south, southwest
and southeast. For Information, rates.
tickets, etc., call or address Thos. F. God
frey. P. and T. A., 8. E. corner 14th and
Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb.
J. Benson
PHIcnn Dhnnnrreonlic
Victor Talking"
Phonograph Records
Why not buy these where you can
have the largest selection? Twenty
thousand Records to select from.
$10.00 to 70.( for cash, or $5.00 down
and $1 50 per week.
We want a dealer In every town.
Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machines at popular prices.
Second-hand Bowing Macliinas from
$1 no to $10.00.
We rent machines at 75o per week.
We repair and sell parts for all nia
chlnea Bicycles
Cheap to close out our stock. .
Large stock; low prices.
Nebraska Cycle Co J
liL .a u ' . ' ' 1
wvi. ioiu atnu uarney a is.
Phone 1060.
334 Broadway, Council Bluff.
Phone B-618.
Write for a Sampl Cop
Makes Most Vsefat Present,
m. BB l 1 ' l i: jftnasnnnnm-at.' ' . i . isp M " iii-bb-J