Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, PART 1, Page 3, Image 3

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Trtuurer TVtt H e Quarter' j Statsmact
with tha State Auditor. .
Auruort' Returns Show Otff Two
Million Cattle and Million Hogs
la the State of K-bruaka.
(Prom a BtafT Correspondent.)
I.JNCOLN, Aut. 1. (Special.) The state's
cash bos shows a very considerable In
crease for the month of July. Treasurer
Mortensen's monthly statement. Issued to
day, sho-jrs that the sum on hand July I
was $294,582.99, while at the close of business
July 81 the" cash at the command of the
treasurer was Stn6,9I2.32. During the month
money flowed Into the treasury In a large
stream, the total receipts from all sources
being- $287,823.44, while the outgo from the
general fund and the special and trust
funds amounted to $175,694.11.
Tha permanent school fund leads all In
tha Increase during the month, the total
from all sources being $119,072.19. The total
amount expended during the month was
8S1.J62.51. the purchases bring general fund
warrants. At the end of. the month the
fund amounted to $76,946, of which $G0,0U0
will be drawn out In a few days to pay
for the Nance county bonds, which have
been contracted for by the State. Board of
Educational Lands and Funds. The gen
eral fund added $60,427.51, while $51,634.33
waa paid out, leaving $53,3X3.10, of which
$50,000 will be expended fn the redemption
of general fund warrants, a call for which
has been Issued for August 10. About 830,0W
of this amount will be transferred to the
permanent school fund, leaving a net outgo
of state cash of about $30,000 In sight.
Condition of Funds.
Tha statement showing the condition of
each fund at the beginning and at the close
of the month follows:
u n
5 5
C lrir f 1 c' V iJZ CO
sr .
fsdsssr s
: r
s ; i
85 : 'l
SSSSa SSB3!igSS258
: : : ;o : : : : 1 r
::: B i :::::::: : : :
: : :
: : : ' iJ ; i-3 i i :
I tiii!-:Iiifi n-W-.
' Wrt State Money Is Kept.
The following table gives tha names of
all the batiks, having state money on da
posit and tha amount In each: .
West Point National bank. West
Point f 7,000.00
Packers' National bank. South
Omaha 2,017.57
Saunders County National bank., v 6,096.02
First National bank, Hastings.... 6,tj.2i
German National bank, Hastings., 4,569. 33
Battle Creek Valley bank. Battle
Creek 6.103.20
First National bank. Alliance....,, 3,269.35
First National bank, York 4.U64.49
Norfolk National bank, Norfolk.... 6.1U5.69
Broken Bow State bank. Broken
Kow $,060.0)
Cltlsena' bank, McCook S.123.61
Union State bank. Harvard , 4,U,"4.54
City National bank, York 3,042.23
8tate bank of Curtis, Curtis 3.1)60.33
First National bank, Ord 8,856.33
Farmers and Merchants' bank,
Stromsburg 4.064.87
Hank of Baxlle Mills, Baalle Mills. 1.500.00
First National bank, Hoidrege.... 2,945.63
First State bank, St. Paul 4,000.00
f irst National bank, Wayne o.uSS.OO
Pierce County bank. Pierce 6,0"0.00
Bank of Orleans, Orleans '. 4,000.00
urajiu isiana uanaing company.
Grand Island .'... $.433. 60
First National bank, Loomls...... 3,000.00
valentine mate bank, valentine.. 6,060.13
Bank of Syracuse, Syracuse , 8.015.00
. miens national bank, Ht. Paul.. 4.419.15
Newport State bank, Newport 1,000.0)
Wolbach State bank, Wolbach.... 1,500.00
Farmers and Merchants' bank.
Lincoln 1,088.04
Custer National bank. Broken
Bow 6,027.80
Commercial State bank. Grand
Island 6.036.96
Pannebrog State bank. Dannebror 1.503.7B
First National bank. O'Neill 6,028.63
.First National bank. Lincoln.... 2s.0l6.O6
Columbia National bank, Lincoln 27.713.48
City National bank. Lincoln 27,5o6.97
nans or commerce, Lincoln J0.SXJ.4l!
, Omaha National bank, Omaha.... 2S.183.24
First National bank. Omaha 26,016. 4H
United States National bank,
Omaha 28.189.83
Merchants' National bank, Omaha 28,lt.93
Commercial National bank, Omaha 27,3:12.66
uiuua iiuumu oana, uiuaua Zd.bu4.44
Total $406,894.36
Laker Day Proclamation.
Governor Mickey today Issued hi first
labor day proclamation. It la as follows:
- There Is no section of the country In
which the wage-earner Is more hlirhiv
spected and In which his avocation receives
greater consideration than here In Ne
braska. This Is true because our people are
generally Imbued with good sense. It Is
again true because the great majority of
the citlsens of this state are laborers and
wage-earners themselves and hence have a
proper conception of the dignity of their
i-miiiug. wuur me niuBi nonorea Instru
ment of material advancement. It has
founded republics, built cities, encircled
mountains, tunneled rivers, belted conti
nents and has been the great active prlnci-
rile In the development of our superior clv
llsation. The arts and sciences are also
"Its debtors, and the realm of literature
owes more to persistent, relentless effort
than It does to tha temporary flashings of
But soma ancient philosopher has said
Hair Vigor
Your gray hair shows you
should use it unless
you like to look old! Have
young hair and keep
young. Ayer's Hair Vigor
always restores color to
gray hair and stops falling
hair. Sold for 60 years.
A O. Ayes 04k, loweU, sues.
that "All work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy." What Is true of "Jack'" Is also
triip of his progenitors In prsctlral sppll
cutlon of this idea the legislature of the
siHte of Nebraska hns wisely decreed that
the first Monday In September shall be set
apart as " or Day and that It shall be
deemed a public holiday.
lly xirtne nf the authority vented In me
by law, I. John If. Mickey, g-ovi-rmir of the
stale of Nebraska, do hereby proclaim Mon
day. September 7. 19"3. Labor Iay, and
especially urge that all business be sus
pended on that date and that It be observed
by general participation In rest and In ap
propriate observance thereof.
Fight on (lark Martina Sorraal.
The persistent effort made by Thomas J.
Majors to effect the official decapitation of
Superintendent Clark of the Peru normal,
besides weighing something In the loca
tion of the new normal, Is expected to cut
some figure In the attendance at the o'.d
Institution as soon as the new one gets Into
operation. When Clark took hold of the
Peru school It was s.idly disorganize J be
cause of a factional fight between the Ma
jors partisans and those who opposed his
control of Ihe policy of the Institution. It
Is claimed that Dr. Clark has brought har
mony Into the Institution and served to
strengthen the faculty to such an extent
as to materially Increase the standing of
the school. Should Majors win out In hi
fight to displace Clark the school. It Is al
leged, will again become a hotbed for the
controversies which formely caused Its dis
credit. This, Jt Is claimed In local educa
tional circles, will have the effect of driv
ing prospective students away, with the
result that the university and tlie new
normal will profit In Increased attendance.
Some years ago the Peru Institution was
put under civil service rules, and it Is now
claimed that Majors, when he seeks to
force Clark out, will have to prefer
charges. It Is said that there would have
been several changes In the Peru faculty
but for the fact that the civil service Ailes
were In force and became part of the
teachers' contracts. What attitude Clark
will assume should Majors succeed and an
attempt be made to displace him without
a hearing. Is not known to his Lincoln
friends. At the present time It Is not be
lieved that Majors can muster the neces
sary strength on the board unless he can
trade for Mortensen's or Fowler's vote.
There are several faculty changes at Peru
which will have to be made before one of
the necessary members of the majority can
be won over, and It Is not believed that
Majors could afford to make any sacrifices
along that line to gain the votes with
which to unseat Clark. Fowler Is noncom
mittal as to his attitude towards Clark, ex
cept to say that he will not trade with
Majors for the purpose of driving him
from the institution.
Insnrance Company Reorganises.
The Bankers' Reserve Life association of
Omaha this morning filed new articles of
Incorporation with Insurance Deputy Pierce
of the state auditor's office. The new arti
cles comply with the terms of the law
passed by the last legislature. The com
pany will henceforth be known as the
Bankers' Reserve Company of Omaha. Un
der the terms of the new charter the com
pany will be obliged to Issue valued poli
cies. The company, under the terms of
the law, will be :equlred to deposit $50,000
In securities with the auditor for the pro
tection of policy holders.
The American Credit Indemnity company
of New York Is a concern which has made
application to the insurance department
for permission to do business In the state.
The company is one with Investment fea
tures. The articles will be carefully ex
amined before they are finally passed upon.
New Mntnal Fire Insurance Companr,
The Bohemian National Fire Insurance
company of Wllber was admitted to do
business Saturday afternoon by Insurance
Deputy Pierce. The concern Is organized
under the county mutual law providing
for farm Insurance. The secretary of tha
organisation Is John Sleplcka.
Word has been received at the Insurance
department that the case of the State Au
ditor against the Fraternal Wedge of York,
which has been Instituted In York county,
will come up August IS. The suit waa In
stituted by the attorney general at the
suggestion of the auditor for the purpose
of winding op the affairs of the concern,
which Is organised under the statutes reg
ulating fraternal organizations.
Samples of Nebraska's Richness.
Labor Commissioner Bush today Issued
a report showing the number of cattle,
hogs and horses In the state, together with
some other Interesting statistics that go to
prove what Nebraska la accomplishing In
the line of material richness. There are
2,161,773 cattle rather unevenly distributed
among the counties of the state. The
wealth represented by these figures would
mount up Into many millions. The com
missioner, however, did not give out any
statement showing the average value. Hogs
follow cattle In the grand totals, the num
ber for the state being 1,482,264. while horses
and mules come third with 639,917. The
position of Nebraska as a sheep' raising
atate la shown by the comparison of the
number of sheep In the state, 218,711 with
the total for hogs and cattle. The wealth
represented by the domestlo cattle, hogs,
sheep and horses mounts up Into hundreds
of millions. .
Dawson county leads all other counties
of the state In the acreage devoted to al
falfa. This Is the showing made In a bulle
tin Just Issued by the state labor bureau.
The total acreage In the atate devoted to
alfalfa Is 238,401, of which Dawson county
haa H907 acres, Buffalo county follows with
15,126 acres, while Hall county comes third
In the race with 1X780 acres. No returns
are shown from Cheyenne, Perkins or Mc
pherson counties, but with these exceptions
every county has a patch of alfalfa.
According to the report which haa been
complied from the assessors' returns the
number of cattle In the state la 2.161,773.
Cherry county takes the lead In this
species of property by having 88,736, with
Custer second at 78.936. Lincoln county fol
lows with 40,477, while Cedar county In the
northern section of the state is fourth in
the list with S8.702 cattle.
While Nebraska is a great corn state, the
great excess of catUe over hogs would
Indicate that the grazing Industry Is still
greater, since there are 1,482,264 hoga as
compared with 2.161,771 cattle. As to hogs,
Custer county again leads off with the
largest number, having 42,648 head, while
Cuming county, one of the oldest counties,
cornea a close second, having 41,915 hogs.
Richardson county is third with $8,774, while
Platte county has $8,394 hogs, little and big.
Kimball county boasts of the largest
number of sheep, having 27,366 out of a
total of 218,711 for the entire state. This is
one-eighth of - the total number. - Platte
county Is sgaln a ribbon winner as' the
second In the list with 20,276, followed by
Perkins with 20.217.
The total number of horses and mules In
the state Is 639,917. Of this valuable species
of property the largest share Is again
claimed by Custer county with 19,t79 head.
Custer seems to be In a class by Itself,
since the next highest county Is Gage with
only 12.&38, while Saunders claims 11,424.
Lancaster county has 1 997 acres of alfalfa,
2.117 acres of millet, 35,116 cattle, 27.755 hogs,
2.041 sheep and 4,266 horses and mules.
Other Crops Show l Well
The bureau Issued a statement showing
the acreage of various staple crops, as
Sugar beets
Xruom corn
tilue grass
Tame grass
W f3
rx, 116
Personal Properly Taxes Dae Early.
Insurance Deputy Pierce discovered this
The high' tide of bargain-giving is at hand.
All summer goods reduced to one;half and one-quarter their former prices. Every yard and artic)
of the fresh, clean, crisp merchandise that has been the admiration of every shopper, is included in this
final mark-do wn. It is the boldest price cutting ever known on goods of equal quality.
Remnants Final Clean Ip In Clearance Sale Ladles' and Our Entire Lot of Ladies' and clearaiscu sale of
- IIZZ: ZZl "n;r Embroideries and Laces Chl,(lrens chi,dfcn's Shirt Waists and
,;;;;: 22C v.rX Hosiery - Underwear Parasols at Cost snirt waist suits
of c dimity and renaissance batiste. In rZ?:' IC" 2 Tlim fUVT XV VT.T
long lengths, also remnants of 40c. 60c. 4c and 6c qualities-reduced to VCStS, CrocllCt edge find full parasols, HOAV 75c AU11& M11U1 HA1M
65c. 75e. f5c and 11 white waist- j a yard C ,. . . .. , . .. .. . SLITtS ill WPShublc lliaU'l'i-
mgs in short lengths, at. yard ....lVJC .'6C taped, also open ork lace, Ladies' white china silk par- . nn ,V,,)T .lu-41I.111,1fr
ioc and i2c Qualities reduced to - , . . nn i i aIS an exoeilout assortment
All Onr Sheer India Linen- all -es, reduced from 20c , pretty embroidered fronts
that sold at 25c yard, to be 41 c and 22c to 10C quallt . . I. fu lloume 8kirt8, mlllOCd
closed out at. yard IZ2C AVJC 50 dozen ladies' black lis'e Children's fancy parasols from ?8.00 to ........ .3.50
All Our Plain Colored ..19c h h to io, reSu- Ul runl at ladies' pkksses,- made of
Mniicoiin a cnu 6oc and sic qualities-reduced to lar 29c quality, now . . . . I9c Children's fancy checked and pink, blue and green madras,
muussciine ae sole a yard jc pink and white ruftled. . 29c plaited waists, newest cut
in pink, cream and dark blue, also 35c. Remnants almost slven awav Ladies' fancy lisle hOSO, polka , .,, . . ,, . , Kl-iHa rmnilnr (. -iln 1
40c. 45c white goods for waist. 4C Remnant, almost gU en away. J atrinaa L Children S fancy polka dot, Skirts. lCglllar ?0 .lllie.J.&U
and suit., to be closed out at. yd.. lbC Torchon nd Medici Lace tiot ami fancy stripes, regular reJ d b 85c quality, DUMXG THE COMING
8c and c quallUes-all reduced to (- 50c quality', nOW 29C 4C1 ,,-imm' -hi ii
All Our iflr ttc and a yard -C at 49c WELk you will be :.ble to
r IL. iL?..I! CIa"y lnc" n ,n'"tlo Ladies' tan lisle lace hose, all Children's faucv colored par- buy any of our summer
b5CWmte WaiStingS- 2ZITATm4 xTn-' over lace, boot pattern, polka asols, pink, blue and white, waists below cost-it will pay
Suat"irtT.!r..!!.lT.,.!!...25c to. . y.rt.,.10c dot and gauze lisle, regular with ruffles and hemstitched you to see them before buying.
wide point de ran. i.ace s5c and SOc quality, dow borders, ?1.23 qualitv, . .75c All our soiled waists at. 49c
J" ?U,r :ecl!"Cn ttaCyard!?..qr"r:edr.d 15C Wc and 39C Children's plaid silk 'parasols, ALL $1.50 and f 1.23 Waists
Shirt WaiSt Suitings . fn i i-n ui i i- i bine and red with white hem- of Im,ia 15mu tucked and
and .men etamines that sold at 50c, CleannQ MUSllfl LndCPVYT ' f " h stitched borders and fancy embroidery trimmed, at.75c
wash7Urcnd SI?..25C V odd are4oSand8,Sc aualitv X ,inndIos ith tnwd8' rulaV ALL 2"25 WAISTS Hf
I7 per"ct 'le" w '- Jar -oC aud 3oC quahtj..igc ?175 qnaiity at i.iQ quality linen trimmed in an-
All Our Sheer Linen Grenadines meand!'r)wnareduce(j to 23 dozen ladies' umbrella tique lace, now 1.00
in black grounds with white stripes; each 42c union suits lace trimmed Extraordinary CSIIc ALL $2.50 WAISTS of black
fan:y'ammousseUnnetyden STvTSZ reduced to alsQ t,ght knoe ,n creftm BainS ifl OIIIV5 aml wllite oxfor(1 cloth, J.5Q
novelties that sold at 75c and TQ -OUC wbite. regular 35cand50c Remnants of silk in lengths ALL o Trench embroidered
now' yard 390 ::.75c quamy, now . ... . 2Sc from 3 to 8 yards, wortli 00c trimmed waists, now . .2.95
Great Clean Up OO w . Kowns-reduced to La(lies, umbrdla nt9 aud and S5c, to close, yard . . 25c A lot of shab le Chi, m ri :k
All WOOl Blankets- each trimmed in deen lice Best (lualit.v JaP cord silks ? ' nn 3 ' t o
Xt has been our custom for the pa.t ...."..1,25 tonJd 5 bnds " c , '
BLANKETS, preparatory to the open- ach 1,7 O LU S 10 MCk 0 0 efed dotgwortn ?1 4Q to e offer OUr Olltire WrappOr
ing up of our new faii stock, judging 75,. skirts-reduced to Kleeveless vests, sizes 18 to close, yard 75c stock at the following prices.
from past experience these goods at the . each ijljc 34, Crochet' edge and full FIOUKKD L W Wll V-
prices marked will change owners In a x iviuiUiiJ iv.v t -
jiffy. Be on hand eany-15.00. WW, $7.50. oc skirts-reduced to taped, 2 for 2oc, each,..15c Mon'c M P, fl 1 1 (1 P ShlPf TE1JS, nine inch flounce, reg-
19.00 and 115.00 4:lankets wlH be sold OUC , , 11115110 llClJUyCU Ollll lO iios-oi,,,,
at.palr. 66.60. 4.50, $3.95, $3.76 Qt- ,160 and SL66 skirt-reduced to . Children 8 Umbrella pants, KtaQtt ShlrtS ViStit"- v Stri'iVm ' Sif
473 each L00 lace trimmed, sizrs 20 to 34, " U"n Ne9"Bee 5n,riS- MEDIUM A EIGHT PElt-
COtton Blankets- " LMd " - 1 9q just the thing for girls, easy SIiSy muBjed ftom- being CALE WIlAPPEItS, nicely
iOiion Bidnneib each LjZO J . r-mfftrt"hip b l(c used in our display windows, trimmed, regular 51.75 value,
In conjunction with our wool .w and .urta-reduced wy fvp. au comiorcauie uc comprising such well known at 99c
. blankets will be sold balance !' m" 'UU ladies' umbrella pants, extra brands as Monarch, Star, HEAVY PERCALE "VYKAI'-
of all our medium .and heavy each"! l.'275' 'idth, very fine quality, trim- - Stanley and Trafalgar, which PE1JS, large sleeves, nine inch
cotton fleece blankets at" less $5.00 and .oo akirta-reduced to med in lace, regular $1.00 sell at $1.00, $1.25 and fl.50 flounce, regular $2.50 value,
than wholesale prices. quality, now 75c now .... ..49c nt . ......... 1.49
afternoon that personal property taxes
under the new revenue law wilt be due the
same year they are lavled. Under ihe terms
of the new measure which passed the laat
legislature taxes which become a Hen on
November 1 of the year on which they are
levied will be delinquent December 1, the
same year Instead of on the May following
as under the present law. The inquiry
arose because of the fact that many for
eign Insurance agents have been In the
habit of paying the taxea personal by May
1 of the year succeeding that in which the
taxea were levied, and he la taking steps
to inform the companies of the change
so that they may comply therewith.
Small Bunch of Beads OsTerd Stale.
A local bond dealer haa offered the State
Board of Educational I-ands and Funds
a block of $5,000 ( per cent Dawes county
court house bonds of the issue of 1SS7 on a
basis that wlU net the state Z per cent
with the Interest coupons on a 4 per cent
basis. The board held an informal session
this afternoon for the purpose of con
sidering the offer.
Second Regiment to Go to Fort Blley.
Adjutant General Culver thla afternoon.
In consultation with Governor Mickey, de
cided that the Second regiment of the Na
tional Guard' should go to Fort Riley to
take part In the regular army maneuvers.
This decision was reached only after con
siderable study ' on the part of the gov
ernor. The regiments were both eager to
go because of the superior advantages
which the encampment with the regulars
would have In giving military training.
Then, too, it la regarded as quite an honor
to be aelected to take part In the extensive
maneuvers, which will be undertaken on
the Kanaas prairies sometime In October.
8tar-at-IIomes Will Camp Too.
General Culver decided this afternoon
that the First regiment will be sent Into
camp sometime between August 20 and Sep
tember 1, at some place yet to be desig
nated. The Independent companies, of
which there are several, will alao be or
dered to take part in the encampment.
Regular military instruction by United
Statea military officers probably will be one
of the features of the state camp. It la
hoped to have the new Krag-Jorgensen
rlflea for the troops when they are ordered
Hatband la Missing.
Mrs. J. A. Wllhlte. wife of a stone mason
living at Second and L streets, came home
from a pleasure trip yesterday to find her
husband gone and also part of her effects.
Some of these she found later In the pos
session of two women, who said Wllhlte
had given them to them, saying he was go
ing to Denver. The wife thinks her hus
bsad has beer, murdered, but the police
are Inclined to the opinion that he haa Just
Mlaaonrl Keqalaltloa Honored.
Governor Mickey today honored the
requisition of Missouri authorities for the
return of Galen E. Bishop to St. Joseph,
where he Is charged with forgery. Officers
from Missouri say they have lilshop located
in Adams county. Neb.
D.r.lar. Tap a Safe.
CRETE, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special Tele
gramsBurglars entered the pump shop
of lllll tt Tcssar last night and succeeded
in working the combination of the safe.
They carried away with tbem the sum of
KXO In cash. The safe waa not Injured la
the least The Beatrice blood hounds were
sent for, but on account of the heavy rain
which fell this morning
they could do
Engineers Start Ont by Savins; a Mile
In the Roate of the Fre
mont Project.
FREMONT, Neb., Aug. t-(Special.)-The
corps of engineers under the direction
of Engineer Voice have completed the pre
liminary lines for the Fremont Tower
canal, but have practically only begun the
work of the survey. The preliminary line
Is nearly a mile shorter than the first sur
vey. The starting and terminal points are
the same, - but the new lino has fewer
abrupt turns. Today the men were at
work south of the city, where the dam and
reservoir will be constructed. The end of
the canal Is at the mouth of Elm creek
and the fall at this point will be much
greater than at the end of the Columbus
canal. This fact, and the general loca
tion of the basin in a ravine, are among
the strong points for the location of the
canal at this point.
Horning Program Is Crowded Into
the Afternoon on Aeconnt of
Henry Rainstorm.
FAIRBURT, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.)
The morning exercises at the reunion were
abandoned owing to the rain, but the
weather cleared and In the afternoon the
attendance was large and the entire pro
pram for the day was carried out.
Judge Lee 8. Eatelle of Omaha delivered
an excellent address, gteatly Interesting all
who heard him. The other afternoon exer
cises comprised recltatlona by Miss May
Davis and Miss Schults and a band con
cert. The campnre of the evening was the best
one of the reunion. Brief addresses were
made by Judge Estelle and Captain C. E.
Adams of Superior. Neb., and the singing
Included solos by Miss Gertrude Tyler of
Lincoln and Miss Anna Thompson of Fair
bury and a aong by the Falrbury Ma(e
Moves Into New Bnlldlns;.
TORK. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) The
printing and newspaper plant owned by
the Nebraska Newspaper Union Is being
moved Into the new three-story and base
ment brick and stone building erected by
Tim Sedgwick on Grant avenue between
sixth and seventh streets. Mr. Sedgwick
haa Installed In this building the latest
machinery and the power will be furnished
by the York Electric Power company.
Tork can boast of having one of the largest
and best equipped printing houses In the
Softens Water for Locomotives.
SCHUYLER, Neb.. Aug. l.-(Epeclal.)-The
Union Pacific Is pushing forward the
Installation of a Penneeott water softener
at this point, similar to the one recently !
completed at Columbus. It Is of steel con- '
structlon after styie of a standptpe. with
numerous Internist apartments for cheml.
cals and mechanical agitators to disturb
the water and softening ingredients. The
process removes from tho water such min
erals aa cause scale In boilers.
Heavy Bains Throughout tha State Hinder
the Farmer1! Work.
Storm Extends From Buffalo In the
West to Otoe In the East and
From Bladlsoa Sooth to
GIBBON, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) A ter
rific rain and electrical storm passe 1 over
here yesterday evening. No damage waa
done here. At Butler, ten miles northwest,
the rain was the heaviest of the year.
Buckeye valley was a river of water, with
bound grain floating in the torrent.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Aug. 1. (Spe
cial Telegram.) An Inch and one half of
rain fell in Otoe county last night, re
lieving the corn situation and helping all
farm, crops.
NORFOLK. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) A
drenching 'rain of two Inches fe 1 upon Nor
folk all of yesterday and through the en
tire night. Streets are In a bad way as a
result. The temperature dropped to li de
grees and winter wraps were not at all
uncomfortable. The maximum temperature
yesterday was 61. Winter wheat Is thresh
ing out about eleven bushels to the acre.
It Is a disappointment to farmers of tlili
section. Wet weather at a critical mo
ment is given as the cause.
FA1RBURY. Neb., Aug. !. (Special.)
During last night 1.80 Inches of rain fell
bringing the total for the last three days
to 195 inches and thoroughly soaking the
ground, as the lain fell slowly and steadily.
It Is retarding threshing some, but will be
the making of a good corn crop.
ST. PAUL, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) An
other heavy rain, accompanied by severe
thunder and lightning, passed over here J
last night. The precipitation was 1.55 Inches.
Rains Every Day.
HARVARD. Neb.. Aug. l.-:Speclal.
Heavy rains accompanied by much wind,
seem to be of dully occurrence. ?rom July
t) to 8 o'clock last evening 1.6S Inches of
rain had fallen, and from S o'clock laat
evening to 4 o'clock this morning, 163
Inches of rain, a total In the past three
daya of 149 Inches of rainfall. But little
stacking has been done and threshing from
shock only well begun, so that the larger
part of the wheat crop Is standing in the
DAVID CITY. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.)
A heavy rain accompanied by a strong wind
and some hall fell here last night. Two
Inches of water fell which makes a total
of four and one-half Inches of rainfall
this week. The hall did no damage here.
Reports from the west part of the county
are that the hall waa heavy and damaged
corn considerably. The wind blew very
hard here and there was also a severe
electrical storm.
FAIRMONT. Neb.. Aug. l-(8peclal.)-Thls
locality was visited last night by an
other electrical storm. The lightning wss
Incessant and the roll of the thunder con
tinuous, with some wind, tut no damage
has been reporjed. About two Inches of
rain fell, which has made the corn look
fine, although soma or the very early Is
blown down. The land, which was very
dry, Is in excellent condition for fall plow
ing, which hna commenced for winter
LEIGH, Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.) One of
the hardest rnlna of the aenron ' visited
this vicinity last night. The oats were Just
about ready to be Harvested and nearly all
of them are lying flat to the ground. In
many fields it will be next to impossible
to harvest them.
SCHUYLER. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special.)
An Inch ur.d a half of rnln fell last night,
which restored summer temperature, the
thermometers standing at 75 degrees to
day Instead of at GO.
l.lajhtnlnB- fteTere In Franklin.
FRANKLIN, Ilcb.. Aug. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) This place was, visited last night
with the most severe rain and electric
storm we have bad for years. About two
Inches of rain fell In less than gn hour,
and In no time creeks were bank full and
overflowing the bottoms. A small railroad
bridge between here and ltlverton was
somewhat damaged and delayed trains a
few hours, but was soon repaired. The
lightning was very bad. and ) per cent
of the Franklin Telephone company's tel
ephones were burned out. Mr. II. Piatt's
houve wna struck, doing little damage.
This fame house was struck by lightning
five years ago and In the same place.
William Brlgg had three head of horses
killed. A message was received during
the nlfrht that Tom B. Northrup was
killed by lightning at Wauneta, Neb. He
Is a brother of Mrs. J. W. Oxer of this
place and left here less than a week ago
In search of health.
Elect r leal Storm at Heat r lee.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal)
A severe electrical storm passed over thts
section last night. Rain, which was ac
companied by a strong wind and some
hall, fell In torrents. Another heavy rnln
fell In the afternoon and the total amount
of rainfall Is conservatively estimated at
one and one-half Inches.
EDGAR, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.) A
heavy electrical storm passed over this
section last evening from 8:45 to 10:40. The
electrical display was the most brilliant
ever witnessed here and was accompanied
by a heavy rainfall, which amounted to
nearly three Inches. We have now had four
and one-half Inches of rain In the past four
days, and, as much of the wheat Is sttll In
shock, farmers are experiencing great dif
ficulty In getting It threshed or stacked.
LINCOLN, Aug. 1. Reports from nearly
every section of the state show that the
rain of last night and today was very gen
eral and heavy, exceeding two Inches In
many placea. Some stock waa killed. At
Wauneta Thomas B. Northrup was killed
by lightning. Near Grand Island the storm
wrecked the home of Oscar Koehler. Mr.
Koehler's wife and five children escaped
serious injury, but the furniture was de
molished. York May Have Gas Plant.
YORK. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Spe;!al.)-J. Bny
der of Norfolk, secretary of tha Norfolk
Gas company, la looking over York with
a view to Installing a gas plant In this
city. Many of the new houses built have
been piped for gas. and York wants a gas
company which will furnish satisfactory
gaa for fuel and heat.
Old Settlers' Ileanlon.
UNION, Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal.)-The
old settlers of Cass and adjoining counties
will bold tbelr fifteenth annual reunion at
this place on August T and 8. Good speak-
Mnny n younif rnnn eats
his fNvt'nthcnrfa biscuit
tlint fool like coinont. Junt
to make lilmxplf "solid"
M'litn lie could neco:nillRh
tho winic result by calling
on licr in MncCnrtliy
Clothing. And wlint opportunities
thin Summer Trice Slicing
Bale offera him All Bum
mer coats end trousers
for $20 to $23 nil crash,
homespuns and flannel
trousers, $5 to $6. were
$7 to $10 . We want
every inn ii In Omaha to
try "ixl eo how . well
we cut, lit ami make gar
ments. MacCartViy
Tailoring Company,
now at
J04-J04 S. 16th St.
Next Door to Wabash Ticket
Phose 180$.
ere will be present and there will be
amusement for all.
Schuyler Business Men May Also
Take Action to Force Hands of
County Commissioners.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Aug. 1. -(Special )
The business men and those Interested In
Schuyler have subscribed J2.Cu0 toward the
expense of a new wagon bridge across the
Platte at this point. The county commis
sioners have been solicited to authorise the
expenditure of enough more to reach the
total cost, K.VO. but deferred action until
August 10. In case they decline to supply
the funds necessary, action s likely to be
instituted to compel compliance with the
law regarding maintenance of public high
ways. Bit fen by Pet VosT,
BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.)
The ls-months-old child of F. P. Crocker,
a farmer residing six miles south of the
city, was bitten by a pet dog yesterday
afternoon. Only a slight scratch above
the eyo was left by the animal's teetir,
but since the child was bitten tha dog 1ms
acted strangely and the family Is greatly
alarmed for fear the animal 1 afflicted
with hydrophobia. Tl child is under the
care cf a physician of thla city.