Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19

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Volume of Bninea for July Compare! Very
larorebly wilh July Ter Ago.
Ontlook for m. I'rosperoas Fall Bnst
'" Considered Very Rneonraginc
nnd M holesalers Expect to
Break Last Year'a Record.
Although July la generally considered
one of li.u dulleHt montna of Hie year so far
aa wholesale trade ta concerned. Omahi
Jobbers make the report that they had a
"ry lair uusiness throughout the month.
Their sales run ahead of their expecta
tions grid also ahead of the sales made
during the month of July a year ago. Ho
long as that Is the case they do not feel
that they have much causo lor complaint.
At the present time wholesalers are very
busy shipping out their advance orders cf
full gooas. Owing to the fact that they
have taken more tall orders than ever be
fore has made It necessary for them to
begin shipping a little earlier and also to
greatly Increase their forces. A few fall
buyers are besinnlnir tr arrive on the mar
ket and from this time on a atoady in
crease Is eXDected. A srest manv mer
chants have expressed their Intention of
coming ine nrsi part 01 August ana oy
the middle of the month the rush will be
on. Those who went on the trade excur-
alon Into western Iowa came back greatly
encouraged over the prospects for new
business in that section. They said that
without exception the retailers In the towns
tailed were very kindly disposed toward
Omaha and expressed their Intention of
visiting Uils market this fall. It was found
that a large proportion of the merchants
who still go east do It from habit and
Because they do not realise the develop'
ment that has been amino- on in the whole'
ale district of Omaha during the last few
years. All jobbers ask Is that merchants
in western Iowa make Omaha a call, for
If they do that their future patronage Is at'
ured. -
I'rlnes on most lines of goods are on
about the same level they were a week
ago. There have of course been a few
fluctuations ud and down. esDeclally In
groceries, but the bulk of the goods Jobbed
out of Omaha are quoted firm. With the
outlook favorable for a continued heavy
consuming demand throughout the country
those best posted look for healthy markets
tor some time to come.
Sugar (looted Steady
The eugar market Is In Just about the
lame position It was a week ago. There
has been no change on either raws or re
fined. The demand is reported aa being
very good for this season of the year and
tne refineries are still largely oversold
Shipments as a result are coming forward
very slowly.
The cheese market has been holding up
remarkably well and. In fact, loung Amer
leas show a slight advance. Those well
informed on the situation say that no lower
prices than those now In force will be seen
this year. Much, however, depends upon
me weather conditions experienced in AU
gust and September.
The bean market Is a trifle easier than
It was a week ago, but the demand con
tinues tair.
The movement of canned goods still con
tlnues quite satisfactory. The demand
covers the entire line, but is particularly
heavy on California canned goods, stand
ard tomatoes and vegetables. There have
been no changes worthy of notice on the
market, but the advances recently quoted
on corn, peas and gallon apples are being
wen sustained.
The only change In dried fruits is an
advance on prunes amounting to 14 cen
ner pound. The demand is still very heavy,
The rice market Is in the some position
It was a week ago.
In the line of fish, mackerel is quoted
higher with the supply very short. There
Is now small prospect of a large catch be
ing taken. Other kinds of fish are quoted
Just about the same as they were a week
ago and the demand Is very fair.
' The market for woodenware remains
Verv Arm. and there Is a decided Improve
ment noted In the demand for certain lines
of baskets. It is now thought that no lower
prices for woodenware will prevail for
some time -to come. t
Fancy groceries Including such llnea as
lollies and lams are in much better demand
than they were a short lime ago and the
higher classed gooas sell to tne oesi ad
vantage. The demand is thought to be
owing largely to the light supply of small
t ruitji. .......
Bo far as trade conditions are concerned
local grocery jobbers say that they have
been enjoying a very liberal patronage and
their sales have gone considerably ahead
01 last. year. .
Shipping; Fall Good,
Local dry goods jobbers are now devot
ins a large share of their attention to fill
Ing their advance orders for fall goods.
They are working the largest forces they
have ever had, and besides that they are
working them overtime so aa to get these
orders niled and out 01 me way oeiore
fall buyers begin to arrive very rreeiy,
There are.-however, auite a few early buy-
ore bes-lniilna- to come In already ajid many
more are expected this week. The orders
. that have been piscea so iar wns year
have been very liberal, and from that Job
bers judge that they are going to do a nice
business inrougnoui me season, auyiot
fmni tha pnuntrv indicate that merchant
nr niAuninv nut their summer goods In
food shape, and If that Is the case they will
ave plenty of money with, which to make
4H..I nil tilirchaMesL
The market Is In very much the same
cosltlon It was a week ago. Cotton goods
continue very firm with desirable lines eX'
aainntv .n.riHt and hard to obtain. It be
comes more and more evident that these
conditions will become more pronounced aa
v. ...r.n aHvanraa. As a result jobbers
r uiiviaina- their customers to get in tne
' .r. fcr 7all anuria, esneclally for cotton
lines, aa early as possible and In that way
be assured of securing desirable line. So
far as can be seen at the present time
those posted say there is no prospect of
lower prices on dry goods for some time
to come and that merchandise at present
prices Is good property.
Carriage Bolts s Little Lower.
The only change in tne naraware ron
of any Importance at all Is a slight decline
In the price of carriage bolts. This reduc
tion, however, was no surprise, as the gen
eral belief was that they were too high as
compared with other similar lines. The
general market situation remains the same
as it has been for some time past. That la,
goods are scare and prices firm. The re
cent reductions in some lines of raw mi
.. ., .. frM,l tha market for the
manufactured articles in the least and no
changes are anticipated. The fact Is pointed
ut that the cost of labor has been going
up, and that fully offsets any ""J"011'",0"
the cost of raw material which has taken
PLo'ally the trade situation continues very
-atlefactory. s Jobbers are enjoying a good
steady demand on all seasonable lines and
their sales for July show ft good Increase
over those made during the same month
of last year.
Leather Goods Firm and Active.
Leather goods jobbers also have a favor
able report to make regarding the condi
tion of trade. Their traveling men have
been meeting with surprisingly good result.
vt into and aa a result have still farther
swelled the Increase In sales over Inst year.
It seerrs that a gresi buu
SI V Wl'ua" - "
the leather goods line trsae iremi "
to s! continued brisk demand throughout
thprlc?rlsre still very firm and Jobbers aee
io prospect of any weakness for some time
t0ThTe' Is very little doing In the rubber
line, as practically all the retailers hay
placed their orders, and there will be but
little buvlng now until the goods begin to
move from the retailers' shelves.
Hoth rubber and leather goods are being
hipped' to the country as rapidly as pos
Fruits aad Produce.
Wholesale fruit men report the demand
for frish fruits as being very heavy. Csll
fornU fruits in particular are moving out
very nicely. Prices, of course, are grad
ually getting chtaper, as will be seen from
the quotations given Irt another column.
The cvl weather of the latter part of the
week rather cut down the sale of such lines
as watermelons and lemons, but that of
course. Is but a temporary lull. A few
home-grown tomatoes are beginning to ar
rive, but as yet the quality la very In
ferior. In a short time, however, a food
upplv la expected.
In the line of vegetsbles potatoes are at
tracting a good d-al of attention. It la
feared that ths dry weather about two
weeks sg, together with the wet weather
earlv In the year, has done much to cut
down the anticipated yield. U is predicted
that thtrre will not D mum over nair a
crop. Owing to these conditions the mar
ket is looking upward and the wholesale
price ha been advanced to Wiiifcc per
lushel. '
Ths butter market has eased off a little,
racking stock now being worth about Ho.
Kid have not shown much change, but
ths loae off Is exceedingly heavy, owing to
lag but weather the early part of lust week
riot Plaoe thi'ir oroers rtn.
and It is tluwe merchants that are now buy
ing. Quite a few biryers have been on the
market themselves during the hist few days
" i ...... ni,. hills. Everything In
Hllll II
pring chickens are
I to a little lower, but still
the price
suallv hih for thin time of year
ery evident that there ! a marked abort
g In the Supply of spring chickens this
ear, owing probably to the cold, wet
Condition of Trad aad Qaotatloaa on
Staple ad raacr Prod are.
BMi. Fresh stock, loaa off. lJc.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. c: spring chick-
n, per lb., l.V14o; roosters, according to
ace, 4'c; turkeys, juwiio; oia aucxs.
vniinr rinrka writ IOC
.11 tin facKing stocx. uc; cnoioe
rv In tuba 14frlta! separator. X.
FRE8H FISH Fresh caught trout, f
V tllKriri, I tf- i 'i .-, yr-i if.'.
buffalo, 7H1c: bluensn, lac; wmtensn,
c; salmon, 13c; haddock, 10c; codllnh, 12c;
redsnapper, joe; lobsters. Douea, per 10.,
20c; lobelers, green, per lb., 2;c; bullhead,
11c; cattWh, 14c; black bass, jfJic; halibut,
10c; crapples. 12c; herring. c; perch. c;
noAurlei "ton &'
5?fcSa nnoted bv Omaha Wholesale
? fl?r; Yf.nrt
; L"n: N.-i "r1""
Dealers' assocl
I960; No. 2,
:.,Vw ' V5 Tf,,.. ..h... T.J.-
S0..?? JSSZJJ'YLa I.fmP rn!.rS
17.00. KV
or hay of good color and quality. Demand
fair and receipts light.
RYE-No. I, 45e."
NEW POTATOES-Southern and borne
grown, per lb 6Uif75c.
CLCUMBEKS Home grown, per dot.. 80
UKANS-Home grown, wax, per marsei
basket, 70tnwcj string, per market basket,
CAUUFIiOWER-Home grown, per dox..
f a nn a npv nollfnrnla ner lh le
R?fCt aJlrrr'a,iJII "' ,C-
Hrovi A-rrvruiiiin,.!. A.i,u.u.t nrat.
uv.,iC!Z ' ' I
KHl'BARtt-rer id., jo.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $20.
CKI.KRY-Michigan, rer doi.. 25030c
Oh" IONS New home grown, dry, per lb.,
V it H AD.
BLACKBERRIES Home grown, per 24-
qunrt rase,
PLUMS Buroanks, 1.2&21.40; P. D., per
box, 1.26&1.11B; Washington, .n.2691.86;
Bradshaw, U.26t31.3B; Vixou, tl.60; Kelsey I
Japan. $1.50.
PKUN K8 Tragedy,
per box, $1.2.
PEACHES California, early freestone
anil earlv t'rawfords. $1.10.
i l hkan'lh 'er in-ai. case. -.w.
OOOBEBERR1E8 Per 16-qt. case, $2.00.
PEARS California, Bartlett s, per box,
t? fkV,i Ml
CANTALOUPE Texas standard.
crate. $2.00; per crate, $1.75.
APPLES New stock, -du., (do.
WATERMELONS Texas, 264400 each,
FIOS Turkish, 18-lb. box, per lb., 18c.
13.50; I
- , - - - ... , . a m i
LIMES Florida, per tt-oasaei i
J"o .k .i,.n-d. 4.
HIlE8-No. 1 green. 6c; No. ffreen,
m'itto watnuta No. 1 soft shell, per lb..
17c; hard shell, per lb., 11c: No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c.
Airaxlis. per to., itu, v , ,
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard ehell.
per lb., 15c: pecans, large, per lb. UV,c,
small, per lb., 11c; peanuts, per lb., 6ftc,
roasted peanu.a, iw., ,w
St. Loals Grain aad Provlsloae,
8T LOUI8. Aug. 1. WHEAT Higher;
No i red. cash, elevator. 7o; track. W
toe; September, Wc; December, 81Ho. No-
,1frntNo. 2 cash. 60c; track, .510
61V.c; September, 60c; December. JBVic.
OATS-Vlrm : No. f cash, . Wtrack. 4o .
September, t2c; Pecember, 33VxC. No. a
"JfHrX' Pand and st4y
red wlnte7 patents, $3.90.00; -tfanoy
-trAiehl 4i3.603.b6; clear, ew.ewo.w.
.AUir rnMiriA ior bed-
B r"'i,'""' '
roRNMEAlU-Steady,' 13 70. . ' ... I
jE ANFirm- sacked east tracg, uwixt.
SvV-Firm: Umothy, t.0016.00; prairie,
a nrllNO 6.(i8c,
higher; Jobbing.
Bacon, atronger;
ei.r ribs $.."; short clear, ,,
Clear nDS.aa. ," n4S42M,. I
K1 KTA1.H Aie&u, - ' - I
- - .. . . me mn
BCTJLVBVKuav-! chickens. 6c: springs,
.ry...iJ .- nn- Hncka. 8Ac: geese. 450. I
UJlirB ' tiuiet: creamery. 141il9V4cl
.,. lUilfic I
dnlry2iM?.1.'c:.. nir
LUUB-oie. Recelou. Shipments,
Flour, DDiB ii mi 85.0110
MiOOO .?)0
Dati ba
Kansas City Grata and Provisions.
tember 68T4453c; December, uc: casn.
No! 2 hardf 70c ; No. 8, 60c; j Uo. 4. be; re-
Jeetd, oaawo; ro. . .tu, .v"7i" -
CORN-September, 47i47c: December,
40c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 47c; fl w. I
.- X. 4J) Air I
"SlATti-'No 2 white, 348360.
RYE No. 2, 62c. . v 1 1
HAY-Choice timomy, o
' HCTTER-Creamery. WV!e aa'ry. fancy,
evina Weak- Mlscouri and Kansas, casei
'"T a ,v,ltaairr DM
. . Provisions.
WT a t o corn
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 1. Holiday on corn
v. .r. rwm.
PROVISIONS-Beef, extra Ind ta mess,
quiet. 66s. Pork, prime tli,'
7Ks9d. Hams, short cut. 14 to 1 IM., nrm,
Mis. Dwran, yuu " - ,.-
i11"' l' ':.,:,( Ms- Amer -
steady, prime western In tierces, ss. Amer
tcn refined In pai s
n 'T"h K-rf ona Ln itu ci, .iluji -
CHEESE-Amerlcan finesl. white, dull.
ArallanTTn 'findon" dulU . H.
Minneapolis ' "V,
M1NN1Caiuiio. "l"?'4 t
tember, (c; u.-eniui:r, nTufioiv.
track: No.' I hard, Bi"c; ro. i nurmorn,
86Hf!iti'c; No. 2 northern, 81x08540; No. t
northern, 8o((j82c. .
FULR First patents, $4.450.o: second
patents W.t; nr.i
ecunu .-ijrn.i., . - ,
2)1VA I . w
Phlladelpbla Produce Market.
Steady and fair demand; extra western
creamery, ibc; nnnmr ijumn, .
EOGS Firm and good demand : fresh
nearby. lSiic. loss off: western, l&tto, loss
off; southwestern, 16Vi'al7c; southern, 15Vi
CHEESE-Steady; New York full creams,
choice new. 10Hc; fair to good, VO'0c.
Exports and Imports at New York.
NEW YORK. Aug. l.T-Total Imports of
.n.t mar.'handlaa from the oort
xit-, v,,1, r,.e tha waek were valued at
tit r'Ai -rr
" . - . -. . a.oe
$55'sllver and IJ.JuO fold. Import! of specie
l-jxportg or specie ior me wn. j.-
were lai.Tift goio ana . suver.
Mllwnnkee Grain Market.
Higher; No. 1 northern, 8Sc; No. 1 north
ern hV"'lc; new oepiemoer, wjo uia.
HViVKInn: No. 1 5i'iit2Hc.
BARLEY Dull; No. 1 60c, nominal sam
ple, 43 nSi'iC.
CORN September. J-c asked.'
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Aug. l.-CORN-Flrm; No. 1,
60c; No. s. 4ic.
OATS Steady: No. I white, new, JJc;
No. I white, oia, i'c.
Toledo Herd Market.
TOLEDO, Aug 1 SEEDS Clover, higher.
quiei; ut iuun , jjeceiuoer, t" go.
Cuflee Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. l.-OOFFEE Futures
opened steady at unchanged prices to an
advance of 6 point, following a gain of
Vf In Havre, but ruled quiet, showing do
turin.r alteration until tne cloas, when It
waa still 6 points higher, with the tone
quiet. Bales were . bags. Including
Ktai.tMmtr .1 Ibif f 1.. I . .Iva r fl IkW. V . . . ....
rwe ---". - - w. . , - .
ber, I K6o. Bpet Rio. outtji; Nn. I invoice,
aiua, uict; coraova, l,uc
nd the week before.
No. 1 veal calf. 8 to U lbs.. 8Hc; No. J veal l8et
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Ho; dry salted hides, rec.
12c: sheep pelt. 2(xVBc; horse hides, tl ooyi Ma
, HC, a.u,lu . fair" tr, v,,rwt kyft.5' R,
1 1 . B.Mlnl. ChlnmentS. I eholne In f n nnv A:t .tllTilt tWl
I!!!!!! 12,000 11,W0 KYB Steady;' No. 2 western ub; t o.
sieaoy, ........ 7." n., 9 to atrengm and activity tins morning in sym-
steady. S4s; long clear middles llgM 28 to m Sorthwett tna?kt-tS and
84 lbs., firm, 61s bd; long clear o"'"- bullish spring wheat crop new5. Tho close
heavy, 85 tott lbs., firm toffa. was strong at ll4c net advance; M..y,
backs. 18 to0 lbs., quiet. 4,s oo , ciw oei September. Mc: December. 81'AC
Wheat Htnifeeti Great Strength on the
, Board of Trade.
Bis Baying; Orders, Impelled by Die-
coaraglaa- Crop Advices, Bead
Vp rrlees Thronghont the
CHICAGO. Aug. 1. Grain and provisions
today showed much improvement, the mar
ket ruling strong throughout the session
and closing with September wheat lWvlc
" E .V-i.ffir.h. .
the list of from It Ulc.
Wheat was especially strong under the
Influence of reports of wheat being light
in South Dakoti and generally discouraging
op edvlces from the northwest. liuyUig
orders were plentiful from the start an3
prices grew In strength as the session ad'
Vanced. The opening was about steady,
September being a shade lower, then a
shade higher, at nVk'aTHHc. but 1 with a
good local demand accompanied by buying
- .1 a. T n. . i - .. .1 .K. M.v.hnrA
th waa a gradual advance throughoul
the day with now and then a slight reaction
n realising. Prices took a final spurt up-
ward with the last rew minutes ot trading
" "
oj'ng lbl0 higher at SoHo. Clearances
of wheat and flour were enual to JU8.BU0 bu.
riK!""0!".? 6
1,0(1,402 bu., a year ago. Minneapolis and
Du'uth reported receipts of 169 cars, which
with local receipts of 90 cars. 20 of contract
grade, made total receipts for tho three
points of ia cars, against 246 care last week
and 459 cara a year no
Corn was helped largely by .the strength
In wheat although the weather was a little
too cool ror tne quick development or tno
crop. There was a fair trade but the mar
tlet was not as active as it nao Dcen or
late. Receipts continued light with little
prospects of much increase In the move-
mntil Tk. rln.a w.a alrnn. with,
u t2e, . K2v. after snlllna' between Be
snd K2Uc. Local recelots were 14S cars.
with 11 of contract grade.
There was a fair trade 1n oats and prices
were in sympathy wl:h the better tone In
other grains. Some of the big houses had
considerable stuff for sale, but commission
houses had plenty of buying orders which
atlfttalneil nHnoa After aotllnir between 3.tLA
and 84.ic, September closed HGV; higher.
at 3(y3i'iic. iocai receipts were 15 cars.
i ne cnier reature in provisions was tne
light offerings. With a good demand for
ribs, and helped also by the strength In
grains, the price of hog products ruled
higher from the start. Shorts were auite
active buyers late In the day. The close
si.uu neaa
Th . d
The leading future ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. CIose.Yes'y.
tor. 'Xrr
80.78 w;
61, av.
13 72H
7 9TH1
U 70
IS 62H
IS 70
7 95
13 60
7 87H
7 85
7 70
8 00
7 90
7 K4
T 70
8 00
7 90
7 0
8 10
"7 77W
7 974
7 97V4I
7 al
No. 2. tOld. New.
Cash quotations were as folio
FLOUR Stead v : winter Daients. $3.75(3
IB; straights, A3tu37o; spring patents,
. -
vviilai-o. t Bprinft;, buqvw, sa.
iff1 iMrt x rtn r iw. Ui, i'I',
CORN-No. 2. 625: N I yellow. 63Ve.
OAT8-N0. 2. S431v,c; No. 2 white, S5Hc;
ijno. s wnite, sagabc.
RYE -No. 2, fifiBlUo.
BARLEY Good feeding. S240c: falr to
choice malting, 47!&Mc.
a&tjua ino. a nax, kjcj no, 1 normwesi
ern, 97o; prime timothy, $3.40; clover, con
tract grade, iiz.wtaiz.du.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.,v $13.55
n$.60. Lgrd, per 100 lbs., $7.S5igJ7.67H. Short
rios sides tioosei, ii.Mtwyi.t, yry sauea
.hanlHun ihnYutl 7KV,i7ftU: ahorf Plaae
-' : ' ' ' '
The following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain yesterday.
Receipts. Shlpraenta
'OUr, DDIS l.V
Wh..i 1,11 (ii'Yin n-rnn
com. bu... 164.800 13V8M
rv hn mKmi 1 inn
Barley, bu OO 1.4U0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steadv: creameries. 147B
18Vfec; dairies, 12fil7p.. Eggs, easy nt mailt,
cases included, llflu'c. Cheese, steady at
Quotations of the Day on Varlona
celptg, 24.8M bbls.; txports. 9,978 bbls.;
flrmer, but without noteworthy demand
winter patents. $3.9.UH.0; winter straights.
$3.&03.85; Minnesota patents. $lLOra4.76;
winter extra, $.fcav4-20; Mlnpesota bakers',
Ut fjli ijt 7A artntar irraHnu IV .iir,, 1 ,1 , U v.
I Rliuaii nuiw, UOtfUffV, U . . . . , A VI a..
I BARLEY Julet; leealng, 52c, c. I. f
New Vorki ""Utag. UtsiiAe. c. 1. f New
i york-
I im n i n n.ii. r n a-r v... aKa, - -
Nq a elevatoP ttnd t 0 0,
afloat; No. 1 northern. Duiutli. 9o-. f. o!
. float. No , hard Manlloba. StiHc.' f.
I o. D., anoat. uptions uevel'iped unexpected
CORN -Receipts. To.ifli) bu.: exports. 13.8O0
1 Du- opoi ouu; sso. e. wo, eievutor, ana
( e)ijw N(j .
. whlu Mo nutlon market waa verv
i- . . .. .. - ... .. .
?, . Jui we., "'lainea. a" wu ,
I iTJtlL
r a i is vii buuui uu act, iauiBuio i aim v cul.
bu. Spot dull: No. 2. 40c: standard white
41c; No. 8. isc; No. 2 white. 41Vc; No. i
I wnite, ovtc; iracg wnue, aHoo. options,
HAY Dull: spring. 8C8oc: arood to
HOPS steady: state, common to choice.
1902. lujalc; litul, lutyloc; oldn, 4tf7c; Puclrlc
coast, 1. 16tj21c; lfcil, 104,15c; olds. 4'u7c.
, itiuta yuiei; i
Qalveston. iJ to 23 lba.
California, 20 to 2s lbs., 19c; Texas
I j-
ry, zf to u ids., itc.
LEATHER Steady : acid. 23C5V4c.
KICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, i
CS'nc; Japan, nominal
I PROVISIONS Beef, easy; family, $10.00
i cj'iu.w; mesa. as.vmue.Du; oeer nams fzi.ou;
j,cket, 9 0L &0; city extra IndU me s
iu.oufi 15.00. Cut meats, steady: ulckled Lei.
lies, $9.0u4U.6u: pickled shoulders, $60o
I v; picaiea nams, lz.ooia'ij.'jo. LjirJ. noin-
jnal; western steamea. $7 9u: refined
steady; continent, $7.u0; South Amenoa,
W30; compound. Pork, dull
family, $17.00417.W); short clear, tl6.5Otil7.60
mens $16 00trl6.50.
BL'TTER Unsettled; extra creamery. 19c
I extra factory, 134115c; creamery, co union
1 to choice, laffl&Hc; Imitation creamery, L
I vl7. .1.1. .1 -1 r 1irl?lw. . .... . ... . i
i - -. im- . AJ
CHEESE Steady; state full cream, fancv
small cuiorea, ivc; targe coio-ed, luc
small white, 10 c; large white, 10c.
HJG8 Firm; mate and Pennsylvania ex
tras. 2uc: extra seconds to firs is. is use
western extra, 19a; second to tirnta. lL
TALLOW-Dull; city, 4Vc, nominal
POULTRY Alive and dressed steady and
unchanged. a
METALS There were no new develop
ments today, prices holding steady on a
small week-end trade. Tin dottej quiet at
l-S-WUf-T w lor spot, eopper was In light
demand and nominal: lake and electro
lytic quoted at tU.Oud13 and casting at
$12.7o4U.uO. Lead continues scarce and
closed firm at K. Speller was quiet and
unchanged ut $5 7. Iron was weak and
nominally uncnangea.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Aug. 1. The amount of bullion
1 taken Into the bank of Er.g.and on bal
I ances tndsy was gtftOOo.
I PARIS, Aug. 1. price on the bourse to-
I day opened nrm with the exception
I rentes, which were feeble, but those i
I curt ties afterwards gained, which had
I -. A .,1 ........... . . .. 1. , .
ii i it u. , i, w vii t.iw wiiuiv niarifi
I At the close trading waa laactive but slock
I were firm. The vrlvaie rate ot discount
1IW.IW 4.50 CORNMEAL Stead) : yellow western,
ia O.IA 1R900lf119' II 1A' kiln rl.1 K Wffil S
waa 1 15-u per cent. Three per cent rentes,
Wf 5o for the account.
BERLIN, Aug. 1. Trading on the bourse
today had an extremely dull tendency In
all departments and prices were weaker.
Exchange on I-ondon, mm lOH pfgs. pis
count rate: Short bills, 4 per cent.
Price Movements Narrow aad Slag
Irish Except la Special Seearltles.
NEW YORK. Aug. l.-Deallnge in stocks
were so small and the tone of the trade
was so Indifferent today that little signifi
cance could be attached to the movement
ot prices, which were narrow and sluggish,
except In g few Individual stocks Influenced
by special causes. There wss selling of
Rock Island, Induced by the criticisms ot
the proposed refunding bond Issue. People's
Oas rose more than a point on the declar
ation of the regular quarterly dividend.
There was a gain of a point In Mexican
Central on rumors of the taking over of
a large block by private agreement. North
American had the benefit of the purchase
by a prominent banking bouse of the hold
ings of one of the firms which failed last
week. The market was also wholly mad
up of such scattered movements. The de
cision In favor of the Northern Securities
comnanv of the suit brought against it oy
the state of Minnesota caused a 4 points
jump In that stock on the curb, but the
response in loans reported ry me nana
statement wss of more effect, as much had
been made by the speculative element ot a
suiinosed heavy contraction to be shown.
11 is eviaeni mai me repayment oi inn
Pennsylvania, notes which waa expected to
reduce the loan account of the banks, hss
been made In part to tne trust companies.
The call for the payment of $5,000,000 on
the international Mercantile Marine i naer-
ritlng and $3,600,000 on - the LoulSvlllo at
Nashville bond underwriting had to be pro-
rided for. Bankers also report that mere
Is growing up a large seasonable demand
for mercantile credits. It Is Intimated, fur
thermore, that there has been very large
liquidation of loans to trust companies dur
ing the week. The week's stock market
liquidation has been admittedly very neavy
and the above reasons are advanced to ex
plain why the liquidation le not reflected in
tne loan item or me aaeuciaieu uun.
must be remembered also that liquidation
Involves buying ss well as selling and
some of the banks have been taking up
stocks for their customers at what they
consider advantageous prices. The selling
on the bank statement was not pursued
and the market steadied and closed lifeless.
Following are tne quotations on me ew
fork Stock exchange:
Atchison Mttist. pi era n
tn Did Ml iSo. lAclflo
41 Vi
Baltlmor A Ohio.... W So. Railway
do pM " " P'o
... w
... m
... if
.. 2
... VI
... im
.1 It
.. IIS
.. MVi
,.. HI
.. 4lii
.. MV,
... 16
,.. Vt
,.. II
... MVi
... 41
... sen
,.. It
... H
ranadlan Pacific ....llHkTexis m PiclBe...
antral at N. i ui. ol- w...
Chra. A Ohio Ml de P'd
Chlcaxo A Alton 1 Union Pjoio
do pfd .
, no fin
. UH'Wabwta
. 13 to pti
.144 W. A L B
Chlcaio Ot W....
do u Did
Chirano AN. W.i
Chicago T. A T...
lfii wu. cantral
do pre
.. UW do ptd
C. C. C. A St. L.
Colo. Bouthcrn ..
,. VI Adam Eipreas ..
.. 13HU. S. Kipress
.. list Wall-Pario Kx..,
,, iliiAmal. Copper
,.11 Amer. C. A F....
..140 do pfd ,
..21 Amer. Lin. Oil...,
.. 71 do pfd ,
.. 2Amr. Loeomotlv
.. K to pfd ,
., 41 Amir, S. A R....
..1T0 dB pfd
,, im Armr. Susar Rat
.. Ann. Mln. Co....
do let pfd
do id ptd
Pela. A Hudson..,
Dela., L. A W..
DeoTer A R. O..,
do ptd i
do lit pfd
do td pfd ,
Ot Nor. ptd ,
Horkln Vallty .,
do ptd
Ilinols Central ..
..129 Bra,. Hap. Tr
Iowa Central ....
Colo. P. A I
do pfd ,
.. 4W
Uolumbus A H. Coal 14Vj
K. C. Boutharn..
Con. Oas
, 18H
do pfd
klenaral Electric
Loula. A Nash...,
...103fc Int'n'l Papar ...
...UlVi oo ptd
...Ill Int'n'l Pump ...
... TK, do pfd
... lSt'Nattonal Biscuit
... National Lead ..
Manhattan L, ....
Mat. St. Rr
Missouri Pacific .
M . K. A T
do pfd
N. R. R. of Max. pfd is No. Amarlcan ..
N. T. (antral 119 rannc Man uiv
Norfolk A West 2i, lnple's Gal B4S,
do Bfd 16 Pressed Steal Car.... 44
Ontnrio A West lit do pfd el
Pennsylvania lt3Vt!Pullman Pal. Car 211
P., c, c. Bt. I,.. (juepuDiio Biaal
Readinf do pfd It
do 1st ptd (.oynuDoer uoods I34i
da id ill. 7Vi de pfd i AA .
Rock Island Co.
. imi'enn. v. ft I
do pfd
U. 8. Leather...
do pfd
U. g. Rubber.. ..
do pfd
U. 8. Steel
St. U A B. P..
.. 7
.. 10
.. 10
.. 14
do 1st pfd...,
do id pfd...
St. L. 8. V....
do pfd ,
do prd
St. Paul ,
.141 fal Western Union
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. l.-MONEY-On call.
nominal; on time, easy; sixty days, 4 per
cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; slxt months,
tVnoH per cent; prime mercantile paper, 614
liu imr crni. - - ' i
STERLING EXCH NOE-Falrly steady,
with actual business In bankers' bills at
14 S52iS4.8.')875 for d'emrtnd and at $4.K337&
4.KW25 for sixty days: posted rates, J4 84VMJ
4.8r and I4.87S4 H; commercial bills, 4 .13.
KiLVL.t. - car. Mi.: Aiexican dollars.
BONDS Government
and railroad,
'ine Closing Quotations on bonds are aa
. g. ret. la, reg....l0Vl,. A N. unl. 4 n
ao coupon
do Is, ref......
ado coupon
do new 4s. reg.
ado coupon ....
do old 4i. reg..
do coupon
do la, res
do coupon ......
IlKlli Ui. Central im 11
...lOii do 1st Ino ;vv(
...101,1, Minn. A 81. L. 4s...
"II"!, K , k. at T. 4s
...13l", do 2s
...lWVt N. Y. C. gen. IV4S
. mi)
. lVi
ir-4 n. j. v.'. g. os
10H, So. Pacific 4s
101-! do Is
S N. w. eon. 4a.,
II Reading gen. 4a...,
Attn. sen. 4s
ao aaj.
Bal. A Ohio 4a...
101 IM. L. A !. M. c. la. Ill
do 9!ts
..... Rt. L. A 8. P. 4a.... BOt,
10 St. L. 8. W. la tr,J
do COUT. 4s.
Canada So. la
C. of O. aa....
.....104 4. A. A A. P. 4a.... 75 U
do 1st Inc.,
TOH.So. Pacific 4a IbVi
C A O. 4s...
....lOilSho. Rallwsr Is lmv.
Chicago A A. Ie... tllVi
C. B. & Q. n. 4s.... II V
'exaa or racine is.. Ill
T.. St. U A W. 4s.. 11
C. M. A 8. P. . 4S.10SM
t'nlon Pacific 4s t
do- eonv. 4s IS1A
C. A N. W. c. 7S....1MV.
C. R. I. A P. 4a.... lux 'n
waoasn la ill
OCC4 8HI. Il.ll
da 2a. ...i llKVi
Clilcsfo Ter. 4a TIVi
ao a.. it en
Colo. A So. 4a
West Shore 4a 10714
Pfiaver A R. a. 4s.. 174
neai. Li. k. ta.. BT
Erie prior Hen 4a,
. SMiWIa. Central 4a 17'i
do general 4a.
Witvtrn. Tnb. 4s tin
r. W. A D. C. is
lOtvtjColo. ruel con. Is.
104 1
llocklns Val. 4ts
x Ex-interest, i Offered,
Boston Stock eotatloas.
BOSTON, Aug. l.-Call loans, J4 per
cent; lime loans, oi(i per cent, umciul
closing prices un siocks ana Donds
Atchison 4a M .Amalgamated ...
. 414,
do " Cal. at Hacls....
do pfd IT -is Centennial
. U
Max. Central 4a it'.. Copper Range ..
. 4 Vj.
Boston A Albanr 34j Dominion Coal .
. B4
. I
N. Y., N. H. A H....l7't Franklin
Fltchburg ptd 13: Isle Royals
t'nlon Pacific
79 Mohawk
. lev,
Mex. Central ....
... itH Old Dominion ...
...114V4 Osceola
...1U Parrot
...uu, guinc?
...Ill Santa Pa Copper..
... 21 Tannrxk .
... 'i 'Trl mountain
...ll'O Trinity
... 23 t'nltcd States ....
... 71V. t'Uh
Amer. Sugar ....
. It
dc pfd
Amerlran T. A T
. so
. 1
. so
. II
. 14
Pern. I. A 8
Mass. Electric ...
do Dfd
Tnlted Kmlt ....
I'. 8. Bteel
. 17V,
do pfd
WstUsh. Common.
a Victoria
4 Winona
I 'Wolvarlna
. tiit
Blew York Vinlasr ftneistlo
NEW YORK. Aug. 1 The following are
tne quotations on mining stocxs:
Adams Con Little Chief .
Alice II liOntarlo
slireece II Ophlr
lltrunawlck Con I xPhoenfx ....
. .BOO
.. I
.. ill
.. It
.. 41
.. In
Comstork Tunnel .... I !Potosl
Con. Cal. A Va 140 iBanaga
Horn Sllrtr 100 jRlsrra Neeada
Iron Sllrer 141 jHmall Hopaa
Lead, Ilia Con I Standard
X Offered.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Aug. 1. Bank clearings for the
lost weeg are:
19d. 1103
Monday ....
Tuesday ...
Thursday ..
Saturday ..
Ii crease ...
.H.K9,2&3.0e $1,018,717.23
1. ill 4.11.13 944.121. OS
1.01J.K24 J7
6 .9 fell. 25
.... $7,019, 1. II $6,24,4ti8.;:
.... l,VK,ii.l
Weekly Bank Statement.
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. The weekly
cnanges 01 averages 01 ine associatea banki
show: Loans. lH 864. 6U. Incieaae M4 lv
deposits. $9"9 867.7UO. Increase $7,480 : ctrcu.
latlun, $48 l2.tou. Increase H3,4 o; legal ten
ders. !hi itxi.200. Increase I;1. 1,13.700, specie
$17o.738.Ki. Jnrrcase $4 371 2oo; total reserve!
$:.'.!, fil'4 ton Increase $7,014 wai; reserve re-
ouirra pi.iM.ia. inert ae $1,170,126; surplus
m.ow'.iro. increase ari.i44.tit; i nlted Slates
cs-ueposiis, BJj.iuu.i), increase k,im),730.
London Money Market.
LONDON, Aug. 1. Holiday on tha stock
BAR HILVER-Bteady at 25 6-ltd per
MONEY 1H452 ner cent: dlaaount rata.
short bills, iQl 7-lt per cent; three-
monins puis, 1 i-igv2 4ver cent.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. l.-COTTON-Opened
ir ai uri-iine ui b iHiinip, tinner iituiaa'
nun, uui lonnwing me can ciosea rsirr
steady, or within a point or two of th
opening ngures, witn business mainly of a
evamng-up cnaracter. sucn aa usually pre
cedes the closing of the market for Bundav
The absence ot oable news. Liverpool being
closed today aad Monday, added to tbe
reneral lack of animation and while addi
tional shewsrs were reported more or less
generally over the belt they had no ap
preciable effect Tb market cloned quiet,
with prices net ui. .snged to 4 points
lower. Spot closed quiet, with price un-
changed on the basis of iZKa tor middling
uplsnd and ISc for middling gulf. Pules
tures, quiet; August, iC Md; 8eptemler.
lO.Tf.ffloi.Bc; October. .?stiT9c; liecember,
HPitit ftoc; January, "u f 6-0 ; February,
SKa63e. Ppot, quiet; sales. 1,7s bales;
ordinary, lSc; g'Kd ordinary, USc; low
middling, tftac; middling, Wac; good mid
dling, 13c; middling fair, 14 -lc; receipts,
17 bales; stock. t7.2, bales. ..,... , ,
8T. LOIMS, Aug. l.-COTTON-gulet;
middling, UHc; sales, none; receipts, 11
bales; shipment. 13 bales; stock. i.M bales.
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITT, Aug. 1. OILS-Credlt balances,
II 66; certificates, no bid: Pennsylvania runs,
lt.3fl6 bbls.; average, 7.,74 bbls.; Pennsyl
vania shipments, 4,13 bbls.; average. ;,
018 bbls. Lima runs, 3,W bbls.: average,
68,311 bbls.; Lima shipments, 46,166 bbls.;
average, ti4. 349 bbls.
SAVANNAH, Aug. 1. OILS-Turnentlne,
firm at 45V4c. Rosin, firm; A. , C, 1), 11 60;
K. $1.60; f! 11 W; O. $1.76. H, V 20: K, , fc.85;
M, -'.l; N $3.06; vV Q. 13.20; W W. 3.4t).
NKW YtiRK. Aug. 1. OILS Cottoniteed,
bid; September.
dull; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow;
4340. Petroleum, steady; refined New York,
18 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 8.50;
prime, in bulk, 16.60. Kosln, dull; strained,
common to good, 12. Turpentine, nominal
at 621ii3c.
LIVERPOOL. Aug. 1. OILS-Turpentlne
spirits, firm at 0s. Rosin, common, steady
at 6s 3d. Petroleum, refined, nominal.
Sugar and Molasses.
firm; fnlr refining. e-lc; centrifugal,
tes, 1 ll-lc. Molasses sugar. 2 1516c. Ke
flneJ, firm; No. , 1.60c; No. 7, 4.55c; No. .
4.66c; No. . 4.56c; No. 10, 4.60c; No. 11, 4loc;
No. 12, 430c; No. 13. 4.25c; No. 14, 4.26c; con
fectioners' A, 4.86c; mold A, t.ioo; cut loaf
- .. a v. a a 11. . .m . iIm r.'il a loe: arranu-
lated, 6c; cubes, 6 26c. Molasses, tlrm; New
Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 31j;42c.
NEW ORLEAN8, Aug. l.-Sl'OAk-Uull:
open kettle. H'a3-16c; open kettle centrif
ugal, 3W4MVBC; centrifugal white, 4c; yel
low, 8Stf4c; seconds, 2j3Ho. Molasses,
centrifugal, dull, 54 mo-
Kvaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts.
vrw vnnif ins. 1KVAPO RATED
APPLES Market quiet and prices show
some little uneasiness as a result of the
absence of an Important buying Interest, a pa ntinteri nt 4ffi5V,c. rrlme at
6,(&6c, choice at 6V4Hc and fancy at
iMa'tt nww vt a nntm TRTTTTS Boot
prunes attract a quiet lobbing demand and
prices are steady at 8ffjc for choice and
ffKnl2V4c for fancy. Penches are quiet, with
choice quoted at 77Vo and fancy at 8&
Wool Warket.
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. WOOL Firm ; do-
meetlc fleece. 28SSn2c.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1. WUULe-sreHay to
firm Medium srrades and combing and
clothing, 18622c; light fine, HV(il8c; heavy
ne, n'finsc; tun wasnea, hviivbc,
LONDON. Aug. 1 WOOL The arrivals
ev tha fifth aeries of auction sales amount
to 121,482 bales, Including 28,000 forwarded
direct to spinners.
Dnlntb Grain MaTket.
DULUTH. Aug. 1. WHEAT In store. No.
hard, 86; No. 1 northern, 86Hc; to ar
rive No. 1 hard. 76'ic: No. 1 northern.
SUHc; No. 2 northern, 86c: September, 810.
UAlo IN o. z, on iraca, waMyto.
Week Closes with Hogs Steady to
trong Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO. Aug. 1. CATTLBr Recel pts,
,400 head; market nominal; good to prime
teers, to.ouftjo.40; poor to menium,'u.
Oil .,n..l.r. a A f,,t.r. t' K.H'fil 111' fitw.
1.25fi4.30; heifers, fc'.04H &; dinners, J1.2.V&
.70: bulls. li.OO.U; calves. $3.004io.OO; Texas
fed steers. $3.004.60.
HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; estimated
Moniinv. 80.000: left over. S.OH0: fteadv to
Strong; mixed and butchers, e4.901J5.4o: good
to choice he-ivy, loiwooao; rougu neavy,
UWUZ.OO; light, fS.20feo.D5; bulk of aules,
BHBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000
bead: market steady; good to choice weth
ers. te.60it3.70; fnlr to choice mixed, $2.7orf
S 50; we.itern sneep, o.uiqj.u; native tamos,
i3.2o.00; western lambs, t4 00iS.00.
Kansas City Live Stock Market!
ceipts, 100 head; market unchanged; choice
export ana dressed neet sieers, i. 10a;
fair to good, I3.604j4.75; stockers and feed-
era, 2.out(t.bO; western rea steers, 9.1 -v a
4.9U: Texas and Indian steers. $2.2O'ri4.0i;
Texas cows,'. $1.758.00; native, cows, (1 IVKti)
4.10; native heifers, $2.0Oj-4.76; canners.
rt'Z.40; bulls, i.(aa.; caivea, -r..'iri.jD.
Receipts for week: Cattle, 42,30.) head;
palvea 1U head.
HOGS-RecelpU, -3.000 head; rotrket
lower; top, o.35; bulk of sales. $3.lX)aj.2D;
heavy, Uiinui.12; mixed packers, $5 059
6.30; light, 35.15ru6.3fi; yorkers, e5.30(5.a5:
pigs, o.i!6(g6.S5. Racelpts for week, 8i,70J
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
native lambs, $3.15f; we-tern lambs,
83.0org'6.60; fed ewe, $2.MMii4.l; Texas
cllhoed vearlinirs. I3.onit4.8o: Texas clipped
sheep, t2.75ih"4.6o; stockers and feeders, $2.75
. . - . I .. nm , TV, hauil
KJO.W, . ACUC1CV9 L' 1 rwvwht -- I J liunui
llew York Live Stock Market
ceipts, 231, all consigned direct. No sales
reported. Dressed beef steady; city dressed
native sides, OHUaVtc per pound. Cables last
received quoted American steers nt 11W
12vc per pound, dressed weight. Refriger
ator beef at Mj'14c per pound. Reported ex
ports for today, l.a beeves, biu sneep ana
40 quarters 01 oeei.
CALVES None arrived, none on , sale;
Itv ilrftAiuid venln. 9120 ner nound.
llOUo Keceipta, i.outi. ione reponea on
sale alive.
KHEF.P AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.105.
Sheep very dull, VsC lower; prime lambs
opened steaay, otner graces y lower; an
graoea ciosea sngnuy lower umn opening
Sheen sold at t'i iSu3.60. not Including somt
for export at $4.00 and culls at $1.75; lambs
at $4.7fti.3V: two cars at; cuns
at $3.71. uresaea mutton, general saies,
$o.00-uS 00; dressed lames, tunc.
St. Lonls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1. CATTLE Receipts
250 head; market dull and steady; native
and export steers, h-auo-du, ine top ior
fancy; aressea Deer ana uuicner siers
lv-lA.. -. . 1 A- 1 rtV II. m ,1 1IU.KIV
stockers and feeders. $3.2. 64.1m; cows and
heifers. I2.26'u4 50: canners, i'u2 0: Dulls,
i 7.",4i4 (i0- calveB. 12 fjOfud.iO. Texas and In
dian steers, ei.aitit.vj; cows aim iieueia,
HoOS Receipts, 2,000 head; 6Jjfl0c lower
early,' out ciosea wnn mosi or ut'cunw re
gained; pigs, $".25faa.&0; packern. $3 106.40;
butchers' ana best neavy. o.iitio.TO.
heart- ateadv to strong: native muttons,
l3.2tJuu.76; lumbs, $t 2..'ij5 4'i; culls and
bucks, $2.00ia4.ou; siocgers, uvtaj.o.
St. Joseph Mr Stock Market,
ceipts, 107 head; steady.
u nri n Recei Dts. 6.6i3 head: FxftlOc lower
lights, $i.u0y6.ju; medium and heavy, tA.'Mi
head: tlrm: top idano lamps,; weui
ers, $3.75; ewes, $3.30.
Slonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, Iaa Aug. 1. (Special Tel
errurn.l CATTLE Recel tits. 200: mai ke
steady; beeves, t.mjKio.i., cows, ouns miu
mixed, $2.50(64.26; stockers and feeders, $150
UI.70; calves ana yeurungn, couiua.w.
HOGS Receipts, 2,liKJ: 60 lower; selling
$4.yii&.ot; bulk, H.wxaoou,
Stock In Sight.
Following were the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yesterday:
Cattle. Hog.. Sheep.
Kansas City..
St. Louis
l.i iu
.. l'O
.. 260
.. l'7
.. 200
2. Ot)
St. Joseph
Bloux City
..2.064 27,403.
Lumber riant Changes Hands.
SAN FRANCISCO Aug. t A dej has
been consummated whereby the controlling
Interest in the West Side Lumber com
pany, whose principal holdlng4 , are ln
Tuolumne county, parsed from W. H.
Crocker of the Crocker-Wool worth b ink
to William R Thorson, a millionaire lum
berman of Milwaukee, and several associ
ates. The West Bide Lumber company
owns one of the largest tracts of sugar
nine timber in the state, situated ln
Tuolumne county and connects 1 with thj
Sierra Railway company's line by thirty
miles of narrow-gauge railroad. It Is suld
the price paid waa in the neighborhood of
Treopa Ordered to Their Homes.
SPRINGFIELD. III., Aug. 1. Adjutant
General Scott today Issued an order direct
ing Companies 11 and I. Seventh Illinois
National Guard, which have been on duty
at Danville, to proceed to their home stav
tlon at Areola, and ordering Company A,
Fourth infantry, of Areola to proceed to
Danville; it is believed troops will be
needed aU Paavllle only a few days mors.
Beef Steer a Li tie Higher for tb Week
and Cow About Steady.
Beet Grades of Sheep May H ftnoted
Stronger for the Week and Feed
ers Are Also Higher, bat
- Lambs Are Little Lower.
Receipts were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
.. 2. Nr.! 2.079 10.6,
Official Mrmdiv .'
Ofllclal Tueedav
Official Wednesday....
Official Thursday
Official Frldav
Official Saturday
Total for the week
.. S.f.47 4H4S
.. 3.801 4 0 8
.'. 1.752 7.M
.. L773 6.842
7 4.710
4,8 9
. 14 744
..IS. 754
4 g
Week ending July 25.
Week ending Julv 18.
Week ending July 11.
vveeg ending July 4.
Same week last year....ll,l3 32.330
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
ye"rJear ' da" $ c"mf$!l"on nT'th v'e
Cattle 6S1.912 416,718 146.1M '.
H'Jg 1.47S.679 l,r0,:47 21.6J8
Aevil.'; 6;u? 142 6?' T.,7,h
Average price pnld for hor, at South
Omaha for the last several days with com-
Date. 11903. 11902. 19OI.lO0.18W.1801l.)897.
July 1... 33141 7 72! t (41 6 Oil I I $31 J 15
July 17...
July 18...
July 19...
July 20...
July 21...
July 72...
July 23...
6 1 7 72,' 651 4 l 4 01
3 33
3 35
J S3
7 73
6 58 ( 4 871 4 1 6 8 K
7 68
a oil 4 itti 4 29
t Stl
t K
6 lt
5 26
6 IS'
7 63
7 41
5 891 4 981 4 191 2 88
B I K 07 4 21 8 Hi
6 6S 4 34 8 7
6 71 5 15 1 I 821
3 27
7 33
a 25
July 24...
7 41
K K; K 16 4 SG
3 36
July 25...
July ti...
July 27...
t n
7 D4I S 741 5 051 4 Sll 3 R9
7 621 6 Mil 6 02 4 271 8 8
e I 6 isl 6 Oil 4 82 1 $ 1'
I 43
4 M
July 28...
July 29...
4 ,
7 6S 16 13 4 l 3 67
3 29
6 OCvsl 7 65 ; 5 47( 4 321 "2
6 08 I 7 47 6 Ml 5 OS 3 74
6 KV. 7 511 5 fill 6 Oil 4 321 j
4 7Vb 7 41 1 6 W 5 15 4 19 3 79!
8 34
July 30...
July 81...
Aug. 1...
Indicates Sunday. Holiduy.
The official number - ot cara of stock
wivuiii 111 luuay tii;u ivau
t.nirw imr... 1
C. M. & St. P. Ry.....
, 2
., 14
.; 7
Union Pacific system ..
C, & N. W. Ry
K. & M. V. K. R. ..
C. St. P., M. & O. Ry...
ti. & M. tty
C, B. & Q. Ry
C, K. 1. & P. tty., east
Total receipts ..
, ji, ,,1 , . ,,,-
ss f jilows. each buyer purchasing the nunv
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hog.
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift & Co
Armour' & Co
Cudahy Packing Co.
Huston & Co
Porter & W
CATTLE There were no fresh receipts of
r 1 1 f this tnnrnlne with which to fnajce A
test of the market. For the week receipts
show very little change from last week,
but as compared with the corresponding
w.ek vf 1 11 at venr thr Is an increase of
about 1.000 head.
The beef steer market has been ln good
shape at this point all the week. On Mon-
.Ian nwlno tn V.l .r ruf .1 r,t m .1 f'Mcnirn u nil
a break ln crlces at that point, the iee.lngl
here was a little easier, out since mat time
r,,;- Th.' Z if ths ,s l
part of the week has been fully regained
ana gooa to cnoice came art. n anyuinin
liuie nigner. as nign m au.w un. Urc .u
, v. -... u'ritnh la inn n entRi 1 1 r lei' ior
nm time cast. Packer have all been
nnxlous for supplies this week, so that each
mimed from 14.50 to, -to. with, good to
choice selling from $6 tp $5.35. The part fat
Klt.its sen .argeiy irpm i 10 a, w.
The cow market loliowea very muon ine
some 'course aa steers. Trie nrsi oi im
web iiripM eajaed off a little On good Stuff.
v. hllo the. oomnwn kind broke In bad shape.
This loss, however, has been practically re-
gained, so that all Kinoa are selling in jum
about tne aame noicnes mey .
close or last ween, ine cnu ui vumo "cu
ing rrom t io m are hoi in ci,
munil and nell at very uneven prices, sol
Hint . Mime sales look much better than
others. Good corn-feds ure still selling as
high as $4.z&, wnn me oener grauee oi
arassera und fair to tood corn-teds going
furgely from $3 to $3.75. -
Good bulla are about Bteady ror tne weeg,
hut common kinds have been slow sale at
any price. ."Veal calves are a little lower,
The bulk of tnem sen irom at io bi.uu, wiiu
a choice one occasioi'Riiy going a ihrii
. - . , , V. . . i , i, li ma I ua lf.Ut QM
The supply OI StoCK came was ngni avn
the iveek lint the demand was still smaller.
so that prices continued on their downward
rfiiirsH. Knme or me- oem si auos me pvi
------------- - im.. a
l " j'i, n ', 7lio, A
good set of stock cattle can now be bought
irgr with a good many selling from $3
Hoiia'-TiieM was a small run of hogs
here this morning, but owing to unfavor-
able reports from other points the market
eased off a Utile here. The bulk of the hogs
Bold juat about a nicKet lower inan yesier-
was wen uui"111 -1 1 . ..UH
made. The close of the market was, if any-
. 1. 1 . .. lit,!., .u.l.r Ihnne-ll the rhunss was
not great,
s-n? the week recelnts show a decrease as
compared with last week, but there is not
mur.ii cnange ."p "
week of last year. Prices have been nuctu-
RtltiaT ohi K ana run'" iiiui.r. u.i. am,
compared with the cloee of last week there
is a nei iosb Biii.iuiniiiB vuuui
Representative sales
eo. AT. BO. rr.
At. Sh. Fr.
...HI HO 4 n
...2M 120 4 n
...111 40 H4
...141 140 4 IT
...111 ... 100
...157 120 4 00
...HI SO I 00 ,
...m 120 i oo
...231 110 100
...177 ISO 00
...171 fee I oo
...IM 40 I 00
til HI
40 4 l
10 4 IS
0 4 H
0 4 M
40 4 15
10 4 BO
10 4 IS
... 4 11
18 23
12 til
10 210
.20 100 4 II
.271 'NIK
..274 10 4 IS
..2f. 120 4 7H
.241 10 4 I7S
..240 . 10 4 I7V4
121 ... 100
80 I CO
40 I 00
... I 00
40 I 00
10 6 00
0 4 17
W 4 1714
SO 4 17
. . 4 17 SI
40 4 17
II 5
. ... 160
.141 ISO I 00
..141 100 I 00
. .141 10 100
241 10 4 17 SI
..264 40 4 ITS,
..151 4 47S,
..231 140 4 I7Sb
,.21 10 4 I7H
..257 ... 4 I7S4
..271 140 4 S7S4
..lit .120 4 B7Si
. .24 SO 4 ITS
..Ml 40 4 ITS
..274 M 4 17 V,
..241 ' 10 4 7S4
42 .
..144 ISO I M
15 141 40 I 00
131 120 6 00 '
194 40 6 00
I2T 10 I l)t
311 140 I 031
111 40 I 06
,.. t 06
,.. I W
M 14
40 I 04
4 1..U
71 w;
M.. ...... .114 JK 4 til
H 144 to 4 triA
SHEEP There were no sheep on sale to
day, so a test of values waa not made. For
tne weeg receipts snow a decrease as coin
pared with last week amounting to about
13.000 head. As com Bar eo witn tne corre
sponding week of last year the decrease
amounts to about 7.0o0.
Owlrt to the moderate supply In sight
and the active demand on the part of local
packers sn active and strong market has
been experienced on all desirable grades of
killers. The general market can safely be
nitntmA atpnnirHr unfl trnm what ii.v.
been rnsae an tne way io i.oc or even
hlarher than the same kind
tlncls commanded
last weak. Lambs. On the other hand, hava
not moved as freely. Liberal receipts have
been received at other points, which ac
counts for the weakness In the' market.
Some salesmen are quoting lambs as much
as 15Jti6c lower for tne week.
There has twen a vry brisk demand for
feeders and as supplies have been limited
prlcfB have Improved. The market could
beat be described by calling it strong and
Quotations for rrass storki flood to
choice lambs, tR.K'&S SO; fair to good lambs
$4 75i;6 00; good to. choice yearlings. $3,750
4.00; fair to good ycarllnir, $3.503.76; good
to choice wethers, $3 4"iiJ i; fair to go d
wethers. $3 16413 40; good to choice ewes,
$?75'if3.25; to a-mid ewes. $2.60(9:175;
feeder lambs. $35c54 2S; feeder yearlings
$3.25 3 60; feeder wethers, $2 753 25; feeder
ewes, $1 6082. 50.
Assistant Postmaster Arrgsted.
1RONTON. O., Aug. L AsaUtant Post
master M. W. Abele, who was arrested
last night, charged with embexillng gov
ernment funds through a contract for
livery hire, today gave bond for hii ap
pearance August 11 before CummUaloner
Thompson here. Abele says be will bd
able to prove big Innocence.
uay .- ' ,.i T.-j ve t passea a quiet day at Hagamore 1
at $4 95 and N-9'Vs. with mixed load, at K() formal callers were received. After
4iv4 anu w.w.uiiu iiKih u. .1 .V ... .. .!- of rolltne business brought to
Trading-was slow irom sisxi . "" attention hy Secretarv Barnes the
although receipts were light, the .morning devotea th, reat of tne aay to Ms
Return f Sunshine Brings New Lite
to Market and Business
Is Lively.
The spring like air brought a return of
life to the market yesterday. Where
yesterday the Onllforntans shivered In their
private crates and the local vegetables
stayed at home writing letters, everybody
was out and bargaining with the return of
sunshine. But not everyone for If a
groceryman saw a potMo crossing the
street a block away he set out for It at an
eager run. The few spuds who were In
were all eyes to the business situation and
closed out at $5 cents, wholesale, which Is
considerable advantage to themselves.
Rut It has been so muddy and cold that
the potatoes who did not have bathrooms
In their hills were not able to get market-
ably clean.
re . 1. - i . i ...... ...
111a i:nnmiuiiirq inn i ni'fT-, liivj
I dr the other thing and go away In the
regular manner from the wholesale frult-
er8 w,,n ,n grocery buyers, or even the
P'ddlsrs. They showed that yesterday
w,len CRr "d a half got In on a cleaned-
up market and all got away during the dy
at a $2 figure. It wss llvoly.
There was an amsiod and curious crowd
on the market yesterday, rubbering nt
the new watermelons. They "sure had been
working In the sugar camps," every one
. " ..... .
' he. they were all fat ladles, at
1 lensi mey were on rat. 1 ne museum son.
This car of wonders came In from Hemp
stead, Tex., and the average weight waa
I fifty pounds. They were selling at 85
cents, ' but It looks like the wholesalers
will have to tell them ln ton lots in order
to avoid selling one or two at a time, which
is retailing, and not the proper thing at
all. The Texas round colonels will not
now be coming long, but Missouri will
tart uinn
. .
Who knows what will happen to the to-
ma toes. There were first the locals, then
Tennessee, Illlnoisans and St. Louis reds
all competing. The best which were sighted
irom mis state or Missouri sola ror as nign
as 60 cents, and again there were other
tomatoes which went away at a 25-cent
flaure. but th eaei were not thai nrtde of tha
1 family
Stolen Watch Is Returned.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. l.-(Speclal.)
r-Chlef of Police Keith of Mitchell was
greatly surprised upon going to the post
office for his mail by receiving a package
which proved to contain a watch. Ac-
companylng it was a note asking him to
9 1 llalllf.t, , V, .Bnh A - If. TI
I " ' , 1 v ,.iv t. it , 1 , . j m. mi. .niir-in, 1 1 uui
whom 11 wa rted by the writer of the
note, the watch had been stolen. The rea-
Bon given for the return of the time-piece
waB that Zlmers had at one time done the
thief a favor, and as the latter had plenty
of other watches ha could spare this one
and did not want anyone who had shown
him kindness to lose anything through
The package containing the watch had
been deposited ln a mail box and had re-
malned there over night when found. There
, . which would lead to discovering
no c,ew wnicn wouia lean 10 aiscovenng
the Identity of the thief.
Automobile Owner Sued.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Aug. 1. (Special.)
captain II. J. Mowery, receiver of the
rn,, States land office at Watertown.
8. D., has been made the defendant In a aamage suit ana an because he re-
.., lnvMtea ,om. ne hi- .,lrtli- w.-ith
-- '
in an automobile. Tho plaintiff in the suit
is Mrs. Eva M. Wllklns. She alleges in
complaint that while the state national
guard was holding Its annual encampment
at Lake Kampeska, near Watertown last
j herself and another ladv were at the
i - . . " Z . J .
mm i . nuuaii wuen ncir nuno u
I rums frlerhtened nt fnntaln Mnwerv'a nil.
. Q obIle ,,nd ran tt .v throwing herself
70m0D " ra" ay. tnrowing nerseir
uu luiiiiuuivn iuu;iiiib bhuuub
ana permanent injuries.
Sheridan Balls for Main 11
Bnenann sans ior wanna.
SAN FRANCISCO. Auar. 1 The T'nlteil
States army transport Sheridan sailed to-
aay ror Manila, via Honolulu ana uuam.
lietldes about 100 saloon passengers, tnolud-
Ing Colonel J. B. Kerr and live other officers
of the feneral staff In the Philippines, the
vessel carries 286 men of the Twelfth car-
airy, twenty-six hospital corps mn. flve
casuals, one gunner ior minm, iwo anil-
icrymen ior jionoiuiu ann six signal men.
fc Vi 1 .1 an n I a A ha hm. ril 19 Ai'iTl C.'l M Ma ah
4,ioo tons of army supplies and 400 bags of
I.lpton Visits Magara.
- i . .. . . . - , ...
jtt,v i urtrv, Aug. . oir inomas i.imon
started .for.Nlr.gara. Fsll, by .special train
ever tne Len grt valley rullroaci today,
of; the New York xscht club. The puny
"in return io ixew ior on Monaay.
I ..... ,
No Formal tails nt Oysler Bay'
OYSTER BAY, Aug. l.-Presldent Roose-
, , , . .
I DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur-
nmnca oy ins Miuiana uuuruntee ana
' Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1014
tarium street, Omaha:
Edward C. Garvin to Mary Elisabeth
. vain, n Wi. lots ( ana B, block 7,
Patrick's 2d add $200
John M. Welsh and wife to Deborah
J. Adams, ego feet lot e, block 64,
South Omaha 1.000
Tukcy Laud company to John E.
Cleveland, lot 10, biorn 3, Clirton
Hill 1.600
Detlef Tanis to Theodor Grapenzloser,
25x9J feet lot 2. block 2. South Om ,ha. 260
The Chemical National Rank of New
York to sli 'Sep h C. Christie, lot 9,
block 368. South Omaha SfiO
Joseph C. Christie to Thomas Geary,
same BBS
James Brasdo and wife to Antonle
Urazdo, sto lot 22, block I, Potter 4
Cobb's 2d add 1.000
Mary J. C. Ryan to John J. Ryan, lot
6. blocs" 4, corngan place 1
John J. Ryan and, wife to Annie J.
Cogan. same 1.200
John T. House et al to Jacob Klausen,
nft ne t-jo-is mo
17. Farnam Smith
& Go.
We buy and sell Union Stock
itc larnc MOCK. MUin UfTiana.
I '
3120 Farnam St. T el. (064
20 IK. V. Life Bide, phone Hit 5
Commercial Paper
Stocks and Ponds.
We trade In 1.000 bushels grain and up
ward? Also in 10 shares of
and upward t Now la the time and this ta
the place.
Room I N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Fbsaa lasaV