Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 12, Image 12

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Yet a lew more days and the open doors
Of the theater will again Invite the multi
tude to' enter and partake of the feast. If
the word of the manager, whose name la
Legion, be taken for anything. It la that the
menu will be mmt tempting, and hard In
deed to' plena will be he who doe not find
himself." suited with something that la sat
before him,. For week the dainties have
been lit preparation, ahd for oilier weeks
the servitors have been rehearsed In their
several- parts,' to Hie nd that the service
shall be of the most acceptable sort. It Is
getting' to be hArd 'to1 say where the old
season ends and the new one begins la the
player's calendar fur' the reason that "the
good ;old summertime" has come to be
nearly as full of life as the winter days
jihat are In a measure set apart for In
Kjor amusements. Bummer stock com
panies, outdoor vaudeville and opera and
alfreslio performances of 'the classics (It
would .never do to say outdoor In connec
tion with tho classics) have so filled In the
days ixHween the ending of one winter and
the beginning of another that people who
care for It have an almost continuous list
from Which to select. The unusual pros
perity1 of the last two years lias warranted
amusetnent directors to undertake even
tnore elaborate and costly ventures than
those 'which In the past seemed to have
reached the limit of lavish display' and In
genious construction, yet in the main the
new enterprises have been ballasted on
the side of safety. Prosperity has not
brought with It to the theater manager any
recklessness that might lead him to utterly
disregard the lesson of the "famine" years
through which his business so recently,
parsed. His apparently prodigality is tem
pered' with a wholesome respect for the
dvefVdty from which he has so lately
emerged, and while he will oheerfully Vie
with bis competitor In an effort to attract
publlo -attention and dollars, undertaking
to afford the novelty of the superiority
necessary to accomplish the end he seeks,
he Is lust a little bit dubious about taking
any particularly, deep plunge Into untried
This qonservatlsm, which la most com
mendable as a matter of busmess prudence,
and In no wise reprehensible even from the
standpoint ' of art-for art Itself is eternal
and not novel guarantees us In advance
that ;we are not going to be especially
hocked or greatly surprised by the new
ness bf experiences or emotions that will
bave'jtheir genesis at the theaters this win
ter. . In many cases we will be asked to
laugh with the same old fun makers or
cry for the same old cause. And those
thing that are 'new to us will merely be
well tried ' adventures, in a new dress,
maybe, but by no means untested. It may
be, also, that In this the manager not only
conserves his own Interests, duly mindful
that 'the part of prudence when coupled
with Industry not Infrequently bears the
reward of success, but pays as well a
tribute of respect to the inclinations of his
patrons. Man is a creature of habits, and
doesn't like to change. His comfort de
pends oh his surroundings, and when he
has them to his suiting, why should he
want to change them? He only cries out
when he Is uncomfortable. He wants his
particular ' seat at the table, he has hi a
favorite tipple, his one brand of tobacco
that "touches the spot," he finds that only
one tailor can "fit" him, and he likes to be
ehaved by the same barber. He Is even
knowi) to require the same seat at the
theater each time he attends. Why, then,
shouldn't he like the old songs and the old
joke4' the ones hsn knowij.hro'. lumuch
morefi comfortable '.to- sit 'back- When the
orchestra strikes a certain air, and with
the relish born of old acquaintance", enjoy
a song whose every note you have been
familiar with for many moons, rather than
to be, startled by the sound of a new com
bination of notes,, and be compelled to sit
upright to' catch the melody and the words
of something you never heard before, and
In the meantime watch with eager Intent
ness to sue It yoti can tell where the laugh
comes InT It's tho same with the Jokes
you know, and the comedian who taught
them to you. Tou know what he Is going
to say and you know each gesture or gyra
tion of limb with which the words will
be accompanied; ,lBn't your enjoyment en
hanced ly reason of the-fact that It Is
more than half anticipated? l-ong Ufa, say
we, o the good old Jokes and the songs
we've- known for many a day! For "old
ake's sake" we'll listen to them all again,
and fehoutd the merry men and women
spring on us In new and unsuspected places
or disguises, we'll wait until we have
caught on, Just as we have been doing for
this many a year..
"For the world mny change,
And things seem strange,"-
but the good old Jost In the good old way
will always get the laugh.
Dou't be alarmed; Omaha will have ;in
opportunity to see all of the latest things
In the amusement line during the coming
eason. In the first place, as The Bee
has heretofore pointed out, the opening of
a new house devoted to the melodrama
will relieve the pressure on the Boyd to
the extent that Manager Burgess will be
able to keep Its time for the purpose for
which It was built In the first place, that
of a home for the higher class of drama
and musical entertainments. The booking!
for the present season have been arranged
on this basis, and, as was announced last
sprint, the higher grade companies have
all taken more time In Omaha for the com
ing season. Removed from the one-night
Umbo, Omaha patrons of the theater will
have a better opportunity next winter than
for years to se all that Is good In the
amusement attractions, and not be com
pelled to forego other arrangements or take
part In unpleasant competitions for seats
And the managers are not worried over the
outlook. The men who were In cherg, f
tho best shows on the road lust winter all
agreed to Jnke more time on their return
to Omaha.- -fact that. Indicate. .v,.. ....
fldence ln4the show town" merit, 0f the
The Boyd will, be opened on Thursday
rinre or I'll sen " us the
attraction. The Opening attraction at the
ul ,i neeu announced. Another
":" W1" K0'y ana the managers of both
houses readr to five some advance an
nouncement pi their list of booking for the
No man Bile V larger space In the
oi tne amssemant anM ,.,. .
Frohman Mrs ,lln, . ... '-narics
- . w in two
continents eud . his
standard for the theaters of two wori i
Thp(,ii-a il.i n. 1- i . . urul-
jnererore th following interview, chirk
Is taken from the columns of the Nw 1 OI- to- tul lhe demonatiktlve way if per
York Herald, ' V worthy of attention- haps belter. It brings out the bext til an
ir fc.. v . . . ' I actor. A word of sympathy Is always help-
Mr. frohman asbeleged by callers as ful. and when wh..L audience Mtrsuhea
vi ? ,. V . "
r.i!?.Aa .J?" T u . " V1 ,h! or" ,U be
ti J i-rt.'L'.- Ji'1'!1 .'ire.m?ly welkd
Mr. rrohman aid Uier hat she would ap-
oon n.. . fh li ... . ...
pear at the Empire, io;iuwlrg Mr. Drew
in a new play yet to iw. uluiml. "U Wl
not be a Shakeirrarlan produc:lo:," he
added. Will am Ulil.tte had seen the man.
aer even Homier than Mine Ada ma ile
was down the bay on his houseboat, the
Aunt pollv. t-j meet Kaiser Wllhelw. .
Mr. Frohman. of course, had M Usual
long I In I of announcements to mike. He la
especially inlvrtnuvd In the French com
pany, needed tiy Mme. Charlotte Wu-he.
wntcn ne is tiringing over tn October.
don't innw jit what thwter I snail olaca
them. said be. Their Kerformancti lll
cousist chief! of triple bills pantomime.
coin eoles and musical piices and they may
possibly do 'L, Enfant frodlaue.' "
Other foreign stars on Mr. Frohman's
list for America the coming season ere Sir
Henry Irving, who comes to the Hmadway
theater In November with Bardou's
"Iiantej" Miss Marie Tempest, In "The
Marriage of Kitty," probably at the new
Hudson theater: Mrs. l-anstry. In "Mrs.
Derlng'a Divorce," opening the Pavoy on
September 7; Charles Hawtrey, In "The
Man from Blanklty," opening the Criterion
on September 21, and Miss Wynne Matthl
son, who returns to play again In "Every
For Ms American stars he has a large
number of new plays. William Ullletie
will appear In Barries "The Admirable
C'rlchton" a great success In London
probably at the new Lyceum theater. John
brew has two plays, one by an American
and another by an .ngnsnman; vtiiuam
Crane, "The Spenders;" Miss Fay Davis,
ijRny nose s uaugnier, anu diih ciuei
Barrymore, "Cousin Kate." Stephen Phil
lips' "Ulysses" will be done with Tyron
Power In the leading role at the Garden
theater In September, and following that
W illiam Faveraham and Miss Julie- Opp
will appear In a production of the -same
author's "Herod." Mr. Faversham also
will have a new play for his regular star
ring tour. Miss Clara Bloodgood will have
a new Clvde Fitch Dlay for her New York
engagement, and Miss Virginia Horned will
do "The uolden silence,' Dy nauaon
Chambers, at the Oarrlck.
As to musical plays, trier is no en a to
them In Mr. Frohman's budget. "The Three
Little Maids," with the English company,
headed by Q. P. Huntley, opens Daly's on
September 1, and "The Girl from Kay's,"
with Sam Barnard and Miss Hattie Will
iams, comes to the Herald Bauare in No
vember. George Edwardes Is Interested In
both these productions. Mr. Frohman also
has a musical piece by Ivan Caryll and
Seymour Hicks, to be produced In London
In December; "My Lady Molly," by the
componer of "The Qslsha," In which An
drew Mack Is to appear, and still another,
entitled "Madame Sherry." He also has
the new Gaiety theater pleoe.
W illiam Gillette, Clyde men ana Augus
tus Thomas are all at work on new plays
for him. Hlchard Harding Davis furnishes
."Ransom's Folly," snd Edward E. Rose,
Mrs. Hodgnon Burnett and Paul Potter
have written others. From Miss Gladys
t'nger. an American girl, comes "Richard
Brlosley Sheridan." Then Mr. Barrle has
Srovlded a new play, "Little Mary," which
ohn Hare will do abroad, but probably not
here. Jerome K. Jerome, Antnony nope,
Henry V. Esmdnd, Justin Huntly McCar
thy, Ft. C. Carton and Captain Marshall are
all on the list with new works inn
there Is "Gypsy," by Sydney orunay;
Whitewashing Julia," by Henry Arinur
Jones, snd a new play written by Arthur
Wing Plnero. as yet unnamed, which Mr.
Frohman will produce both here and in
London. He also has the melodrama "The
Rent of Friends." to be done at tne Acaa-
emy of Music In October, snd "Cheer. Boys,
Cheer!" to follow "Ben Hur" at the New
York. .
From France he has Snrdou's '.'The Sor
ceress," "Le Detour," adapted by Haddon
Chambers; Pierre Berton's "Yvette," to be
done at the Garden; a Japanese comedy,
"The Third Moon," Dy Mme. viresac; i,
Rabouilleuse," an Odeon theater success;
"frannnshiiia " remarkable fifty-minute
play, produced by Gultry at the Renais
sance, and a one-act piece, "The System of
Dr. Ooudron." Also new plays by Pierre
Wolff. Henri Lavedan and Henri Batnllle,
as well as two German pieces "The Blind
Passenger ana i ne Mountain wim"""-
Just before l leit unwicm,
Frohman. "I met George C. 'l yier ana nr
- i ,fK him fnf nrnmirttons at the
Garden theater of rlays by Zangwlll and
Batallle, with Miss Eleanor Kouson as mo
star." . , ,
Mr. Frohman expects to remain in jie.
York until Christmas, when he will return
to London. There he also has many pro
ductions to make, Including one In which
Miss Margaret Anglln will appear.
Asked as to his plans for the Empire
Stock company, Mr. Frohman said that
most of the members would support Miss
Fay Davis In "Lady Rose's Daughter
early In the season, and that the company
would be reformed and reorganised when
it comes to the Empire after Miss Adams
engagement there. Miss Davis will prob
ably be the leading woman.
Season after next Mr. Frohman will bring
here Blr Charles Wyndham, George Alex
ander and Wilson Barrett. Sir Charles
Wyndham will Buy ins wnoiu.
New York, presenting not only his latest
success but also som thepld. favorites
In his repertory ,r ., :,- . I '';-4
Hilary Bell, ' wh6; himself ,d'ed; Of heart
failure, which is -only another '. name for
nervous exhaustion, thus discussed thatre
dlllctlon of actors and actresses to nervous
Generally considered thin people are of a
nervous temper, while fat folk are phleg
matic. It Is the nerve force rather than the
oraln which aids the drama. Actors of a
sensitive disposition seldom eat much, drink
much or sleep much. Leslie Carter, the
greatest of modern emotional actresses of
the native school, lives on her nerves
rather than victuals and drink. She Is a
thin woman. Maude Adams Is thinner still,
but she has no appetite for anything except
study. Joseph Jefferson Is a walking
shadow. Edwlh ' Booth -was fleshless. Blr
Henry Irving could play castineis on nis
ribs If he were of a musical quality. Elean
ora Duse Is next door td nothing below her
chin. Lawrence Barrett waa gaunt. Sol
Smith Russell was emaciated. Mrs. Patrick
Campbell has no dimples. The thinness
of Sarah Bernhardt is a French proverb.
Annie Russell weighs 100 pounds. William
Gillette little more. Cora Potter will need
a small coffin. All of these are or were
nervous In temperament, to Which Inheri
tance a great part of their fortune In the
drama Is or was due. Such performance
is the strenuous life. It entails dancing,
fencing, athletics, various exercises and
continuous effort of head-and body. These
endeavors, combined with abstemious liv
ing, mortify the Mesh. Maude Adams has
no time to become symmetrical. She throws
more force Into one performance than the
plump leading ludy of a cheap stock com
pany can arrive at In a year. When the
play Is done Miss Adams Is almost done for.
Throughout tho long run of "Zaxa" Mrs.
Carter was so much exhausted by the
fourth act that almost every evening she
was carried off the stage in hysterics. Mme.
Duse puts so much of her soul Into her
performance that she Is morbid, melancholy
and out of health. In the days of her ar
tistic prime Clara Morris was almost a
physical wreck, but since she has ceased
acting her frame has grown round, ro
bust, plump and hearty. Rose Coghlan and
Ada Reran made their fame while they
wore slenJer. but lost It when they lost
their lines. Fine acting Is hard work; hard
work does away with superfluous flesh and
there you are. Bad acting la easy work,
easy work is fattening, and there you are
a rain. If one of the rural circuit heroines
hnd a chance to appear before a New
York audience and a proper ambition to
win Its applause, she could take In her
waist line four Inches before a week was
over. Even Mrs Flske trembled on her
first night at the Manhattan theater and
faded visibly In size. The actor on his
mettle must throw away all Impediments,
as Greek runners cast aside their cloaks
In a race. . . ,
Once when John Drew was In a talkative
mood he conversed of the experiences of an
aotor In American and In England, and
among other things said:
A player's fir venture on the English
theatrical sea Is sure to bring him many
new and not always pleasant experiences.
English audiences are so demonstrative In
both their approval and disapproval and
are such royal autocrats In their way that
the American mummer, accunlomea to the
oonxlderateness of home audiences, rubs
his eyes In bewilderment. This way of ex
pi ending adverse citticism should really be
a help. Rough knocks In the world do us
all good and even actors need them. They
make us braver. Then we always knbw or
ought to know that we can please some of
the people all of the timet U of the people
some of the time, but It Is Impossible to
please all of the people all of the time, no
Its poor nturr a fellow s made or If he
cannot accept defeat with philosophy. You
know a player can always teil the chill of
disapproval creeping over him. He can feel
the pub-e of the pluy weaken and weaken,
' and meets, or artouhl lnet, defuut bravely.
a' BuiutiiM.. mil. 1 ' V m 1 m iufi J " t
l. . I . t
l Ama.-t...... .....11........ ...til U! u.-a I .11
I through whether you be native or fi:
but will never come agnln If nut
in -n,t. ... Jl,.i nn. v.
in igriri ,
be proud
out lis nana to you. us It were, you Hue
to greater heights, bring a more rounded
beauty to your creation In the Inspiration
of the sympathy than ever twfore.
It Is unfortunate that more American
actors do not oron the Atlantic. London
sends us Henry Irving, while we have
given In return 4mt tvw of our bent since
l me uny wuwi iwuia nrm aiormea r.ngi'inu.
"ui nun our Hiior nave reia tneir own.
Our playwrights, too, have done well. We
even have an American producing a da
Rlmlnt tragedy. Tho Htar of the oetlc:il
drama due wm to t a little In the
ascendnnt this yenr. There Is some nlen
dld rt.dtiiB In Stephen Phillips' Herod,
I'lysaf s ami hKolo and Franceses. As for
'm-lluK liui inu know l.nui n..h .kiuti
Vl Iu r
that aa I dy we actors are too much prls-
oned In the greenroom to see a great deal
outside of our little Individual world. Poetlo
drama la a fine thing and I hore It will
have wonderful success In the years ahead.
I will not try It mywlf. for although I've
essayed everything along the line, I do not
suereed so well In thnt and leave It to
others who can do It better. Hut the whole
tendency of the stage nowadays In whole
some and hopeful. Rven the rural plays
sre good: "they hold the mirror Up to na
ture'7 and all that sort of thing. So we
who wish the theater well mav he optl
mlMIe and content. Our playwrights have
everything before them, for they haven't
so many Impossible Ideals to look back
upon as hsd the English dramatists, nbd
there is a world of material lying at hand,
undreamt of In the old world.
Coming Events.
Down, at ..yinton street ball park the
Omaha Guards snd Thurston Rifles will
give this week their annual military show.
This year the battle scene. Illustrated will
lie "The Defense ' of' 'the Manila Water
Works," oDe of the most Important of the
engagements of the Philippine uprising In
1889, and. one of the many contests In
which the First Nebraska took part. The
Thurston Rifles had a real ' hot time on
this occasion, and many of the veteran
members of the company retain a vivid
recollection of what happened then. The
band of tho Twenty-second Infantry. U.
S. A., has been engaged for the season, and
will render A concert each evening at the
park. The concert will begin at 7:45 each
evening, and the military spectacle will be
put on about 8:30. The entire proceeds
will go to the benefit .of the company
exchequers of the organizations taking
part. The show begins on .Tuesday evening
and continues until and Including Saturday.
Today's program at Omaha's Polite Re
sort, Krug Park, has been arranged with
a great deal of care and earnest expecta
tions of pleasing the multitude. Almost uni
versal have been the requests upon Man
ager Cole to hold the favorite bandmaster
and cornet virtuoso, Herman Bellstedt,
longer than for one brief week. With con
siderable persuasion Bellstedt has been en
gaged to render his delightful cornet solos
afternoons at 4 and 5 o'clock and evenings
at 8:80 and- 10 o'clock In conjunction with
Huster'a Concert band, during the entire
week Including next Sunday. The public's
appreciation of Bellstedt'a efforts to please
his many personal and new-made friends,'
has not been wanting, for the large au
diences who visited Krug Park the post
week testified by tremendous applause to
their favorite bandmaster. Mr. Bellstedt Is
very earnest In expressing his desires to
become a citizen of Omaha. The enthu
siastic receptions given the past week as
sure Omaha's willingness to patronize and
encourage good muslo and that advantage
of hearing this honored artist must be ac
cepted during the current week or many re
grets may follow. While Bellstedt In a
measure commands every one who hears
hfm, musically speaking, the public as a
whole likes dlvertlsment, and that sen
sational performance of shooting a man
from a cannon attached to a monster bal
loon when two miles In 'the air, will be re
peated between B and 6 o'clock this after
noon. It remains for J. Waldorf Hall, Krug
Park' aeronaut, to conceive and execute
these intrepid exhibitions, and today's ef
forts to amuse all who crave sensationalism
will go on record as unprecedented In all
aeronautical practices. Hundreds of minor
amusements will be In vogue and a more
delightful place cannot possibly be found
to while away a few hours of recreation
than at Omaha's polite resort.
Gossip of Stag-eland.
David Warfleld's new Dlav will show him
In an Italian character.
Mrs. Langtry's leading man In her next
American tour may be Paul ArUiur.
Sir Henry" Irving has lent his prompt
book of "Twelfth Night" to Viola Allen.
James O'Neill's son Is on the stage, and
Is playing with a stock company in Massa
chusetts. Richard Harding Davis has .written a
comedy of life in South America, called
The Dictator."
Fay Davis is to Dlay the title role In
Charles Frohman's production of "Lady
Rose's Daughter."
Margaret Anglln will head the comoanv
which Charles Frohman Is to manage in a
London theater next season.
Sousa and his band, after an extensive
continental tour, are to . play at the prin
qipal English watering places.
Alexander von Mltzel has been engaged
as leading man for Blanche Walah and will
appear aa Dimltri in Resurrection."
Franklin Fyles, the well known critic and
playwright. Is recovering from his Illness
which brought him to the point of death.
A dramatization of "David Connerfield"
Is to be produced in London, In which
Aiaage issuing win piay tne part of Little
Aubrey Bouclcault Is a star under thn
direction of W. A. Brady, three French
plays being under consideration for his
If present plans go throuah aiicnpRRfiilt v
Herbert Kelcev and Effle rihannon will pre
sent "The Moth and the Flume" In London
next season. .
It will be Just forty-four years when
Madame Pattl arrives since she made her
debut in "Lucia" at the Academy of Mu
slo, New York.
Frank Daniels Is to have two prima don
nas in his support next season when he ap
pears In '"ihe Jockey," -Louise - Uuuinng
and Maud -Welsh.
Willie Edouln will probably be one of the
stars next season In tills country In a new
comic opera called "Amorel." The piece
has had ait English trial performance.
It Is announced that "The Cavalier," Ute
dramatisation of George W. Cable's novel,
is to be presented with a feminine cast
consisting of Daughtera of the Confeder
acy. George W. Lederer't first production next
autumn will be "My Lady Lola," a musical
comedy which la said to have been success
ful In Paris and berlln. George V, llobart
is. making the English adaptation.
Prof. George Walter Dawson, of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, and an auinorlty
on Italian gardens. has made tho desliio
for OllvU'e Uaruen, one of the most im
portant scenes in "Twelfth Night," which
Viola Allen Is to present next season.
Ethel Barrymore will appear In America
next season in H. H. Davis' "Cousin Kate."
This will probably be her last sea-ion In the
V lined States for some time, Mr. Frohman
having arranged for her to apt-ear in Lon
don for an indefinite period after that;
It la not generally known that Nat Wills,
the well known tramp comedian of the
vaudeville stage, studied three years for
the ministry at the University of Virginia,
Mr. Wills says he became financially em
barrassed and Jumped Into the theatrical
business for relief.
Louts James and Frederick Warde,
Richard Maustield and James K. Hackett,
all announce for production next season
plays basrd on the life of Alexander the
(J real. That of Warde and James Is defi
nitely announced, the tour being entirely
booked, and the manager Messrs. Wageis
hala und Kemper have provided an elab
orate scenic production.
Viola Gillette,' who has very successfully
played the role of Prince . Charming lit
Klaw A Erlanger's Drury Lane spectacle,
"The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast,
during the past two seasons, will oontinue
In this part the coming season till the
opening of the new l'rury Lane spectacle,
"Mother Goose," when she will play Colin,
the principal "boy." Cecil Spooner. who is
the youngest - souhrette on the American
stage, having a thorough old-schoul train
ing in singing, aancing. rencing ana pan
tomime, and all thnt goes to make up a
thorough actress, will play the Dutch girl,
a rollicking comedy part In "Mother
Oiose," to be presented at the New Am
sterdam theater..
A writer In a German newspaper tells
the following story: "Paul's father, who
waa a' tenor, came back from the theater
one day In a depressed state of mind, after
making a conspicuous failure Jn a new
opera. He asked his three daughters
what they would do If they suddenly lost
their voices aud had to Teslgn all hope of
winning fame as singers. Carlotta de
clared that she would kill herself, Aroe'i
that she would go Into a convent, but
tri-iln. said laughingly: 'I should be
thankful to be quit of play acting and
mummery once and for all.' The fates
of the sl'ters were curiously different from
th,.ir desires, for Carlotta's lameness pre
vented her appearing upon the stage at
all and Amelia did not sing in pub Ic
ht married Maurice btrakoscb
while Adellna. now In her 61st year, is
about to make her fsreWell tour after Ihe
,,i i.heiionienal career known la Ute
history, of music"
In accordance with the current series of
"Meditations of the Good Old Summertime,"
as appearing In this column, on the morning
of each succeeding seventh day, here you
may find a "Meditation on the Making of
National Anthems."
The Bee. with Its conservative sense of
propriety and dignity so rare and so ef
fective, la one of the very few papers which
has not succumbed to the feverish fad of
offering a prise of "20 or $200" for the best
National Anthem, original In words and
music, suited for the general use of a
people as the gteat American people.
No, thank goodness, The Bee has not
yet succumbed, and I do not think It will.
But, to aay that The Bee has not been
tempted would be to take away, some
credit marks. Yes, Indeed, The Bee has
been sorely, grievously tempted and tried,
but has not fallen, and now from the
basketful of "truck" that has been envelop
ing It, lifts up the "Star-Spangled Banner,"
In alt Its pristine glory; and brightness, and
In all his hallowed sanotlty, and unsullied
"The Star-Spangled Banner, O long may it
O'er the land of the free, and the home of
the brave."
1 But this Is not a case of snatching
feathers from the eagle's tall, and shouting
Jingoism, nor Is It a cheap appeal for
popular acclaim, but It Is the thought which
must necessarily come to one when he
thinks of a new national anthem.. You
surely have Been magazine articles, one
after another, offering prises - for the
manufacture of a new one, have you not?
If not, where have you been?
Why, The Bee office has received not less
than threo ecore of new "National
Anthems," guaranteed , to please.
Let ub look at the matter.
You think you want a new home? Do
you not look around the old 'one pretty
carefully, and see points, here and there,
that you do not want to give up for anything
new? How about that old, dingy, no-account
cupboard? What about the Jam that used
to be hidden there, In childhood's days;.
Jam, far superior to any that Is made now?
And that old gate? Was there ever, such
a swing as the swing that you used to
get on that old gate, which was never
meant to swing on? And that old post out
there, which you used to cut your Initials
on? And, what about that tree with the
broken limb, which fell with you one day
ns you tried to go higher than usual? Well,
all of these things, the old-fashioned paper,
perhaps ort this room, and the memories
of school studies done In that one, and
bo on, all come to you when you think of
a new home, and while this is perhaps a
trifle old-fashioned, or while people say
things about It, that you do not like, don't
be in a hurry to got a new one, not yet!
This must not be construed into a too
prevalent Idea, that of absurd and anti
quated minds, that "It Is old, therefore It
must be good." "It wa good enough for
my father, it ought to be good enough for
me." This sentiment Is the possession of
a mind which Is Incapable of possessing
anything more. No, the thought which I
wish to meditate upon, from the Illustra
tion, la the sentiment connected with the
old hymn and tune of the "Star-Spangled
Banner." It Is when we come to look at
a new national anthem that we see all
those good points In 'that old rock-ribbed,
Iron-clad, 'triumphant eagle-song, that cries
from one end to the other of this great
Home: '
"O sav, can yoti see, by the dawn's early!
light, '.:'
What so proudly we hailed at the twl
... light's last' gleaming," . , ;
where can we 'get anything In hymn of'
song or anthem' that can arouse the spirit
of country-love, country-faith, love of the
brotherhood than these words can:
"And the rockets' red glare, the bombs
Dursting in air,
Gave proof t hro' the night that our Flag 1
was still there!"
Yes, brother, It Ib unslngable, If yott
wish; It Is too. high and too low; too this
and too that; but it is the old Home,
anthem, and no modern "flat-song" can j
take Its place. , .
Without any fireworks, or rant or hurrah
about the matter there comes to me as I
write one deep, heartfelt, fervent thought,
I love, yes love, the old 'Star-Spangled
Banner,' and I will resist, In my little time
and place,, wherever It may be, any attempt
to substitute another one for if !
Are you with me?
There Is no other national anthem that
touches It, In my opinion, and I am speak
ing now from a purely critical standpoint,
not from a feeling of race prejudice. I
regret exceedingly that I cannot say that
I was born beneath the folds of the flag,
or taught the "Star-Spangled Banner" at
But I did the best I could. Just as soon
as school was out I came here. .
So I know . that all gqpd Americans will
give me cr. dlt for the intention, il say
there Is pone other like this. It is full of
fire, soul, courage, hope and trust In an
eternal God who loves only right and Just
things, men and nations.
England haa its "God Save the King" (or
Queen) which In Its compass and bound
aries Is as appropriate as could be for an
anthem of the sea-girt Isles. It Is a good
hymn, , plain, substantial, honest, like the
good old "Roast Beef of Old England."
But, In my .Judgment, "Rule Brlttanla" Is
miles ahead of It.
. France, with Its "Marseillaise," makes
me weep. It does not Inspire me to valor,
but perhaps that Is because I am not
French. ,It certainly did Inspire hosts of
Frenchmen, and I wave away as InslgnM
cant my personal opinion, In view of the
words of Carlyle:
"As It Is, these Marseillaise remain In
articulate, undlstlngulshable in feature, a
black-browed mass, full of grim fire, who
wend there in the hot sultry weather.
Fate and Feudal Europe, having decided,
come girdling In from 'Without; they, hav
ing also decided, do march within. Dusty
of face, with frugal refreshment, thiy plod
onwards; unwearlable, not to be turned
aside. Such march will become famous.
The Thought, which 1 works voiceless In
this black-browed mass, an Inspired Tyr
taen Colonel, Rouget de Lille, has trans
lated Into grim melody and rhythm; Into
his Hymn or March of the Marseillaise:
luckiest musical composition ever promul
gated. The sound ef which will make the
blood tingle tn men's veins: and whole
armies and assemblages will sing it, with
eyes weeping and burning, with hearts
defiant of Death, Despot ' and Devil."
(French Revolution Bk. xlll, Ch. I.)
The. national hymn which appeals to me
most, after our own, Is the "Wacht am
Rhine" of the Germans. The force of
these words, In what Is generally consid
ered a good translation, I believe. Is simply
A roar like thunder strikes the esr,
I.Ike clang of arms, or breakers near.
Rush forward for Ihe German Rhine!
W ho shields thee, dear beloved Rhine,
Dear Fatherland, thou needst nut fear.
Thy Rhlneland watch stands firmly here!
But, when we have compared all, we
come back to the. ."Star-Spangled Banner."
and we find Us spacious compass, like our
spacious prairies. Uirllllng with lots of
good fresh air. It Is healthy, exceedingly
healthy! It U wealthy, In its raagnlfieeat
pulsing Thylhra, attuned to the major key
of Hope, and progressing with the steady
C 3
.Lolio onouo
The Sylvan Retreat
A most attractive Sunday Outing Place.
Today and Until Wednesday, ;
Floyd -Griggs Stock Go.,
in "FORGIVE!!."
Thursday and Balance of Week,
"Other People's Money."
Refreshments Today at
Covalt's Favorite Band
' Afternoon and Evening.
FISHING. 100 Other Amusements.
20,00 tickets disposed of yesterday to the Jac
J, A.GRIFFITHS. 218 First National
tread of symmetrical chords of "green and
gold harmony" Ilka our own cornfields! .
National anthems, like poets, are born,
not made!
Every' national anthem, that Is of any
account, has been written by some Inspired
soul, who could no more keep from writing
than he could keep from fighting the
wrong, and under the stress of some crisis
In his or his nation's history.
Every national anthem tha la sung to
day carries In Itself, plain and clear, Its
own reason for being, Its own explanation
for existence.
National anthems are not made for prizes
nor Vtre they made for honor, nor are they
made for money, nothing of the sort; they
are made - because tbey cannot help being
made! What does Carlyle say In the lines
quoted above? Does ha say that De Lille
wrote tho national hymn of France? No,
he does not Bay, he "translated" the
"Thought, which worked voiceless In the
black-browed mass."
Think of It, and then consider the pre
posterous Impertinence of any cheap Amer
ican who thinks he can write, or cause to
be 'written, a "National Anthem."
Rot! Perish such Americans! Would
they turn their country's patriotic impulse,
their very national hymn,' Into a prize puz
le or a cheap advertising medium?
Such Americana should be left '.'without
ft country," Wfll they hold nothing sacred,
these people? ''Jildthey have mothers, or
werre they Just Incubated? 'Have they -no :
feeling at a.y? N reverence? No respect?
... ,. ' " ..' f : ': . '' ' ,
Every week cornea to -The Bo musical
department another of these Inane dlt--tlea
and the most Impertinent letters. This.
Is the general type: . "Knowing as you must
that millions of Americans are clamorlnp
for a more modern, a newer national hymn.
I take pleasure In sending' you herewith
my new song, which I tee! sure you'Wll!
like. I have submitted It to the following .
people of distinction, who aay It is destined
to be famous. Hoping to Bee It published
In your vsltisble pnper, I am." tc. etc.
Then follows, a list of people, presumably
the writer's barber, butcher, grocer, shoe
black, lawyer, pastor, (of course) mayor,
and I regret to soy, sometimes governor,
who could not get out of , signing their
name to his "roll of honor."
. I may as well take this opportunity to
answer all these anthem manufacturers In
a bunch. I will tell them" the rules of. the
OfflCB. -
First Everything will be measured up
Bfralnst the "Star-Spangled Hanner,."
Secondr-The "Star-Soaneled Banner" will
offer a handicap of 30 per cent, and even
then you can't touch It, .......
. Third The word "Grand" rhyming with
"Land" Is bsrred out.
Fourth Out of Bheer goo'dness of heart,
The Bee will not prosecute the contributors
of these- anthems, on the first offense.
Fifth This is confidontlnl. . Whoever tells
you that 'there are 1.P00.C00 Americans who
want a change from the old anthem Is
giving you large hnd glorious allopathic
dose, of burning breezes, alias hot air.
Tn the meantime, let us all sing with
earnest hearts and thankful souls
"And the fltar-Spangled Banner forever
shall wave,
O'er the Land of the Free, and the Home
of the Brave."
Maslral .
Mr. E. M. Jones, the well known piano
teacher, has gone for a-very. extended east,
ern trip, whlnh will embrace New York,
Boston, Niagara Fslls. the Oreat Lakes
and a short visit In Vermont. Mr. Jones will
return In tlma for the opening of Bellevue
college, and his Omaha studio work.
Many of the singing students of Omaha
will be glad to se by The Bee advertising
columns that Mr. Alfred Marschner has
been persuaded to open a downtown studio,
where he will receive his pupils who art
studying the German language. Mr. Mar
schner Is a successful teacher, he Is re
sourceful, well posted, very particular aa
to pronunciation and from his long resi
dence In Vienna has certainly the real thing
to dispense. The fact that Schubert, Schu
mann, Brahms, Robert Franz and other
great lights are absolutely a closed book
until the German text Is understood should
make It profitable for Mr. Marschner and
pupils mutually. The Marschner Bureau of
Music will still continue to handle business
of engsgements, etc.
By the will of the late rr. lllrnm K J
Jones. Illinois college, at Jacksonville, will
recolve nearly the entire estate, valued at i
$75,000. . !
President Smith of Trinity eolh-jee. New j
Haven, will retire next year as head of the
Institution and will receive a life pension
of $3,000 a year thereafter.
Dr. George Harris, president of Amherst)
college, told the educators In eonve ntion
In Boston thst if sports stopped at colleges
and schools the morsl tone would suftr.
Mlsa Graes A. Btayt of Chicago and Miss
Myrtle Blierer of Gslva. 111., havs been
lu,,iu.iu .. h i.a.n 1 1 1 women and I
director of athletics for women at Knoxt
college, Uaiesimrg, in.
rr. Theobuld Smith, the bacteriologist
who has bad charge of the manufacturing
of the antitoxin for the state of Mas
sachusetts has sailed for Kurope to study
the methods employed by fort-Inn scientists
In the preparation of both antitoxin an
vaccina virus.
Professor Ertchs NarckB, ths biographer
Eourfad I
The Coney Island of ihe West
More for your money than any oter p! ace. without exception. .
OSCAR NORM, Champion of fhe World
Diving from the Thrilling Height h of 120
feet' into four feet of. water!'
'Enveloped iu flame at night a most sensa
tional, feat.
Afternoon and Evening
llefreshmeuts any place on' tho grounds
Tennoseo Jubilee Singers,
Dodson's Military Band.
Boating and Fishing,
Picnic Grounds.
ksonian Picnic,
either resort,
information to
Reengaged for one more week only, THE GREAT BANDMASTER,
Every Afternoon at 4 and 8 O'clock, Evenings at 8:30 and 10 O'clock.
The Most Sensational Balloon Novetty Ever Offered to the Public.
NOTE The Street Car Co. Positively Assures Patrons Ample Car Ssrvice.
V $&nP$ Talking Machine
, of our manufacture large or small balance easy weekly payment '
Is acknowledged to ba ths best TalXing Machine
made, and it sells for less thaa 0thr makes. Frloea
iflO.09. 130.00. M.0O and $60.09. . . . , . : - ' '
(Awarded' Grand Prise. Parts Exposition.) V v-"
Columbia Xlso and Cylinder Records fit aay make
jof Talking Maobine.-,, Lottdaat, ' olarBt. aaA
! most durable. i ;
New Records just arrived. Old '
records taken In part payment for"
r-ew. Write for latest list. r -
We will exchange free of all
charge one of our new ' Sound,'
Boxes for Hrty sound box of ANf 1
MAKE, where the user purohasea ;-.
one dozen 10 Inch records., . The
combination' of our New Records
and Bound Box affords ' the most
natural tone effects ever enjoyed
Columbia Phonograph Company,
1621 Farnm. umini,
of Emperor William I, has been asked by
Prince Herbert Bismarck to write a life of
his father. . ' " . - i -
Dr. Douglas H. Campbell, professor of
botany In Stanford university, Js on a
vacation trip to New, Zealand and, Australia.
Concerning the B10 graduates of the Mas
sachusetts Agricultural college' at1 Am
herst before 17 the Bustonr Advertiser re
ports that 1M became farmers, twenty-five
market gardeners, Jwenty-ihree furm man
agers, twenty-two teachers in Institutions
for farmers' children, sixteen farm. veteri
narians, eleven slock or poultry., breeders
and eight entomologists.
By the will of Spencer Morris,- formerly
professor of medlcar Jurisprudence and
toxicology at the Medico-Chlrurgloal. col
lege In Philadelphia. $12,250 U bequeathed
to that institution, the income of which is
to be awarded annually to the member of
the graduating .class who receives the
highest general average at the final ex
amination for the degree of doctor of medi
cine, i
An agent of the atate board of education
of Connecticut Is to visit the factory towns
of that state this summer and ascertain
the number of children of school age em
ployed In. the various manufacturing
plants. He will secure a list of these chil
dren, but will make no effort to prevent
them from working. The purpose of the
Investigation Is to. secure data for future
use. When the schools reopen In Septem
ber the Information' gathered during the
vucntton will make it comparallvelv easy
to determine whether the factory children
have returned to schopl. If they have not
tpey can be readily looked up.
. On the plea' that the currents are un
controllable , and mexsages are liable to be
Intercepted, the Australian telgra:U au
thorities have pronounced against the
Marconi wlreleos system.
Although the Pachl'o ocean Is compara
tively free of storms hence Its name
Point Reves. Cal., Ih tho windiest place In
the rnlte'd States If the matter be left to
the anemometers of the weather bureau. 1
The electrometer Is so aoutely sensitive
that it will dulcet in one minute an ainnuit
of matter which munt accumulate for 2,0u,
ot years before there is enough of it to
affect the moat sensitive chemical balance.
The strongest . evidence favoring . the
meteoric formation of diamonds Is the fact
that they have a different law of crystal
llratlon from carbon of terrestrial origin.
This proven them of mcteorld origin. Just
mm the mejeuric furm of iron tells, of. Its
celestial birth.
The thorium atom, universally believed
since its discovery by Uerzellus three
quarters of a century ago, to be a Hiiiulo
and Indivisible partiolu of matter, now
hi peers as the progenitor of five new ub
slanrrs, even more elemental than itself,
evolved by succeaxlve and spuntuneoux
cIihdk.-s within its substance.
Prof. d'Arsonval has eubnilttcJ -to the
Paris Academy of Sclenoe, an invention for
typesetting by telegraph, the electric cur
rent lieir.g made' to perforate' character
on a movable band connected with tyixj
wtllnt; machine. It 1 eUiimed that the
contrivance, which la the wrk of M.
hidonal.. will dispense with ' transcription
altogether for press purposes.
A number of articles made from gnlallth
or milk stone were ,nhown in lj.nnhurg
The casein from Hktmmed milk, hardened
by formaldehyde and variously colored, wai
ued for table tops, cnnh, knife handles,
cigar holders, balls, rings, cheaemen and
domlnoe. An advantaKa of the new
product as compared with celluloid Is the
fact that It docs not Ignite so esally and
is entirely odurles.
Frost la Siorth Dakota.
GRAND FORKS,' N. D., Aug. I. Reports
of frimts.wers -rscelved today from a nuin
lr of iKjInts In the northern part of the
atate, but at none of them was any damagu
done. Minnesota point aUo reported a
frost but no damage.
at Court land lleach. Apply
Bank Building.
by TnlWng Machine users.
Rip Van Winkle
MatineeAny. sent 10a-
Night loc, 16o, 8&a .
By' Thurston Rifles and Omaha, Guards
Defense of Manila Water Works
' August 4-6-6-7-8. at Vinton St Rail Park. '
Muslo by- Twenty-seuond Jniantry Band.
Admission 25o. .
F. O. Newlean,
Baritone .
Teacher of Tone Production and
Art dT Singing;.
Studio, 509-510 Karbach Block
Ladies Toilet Parlors
and Ladies' Baths. "
. Opposite Pic Orpheum Thtitor.
.(Successors tc "Tho Bathery", former'
In Hee Uuildlng.)
New Proprietors. New Management, -Kn-larged.
Improved. Mi.M elegant in the went.
, Only establishment ,,west' ef-New. York
arlmhitnterlng "The Internal Hath." Ladles'
'Police Uathmg, .Manicure, Chiropody
ur.n r'Jr UresHlng Parlor, l'ndsr IironHl .
mai.Hitereiit' of Dr. 1). Rhodes, the cole
braiel ' Dermatologist anil Specialist In
Ulll. littles ' of the lliilr. Scalp, Hkln and
Cou.olcxlon. -Sixteen .year siicceseful
pru-.-'"o and established reputation, . .
Visitors welcome. ,
Mil. 'KELLY'S studio
w'll be cloKel Tueitilays
rlattirdays, und ali on
Wednesday and Kililay ,
afternoon until further
notice. . Davldge V.Ux k,
lbtli and i'urn.un Btrtets.
Doputy State .Veterinarian.
Food Inxpcctor. '
Ofttca and Infimiury, 2Mb. arid Mason fits. v
praah4. ' Neb. , Telephone f.