The ..Omaha .Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES II TO 20. t ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1003. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. U till r3 AH' nn Mw3 Mm) Mm m THB RELIABLE! STOUU. THB RELIABLE TOIB. Closing Out the Last of Summer Goods Everything must go. These prices will do the work quickly. L.very rthing as advertised. Woe Imported Colored Wash Goods le Imported linen batiste. Bilk striped, linen Jacard Swisses, Mercerised und ging hams, embroidered organdies, French satin striped batiste. Hcotch madrasses and soft finished percales, lt!r were 60c Monday lil 40c Colored Walk floods 12 l-2e afercerlied striped organles, Inred Swiss muslins, woven striped madras and French corded batiste, were 40c IO U Monday la?G StOe Colored Wash floods lOe Irish and Hootch printed dimities, printed penanga, floral designs, Mercerised spun LETTING DOWN THE THICES IN Tho Big Linon Department. Which is one of the strongest departments in tlie big stored Note a few prices quoted below: O.AO Table Linen Bl.OO 7J-tn. extra heavy double satin IRQ damask, $2.50 quality, at yard llUf a Table Linen ei.40 T2-ln. full double satin damask, I Aft fi quality, at yard B1.75 Table Llaen 1.2 Tl-ln. heavy double sstln damask, I JC 11.75 quality, at yard liCtf ' fl.RO Table Linen fSe Ti-ln. extra fine satin damask table linen, $1.60 quality, at yard ..ljQQ l Table Linen One 70-ln. full bleached all linen table damask, 10c value, at yard 69c Htie Table Linen SOc 72-ln. bleached table damask, guaranteed all linen, 85c value, CIV. at yard Oil0 40e Table Linen 21)o 64-ln. snow white table damask, Oo value, at yard 29 L.onday's Exceptional Shoe Bargains. from the Brockton Lynn and Haverhill failures, and the en tire floor stock of men's shoes from the celebrated CROWN SHOE factory all on sale Monday at just one-half the regular prices: Men's sample $S.00 and 13.50 m a 'mm. CROWN shoes,, all styles I M f" In all leathers 1 Uls. Women's fine sample . ahoes. regular U.&0 IIUU and iS.OO Values mmwm w -Women's $3.00 and 50 hand ' - .. inn turned and wolt oxfords ...Itf0 Woman's $160 and $2.00 Oxfords, -ITInc Alberts and Queen . . in Women's $2.50 and 12.09'oxf ord7 taii ' na or black, turn or McKay ;.HQC Women's $1.60 and $2 linen shoes flO or os fords M0 Misses' 11.25 and $1.60 and child's En.-. linen shoes or oxfords DiJ Men's $2.50 and $2 vlcl satin and I Hfl Argo kid shoes or oxfords lie, if ,Agents for the OROVER shoes for WO Mk.N, the easiest shoe or oxfords ever LoTTOMED1 Everyalr trtctly HAND FIZZ WATER THAT IS COOL Something About the F&aoT Drinki Serred at Soda Water Fountain.. MANY NAMES AND FEW INGREDIENTS Attendants Who ICnow Their Daalness Assist the Hot sad Thirsty la . electing; that Which Coola and Comforts. v "Try a 'Satan's Dtllght,' " suggested the dispenser of soda water smilingly with the air of one who' offers kindly advice in a spirit of good fellowship. The Individual with the feverish thirst, fanned himself with his panama end looked wearily along the list of coolers, and as he looked the suggestive titles, the rythmetlcal puff from the electric fans and the tchlck, tchick of Ice were magic and soothed and comforted him.. "Ah, that was good," he taking up his check. The soda water man watched him go. "Next to good soda and shining glasses, there' nothing a man should gtve more thought to thun siting up his customers," said he. "Now the last one, he was rather a sport, and you could see he would take to a name Ilka 'Satan's Delight.' You want to get them In a good humor when they come In and get their minds off the heat. When I suggested It to him ne began won dering about it and forgot his troubles and went out of here pleased and cool. If a woman were undecided, I would suggest Something not of course, in the friendly way I used to the sport, but In a quiet, mannerly tone say a nut sundae cr a frosen phosphate something with a sound of propriety In it. You needn't bother with the kids; thiy know what they're after It's usually Ice cream soda." Wb a Name Counts. It good old Mr. Shakespeare, or even Bacon were to step Into a modern drug tore and try an adventure with the soda fountain, they would undoubtedly revise that Ill-considered, passage in their works which demands what Is in a name. "For aire," we may ' consider Bacon saying, "three several draught have we Intro, duced to our gullets and they were naught save vapour, sweetmss and encarmlned .water, and the one thing which made them trans d unlike brother wa the name." Since the day ot Jeffersonlan simplicity, wbea to quote from an article in Harper' Monthly in 1872, "The flavor most gen- ' erijly used are lemon, strawberry, pine apple, vanilla and singer," there ha been a great change and broadening In the nomenclature and chemsltry of the soda water business. ' Now every onyx fountain and several square yards ot the wall apac on either side ot It are covered with drink names, beautiful and Ideullstlo words which would have been sure of a department in Mr. Webster' comprehensive directory ot the language had they not been conceived too late. With a few simple Ingredient to build on the soda artist have Impro vised, cribbed. Joined and been Inspired with varloua word tar tha sawing ot the batlsta snd lack corded India llnons. in. were, SOc Monday IUU l!Se Colored Wash floods A J-ite Printed piques, Scotch chambrsy ginghams, yard wide, plain colored zephyr ginghams, Macnams laced striped organdies snd French muslins, wore 25c Olr Monday Qt i'Oc Colored Wash Goods Be Extra fins black sateens. Scotch and Irish dimities, striped and corded Scotch madrases. hair. lined striped French batiste, plain colored chambray ginghams and half-lined sateens, light f., grounds, were 20c Monday QC 7Be Table Linen Bft 64-ln. silver blenched German damask, all pure linen, heavy quality. 75c CC value, at yard 90 BOe Table Linen SOe Extra heavy Scotch table linen, cream bleached, 50c value. lrt at yard UUC, 2.KO Napkins tl.T9 size satin damask napkins, SOc value, at doxen if Napkins fl.40 1.79 size full bleached all linen napkins, fast edgps, 20o value, . I AO. at dozen l) ' f l.fM) Napkins fl.OO. size all linen bleached napkins, I flfl fast edges, 11.50 value, at dozen liUU IBe Towels inp Bleached and unbleached Turkish towels, largo size, double warp, lftr 15c value, at IU 8 1-ac fllass Ton-ellnsr Be 18-ln. glass toweling, linen finish, red and blue checks, 8Vic value, i C at yard Hardware, Stoves and ilousefurnishings EASEMENT MONET SAVERS. - Ice KingRefrigerators None Better. $15 32x20x46 Golden oak. $11.49. $22 large Ice . box, 1 section provision chamber, size 30x22x90, at $17.49. Ice boxes up from $4.96. $1$ gasoline stove, t burners, With step, with double oven, $13.50. . t burner high gasoline stove, $4.85. The best 2 burner made, $2.69. .No. 8 cast cook stove, $8,85. T"E BEST STEEUj RANGE THE STANDARD, sell, elsewhere lor $Vour price $37.96. . ; r . ' u 16-lnch -lawn-mower,. $&4f. ' Rubber hose, So. J. ' Hardwood hose reels, 49c " ' Screen door' up from 69c. Adjustable .hardwood screens, 25a Wood frame wringer, $1.19. S-knlfo set bread, cake and paring, 19o. 8-d rawer spice cabinet, 49c. -Steel grass hooks, 15c. Galvanized water pulls, 13c. Universal food , choppers, 79c. hundred and a halt drinks in which they deal. For Instance, some raspberry syrup, a dash of soda from the fin stream and some Ice cream when combined may form either ona of two entrancing polysyllables, all depending on whether the first, second or third ingredient goes first Into the glass. Some, of the names which are used are nationally familiar, other remain In sec tional use while still more are confined to the house where they originated. Most of these name spring from the literary fe partment which Is well developed in the minds of successful soda clerks; others are due to some popular book or fashion and still other come from the mnufacturer of some new extract or tonic. How They Originate. Sundaes are made and eaten, but no one know who was their Inventor or what the word mean. It Is variously spelled sundae, undea and sundee and Is said by some to mean "mixed" and to have originated in Chicago. Other experts deny this. A breexy stimulating drink which contain malted milk and wa . designed In a local drug store, is called the "Tejon Bracer," after a street In Colorado Springs. "Na voro" lr the name ot another package of carbonic acid gas done up In flavored water and cream. St. Julian punch, egg angos tura, grape cobbler, orange spray, coffee frappe, ambrosia fllpp, chocolate bousha (which Is another way of saying frappe). Queen Boss (a fruit lemonade), LaComa. egg a la mode. New York beauty, Satan' delight, Delmonlco ftipp, Scotch rose, fuu taema. Manhattan cream, creora puff, rospho royal, Whiterock lemonade (which Is founded on llthla water), these are se lection from the list of "new" drinks. A young man may now ask a young woman to have a cold bird with him and yet not transgress the laws of what I fitting for the recipient of a $16 wage, for the cold bird thut he meant can be had at the soda fountain for 10 cents. Then there Is an other concotlon which Is dubbed "a dream," but It would purxle anyone not a tea taster to tell wherein the latter, the "cold bird" and a "Satan's delight" dlfTer from the short lemonade. Drink Hare Their Day. "Drink catch on and become the rage." said a local sodamlxer. "and after a while lose out to tomi other kind. The nut and cantaloupe sundae are about the leader now, ar.d you have no Idea how many we ell. The sundae has been In now about three year. Root beer I another thing which seem to hit the arid spot this sum mer. I think the steins which were Intro duced last year have something to do with thia, especially where they are kept In sight in a shallow tank of water with ice. They look fine and cool and people ask what we serve In them. Some place they sell more root beer than anything else. Malted milk I a leader, too, and only became generally used last year for cold trade, while It ha been used for a long time with hot soda. I think the manufacturer have pushed It into general use. but It makes a fine drink Just the asm and one that brace a man up. We put in an egg. a little vanilla and cracked Ice and us the shaker. The little old lemonade Is still on of the thing which people want to pour on that dry. yearning thlrat and there are few thing railed for oftener. And It la a cooling drink, too. Cracked Ice In the shaker and a slice of pineapple and a cherry to top It off. & rlass linings, printed linen Hosiery and 600 dozen Indies' hose, in black and fancy colors, including all the samples from the Penney Hosiery Co., worth up tflm to SOc, on sale Monday at lUto Ladles' lisle thread hose. in plain black. fancy black lace and fancy colored hose, worth from 3uc to 75c. at I5c Ladles' fancy black lace and embroidered hose, worth from 75c to $1.00, 25C Children's plain black and fancy lace hose, :r??: ...iuc Ladies' sleeveless gauze vests, worth 15c, at 5c Ladles' gauzo vests, with sll'.t tape In nck and arm hole, worth lfl 25c, at IUC Ladles' fine lisle thrend vests, with fancy yoke, Including the Korso, with IC deep yoke, worth 50c. at 13 C Ladles' fine lisle thread vests and pnnts, lace trimmed; also ladles' lisle 9R thread union suits, worth 75c, at (3S All the ladles' handkerchiefs from the Penney hosiery stock, worth 50c, I'Oc nnd 15c, at 15c, joc and 5c Ladles' fine cambric gowns, low neck and short sleeves, also high neck and lung sleeve styles, lace and embroidery QQH trimmed, $1.50 quality, at 9UC Ladles' full French corset covers, trimmed with hemstitching and lace, at 96 A Marvelous Sale of. High Class Black and Colored Silks Summer Silks of every description must be sold out immediately. Hoyden's Big Silk Department will mako the lowest pricai that have been made in years. Read every item, then investigate, aud you will satisfy yourself that this is tho greatest sale of the kind ever held. BLACK JAPANESE SILK Pare Silk, best dye, sjnaranteed to wear and wash. BLACK JAP BILK fine grade 24 inches wide sells regularly for 6ic QQc on sale OS BLACK JAP SILK line grade 27 inches wide sells regularly for 7oo AQ.C on sale 79u BLACK JAP 8ILK fine grade 27 inches wide sells regularly for $1.00 COf on sale UJU BLACK JAP BILK fine grade 3C Inches wide sells regularly for i5c VSOf on sale BLACK JAP SILK fine grade 36 inches wide sells regularly for $1.25 on sale 75c BLACK FIUl'RED SIMMER SILKS. In 50 different small, neat designs a splen did all silk grade that sells for 0Qi" 6ic on sale wJ Great reduction sale of carpets and rugs, Monday, we put on sale all our odd rolls of carpets and rugs at less than halt their actual value. . . -One lot of fine bmssels rugs, sizes: 6x9 at $7.15. x9 at $11.25. good deal of the cooling a man gets from these drinks comes in a way he don't think of. He comes In where he is out of the un and sit under a fan. Then he see the lc and hear it tinkle and by the time he get hi drink he is cooling off and he gives all the credit to the drink. Frozen phosphates are seven year old, I guess, but there Is still a ateady custom for them. Maple, chocolate and coffee frappe are alway popular and never lose out with ome peo ple. Chocolate Now the Rase, "By the way, chocolate has grown won derfully. A few years ago you couldn't get chocolate at some of the small fountains, but now people want it in everything. I think it becomes a habit. I don't remem ber to have ever had such a call for mint before this season. Mint phosphates, freeies and arctics are called for regu larly. Egg drinks are alway popular, but there is a great deal In the way they are mixed and people hesitate to order one from a man they do not know. Mixer who have not been well taught put In too much Ice and pour It from one glass to another too long and too hard. Egg phos phate Is made with lemon Juice and the white of an egg with the acid phosphate and soda. Silver flzx is made from the white of eggs, catawba syrup, with a dash of rum, and filled with soda and shaken. Royal, that you see In the name of so many drinks, means, In the profession, a whole egg. Claret lemonade is often called for, and we draw a good bit of mineral water. Ice cream was first used, I think, In Detroit. "It is the little things that count in this business. Everything in front should be Immaculate, the glasses should shine we polish ours every morning with bi-car-bonate of soda and too much Ice should not be used. We want most to avoid a bad taste in the mouth after the drink. Being after everything else. It Is remem bered longest, and they don't come back. It takes a man five years at the foun tain before he begins to get to the fine point of the buslnysa. There 1 no school for soda clerks, and there sliould be. We Just pick it up by practice under sflThe head man. It ha got to be Just a exact a science a that of the mixer of fancy bar drink and a good man command high pay. One of the hardest things 1 the mix ing of the syrup. Formerly we used gum foam, made of glycerine and soap bark, to make the soda frothy, but we have passed that time by." Woman Test the Concoction. Woman la said to be a sampler ot all new mixed drinks at the beginning of each season who wcj it said that women were not curious? but later on she settle back to a few favorites. The sundaes and Ice cream sodas are the rule. The men know what they want superior creatures and large, y drink mixed drink. Early In tn d.y, It I said, when the women are busy shopping and are merely thirsty they taft phosphate and lemonade, but In the evening when, care free, they repair to the druggists' chairs it la something weet with Ice cream tn It. Men are said to frequent the fountain now where they did not formerly. In the day gone by mother wa Inveigled Into the drug store to have a soda while father stepped around "Won't be gone long, dear" to see a man on business. Now they are often to be seen sitting together and acquiring arti Ml Underwear from Ladles' fine cambric gowns at 49c Ladles' all-over embroidery and hand somely trimmed corset ITn covers, at wUC Ladles' straight front corset, with Princess hip and supporters, 49 C Batiste girdles, sizes 18 to 13, 25C The New Princess hip corset, with front and side hose supporters, j gQ A large line of Kabo, O. I. W. C. C. and Thompson glove fitting corsets, in all the newest styles, at up Inn from liUU Men's 25c Half Hose at 10c All the men's half hose thnt would have sold up to 25c, from the Penney I flu stock; on sale at IUC All the men's half hose, from the Penney stock, that sold up to Hie, C on sale at 1 36 All the fine lisle half hose, from the Penney stock, that sold up to $1.00, OP. on sale at tU All the men's fine suspenders, from the Penney stock, that sold up to $1.00, ICm at 25c and V 136 Men's underwear from tho Penney stock at less than 50c on the $1. All the men's colored and plain Balbrlgpan shirts and drawers that sold up to 9 Cm 76c, on sale at fcwG BLACK SPOT-PROOF HABUTIA. A silk both dressy and serviceable war ranted to wear and will not spot QOp with water worth $1.50 on sale 3QU S2-ICH WIDE BLACK SILK SHAN Tl'KG PONGEE. Unequalled for durability sells in CO regular way for $1.25 on sulo QJ" WHITE WASHABLE SILKS Par Silk, Sxtra Fine and Guaranteed. FINFJ WHITE WASH SILK-21 On inches wide worth 60c in this sale. 43 u FINE WHITE WASH SILK-24 OCn Inches wide worth 69c In this sale. 03u FINE WHITE WASH EILK-27 - M Inches wide worth 75c In thia sale. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and We Assure You Satisfaction. CARPETS AND RUGS. 9i at $14.25 ' ' Worth up to $22.50. Lot 2 Finest grade of Axmlnster rugs 9x12, all new culQrs and designs, worth $3i at $21.75. .Lot a Fifty, . made up carpet rugs, all grades of goods, sixes run from 8-3x10-4 to ficial coolness In cheerful accord. In these elaborate days of ' uni versal soda It is Interesting to turn to a sedate and conserva tive old encyclopedia which refuses to rec ognize soda water at all, but refers the reader to "aerated water" and say: "Acidulous or alklline water Impregnated with carbonic acid and extensively used to allay thirst in feverish conditions." Well, yes, perhaps. And further, "Carbonic acid water Is when iced a most refreshing drink in seasickness and in many cases of dis ease." It Is one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peeling with that en cyclopedia. Ko "Soda" In It. It may interest those who gather dally around the solda water fountain to know that there is no soda in any way con nected with tho chemistry of the thing. The water is impregnated with carbonic acid gas. In an article published in 1872 in Harpers it Is said that metal fountains have most altogether been replaced by marble ones, one ot the most elegant and elaborate and Justly proper being the cottage. A few of the kind are to be found In country town at this time. The article further ays that shaved Ice with sweet cream and syrup Is being fancifully named Ice cream Boda. Hot soda was then new. Chocolate and coffee were UHCd with hot chocolate and lemon was most popular with "the ice cold draught." Fruit syrups were usually only a so-called article. According to this writer soda water was first made about 100 years ago, and one Austin Thwaltes of Dublin was the angel In disguise and probably a quite thorough disguise too who discovered the priceless fluid. Where does he lie that we may place a towering monument to him? Only about forty-five years ugo wa much Interest taken in the fluid and. at the Paris exposition of 1867 the first fountain to be seen on the con tinent was exhibited by Americans and as many as 4.000 glasses a day were sold. Harper goes on to describe the progress made and the great amounts expended for fountains: "Unusually pretentious draught stands cost as much aa $2,000, and even larger are described, one in New York city having appliances for drawing thirty two kinds of syrup." John W. Bell was about the first man to enter the soda water business In Omaha and had a drug store on South Tenth street. He wa followed by D. W. Saxe, who captured the whole trade for years. During lists, 1S89 and IKK) his business ac cording to his own statements amounted to (44,950, considerably over half of this be ing profit. Heartfelt Klooneace. He was a young Philadelphia divinity student, and it wa a part of hi training, a it wa of that of the other young men at the same school, to speak extempore on a subject or a text given at short notice. On this particular evening the rector of the church when the time for the address came awked him to ay a few word about Zaccheua. "Brethren," said he, a he stepped to the front, "the story of Zaccheus remind me of myself. Zaccheua wa a little man; o are I. Zaccheua wa bothered by the crowd; so am I. Zaccheu wa up a tree; and so am I." Then h aat down. Philadelphia Ledger. 0) Penney Stock All the men's lisle thread and Mercerized shirts and drawers that sold up to Ffl. $1.50, on sale at 3UC Men's colored laundered shirts, with separ ate cuffs to wear white collars, worth up to $1.50, on sale at 50c Men's night shirts In white and colored, worth up to $1.00, 50C Men's 50c and 75c neckwear In all styles, four-ln-hand, teck and string, OK I on sale at 3G Grand Handkerchief Sale From I he Penny Wholesale Stork. 1st It 1,000 dos. ladles' nnd children's fancy bordered handkerchiefs, fast colors, worth 5c to 10c, all go 11 m each at .. . IC 2d Lot 1,000 doz. ladles' fancy border and plain white handkerchiefs, nA worth 10c and 12Vtc, all go each at WW 3d Lot Over 3,000 do. ladies' and children's tine handkerchiefs, worth lie, C all go at, each 3C 4th Lot This is a snap. Hundreds of doz ens of Indies' and misses 15c, 20c and 23c handkerchiefs, fancy bordered TA and embroidered, all go tit I'M 5th Lot This lot contains all our bordered handkerchiefs In Swiss and pure linen, to sell at 25c to 50c, all go at CA one price lilW FANCY WASH SILK IN WHITE. Polka dot and figured white Wash Silk heavy Brocade, white Wash Taffeta, swell white Wash Silk novelties, worth only V0 " PONGEE SILKS. In both domestic and Imported plain, bro cade, hemstitch and embroidered that sell up to $1.50 In this sale 49 BLACK TAFFETA SALE In Both 27-Inch and 341-Inrh Widths. $0 pieces of the WONDERFUL PRIDE OF THE LOOM black 27-inch Taffeta this cllk Is one of the heaviest 27-lnch QCf. taffetas made worth $1.75 on Hale... a 20-lnch black Prima Donna Pure Dye Dress Taffeta the finest yard wide black taf fetamade to sell for $2.00lii this g 10-xU. At $9.50, $14.75, $17.50 and $19.95. Odd rolls of tapestry carpets enough of each pattern for a room, all' worth from Ko to 80o a yard to close at 49o .a-yard. -. Velvet and Axmlnster carpets, with and without borders, $1.35 values, at 9o yard. fo) TWO TALES BY CRIMINALS Burglar Give. Bis Own Acconnt of a Hew Partner'. Astuteness. WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ARE HELD UP Professional Footpad Say the Only Safe Coarse Is to Ran and Fast When Accosted by Highwayman. A large class of professional criminals who, when an attempt la made to ."sweat" them by the police, will talk freely enough of crimes they have committed in the past, and which it is too late to punish them for, but who absolutely refuse to give up any thing which would in any way connect them with the matter In hand. When taken into the captain' office they become confidential and, as they get better acquainted, reminis cent. To this class belonged a professional burglar who was picked up tn Omaha some time ago. ' He could not be connected with any crime committed in this city, but was held some day until several police depart ments were heard from where It was thought he might be wanted. During a con versation with an officer while he was boarding at the Jail he told the following tory: "I wa laying around Sioux City, keeping out of sight. A crib had been cracked in Des Moines and a I wa the guilty party I thought perhaps there might be inquiries about me. There wa no attempt on my part to do any business in the city where I wa stopping, because I knew the bunch were onto me, and all I wanted for the time being was to be lot alone. During my stay I met a fellow who claimed to betho whole thing. He said he had done burglary, stick up and confidence work, with other little odd Job to fill In between time, and to hear his spiel you would think he was the crack criminal of the century. I had al ways been in the habit of working alone, but the fellow' tale was so plausible that I decided to take a partner In my next enter prise. "Well, we laid around Sioux City for a few day to get better acquainted and kind of let thing quiet down a bit, and one even ing when everything looked peaceful we Jumped a train for Council Bluff. When we arrived In that city at t o'clock In the morning we decided to get busy at once, a cash was low and we needed the money. How the ew Pal Watched. "We picked out a good-looking house on the outskirts of the town and It was de cided that I should do the Inside work and my pal wa to stand guard. A we had but one gun between us, I thought it would be better for my friend to keep It on the outside. I got inside and opened the front door to make my get-away in case anything unforseen turned up. When I got fairly Buttled to business and pre pared to go through everything In sight. I was startled to hear two shots fired on the outside. Of course there wa no waiting on my part and I wa out of the house almuat before the echo of the last shot had died out. . My friend war standing on the walk In front of the house with the smok So Elaydon Bros.' High Grade Dress Goods Dept. Extraordinary sale of late Summer Dress floods. Must mak room for new goods that are arriving daily. Priees rcdurcd one half. Fabrics you have seen for fl.00, J1.50, ?2.00, ?2.r0 re duced in price, for Monday to 39c, G9c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.23. 86-ln. worsted mixed Voiles, the hard glossy finish so much In demand this season. Black, blue, brown, grays and greens all the new and best OO. shades reduced for today to 3f " 50-In. alt wool homespun suiting In Oxford grays, browns, tans and blues. In this cloth you will find an extra heavy suit ing, the right thing for a fall suit or a walking skirt a cloth that has always sold at $1.50, reduced to 89 Mohair Anita one of the new fall styles, a little fancy weave, Just the thing for the person that does not want a plain or , a fancy good, sure to please the well dressed, stylish lady browns, blues, tans, greens and grays reduced I OC from $1.98 per yard to lit. 3 Black dress goods, the makes that Hay den Bros, are sole agents for, are known around the world. Priestley's Courtajld's, Lupin's, Arnold's Read's and all the best from the looms of Europe and America. T1IE GREATEST PUICE SLASHING SALE OP Fine Wash Fabrics COMMENCING MONDAY. 800 pieces of beautiful printed Dresden Dauste. jaconet uuciicsse, Doucie cords, etc. (an- cntlro Jobbers' floor stock, July 15), goods that were wholesaled at 12He to 2?Hc yard; on sale Monday ft at Hayden's, yard , Our entire stock of select styles In batiste, dimity, embroidered Swiss, etc. On sale Monday at Hayden's, iOi-n yard 4,000 yards (our entire stock) of imported printed fabrics, Including tne t rencn Swiss, the German half silk novelties; goods that sold from 60c to 75c yard. On sale Monday at Hayden's, IQc, yard Iw Tour choice of our entire stock of French and Scotch madras, 32 In. wide, especially Ghina Dept. Odds and ends in decorated cups and saucers, plates, dishes, etc. There are din ner, tea and pie plates, fruit dlshe. oat meals, etc. There ore - articles among them worth 7&o to $1 will close Cc out the whole lot at, each Just In, a fine Una ot French china choo. olate pots they are I AO. $3.00 values at '""" 6-plece Crystal net- ' ' IBc at . w TO-u10.1 15 Crrstal sauce dishes Iq each Tun:blers C each White semi-porcelain cupB and In saucers each I 100-piece imported seml-porceluln 4 AC decorated uinner eei --ww ing gun'ln his hand, and there wai a fel low disappearing Into the darkness at about the liveliest rate you ever saw any body go. He had thrown away a lunch box and hla hat to help him In hlB race against time. "I Blzcd up the situation tn about a second and asked my pat what the trouble was. He said: 'Oh, that geezer happened along and I Just took a couple of shots at him to scare him off.' I told him to let me see the gun for a minute. He handed It to me and I turned it on him and said. Let me see how fast you can cut the at mosphere down the street there.' it would have done your heart good to see that fel low go. He did not run away, he Just evaporated into darkness. "I could not run for about a minute for laughing, but when I saw a, bob coming ..nh direction down the street at about ix Jump to the second, and several citizens appear as If tney naa come up out of the ground, I ducked Into the weeds. I Judged from the lunch box thrown away by the man who disturbed my pal that he wa a clerk on his way homo after a night's work at the office. "It is reasonable to suppose that my partner would have stood on the walk in front of that house until ho was sur rounded by the entire population of the town It I had not got out when I did and scared him off. That is only supposition on my part, for I have never een him since to ask him." How to Handle a Footpad. A notorious "stick up" man languished In the city prison several days, some weeks ago and during hi stay, he gave many valuable pointers, to a certain officer on the force with whom he became confidential regarding the hold up business. The conversation turned at one time on the question. "What should a man do when he Is held up?" A this Is a question which has perhaps agitated tho mind of almost every, man at some time In hla life, it may be Interesting to know what the "stick up" man himself think the other party to the episode should do. This particular Individual, who admitted that he had figured In several hunderd hold ups during his term of business, a the man behind the gun, said: "I hav heard many people Bay what they would do under such circumstances, but I have yet to hear the first man give the proper mode of action. Some of them would show fight, some would remain passive, waiting for an opportunity to get the robber, and some would stand for a frisk with no Idea of trying to get the man who was doing the business. They are all wrong. The only thing for a man to do when he i held up Is to run and run fast. No matter If the hold up has a gun stick ing right under your nose, break away and take to your heel. He will not shoot at you. The last thing a man In that profes sion want to do when he I working 1 to attract attention, and there I nothing which will attract attention like a shot fired In the night. Many a man ha secured a long sentence for himself by firing too quickly and any man who understands the business will not take the chances of shoot ing, preferring to look for another victim. "The best advice I can give any man who Is held up Is, don't resist. I never went out with the Intention of kilting a man at any time, but you know tf the man Priestley's London cord, extra weight, for fall and winter wear., and hard twisted mohair fabric that will not muss, wrinkle or show the dirt Priestley's name on the selvage Is a guarantee for color, quality and wear. Nothing will be so popular or as swell for future and traveling wear as xcblllne. Lupin has a world-wide reputation on fine silk finish goods. We are showing seblllnes that have a finish that won't come oft and look like velvet. To opem the season we will sell you a Q Cfl $3.9 quality Monday for CtUM 42-ln. Crenm Mohair, "So quality, for ...50c ..75c 4-ln. Cream Sicilian, $1.25 qjallty, for 48-in. Cream Mohair Mixed Crash, the swell fabric for coat and waists, nrn reduced from $1.25 to UU 52-ln. Cream Basket Weave Oxfords and Flnetta, $2.00 quality for , .1.25 selected for shirting nnd waist wear; the best rooiIh. On sale Monday in at Huyden's. yard 0C Black and white check silk lustre suiting checks.. On sale Monday at C Hayden's, yard 13 Mercerised linen etamlne (pure linen), beautiful finish, SI Inches wide, colors green, tan, pink and light cadet; the regulnr 00c quality. On sale 9K Monday at Hayden's, yard t3 60 special French robes in gunze and grena dine effects (these aro all special dress . lengths of 12 yards, no duplicates); regu lar price (S.75 and $S.7i. On sale at Hayden's Monday at, 4 A3 each Ci9U See Sixteenth street windows for special Information on the beat there la made tor shirt waist suits. Optical Dept. Don't Suffer rem Foor Vision. Let us fit your eyes with good glasses at our unusually LOW TRICES. Qold filled frames, 10 year guarantee worth J3.00-I1.6U. Fine grade spectacles or eyeglasses from Sc. tn front ot you was trying to draw a gun what would you do? The stick up man can't run, 'he has to shoot or get shot, when the other man resists, and as a con sequence he will shoot or get shot, first and aa he usually has his gun in his hand he hus the better end of the bargain." mOMIMJXT PEOPLE. Testify to the KlUcncy of the Kew Scientific Dandruff Treatment. A. E. Lanier, Denver, Buys: "Herptcld has made my hair grow rapidly." Mrs. A. Ouerln, Great FnllB, Mont, Bays: "I find Herplclde an excellent dandruff cure." H. Greenland, Portland, Ore., fays: "Newbro'a Herpicido stopped by hair's fall ing out." J. D. Israel, Norton, Wash., says: "Herplclde has completely cured my dan druff." Charles Brown, president First National bank, Vancouver, Wash., says: "Herplcid I noted for Keeping the scalp cpun. Insist upon the genuine. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit, Mich. 8'ier man & McConnell Drug Co., special agent. prattle: of this vot sosTEns. Anne, a southern beauty of 4 years, had a decided aversion to her morning bath. One evening her nurse was telling her of God's goodness and His willingness to wash away her sins, when she suddenly set up a lusty howl, exclaiming: 'Oh, don't let Him wash them away! Don't let Him wash them! Tell Him to pick them off!" Her mother reproved little Catherine, 2 years old, saying: "Catherine, Mr. K. ' will be down after you hot-footed If you make so much noise." Mr. K. live on the second floor. Cather ine met her later In the day and Bald: "Mr. K, have you got fire on your toe?" The luxury of grief Is Indulged In by all ages, but It Is doubtful If It Is ever again bo much enjoyed a In childhood. A little girl of most angello disposition ha Just given the whole thing away. She had fal len on a brick walk and bumped her chin. To her next door neighbor, who inquired from the window some time afterward if she had hurt herself badly, the sufferer re. plied with a quivering Up: "Oh, yes; I ought to be. In the house crying now!" Ted, aged 4 years, whose home wa on the wide prairie, wa visiting his aunt in the Oreat Smoky mountains. Never having walked before on rocky mountain roads he had many falls. After on of these tum bles he Inquired: '""Auntie, what doe make o many atone here?" To which she replied: "God put the tone here, Teddy." "Well," he responded, earnestly, after a little thought. "I'm very glad he didn't put so many stone in Illinois." To New York V la laara Fall. A most attractive and pleasant trip if made via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Solid Vestibule Trains. Dining car service a la carte. Stopover allowed at Niagara Falls.