Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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Plaj a Good Goad rieldiog Game, bat JTot
Eiti Enmrh to Win.
Roirkc Gives It ont that Thornton
Will Jala HIM at Mllwnakee
l Dccayy tae 8ltlen
a toe First aek.
J CWJUA, All., 4Uiy 1. lOyVUl.! CICI
1 heorra made It three straight from uiwiu
by winning a closely contested itinf this
arteruuon. Bandera and KTlend were op
posing pitchers and while the greater num
ber of hits were made off the former, yet
he had the heavy hitters tor the local team
guessing at all times. The Omahas, too,
ahowed vat Improvement in their fielding
and Bandera cannot complain of his sup
port. The hit made off the St. Louis boy,
fortunately fur the Distillers, were well
bunched. The bunching was made in the
fourth and sixth Innings, and It was only
by the beat of fielding that even more runs
were not made. In the fourth aggregating
a total of four hlta, one of which was good
for three bases, amounting to but two runa.
With the basea full Qondlng's certain work
came Into play and two possible outs were
made at the plate. On each occasion the
ball was thrown from infield, which ahowed
Uiat the beat of team wars waa being ex
ecuted. Id the alxth a three-bagger and a
single amounted to a run, but a fly to center
and a single came to naught, for a long
throw from Captain Oenlna to home put a
termtnua to the Inning.
Owing to Friend a lack In Keeping hla hits
scattered the visitors scored only In the
seventh. Shugart lead off with a two-bagger
and files to center were sufficient to
advance htm home. In the eighth, after two
were out. Carter got a walk and he went
ta third on Oenlna' single, but another
single was not forthcoming for the beat
Miller could do was an easy one to Stewart.
In the ninth the visitors looked dangerous,
for Bhugart lead off with a pood single. In
a former Inning tyelch and Thomas landed
nicely and for that reason the fane were
nervous. Welch, however, fanned and
Thomas flew out to left, Htrkey hit to ahort
and Holly simply touched second base,
catching Bhugart en the force.
V Merrill, a catcher from St. Louis, Joined
the Rourke tribe today. He worked In the
practice and looked good In field work. This
apparently meana that Thomas will be re
tained at short, for Rourke says that
W Thornton will Join the team at Milwaukee.
Tibald, Peoria's old third baseman, has
been releaaed to Colorado Springe. The
AB. R.
IB. PO. A. E.
Thlel. If 4 I
110 0
Preston, cf 4 2
Letotte, lb 4 0
Wilson, c , I 0
Btewsrt. 2b 4 0
Hartzell, Sb J 0
Holly, aa I 0
Heealer, rf t 0
Friend, p I 0
27 14
AB. R.
IB. PO. A. E.
Carter, rf
Oenlna, ef
Miller. If
Shugart, 2b
Welch, lb
Thomaa, ss
Hlckey, 3b
Oondlng, c
,6andera, p
18 10
Totals 83 1 7 24
Peoria '.. 0 0 0 8 0 1 0
Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
" Earned runs: Peoria. 8; Omaha. 1.
12 8
baae hit: Shugart. Three-base hlta: .Le
sotte, Preston. Sacrifice hit: Wilson.
Jsaaea on balls: Friend, 1. Struck out: By
friend, t; by Sandera, 8. Double play:
Friend to Lesotte. Time: 1:20, Umpire:
Mllwaakee Wins la leveath.
MILWAUKEE. July 81.-Vollendorf shut
out Des Moines until the last Inning to
day, while Milwnukee batted out a vic
tory In the seventh. Attendance, 825. Score:
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 6 o
Des Moines ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 7 2
I Batteries: Milwaukee. Vollendorf and
'Lucia; Des Moines, Barry and Marshall.
Kiwi Take Last One.
KANSAS CITY, July 31-Kansas City
took the final game of the series from
Denver today by sharp fielding. Both Eyler
and Cable pitched well. Attendance, H0.
Soore: R H E
Kanaaa City ...0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2' 4 6
Denver 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 I 1
Batteries: Kansas City, Cable and Mes
sitt; Denver, Eyler and Bchlel.
Poelpoaad Games.
At St. Joseph St. Joseph-Colorado
Springs gams postponed, rain.
kiandlus of te
Tea bbs.
Won. Lost. P C.
61 & .638
48 80 .615
41 i Mi
38 .bo
3 48 .4t
87 48 . 463
36 45 . 444
31 49 .3218
Colorado Springs.... ou
I Milwaukee 7s
Kansas City 80
tl. Josepu 77
Peoria fcl
Denver $D
Dea Moinea 81
Omaha to
Oamea today: Omaha at Milwaukee, Dea
MoinvB at Peoria, Denver at St. Joseph,
Colorado SpriugB at Kansas City.
Ragged Fleldlac Lets Pirates
GItIbk Victory Over
ST. LOUIS, July 81 Ragged fielding by
Brain and McFarland gave today'a game to
plttabuig by 8 to 6. Umpire O'Day put
Pitcher Kennedv of Plttaburg off the field
for hack talk. Two pretty running catches
by Bmoot and Farreira one-hand catch of
Branafleld'a liner In the aeventh, were tha
Meldlnc featurea of the gam. Attendance,
1.SO0. Score: '
R U O A E.
Eaaamont, cf 1
Ill rarrell, Ik. .11811
111 I'boooran. rf. I 1 I I I
111 I Srouut. cf.,., 1 1 I a I
111 0 Praln. sa.... 1 1 I 4
111 V Harclar. if.. 1 I 1 I
llt Hurae. lb... I f 1
111 H.ikelU lb. 0 I 11 I 0
II l U'Nell, c... I I I I I
1 I 4 I'Mrrarri. p. I 4 1 1
III I lLiuuleavy .. I 1 I I a
111 III
Bbrlu(. rt.. I
Wagner, aa. . I
Brawat'ld. Ik I
Leark. lb ... I
IHrM. lb . 1
krueeejr. If. , I
Bmiik. a I
yaikenk's. a I
Weaver, c. .. I
raiillppl, p. I
1 Totals ..Ilia 1
Totals .. I I IT II 1
t Batted for McFarland in ntrlth Inning.
rlttaburg 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 8
t. Lou la 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 0-8
Earned runa: BL Louis, 4. Two-baae hit:
Burke. Thrre-bnae hits: Phllllppl. Wugiier
tWcrtnce hit: Kitchry. Innings pitched: Br
Kulkeiiburg. 8: by phllll;.pl 1. Stolen bases:
Wagner. liurkeS). Sti.rirg. O .Nell. Hit
by plUrhed ball: By McFarland, Sebrlng
Baaea on balls: Oft McFarland. !; off Fa",
kenburg. 4. 6:rutk out: By McFarland 3'
by Falkenburg. 4. L-ft on buses: Pltts
burc. 7; Su Louis. 7. Tims: 2:u. Umpire:
Pallllea Defeat Brooklyn.
PHILADELPHIA. July Sl.-Brooklyn waa
defeated by Pblladelphis today, principally
through Duggleby. s fine pitching. Loth
teams played a splendid fleiaing same. At
tendance, 1.118. Score:
U U O A E.
Tkomaa ef.. 1 1 1 I
CImui. lb.. Sill
wi t'a, la. 1 I 1 1
Kaieter, rf.. I I I I
fcarrr. H I I I I
Imualaee. lk I I 11 S
huiavlll. ss, I I I I
Lmoin. a 4 I I I
1S1S7, B. I I I 8
I Strang. Ik.
114 1
I Sbockard. II.
I liubba. rf....
I Dof le. Ik . . .
1 8 I I
MIh. ss.
a M.iTeerjr. H I 1 I I
none. IU. ... I 1 l
Ja.alltack. a I 1 I 1 I
Retail, a a I a i a
- Total! .. I aal II ul Totals . . 1 14 I I
xMcCreery out for leaving third bass Le
foie ouinrld fly was raucht.
Pnlladelphla, 80101 1
Brooklyn I M M 0 0 N
Earned mna: 'Philadelphia, 2. Two-base
pita: I'ojria lii. iveisier. Baennr bit
Dovle. IniolcD base: Keistar. Ioii1.:a
the Sard to Jnt alttsch. Flood le Doyle Left
on bears: Philadelphia. 4; Brooklyn 8
Pint bea on balls: Off Dugalet.v, f. nit
by pitched ball: By Reidy, 1; by Duggleby
I Struck out: By Reidy, 2; by Dusieby
t Wild pitch: Ouggieby. Time: li;. Um
pire: jttppatoo. ....
Kledkea Kasy lor Claelaauitl,
CINCINNATI. Jul 8L-LundfTa proved
an easy proposition for Cincinnati today.
He returned aftr the fifth Inning Wicker
did better. Kwlng was not hit until the
game was safe. Attendance. tfiO. Score:
n H OA a I a u a
111 I .MatM. It..-.
I ewilliamn, ss. 1
VrTMir, ef
S 11
I .
I 1
1 1
I t
1 I
Doina. if....
hlT. lb.,
femf t.
Kelie, Sb...
( orroran, sa,
till" hint. Ik.. 1
I 1 II I 1 JmM. cf....
lift ra. lb.... 1
1 I I I 0 Harler. rt...
.till K!.n. t
. 1 I I Haab. r
.lift Tinker, Ik...
l.vnfttrvu, p.
.1 II 11 10 Wicker, ... t
Swing, b.
ToUU .. I 11 M 11
Cincinnati ! 0 11100 10
Chicago 0 9 0 1 I 04
Earned rune: Cincinnati, 7; Chicago, t
Two-base rite: SteinfHdt, Berkley, Kelley.
Donlln, lolan, Raub, Evera. Left on baaes:
Cincinnati, I; Chicago. 7. Stolen baaes:
Ionian. Evera (2i. Sacrifice hit: Seymour.
Louhle plays: Pelts to Beckley, Evers lun
ssslsterti. Klret base on belle: Oft Lund
gren, I: off Wickers, I: off Ewlng, 1. Struck
out: By Lunrtgren. 1; by Wickers, 1; by
Lwlng, Wild pltchea: Lundgren 110,
Ewlng. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Moran.
Williams Dewas Olaata.
BOSTON. July 81. Williams. Boston's new
pitcher, held New York down to three
hits tocisy and the home team won, 4 to 1.
Both pitchera were wild and Mathewson's
shortcomings :n this respect were costly.
Attendance, 2,(MS. Score:
K.H.O A I ' It H O A X.
Cooler. If... 4 I IBrowae, if.. I
Tenner. Ik.. 110 k Hreaa' h'a, of
Biamee, cf..l 111 1 Mcoaan. lb.
earner. If.. Ill I. Henee, It t
Moran. c I 1 t Uabb, M
Ab'ilrhlo, lb 1 I I llunn lb irr. lb 1 1 I 1 Ullhert, Ik..
Aubrey, aa . I I I 1 bowenneft, C I
Williams, p. 1 I
l Math eon.
Total! ..4 17 11 II Total! .1 114 11 I
Boston 0IO1000 4
New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Earned run: New York. Two-baae hlta:
Tenney, Mertes. Stolen bases; tireminB'r,
Aubrey, Moran, Babb. Louble plays:
Aubrey to Abbattlochlo to Tenney (2),
Crrmlnr to Ahhatticchlo to Tenney.
Stanley to Moran. Dunn (unassisted). First
base on balls: Off Mathewson, 4; off Wil
liams, 4 Hit by pitched ball: By Mathew
aon, Tenney, Stanley; by Williams Bres
nahan, Gilbert. 6trutk nut: By Williams,
4; by Mathewson, . Paused ball: Bowor
man. Wild pitch: Wllllama. Time: 1:40.
Umpire: Emalle.
landing of the Teama.
Played. Won. Lost. P C.
Pittsburg 87 B H ,rs
Chicago tl 84 88 .87
New York M 48 3 .bTl
Cincinnati Wl 46 43 .817
Brooklyn W 41 i .4.H
Boston 82 84
St. Lrmls 83 W .871
Philadelphia M 2 87 .331
Guinea today:, New' Tork at Boston;
Brooklyn at Philadelphia: Pittsburg at St.
Louis: Chicago at Cincinnati.
Sew York Takes First From Chasa
ploaa, Baachlag Hits OS
NEW YORK, July 81. The home team
took the first of the series from Philadel
phia today. Hits off Bender, while not
numerous, were well bunched, ' and that
beat him. Griffith was at his best and the
champions found him a difficult propo
sition at all times. Attendance, 2.000. Score:
R.U.O.A.B I B.H.U.A.K.
Onrar. lb.. 0 1 0 1 B PlcTlnf. rf 9 1 4 0
Klr. rf.... 0 111 luBOrack, lb... I 10 I I
Eltxrfeld. Hi 1 I I lit Croaa, lb. 0 1 1 1 I)
Wllllama, lb I 1 I 4 v SayboK. if.. I I I I 0
McParl d, cf. I 1 I 0 VHoSmao. K. 1 1 J I I
Ii.vla, If 1 111 llMurphr, lb . 0 1181
Oanl, lk... I 1 12 0 I M. Croat, as. I 1 111
tl.Tllla. 0.... 0 111 Powers, C....I 1 I C 0
Orlffltb, ... I 111 Baadar, ... I I I I 1
ToUla ..I 10 17 10 l Total .-I lit 8 I
New York 0 t 0 0 0 1 0 0 -8
Philadelphia 00000010 01
Earned runs: New York, 1; Philadelphia,
1. Two-base hits: McFarland, Powers.
Sacrifice hits: Elberfeld. McFarland, Davis,
Uansel. Stolen base: Griffith. Left on
bases: New York, 10; Philadelphia. 4. First
base on errors: Isew York, l; .pniiaaeipma.
2. Double play: Wllllama to Elberfeld to
Ganxel. Struck out: By Griffith, 3: by
Bender, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Grif
fith. 1: by Bender, 1. . Time: 1:40. Um
pire: HassetU
Darkaeaa Eae Bard Fight.
WASHINGTON. July 81 After strug
gling for eleven Innings today's game waa
called on account of darkness with the
score 4 to 4. Boston had the better of the
hitting and profited by Washington's er
rors, but had eight men left on baaes. At
tendance, l,4o9. Score:
R.ll.O.A.K. R.H.O.A.E.
Moran, aa...
ftyao, cf....
Clarke, lb..
Setback, If.
Lee. rf
lilt I'Doucb'ty. If. 1 I I I
1 I 11
0 OiColilna. lb. ..Ill II
1 0 C. Sutkl, ef. 0 1 I 0 I
I u'FrMman, rf. I 1 I I
I clParant. a. . 1 I I I I
I lILaChacc. lk 1 I It I I
I llr'trrla. lb. ... I I I 4
1 iK Tiger, c... 1 1 T 1 I
1 ijDInean, J... 0 I I I 0
1 I I
C'oufhlln, lb I 0 I
Mccor'k. Ik. Ill
Klttredfe, 0. I I 10
I'euen, I I I
Totals ..4 7 II II II Total! .. 4 It U 11 0
Washington ... 8010001000 04
Beaton 0101011000 04
Earned runa: Washington, 8; Boston. 2.
Two-baae hlta: Clarke, LaChance. Three
base hit: Criger. Home runa: LaChance,
Ryan. Stolen basea: Moran, Doherty,
Siahl. Parent. Double piayi: Collins to
Ferris to LaChance, Ferris to LaChanca.
Basea on balls: Off Patten, 1 off Dineen,
2. Struck out: By rat'en, w; tjv pineen
7. Left on cases: w asmngton, i
t haul- Wflahlnartnn 2: Ftnatnn
Tims: 1:E Umnlre: Sheridan.
Take Kin la mm laminar.
DETROIT, July 81. Thirteen St Louis
and an eiror gave them nine runa and the
game. 11 was tbe naracat Hitting or tlie
season here. The locals hit young Terry,
but couia not uuncn me eaie ones. At
tendance, 2.408. Score:
K.H O. A E l R.U.O 1.1.
Barkett. If . . 1 1-4 V Barrett, ef . . I I I I I
Mania, rf... 18 11 siLuab. If I 1 I I a
Friel. lb I I I I dii rawlerd. rf. 1 I I I a
Anderson, lb 1 I 11 I tM-arr. lb I I I I 1
Wallace, aa.. 114 1 OatcAI'e'r, all I I I
Hamj.blll, ef I 1 I I McOulre, e. . 8 I I 1
Kaho. t... 13 11 1 Teeter, lb.. 1 1 I I 1
Hill, lb 111 ISniltb. lb.... 1 1 v
Tarry, p 1 I Klaalnter, . I 1 I ! t
ToUla ..11117 17 J Totala .. I II 17 II I
Bt Louis 0010010.0 0-10
Detroit 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 08
Earned runs: Detroit, 1 : St. Louis, 4. Two-
base hlta: McGulrs CI, Friel. Carr. Three-
base hits: Burkelt, Anderson, Kahoe, Bar
rett. Sacrifice hits: Lush, Hill. Stolen
bases: Hemphill, Kissinger. Basea on
balls: Off Kissinger, 4: off Terry, 2. Lett
on bases: Detroit. 18; Bt, Louis, 7. Struck
out: By Kissinger, j by Terry, 1. Double
plays: Anderson to Kahoe, Yeaer to Mi
Guire, Hill to Anderson to Wallace. Time:
2:ua. Umpire: Connolly.
rievrlanda Down White to a.
CHICAGO. July 31 The locala got but
one bit oft Joss alter tne aecond Inning.
Flaherty pitched equally effective until the
twelfth, when the visitors pounded him
safely four times and scored three runa
after two men had been retired. Attend
ance, 1030. Score:
u a o 1.1.1 mi o.i i.
Holmes. If . 1 I I 1 Bar. cf 1 1 1 I I
Nurll. lb.... I I 14 1 I bemla, lb... 1 111 M
Ju,.a. tf.... I I Lajote, Sb... I 1 I
Green, rt ... 1 1 Hlikmaa. lb I I I I I
Callahan, lit. 1 111 Mrt'enky, If I I I I I
Masuoa. Ib .S III t f lick, rl I 1 11
Ti.ui.nill. as 1 1 1 4 I Cocha'er. as. I 1 4 I I
ktr'an'. e. I I I a AbtaiU. a.... 4 I 1 .. e 1 I Joes, 1 Ilia
xslatury ...lllll
Totals . . I 10 14 SO (
Totals ..8 4 H II I
xBatted for Flaherty in twelfth.
Cleveland ....0 1000000100 88
Chicago 0 20000000 0-3
Left on baaea: Cleveland, T; Chicago, 7.
Two-baae hit: Flick. Bacrtrtce hits:
Holmes. labell, Hickman. 6tolen baaea:
Jones. Callahan. McCarthy, Green. Double
plays: Tannehiil to Megoon to labell (2).
Struck out: By Flaherty, 4. Baaea on
balls: Off Joaa, 2. Time; 1 46. Umpire:
O Laughlln.
tandlns; of Ike Teams.
PInyed. Won. Lost. PC.
Roatnn a 86 80 .647
Philadelphia 7 82 88 .ta.
Cleveland 84 . 46 3D .Si
iH-trult 81 41 4 .b4
New York 80 4) .fcO
Chicago M 87 45 .4ot
8u Louis 81 3 45 .444
V aar.lngton 4 87- 67 .321
Games today: St Louis at Detroit. Cleve
lind at t tiles go Boston at Washington,
Philadelphia at New York.
Mllwnokoo Takes One, Tfcoock ln
atro Fares Hostile Crowd wtlk
Poliee Protecting; Hlaa.
IKDIAKAPOLIS. July n.-Tmplrs Fore-
man's declaim:. tsl&y wars ut-iUfictiii r
to the crowd and the police had to protect
Mm st the close of the gam. Attendance,
Ml Score:
rhaT. It. I I I I t rWrlrT. If 1 I 1
tvnnahtw. It I I I I lofira. It 1 I
Wnnd. e I 1 OouttaT. of.. (17 11
t nflauk, Ik. 1 111 I Klbm. Ik. .. I I 11
Hrmpklll. tl I 111 IrHeTrlna. e...l 1111
I'uM-arj, II I I I I TamaKt, Ik. I I 1 I
Car, If t. rt... I I 1 I I Maman, Sa.. 1 I I I 1
Vioi. aa I I I I Fni. lb I I 1 1 1
aWrrolth, p. I I 1 t , Wllllama. f. I I I 4 I
IWooSraf, e. I I
Totals .. 4 II 17 14 "
I Totals .. I U 17 11 I
Milwaukee tei0100-4
Indianapolis OOOIliO 0-8
First baae on halls: Off Williams, z; oft
Meredith. 2. Struck out: By Williams. I;
by Meredith,. Two-baae hit: Klhm. Three
baee hit: Donahue. Sacrifice hit: Wil
liams. Double plnye; Vlos to Schlafly,
Vlox to Donshus (2i. Stolen base: Tarn
sett. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Foreman.
Lealsrllle Has Easy Tlaae.
LOUISVILLE, July 81 Loulsvllls out
plsyed Kanaaa City today and won the
first game of the aeries. Eatran had the
visitors shut out till the last Inning, when
two hits, coupled with two errors, by
Quintan, allowed them to score. A catch
by Rothfuas was a feature. Attendance,
1,000. Score:
R H o A.S.I n an a
Karwta. rf.. 1
I Kothreaa, el. I
t ;
1 1
Hart, II 1
Braabwr. 2k 1
Oewell. ef .. I
Ivilllraa, Ik. I
Srhriavar, c. I
Whlt. Ik... I
Qninlaa, aa.. 4
Eacaa, .... I
I or, rr
Haana, Ik... I
Grady. Ik.... I
0 Butlar, ... 1
1 Knoll, If ... I
0 Lecwa. a. .. I
1 McAnl'a lb. I
liGlbaon. I
I ... I
I I 87 II 41
Totals ..1 V II I
Louisville 1 I 0 0 0 8 0 0 01
Kansas City 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 11
Earned run: Louisville. Two-base lilts:
Sullivan. White. Sacrifice hit: Schrlever.
Stolen bases: Kerwin. Hart, Brashrar.
First base on balls: oft Eagan, 1; off Olb
aon, 2. Struck out: By Eigsn, 4; by Glb
nn, . Double play: Knoll .to Orady.
Wild pitch: Gibson. Left on bases: Louis
ville. 8: Kansas City, 7. Time: 8:00. Um
pire: Mullane.
Colnnbsi Defeats Oles.
COLUMBUS, July 81 CoUmbus defeated
Minneapolis today by timely batting. The
locals also played a fast fielding game.
Attendance, 1,2.4. Score:
R.H.O.A.E.1 R.H.O.A.E.
Morrlaaer. 11 I I 1 I SulllTaa, ef. I I 1 II
I'llnjrman, aa 1
Arndt, rf . ... I
Kaymfcr, lb.. 1
baneon, of. . I
Mrllor, lb... I
Wacnrr, lb-. I
ltoah, e 1
atcilakln, . I
1 epooner. 10. . 1
Uilr. It.
1 Bmith, rf....
4 Uriel, aa....
liMcIntm. lb.
clMartln, lb...
(jYeafer. a....
I 1
(IStlmaiel, a..
- - U wllllama
I 0
.. 7 14 8T 11 1
I II 14 I I
" x Batted for Btlmrael in ninth.
Columbua ....2 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 7
Minneapolis 00000111 t-
Earned runs: Columbus, 4; Minneapolis,
4. Stolen la sea: Morrisaey, Arndt, Bay, Spooner. Martin. l'wo-base hlta:
Reach, Wagner, Yeager, Mclntyre, Lally.
Three-base hit: Mornssey. Double plays:
Clingman to Raymer to Mellor, Cllngman
ta Mtllor. Struck out; By McMskln, ;
b." Stlmmel, 4. Basea on ball: Off Mc
11 akin, 2; off Stlmmel, 1. Time: 1:50. Um
pire: Mesemer.
St. Paal Takes Brllllaat Oat,
TOLEDO, July 31 St. Paul won a bril
liant game from Toledo today. Stewarts
pitching tor St. Paul and uwens' fielding
tor Toledo were features. Attendance,
1.000. Bcote:
R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O A E.
Oaler. lb.... III! l'Smlta. rt.... I I I I I
ShaODon, cf. 1 1 I
Oweaa, sa. .. I
1 I
Jaikaoa. rf.. I I I
aVbaefar. aa. 1 8 I
huagiua, Sb. I I I
r'lournor. If. I I 8
Wheeler, lb. I I 10
gulllran, ... I I 7
Stewart, p. .. I I I
Flaoacaa, If. I
Turner, lk... I
Bernard, ef. . I
Ketellnc. of. I
Klelnow, e.. 1
Schaub, Ik.. I
."hllda, lb... I
Jerman, y... I
aCnat&ll ... I
4 11 V 11
ToUla ..1 4 17 U 8
x Batted for German In the ninth.
St. Paul 001100080-
Toledo 00000000 11
Earned runs: Toledo, 1; St. Paul, i.
Two-baae hits: Klelnow, Geler, Jackaon
(2). Stolen baaes: Smith, Turner, Klelnow.
Sacrifice hlta. Chliaa, Jackson. Double
plays: Owens to Chllds to Turner, Schaub
to Owens to Turner a). Owens to Schaub.
Left on bases: Toledo, 7; Bt, Paul. 4.
Struck out: By Stewart, 8- Basea on
balls: Off German, 2: off Stewart, 4. Hit
by pitched ball: Chllds. Time: 1:38. Um
pire: Cunningham. ; . ,
- gtaadlas; of the Teaaae.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Bt. Paul
Milwaukee ....
Indianapolis .
Kansas City...
Minneapolis ...
... 84
... as
... Hi
... 81
... 88
Games today
Kansas City at Louisville:
Milwaukee at Indianapolis; St. Paul at To
ledo; Minneapolis at Columbus.
Dleta-Creaeeat Hatch Gaaaa.
Saturday afternoon the C. N. Diets and
the Crescent base ball teams will meet at
Vinton street park for a purse of 3100.
There Is considerable rivalry between the
two teams, they having met tor the last
five year and the Crescents winning each
time, 'ibis year the Dletzs have a clean
record and have beaten such teams as the
ldeala, which leada the Tri-Clty , league
pennant race. The lineup:
C. N. Diet. Poaltlona.
Anderson Second base.
.... Lynch
... Adams
I T-Afttrrtv Ce
center neia..
Harrison First base
I Koran
.. .Shortatop..
, Kelly
Right field..
j,nWri. Third bass
' f .:'," 7
Knight Pitcher...
Neatitrbush Pitcher...
Game called at 3:80 p. m.
Scorer Beats I'naplrc.
WEBSTER CITY, la., July 31. (Spscinl
Telegram. Webster City took the third
straight game from Green this afternoon
on the letter's home grounds, 20 to 14. Tlie
county officials played a game In thia city
this afternoon against the attorneys. Tb
county officials won, 18 to 3. J. R. White
umplied the game and was loyal to the
attornevs, but County Superintendent Ger
ber keft the score. It waa a cinch that
the officials would win. Ths cor':RHE
Officials 0201818 14 4
Attorneys 1OO03OOO0-38U
Battertes: Officials, PC. Chase, R. Mc
Ferrln and F. J. Lund; Oftlclala, Deputy
Sheriff 6utton and Ieputy Clerk Ross.
Chas sprained an ankle in ths eighth.
Teasgiteri Beat Old Timers.
8CHITLER, Neb., July 81 (Spselal
The "old timers" and ths present active
base ball players met under the auspices
of the Dorcas society here yesterday and
the former were dereatea, 11 to a. Tne
"old timers" loat the same In the first two
Innlnre through putting in Bchuyler'e sec
ond nine pitcher, Perek, who waa batted
at win.
Games' la T ta r ee-1 loagrao.
At Decatur Decs tur, 1: Rock Island. 8.
At Blooming-ton Springfield. 6: Bloominr-
ton. 87
At Davenport Davenport, 10; Cedar
Rapids 1.
At Rockford First gams: Rock ford. 8:
Dubuque, t. Second game: Dubuque, 14;
Rockford, 0.
Intrretato Trap Shoot las; Tonrnament
Sens Vlroarsla Team Tako
Ckroalelo Tropky,
LA CROSSE, Wis., July 81. Ths second
day of the Interstate trap shooting tourna
ment opened cloudy, with a light wind
blowing, and like yeerrly It waa an Ideal
day tnr ehvttlnr The Vlroqua team won
the Chronicle allver trophy, with a total
of T1 rlrda out of 82S. Toroah was second
with 4o.
In the professional contests the following
prtse wlnnlns- sores wer made eut of a
iwwelble lfi8: H. Waters. Bost'.n. 1&: T. V.
Rlehi. Alirn. 111. 158: H. O Hlreohy. Mln
r.rK.H. 1S; C W Budd. Dee Molaeei. l:
Vax Hensler. Bt,tle Creek, Mlcb... 14: J.
M. Palmyra. 148; S. Lord, Chi
cago, 14a. A
Atlantic bats Ont Creston.
ATLANTIC Is.. Julv 81 (Special Tels
aramv tl''le a new Southwestern leavue
took Creetofi Into ramp todar In ths
best ran-e from a Wal 'tandnoiet of the
ann the s'e be4nsT 10 o Ttie bet
rte were ""lnr aH M"Dn'MiTi far
Atlet1e end W "1. T-w-"-ti4 aed Orf't
Catna. A'thenrh M it the foinh
errrelgM arame fnr v 1 harterv Nth
-e weee nrl"" WH, Oeatnn'a r-
rlteer. lw h4 "t t-rt a anie this
"anq f(r - e I1 r- fta Int.
W Afteeiele). 13; A---o. f S'T-k Ag:
Pill" r W T. Plr- bee
Vsll: 0 W-rd, I. Rt-ai-s: Atlantic. :
O-wtnri. a. Tbe sain teams play again
Loa Dillon Come Within in Aoa of Betting
Hew Trotting Record.
Covera Mile la SiOllS-4, Oaly Half
eeoad Longer Than ( k a ra
il test's Best Ttnae for
CLEVELAND, July 31. la spite ef a
heavy breece blowing down the horns
stretch, Lou Dillon, owned by C. K. U.
Billings of Chicago and driven by Millard
Sanders, succeeded in breaking her record
this afternoon at the Gienvllle track. That
she did not break the world's record for
trotters, I:u2y. held by Cresceus, for 3-lear-olda,
was dus entirely to the w.nd,
aa she went to the three-quarter pols In
1:314. But for tbe wind she would have
made the last quarter in 80 seconds, As
it was It took her one second longer, the
time for her mil being beating her
own previous time by three-tiuarters of a
aecond and beating The Abbott's time half
a aecond.
A crowd of about 7,000 persona witnessed
the exhibition and enthusiastically cheered
the beautliul little mars and her clever
Dan Patch Also Fast.
Dan Fateh, the pacing champion, also
ran a fast mile. Announced to go a
"warming" mile In about 2: OS, he was
driven by Myron Mt Henry In 2:u2ft, pacing
the last half In l:mi. Results:
2:27 trot, purse Ji.iXKj:
Kobiniola, b. m., by nobln (Sanders). ..1
Juuge Greene, u. a. tnaiKei; i
jving Bimmjiis. bla. h. (ouihi
Bennle Itussen, b. h. (xvei..) a
Crown piiiicraa, ch. m. itveuney; a
Llienwood, UUt. m. (Ueera a
lime: i.u, i.u.
i.U trot, puree 31.800:
Juoge Culien, bit. g., by Raven
VVlikes (Cares) 1 4 1
Jim Ferry, g. g. (trank) 1 j
Belle KuBtr, b. m. tnudsun) 2 1 t
1 ug, g. g. (Marrtiie.uj 4 3 4
Crtscent, g. g. (Cunitt a a 8
Lady conaiamine, bik. in. (Kenncy). ur
ilme: X:lt, l:uV :luH-
2:i trot, puree i,0uu:
George Mj.ooviie, b. h.. by Mua-
covite (Uona) 1 1
Norrle, b. g. (Bnanici t b
Jo maker, b. h. (Mc.oyj 7 I
Ben iidll, b. g. (lurner 4
Walter omith, b. g. ttiatnouaer) t y
The Wuestor, b. g. lUceinj 4
Mattle ttmelti, ch. 111. (Jamibun).... a 8
Miss Fearing, b. m. tD.iv.ei b 1
Dick M., b. g. (tdtcDonaiU) b t
Alfred Star, br. n. (Baingiove) 11 lj
Vlometa, ch. h. (.Raibo.u; 10 uis
'lime: 3.1uH. 2:11.
2:07 pace, purse 81.000:
Winfitriu utratton, cn. h., by Earaway
(McGulre) 1 1
Captain Sphllx, b. g. (Hopkina) 2 2
Charley Hayt, b. h. (ciio; 3 4
Birdlna, b. m. (Da via) 4 3
Time: 2:01, M.
i.U pace, puise, 3i,0M:
Ebony King, bin. g., by Atlantic
King (Uogash) 1 1
Trilby Direct, blk. m. (Walker) 2 4
Al. Bock, blk. h. (Bush; 4 2
Joe G rat tan, ch. g. (McHenry) 3 8
Margaret Warner, 1). m. (Murphy). ...8 6
Cleopatra, b. m. (McEwen) 8 dr
Time: 2:1U4, 2:11.
Special exhloliion pacing:
Dan Patch, br.- s., by Joe Patchen. Tims
by quarters: :H, 1:04, 1:3. 2:u2V.
Special to beat 2;03H trotting:
Lou Dillon, ch. m., by Sidney Dillon
(Banaersi. lime py quarters: :m, l:uOTk,
1:31,, 2:u24.
Special to beat 2:14 trotting:
Bugle, b. m., by Athol, owned by Hugh
K. urant, New York (McCoy), 'lime:
lasts! Meeting; Ends.
SAUQUS. Mass., July Sl.-The two weeks'
race meeting at Old, Saugus track closed
today. Driver Clark,. and the horse Don
Carr wer suspended,;, for on year. Re
sults: . . ( t , ,
2:25 class pacing, suras 33P0 (concluded):
' Buaaie Drake aecond, fifth end
sixth heata and race. Time: 2:17Va. i-VK.
2:isV' Strathbelt won tho tlrat beat ana
third money. Time:,, l:SlV
2:21 clars pacing, purse 8600:
Frank Yoakum won lie three straight
heata. Rex second, ionita F, third. Time:, 2:13. 2:11V
2:21 class trotting, purse 8500:
Free Silver wjn the second, third and
fourth heata and raoe. Time: 2:19, 2:1k1,
2:164. Black Beauty won the first heat
and second money; Treoo third. Time:
2:18 class pacing, purae 8500:
Don Carr won the first, second and fourth
heats and race. Time: 2:lVi. 2:144, 2:16.
Billy Hurd won the third heat and s'X-ond
moneyr Day Book third. Time, 2:144,
Tr'-ttlng Resnlls at Freepori.
FREEPORT. 111.. July 81. The third day's
race of the western circuit was run on a
moderately fast track. Results:
2:08 pacs: Btrahgor C won "in straight
heats. Time: 2:uV 2:QBH. 2:0tt. Laura
Center second, Presonette third.
2:36 trot: Tom won se :...(!, third and
fifth heats snd race. Time: 2:21 4. 2:28,
2.214. Clarence U won first and fourth
bests. Tims: 1:20. 2:ZSH.
1.25 pace: Lady Knapp won In straight
heats Time: J :13V.. 3:13. 2:19. Adrian
Haha second, Tom Dockerson third.
Fonr Bunekcd Ilorses Follow
Leader Homo la Cklcaaro
CHICAGO. July 81 Brulare, at 10 to 1
won the mile and a sixteenth handicap at
Hawthorne today by half a length driving.
Behind, heads spart, were Bondage, The
Giver, Aladdin artd Bessie McCarthy, so
closely bunched a blanket would have cov
ered them all. Lone shots iwtDt the hoard
In the first race, which was made up of
thtrtoen maidens. Results:
First race, one mile: Nestoria won. Full
back second. Alum Water third. Time:
Second race, sis furlongs: Eva's Darling)
won. Sweet Tooth aecond, Major Dixon
thirds Time: 1:16.
Third race, one mils and a sixteenth:
Brulere won. Bondage second, Tbe Giver
third. Time: l:.
Fourth rsce, six furlongs: Kentucklan
wen, Automaton second. Silk Cord third. 1
Tim 1?: 1:14.
Fifth rcce, five furlongs: Apolllnarls
won. Chapel second, sweetie third. Time:
Sixth rsce, seven furlongs: Colonial Girl
won. Tom Curl second. Headwater third.
Time: 1 :.
NEW YORK. July 81. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Northern Star
won. Sjrlln second. Wealth third. Time:
Second race, one mile and seventy yards:
Irish Jewel won. Paat second. Courtmald
third. Time: 1:4TH
Third race, five furlongs: Lid a Leib won,
Black Socks second, Destiny third. Time:
1 ju.
Fourth race, the Richmond stakes one
mile and a aixteenth: Lord Advocate won.
Sambo second, O. Whlttier third. Time:
Fifth race, on mile and seventy Tarda:
Sir Roche won. 6a lore second. East Mels
ton third. Time. 1:44-
Slxth race, six furloua-a, selllna: Kinara-
boro won, Tlthonlo aecond, Ann Haetlnga
third. Time: 1:1V
ST. LOUIS. July I.-Results:
First race, five furlonsrs: Sadie Burch wnn
Major Carpenter seound, pinky B third.
Tune: 1:04.
Second race, six lurionra: Northern Sdv
won. Ban Lutlon second, Kitty G third.
rime: 1:17.
Third race, five rurlonas and a half:
Ralnland won. lngolthrlft second, Bugler
third. Time: 1:1.
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth:
Joels F won, Plrateer second. Orpbeum
third Time: 1:67.
Fifth race, six furloncs: Kittle Cuta-
daah won. Red Silver aecond, MacBetn
third. Time: i iw-
81 xm race, one mile snd seventy yards:
Nearest won. Honk Se Oka second, Varna
Fonso third. Time: 1:4.
BUFFALO, July 81. Results:
First raoe, seven furlongs: King Tatlus
won. Plum Tart second. Lombrex third.
Tims: 1 :!.
Second race, alx furlongs: Henry Wslts
won. Saint Noel second. False Entry third.
Time: 1:1644.
Third raoe, one mile. Owners' handicap:
Mrs. Prank Foster won. Albula second,
fccortle third. Tims: 1.4L
Fourth rsce. Ave furlong; Orderly won.
garkeo second. Rowland third. Tims:
Fifth race, one mil and an eighth: Knar
won, Troraaero second, Ltlrob third.
Time: 1:8.
mxth race, on mil: John Yerkes won,
VfbMMf asooaq, itsue uuro. iuui: a
Trl-Clty Driving (lab Makes Arraage.
neat tor Bis Card la
As a result of the meeting of the Trl-Clty
Driving club Thursdey evening Cresceus,
the world's chamflen trotter, will sppesr
on the local trsck on September 18. Mr.
Campbell, secretary of the Trl-Clty Driving
association, has been In communication
with George II. Ketcham recently snd the
club gave Mr. Campbell authority to close
the deal. In connection with the appear
ance of Cresceus there will be a number
of local events on September 18-18. There
will be amateur racing events and, if possi
ble, an open air horse show. Tbe question
of the horse show was left to a committee
composed of M. L. Learned. F. A. Nash, T.
B. McPhrrson. C. C. Kendall, T. C. Byrne
and Floyd J. Campbell.
M. L. Learned was elected president f
the club to fill the vacancy, which has
existed for some time.
British Tennis Players Com Ont
First In Sshsnt Tennla
NAHANT, Mas . July 31-Th featur of
today's play In the Nahant Invitation ten
nis tournament was the match between the
Lamed brothers and the Doherty brothers.
In which the latter won, 9-7, 8-4. The Eng
lishmen won by superior team work, their
lobbing being especially good and their
L lacing accurate and well Judged The
arneds work was characterised by fine In
dividual play, and their hard driving and
smashing kept the Englishmen back from
the net a great part of the time,
in h nmrnini the Wrenn brothers
finished their match with Pier and Motley. J
whluh whs Interrupted yrsteraay Dy ram.
and won out, 6-2, 0-3, both pairs playing In
good style. This afiernoon the Wrenn i
brothet s disposed of Seaver and Warland,
ii-4, S-. the aecond set being cleverly con
tested by the latter.
As s result of the afternoons ploy the
Wrenns and the Dohertys are left In the
doubles finals, but ob H. U Doherty Is
Scheduled to play In the singles finals
agHinst W. J. Clothier, and as the two
teams do not want to meet before playing
the lnternatloml championship at Long
wood next wek. It agreed that Ma
honey should lake the place of the younger
Saow and Mies t loeterman to Meet
Collins and Mies McAteer
3a Singles.
CHICAGO. July 81. A. C. Bnow of Chi
cago and Misa Winona Oosterman of Cin
cinnati won ths final round of the aing'ea
today In their respective classes at the
western tennis tournament. Know will meet
Krelgh Collins on Monday for the men a
championship, while Miss Closterman and
Miss McAteer of Pittsburg will decide to
morrow who is entitled to first honors In
their division The finale In doublea win
be decided tomorrow. Today's scores:
Finale men's singles: A. C. bnow beat
L. H. Waldner. 6-1, 6-2, 4-. 8-1.
Flrot round men's doubles; Helmholi snd
Moreley teat 6now and Carter, 7-8, 6-7,
10-8, b-6, 6-8. t, .
Second round men's doubles: Bingham
and Proctor beat Helmholi and Moreley,
6-0. 4-6. 5-7. 6-4, 6-3.
Semi-finals men's doubles: Collins and
Waldner beat T. Emerson and R. T. Hunt,
6-2. 6-8. 6-0.
Finals women's singles: Miss Closterman
best Miss Nrely, 8-6. 6-J, 7-5.
Seml-flnals women's doubles: Miss Neely
and Miss Closterman beat Miss McAteer
and Miss Steever, 6-2, 6-3.
Miss Parker and Miss Pond beat Mrs.
Thorndyke and Miss Lee. (-1. 6-2.
Slonx City Bin Money Winner.
SIOUX CITY, la., July 81 (Bpeclal Tele
gram.) Tlie atate firemen's tournament
closed here today, having scored a financial
success. Sioux City won the biggest money
among the paid departments, carrying off
37r. Onawa was the biggest winner among
the volunteer departments, carrying off 3335.
Hose race, 40 class: Neola won 8M in
0:3b1; Mapleton secoud, 340 in 0:42H; Onawa
third. 820 In 0.43V..
State hose race: Iowa City won 850 and
state belt, after tleing Onawa In 0:22. in
0:34V,; Onawa second. 85(l West Liberty
third. t:'5 in 0:334; Neola fourth, 818 In 0:S3S.
Paid fire department, hub and hub race:
Davenport won 3100 In 1:07H: 8loux City's
No. 8 and Des Moines tied for second prise,
850. In 1:10: Council Bluffs third, in 1:13.
Noveltv hub snd hub hose rfce: Otiawj
won 375 In 0:38; West Liberty second, 860 In
0:3SV: Iowa City third, 325 In 0:39; NeoU
fourth, 815 In 0:43.
Hub and hub race between two teams
making fastest time at tournament: Iowa
City won 840 in 0:84: Onawa second In tSHi.
Th winter mectlra: will be hclrt nt Coun
cil Bluffs the second Tuesday In November.
Brltt-O'Kccfe Fight Off.
SAN TRANCT9CO. July .- p. m -Jlrmy
Hrltt refused to meet O'Keefe to
night. Hessld:
"I did net sign to meet welterweight: I
Signed to fight O'Keef- nt 131 nouprN nd
nm rady and willing to meet him at that
weight. I would even rive him the advan
tage of one or two rounda. but cannot risk
my reputation and the money of my friends
M- golna- lno the ring with a man of
O'Keefe'e sbllltv. who weighs ten pounds
rrf-e then I do."
When he men wele;hd In this afternoon
O'Keefe was found to be ten pound over,
Tecomsch Wins From Pawnee.
TECt'MSEH. Neb.. July 21 (Special.)
In a haae ball game here yesterday Edwin,
the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. V.
Miner, was struck on the head with a foul
ball nnd quite severely Injured. The game
between Pawnee City and Teeumseh re
sulted In a vlrtory for the home boys by n
score of 7 to 15.
FntTllah 'Varsity Golfers Sell.
LIVFRP"OL. July SI The Dominion line
steamer Msyfower. having on board the
Oxford and Cambridge solf team, which
atrerdod yeaterdsv on leavlna" the Merscv
for Boston nnd wna refloated. ha. uron ex
rmlnntlon. bcn found to be practically un
dmrged and resumed It journey this
Can Conaplrers Canarhl.
A conanlracv to secure money for th
purpoae of purchaMng drinks led to the
arrest of John McGulre of Council Bluffs..
Fred Miller. Bcrlbner. Peter Frown. Kla
horn Vallev house, snd J. H. Connors,
Sesttle. Wash. They were talking matters
over and dr vising means to rulse the price
of a can when Chief of Police Donahue
happened along and overheard the con
veraatlon. He notified D-tfCtlvea Hudson
and Btrvker. who gathered them In. They
are rhareed with being drunk and bus-
rlrlous characters, and will De nem until
thev sober un sufficiently to give an ac
count of themselves.
Arrested (or Safety.
Frnnk Martin snd Arthur Martin of
Bouth OmKha were arrested lsst night,
with Frank Budroflscr. a soldier from
Fort Crook. The three were together most
of the afternoon, and as BudroeUw-r was
known to have had quite a sum or money
when he csme to' Omaha a day or two ago.
It was thought his compsnlons might huve
designs upon his pocketbook. When
sesrehrd at the station there was Only a
few cents In ths crowa.
Gardener Batch's Poor Crop.
Fifteen dollars Is the amount John Balch
claims he is short as the result of a trip
among the drnliens 01 tne Da a lanas last
nlirtit. Ba'ch Is s gardener living near
Florence, lie aaia Bf sneni eevcrsi aojiars
In the. resort at 114 South Ninth aire.
and the inmates rot the rt. Mabel Nich
ols and Irene Mitchell, who live at tne
number given, were arrested. Several dol
lars was found In ths room of ons of ths
I Guaranteed Pure.
I None 80 Goods
I Order frota S
H. May C nans-
s iia
ild Tobacco
Save the
and Fishermen
Low rates all Summer via the
To St Paul.Minneapolis.Duluth
inff resort 01 luinnesoia auu
I as 1 .
between umana ana at. raui
access to Worthington,
Lake, at. lames, Lane w
tonaa, imc ucbi uu
Tft Best of Everything.
For rates, ticket! end lull information, sddraat
by a trip through tha
Switzerland of America
on the line of ths
Canadian Pacific Ry.
(See-Ficlfk teste.)
A Route of
M'frity Mountains
Wonderful Cascades
Immense Glaciers
Appalllna; Canons
unequalled tn any country In the world.
Tb only DU8TLE8S ROUTE and cooleat
trip on tha continent. Round trip ticket
will be sold to
Vancouver. B.C..
Victoria. B. C.
Seattle. Wash..
Tacoma. Waeh.,
Portland. Ore.
$45.00 OMAHA
(Car tipeadtaf lata Fran Otker Penis)
from August 1st to 14th, good to return until
Ootober 16th. 1908. Stopovers will be grant
ed st all points.
Ths Great Glacier of She Selkirk
Lakes In the Clouds
Yoho Valley
snd many other places of Interest are al ta
sted oa this Una.
For descriptive illustrated literature and
iatsmatlos writs.
Ota. Agat Pssessgnr Dead.
tin I"-"J are s a r I o B .
ill ll eoialort, sad
1 I f'wr lJ sometimes ao-
m " ' "" -Ha"- taal duablllty. 1
VYIWinilV ayt
til mi I w lilt 1 licfclog and sting
ing, then aga.D pais, sure neat aud
bleed! nc Tumora form, mline.
protrude, and lfnealeried. nlc rate, benom
las very aerlous aud painful. Toountbant
qulcaly aud painlessly nee
Instant relief. Cures la several days. 1
ssui wim, lor Sl.uQ
Shernua & McConncIf, Omaha, Neb.
nairtur Ufa. Uncuiir, o.
e-e. SO 8UT BFarAlB I bonuiSiat
iurLoueerf Tue oj a aavMiiuua a
lile eea be restored w yoo. Tbe very
nvraioaeeaol kcrreai lletilllly are
eured Le eiMI IMll
k TA HLfT. One vromn reliel una,
luifeuiE, lauuia meiaory ejia inewaeaa
and drala of vlt.l eowera. lucurre by
Jndieoreuona or aaoeeaee of earl j years.
Kuexleiarur and peunnlnaTirt funo.
Bfei. Brae ap ta araieia. Ge aqa, blcwm t lue
keeka and lu.ure to ths eye of iTrvVroainc ore.
Cia lrewaiua eneirr fOlll U ii a
Jaa a complete auarwileedeur t vr ruouey tw
uuded. Caa be oerried in eeet e' pocaet. Sold
eeeeivbere. or anar.d is rielo wrer per on r-ipl of
wwt - i'-(rvr cr" oomhas f, oaii.a .
Bold ta Oaaaka, KeK. tiy Kahs at Oa., 1Mb aK.
Dosalaai HiMuoiaji S Urr'oanail Krua- I o , Itik and
bodcai laCoeaou EluSa, la-, by CM ilrowa.Ut Sain.
Treat all toraia ef
IT )ara sasarleae. 1.
) ear la tiaueaa. M.M
ia cared. Seiucl. sol.
sneslal. Cnrea gearaaleed.
.aarea Treavlaneal
Le eul. Lall ae iim.
Soa las. One er HI a
;ti SC. (JtH.UA. Mag.
and the Fishing and Hunt-
w ibuuisiu, . v
1 ir.-..Kl.s sv(as tirt
- iviiiincipuiia (ji. t
Mayion, wnmom, Dinguam 1
asnmgtan, w ascia, i.nui.-
wmti nui i
General Aseat,
A to.
rvi Ant a 0f
JatJO Ws i f
at 1W88
We have si) kind of
obesD excursion to
the "Minnesota Lakes' 5or-
ins July, August and Septem
ber. Our Minnesota, trains leare
Omaha nt 7:33 m. tn. and 7:80
p. ro. We'll tell you about It
at 1402 Kfirnnm Street.
Oinnba, Neb.
District rasaenger Agent
-i"tv . . 'f1"J tily ennlnT
SIFS. iieaiireliakla Ladl, ul r.n
a rnltHMTKlrt s.NWLlif
la Hal aa til a.. ' aei. '
tUMi. taliatau Sernal
"nsacr SnWliiMCleete Jeilt
Uwete. Su ef jeer OraaalM etaa io. ril
auaiipe fc, r.rMealaw. Teastaeeejels
sad -IUIUr kr Le.te,' baier. e, re
nra) afali. TuUaMiaiau. Se.4 as
a. avedaeea Seaan. t-till. imi
' CssBif saloraaaaiara,
Irritations o, ulraiatkms
of rs a cess Bxmbraee.
Paluieea. an sot aatns
(en I er ee aoaous.
at a w snv m jt tsa m w 1
If If n 1 8 gal El SJ areeA uu.alnr levu
Tau"V. Peunrruvnl: 1101 a alitgte taliur: Krtiseau rjjoet
riaitnta reiievnd la . leer ''are; S'J4i at
Chermao es stoCoturaaU Dros Co . Ontsaa,
F.r Metistrual Supprciiion
fct.'Sr.. PEN -TAN-GOT
I bams a Beis ia oaaaaa T Si ismi m
aara ' Mail eedee Sited. Traa -lisilra
Xsspary State YwtsriosJtea,
Food Inspactar.
Offloe sad Imtumiff, ata snd laasoa ata,
IrlHaka. Jtah IlhOSJ
t1 aia... i. .111-
I e - ml" ' '
Going m
! Fishing? 1
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7s M
sattas aan aaj
M J ttamaiMl M
g h B net le etrlewwe.
W" n ' f mi'e.
XT!. W tal Cats U C
" OiMimaaTl,C t"" by OrwaTBTlal
V G. a A. J a or an is siaia reaper,
f I ' area. ereeai le
V mmSf"& s i titles u r.
eaaaae CirculM asaa es rsuaaen