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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1903)
TJ1K OMAITA DAILY PEEt SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 100.1. C3 In Baacment All the ladled, fine Kid Strap Sandals that we have shown In our show window during the past week, reg ular price 12 00 a pair, will be on rale on bargain square In the baeement at IWc. J 1 0 for men's shoesworth $5 $6 $7 ra A,98c QU ."""v ijr On Second Floor Hoys', Youth's nod a a 11 6 Tl ' - ml mm' patent leather shoos 500 pair boys' BARGAIN t II J' '"V youths', misses' anil child's Swell Patent 7," , H r . )j Leather Shoe, made to retail at 12 00. 12.60 VmittRr ' 11 am wi V .Ar and Holt a pair, on sale on bargain square. Uljtfnm M"WH second flour, at. a pair. 11.3 and fl .60. MS) r I BBS J BBESaC The Shoes on Sale at . $2.50 and $1.98 are on the Second Floor f H $98 $1.5 Women's Shoes 1.59 At ij.98 2.50 3.00 At PranieU & pons GREAT FINAL ies Shirt percales, Lad -X-iv:.-; Made of white India and butcher's linen, ftt f- l3M;t&S luc and applique trimming, some silk r i" ults-s.ld as high a $15, at kKJ Danish XTK 1 0lr Cintll tlcpurment. at liW9V i yard. RULES FORTHE REPUBLICANS Crkft to Ea'Eecrmmended to tfcs County ' Committee, PLAN'TQ govern future party action H Meaaore Proposed to Do Away with Factional Differences and Secor Vnlted Support for Tickets Hecalnrly Nominated. Following Is the revised draft of the pro posed rules for the government of the re publican party of Douglas county, which will ba submitted to the county committee with a recommendation that they be adopted: The republican party of Douglas county, for the purpoae of promoting the general welfare of the ptrty, adopts the following rules: QUALIFICATION OF REPUBLICAN J VOTKKS. All legally qualified republican voters un drr the luws of the state of Nebraaka of each voting preWnct cf the county, and no othera, ahull have the right to vote In their respective precincts at all, delegate elec tions of the party COUNTY COMMITTEE AND POWERS THfcUlKOF. The affairs of the purty shall be managed by a county comniHw; electud ut the primary" eloction heiU (or the election of tlt'lcKatts and nomlnu:ln of county ottlcers each year, tuih eli-ction precinct having or.e muntbtr of said committee, and the majority thereof ahull constitute a quorum for the tranxartlun of bualtieai. The county comuilttva shall meet In Omaha fur organlzniioq immediately after the convent. on nominating the county ticket has adjourned, and shall then elect a chair man who may be one of their members or otliucwlsii. unCl one person as secretary and -'ne na treasuc r. The chulrman and officers ernn mentioned shall not until their suc cessors are elected. Should any member of tin, committee be ursble to attend any meeting of th committee, he may In writ ing, conaiiiut some other republican ot his pieOnct as his proxy, who shall be ad mitted H4 such. The coiuiriUee s'.iall till . ail viiranoles In the county committee by the oleetion of anoiher republican from the am prcciiM't. 1 lie ehuirman of t!i county committee shall power to ai point an executive committee rorslHtlrig of five (St members, who shun (er'irm such services aa re quired by thtf chairman. 8;ild m.mhers of the, MH'iillvf cenimltlee and iriemhers of thar aiile foinmiltea from Douiriaa county shall have the same v Ice In the meeting of the committee as any member from a Voting precinct. The chairman of the county committee shall ba the executive officer of the party In the c.i.ihiv and shall put In operation thene rules, the resolutions and orders of the county committee and of the noml roitlim conveoiliins, end shall preside at all . menins-a of the cnrnmlttee. When the committee shall order the appointment of a committee he sh .il ntme the snto The rhalrman shall receive from the dele gates from the several election preclncta. If possible, by I a. m. ot the day Pt the M if fk M )rf lit 11 w Men's box or men's shoes worth $3, $3 9 for men's shoes worth In the basement we place on sale all the women's fine kid kin, lace and Welt b te, and McKay sole shoes, patent colt tktn and patent calf akin shoes, mado to retail (or up to M.5J per pair, your choice at $1.99. On the second floor All the women's fine shoes, replevined by the creditors from the bankrupt Bxtort wh let-tir, which would re tall from $3 to 13.50 a pair ibis Include the floe Goodyear welt and hand some McKay sewed shoes, lace and button, all sizes and all widths. On the second floor All the women" s swell new fall style button shoes, which were made to sell this coming fall for $3.50, called the Dorcas shoe on sale tomorrow at 2.50. All the swell patent colt skin new Potay find patent kid, Ideal kid, Corona oolt, Surpass kid made to retail for up to (5 on tale on second floor S3SS Jf. fZ. Prxtrttts pn REDUCTIONS : Waist Suits " We have priced our fine shirt waist suits for a final great reduction. All the suits that have been selling for to, $8 and $7 ro tomorrow . at vvo. inoiuues isoe ana npmique trimmed lawn, butober linens, 22 etc, with tao collars, LADIES' WHITE -SUMMER COATS The ultra swell summer coats, of white pongee, white voile, doeskin, pongee all at about one third of the former price, $25 down to $10, $7.50 and $3.98 Summer Costumes LADIES' WASH SKIRTS Dins and white polka dot and black an j white duok, worth n I uPto$,at .... 69c and 33c nominating convention or other delegate convention, the credentials and memoranda of Instruction of all delegates to Said con vention, and shall have a full list of the delegates made out and results of the pri maries, for distribution among the dele gates to said convention when the same Is called to order. The chairman shall call the nominating or other convention to order and preside until a temporary chairman or permanent chairman is chosen and shall then furnish the presiding officer with a list of delegates and memorandum of Instructions of his office and perform such other duties as shill ' be required by him by the county committee or the delegate convention ot the pa rt y. Tne chairman of the committee shall pro vide placnrds for each delegate election, on which shall be printed the title of all the offices to be filled at said nominating con vention, with tho names of the registered candidates thereon. In alphabetical order, and list of voting places In the various voting precincts and the number of dele gatea to which each voting preclnot la en titled, which placards shall be conspicu ously posted up at each polling place dur ing aaid primary election and In Ave public places In sach voting precinct twenty CO) days before the day set for said primary election by the committeeman of each pre cinct. The chairman and the committee shall also provide a suitable number of tickets for each voting precinct containing the title of the offices with the name -of the registered candidates, respectively, alpha betically arranged, with proper spaces for the names of the delegate or delegates and with the space for nane of county com mitteeman to he written In and voted for In each precinct: and In the cities of Omnha and South Omaha a Hat of the resiatered republicans entitled to vote at said primary election aa provided by law. and such other blanks and equipments as are necessary for conducting satd primary election, and shall send the same to the committeemen or judm of ench voting precinct In time for said primary election. The county committeeman of each voting rreclnct shill be the executive officer there of and organise It In such a way as to brln to the election the whole vote of the nertv snd s msrv more as nosslble. BEQVIHEMFNT8 OF CANDIDATES FOR OFKICR PRIOR TO NOMINATION. Each candidate for nomination hy the re punllcan conventU. to nominate county ofheera shall be required to give his mime and postorfloe addreaa and pay a registration tee for the respective office for which ho !s A candidate, as follows, to-wlt: Clerk district court of Douglas county.. Jino Sheriff 75 W 6rt 60 50 County treasurer ... County clerk County Judge County attorney Recorder of deeds County assessor County superintendent of public Instruc DO I 60 tion J5 County commissioner 35 Stats senator or member of state legis lature a County serveyor 26 Justice of the peace, city of Omaha and South Omaha 10 Constables, city of Omaha and South Omaha ( to the chairman of the county committee not less than twenty-flve (Si days before the date fixed for the delegate election and at the same time sign a pledge in writing that he will not become a candidate against the nominees of the republican county con vention In the event that he shall not be nominated. Any MnflMete. wfco has paid ths rcjulrc4 )if v f ( Vv.w . .-ar calf, patent calf, patent kid, vici kid and English enamel, vclour last lace shoes, and vici kid shoes at S3.00. 98c At Sale of Summer Shirts Men's 75c Shirts at 25c In pretty pattrrna, with collars and cuffs (3e tached or attached well worth 7&c 25c Men's 35c Neckties, Shield Bows. ' . Fourin uik uargain ai Hand, Tecks, Etc. (3 for 25c) at each, 8y3c Men's 50c Sample Belts at -n IOc Men's $2 Shirt Waists at . . . 49c Men's $2.50 Outln? Shirts at 98c Men's $1.00 Underwear at... 25c Children's Wide Brim Straw Hats, II cents. f. Pranfcti pen fee, may, five (S) days before the primary, by request In writing, direct the chairman of the county committee to leave his name off the official ballot, but no money shall be refunded to him. No name, other than the names of the candidates who have complied with the above requirements under the rules of the republican party of Douglaa county, shall be conaldered by any convention of the party. PARTY CONVENTIONS. The party shall hold a convention to nominate the county ticket, conventions to elect delegates to the national and state conventions when necessary, and such other conventions as may become necessary, to all of which conventions these rules shall apply. The convention to nominate the county ticket shall be composed of delegates elected in the different election precincts of the county at the time and place fixed by the county committee, provided that at leaat fifty (CO) days notice shall bo given by the committee of the time of holding such primary and convention. The primary election precincts of Douglas county shall correspond with the election precincts of the county as now established. NUMBER OF DELEGATES FROM EACH PRECINCT. Each voting precinct as herein defined shall have one delegate and an additional delegate for each fifty (50) votes or major fraction thereof, after the first fifty cast In suid voting precinct for the republican candidate for president of the United States at the next preceding election. TIME OF PRIMARY, HOW CONDUCTED AND THK OFFICERS THEREOF. On the Saturday next before the Tuesday of the nominating convention, the republic ans of the respective election precincts of the county ahull aasemble at the place designated by the county committee for said precinct and elect by ballot the dele gate or delegates to represent them In the nominating convention, and vote for one candidate us their preference for each of the reaiHsctlve otlices to be filled, and for which candidates are to be nominated. At the same time and place they shull elect the member of the county commutes from such precinct for the ensuing year. The delegate election shall begin In the country precincts at 7 p. m. and be kept open until i p. m. and in the cities of South Omaha and Omaha at 12 o'clock noon and be kept open until 7 o'clock p. in. as provided by lu w. The officers of each election precinct within the cltlea of Omaha and South Omaha shall consist of two judges and one clerk to be appointed by a majority vote of the members of the county committee at a regularly called meeting, of which five (5) daya' notice shall be given. These officers to be ele ted from lists furnished by mem bers of the committee or by the respective candidates at leaat ten (10) days Ivefore said primary election is held. In the country precincts the election officers sbsll consist of one judge and one clerk, who shull be appointed by the committeeman of the pre cinct. Judges and clerks In the cities of Omaha and South Omaha shall receive II. SO for their services at said primary. METHOD OF VOTING. Each qualified republican elector residing In the various precincts ahsli have the right to vote as above set forth for one candidate for each office to be filled. When the polls shall . have closed the tickets or ballots shall be counted one hy one and the vote tallied down fur electing the delegate or delegates to the ronventlon and for the members of the county com mittee, and for Instructions to delegates, which instructions arc to be voted by the delegate or delegates so elected. TUe uauutIi or cauuioaiesj for delegate YmJWr mi Your choice of a lot of very floe Children's and,, MissesY Roman SUMMER MILLINERY $1 .50 Ladltarlijimed I Q Sailors at.ami.......'J $6.50. Black taiLf6n. , ft f) r ( ' Trimmed' Hat's at . . oZi J U $3 and $4 Ladies' and Children's Trimmed Ilats flCa at bOC $1.25 Black -(iffon nr. Ilats at.. A-.; Zuu $3.50 and $2,50 Ladie', Cfft Trimmed Hits at. .U. 3Uu ' (On Sale in Basement.') Special Showing In New Summer Felts SATURDAY ON SECOND FLOOR., Mlsaea' and Children's Imported.' 20C HOSIER V AT C A PAIR. Plain tan and fancy polka dot hosiery, all colors, all alias, made of Mncco cotton, some silk finished, fafk worth 25c. at.... ...,.UW or delegates and the candidate for member of the county committee In each voting pre clnot who have the highest number of votes In said precinct shall be deemed elected. INSTRUCTIONS. HOW CARRIED OUT. The registered candidates for each re spective office as shown by the placard and certified by the chairman of the county committee who shall receive the greatest number of votes for the office for which he Is a candidate, shall be declared the first choice of the voting precinct, and shall be voted for as such by the delegate or dele gates to the nominating convention so long us his name is before the convention. The candidate duly registered as above set forth, who receives the next highest number of votes cast In a voting precinct, shall be second choice of said voting pre cinct, and the candidate duly registered as above set forth who receives the third high est number of votes in the voting precinct shall be third choice of said voting precinct, and so on throughout the entire list of candidates for any respective office. When the election officers have comploted the count the tickets voted and lixt of votes made by the clerk shall be delivered to the judges and by them delivered to the chair man of the county committee wlfhin the next forty-eight hours, and said judges and clerk of said precinct shall Immediately, upon the completion of the count, muke two certificates of election for delegate or delegates, and for member of the county committee, and two full memorandums of Instructions as to the various candidates for the respective offices, which certificates shall certify the number of votes received by each candidate for each respect Ive office and for delegate or delegates and for mem ber of the county committee, and shnll sign said certificates and memorandums of in struction and deliver one copy of the cer tificates and memorandums of Instruction to the delegate or delegates and the other copy of cerlllicate of election of delegate or delegates and committeeman, and mem orandum of Instruction to the chairman of the republican committee within forty eight hours after the close of the polls. If any ticket voted at any delegate elec tion shall contain any word or device under the name of any office. Intended to convey the Idea that the delegate or delegates shall be unlnstrurtfed for any particular office, such part of said ticket shall not be counted. No delegate or delegates shall he per mitted to represent any voting precinct un less the certificate of delegates and memo randum of Inst ructions shall be renelved by the chairman of the county committor on or before the day of the nominating convention. NUMBER OF DELEOATF8 REOT'IRF.D TO NOMINATE AND THH METHOD OF VOTING OF SAID DELEGATES. (1) It shall require a vote of the majority of the delegates elected at the nominating convention to nominate for any county office except as otherwlee provided herein. Exception No. 1. 11 shall require a vote of the majority of the delegates us in structed under these rules from a county comissloner's district to nominate a candi date for county commissioner from said district. Exception No. 1 The six candidates for justice of the peace and six candidates for constable In the city of Omaha who shall receive the , highest number of votes cast for said offices by the republicans st said primary election throughout the entire city of Omaha as ascertained by the convention, shall be the nominees for said offices; and the candidates for justice of the peace and the candidates for constable In the city of South Omaha, who shell receive the highest number of votes cast for said offices by ths republicans: at ' sttld primary election Mirougnoui taa enurs city ot South Omaha 50 "1.98 "2.50 a3.00 1.50 two dollar t Strap Sandals BASEMENT TOMORROW Sale of Ribbons Never before have we offered such high class ribbons at such a ridiculously low price. .We bought them cheap that, .is why we, sell Jthem ! cheap. No!' 5 sd'tth bade, Wftqk velvet rtbhon . that ens lor 16a a yarq sroea to-,,, ., e morrow am j.iu. ....... uw Nob. and 12, all silk satin back blaok velvet ribbon that fc-enerally sells fr for 2Gc goes tomorrow at IVIW One big lot finest satin taffeta ribbon. six Inches wide, pink, blue, cream, .black, etc. c, generally cells at 60c a yard, 4 m es at, yard ,IOW goes One lot No. taffeta and mohair taffeta ribbon that you generally buy at 16o a yard, goes at ...O' One lot No. t ribbon, always sellsat 60; It Is-all, silk, plain and fancy j colors, goes at.... One lot No. 3 satin taffeta wash ribbon, especially adapted for ladles' muslin underwear, regular price lOo yard, Oln goes at, yard . This Silo In Basement Saturday. 1. 3T. pixntttim & pant- as ascertained by the convention, shall be the nominees for said offices for the city of South Omaha. Exception Nq, Candidates for Justices of the peace and constables In country precincts shall not ba required to pay any fee to the chairman of tho county com mittee and the persons receiving the highest number of votes cast at a primary telectlon In any precinct for the offices' of Justice of the peace and constable as ascertained by ths convention shall be the nominees for said offices In said precincts. VOTING IN CONVENTION. The voting of delegatea In county con vention Is to be viva voce, the names of the delegates to be called by voting precincts arranged In alphabetical order, when the delegate called shall name the person voted for, which shall be recorded by the secretary. And It shall be the duty of the presiding officer of the convention to see that the delegates in announcing their votes, strictly follow their Instructions. Should any delegate seek to avoid the same the presiding officer shall promptly remind the delegate of his omission, or attention to the same may be. Invited by any delegaie to the convention. Should the delegate, after his attention has been directed there to, still refuse to be governed by his In structions It shall be the duty of the presi ding othcer to direct his vote to be counted in accordance with the Instructions of said precinct. PROCESS OF ELIMINATING CANDI DATES. If no nomination shall be made for any oflioe on tho first ballot It shall be the duty of the chairman of the convention to an nounce that the name of the candidate hav ing the lowest number of votes Is dropped, without a motion to that effeut, and so continue after each ballot until a nomina tion is made.. The name of no candidate, except the lowest candidate, as aforesaid, shall be dropped. If the condition should occur that two or more candidates remain in the contest and that the votes of the delegates shull be equally divided between them, the convention should ascertain from the memorandum of Instructions tiie popu lar vote cast for them at the delegate elec tion In the entire county, and the candidate having the highest -vote thus ascertained shall be declared the nominee. In oase of a tie vote in convention for any candidate other than the two last re maining candidates as above provided for. the delegates In voting their instructions for said candidates shall divide It equally botween such candidates. Should the elimination of candidates for any office exhaust the Instructions of fhe delegate or delegates from any precinct, such delegate or delegates shall then vote for their preference of the registered can didates for that officio whose names aro then before the convention. Threw Spanish Knife nt Offleer. When Officer Shepherd took a shot at a man who was trying to enter the store of fcamuel Ravits at Twelfth and Farnam streets Wednesday night he probably came very near being killed himself. After the burglar made his escape Shepherd found a feciiliar shaped knife of Spanish . make ylng on the walk where he stood when he II led the first shot. The knife had a blade about ten Inches long and three Inches wide near the handle. It tapper ed to a needle's point and was as sharp as a rasor. The handle was of horn ajid It tapered to fit the blade. The pointed end of this was of metal. The knife was open when found. Upon the blade was an Inscription In Sian Ish. Chief Donahue said it was the first knife of the kind he had ever seen. It Is his t.lif that tht burglar threw ths kuifs at tho officer. S2 rkf- calf, etc., etc. 50 $4 These are on sale ) on bargain square in basement at $1.59. Women's Oxfords Over 200 styles of ladies' oxfords, show ing more styles than all the rest of the stores in Omaha put together absolutely now this season, made to special order by thJ finest oxford tie manufacturers In the world, all on sale tomorrow, luclud lng Surpass kid oxfords, patent colt skin oxfords, patent calf oxfords, vici kid In thin, medium and heavy soles, McKay sewed, hand sewed and Goodyear welt sewed. Plain and patent tips as well as ail patent leathers. All the new heels and all the new toes In everything that's new and desirable even 4-he freaks and from the freaks tothecommon sense and all the in between styles all go In this saLe. at $1.59. $1.98. S2.50. $3.00. etc. Your rhoice of about 100 pair, dancing slippers, worth up to $1.00. women's $3.00 and Big Sale of Ladies' Petticoats Fine Black Petticoats, silk mercer ized just like satiti, Italian cloth and Farmer's satin, wide ajid narrow ruffles, etc., the finest and swelleat petticoats ever offered at such a price, , 7 wall worth . ' I $1.50, ftt ... . . ...-j---r.-f.'y.,T,.;'giT H) Va Big Hosiery Sale Ladies' and Men's 35c Hosiery at 15c All over lace, plain black and fancy colors, men's silk mercerized, at 75c Hosiery at 25cLadie8' and men's imported lisle thread hosiery, special at $1.50 night robes, skirts and skirt chemises, trimmed WCn Hh wiiali 1flp.HR. at..-. : w Ladles' Vests All over lace, trirnH trt at' Vaaa vmivsi vaya HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' linen handkerchiefs, all widths fine sheer linen, worth 85c, at Ladles' 35c Laco Gloves and plain silk mitts at 10c MIXED FUN WITH BUSINESS Trade Making Trip Oyer Northwestern Into Iowa a Baccesi in Every Way. ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTIONS TO OMAHANS Abolition of Bridge Arbitrary Allows Extension of Local Trade Terri tory Eastward Eighteen Hun dred Merchants Visited. Ths trade excursion over tha North western lines in Iowa, which returned last night, was the most successful tour which has yet been taken, according to the Job bers and manufacturers who participated. "We went to meet old friends and to make new ones," said Secretary L'tt of the Commercial club. "And ws made friends and did tho country good, as wo always do. Wo are tho rainmakers, all right, and the rain followed us about In Iowa, bring ing assurances ot fine crops. On no former trip have we received such warm recep tions. Wo found friendly feeling for Omaha universal, and an excursion of this kind greatly advances this feeling and at the same time business, for a man nat urally places bis order with a friend. Part of this territory has been Omaha's before, but part of It was too far east. We figure that with tha bridge arbitrary we could go seventy-five miles Into Iowa, and now we can go 125. We have the advantage In this part Of the stats' over competitors through geographical conditions. A man can telephone hers for goods and get the shipment next morning, while It takes longer from Chicago. Slous City and Des Moines compels with us In hardware, gro ceries, drugs and Implements, but as a general Jobbing market there Is only Chi cago. Our trade has been growing steadily, while fifteen years ago all these towns turned to Chicago, ws do a great business In ths field now, and I met a number of business men who seld that they had for merly bought In Chicago, but would come to Omaba now. We must have met during the excursion at least 1,800 business 'men. In some places they would be down at the depot and meet the Jobbers In their lines and at other towns we went to their stores. The Jobbers who compose the party are enabled to see the places of business of their customers and can see Just how Im portant his trade Is and how business can be worked up. Some Feet Banning;. "The weather was excellent during the trf.ii and the train service splendid. We lost time by overstaying In niajiy "twwns. but the Northwestern always made It up between stations, frequently running sixty- THE MEN'S SHOES in this sale are made by Edwin C. Clapp, Torrey.Carter&Tirrell, Stetson, T. D. Barry. Warren Thomas, etc. All Well-known manufacturers of high' grade, custom made footwear. The majority of these shoes have the Union Stamp. t fll Will fllilT"- "-Li T 198 At Your choice of all the $4 and $5 Patent Calf and Kid Colonial Ties extremely high $3.00, on Bale grade, swell,, fancy! on second floor nt "fl C-w lisle 1 EZn 1 (rm7 r At-yW 1VW X W and men's all pure of hemstitching, Ladles' 50c and 73c Short Corsets and Tape Girdles at...."" five miles an hour, no that the telegraph poles looked like the teeth of a comb. It 1 was great running we came down from Sioux City at a sixty-mile rate. There was prosperity everywhere and the crops are fine, with ths exception of a little very low ground and even that was good. It is a rich country, with any number of farmers ' worth 10u,ooo, and heavy bank dubostts ' everywhere. "At Schleswlg and at Holatciii we re- ; celved the most bounteous .reception," and Mr. Utt smiled remlnescent'.y. "You should have seen the band but you tnusn't say anything about it marching to the depot from the Germanla hall, every man with bottles of beer in three or four pockets ot his trouaers and playing loud. The quar tette took well, too, wid at McIIenry's farm, near Denlson, they had some prise ' cattle lined up by the track for the South Omaha men. At Dunlap we had the big gust crowd and a bandstand built in the ' street. They took us for a trip on .Wall lake, put 200 people on a little steamer and loaded it down so we were afraid to move and a man had to keep pumping out all the way across. It was great. An ac cident Insurance man who was with us ' vdld a great business, so'.d about tlOO.OOO worth of policies, I guess." "'The.jflcxt excursion to be undertaken Is planned for thrug or four weeks from now and will be over the territory in central western Iowa, which llos between that cov ered by the two former tours. The line of the Milwaukee, which has few branches in this section, will be taken, probably to Des Moines and the return made over the Rock Island and Its branches, r.bout -three daya being necessary Atlantic, Audubon, Carson, Outhrle Cvnter and Oris wold will be visited. Cure for Asthma and Hay Fever The statements published below confirm the claim of Dr. Bchlffmann that his rem edy is an absolute cure for Asthma and Huy Fever. Mrs. Mary Zachery, Pleasant Hill. La , says: "I have found your Aathma Cure a permanent cure for Asthma, for which I used it aeven years ago. I have never had the slightest return of the trouble since. I have also found your remedy excellent In bronchial affections." A Hay Fevsr sufferer writes: "I have had Hay Fever for 14 years. I bought a package of your remedy (Schlffmann's Asthma Cure) of our druggist and. due to Its use, this Is the first mmnur that I have not bean troubled." Mrs. Frank Oullfogle. Hidge avenue, Roxboro. Philadelphia. Sold by druggists at.SOo and Bend 2c stamp to Dr. R. Schlffmann. Bog e. St. Paul, Minn,, for a free soir.pU pack age.' 1 . r I I I 1 ffiL 1 25c IH2G 39 c i