Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1903, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAHA PAIIV HEE- SATURDAY, ' AUGUST 1. 1003. Mtaai.aaaa'g&B'gagn st vsxxazvutuvxxjkx navy. ,JJ8 fftTIIiWi'tftaTWT'-I jpfoinMfnOS. Picture Dept. 3rd Floor Special Sale of Picture LQ1S o t W 1 die CARRIERS WANT MORE PAY District and State Association! of Enrtl Free Deli very Men Forming. MAY MEMORIALIZE CONGRESS FOR RELIEF City Carrier Also Preparing to Make (trn Flxht for Increase la ( Campnaallan Bed oa Coat of Living. The Association of Rural Free tVellvery Carriers of Nebraska Is taking an active Interest In the proposed national convention of rural free delivery carriers to be held at Chicago In September. Efforts are being made to Interest all the rural carriers In the state In the necessity of effecting local end district organizations. This has been done In the central, eastern and southern parte of the state, and a state association was formed at Lincoln some weeks ago. The near approach of the national con vention has stimulated a renewed Interest In the matter, and there is a strong likeli hood thut the Nebraska carriers will be wall represented there. It Is the desire of the slate association to have as large a representation there as possible. The national convention Is to be held at Chicago, September 11, 12, and 13, and representatives will be present from all over the country. The questions of In creased compensation end better roads will be the main topics discussed. The rural free delivery carriers of eastern Kansas, have effected a thrifty organiz ation, as they have elsewhere throughout that state. The district associations have already elected delegations to the state convention which will meet at Emporia, on - September 9, From this convention delegates will be elected to the national convention. Nor l this matter of better compensa tion confined to the rural free delivery car rier. The freo delivery carriers of this and other cities of the state of Nebraska fee! that they are not ns well paid as the arduous nature of their services woul.l warrant. There . has been no Increase of wages In the Omaha office for some years, whllo the work 'has very materially In creased with the Increasing population. This same complaint prevails In other cities of the state and a strong delegation will be sent by the state association of letter carriers to the national meeting, which is to assemble at Washington, D. C , In September. The carriers also claim that with the In creased cost of living their salaries are not adequate. At the national meeting of car riers a memorial will be prepared and pre sented to congress early In its session ask ing for the desired relief. The subject has already assumed large proportions In the eastern states, and with a concerted action on the part of the western carriers It Is confidently believed that the Increase of wages asked for will be granted by congress. PUSHING WORK ON EXPOSITION Preparing for Many Prospective Ei blbltora from Nebraska, at St. Louts Fair. Assistant Secretary H. O. Shedd of the Nebraska Louisiana Purchase exposition commission returned Thursday evening from St. Louis. "I was very much sur prised to observe the rapidity with which the great work of preparation Is being pushed." said Mr. Shedd. "The commlasion visited St. Louie In the latter part of June, and the amount of work accomplished In the Interim la astonishing. Four of the main buildings are practically completed. They are the Electricity, Varied Industries, Liberal Arte and the Educational buildings. The staff is being placed on the structures, and this work will be finished very rapidly. Most of the other buildings are nearly com pleted, their grades of completion being In about this order: The Manufacturers, Mine and Mining, Transportation and the Agricultural buildings. The concessionaries are already putting up buildings for their shows along the '"Pike." aa it will be known. Instead of the "Midway." One of the great features of the "Pike" will be a reproduction of the Galveston flood. "Socretary Wakefield of the exposition board Is also a member of the concessions committee, and he assured me that conces sion would only be let to a high moral order of exhibits. The railroads are all building into the grounds, and the trolley lines are also being extended. "It seems to me that there was less preparation being mad for th hotel ac commodation tor the expected visitors than prevailed at Chicago, or even here at our own Transmlsslsslppi exposition. How ever, the St. Louis exposition Is being con ducted on- more conservative principle. There will be no lack of hotel facilities, I venture to say. You know that the exposi tion authorities are building a mammoth hotel riirht on the grounds that will have from 1,000 to 1,000 rooms and the rate will be from $1 to $2 per day. with an addi tional charge of 60 cents for admission to the ground. . "Secretary Furna of the Nebraska State Beard of Agriculture has lust unt ... . v list of prospective exhibitor and w are now ousiiy engaged in sending out clrculur letter to them. The commlaslnn m very busy from now on and the prospect for raagninceni exniblt of Nebraska limit lee resource at the St. Louis exposition In crease In brightness dally Called l'p at Midnight. "Something like a month ego n neighbor of mine came to my house at midnight and called me up and wanted to know If I had a medicine In the store recommended for cramps In the stomach and diarrhoea. old him a bottle of Chamberlain' Collo, Cholera ami uiarrnea Hemedy which ho carried back home and at the same tjme ent for a doctor. Immediately on his re turn home he gave a dose of this remedy, and h afterwards told m that the -patient wa entirely relieved before the doctor got there." ay Enoch Uurson. O'Lea, Ala. Boaad Trip Bate, via I nion Parlno to many points In the states of Colorado, Vtah. California, Montana, Oregon and Washington from Missouri river terminals. - I1T.W to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, dally to Fept. SO. 130.50 to Ogden and Salt Lake City daily to Sept. 30. I41.W to Spokane Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1 nd 15. 15100 to Portland, Tacoraa and Seattle Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1 and 15. II&.00 to 8an Francisco and Loa Angeles Aug. 1 to 14 Inclusive. 15.00 to Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Aug. 1 to 14 Inclusive. $50.00 to San Francisco and Lo Angeles Oct. 11 to 17 Inclusive. City ticket office, 1324 Farnara street. 'Phone 318. 13.5 PITTSBURG. PA.. AND RETURN Via WABASH RAILROAD. Sold Aug. l i t Long limit. No 'bus transfer this route. All Information. 1S01 Farnam St., Omaha. For Sale Due bill on on of th best New Tr Cy hotel M good flisoount. Ad drM X-JM. car Omaha Ba FINAL CLOTHING REDUCTION All the swellest $10, $12 and $13.50 Out inghuits in the house at one price The cli max of the summer cloth ing bargains will be reached Saturday. We offer the finest outing suits in the stock that have been selling up to 13.50 including home spuns, light cheviots, swell flan nels, serges, etc. your choice for one day at g&z I 9 J I ;.; 4 , g Suite at fit; l Men's $18 and $20 Q CI Outing; Suits at O JL O All the swell summer suits of the most fash ionable fabrics and styles have sold at tl8 and Ju today at g75 CUBS" 1 hi' I, Men's $4 and $5 Summer Pants at $1.98 Saturday will be a big special bargain day for men's summer pants. They are spendidly made flannels, crashes, worstwls nnd cnsslmerps. The imttonis are the most nttrnctive for summer wear. A profit popn Inr offer for tod.-iy at iOYS THE BELIAIILK ITOHE. THE GREATEST 5 SUIT SALE ; ON RECORD. EVERY MOT1IEII OF A HOY WHO WOULD APPRECIATE A GREAT SAVING SHOULD NOT MISS THIS GREAT OPPOR TUNITY. COME AND BE CONVINCED. $2.50 SUITS FOR $1.25 Made up In cheviots and casslmeres. In very desirable patterns, in gray And brown mixtures. In light, medium and dark colors, made In Norfolk and double-breasted style regular 12.50 value In thla great sale at only $3.00 SUITS FOR SI.75 Made up in very handsome patterns, in all shades. In light, medium and dark colors; pant made 'with extension waist band, doublo seat and knees, reinforced taped seams, made up In Norfolk and double-breasted style regular 13.00 values in this great sale only, , II 11(1 QBTK 1.75 $4.50 SUITS FOR $2.50 We have the largest assortment of Boys' Suits ever ahown In the city. . These suits come In all the latest shades and fabrics In black or blue, grey and brown mixtures. In cheviots, casslmeres. silk mixed . worsteds, thlbeU and un finished worsteds; padded shoulders, button holes hand made; any style desired In sailor blouse, sailor norfolk, norfolk, double-breasted and 2 plece suits regular $1.60 value In this great sale only CHILDREN'S 05C TO 12.50 WASHABLE BLOUSE SUITS To be closed out In this sale at 75c, 50c and '. CHILDREN'S WASHABLE KNEE PANT8-Regular 25c value to be closed out at ' ' WOOL KNEE PANTS. ODDS AND ENDS Regular Boys Clothing: Bargains 75c and $1 Wool Pant at 39c These pants are strictly all wool with re-inforced seams and double seat and knees on the third floor today at BOYS' $3.50 and $4 KNEE TANTS SIT1TS AT $1.85 Here little sailor suits, sailor Norfolks, made in pretty patterns, quite up-to-date, at Your choice of any wash suit that sold nt 7Uc and $1.00, today at Boys' Waist Blouses and straight Waists, worth up to j Ap 75c, at IlU $1.50 Boys' Mother's Friend Waists, at t-r w at Boys' $3.50 Serge Blouse Suits, at. Boys' Blue Brownie Overalls ages 4 to 8 4 "f ...Ut 45c o 1 98 Third Floor 39c! are swell .1.85 39c 1.50 g You are cordially invited to ' Open a bank account with us We open accounts Jor a dollar or more arid pay 4 per cent interest K L. Brandds & Sons, Chech on all banla cashed. Ba 1lkers PI r 21 CHILDREN'S ALL 50c and 75c values in this great sale only.. 2.50 25c 10c 25: ABOUT 1,200 PAIRS MEN'S PANTS TO BE CLOSED OUT IN THIS GREAT CLEARING SALE 'AT J1.50 AND J2.60 In cheviots, worsteds, casts! mere and flannels in stripes, plaids, fancy and plain colore none worth less than $2.50 to $5.00 In this great clearing '. Bale only $2.60 and 1.50 Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. Rubber .Cuts AVe give below a PARTIAL LIST of the many values w carry In our ruober goods depurtment, every piece of which is guar anteed for one year. Parlies living out of the city will save nuiney by SlNDlNli US A LIST OF THEIR RUBUEH WANTS FDR QUOTATIONS: 2- quart Water -Bottle.." '. 48o 3- quart Water Lottie.... tc 4- yuart Water llottle 8lo 2'quurt Fountain Syringe 48a 3- Huart Fountain Syringe jo 4- quurt Fountain Syringe... l3c 2-uuart Combination Syringe and Water Bag 83c 5- quart Cf mbination. &y(in and v.'ater Bag $1 00 4-quart Combination . Syringe and Water Bag 1.10 Best grade of heavy .elate color rubber combination, 2, 3 r4-qiart, for $,1.35, $1.60 and $1.65. . , ' . Good Atomlar, ftlumifism lined.. 60c Good Atomlxor. 3, tips. 75o Suspensories at 25c, 85c, 50c, G5c, 75c, $1.0J and $1.26. all sixes; pastage paid. Crutches, light end strong, pair $1.00 Trusses, abdominal'-supporters, athletic supporters, at CITT" PRICES. NOT TO CLOSE OUT. BUT' TO SAVE YOU MONEY IF YOXj. NEED. THE GOODS. OPEN ALii. NIGHT. SOIiaEFER'S. CoSaPSe Two 'Phone 74 T and TBI. 10th muA Cblaaacn' Street. Omaha. Special. Our . Saturday special consists of men's suit, manufactured by Kohn Bros, "the house that has been advertising it good of late eo extensively In the street cars. The suits are strigtly. all wool, tai lored aa fine aa any one could make them. Trimmed with the very best serge lining, none of them were manufactured to be retailed for lees than $12.50, some of them tor more than that. Our sale price Saturday la $7.50 per suit. , You can see samples of them in our west show window. On our second floor, the Levlre stock la still on sale. As a large portion of this stock ha been closed out, we rear ranged the remainder and reduced prices on a good many articles. Here you can buy strong, substantial men' suit for $3.98. All knee pants In this stock reduced to 15c. Men' drill drawers, c. Men' straw hate, 10c. Men' shirts with two laundered collars, one pair separate cults, neat, fancy stripes, 25c each. Men's under wear, 15c. Men' suspenders, 6c. Lots of other great big snap. Don't fall to look over this stock and see If there is any thing you, con' use, will be a long time before you will get goods BKaln for such ridiculously low prices. Tho Guar antee Clothing Co., 1519-1321 Douglas St. ORDER THIRTY-ONE ENGINES (Btoa Pacte Providing Additional Ktutument to Cor for Isereaa lac I'aasenojer Tronic. . The U-ilon Pacific will order thlrty-ono new locomotives for passenger trafflc a soon as the eastern directors can decide upon the type to be used. Additional trafflc and the displacing of old types ha been the chief cause of this large addition In equip ment. Whether the 1500 s, which have been cau Ing the road a great deal of trouble re cently, will be taken out of esrvlce as oon aa the are ready for the compuny Is not known. Health at Small Cost. A few doses of Dr. King New Life Pills will cleanse, tone and Invigorate the whole system.. Try them. Only 26c. For sale by Kulin A Co. Attention, Odd Felloirat Special train for Arlington park, via the Northwestern line, leave Webster street depot a. m. Saturday. August 1. Fare T5o round trip. Special program arranged. Odd Fellow and Daughter of Rebekab from the entire tat will be present. Special re view of cantona by General M. A. Raney, Grand Master Wolfe and other tut officer will be present. Th publio I Invited. By order committee. You ft t"y frn ff tor inn a dnsen at Walnut 1MU Poultry farm, 4735 Hamilton at. THE BENNETT CO, NOT mere cheapness, but QUALITY combined with lo vv prices, is the guid ing, leading and governing; lorce in our popular grocery department-. Everything Guaran teed Right. See Here! 10 bur Dennett Uarguln i bvuu lur ... fcUv 1 can Pet brand Cream O. lor J 1 pkg. Presto for . Q,. pastry ...O 1 glass Jar Jeily, uny kliu: f... ou wian ....9V 1 bot. Chl.ll - O, bauce ......... O1 1 cun Oil Sarcine , i ike. M o,. ...ilia for.,., l) 1 tiui. boxes Pur- 1 c:ii Preserved Kluckberrle ?., lor Putted Meats' any kind 9., oa want Chocolate Cream. . I per lb IC FREE L- Jo 7c POUND CAN VEAL LOAI". HAM I OAF OR Jr-OTTEU OX TONGUE, TEA En if. Break fast, Guapoiv. tier, Oolooar, B. V. Jayuu na per lb.. 09 COFEEE Fine wild San ton, fresh rouHtcd, a , poauil . . I Ecauett'a Cnyl t o 1 Coflee, richest cui nu earth ejp pound ...4.0 1'rtce ent all atonic the line. All prleea marked 1 n plain Harare. UUfJK AND COIIITEOI g SIOHVICK. jstrjiners in Grucvry Deoart. mcnt. Come, have all vnn want of it. Omaha' Greatest Annnal Krent Aniait 9, The Omaha and South Umeha Grocer' and Butcher" picnic, at Valley Park, la., via the Northweiitiu Line. The public cordially Invited. ALL store will be CLOSED. . Came, Races. AmuaemerUar Bpend a day under theftes. Take the folks. Ticket, $1 00; Children. BOe. DIED. ARNHOLT Jo A., sergeant United Btatea army at Fort Bayard, N. M., July 25, jooi. teJ J yeara. Hl hon wu at Ziil Mandeiaou slret, Omaha. Only S 1.50 Not much for a good shoe, but a good deal for a poor shoe. .' . . ;'. .. Our $1.W shoes for the boy are mode by good shbemaker from honest leather and will not only give the wear, but they're a good-looking hoe and a comfortable one . to the boy feet, . . v. . . : Wo have eolu this same shoe for years and know they are the best shoe ever old at this price and guarantco them to be. We give ' you your money back If you're not satisfied. DREXEL SHOE GO., Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoo Housj 1119 Farnam Street. 20 slicks Candy for. .... .. .. 5c Marslimallows pound .... 11c Nebraska Mixed pound . . .10c Champion Mixed pound . . 10c Jelly Gunidrops pound . . . 10c Hoarbound Stick pound . . 10c Chewing Gum all kinds . three packages .......... -10c Ice Cream Soda 5c THE BENNETT CO. Prizes Prizes For the Boy A regulation base ball j oa., 9-ln. horse hide cover and sflk stltciicd. A dainty deco ra t e d Tea Plate from the famous Havllanda The first . fifty correct answers will win prizes fifty prizes in all. For the Girl THE PUZZLE To make out the correct an swer use: . 4 a 58...., 8...., 4..... .K'a .1. . V T'a .S'a 1 1 1 o i n l r l u It Is a common- truth about BEN NETT'S POPULAR STOKE. Every Bennett customer knows and believe this truth. If they didn't they would not trade with us. it is something short, snappy and striking. You've seen It In our a da many a 'NL'FF SAID. To give our little country friends a chance, we will NOT TAKE ANY ANSWERS TILL WEDNESDAY NOON. Write plainly and put your answer on. thin Imp: Your name and address here: Cut the whole od out, put In an en velupo end bring It to Mr.. Bennett desk, or mall to W. R. Bennett. Let us have your answer Wednesday after noon and k3ep watching our ads. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BENNETT'S IK Jv ' '' ' ' ' " y 35c 15c Great Clearing Sele Saturday Men's Shirts and Straw Hats at greatly reduced prices. Trunks and Valises, hoys Waists and Knee Pants also at cut prices. IT you are interested read tlie list. Men's $2 00 Straw Hats for 35c Saturday will be the last day that you can buy men's Straw JIats worth $2.00, $!.:(), ?1.U0 for. Children's Straw Hats worth $1.25, 75c, 50c, on sale at Men's 35c Belts on Sale, 15c Saturday we place on sale 120 dozen men's -Kelts that are worth 35c will be sold for 15c patent leather, walrus fckin, seal grain and calf all colors and all 1 Elp sizes choice of 120 dozen for Men's Hiffh Grade Shirts Worth $2.59 for $1.45 Saturday you can take your choice of any man's high grade Shirt in the house for $1.43 no malier if it's marked $2.50 or $2.00 your choice is free ami unre- 1 yf C stricted for '. Men's Fine Nelijee Shirts Worth 75c for 45c 110 dozen men's line Negligee Shirts that are worth 73c will be sold Saturday at a ;ieat bargain made of madras, percale in light and dark A patterns t:Ow Boys' Knee Pants Worth 75c and$l for 50c Boys' Knee Pants made of strictly all word serge ( throughout), also cheviots and eassi meres every seam reinforced and double-stitched guaranteed CHp ' not to rip worth 75c and ?1.00 Saturday.'. . . O VJC Men's 50c Ties on Sale 25c 53 dozen fine Kumchunda Four-iu-1 lauds on- sale Saturday made of pure silk, with small neat patterns in blue and white figures and spots -worth 50c -on O Cr sale J' Boys' Waists Worth 35c for 19c 25 dozeu best quality fancy colored percale Iilouse and Shirtwaists light and dark colors all ages, iQp 4 to 14 regular 35c quality for. Solid Leather Suit Cases Worth $5 at $3.50 - Saturday you can take your free and unrestricted choice of . over 100 solid leather Suit Cases that are positively worth 5.00 for $3.50 this is a manufacturer's odd lot of cases they wanted to close out and the concession we demanded is a very liberal one, considering the high qual ity of leather these cases are made of the saving is ab solutely exact and not inflated one particle these Suit Cases go on sale Saturday worth $5.00 as O long as they last J sJ Notice to Travelers We know we can sell you a Trunk, Bag or Suit Case for less money than its like in merit can be bought anywheie else. Facilities in buying give us an advantage. Facili ties in selling emphasize it. We make it a point to handle what's most likely to appeal to your need. We price it where lower pricing means greater business. Pittsburg, Pa., and Return Tickets on sale Aug. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Long limit returning. Tickets and full information at City Ticket Office, No. 1402 Farnam St., Omaha W. II. BRILL, Dist. Pass. Agt., 111. Cent. R. R.. Omaha, Neb. SQSSELaal I 'ral nfii.l Ml Imrftm M (iMS I tTNITBD mTATpS D 8 PO el TO J Jr. LM Itrafe. n.Hm. W T H.i We have been taking; orders nearly every day (or three months (or Steel Rargts and Ilare Burners from people whj have bought them to be delivered thU fall and aie making monthly payments on them. The I say it Is easier to pay for a stove in the I summer than In the winter, for the reason i that they have no coal to buy, expenses ! are less and work and income better. , Besides we allow 10 per cent on every dollar paid before the stove Is delivered, or If it ' is paid In full we make the wholesalo irici. 1 No plan has ever been offered the wag : earner to be the proud pussesaor of an fin a Steel Range or Base Burner as his ! employer uses than this plan. Or we will sell any size bteel Range or Base Burner'' at Jo. 00 down and to.00 per month, or make th wholesale price for cash and deliver the stove at once. '! THE ST0ETZEL STOVE CO., i .' T14 loath Sixteenth Street. Our Services Are Free W examine your furnace, steam or bot water system and ee that everything i lo readiness for fall use. If repair are needed, w have everything in stock. Also hot water attachment und furnace pipe covering. OflAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS '1207 Douglaa St. Tel. MO. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER .Writ for a, Baaapl Copy. , California and back August I to 4 Less, considerably less, than half the rate usually In effect. Made on account of the National Encampment of the O. A. R., but open to the general public as well as to meml.eni of lh U. A. R. Tickets good to return until October 13. Rock Island System offers two routes to California via Kl Paso and via Colorado. Tou can go one way and return another. Through dally Pullman Palace ar.d Tourist slopping car service via Colorado Springs and the 6cenlc Ulo Qranuo, Full Information furnished on application to any Rock Island ticket agent, or by addressing City Ticket Office 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A. YOUR TEETH ar your b;t friend. ' Car for them. Set of Teeth, $3 Crowns, $3 uu Oold Fillings, $1 up Extracting;, 23c. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, Lady Attendant. Telephone 1085. 3rd Floor Pnton Block I!