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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1903)
f TnB OMAHA DAILY REEi SATURDAY, AUGUST 1. 1903. 11 Hi,' r II 4 u J r SPECIAL NOTICES .----l- -', : : --xra AdffrllMmnti far these rolnraae will be tat en until la aa. far the urnlnf )lh), and vattt H SO p. M. for morning- and Innilir rdliloa. . Itatee. 1 .2c a word drat taasrttea, la a word (brrrafUr. Nothing- tiiUm (or I than !(rc for the first lneer lion: 1'hn advert laemente aaaat b Ma eonseratlrely. Ad frert lrn, by rrnne-atlna- ' a iim tiered cheek, ran have omatri ad dreesed to a numbered Icllrr Ik fir at The llec. Amntri a aridresced will b delivered prtit auilaa ( the WANTED SITUATIONS. YOUMO MAN warits a To!t10n tin stenog rapher unci assistant bookaeenpr. Ad dress J Be', A M tW Alx COMPETENT " young tady stenographer ' warns position In :-nutheatern Nenra.-ki, . Addre-w, 'Stenographer, im E. ' fctli bt., Topcka, Kan. A 75 4x WANTED Many Jobs of alf kinds of work, audi an trlowlng weed, excavating, re ' pairing fence, etc., everywhere within nltu II...I.-. ................ 1 .. . ...Ill n..ll i-" nii)iLn, i llill K It tHKiiiui'in, win van on fiartlf- who desire work done. Address noaril rjipff' In 1. Tranli fries at.. A M780 IX WANTKIMMU HELP. THE SUMMER TERM ' , ot , . BQYLES college . la now open, yet It Is not too late to enter. Every day In enrollment day. Business, ahorthand, type riling, English. Oet a catalogue. H. Bi UOYLES. President. Tel. 19M. - N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. ' ' ' ' B ! WANTED For United States nrmy, able bodied, unmarried men, between agca of '21 and x i-HlZi-us of United Bat3. - of good character and temperate haolts, who can speak, re id and write English, for information- apply to recruiting officer, 16ih and Dodge tit.. jUraaha, ,aud Grand Island. Neb. . ' B M47; WILL, give a worthy young man or woman a palu-up scholarship in Omuna a leading business- college, tu , be , p.ild for , when course Is nnlshed and position -ecjrei. Address, B 15, Bee. B-410 WANTED Small Job of cellar cementing done. Apply at 60," N. Y. Life Bldg. 1 1 B-M646 DRVU clork, with 2 or & years', experience. .wining to work. Address, it. r . urown, Sioux Falls, 8. D. ' ' B--t6i 4 1WU imn for hiodljng lumber,, two. men .for factory work. Omaha Box Co.. East WANTEDYoung, man. about 18, to deliver gooqs ar,q note care ul horse and cow. f . Kply rna"V. . ' p""M,-'!' 1 WANTl'lJ Young man as assistant bok keoper in wholesale bouse; must be rapid, accurute anu luminar wun omce w rK 'Addreim In own' liaitiiwtltlng, giving age experience, refoiencas and- salary ex pectud, J t, Bee otllye. . ' B Mtj.-2x WANTED-First class mftuiders; steady 'work; wages Moo ter day of nine- hourai The F. M. Davis Iron Works Co., Denver, Colo, B-aBM A good position Is always open for a com- ..Detent man.. Ill J dluiculty Is to tind it We have openings lor high-grade men in 1 all 'capacities xec.itlve, technical and 'Clerical. - Openings .for college men. "Klght , places tor rigut men and rignt men tor right places. ' Write for plan and bouklet. xiapgooas nincorporaiea), ouite ow, mo - iittduock Building, Chicago. - - - -B WAN VI I h references for commercial trav eler' to call cm merchants and agents-; ex-' pftrienco not roqulred; salury $2 per week , with expenses advanced. . ..National, IM uearborn St., Chicago. B M7M lx , . .,, ,1. , . u ... , WANTED-pJUen everywhere; gvwd- pay;, to dlstrltiuto , circulars adv. matter, tack slums, etc; no Canvassing. National Adv, Bureau,' Chicago! ' ' ' B M7SS 2x ... ,WAKTElVnALKSMKv..: . , Jli VnpA'nojy.BAjKS! AN'rtd malflnji 'Ka thin' 125 1)0 i'wek.' Wlfo''us- tbdav. ; w dre selllngr' groceries' to iariners und' othr Inrae buvcra at 'Wlioleiala uilrei.1 lood hustlers can makV up carload Tots at very town-in the aericu.turaj states Profits Kre larger than lii any. Other line: . irauo jiernmneiit. wuri pleasant ' ana i healthful.1, Fot- futl ; particulars" address George Meldrum & Co;, Bs N, Qrec-n St., WANTED Salesmen, by - manufacturer tjf grocery apeciuities; goou salary to ener gutltr litph' grade mitn;- slate your' expert ence: Box 617, Chicago,' 111. . M7W lx , WANTED FEMALE HE Li. . llw-Olnla. Call Canadtan oflice. 15th' & Dodge -. . .. ' 1 .. .. :-: .. vJ COPY. letters uu homa; 12.W paid Weekly .-send '.stauiped . enaalope,- satnpW s letter. Jburena Co., iguana bt., e t org.'. . ..::.. ..; . : '' ': G 3iW3 2x WANTED glrl-for light housework; faiiilly I two, AUlin!M J OU, 1C. - tn-JMI 4 i '" i i i I'll WANTED.' girl for''giir,eaV'- hrmsewortt famHy qf lirea. ..Mrs.: bimeral, V.6 North 'VSTII A'V. -x; ji WANTED,' a goivl second gtrl. bill oin Pine rjia. . ' MrsMarsh, . C iWa 2x WANTED, a neat, plain cook, willing to speno a lew weeas m ine country and then" return to the city; Apply 17X4 Imv enport. C 777 Sx ' WANTPin-Comtietent Second girl. Mrs, Klrkendall, stith and Jackson sts. ': C MT7S a ' ' FOli RENT HOCSK9.' RnilsF's n aU parts o the city. K. UUOCD. c Paurg & Co., Bee IUdK. D-1W FOU JtENT, 7-room houiic all. modern sx cept furnace, N. aJVU St.,.SJ). C. il, t;aiiiman, too-fff fax tun Blk. D Jto II HI 1?PS: ta HPtaof hactty. Th O, IIUUOCO j F, jjula Co.60S Bea Bldg. : " um PAYNE-H08TWICH1 A CO.; choice houses wi-wa new jurn'x.iie Drug. i"nono KMti, .- :'" ' ' ' D 6 WK 1IUVK pianos. Maggard Van dt Stor- .ago v.o., itti. nsm. omcu, 17U Webater St. . - ' t . ' ... . D dJU FOR KENT, ten-room moderu house near jiixu acnoui. ;no. iNorin :a street. 1b Quire nex. uour or at i i. X. Elfe build- i'k- d & c;.r 1K.U, jat-ciass v-rooai house. Co N. a, . 1 . . -. - U M477 UOUHES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk, D iV7 TWO (mom- house?,- all-modern, f ig.oo; n, u.n iiuiunu, u-i rax ton tuock ' ' D M763 TO MQVE right get Omaha Van' Stor St .yo., onus i-jjj, f ursani. or Toi, D-rfuii ISIS Iouglas St., 11 rooms. Apply ft N 1 Ufn- ' ..... D 3 FOlt RENT, a cottage. 110 Murcy Et ; r? icr month. IV ai, K. letter, rwrltcr V3 irown block. : . .- r m3? S-ROOM house, modern lmprovehjents- 23is Cuiitol A. t i - - I-M654 2x T-RiOM tounn modern lmproVetaents 221s Caiiilol Ave, ' .. t '. ? 11 Vl3 2x. - KOOMINU ra'uae, 12 rooms, modern In llrsiA Usa ci-iiiUtlun. 13 I .Ikward St., do- .'IrnMs location:. Mm, t. .'wtll rant 4 roon... iii,eo -tier month. tiwrijt t," .11 faniaju S4. -. . L Milts 7 r - t t i .. : 107 S. CVrH. S-rorHB ttnge, Ai W0' Mender son 6 rooms. $10; li) hwtrj. 4 raotna. modnrn flat, ,117.60,. itmgwii Bros. Hr kerjtlk. t .' . . , i v D MmM OOOI'i-r.--flt on';4th cr line '.S Pavne-,- Uoatwtek & CP iul-8 V. L- JJ0718 ' MinSKf -errooin-cnttairet ta.fi0T Cot Sltes Av. G. E. Turkingtnn He ,; ' I ' -! ., i J. " t ' P-T7S CUJKKENd RIGHT,. IN TO.WN-Vholoe r. and' l.rt-are' tViMn.lsf -fitted o? fr a horn and poultry strictly: also gi-od barn, car riage house. -elf-.: 8l7 SO: vnsKdsakiK'AuKuat I 1; rouat bo quick WJ gefc-this. 34'h. neir 1 California car. "Charles' E. Wllilimaon, THWEE-BOoSlEp house- for in, JM N. tlrj, ' I- Mi!tt Jx FOli ItF.NT Ft FINISHED ROOMS. I'EW'liY European hotel, 13th and FBrnnm. ROTAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago 11 V. to :.) per werk, 42? So. ISth. St.. ona block routh of court house. E ii)l NICK cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen prererred. 14J N. iitn. ' E-702 " O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone CI 1 . fc. U3 FRONT ond other desirable rooms, bath, cool nnd central, for gentletnnn l17 Cass St. E MSlr7 4 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th A Dodge, Hi 104 HOTEL HUBBEL, 13 & Howard. Phone 2Wj 8 NICE rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 So-. 11th. . k ai4io 218 N. 17TH, cool front rooms for two K Aim 13 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha ate-TTi laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. I'hona A-1783. ; E 705 ROOMS, 11.50 to $3.00 per week; board. 13.00. Thurston Hotel, loth and Jackson sts. , E-MG17 24 80UTH front, alcove room. 2V0 Harney. C .1L, k J ONE. or two furnished rooms for rent; fine location, lawn and shade, gentlemen pre ferred. 2215 Farnam St. E 778 6x. FIRNISIIED ROOMS AND BOARD. THE ROSE. 2020 Harney, nice cool rooms. ood board; rates reasunauie; mu iui tickets. F Mai-Ai DESIRABLE rooms, the Farnam, 19th nd Farnam. ' ,vv K9 8. 25TH AVE.; private family. K 707 WELL ventilated modern rooms; llrst- .. L . . rt- -1 V. Ollia li.L,lnB , class ouaru. xeit-puuiio. iw u ft , u - . F M731 NICELY .'furnished room for two gentle men wltn nrst-cioss ooara; close 10 line and within walking distance; also One very coy single room. l&IB Daven port St. . F-M747 A3x THE beat furnished rooms, with, board br the day or week: noma cooaing. ia-' jvtn at. .F M.728 FOR RENT VNFIRNI8HED ROOMS. FORv RENT All modern 1 basement floor, Including heal in winter; u. inquire no S. Both St. ' O-M790 I Ft'RNITURE PACKING. PETERSON & LUNDBERO, 115 So. 17th. Tel. L.-Zm. . . tl iub FOR RENT STORES AND- OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at via Farnam St. It has lour stories and a basement which was formerly used, as The Bee .press room. This will be rented ' very reasonably. If Interested, apply at office ot CO. Hose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. ... 1261 ' FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at uit .r arnam, zzxyu, lour stories and tirst-class cemented basement, elevator, lire and ' burglar proof vault, ofttce counter and tixtures. .For price aha particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewster, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 10u, Bee building. . , I-MixiJ DESK, room' for rent. 634 Paxton block. I-M640 STOREROOM. 1615 Howard St., with' light basement, unloading platform in thi, rear, Sou.00. George & Co.. 1W1 Farnam st. ' . . . I-M64 A AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing : axenu , in every county to solicit eubsciipUons to 'i'llnl ' T WaiNTiETH CENTURY FARMtiit. Ht4auy employment withasslired good. In como. Akcuts 111 tha Country with home ltt'buggy espeolaily dealredi CunvaiiseTa mlike eaaliy to' lou per 1 month. . AM-1 . dress Century -farmer Boiictiors tturemi, Be,e. budding,- Ornahai ' 3 . J ill AOENT3 wapt'ed' to sell the '"Life Ot Fbpe Leo .Ul." wrllteh ' with the encourage ment, approbation and blessing . of ilia iioiliieaa, . tne i'ype, oy aioiiaignor . uer- nard v nuiuy. twi x-axiun xiiug. . . ., - . . . . . -M364- WE. have all six of the different Pope Leo X-lli books: beet- ternta;. freight paid; outfit free. Call or write' VV. A. liuen-( uuugn oc co., ouu ware uik., ciuiuua. ., J-MS12 AGENTS WANTED 175.00 weekly "easily ihado. selling - our Double Indemnity ,:c"oinlilnatloji health and accident policies. ' Liberal ' coinmlKslon? - strong company; 'expeiihee' unnecessary. Write for terms. National Health and Accident Assocla tldn, 'm Crocker Bldg. - XcS MOInes, lit "'. j-m A2- AGENTS do It now, ' You' can tilke' more orders jelling our LIFE OF pOfE LEO XIII than any other, because It Is pub lished' in mbro than one langiuege. Hells : to everybody. Beautiful 12 crtior inemorlul picture FREE to each customr. Illus trated with beautiful colotVd plutes. Best .teems. Freight paid. Outfit 'free.- Ad dress American publishing Co., 6'J N. Y. L. Bldg., Qniaha.-- -' ' J 061 AGENTS-wanted to sell Dry Ftre "Extin guisher; ' Avila easy: pays big; samples practically free. Address Fire Killer., 44 Murruy St., N Y. - J-MU2H Alx WANTED TV RENT. YOUNG MAN -desires room end board In private' family; musi be close to car liiu; state prloe. Address J 67, Bee. , .-..'. K M662 Sx WANTED, room and . board during the school year In private fumlly, near 3Hh and-Leavenworth sta, or tenvenluni . to hunscom Ir"rk car. L.. I Bunker, 2241 Cedar St., Berkeley, Cal. . K MI81 I WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy, lomt good dental chalra. Union Dental College. N M574 WANTED NUrug oxide. . gas apparatus, cheap and In first-class condition. Address Box 103., North. Platte, Neb. N M787 lx . FOR SALE FURNITURE. I CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. j.-J. New and sucond-huud bought, sold, exchanged.-- .O .709 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR 8ALE, one large alx-passenger closed family carriage, one large open fumlly currlage, one large piatform-spilug pldr phaeton; all rubber-tued; two double sets of harness, one silver mounted, and one alngle aet of - harness. Call Frank E. Morsee. city Hall. JP-Malii HAVE your rubber tires set while yoy wult 11, Frost, lllh and Leavenworth. - P-'.IO MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N. ltith st . P Ul TOP Bl'GaY at half price, also nearly new. 2K, gae.r, cheap. 6ee A. W, Johnson, with JObh Deere Plow Co, P M7u0 A FOlt SALE Or. e second-hand 1903 model Olds Runabout,' In goml condition, I no. One second-hand l'.-1 1 modul Olds Runabout, lived -vei v little, new tires, good runidng order, $300. . .. . T Ona shop worn Spauldlng, 37B. s tuie taw Milwaukee., sioam wagon, fun probably f.O mliea. built to order with all lTn'roveinenla, $Jefl. - - One secoud-hand Milwaukee steam wagon, l.ullt to. order, with all ImprovemenUt, used three months only ur.d an excellent ateemer, $10. . - Tlie-lurfc-eet line, of near automobiles In the entire wealern country. . JONAS Al'TOMOPILE CO., ' . - Milwaukee Wi.. PM7 7x . fOt SALE HilSCELLANEOUS. Flt 8ALE-1.50U feet of aeoonhand H wire I'll a. In g'Md cuniuloit. AiM-ly to or ud- drvaa ''Superintendent ot Bee Buil.'lntf, . Oyiaha.' U-il.6d NEW and Sdl.and writers. 1111 SOU SALE - Secondhand Loecciotile. Ja flrat-eliaa shape, at one-half price. ,Sil or addraaa, laZl Jfltruaia lU Q U . Why Walk All A WANT AD KUIl SALE MISCELLANEOIS. FOR SALE Empty Ink barrel. E centt men; large, well made barrels; rnike first-class garbnge receptacles.. Fred Youngs, foreman, Bee press room, roir entrance Bee Hidg. . y MWl INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-714 FOR SALE A new t ampere doubl 1 polo switch; never been used. Apply t j or ad dress "Superintendent Bee Huil'tng, Omaha." Q-MToi TELEPHONE POLES; long fir tlmlers; chicken fence; oak piling.. 901 Douhis. FOR SALE Crane hydraulic, elevator; cm be used either passenger, or fre'ght; co:nt plete, iron guide posts, cage una wire en closures. J. L. Brandels 4 Hung. - . . Q-53S IRON and wire fences, tree guards.' trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., AX N.. 17th St, g-7iu PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sale. Apply Rose's Art Store. Q 717. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1118 Farhnm.' Q 719 WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam I Burns. W M9:i4 11 21.000 BRICK for sale. W. Farnam 8iirHh & Co., 1320 Farnam St Q 56) FOR SALE Coal business. Capital re lulred, 2,0u0.00. J 21, Bee. Q C8 CATALOGUE rut drag prices free. Sher man &, McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 718- FQh SALE Great Dane pup. - R. Erlksen Newman Xjrove, Neb. Q M61S 7x FOR SALE, two express wagons, cheap. 14 8, r7th St M-035 Kx FOR SALE A few to 15-horse power boiler and engines, of both tiorlxontal and 'Vertical types; also two Lambert gasoline engines, 4 to 8-horse power; all In perfect running order. W. A. Carpenter. York Neb. - Q-6;6 3x FOR SALE CHEAP One secondhand steam' healer that heats school house with five -rooms; in fair condition; the reason for' -selling, we are going to build larger. Jit quire or . write, Z. F Linvllle, 8-cretary of School Board, Carson, la. - Q M8.7 ti- CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. iXCRETIA, medium, 1709 California. ... 8fc0 A4 MRS. . CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN vt clairvoyants; every thing told; past, present and future, tat istautlon or -no pay. sJ7 N...lsth, 8 "10 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MISS HOWARD, elegant manwage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbiug. 3iii N. lfiih, flat E. T-M26e al MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r.2 T 721 GRACE O'BUYAN, Baths. 720 S. 13th. . T-M6 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., front rooms, tuo bain; lirsi-class atteiiuant.- T-M4U A3 PERSONAL.' . VIA.VL a -wholesale nerve and tissue food and home treatment for. disorders. . of women. Free booklet Vlavl Co., 3ia Bae Bldg. . , U-T21 ., DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity.'. K. 2 und 3, laUB Farnam st. .. . .. U Til , MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists,, IL IT CUKE3. PRIVATE home " during ' confinement; ( babies- Adopted., ine uooa Samaritan .fca-nitarluin. SS M juVe., .Council Buifla, la.' . : - . ' v .. " t.-ts J CUIROPpDY,, tnaniOurlng. scalp, facikX" hgieuu -and special massauu, taught &11.9 ! practiced. A. Maer, bU Bee. bluK. ' CO'i) : MuUaCJou .free.; jCse ,te-Ko-May' I'pird,er.' Pf.jVA'l'E hospital before and during ci?n-1 finement: bableu boarded and adopted. ' Mra,. GarJda, 2234 Luke. Tel., Red-lSi4. " PRIVATE, hospital before and during con-" ilnenient;. best .meuicai care ami njising. Mis. L. Fisher 1501' Vinton. Tel. PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladies before aud dui ing confineineiit. Dr. and Ml s. U.erl!)ch, . 3uU5 California St. Terms reasonable. ... . . ' ,..':'.' S8 " LOUISE II AM NER. ' please'' Write' f. M., Tucuma,.' Wash. ' ' ' U M.K0 2x MONEY . TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. , WANTED, city - loans and warrant .W: Farnam Smith & Co., 13j0 Farnam street;. .-. .-... 1 .. . W-7i-, WANTED, city and farm louns alsoi bends mid- warrants. lt.. C. ISitero. &Co.,---17o2 tiarnnra at., tet iima,.!.- -. iv FARM and-clly- loims; low-raUs. W, -II.' y CARPEtfTfcRS;AD JOIXMRS.' .-.' ; Thomas,- First Nut'i Bank Bid. Tel. Irt4a. l " ' v '' . '-' ' . ' W ,31.. i AiiL kinds of carpentetywork and repairing '.'.'...-. ' . v. .. promptly attended to. .J. T. Ochiltree, 'Join PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N.Lire. 'tt?1d Liico stretwa:' ' - 370 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block.; DETKCTtVEJ;. - - W 733 ... - FIVE PER CEN-lMoans. ; Garvin .Bros.. 104 WJCVr.MACK .ill. Kariach blockTel. Farmimi . . W-r.34 - . THIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Doujag. ; EXPERT. ACCO.u'NTANT.' ' r ' " o r. RATUBUN.'rooln 18. Com'l Nat Bank MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. ' " " : .' " '; 752 it ACV TOGET " FLORISTS."' . . , , iCMO I TO FAY 1 1 HESS ft SWOBODA.. 1415 Farnam. ;-;753 &tlUtl L, HEXDERSOfi. florl 1519. Farnam EC receipts, etc Or if you have a permanent ,-''"' ' m posltloa we can make you a :: 7" ""?, ..'"' , . , -. SALARY LOAN , ; , ' FOUND. .. T . without ecurityr except your own agree- . . '. , ";' ... , """Jfi t0..rTPd w..etTVQtolCUlels roUNI-At Farnam and 15 .streets., a ".h""-- k la thartou K. u.T?ali V"'- "" can have same iy calling at bforetoS borrow e ww here 8 Slawhlnney &.-4tyarfs wlry store, !sth b'f0 oAahWorTOAGK rLOAN CO., , and Dougja streets, and prove owner- 111 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 235. . "'P:".- ... ' Found MTKi 1 (Established 1S92.) 3u6 S. 16th St. - .... -.-.r- . ' ' " X 737 FI RNITURE PACKED. . ' , ; . .. . .. . , - MOM FY GATE CITY Upholstering Co.", woven wire IVIWHL 1 , springs ' tlghtonw-d. ' Tel. 'B-2075. .1706 St. To salaried employee and wage earners: ' Mifry'a Ave. . . 755 Get ous- svslem of loaiis thai gels you - . - , , , . . . r. ;- ; ., . .. nraVhlsteng.-er. hiving" GOLD. AD SILVER PLATING. employment can get. Just .m. his note: , oilA,lA rUTIjG.CO.. Bo. l.dg. Tel. 6. Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. ' . ' . ' 756 $100 Return to us. ,.ta 60 or $13.36 or $6 65 ; ., . , . , . I 60 Return to us... 1S.33 or 6 5 or 3 35 . . -.. , . riiiinif l" . . . I Return to us... or S 33 or I K . ' r GARBAGE. ktrc.ette?m?.Urowesrates. lonfldentlah ANTI-MONOPOLY. GARBAGE' CO., clean. No inriulrlcs. Quick service. Courteous ceBSpools and.vaulls. removes garbage treatment. n& ded animals at reduced prices. 621 THE STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X. 16th. Tel. 177i. -767 X 737 - .r-.y -.-T r-f ; , ' CASH IN ANY AMOUNT $10 to M loaned ": " INVESTMENTS.- . on furniture, pianos, eto.,- and to people -i-J ; s -il : ; : holding a ateidy. position, without secur- YOUH ' M1KTNO'' stock may be valuable. Ity or publicity, at the very loweet rates; '. -Ve furiilsh reliabi report on stocks and payments oan be. male to suit your con- mines. Mining Information-Bureau,' 1521 venhnce; strictly confidential. - j,h Kt , Iienver, Coin.'- M 7 Sx ' RELIABLE 'CREDIT CO.,' - J,,,!!. 1 . ' t , -r-t Rooms $07-308 Faxtoh Block. - - Am.w;v..BV,'M MONEY LOANED ON SHARPENED.! I Melcholrf Kith ft Howard' FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, .t . . ..- .J' - ' . . 764 . SALARIKS. ETC. .,'.-. . ; . Low rates and easy terms. ' LAWNMOWEH3 sharpened.': -saws --, filed. Business Confidential. umbrellas repaired, keys, elc So N. 16th. i TrV'tre if vou wart tu aave-money. Tel "K74 . - - 759 v " PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. ... . ... . - p . -J 63$ Paxlon Block. 16th and Parna-n Bts. ; , , .. . . . . - : .r. . X-7CT- Wk AXp COLLECTIONS. LAltOUST BI SINtSS . IN IX)AX8 TO BTILLMAN ft Z RlCU'-'fi U, B. Kat-Bk, t Id. SALARIED rE-OPLK. merchants, team- Bl' lJ " - . V " 7i klera. boarding hcuaea, etc.. without s- . 'l ; ..'"' . " ' . .. " cuMty; aaleai terma 4? oJTli a In n.ln- NEW SNOW-Cfl CRClI CO.T' 1st floor N. Y. . . loM title. Tolman. 440 Board of Trede Ufa Bldg . attoi lij and colleclois every. Bldg. . .. . - ... X-.tO- - here. . v f. . ,- ?61 MONEY loaned on -plain note to, salaried T - ;T ' Z '. ' ' ' Utopia: business conndrntlal; lowest rates.. --! ; ,-' . .. i tT - . il4 I'axtwu Wock,- The J. A. Huttonc0. --. ', V 1 ' '. , 1-,- 11 LOST Pul, ri-iae'. gLi'eae at Courtland CHATTKI hliy ar.d iawolry lons. Foley ,i-- 'cii, .Kildajr uttnwu.. Itciuiu lu. kii Loan Co., sue to D. Green, H. (, Barker V k. -Berd St a4 receive. reward. - -.X-74T .it-t7I-l Over Town to Find a Position? . WILL TELL YOU WHERE, TO GO. . ) MONEf 'TO I.O N CH ATTELS. MONEY' loan" on plsnoi, furniture, Jew- elry, borsts, cows, etc. C. F: Heed, 819 S. 13. X-743 BtSINESS CHANCES. FOR- SALE, by administrator, good clean stock of general merchandise In good brick building In good location, ready to begin business at any time; Invoice about t.toO; must te soldi soon. Call on or ad dress 8. W. Chambers, administrator, Blair, Neb. ',-, ' Y M971 FOR. SALE, jaeari. new stock of general merchandise .and building; Invoice about 1 1,000; . well e.t,tlllshed trade; good com munity. Addres J 34. Bee. x M606 6 A GOOD bUFlneas chance for man with small capital; pays tf per month clear; best town in Jiilack Hills. Address J 59, 'Bee office. . Y M65S 11 ' FOR SALE, real estate, rental and lnsur ranc'o business' In best county In Ne- ' braska; a snap, for a man with a little money anil some push. Established ten years.. Address 1 Lock Box 345, Wlnside, Neb. Y M606 6 WHEN you. want to buy, sell or exchange any property of business quick, see J. 11. e J. 1. Y-744 alUilllBUIl, 0W 11. .X. Alie. FOR SALE, at a bargain, bakery and con fectionery; goo$ location; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new; will xejl on one year's time, with approved security. Address Mrs. F. E. Baker, West Point. Neb. Y Mt7 7 A GOOD paying JS-room hotel for sale In Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner Uvea In Chicago is the object in selling. Mitchell &'. Faught, Wood River, Neb. . Y FIRST-CLASS , opportunity for an up-to-date furniture man with capital of about I10.CO0 to open a furniture store In a thriving, Tiealtliy county seat town of 11,000 population: best town of its size in state; onlj!. ond furniture store. For par ticulars address, Thomas B. Tuttlo, Carthage, ; Mo. : . Y M61 . NEWSPAPER . for sale. Good, paying re' publican weekly; county seat; occupies special; field.' Address J 65, Bee. 1 ; Y-M690 5x ' FOR SALE,, real estate and loan bUsInoss; other business?;', small capital required. J 66. Bee. . Y 775 1 , FOR SALTJ HEAL ESTATE. WILLIAMSON aRmLEafre 1203 '. .'. RE 745- '. HOUSES and. Tots In all parts of city;': also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. 1-iaviH o., Jloom una, lieu Bldg. KhJ 74t BALINE COUNTY farms' are the best. I have-some 'bargains. Write for particu lars at once. . F. G, Johnson, Dorchester, Neb. .' , ( RE M5W 2y. W. C. CHISBElX, 833 N. Y. Life Bldg. " RE A13W-7 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postoftlce, for sale . cheap, lus N. 15th. Benewa dc Co. l , 'RE-747 RANCH and farm lands for safe by ' the I'nlon Pacific- Railroad compuny, B. A. 'McAllester,. land commissioner, ' Union Pacific. Headndarters, Omaha, Js'eb. . . : . . ';': RE T48 . EASTERN party anxious to close out his real estate deals In Omaha will sell mod ern house on paved street one' block from car line: hot water lieutlng: ood barn; ; for $3,500; house cost tti.Ocfl to ' bu(ld. Thomas Brennarl, 303 So. 13th St. ' . . ; . .. RE M785 OREGON &lWASH1NGTON : ., L-tfflV&i- If" you want" good pftiytn land In a country . .that never falls o-'jrwftluce a crop then Join one of-tr jxVTnrHlohs to Oregon and Washington', aiirfpe their '"'l'.' : vWhes.t Fields, '. ; '.'i i "' 'FruM. e-acharda,-' ' : i t Ho XaVda. I " ' .'(Dairy J-arms. ' ' i ' -. Vineyards arid ' ' "Timber Lands. ' all on or adlress us. for excursion dates ; and JAof, 'hEYDTSn 40 ACRES. lmproyeil,parpy:Cri.- Jbox : 101. Fapllllon, Neb. ' RE-M792- A3U 'm IJr- J ' :i.T .V l..V-. , ' . -. Acc oiinio pleatinoi ; GOLDMAN. 200 Doifglas llo'ck:' ' 749 BALE-TIES. OMAHA Hay Baler Tie Co., SUNorth. lith.. , . ' i-ti60 . R..RT'MBEJ,Sc'1Sbr. only tie factory In the state. Try. u4;)lth,und Nlcholns -Ptsi Tel. F,S:i59. '-31 25 " CARPET . t IJliANINO. A. K. JETT calls for: carpets. Tel. A-M0S.-.. " , .- - M39ii 1- Ml S1CAI. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidge Block. . . 3 9 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615. New York Life Bldg. Tel. !. 7t3 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. Wf.2. . 764 Atxen ft Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1365. 7tJj DRS. FINCH ft MILLER, 124 8. 25th St. 766 Dr. Grace Decgan, 509 McCague. Tel. 23S2. 7 17 PATENTS. H.- J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 818 8. 15th St Omaha. Tel. 1798. :. 7ta PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ol Douglas. ... i tm RIG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory. 1521 Leaven. Tel. 20S. 7'i9. - SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. 'AN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. NEB. Business & Shorthand College., Bod'i .Theater. . ' . ' ul STAMMERING, AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge BUlg. ' r.2 STORAGE. OM- Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farn. Tela. VXWr TICKET BROKERS. CTJT RATE railroad tickets -everywhere. P. It. , Phllbln, . 1005 Farnam. .'Phone 4. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, a loan of 17,600 on a partly de veloped mining property In Colorado, for the purchuse of machinery and further development. The property . Is worth at lehst i;6.0W). Will pay 6 per cent ' Int., and give an Interest In an adjoining prop erty of great prospective value. Full In formation given showing this to be a strictly legitimate proposition. Address L W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, la. M-069 5 . POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls, for the week ending August L 1903, will close (PROMPTLY In till cases) at the general postofllce as follows: pui-eels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Regular ' and supplementary ' malls closo at Foreign Station half an nour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). ' .' - Transatlantic Malls. : SATURDAY At T:3o a. m. (supplementary a. m.) for EUROPE, per, a, a. Umtiila, via Queenntowrv at, a. ti. tor BELtaULM direct, per a. k. Kroonlanu (mall rnrut be directed "per . s. . Kroonland "); at9:A) a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. s. , Anchoila (mail must be directed --per s. a. ; .Anchoria".); at U m.- for DENMAIUi direct, per.a.-s. Hekla (mail must be in fected "per a. Hekla"). - ,-; Iati?Tii 4TTPETC.-Thl'i steamer t-ttes Printed .Mattel-. CohmercIal ,Pa ; pers, and Samples for German- only.' The lUmA Pl:,a ,. .,'. ,ll .......... .. .. T - . i- I " -"--"" oi wiuer juris of Europe win not vbe sent, oy mls shlo uuleus specially directed by her' r , Afier the closing . of , the aupplom-mtary Tranjatlanti" .Mails named above, irddl Jlonal Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of 1 the American, Engllf-h. . French and Germnn steamers.'and temoln open until within Ten MlnuteJ of the hour of sailing of steamer ', ... " Halls for Sooth and Central America, i. West Indies, Etc. ' SATURDAY-At 8 a. m. for BERlfrrii per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m : a,SA" NUEA-per V'.: SSf V5 R,ICO. per-TAamo ".SO 0'lX ; plementnry. 10:30 h. m.) for ?M; , Island. Jamaica, savanili,0 TAGENA and GRE Y1WN r,, CAtt Alleghany (mail for Costa Hico'mii ',' i' , directed "per s. s. Alleghany")- . in" be for CUBA., per .. a. Mexico"' Havana Malta Forwarded Overland, Elo'.t Ex. ' cept 'Transpacific.' . CUBA-By fair to Pprf Tampa, Fla '". and . thence by steamer, closes ai this otti,-. dally, except Thursday, at ,i:Sn a.."n aa 1 connecting mulls close. her n Mondav. Wednesdays nnd Saturdays). -uo"das, MEXICO '-lTY-Overlund. unless speeUiiv addressed for despatch by steamer, cloeri at this oflice dail,, exce;7t Suniai a ; 9--m. and 11;.T0 p. ra. Sundays at 1 p. and 11.30 p. m. v NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd- nfV- aIU-.ilhelJcf .y ,l,iamer. c'e at this ( oflice dally st:30;p m. (connect ihKPmu hs '. close here every Monday. Weuneaua and .SHturOaj. .. , ..' JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence : by ateamer. closes at this ;ofHoe -at 6 -30 p. rn. every Tuesday and. Thursday , -MlQUELON-By .rall to Boston " nd thenoe 6 30 p m " " thl" fflcs dauTSl BELIZE. "PUERTO CORTEZ and CUATP MALA-By rail to . New OrleansTa ' thence by ateamer. c oses st this offiei dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 n:M p. m., Sunday, at 11 p. m.ana'lu'aj ' aa-.t(7i.tnm.)roaa.,;l0,,e' COSTA RtCA-By rail to New Orleans and thence by Steamer. . closes at this oftl dally, except Sunday, at l .30 d - m 9iT3 ! U:30 p. m.. Sundays at 11 p. Pand Jll" 0 P- m. (connecting mail close hera 7'riL. . Says at 411:30 pr. m.) r iuea' IRegistered maU closes at ( p.' m. nr.. vloua day.',. Traasparlne Malla. '' HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and specially addressed mall . for . the PHILIPPINE - ISLANDS, via San Francisoo, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 2dth, in elusive, for despatch.-per a. a. Nippon PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vis San Fran cisco, close here dally at U:au p. tn un te , July 27ih, Inclusive, for despatch per U B. Trausport. ' ,' CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close , here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to July I1.ih. Inclusive, for despatch per s a Olvinoiu NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (exoent West). NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco . close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Au gust lst. Inclusive, for despatch per a, a. Ventura. (If the Cunard e'eurner car rying thee BrlUsb mail for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this despatch extra, malls closing at 6-30 a. m. 30 a. m. and 6.30 p. ni.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and :kj p. m will be made vp and forwarded until the ar rival of the Cuoard steamer.) -. , CHINA and JAPAN..-via Seattle, .close fiere daily, at :8u, m. up to August 43d ncluslve, for despatch per a. a. Tosa Mnru. . . v . , HAWAII. CHINA,- JAPAN and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:90 p. m. up to August' I3d, Inclusive, for deanateh per s. a. Siberia. TAHITI and MARQt'ESAS ISLANDS; via San Francisco, close her dahy at (30 p, m. up to August lOth. Inclusive, fur deaiiateh.per s. s. Mariposa, HAWAII, via ban Francisco. cln 'her dally at 6 30 p. tn. up to August 110th. In clusive, for de-patch per s. s. Alameds. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C.. . close here dailv ar ,6 J0 S. m. up te August 111th. lacluslve. for espatch iMtr a a. Empress of Japan (Merchandise for- V. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada ) AC8TRALIA (except Weat). FIJI INLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, -thi Vancouver ana Victoria. B. c. e'one her dally at p. m. up to August 116th. in. elusive, for despatch prr a. a. Aorangi. NOTE Uniea othnrwUM aduresaed. vveat Australia Is furwarded via. Europe, and New Zealand and Plilh'pliu-a via Ban Fran- POSTOFFICE NOTICH. elect- the quickest - routes. Philippines specially addressed 'Via Canada" or "via Europe' muet he fully r-re.d a 'he for eign rates. Hawaii is revtrardea via San Francisco exclusively. Trnnpaclt1c malls are forwarded to port of sailing dully and the schedule of closing is arranged on the preaumntlon of their uninterrupted overland transit, registered mall closes st 6 p. m. previous day. CORNKLIl'S VAN-CiiTT. Postmaster.-' Postofllce. New York.'N. T.. Juty 24. 19 S. ' SEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO Moses Harris, - general , treusurer N. t onal Home for D. V. S.. lu enro of Thomas R. Kimball, architect, 50U McCague build ing, Umalui, Nehriifka, will be received at the above address uuiil 12 o'clock M . Tues day, August 4. 1903, and then opened, for furnishing materials, labor, etc., for the construction of the main --roup of buildings trt the. Battle Moilntnln Sanitarium, at Hot Springs. South Dakota. Plans may be seen and copies of instructions and speci fications, together with . blank proposals had, upon application to tho architect Thomai R. Klmbull, 603 MoCoguo building', Omaha, Nebraska; to t Builders' , nni Traders' Exchange, 1K8 WnahinKlon street Chicago. llllnoiM-. to John F. Daggett, sec retary, Denver Building Contractors' Coun cil, ad Times building. Denver. .Colorado; to the Builders' Exchange, St. Paul, Minne sota; to E. S. Kelley, Banker, Hot Springe. South Dakota, and to the. office of the National Home for D. V. 8., 346 Broadway, New York.-N. Y... Address all Inquiries re garding druwingSvand specifications to the architect as above. - J27 Jy4-U-l-25 Al-m AILWAY TIME CARD. CNION STATION IOTH AND HARCY, . 1 Union Paclae. Leave. Arrive.' Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7 W pro The Fast Mall a 1:25 ptc Colifornla Express..,,. .a 4: pm Pacific Express all:30 pm Eastern Express . aE:S0pni Iho Atlnntln Express... a7:.1am The Colorado Bpeclnl... 7:10 am a 1:40 am Chlcairo Bneclal.......-. i- a 8:40 am Ltrcoln. Beatrice and , Stromabura-. Expreaa .b 4:00 pm . blJ:M pm North Platte Local a g oo am a 6-15 pm Grand Island Local.... . b B:S0 cm b 9:85 am Chlcnsrn. Mllmakr a gj, Paul. 5''n-o Dnyllght ..a 7:45 am all:18 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:45 pm a 8:40 pm Chicago Limited ,.a 8 05 pm. a 7 50 m Des Molnea Express. ...a 7:45 am a t:40 pm , tblcajco A Northwestera'. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago .a 3:4ft am a 7:00 am a 8: Jin nm a 1:30 pan nk):26 pin aJl:10 pm 6:10 pm a 9:16 am 1 :60 am a 8:46 pm a 8:15 am a 2:40 pm b t:5n am a)0: are bl0:36 am Mall -.. -.; Local 81oux City Daylight St. Paul.... Daylight Chicago ... Local Chicago Local Cedar Itupids,. Umlted Chicago .... Local Carroll ........ ...a R: pm ...a 6:10 am ...a 7: Si am ...a oo arri ...all :3o am ... . ,6:10 pm ...a 816 pm ...a 4: urn Fast Chicago Fast St. Paul Fast Mall .....1 6 60 pn, ...... u -i pm ' Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm Norfolk ft Bonesteel..a 7:2fi am I.lnroln & Long Plr)C....b 7:35 am Chicago. Rock lalanA ' Pacluo. EAST. Chicago Daylight L l'd.-.i s 55 am a 3 Ro am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:35 pm Chlc'ago Express. ..'..bll :15 am'.a 5:85 pm Pes Molnea Express. ...a 4:30 pm bU:50 am Chicago Fast fc.xpre..a 6:i pm a 1:26 pm - WEST." ' - -- Rocky Mountain I, i'd..a 7:30 am .a 7:25 am Lincoln. Colo Springs. Denver, Pueblo and . West , 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo. Texas. Cal. anf Oklahoma Flyer a, 6:40 pm al2.40 pm Wnbnah. ' . .- ' St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ..a 6:55 pm a 8:ttJ am St. Louis Local, Ceun- , ell Bluffs...; a 9:15 am al0:J0 pm Mlaaonrl PnciaW., " ., St. Louis Express....;. .810:00 am K. C 6c St. L. Kx.......al0:50 pra Illlnola Central. ' Chicago Express ;.. '....'. la 7:86 an Chicago, Minneapolis' A 8t. Paul Limited, a 7:60 pm Mlnnefepol1S''St. Paul ' Express ...b 7:36 am- Chicago local -.,...'.. !0:Sa am Chicago -Express.: ;.... r . , . a pm a 6:16 am a 6:10 prr. a 8:06 am bl6:85 pm alO:3B am f 1 i m WEBSTER DEP49T 10TH WEnSTEfri Chlragroe 8t. . Paul, Mluneapolls A --.''OinnlilC, . ' ... i ... .. Lettve. ; Arrive Twin City Passenrer..,a ! at n-:1ft pro Sioux CItj FBSBenger..;a 2:oo pm al'- aoam Oakland Local.j.i;.....b 6:46 pm -b 8:45 am llaaoni Psvclflc. , ... ':' '' -' -'-' NebraSk.' txieal"' Via ,' , : ' ' '. , r . -'"'. "; ". Weeping Water. ...... .b. i-XO pra alO:2S am Chlcngo A Nprtayeaer4, oNebra-atxii . and ' WyntuluK lHvlaloa. - ' " ' ' Black Hills. Dendwood. . -V ' ' , Lead. Hoi tiirinr,s. .. Va 3:00 pm a 5:00 pro Wyoming. Casper and .. . ,. . , , loiigla, d 3:00 p'm e 6:00 pra IiasliiiKS. Vork ' David . ... .' Ci,ty. Superior. Geneva. , , Exeter and Seward.. ...Ji 3:oQ pm,bg:00 pni BUltLI.VGTON STATION-10TH 4 HAIOt , ' . ' ' - r ' ' Kansas City, St. Josepa dt Coanei) -Ulnnn. , ' i Kansas Cltv Day. Ex... 15 am1 a tM pm Pt. Ixiuls Flyeri. '.....'... anu pm all:06am ICansaa City Night Ex..ul0:SO pm a 6:lt am Burlington. A Mlasourl Hirer.' ' iave. Arrir - Wymore. Beatrice and . Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2:06 pm NebroHi.a Express. a 8:60 am a ?-45 pro Denver Llmltec a 4:10 pm a 4:46 am Black Hills and- PHEef, . . . Sound Express... .all:10 pm a 3:10 rm Co 1 6 r a d Vestibule , . , . lu pm Flyrt :.. .'. a,8:10nm I.lnooln. Fast MU.,...b i2 pm a 5;l am Fort, Crook, and PiaUa- , . m, '-mouth ............ ....Vttvm hio'jam PeHevue. Parlflc Jet. .a 7:M pm . a g-27 . Beiievue ft Pacific Jet.. a 3:56 am Chicago, lliirliutilou A 4ulncy. Chicago Special... . 7:00 am., a 3:56 nm . .... ...... u A. n -w.w J,U1 Chicago Local... a (:)H am Chlcapo Limited a 8.05 nni Fast Mali f 1 i ...... , Vail 1 lull ul IT. a A .(m . - .. ' 4g am all. '00 pm a 7;46 am a 2:40 pm a Daily b Dally except 8unday. d Dailv exc?pt Baturdny. Dally excen Monday. 6 1 EA olSHll'5, HOLLAND-AMERICA LI?iE . .. htm Twln-crrw ' Btaaiaara ol 11, too Toai KKW TUKK HOTTkllUAM. via BOULOO.N'gL ' I ' talllag Wa4adajr at JO, A. U. Patadtia ,.,vi,.Au Noordasi i ;.'...,.'. .Aug it Bui.i.dim Aug. u Ruttrtam -i..i...B.yf Byudaui Aug. - ,ri VoUKiiot. Hi. a IIULLANU-AMtkHlCA LINK, IO Dearborn- Stv Chlcag-o,-111. Harrr Moom. JM1 Faruam at.. C KatkarConL IMS M., t. a. HalrueKU. 1M1 ,t SUPREME. COURT SYLLIBI , . 129. Orove ggalnst Dineen., Appeal from Booue. Afflrrned. Barnes, C.' Division N i Unreported. . . . . ,. -. . 1. Applications for strict foreclosure of contracts for the sale 6f ' land are' ad dressed to the sound lgal discretion of the district court, and such foreclosures will be granted In Caaas where It would be unjust and Inequitable td refuse them 1 On an 'Appeal from a' decree of (he district court, where there la no bill of exceptions preserved and the record con tains nothing but the clerk's transcript we are only required to en a ml no the record far eoouh tp ascertain whether or not the pleadings are sufllcient to sustain the decreet, ; . i. In such a case the general presumption exists that every proceeding essential-to the legality and vitality of the Judgment Was validly taken. And where on any contingency sunpoaable on the state of- the record, the decision below might have been valid, such . eon tit. go-icy wiU.. be,, o pre sumed. . - . , , ... 4. In the absence r.f a bill of exceptions,' If the. petition or pleading; on wfilch the de- orw ia p. Ktucmey contains .sumctent state-, nients of a cause, 'and..H troper. prayt'r for the relief thereby afforded, questions which necessitate a reference to the bill of ex ceptions will not be considered and an attlrniance of the decree Is proper. " 12io5. Bemls against McCloyd. Error from York.- Affirmed. Ames, C. IHvwiun No.' 1. Unreported. 1. A uiehitlff who has teen eeated- upon a trial In tuo court below 1- a general rinding of Insure of tic I. upiin petition, an swer and repb. In favor of hla adyeraary, and who prosecutes error without having preserved the evnUMire in a bill of ea ceptions. and without having .obtained-. a ruling upon a motion for a new trial, can uaaltfn but one grtmrid of error In this court, vis., thaf the sfiewer does not state tacts constituting a defenae to the petition. 2. An aaalsnment i f error not noticed In' the brief will be deemed to have been waived. . ' U-Jtti. Kearney Coitnty Bank against Dull eniy. 1 Anpwul from Incsier. Jndgment. Albert. C. Division Nil- I. Unreported.. . 1. I'.ilileMia examlnfd and held Ui show ttu-. the cunaiilvraiion -Jue uut conveyance nf. a carlaln. ny Ipt moved frowi the bus-, band, kil thut tlja title thereto w taken In the name of the wife, for the purpose ef placing it beyond the reach of the creditors of tne former and of hindering and delay ing them In the collection of their debts. 12P70. Chaffee sgdnst Schestedt. Error from Douglns. Affirmed. Oldham. C. Di vision 1. Unreported 1. The li.-n of an ordinary mortgage Is not suhotdlnste to mechanic's liens, be cause the money which It waa given to se cure was loaned tor the purpose of Im proving tne mortgaged prenilrt-e and under sn express contract that It should be so used. Henry, etc.. asalnat Halter. b Neb . iWi. followed and npproved. . i-roor 01 the suegalton that no pro ceeding at law has been had In a suit to foreclose a real estate mortgage la re Quired for the benefit of the mortgagor. The omission of proof of this allegation In a contest between lienors' la at most error without prejudice. l:t.2. lleagney against J I. Case Thresh ing Machine Company. Error from York. AirtrmeM. Duffle, C. Division No. i. Unre ported. 1. A demand ot possession before suit Is not necessary to maintain replevin where the defendant contests the esse on the . merits. 2. Where a contract of warrant provides for notice of defects In the article sold to be given to the vendor and that "any as slstancu rendered b the company, Its' agents or servants In operating or In remedying any actual or alleged defect either before or after the ten days" trial.', shall lu no case be deemed a waiver of or any excuse for any failure Of the pur-1 chaser to keen and Perform the conditions of this warranty." Held,. 'that notice to an agent or the company of derects In a ' machine obtained from assisting In setting It up and trying -to make It work, Whs not1 such notice as complied with the condi tions of the' warranty. 8. Contract of warranty examined : nhd " held that on breach thereof by the vendor 1 and warrantor the only relief allowed the venuee was to return tne article sold ana reclaim the consideration. - 1 126. Chase against' Nebraska Chicory " Company. Error from Colfax. Affirmed. ' Pound. C. Division No. 8. Unreported. ' I. 'Bolton against Nebraska Chicory Com pany decided herewith, followed. ' City of Souln (Unarm against Tay lor. Error from Douglas. Affirmed. Al-' bert, C. Division No. 2. Unreported. ' 1. That orte Injured In consequence of a defect in a Street had knowledge nf the defect beforehand does not per se establish negligence on his part, but ordinarily Is merely one of the clrcun-stances to be taken Into account by the Jury tn determining whether there was a lack of due enre. ' 2. On the facts shown In the opinion, held, that the question of contributory nag- : llgettce was Tor the Jury. 3. It Is not error to refuse an Instruc- i tlon tendered, when the same ground Is" covered by an Instruction given by the cottrt on Its own motion. i 4. Record examined and held, that there Is no variance between the allegations and the proof and that the verdict is sustained by sufficient evidence. ' ' - - 12W4. Horn against Williamson. Appeal -from Boone. 1 Afllrmed. Klrkpatrlck, C. I Division No. 3. Unreported. - ; 1. I-roceedlngs of the County Board of I County Commissioners examined -and held 1 Insufficient to establish a consent road. 2. Evidence examined and held instiftl- . clunt to show the establishment of a pub lic road by prescription. 1 12939. Estate of Sidney E.' Wolcott against McCormlck Harvester Machine Company. ' Error. Websier. Affirmed. Utrinrille. C, Division No. 2. Unreported. ' 1 '- 1. Defendant In error appealed from a ' Judgment rejecting Its chum ag.iinst th plaintiff in irror. The defendant In error ' moved the district Court to diamine tho appeal because the transcript brought up was not complete. Instead of sugKCStiug diminution of the record. Held, that the court had Jurisdiction and did not err In overruling the motion. z. Record examined and held to snow no error on the part of the trial court and that it properly directed a verdict tor ae fenrlant in error. ' 13 H1.. Chealcy against Rocheford ft Oouhl. Error, Douglas. Alllrmed. "Oldham, C, Dlvlblon Np. 1. . Unreported. l.'In an action at law where the right to recover' depends tipuiv testimony from which reasonable minds might draw dif ferent conclusions the cause should be submitted to the Jury. But where only one . conclusion - can be drawn from the evidence ' the cburt should direct a ver dict. ' .-'.'' 2. Where one enters upon the premises of another with his ronsent, but without an ' Invitation and ndt In the discharge of any . publlo or private duty, he is a bare Ir- tense, and the occupier .of the premise owes ho duty to him as long as no wanton . er willful Injury la. Inflicted upon him by' me licensor or nis aervunia. . 8. Plaintiff's evidence- examined and held to show that he was at the time of the hijury complained of a bare licensee on d-tfendant'B" premises. -- - ' . 13163. ' Moores. ncH Inst 'State.' Error. Doug- las'. AfllrnvJJ- Mandate instanter. '(Jlan- ' vllle,' C. Division No. 2. ' Unreported. 1. .A .protest addressed tq a ooara em- ; powered to grant saloon -licenses was sent by mall antf received prior . to any action granting .the,' license protested against. The board took' cognizance of the same and ordered It nreserved in thai fllei' of . Its offlr-e. Held, that, .the'protest was "filed" in tne proper oniue wiinin me, meaning 01 fhe law and that It became the duty of " the 'board to "appoint a day for hearing the case" under the requirements ot sec- ' tlon 3, chapter 60, of the 'Compiled Stat-' utes. I. Record examined and held to show i no error and that the writ of mandamus ' waa rightly granted by . the district Court. , 1728, National Building and Loan Aaso- . elation against Kettnrin. Appeal from Har lan. Affirmed. Klrkpatrlck. C. ' Division : Np. 1. . L Contracts made In this state "by resl- . dents, of this state with foreign building and loan associations, such contracts be- -tug made tnrough agents of such assocla- tlon located in this state, are Nebraska contracts, and -their construction, validity and enforcement are governed by the laws of this state. ---- " I t. The rule that the purchaser I of the"; equity of redemption, who purchases sub- , Joot to a mortgage, and who deducts from ; the purchase price sufficient to pay such mortgage, -ia estopped to defeat ,the juort gage on tho ground of usury, is not applic able when the vendee and the mortgagor, at the; lime of sale, -agree that lae tnuum-. , brance Is tainted with .usury,, and there Is retained out sf th purchase price only tnough to pay the Incumbrance less any usurious penalties.- - ' 3. Evidence examined and held that de- . fendunt was not estopped ' to set up the plea of'usury.' 4. Evidence examined and held to sustain the Judgment. ' i 12819. Anderson'agalnst Anderson: - Error . from Howard. Reversed. Barnes, C- Divi- t aloti No. 2.. ' 1. Where no trust is created, neither the t executor nor the heirs or devisees, who claim only a legal title In the estate, will a be permitted to come Into a court of equity . for the' purpose of obtaining a Judicial, construction of the provisions of a will. Where only purely legal titles are Involved, I equity will nat assume Jurisdiction to, de clare such, legal titles, bul. will remit the parties to their remedies at law. 2. The district court 'has no original Juris- : diction in an action to coptest a will, or aet aside the, probate of the same. 8. The county court has original JurlsdhV 1 tlon in the probate of a will, and Its order ' admitting it to probate is conclusive, 'un- -leas, by a direct proceeding by appeal cr 1 Otherwise, it is reversed. ' 4.. The county court has Jurisdiction to I oonstrue wills for the purpose of adminis tration and' settlement ot estates. But the ' construction of a will In sucli a case Is for. the Information and benefit of the ex- 1 ecutor or. administrator only. In order to -advise him what course to pursue. It will protect him from any charge of mal-admln- Istratlon. ot the estate, bul It adjudicates nothing beyoad his rights and llalilliilea In the execution of his office; controversies between adverse claimants, under the de Vise, will not tie affected thereby. 6. A petition In which It Is alleged that the Jila in tiffs are the owners of and have a legal title to certain roal estate, describing it, that defendant ly his wrongful acts has cast a cloud on their title, snd which con tains a prayer for general rriultuble relief, . suites a cause of action, and will resist a general demurrer. (. If such petition contains other allega- ' tlons and- demands constituting a cauae or causes of, action over which the court ha not Jurisdictlo-i. such matters will not ren der It vulnerable to a demurrer but should be treated aa surplusage. , lo2o9. Anderson against Donaheej error,' ' Douglas.-.Affirmed. . Pound, C, Division" No. 8. 1. When a municipal corporation Is ex- , pressiy authorised by legislation to enact a certain . ordinance In execution 1 of the -jK.llce powen such ordinance aUnds 011 -. the same basis as a statute, and lis- rea sonableness or unreasonablttiiess la not a ' ina,tlr for the courts, except as such que- ) lion would bear ui the conatlluli Miulily of a statute ol the same nature. ... 2. A -pollue regulation, obvlouely iiitvnioj as aurb and not operating uuieaaonabiy beyond the occasion of its cmulmiml. la , not. invalid may affect 'Inci dentally the exercise of tuian right guar anteed by tho consilt 11 1 ion. ' 3. An ordinance making It unlawful to., circulate uw ctlatribute prlnlad- or written dodgers, . handbills or circulars , upon the pillule streets, aJleys, fcidewaiks or l.llbllj . gniuiids of the municipality, .does not con travene section 6, article Stal Coi'KtUutlon. . . , T 122. Thompson against Nelson; appeal, MadU-pu. Apteal dlamUsrd. Amen, C, lHvlainn No. L Unreponed. L orders and Judgments of the district 1 court In proceedings for contempt are re viewable In- this court by petition lii error 7 only , ..- . ' I. A Judgment for ce-sts only la not flnaJ ,' aiij la not reviewable la ibis court,