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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1903)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: HATUHDAV, AUGUST 1. 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL A'l Board of Trsd F.-cduo i Are Wtik and Clo-e Lower. WHEAT PIT IS MOST ERRATIC ALL DAY More Rain Depresses Corn, 'While Oat t)ii In Sympathy, Provisions neraaur of Cheaper Hoks. CHICAGO. July 31 WfnknrM wan mani lii imth toe fcraiu utij prov.iion pus tx.iay, rrpte.i.fc. 1.1. ci ; i.iei, tj4)it,iii,'. cvrn sinu ojis ecu uit .aC w.ii.u b(vleinb.r ), DViatiur.a wtie iro;.i 1 ;.o loner. 'Hading In whtat was only moderate and tin- lT.ule.el on li,e wno,e was u,i..i.cil u weakness, wltn price quite The euny moinli.rf newa tm or a .-.tuirr doubt -ful fhiiraeiir unci opening pr.ces wuie about steuuy, a shade to V'l'n.c highec, at i'Vg ili-c. 'i here n.s oti Sidersble Milir.g preesuie ut II. e siari, auc partly to the fart that receipts at rii. Lio.n were for the l:rst time ins ear lurgt-T a year ago uinl punly to ti.e lact tne majority of tracers were on the long sul. many willing- to take prufiis. After ruling weaK for u time tiie iuaret finned tip on rercwed reports of d,nnbge In the no.tliwest, but further liquidation soon car rier? prions off again. 1 he session was marked hy these advances with subsequent declines until the Inst half hour, when heavy realising carried prices to the boiio.n notch, September selling down to 7fiC. Tho close -waa at 7W4i'1c. a net teas of vc for the day. Cleaianees of wheat and flour ware equal to 6,!'J,i(it bu. Primary reeelpiH wer (l.S.ntm bu., against 1,'iOu.Mo bu. a year ago. Ex port a of wheat and flour lor the week Recording to Ilradstreels were 3.182.0O0 bu. Minneapolis and Dublin reported re ceipts of 123 cars, which, with local re ceipts of 84 cars, 26. of contract grade, made total receipt for the tln-r: points of 187 cars, against 176 cars last week and HI cars a year ago. Mora rains In the corn belt caused weak ness In that grain, and although there wn fair support from the locul traders and the commission houses tho market failed to re spond to any great extent to this demand. The break In wheat also had a depressing Influence. Taken as a whole, the market was not a big affair. The closo was weak, with September off '4c, at b2c, after sell ing between IL'Vse anil 6?(fr5iTsC. re ceipts were 101 cars, with IS of contract Trade. Oats for July delivery failed to produce any excitement In the pit, the squeexe which had been In progress some time hav ing apparently been abandoned, and the price of that commodity dropped llc dur ing the day, closing at S3Hc Other months ruled weak In sympathy with the decline In other grains, and September closed 'io lower, at 33c after ranging between 33a and 33Xte. Local receipts were 28 cars. Provisions ruled wenk In symptthy with a decline of S'iflOc. in the prtoo of lings, and on selling by outsiders, early followed l-y selling by small packers and brokers. The close was weak, September pork be ing down SOc. at 113.90. September lard was off We. at 7C2. and ribs were 16o lower, at $7 97 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 80 cirs; corn, 150 cars; oats, 270 cars; hogs, 1? "'f head. . , The leading futures ranged as follows: Artless. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.lYes'y. Wheat I tJuly ITWrvfc IJtily tflept. Sept. Sept. Dec. May (V-ifs July Sept. Dec. May Pots Sept. Le rd Sept. Oct. Bilis Sept. Oct. B3H 63W 7B1 79 T!hi 77! nvtl i". 79T78(rT79l78'ViI79 79l 79'i 74 7sV4!78Vsl7MsVi 62VfrVs 42 13 80 7 W5 7 76 1 te R14 blW Ml4 R2'i MA 6'!H,r.V4TfAi.';iVoV4 52 52V4 :Wit bU 4SH 3'4 13 80 : .7 87 7 75 8 OK 7S7HI 3314 33Vs M id 13 60 I 7 77W 7 66 7 P5 3SH) 4S 3H:33T4fS4 M 14 3' 30',4 13 60 7MH1 t 65 I i 77H 7 82V4I 7 87HI is so 7 flTH 7 86 8 12H 7 S74 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, ou, .. Oats, bu. .. fcye, bu llarley, tiu. No. t tOld. New. Cash quotations were as follsws: FL.OUK Steady; winter paients. IS.'JaU .W, straights, 3.4C.1.70; spring pate-its, H (X1&4.40; straights, ..J.W); bakorj, 8J.U ii3 3. WHEAT No. J spring, 808Ic; No. 8, 76 80c; No. 2 red, 77479e. CORN No. 2, HVnWc; No. 2 yellow, 820. OATS-No. 2, 33'4c; No. t white, 863. c; No. 8 white, 33jS5c. RYE No. 2. M&ilttc BARLEY Good feeding, S2840c; fair to choice malting, 47053c. SEEDS No. 1 Ilnx. 93c; No. 1 northwest ern. 7c; prime timothy, $3.40; clover, con tract grade, ill.OC 1UU.0O. I'ROVlfllONS Mess pork, per bbl., 813.37H fil3.60. Iard. per 100 lbs.. 7.f.0i8'7.6:V4- Short rtbs sides (loose), $7.6ufft7.7o. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 7.oxy J.8'Vj; short clear Bides Iboxed). tS.5igM.37Vt. The following were tho receipts and ship ments of flour and grain yesterday. wiceipia. bnipmenia , 17,400 10.700 67.SPO 2IU.700 , 123.800 127.500 , JC7.40O S62,40O 6,700 lu.800 la.400 S.m On the Produce exchange today the but ter mirket was steady; creameries, 141J IStyc: dairies. M'im'c. Eggs, easy at mark, tii'i Includod, 11 '4 12c. Cheese, steady ut 10HUll- MiW YORK GENERAL MIRKET. Quotations of tit Day on Various I otuiuodliU'S. NEW YORK, July W. KWUR-Receipts, 17, o, a obis.; Miii, t,jbt liu.s.; lii.ACb le..) tcntv, i.a. ini.ily neiu; vi..itei .n.., wmier sU'.aota, v-.o4i.u; paieum, wiiilct e- un, t-.juii.ou; uiinweaoia o.keiBt tiuur, ioaiy; iir ta oua, Vi.v ohuico to taiicy, vu.Kauu.6o. Cuivi.-iii.Au on-udy; yellow western, 51. li. cit, i.lo; ki.n-uriea, .jou'.ia. iiiE vuiei; No., w..c, t. o. b., ai.j-l; sil, iwJVjc; u. 1. 1., ioik. bAULKl-Duli; leeduii, i.c, c. 1. f.. New Yoik; iiiaUlna', ul'u "-. v. 1. i, Now xnrk. V It La i i.ecoipi, w.iiij bu.; expons, 40, bu. bpot, uUil: fo. I ted, ie, ele vator, und Iwnc, f. o. b., uilout; ro. 1 norlU ern, Dulutli, nuV.c, f. o. b., atloat; iso. 1 bald, Munltoba, Voc, 1. o. b., afloat, up- lions 0eneu eusiei- oil ioreign Aeiiing off at $2S.5'u"o9.00 for spot. Shipment of tin from ine straits duung Juiy wee 4.i tons. The local maraet tor cpper ru.erl uu.l and more or leas nominal en the basis 01 i3.ui$ii.2a for lake and electrolytic tml :. hHi I ) lor casting. In Iximlon the li.etMi steadied tip )2 ImI for spot nd tor futures to a.57 lf for the former and I s for the latter. Lead also showed u. steadier undertone 1.1 wi.n.iSn ,,,4,1,1.'., closing Is Id higher at til. while the local market continued firm slid unchanged at 14 So lor spot. Krelter was unchanged all eroiind, here at 16 kH and In london at C2. Foreign lion markets is etc dull and tin rhuiifil ISIsagow elored at 62s 3d and Mlrtdlcshorongh st 4f P'Vtd. The same quiet conditions ru!ed here, whe-e prices am nominal with No. 1 northern foundry quoted st 17.5'il.On, No. 2 northern foundry at tMiA".( and No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft at l.7o17.00. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Home grown, per dox., 3) Condition of Trade and Qnotntlona on tinte an'l rsn'er Prod ace. frnrjR Fresh .tork. loss off. 1.1c. LIVE l'Ofl.rny Hsns. ftc: spring chick en", per Ih.. ISfffH.; ros'ers. according to S-e. 4Hc; iiere-s. 10l)c; Ojd ducks. 6c. yrtr flocks. W 1 'V M'TTEP PnrVtna; stock. 12c: choice n.Mf- In tis "WIOc; srpsrsro', ;rv. FnEftfT FtSIT -Kresh eacirh tront. 90 nlc''eel. 7e: rlke 10c: nrfh, s: b-'fTslo. ,Wfr bloefsh IRe: whl'eflh. ? pilmnn. tie- h-ddrefr. 10cr codfish. le; edspprr 10e: lobsters e'od. per lb., Pnn; ohrt"rs -ren . pe- Ih., - hitthe-s '1e; rnfflsh. lie- h'n'-''- Ks-s. "-ftPr- ts'b"t. 10c; crapple. 17c; herring, dc; jcrch, 6:; wMt his--. 10: b'-'-flns. fc. PHAN-Per ton. r. WtT-P'lees qooted Omabl Vho''e re"le- n"n-'-'tin r-hne vn unls'"'. : No. s- fnd'uTi. 7.W): cesre. 7. Rr" St-nw. tf. Thes" prices are toe hsv of rood color oni quality. Demand fair and rsr- 'l-ht. RYE No. 2. ' VFCKTA TILES. NEW POTATOF9.vuthern ond home grown, per In., 003k!. tX't'l'MliSlU, Ho (E4f.c. HFJANS T'onie rrown. wax. n isVet basket, 7(00c; string, per market basket, f"AULTFLOWER Home grown, pr dox., 60e. CAPBAOE New California, per lb., 1C. r - r; i'f r nor . is.hc. TOMATOES III., iwr 4-hnKlrn erote tl t"tI-T1A np-Pir Ih.. 1e NAVY PEAN-Pef bit.. 12 60. cteT,T!-Ty Mlch"rsn. per dox.. S-SOe. UNIONS New homo grown, dry, per lb., lic FRt'ITS. BLACKHERRlLb ioin crown, tier 24- quart case, W.iKj. i'LL A1S Iiuibanks, 31.2501.40; P. D., per box. 81.2j1.36; Wasnlritjton. tl.2ftl.85; liradshaw. i.ioffll.SB; Wixon. 81. 5u: Koltey japan, 31.60. rnuntii-Tragedy, per box, $1.36. PEACHES California, earlv freestones and early Crawfords, $1.10. i- LKHAn iwer l-qu case, $2. GOOSKBEHK1E8 Per 16-qt. cuse. $2. PEAKS California, Dartlelt's, per box, $2.6CU--60. CANTALOCPE! Texas standard, per crate. 42.00; per crate, $1.76. APPLES New stock. H-bu.. 7."ri. WATERMELONS Texas, 25400 each. TROPICAL FKClTb. FIOP Turkish, ls-lb. box. per Ih.. 18e. ORANOES Mediterranean, all sixes, $3.5": St. Mlckes t,r paper rind, all tlxes, $3.V4.r; Valenclas, $4.26. LEMONS California tuner. ?en to 360 sixes, $."i,23; 240 to 270 sixes, $1 503.00. LIMES Florida, per 6-basket cratn, $6.00 e.5o. . MISCELLANEOTB. roPC6RN-Per lb.. 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6Vc; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 Huheu, 7c; No. 2 suited, Mc; No. 1 veal calf, fe to 12 iba., S'.jc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 t 15 lbs., t'4c; dry salted hides, HJ 12c; sheep pelts, 26l. iic; horse hides, $1.6tKyi .6'. Nl'TS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; llraxils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., ltf4c; small, per lb., 11c; peanuts, per lb., 6V4o; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c. St. Lonls (irnln nnd Provisions. BT. LOUIS. July 31. WHEAT-Lowtfr; No. 1 red cash and elevator, 77 Vic; irark, VjiiiWAc; July, Sepiemoer. i6V4a; De cember. SOfcc; No. 2 hard, 7t76V4c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 4JVc; track, 50!y51c; September, 60Sc: December, 48HO 40c. OATB Lower: No. I cash, 33c; track. 3334c ; September, J2V4c; December, SSvkW S3Vtc; No. i white, " 4c RYE Firm at 60V:fil'4s. FIX)CR Quiet; red winter patents. 13.90 et.W); extra rancy and straight, 3MJ3.n6; Clear. $S.20i"3.33. SEED Timothy, nominal; $3.40 for prime, for Veptember delivery. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.70. PRAN Strong; sacked, east track, 71Q73o.. HAY Steidy; timothy, $.0OC31.VOu; prai rie. $7.0Cfi.60. IRON COTTON TIES $1 CC. BAOC11NO KA16lc. HUMP TWlNV-6c. PROVISIONS Perk, lower; JobblnR. stan dard mess. H4. I-ord, lower. $.S0. Rneon (boxed), lower; extra aborts, $8.50; clear ribs fS.TR: short clear. J0.J5. METAI-S Lead. strong at $4.204 !2V4: spelter, firm st $3.50. POULTRY Otiict; cMckn, HHe; sn-lngs, 10c; tu'k-ys, 13c; ducks, fV4e; geese. 430. BUTTER Quiet; creamtry, 14319V4c; Cnlrv. 1S(Ue. EGOS Steady at I3'e. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.,.., 4 000 8 OfiO Wheat bu VI eao 37 OftO Corn, bu r 000 Oats, bu 36.000 2S.00O advices were not encouraging. The Scotch banks put much stock on the market, chlrlly gold fields, and the position of sev eral prominent firms of brokers was much discussed. It was et:ili-d that the London correspondents of certain New York houses were In ilHicultles. '1 hus the expected re covery was prevented. Consols were weak at first, but part y recovered. Home rail ways were easier. Americans opened dull, made some recovery arid atlerward closed quiet. PARIS. July 31. Prices on the bourse tcuay were unfavorably Influenced by bad from ljndon. Later the market btiame more steady and at the close trad ing was lalrly active and stocks were well SontsJned. Rentes opened heavy and closed linn. The prlvatu rate of discount wm 2 9-14 er cent. Three per cent rentes, Ut ti.Hc for the account; exchange on London, 2..f IV for checks. MERLIN, July 31. Business on the bourse today was stagnant. Iron and coal shares wire weaker on rumors th-U the coke syn dicate must make a 10 per cent reduction In Its output. Government securities were quiet. SEW YORK s Tilt KS AND ROSDS. Atchison Rally Maya General 8 lamp, but Market la geml-Stasrnnnt. NEW YORK, July 81. Trading in stocks became extremely aputhetio tciuay and at times the di'Hl.iij; on the ( were ni more than nominal. The undertone was heavy, out tne pike movement wa.i nar row and uncertain. Thj rtcent wtakne s m wad suppoSid to bj expl iltied by the statement of June net rarnl.igs showing a decrease tompaioJ wlih the pre ctdbig june of ,41,311. An ( flV.'.al cxp.ana tlon was adoeu that tne heuvy coats of the floods were accountable for the poor showing. The bears who have been sell.nt lite stock short ceased to operate on that side of the water nnd covere I. The In Atchison relieved the market of yester day's principal tllsturblng factor and checked any general downward Undmcy, but the diminil became light and the mar ket waa semi-stagnant. '1 he det-rm nttlon to keep out ot tlie market was partly one to the issuance of a circular by the Rock Island directors asking lor authority to Issue a $2a,Oi.l;O0 refunding and unifying mortgage. This Is a confirmation of miny rumors which have circulated lately with out receiving wide credence. The wen.kiio.-s of the stjck yesterday was due to thee ru mors, and It rallied today, indicat'ng t'.'nt yesterday's selling was for th short ac count. The proposed Issue Is a puxalj to Wall street In vkw of tho present condi tion of the securltlos market. Money con ditions retained yesterday's relaxation and1 preliminary figures indicate a rash giln by the banks for the week of nearly $7.M,. The repayment of the Pennsylvan a loans has been expected to show In to morrow s bank siaten.cnt, but the pur chase of the Evanuville & Terro Haute, nnd payments of $5.iOO,OX) on the final In stallment on the international Mercantile Marine underwriting and of $3,5.fl,t,00 on th Louisville & Nahvll.e bond underwriting may complicate the loin Item of the banks. The nominal ease in tha time loan market seems partly due to tho light demand for loans, snd this In turn does not frea the stock mnrket from evld? of forced li quidation In spots. Yes.erday's extreme weakness In some of the specialties revived some fears of money troubles in today's market and helped to paralyze the trad ing. The struggle for Ihe Consolidate! Lake Superior company to obtain sub scriptions to itH bond offering was ac corded attention for its possible echo In the stock market. Bt. Paul s moderate de crease in June net earnings and Union Pacific's moderate Increase seemed to be equally without effect on those stocks. The weekly statistics of grain exports con firm the hope of a good foreign demand for wheat, the shipments rising 609.464 burhels over Ihoew of the preceding week, but the corn exports have fallen off 552.520 bushels for the same period. The day's movements of pries wern mostly lnlg nlfirnnt. New York Central was forced down over n point on renewed rumors that a bond Issue was pending to provide for terminal Improvement". Unltel States Steel preferred was notnblv heavy. Tho local tractions made advances and Amal gamated Copper rose a point over last nlsrht. None of these changes was main tained, and the market clr.sed dull and h-n vv. Ponds wer- Irregular. Total sales par value. $1,430,000. Pnlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Following are tne quotations on the New fork Stock exchange: Atchlion ti so. Psclfla 1 Do pi 4 Ui go. Hallway toi Bal. jnio ui i wu m uu p(d -.. bTu & Pacific Canadian Pauioa ... .Uiv i'Oi. Jo. St. L. A W. . .lu 1 uo pia . JJ1,, L' fauldc It . An Did v- . H iWabaau . do ifd . ft Wbanllug St U K Xti, Wn. teulral .... . ivi do pld i Adiua ttx . 1 IS Au-ati'ioau Kik . ;jHt'iatMU btaica Kx . ..I1, Wll-Faio Ex.. . KiVAmal. Copper ... .'.t4 jAmar. Car A K.. .! Oo pld . 1J4 Aii.r. Lin. (Ill vi uo pin 30 Cables, rallying on bull crop news 1 scftnrt -)ers. trVf.6V boo.' Iiorn the nortiiveat. then leeanie very li regular later on un eriatlc local trade. At times the southwest soid un larger re ceipts, but there seemed to be f ir aup- Kin under Vic for September until tne t hour, when tlie heavy selling broke prices severely and the market clu.ed V ,0 net lower. May closed at KSc, Sep tember at kbViC and December nt tCie. CORN Receipts, 53 100 bu. ; expo. ts. 39.854 bu. Spot, steady; No. J, CA10, e'.evitor. end K-V. f. b., nrtoat: No. J yellow, t-!t'4c: No. 2 white, ROc. The option mar ket was generally du'l rnd eisy under Im proving crop news, lower cables nnd poor speculative support, closing VtC" net lower. rrtmber cjoscd ut 5S'.4c and De-ce-nl-er at 6?c. OATS Rece ipt s, bu.; enft-ts, Mem bu. Spot, nomlnsl: No. 2, 40c: stand-rd white. 41": No. 3. SHc: No. ! white. 41Uc; No. 3 white, 4et.e: track white. rT Ifie O'lns were nominal. BRAN rull: sprinr. t17.R.7 76: itd (H'n. $13.(0119.50; winter, 1S.i)UjM.00: citv. $100. IIA'-,'iclv: shipping, IWRSc; good to Ch.v 1 teri.5. ' " 1'OPS-"Qii't: trte. comiion to choe,.. 11.12 ercn. lOr'-V: l"c e-op. l?inr 0l.1s ftc. lMctie eo "ur; crop, lutff21We: 2oi cr- Tfi- 'e. TIirFS-Qiilet; C!t tvrston, r0 to lh lc: CaU'ernlt VI to 2S Uia.. lc; Texus Urv ft o 8 U s . 14e. 1 KATHKR Stendv: neld. SiffUe. RICE Easy: do e-c. (air to extra, 4'i r' e ,'"p" powslnl. PROVISIONS Ilecf. wetkr; fam.Jy, $,(V1 annfo; mess, . n .. cr .is Mi son; assems-n. t ins.n r"'ss. flt'Mtis r"u re t- wel-r- vv. led belllos.' lOjVII.M; pier's t shoulders M(VXH,M): r'efcled h-ve--. i tylTftf!. I.ird" quiet: western tne-. $;,o; ,1-i!y ele, rn' 7S; 8!'",h AwtIcs. t V), rnwinil Po-k. . fnmile, f U.f 4t!T 73; S)..-r ilif. tj fe, J7 , T T ' O' ri ; city, 4Ve. PPTTF11 " --"'ets. txnr, rVs. rm; aee isiee, iMfT'e; eesnr". 1BATN. rrFT-'1C-neeep. S3.'f kr' : fr: f"M r""i, n--v. r"l' f 1-4 snd r-V aO" In- eo' .--, wh'tN 10" rfin"-H'f't"i. -ts --ket firm; ..-.,. t rtr, ri. "fi'tTRV-A'l,A asv we"- spr'i rhtckns, He; fowls, ije: torkejs. i'e. .Iressed -v; wfen "'lera, ISQlCc: (c-'- lfU??e- ..rVeys. 137ir. MB""At J rwer nl Hi In fndon were freer nd rtc wc- p,. .-oenee 18s fc e-t nd 17s fr f'l turea, th -er ,rlpa; at 1T 1( nd torl at fill M. Th locl isarta- weak- ui.l la iiiyiti aa clu4 Uiut Zi p-Aui Knnnnn CI y fire In and ProTlslona. KANSAS CITY. July Jl.-WHKAT-Sen-tember f7Vie: December. GWKSMjC ; e,gn. No h-rd. i9'A(S70e. No. 3. H4Tr n: No. 4. r3fl67c: rrj-cted. 6?f4c; No. I red. 747lc; No. 8 7rjr7Se; receipts. ?S errs. CORN Srpmber, ' W'.e: December. 4'He; cash. No. 2 nlred 47',4,6,4Kc ; No. 1 ffHt. 48t; Kn .1. 4i."i'47'.',e. OATE No. I white, 33c; No. 2 mixed, StiH g81e. nvF-No. 2. 60c HiV-'i-oiee timothy. $8.50iS.O); choice prn-l. "7?7We. RCTTER-Creamery. lf.17c; dilry. fancy. 'EOGS-Frenh, 11?. Jlarn'n-, Shipment. Wheat, bu 18 8") 71.? Corn, bu 8 v 11. "no Oats, bu 13.000 2,000 Mlnn-aro'ls 'heo. I'lonr snd flrnn. MTNNFAPOT1S. July 81 WHEAT-Snp-tembe-, Peee-"h-. 71(e. On track: Vn. 1 srd f7VwP: No. 1 northern. '., 87Uc: No. t northern. SS?nliIGc; No. 8 north er f1''84o. FT.Ot'R First patents. d.?.5r; ssee.nd paten's. M.. o,i4 40: fl-st clears. $3 50SG.60; j URAN-In bulk. 1?.0P12.SS. Mtlivnnkre r-ln Mnrkn. MIT.WAl'KEE. Ju'y 81 WHKAT Steady; Nt 1 northern. 84ib68c: No J nortbern. 8iWc; new Eeptomler. 7$'ri8'lia ashed. nYK-Frm: No 1. B3'4j3-PARLEY-Du!l; No 2, tfQSc; sample, 43 Ci-'Vie. CORN September. &3'e aked. Phi:e',tl Pronee Market,' P11IIDET,PHIA. July 31.-BITTTER Quiet but sie.u.y. extra west-rn tretmory, me; extri nearby prints, c EGr:? Kteady ; Mr cle-ntnd: 're h ne-trliy, lS'v. loss off ; western, lS'iC, I s 1 off; southwestern, lifl7c; southern, l&Va(9 16-. CHEESE -Uncharged. I.lTerpnnl Grnts nd Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Juiy 31. WIIKAT-Spot. quiet: No. 2 red. western winter, ts 3d: No. 1 pt rlhern spring. 6 5d; No. 1 Califor nia, fs 7d; future, dull; September, a 4'id; Dece-nter. i Zd. t'ttRN Sxt. American mlxd. steidy, 1 Rd: futures, quiet; July, nominal; Sep tember. 4s rtvln nrnln Market, nri.rT". July 81. WHEAT In itore. No. 1 hid. 8J'Ac; No. 1 northern. Me; to ar r've. No. 1 bird. iSc; No. 1 north-rn. 8c; No. t no-hern. 82Hej September, 79S40. OATaV-On tiack. SlJl'.ic. Caatral et N. J... Clua. Ohio Chicago it Anoa.. do pld lln.alo U. IV.. dn 'nl p!d , Chicago tt N. W . Ib'.rato 'le'. A Tr do pld.-. C. C. c. St. L. Colorado So do 1st pld do id pld.... ... IMI. tt Hudaon ... lwl. L. at W lxnrrr di It. 0... do p(d Erla do lat pld do 2d I'M Great Nor. pfd.... Korking Valley .. do pld Illinois ('antral .. Iowa Central dn pfd K. C. aoutharn... do ptd L. A N .. Manhattan L Met. St. Ry Mo. Pacinc M . K. t T do pfd .. 314 .. 4; .. II .. i .. . .21 .. .. 41 .. 11 I$!Amr. Locomotiro... il'-t ailva uo pid . .yn,.rlt.n 8. tt R.. .I7'l un rid . "1 lAlntr. Sugar II, f lli'j . 2 iAnac. Mtniug Co..... i .118V l)rokl).i 11. T Id . la co!o. i'uel tt lru... , JIH'f oli.inLu & II. v 14 . !1 ( una. Ua lki . sj Urn. Kloi-lr.o lau later. Paper .... do iid .lit Intar. . H'v dn pfd . :;Natlnnal B.acalt .. . II iKalional L :i Nat. K. R. of M. pfd. 7No. Al;l.-kn .... . t. central iro iracin? jikii Norfolk A V (2 People's Uaa 1 dn pfd W iPr. aaed 8. Car Ontarl A W 12: do pfd Pannayleanla ......123H Pullman r. Car.... P., C. C. A St. L fM.Itenublle Steel Heading . do pfd dn l.-t pfd kill, uui.aer uood) ,7 ; 00 prd lijTenn. Coal A I.... t,7V. B. I.crlhrr .... CSS.' do pfd an if. S. HuLber 4Vt do pld rt ,lT. i. Statl 2: do pfd I4lr-Wetcru Union .... 171 do 24 Dfd. Rnrk Ia!and Co... do pfd tt.. L. A S. P.... do lit rfd do id pfd St. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd MM HO . .. ;ir'i ... 15S SI ll 4a UVi M ? MX w -a points hls-her. Stiles were 7.ns0 bas;s. In rludtnir: Feptembei. 3.7iK637ic; November, 3".ti3'V: liecemlier. 41oi4!oc; January, 4 25c; March. 4.4oe; April. 4D6c; May, 4.60c; June, 4.65c. Ill AT C I.KARIIO HOI SK. Tranaaetlons f tka Asseted Banks nnrlnai the Pas Week. NEW YORK. July 3l.-The following table, compiled by Kradrlrcet. shows the bank clearlnas at the principal cities for the week ended July 80 with the percentage of Increase and deciease as compared with the corresponding; week last yesr: CITIES. New York Chicago Hoaton "' Philadelphia "' St. Louis ' Pittsburg San Franclsoc. Baltimore Cincinnati 'Kansas City .' ." Cleveland .' 'Minneapolis New Orleans Detroit -Louisville omaha Milwaukee. Provldonco RufTalo St. Paul i Indianapolis Los Angeles St. Joseph Denver Richmond Columbus Seattle Wnshlngton ' Brtvannuh Memphis A lbany Salt Lake Clt...." Portland, Ore Toledo Kort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta Des Moines New Haven Nashville Bpoknne. Wash Crand Rapids Sioux City Snrlnafleld, Mass Norfolk Dayton Tacoma Worcester Augusta. Ga..., Portland, Me Scranton Topeka Syracuse Evsnsvllle Wilmington, Del Rirmlngham Davenport Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Macon Wllkesbarre Akron Springfield, 111 Whcollne. W. Va.... Wichita Youngstown Helena Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Hedford Klamaxoo Fargo Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla Oreensburg, Pa Rockford. Ill Springfield, O Hlnghamtnn Chester, Pa Hlonmlngton, 111 ynlncy. 111 Btoux Falls, 8. D. . . Mansfield, O Jacksonville. Ill Fremont, Neb tCtlca tDecatur, 111 Hnuson - Galveston Charleston, 8. C Totals. I". 8 Outside New York. Clearings. Inc. Dec $l,K,813.3i7i is! lo?.i.'40,140 3.8 lld.363,72S ... 2.3 lln.POJ..2 ... v. 4i.0W.3O4 . 7.3 48.2I0.1JSI 4.4 2S,(k4,mk 1 6 so.aa7.i7i ... 1.2 21.612.80) 17.4 20.7U.133 14.3 lii.60S.IO' 6.E 10.411. II ... 7.0 11.338.514 7.3 .104.o ... 6.2 9,.650 8.6 t'..D4,.J 6.7o.4.l- H.3 ri.sio.xi 6,64.34 8.8 6,407,(160 ... 6.1 ti.Z:fl.7B 12.7 (.306.740 SD.3 4.1?R.8:i6 6.4 4.3T.S,(i:S 14.0 4.473.(110 3S.8 4.376,200 4.115.412 27.3 3,4. 'M! i.O 2.142,642 ... 3 3 2.2M.2S1 22.3 3.WX1.350 24.2 !.3:!O.W4 ... 35.9 2.62J.2I7 34. 1 2.0M.410 ... 2.8 2.7K3(iS 7.7 2.365.767 7.7 2.0I7.7S7 ... 16. ft 2,139.647 ... 11.8 l.sr2.r3 23.1 1.746.63S 6 4 1.809,786 12.7 t.OSO.476 4. 1.903.7M 61.3 1.711.280 3.8 1.009.6S3 ... 11.6 1.302. SSI ... . 1.398.630 16.2 I.61M.S68 10.6 l,n3ft,244 81.6 1.379.613 8.1 693,9'.8 ... 7.0 1.304.6 6 4 1,446.402 6.9 1.135.746 1.347.135 ... 4.S 1.415.190 28.6 I l.lfifi.ins ... 21.4 I 639.582 ... . 6.0 6?4.1K1 ... 81.3 I 7M.512 ... 1.8 I 846.041 48.5 1 474.000 ... 12.3 .1 818.34 46.6 I 665.5O0 16.9 6CD551 ... 14.2 S'5.410 8.6 1.. COO.OWl 27.6 6.6.2341 9.2 S53.1C, ... 80.7 4-'4.41 ... 10.8 618.70S 17.4 377.769 3.2 ... 342.006 ... 14.7 12.6 1 . 346,6961 ... 1.9 471.000 23.2 2',4.'7 ... 2.9 431.219 423.HS6 27.7 329.K16I ... 2.8 445,30t 37.7 454.4341 54.9 243.7411 9.4 372.3441 24.8 221.836 ... 2.3 205.762 ?60.292 86.8 1S9,66(i 67.8 1,339. 758j 29.0 2a,288: ... 11.7 12.092.804 ' 6.360.000 38-2 ,' l,040,618j 82,058. 207.1291 ... 7.8 762,388,8121 2.6 CANADA. (I Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Ottawa Vancouver, B. C.,... Oueic Hamilton St. Johns, N. R Victoria, B. C tLondon . Totals. t'Janada I f44.46R.78(j 19.1"5.Sni ja.7:oj.B-3( 1.934,1471 J. 644.760' 1.'X.471 1.460.0S5 1.676.975 872.601 946.177 641.431 724.1331 -I- 10 13.61 8fi! ?S.2 18 31 1S.; 15. s! 7.8 6.3 2 9 .1 :o. Talnr.ces P-'id In cash, a'ljist week's. , . Not included In totals because) of no comparison fcr Inst, year. noston Stoek n"'e". nnoTn ti 1 rl loans. Hffr . . dm lo-ins. 6fl ner cent. Off! closing prices on stock- and bonds AteMron 4a 17 lAllouat Max. central 4a 11 Ams!msua ... Atrniaon " "" "-- c :, dO Pit i.nimri . Hoaton A Albaor....5 P'.ston Ma ' u.-.. tlev-teA 1M N. T., N II. A U..JW1 Fltehbarg pfd 11 I'nloii Pacific ... Mex. Central .... An.erlctn Sugar . do pfd American T. A T Dominion I. ft den. Elerlrte Ma. Electric .... do ptd t':ilted Fruit V. 8. Steel dn pfd W rtlngh. Comnvea Ad-ant ui a Panlenfllsl Copper Range ... Dalr Woat Franklin Iele Rovala ttSA UnKivk . UVt Old Dominion ... ,.114 Kiaeeola .1114 Parrot lilt. ittil.v .. ... . 11 M' Santa F Copper il'-ni-rark Trim-untaln Trtrlty itii tod matte llih . 11A Victoria m iwinona IWolTerlna ... ..1(1 .. 11 .. 71 ... MN, per clal a 41M ?t 1.1 u c )1 10 11 ii a to 14 H 4 1'i Wm I 11 ni l'k Peoria Market. July 81.-CORN-DU11; No. S. TEORIA. S: Vo. 4. 49-. OATS Steady; No. t white, S3e; No. 4. NEW TOrtK. July Sl.-Ths following are te neotatlon on mining stocks: Adsraa Con tiles Ilreee a Itmseertr k Cos.... roaaatoeh Tuanal ., Con. Cel. A Vs.... "era aiiwt Tros SMrar Uadania Caa..... g Offered. . . i . u .. 4 ,. 1U ..V l iLittla Calet .. nOnUrl lOehlr P'dNKlU Pnoel Sierra Nevada , all Hnpa . xSlaadard .... sna 14S a ..... U it el a H Forelajai Klaaejelal, LONDON, July 31-Moner was In brisk iemand In the market lodav. Discounts wr easier. The feeling on the Stock ex change was pcnalmlatle end price were Irregular. Th forced liquidation does not i.i-i"f le lav s&dcil atid th Aiut.-lcau Kfr York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK, July 30. MONEY On call, sliady; lowest Mrt. H per cent; highest, 3 per cent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; lust loan, 2 per cent; rlcelng. per cent; time money, suady; sixty day, 4H ner cent; ninety days, 6 per cent; six months, lift per cent. Th closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. S. rel. :a, reg....lMHL. A N. till. 4a... do rouuon MS lift. Central 4i... do la, reg lum: do let luc do coui'O.i -v, ,. Mlun. A 6t. L 4a 1I0 new 4a, r.'t uS M.. K. A T. 4a... 00 .juroii lia'.i do la .o old 4a. reg i.KVe N. T. C. tea. uo oot-w.i e. ... iEn. ea 121H 1'lH.No Piclflo 4a ll 1 do 3s Mu N. A W. oon. 4a...,Ji1 aa litea.itue ceb. 4a llu uai. c.iin e iw ic-t. la. ee 1. at. r. M.lll do IVia liVaM. L AS. P. 4a ... 9'a do tout. 4 Wl ,81. L. 8. W. la H i Csrada 8'.. !a l'4 do la it Central of Oa. aa. .. . .1U',,S. a. A A. P. 4a.... do lat Inc TO 'So Pselfle 4a Sw Cbt. A Ohio l,a...l02ieo. Rsl'war Sa 112"i Chicago A A. me... 12iiTeia A rc!n- If. 114 C R. A O. n. 4a.... SHaiT.. 6t. U A V. 4a.. ,; C, M A It P g. 4a..l'i Cntou Pterin 4a MV C. M N. W. e. Ta....l.lgl, do fne. 4 jii C, R. I. A P. 4.. .IoO'h Wabah la n C C '. A St L s. 4a . f s 1 fit J . tnesu irr. .tsi uo oro. II.... Colo. A So. f H IV "st Fhoro 4n do la. rg 4fl bOUo.t Atch'.aon geu. 4a. , do adj. ... 60 ...107i Ieir A R. O 4a.. MS! Wheel. A L B. 4a.. T Krlo pr.or lien 4a. . H,W. rmi 4 471 do gci'rl 4a eiK'on. T'iba--o 4s f P. W. A D. C. la...1MClo. FuU eon. is... U (Harking Val. 4(ta. .104 s Offered. Bask Clef rlapre. OMAHA, July 31 Rank clearings fir to. day were ll,t!3,57.81; Increase o er corre sponding day of previous year, Sit ,717.13. I.nndo eiark llnraet, IXNDON, July 81. Closing quotations: 7onaola for moDr..l -KKew York Central... 1:444 , . ll k.'nrrntb . x. . . .. ,a' se pis .. 4 Ontario A Wsatera. .. 11H Pannayleaala V, If b J ... uaninvi. ,,,... p.a, niMt. , , . , ,, , , Canadian Pacific 1 heeding Cheaapuako A Ohio.. UVi do lat pfd Chicago G. W 1 I da Id pfd P U A. at. 14'.ti Snutheew . 11 do ptd . 1144 Southern Paelfio.... . aOVl'nloa Paclflu . "II. An wlA , Ma Vnlted State 'gteei! Cnnaal do account. Anaconda . . . . Alrhlaon naltlmora A otila JJ't 3a " 41 M 11 sa 404 141, ... a I ' 1 do rfd.. ...m iwa SI la C, M. A it Iielieara Denver A R. O do pfd Erla do let pfd.... do M pfd ... Iliinnej vevirei ..ia ininu ...... Iulaeillo Ar Narh...l"T I do pld ar . 1 .-A I BAR SILVER Easy at 25 6-16d per ounce. MONKlf 2fa3 per cent. The rate of dla. count In the open market for short bills Is 3 7-liS2H p- cent and for three-months' bills la 2 7-l4,t-lu per cent. CwxTee Market. NEW YORK. "July n.-COFFEE-Bnot Rfo. quiet. Mild. easy. Futures opened quiet at unchanged prices, but turned more active In th afternoon and advanced a partial 6 points under demand from certs In room operator In th abaenc of aggressive selling and th mailer Interior receipts. 1 L Civ Wag t4, us I ituk'ltaiigeii to I Oil and ilosln. OIL CITY. Pa., Ju'y Il.-OIL Certificates, no old; credit baltnees. $1.6(j; shipments, i3 240 bbl".; average, 7.49l blls. ; runs, lM.Sol MVs.; averug-, 76,,9l bM.; shlpmentH, Lima, 68 701 bbls.; average,.. bbln.; tuna, Lliua, 74,mi bbls averuge, 77.416 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. July 31 -OIL-Turpen-tine. steady. 60c. Rcln, firm; A, B. C and li" $165; E? 31.4: F. 8163: O, $175; II, $2.20; 1, 82.70: K 2.i: t, 82.SI6; N. $3.05; W. U.. i3 2S: W. W.. $3 40. CHARLESTON. 8. C. July 31.-OIL-Turpenttne, ste-dy. W,r. R.vdn, vienjv. WIIMIN(lTON. N. C. July 31.--OIl-Splrlts turpentine, nothing doing. Rosin, nothing dolner. C'ude turpentine firm at $1.7S. 83.31 end $J.6. NEW YORK. July SI OIL Cotton-eed. e-sv; prlTe crude, nominal; p'lma yellow. 43'i'c Petroleum, steady. Rosin, dull; strained '"mori to good, $1 Turpentine, quiet, 52E2He. TA'ont Mr''et. ROPTON. Julv Jl. WOOI-The Commer cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's Issue: The wool market Is not ss active as last week, but Is fullv as strong. There are fewer trnnssctlons. The small mills have been operating freely, however, end their purchases are nssu-ning a large segregate. The offering, notably of f!eee, are s-nall, es leedlpa: deilers am heavllv sold nhrsd. Uenorts from the aonrls ni'irkets sre en couraging nnd full emr'oyment of ma chinery Is nseued. The shipments or wool from Ronton to dne from Ieee-nr 31, 1902. sre 131.706 343 lbs., as sgalnt 159 13.413 nt the snrre dnfe lnt rear. The re-e'ns to date nre 153 762.926 ls.. a naainst 190,. 36' r4 for the s""e period lest yeT. PT. !n-IS. Julv 3i.vrM-I-Ssrt-- to flern; resilum arrades, romhlng nnd cloth Inr. lRi.22c; llpht Mn. ilf; heavy fine. jorwr. ,i, w,Hbd. 2T9,iLe. NEW YORK. July 21. -WOOL Firm. r.t"r'ed Apple net4 Trledl Kreilts. NKW YORK. Julv 81. rVAPOPt'P''ir) APPLKS Ou'et. with molerate Jobbing trade reported st about reear prlcs and the tone generally stead v. Common sre nuoed at 4"r5Hc; prime at KV?c; chnloe at (PWer "nd fsnev st t"tTT''te. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRT'ITS Ppot nruns show no speelil feature an 1 rule steady to P-m at from Se o 7c to- all e-sdns. Aprl'-ots rre verv flrm'y he'd nn a fair demand for a' tractive arades. opetes ar eno-ed at 'flc. snd fane- at Peach"" rontlnue oulet at 787yro for choice, and 8lCVsc for fancy stock. gesrae a si Maxlaaaea. NEW ORLEANS. July 81. SCO A R Dull; nnen ketr's. a?S7-1e: open kett'e. on trlfueal. 8fSi4c: centrlfSiral whites, 4c; yellow. Saiarae; seonnds. tT3ai. MOT.ASSKS-r'entrlfugal. d"tl, ReTSwe. NEW YORK, July 81. HCOAR-Raw. strong; centrifugal, 84 test, IU-lcj refined, strong. Ttrr Gaa4 Mark. NEW TORK. July 81. DRY O0OD8 Show no Incrrasa In demand, with biyr taking o-lv what Is ncesary for current needs. Where goods are required Imme diately too notch prices are being paid, but In certain Instances msnufsct er sre more Wiling to negotiate on goods which they lutv Uclii, bfyui tut llbej' flii.6M. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Moderate and Trading Was Actiye, with Tt re Fully 8 eadj. HOGS AVLRAGED A TRIFLE LOWER Llajkt Ratal f heep and Lamb tn Qnallty (onamon, kat All Desirable Grades ot Killers and Feeders Csmld Be oted Steady. Reeelnts were OfTielsl Monday .... OfTlelal Tuesday Official Wednesday. Olhclal Thursila v OfTiclal Friday BOCTH OMAHA. July 31. Cattle. Hogs. 8heep. 2.59 3.047 2,861 1,752 , 1.5110 Fire days this week....r.3.')2 fame days last week. ...12 637 Same week before 14,308 Pame three weeks ngo...1rt.445 Same days last year 11.06 Total Julv, tarfl 4.o!9 Totnl Julv, 19m F" 5"5 Total Julv, iei 51.5"'! Total Jnl'v. W 57.3 Totnl .TmIv, If Si .141 Total July, 1S! 4H.707 Tots Julv, 117 59.6K3 Totii .Tntv. isnn o.R"(i RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts of esttle. hogs snd sheep st South Omaha for the year to dalo nnd comrnrlsons with last 2.079 4.S4". 4 7.4M 7.000 20.113 35.748 49.731 44.676 2H.S15 ""9 7 !4 173. -?H ' 2S6.0S1 17a.40i1 ?T9.3I9 IM.'H ir.1.4is 96.878 10.576 2.871 4,8 9 1.312 1,500 27.118 41.432 16,206 14.(i01 34.IJ8 11?. 976 9.'.3i-6 76.1 -'6 4(4. " 11 43 01 "5.637 21.410 'es r : battle Hogs Sheen A vera r iinl. . . WS3 il7' ..1.474 rr;: .. 19.749 price nsld H Tne. Dec. 416.SS8 147,814 J n- C71 23.619 R.'t3.f0 136.298 for bore t South Omiba for lb last several days with com parisons: Date. ! 1903. 11002. !19oi. 11900. llsl-9.IIS98.UTO7. July 1. .Tl,. .Tntv .TiiIt . .Tn'v .Ti.Iv .Tlllv .T.jlse .Tolv .Tti1 July .T.ilv .Tnlv 1' .Tnlv 11. Julv .1. Julv 17. Julv 19. .Til'v Id. .Tnl a. .Tn'v n .Tnlr f. .Tnlv ?3. .T'llT 24. Tn'v -,. Julv fd. Julv 17. Julv 2S. .Tul-r 1. July July 80. 31. .1 6 CO I .1 r--. .1 I 0l .1 I .1 I ..I 841 ,.l 8 "S1 .1 6 99 I .1 6 41141 I 6 8"4' .1 6 3SHI .1 4 ! ei,l t 1 1d I .I 8 1v . I 6 31UI I 6 10T4I .i 5 m,' .1 a i .1 6 9' .i s r i .! 6 f.l .1 R J6SI ,.! 6 1l .I 6 ori .I I .I 4 fMHI .I I", I , t K e-ri .I 6 09 ,.! 6 02H ' 7 rti 1 Kf 7 M ee I 7 4i a I 7 ee.i T 9l 7 ni 7 n 7 79' 7 77' e l 7 ei T 7 7' 7 7: 7 7T 7i O I 7 Ft' 7 4ll 7 83 1 7 M 7 64I T 52I I 7 S" 7 l T 47I 7 51! ft sal I a. e,'1 4 es; 5 '4" S 011 ae ea 6 741 8 08! 701 6 Id' a I R 11' 6 ft I 5 1 K 191 6 l 6 131 6 f"i 6 04! 6 911 6 ffl K nrl H 171 I 6 09' 8 771 a I f. Ml 6 .wi 9 611 4 941 R Ml 4 7I S " 4 w 5 9I 4 " I 8 071 6 OSI B 711 5 1R1 W 1RI K 741 6 tl 6 fill 5 O'l 5 581 5 OKI a I B 13' F, 4-' a 6 Ml 5 091 S 611 5 09i X 7SI e I 7X1 ea 3 7l J 81' 3 Si' 8 V,l a i 3 901 3 9l ni 4 fit 4 OS' 99' I 4 Oil 4 4 ' 4 19! 4 211 4 341 ?rj 4 91' 4 27! 4 32! 4 33' 4 S"' I 32; 9 fill 3 14 9 811 " HI as ea 3 af" o IM'H -.' 9 "9 a 1l 7 tt 1 78' 9 a 13 2$ 3 7' 7l ' 19 9 3 H 7 77' 9 1". 9. 17 3 821 9 91 a 3 H 3 9 ' 3 91 3 801 3 31 3 81! 3 31 j 9 791 8 2? 3 821 8 28 1 a I 3 36 I 3 91 3 97' 9 37 3 771 3 13 3 87 ! 3 99 3 7"l 3 M 3 74! 3 4 50 09 74 40 M M 40 k tW 40 l tU f M ta4 M ao ji ... M S7J 40 to ;t ... t I7 ao C4 tea no M 171 1M re no ... M 144 0 l Mr. im 147 ... M t4 ... 71 Z.-.7 an I7 ... 4 Jl 1!0 r t mo 5 - an 4 r?o 40 Te tr.t . 40 l tTj ao M f.S ... if s n '. 2Rt 120 ail I4T ... 1 !XT ... a K7 ... 73 J to M t4t ... ' IM 110 al 27ii mi M 114 MO fM 40 17 211 ... t:.s 40 '' tM 120 M 2so an 7 t2t ;?i 0 241 40 74 2.12 40 f im i J". at li;o M 4 7i 4 4 t7i 4 ,' 4 17 "i 4 4 17 1 I 00 I 00 It no I 00 I 00 t 00 5 00 I 00 l oo S 00 I 00 t no oo t no 9 00 fj on t on I 00 r no t oo I no It on 8 00 5 no R 02'j I 0-4 5 02U. 6 nvi-j : or .121 f. :2i, I 07 W r nn I (2V 5 02,, 1 n;u o-.Mi o:h 19. . 1.1. . 7.. (a. . 72.. a. . M . 74.. 44.. 71.. 44.. .. ., H . 14.. :.. TS . r,.. ci.. u.. 7S.. t.. 41. . .. St.. r... 71.. .! .. t.. hi.. r.. 0.. :o. . 71.. 71.. id. . M.. (It.. 77.. 1.. .... o 71.... "1... .... ...873 ..171 ...244 ... .. tan ...ill ...71 ...f.V. ...lit ...17 ..240 .. Ill ...tin ...214 ...210 ...141 ...27 ...173 ...24 ...237 ...144 ...IM ...2M ...r.i ...if ...171 ...2X1 ..111 ...t? ...23S ...2H ...111 ...24 ...231 ...lit ...2.11 ...14 ...SOU ....121 .tot .114 .lr.n .211 24 I 05H I Of e ot I 0f M I 024 04 I 00 .. I 05 40 I 03 .. I nt .. I nt 4 01 a ot t on i M t ni I o I 06 t I OS I ns I i I OR I ns I ns I OR t ns I 0(1 t ns l m t OS I ns 6 es a OS t OS r, ( OS s no l ns t 05 t 07 K 07 e 07'4 . 07 ' 10 J 10 5 10 120 120 Tnrtlete s,lr,r ee TTolldnv. Th ofTlcia! number of cars of stock brought In today bv each rond was: Cattle. Hots.Sh'p.H'ses. C. M. & Rt. P. Ry.. .. 10 Wabash Ry 3 1 Missouri Pnclflc Ry.. 13 2 Cnlon Pnclflc system 9 20 6 4 C. N. W. Ry 1 4 F., K. M. V. R. R.. 17 23 C, St. P.. M. & O. ... 7 8 R. - M. Ry 10 26 C. P. O Ry 8 6 K. C ft St. J. Ry ... 3 C R. I. P.. east... J 4 llllnola Central Ry... 1 o. f-heei. here today, and they were mostlv or Inferior finality, so that a fair test of he market fr ft stuff was not made. Huyrrs. tlietigh. all seemed to be anxious ror good stuff, so the market could be quoted steady. As compared with last week the nor deslnb'e grades of sheep ore a little higher, a rood mnnv sales show, leg an advance of 15'T-re. Part fat stufT. Though, has not shown much of snv Im provement. Trading has been brisk all the week, as the supply has been rather light s come-. re.l with the demand, and each day s offerings were disposed of In good season. There were r.o lambs on sale todav to test he market, but thev are undoubtedly n little lower for the week in svmpathy with the decline nt Clilcigo and other ooiiits where Ihe supply has been more liberal. There bas been a brisk Inquiry for feed ers all the week, nnd It Is sn'e to quote rood lambs wethers nnd yearlings steady to strong. Kwes, however, nre, If anything, a 1'ttlo weeker. Th simply oe sheep rnd lambs during the month of July has not been nt all excessive, es will be seen 'ro"i the table of recojpts clvon at he bead of the eoltmn. As com pared with last year there Is s decrease "mounting to shoot '.'.Kno head, but there Is a rood substantial gain over all other previous rears. Quotation for frrflss sfoekt flood to rtir.-e limbs. 98 S04?.V7K: fair to good lernSs. TT,!fr,.?S: good to ebolee yenrlin-. 83 TBfs 4 00; fair to r"nd yrerlles, '$3.'ofM.77: ewl to choice w-ners. 83 (OrfJS 61; fair to go-d ett"re. 83.133 40; good to cholee ewes. 7RT3.2B: to rood ewes. 31.'0r 7: tfe.- 1-irnbs 33.Srt,r' 00; feede .-earlleer. 97A0M'7; f-fler sesters, 82 75fy7g: feeder ewes. 31..Wg2.50. Representative salts: t'llK ICO I.ITB SUlCIt MARKKT. fabout 4 to SB points below the final prices of Inst night, with August s llli.g nt ii w. Helng the Inst dav In the month there was no trading In Julv' after mid-day and during I or nioriiliia: 'n- en ie m unu i'it. .. reportel at 12 SV, n det-llne cf bt" p-ilnt from the c'.oslng figures of the previous Plght. Just before mid-day further te gr.ims were received telling of more rnlns and damage In the bolt and prices Ss-iln workid upward, with brokers smIiI to 'in representing the clique bidding for Jolv around 13c. The recovery carried pries back to nesr the best of the morning tP tin late positions, but ana followed by another break, led bv August, which declined to It.SSo, nnd during the balance of the session Ihe entire market ruled very Irregular. August was two or three tltnrs bid tip to 12e. closing nt 11 97c. a net decline of 13 points, while the new crop options were nt practically the low point of the session and showed a net decline cf from 1 to 8 points, with the exception of March, which was 'j Point higher. It was the first notice d.-ivi for August nnd notices were out to the amount of some 2."00 or J.ofei. Notices were Issued bv various houses snd It was re ported that some, at least, were put out by brokers supposed to represent the clique. However, this may be. thev were not promptly stopped and operated against the price r.f August In tho open market. Tho price r.f cotton spot was marked down 70 points to correspond more nearly with the quotation for August, which Is now th pot month, but this reduction wss not con sidered especially significant for the time being. ST l,Ol'T9 July 51. -COTTON Quirt: middling. 12Hc: sales, 3 lwles; receipts, none; shipments, 137 bales; stock. ? 110 bales. MVF.RPOOT.. July 31 -IOTTOX- Spot, modernte business: prices noints lower; American middling fair. 7. Old: good mid dling. fi.Rd; middling, (toad; inn- mlildlimr. 6 3ld: good ordinary, O.OSd: ' ordinary, 4.8sd. The sales of the day were .ymw bales, ot which Roo were for speculation and expo'l and Included 4 700 American. Receipts. 12 -rkX) bsles. Including 4.9n0 American. Futures opened steady and closed oulet: Amerlenn middling g. o. c. : August. fi.3:d: August and September. 6 27d: September and Octo ber, 5R1d; Octolwr and November. C.l'.'d; November and Teecember. 5 32fiS3"d: Ie eember and January. 6.i'7fi8.?sd ; J.itniarv nnd Febvnnrvr 5 Ji'.ffffl r7d : February and March, 5.26(1; March nnd April, 5.2rff3 20d. 103 1"1 1.031 319 1 99(1 212 1 990 621 1,836 270 18 m 73 t 4? n so Total receipts .... 74 The disposition of the dav's receipts nil as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of heart indicated: Catti Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company... Armour ft Co C'udahy Parking Co.... Cudahy. Kansas City.. Armour, Sioux Citv... Armour, Kansas City. Carey A Kenton T F. Hus Wolf & Murnan.... Other buyers - SO 1.816 1 Totals ......'..1.619 8.819 1.916 CATTL.E There was a small run of cattle here today even for a Friday and for the week receipts have nlso been modernte. Taking the month of July ax a whole, how ever, there Is on increase over Jo'v. 1902, amountlna- to about s.500 hervl. This In- crease his been brought about bv the larp supply of corn-feds coming forward, as there were a goon many range catt e mar keted the lact half of Julv a vear aeo, while this year there have not been enou-rh range cattle on sale to milk" a market. The lecil demand, thourh. ha" been In jcood shape, and as a result the lartre sun ply has hen well handled. Previous to this time Ihe lnr-est run of eat?'" for .T'llv amounted to 69.S"3 h"ad. In 1'"97. Thot makes the receipts for this month 4,000 j-en.1 heee than fin reeord for Ju'y. The beef steer market today could safely bo runted f I'ly steady with yesterdov. Tn a pood ma.ny caset the mor- delral.!e irrndes old a little hleber. As blrh 0" 79 wss raid to''ar. ns ae-ntnrt a ton of t'.'.'i restorday but th? enttle "old toe's;' we-e not e "ooil. The toe rs-te n wek n"-o T"rs $5.9". Bu'ers took hold oiilt f'eel . this morelng. so thst nil the earlv arrivals were soon dlsno-ed o'. Peme lat- trains d!Brid th mnrkof to some extent, hut still a reod e'enrnnce was made. The mnr ket nri Is fullv a b'-h s It was a wrelj rrn, with the eooro desirable grades If nnv thtng g Mttl ble-her. The cow msrket was slo outre e('ve, snd the more deslrshl eredF" -old readl'v st stesdv'to stronfr nrlees. Th" common kinds wre more or less neTlecte th" -ams es uin'. wl'h nrles uneven, but stl'l on Ihe hey oli1 to f'dtv n roo nd-vp(se-e ss th""- did veeterds". TC'-rrvthlng sell wss (H'nuef.I r In, penO'V Rolls, -eat cs'V-s and s pr. fn. UHt rimrlw this momln'- snd rsVet couli! not be n-otert gnvt'n but ("1v. hoql the tsn FHdiM' eo".'Pnns nn. vatied In tb stoeksr eid fedr (.i'i(n. There were let fnv est'1e cn sat -nrt th d-nind wss llrelted "o tv eon- e-tle b ("id arrive '"d o rrtl . little so-et o-i,,, n as rw'n'iv t-" of the commoner kinds. Representative sales: IircF.F PTtERf. Cattle Are glow. Hogs Lower, While Sheep Slay Steady. CHICAGO. Jtl!v Sl.-CATTT.TC-Reoelpts, 3.000 head. Including S.t) Texnns; slow but steady: good to prime steers. 81.0 tfC. 10: poor to med'tim. 83.7594.-9): stoekers and feeders. $2.50(34.30: cows. $1.2'fi.1.30; heifers. $2.00 4 60; canners. $1.25fJ',.70: hulls, $?.001t 4 15: calves, $3.0Og6.00; Texas fed steers, $3.00074.. 50. HOOS-Reeelpts lodav. 23,00) heid; esti mated tomorrow. 10.000 held: left over, 8,(0) head; , close 20SI30C lower than Thursday; rrlxed and hutrhers. $4ft'5.40; go"d to choice h"avy. $ ,15i"i.3E: rough heavy, $t."'Vif 5.10; light. $1 20if5 65; bulk of sales, 5.00'Ji 5.25. SHKKP AND I.A MR? Receipts. ROfl head: steady; good to choice wethTs. $3 9() (W.W: fnir to choice mlxel. $2.75t.60; west ern sheep, $3O0(ii3.90; nntlve lambs, $3.2jjp Hos-s. Sheen j 6.00; western lambs, $4.00ir0.00. l'i 6 Ke so '0... 20... . 11... 14... r.... 41... 44. .. ir.... a... . . t";.i . .10O ..10'2 ..1040 ..11 ..'221 .1144 rr. Pr. 5 IS 4 00 4 no 4 :s 4 ' 4 10 4 ao 4 41 4 , ..los 4 n lit 4 4i li... tl... 1... :... 11... I;'... in... 45... M... 12... IS... 40... ... .ni 4 ll 1G 4 M .1U.-.5 ..10ft ..llal ..liij ..i:m . .1100 ..100 ..llal ..1251 ..u;7 BTliliRH AND HISIFElia .... sre 4 lb COWS 1.. T.. 4.. 4.. t. 4 J5 I S 4 K I tl 4 ' I no 4 to C 10 IS C 70 iO two 171 til 2.1 1 TS s 10 t 40 Ml t f0 tk.1 I 60 ir. 24 3 it .. IS1 ..1110 ..lono .. !! . .1000 ..1(13.1 ..ll'"') .. 140 1 1 71 f 10 1 to t lM 1 on 1 00 3 Oil 13..' la.. 4!! 1. .lihu .1100 . tr,u .Ilia .1111 . 0 .121 . Will .10.10 . 017 .IK 4 13 I to 3 3.) 1 31 1 4.1 1 41 1 1.1 I r J 1 ss n ;s 4 li it'i 44J ..1."0 .1120 HEIFF.RS, io t Zi 1,.... 4iC I):, 1. ... r.n.1,8. 400 t 40 1 IO1K1 I 1 10110 t CALVES. If 4 So STOCK CALVES. 1211 es STOCK ER9 AND FEEDERS. lii A NEBRASKA. t 7.1 1 J so 1 1) Kniiaes City Live .stock Mrerket. KANSAS CITY. July S1.-CattleRe-ceip.s. 1.700 head natives. 300 head Texans; rn'ves, KKI head natives. 4i bead Texans; good corn fed cattle. 510c higher; win tered westerns and good quarantine, steady: best cows and heifers, strong; stoekers ond feeders. lownr: choice export and dresed beef sters. 81. i5tft).?5: fair to good, $3.50i?t4.76: stoekers and feeders. $2.09 (ffl.EO; western fed steers. $i.'K-4 9: Texas nnd Indian steers, $2.20(S-I.UO; Texas cows. $1.7'3.00; na'ive cows, 1 .6 Vg4.10; native heifers. 82 XV"rf4.75; cinner-. $1 ,00oj2.10; bill's. $1.85fi3.2.: elves, $2.UT05.85. HOGS Receipts. 7.0X1 head; market r.ifflOc lower: top. $i.36: bulk rf sales l".0.'f" 27': heavy. $l.8C(f(5.12,i: mixed packers', tB.Ki 5 30. I'ght. ri.l54a.35; yorkera, Ju.SiyiJO.S. plrs. 95 Wf 35. SHEET Receipts. 2.000 hnd; market stendy; lambs. 7Rcai.n0 off for the week; nntlv 'ambs. $1.1 5(f) 5. 85: western I'mbs. $1.00(05.51; fed ewes t2.904T4.8l; Texas cl'pped yearlings. $3."0(ir4.S5; Texas clliped rheeo. $2.75iJ( 1.60; Blockers and feeders, $2.7V5.'3.55. Kew York Live Stork Mnrket. NEW TORK. July S1.-CATTr.R- Re. relpts, 3.443 head; steers, firm to 10c hipher; buVs nnd cows, stendv to slmde higher' s'eers. 4.00(fi5.50: hulls. f2.75j4.8.ri; cows. $1.80 KT4 ?0. Cables onoted live cattle weak at I1H lHe per lb., dressed weight: sheep. llfflSo. d-esved weight:' refrigerator beef, steady. 9 6 9VC per lb. Exports today. 702 he-id cattle: estimsted tomorrow, 1 190 head cattle, hend sheep and 6.400 quarters of beef. CALVES Reerlnts. 200 head: borelv steady: v'ils. S5.00fi8.00: westerns. $4.75: In diana. $6.10: ersssers nnd buttermilks, nom inal; city dressed vesls. weak, 9!B12c per lb.; conntrv dressed. iffrlOHe. HOOS Receipts. I.49S head; rather firmer feeilnir: heavy state, $0. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 6.1S7 hend: sheep demorn Il7ed : heavy sheep al most unsalable; lnrrbs opened stee.'v to 5c lower; closed rsft'toc lower; sheep. $2.5014.00; Iambs. f5O)4i6.i0; one car, $i;.60; fop price ot close, $'i.:5. t. I. oil Is I lie oek Mnrket. ST. LOtTlS. ."tilv "I CATTLK Rec lp . 2 M0 heal. Including 1 Mrt Toxins; market skiw. stendv; iatve Khipping and export steers. .ril'-.V: dressed beef and butch ers' r.teere, $l.f fj'i.O'i: st'ers under l.oon Pvt.. $1.f(l.6'.; su.ckers end fe-ders, 12.60 ".J0: cws and heifer". J2.2 ffll.2o: canners. $2.0i4i2 50: bulls. 12 50y:t.F0; calves. $3.00 5.50; Tes-es nod Jndtn" sicera, $2.70'(i 4.1i; cows -nd. heifer, 2."(ff? '..00. iTOOP Reef lpt. 6. 00 1 !io.d; market slow; DfTIOc lower; i'jrK and I'shls, $5.4l,g5.n7i; packers'. ""'. 55: butchers' nnd best hinv. $". 4' T(5.6. F'-'TSFJ'-R-T.rlpt. 1.50.1 h-nd; market e..!f: eallve mutton", l).Mt3.7: laeihs, 94 ".'(fT.i'O; enlls and bucks. t5.v-jf4.OO; stoekers, .73.; Tt'Xttns, $2.9-"W-5.. ft. .Tre-li I ta-e Mark Market. ST. JOFEPH. Mo., Julv 31. CATTLE PeeMpte. 1,313 head: du'l. weak: natives. $t.nrvf?-, r'); cows nnd hMfers. fl.7Vi4.7rf; iiti-rk'" and feeder-. $".75oi4.'lS. 7r-ioppec-tit8. 6.C6"i head; MHOo l(.w-e; ll-rhts, $5.15(85.35; medium snd heavy, Oi fffl "0 " SHEEP r.cccipts, 470 licnd; reudy. g4nx City Live lnek 9lnrket. SIOI X CITY. la.. Ju'y 31. -(3o-clnl Tele gram.r CATTt ', Receipt". 1.0; stndv; (moves. $4.0O(fi5.10: ww, lvlls and rn'rel, $2 50474.30: stoekers and fee.ler". $2,504(3.70; ralvee nnd vearling. $" fWil.CO. HOG?-P-cf lots. 1 VKi; Wti'c lower. s:l Irrti nt $4.9.yu5.15: bulk, $-.Oofj.Y01. n-U. tn 8'nht. Following were the rcc-lpts of live s'onk nt tlie. lx principal wes crn elites yeitor- .II. v csm e. iiog. n:iee. j Omaha l.S" 7,e) l.rm Phlcipo 3, an) 23.001) B.ft4i Karsis Clly 1.7-si . ..-o Ht Iiois 2.5 '1 6 ' 00 ;,5 0 H! Jiwenh 1.8-.1 0B 470 Sioux City 10 1.50) GOSSIP OF COMMISSION ROW Watermelon Have thills and lemons Wrinkle I n While Donning; Overctints. As the lemons say, "Wouldn't this wrinkle your raglan?" They were busy yesterday breaking out their overcoats and mackintoshes and putting up n bnrl time talk. They are doing nothing at all and will certainly lose money if the cold wave continues. In Some of the places where they stay It waa said that none had been sold and that tho price had dropped 50 cents; at other places they were still getting n few orders and the price was stationary. Watermelons have chills and are homesick for the old south country. The oianges have been going quietly along i nnd putting the prlco up a notch once In ' a while when tin one was looking. Tho Vuleqclns have got It up a whole silver plunk nnd most of the others In Ihe last I few days have done ha'f aw well. They nre ! nuletlv srettiiiir rendv for Ihe close of thu season. The price now runs from $3.25 to $4.50. according to what the retailer la looking for. The California plums sre In session at the market and are laying plans for next year,, for they will only he here for about two.i weeks more this year. Of course there will be others from I'tah and Oregon to lake their places. Among th? n'ums are to be recognized and few are too proud to bow to them the Satsumas, who are noted for their red meat; the Washington of a green grnpey green. Purple Duancs. Burbanks. Stmonae, Wlxons and Kersey Jnimns. These laat two are the latest In and will remain a few days after the others go. They have the manners of the extra fancy. ! Pur banks and Wlxcns aro the sweetest, ( but lV)e Tragedy preserves Ihe best. Ak-Snr-lleit Initiation Kxcuralon. The excursion for Ihe Monday Initiation of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben will be over the lines of the Burlington & Missouri River In Nebraska and will bring aspirants from Ihe following and iiuiiiy other place: Hastings, Harvard. Fairmont, Friend, Crete. Lincoln, Ashland, Louisville. Platls mouth. Aurora, York. Sewurd, Keatrlcc Edgar, Superior. Holdrege nnd South Omaha. If Ihe weather Is propitious there will probably be a large attendance. Summary of Augnst Weather, The following data for the month of Au gust covering a period of Ihlrty-two venrs, have been compiled from the Wcuthdr bu rer.u records nt Omaha: Temperal lire Mean or normal tempera ture, 71 degrees. The wanner month wis that of 1881. with an of 80 degrees. The coldest month wis that ot 1875, with an average of 70 degrees. The highest tem perature was 105 degrees, on August 10, 1874. The lowest mm pern tu re was 44 degrees, on August 30. 18)ti. Average .date on which first "killing" frost iccurri'd Mn autumn, October 7. Average date on which last "killing" frost occurred In spring. April 7. Precipitation (rain and melted snnwi Average for the month. 3.28 Inches. Aver Mtre number of days with .01 of an Inch or more. 8. The greatest monthly precipita tion was 7.77 Inches. In 1S75. The least monthly precipitation was fl.SC Inch. In 1891. The greatest amount of precipitation re-co-ded In any twenty-four consecutive hours wns 2.81 'nclies, on August 12 and 13. ISM. Clouds and Weather Average number of clear days. 13; partly cloudy days, 12; clcudy tlrys, fi. Wind The prevailing winds have leen from the routheant. The hlahest velocity of the wind was 54 miles, from tho north east, ou August 15. IwOI. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Wef.ther Bureau. Police 4 oon ntr, A half dor.rn police nfTlcers "knoeked" on Totn Phillips, colored, who works not, neither does he want to work, with (ho re sult that Totn was sentenced to Jul) for ten 1 days by Judue lie:li.i James Brown, colore.!, pulled out , knife at the carnival grounds ThuiMil.iy i.lglu nnd made the renuiik the police couldn't nuike him stand buck. For this lie was lined M Ulid cools 111 )ull(e court. At tho triul lie denied huvii.g any Intention of cutting the officer ur doing sn one nny harm. The police had to knock him down to get the knife. lie paid the line. J ie Oonnan. n hack driver. Is huunting the police court trjlng to lllid Some way to id'ect fnre from I no laborers whom he hauled fiom ilie st.ill.xi Hterday. Tho men told the ctty prosecutor that they were i'l ihe Mullen when they first met Corm 111. He naked them If they wanted to go to a l:iUr agency and ihey did. Thev asked him the price for the drive snd lie told them that w, is all right. When they got to tile agency (torrpnn found llin men h(l no money. He (hen drove to the police elation ami "roired." The police couldn't help him. 21 cows 1000 $3 5 1 cows 973 2 40 18 cows 94 ? 60 1 cow l' 60 21 feeders.. Wi I 45 HOGS Gwiiifj to 1 bull 1.191 $2 40 1 cow 1040 $ 10 1 cow 740 I 60 0 feeders.. SSii ti unfavorable reports rroin otner points mis morning the bog market here opened a nickel Tower and then became frJiLOc lower. Quito a number of hogs aoid that way, but later In the day it became evident that aom of the packers were not g.-ttlr.g enough hogs to All their orders, sna as a result salesmen held their droves for more money, and toward the close of the market the loss was nearly regained. The heavy hogs sold lnrgely at $6.00 and $6 02Vs. with some very heavy weights going as low as $4 96. The mixed weights went largely at $5.0214 and $5 03. with the choice light weights and th late sales selling largely from $5.(6 to $6.10. Trading waa not very active at the stsrt, but the close of the market was quite brisk and an early clearance was made. The supply of hogs during the month of July has been very liberal, aa there is an Increase over th same month of Inst year amounting to about 36.6(0 hood. The ten dency of prtrea has been downward all the month, and there is a net loss amounting to about c. As compared w"h a year ago the market la $244 lower. Representative sales: v. A, gk. fe. , a, vh. rr u ill ... ih $4 Hi u ic:. Totals .10.K.7 10.565 11,470 Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. July 51.-COTTON-Oulet: ssles. 4?6 lialfs: nrdinarv, 101-lOc; good ordinary, llc: low middling, 12e; mlddllnr. 13"-c; good middling. 13c: mid dling fair. 14 7-'6c: receipts. 6i bales; stocks. 40 931 bales. Futures, quiet and steady; Ausust. lJ.nwn.rtc: September. 10.77fi 10 78c; October. J.T5:' ?Jn; November, fl2'"9lc; December. 8.iilf9.62c; Jmuary. .6"9 6.1o; Februsrv. 9.6i'ir9.64c. Secretary Hester's statement of Ihe world's visible supply of cotton is 1 687.821 bales, of which total 828.. 8i3 Is American. NEW YORK. July 81. COTTON Opened steady st unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points, and ruled Irregular during the entire session. At first there wss consider sble firmness, with August selling up to 12.86c on th call on covering, while the late months were sustained by the continued heavy rain which were rervorted more or less general over the belt. Shortly after the roll, however, th entire list turned weak with August and In svmoethv with outside markets. Liverpool, which at the time of the local opening, wss about In line with the expectation, turned easy later and New Orleans also showed weskness. This snd th apparent lack of rllou support of the near mouths gave the entire Hat a declining tendency, which carried prices to a lev) Real f'atnto Transfers, DEEDS filed for rerord yesterday, as fur- Ished by the Midland Ouiirnntee and Trust company. h nde l abstracter. 1 it 4 Far nam slte.t. Onuihu: Thomas C. DuneanKon and wife o Richard Rrndshnw. lot 11. block 3'.i. Alhrlphl's Choice add $ 900 I'nlon Htotl: Veres comprny to John Koiitfkv. lets 13 and 14. block 12, 1st odd lo South Omaha 70u Henrietta M. I. Bliss end husband to Vranres Dumgren. e 60 fet of w 116 feet sublet 4. taxlot M. 10-19-1$ (Cf Sa"h M. DutTv end husband to John If. Vance. 8'xl29 feet In aublot 1, gov ernment lot 4 14-15-13 1 Emma I- Knudson and husband to Jamea A. Howard, lot (. block 8, Orsmmery Psrk sdd 209 William K. Potter, receiver, to Herman Beselln lot 1. block 6 Patfek's add.. 1,9ju Omaha National bank to William K. Potter, secelver of Omaha Loan and Truat comienv. same 1 The I'nI'cd Real Fs'ate and Trust com- rsnv to Fmll Chl-ibornd. tji lot 14, lock 14. Kountse'a 3d add 6T.0 Winter Byles to Annie O. Williams, lot 19, block t. Pernio park KX PRIVATE WIRES GEO. Ae ADAMS CRAIN CO. CRA1N, PR0VI5I0N5 AND STOCKS C4 Board ot Trade Bldg.. Omaha 'Phone It) and lvll. Msubra all crln. etpal exchange. YYrkl (ir our uilr ur k4 latter.