THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TnTJ,RSDAYV JULY 30, 1003. c SPECIAL NOTICES llfrrllirBU far these rolimni will be taken til 13 m. for (he In edltloa inl aatll H:BU p. la. for aunlit Saadar edition. Mate. 1 l-De a war Aral laaertloa. le m wore1 thereafter. Nothing taken (or leaa tin trie tar the flrat laser. Ilea. Three advertisements aaaat be raa consecutively. Advertisers, by reaaestlas; a nasn. fcrrrd check, can Lave answers ad dressed ta numbered letter la rare f The Fee. Aaswers mm addressed will be delivered preseatallea mt the keek ealr. WANTED SITUATIONS. TOUNO MAN wants a position as stenog rapher ana assistant bookkeeper. An dress J 48, Be. A M 6J Alx BY a good window trimmer, box M Bee office. Address J A-M6. iH WANTED MALE UK LP. THE SUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open, yet It la not too late to enter. Every aay la enrollment any. Business, shorthand, typewriting, Eng lish. Gel a catalogue. H. B. BOXLES, Fresldent, Tel. 1984. N. Y. Life Bldg., Umaba. H 166 wrniTrn in. i-nit.,i Htataa trmr. able- bodied, unmarried men, between ages of i nd.)i: nttliuina of United Stales, of aood character and temperate habits. who can apeak, read and write hmglian. In, lr,nrr.i.i, Blllllv 111 reCrulllfla OI- nrar. .rui Dou.e His., umaba, and Grand Inland, Neb. B-M476. WILL give a worthy young man or woman a paid-up scholarship In Omaha's leading business college, to be paid for when nmiru la finished and position secured. Addreaa B 26. Bee. B lUU WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Bee ' advantages we offer. Steady practice, In structions, .lecture, diplomas, tools and Saturday wages. Can earn nearly all ex penses before finishing. Few weeds com pletes. WrlM Moler Barber College lu Dougiaa St. B MW2 Six WANTED-young man to work in store and learn business, must write a talr hand. Addreaa J M. Bee. . B-&14 WANTED A ' good all round man fori ' . d,nhln Adilresa J. I nT..n Ciarinua. la. B-MS31 WANTED Small Job of cellar cementing done. Appiy ai aui i. B iTii- DRUG qlerk, with X or 1 years' experience, willing: to work. Address R. F. Brown, BlouxValls, B. P. B-601 4 .WANTED, coachman? must have good ref- ranees. . lui iw y. u., "gJJ WANTED, alx common carpenters; wages $2.H per day. Knqulre Bui H. . 24t Ii at.. oppoaiie postomce. tsuutn umatm, iNiy. WAKTED SALESMEN. We are soiling groceries to farmers and Mh iir buvers at wholesale prices. Good hustlers can make up carload lots at every town in mo iitunui.i "" I'roiitil are larger iiiun m on; -..: mit, a nnatit work tileasatit and hualthful. For full particulars address George Meldrum & Vo.. w ureen si., Chicago. Ill- M-tS0A2x WANTED FEMALE HELP. ; " $00 Qlrla. Call Canadian office, ltth ae Dodge. lbl - .,11! .1 Ii' COPY letters at home; $1160 paid weekly; send stamped envelope, sample letter. Eureka Co.. 2J Duane at., g WANTED ladles - to learn halrdresalng, manlourlhg or facial massage. Our cata logue explains how We teach It quickly; mailed free. Expenses earned before com pleting. Moler College, UOSj Douglas Bt. " C MSW8 six . wanted, a lady under 80. of best charac- ' tr mm romnanion for lady recovering from nervous prostration; will be required to be agreeable ana attend io any wants ui eni- Sloyer; lady who while quiet is of a Jolly lsposltion preferred; out of town .girl given preference. Addreaa P. O. box 4-Su, Omaha c-xuw six WANTED, girl for light housework; family I ot two. Addreaa J 60. Bevr0-1W. POR BENT HOUSES. , llrt 1CCC In all parta of the city. R. IIUUSCJ c peters Co.. Bee Bldg. D lta FOR RENT, 7-rcom bouse, all modern ex cept furnace. Jo4 N. 30lh sU, $20. C. M. Bachman. 436-87 Paxton blk. D 848 iioV In allparta of the city. The O, ttUUapo , V. Davia Ca. M Bee Bldg. . D lu3 1 pAYNE-BOSTWICK CO. Choice housee. i 601-603 Nttw York Life Bldg. 'Phone lull 1 D 660 .WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14W. . OtUoe. 1713 W abater BU . D-661 1 1 FOR RENT, ten-room modern bouse near Hlgn sonoou no. nuria in sireei. in quire next door or at 41 N. Y. Life build tng. ' ' D-aa CENTRAL, lat-alau T-rooaa bouaeONn HOUSES, Usuranoa. Ring-wait, Barker' blk. I '.I ... LJ AOi TWO f-roem houaea, all modern, $18.00. C. M. Bactamann, 436-87 Paxton block. D M7d9 -' 1 TO MOVE right got Omaha Van- Storage Co.. office UilVa Farnam. or Tela 15&-4. D 168 TEN -ROOM brick, furnace gas, tath; everything complete. 114 N. 2tith Bt. ... ' D-613 30X FOR RENT 2318 Douglas St, 11 rooms! Apply M N. Y. Lit. . - D tm FOR RENT A cottage, D09 Marcy St.; $7 per month. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, frjj Brown block. D MtU7 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern conveniences, 422 8. I8 h st. Inquire F. 1. KirkendaU 4k Co., llt and Hajrney ats. D Mti3S 30 I-ROOM HOUSE, modern 1316 Capitol ave. Improvements. 1 Mtw4 2x 7-ROOM HOUSE, modern 1313 Capitol ave. Improvements. D Mu3 2x ROOMING HOUSE, 12 rooms, modern, In first-class 'oundiUPti, 1EU liowurd St., de sirable location; .5.oo, or will rent 24 rooms, $1IU.U0 vvt month. George Co,, ldul Fatnam at. . . i aiui t UJ7 8. 28TH, l-room cottage, $8; 3320 Mander- aon, 5 roixri". t1"; 11,15 ttuwara, rooms, modern fWU '$17 50. Klngwalt ilroa, Har kor blk. D MbSri WOK RENT-FUBNISUKD ROOMS, , ; ! ' T : DEWEY European hotel, 13th -ana .arnam. , ' . " B 18 ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th A Chicago. E lil 81 00 to $100 per week. 423 S. 13th St., en block aoutb ot court house- E 173 HUCK vaoi rnota modern, very reasonable; QeuUeniVR prvfeired- lA - th. . .. - . . . .Er-JDI T haohv trunk. Telephone 611 l mot cool V-nnsviN and other desirable rooma.. bath. 1 m I,.i t. aantleiiiaii. 1 Al 7 I CutiL ': . . - - E-M807 4 mui aAV wmw - . - i AETNA liO CUE. European, 13th A Dodga' Hotel HubbeL Utb A Howard; 'phone fcnu Ii Mill A I NICE RO(OMS, Ught bousekeci-lag. Ill Utn. v Si N. IT Inickli .1 stram X A17kl 17T11 Cool front rooms for two. i aiHi u ICKLY furnished rooma. ' Inquire Omaha ru laundry. lii ueareuwurin. rnnui K m &OOMS $1 to 88 per week; .board $, Thurston hotel, 16th and Jackson bis. E MblT AN FOR RKNT FtRNISIIED BOOMI. LAftrjE. rool, iwnlfrn rooms; Woe lawn nnd shade; private place. 2iZT Dodge at. E M47 SOUTH front, alcove room. 2W0 Harney. E M741 Alx THREE modern rncms furnished, for light housekeeping. 118 a. 2jtn at. E-M642 30 FIRNISHED ROOM! AND HOARD. THE ROSE, 020 Harney, nlca cool rooms. good board; ratea reasonable; also meal tlckete. " F M826-A1 DESIRABLE rooms, the Farnam, 19th and iarnam. m 509 S. 26TH AVE.; private family. F 17 WELL ventilated modern rooms; first class board. Telephone. 2109 Douglas st. F Mi 31 NICELY furnished room for two gentle men with first-class board; close to car line and within wnlklna distance: also one very cosy single room. 2816 Daven port st. FM 717 AJx ROOM and board, small cottage, good home for lady. $3 50 per week. 614 in. aim St. TUB beat furnished rooma with board by the day or week: home cooking. zia-z.v n. 19lh st. FM-72S FOR RENT VNFIRNISHED ROOMS. TWO sultea of S rooma each; all modern. 118 8. 26th at. u alhh cu FURNITURE PACKING. PETERSON LUNDBERG, 116 Bo. 17th, FOR RENT STORES AHD OFFICES. im uv.N'iv ifa. liutlillnn formerly Ovcu- pied by The Bee at lilto arnain 61. It has tour sLoriea und a baaemenl wblch wus irm.rlv uKu.l aa The 14 ureas room. 'Ihia will be rented , very raasuiiuoly. If interested apply at otlice Of C.C. Boae- water, secreiaiy, room 1U0, Bee buliuuig. 1 itil trnu uitnt. hulidinK auitable for whole sale nurpoaea at Sin Farnam, 22x90, four storlas aad llrst-ciaas cemented ijaaement, uuu.nP am und huraiar Droot vault. othce counter and fixtures. For price and particular Inquire C. C. Rosewaler. seo rotary the Be Building Co., room 100, Bee building. I MM! DESK room for rent. 8J4 Paxton block. 1-MtrlO BTORE ROOM. 1C15 Howard St., with light basement, unloading platform In the rear, $ou.oi. -. ueorge co., wi ui""',"v: - I Mtno As AGENTS WANTED. a vTirn cinvunlni aarents In every county to solicit subscriptions to 'I'Htt 'IWliNTlETH CENTUBx FARMER. Hiuiii err.nlovment with assured good In come. Agents In the country witn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily IM to $100 per - month. Ad dress Century Fanner Solicitors Bureau, Bee bunding, uinano. w u nient, approbation and blessing ot ins Holiness, me i-ope, uy juuhbibuui oei- card O'Reilly. Wl Paxton Bldg. ' J M3t4 WE have all 6 of the different Pope Leo Xlll books. Best terms. reigm -pais; outfit free. Call or write W. A. Hixen- baugH & Co., 606 Ware blk., Omaha.. WANTED General agents to travel and . appoint agenta to sell life of Pope Leo Alii m AOWS, UIBBVUI I, VMiD.iv .'""I hraska. Balary and expenses, write to- day for particulars. American , ru. .to., JM-6S3 29 umana, iu. AGENTS Catholic agents, attention! "Lire VI f U1IO-UTO A..... v ... j ' - w tlon; written by the pope a order by Hon !., i.'T-iiilv! .indorsed bv entire Cath olic Hierarchy; price $2 JO; large colored portrait worth $1.08 free to subscribers. Aienti wanted: highest terms; 'Immense demand; outfit free. International Publish ing CO., 44 N. tin at., riiiiaueipina. J -MuU7 SOX AoiCNTS WANTED 676.00 weekly easily made Belling our Double Indemnity Combination health and accident pollclea. Liberal communion; atrong company; exnerlence uruiecssary. Write for terms. National Health and Accident Associa tion, 508 Crocker Bldg, Dea Molnea. la. . . 1 , VOO ' T t.k- mnr A?Ja..1S " TYtVSVipE LEO XIII than apy other, because It is pub lished In more than one language. Bells to everybody. Beautiful 12 color memorial picture FREE to each customer. Illus trated with beautiful colored plates. Best terms. Freight raid. Outfit free. Ad dress American Publishing Co., 823 N. Y. Xj XMUR., VIIIl. AGENTS wanted to Bell Dry Fire Extin guisher; sella easy; paya big; samples practically free. Address Fire Killer, 44 Murray St.. N. Y. i-imji Alx WANTED TO ' RENT. YOlTK4 MAN desires room and board In private lumuy; inusi ua ciooo 10 imo, state price, ; Addreaa J fci, Lm651 2x WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy, aome good dental chairs.. Union Dental College. N M574 FOR SALE FURNITURE. I'inriRa sursdtura Co.. 1410 Dodge. , Tel. 2(120. New and second-hand bought, sold. exchanaed. O ISO FOR SALE, ono large six-passenger closed mil. j.rriHi. one larise open family carriage, one large platform-spring spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double seta of harness, one sliver mounted, and one lna-le set of harness, Call Frank E, Mobres. City Hall. O-M6I6 FOR SALE HORSES, 1VAUONS, ETC. HAVE your rubber Urea set while you uuii H Frost, ltth and Leavenworth. . P-lta MONROE sella pleasu.-e vehicles at 811 N. 18th SU - aaui TOl UtUUI ai mill priCB, lu noriy new, K gear cheap. Bee A. W. Johnson, with iM.r Plow Co. P-M700 A26 new. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CAI.K 1.500 feet ol ocond-hand SA wire rope. In good condition. Apply, to 01 address ' bupeiiuieuueui ui xee u mill ing. Umaha. w .SEW andtd-hand typewrltera 1119 Farnam. tDHAND aafe cheap. Derlght. Ill Farnam. M-li nR BALIS Second -hahd Locomobile, in nrst'class aliape. at ne-haif price. Call or adores Ua Farnam st, bU FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 26 cents each, large, well made barrel., make tli-st- class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs. foreman Boe press room. rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q-M431 INDIAN gooda and relics. 1119 Farnam. ' W 183 FOR BALE A new 800 ampere double pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dress "Buperlnleudeut Bee Building, Omaha." Q-M767 . TELEPHONE poles, long ' fir umbers; . , , . . nlllnw ant I . . . . 1 - cnicaen iruva, v.. ij..m. mv vijhkiu- - . Q U8 FOR BALE: Crane hydraulle elevator; caa be used either passenger or freight; com plete, Iron guide posts, cage aud wire so doku res. J. L. BrandeU A Bens. Q-5M IKON and wire fences, tree guards, trel lises, vt estern ancuur r cues' wo., sue rt. Utn SL Q-184 PHOTOGRAPH CAR for sale. Apply Q-lai rlose a store. CATALOGUE eut drug prices free. Sher man i atcconncii urug co., umana, 4-lS WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Bam'! Bjrnt. (r-M9J4 AU U.OuO BRICK for sale: ' W. Farnam Smith tk Co., UN Fernaiu bt I WHY LET YOUR ROOM STAY VACANT? jEvery Day is a Loss of Money When a Little Want-Ad Will Rent It. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, FOR BALK Coal business, quired, 2,ou0.00. J 21, Bee. Capital re. FOR BALE Oreat Dane pup. R. Eriksen, Newman urove, iNeD. y aiws AiX FOR BALE, two express wagons, cnenp. 614 B. :7th St. M 836 alx CLAIRVOYNTB. MME. LUCRET1A, medium, 1706 California. 14 80S At MRJ. CARRIE! SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADT QUEfc-N of clairvoyants; every. thing told; past, present and future. Bat lafactlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8190 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MISS HOWARD, elegant massags and vapor batns; aiconoi . ruocing. jus n. 16th, flat E. , T-MZ6 al MME, 6MITH, baths, 118 K. 16, 2d floor, r. i A WW GRACE O'ERYAN. Baths. 720 8. 13th. . T-M686 MRS. DAVI3. DSl Howard St., front rooms; luu uaiu; nrsi-ciaBS aiienuajiu T Mtll Al PERSO.NAU VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet. Vlavl Co., 848 Bee mag. uuti DR. ROT, chiropodist; coma and superflu ous nair removed oy etociriciiy. ti. s ana 1, 1606 Famam at. U 1S1 MAGNET FILE KILLER. IT CURES. U-1K At drugglats, (1. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted, ine Uuod bamaritan Banitarturn, hyulene and special massage taught and practiced, a. May ei, uu jbi.c via, con sultation free. . Use lie-No-May Powder. U 1KB PRIVATE hoapttal before end during con- nnemeni; uauiee ooarueu anu adopted. aura, uaraeis, m L.aae. rei. itea-isst. U M2S TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messcngera U 200 $30 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR $30-NO detention rrom Dusiness; ia,uuu cured patients; send for booklet, etc Empire Rupture co., new lorn uxe Diag., Omaha, Neb. U 1W PRIVATE hoepltal before and during con rmeraent; beat medical care ana nursing. Mrs. L. Fisner, vinton. 'lei. is. PRIVATE Banltarium for ladies before and during confinement, nr. ana Mrs. ueriscn. SUA California bc Terms reasonaoie. kJw& AZS MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. wiktf.d cltv loans and warrants. W. Farnam emiin -o., u p nwn sireeu WANTED. city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. u. t-eiers ec o., itu4 Farnam Bt. Bee Bldg. W-202 FARm and city loans: low rates. W. H. yhotnaa. First Nat l Bank Bid. Tel. 1646. WIVd PRIVATE money. Sherwood, $37 N. Y. Llfa .W-204 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton block ,W WO FIVE PER CENT lofcria. Garvin Broa., 1604 Faraanv , .. . , . . . .wrw. PRIVATE money, T. P Wead, 1620 Douglaa MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. TO GET ' TO PAY Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, eto. Or if you nave a permanent poaltion we Cin make you a . . ALARY LOAN without senurltv. except your own agree ment to repay. Our service -Is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrowi elsewhere. .. . UllAllA WLiniUAUU wnil v., 119 Board of Trado Bldg. Tel. 2l!96. -tEatabllahed 1S92.) 806 So. 16th Bt. w X 69 ' MONEY . To salaried employe and wage earnera: Uet our system 01 iuau out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. Just cghla-notes I Monthly. Monthly. Weekly, 100-Return to ua...26. or $13.35 or i M 60-Return to us... 13.33 .or or 8.35 y&RBturn to US... 6.txt or 8 S3 or 1 uo itlwtS?n to us. . . 4.00 or 2.00 or- 1.00 4a7t te?mS. lowest rates, confidential No lnquirSS: . Quick service. Courteoua :hbbt33 LOAN CO.. IM4 AXTOBLIC CASH IN ANY AMOUOT-fM. it, 1 $600 loaned holding "asteady position without iecur u v or DubHclty. at the very lowest rates; caVments can be made to suit your con- r '1 . atrini iv rnitiiiiirn lihi. Ven,f"rRELiABLE"CREDlT CO., Rooms 3U-au raxion cwi. X-M370 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. v SALARIES. ETC. . Low rates und easy terms. ' Business Confidential. Trv us If you want to save money. g) paxton Block. in Block. 16th and Farnam Bts. A. ill I AROEST BUSINESS IN urnns iu ?terT 'boirdlni ThlSSk. e.7 without ... curltylasie.l terms. 40 olHces In prin. SKTii cltlea Tolmun. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. . . x-wa 1 - m , anlarlad MONEY loaned on plain not eto" larled tieople: business confidential, lowest rates. (14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 218 ruiTTF.L. salary nnd jewelry loans. Foley Loan CoTsuc. to D. Green. R. 8. Barker bk. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture .Jew elrvTVorsea. cows. eto. C. F. Reed. 819 8. It tie BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR BALE, by administrator, good clean stock of general merchandise in good I..I..I. Hnii.Timr in aood location, ready to begin business at-any time; Invoice horn inline.: must be sold soon. Call on or address a w. cnaraueis. nurmuipiraiui, Blair, Neo. -m i wriB SAI.K Clean, new stock of general merchandise and building; Invoice about $7,000: well established trade; good com- munity. Aoareus i , . nv WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange anv DrODerty or ousineae uui., Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life. Y-a7 FOR SALE Real estate, rental and In i-anra huniness. In best county in Ne braska; a snap for a man with a little money and some push. Established ten venra. Address lock box 3U Inside. Neb. Y-M0U6 A6 a ootlD business chance for man with .mull cMnital: liar $2iM per month cleir best town In Black 11111a. Address J 69, Bee office, . Y-M061 11 WANTED Party with $260 to take half In terest iq good paying business well estab lished. Addreaa J do. uee. tatt a fciiR SALE, at a bargain, bakery and con fectlnpery; guod luatiun; elegant soda fountain, fixtures and furniture nearly new: will sell on one yuar's time, with approved security. Address Mrs. F. K Baker, West Pfint, Neb. Y Mw7 7 A GOOD paying; 18-room hotel for sale In Wood River, Keb., at a bargain; owner llvas in Chicago Is trie otje t In selling. atitcneii raugiii, neva auver. Y-M633 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. READ THESE BARGAINS modern two-story frame dwelling of seven rooms, bath, hot and cold Water, gas and furnace, paved street, close to street car line; good Sized lot; all special taxes paid In full; In a beautiful neighbor hood In Hanscom Place; $2,&00. Lot 40x110, facing two streets, In southwest part of city, one lo-room and one 3-room house and barn, city water and sewer ron nectlona; brings Income of 134 per month; l-,4i0. Lot 37x140. vicinity of Loavenwnrth and 2sth bts., 7 rooms, bath, closet and gas, 12,260. Neat one-and-one-half-story frame house, with basement. 7 rooms, bnth, closet and gas, paved street, near car line, paving paid In full, near Indiana Ave. and Zdth St., 12,000. Big B-room house, good brick foundation, city water, ioi ixitu, near j.,u ana Cali fornia, close to street car, $1,000. 1-story 7-room house, nice big corner lot, 2 blocks to car, school ana churches, 11,000. A 7-room house, nil modern except fttrnsce, run lot, near iu ana jvianaerson, xi.zuu. A 6-room house, east front, all In first-class condition, newly pnlnted nnd repaired, a few blocks west of High school, 11,200. Lot 50x140, south front, near 31st and Mason; nnuse nas V rooms, batn, good barn and city water; $2,300. Lot 60.xl?2, 4 block south of depot, three i- room nouses, or win divide, ii.uuu. Lot B0xl2S, about right for grade, street paved, curbed, guttered, all special taxes paid In full. This lot Is located In the most fashionable location In the city and will be offered for one week only at the low price of $430. . , J. A. LOVGREN, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 'Phone A-2txSU. '438-437 I'axton Block. RE tit3 29 A CHEAP HOME IN DUNDEE. NOTICETho School Board of District No. w, uougias county, jnoo., win oner at public aale on Tliursday, July SO, 1'm3, at I p. m., on the, the school build-lug-located near 4ith and California sis. In Dundee. This Is the commodious frame building ao cunstruotea as to be eaHlly couveriaoie into a nat s-rooin cottage. iA F. JOHNSON, Director. - . REM 760 30 Ul! I ! A M5nN CHARLES B.. 1201 1 ! vi . j-aruarn auet. HE 218 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property anu iur-m uinui. 1 ne u. v Davia Co., Room 508. Bee Bldg. RE 221 SALINE COUNTY farms are. the best. I have some bargains.' Write for particu lars at once. F. Q. Johnson, Dorchester, 1 Neb. RE-,Miii2 A22 W. C. CHISSELL., 833 tf. Y. Life Bldg. 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks front gostomce for saie pneap. ins in. jstn. enewa & Co. RE 220 6-ROOM cottage, bath, barn, near south end of rlamcom park, tu,uu, on. easy pay ments; can give .possession soon. W. H. Gates, 617 N. Y. Llte.i. Phone 1294. . RE 643 80 RANCH, and farm lands for sale v tha Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A McAUester, land oorr.roJrsioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, . pmaka. Neb. ... ' RE 219 BE QUICK FOR JH1S 8-room all modern houseVwLth bath, closets and attic, good ba soman t, paved street, ' electric light, permseirut able walks, block and half to street car, 3 blocks to school and church "This'-pryetty: Will go at a .bargain account parity 'K'frt'ing city. J. A'LOypREN, V 436-437 Paxton Block... Kth antl Famam. REW4 29 ACCORDION PX.EATING. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. M 772 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 16th. .. .222 R. RUMBEL; A. BON. only tie factory In , the state. Try us. 14th and Nicholas sts. ' Tel. F3359. 631 A25 CARPET CLRANING'. A K. JETT calls for carpeta. Tel. A-3302. M26 Al CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter, work and repairing promptly attended 10. J. T. Ochiltree, 2oth and Lake streets. 870 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbacb block. Tel. A-283X. - - $26 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. a. R. Rathbun, room is. Com'l Nat. Bank, .... &t .FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 141S Farnam. - 228 la HENDERSON, florist, 1116 Farnam Bt. FURNITURE PACKING. GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. U-2076. . 1706 SL Mary s Ave. - m . GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2638. 2JI GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. clean. cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. d N. I8th. TeL 1779. 2S0 LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcnoir, 13th A Howard Ml LAWNMOWERS sharpened, saws filed. umbrellas repaired, keys, etc., 409 N. Pith. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 6T1LLMAN A PRICE, 88 V. 8. N't B k. bid. - 2Ji NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y, Life Bldg., attorneys ana couuetors every- where. -as MACFARLAND & MAY,' New York Life Hli'f.. room sin. I'none ido:. -ju LOST. LOST Gray mare. Sunday, July 2b; re- ward. 2413 C St.. Bout rr Omaha. ' ' Lost MG32 SOX itiTHmall .lorsay cow with chain fas tened to halter. If found telephone A is5 Lost Miil6 JO PATENTS. H. J. COWQILL No fee unless successful. 318 S. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 173 2-U MEDICAL. LADIES! Chichester's English Fennyroy.l Pills are the beat. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c.. stamps, for particulars, "Relief ior Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, rolce. Dartdge Block. 369 OMAHA COLLEGE OK MUBIC. College liuiidlng. b-i M.. 2utn (l'on.e car: sumniei tenn. Apply F. Ii. Wright. L. L. O. M Director. 671 3u OSTEOPATIIV. GID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath Suite U&, New lork Lna Bldg. Tel. P4. 239 The Hunt Infirmary. McCague Bldg. T. Z353. XM) Atien A Farwell, rat ton Blk., 604-7. T. 14. M241 DR3. FINCH A MILLER. 124 S. 25th St. 31 Dr. Grace Deegan, 609 McCague. Tel. nrl -M4 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aeeommodat tng, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 641 RVO MANt'FACTVRING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. ret. 20fl5. 42 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN B ANT'S achooL 717 N. Y. Life. 248 NEB. Business at Shorthand College. Theater. Boyd's -249 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg ' STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1SUH Earn. Tela 1569-86Z TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets rverywhere. P. Ii. Phllbln, IUA Farnam. i'hone 7M. CSS THINKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 780. ! WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, ft loan of $7,000 on a partly de veloped mining property In Colorado, for the purchase of machinery and further development. The property la worth at least $75,000. Will pay 6 per cent Int. and give an Interest In an adjoining prop erty of great prospective value. Full In formation given showing this to be a strictly legitimate proposition. Address L. W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, la. M-6O 5 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as chanices may occur at any time). For oiir 11 malls for the week endinir Aucust 1, 19t, will close (PROMPTLY Ih all casesl at the general postonice as follows: far-ecls-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Regular r-nd supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an hour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at f oreign station;. Transatlantic Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. WUEZ, per s. a. La Bretagne, via Havre (mall for other parta of Europe must be directed, --per a. s. LA liretagne ). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Umbrla, via Queenstown; at 8 a. m. ror BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Krponlanu (mall must be directed "per a. a. Kroonland"); at 90 in. mr ojiLAru direct, per., a. s. .niii-uuritt unau must De directed "per s. a. Ajicnorla'-Ji at .12 an. for DENMARK 7 j ,r rteK1 tmau must be tli icuicu per a. m. ileum ) PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steame "" x-nnieu oiattnr. commercial Pa pers, and Samples for Germany only. The i "" iii&iici mr titner parts of Europe win not be sent by lulgTshlo Unless sOeclnilv direr-tad hu ' After the closing of the ounnlementorv Transatlantio Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the niers of the A m.rl.... n l- kv. l"Vench and German steamers, and 'remain J ni wnnin len Aiinutes of the hour v. sailing (ii steamer. Malls (or South and Central America West ladles. Etc. THURSDAY-At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per a Havana (mail for Mexico, via Proare'i rogreso, 'rH?. . .ft -r n'ust be directed s. Havana"!: ut is n t!M&M m or BAHAMASan'd BAN- BARBAI508 and NORTHERN BRAZIL Per a. a. Flumlnense, via Para, Ceara and iw8AT?f.m,)TJor.?WARI? and WIND- ' av. l lounuo, ana kritisij DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA jer s Allendale mall for Grenada and Trlnldai ?. """iltu I't-r-e. a. Aiiendnle");' at it -ail r, it, fnw KT U im.,i, ... v . . . ' ' a B. 8. 8 her nn. frnm t-Hll..i..i.i V1 FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for n ri tw n a TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per a. a. Grenada: at 12 m. for xtwini? a. a. City of Washington, via Tamnico (mall must be directed "per a. a. Cliv of Washington';) ; at 1 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per a. a. Alice, from Boston (mall for other parts of the Dominican Republic must be directed "Der a. a Aiir.,.". SATURDAY At 1 8 a. m. for BERMimi P61" ."' ' J?,111"": at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. a. Zulia (mail Tor Bavanilla and Cartagena must be directed 'per s. a. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO Till'iY ner a. a fYomn- o.on , lu RICO, per a. plementary 10:30 a. m.)- for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, BAVANILLA CAR. TAGENA and GREYTOWN. per a. a Aiiegnany unau ior vesta lco must be directed "per s. a. Alleghany"); at 10 a mT for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via Havana. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Eg. eept Transpacific. CUBA-Fv rail to Port Tampa, FIa., and mence vy .iwim-r, c-iuvea .1 inia onlee dally, except Thursday, at o:30 a. m. (tha connecting malls close here on Mondays, Wedneaduvs and Saturdavsl. MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially St this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. una 11 i p. iu. ouiiuays at i p. m. and 11:30 D. m, . NEWFOUNDLAND Br rail to North Bvd. rev, ana tnence by steamer, closea at this office daily at 6:30 p. m. (conneeting mails close here every Monday, Wednesday and Raturdai. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at tnis office at 6:80 p. m. every Tuesday ana Thursday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at tins orace dally at BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and fiUATE U .AU LI. 111. JHA1-.A ny 1 on 10 iw uneans. and thence by steamer, closes at this otlice dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and U:30 p. m.. Sundays at Jl p. m. and $11-30 p. m. t-:oiniei;iuiK iiuiu cuisus nera Mon Savs at 111:30 P. m.) COBTA kica uy rati to r.ew Orleans, snd tnence oy steamer, closes at this otlice dally, except Hunday, at l;3t p. m. ana 111:80 p. m.. Sundays at 1 p. and ll;a0 p. in. iLuiiiiiA-um man viuses nere l ues a a ivi at (11:30 D. in.) Registered mull closea at 6 p. m. pro- vious day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and specially addressed mall ior tne ruiLiFi'iNt; lbLANUS, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. rn. up to July 26th, in clusive, for despatch per a, s. Nippon Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vie San Fran cisco, cloke here daily at 6:. 10 D. m. up to July inciumre, tor uespaicn per u 8. Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close here dally at p. m. up to July 2th, Inclusive, for despatch i-r s. s. Olympla. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW caicijujwa. 1JI, SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally -at t-JO p. m. up to Au gust lst, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer car rying the British mall (or New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch extra malls closlnc at 6:30 a. m. 9:30 a. ni. and 6:30 p. m. : Sundays at 4:30 a. in., 9 a. in. snd 6:30 p. in. will be made up ana rorwaraea until the ar rival of the Cunard steamer.) CHINA and JAPAN.- via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 141 Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Toeu Maru. HtWAIf. CHINA. JAPAN and PHILIP- 1NE ISLANDS, via Ban FirncUi-o, close here daily at 6.30 p. m, up to Auguit (3d, roTOFFII E NOTICE. Inclusive for despatch per s. s. Siberia. TAHITI and MARQI ESAS ISLANDS, via tfan rrancisco, close nere astty at . m. up to August 1 1 0 1 h . Inclusive, lor drsoKtch per s. s. Mariposa. HAWAII, vln San Francisco, close hera dully at 6.30 p. in. up to Augunt Jimh. In clusive, for despatch tier s. s. Alamed.-t. CHINA and JAl'AN, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close here dally at 6:38 p. m. up to August 11th. Inclusive, for despatch por a. s. Empress ot Japan. (Merchandise for V. S. Postal Airency at Bnanglial cannot be forwarded via Can adn.) ACSTRAUA (except West), FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, H. (.'.. close lrere dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 16th. In clusive, for despatch per a. a. Aurangl. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran- isco t lie quickest routes. riuuppiries ipeclally addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must lie fully prepaid at tha for eign rates. Hawaii is to-ardea via Ban Francisco exclusively. Transiincltlo malls are forwarded to port of xi illne dailv and the schedule of closing is arranged on tho presumption or meir uninterrupted overland transit. fRegistered man closes at c p. m. previous aay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster, rostotlice. New York, N. Y., July 24, IIH13. GOVERNMENT XUITCKS. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- master, t'hevt-nne. Wvo.. Julv 21. 111)3. Souled rroposuis, in triplicate, will be re ceived ut tills olllce mull i o'clock p. m mountain' time. August 2s. Ill ,13. ami then opened in the presence of bidders, for the construction of -Roads ami Walks at Fort u. A. Russell, Wyo. HnloVrs must slate In their proposals the time In which they will complete the work from date of commenc ment thereof. Each proposal muM lo ac companied by a Kuantntv sinned by two re sponsible- petsons, each Justiiytng In a sum equal to ion per cent of total amount of bid. Full Information, blank forma, plana and specifications furnished on application to this office. United States reserves the right to. accept or reject any or all bhls or any part Ihi-rtof. Envelopes containing bids to be endorsed "Proposal for Uoads, or wains, it fort u. A. itussvii, wyo., anu addressed to Captain . S. Scott, quarter master, U. S. A., in charge of Construc tion, Cheyenne, Wyo. PROPOSALS FOR SINKING ONE TUBU- lar Deep Will. Otlice Chief Quartermns- ter, OmaJia, Neb., July 24, 1113. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received at this olllce until 12 o'clock noon, central standard time. Auinist 24. ISi'K. and then opened, for sinking one Tubular Deep Well at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. ine United States reserves the rlcht to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information and blanks furnished on application. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked, ' l'rouosals lor Sinking Tubular Devp Well," and addressed to r. w. Davison, captain and (J. Al.. 22U Infantry, U. S. Army, Acting Chief Quar termaster." - July 29-30Augl9-20-21-22 RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCY, Union Paclfle. Leave, .a 9:40 am Arrive, a 7:50 pro. a 3.26 pm Overland Limited. The Fast Mall California Expresa a 4:20 pm Pacitlo Express.-. all. 30 pm Eastern Exnress a 6:80 pm a 7:30 am a 8:40 am a 1:40 am Ihe Atlantic Express... The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am Chicago Special Litncoln. Beatrice and Dtromsbura- Kxnren..h 4-flA nm M) W nm North Platte Local a 8:on am a k'-ik nn. Grand Island Locah....b 6:80 Dm b 8:34 am Chlcaa-o. Mllwsskes St. Paul. 1 nicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:16 pm i.iiii.-ttiu r ji,Apress..a o:a pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm Dea Molnea Express.... a 7:46 am a 8:40 pm a 7:50 am a 3:40 pm Chicago A Northwestern. The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago .a 8:40 am .a 8:00 nm 7:00 am 8:30 am Mall Local Bloux City.... Daylight Bt. Paul... a 6:10 am a 3:30 pm a 7:X6 am al0:2& pm a 8-oo am aliao pm . . . , .all :3i am 6 :10 pin ..... 6:10 pm ' .....a 8:16 pm a 9:16 am .....a 4:00 pm ' 9:50 am uayiight Chicago .. Local Chicago Local Cedar Rapids Limited Chicago ... Local Carroll Fast Chicago j Fast St. Paul Fast Mall Local Bloux City Norfolk at -Bonesteel. Lincoln & Long Pine. ....a 60 pru a 8:4a pin a 8:15 am a 8:40 pm b 90 aui al0:36 am ..b 4:00 p.-n ..a 7:26 1 m ..b 7.26 am D1U:3& Chicago, Rook Island A Paelfle. EAST. 1 Chicago Daylight L t d.. a 3 65 am a 8 60 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:38 pm Chicago Express bll:la am a 6:36 pm Des Moines Express.... a 4:30 pm ' bll:60 am Chicago Fast express.. a 6:00 pm a 1:26 pm ... WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 7:30 am a 7:25 am Lincoln, coio. oprings. Denver. Pueblo and West -a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo., lexas. v-ai. .in Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pra al2.40 pm Wabash.' St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:55 pm a 8:20 am Bt. L.011IS Liocai, coun cil Bluffs a 1:15 am a!0:30 pm Missouri I'aclfflC, Bt. Louis Express.., K. (X A Ut. 1 Ex.. Illinois Central. rhinnzo ExDress ... .a!0:00 am a 6:26 bra .uu:o0 pm a 6:16 am a 7:35 am a 6:10 "bra rio-iiLTO. Miuneapolla A St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pra a 1:06 am Minnaiiuuiia At Bt. PftUI Expresa b 7:35 am bl0:35 pm ChlcuRO Local'..... 10:36 am Chicago Express al0:3t am WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH A WEBSTER. Chicago, St. Paul, Miuneapolla . umaha. , Leave. Arrive. Twin City Paasenger...a 6:30 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City r-asseugiu-...a a.uu jim aii:2u am Oakland Local b 6.46 pm b 8:46 am Missouri Paclfle. HJohrnaks. LoCB. Via Weeping waver u iv pm euu.B) am Chicago A Northwestern, Nebraska and Wyoming; Division. rtlaxir Hills. Deadwood-. Lead. Hot springs a :w pm a i:oo pm Vfvnmiriir. Ca.Dsr and ' Liougius ..w e e;ug pro Hastings, iur, k.yiu i-itv hiineiiur. ueovva Exeter and tioward....b 3:u0 pm b 6:00 pm BURLINGTON STAT1ON-10TH A MASON tXaasaa City. St. Joseph A Council Ulans, Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:18 am a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a m-ut pm all:u5am Kansas City Night E'x..al0.30 pm a 6:it am UnrUasVtoa A Missouri River. lsave. Arrira. wvmnr. Beatrice and Lincoln a :uu am pm Nebrasi.a Expreaa a 8:60 am a 7-45 pin Denver Llmltet. a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am Bluck Hills and Pugel Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 pm Color anu veauvuiow. ffjycs Lincoln Faat Mall b 2:62 pm Fort Crook and Plaft- moutb b 3:20 pm Bellevue A Paclflo Jet.. a 7:60 nm a 1:10 pm a 9:08 am b!0:SS ant a 8:27 am Bellevua A Paclflo Jet.. a 3:6(1 am Chicago, Dorllnutoa A ttnluey. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a I 56 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm - a 7:45 am Chicago Local a 9:18 am all:00sm Chicago Limited a 8.03 pm a 7:46 am Faat Man a 2:40 pm a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, d Dally f&cJia ouiuiua. iauy excel)' asonaay. STEAMSHIf S. ANCHOR UN'S V. 8. UAH. 8TSAMBUIPS. NSW YORK, LOKDONbtHHT AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior .eeomnmiUtlon.. Excellent rutilnt. Ths Tomfort ot r-mwami-rt Carefully Considered Slngl. or liouud Trip TaSt-t. Is.ue4 between New York and Bintrb, Enl,S, lush aud all principal continental ftotuta at attractive ratea. bend fur book of Toura. ror ucaeia ut ai.ei.i miuruiaiiua apply to lo al afct-tit of tbe Aiicuor Line. r to anf HliNuKUSON liKOH., Gan'l AieuU. Chicago. IIL K0LU?iD. AMERICA LIKE New Twin-Screw Steamers of 11, too Tons KIW YOKK RUTTEKLiAat. la bOULOUNg. Sallluf Wednesday al 10 A. ai. Potadam Aug eNoordiu Aug. 21 K.i,f..'.m ........ Au. j: Ri.turjain t Ryndam Auc .IPotiittani avUi. I HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, 1U Dearborn St., Chicago, III, Harry Mooret, ltOI farnan St.. C. Rul barter. IU Faruam St.. J. A Ueikulua. 103 yaruaia St. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only Oae Dollar a Year. C0SS1P OF COMMISSION ROW Grocers Objoct to Pnblicition of Wholesale Prices of Fruits snd Vegetable DECLARE IT IS NOT LEGITIMATE NEWS Commission Men Take Opposite Vlerr, Declaring; Reports Make Trade, bnt May Accede to ReuueM of Retailers' Association. Action will not Improbably be taken at the Tuesday meeting of the Retail Grocers' association leading to tha suppression ot the publishing of wholesale market prloea on fruits nnd vegetables. A number ot grocers object strongly to these market reports and will bring the matter up. The objection is In particular to the market and commission house reports which have ap peared on the front page of The Be dur ing the season, and which have been taken up by other papers. "We object very much to thla publica tion of wholesale prices," said a loading grocer, who refused to allow, hlf name to be used, "and wa will take the matter up at our next meeting. If the papers continue with these reports we will take aome action In the matter. They are an Injury to the retail grocer, and I think that when the papers find this out they will not continue to do what we do not wish. In tha first place there are n largo number of people who are oir patrons who rend these articles and who do not understand that tha prices quoted are' wholesale and not retail. They come to us and want this or that' thing which has been mentioned In the latest paper, nnd when we charge them the retail price they complain, saying the papers give the prices much lower, and go away Ithout buying. I have read The Bee'a reports, and I will toy that I have found them correct. We do not complain In that direction, Init we do not want the wholesale prices published. When we charge our profit for handling, which Is small enough, people try to force our prices down to the holcsale. Then, with berries and other perishable things, the price depends ao much on the condition, and the condition changer so rapidly! - We do tint consider tho publication of wholesale prlcea and of the arrival of consignments of various vegetables and fruits aa legitimate news; It hurts the retail grocer and we want It topped." Other Retailers Concur. ' Other grocers concur in thla view to s more or less extent, although some of them aay their only objection Ilea In the fact that many .customers do not understand -that only wholesale prices are meant. It seems, however, to be the general opinion among grocers that it Is unfair to them to publish their profit on these lines of perish able goods. Wholesale dealers have been reluctant to give quotatlona during the last few days, -especially on berries and similar perishable articles, and say that they have received ' numerous complaints from their customers. It la not improbable that the association 111 request the dealers not to give out prices. The retailers are well organised and are powerful enough to dictate to the commission men. -' The wholesalers regard these reports as good advertising and say that the demand for new fruits and vege tables la made lively. In several lnstancea they have received letters from out-of-town , dealera asking shipments of new fruits. They will, however, probably not act con trary to the wishes of the association. Notes from Army Headquarters. XjAAVA of nhneriefl" f"n'r nna month1 wltH Jeay , fp apply for r extension. Jar fifteen. days. has. been, granted First Lieutenant j Marlfn Nbvack, Twenty-second U. ' 8. ln-., fantry. Fort Crook, Neb. v . -I 'I The Departments Wf Missouri Snd Texas r will hold their combined cavalry snd nlstol competition at Fort Riley, Kan. The pistol competition will begin pn August 6 apd the ' cavalry competition on August 10. -' - Major J. 3.' Pershing Is due to Arrrlva at . San Francisco today. It is now thought probable that he will reaoh Lincoln and Omaha at an earlier date than tlrat an pounced, owing to the Illness of his father at his home In Chicago. Pursuant with this arrangement nf tho Joint competition between the two depart ments, orders were Issued from denartment lieatliiuarters yesterday that all officers who had previously been ordered to report at Fort Riley on August 7, are now ordered to report there on August 4. , A general court-martial has been r.r. ' dered to convene at Fort Leavenworth. Kan., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, July 30, 1903, for the trial of such persons as may be properly, brought before It. Fol lowing Is the detail for the court:' Malor Charles G. Morton, Blxth Infuntry: Captain rieriijamiii- w . - AiKuimin, Bixin.. . lniaiitryi Captain George W. Van Deusen, Artillery corps; Captain William K. Jones Sixth . Infantry; Captain William R. Ravmond. Corps of Engineers; First Lieutenant James u. iveinper, uixtn mrantry; First Lieu tenant Horton W. Stickle, Corps of. Engi neers; First Lieutenant Fred W. Hershler, Fourth cavalry; First Lieutenant Charles m. uoroon, jr., sixth mrantry; First Lieu tenant Howard O. Young, Bixvh Infantry; Second Lieutenant Klrwln T. Smith, Blxth ' Infantry; First Lieutenant Louis P. Suhln del, Sixth infantry. Judge advocate, . SEASONABLE' FASHIONS 1 aUBt Child a Itiieal.a Heaa 4 to I yrs. Chlld'st Russian - Dress 4481 Russian dresses, or dresses that closs In Russian style, are much In vogue and are exceed- lngly becoming to ohlldtett figures. The very pretty one Illustrated Is made of pale blue linen and Is piped , with the game material in a darker shade, but It might be , reproduced- In any Washable fabric Or In such simple wools as challle, cashmere and the like. The dress consists of the fronts, the back of the waist and the back' of the skirt. : The right front la tucked to give a yoke affect and laps well over the left, the closing being accomplished at' the left aide. ' The back of the waist ia smooth across tha tfhouldcrs and drawn down In gathers, at the waist line, where it Is. Joined to the full skirt, the seam being concealed by the belt. The eleeveS aro In bishop style and gathered Into straight cuffs. The quantity ,of material required for the medium 81x0 (8 years) Is 4 yards 87 Inches wide, 4 yards 32 Inches wide or I" yards 44 Inches wide. The pattern 1W Is cut In elxefor rhlldren of 4, 6, 8 and 10 years of age. For the accommodation.' of The Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to W cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers am expense. Ia order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name of pattern.