Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
TT1X OJfAIIA DAILT BEE: mT.SDATf JULY 30. 11X33. VETERANS HAVE GCCO TIME t sotr at Fair'-? . A. fa, f seine la a tk la- CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. STARTS F1CI1I OS DITCHES Iiis Bf-i-ii-it ta Sarrtr-ui CiMrwtlaa siM plateTHf I Tr .4 fW m tafr crrr te t -rt rawaty Pi P- LA otirn illmon?. On ta ahnr;. af dla mrv.lrg fha Brae Raed waa wnranred in sol'.- unurt yaararday morning? t, flf-een drty on Was and wrer. tr enin mnrnim win have Naarlna; din J iwtira Carton nn ffl enanr f thre-tranin to k:U Officer kjru. rae-t Car in . Owing to a breakhywa af tn pnmpe w' upliy &v th Sonar at th anwer- Hrvma street ear service. wa entirely sua aar.d'irt In; CatiniMl RluiTt lajtr. evenn-.; fnm T.W 'irl. Th nee, ltd".' wit e ALLOW TL5 TO SELL DRUGS Ti-.Ttiwa ip-jLcwi for Pumicy Cati-il-sa'M Fail ra Pass EaAraiuatstvi. 60C0 PSGGiilS Ct TM IGW. SUmi-3 Imi r t.aed ray . TtMi4 Dollar la Teaee by ttw Tea Ferre. fTwm S--iit rrjTcinnt. v DEa M "j CM EJS, Ji!y 19. flpci;U. I Ten f rArRismT. j uy a 'ociai ti- grt.-n. iT1.! atramlu nca t fh riin i Utrg-T than on aa t jrpoun Tha hand concert unit ot;ier uitu.U e-saralae wer liil at tha irrinitlThenr-ar, Ma? w M'Tnr.-an nxrT.xininir th audience In tit aiiaam-a af A.j;uMnt GniT-U' Culver, who w is lure In ar-rvlng ov-jrlng m- dUyed trtin. In rjl ..' :aB'in-H. BL Pilnmr of Omnna mut nrii CuiTff ww trt pnnMoiU 0l.r ..iit ki"pr. thtf ,nlin-a Inr,rrl in ttinir rtmarkJ. Csf-in PiVimir w in tli (timntry J irln B tnriian ran! nf Ll a.ail w.tft ftia inma.nt jj tirri murtil la finLVhinif thrt r.iiimnii for thir niTSritl ami r'n4n from j-i-r(ty tlia w mirtn tKtn pr'nnrurr In that t&itt, ar) h tavtriuuni .nwifr raj' iifJ'.tt. B tv fwjrj VI!y, m r1 fl tr.oar. ponvartl 0Punfjt tit tlka rlimwi M!rTi.f lit m t f!rv. o.narra of lha tw eom & fo fti-un t: nfrtrlTirt f rninrtM trim ' emMWiMf fmnii to r,na;r-.r fhit propna fh litrlrt nr hrt, wteir la wiU n nn'a tr. tha HArvn wmtf owrt. Oma-'or'l ftam fRa mwlWr lh Boar-i of f'unify fl.irTrlwr and tft mww anftror !rutnTj T m offlrtaW ar KiaU 4fnta.iTta (a th Karriana innr7 jt. f,'rforit aiil tn M aofU- if auit that ar? arrtflrt anrf Ji.1rw,n ta rtrrn UU anrirfrtn of Out ilitr.lii aal f irtft ajjr that tha a-Mimnt if t!v coat f fJUfr iwiarrrtVifl; .lnf liwri jroprTy will prartlr.ajly amtuS to a --flr,n f ttia ro"prt am awanaaiM. It kt onmrMn4 Bar tfta-t Wt of M. Omfr4 mnr lamra warftara hid ao artll 6a ,"w.tI rha eonatriaflnn af tha flltr.h an. that . einnar will M apra4 y Khan In lhW aff'Wta f prvnt lha namVm of niu( dttekaa aa at pruaar.t avnpoawl Xa)aarr af Maa Ial'r -. Kr Onawfonl u hv tha r.if rtjrdar fnnanltlna witl tha attrn7 raltt-(ra to KM aattnai t V tha anaraAtlo of tha oVJ-n fitcbaa. 1 aal tilat wikUa ha appaarof aa ttaa y4a taJmeiff M tha mitt thara arara a a iita bar af anvpany t-waara by tha ar.hama fcavJK f Hint. In appflatn tha ffatnaa ar.hama Jfr. Craw fficf atafat that ha. 4Ui it tmply any nU Intantlona fttv tha part 6f t.hoaa who wata promottn tha proJat. Ifa amp(y e- tarvta that thay ara aotln nnAar a ml appratiftaabvn aad a fal'sa taapreMtoa f tha. proaWa rawilta. Iff. Orafor1 erwitatula that tha rfttcVaa, arMb thay will aoSAiab4 ifly rallaa-a th fMnAa tn IlarrlaAn counff wAVh thwy tap of mcntH mutur. thy wta ta tnatt to aarry tha watar to tha aweni rfyar koA tha raa;i will ta that tha kvw-tytnc iaiula hv Fottaw-aetamla county win ta floo4a4 avary tfnt thara to a kaary yahtfan or fraahat. Tfsa rfrataac ac.hataa aa (fntotal an rar.iaunaila4 ky tha com m!atonra, ha aaaarta, to not aaly tmpraiv tVaMa bixt tha oi af taabitalnlrte; ti-.a aitr.haa awl lraaa yaarty 31 pro-r a tra Mm4vna tvnrdaii cm tha oarnara af tha prrp arty aubjael t aaaaawmmt for tha anar4 tApryrtnct. ' .' - ' a 1 K!nrrf at tSa ary tlma that h'mtrita of (firt twanry-rhpaa parmw.a wM wara ponpia a worw la Omaha wara ratiirnln iiwrt y ia i'ara Pharmairy snar l ar. tha anma aiiif many, rathar Mtan wtit foe tha j aitia la C.'innii Bluffa at tha tiraa af "jr to atart, wxlit4 tha aneira itintAnf.a jfara lhArii-.iitli'.al aanoi'.larlim anil- ! ani war tHCRaaiif ul anrt will rari- A aanf hraaWown (Vr.urratt at i .W l.a; arrj!t-araa rtri:lfa aa f ):. I"a Bll.f. anit ear aarvVa waa aell anapanrtad, un thia thma n!y for iftaan mfnutaa. Tha m.-vr.hina hr,p tu rapanrry ramiiat to Omaha and thia. It fit aalit, aiarj'nfaif fir tha trwff aalay to ratewIT fS ttra.l.-i'Ti ef tha pump. Caarf ravtaav wt Klaaaalmat- Oaor T7lir tu arraatad laat aTanlr.a: at tha rao.ii of tha tatha anthnrttlaa. Ha la fiharjad with kltnapir.a: tiia -yaaf-id aon; Sfra. TarHar rar.antly hroua-ht aulf for SlTr.a from Tylnr tn th awnrta hi Omaha I lnoT tomplata thaa.- aay wnitoff. famhnr'. f-T.u"i 1 Wwkar. t M.ja; W. D. ritraon ; Ora & WUaon,. JH.m Of 7; Karray E. Aidrl.-.ftv Oraata; rr-jnlt.ln T. DaWltt. FTa; T. W. if. writ. JliaffiaM, Harry C Swloart, Xitnaa. EInjar & iaar, Arura; J. H. IUit, Ralant. Iowa aTallalaar fTf naaa i.rrasarjf Conaray of tha iow aommia alon fj St. Loi1 r? jml this numi.-uj aa.i raporta that tha ata.ra a.jii.iln la that and paniif fha ifatarmrsarlrtn of tha eaaa 1 a'ata anlMlrar ar. it. Lo'iia, taae tha frama- waa vt-rm tha wiatody of tha ehll-fran. wr'T pr""y ''a a,y,. TiTlor raatardar aar.urad a.Maaal.-Ia af tha I w-u 'i' '"n thi" laJ tnr aa him to ran. M f tha j tilt " wir tla on th rt-T. Ta asllra f-T!l hfm an4 tha twry at ' tha ftfima af Ma wathar, Ifra. Lnaaa, on ami Brnadway. Taorr1aa Li. Uramaa to wad war laaucd ytatariay to tha foalowlinjr Tma anj Raldanra. ira W, fihm. Aanland. ?faft. r.l:a Ohm. Orant Farlr. Ill Jifia ft Pr.nard, Omaha Early May Jm Omaha ...... frharlaa Tornau. T Pm Tea. Addia Appttna; Jfaa. Cai a. ir ail. r.'owwa Biuf Oartla Ttrtaon. Omaha Oaorava Rrownv Omaha Mlnnla iwaanay,. Omaha Na-tmi L. Onhba. Omaha Ann L. Comatorie, fatar fillX fcatah town. Ill 47 Martha I Oaf.orrK i'otrawaetamla Co.. Ia tt T. Joiaatoa, Owata J2 Jit loas Mix. Omaha U aa..T ciwwrlna will ba eommancad. Tha eootraetor ta thara paraooaJy aiiaartntaiiii In tha wara. aod tt ta bam pua&ad rap Mty. An tort to bWna; ay tha Iowa cnmmlaatoa to tndma tha axpnaltiaa aiaa affamant to aarraa to guk aaa of Iowa labor at tha etpnolria ant aot to aoflaa It to Jflaaoirt paopla aiona. Tha lonra paopla faat that tha aapoaUlmi fhrt'iid aot ha aioaa for tha paopla af Mlaaourt. h'lt a nor Bharal policy anoakl aa fnaiowad. IT Talcaaaaa Caraaaaay. Tha artllaa of Incorporation of th Naw Monooa Telaphoaa eompaay ef Onawa war & lad with tha aar.retary of atata tolay. Tha company haa a capital of iVri.'Wt and Omaha ZV.'.''.'.'".l . oriranlaad by J. W. Huff. 8. B. Martta ana ouiara, ana m pnrpoaa m l. acniiira th rural tapfaon buatnaaa la Monoa county and TU-.lnlty. Tha OoldSeid TaXcphos company waa to eorporatad. capital na.rtno, by Howard CrtU and ochar. Tha Hawlay Sc Chaa.Ha company f C3ft ton haa baaa Incorporated wi'.h $X,Ai capital. Aa-a. ... a ...a .... w 1 -...Ml ....!. , ....' ...21 .....M raa. W ItamMa and baatlac BKty A San. I raawal af rtalay Barkav - Tha ffral of Jlntay Cork wnj ba aatd thto morme- oT.Iortr frrwa 8U rranta Xarlar'a borcb aad bwrtal win ba la TaJr rVw taaaafary, Tha ea!a4)raat af tfc ajaaa wfll ba Rr. ratbar I myth. Prtr - W rraacto Xarlar'a ehorca. aaatotad by ratlar Ifarmaa af BC Patafa chore an4 rathar Laftiia, aantaUftt pa tor of i. francia Xarlar'a church. TT.a aaarobara af tha boar4 of tmafaaa of tha fre pobtie library wtll maat hi tha rwma of tha library at I 3 a. m. and trnm thara proraad tn hrAr to tha chore. Tha mambara f tha fottawattaaHa Coimty Bar aaaodatloti wfll Biaat at tha cotmty court htfoa at I a m. and from thara proraad tn body to tha chore. Tha panbaarera aalactad from fha WiaaB bara f tha lagal fratartilty win ba Cbartaa M. Hart, Ennwt Tin toy. W. M. riary. Coniraaarnan Waltar I. fm!h. John Jf. Oatvtn ad Jod J. It MrO of thta rtty, l; K. Condon aad U T. Crofoot of Omaha. Tha rooan of tha public library will ba eVvaad today an til I D. m. out of reapart tf Sfr. Carka. who waa a mambar of tha board, and t!T will ba appropriately drapad In moornlnc for a parrtod of thirty daya . K. T. PlamMBt Co. Tai JM. KIhl, Haal Batata Traaafara. Thaaa traaafara war fllad yaa jrday tn tha abstract, tftla and toaa offl.:a af Bquirt A Annla. 1 Paart iml : Mrrarat L "MrfUt to Charlaa Top- p(n. kvt t b4or.k 2V Haghaa A ton pftaa'a add, w. d f JM CharVott A. Ward aad aajaband to JanM Barnaa, lot . Uor.a It. Mi.I ad.t. w. t ,. 1130 C. ft. fttiltoa to John J. Oordoa. lota ( and T. tartar' a M add. Hancock. a. e. d. 1 Connty traaaurar to J. A. I Waddall. lot 11 Anditora aiihlot i, Graanwood add. C d t iamar to Mary 1 Braratt, Wa 1 and 2, block , tun ad.1, t. d t ENDS LIFE OF DISSIPATION rr Star alaaa Haa Rlaaaalf Baawaaa- R ffad 1 rfca Hla Llfa. XZLOX. Jfab.. JjIt S-.apar.lai Tala. aTiai. a-WUilant T. twinahoo, a farmar tr. atx miiaa n.-ir.a of hara, hanarad him aalf la hia m at o'clock- this av.m Ir.jf. Ifa wta a aoldlar In tha Philippine wir and h.i.l Imi a l'.fa of d'.Mlpatlon for a aim bar f yaara. Of Ufa ha haa haan tn rar.hwr poor health anil harama deapondant. Eta hd rapaatail:y toid h.;f aiater that ha n ffA f.vr nochinar uid w-u fot.-ur to haa hlmaaif. Tala mornina ha wnt tn hla room, tiioii a ropa and f.?arar.,.il it to a Jr.iat OTtaraaad nl aftr twmnt til othar and of tha ropa iboM. t:a ha Jumpad off tha of tha had, whar ha waa afVrwir-f found daad. Ha tu G yars old. Rkr Daad. . Jiiy 21. Spaf laM Child rtada SCP-r-R-E-El. Xly lira. Joaaph H.s!n, wlfa of ona of tha odiaaf. analnaara of rha S". jrth waataro. w-ia fo'ind daad tn had at about 1 a'cbv.k thia momlr.. A chlM triad to awaaan Sar. and fallfna;. aha c:Ulad a aalhbor wania.ii, Mra. Kiddar, who raapondad and fO'ind bar apparantly daad. Urs. Incftaa aad Hoppar wara caJd tmmadiataly, who aftar aiaarlnatioa that daatlt had raaiiltad bijt a fw mlnataa pravtousty,. from haart yfanura. Kra HA.lam waa ailta bboii!:i aad an tnfltjantlal mamhar af tha Eaatara Star, tha m-nVr of ordar took charait of tha body. Mr. Haabam batajf away oa hla rfiAr ran. Total flya traaafara .................. ani miTtoi, 11 Aaka CaaaUfkan Pat Vp. In tha barlanca of tha portln fratarnlty. County Attorney KHIpacfc haa oadded that rrari'-la M. Cuanlriaham. tha ta farrat. In hla ault acalnat rottawattamla county, mmt althar cut n or abut tip. In tha dlatrVt court yaatarday Mr. Kitlpack fllad a motion aakln tha cAirt to reoulr Cun tilncham to file a Jtta.ble bond. Inaamnch aa ha waa ril a raaldant of tha atata of Iowa. The county atlornay la Mne-utne that ha haa a a""d dafanaa to the ault brouht acainat tha 'county rf Cunnlncham and done not want to take any rlaka of th county kln the eoata m th arent of It wlnnlnc the ault. Cunningham' ault to to racorar ahotjt X3t.Hf from Pottawattamie county undar a orntracf antarad Into with him by th Board of Ruparvlaora, acrordlnc to tha term of whlrh h u to rcMv V) par cant of U monay racovarad Into th county tft'iry tnruh hla afforta in an earthing property whk h had barn with held or omitted from taaatlon. Hark Mat far Trial. Paler p. Burk. the blarkemlth chargad with atattlng Haal A. ttummltl of 17 North Rlghlh etraet. Raturday night, waived a preliminary eiamtnetkm In police court yeetardar morning and waa bound orar to .await the action of the diatrtct grand jury. Judga fkott reduced hie hall bond from tlB.ViO to but aa Iiurka waa unable to furnish It. even tn the emaller amount, he waa tranafrrred from the city tn tha county jail. It waa alatad that frtande ef Iiurka would endeavor to eecure ball for him. Real Summit!, the aJIcgad victim of Burke' knife, la making a valllant atruggla for life at the Woman'a ChrUtlan aaaoola ttoo hotIUl aad kndlcalioft now are that he may recover, although the danger from perttontll I aot yet peaaed. Rrra'a Traaalee Mwlttwly. - - - The trouble of Peter Reed of Kit Avenue B. who after turning hla family out f door Saturday night aiuod off three offi cer with a ahotgun for several hour, are multiplying. Hla wife hagaa ault In the dis trict court yesterday for dlvorc. alleging rruel and Inhuman treatment and ke that In addition to being given the eustiidy of their thro minor children aha be awarded ' tavrt eaTto drags. fltacJura safito carpatav -. . Crayon etiargtng. W Broadway. Erpert watch repaJrto. Laffert, 9 B"y. - CeVkrated Mats hwrr on tap. Keamayer. ' LaaeanTHt aatroOkal rlns at Iyfierrv Broadway. UK ard SIX weddiac nags at Lsrra, ?B Broadway. Th aeweat thine etehad bra) loaat ta lata Alexander a Art itor. Ta Katbbnna Mlafara will meat thto rantn In their hail tn tha Marcia block. E. E. Belknap left yaaterday for Ear lington, 1 wher he wUI rlalt for varl waaaa. Mr. and Mm. A. Cook and children have eon for a rlalt of eeveral weeka to Ogdan and Malt Lake. Mr. Oaorgo D. PJgk and children ar noma frowt aa eateaded vv!t to relaUvaa In Orand ftlver, la. W. H. Lynchard. formerly of thto d'y. bnt now a reatdaot of New Jersey, to vta luaa; reiatlvea her a Oaorge Brown and Mlnnla ftweenay. both of Omaha, were marrlad ta thia city yeo terday by Joatica Caraon. John It Pollard and Early May Jofiea, both of Omaha, were married yaaterday afternoon by Jostle Ouren. For rent. ofRca room, ground floor. On of tha naoat caatral location la tha twaalnee portion of th city. Apviy to Th Be offtcev etty. Mr. Thomas Kelly of Fourth avnu re turned yesterday from Ilunot. where ahe was- called by th death of her slater. Mra. J. W. Barry. Harry Hadtoy waa arrested laat evening, eharaad with ateailng a horse belonging to E. Myer. a grocer. In who employ be formerly was. t . n .mntova of a livery bam on Bryant atreart. was arraated ye inlii charred wit assaulting a smajl tov with a wnlD. va u.kM was arrested reatarday. charged with the theft ot a quantity of carxlr and trlnkau and a music bo from the store of A. is. Howe. We eootract to keep publl or prlraM houses free from roaohaa by the year. In sect Eatermtnator Maatactunng company Council Bluffa. Ia. lelephone rtZ. w it jL'm rA r.t thta nit a bookkeeper. . fiiad a tanitton In bankruptcy. H.a llal.lHUee aggragate 12.413. while hla aaeel scheduled at UJ, are claimed aa exompt. AiK.m.v John P. Grain has written to friends hrre from Hot nprlnga. 8. L . say. tt hi. health Is much Improved. Mr. (2n was recently tnreatened with io- comour ataxia. flclmer rVlstrom. charged with asaault-Ins- t. Jarobs during a dlrputa over 1 horse trade, waa fined t? and coats In Justi' Ouran'e court, yesterday. The c-ju ataounted to tit U. Henrr C. Holat. son of Mr. and Mrs, of this city, wilt be mar ried August i to Ml Oartrude Bran r.f Tllden, Neb , at tire reaVlence of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Warren In Tllden. Mr. Warren being a stater of tha brliie. Robert Byd. an escaped patient from the stale aayl irn at CUrtnda. was taken Into custody late Tuedy slgnt at tne I'nlon Pacific tranefer. He hd teen nn Inmate of tne asylum for a esr and suc ceeded la making Ills escape four days ago. He waa taken back last evening by an attendant. HEALTH t PLASTi Fraalea ta Heave Oceaaaata Tha payment of panalona, which occur at tha haadciuarters at tha Iowa Soldier home every threat month, haa been made, and tha amount paid to th veteran dur ing thto month to a conai.1era.bIa rlaj-Ta-AJa aa compared with tha tut quarterly pay ment la April. rjrtn tha hat two or thre weak haa bean dtoVmad. and of this amount tto.fflft waa paid to tha pensioner and H1U seat to dependent reiatlrea. Those who drear pernio rue thia month nam bar C7. Tha Aprfl payment amounted to Fw.t'iiJ. Tha Orraase to do to tha fact that rvery year, ihvyrtly after th st.r'f.g' payment, many aflta roterana take thatr dkichargaw or tear th AJoma for tha anmmar oa) furtoagh. During the early mritta of tha fan they again begin to return, and th next payment to ba made in October win ba greatly In excea of th July amount. Heavy Clalaa Taxes. Th tax ferret at work in thto count hav mad a bta- claim for u.k ..-. against th "Society Scandla." a corpora Uon doing a loan bualnea among Scandi navian In tbl city. Tha company haa persistently declined to pay any taxe on assessment of th trust funds or other asset In its poeaesalon belonging to th stockholders. Th tag ferrets make the claim that th fond ar In poaaeaarlon of society as an agent and are taxabla. Mast A sewer tkarge af Barrakary. ST. 1TDWARI. Set. J.tly . - 3peclai V Prnh rraa. 0-ar fnn and Frail Ot rlch, who were irreateit last Saturday afternoon on tha charr of break! a In the hoMa of Mr? Um .iderhirg, J jly I n. wer glran a Dreliminarv heajfau k. for Justice Bullock and bound over to tha cMalriet court un-1ar a hood of tajr) each. th Reqalre th Mast tarefal Attention a uvu a ! IL , Did you ever see a roaebush which desplt th moat beneficent environment of soli of aunahlne and of atmosphere eeamcd never to achieve a healthy growth. . " A tun of manure will not help a plant that ha a canker eating out tta heart. you muat deatroy th caue befur you an remove th effect, Tou cannot cur Dandruff and Baldness by rubbing on hair lotions, and rubbin In vaseline, etc. Tou muat look to th cause of th trouble It a a germ at th root of your hair which causa It to fall out. Newbro HerplrlOe deatroya th germ, and haahhy hair to the aur result. Sold by lesdlng druggtat. Bend In tamp for sample to Th Herplclde Co Detroit. Mich. Sherman it McConneil Drug Co., pe-lal agent. LEWIS CUTLER MOFITICI AM. psajrl Cuuucii 1)1 j ft. 'Phone IT. Reeelrer Is Xaaaed. TKESTOM. N. July 3.-A receiver haa bean appointed for the Haxleton Boiler rora pany. IJabliltlea 17i.12. asseta llt.VA. Th .favorite sport of Uto day to bathing at Court land Beach. Llahaalsg Daatray itert. BTTRWEIttL Xao., July .-peclai. Dmrtn a severe fiiaadar atornj her Uat night lightning atruck th Urge hardware tor of A. A. fjrahar aad set fire to tt. completely dear my log th buildinaj and about C worth ef furniture .and hard war. Total loan about H., wtth no to uraac. . Th tabic d hot ainner at th Bio Rib bon cafe eoata '. Tou can't dnplicat It for fl eUewher. U)', . OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES taath Oaaahav Aaehared la ieewnd Plac, with Bis; laerease Ove-r lok. 4 r r CTXCIXXATT. O.. July 'Sped! Tel egram. Price Current say: Th market ing of hog shows a moderate falling off but still to larger: than Uat year. Total weatern packing was tfiSfA, compared with A,M0 the preceding week and VA.VA Uat year. Sine March 1 th total is I.il8.9i, against i.V,H a year ago. Prominent places compar aa follow: not. una. ana ngura out th taxes do the past five year aa amounting to . Th cotinty treasurer will list th taxes for collection and allow th ferrets and th society to Cght th matter out In th Courts. Th principle involved will affect a large num ber of other similar cases. House Struck by Lightning;. Two residences In De Molnea war truck by lightning during a storm early thto morning. Th residence of Dr. E J. McOorrlsk on Sixth arena waa truck and tha roof burned off and much damage don. Th residence of Mr. Conrad Young- erman on Fourth street, but a short dis tance from th other, waa struck and a hoi burned In the gable, but no great damag don. The itorm was quit sever nd a larg amount of rain fell in th city. ladexfag Stat Records. C. C. Stile of Madison county, ha been engaged for marry weeks In preparing a complete card Index of the records in th office of the secretary of state. There ta now no Index of the records. Some of the old book Indexes hav been kept up In part. but they ax very Imperfect and practically valueless. When the card Index ta com plate It will be possible to find In a minute all about any document or paper that haa ever been filed In the office. Tha legisla ture 'made an appropriation of tl.if lor this work, and It Is not yet completed, but Mr. Stile will be retained as a clerk to complete the work, taking the place of B. 8. Harrlman of Ringgold county, who haa been a clerk for several years. SIOUX CITY WINS THE HONORS Take Beth First and leeead Place la Paid Daaartsseat Race. SIOUX C1TT. Ia, July -'Special Tel gram.) Sioux City won th honor In th paid department race today at th state firemen's tournament, Th rare was half a mile, starting fron a "bunk hitch." run half a mile, lay fifty feet of hose, un Chlcaro SOf.'TH OMAHA Kartsae City St. Louis St. Joseph Indianapolis ...... Milwaukee ........ Cincinnati ......... Otturawa Cedar Rapids .... Sioux City BL raul .Uoto.oa mm KlStW 430, (.) "M.a avI.ftO l-.(m ZTft.ero lM.OM) tll.fe 1M ! V f A n.HA 1tC,i) ha.wo m.tfo 2M.0UA &j.e The beat picnic grounds the state afford can be found at Lak Manawa. KNsSSr Ouickfr and effectirelT in all ESNnIXNnJ Lambag-o, Sea-Sickness, Car- tKvSsSSvVVa anJ Ovarian Pains. 1IL ca3 of N'enroaa Headache, Sick Headichr, Sickness, Irriubility, Periodic, Beariag-Do-.v-i "1 have been troubled a g-t deni wtth trl.-k hadaca and mmltla. Th speiie ca-i m at rrular tntarvai-i. Dr M.ia' Aatl-paln HUs was racam raar.da.t by a frVand" and I 6- t.xlfa tm wfienavar accasMn r-qirad. Thy aiwtya curd toa haada.'fc and rei ..l ; in try rtomarh. I very seldom have theaa ape-Ji row but when I o. It ia i- vary ird and nariraijs, bfit oa Bui alwry cura ma Thar have saved m ortuitft suSrt.-.g a.i i I gU ily ncnranaiie tham." MP.Ji IL'StE (XllZHS. North Piatt. Nalfc. MR H B. HAVEXS. one of -our trv.' r.-ently rf.u-nad frora aarwa fit th PT-lllrt? -ei' formerly of Atkinson. Nab. Irit now Kvlna; at lli7 Wlva St.. St. Ln'iU. wntas: "I haa tee- s-ilerar frn si.rk hat.-fte all rry lif na-il about two yaaa ago wo I b-ia wg I -MJee' Antt-Pkin P13.. th first do afford ng ma alnviaf mutant relief. I lae nar '. ; I aaythlra that the work aa tnr d- being ent.reiy different frort e.lar rmi In trat they are Ev tn th laa.vt d-prauina' VThnTtr I feai that dreadful Lrsjie com.rg ..1 I tane pJn PuM. which alway wards off the arrack." '"F'-.r maar yr I have bn a constant aufTarar from nauralaia wt and : v never been aN to retv arr reliaf from v.rtO"is headache powder aa-i .eaiaiiea, u.-t.: 1 - : lr. MU.m' Aatl-Piin Pills. They always give ma relief. cnr;n my hd,-ft ta 0-; tn rivi time. 1i ar the ar..t remaUy f.r pu!n that I have arrey Uaa,l. and I will aaver 'aa wit.-.-. ..t thena " FREI H. SWIN'JLET. Cahr Firat National Bark. Atii.-. Nb -I have ued la-. Miles' Antl-1-ain ptlia f..r pnlri In ray aid and1 htildare. aid rca--.l great bertertt from them. My huaband had neuralgia la hto kead. aad aufjarad tarrlbiy Th 3 t -r inected morphine, but It gave him ro relief I then rave hire Amt-Paia PU.s. a.-.l :n a very iVt! time be was relieved of hla s -.iffrrlnf We thiak they have na eeiuai. aad ar glad ta testify to thlr nierita" MRS. MONROB JONES. David City. Nab I had sufared a great deal with haacUhe. and hav found teat Dr. Milea AAtl-Paia P-s always give m relief. I know of nothing better " MR3. H. B. NatLIGH, Vtrrtnla, Oty. Nevada, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, La Grippe, Pain in Stomach, Ague Pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. "Ever since I waa a little rirl. I aufTered with nervous headaches, and as I grew older tay became more severe, and would confine me to my be.1 for two and thre day at a time Tva pain became so severe that my head was drawn back, and mv suSering was dreadful I foiad nothing that would help me until I commenced to use Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Puis, whlh haw gra-Atly benefited me. For the Uat two year, when I feel one of my headaches coming tic cm pill, which art Tea. Immediate rr-lfef f have never been compelled to gtv no and a ta bed si ace using them." M P.S. GKO. g'THMEI.ZEU Faito City. Nb. . ... , . . TV "Dr. Mtlee'. Antl-Prtln Pills have caved me'a great d-al of rn"err.a; during t east two years. For year previous to this I had terrible cxae of nerroas and stck fcad.rhe wit-i no thing I could get would relieve. A friend wanted me to trr Anti-Pain Pills, whl.-h t & and to ray surprice I got quick relief When 1 take a ellarht ecld. or feel headache ctaenlag o. I take a PU1 on to three time a day. and they invariably help me." J KNOTTS. Beatrtc. Neb -I us Dr. Miles Antl-Patn Pills, and dotTt know how to get along without them, as eotftlrg els that I can find will stop sick headache for me. Until recently I bad spells of hea.tache ever? few data, so severe as to seriously Interfere wtth my bustneeav I found Aati-Paia PJia relieved ta pain at once, aad I now use them as a preventive with great r. -,-e . U J. BLOWERS. Darld City. Neb. "During the past flv years I have used 1. Mile Anti-Pain Puis for an klmia of unpl-aaant sensaUona, headache, backache, and ateaaacbache. and I vrtjh to sar it to th beat remedy I have fund. I consider them truly wonderful." HEXHI C VrJBANEfe. Sutton. Neb. "1 have been subject to headaches nearly ail my life, aad I never forrnd anything as effecthal as Dr. Mile' Anti-Fain PIUs They Invariably help me and my family. They relieve almost instantly and prevent attacks nT taken la time." S. A. REAR. Palmer. Neh. Dr. M .!' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by all drutrgists, 2$ cents a box, under a positive guarantee that the first box will benefit or money refunded. The Genuine Or. Miles Remedies &xo Never Sold tvt Cut Prices FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Tendency I for Coatlaeed Ceel Today, with Warner Teaaerrew. WASHINGTON. July .-Porecast for Thnrsday and Friday: For Nebraska Thursday fair, except shower in southwest portion; Friday fair and warmer. For Iowa Fair Thursday, cooler In south portion: Friday fair and warmer. For Illinois Shower Thursday; Friday fair; fresh northwest wind. For Kansas Jfhower Thursday, cooler In northeast portion; Friday fair. For Wyoming Fair Thursday, except showers In southeast portion; Friday fair. For Montana Fair and warmer Thurs day; Friday fair. For Colorado Fair and cooler Thuraday; warmer In eastern portion Friday. For South Irakota Fair and warmer Thuraday and Friday. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA. July . Official record of tarn beralure and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the peat thre year. li-vr nn ism. im Maximum temperature... K M Minimum temirature B 'I I! Mean temperature 74 ' 74 prec-lpltitlon Ir .41 00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for thia day and eince March 1, lVfl Normal temperature 7t Iwflclency for the day Total excess since March 1 Normal prwlmta'lon Exreaa for the day coupl and attach pip ready to throw Precipitation alnc March 1. , . . I Peflrlency since March 1... water. Sioux City famous champions, Corbett and Sullivan, wbo did not com pel for th money, ran an exhibition race, making the splendid time of 1:M Sioux City, station No. I. won firat money place, time 1 SM4; Sioux City. No. t, second place, time !.; Davenport third, time 1U; De Molne fourth, time 1J4H; Coun cil Bluffa fifth, time 1:39. Davenport' myatertou horses. Prince and Dewey, mad a good run. but th team made a alow start and hitch and made an unfortunate attempt to attach pip. Both Ixrs Molne and Council Bluffs made alow hitches. ' In the straicht7 hose rare, bub-end-hub. 2M yards, place wer won In th following order: Writ Liberty, time 24H; Iowa City. : Onaw. ; Neola. nv. In the coupling contest Onaw a and La ports tld, tlm 4 second. Th fag race was won by Iowa City, tlm t o: On aw a. aecond: Neola and Wet Liberty disqualified. Th par fl this morning was the biggest In the history of state firemen tournament- . Th big race will occur tomorrow. In-flfiency for cor. period, 11. Deficiency for cor. period, 11. Reports freaa itatlea at UO Ulnrh .Ml Inch 14 7 Inrhe 4.4 ln he M Inch I K inches T P. M. CONDITION OF THB WEATHER. Omaha, clear Valentine, partly cloudy North Platte, partly cloudy.. Cheyenne, partly cloudy Rapid City, cloudy Huron, partly cloudy Wllllaton, clear hW-Hg. parav c'oudy St. Louie, raining St. Paul, cloudy. Davenport, partly cloudy . Kansas City, partly cloudy... Havre, cloudy Helena, clear Plamarrk. clear , Oalveston. cloudy 5 at 3 ; m I H i s : c : 8 c a ; 1 s ' : I : . 1 ! 1 " 711 T 7 ta' .on 7 7il T C2i 4 .04 4 Til .1 4 7l . t .04 7 to .48 4l 741 ,U 7 a M M Mj .0 72' 7j 7. fril ft .i I k; K, T tndlratea trace of precipitation. L A. WhLfill, Douai Forecaster. DOWN TO THE THIRD ROUND City Championship Teani Tawrma- saeat la Progrea.laa; wtth Dae Preeeea. An of the matches Intth first round and. with one exception, all In the second round of the city singles tennis championship were t.laved off Uat evening at the Field club and the St. Croix club. IL Kohn and I. Brown eaeh took a set In their ma ten nd Coliett and Haskell have not begun their match In the second round, inese wo matches will be played at t o ciora tnia venlnsr and play In the third rouna wiu beeiri at ( o'clock. iiaskeil defeat of Dr. Schneider came as very much of a surprlae. for attar his ex cellent showing of tne previous night It wa thought that Dr. Schneider would play into the cmi-flnal at least. HI placing wa xtrenx.-ly effective thrcugnoui me tourna ment. Another surprise of tne evening wa Hughes' defeat or Knox, nugne piava a fast and brilliant game and deservedly won th match. Probably the fastest match of he evening was between u;awni ana Chase. were on men mem ana pUyed a fast. hea.ny game, out laiiwm was too faat for Chaae. returning .laced ball time and time again that seemed irn- txaurlb e to r namlieo. in tne nrst rmina on the St. Croix courts .... Caldwell bea noyi ui.rr. ir-i. Chase leat Scannell. tr-0. -L H. Kohn beat TebMns. -7. t-1. J S lirown beat Wclty. -t, Poll'.r.l laat i'almer. 6-1. -l On the Field club courts Young heat Brown, t-2. S-4. T'ackiird tat Hatttn. Haskell teat Dr. Schneider 1. e-t, t-I. Coliett beat Dufrene. -0. -, -t. Towle beat Ropars. 4-1. -L Hughia beat Hill. -4. 4-1. Knox beat T. Kohn, 4-t IA Smith beat Doherty. 4-2. -I- , In the second round on th Bt, Croix court- .... . . . , Caldwell neji Limw:, puilard bent Dumont. 4-1. 4-Z. H Konn plaed J. 8. P.rown. 4-4. f-. On the Field club court Young Ix-at Packard. .-, 4-L Towle l-at 1-mere. 4-1, 4-0. Huahes beat Knox. 4-1. 4-4, 4-4. ".. .?, . Ul Krnilh 4-1. 4-1. Play In the third round lor tonight Is as Cainweu as11- " . H n":.h . vr -. ta.-m BVHiiinL xruitsa. Tnv.le against winner of Collett-Haskell "teh. c.u The drawing were made for th conso- Utions and the pairing; in the preliminaries j a as follows: 11. McWborten hgainst Erwtn. H. Burr against Hoel. W. Chamber against Dr. Tan Camp. Kuhn against Dufrene. The date of receiving eatrlee for the doubles haa been extended umtl Thursday evening at 8 o'dork. when the drawing will be made at the Field club. All entries re ceived by a a Caldwell or at the Field club until that time will be Included In the drawing. Bealasj Beat Declared OaT. ST. LOUIS.' July . The fifteen-round bout scheduled for August 4 between John nie Regan ot at. Louis ana ad Attu 01 San Francisco has been declared of! by request of AttelL who Is HL Game la Tkree-I League. At Bloomlngton. III. Oame with Spring field called at end of third Inning on ac count of rain. HELD FOR KILLING "MERR1TT leaae MeCean ef Slobrara Charged with Marder la First Degree. NIOBRARA, Neb., July (Special Tele grarn. Isaac McCoun. charged with mur der In th first degree for the killing of William Merritt Sunday night, was held to answer at the September term of th dis trict court. Th evidence waa circumstan tial. Merrltt's remains were sent to Whiting, Ia., for Interment today. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the scst skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all the desirable after-effects o? a Turkish bath. It should be oa every wash stand. ALL, QROCERS AND DRIXWISTS Farmhand Overcome by Heat. . SILVER CREEK. Neb.. July 29.-Spe-clal.) Earl Linger, a young man working on the farm of William Lauder, near thia town, was overcome by th heat yesterday afternoon and to lying In a precarious con dition, not having regained consdouan. Street Caralval at Plalavlew. PLAIN VIEW, Neb.. July . (Special) Arrangements were computed yesterday for a grand atreet carnival to be held her Aurust 20. tX and 8. Over tl.OOO will be raised and many new attractions will be Introduced. K(wm(BDd Every woman coveta a shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the lota of heir rirliah form 4 after marriage. The bearing of children ia often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. All ot this can be avoided, however, by the ue of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the ose of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent fre. Tki Bridfle!. Rtjulitor Cn, AtUiti, C. Hot Springs nd tha Black Hills Hot Springs, the delightful summer resort and aatural sanitarium oi the West. Is easily leached by tl 1 complete train service cf the Chicago it North-Westsm Ry. Special low rates in effect from Omaha and all points west, daily curing the summer season. Fast dafly trains vtth through service of Pullman sleeping cars from Mis souri Valley . and free reclining chair cars from Omaha. Leave Omaha dally at 3.00 p. m., reach ing Hot Springs the next morning. So waver toarUt rate ar ?ao I effect dai'y via the Cbicaa & Narth.VVeater Kai.a.r to the seraraer resort ot ioe, Miuttot ana noriAera v ixoimn. Seed lor (lluatTated booklet aad ar- with aWtaued tolurwatioe lriaii0( route,, ratei sadacheduiea, whKk eiiu be pcosiplif upon applicative to H. C CHETNET. Ceaeral Ageat )4S1-14S3 feraaia St, Oeua A MtfBr rEBTse 9 I rTT ci in i.i MEN ah D WO MEM. - .a. th .B 4ar fc0.l-f . -" - .,,.,aaV iitAaamlHafaV 0 aaksal Ska -gta4Kk4 . allsMAat I tm a . ... - . , - il i a ... boltl.a a. H H 4 i'Ti:-t saat M,