Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1903, Page 9, Image 9
Tim OJ1A1U DAILY BEE: W E DN ES t) A V, 'JULY Ctf, 1903. , 4' 3; t - I 44 . i if 5 SPECIAL NOTICES' be takra aatll IS aa. for th levealag eaitlon 41 aatll SO p. u. for Miinllf aad laalif t4Hloa ' Rates, 1 l-3 war drat lartloa, lo wrl tktrnrtrr, Nothing takoa fot leoa kn too for tfco first Inaer. tins. The advertlaeaaeat aaast bo rao consecutively. Advertiser, r re-aw aorta ' m her ckeek, aaa Ian answers ad dressed to a aomfcered letter la ear of Tko Bo. Answer ao addreosed will ko delivered Oa areaoaUavtlo f tka shook ealy. W A NT K D S ITT ATI O N s. IOUNO MAN want a position us etenog- rapner ana - assistant BOoKKeerter. Aa. I dreaa J 44, Bee. . A MK69 Alx ?T a food window trimmer." Addres J., 4 bow 68 Be office. A M ! wanted-Mali belt. THE SUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE now open, et It is not too lata to enter. Business, shorthand, typewriting. Eng- also, use a catalogue. 11. il. BOYLBB. president, TU 13S4. N. Y. Ufa Did.-., Omaha, Sir ANTED, for United State army, able- booieo, uninarriea men, Dei ween bro hi Si and 2b; cltlsens of United States, of good character and temperate haolts, who can spook, read and write English, trnr Infiirrnnilun annlv to recruiting of ficer. lBtb and DoU.ce fits.. Omaha, and Urand Island, Neb. ' B M47ii. WILL aire a worthy young man or woman a paid-up scnoiarsrup in umana m iuun Eualnnaa coliece. to be oald for when course la finished and poalUon secured. Addresa p at, ilee. . a " WANTED, men to learn barbor trade. Bee - i .. . , n h .(fur Ut mji i v Tirn r I Vro. ln- atruoUona. lectures, tllplomas, tools , and Uaturd&y Vages. Can earn nearly all ex- u l.-lr.r-.. enlahtntf . S'aW WeeJtS COItl- nietoa. Wrlt Moler Barber College. 1302 Douglas St. MWJ 81 WANTED TOUhs; man t work-in "tor" nd learn business, must write a fair hand. Address J M. Bee. B-634. 29 WANTED A . rood all round man. for taamflttlna' 'and Dlumblng. Address J. D. Keener. Clartnua, la, B M639 .WANTED Small Job of cellar cementing nnnA. j&nuiv n.b uui x1.. una .iuh. BYVtsiT. IB VAfJIABLFt but not In busi ness, Are you becoming f oBslllie'l 7 Can unit .am mnr monev If In the rlffht place? If bo, write us for plan and book let, we nave, openings' ior nmnai m, superintendents, bookkeepers, salestnen, , etc Executive, clerical, technical: high- HaDs-ood (Incorporated), Suite Kno M,.nn,nrwk Xlllldlnar.. ChlcaKO. B WANTED SALESMEN. IF YOU ARK ' A 8ALKHUAM ana maaing I lena tnan a.w a wwn, wmo u. iuu;. V o are soU'nK groceries to farmers and .SiW.f inrn buyers at wholesale prices, tJbod hustlers can make up carload lots a A. every town in tne agricultural states. j If in La axe lurvor in miij umiri trade permaneut, work pleasant and healthful. For full particulars' address George Meldrum Co., & ft. ureen at. Chlcao-O. 111. jh-owa W ANTED FEMALE HELP, " '. '' . . ' 1 100 Girls. 3all Civnadlaa otnee, Uta ft Dodge. COPT letters At home; tllGO paid weekly; senu starnyeu nwiciwirti, . amin iolici Kureka Co.. 22 Duane St. New York. , . . ' . C M603 A2x . WANTED A good nurse girl; references requireu. jtr. w v. .ci, a, om t. .. - . . . f w 'ma doa. WANTED, ladles to learn halraresalng. rruuilourlng or facial massage, our cata ' logue explains how we teach 1t quickly; mailed free. Expenses earned before icom- pleUng. . Moler, College, UkU Douglas St. V sUWD Ol JS fOll BENT HOUSES. Vr 1CCQ in all paru of the city. . IIUU i-,sj & fsters 4k CO., Bee Bid-. d m FOR RENT, 7-room house, alt modern ex cept lurnaoe, tut it. ouui mu, ow. jo. Baosunan. 4U6-S7 Paxton blk. . OHH Iini ICCC In allparts of the city. The O. nUUOCJ v F. Davis COh 608 Bee Bldg. , . ... .- 1. ; 1 4i FAYNE-BOSTWlCK 4k CO. Choice house. 801-603 New York Lite Bldg. 'Phone line. . i - . ; D 660 (WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van & Stor age to,- let. aj. vruioe. tiu noDster DC i .. . v ... :i U Ottl FOR 1RENT, tep-room modern bouse near FOR ) RENT lllsii suho quWJ next fa'sTf , centralT uiwi.. w. iiuiih i u-wv. ID- door or at tut in. x. Life buna- ' . - ". i 82e. luticlasf 7-room house, 210 N. St HOUSES, lnsuranoe, Rlngwalt, Barker blk, TWO 9-room ' houses, all ' modern, 118.00. C. M. uaenmann, m-si raxion block. D M7J8 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.. office ttllta Farnam, or Tela. 1569 fed. w TEN-RUUM brick, furnac . everything 'complete. 114 N. gas. bath; 2ttn ttt. D 612 30X 'FOR RENT 2318' Douglas Bt, U rooms. Apply WM N. X. Lire. u twi JX)R RENT A cdttagp. 1109 Marcy st: 87 per month. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, 3iJ Airown block. u wtui FOR RENT l-roora house, all modern conveniences, 422 a. S.h St. Inquire F. P. Klrkendail a Co., lit 11 ana Harney sts. U OllklO dU -ROOM HOUSE, modern Improvements. 1316 Capitol vo; ; 1, f D-fclOoi 2x t-ROOM HtfU8Bi' modem Improvements. l.iu capitoi vei JUuoj ix ROOMING HOUSE. 12 rooms, modern, In nrat-class condition, lull Howard at , de sirable lorailon; 6U.00, or will rent 24 rooms, 8110.00 per month. George & Co., lvl Farnam. sh - I M619 7 FOR KKN.T Ft H S ItllElA RUM II 9. r-i r ,1 DEWEY European hotel. 13th aud Farnam, ' at tu .' , '; : ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th 4k CMcaga . - -. r Jfi la 11.00 to 12 00 or' week, 423 H. ikth' St.. on block south -of court nous. la 1.3 NICE cool room, luodurri, very reeaonable; . . . . . . . E-207 O. M. E. hauls, trunks. Telephone til. ' " K 606 FRONT and other desffable , rooms, bath. cool and centre for. gentleman. im.7 Cass at. . . -. E-MS07a4. AETNA HOUSaC European. Wrh'Jl DoUg. . t, .... ti-im . 1 . Hotel Mubbell lkth . Howard; 'phone Rrl t NICE ROOMS, light housekeupliu;. 11U a. 11 1 h. . l Mua III NV17TH Cool front rooms fYr .two. E-1H4 AU ILY furnished robins. Inquire Omaha 9 it in laundry, 175.) Leavaawurib, phoua RiMd tL60 to SI, per week;, board S3. Anurton notel, ana Jackson bis. . , ' . , . E-iiyU, A24 THE lent newly furnished modern rooms. s-v JN. inn st. a-M7S4 i THE best furnished rooms with board by tne .") or week; home cooking. 21S-220 N. iy l N1V: 'H phoV, ail F23A r - 1- Ja-TH th room, with use of kitchen; modern Conveniences. 'Thou ' r E M739 28 SOUTH front, alcov room. lso Harnev." E-Mltl AH THREE modern room furnished for light aWUMkeeptng. Il t. Sulk at. . E-M613 N FOR RRU-Fl RKIHKD ROOMS, LARUE, rool, modein tnnrrs; nice, lawn and shade; private piace. 2277 Podge t. K UMT ; . . . . . FIRNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. rnif T" Q ffetVYt 1. 1 m .. a nla Mint rnnml soot board: ralea reaaotiaDi; him mfi ticket. F M82C-A1 DESIRABLE rooms, the Farnam, l!th and r amain, r m 609 S. 26T1X AVE.; private family. F-176 WKLL ventilated modern rooms; first class board. Telephone. 2109 Dougins at. t xi in NK.'KI.Y furnished room for two gentle men with first-class board; none to car linn ami within walking distance: Rlao one very, cosy single room. 2616 Daven port St. FM 747 A3x ROOM and board, small cottage, good home for lady. per wcei. ti r. sna St. assou VERY nicely furnished. pleasant, cool rooms. 8627 Harney Bt. F M595 29x FOR REST INFIRNISUED ROOMS. TWO suites of 3 rooms each; all modern. 116 S. 25th St. i jatm ju FIKNITIRH FACKIXG.- PETERSON 4k LrUNDBERG, UC Bo. 17th. Tel. L-2368. -u e FOH RENT STORES AMD OFFICES. rim pknt h huiiilina- formerly occu pied by The wee at i tarniuo dv. i four stories and a basement which was furmeHy used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. 11 Interested apply at oince bf C. C Hose- water, secretary, room iw, oeo uuuuina. FOR BENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes al i caruam, tuui stories ana nrst-ciaos vtsiiiuiivu wmwuohi, elevator, nre ana uuii nflii- counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary too Bee Building Co., room 100. Bee buuaiug. ' DESK room for renU 634 Ixton b,1?:. 4 JMOIW STORE ROOM, lt!15 Howard St., with light basement.-unfoading platform In the rear, tuO.OU. Oanrifa A, I 'o . ltkL h UTIiam St. . I M048 A9 AGENTS WANTED. W a HTV.n eanvaaalna; aaenta In every county to solicit Buoacriyuuus ii ina TWENTIETH CENT UK Y FARMER. di.qHv with assured aood In' come. Agents in the country wltn horss and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily uu to iw per iuum. u dress Century Farmer Solicitors'- Bureau, Bee building, umana, w u AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope Leo XIII, written wun tne encourage ment, approbation and blessing of His Holiness, tne A'ope, vy iuuhibhui w 1 1' Hal II v. Cil Paxton BldK. j xriOTi - WE have all 6 of the different Pope Leo XIII books. Best terms. Freight paid; outfit free, call or write w, a.- dimu- laugh & Co., 600 Ware blk., umatia. nr a vittpti nnnml itnnti to travel and I appoint, axents to sell life of Pope Leo XIII In Iowa, Missouri. Kansas and N- i-. , . . T 1 I day for particulars. American Pub. Co,, Omaha, Ieb. JM-6SH 2 AGENTS Catholic agents, attention! 'Llfe ,STTi.o Xlll onlv authorised edl- (i - t An wittn r,v me n nil il nraer dt jnu nlgnor O'Reilly; endorsed by entire Cath- ollc Hierarchy; price 12.M; large colored portrait worth fl.00 free to subscribers. Agents wanted; highest terms; Immense demand; ouim iree. inierimmjimi ruunoii- ing CO., 44 . tin St., x-liuaeipiim. , . . J Moot. Sox AGENTS WANTED 175.00 weekly easily made selling our uouma 11110011111111 Comblnatloa health and accident policies, Liberal -commission; atrotig exnerlence umiecasarv. Write for temiBi National Health and Accident Assocla. tlon. 008 Crocker aliug. . jjbb- moiuea. la J IMS A3. AGENTS do It now. -You eon take more orders selling our LlFW uir fur ta l,baj XIII than any other, because It Is pub lished In more than one language. Sells to everybody. Beautiful 12 color memorial fleture FREE to each customer. Illus rated with beautiful colored plates, f Best terms. Freight paid, outnt tree, ao dress American 'Publishing Co., 623 N. Y. L. B un.. Omaha. - j wi- AGENT9 wanted to sell Dry Fire Extln- aniia ensv: nnvs oik: sauiuiun practically free. Address Fire Killer. 44 Murray St.. N. Y. . JMSia. aix WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG MAN desires-room and board In private family; must be close to car ne. state price. Aaurem J 01, u. K M602 2x WANTED TO BUY, WANTED, to buy, some good dental choirs. Union uentai -wOiiT-ge. aimi FOR SALEJ-FrJRNlTlRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2i20. INew ana seconu-nauu uuuui. i"ui exenangea. .. . v mv, sai . nn. Inrn aix-oassens:er closed 1 inm v earnaare. one lurae uikjh i.iuhf carrluge, one large platform-spring spider phaeton: all rubber-tired; two double seta Of narueaa, one wn lu""";' "" single set of harness. Call Frank E. Moores, City Hall. O M616 FOR SALE HOUSES, VrAUONS,, ETC, HAVE your rubber tires set while you wuit. 11. rust. Aim uu wkuBupwiui, P lil ' MONROE sells pleasUi-e vehicles at 811 N. 16th St. ' - moui I TOP BUUOY at half .price, also nearly new 2W gear, cheap. See A. W. Johnson.- with John Deere How Co. P M.OO AZi FOH SALE MISCELLANauOlS. cai.K loOO. feet ot second-hand 4 1 . . .. . n .1 1 1 1 . . A ,..).. ,T or aouiesa- duji-i uuniuni. w. vc. ouuu- 1 a umana. vfmiua 1 1 NEW and 2d-hand typewriter. 1119 Farnam. Q-lsa 2DHANU sate cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farn Am. 4j lim . . FOR SALE econa-nanu uicumuuira, in lllt-Cia '" 1' ; . -' ' v.m 1 or address 1621 Farnam su FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, 2G cent . rlaaa aarbaga rtceptacles. Fred Younts, forein in Bey press room, rear eiitrunc Bee Bias. w nxix - . . . 1 1 1 ... 1 .in 1..., . JJJJlAn UUUt , . . V. V. .AW . 11.IO. FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole awitcu iip." - "I'vw ui u- dreaa "euperlnlendenl l;c Bulldlug, Omana." 4 Mill TELEPHONE poles, long flr timbers; chiciteu tenco, cuius, wt .JuciH. Q 189 FOR SALE Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either passenger or freight; com plete. Iron guide poeta, cage and wire eu- IRON nd wire fences, tnee guards, trel llsea. Western Anchor Funce Co., 806 N., st Vr-W4 PH0TX)GRAP11 CAR Ruse s At; store. for sale. Apply CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Bheri man at McConnea Drug to., omana. (J US WAREHOUSE scales cheap, ftami Bums. W-MJJA All Il.oM BRICK for sale. W. Farnam Smlih t Co., V.-V t.rMin bt. Q 61M FOH SALE Coal business, quired, J 21. iie. Capital i. lJ-iV4 FOR SALE Oreat Dana pup. R. Krtkaen, Nawnian uiovti, iscd. 14 utui AiX FOR SALE, two xprtaa wagona. cheap. 14 b. :.IU BL M-UJft AIX DO- YOU WANT AN UMBRELLA ' Once upon atime a man lost his umbrella. He put a "Lost" ad in The Bee, . . .saying that the person was known and would be prosecuted if the umbrella was not returned. The CLA1HYOYM9. MM HI LUCRETIA. medium, 170 California. O BUS A 4 MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN l.ADT . QUEEN 'rf clairvoyants: every thing told; past, present and future. Sat iafaotlon or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8190 ELECTRICAL THEATBBJIT. . - MISS HOWARD, elegant massage and vapor baths; alcohol rubbing. 317H It 16th. flat E. T-M285 al MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. IS, 2d floor, r. I t uu GRACE O'ERYAN, Baths. 730 a 13th. MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St.. front rooms; tuu uaiu; urst-ciass attendant. , T M411 Al PBHSONAl VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and hame treatment for disorders of ; women. Freo booklet. VUvl Co., 348 Bee I. mi 1 ' it io2 DR.-ROT, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removea oy eiecirioiiy. it. t and I, 1Mb Farnam at. ' ' ; U 11)1 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT. CURKS. At druggists, 1. , U 15, PRIVATE home during confinement ; babies . auopieu. xne.uoou eamarttan.Muitartum. CHIROPODT, manicuring, scalp, fadaL hygiene and special maxauga taught and practiced. A. Mayer, GU Uee BlUg. Con sultation free. .Use Re-Nu-Muy Powder. . U 14 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnraocni; oauies Doaxaea anu adopted. Mrs. Qardels, tU Lake. Tel. Red-1844. U-M444. TELEPHONE 780 for O. M. E. messenger! U-200 ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. x-axton. B. J. Bcannell, agent, 0Q Ware block. IT M387 2t 30 WE CURE RUPTURE FOR 830-NO aetention irom ousiness; ao.mju curea patients; send for booklet, eto. . Empire Rupture Co.. New York Life bldg., Omaha, Neb. U 18 PRIVATE horpltal before and during con nnement; best! meaical enre ana: nursing. Mrs. L Fisher, l&ol Vinton. Tel. 1HS. PALMISTRY la the most accurate -tind re liable way of foretelling tne ruture events known to scientists: Consult the Wan Drea Sisters, .world, s famotia palmists, lfilG- Farnam street. U MfiC 29x i MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. ' I - WANTED, city loans and warrarfts. w. farnam Biuim ac xvj. , ,aw ckiuuiu nuww . w ail -t- WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds . . 1 1 1 1 I .... , A. t' IT... anu warraiaa. v. cidi . vv., .iua Farnam Bt., Be Bldg. W -i2. FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. '1 nomas, cirsi mi i ouna ojujt. , iei. W 2u3 , PRIVATE money Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. TJKT QUI ' 4 TO t P. "C. money.- Bemls, Paxton Block - W FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. . . v ' . i w PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. ' ' ' " ul -A. C A CU'TO GET TOTAY: Best explains pur methods. ' ? ' ' We loan on furniture, plunoeV warehous recelDta. etc Or If you have' a permanent poallion we Sin make you a ' IIAUAHl lAAil ' without ecurlty, except your own agree mant to renay. Our service Is quick. and confidential and 'we' always try to please. All that we bbk is .tnat you give us a cau before you or row -elsewhere. -, .... OMAHA HUlUUAUCj 1jU1 t-t. . 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel.- 2236. ' , Established 1803.) 106 So. liith St. ,. , . . ' ' 1.. OC-209.. MONEY To salaried emnlayes and .wage, earners: Uet our system ot luana mui. u out of OoUt, Any way or 8uue uM, machinist, engineer, etc., , having reliable employment can get. Just on his note: . , 1 - Half- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. 1100-Return to us...26.6. oT IJ3.. or sot 60-Return'to us... 13 S3, or or 8.36 26 Return to us... 0.66 or 8.83 or l.M 16-Reluro to us... 400 or 2.00 or 1.09 iHsTest terms lowest rates.' conftdentlal. No Inquiries, viuiua -- THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. CASH IN ANY AMOUNT 4J10 to $500 loaned holding a sTeaSy position, without secur ltv or publicity, at the very lowest rates; "' 'l ,a i.. aiilt vour eon- tjaymenia can v ------ : ntrictiv connuenciui. TCU1LI1' - t - - - - y . . ....... ,n Rooms 807-308 Paxton- Block. X-M670 MONEY LOANED ON sFURNITUKE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low rates and easy terms. 1 Business Confidential. . Trv tis If you want to save mSney. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., US Paxton Block, 16in and Farnam Bt. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO B ALAKIM-L" rr.ciri.ii, utc......v, ira. boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms. 40 oftlces In prin 1411 Hoard of Trade Bidg. V -X-M MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried .people; Dusinear cniunieniiai, "". tit Vaxton block. The J. A. Huttono. 1 . , I l.walrv lAinl TTnlw 1 , Loan Co., sue. to uiwji, v. L;. r I MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- j eU-y. horse, cows, eto. C. F.. Reed. 319 8 18. Bt SlCSS CHANCE. FOR SALE, by admlnlstratoi, good clan StOUK Ol Keueiai uici Liiuim... n ..i..w i.iiil.Tinar In nuul location, ready to begin business at any - time; Invoice about W.0OII; must be sold soon. Call on or addrca B W. Chambers, :admlulstrtor, Blair. Neo. Y-M 971 FOR SALE Clean, new stock of general merchandise antl 'building; invoice about 87 000; weir establlsnea traae; goou com munity. Address J 34. Bee. Y-A10U6 A6 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or ousinesa quica., arc a. i. Johnson. 818 N. Y. Life. Y-217 FOR SAL?' Real estate, rental and In- ourance business, in ocb veuniJ brsska; a onap for a man . with a little money and some push. Established ten years. Addreas lock box S45. Uinside, Neb. . Y-Muo6 A6 FOR 8AL1D Lease end furniture; only $2 tay bouse in town 01 i.u, uc ioumi-iubj In northeast Nebraska. For further par ticulars, write to li M. Omaha. Neb. Y-MIS3 29. A GOOD paying 18-room notel lor sale in Wood River, Mel.. at. a lutrgain; owner lives la Chicago is the object In selling. Mitchell Ac Faught, Wood River. 1 Y Mti-12 WANTED Party with $250 to take half in terest In good paying buslnea fweu estab lished. Addretut J 66. Bee. Y-644 A GOOD business chance for man with small capital; pay a jn per raontn clear; tM-st town In Black Hill. Aildress J Bee omce,. Y al65S 11 FXR SALE, at a bargain, bakery and rim. fectivnery; gooa location; elegant aooa fountain, , flAture aud furniture nearly new; will sell en one year's time, with urmrovnt st.curttv. Address Mrs. F. E. Baker, West Pclnt, Neb. Y-M-167 7 next morning his front yard DISIM-.SS CH4CKS. WE DESIRE the services of hustlers In every section of the country as represen tatives; persons of stnndinff and ability enn earn handsome Inromes representing its a pHrt, or all of their time; our plnn la new; no money or experlrnee required; this proposition will . pay you hand somely; do not fall to Investigate It; full particulars free upon request. Address Merchunts' Brokerage and Commission Co.. Gay bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Y FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. A CHEAP HOME IN DUNDEE. NOTICE Tho School Board of District No. 63, DougHs county Neb., will offer at public sale on Thursday, July 30, lnui, at i p. m., on the premises, the school build ing located near 4th and California sis. In Dundee. This Is the commodious frame building so constructed as to be easily convertible Into a neat 8-room cottage. D. F. JOHNSON. Director. REM-760 30 WILLIAMSON Fanttreel- 1208 RE 218 HOUSES and lots In all ports of cftyj also . acre properly and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room DOS. Bee Bids'. RE 2a SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains.. Write for particu lars at once. F. G. Johnson, Dorchester, Neb, - RE MGS2 A22 W. C. CHISSELL. 833 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M3U AT 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from Bostufflco for sale cheap. . 108 N.' J5th. enewa & Co. ' RE 220 6-ROOM cottage, bath, barn, near south end of Hnnscom park, l,ooo, on easy pay ments; can give possession soon. W. H. . UtUcs, 617 N. Y. Life. Phone 1204. - RE-643 30 RANCH and farm lands for' sale b" the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. . M-cAllester, land conr-mlssloner Union Pa clflo Headquarters,' Otnahn, Neb. ' RE 219 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. M-T71 BALE TABS. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.; SU North 10th. . . m R. RUMBEL & SON, only tie factory In the state. Try us. 14th flnd Nicholas sts. Tel. F3359. 031 A25 CARPET CLEANING. A, K. JETT calls for carpels. Tel. A-830L ' A-M296AI CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20to e. Jit -470 ana iaae streets. DETECTIVES. t'APT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. TeL ' A-283Z c . 12 EXPERT ACCOV&TANT. R, Rathbun, room IV Cora l Nat. Bank. - ..if . 227 mm' ' FLORISTS,, 4 HESS 4fc aWOBODA. 1418 Fa nam. : -228 U HENDERSON, florist, AAU Farnam St, -229- FtRNITt'RE ACJiNa'.i GATE CITY Upholsterlnit 3o woven wire 'springs tightened, TeL 9-2076. 1706 St, 1 Mary's Ave. ' " '263 GOLD- AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. Tel. 2686. . . .. ' . tui GARBAGE.:' ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. clean cesspools and - vaults, removes garbage . and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 280 LAWNMOWEBf. SHARPENED. P. Melcboir, 13th 4k Howard 233 LAWNMOWERS . sharpened,-, saw filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, ta, 309 N. 16th. TeL 2974, . -233 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. a. N'l B'k. bid. . . .., -234 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor. N. T. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every . where. . . r 238 MACFARLAND & MAY. New. Tork Lit . . 1 1 . .111 ....,. 1 cr.. rM..i. I'JI'III Ot-l. -llt.lID 1WJ.. LOST. LOST Gray mare, Sunday, July 26; re ward. 11413 U St., South Omaha. Lost MB52 30X LoaTgmall Jersey cow with chain fas tened to halter. If found.' telephone A - lag. Lost-Mil 46 30 LOST Rubber tire; return .to Rocktellow livery stable and receive reward. Lost M6 29x MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldus Block. 369 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, College Building. 623 N. 2th (Dodge can; summer tetm. Apply F. H. Wright. L. L. C. M., Director. -671 0 MEDICAL. DR. NEIBERGER'8 SKIN LOTION cures Prickly Heal, Barbers' Itch, Chiggers, Poison Ivy. Poleou Oak,. L'lcers, plmpl.s, Scrofula Sores and all bkln Eruptions. Price, ll.ou per boitlo. J. C. Northcraft, prop, and Diatr., urpheum Pharmacy, 801 W. Ninth St., Kanaa City. Mo. . MttO 29 x.. Piles Cured without taln no cutting, tying or burning. All bloou, x money ana Diaauer aiseases cured; a guarantee given In 'every case treated by W. C Maxwell, M. D., 624 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb., graduate of Bellevue Honpital Medical College, Ne York City. OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite 616. New lork Life Bldg. TeL V4. a The Hunt Infirmary. McCagu Bldg., T. 2351 210 Atxen 4k Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 14 -UHl DR3. FINCH 4k MILLER. 124 8. 26lh St. , (31 Dr. Grace Deegan, 609 MoCague, Tel. tX'X a4 PAWNBROKERS. RAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, ail business confidential. lJul Douglaa PLIMBING. DALY 5c SON T PRACTICAL PLUMBERS team snl gas fitters; Jobbing neatly done; ia uiu.ii pruiupuy aitauuvo. Atii. uu. uue Artavaiiworui, was full of umbrellas. PATENTS. H J. COWQTLL No fee unless successful. m S. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 17W H niG MANl'FACTl'RING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. Tel. !0G3, 242 1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN 8ANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life, 248 , Nm. Business 4b Shorthand College. Theater. Boyd's -241 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 247 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 16liy Farn. Tela 165-R6i 250 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad -tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 1&06 Farnam. 'Phone 7S4. , . -053 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 780. . 261 r 1 2 Depot Vagons ' Late Style Rubber Tired $150 Each DRUBfJD 18th and Harney POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur-at any tlme. - Foreign malls for the week ending August 1. 1W0, will close (PROMPTLY In all cuses) at the general postotllce as follows: parcels-post malls 'close one hour earlier- than closing time shown below. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half an nour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary uiulls for Europe aud Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). , Transatlantic Malls. WEDNESDAY At 6 a, m. ' for EUROPE, per a. s. Oceanic, via Qucenetown; at 7:80 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed 'per . s. Rotterdam"). THURSDAY At 7. a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR Tl'GAL. TURKEY. KOVPT nHr.Mf'is BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR . wlm, yer a. , ui uietagne, via Havre , (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "nt?r s. s. La Bretagne"). SATURDAY-At 7:38 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE,, per s. a. Umbrla, via Queenstown; at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Kroonland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kroonland"):' tet 9:30 &. 01. for" SCOTLAND direct, jier ,s. s. , Anchoria (mail muscbe-tllrected npr .' s. .Anchoria'); at 12 -m." for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Hekla (mail must be df- nviwi per B. a. ' Alexia PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer x-rinien ntatisr, commercial Pa pers, and Samolea for Germ same class of mail matter tnr th.. ... , of Europe win not be sent by ml ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the sunnlnmnnt- .Transatlantic Mails named above addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on trlt;"' tne Amrlcan. English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of th hour ot sailing of steamer. Mall for Sooth aad Ceatral America, west ladles. Etc.- WEDNESDAY-At 12 m. (supplementary a2:3?.,V' m' "AHAMAS- direct per e Antllla (mail must be directed "it... . rZ . A ntlllo " .0... T " v I., p. ni. tsupp ementarv 1 PvAJ"K8isLAND Zd DOmW- THURSDAY-At 8 a. m. for CUB A, per s Itavann lryir.ll mi.. l'c' Campeche and Vera Crux must .be dlrec-ted "per s. s. Havana"); at 12 m (sunn .men tary 12:30 d. m l for n ham a "PJS SeH' '"AGO per s. s. Cienfuegos: at li m for 11ARBAI5o8 and NORTHERN BRAZIL ber s. s. Flumlnense, via Para, Ceara and Maranham; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementarv ' "'vw Joi-n in UC3, ana jHRITIHI DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, jir s Allendnje(mail for Grenada and Trlnlrt.rt must be directed "per a. a. Allendale")- at 11.30 p. m. for NEWFOUNDIaAND, per s. s. Siberian, from Phlb.Heir.hi. ' per FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for ORfMlm TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVArT pV. 8. s. Grenada; at 12 m. for MEXICO ner s. s. i-ity or Washington., via Tamnlen (mall must be directed "per s. . Citv of Washington"); at 1 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Alice, from Boston (mail for other parts of the Dominican Republic tVlllfif VlA rl raitoil U3 a. - AII...H MUUt SATURDAY-At 8 a. m. for HERMIT. A per a. s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. n ..r.T.i.' mentary 9.30 a. m.) for CURACAO and , VENEZUELA, per 8. .. Zulla (ml Tor Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. 8. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo; at U.10 a. m (auii plementary 10:30 a. m.) f FOItTUNB fiJT AXT f A Id A TCI A U I ir . .... , . V1 lU' IBiiniii., ,niiuin.n. OAtflftlLLA. CAR. TAG EN A and GREYTOVW Alleghany (mall for Costa Rico must be dlre5;,.,f.. :per " Alleghany"); at 10 a.m. wi - u un, ntcAitu, via ita varni. Malls Forwarded OTtrlind, Etc. Ex cept Trauapacine. oany, except inursuay, ai .d.j a. m. (Co cupntciiiiK iiiaiiB cioiHj iiTfj on xa on flay, WedneedHys and Baturduya). MUX ICO CUTlf Overland, unless spclally BiiureMivu iui ut-suatcu uv lc duiDr. rii at this oiilr dalls, except Huniiiiy. at ljQ p. ni. anu ii.tju u. iii. ounuaya at 1 n. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Svrl. ney, and thence by steamer, closea at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. tconneuilng mails close here every Monday, Weunesduy and Saturdaj. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 6'30 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. 1QUELON -By rail to Boston, and thenc M oy Bieamer, vioaea at tola omce aallv at 6 :30 p. in. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and OUATE. MALAr-llr rail to INW Oriel, nu. ana thence by steamer, closes t this otllce dally, except Sunday, at ,1:30 p. m. and ill:30 p. m , Sundays at l p. m. and U 34 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mon. oa a tn fu.ou u. tu.f COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and tnence oy steamer, cioaes at this office 4ally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 1 11 M p. m., Sundays at II p. . and U 30 u. iii. it.oiii,crwi.i..a ..Mr... viiwea ner Tutja. Says at 11:30 p. m.) Registered mall close at 6 p. m nrs vlou day. ' Traasparlfl Mall. HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and specially adureasea man tor tne riuuiTi.Mi ISLANDS, via Ban Francuco. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 26th, In clusive, for- despatch per a. a. Nippon PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vis San Fran Cisco, close nere oany at s:jo p. in. up to July -iin, inclusive, tor oespatcn per U. fc Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Taeoma. rlos liere daily at i:au p. m. up to July lnth. Inclaslva. for despatch per .. Olymplo. NEW ZtlAlAM), A u o 1 KALI A (BXcep Westl. NEW CAI.ELHJNIA. FIJI. A MoA and HAWAII, via San .Franciaoo, cI abo her dally at s;30 p. ni. up to Au gust lst. Inclusive, fctr deeiiatch' per a a. Ventura. (If the Cunard s'eanier car rylng the British mall tor New Zealand goes not arrive In time to connect with hia deapatuh. exUra, (uaile-ttCloAxlug at 6:0 a. m. 9.30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. : Suudas at 4.30 a. ni., a. ui. ana :jo p. m. will POUTOFFICE NOTICE. be. made up and forward. -d until the ar rlvnl of the Cun.ird steamer.) CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally st 6.3' p. m. up to August 52d. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Tosa Marti. HAWAII. CHINA, JATAN and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Sun Frcin lsco. close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August lid, Inclusive, fur despatch per s. s. Siberia. TAHITI and MAItgi ESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, closa here d.ihv at 6M p. m. up to August I with. Inclusive, tor drspnfch per a. a Mariposa, HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August linth. In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dailv at 6:30 p. m. up to August (Hlh, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. (Merchandise for V. 8. Postal Apfency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada ) AUSTRALIA (except WesU. FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, vit Vancouver and Victoria. It . rinse here ' dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August S'Sth, In clusive, for despatch per s. s. Aurangl. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia la forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via San Fran ciscothe quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe must be fullv presold at h for eign rates. Hawaii is ros-nardec, via Sitn Francisco exclusively. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of closing 1 arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster, i Postofuce, New York, N. Y July 24, 1SKC. GO EUNA1EN f AOlitKt, OFFICE CONSTRUCTING gUARTKR master, Cheyenne, Wyo., July 2s, 1!K3. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will I'M re ceived at this oillco until-3 o'clock -pT m., mountain time, August 2, 10 '3, and then opened In tho presence of bidders, for the construction of Roads and Walks at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Bidders must siate In their proposals the time in which they will complete the work from date of commence ment thereof. Each proposal mint bo ac companied by guaranty signed by two. re sponsible peraons, each juxiilying In a sum equul to ten per cent of 401a! amount ol bid. Full Information, blunk forms, plans and specification furnished on application to thLs-elllce. . United Stales reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids to be rndorsed "Proposal for Hntuls, or Walks, at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.," ajid addressed to Captuhi W. S. Scott, qunrier nmster, U. S. A., In charge of Construc tion, Cheyenne,. Wyo. . PROPOSALS FOR SINKING ONE TUHU lar Deep Well. Otllce Chief Quartermas ter, Omaha, Neb., July 24, 11X13. Seuled proposals In triplicate will be received at tjjn office until 12 . o'clock noon, central standard tlma, .August 21, lino, and then opened, for sinking one Tubular Deep Well at JetTerson liarracks, Missouri. J be United States reserves, the right to accept or reject any or u 11 proposals, or any part thereof. Information and blanks furnished on application, Enveloiies containing pro posals should be marked, "Proposals for Sinking Tubular Deep' Welf," and addressed to r. W.- Davison, captain mid g. Al., 22d Infantry, U. S. Army, Acting Chief Quar termaster." July 28-30AUK1D-2II-21-22 lAILWAY TIME CARD. INION STATION 1UTH AND MARCY. tnloa Faelfle. Leave. .a 9:40 am Arrive. a 7:50 pm a 8:26 pm Overland Limited. The Fast Mail California Express a 4:20 pm ffictnc kxpress all:30 pm Eastern Ex Dress a 8:30 nm The Atlantic Express... a 7:80 am The Colorado Special. ..a 700 em a 8 40 am Chicago Special. .......... a 8:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Btromsburs: Exnreas..b 4:nf) nm blS-RH nm North Platte Local: a 8:00 am a 6:16 pm 'Grand Island Local. ....b 6:80 Dm b 9:86 am Chicago. MJIwaukoo at St. Paalf Chicago Daylight a7:46 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express.. 6:46 pm a 8:40 nm Chin.... T Imlf.J . , . vrui.nij uiilllicu ..a O.W 1 1 1 1 a, I . iXJ BQ De Moines Express. ...a 7:46 am a 1:40 pm Cklcua-6 ak Northwcatera. "Th Northwestern r.m. Fast Chlcaao .a S:o an. n t.iw Mali. .......... .1.. . a 8.-4KI pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux City .a 6:10 am. a 3:30 pm Daylight Bt. Paul. ...... .a 7:36 am alO.26 pm tLa.irii80C'v.iiicaAju ... Local Chicago ..a 8-00 m aU:10 pm . .all :3o am a. 6 :lo pm Local Cedar Rapid.. Limited Chicago .... .. a:.v pm 8:16 pm 4:00 om a 9:15 am 9:60 am 8:46 pm a 8:16 am a 2:40 pm b 9:60 am al0:36 am Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast St. Paul........ .a 6:60 pm .a k:iv pm '.'b 4:00 p.-n .a 7:2f, am Fast Mall Local BioUx City.... Norfolk Ae Bonesteel Lincoln & Long Plne....b 7:26 am bio Chicago, Rock lalaad Paelflo, EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d.. a 8 66 am a I 50 km Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:86 pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:36 pm Des moines iuxpretw.... pm oii:mj am Chicago Fast a.xprnss..a 6:ss pm a I:i6 nm WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 7:30 am m 125 am Lincoln, Colo.- Spring. Denver A-ueon ana West .al:80pm a 6:00 nm Colo.. Texas, Cal. aoc Oklahoma Fiycr a :o pm 12.40 pm Wabafeh. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 0:66 pm a 8:M am Bt. A.OU1B ijocai, cuuu cU Bluns ...a s:i6 am aI0:30 pm Mlssoorl PmcIaIo. St Louis Express.,... ..al0:00 am a 6:25 Dm K. C. tk St, A. Jfi ai0;60 pm a 6:16 am Chlcasro Express .... a 7:86 am a 6:10 pm Chtcaa-o. Minneapolis Jk St, Paul iAimitea.......a 7:w pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis & Bt. Paul Express ......b 7:36 am blO :36 pm Chicago Local 0;36 am Chicago Kxpre 10;86 am WEBSTER DEPOT 1RTII & WEBSTER, Chicago, Omaha. St. Paul, Mluneapolls A Leave. Arrive Twin City Passenger. Slous City Passenger Oakland Local .a 6:80 am a B in nn. .a 9:00 pm all:20 am .b i;46 pm b 8:46 am Missouri racltle. Nebraska. Local Via Weeping water... o i:iu pm 10: am Chicago afc North tvoateru. Nebraska aad Wyosalaa- Dlvlaloa. Blaek Hills. Dead woo A Lead. Hot bprings a l:oo pm a 6:00 nm Wyoming, Casper, anil Douglas d 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Hastings, xoia, 1-ra.ii ritv Hucerior. ueneva. Exeler ajid Seward.... b 8:00 pm b 6:00 pm BUHLINGTOM STATION 10TII ak MASON Kaasas stltr. St. Joseph Jt Coaaoll UloAa. k-intu City Day Ex... a :16 am a 6:06 nm Bt. Louis riyer ti a w pm ail :uo am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:1 am Burlington A Mlaaourl Hirer. LteaV. Arrlva Wvmnra. Beatrice and Lincoln a i ;oo am bl2:06 pm Nebraal.a Express a 8:60 am a 7 '4a mn Denver Llroitec...- a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am Black ITIlla and Pugei , Sound Express all:10 pro. a 8:10 cm Colorado Vestibule Flyei a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:62 pm a 9:o8 am Fort Crook and Platto- mcnth i. ..b 8:20 pm bl0:85 am Bellevue A Pacific Jet.. a 7: SO pm a IJil am ueiiavu i-acwu dct..a s:ov am Chicago, Barllagtoa A tlalncy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 3X5 nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local. a 9:16 am all:U0 pro Chicago Limited a 8.06 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mali a 2:40 pm , a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally . .. . u. ......... .. . t-i 1 1 . - . . . rr .:. d.iuiu.j. . w i-"ti J rr Al Cflir BtonOay. STBAMSUIrk. ANCHOR UNI V. HAIL, BTHAMSHlPa. KBW YORK, LONDON UKHRY AND GLASGOW, KEW TOBK. CIDRALTAR AND NAPLES. 8usrtor aceommo4Atlona. Eiellnt rultUna. Tb Comfort et 'atiiiKra Oasafuily Cunaldcrtd. Slnul or buuuS Trip Ticket laaued brrwrMa N York aud gcnti-h. EmllAli. Iri.h aud all piim-lptl coutliiauul pulnta at allraillva nut. arua lor Uo.ik of Taun For tii'Stii or suri iiA,m.auua attiiiy to au Ooai . H .' It 1 oi 11. Huiuin a., m UI VO UES)Lib.RSON bKOS., uaa'l Auta. Chlt-afa, III. HOLUND-AMERICA LINE K'a Tain-cr Blamra el 11 SOU Tona KIW TOHK KoTTtllOAM. la boULOUNB, aalituf Waduuday at It A. M. Potadam Aug ilNoordam Au(. aialei.dam Au. ill KiKl.rd.ta Kjadao Auf. iDlPottxlaiu Ban. HOLLAND-AMERICA I.IfcE, M Drarbora Sl Chicago, ill. Barrr Mooraa, laul raruaai at. C. katbartof. I Un raraaui v, i. m. uulda, Uul rariiaia su ITALIANS IN FATAL FIGHT Wyoming Mta Drink, Ooe Strikes Other With Bottle 1 ' Two Dlo, GILLETTE, Wyo.. July 28,-In a drunken quarrel among a number of Italians at Felix, six miles west of Gillette, two men are dead and another Is so badly wounded that he will probably die.- ' '. Joe Dntrl and Domlnix Kggle got Into an altercation and Datrl struck Kggle Over the head with a bottle, Inflicting a severe scalp wound. Kggle then stabbed Datrl three times, Inflicting fatal wounds. Frank Bellagalln and Nick Kggle.' ff. brother of Domlnix. then entered the flghl. taking opposite sides. Bellsgalla shot and Instantly killed Nick Kggle. Domlnix Eagle and Bnllagalla then sxchanged sev eral shots, the latter being killed ahd the former badly wounded. FEUD JURY JS COMPLETED. Second Trial of Keatarky St order Suapeeta Now Beady to Bealn. 1 ' . , . . . . . " t . CTNTIl'IANA, Ky., July 2S.-rAt the sec ond day's trial of Curtis Jett nd Thomas White, charged with tho murder of J, 'B, Mareum. court opened at 8:20 a, m. The liX men whvio names were drawn yesterday and who were summoned to At tend ns Jurors, responded today, and. lata this afternoon the Jury was alt sworn In. Captain B. J. Ewen, chief witness for the prosecution, is Here unaer protection of troops, The defendants have waived formal ar " raignment and pleaded not guilty. . After the Jury was sworn the court adjourn 1 ntil tomorrow morning. i ' 1 DEATH RECORD. , - Miss t rell 'Edwards. 1 TECUM9EH. Neb.. July 3S.-(8pall.- Mlv Cecil Edwurd.4 died at the home if er mother, Mrs. Jennie Edward', In this city at 5 o'clock this morning after bring sick for over two years. Miss Edwards was aged about 17 years, rite was born ' near this city and had resided hrr the greater part of her life. Two years ago net February she was taken Si ok with pneumonia and had been .an Invalid slnoe, pulmonary trouble causing her dekth. The funeral will be held Thursday, .con ducted by Rev.- W. F. Smith of the Bap tist church. H ,..''. . Two Deaths at Gordon. GORDON. Neb., July 28. tSpoclkl Telegram.) The 2-year-old daughter , of Frank Bresee,' one Of " th molt uccessful and respected' ranchmen of this county,, died yesterday and was burled here today. Mr. Matt Ren- hottz, who has resided here since Inst win ter and who was married Christmas, died of typhoid fever yesterday. Ills body was sent to Grand Junction,' la., this morning. This Is the lirst death from typhoid for three years, but there are several more cases reported and some, kr very. low at lis lime. . .. Prof. Wilbur C. Knight. CHEYENNE, W'yo., July 28. t8peclal Telcgram.)-Prof. Wilbur C. Knight of th chair of geology of the University 61 Wyoming, dlod at Earamle this evening of peritonitis. Deceased was one of the lead- ng scientific men of th west ana was chiefly responsible for the discovery ot many of 'the valuable specimens .of pre historic animals that have been fodnd In Wyoming and are now -on exhibition at the Smithsonian,' Carnegfjr HH; -Hither;. akstern . museum. '". . -', , Mrs. W. II. llawley. ' FREMONT, Jfeb., July 28, Special.) The remalnavof Mrs,, JV.' it,, ia,wjey! ot. Superior ' were buried here thlB afternoon In Ridge cemetery, brief services -being conducted ' by Rev. John Doane of tb Congregational church. Mrs. Hawley was for many years resident of this city and well known for her activity In clruxch. affairs. ' Her husband is foreman of the 'Northwestern and Santa Fe roundhouses at Superior. Colonel Richard Root. DES MOINES, July 38. (8peclal.)-NwS was received here today of the death In Washington of Colonel Richard Root of Keokuk, for many year one of the most active and Influential politician of south- I eastern Iowa. Colonel Root was one of th old guard of political leaders and a warm friend of the late Senator Gear. He was United State marshal for. many year. D, T. Haydea. - NEBRASkA CTTY, Neb July .-(Special Telegram.) D. T. Hayden, a well known attorney and preslderit of the Otb County Fire association, died at hi horn here lato last night Mr.' Hayden had been a sufferer for years and hi death was not unexpected. He ha filled several office of public trust and was one of th best attorney In eastern Nebraska, ' Mrs. Clarence E. Smith.' FALLS CITY, Neb., July 27. (Speolal.)- Mra. Clarenoe E. Smith died at her bom in this city Monday morning after a long Illness. , .' . .'. . Teeuiraseb. Chaotaa a Saeeeas. TECUM6EH, Neb., July 28. (SpectaL)- The Tecumseh Chautauqua I proving even a greater success this year than was anticipated .by the manager. All th e. slons so .far have been well Attended, and' have - been Interesting and Instructive.' Prof. F. R. Roberson, traveler and lecturer,- entertained a- big crowd agttln last even-' lng. His subject was 'Norway" and hi, pictures were splendid. .Ha lectures Bun. day evening on "India." Th . , Jeffrey twins, Prof. A. K. Myattway, a aativs Burmese, the band, vocal singers, and so on ha made up th program today aud tonight. ' : ' . No Banday Excursion. WOT SPRINGS, B. D.; July 28.-(Bpolal ) During the two previous seasons Alllane ' . has made up annual excursion to Hoi ' Springs, which were phenomonally suoeea. ful, bringing several hundred peopl tthii famous resort by sirecial train. - It was In tended that the one for this year should be the last Bunday'ln July, but upon refer-t i ence of the matter to the passenger' depart- 1 ment at Omaha,' It df clurod It to be aguinst ' the rlcy u' tne road. 1 lotdoor I hurrh tervleea. HOT SPRINGS, B. D . July 8.-(8rHclal ) The churches here have united In holding' open air meetings every Sunday night at the Hygta Park pavilion, where daneo er frequently hold during tho Week. Th' services are largely attended and th pas tors think they have solved th of 'getting the people to attend church during the hot weather. 8lng1ng and knusle la -made one of the feature of th tnUng. ' Johnson Cora Neede Main. , TECUMSEH, Nebl, July 18. (Special.)- ' Corn In Johnson County Is much In used of ' rain. .This Is especially so In the oaa ' of that w hlch was planted late. Killed la a Kxploaloa. , . COLUMBUS. O., July 28. An explosion of : natural khs wrecked the building at 177 North High street today killing two women and seriously Injuring half a dosen men. The dead are Mrs. WUhelmlnk Lewi and1 Mrs. F. A. Grwhl. . Iowa Boy Becomes Middle. ANNAPOLIS. July C8.-R. O. Thorn of. Iowa passed his physical examination for, the-navv today and waa admitted a mid- J shlpinull. V