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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1903)
TnR OMAHA DAILY llEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1P03. 1 COMPANION IS BIT HARD Peoria Pilei Up Twelr Bam bj Simply timing cub DISTILLERS MAKE SIX IN THE SIXTH . Heerke's Mea Hit k Ball Ortea Eaiih Wl am Orafaar? Game, bat This Waa ! Ordlaarr Affair. TEORIA. II)., Julr .-(8paclal Tele gram.) Companion proved an eaay victim thla aftsrnoon In a slug fest held at Lakevtew park, and be fore quite 1,000 spectators hla team went down to defeat by the He ore of IS to 5. It waa a good fame until the flnlah of the sixth Inning, and Companion and Hart were doing a battle royal for supremacy. In the seventh the firat man up reoeived flrat aa a gift and then It waa that the eky waa made lurid by aky-acrapors, to aay nothing of the alnglea that tended only to advance men on baaea. Biz hlta In all were aulTlclent to make , six runs. The eighth waa almost aa disastrous, for three hlta. which were aided by errors by the pitcher and Thomas were sufficient to allow three additional runs. a Manager Rourka occupied a position on the players' bench, but for onca he had no fault to And. The. hlta that came with such t-egularlty wereVf the luckiest nature, and It waa by no means dumb playing that permitted the run-getting of J he locals. On the contrary, the vlsltore hit well, but un fortunately could not bunch them. Dur ing the drat five lnnlnga five hlta obtained singly were equal to as many runs, but In the sixth two amounted to nothing. Aa a rally In the ninth the team looked good considering the great odds against which they had to contend. Companion led oft with a three-bagger and he easily scored on Car ter's single. Genlns reached first on a sin gle and Carter scored on Shugarfs fielder's choice which caught Oenlns. It was Hart's fortunate stop of Miller's high liner that terminated the game or else another score would have been added. PEORIA. a ft A Thell, If 6 I t 1 0 4 Preston, of 112 3 0 0 Lezotte, lb 4 1 J 10 1 0 Wilson, e 6 0 0 $ 0 0 s Stewart, 2b I I S 'S 0 jiariien, so t 1 i l g v Holly, as 4 1 1 0 t 1 Henaler, rf 4 4 t 0 0 0 4 10 0 4 0 Hart, p Totals ,. Carter, rf Genins, cf . Miller. If 11 It 17 U OMAHA. AB. R. H. PO. 4 111 6 0 10 6 0 14 fehugart, to 10 0 1 Welch, lb (119 Thomas, ss 10 0 1 Hlckey, 8b 4 0 0 1 Gondlii;, o 4 0 11 Companion, p 4 I 1 1 A. 1 0 0 1 0 3 2 1 1 E. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Totals 38 6 11 24 11 fMrii o o i o i o t I u Omaha 0 llftlOOOS- Earned runs: Peoria, 7; Omaha, 1. Two- base hits: H easier, Preston, Stewart. Three-baaa hits: Welch, Companion. Home run; lleasler. Sacrifice hits; Pres ton, Carter, Thomas. Stolen bases: Thiel, Preston. Hartiell. Hlckey. Flrat base on balls: Off Hart, 1; off Companion. -4. Struck out: By Hart, 1; by Companion, 1 Um pires: Tlbald and Bcbaf stall. Timet 1:26. Brewers Wf a After Pear Play. baited Ixs Moines today and won, but poor playing In the Held nearly lost the defeated by Boston In tha second game of I bane hits: Bannon (S, Roach, "truck out: Hv torner, . Hubs on alls; Oft lnrner, 7. Hit by tiitcher: Raymer. raaaed ball: Roach. Tune: 1:40.. t'mplre: Mesamer. Dirkani Kails I. Caste. I.OUISVIIXE. July Hl.-After twelve In ning- of emitlng play I'mplre Mullane celled the game on account of darkness. The visitors outbttr-1 the locals, but their fielding was ragged. Attendance, 3,000. Boore: LOUIBVTt,LS. MIXWAt'KFB. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Kartrls. rf....l lit Sra.a7, ...! 1411 0 Ponnhua. 10.1 II f 1 I 1 Wnd. C I 4 1 r t'ntlaub, lb... a 4 I 1 I 0 Hemphill, -f .1 1 4 1 C Dunltarj. II.. .1 4 4 4 4 lioanlar. rl....l till C'Vlox. mi t 1114 eHoredKH, ... 4 14 4 liMullar, a S till the aerie today. Attendance 4.410. Score BOSTON I NEW TOFK. R.H.O.A.B. I R M O A .ft. Cooler, It 4 14 4 rnnnrn, rt....4 4 4 4 0 Tanner. lb...l 114 I lrwmahan, et.l 4 14 4 Stasia?, ct ... 4 11 .'alWaBn. lb.. l 1 I 4 rarnay, rt .. 4 4 14 1n.a, if 4 4 14 1 Marts, 4 Ablarhl. lb 1 4 14 1 orvmlncer. Sol 14 I 1 Aiira. at. ...4 4 110 Willis, 4 1110 Babb. aa 4 14 1 Llr. Ib.. I 1 1 otlrvrt. lb... 4 1 I 1 Rowarman, S.4 1 f 1 Mathavamt. a 4 14 1 iVanhaltraa ..4 4 4 0 4 Total mil Totals I I 17 II I Batted for Lauder In ninth. Boston 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0-6 New York 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 First on errors: Boston 1. Txft on bus: Boston 7. New York 1 Ti.luun hlia: lenney, Uremlnger. Home run: Oremliirer. Bacrtflcs hits: Oremlneer. Willis. Bower- man. Stolen basea: Cooley. Moran. Ab- battlecnlo. First on bails: oft Wlllia 1, off Matnewson s. BtrucK out: By Willis . by Mathewson I. Time: 1:50. Umpire: John- Hart, if l Fra.haar, lb..O Oaa-tll. ef.... Sulllran, lb.. I Srhrlarer, e...l Whlta. lb 1 Qulnlan. aa...l Snhannon, p. 1 McCord, s-f-4 Kacan. p 0 xiWalker ....1 1 11 4 4 Totala .11 11 44 U 4 TAtila 11 trHSR tl BlOnfl. I ,Mmllti -lla mi I V,,n rl. m t-Biiiiea Tint fit la Tenth. xxBatted for Bohannon In ninth Inning. BROOKLYN. July M.-Battlnr honors Louisville 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0-11 were evenly divided between Philadelphia Milwaukee 2 0030040110 0-U and Brooklyn today, but the visitors I Two-base hits: Schrlever. Unslaub. Oan Duncned their hits when an extra limine ley. Three-bnse hits: Sullivan. Uuinlsn was necessary and won the game, scoring I Home runs: Hart, IJunlcavy. Stolen buses: nve runs on as many hlta and Damen s ungiauo, Duiueavy, Hemphill, wood. rumme or wolverton s arounder. Duggleuy linisnear. lilt ty pitolmd r.all: By i?o relieved Mitchell in tha ela-hth Innina and hannon. 2: bv Meredith. . Bases on balls: Oleaaon was put out of the game in the I Off Bohannon 8; off McCord. 1; off More- sixtn. Attendance 2,860. Bcore: PHILADELPHIA. BROOKLYN. R. H O A.B.I R.H.Ot . Tbomaa. rf ...I 110 e Strana. Ib....l I 1 I 1 Olraaon, 2b. .1 tit 4 Sharkard. It... I 1141 Mailman, lb .0 14 1 0 Uobba, c( I 114 4 Wnlr.rton. lb I 4 14 4 Doyla, lb 1 111 0 0 naiaiar, n....o lis 0 Dahlao, at l l l a l Parry. K 1 I 4 4 O McCraarr. rf. O 1 1 0 1 th(la, lb. 1 4 11 0 " Flood, lb I 1114 Huliwitt, aa...l 114 0 Jordan, lb.. ...4 4 114 tooln. e 1 14 4 o;Jarklltach, C..1 till Mltrnall, s.,.1 1 GarTln. 0 4 4 1 4 4 0 4 4 dlth. 1. Struck out: Fy Bohsnnon, 2; by Mcuora, l; by MereOltn, ; ty Muuer. 1. Houblo play: Odwell to Brashcar. Left on bases: Louisville, 7; Milwaukee, . Time: 2:35. Umpire: Mullane. Toledo Ontplaya Oles. TOLEDO. July M Toledo outbatted and outplayed Minneapolis today, although the visitoia were at all times dangerous. At tendance. 1.800. Score: M1NNBAPOUS K.H.O A B. Salllran. cf...O 114 4 Sporar, lb 0 4 11 4 Laiiy, ii a a K Smith, rf..l 14 1 TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.B W. Smith, rt.l 1 I 0 4 Owena, aa 1 4 111 Bl'krnahlp, If.l 14 4 4 Turner, lb....l 114 0 Barnard, Yf...l I I 0 0 .1114 0 Oylar. aa 1 1 I 1 aUlutyra, lb..l III Martin, lb....l III Yaar, 4 111 Jllmmal, p. ...4 1 4 1 Totals I llxlS U 1 Dugflabr, p...l lie OiUaaalar Total IS II 10 II 0 Totals 10 U 10 II I xBatted for Garvin In tenth. Philadelphia 0 11006001 6-16 Brooklyn 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 W Kiatoow. e. Two-base hits: Oleaeon, Klester, Shock- C1V;D- ": 2 ! J f tA ij, . a.. v, i.i,.. 1 Rriallng, lb...ft 4 4 1 ( v.r"'A'L"VAV-. t'hiids. ib 1 i 4 1 1 nuinwiu, u'ii, mrvreary. oiQien dhrcs; n , a , . ton, Loolny Left on bases: Philadelphia 4, I Toiali 11 17 7 . " ' L7, . une out when winning run scored. Flrsj on balls: Off Mitchell 4,off DuWleby SneaBOY," 0 1 0 1 2 0 28 1. Sacrifice hit: Hallman. Hit by pitched Minneapolis . 0 0 0 1 Oil 0 2- balls: By Garvin 1, by Mitchell 1. Struck Three-base hits: Chtlde . Mclntyre, E. out: Bv Garvin . hv Mitrhein. bv Tiur. Smith. Home run: Klelnow. Bases on gleby 2. Time: 2:25. Umpire: Emails. bflls:, Coughlln. 2; off Stlmmol, 4. Staadlagt ef the Teams. 1 1. stolen bases: Klelnow (2), Bernard, Played. Won. Lost P.C: I Chllds, Ulankenshlp. Left on baBes: To- be Zs .n7 woo, o; Minneapolis, I. wiuuio pinr . M a r,m Owens to Turner. Hit bv pitched ball: 47 24 ,bho Yeager. Sacrifice hits: Owens, Coughlln, 44 42 .612 Mclntyre, Sullivan. Time: 2M. Umpire: 40 4t JW Cunningham. fl Ijl 'ail Indianapolis Ends on Top, 27 67 .421 INDIANAPOLIS. July 28. Indianapolis -i v, Vn.u. Tkn. I won the ooenlna same or the home scries delphia at Brooklyn; St. Louis at Chicago; tdy. It waa a pitchers' battle until the PittBbura- at Cincinnati. eighth Inning, when the home team bunched' hits ana took the leau. Attena OE POINTER CLIPS TIME Ee daces Hii Eeoord to 2:05 1-2, Thui Be coming; Fasteit of Sira'i Sons. MANY WAGERS MADE AT CLEVELAND Vigilant Officers Fall to Prevent Bet- ting, Tbongh No Arrests Are Made for Infraction of Law. J CLEVELAND, July 28-In spite of the vigilance of the officers placed at the Glen- vllle track by Mayor Goff handbooks were operated this afternoon and many wagers were made, the bookmakers passing out to their patrons small blue tickets. No ar rests were made, as the work was done quietly and without the sanction of the association. The sport was of the best, fast time being made In all of the events and close finishes being the order In three of the events. The first race, the 2:14 trot, went to Billy Buck without much effort, the gelding apparently outclassing his field. In the 2:23 race Elas tic Pointer won without difficulty, although he was forced to reduce his record from 10 to 2:06H. Fanforan proved tho best of a field -of twelve In the 2:17 trot, taking the second and third heats, the first being won by Bernalda. Joe Pointer had the speed of the :0t pacers and reduced his record to 2:06H. thus making him the fastest son of ths champion pacer, Star Pointer. Results: 2:14 trot, nurse 12.000: Billy Buck, b. g ., by Saint Clair (Geers).l 1 Norrle, b. g. TO. Shank) 8 2 Joymaker, b. h. (McCoy) 2 3 Alfred Star, b. h. (Barngrove) 4 6 Black Lady, blk m. (Loomls) t 4 rime: 2:13, z:llV4. 2:23 Dace, nurse. 42.000: Elastic Pointer, b. h., by Brown Hal Pittsburg Chicago ... New York Cincinnati Brooklyn . lostnn ... St. Louis . Philadelphia 84 ... 89 ... 81 ... M ... 8d ... 84 ... 84 GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE ance, H3I. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. , K.H.O. A.B.I KANSAS CITT. K.H.O.A.B. Bean Eaters Bant Oat New York, Thanks to Twlrllngr of Hofhei, Hoirtarer, rt.l 0 4 0 Jonea. if 1 1 I 0 Coulter. cf....l I 1 4 Klhm, lb 1 1 10 0 Heydon. c 0 111 Tamaett, 3b... 4 1 1 1 Marcan, aa. ...0 0 4 7 v-n th n 1 01 BOSTON. July 28. Boston scored another Kailum. n....i ion snui out loaay against xxew iora. xiugnes 1 - nltohad maatarlv ball. Attendance 1.1UU. 1 Totals 7 13 11 13 1 loiaia 1 in 1 1 Score; I Indianapolis 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 7 ORothtuaa, cf. O 1 1 o'Oear. rf 0 4 1 1 Nanca, lb 0 0 I U Grady, lb 4 4 I OLcwaa, aa 4 4 0 0 Knoll, If 0 I I 0 butler, c 1 1 II OMi Andrawa, Ibt) 4 4 U:Uibaon, p 0 4 4 BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B Douiharty, If.l 1 I I I Colllna. lb .. 1 114 0 O'Brtan, cf.,,.4 4 110 rraamaa, rf..O 4 4 4 (J Parent, aa....O 1 4 6 LaChaar. lb. 4 4 10 4 i Farrla, b I 4 4 1 Crlcer. o.....l 1 I 4 Hughaa, S....4 I 4 0 i NEW YORK. I ivansas city U 1 U v V U u u v i R.H.O.A.B. Bases on bal s: Bv Keilum. 8: by Ulb- Kealar. rt 0 Oil 0 son. 3. Struck out: Bv Keilum. 7: by Gib- ' inn. in nit hv n trhpr: tilDaon. l. Two- bale hits: coulter, Keuum. i nree-Dase hits: Klhm. Kothfusa. Sacrlllce hits: Tamsett, Marcan. Double plays: Marcan to Kihm, McAuurews to in ance to uraay. Stolen bases: Tamsett, Knoll. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 12; Kansas City, 7. Time: 2:06. Umpire; Foreman. Standing; of th Teams, Elbarfeld. aa. .0 foamy, lb 4 Wllllama, lb.4 Tannahlll, II..0 McFarland, ct.O Janial, lk.. ..4 aeyllla, e 4 HlSth, 0 4 111 14 10 0 14 0 4 14 0 14 14 4 14 0 0 4 4 4 gameA Attendance BOO. . Bcore: R.H.E. Total I t 17 11 ' I Total I I 14 14 I Boston 1 0100010 3 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Collins. Three-base hit: Milwaukee Parent. Home run: Crle-er. Stolen bases: I St. Paul Colllna. O'Brien. Doubla nlavs: Ferris. I Indiana Dolls Parent to LaChance, Parent to LaChanco, I Kansas City iveeier to tseviiie. first on Dans; un louisvuie . Orimth 1, off Hughes I. Struck out: By Minneapolis liugues z, by Griffith 2. Time: 1:1U. um- I col umbos pire: unenaan. I Toieao Washington Scares Phillies. Milwaukee 0 14 0 f 0 , U I Ues Mulnes 0 0 J M. 5 V ,frt. t i Battertes, Milwaukee, Kenna and Lucia; Lies Moines, Barry and Marshall. Denver Defeats Kaaaas City. KANSAS CITT. July .Jt-Hess was hit hard in the fifth and sixth innings and his support was ragged. Attendance '.W. Bcor! B H til Uenver 1 ft I 1 X lg 14 t Kansas Clty...O 0 1 0 1 I 1 -1 13 4 Batteries: Kansas City, Hess and Mos sltt; Whltrldge and Ulrlch. MlUtonalrea Dona It. Josh ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. . July Mi Colorado Springs touched up Glad for thirteen bits today and won. Score; Col. Springs.. .3 0 0 8 I I 4 t-ll 13 3 bt. Joseph ....4 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 0-1U 13 6 Batteries: Colorado Springs, Newmeyer and Staruagle; Bt, Joseph, Glade and Mo Connell. Standlac at the Teams. , Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Colorado Springs .. 7S M g .41 , .. IB w zv .aia .-.. 75 38 Vt .617 ... V U t .491 ...Tf .37 40 .4S1 ,.. n 8 44 .4M ... IS . 35 43 .449 ... 73 II 47 .3V7 lam trwlBv: Omaha at Peoria: Denver at Kansaa City; Colorado Springs at Bt. Joseph; .Pes Moines at Milwaukee. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati Tu Tables, Teaching Vp Pbtlllppt foe Sixteen Bits and Ten Rana, CINCTNNATI. July Jl-Clnolnnatl easily k third a-nma of the series from Pittsburg today. Phllllppl, who has always been a puxsle for Cincinnati was touched UO tor Sixteen UU, jauaaniuai, a.wv. Bcore: CINCINNATI. "I "TT4BIF.0 R.H.O.A.B. I m.H.OTA.t DonllB, If.... I I I 4 4 Boaitsjont, at .4 1 1 4 Sryinour, 0I..1 4 14 4 Hoflaiaa, tt..f 4 4 4 lolan. rt 1 114 SSabrlBC, . M...1 114 Ba.kiay. lb...l 114 oWasnar. aa....4 114 1 .. ',,", i .k 1 a 1 a RranaSalS. lb.4 4 4 11 ororaa. SB.. I I 1 t 1 Laacb. 4b..... I 1 1 1 1 Kallay. lb....l I 4 4 4 KlU-bay. lb...l 114 4 b.rsW, 4 t 14 IKram, U....1 1 1 1 4 MahaTl 1 14 1 4 muti. t 4 1 I I 4 ' . Phlllipfl. ! 1114 Totala ;....14 14!7 4 1 XH.aaBad 14 4 4 I Totals 4 4 14 14 I xBatted for PhilUppI In ninth. rinninnaU 0.1 I I 1-1 1 ?- Games todav: Kansaa City at Indian- i ; .. . uil....,l .. I 1 ill a. ttttr.inifT tuii t.,i- ti. I """ - f-"""""""' 1n.rr,n ik. h.,.i.i . i .vu.w.1 - scare in tn nintn inning and it took an extra inning for the home team to win. Henley relieved Plank after Washington tied the score in the ninth inning. At tendance 4,a. score: NEW YORK. July 28. A meeting of the Dreeidents of base ball leagues to consider Mccormick Ibl 111 o la national agreement was neiu loaay. neu Kittradga. c. .0 14 4 u I ry Harris of San Francisco and J. F. Mor Paitau, p 0 I I I 1 1 ley of Los Angeles, representing the Cail- I lurnla association; Jr. J. nicaey or tne Totals I 11x11 II I American association and Harry Fulllum I nf ho Naltunul Inn una vhfh flmnns IhnaA " ui wnen winnins run scorea. i Dresent. Phlladelnhla oooooaooo ia 1 M. H. Sexton of Colorado Springs, presl Washington 010000002 08 dent of the w astern league, came into tne Twn-hn,. hit.- P.n.n p,..kM. u hotel just before the meeting began and Cormlck. Three-baae hit! Powers, "stolen went into conference with the others. It base: Pickering. Left on bases: Wuhin 's understood the minor league. will demand ton, 6; Philadelphia. 5. Double plays: L. th reserve rule shun be enforced. Milwaukee St. Joseph ... Kansas City lienver orta s, Ues Molnos umana llttsbuig .i-. 0tos-s Three-base hit: Wagner. Home run: Bey. mour. Stolen bases: Seymour, Dolun, Sac rifice hit: Corcoran. Double plai; Kelletr and Beckley. Basoa on balls: Off Hahn, L "ruck out! By Haiin, 1: by Phllllppl. I. Left on basos; Clnclnnntl. 1; Pittsburg. I. Time; i:0. ympire: v iay. . Microbes Play ' Saints mnmnn iulv 2S. The locals batted O'Neill all over the field In the five innings he nltrhed today, stole bases at will and ous ulsolays. Attendance, l,3u. Soere: 1 I I r itiuotea, iiiv s v v I I I I 4i4ioa4. of.... 4 4 14 Ills u!ura'.. IB 4 III 4 111 f Harrier. If.... 1 4 10 0 Bursa, aa ....- a 114 lb... I tilt 0 4 1 0 J. u, ...B i a 111 1 at. O'Nall, 1 411 1 t 1 4 browa, f 1 14 4 ous tnlsplays. K.H.O.A.B .. . R..HO.A.B siaala. M 1 1 4 4 4 rarr.ll. IB... B I a i ib.::::i i i i'u. n, i (hauc, lb. Jonaa, at. .. tnra lb... Harta, rt 4 Kilns. 0 1 Raub. B 4 Ttnaar. aa ...1 Tailor, s 4 ..."silif MI I Totals t llU) Chicago . i !? lr ki iJTuib o n n i w Left on baaea: - Chicago l. St. Louis 7. T hi E double t hv O'Neill S. by Brown 1. Base on balls: Off Taylor 1. -off O'Neill L- Time 14U. Uatiplre; atoran. Mew York, Dowsti hy Boston. NEW TORlC July M.-Inabllty to bit Willis was tae cause of New Hern seiug wo-base hits: jonea a. Rimi. f Chance. Stolen oases: Biarie. iuiy, vers. Chance, Burke, J. O'Neill.' Brown. plays: Kvers lo wnanca. larrau, u..k,ti. Miruca out: tr isyior Played. Won. Lost. P.C. .... M .... M .... 85 .... 73 ..-85 ..r?8i .... 85 .... S3 63 2 Mi 56 31 .640 45 40 .029 3D it .cW 42 . 43 .491 U 4a .424 84 61 .4-10 31 63 .374 PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. Plckarlns, ef..l 1 1 10 Skraek. lb.. ..4 4 L. Croaa, 10...1 1 Saybold, rf....4 1 Hoffman, lt.,,1 1 Murany. JB...9 l M. Croaa, aa..O 1 Powara, 0 1 I Plank, p 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 4 Hanlay, p 4 4 4 4 1 Totals 4 4 M 14 WABHINOTON. H.U.O.A.B. Moran, aa 0 1111 Ryan, of......O 1 1 I o Clarka. lb....O 1 14 1 1 Halbach. It.. ..4 114 0 rf 1 114 1 CoushllB, lb. .1 1 1 4 4 BALL PACT JS DISCUSSED League Presidents Meet la New York and Talk of National Agreement. '.'' iv v.i uh , rinna io enreck; M. " . . ... ....... - Cross to Murphy to 8hreck; Moran to wcek ne Bal1 n" matter what agreement Clarke. First on Utile: Off Plank. 1; oft waa formulated the American league would Henley, 1. Struck out: By Plank l' bv stand by the contracts made with their pire: Haasett Cleveland Tnkes an Eaay One ST. LOUIS. July 2. Cleveland won tha players of the older league to desert or nal glrne of the 71 wlfh St Louil '8n contract, with it In the NaUonal Most of the contracts run from two to three years, that being the only way that the American league could get the atar afternoon with ease. Cleveland aiS league the contracts. In most cases, only some neavy buck work wniie Bt. Louis "'V. K ' j . ; ,u ... nnniH not hit Uimr. .rr.nfiu.iu ii , .. Barney Dreyfus, president of the Pitts uamng waa me leature. Auenoance, l.oou, I .1 r " . , v. Bcore; talk with President Powers. He said he was In the city on private business and had nothing to do with the meeting. The conference adjourned at 2:30, when Mr. Pulllam sid he and Mr. Powers had met as a committee and invited the others to meet them. No plan was mapped out. Another session win do neia tomorrow, Score CLEVELAND. I BT. LOUIS. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.n Bay, of 1 114 0 Burkatt. W....0 4 4 4 0 Braolay. lb.. ..I 4 1 Lajola. lb. I I Hickman, 10. .1 1 io McCarthy, If . 4 I 4 nick, rt 1 1 4 Ooehnauar, sa-1 4 1 Bamla, a I I I Moors, p 1 I I 1 4 4 4 1 0 0 4 01 4 t 4 l I t Martin, rt 1 14 10 r rial. 1 I 1 o I Aadaraon, lb.. 4 1 11 1 0 wauaca, aa...o 0 I I I H.mphlll, of. .4 4 4 1 0 sugoan, a 4 4 7 1 II Hill. lb. 1 14 11 rowan, p 0 1 4 4 II ToUla II U 17 II Cleveland Bt. Louis Earned runs Two-base hit , -.. ... . J ..... I n UlnL.MM 1.1. . loy i o , wu uii, jiivniiimii, oaui nit:, iiiua. Lajole, Moore, Flick. Double plays: Martin BleCook and Arapahoe Tie, ARAPAHOE. Neb.. JOly JS.-CSDeolat Tel egram.) mci.ook ana Arupanuo piayea U 17 II ,1 Total. a a n it s egram.i mci.ook ana Arupunwi piayeu a 10 10 O S 0 1 alio tie here today. Score. R.H.H1. 00061401 tl 1 McCook 1 00010010-363 Tv?.,ii iVfLJ.i.. Arapaho 00010000 01 4 3 ""Hm: ?..,-baW hits: Brad- ,Threbf hltL fAto1,Bft,,r,": MtZ ridge, Schopp and Bender; Beltter and r-atton. rttrui'K out: cy Aitnuge I, o i. bv and Sugden; Gocbnauer, Lajoie and Hick- Bchopp 1 by Beltter 7. Base on balls: Oft man. Stolen base: Bay. Bases on balls: Altrldgo 3, off Beltxer 1. Qame called to Off Moore, 1; off Poweil.l. Struck out: By let visiting team catch a train. Arapahou Moore, 3; by Powell, I. I.eft on bases: Bt- played an entire home team, every player Liouis, a; cieveiana, a. lime; i.ii empire: I n"i " aiiuu5, i.mpuo. wnu t i- Connoiiy. lersuu. rosipenea wames At retrolt Chlcsgo-Detrolt gams Dost- poneo, wet grounus. Standing; ef Ihe Teasas. Fllger Wins Hot Gasae. Boston 83 Philadelphia 84 Cleveland 83 Played. Won. Lost P.C. Detroit 8 New York 71 Chicago 80 St. Louis si oa, .Aiij Washington 13 27 65 .8) namra todav: St. Louis at Detroit! Wash Ingiou at Philadelphia; New York at Bus ton. . 65 44 4rt 37 34 44 27 28 34 3 40 44 64 65 ' PILOER. Neb.. July 28. (Special Tele gram.) The Wayne Normal ball team was defeated by the locals In tha prettiest game ever clayed In Pllger. It took ten inninss C3 I to decide the contest and both sides Dlaved !) good Dan. Attenuance, auu. tscore: Pilger 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 l- Dli Wavna 0 0 ft 0 i It 0 t fi n A .45(1 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Darner Pitehes Flae Ball, Almost Wymore nine at Wymore Bunday after- noon, Wymore winning by a score of 8 to 7. ghattlag St. Paal IJust before the game was called the grand Earned runs: Pllajer. 4: Wayne. 3. Threa tens hit: Pilger. Two-base hits: Pilger, 4; Wayne, x. BtrucK out: Hy BucKlin, 9; by O'Keefe, 6. Batteries: Pilger, Burklln and Fcllman; Wayne, O Klefe and Bar fa. Tims Wymore Detents Hnveloek. BEATRICE. Neb.. July 28. (SDeclaH The Haveloik base ball team played the Oat. COLUMBVB, July . Dorner, who was a-iir,1 from Cleveland. Ditched hla first game for Columbus today, and but for l lineman S unu mruw u iiiai in iiiv eiKiiin, Inning would nave sum uui di. raui. iing man piayeo a uriumin neiuing game, now ever. Alirnuanct, a,o. otuii, COLl'MBl'S. i ST. PAUU R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B Marriaaar. lt. l 4 14 IO.Ur, lb. 4 4 14 4 Cllnamaa. aa. 1 114 liShannao, ct...4 14 4 Arndt. rt 1 t I 4 Jarka..a. rt....4 4 11 Rarniar, lb.... I 1 4 4 0 Sx-haaSar, aa. 4 4 11 Haanoa. ol... l I I j 4 Huaflaa. lb. .4 111 Mailor lb 1 114 41Plounior, II..1 4 16 Waaaar. lb. ..I I 1 I BWbiar. Ib... I 14 4 goacl, a. I I 7 4 Oijiaroa. lb 1 4 I 1 Iwrsar, P 4 14 4 o,ulilvan. a... .4 1 4 I jyariuaoa. p. ..4 4 11 Total U 17 14 Ij Columbus St. Paul.. Stoles Teuls I 4 14 14 4 6 1 6 0 0 X 1 0 .4... 4000000142 Arndt (2), Cllngman. Two- OHEtimw -Kln a U Batilso l4fis Mlfdssl riots SesasM nnrstt sett ssality. erflar svean ss. aay a.enapnny. nd stand collapsed, but fortunately no one was injured. The Beatrice creamery company team plays tne w ymore aggregation nex Bunuay . Big Crew at Ball Game. LEXINGTON. Neb.. July 28 (Soeclal Telegram.) An exciting game or ball wh Kla Silver Ash Jeam of Holdrege and the WIl Tlraert n ne of Ondcn. The score stood to I In favor of the Ogden club. Two thou sand spectators witnessed the game. Arlington Saute Ont Eagles. ARLINGTON. Neb.. July 28. (Sueclal.l Atllngton shut out the Fremont Eagles here Sunday by a score or z to u in one or the fastest games of ball seen on the home grounds this season. The feature waa the fielding and hitting of Arlington. Bntterlea: Ar Una-ton. B. Kaos and Brown: Fremont. Ackiy and M lumen. Games la Three-! Leagne. At Springfield Springfield. 3; Rock ford At BlovmlngtOii Bloonungton, 2; 1U buque, 0. At 1 - 1 ur imar napins. is: iiecatur. At Ruck Island Rock Island, i; Daven port, 3. Cortland Defeats Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. July 28 (Soeclal.) The Beatrice and Cortland ball teams played an Interesting gume of ball at Cort land Stturrtay af trrnoun, which resulted In a victory fur the latter team bv a score af IIWl (Hussevi 1 t Hal Chaflin, b. h. (Qeers) 3 2 Msry Anna, D. m tsnowi 2 8 Harry D., b. g. (McKwen).i, 4 4 Fred H., b. g. fHudBun) 5 6 Ella Hal. b. ni. (Uallh) 4 Miss Ucorgle. b. m. (Frlcel dia Major Will son, b. g. (Bogash) Uis lime: z:utft. z:Ub. 2:17 trot, nurse 11.000: Fanforan, b. m., by Tommy Brltton (FullatiKer) ail Bernalda, blk. m. (Kenney) 1 11 I The General, ch. a. (Nuekols) 2 2 Prince Ureenlander, b. g. I Davis) 11 6 2 Miiiaru banners, g. g. (Merrineld).... 8 3 3 Hleboy, b. g. (Htunbrough).,. 4 4 8 Dillon Boy, b. h. (Hudson; 8 6 4 Direct View, b. m. (Walker) 6 7 11 Nlcolette. b. m. (Fisher) 6 8 7 Im r en ton. br. sr. (Dodd) 10 8 10 tlma O.. blk. m. (Hussey) U 12 4 Berkshire Chimes, br. h. (Barngrove) 7 lu ds Time: 2:1, 2:12, 2:11H. 2:u9 cace. nurse 81.600: Joe Pointer, b. h., by Star Pointer (Mc- cieary) 2 2 Allerson, gr. h. (Fulluger) 2 2 ufreet, blk. m. (Eckers) 5 3 'ubanola. blk. h. (Ureer) 3 K Blrdina, b. m. (Davis) 4 4 Mustard, b. m. (Keyes) 8 6 Rosebud, ch. m. (Nuekols) 7 6 Lady Allright, ch. m. (Murphy) 6 7 Schley Pointer, b. h. (UaliUer) U da Kelley Brlggs, br. g. (Bunch) da Time: x:u, 2:06 2:16 Dace. Durse 11.000: Ebony - King, blK. g., by Atlantio King (Bogash) 4 1 I Klngmore, t. h. (Reaves) 13 4 Hal Patron, br. h. (Mcuray) 2 8 2 Lord Gentry, b. h. (Haws).. 3 2 5 jonn w. Batteraun, ch. g. (Davis).... 5 0 3 Hubert D b. g. ( Welling) 8 6 7 Dacy, b. g. (Kuhager) 7 6 6 Little Sphinx, b. m. (Wilson) 10 4 ds unston. r. g. isnow) 6 7 ar Wueen of Spades, blk. m. (Nuekols). 8 ds xime: :.u, 2:nvk, .ivvt. Accident Mars Saugrns Baces. 8ATJGUS. Mass.. July 28. Tho first seri ous accident at Old Saugus since the open ing of the two weeks' race meet came this afternoon, when the trotter J.rX. tell in the tretcn in the i.i trot and his driver. Wil liam Duntly, was badiyJD;uryd, , .Results: i.n ciaBs, pacing, purse juo: jessie tl. won, Darius sucond, Katherme third. Best time: 2:i24 in seventh heat. z:i)0 class, pacing, purse 11. W0: Johnny Wiseman won second, third and fourln heats and race. The Judge won the ft rue heat and second money. Young Bayard third. Best time: 2:134 In second heat. 2:2a class, trotting, purse touo: Grade Kellar won In three straight heats, Jessie C. second, Kittle Wilkes .tnird. Best time; isv 2:1s class, pacing, purse 3500: Nancy Al len won the third, Iltih and sixth heata and race, i.iitn May won tne first and fourth heata and second money. Bunker Hill won he second heat and third money. Best time: 2:12 In third heat. EVENTS ON RUNNING 'TRACKS Two Heads, Nose and a Neck Alone Separate Five Chicago Uorsea. CHICAGO, July 28 Two heads, a nose and a neck was all that separated Ave of a field of Blx in the mile handicap at Huw- tnorne today, it was a desperate struggle from the head of the stretch home, and not until the Judges hung out the number was It known how the horses finished. Results: First, five furlongs: Reaulmls won. H. Lyons second, Apolllnarls third. Time: 1:02. Second, six furlonss: Svlvla Talbot won. L'Etrenne second, Mary MuCafferty third. Time: l:12fc- Third, mile: Brulare won. Ahola second. The Giver third. Time: 1:41. Fourth, mile and a half: Hayward Hun ter won, Our Bessie second, Barca third. Time: 2:07. Fifth, rive furlonss: Touchstone won: Salto second, Cognomen third. Time: 1:01V. sixth, mile and a quarter: f ading Light . ... U-In 1 l. u u . . . I If,,- L J .... I third. Time: 2:07. NEW YORK. July 28. Drvlnatlon. In the first race, broke the track record for five and a half furlongs by covering the dis tance In 1:07. The best previous time was l:o8V. Results: Hirst, nve and a half furlongs: Divina tion won, Thistle Heather second, Petunia third. Time: 1:07. Second, mile and seventy yards: Osguod won, Ringdove second. Albany Girl third. Time: 1:47. Third, the Greenfield stakes, five and a half furlongs: Ishlnna won, Agnes Bren nan second, Short Cake third. Time: 1:08. Fourth, mile and a sixteenth: April- shower won, G. Whit tier second, Daisy Green third. Time: 1:47. Fifth, six furlonus: Byrlln won. Our Nusr- gott second, Choate third. Time: 1:14. Sixth, mile and seventy yards: Mabel Richardson won, Thoughtless second, Tie Dancer third. Time: 1:47. BT. LOUIB, July ZS. Results: First, four and a half furlongs: Foot lights Favorite won,' Caryota seound. Our L.I1I1S third. Time: :oe. Second, mile and an eighth: Ida Pen sance won. Little Lois second, Ths Fiddler third. Time; l:bott. Third, six and a holf furlongs: Weird won. Northern Spy second, Mollis T. third, Time: 1:22. Fourth, six furlongs: Forehand won Rarnland second, lmboden third. Time 1:15. Fifth, seven furlongs: Montana peeress won. Ivernia second, llobart third. Time I:- . . . . Sixth, mils and an eighth: Tony Lepplng won, Lassa, second, Morris Volnier third. Time: 1:66. . BUFFALO, July 28 Results: First, six and a half furlongs: June Col 11ns won, Samle Mack second, Michaelmas third. Time: 1:224. Second, five and a half furlongs: Bcarfel won. Marshal Ney second, Handmore third. Time: 1:07. Third, six furlongs: Albula won, Karl Kahler second, lcewater third. Time: 1.13W. Fourth, mill and a sixteenth: Scortia wen, fcVHtl.aiyer second, TraJula third. Time: 1:47. Fifth, six furlongs: Tenneaseao won Zarkee second, Dick Ripley third. Time: Ills'... Sixth, steeplechase, handicap, mile and three-quarters: Tummy nut won, Blggun second, cubanlte tniro. lime: tL The National Smoke '.SSIk ;f Z 5 Cent Cigar I J 4' Tho eooke that's lovsxi from one cad of the country to th other. 'v 'tl- The Ltvrgest Selling Brand of Cigars l?f ('i.'' ' - t in the World Thm BaxW Is) thm SmeitBr Frmtmcttmn. ; ! 11 111 n.; 111 .", T ,v Geed Raring Card at Fremont. FREMONT. Neb., July 28.-(Bpeclal )- Races to be held on the track of the r re mont Driving club on August 12, 13 and 14 promise to be as good ss any ever held In previous years. The Hat of entries Is large and fast. The Fowlers snd the Omaha Ju niors will play baseball every day of the races, ins entries lor tne races srs: 2.86 Dace: 1-ady Miller, ch. m.. Sir Nor mar.dy. K. C. Miller. York. Neb.; The Relx-I, r. h.. Alacarmo. R. D. Wall. Fremont. Neb Slycorn, s. b., Judge Rue, 11. K. Wlede- meyer. Marysvlllr. Kan.: Ontolus, b h., r'actoius. w. A. wens. uavia city. Neb. Hscea. ch. m . Journalist, R. P. Davidson St. Joe, Mo.; Ted Brunswick, b. s. Colon Medium, R. A. Tsmplstoo, 'Takamah, Neb.; F.chore, ch. g., Rechore, F. B. Dupree. Greeley, Colo.; Silk Rags. ch. h., Cleg Right, John Harrison, indlanola. Neb.; Joe Gales, br. g., Equator, F. J. Tufts. St. Paul, Minn.; Sunny Slope, b. m., Hanpy Heir, Akley & Shire, Kansas City, Mo.; Black Real, blk. m., Roy Wood, Zack Ransdell, Topeka, Kan. 2:17 pace: Slur Oneida, Jr., blk. h , Star Onleda, C. J. Grunke, Fremont, Neb.; Ail aboard, b. h., Allmoneer, F. J. Tufts, St. Paul, Minn.; Yankee Boy, g. g.. Behlo, F. J. Tufts, St. Paul, Minn.; Jessie M., b. m., Norval Chief, Fred Robare. Beatrice, Neb.; Harry Evans, b. g.. General Evans, Lee Coptello, Council Grove, Kan. Three-year-old 2:40 trot: Fern W., ch. m., Louis Wilkes, G. G. Wllllama. Syra cuse, Neb.; Wllmore, ch. h., ThW Con queror, M. J. Brown, Osceola, Neb.; Drift Allerton, blk. h., Allerton, C. S. Rex, Cres ton, la.; King Airy, b. h., Norval King, Fred J. Tufts. St. Paul, Minn.: Wilbar. br. h., Escobar. H. D. Bennett, Lincoln, Neb. ; Bobby Goodln. McRoberts, H. H. Smith. Ar mour, 8. D.; Bell McGregor, McRoberts, H. H. Smith, Armour, 8. D. 2:22 pace: Fred H., br. g., Omaha, G. F. Heine. Hooper. Neb.; Bentell, br. g., Un traced, Willis Beesley, Syracuse. Neb.; An awlll, b. m., Andersonlan. R. W. Lowrey, Lincoln, Neb.; Honryette, b. m., Hugh Pat ten, H. Cornea. St. Joseph, Mo.; Ted Bruns wick, b. s., Union Medium, R. A. Tern pleton, Jr.. Teknmah, Neb.; Echore, ch. g, Rechore. F. B. Dupree, Gree'.ey, Colo.; Silk Rags, ch. h.. Cleg Right. John Harrison, Indlanola, Neb.; Allaboard, b. h., Allmon eer, Fred J. Tufts, Bt. Paul, Minn; Yankee Roy,- g. g., Behlo, Fred J. Tufts, St. Paul, Minn.; Samitndie. ch. a.. Senlcoltn, H. D. Bennett. Lincoln, Neb.; Mack Boy, b. h., McRoberts, H. H. Bmlth. Armour, 8. D.i Riley C g. h., Happy Riley, J. K. Strohm. Aurora. Neb. 2:30 trot: Reliance, b. b., L. P. "South worth, Ravenna, Neb.; Red Van, b. h., Ida van. F. A. Hart, Lincoln, Neb.; Drlftaway, b. h.. Red Baron, C. S. Rex, Creston. Ia.; Happy Secret, b. m., Happy Heir, J. J. Gardiner, St. Joseph, Mo.; Model Monarch, b. s.. Almonnrch. Fred J. Tufts. St. Paul. Minn.; Dalxy D. br. m., Garrett L Fred. J. Tufts, St. Paul. Minn.; Vixen, b. riV? faetoiuH, j. B. f ltxslmmona, Creston, la.; So So Mack, McRoberts, H. H. Smith, Ar mour. 8. D. 2:45 trot: Robert the Devil, b. g., Wawan. R. S. Brownell, Morse Bluffs, Neb.; Geralnt, ch. h., Onward. W. T. Brown. Fremont, Neb.: Miss Lockheart. b. m.. Pavton T.oek- heart, R. L. Newton, Lincoln, Nrb. ; Huppy Maud. b. m.. Happy Heir, A. Romv, 81. Jo seph, Mo.; Cleo M. ch. in., Hondoras. R. P. Davidson, Bt. Joseph. Mo.; Maggie McNeil., b. m., Bertwood. P. H. Cavanaugh, Vlrdl gree, Neb.; Model Monarch, b. h., Almon arch. Fred J. Tufts, Bt. Paul. Minn.; Daisy U., br. m , uarrett I... Fred J. Turts, St. Paul, Minn.; Messerlan, b. s., Superinten dent. H. D. Bennett, Lincoln. Neb.; Red Leaf. b. m.. King Harold, Zack Ransdell, Topeka, Kan.; Minnie Wllks, c. m.. Honor, R. C. Condrey, Topeka. Kan.; Milton Mack, b. h., Aravon K.. J. B. Fltaslmmons, Cres ton; la.; King Tolus, b. h., Pactolus, C. H. Aldrlch, David City, Neb. 2:25 trot: Ensor. ch. h.. Geralnt. W. T. Brown, Fremont, Nob.; Lillle B., b. m.. Tho Conqueror, M.J. Brown, Osceola, Neb.: Izettea. b. m., Pactolus, C. Haldrlch, David City. Neb. SOLDIERS' FIELD DAY CONTESTS Scores Ikon Good Work All Along the Line at Nebraska Posts, 1 The results cf ths field dav exercises at tne military posts In Nebraska as an nounced In general orders No. 23. Denart Inent of the Missouri, are highly credita ble to the participants as will be observed Fort Cook Hurdle race. 120 yards. Cor poral George M. Bessmer, Company K, Twenty-second Infantry. IS seconds. Fort Niobrara Sergeant Daniel C. Dono van, HoHiiital Corps, 19 2-6 seconds. Fort Niobrara 100-yard dash. Artificer William Smith, Company I, Twenty-fifth iniitniry. 11 0-0 sei-onus. Fort Robinson Private Dolohua Mack. Troop 1, Tenth cavalry, 10 3-6 seconds. H .... , unhiimnn iinM a vo r a VII , rym Private. Loud, Troop I, Tenth' Cavalry, 31 seconds. Fort Crook Running hlsh lump. Cornoral Sol 8. Foster, Company K, Twenty-second Infantry, 4 feet, 10 inches. Fort Crook Runnlna broad lums. Corno ral George W. Smith. Company K, Twenty- second jniantry, IK reel, a incnes. Fort Robinson Private Dolphus Mack Troon I. Tenth Cavalry. 1 feet. 1 Inch. t ort Niobrara fitcning coiucai wan tent. team from Company M, Twenty-rath in fantry. 4 minutes. 25 seconds. Kort ctook wan scaling, team rrom Company I Twenty-second Infantry. 3 minutes. 16 seconds. Fort Niobrara Team rrom Company A. Twenty-fifth Infantry, 1 minute, 88 seconds. Fort croon rutting uie snot, coos jonn Prlbbens. Company I Twenty-second In fantry, 82 feet, 8 Inches. Fort Niobrara Sergi-ant Lewis Broadus, Company M, Twenty-tifth Infantry, 33 feot, 11 Inches. Fort Crook 440-yard race, Priviate Al bert Rlchev, Company I Twenty-second Infantry, 67 seconds. Fort Crook Relav race of one mils, team of Company K, Twenty-second In fantry, 3 minutes, 1 second. Fort Niobrara Team from Com pan v K, Twenty-fifth Infantry, 4 minutes, 23 1-6 seconds. Fort Robinson Troop I, Tenth Cavalry, 3 minutes, 66 seconds. Fort Crook Obstacle race. Private Muriel I Gruver, Company K, fwenty-second In fantry, 39 seconds. Fort Niobrara 220 vards, Private Joseph Gray. Company C, Twenty-fifth Infantry. No time taken. Fort Niobrars Baseball. First Battalion vs. Third Pattslllon. Twenty-fifth Infantry, won by Third Battslllon; score )4 to 11. Kurt Robinson First Bciusdron. Tenth Pavalrv v. Band. Tenth Cavalry, and Hospital Corps, won by First Squadron; score 22 to 6. Polo Games were nlsved by the Tenth Cavalry team. Fort Robinson, as follows: Team, Captain E. P. Jervev. Jr., No. 1; H-lr.r Uenienant Bruea Piilmar. No. 2: Captain H. C Whitehead. No. 3; Second lieutenant W Cook, bRt k ; Second lieu tenant IV tl Muller, No. 3. substitute; Captain TL G. Pax ton, substitute and man ager. - At Fort I.ngan. Colorado. June 23: Score, Tenth Cavalry, : Fort Loean. 4. At Colorado Sprtna-s. Colorado. June 26. 7 snd 29: Score, Colorado Soring. U: Tenth Cavslrv, 8 (handicap of 3 allowed Tenth Cavatrv). Tenth Csvalrv 6: Tenvr, 6. nienwond. 4: Tenth Cavalry. 6; ihaivdlcap of 4 allows! Tenth Cavalry). Only $45.00 California and Return $15.00 is the rate for a first class round trip ticket Omaha to Los Angeles or San Francisco, August 1st to 14th Inclusive. Keturn limit, October 15th. For $11.00 more $56.00 in all you can return via Portland, Ore. Remember the dates, the nrte and the fact that the Rock Island has two lines to California . via El Taso and Colorado. Through standard and tourist sleepers daily. v For further Information call at or ddreKsi 1,1 City Ticket Office 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A. P. S. $45.00 round trip to Portland, Tacoma, Vancouver and Seattle, same dates and limit." The Beer of Good Cheer. For men and women who' prefer smile to snarls. so&oW JOHN CUND BREWING CO., - La Crosse, Wis. Omaha BrsnA, KT 0. Uth St., Tslephonts 3344 snd A2M5. Horto t Wtereltf tOOl XSSSSa A Sensation " v p. mi-m air. i f msx i You tret it and tret It good when a 6-pound bass strikes your hook. Tha "Minnesota Lakes" are where they hide. Well rest the lake aaeee t IS OO-Osaaaa te St. rail auad retava, dally derfas; Jeee, Jaly, Aasrast aaal eptessaes. Hates sal sUaUasj rs sorts. V. H. CHILL, Dlst. Pets. Agent J