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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1903)
TUTj OMAITA DAILY TtEE: "WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, ' 1003. 10 BBkl (lreat Sale of Hen' Clothing JFo) ton us nen's Outine Stilts at Cut Price In the Basement Today Wash Goods Bargains A great special sale of the freshest, newest wash goods at great price reductions EMBROIDERED SWISS A big Ql table piled high with regular 25c embroid- (jjow ered Swiss In mill remnants, at a yard .... Fancy Printed Batistes-One big counter all our 15c and 19c fancy printed batiste. 71 All the new summer patterns, at, yard, ... NEW WHITE DIMITIES NEW MERCERIZED WAISTINGS One big table new white mercerized damask waistings French Gingham One Big table mill remnants One bi table of fifteen cent white dimities at n- l 0C e25c of fine French Gingham a big special to- morrow, at, yard. Fine Percale One big table of SS-inch wide fine percale a splendid value Wednesday, at, a yard.... - - ,7lc L Mercerized Sateen Closing out one counter double fold nne mercerized sawen, -V 'worm oac yaru, at -. . . -- . E Lawns at 5c Yard One table wide blacK and wniie vioiei a lawns . yard . . - . One table finest quality 40- inch wide Indian linens. 15c and 19c, all at, yard 10c One table 36-inch and 40- Inch wide drap ery Swisses, at 10c 5c Something Hon, 4!c. Sco What 4!c Will Do mm i'UK KhLIAULK IIUIIK, M' Special Notion U1S Sale Wednesday 4 - Wudnt'sday we place on sale a Hue of staple iiutioiis, worth from 10c to 23c at 0-incli metal back horn combs worth 10c Combination Needle Hook worth 23c Corset Steels worth 15c Hack Combs worth 20c 5 Spools Helding's Sewing Silk w:orth 10c 2 Spools Silk Crochet Cotton worth 10c 00 Spools 200 yard Machine Thread worth 15c- 1 dozen Spools Hasting Thread worth 20c The Giant Tack Puller worth 10c 500 Count Tin Cr.bes worth 10c Assorted Hair Tin Cabinet worth 10c One dozen Pearl Huttons worth 15c 10 yards Velvet Ilibbon worth 25c Hod Hair Pins worth 10c 1 pair Stockinet Dress Shields worth 15c 2 yards Velveteen Skirt Binding worth 10c Curling Irons worth 10c And numerous other staple 10c to 25c articles ' all go Wednesday, at .4 Ac .4V2C Our Groat Shoe Salo. The most surprising success of all it proves what good buy ing will do. To close the season, nearly all large manufacturers close everything out rather than carry over to next year. Our shoe buyer was on the alert and secured the bargains. It was an immense purchase but prices do the business. , Big Special Carpet Bargain In the Basement. One table 1 1-4 yard Axminster, Brussels, Mo quette, Velvet and Meyter. These are 1 1-4 yards square, and go, at, each. ...I 98c One table lfr yards long all wool ingrain car O Cp pet rugs, worth up to 85c, at ...... 4J Watch Our Windows Watch Our HI cons Windows J MOVE TO CLIP COMMITTEE ' Chairman Ed F. Bmita May OaUDemoontia Judicial OoDventfon for August 17. CQVEltfS BAME CN MST RAISES ROW rlfet aa Baxter ud'EitalU (a Cr . tata daartr A. H. Fn aad Arthur Walceler Cr aa nbstltatea. Tha latest movt on the democratic checker board Is a tacit agreement which cannot be enforced until after Ed P. Smith, chairman of the judicial committee of the party, return to the city. The agreement contemplates permitting the action of the county committee to stand so far aa It relates to the selection of delegates to the state convention, but to take from that convention the right to select delegates to the judicial convention. According to this understanding, Mr. Smith Is to be prevailed upon to call the judicial convention to meet Monday, August 17, and to further order direct primaries for the selection of dele gates to such convention, the primaries to i held Saturday, August 15. The county convention to select state delegates la called to meet August 22, so by the time the delegates to that convention assembled the judicial convention would be a thing of tha past. 'w t The list of delegates to the democratic Bounty convention aa at present reported by the-committeemen does not meet with the' hearty approval of all of the recognised leaders of the party, the tendency of a he Jacksonlan committeemen to till tha places with their own factlonlata being not the tnost objectionable phase of tha matter. The action of Joe Sherry, who named the delegates In tha Sixth ward, has placed tha genial deputy sheriff In anything but a Pleasant position. In tha list of delegates tha hunt of George W. Covell appears. Sherry aays that Covell, whom ha did not know at tha time, met him' and asked to fee put upoa the delegation, saying that he was a democrat who had resided in tha Bixth ward for years and had so far had no recognition Sherry not only placed him en tha Sixth ward delegation, but promised to see that ha was sent to tha state con vention. When ha learned of this fact a democrat "who wus more familiar with the record of Covell than Sherry proteases to be said: . "I can't see why Covell should be recog nised as a democrat, for he has been everything elsa since he came to Omaha, feut as long aa Sherry has given him a promise let him go. Let him go to the state convention and If he doesn't choke when he has to vota for the nomination of a man named Sullivan It will be a won der. It will be fun to aee htm, and I would Ilka to have him maka a speech seconding the nomination of our present thief justice." At the present time Judge Baxter Is being centered 'upon as the one repub lican Who should not be endorsed by the democrats even though he has a prominent place upon the lawyers' slate. Tha demo crats are having a hard time to square their personal desires with what a number of leaders have declared to be a wise politi cal jnove. In the first place tha larger number of democrats do not want to en dors the lawyers slate at all. but many listen to the siren eong of those who have taken the contract to put it through. But they almost unanimously balk upon Bax ter, while sma shy at Eslelle. It Is now reported that Herman Aye has served no tice through democratic friends that he will not accept the nomination at the hands of the democratic party, while upon good authority It Is stated that Judge Dickinson will not accept the nomination If tha lawyers' slate Is not nominated without alteration. A. N. Ferguson and Arthur 'Wakeley art being groomed for the places on tha lawyers' elate now hold by Aye and Baxter, while If Judge Dickin son stands by his declaration as reported third place will have to be filled. MISS ROSA McAUAJI OF" BUTTE. How After Two Year She Found Remedy (or Dandruff. Miss Rosa McAhan of 2U West Quarts street, Butte, Mont, says: "Herplclde has thoroughly cleansed my scalp Of dan druff, with which It was entirely covered; and It has stopped my falling hair. have tried many different preparations In tha past two years, but none took effect except Newbro's Herplclde." Dandruff Is a germ disease and Herplclde Is an In fallible destroyer of tha germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the dandruff germ. Ask your druggist for Herplclde. It is a delightful dressing; allays itching; makes the hah soft as silk. Bold by leading druggists. Bend 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., special agents. , ladies' DOc rests at 15c 350 dozen ladies' fine lisle vests and korsos, lace trimmed, all sizes, regular 50c quality, at v . . .15c Ladies' 50c hosiery, at 15c COO dozen ladies' fine lisle hose, in plain and fancy colors, also lace and drop stitch, all regular 50c quality, at 15c M0WIM3 IhUU Bankrupt Sale i lew f( 1 R 1 MbV JVU M Jl Replevin Sale made to retail for $2.50 made to retail for S3.50 , made to retail for $5.00 Goodyear welt soles light, medium and heavy, real vici kid, box calf, velour calf, corona colt skin, patent kid, patent caff ' . . t A great many of them have the union stamp on the sole or in the lining. Ron ad Trip Rates Via Union Pacific To many points In the states of Colorado, Utah, California, Montana, Oregon and Washington from Missouri river terminals. IV7.S0 to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, dally to Beptember 80. 130.60 to Ogden and Salt Lake City dally to September SO. , $44.60 to Spokane August 4 and 18, Beptem ber 1 and 15. )E2.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle August 4 and 18, September 1 and IS. 145.00 to San Francisco and Los Angeles August 1 to 14 Inclusive. $45.00 to Portland. Tacoma and Seattle August 1 to 14, Inclusive. . $50.00 to Ban Francisco and I-os Angeles October 11 1 17, Inclusive. City ticket office, 1324 Farnam street; 'phone 816. Tha Douglas County Annual Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held In Hanscom Park. Thursday. July 80th, at S a. m. Members and friends of the organization are invited to attend the sessions and par take of the noonday lunches, provided by the Omaha Union. Convention adjourns at 5 p. m. MRS. COVELL. Co. Prea MRS. WHITMORB, Co. Becy. Omaha's Greatest Annual Event August 6. ine omaha and South Omaha Grocers' and Butchers' picnic, 1 at Valley Park, la., ' via the Northwestern Una The public cordially Invited. ALL stores will be CLOSED. Games, Racee, -Amusements. Spend a day under the trees. Take tha folks Tickets, $1.00; Children, $30o. To Hew York via Niagara Falls. A most attractive and pleasant trip If made via the Lehigh Valley railroad. Solid vestibule trains. Dining car service a la carte. Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falla Cigars 5 Cents. . For Sale by AH Leading: Dealers. Our line of Clear Havana Cigars Is complete. Our Meerschaum and Fine Briar Pipes are all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSES. MAIN OFFICE V 1404 DOUGLAS ' Established 1884. Telephone IS60. Ml If w Purs and snarkllns rich and Invlsorattn table scientifically brewed carefully bottled- xtremelr pala Iways the same DllTrd to aaj put ef Onibi, Council Bluff, or South Omha. Order a case from IFTTFR BREWING CO. er LEE MICMELL, Whole.aU Dealer. Council Bluffs. Tel. 80. or HUGO P. BILZ, 1324 Dougtss Street. Tclephos - 1842. pedal Met lee. To the members' of local No. TBI clerks' union, you are requested to be present at special meeting Wednesday, July 29, at our hall. Twenty-second and Cuming streets, at 8 o'clock p. m. W. J. THOMAS. President. For Sale Due bill on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress EM. car Omaha Bee. Tou can buy fresh eggs for 20c a dosen at Walnut Hill Poultry farm, 4735 Hamilton st. It. PatrteVs Lawn Soelal. 8t. Patrick's church will give Its annual Uwn social at the Vinton street hall park Thursday evening, July 30. The committees In charge of the arninKemeiils are doing everything In their poer to prepare for a very plritaant evening, and they cordially Invite all their old friends and as mauy new ones as they can bring with them. Tlio Rest is the Cheapest Acknowledged to he the easiest and best puiuless extraction In the west. f2.83 X.M5 Gold Crvwua feel of Teeth . t'tlllnua, from Stria Ilrlde Work from Stn Teeth Extracted FHE13 Incorporated under state laws. Work guaranteed ten years. Remember, you have no students to pactice on you all old, expert den tlKts to do your work here. Our re curd has stood the lest eight thou sand patients In tha last eighteen months. We beat the sore-tu-ad den tists and dental Bee's. Complete vic tory for the Union. Established for yeur. Union Dental College, 15 DO1-QLA8 STRKET. Open daily till .. fiuudays t to I 'COOL FEET IN HOT WEATHER This statement may seem contra dictory; but it Is not when our CANVAS TOP WELT SOLE SHOES are on the feet. A description would be superfluous Inasmuch as they are ONIMOD and when ON-AMAN ' they give eutlxfactlon. ALWAYS G3 50 and S2.60 Rogcnt Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. .iiiiwiinuMinwi st H'V'ft'lin"' "Ml1 J" 11 " SGilHOLLER d MUELLER'S JULY PIANO CLEARING SALE HAS anton Ishod the entire piano trade for the large number of in struments sold Now comes the end the lmlnno will be closed out regardless of cost ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS and they tvlU be gone someone gets them why not you the se lection Is not so large but to Insure the absolute sale of every one. We have made another cut and marked them down to ZERO PRICES 6 PLAIN CASED UPRIGHTS Beautiful tone and action REGULAR I NOW $250.00 FOR SI42.00 LARGE! UPRIGHTS, VARIOUS MAKES REGULAR I NOW $300.00 for $169.00 11 FANCT CASED UPRIGHTS Choice Standard Makes REGULAR I NOW $400.00 -for $223.00 13 ART CASE UPRIGHTS The Finest In Town REGULAR I NOW $500.00 FOR $276.00 ON PAYMENTS OF NOTHING DOWN AND $5.00 MONTHLY TILL PAID ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS SGHMOLLER & MUELLER 1313 FARNAM STREET. . PHONE 1623 OMAHA, NEB. Hot Springs and the Black Hills Hot Springs, the delightful summer resort and natural sanitarium of the West, Is easily reached by tha 'complete train 1 service of the Chicago & North-Western Ry. Special low rates In effect from Omaha and all points wist, daily during the summer season. Fast dally trains with through service of Pullman sleeping cars from Mis souri Valley and free reclining chair cars from Omaha. Leave Omaha dally at 3.00 p. m., reach ing Hot Springs the next morning. Summer tourist rate, sre lo In effect dslly via the Chicago & North-Western Railway to the summer rrsorts of Iowa, Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin. Send for illustrated booklets ind in. p.. with detailed information reeardinf routes, rate, and schedules, which will be promptly mailed upon application to H. C. CHEYNEY. General Afenl 1401-1403 Farnam St. Omaha He Milks the Cons and talks ntre to the farmer's daug-htenr, THAT'S THE WAY happy-go-lucky Mr. Hrooks, the contructor, makes friends In the country. We nave them money on their drug bills; THAT'S OUR WAV. A man from near YORK. NEU., came In our Btore thin mornlns and asked the price of Doun's Kidney l'llls: we told him our price was 39c. He said, "Rive me two 'nanu I hnvn to nov 60f down In nur country for 'em." we told him to SEND I'M STAMPS whenever he needed ny more, ur HiiythliiK Mse In the drug line, and we would send the Roods on next train. He Kald. "you bet I will. ' Xm en n do that too If you live out of town, flit I'SE THB PHONE If you live In town We deliver -everything we sell AT ADVERTISED PRICES any plane In the city you know or to the depot If for out of town, nenu u "!... THEN COMPARE WITH CATALOGS. OPEN ALT' NIOHT. CUT PR1CB DRUQ 5T0RE T. Phoaes 74T TOT. jOUi ana Chleo street. Omaha. SCIIAEFER'S The Litile Things that won't stand washing; receive Just as careful attention here as the big ones, doillts, centerpieces, ties, ribbons point lace, pillow covers white slip pers, gloves, plumes, tips, etc. all cleaned to perfection. Nothing too small or dellcute for us to handle. All w.rk guaranteed In every respect. the PAiiTdniun OMAHA 407 So 15tn St Tel. 963 Deputy Btate eterlnarta. Food Inspector. R.L.R&UACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETICRINAJRIAX. Offloa and InAnassjr, StU end Mason Its. 1) Sweeping Clearance Men's high grade shirts Our Entire Stock of $2 and $2.50 Shirts on sale Today at $.145. This is the most important' shirt sale that has occurfis this season. This shirt sale extends advantages of gen uine values that cannot be overlooked by any man who wears shirts. Our entire stock of fine, high-grade shirts are placed on separate tables, with reduced prices marked on them, that will make men snap them up by Bixes when they see them. Every shirt offered has been made for this season's business nothing old all fresh new and de sirable. The finest quality of imported French lawns, piques, dimities, percales and madras cloths, shirts in all new stylish colorings, and the most beautiful line of pat terns. All sizes are in the lot, and every shirt a genuine bargain. With a sale of this character it will pay any man to anticipate future, as well as present needs. CHOICE OF ANY $2.00 OR 12.50 SHIRT IX THE UOUSE-AT $1.45 ENNETT' The Finish up of our Great July Sales is made grand by cork ing little Prices all over the vast building. Appalling Sacrifices in Shirt Vaisfs Vo are unloading our high class waists. China Silk Shirt Waists, Dotted Swiss Shirt Waists. Silk Mull Shirt Waists, Plain and Embroidered Silk Madras Shirt Waists, Irish Linen Shirt Waists, French Organdy Shirt Waists, Vesting Cloth Shirt Waists: THESE SHIRT WAISTS ARE MARKED $2.50, f 2.93, ?3.25, $3.75, $3.95, $4.50, $4.95, $5.50 YOU CAN SE LECT YOUR CHOICE FROM I on NEARLY FIVE HUNDRED, AT..... ...... IUIJ BLACK SILK GRENADINES THIS STUFENDOUS SALE OF GRENADINES WILL BE CONTINUED WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, 'lain and graduated stripes, dots and figures, 7K worth up to $3.50 yard at 98c and M . . . I UC WOMEN'S WASn SUITS BUY MATERIALS at half price, and it will be mpi than we are charging for perfect fitting dresses all ready to put on. Our entire stock is being sacrificed. . ' $1.60 suits at 79c S2.60 suits at SI.I9 S3.60 suits, S2.38 S4.95 suits, 02.96 $5.50 suits, $2.69 and a mixed lot of suits formerly sold from $7.50 to $4.90, all marked $4.95. " GROCERIES. LARGE, ATTRACTIVE STOCKS THE POPULAR LOW PRICE GROCERY FOR TnE PEOPLE. MONEY SAVING SALES IN GROCERIES NOW ON. Special Salmon Offer Tsjicy STEAK SALMON ft-lb. This can WEDNESDAY ONL.Y. brand sells usually tor 12Vic 8c t-lb. can baked BEANS for POTTED MEATS assorted, can WORCESTER SAUCE per buttle .. PRESERVES In gluss, for TARIOR MATCHES dosen ...10c ...3c 10c ...9c I2ic BENNETTS LAUNDRY SOAl' 10 bars tot .. OIL SARDINES per can CREAM CHEE8E per pound BAKING SODA per package FRESH ROASTED COFFBH. FINE DKINK1NU SANTOS, per pound TEA SIKTINOS per pound Freel Free Cup and saucer with srery pound ef tea, (alftlngs excepted.) 25c ,....5o 124c ...4c vl2c .15c Big Smoko Sale for Wednesday Lillian Russel Cigars, each -21c 2 for 5c, 10 for 25c Dnnlrnr Lady Special Program uoimui Orchestra. Wednesday. 2:30 to 5 o'clock. Melodies. Irish DIAMONDS. . am asssss I sH SBBBBBi f Al RFRT bUHOLM. Jb.Wb.LtiK 107 N. I6TH ST., OPP. P. O. X ...... i . a a a a AAAAAAAaAaaaAa4444t.s444 4s i 1 4AT 4H,,',,f,,"T"TT" - " " . . . , - MERCHANTS JUnOMAL BANK. OF OWAMA.- 'fiiTBD BTATBa LHUfiSITOHY.I KMfe Mm, nisi II a " I iMtft Vrmkt. f T H.i1l" t Our Services Are Free f Wtf examine your furnace, steam nrVnt water system and see that everything hvlu reaillneHS for fall uiwr.' If repair, are needed, we have everything In stock. Also titit water attachments and furnau. pip. covering. OriAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1M IMjufiuM St. Tel. m