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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1903)
TTTE OMATTA DAILY TtTE: TUESDAY, JULY 2S, 100X SPECIAL NOTICES ATrlam for theae eelamna Wrlll fee taken natll 12 m. for the TfBlB at4l-B4 . Mi ' for invnlif and Bandar a-dlllon. Bates, 1 1-SWi a war Bret Inaertlon, la a, ward thereafter. Nothing- taken far leas Ihm 23a far tka flret Inaar tlon. Tbeee advertlaeaneata naaat ba . ran roaiecallttlf. Advertisers, br reaaeatiaa; at itm fcered aback, east- nave minen ag dreeaed to n aairr4 tatter la vara f Tba Reev. Anawera ae adSreaaed will ba delivered a) presentation a . tba abaaai nnly. WANTED SITUATIONS. 'YOUNG MAN want" a rapher and assistant dress J 46, nee. . , position stenog- bookkeeper. Ad A M Alx WalTIDMMB HELP. TftE BUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE a now open, yet It. Is not too lata to enter. Every1 day la enrollment day. gualness, shorthand, typewriting, Eng ah. Get a catalogue. - IX. B. auYL.ES, F resident, TeL 1964. M. X. Life Bldg.. Omaha. B 168 WANTED, for United States army, able bodied, unmarried men, between agea ol 21 and 86; citizens of United States, of good character and . temperate hablta, who. ran apeak, .read and write English. For Information apply to recruiting, of ficer. ItHh and Dodge Bts.. Omahu. and Grand Island, Neb. B M4i5. WILL rive a worthy young man or woman a paiu-up scholarship In Omaha's leading business , college,, to be paid for when course is nnisned ana position wcui, Address B 26,' Bee. .. B nu .WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Bee advantages we pffer. Steady practice. In- Structlons, lectures, diplomat), tools and aturday wirges. fan earn- nearly all ex naniwi before ftnlshlnsr. Few weeks com- i.leies. Write Moler Barber College. 1302 Douglas Bt. ' B M9U2 Six WANTED, at ace, carpenters, tinners, rtlaalorora. tlln settars. painters. Btolta CUt to-. wnnH tttrV,ra: roiul WlllCcs. E. S. Douirtaee. Secretary. P. O. Box 64, St. Jo seph, Mo. a Mao at .WANTED Young man trt work In store and learn business.' must write a fair hand. . Address J 64, live. B-6J4 29 wanICD-Aa ' good' all ' round man for steamniung ana piuuioiiis- auuivt-s i D. Keener, Clartntia, In. B M639 WANTED FEMALE . HELP. T WANTED. at once, girl for goneral house work; wages $6 to 86 for competent cook. ZI Bouin asm an, v. iou 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 16th At Dodga AW4 rnpv tnttera at. home: 112.50 -paid weekly send stamped envelope, ' sample letter Eureka Co., a Duane St., New York. - C-MO03 A2X .WANTED A good nurse girl: references reauiTea. mr. uv ui -, w w. ... ... ' c. i .axic WANTED.' ladies to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or racial mmpi. uut nua logue explains how we teauh it quickly moiled frea. .Expenses earned before com plating. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St, . . . .. i c dix OIRLt for general housework. Inquire 12 South 26th street. C MS74 28 FOR BENT UOl'SES. uniicnc in -all parts ot the city. K. ilUUL-sJ - .(X Psters Co., Bee Bldg. i. in .. t: i. ! ' . 1H-1M vrR itENT' .l.rooro house.' all modern ex cept furnace, 7U4- N. 10th St., 6. C. U. uacaman. - -ui.mi . -m In all parts of the city. The O. li UU O Cjl . . F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. Ir. nnti 'i t"'" "' D XSj . U ' i ' ' " . 1 i PATNB-BOSTWICK ft CO.-CHolce hoUsea 60I-9J8 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1'HO. i D-660 WE MOVB piano. ' Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 148S. Office. I7U Webster SC i. . i ' D 661 FOR RENT, ten-room modern house near , High school, No. 4iy North 22d street. In quire next door or at 41S N. Y. Life build in. . - ..- - . ... B- CENTRAL, lst-cla3S 7-room house, 230 N. 2 .;,-' ' . -.-';'., - D-M4H .. HOUBES. Insurance, Rlnrwlt, Barker blk, . ' . '. ? ' . . U 167 TWO 9-room houss, all modern, 818.00. C. M. Bachmann, 416-87 Paxton block. -' I-M7i TO MtV . ri3ht yet Omaha Van Storage Co.; offloe l&UVi Varnam, or Tela. lBoO Ki. , .! : f , .' -J .i- , D us 624 B. 20th, 8 "rooms, modern..-. ..836.00 t'M Harney. -F.. mod., vac. c. Aug. l... 36 W) 1:6.00 80,00 21 i Pnppletoa. T rooms, modern 2;i 8u Mary's. 'romsi' modern..!. J9i Locuat.-10 nioma, modern..,. 'l.bO 2iiu o. diiii, a rooiua, iiioucrii..,.,j..,,,, jo.w 837 8. 22d, 7 rooms, barn....... ...i..'. IS (i0 2KI0 N. 19th 8t.t 8 rooms modern....-...;. 17.60 1U12 Mason, 6 rooms 12.00 ' 261 8. 17th, 6 'rooms. .v.. .V.A..,V.. .'....' 10.00 241 Cuming,' 4-room flat.,.;.....-.......,.. 10.00 2214 N. 21st, rooma.. v.. , 6.00 207 B. 80th, ( rooms. i.'..; a.00 8413 Jackson, '? ruom..:;......i 11. vO Q-ARY1N BRO S," Cora'l Nat. Hank Bldg., 1604 Furnam Bt ' J -r- a D-806 tT TEN-ROOM, brick,' furnace., everything complete. 114 N. gas.- bath; St. LV4U 80x FOR RENT-231 Douglas St., 11 rooms. Apply 608 N. Y. Lite,. -r , D a . FOR itENT-A cottage, 1108 -Marry at.; $7 per auonth.- Wm. K. .Potter, receiver, 8u3 Brown bloc. . j l-rAlfl IFOR RENT 8-rootn house, all modern conveniences.-423 e). 26th at. . Innulra K. P. Klrkendall Jk Co., HtU and Harney ats. . i iitas s FOR HKN'l-r IHSHIIKD H60U5. DEWEY European hotel, 3th and Farnam, ROYAL HOTEL, European,' llh & Chicago. JU 111 81.00 to 82 00 per week, 4i u. utb St., one block south of . court house. E 178 NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; uenlieiucn prererreo.' iia m- iitu. . E 207 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 61 L . . ' .. Jfi-666 FRONT and ether desirable rooms, bath cool and central, fur- gentleman. kit Caaa at, E-MOT a4 AETNA IiOU&G European. Uth Dougc . ,i .. ' ti liU Hotel HubbeJ, Utb Howard; 'phone 28. 8 NICK ROOMS. Ubt housekeeping. 1112 S. Uth. .. ' -Ml Hi N. 17TH Cool front rooms fir two. , . . ; 'E-M444 1S NICELY furnfihed rooms, inquire Omaha steam laundry, Leaveuworla. l?hone A17sA ' . . . , ' B-eSlI ROOMS 8160 to W per "week; board 83. Thurston hotel, ibtn ana jtu Knon eta. . .. (.. --... E-MC17 A24 ONE OR TWO fumlahed rooms for rent fin location, lawn and snaae; gentlemen preferred. 1216 Farnam BL tMi) if.x Aii 'J HK bant nawlv-turnished modern rooms. 1 5 N. Will at. , i-I7H 18 TUB best furnished- rooms with board by the day or week; home eoexinf.' zi-r, lath St. k ' t ' MT3S;. NICE south room, with uae of kl phone,, 'all enodera 6oireniertces. 'Phmie . -, r.'v i- ' . ' ; BOL'TH front, alcove room. 2f.0 Harney. " . ... o , rfS tMiUII Hi modera rooms furntibad fot.llgbt .keeping- in m. ui at. rutbisuED niss asiraiid. THJl ROSE. 8ua Harney, nice cool rooms, good boaiAl rate reasouabU; alao mal Uck.ta " Ali4-Al rfuti Fl RXieilCP RPOMS AMI DOtnU KOOM and board, small enftage, good horn fur lady. $1.60 per week. 614 N. 2oth t. . . , f-mnm VERY ,nlcly furnished. pleaafint. rnol F-Mi36 29x rooms. jiarney fit. DF..SIHAI1LE rooms, the Farnam, 19th and rirnun. 111 f 8. I5TH AVE.: private family., F-l CUOL. south moms, with board, lsid Dodge si. iei. a wn. r-Miij zsx WELL ventilated, modern rooms; firt class board. Telephone. 2108 DoMKln St. F-MW1 NICELY furnished room for two gentle men with nrst-class hoard; close to rnr line atid within walking distance; bIho one very cozy single room. 2."18 Daven port St. FM 747 A3x FOR REST VSFin.MSHED ROOMS. TWO suites of 3 rooms eachl all mortem. lis B. ath St. U Mbll M FVRNITIRB PACKIXQ. PETERSON tt LUNDBERQ, 116 So. 17th. Tel. JL-Uia. FOR RENT STORES AMD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building lormerly Occu pied by The Bee at Vlti farnam at. u naa four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee prees ropio. This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at elllce of C. C. .Rose water, secretary, room Ml, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT, building suitable for whole- ala purpoaea at iti farnam, tiw, iour stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar- proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. i I-Moti7 DESK room for rent. 634 Paxton block. 1 JUUW AGENTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THtl TWENTIETH .CENTURY. FARMER. Steady employment with assured good iii AiKtiu in the country wlin horse . and buggy especially desired-. Canvassers make easily tou 10 iiuu uer iiioinn. au dreas Century Fanner Solicitors' -Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. . " J 21a AGENTS wanted to sell the "Life of Pope 'Leo IU," -written" with the encourage ment, approbation and blessing of His Holln'esH, the pope, by Monsignor Ber- ' tun d .O'Reilly. 631 1'axton Biug. ' . - J M384 WE have all of the differeht ivpe Leo XIII books. Best terms. Freight paid; outfit free. Call or write vv. A. inxen bauga & Co., 600 Ware blk., Omaha. J M862 wa VTRnOeneral b cents to travel and appoint agents to sell life of Pope Leo XIII in Iowa, Mitisourl, Kansas and Ne braska. Salary ana expenses, .wrue To day for particulars. American Tub. Co., Omaha, Neb. 4M-M w AGENTS Catholic agents, attention! "Life of Pope Leo XIII. only authorized edi tion; written bv the mine's order by Mon- ignor O'Reilly; endorsed by entire Cath olic Hierarchy; price 12.(0.; large colored portrait wprth $1.60 free to subscribers. Agents wanted; highest terms; immense demand; outtu tree, international rumau' lug Co.. 44 N. 4th St., Philadelphia. J Muo7 tOx AGENTS WANTED 175.00 weekly easily made selling our oouDle inaemnuy Combination health and accident policies. Liberal commlasion; strong company; . experience unnecssary. . Write lor terms, Vatlnnal Health and Accident Assocla- ' tlon, 5U8 Crocker Bldg, Des Moinen, la. AGENTS do It now. You can take more ordera aelllng our LIFE OF POPE LEO ' XIII than any other, because It Is pub lished In more than one language, oeua to everybody. Beautiful 12 color memorial picture FREE to eaoh customer. Illus trated with beautiful colored platca. Best -terma. Freight ituiid. Outfit, tree, e Ad dress American rutujaning yu., o-j ii. i. . . . . . i . .- T fir. 1 iiu-NTH vintul to sell Dry Fire Extlrt gulsner: seua easy; pays nig, rmni'iw practically free. Address Fire Killer, 44 Murray St., N. T. J-M'J23 aix WASTED TO BV. WANTED, tur buy, aorrte good , dental chairs, union uemai ouege. n muia FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO -Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel, 21)20. New aud second-uana bougnt. sola, exchanged. O 180 FOR SALE, one large alx-passenger cloned tamlly carriage, one large open lamny carriage, one large platform-spring spider phaeton; all rubber-tired; two double sets of harness, one silver mounted, and one alngie set or Harness, uu rraiiK' u, Moores, City Hall. . CM616 FOR SALE HORSES, WAUOXS, ETC, HAVE your rubber tires eet while you Walt. It. f rost, it m ana jeavenwerm. - P -181 MONROE sells pleasure vehicles at 811 N, 6th su . -oojui X f nUUUI lib Uil k'V iv niou iicniij lion, 2sk gear, cneap. ee a., w. yonnaon, witn Johu oeere now y- rfi t uu a-j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 1,500 feet ol second-hand wire rope, In good condition. Apply to or address "auperintenueui ot Bee Build- - Ing, Omana. Vi-Mib NEW and Zd-hand typtwrUara U18 Farnam. IDH AND cheap. Derlglit, 111 Farnam. , . IW FOR SALE Second-hand Locomobile, la ftrst-claaa shape, at one-half price. - Call Mt address. Jtwi. Jfarnam ai. ew FOR BALE Empty ink barrels, 26 centa each, large, wen meu oarrein, mane first ciaaa aarbHge receptacles. Fred Younaa. foreman Bee press room, rear entrance Bee Biag. . j uui INDIAN goods and re Ilea 1113 Farnam. m-i&3 FOR SALE A new 800 ampere double pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad dreas "Superintendent Bee Building, Omaua. vj jo.. oi TELEPHONE poles, long fir umbers; Chicken leucv, w yiiiiig ni Aougiaa. Q-1S8 FOR BALE Crane hydraulic elevator; caa be used either passenger or freight;, com plete, iron guide posts, cage and wire en closures. J. uraiiuein it tons. Q-688 IRON" and wire fences, tree guards, trel . Uses.'' Western Anchor Fence Co., 205 N. 17th SU Q-184 FOR BALE. No. 8 Hubbard portable bake oven; only ued three months; good as . new. Write lock box so., -uieirwooa. la. .. Q M675 2Sx PHOTOGRAPH CAR Rose's Art store. tor CATALOOVE- cut drug prices free. Sher man c Aicwounea urug v.u., untni. :. '. Q-1S8 WAREHOUBE scales cheap. Ram i Bjrn g-MSIJ4 All 21.000 BRK'K for sale. W. Farnam Smith & Co., ism rarnam fct. tj txjj FOR 8AI.E Cool business. quired, 82.ou0.u. J n, Bee. capital re FOR BALE Great Pane pup.- R. Ertksen, iNewman- urun. iveu. . , y aitiia ax FOR VALE, two express wagons, cheap. . tat ak'itn ut. ' At sun aix CLAIHVOYMS. MME. LUCRETIA. medium. 1708 California b-ao A4 MP.9. CAetRlE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY 4JLa,fc.N of clairvoyants; every thing told; bast, present and future, ba lafactlon or no pay, tu7 N. Utb. B Iko ELECTRICAL THCATMEMT. v ' - MLS HOWARD. . elegant massage and apor bat lis. aluuhol rubbing. N. 1UU, flat E. al Josh Billings said: ' If you,vant to be noticed you must get in front of folks and worry 'em some. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, Baths, US N. IS, 2d floor, r. I T W QKACE 0 HUN, Hatha 720 & Uth. T-MUM 118. DAVIS. 1621 Howard Bt.. front rooms: tub bath; first-class attendant. T M 411 AS PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns 'and superflu ous nair removed py electricity, j. i and S, lixJi Farnam at. U Ul VIAVI, a wbole.iome nerve and tissue food ana nome treatment lor disorders of women. Free booklet Vlavl iJo. 348 Raa Biag. u 1M MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURK8. v-m At drug Bints, f L . ' PRIVATE home during confinement; babies aaopieu. in uoua Bamarirnn aanitanum. CHIROPODY, manicuring, .. scalp, facial. hygiene ana special massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Con sultation free. Use Re-No-May Powdar. U 18 PRIVATE hospital before and. during con- unemem; .uauiea Doarueo. ana aaontea. Mrs. Uardels, Z2i Lake. .Tel. Red-lSs4 U-M384 TELEPHONE 780 for O. M.-E. messengera U-2U! ECZEMA SALVE that cured AV. A. x-axton. d J. tscunnell, agent, WJ ware biorK. tr-M387 2 830-WE CURE RUPTURE FOR 830-No detention irqm pusiness; jo.wo cureq patients; send for bcaklet,i eta . Empire Rupture Co.. Mew xonc Xviie Did Omaha, Neb. C 191 PRIVATE horpltal before and during con finement: Dest medical are ana nursing. Mrs. L. Fisher, 1601 Vinton. Tel. 1889. . Uws PRIVATE Banltarlum Jor ladles before and during confinement. lr. and Mrs. Grisch, 3625 California at. .Terms reason able. 'U-M638-A27 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. '.Farnam bmitn at o., imi tnrnmii ktoi, WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonda and warrants, n. v.. feiera ot. to., iiua Farnam St.. Bea Bldg. W-202 FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. Thomua, r irsi nu xiana niu. in. - Wi 203 . PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y..Llfa, TT UV t TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block W-205 FIVE PER CENT loans. Oarvln Bros., 1604 Farnam. u PRIVATE money. T. D. Wead. 16S0 Pouglaa W Vt MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. EASY TO GET. TO PAY Best explains our methods. -. - We loaji en furniture, planoa, warehouse receipts, etc. Or If you have a permanent position wa tn make you a 3 - ... iiauiai wit" , .: without security, except your own agree. mentito repay, our service u autcg ana confidential and we' always try- la please. AH that we akk Is that you glve-us a call before you borrow elsewhere. . :i . .;. OMAHA MUn LUAUEJ uunn .-., - 1W Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 226, , CEstablihed 1832.) 806 So. 16th Bt. :p MONEY Y To salaried employes and wage earners: Get our system of loans inai hi. out of debt.- Any lady or gentleman, machinist, engineer, etc., having reliable employment can get. Just onhls note; ,' Monthly. Weekly. $100-Return to us...$-ti.6j pr $18.35 oi - fj-y 8 60-Return to us. .. 13 33 or or 8.3 t26-Return to us... 0.W or- 8.33 or -1.64 i is Return to us... 4.00 or z.wi or i.w fc-isTest term, lowest rates, confidential, easiest. -io Courtaoua NO Wquirica.- tu.v - THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTONBLK. CASH IN ANY AMOUNT $10 to $500 loaned on furniture, pianos., etc.. and to people holding a steady poaiuou, -v. - ity or publicity, ai the very lowest rates; p&mefits can be made to suit your oon- Rooms 307-308 Paxton Bloc;jU379 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, ETC. Low rales and easy terms. ; ' Business Confidential. Trv us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 33 Pagton Block. 16th and arnam Bt LARGEST BUSINESS 8 TO BALARloii-' ri.ori.u, 7- -aters. boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin ch.Hl citlea Tolman. 440 Boar of Trade Bldg. A 818 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; DUBincaa ceiiiiuuiiuui, '" V " 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. r . X"Zlel CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., auc. 10 v. ureen, . '"'" X 215 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horsee. cows, eto. C. F. Reod. 31? 8 13. X-218 RISINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE MAGNIFICENT STOCK FARM 6,500 Acres Exeollently watered. Owner's declining health cauae of selling. Bargain to quick buyer. For prices and further particulars write STEPHEN PECK & BRO., AGENT.. - Lincoln Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Y 967-27. FOR SALE, by administrator, good clean slock of general nierchaudlse in' good bruk building in good location, ready to begin business at any time: invoice about $6,000; must be sold soon. Call on or address B W. Chambers, administrator, Blair. Neo. Y-M S71 FOR BALK Clean, new stock of general . merchandise und building; Invoice about 87.PO0: well establish! d trade; good com munity. Address J 84. Bee. 1 Mo5 A ,HEN you want to buy, sell or exchange sny propvny or ouaineaa uuick, are j. fx. Johnaon, 6x) N. Y. Ufe. Y-tlJ FOR SALE Real estate, rental and. In aiirance buslneas, in beat county in Ne braska; a snap for a man with a little money and aome push. KstHbllahcd ten years Neb. ra. AOUreaa lock, box .. wiasiae, l-Mo A FOR. SALE House and furniture; only $) fay house In town of l,2tO; beat location . In northeast Nebraska. For further par ticulars,- write to it Mi, Oman a, jeo. . - -Y-MlaS 2s. A ROOD paving IH-roora hotel for Sale .In Wood River. Nel., at a bargain; owner live In C'hiwMgo Is ilia object In selling Mitchell ex Fuught. Wood River. Y MU'IS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE". RANCH ana farm lands for sale b" the Union Paclfle RaUroad company. B. A. McAlleaiar. laud ton mlmUmcr - Union Pa villu Headquarters, Omaka, Neb. RE Ql FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. New List Of Bargains OFFERED FOR SALE FOlSilc: FIRST TIMEREAD THIS LlbT. 1038 8. 18th, 2 houses, lot 60x144, rents 820; price, l,wu. 82 S. 2nd, 7 rooms, barn, paved street, rents 818; price, ll,!'Ji. 2225 Pierce, u roomw; X; easy terms. liM4 S. 6th, corner lot, WxlXi, with six-room - house, barn; price, 81.060. 8412 Jackson, 7 rooms, city water, gits cis tern, lot 66x124, rents 8i2; price, 1,J(AI. 3423 Mason, 6-room cottage, rents 81k; pra-e, 8VA(. - ' 3oai Seward, 6-ioora cottage, rents $10; price, 8S00. 16n Corby, 6-room oottage, rents $10; price, $1,0.10; want an offer to close eBiate. 2212 N. 27th, cottage, io0; easy terms. Z-v i3-06 N. 25th s(., two t-room houses, city water, sink, rent $2o; price, 12, WO; owner wants an offer; terms easy. 2014 Ames ave., 4 flats, rent 830; price, $2,003 if sold soon. 11114 Locust, 10-room modern bouse with two full lots; price. 85.000. KOUNT2E PLACE. Modern house of 8 rooms, large corner lot; a bargain; price, 83,500. ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Elegant modern t-room dwelling; slate roof, large barn, three lota; near car line; price, $4,6u0. . GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg, 1644 Farnam St. RE-StM 27 A CHEAP HOME IN DUNDEE. NOTICE Tho Bchool Board of District No. 63, DuukHs county, NeU., will oiler at public bale on Thursduy, July 30, luod, at V p. m., on the premlacfc, llio school build ing located neur 4tli und California sts. In Dundee. 'This Is the commodious frame building so cotijiiructud as to be easily couvenable Into a neat 8-room cnttuge. D. F. JOHNSON, Director. REMr-750 30 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. S033 8. lbth Ave. J-r., city water, cemenSed cellar, in good shapb, $7. . . 813 8. 36th 6-r. cottage, city water and gas, splendid neighborhood, $16. 1410 N. 17th 3-r., city water, $7. 2636 Charles 6-r. cottage, city water, Just papered, $10.50. 2kl3 Capitol' Av.--r city water and gus, ll'J. , . Ho N. 4oth Choice T-r.. strictly all modern new house, $5. - 816 Ni KOth 8-r., ALL MODERN, $40. We have two choice houses, 8 and 11-r., close In, at $50 each. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. 'Phone 1016. 601-3 N. Y. Life. .i RE-964 27 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., Farnam atreeL RE-I18 MOUSES and lots In all pnrts of city; also acre properly and farm lands. The O- F. Davis Co.. Room 606. Bee. Bldg. RE 221 SALINE COUNTY farms are the best. I have some bargains. Write for particu lars at once. F. ,G. Johnson, Dorchester, Neb. . , .. RE-M682 A22 W, C. CIUSSGLL. 833 N. Life Bldg. . i RE-M368 AT 10-ROOM modern house. .1L blocks from Eostofflce for aale cheajs. 108 N. J 5th. enewa & Co. , , , . ... RE 220 ACCORDION PLEATING; GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas briek. "" M 778 BALE TIES, rn c. OMAHA Hay Bala Tla Co., 1KU North 16th. , . , 228 R. RUMBEL & SON. only tie factory in the state. Try us. 14U and Nioholas sts. ' Tel. F3359. 631 A26 CARPET CLEANING. A, K. JETT calls tor carpets; Tel. A-S30S. . -M-'WAl CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 8ota and Lake streets. 870 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. Tel. f A-232. 2?6 EXPERT ACCOINTANT. G. R. Rathbun, room 16, Com'l Nau Bank. 227 FLORISTS. IIESB aV SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 1 L, HENDERSON, florist. 141$ Farnam St. 631 VbRNITVRB PACKING. GATE CITY Upholatering Co., woven wire apriiigs iignienea. lei. o-wia hud bi. Ma lry's Ave. 263 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 8685. ail GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead-animals at reduced priues. oil N. 16th. Tel. 17.9. 230 LAWNMOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, Utb at Howard iii LAWNMOWERS shurponed, aawa filed, umbrellas repaired, keys, etc., 3u9 N. 16tli. Tel 2974. 288 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN aV PRICE, 23 V. 0. N'l B k. bid. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 2JS MACFARLAND At MAY, New York Life RICK..' room 304. 'Ptione IfcW. 236 SIl'DICAL. 1HOB..J. KELLY, voice. Davldije Block. 369 OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC, College Building. 6.'3 N. 2nth (Dodge car): summer teim. Apply F. It Wright, L. L. A3. M., turector. Q' i a" SICDICAL. DR. NEIBERGERS 8KIN.LOTION cures Prickly Heat, Barbers Itch, Chlggers, poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Ulcers. Plinulee, - Scrofula Sores and all Bkla Erupilons. Prlcu, $l.ou ir bottle. J. C. Norih'iaft, Prop, and Dutr., Orpheum Plianuacy, soi w. Kintn Bt-, tvanaaa tuy, mo. M4H0 2x, LADIES! Chichester's Engllsii Penrv,-royl Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take nn other. Bend 4c stamps, tor nartlculura "Relief far Ladles," In letter by return -mall. .Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. OSTEOPATHY, W A l-J, 4V, OS A4vV84 ay V AW , UglVUUStlllg. , Buita 616. New 1 oik Life Bldg. Tel. h'ni. n?n V Is- AT IPt." I kl I V JAM a..Ka V.- The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 235$. i!iO AUen ft Farweil, Paxton Blk., 804-7. T ISue. M241 DRS. FINCH MILLER, 124 8- 26th Bt 481 Dr. Oraca Dcegan, 60$ McCagua Tel. Bit Did he mean uadvertitT PATENTS.. H J. COWOTLL No fee unless successful 118 8. 16th St.. Omaha. Tel. 17S t PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. ISol Douglas. mi RIG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Loaven. Tel. 20 iU SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 248 NKR r.uslneu & Shortliand College. Boyd's i neater. 249 I 1 a STAMMERING AND STITTER1NO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 347 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611Va Farn. Tela. 1559-8G1 -260 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tlcketa everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784; 58 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. E. Tel. 780. -1 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the .fact that you saw tne ad in i ne Bee. . POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending August j 1, 1903, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the general postufllce as follows: Parcels-post malls dose one hour earlier than closing time shown below. . Regular and supplementary mails close' at Foreign Station half nn nour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary lnt-lls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a a. Cllta dl Mllano (mail must' be directed "per s. 8, Cllta dl Milano"). WEDNESDAY At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. Oceanic, via Queenstown; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per a. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed "per a. s. Rotterdam"). Till RSDAY-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR O.UEZ, per a. . La Bretagne, via Havre (mull for other parts of Europe must be directed "per a. s. La Bretugne"). SATURDAY At 7:80 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. a. Umbrla, via Queenstown; at 8 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Kroonland (mall niust be directed "per a. . Kroonland"); at :30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. a. . Anchorla (mull muat be .directed "per. a. e, Anohoria "); ' at llf m.' for DENMARK direct, per a. a.'Hekla (mail must be di rected "per a. a. HeklaJ'). ' PRINTED MATTER. ETd.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Pa." pers, and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for ether part of Europe will not be sent by lula ship unless specially dlrentad hv hi After the, closing of the supplementary rimiii miiiiu aiuhs riNinea uuover Addi tional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes pf ihe hour of sailing of ateamer. Halls for Sooth and Central Asnerloa, West Indies. Etc. TUESDAY At :S0 a. m. . (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex ?fpt?0,ta Klca and SOUTH PACIFIC PORT 8, per s. s. Yucatan, via Colon (mall w uuaieiilHia must oa directed "ner a m Yucata in"). ' " " WEDNESDAY At 13 m. minnlnmgiiiasu t ') ' n . a. T a TT a aa a , . ' AntllU (mall must be directed "per a. '. Antilla'); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 tt.rj u. in. iur xiAiiAiUAB oirrr nr si THURSDAY-At 8 a. m. for CUBA, per a s. vii itir i : i it iitr si a i 'iiarnba Havana (mail for Mexico , vi iv.... C ampeche and Vera Crua must ba directed per s. m. Havana"); at 12 m. (supplemen tary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS and SAN TIAGO, per a. a. Cienfuegos; at 12 m. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. a. Flumlnense, via Para. Ceara and Maranham; at 12:30 n. m. (supplementary J 30 P. m.) for LEEWARD and WIND- ioi,aii)b, and BRITISH DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. a Ailenaale (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per a. m . Alli.mi,. i-"i. u . 11:80 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per FRIDAY At 10 a. m.' for liRrwini a. aa. uiUDIiail. IIU1II A IlllU(Itl IIIII. TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per S. a. Grenada; at 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a. City of Washington, via Tampico (mail must be directed "per s. s. City of Wanhlngton"); at 1 p. . m. for PORTO PLATA, per a. a. Alice, from Boston (mall for other narta of the Dominican Republic must be directed "per a. a. AII,,"1 OAiunuAi-At a. m. for BERMUDA per a. s. 'i'rinldud; at 8:30 a. in. (supple mentary 9 30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. 8. Zulia (mall for EavanlUa and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Zulia"); at 9 a. m. for POUTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo; at 9:30 a. in. (sup- flementary 10:30 a. rn.) for FORTUNE BLAND, JAMAICA, BA VANILLA; CAR TAGENA and GREYTOWN, per a- a Alleghany (mall for Costa Rico must be airecieot per s. a. Aiiegnany ); at 10 a m. for CUBA, per a. s- Mexico, vlu Havaua Malta Forwarded Overland, Etc, Ex cept Transpacific, CUBA By raf! to Port Tampa, Fla. and tnenca oy aieamer, closes ui una office dally, except Thursday, at (5:30 a. in. (the connecting mans close neru on JUOlidays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed fur despatch by ateamer. close at this office cliillj, except Hundu', at 1:30 p. m. ana ii:ju p. ni. Duuaaya u 1 p, a ann ii:jo u. in, NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Syd ney, and thence by steamer, closes at .this omce daily at 6:30 p in. iconiieuiing mm ,s close here every Monday, Weuueaday aud Baturdaj. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, nnd thenoe by steamer, closes at this office at 6.8u p. rn. every Tuesday ujnd Thursday. M1QUELON By rail to Hoaton. und thence by steamer, ciobes at mis omce daily at 6 :30 p. in. BELIZE. I'UERTO CORTEZ and flUATE MALA lly rail to New .Orleans. thence by stenmer, closes t tliia oflice dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 111:30 p, in , Sundays at l p. m. and IU.W) p. m. (connecting mail cluses here lion. days ai in p- m COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except minuay, ai si:u p. m. and $11:80 p. in., Sundaya at l p. s and 111. ail u. in. (coiiiieetiiia titatt viuaca neie 1 uea Suva at 111:30 n. m.) Registered luall closes at I p. m pre Viuua uaj-. Traaapaelfle Mails. HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and specially addressed mall ror ma r ttiLifi'iNE ISLANDS, via Ban FVuiiclsco. dona hers dally at 6:30 p., m. up to July l-t.ih, .in elusive, for deipatcb per a s. Nippon PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, .vie San Fran Cisco, close here dully at M p. in. up to July I-'In. inclusive, lor oeapaicn pr U TrMiiannrt. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, close pere oauy at t. m p. in up tu juiy i-ui Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Olvnipia NEW ZEA1.A1SU, A u al It ALX A (ecp U'utl. NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via ban Francisco, close bare eniiy at a a p.- in. up to An uut list, inclusive, for deaiaii.h uar a a. Ventura. (If the Cunard "'earner car- rylng the BrlUoh mall- for New Zealand rOSTOFFIC'E NOTICE. T - t ' ' r -i - 1 ' does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch extra mulls clo.-liiK at 6:o0 a. m. 9.30 Hi in., and b:J0 p. m.; aiindH.vs at 4 3i a. pi . 9 a. in. and 6;3o p. m. will be made up and forwarded mail the ar rival of the Cuniird steamer.) CHINA and JAPAN, via beat tie. close here unity at ti.Mi p. m. up to August t-u. Inclusive, lor despatch pur s. s. Tusa Mnru. HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN and PHILIP PINE 1SLANIIS. via San Fniin-lsco, close . here dally nt 6;W p. m. up to AuguM Jd, Inclusive, for desvateh ier s. s. Siberia, TAHITI and MARyl ESAS 1SI.ANDH. via ban Francisco, close here d.iliy at B:Ju p. m. up to AugUsr JWih, Inclusive, for despatch per-s. s.- Mariposa. HAWAII, via Snij Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August Sloth, iu clii!tve, fur despulrh per s. a. Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and , Victoria, B. C, close here daily at 6:30 p. m un to'Auaiist lllth. Inclusive, for despatch p.-r a. s Kinnress of Japan, aCo'. be W!XUA5& ad.i.l ACSTRALIA (except West), FIJI islands an' New Caledonia, ia Vancouver anil Victoria, It, C, cIofh here daily ut 6:30 p. m. up to August l5tli, in clusive, for despatch per s. . Aorangl. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia as forwurdod via Europe, and New Zeuland and Philippines via San Fran Cisco the quickest routes. Philippines HlHPClWIiy HtRiimm e. nimui Europe" must be fully prud at Hi for eign rates. Hav.nH is romnrUeu, via ban Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port nf aalllnir dailv and tlie sehetlule of closing is armnged on mo i presumption or ineir uninterrupted overland traiiHii. Kegiaiereu mail closes nt 8 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postotlice. New York, N. Y.. July 24, 1903. GOVERNMENT NOT1CUS. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- master, Cheyenne, Wyo., July 2K, 1'j03. scaled proposals, In triplicate, will lie re ceived at tnis.omce until 8 o ciocK p. m., mountain time. August 2, 19u3, and then opened in tlio presence of bidders, lor tne conairuciion oi nimuH ami mi run D. A. Russell, Wyo.-. - Bidders must slate In their proposals the time in 'Which they will complete the work from date of commence- I meni mereoi. r-aen iroonui muni utj i compnnled by a guaranty signed by two ra- sponsible persons, each Justifying in a sum equal to ten per cent oi toiai amount or j bid. Full Information,' blank forms, plans I and ROecUiealiona furnished on application to this ollice. United States rererves the I erty owner w exempted from pay right to accept or reject any or all or lng regular taxes. The broad view taken ttllV Win llimnu. I . I. V luurn v.iiif.iui- bids to be endorsed ."l'roposul for Roads,' or Hulks. t Fort XL-A. Uusaell. wyo., " and addressed to Captain W. 8. Scott, quarter master, U. .S. A., in charge of Construc tion, Cheyenne, Wyo. LEGAL AOTICK. Senled bids will be received at the of fice of secretary of state up mull 12 o'clock noon of Julv b9. 1903. for lumber for use at 8. & S. home at Grand -Island as per refilled s estimate on tile In the oitloe f secretary of state. The board reserves the right to -reject, any and all bids. '. .. ! -oiiiUxuiEi vv. m a tton, -Secretary of Board. J19 d to tm i''i ' RAILWAY 1 IHM CARD. UNIOX - STATIOS-IOTH AND BARCV, 1'nloa Pacific, Leave. ,-,.a 9:40 am Arrive. Overland Limited.. a 7:60 pm a 1:26 pm The Fast Mall California Express.,.. .a 4:20 pra .all .30 pm Pacific Express. Eastern Express. ...... The Atlantic Express. The Colorado Special. a 6:30 pra ' a 7:80 am a 7:10 am a 1:40 am I 8 IlltUI Chicago oneciai v i. - r 4 .. StCromsburga ExreLnb 4:00 pm M2:50 pm North Platte Local...., .a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 5:80 om b 9.34 am Chicago, Milwaukee at St. Paul. Chicago Daylight ..a 7:46 am ull:16 pm Chlcaad Fast Express. .a 6:4b pm a 8:40 Dm C'hloage Limited ........a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am Des Moines express. ...a i:ta am a :u pm Chicago 4t Northweaterai. - 1 "Tha North western Line." Fast Chicago a T.w am Mull .. . , .1 , n. u.u.k " i-ocar-Bloux Oity'... Daylight St.- Jfaul... Daylight Chicago .. Local Cliicagc .j... Local Cedar Rapids vtiA 6:10 am 'a 8:80 pm .a -7:-H6 am alo:i pm a a-'w in aua.Av uiu u.ll:2! am m. 5:111 liin 1:10 Ulll Limited viHcago- ..... Local Carroll ......... aa:l& a 1-tK am a 4.LM pin i 9:50 am Fast Chicago Fast Bt. Paul, .a 6:60 ph. a 3:46 pm u ..u - "M Fast Mail Local Bloux t-uy..... Norfolk & Boneateel. I I rtrxl 111 b 4:00 p.u b 8.60 am i3m uioijo am U I -JU .) sis r . ....... a S . ...I . Jy kVSaaa.S at.a chicavo, "Ul; --- Chicago Daylight LTa..a 8 55 am a 8 50 am CDlvBl' y.iiB". - - Chicago' Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9.3o pm Chicago Express.........bll:16 .am l-3ji pm ttWSi"! t lm a";" S3 put a pta . i. :-WEST. , . ..... .. .Oi, .,n . Rocky Mountain j-. v ' Springs. Denver, Juebl4 and a 1:80 pm a 5:00 pm r-in Tatui. cjai. anc Oklanoma ii"' i" au.waai Wabaab. a, t mila "Cannon Ball" . Express , b.uu pm m :ai ars Bt. Louis Local, coun cil BlUBB. a .is am aiv:wi pm Mlaaearl pAcifla. Bt, Louis Express. ...;..al0:00 am a 6:28 pm K. C. ot. i iul aiu:ou pm a ,is am Illinois Central. Clilfcago Express ........a 7.85 am a 8:10 pm Chicago. Minneapolis 4k ML ram Anuuiu a -ww yux m am ...,r,u.,ll. Ac bi- Paul Kxpreaa b 7:36 am bl0:85 pm I Chicago Local 10:te am Chicago Express al0:35 am WEBSTElt DEPO 1-loTII WEBSTER, Cttleatgo, Umaba. St. faal, Minneapolis ,. Leave. Arriva Twin City Passenger... a 6:80 am a 8:10 pm 6loux City Paaenger...a 2:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local... b 6:46 pm b 8:46 am Missouri Paciate. . kr..k.r..ka Loeai Via Weeping water. ...... .w iu aui.i un r. W J..A , r . Chicago' A Norlhtveateru, nebraska nnd WyoniinaT Division. Rinni t nils. Jjeail wood- Lead, xiol Dpnnga a via a.w pm Wyoming, Casper ana Douglas ...d 8.00 pm sC;00pm Haaiiuga, lufjS, uv .' iv mi uenur. uensva. Kseter aud beward-.-.b 3:o0 pm b 6:00 pm DlRLIGTt)S STAT1ON-10TU k UASQ5 tvaasas Hr St. Juaepb A Conavll . uluAa. Kanaas City' Day Ex. .-a 8:15 am a 6:06 pm Bt. Louis Flyer...... ....a -w pm all:om Kanaaa city mgin -.. vu v.m aw ' . . ... . . llurlipgivn av a..mmw. . stv-. Latava Arriva nrumnr Beatrice . and Lincoln , - 1:60 am bl2:06 pm N.braai.a Expraas.....a $.50 am a 44 pm Denver Llnill......,....a 4-10 piu a :46 am Black HillS ana rugai Sound Exprtsa all ; 10 pm a 3:10 ym Colorado Veatlbulet; Fiyei -.)' ,a$:10pm Lincoln Faat Mai'- b 2:52 pm a :U8 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth ;..,..4..b 8:10 pm blO.SS am Bullevue & Paclflo Jet.. a 7:60 pm a 8:27 am Beiievue m Pacing yci..a i:w am Cbleaaa, Barllngtttn A Qalucy rhlcaa-o Special. ..a 7:00 am a 3:56 pa Chicago Vestibuied EX.. a 4:00 pm a 7:4o am Chlcaao Local..... ..a 8:18 am all:00 nm Chicago Limited a 8.05 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mall a 2.40 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally expvpi naturaay. e pkux except juonaay. SlEAMSlllrS. Ai;ho UN8 U. 6-Ai. STSAnHiiira NEW YORK, LOKDONUKHRr AND GLASOOW, ' NEW YORK. OIBlt ALTAR AND NAPLES. gupvrter ' acrommadattoua: Bxesllsat Culilsa. Ths CuiMorl of Pswenasrs l'srlullr I ouaMsred. Sloda or lluund Trip Ticktl. Uu4 brtassu Naa, York sod scii. Eiiaius. i.i.ii .ua ii iinuui-.i coBim.ui.1 puma at urillv rti. aVi.a fur Muuk of Tours. For Hearts ar (antral lufurmatlua sMily to su; HKNljtKtaljN HUGS., Om'l Auts. rklcasa. III. HOLLAND-AfrtERIGA LINE . Now Twln-BCMW Sloaotsrs al U.SuV Tool 9IBW yoRK HdTTkllLiAal. via Bul'Uxjjtg, asiiiai ituiMir h a a a PoUdam . -' Aa oor(isnl Aug. blalrudsm " W Motuiaam Srpt. I Kiauaat i'tuaiii si. HOLLAND-ABItlHICA LINB, OU Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Marry atoerse, 1WI rsrasns al., C. BmksHord, ISsI raraau at., a a itsruoiaa lavs rarnsia au CITY t AXES ARE NOT Y01D Judge Hunger's Deoision is T. li. 0. A. Cass Has No General Application. WILL NOT BENEFIT PROPERTY1 OWNERS Supreme t'oart Derisions Agalaat Caal rellatlon o( Rraalar Taxes Erea , If Nn Hoard of Kqaallsatlow ' Mt-rflng la Held.' Judge Mungrr's decision declaring tha rtgalar city taxes for 1SH n& 1897 luvaJld will not assist property owners In evading delinquent tuxes for those years, according 10 ty Treasurer llenning, and former Assisiaui in)- Attorney Auama. ovinia they take no Issue with Judge Munger In his conclusions In the case In court, they say the assertion that the regular city tuxes are void has no general application. Should there be any attempt at evasion in the courts It Is bound to be defeated, they state, and Mr. Adams points to rtumeroua authorities and past decision to bear him out. ,. . Treasurer llennlngs has been somewhat worried over the bold statements In twa newapapera that Judge Munger had found the lRHj ana isf city taxes illegally leviea becaU89 ot improper notice Of the Board of Kquallzatiun sittings. There are approal. mately $150,000 of back Uxea for the two years standing on the books and the treas urer Is of the opinion that liquidation wtU be retarded unless tha situation la ex plained. Na Board Necessary, "There la not a property owner who can bring a successful eult against tha city ' to . . , .. . K1. " the two years mentioned," aaid Mr. Adaroa would ba a, waste of tltria and inoney , . ... i ai, x-ui. op W attempt It. The Nebraska supreme court has held that even though there may have' peon ,o board . ... ,,.,,. , ., ' Ul nv.ii.u ... v "" by. the courts la that all property-owing cltlzena are in duty bqund to bear their fair share of the expenses In maintaining government. .Where a -case la brought lu a court of equity by a property owner dla- satisfled with his taxes U, must be tq se cure an .equalisation and with the view. having a reduction made, and not to' have the taxes wiped, oft the books' Altogether. Precedents Established. ; " "Shortly before I went out of , office I had a caaa Involving those, points be for Judge Day. The title of the suit was Hef- from agosnpt The City of Omaha ai4 con-. cerned regular taxes, sought to be evaded by showing incorrect technicalities In tha manner the assessment and levies ware mado. A whole day -was- spent - In argument and authorities and decisions were acarched out and presented. The case was won by the city. Judge Day following the precedent' established by tha supreme court In Nebraska and other states. The case In the federal court was an attempt to secure the foreclosure of a tax nurlln.l. Tha nlalntlflf rallair In, nanv.n P regularity of the bertlfloat. which he purchased. It thla certificate be faulty through technical errors, he loaes. On the other hand technicalities count for little or nothing In a straight suit to enjoin the collection of regular taxes, , 'Bo far aa the 1892 county tax la con cerned, I think that It would ba impossible to evade puyment on the grounda that the I t. . - J i.iu.iai,,,,! mu " .1 VJ&WWMI. IE Mill l..iu IIm.II.IIa. U . .1 k.. I The taxes might be teduced,--but' hardly l would be cancelled by tha court." ' I r-allnd'l'n mi Ml.lnl.1.1 ' "Something like a month ago a neighbor 0f mine came to my Ijotise at midnight and - esll.wt ma un and wanted- to linaw If I k.A . medicine1 In tne store teeammanded . for I cramps in the stomach and diarrhoea.' I ,.,,1 him a hntllA nt Chaivih.rl.ln'. nll Cholera and Diarrhea Kemedy- which he carried back home and at ths same time - - -- - sent for a doctor. Immediately pn turn hom(J ho gav0 a d0ie o( thlf) nd be afterward, -told me that tha nm ra. remedy. I u"u " " su"wu .p m ma patient waa entirely relieved before the doctor I . W - there," says Enocn Burson, OLea, Ala; , Begin Aaphalt Paving. Grading preparatory to paving with aa. phult on Dodge street from Twenty-seventh to Twenty-ninth was begun yesterday by Contractor John Grant. Another con- tract mat ne noius ror aapnaitum on Mason between Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth has progressed to the extent of having tha curbing placed In position. U la announced that paving will be done thla week on these two streets, also for the extension' of Capi tol avenue adjacent to the new market house. i . :-t . 4479 U.' v'vsuas, I ts 14 naj) Qlrl's Costume, Consisting of Plaited EtoX) ipd Bkirt. 4479. Loose plaited ' Etqns suit. young girls fur batter than snugger fitting ones and are exceedingly graceful and at tractive. The very pretty costume llivis trated combines one of the .sort with g I skirt that Is plaited at fcaoh. side' of ths front and In the center back. The original Is made of blue linmi etAwiln with trim ming of heavy cream colored lace, but tha model Is npproprlato for wool suitings aa well as for those of linen. .. .. The costume consists of the Skirt and. the Eton. The aklrt la cut in five gorea and, je laid In plait a at each front seam and agajp at the -center back. Ths Eton consists of ,h, fr0flt8 and back, both of syhlah are SEASONABLE FASHIONS plaited-and which hang looae from a fitted yoke. At the neck is a big square collar and tho sleeves are among, ths newest of the season. . . , . . The quantity of material required for ths 1 m,dlum aice (10 years) s 714 yards 27.1nhas I ... . ,. ,J " A 1 wide, 4 '4 yards 44 lncru;S wide pr 4- yards 62 Inches wide, with 4 yarda of wide, I yards of narrow applique to trim ss Illustrated. , The pattern 4479 la cut In siaea for girls of 8, 10. 13 aad 14 years of age.' - i i . For the accommodation of Tha Bee readera these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 centa, which covers all expense. In order to gat g pattern enclose 19 cents, give number and Dtnt of pattern,