Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Grain Marketi Actira ia Balliih Sta.Y.lcs
and Unfavcrabla Crop Hewa,
PrOTleloaa Are Weak Some Drappln
tTsventr to Thirty Cente mm
jfoard of Trade Owing
Llbeinal 11ns;.
CHICAGO, July 2(. The train market
were hcUvo and Strong today on bullish
statistics and unifav-iraole ciop services,
September wheat closing l'UMc hlgli.-r
feeplembcr corn ic higher, with oats up
Vk'tfWc. Provisions ruleu weak, the Septem
ber products clonl 6s, irom 2uc to 80c lower.
Notwithstanding neveral setbacss ucca
loned by realising" the wheat market ruled
irons; throughout the day and trading was
on a large sc.ile. tpllon prices were higher
under the Inlluenee ot strong cables .in J
mall worlds shipments. With continued
discouraging threi thing returns coming In
and with outside, markets showing good
gains the market hero quickly responded to
the bullish news. On the udvance locul bulls
took advantage 10 secure profits which re
sulted In shKiit tecllneii lit various stages
of the session, the murket always ral
lied to Increased buying. The strength In
corn was one of 3ie cluef bull factorn. On
one of the slum ss September sold off to
Ti'ifl'i'ikc. but lote In the dny had risen
icnin tu anu. the close whs nt Wac, a
gain of lfttl'AC. Clearances of wheat and
Hour were eiiunl to 1X.H00 bushels. The
amount of rmssagn decreased 66t(.uuO bushels,
while the visible ittipply showed a decrease
of 117,(XK) bushels. Primary receipts were
698,700 bushels, atsainnt 1,698.238 bushels a
year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported
rlnii nf 1S7 ca.-s. which, with local re
cutita of 89 ears. 27 of contract grade, made
total roeelnts for the tliree points of 2
cars, against 306 last week, and 647 a year
Trading in corn opened with a rush and
commission houses were literally swamped
with buying orders from the outside, which
resulted In a wide rangt) of prices at the
tart September welling between 624c nnd
62V. a gain ot fetVto to i74.c from Sat
urday's close. After still further advances
had been made the markot reacted on gen
nl nroflt tnklmr. scver.-J large commission
houses being lu-tlve sellers. Unfavorable
crop advices continued u come In, and al
though trudlnr was not as active as early
In the day the market regained Its early
trena-th and ruled higher the greater part
of the session. September closed with a
gain of c, at 62Vd6-Hc. after selling be
tween 62ic and 6.1c. Local receipts wero 181
cars, with 16 of contract Hade.
The strength In wheat and corn were
supporting Influences in oats and held
nricoa Arm. althnush the, July option suf
fered a setback of 24o on free offering by
cash houses. There wan a good demand for
the deferred futures, but trading lacked
any features after ranging between 33o
and 34V4C. Bcpicmner ciosea wavtc nigner,
at xrkv3t. Jocat recoiiKS were zus cars.
Provision were weak, with further un
loading of ribs by a prominent packor. This
feature, coupled with the liberal receipts
of hogs and a decline of 10c In prices at the
yards, caused a bearish sentiment through
out the. day. The clos was at about the
bottom, with Septemlier pork SOo lower, ut
$13.50. September lard was 20c lower, at
i.dd, ana rius un uv, ,vw,., ,tj.
Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
146 cars; corn. 246 cars; oats, 4G6 cars; hogs,
17,000 head.
The leading future ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat.
62 tffl
13 65
7 60
7 42W
7 82!
T 80
Q 67H
7 70
77 ,
7 vnv
13 45
7 55
7 67V41 7140
7 75
7 82V41 7,60Vi
13 GO
7 65
7 42
7 77V4
7 67V
16 4
49 H
3214 '0 M
14 40
I 05
7 75
8 60
7 07H
No. 1 tOld. I New.
Cash Quotations were as follows
FLiOUH Steady; winter paients, 3.75
S.90; straights, spring; patents
S4O0igt4Q; stralghu, a.sur3.lN; bakers, 82.
WHEAT No, 3 apring, S081c; No. 8,
788!c; no. a rea, 7(i4n'ic
CORN No. 3. 62Vc: No. 8 yellow. 63e,
OATS-No. 8. 89V4&40c: No. 3 White, 89H
fjwnc; no. a wnii, dJiifjrc,
RYE No. 3. 61c.
BARLJSr Good feeding, 32340e; fair to
choice malting, 4,'gKlc.
8KEDS No. 1 flax, 93c; No. 1 northwest
rn, 97c; prime timothy, 83.40; clover, con,
tract grade. I12.0WD12.5O.
PKOVlSlONa-Mess pork, per bbl., 813.30
tj' lara, per ii ids., i.iir( v.3o. bnort
ribs, sides (loose), 17.W7.75. liry salted
shoulders (boxed), 7.BW(i.62H. Short clear
aides (boxed),
The following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain Saturday:
receipts. &nipraenta,
about stendy, at $27.6033 00. Copper was lr- I Show practically no change, with buyers
r;iiar abroad, the lndon spot quotation 1 opesrnng as nmiai. witn conservatliim, but
advancing hs. to i-xj 1ns, wniie ruiurea 1 paying mp prices wnen lorcea to nave me
were bs lower, at J.M IM. locally, copper I goods. Hellers are very nrm as to thalr
was lower, with lake and electrolytlo I quotations and the curtailment In progiesi
ami rnsilna- at tli!.7f. Iad will un- adds to their Warrant fur maintaining the
changed in lxnion, at 11 tis in, ana locany 1 present level,
at t Ji'34 50. spelter was also uncnangea
n both markets, being quoted at 2 6s tid
n London. Iron closed at 6fc 2d In Glas
gow and at 4is d In Mlddlesoorougn. Lo
cally, Iron was quiet; No. 1 foundry, tH.ZMf
l.ib; No. 2 foundry, northern, ii.w0
No. 1 foundry, southern and so It, 117.604
Fresh Failures Caoaes Further llomp
Kervoaa Mnrket.
NEW TORK. Julv 27. Tha fsllura of an
other stock exchange firm, announced
shortly after the opening this morning, re
newed the feeling of nervousness and prices
were again lorcea to a lower lavai.
There were violent declines In soma of
the stocks. In which the failed firm was
Immediately Interested, A number uf tha
LiVK ron.TRV-Hens. A'alOc: spring standard railroad stocks st the same time
Condition of Trad an lao4atlon
Staple and Fancy rrsdaet. '
EGOS Krerh stork, loss off, 13c.
I. Il k'. IVII'I TRV.U.m ftu.'fflll
v. 1 . 1. it. . -10 11 down rrnni 1 m 2 rmiiits 1 1 n d cr ha nr
ng to ae. 4(u).ic; tui'Keys, 1'itfiic; 01a aucas, 1 "" " uunuH mm i n...,
k" youriK iii'-ks Wil'ic Initial weakness there was manifest a good
ni'TTER Parking stock. 12c; cholte absorption of stocks and points of strength
dalrv. In tuhs. I4',ilc: seoarator. 20c. persisted against the depression, letter In
1.1, 1. H1I k 1 imiiint irom. ': I the dny, when It was suld no further fall
pickerel, 8c; pike, !c; perch, 6c; buffalo, ures would be announced, the tone of the
7Vc; bluefish, lie; whlteflsh, lc; salmon, 14o; market became very strong and the early
haddock, luc; codfish. 12c; redsnspper, lc; losses were wiped out even In tha Weak
lobsters, bulled, per lb., iac; inhalers, green, stocks, while the general level Of the mnr-
per lb., 23c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black ket rose to a suhstnntlnl level over Satur-
bass. 20c; halibut. 10c: cranple. 12c; herring, day night. The demand was especially ron-
6c; perch, Ik;; white bass, luc; blueflna, 8c. I spicuous for New Yolk I'Pntrnl, Ht, Faul,
nit. I'er ton. 115. 1 neauing. Illinois ventral ana stocKS or a
HAY Prices ouoted bv Omaha Wholesale I like substantial smile. B.inm larae orders
Dealers' assoclatloi: Choice No. 1 upland. I were ox ecu tod In all of these atocks and
88.60; No. 2, $8; medium, 17.60: coarse, 37. at other points throughout the market, so
o straw, ,. These prices are nr nay 01 that prices ended the day from 1 to over
gooa coior ana quuuty. ieraana. iair ana 1 3 above Saturday a level tor prominent
but they closed above the lowest of the
dnv. Home raiia aenerallv recovered.
Americans were Idle, pending developments.
1 nere was a general improvrnieni "
York oi.enlns in Ices and slocks cl sed rlrm.
The following were some of tha latest quo
tations: Atchison, 66; Haltlmore & O'1'"'
fcfi; Canadian l'ailflc, 1274j; Chlciigo, Mil
waukee St. Paul. 144; Erie, ; pre
ferred, 6V4; Louisville A Nashville, ll4;
Southern Pncltlc, 4:1; Union 1'aclttc, it-.
and Li lted States tteel common, lihl pre
ferred, i4.
I'Aiim .lull, ?7rricea on the bourse to
day opened rlrm, but business was light.
Hpanlwh securities were in ciemanu on puu
llcnilnn nf Hncir Vilin verde's llnancial pro
jects and the good rel itlons between Franca
and Ppaln. T.iree per cent rvnics,
tiJ'so for the nocount,
11ERI.IN. Julv 2;. Prices on tne oourss
tolsy were moderately tlrm. Government
funds Were quiet and coal and Iron shares
Irregular. The w.'tkly statement of the
Imperial bnnk of Germany shows the fol
lowing clmnaisi Cash in hind. Increased,
as.iso.uoo marks; treasury notes, lncrased
IKI.iiOii marks; other securities, uerrcaeu
39.11,000 marks; notes In circulation de
creased 59,91,000 marks.
Boaten Stock Qnotatlons.
ROSTON. Julv 37. ("all loans. 3?f I er
cent;' time loans, &Hi6 per cent. Official
closing prices un stocks and bonds:
17 H Allourl 4H
H AmHntd
leccluis light.
CUKiM 4j(.
RYE-No. 3, 4T.
NEW POTATO K8 Southern and home
grown, per bu., GogfOOc.
stocks, and at much wider marks for some
less prominent Issues. There Was much
buying to cover abort contracts nhd a con
siderable portion nf it Waa by professional
operatora for a turn In the market on the
long side. But there was sn Improved
demand for Investment both In Storks and
CLV'L'illiliKS-Hume grown, per doa., 40 1 bonds, and stock exchange commission
ukaks Home grown, wax. per market
banket, 50c; string, per market basket, 6O0.
I'tiAa-llome crown, per market basket.
CAULIFLOWER Home crown, tier dox..
CABBAGE New California. ter lb.. 1H
61V .
(iHEKN CORN Per dOX., 68C
TOMATOES Texas, per 4-baaket crate.
60S 75c.
rhl nARB Per lb., lc.
NAVY BEANS Per hn.. 3200.
CELERY Michigan, per dox 2630e.
ONIONS New home grown, dry. per lb..
BLACKBERRIES Home crown. Der 34-
qunrt case, $2.0(Kb2.60.
PLUMS Hurbanks. fl.351.40; P. D.. per
box, 31.2641 1.35; Washington. Il.204il.36;
Bradshaw, 81.2u1.3.
PKUNKi Tragedy, per tox, 81.35.
I-EACHES California. St. John's earlv
freestones and early Craw fords, 11.15.
tlKKAn r Per 18-qt. case, 12.
GOOSEBERRIES Per li-at. case. 31
PEA H3 California. BarUetts. per box.
CANTALOUPE Texas standard, pet
crate, 82.00; per crate, $1.75.
APPLES-New stocK. V4-bu., 76c.
WATERMELONS Texas. 25fl(30o each.
FIGS Turkish. 18-lb. box. per lb.. 18c.
ORANGES Mediterranean, all size. 83.23:
St. Mlckea or paper rind, all alsea, 83.600
houses showed an Increased confidence In
advising their customers to buy. Only a
few nf the Inactive stocks showed such vio
lent falls ss have characterized the recent
market, which pointed to a conclusion thut
there was less pressure to close out un
marketable securities figuring aa collateral
In loana and an Improvement In facilities
for securing accommodation. The recent
contraction of credit In the stock market
has been largely due to distrust of such
operations as those In which the recently
railed nrms nave been largely enifiiKea, in
volving as they did Inflation and manipula
tion nf the values of securities. The let
ting out of this Inflation has really brought
a sense of rellof from the oppression of
artificial conditions hanging over the mar
ket and sustained with difficulty. These
held-over projects are quite apart from the
earlier ones. In which tha syndicates were
successful In holding Up prices until their
holdings were taken on tneir nanus mm
which have loft behind tham also their
train of financial distress and disappoint
ments. Hut with the passing of the syn
ini.rMi. In these and the Aban
donment of their artmciai suppuri, ion
stocks have been allowed to sink to tho
level natural to tho changes in ineir aiaiun.
The recent failures represent the aban
donment of efforts to sustain by main
... v. ,A n-i rf securities, the mar-
BuciiBiu v :lj ,1.. ii
ket for wnicn nas puwru "
up of arrairs wnicn rwuiiw -
of sensible relief In the market.
There were rears inai iuiiuj-i ........
would occur today, and the strong recov-
I WWUIW ' " ' . . . , a 1
LKMONS-tallfornla fancv. boo to in rv in tho market waa neipeu ny im
Sizes. S.V756T6.00 : 240 to 270 sixes. 34.605.00. Ing of these. The market Closed sieauy,
. . . 1 -1. 1 , 1 1 . m , . . . .. . I . . . 1 . . I ( n-V. , 1 r ItalnW I M f IOD 1 1 II.
ijiraco r lunua, per s-oaaaei. crate, 0.IAJ mm "u . h rnther Ir-
tfj.50. The bond market continued fntbejT,r.
MISCELLANEOUS. regular, although there was J0"1 devmn"a
MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo. per lb.. lOo. for some issues. Total sales pat ' value,
POPCORN-Per lb., 2c; shelled, to. 83.226,000. United Statea bonds unchanged
HIDES No. l green. 6c; No. 2 green, on call. ...,. v, M.w
64c; No. 1 salted, lc; No. 2 salted, o Following are the quotations on tha New
in o. i veai cair, s to n ids., im; mo. z venl lorx oiuv Mvuai..
calf, 12 to 16 Iba., 6Hc; dry salted hides, 8 AtchiMn J""' pfa ..
12c; aheep pelts, 26tf75c; horse hides, $1,603 Ho pM '
2 50. Bait. A Ohio 8. Railway ....
NUTS-Walnuts. No. 1 aoft ahell. per lb., T,P Pa'cViic
17c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft .heii: C r.cifl. ';;;, T.'"8"t. u &T
per id.. ioc, inu. a nara aiieii. p-r ID., lzc; fhea. Ohio 2U do ptd
X3raziin. pf-r in., iiioeria, per ID., 1X1 nKt M. allnn
almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 16c: hard ahell. c h
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12V4c; rhl. k Ot. W..
small, per id., lie; cocoanuta, per dox.. 61c: I do Id ptd
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuta. per lb., 6 He; Chi. N. w...
roaaiea peanuis, per id., ic; disck walnuts, I ai. ir. as 4
a. hi, t7 ' hlnknpv null nn. K,, tl U I An Dfd ......
m , , n I Colo. Bouthara 11H
Ot, UVHII " I An 1 at nfd 41
ST. L-OUIS. July 27. WHEAT Close: do Id Did 11
ziSkUnlon FaclOo
do Btd
do ptd
W. & L. E..
Wia. Central
do pld
Adams Ex....
American Ex.
U. 8. E.
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, Du. .
Oats, bu, .,
Rye. bu. ...
barley, bu.
.... 64.700
.... 71.600
Higher, No. 3 red, cash, elevator, 78c; I Del. Hudson...
track, 78HU1c; July, 79c; September, 78c; I 1., L. w
December, 78c; No. 3 hard, 7376o. D. A Rio O
cukin Migner; no. z cash, blc; track, ,
Rimi.vA. t..i. en., c t c. t.. I Erla ...
u.'M-., UUljr, PCyiCHIUDI , Wa,U, XJV I fl fj
OATS Higher No. 3 cash. 84c: track. J4U o.00 J.JL"
36c; September, SJVic; December, 84c; No. Hooking Valley
wiiite, arc. i ao pld ..
RYE Firm. 60W61C. I 111. Central
FLOUR Steady; red winter patent. $1.80 I Iowa Central
aji.uu ;extra rancy ana atraignt, ss.aoiir3.S4i I 00P'?
Clear, w.wjA.t.
SEED Timothy, nominal; $2.60.
CORNMEAL Steady: 82.70.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 76378c,
MAi-Bteady timotny, zs.ooiiil6.00; prat
r!e. 87.0CXJ) 10.50.
BAGGING 54 "o45Hc.
PROVISIONS-Pork. lower: lobblnr.
standard mess, $13.9). Lard, lower; $6.70.
Bacon, lower; boxed, extra shorts. 88.62V4I
ciear rios,; snort Clear, .37.
standard mess. 113.90. Lard, lower. 16.70.
METALS Lead, strong, $4.2084.26; apel
ter, strong, $5.50.
POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 84c; aprlnga.
ivw, iuiucjo, in--, uuens, bc; geese, mc.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1621c;
aairy, lfiuiic.
EGGS Steady: 13V4e. loss off.
Receipts. Shipments,
Flour, bbls 14.000 6.0O
Wheat, bu 2C8,000 64,000
Corn, bu 65.000 66,000
Oats, bu 89,000 40,C0)
. ill
. 471
. 47?,
. 72H
.111 W
. It
, 05
, 11
, 8414
, 14
i 1714
, nil
Walla-Farao Ex IKS
Amal. Copper
Am. Car F 2
do nfd aa
Am. Linseed Oil 714
do pld lew
Am. Locomotive 1
do sfd w
Am. Hmelt. at R 41
do Did U14
Am. Buaar Rennlnx..lii
Anaconda M. Co izta
Brooklyn K. T 44
K. C. Southern ...
do ptd
Louis. Nash....
Manhattan L,
Met. St. Ry
M. ft St. L
Mo. Paclflo
M., K. T
do DIa
Nat. H. R. of Max.
do prd
N. Y. Central
Nor. A W
do Ptd ..,
Out. ft W
P., C. C. St. L..
do 1st prd
do Id pfd
Rock Island Co....
do ptd
Bt. U a. r
do let ptd
do Id pfd ;.
St. l. a. w
do Pfd
Bt. Paul
x one red.
4 Co o. F. at I
. 201 Col. & Hock. Coal.. 11
. 17Con. Oas 1X4H
.lna. Oen. Electrlo l&s
.1321 Inter. Paper lUli
.llsls do pfd i
. e4 xlnter. Pump it
,. f!t do pfd 70
,. 10 Nat. HI am It 9
. 4o Nat. Lead 13
. 18 IN. American 73v
,. is Pacific Mall 201s
..12UU People's Gas H
, aiiPreaaed B. Car 43
.65 do Ptd 1
,. t:. Pullman P. Car 2m
. 4D14
. II
. 24
. 43i:
Hrpubllo Steel
do pfd
Rubber Goods ...
do pfd
Tenn. Coal & 1..
II. 8. Leather ...
do pfd
K U. B. Rubber .
. si I do pfd
, 4HVU- 8. Steel ....
. 14 do pld
. I0U Western Union
, 4
, 23H
. 7114
, 1
Ati-hltnn 4S
do pfd
Pnston A Albany..
Hoi.ton A Maine ..
lloalon L
N. V., N. H. & H
Fltrhbum pld
t'nlnn Pacific
Mrx. Centrul ......
Am. Surer
do pfd
Am. Tel. & Tel....
Ilnm. I. A 8
General Klectric ..
Mara Electric ....
I nltcd r'rult
f. 8. Steel
do pfd
nsi Calumet Hecla. .. .42.,
it'oprer Range
Illnmlnlon Coal
Frank lln
Isle Koyele ....
Hi hawk
7f)hold Dominion
131s; Oacrnla
.llo Parrot
. 1 in Ltuniiy
.130 tfatita Fe Copper.
. 11 Tamarack
.Tj9 Triinountatn
. 20 Trinity ,
.loo t'nlted States ....
. Z3 I'tah
. 71 w Victoria
Common., sii tvinona
Sli' W olverine
, tl
. ti
, 1
, 15
,' tl
, i
. 314
. 7
. 67
Beef S een Eald About Steadj, but Com
mon Oowi Were Lower,
Hear? riaa ( aUeep and Lambs, bat
Demand Waa Liberal aad Sheep
Sold 8troa to Tea Cents Illaraer
aad Lambs Aboat Steady.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Olhciai Monday 2,oVi 2,uiV lo,i,4
bame day last week it.&tl s.iOj H.iJo
Same week oetore i,Ul i,ix4 K.JSj
Sime three weeks uk.. it.Ml i,So4
haine lour weeks ago., a.w; a.Jlu
Same day last year.... 3,6u0 3,tCJ V.746
'ike following table snows tue receipts ut
cattle, nogs ai.U sneep at bouin uinana lor
tne year tu dale and comparisons with lust
year: iguj. iwM. Inc. Dec
Cuttle 66a, 108 602,444 loO.UU
nogs l,4ou,ul4 1,4m, i oa H,44
blleep! 410,111 144,811
Average price paid fur hogs ut Houth
Oinuiiu tor tue last seveiul uas with comparisons;
other points were quoted lower prlra con
tinued downward, l'he market could safely
be quoted alow and fully a dime lower than
Bittiirday'a sverae market. Fackers did
not take hold with any energy, ao that In
aplte of the fact that there were only a few
cars In the ysrds the morning wm well ad
vnnced before the bulk ws disposed of.
The heavy hogs sold Isrgely at 4 il and
14 96, mined went at 4.W. and MKTS, while
the lightweights went from 16 U0 to lido.
Borne of the eatremely lieavy loads, espe
riuiiv if ihev ,m a HUM lacking In dual
ity, were almost lmiosslble to dls.wse of at
any price, ae tip to a 1st- iiour buyers
wouia not msse a iuu on inein. ,. t-,
nnl itinrh rhnnce In the nrlres Dnld from
sfart to finish, though, the same as usual,
buvers picked up the best light weight first,
which elwavs mokes tha close seem dull
and weak. Representative salea:
No. AT. Sh. pr. No. At. 8k. Pr.
lale. 11HJ3. 19tK.ia01.lW0.lj9.189H. 1897.
July 1 1 6 CO I 7 641 6 Ml 1 71 1 l i
Juiy a w'ki i Mi t M I K I
Jaiy S.... tutti V u B 74) 6 01 S 7S
July 4. ...i - i i i e i i
Juiy k.... 7 S4 i 7a' 6 C3 3 7 3 66
Rank Clearings.
On tha Produce exchange todar the but.
ter market waa weak; creameries, llya 18 He;
dairies, easy at mark, cases Included, 11
14c Cheese, stronger, lWylic
ttaotatloas mi tha Day Vartoaa
NEW TORK. July 27.-FLOUR Receipts,
25,760 bbls.; exports, 11.676 bbls. Market waa
quiet but held hlger, closing steady. Winter
ratents, (3. 404.10; winter straights, IS.toip
66: Minnesota patenta, 34.4CMU4.66; winter
extras, t.UOJ3.20; Minnesota bakers, $J 66"g
1.76; winter low grades, 3-.7Wfr3.0u. Rye
flour, easy; fair to good, 3J.9otQ3.76; choice
to fancy, 33.3ua3.60.
CORN MEAIj Firm; yellow western, 31.11;
city. 3110; kiln-dried, 33.MKu3.-6.
RYE Steady; No. 3 western. 68Hc, t. o.b.,
afloat; state, 6Vu69Ho, c. I. f.. New York.
11ARLKY Steady ; feeding, 6:e. c. 1. f..
New York; malting, 61Hru67u, c 1. f., New
WHEAT Receipts, 163,2a bu.; exports,
H.319 bu. Bpot, Arm; No. 3 red, 82c, eleva
tor, and S3',c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north
ern, Duluth, 93c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
hard. Manitoba, &44c, f. o. b., afloat. It
was a bull day In wheat; with active trade
and higher prices, based upon adverse
threshing news, bullish weekly statistics,
active covering and strength In corn, with
the close lc net advance. May, o-,-tniS4 V-'.
closed at MVic; July, 8JHiXJ'c, closed at
83"4)C; September, Wfoltt 15-16, closed at
6J"c; December, 8!, closed at S3c.
CORN Receipts, Ii2.6u0 bu; exports, 17,
614 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2. 69Hc. elevator,
and 6iHc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5i"c;
No. 2 white, 6Hc. Option market was
strong and higher on complaints of hot
Weather west, bullish cables, a large apec
ulatlve demand and light offerings. The
close showed ic net advanre. July closed
at 69Hc; September, 68V41i58ic. closed at
68c; December, 6iSti68o, closed at 6Sc.
OAT Receipts, 103,200 bu.; exports. 2ft -688
bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, 40c; standard
white, 41Vsc; No. 3, 40c; No. 2 white 42c;
No. 3 white, 41c; track white, 40647c. Op
tions firm and fairly active.
BRAN Dull ; spring. 317 60W17.75; mid
dling, JlS.omuW; winter, 318.0U& 20.00; city.
HAY Easy; shipping, 8085c; good to
l-iioii-e, ei.iuiiLlo.
HOI'S yun-t; state, common to choice
19n3 crop. )nuic: laol cron. UTiltW-- ,i,u
6iic. l'aclflu coast, IM2 crop, ltoilSjc; 19j
Vri, IIIIH , IPIUB, D410C.
HlDKa tasy ; Galveston. M In S lha
18c; California. 21 to lbs., 19c; Texaa dry.
tt, . . . 1 V. 11.. 1
ae lu m in,., 4ivi.
LKATHKK bteady: acid. tyffXKLa.
RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, tVi
he Jupnn, nominal.
VROV 18IONS Beef, dull; family, 110 00
fi-10 60; mess, is.mvti.W; beef hams, 325i"fr
CJ.taj; packet. :; city extra India
mesa. nommitiiD t ut meats, nrm; pick
led bellies, $S6nn50; pickled shoulders,
37.00trr7.60: pickled hams. 312 6 "til 3. 00. Iard
easier; western steamer, 37. 7u; July closed
at 98. 6. nominal; renneti. easy; continent.
3776; tjoulh America, 38 60; comMund. 67.60
17.75. Pork, weaker, family, 617 fxU7 7i;
li'jrt cliar, xi iMftu.ou; mean, ih wii.wi.
ountry, 4HiQ4c.
HL T l r.ll liri
at decline; atat
Ksenna City Grata aad ProTlaloaa,
t lose: Beptemoer, Bilkc; December. 68,
68T,c; cash. No. 2 hard, 69c; No. 3, 67if)ti8c;
mo. t, ei'!ioc; rejectea, n-'iiojc; xso. i red
iaviw4c; rno. i red, H'0ibc,
Neir York Money Market.
vrw YORK. July 27. MONET-Close:
Prime mercantile paper, 6Hft6c.
31.859.f4.8&95 for demand and at 34.836o9
, o'ic' .l.iv Havi hills: nosted rates.
fnn Dt-l)teiiioer, etkc; iecemDer, 4Hc; 114 Mit and 34.67; commercial Dills,
cash. No. 2 mixed, 60c; No. 2 white 61c;
No. 3 white, 60c.
OATS No. 2 white, 83 40c; No. t mixed,
HAY Choice timothy, $8.60; choice prai
rie. n.w.
RYE No. 2, 600.
BUTTER-Creamery, HttfJTTttc;
fancy, 1&H
64c; Mexican dollars,
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu. ..
42 He
BONDS Government bonda ateady; rail
road bonda Irregular.
MONEY on can, sieaay. ausvt per ceni;
last loan at 2 per cent, closing lVi per
... imA mnnev atrnnsr! afxtv dvn. 6514
dairy, per 'cent; ninety days, 64 Per cent; six
montns, per cent.
r,. , .. ! . .-I a. muilal nm nil hnnnl am aa
Receipts. Shipments, follows:
,JH II, Mk At .-- - . . . . . - ... .
U. g. ret. Ia, reg....1 1 at . uni. ea
Philadelphia Frodaca Market.
Weak and Vic lower; extra western cream
ery, iiiuiiic; ao, near by prints, 23c.
EGGS Firm and In fair demand; fresh
near by. 18c. loss off: do. western. lSWie:
do, southwestern, 164j17c; do, southern, lSVi
CHEKSK steady: good demand: New
York, full cream, choice, new, 10Va10Vxc;
ao, iair to gooa new, vwmuc.
Visible Supply of Grata.
NEW tuhk, July 27. The visible atiD-
Ply of grain Saturday. July 25. as comulled
by the New York Produce exchange, Is aa
WHEAT 12.950,000 bu, decrease 117,000 bu.
CORN 7.3H.OHO bu, decrease T08 010 bu.
OATS bu. Increase 73S.OO0 bu.
RYE 371. OKI bu, Inert a.'e 2),tOJ bu.
BARLEY 365,000 bu, decrease 45,000 bu.
Minneapolis Wheat. Floor and Bran.
July, 87Vje; September, 76Tc; December,
67c: 011 track. No. l hard. BSc: No. 1
northern, 87c; No. 2 northern, 85c; No. $
nortnern, M ifB'ic.
city, 4c, noiuiuil;
BCTTKR Receipts. 1J.W Pkga.
Ut da
try, HyliVsc; creamery.
EUilS-Recelpta, ,'.94 pkgs. Firm; west
ern extraa. lto.
CHEESE Itarelpta. 7,fl pkgs.; steady to
firm; small, white and colored. iuc; large,
colored, l'c; large, white. 9!te.
POl'LTKY Alive. irrrgulur; western.
spring chickens. 16c; fowls. 14Hc; turkeys,
lie Dressed, Irregular; western broilers,
lSo: fosrls IJWlc; turkeys. ll'ulSc.
MKTALB Tin waa Weaker In Ixmdon
pot there declining 1 16c, to 124 lus, and
.fuiurea 1 lua, u atUL LatAiijr. Ua waa
00 eoupon 104
do ta, rag U-
do coupon loss
do new 4a. res H4S4
do eoupon ltti
do aid 4s, res Ill
do ooupon ....
do la, res
do couoo ....
Atrhleon ten. si
do ad. 4a ....
D. A O. 4a ,
do 1V.S
do cone. 4s...,
Canada 80. 2a...
Central ot Oa. 6s
do. 1st tnc
Thes. A O. 4S4S.
xChl. A Alton IWa.
.. 70
.. 14
.. US
.. KM
Mei. Central 4a
do let Inc....
M. A St. L. 4s
M . K. A T. 4s
do 2ds
N. Y. C. fen. ISl. 5Vs
111 IN. J. C. aen. fs....i:i
....10141 N. Pacific 4a 100
....101 do ta 71Vs
.... 9VN. A W. eon. 4s T
.... tt'lsiReadlni Su. 4a 74 H
....10"V 8t L. A I. M. e. 6s.H0
.... 72 I8t. U A 8 K. 4s.... H'
....100 St. L. 8. W. Is SHi
....10 xdo 2a 711
....KcVlS. A. A. P. 4a... 7T
70 ISO. Pa,-I0c 4a S5
..IOOV11B. Kallwar 6s Hi's
74 Tes. A 1'ac. la 113
OMAHA. Julv 27. Rank clearlnara for to
day were 31,'Jta ''53.03: Increase over corre
sponding day of previous year, 360,635.81.
Cotton Market.
Quiet. Snlcs 275 bales. Ordinary, 9 15-10c;
good ordinary, llVc; low middling, liic;
middling:. 13'4c: aood middllmr. 1 :!-.(' : mid
dling fair, 14 5-hic nominal. Receipts, 193
liales; stock, 40.KW hBlcs. Futures quiet and
steady. Jul-. 13.15c hid: Auaust. K null X2r :
September, lO.Wd lO.tiUc; October, 9.W(fl4).t;c;
inovemoer, s.hj'; uecemuer, B.4'ajt;
January, 9 47(h9.4ac.
niEW xOK Y, July 27.-COTTON Opened
firm at unchanged nriccs to an advance of
six points, with firm cables, but after a
brief interval of hetiitancy, turned easier
and during the balance of the session dis
played a generally declining tendency. In
addition to the cables the earlv firmness
was assisted by the unfavorable showing
oi i no weuiner mnp, wnicn renected no
rains of consequence In Texas and the
traders were also rendered somewhat anx
ious by the report that about 9.000 balea of
cotton had either been destroyed or Injured
by a fire In a Brooklyn warehouse. Later,
however. It became known that the amount
of cotton Involved was only some 2,300 bales.
The Liverpool cables also turned easier and
later reports drifted in of good rains In the
western belt. During the forenoon there
was little or no support, and aa the session
progressed offerings became more liberal.
July, which had opened at 13.30c and Bold
at 13.33c was depressed to 13.10c, and August
after selling at 8 points over Saturday's
close, was forced down to 12.10c under real
izing. September was weak all day. Open
ing at 10.03c It sold down to 10.52c, the later
months also attracted general pressure.
Toward the close the market was the most
active of the session and while the list
was finally steady, prices were at the low
est of the session, or at a net decline of
five at three points. Salea were estimated
at 90.000 bales.
ST. LOUIS. July 27.-COTTON-Qulet,
unchanged. Middling, 12Hc. Sales, none.
Receipts. 49 bales; shipments, 146 bales;
stork, 2.4U bftles.
ra.'r.Vemanil; Prices unchanged. American
middling. 6.Md. The sales of the day were
8,000 balea of which 1,000 wero for specula
tion and export nnd included 7,500 Ameri
can. Receipts, l.OuO bales, Including 200
American, Futures opened quiet and closed
easy; American middling g. o. c. July.
628fS6.9d; July-August, 6.283; August-September,
6.24d; September-October, 6.81(65.82d;
October-November. 6.39d; November-Decem-a.28ifi6.29d;
December-January. 5.23(31
6.24d; January-February, 6.22d; February
March, S.21(&6.22d; March-April, 6.21d.
CofTee' Market.
NEW YORK, July' 27. COFFEE Spot,
quiet. Futures opened ateady at un
changed prices, but turned easier and
more active under the issuance of Ancmi
notices, which were said to be out to the
extent of about 150,000 bags. This led to
switching near the later positions and a
good part of the transactions reported were
exciiunges on August ror uecemDer at dif
ferences of 66 and 60 points. Primary re
ceipts wero also heavy, encouraging salea
for short account, but the steadiness of the
market at Santos restricted the downward
tendency. The market closed steady, net
unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were
40,750 bugs, including August at 3.60fi3.65c;
September, 3.75c; October. 3.80c: November.
3.90c; December, 4.15i4.20c; January, 4.30c;
March, 4.40c; May, 4.60c.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
APPLES Quiet, with only a small business
reported, but prices are steadily held. Com
mon, 4(U"c; prime, &Vg6c; choice, 6tit6Hc;
luncy, 6thV6c.
prunes remain steady, with a fair Jobbing
demand reported and some Inquiry for ex
port account. Quotations range from 3c to
7c for all sizes. Apricots show little change.
being hteady at Irom 8c to 8c for choice
and 104j12V4c for fancy. Peaches attract a
mo.lor ite demand and rule generally steady
at 7u7Hc for choice and 10tiU!Q for fancy.
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY, July 27.-01L Credit balance,
156. Certificates, no bid. Shipments, 112.833
bbls., average, 77,139; runs, 144,434, aver line,
76,703. Shipments, Lima, 127,486 bbls., aver
age, 64,655; runs, Lima, 78,218, average, 56,28.1.
SAVANNAH, July 27. OIL Turpentlno,
firm. Rosin, A, B, C, 31.65; E, 31. 70; F, 31. 75;
O, 31.85; H, 3.30; I, 2.75; K, 3:'.90; M. 33.00;
N, 33.10; W G, 33.L'6; W W, 33.46.
NEW YORK, July 27. OIL Cottonseed,
dull; yellow, S4rvi 4a4c Petroleum, firm;
Rosin, ateady. Turpentine, firm.
Saitar and Motasaea.
NEW ORLEANS. July 27. SL'OAR-Dull:
open kettle, 23 7-ltie; centrifugal, 2Vs'U'
2Wc; centrifugal, whiles, 4c; yellow, 3
U4c; seconus, i-,')o.
MOLASSES open kettle nominal, 13?f26c;
centrifugal, D'nlSc; syrup nominal, HXfyiMc.
NEW YOKIv, July 27.-8UOAR Raw
steady; refined steady.
July 6....6 663i ia i pi e loi 4 J 3 tool 3 23
uijr i.... a ioi IB ill a ol "
Julv a i .Mil 7 v s iiv! a i a ki.i 1 811
Juiy ...., a 44HI J U 6 W 6 13( ( 3 781 3 36
July 10... 3, J M 6 oo 6 la 3 0 J 3 23
6 KJ V4, ll ...
6 0 VJ 4 04 3 .3 3 13
6 9o 6 13 4 tW 3 'J 3 14
Ik 081 4 06, 3 ill 3 t
July 16... 6 1 76 5 77 1 "J 3 W 3 77 3 li
July 16...) b ioi i 6 6 6 02 63 3 30
July 11 6 7 .
July 13... 6 2SV4
July 14. ..I 6 16 7 72
July 17... I 6 lu.! 7 74 0 6o 4 4 4 01 I 3 1 ia
July ls...f 6 2 7 73 0 i t 7 4 1 3 821
Julv 10... 7 Kai If. SU Wi 4 Z8l 3 8 13 32
July 20... I S 22-V a 6Vi 4 9& 4 19i 3 IM 3 3j
July il... 5i2 7 63 6 Ui 4 21 3 81 1 3 38
July 2a... o V, 1 4i 6 6S 4 o4 3 ' 3 27
July 23... 6 7 3J 6 71i 6 16 3 i 3 a.
July 4... 6 lVs 7 41 6 t0i 6 lo 4 3ti I 3 30
July 26... 6 Obfet 7 64 6 74 5 06 4 31 1 3 S9 .
Juiy 26... I 1 b2 6 68 6 U2 4 27i 3 8i 3 3i
July tl... 4 96H I 6 681 6 00 4 32 3 '.i 3 43
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
The olttcial number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each roau waa:
C, M. & St P 1 4
Mo. Pacific Ry
Union Pacific System 31 6 34
C. ct N. W. Ry 1 1
Jf, E. & M. V. R. R.. 26 14
C, St. P.. M. &. O. Ry 8 3
B. die M. Ry 20 7 3 2
C, B. & O. Ry 2
C, K. 1. & P., east.. 6
C, H. I. & P., west.. ..
Total receipt 106
The disposition ot the day's receipts waa
aa follows, eacn buyer purcuaslng tne num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hosts. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 440 ilH l.Kfo
Bwilt & Company.. 480 600 2,114
Cudahy Packing CO 699 717 l,3o7
Armour & Co., country.... 432 88 3,019
vansant & co.
Carey dc Benton...
Lobman & Co
Hill & Huntzlnger.
Huston die Co
11. F. Hamilton....
L. F. Husi
Lee Rothschild....
Other buyers
r n A O. neat 4a.. asli'iT., St. L. A W. 4s. 74
XV, M A St P g. 4S..10S jt'nlon Pacific 4a n
C. A N. W. e. 7a 130U do cone, is VJ'e
C, Ft. I. A P. 4s... .100 iWsbash Is 114
C C C A Bt L s. 4s.. do la los
irhlraio Ter. as is oo oo. n
afolo. A 8. 4s 7 West Shore 4s 107
I). A Rio O. 4s M lW. A U. E. 4a t
Erie prior lien 4s... Ttv'is. Central 4a 7
do Ken. 4S as i imo. r. ciiut. OS... Bl
rt. W. A D. C. 1st.. 104 Coo. Tob. ta 6714
llooklns Valley tte..lU4 I
x one red.
London Stork Market.
LONDON, July 27. Closing quotations:
FLOl'R First patents. 34.401.60; second Com
atents. 34.25U4.3&: first clears, 23.40u3.50; 00
second clears. 3-.40S2.60.
BRAN In bulk. 312.00(112. 50.
Conaola. money
do pia
.41 1-14 N. T. Central
.11 1-1 Norfolk A Western.
... IV do pfd
... 44V Ontario A Weetern.
... 1 IPennaylvanla
Milwaukee Urnla Market.
Higher; No. 1 northern, 86Htl87Hc; No. t
northern, 8oH'jWc; new September, 7;
RYE Iywer, No. 1, 52Sf3V4c.
n.ltlmore A Ohio... Hind allnea..
Canadian Pacific 111 Heading
BARLEY Dull: No. 2. o&utiOc: sample. 36 I Erie
CORN September. 524c.
Liverpool Grala aad ProTlalana.
LIVERPOOL. July 27-Spot: Quiet: No.
t red wustern winter, 6s 3d; No. 1 northern
fining, 6s 6Hd; No. 1 California. 6a 7d.
Futures: Firm; July, nominal; September,
6s 3Sd: December. 6a 3d.
CORN Spot: American mixed, quiet. 4.1
4d. Futures: Firm; July, nominal; Sep-
ieinoer, a ovia.
(he aa peaks A Ohio.
Chicago U w...
C, at. at St. P.
Denver A K. O.
do pld.
do let pfd
da Id Pld
Illinois Central
LauteTllle A Neah.
at., K. m T. .
. l
. It
. SO
. u
. aa
. 44
do 1st pfd
do no pia
Southern sty
do pfd
Southern Paclfto.
tnloa Pacific...
do pfd
V. 8. fcleal
do ptd
Wi bash
do pfd
. 2:n
. t
. t's
. 24V,
. 41Vs
. 4
. 21
. 7
. 41 '4
. an
. n
. Vi
. 31
CATTLE There waa a light run of cat
tle here today and a larger proportion of
the offerings consisted ot cows and stock
cattle than has been tne case tor some
lime past. Chicago, however, had a big
run, and as prices there took a drop ot
about a dime that had a tendency to make
packers bearisn at this point ulso.
There were comparatively few beef steera
on sale today ana the prices paid did not
show much change irom the ciose of last
week. The unfavorable reports from Chi
cago, however, helped buyers to bear down
on the market a little and aa a reauit soma
of tne kinds that did not Just suit tne
packers sold at prices that looked a shade
lower. Desirable grades though In must
cases sold at right close to steady prices.
The choicer bunches sold mostly from 3o.0t)
to 35.16. Owing to the light receipts every
thing was d mooned of In good season, al
though trading waa not exactly brisk at
any time.
The cow market waa not far from ateady
on the best grades, out when It came to the
commoner kinds of grass cows the market
waa extremely dull und lower. There were
quite a few cows on sale today and most of
them were of the common order and pack
ers did not take nold of them with any life
and In fact did not seem to care whether
thev bouarht any of that class or not.
The prices paid were very uneven, so the
market could best be described by calling It
alow and unevenly lower.
Bulls did not show much change from the
close of last week. They were not very ac
tive, but held about ateady. The same waa
true or veal calves.
There were more stock cattle In the yards
this morning than have been here this sea
son, but most of them coming from the
range country. Speculators took hold fairly
well and bought up everything offered. Re
ceipts have been so light of late that It is
difficult to quote a market, but traders as a
areneral tlilim were auotlng the prices paid
Just about Bteady with those In force last
week. Kepresentative sales:
At. Pr. No.
Wool Market.
W. .
4 ...
41 ..
... 730 I 00
... i7o a vt
Ml 111
4 I 60
0 60
SHI 4 00
list 4 40
11(4 4 4e
1031 4 66
1141 4 76
1102 4 70
1132 4 80 1...
, 112 IM 17...
1401 4 16 II...
1301 4 a6 64...
1302 4 16
1201 4 76
At. Pr.
..1341 4 66
..1370 4 K
..1026 4 40
..1144 4 Ml
..1331 4 M
..1244 I M
..1160 I 00
..1624 I 00
..1024 6 40
..1624 4 10
..1410 14
..1(10 6 14
..1624 I IS
..1646 I 16
..1744 6 It
Dnlata Grala Market.
DCLTTH, July 27. WHEAT In Btore,
No. 1 hard, 8SV; No. 1 northern, 87c; No.
2 northern. K5Sc; to arrive. No. 1 hard, 3'c;
No. 1 northern, 834c; No. I northern, biz;
July. 87c.
OATS To arrive, S4c.
HAR SILVER Steady; 26 5-16d per ounce.
MONEY 1 Vi4l 2 per cent. The rate of dls-
count In the open market for short bills is
2V2 7-l per cent and lor tnree-monlhs
bills la 2 7-ltti-Vi per cent
Koto York Mining: Qnotatlons.
NEW YORK. Ju'y 27. The folllowing are
tha quotations on tha New York Stock ex
BT. LOUIS, July 27.-WOOL-Steady ; me
dium grade, combing and clothing, ls(f22c;
light fine, K'tilhc; heavy fine, Umloc; tub
wasnetl, z Ifl-JVfcC.
NEW YORK., July 27. WOOL Firm.
Elgin Under Market.
ELGIN, III., July 27, BUTTER Dropped
lVfcc a pound on the board of trade this
atternoon, being quoted at IS'ac, as com
pared with 2ic a week ago. Tne sales of
the week for tho district were 8t6,0ol pounds.
Kansas City Lite Slock Market.
ceipts, 6. UK) natives; 4.500 Texans. Calves,
400 natives: Too Texans. Dry fed steers,
lofj25c lower than bt-st time last week;
quarantine lower; cows and heifers, steady
to 4(ic lower; mockers and feeders opened
steady, closed lower. Choice export and
dressed beef steers, 64.fi6(i5.iO; fair to good,
34.2u4i4.65; stoikers and feeders, 32.26ti4.26;
western-fed sleers. J3.0IKii4.95: Texas and In
dian steers, I3.45ft4.70; Tixus cows, tl '-'5'g2.'M;
native cows, i.wiii.ui; native neirers. yi.-to
4i4.75; canners. Il.154a2.25; bulls, 32.4O4f3.50;
calves. 32.dXfc5.00.
HOGS Receipts, 3.000. Market 10c to 20c
lower. Top. 35 Su; bulk of sales, 3a.05r(5.15;
heavy, t5.00fi6.16; mixed packers. IS 056 16;
light. 35 liy'j5.2S; yorkers, t6.Wu6.26; pigs,
SHEEP Receipts, 4,000. Market strong to
10c higher. Native lambs. 33 15i6.85; west
ern lambs. 3 mi5.E0; fed ewes, t2.txyri4.76;
Texas clipped yearlings. t3.0n4i.4.95; Texas
clipped sheep. t2.75a 4.70; Blockers and feed
er J, 32.753.05.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. 111., July r.-CORN-Flnn; No.
3. 50'c; No. 4. 4'Jc.
OATS-Steadler; No. t white, 34Hc; No. 4
while. 31WiiHc.
Toledo - teed Market.
TOLEDO. July 17. SEED Clover, fairly
active, strong; October, to.6o; August,
t627Vt Timothy, September. 3145.
Dry Uoode Market.
. 16
. 4
Little Chief ..
l Phoenix
Its) Iblerra Nevada
Wo iSuall Hopea .
. 4
. I
. to
. 14
. 64
. to
Adams Cob
A I Ha
ibrnnawlrk Can..,
Cumalork Tunnel .
Con. Cel. A Vs..
Hura Sliver
tree Silver
aLeaovtile Cos...
x Ottered.
Forelga Financial.
LONDON. July 17. The demand for
money Increased in the market today, al
though tha supplies were ample. Dis
counts were firm, business on the stock
exchange was not cheerful and operatora
were Inactive, apart from arranging con
tangos. Tha difference being large th
market preferred to await the outcome of
the settlement. Consols were dull, the Jap-aaeao-RutwUu
new net kVelPf reaurlng,
Moos City Llva Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., July 27.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 6xi; Blockers,
slow, steady; killers, weak; beeves. HOwi
6.00; cows, bulls and mixed, t2.6C414.60;
stiH-kers and feeders, 32.75tl3.76; calve and
yearlings. t2.50io;3.70.
HOGS Receipts. 600; market 60 lower,
selling at tt.95uo.l5; bulk, t4 tVfJo.OO.
Rtoek la Sight
Following were the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yester
day ;
Csttle. Hogs. Sheen
Omaha 2.59J 2.079 10. 678
Chicago , 28.0iO 43.1K) 28. OK)
Kansas City 6.6tJ S.OK) 2.5)
St. IxmlB 105i) 6.61 3,6u0
St. Joseph ,657 3.22 3.9u0
Sioux City itO 6H0
Bt. Joseph 0 6.TH0 296
TvUls 69,7i twi e.ui
IT 11M 4 TO
I a iw 4 :i i to
14 940 S 10 I 70 t tO
II 1014 1 10 20 441 t t
I Ml t 16 4 120 I 6
II IL'4 I 16 10 1 I 5
i too t 26 1 411 I 46
1 410 t 24 1 6H0 X 00
7s 1026 I 16 I "SO I 00
10 t51 I 64 II 10H6 I 00
I M t 60 21 1026 I 00
1 1030 I 60 7 MO t 16
1 411 1 60 1 1010 I 16
1 1016 I 60 1 10O0 I 40
1 1110 1 60 4 Ut I 46
11 174 I 66 4 1030 I 46
1 430 1 66 1 660 I 60
1 624 1 66 1 10M I 64
10 9J i 66 11 1061 I 66
10 410 I 66 tl 1161 I 66
1 1100 0 6 1071 I 66
14 SS2 I 70 12 1126 I 6
1 1000 t 76 1 1143 I 76
1 USO 66 1 11(0 I 66
16 1 I 40 1 1200 4 10
1 USO I 0 1 1040 4 tt
4ol t DO
15. 4 I Ml 1 160 1 60
1 630 1 60 16 772 1 66
4 64 I 66 4 441 I 44
1 1270 I 40 1 1680 t 46
1 1340 I 60 1 1670 I 10
1 1260 t 46 1 1264 t 60
1 440 1 7 1 1114 1 74
1 160 I 0 II 142 4 60
4 Ml 1 16 1 IW IM
t 1120 I 64 1 1074 3 44
1 mo I 60
1 724 I 00 44 BhS t 40
1 600 t 16 14 441 I 46
17 741 I 11 7 7S0 I 46
7 707 I 11 I Tel 46
1 T26 I 16 U T4I 60
TI4 I 14 1 120 It
16 T61 I 16
1 feeder... 670 2 60
t feeders.. 870 3 00
22 feeders.. 755 3 40
4 feeders.. 710 3 40
5 cows 8J 1 10
COWS Itio 1 25
8 cows 876 3 10
4 cows...,
2 cows...
2 cows....
3 cows...
3 feeders
t feeders
I cows...
14 cows...
16 COWB.
Iu4 cows.
30 rows.
984 t 30
...1015 3 25
11 feeders.. 70 3 65
1 cow I'M) I 1)
8 s I 25
AM) I 00
681 1 60
3 cows...,
1 row
4 heifers.
4 bulls sflO 3 85
10 heifers.. s3 1 ;u
t feeders
4 calves.,
44 steers..
1 cow..
cows ) 3 10
17 cows 902 3 65
I cows tt'iO t t
t cows lofiO 2 75
4 rows 927 3 (6
18 feeders.. 0 1 fti
11 feeders.. 60 3 41
16 cows l'2 2 f6
4 cows 90 2 60
341 1 00 1 cow M IM
cows 914 I 75
3 heifers.. 638 65
1 bull 11 ID 3 6i
tl rows 8 3 20
6 feeders.. 7,0 I 66
7 calves..
906 2 10
(.Go 2 55
8,0 2 76
8tiO 2 66
663 3 36
8o3 3 40
866 3 90
91V 2 5
194 3 76
WO 25
70 3 10
640 3 00
t J6 t i
.241 140 4 U
..121 ... 4 40
..120 ... 4 40
..140 40 4 40
. tit 10 4 24j
..177 100 4 U4
..140 ... 4 Ji
.240 ... 4 sli
..t ... 4 46
..2S1 120 4 44
..171 100 4 44
..214 60 4 66
..160 120 4 16
..214 120 4 46
,..M7 90 4 66
..2t 130 196
..241 40 4 24
..2HI 120 4 W
...261 140 4 66
.237 120 4 61
No. At. Ba. Pr.
44 17 40 4 44
67 4 60 4 M
44 I M 40 4 4
(6 14 40 4 4
40 24 ... 4 4
60 271 40 4
67 1XI 40 4 4
61 141 ... 4 67
Si 216 M t tlS
66 U-6 40 4 1ia
64 234 40 4 Off
44 14 ... 100
II 1(1 124 I 00
44 14 ...
14 11 10 4 00
6 141 40 I 00
61 4 120 4 00
60 241 0 I 00
44 Ill 44 6 44
a liberal run of Bheep
and lambs here this morning ana in spite
of the fact that Chicago was repotted Blow
and 10tfl5c lower the market here waa ac
tive on all desirable grades ana at
stronger than at the close of las week.
The bulk of the offerings consisted Of fat
stuff and buyers took hold freely, bo that
practically everytning was aisposea m ojr
the middle of the forenoon. The market
could be quoted strong to a dime higher on
fhecp and while lambs sold without diffi
culty they did not command much more
than good steady prices. Idaho year.tpgs
sold as high as t3.R0, wethers brought tJ-tW,
lamDs eo.oo and ewes 3.2V. oome wyoninrei
wethers brous-ht 23.26 and some Idaho sheer
and yearlings mixed sold for ta 45.
There were onlv a few feeders on sale and
aa the demand was again brisk the market
could safely be quoted active and atrong on
anything at all desirable.
Ouotatlnna for Brass stock: Oood to
choice lambs, t6.60ig5.75; fair to good lambs,
34.755.25; good to choice yearling, 33.75'(
4.00; fair to good yearlings, 33.504(3.75; good
to choice wethers, t3.4"l3.60; fair to gooa
wethers. 33 15M3.40: srood to choice ewes.
t2.76tj3.26; fair to good ewes, t2.60ff2.76;
feeder liimhs, t3.5O4M.0O; feeder yearlings,
t3.0o3.50; feeder wethers, t2.75i3.26; feeder
ewes, 61.50(02.60. Kepresentative sales:
15 Idaho cull ewes ,
105 Idaho ewes
74 Idaho ewes ,
136 Idaho ewes
997 Idaho mixed
614 Utah wcthefs
191 Idaho ewes and wethers
915 Idaho wethers
642 Idaho wethers
2l8 Idaho wethers and ewes
374 Idaho wethers and yearling
oon inano wetners and ewes
122 Idaho cuii lambs
1 Idaho lamb
3 Idaho ewes
447 Idaho wethers
0,2 Idaho wethers
35 Idaho ewes
4 spring lambs
20 cull wethers
114 Nebraska feeder ewes.....
21 Idaho ewes
124 Idaho ewes
27 Idaho ewes
21 Idaho wethers
285 Idaho ewes
48 Idaho ewes
258 Nebraska feeder wethers
319 Idaho ewes and wethers.
93 Idaho Iambi".....
254 Idaho yearlings
446 Idaho lambs
Av. Pr.
108 32 00
1 90
.. 64
.. 70
.. 80
.. 100
.. 88
.. 120
.. 42
.. 120
.. 81
a 99
.. 93
.. 106
.. 90
.. 101
.. 101
.. 91
.. 84
.. 65
.. SI
.. 63
3 00
3 20
3 35
8 36
3 40
3 )
3 60
3 6)
3 70
3 80
4 60
6 00
2 60
3 26
8 45
8 60
6 00
8 00
2 00
8 86
3 65
3 85
3 2t
8 15
3 15
3 35
8 )
3 76
8 70
6 60
6s 3 66
8b0 8 75
1078 3 90
3 heifers.. 640 2 00 1 cow
18 helferB.. 648 2 36 4 rowi...,
X row 810 2 28 3 heifers.
1 hull 10 2 65 12 rows....
1 eow lies) 3 00 7 steera.... 780 3 26
HOU8 There was a light run of hogs hero
thl morning t)vn pr eupoaay, put as
tha tomatoes; they get In your wny and
are stepped on Ilka a pl cat. Flfty-flvt
cents a atrp.
Bride Changes TraTelln Coatntne lot
Waddla (Ions la Conntv
Coart R eons a.
A bride with a desire to do the propel
thing, but without the usual facilities fot
arranging tha usual bridal toilette created
considerable Interest In the county court
yesterday. Accompanied by tha pros
pective groom aha arrived early at tht
court house, the groom carrying a telescopt
valise which waa bulging with Its con
tents. After the marriage license had beer
secured Ihe brldo asked to be conducted tc
the private room of the Judge, as she de
sired to rearrange her toilette. There wai
no room of sufficient privacy for the pur
pose, but the Judge placed the vault at hot
disposal. Through tha Iron doors of the
vault the bride retired dressed In a travel
ing suit of gray. After a few moments'
absence she returned arrayed for the serv
ice, which was performed by the Judge.
Although mirrors and tha usual toilet
adjuncts were absent from the vault th
maacullne eyes which were charmed with
tha costume could detect nothing missing
from tha bridal array, which waa complct
to tha smallest detail. After Judge Vln
aonhaler had pronounoed tha service the
bride again retired and when she came
again to the court room waa ready to re
auma her travela.
Macadam Will Be Replaced oa Dodge
and Crater Inder Now Specl
flratlona. Tha county aurveyor Is preparing plans
and specifications for the necessary repairs
upon tha macadam roads of the county
and work will begin aa aoon aa bids can
be secured. Tha county this year haa de
cided to put the Dodge street and Cen
ter atreet road In flTet class Bhape, and
to do this the greater part of tho macadam
will have to be replaced.
On a portion of tho Center atreet road
the board has finally decided upon using
brick of the quality used on North Twenty-fourth
street. Thle portion of tha road
la from 600 to 1,000 feet long adjoining Pat
ricks ;rove, where the ground Is low and
will not sustain macadam. It haa been
decided to placa drain pipes under the con
crete baaa upon which the paving will ba
In the ptani two specifications will bo
provided for, one for a topping of granite
and the other for a topping of lime stone,
each to have a middle course of aandatono
between tha topping- and tha goll of tho
Cattle aad Sheep Are Steady While
Hogs Drop a Dime or More.
CHICAGO. 111.. July 27. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 28,000, Including 700 Texans. Good
ateady, others 10c to 16c lower; good to
Jirlme steers, t5.2n6.55; poor to medium.
4.0Org6.00; stoekere and feeders. 32.5tit4.5;
cows, 31.50 4.60; heifers, 82.255.00; canners,
31.50fc2.6o; bulls, 32.264.35; calves, 33.00
6.60; Texas-fed steers, t4.60fgl.75; western
fed steers. 34.60.
HOG8 Receipts. 43.000: tomorrow, 20,000:
left over, 3,000. Market 10'20c lower; mixed
and butchers, 35.20fa5.70; good to choice,
heavy. t6.40&.65: rough, heavy. t5.0cj5.36;
light, t5.3ttfi6.75; bulk of sales, 15.35$ 5.60.
SHEEP Receipts, 28,000. Steady; lambs,
steady to 26c lower; good to choice, wethers.
t1.7R-Ef4.00: fair to choice, mixed. t3.00t3.6J.
western sheep, 33 25i4.00; native lambs,
33.256.25; western lambs, 3S.406.25.
New York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK. July 27. CATTLE Beevea
Receipts, 4,172 head; steers, 10tjf26o lower;
bulls, 1015c lower: cows, steady to 25c
lower; steers, 34.S7Wi4.60; extra, 35.60;
bulls. 32. 601r4.30; cows, tl.75i3.90; extra
fat, 34.26. Cables unchanged. Exports to
morrow, 1,080 cattle, 750 aheep, 4,200 quar
ters of beef.
CALVES Receipts. 4.458; market strong;
all sold: veals. t5.50(i7.00; tons. 88.12H8.25;
culls. t4.6Oftj6.0O; buttermilks. 33.754.00;
western and Ohio calves, 34.60(36.00; city
dressed veals, 912c.
HOGS Receipts. 847 head; lower; heavy
and medium weight, 3C.OOfi6.10; light hogs,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 26,112
head; sheep, steady; 10c lower; lambs
opened 26irT40c lower, closed 60tS60o lower;
sheep. 33.00t64.65; extra, 34.70il4.75; few ex
port wethers, 35.00; lambs. 34.76crf6.80; ona
car, 36.90; general aales, t5.604l.75.
St. Loo la Live Stoek Market.
ceipts, 10,600 head. Including 7,000
Texans. Market dull, lower. Native
ahlprlng and export steers, 3450
6 50, the top obtainable for strictly fancy;
dressed beef and butcher steers. 34.006.10;
steers, under 1,000 pounds,'ai.iw; sioca
ers and feeders, 32.60014.00; cows and heif
ers. 3.'.25ij4.80; canners,; ouns,
32.50t2iS.75; calves. t3.60t(i6.76; Texas and In
dian steer. 33.366.00; cows and heifers,
32.2MT3.00. ... . ,
HOGS Recelpta, 5.600 head. Market lower:
pigs and lights. t6.36tt6 70; packers and
mixed, t6.25ii6.56; butchers and beat heavy,
tSJ???-?- w..u.a
mh n:x:e KereiDti. B.tAv. jnttinci mow.
iauHv Natives. t3.5OCn4.00: lambs. 1 4.00ii
660; culls and bucks. t2.OOff4.00; atockera,
32.0U&3.26; Texana, ti.tuiai.wi.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 2.657 head: 104fl5o lower; natives.
34.0Tkii5.35; cows and heifers, 82.00i3l.85;
stackers ana reeaers, xz.ioort.oo.
I-Hlli nereints, o.-rc mru, uv t
lights, t6.10&6.26; medium and heavy, tt.&Xjf
610. . .
SHEEP Recelpta, a.WRi neao; iuo tower.
Gold for America.
SYDNEY, N. 8. W., July 27. The Oceanic
Steamship company's steamer Sierra sailed
from Sydney today for San Kranclsco with
32,500,000 In gold on poaro.
Carnival of California and Coast
Fralts, with Pearh Planes
la the Lead.
The carnival of California beauties en
livens the market daily. They boom; all
except the apricot, which burned tha candle
at both ends, ao to speak, and is now only
a memory, while the peaches, pears and
plums are In '.heir prime. However, a few
Utah or Oregon apricots may yet coma.
Pears were coy Saturday and aa a result
the price Is up about 25 cents now. Craw
ford Peach Is the social lion nowadaya and
haa had to send regrets to many homes,
Every one likes this free-hearted yellow
peach and has tha confidence to put up
31.10 fol him. The Halea. who were the
first to come, have already been forgotten.
The earliest of the California grapes, the
a Mtwaters. have engaged rooms for
coma time next week.
Peach-pluma. a dream of loveliness, with
smooth, blushing cheeks of distracting
plumpness, peach-plums that, were they to
go to England or Germany, imperial to
ward or the KaUer would send down im
mediately and have them up at the palace
for dinner, arrived, 200 crateB of them. In
Omaha yesterday by express from The
Dalles of Oregon.' And they, too, have tha
artistic temoerament. and money la no
object: they sell for 81.25.
Another car of southern cantaloupes par-
fumed the market yesterday at 8S per
Tha first limes to come west from Miami,
via . ajao registered Monday, earlier
onea on the market having come from
Mexico. When the colonels got In early
they were considered worth 36, but they
have been up against the gin rlckey all the
forenoon, Jt la bard to walk about for
Terr Nea a Crlsne,
To allow constipation to poison your body
Dr. Klng'B New Life PI1H cures It and
builds up your health, or no pay. JCc For
ale by Kuhn at Co.
Consolidate Uohentlan Papers.
Next week two Bohemian publications,
the Kvety Amerlcke and tho Oaveta. will
be consolidated, the publishers of the two -
fiapera having made an agreement merg
ng the two papers. The Osveta haa been
a democratic paper Bince Its beginning In
1S94, while Kvety Amerlcka was a non
political illustrated Journal published by
the National . Printing company. John
Roclsky, who haa been Identified with th.
latter paper, will be prominent In the new
publication, which will continue the fea
tures of the Illustrated Journal, while advo
cating the political ldoaa of the other paper. '
Invite Typos to Oniahn.
At the meeting of the Omaha Typo
graphical union Sunday afternoon the dele
gates from the union to the convention cf
the International Typographical union,
which will be held next month at Washing
ton, D. C, were instructed to Invite the
convention to hold It meetlnar of 1906 In
Omaha. It Is generally conceded that the
convention next year will be held In St.
Louis, so that the following year is tho
nrst at wnicn umana can hope to secure -the
Railway Notes and Personals,
Tne Western Passenger association has
made rates of one fare for the round trip
for all of the atate fairs to be held In
association territory this fall. These ratea
apply to the fair from all points In the
state the fair is being held In. The rate
for the Nebraska State fair at Lincoln Is
effective September 7-11, with a return
limit of September 12.
The Burlington haa been aelected aa the
official route of the Grand Army of the
Republic of Iowa and a special train will
leave Dubuque over the Illinois Central tha
morning of August 8. arriving In Omaha
at 6:30 d. m. and leaving at 11:30 p. m. At
Omaha tna train win ne joined ny an or
the members of the urand Army mat were
unable to loin the train earlier, and con
tinue west over the Burlington. Colonel
Raymond, department commander, win gu
west en tne special irain.
Drlefa front the C'onrls.
. . r. . M .... I ,4 , r. fUi,.,-
Jennie DiaRe, eIiU wn mninru w n
n . en ,iil ualra itlvnrM tmm
RIHge lUVClllifr -, ".' - "
her husband on tha ground of neglect.
The executora ot tne esiaie or ine iate
w . . . . . rn., Ana, u . . . r I
IP reaericB. siets imvo ucu ,,,, . .
with a request for the closing of the mat
ter. The hearing on the application, haa
been aet for August. 15.
a jt ,M .v.- . . . t Arthur It flmall
against Julia Small, algned by Judge Dick
inson, nas Deen nieu gramma
.u. lain(ier ,tn ih vrnmid of cruelty. The
case was tried In January,
Francis Taamir ratscr, vjr ,n .
Hamilton, guardian ad litem, has filed ob
jections to the confirmation of the recent
sale of lands In the Parker estate, alleg
ing that a price 10 per cent higher in ad
dition to the coat of another aale can be
secured for the property sold.
Deeds filed for record yesterday, aa fur
nished by the Midland uuaraniee ana
Trust company, bonded abstracter, lrilt
Farnam street, Omaha:
Village of Valley to .Anna Elmlra
Fouls, part oi cast street, aajoining
lot 1, block 1, C. ii. Mayne's 1st add
to Valley 3 40
Edwin H. Llnkhart to Stori Brewing
company, lot a, block aMVfc. city oi
Omaha 4,00)
Same to same, part of Nineteenth
street, strip 14X133 leer adjoining ioi
8. block 204 'A City of Omaha 2
The Midway Investment company to
li. Cultra, lot o, mock t, Aiongm a
add to Soutn Omaha 3j0
James J. Fitzgerald and wife et al. to
Vac. Kutuea, lot it, diock a, muw
A Cobb's add to South Omaha.... 376
Albert J. Harder and wife to Phillip
Schlatter, wo leei ioi a, diock t, in
1st add to Fowler Place 6T0
Sheriff to Mary A. and Fred I
Goodrich, voxm leet soutn oi ot.
Mary's ave.. 22-15-13 3,(79
Vaclav Jellnek and wife to Roxl
Hrbak, lot is, diock z, Men, a isi
add to South Omaha 500
Bates-Smith Investment company to
Wilson T. uraham, lift lot a, block 81,
Sou til Omaha 1
United Real Estate and Trust com
pany to Ida A. Maxwell, lot I,
block 3, Maxwell'a 2d add to South
Omaha 1
Francis Shaw to Mets Brother
Brewing company, lot 1, Clock I,
Kountse aV Ruth's add 6,67
Alda J. Eddy to James P. Coffey,
sVi lot 4, block L Armstrongs 1st
add x,--)
Charles H. Arundel to Francis Nellie
Arundel, lot 4, block 134, South
Omaha 1
Thoodore Williams and wife to Har
vey J. Grove, lots 11 to 16 Inclusive,
block 32, Benson k)
Sheriff to Omaha Loan and Building
association, lots 17 and 18, Elseie's
sub of Okahoma add 1,187
Omaha. Loan and Building association
to Ella Slutser, same 1
824 Hoard of Trade Bldg.. Omaha
'Phones lua) and 1U17. Members all ptin
etpal sxxhaogaa. Write ter eux Ull ataea
ael letter.