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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1903)
TT1K OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 28. 1003. - 1 i BEFORE MIGHT OF SAMSON Strong; Va from rtt Wilderoca Bow la Kek Bobioitiion. 11KH0RN Y ALLEY CROWD IS QUITE SLIM KtttMin Does Xat Bring la tha Ea (rtf4 Xaltltade, hat These Wk Did Coat Hava Aeyal ' Geo Time Vi'CLUS IS CUB AKO CHARITY Beyond all doubt the caravan route known throughout Qulvera aa the Fremont, Elichorn A Missouri Valley la an arduous fttnft and a war which only the true of heart and they of physical endurance dare attempt; for from the scattering oases of civilisation which are known to lie In the great outland In the ways of thin devious road, only tha bravest and most loyel subjects of Ak-8ar-Ben endured to seslstsr for fourth.-story bedrooms in the waqued cttr sjid K aowtow before the (rand jnsftt and srlX'l the lowly ear In the sac sunentsi dust at the front of Barn son. the topetiai sne. And few Indeed they were, Wrr Vr tb sfflrlal counting there were tMrt?4ferwa souls, and four other men. Jj6 rf Owe who were specially honored W aelsctle for sacrifice were J. A. John MS, who can more all things but the fierce heart of the centurions. Warren B. Jones, A. VT. Hunt. C C Crawford. E. O. Hamil ton and W. F. Kasseval. And they wers of unusual courage, but weak. And It Is well that Qulvera la a bountiful land, for at the end, of the Immaculate cere monies those, who were yet warm In life consumed la thankfulness and class re ceptacles a whole harvest of barley. And of those who were reserved for the ordeal of making Impromptu speeches of compli ment which should sound sincere were Rev, VT. H. Medlar of Alexandria, Minn.; U M. Page of Lonjr Pine; K. M. Wlllard of At lantic, Ia- and Vn Chris'Jo and E. A. Benson. Ordev la Hast rretsema And when the grand mufti announced that there were now M members of the spot-cash order, whereas at this day of last twehremonth there were but SB and for the total of the same year only 13, a great cry of exultation arose from the loyal knlghta. And further, by Imperial command, the evening of Friday next was proclaimed as Ak-Sar-Bea night at tha Woodmen Carnival. And next are written fhe) names of the worthy tributary chiefs from tha depen dencies of Quire raj In Nebraska H. C Thompson of Tlldenj D. J. Zimmerman. Tork: W. E. Roberta, Washington Q. H. Lock wood. Alliance; 1 E. Smith and l M. Bate of Long Pine; Dr. 8. O. Allen, Clarkson; J. J. Murphy, Columbus; Henry Smith and Charles V. Diets, Lincoln; C r. Tracy, North Platte; D. C O'Connor, Norfolk; O. J. Adams. Hooper: 3. H. Rob bins and Osorgs H. Diets. Court land. From other goremroeats E. M. Wlllard. Atlan tic; H. C. Rhodes, Dea Moines; Dr. A. F. Caldwell, Shenandoah; and W. Wenk and C. F. Buhmaa of Creaton. all In Iowa; O. C Caldwell. Detroit; William Hockenbetr ger, Denver, and A. H. Chapman, Pueblo, Colo.; John McMahon. Ellis, Kaa. B. A. Hamilton. Providence, R. L; Thomas Fox, Newark, N. J.; Rev. W. H, Medlar. Alex and Ha. Minn.; T. R. Brayton, Washington, D. C; Ik Harold Forde, Salem, 8. D. T. E. Williams, Pasadena, CaL; W. 8. Mc- Quire, Cheyenne; D. W. VanCott. Chicago T. H. Turner, 8r Joseph: George Baker, EvaDaton. Wyo. j E. E. Darlow. Dawson and W. a. Jones, Bon or a, Mexico. Tha Douglas County Women's Christian Temperanos union. Including tha organisa tions of Omaha, Valley. Waterloo and Elk City, will hold Its annual convention Thurs day at Hanacom Park, weather permitting. The morning will be given over to busi ness, which will begin as soon after l o'clock ss possible. A plcnle luncheon will be served at noon, this to be furnished by members of the local union, preparation being made for about fifty women. In the afternoon the election of officers and su perintendents will be held and the pro gram will be given. This will Include a paper by Mrs. Whltmore of Valley. "rVx and Finer" to be her subject. Mrs. Burk f Valley will give a recitation; Mrs. Har rlncton of Waterloo will give a paper nd Mr. Kllnk of Elk City a paper on "Save the Children." An Invitation Is extended to all Interested to attend the meeting and bring their own luncheon, as provision bis been made for only a definite number. Mra O. W. Covell of Omaha Is president of the county union; Mrs. Anna B. Scott of Omaha, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Whitney of Elk City, recording secretary, and Mrs. W. I Shannon of Waterloo, treasurer. TWO RECEIVERS. FOR ONE BANK teekhalder ef Defaaet Garaaaa Sat. lasjs Baak Will B I sea toe f Attaraey's Fee, For a short time there win be two re ceivers connected with the affairs of the Oerman Savings bank. Thomas H. Mo- Cague, tha receiver who wound np tha affairs of tha defunct bank, has not been discharged and will hold over at 1 until the next term of court, while Oeorge W. Poynton has been appointed special receiver of the bank at tha Instance of Joel W. West, who has been granted per mission to bring suit against the stock' holders of tha bank toreeover 01,000 at torney's feet for which ha has secured judgment against tha bank. Tha judgment against tha bank has been found worth less, the sheriff returning tha execution Issued thereon nulla bona. In issuing tha order for tha appointment of Mr. Poynton as receiver Judge Read empowers biro to bring suit against tha various stockholders to collect sufficient money to pay the claim of Mr. West, which Is now tha only unsettled claim against tha bank. He Is also empowered to compromise claims against the stockholders and to re ceive money on tha claims, subject to ths order of tha court. Tha stockholders of the bank as liable for nearly tsut.oou, u they are not only liable for t&OO.OOO, which la the amount of tha capital stock subscribed, but for Hole 0. which Is the amount subscribed less that paid upon the stock by the stockholders. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA 8chool Board Holds Adjourned Meeting to Appro? Bend ALLOWS BILLS ON CHAIRMAN'S WORD Deaiaal at Members to Hear tha Items Read Is Taraea Davrm aad Mosey Voted Oat at Treaaary. It la said that co-operative housekeeping has been proven a success, financially and otherwise, by the Co-operative Fsmlly club of Ontario, CaL A dosen representative families of the place have rented a two- story private residence and established a co-operative housekeeping arrangement. Four employes. Including tha stews rd"s. do tha work of the establishment for the forty-three persona that compose the twelve families, their united wages amounting to about ftfO, as compared with 130 or KS a month the average each family had to pay Its Individual servants. Each family has Ita own table with Individual equipment of linen, silver and decoration. Each month tha accounts are carefully audited by the club's committee and the amount assessed pro rata among the mem bers. Eleven cents per meal per person la tha avsraga cost, ths best of food being provided. Tha wunien of tha club take turns making out tha menu and In this way variety la afford d and tha taste of each family consulted. It la suggested that this co-operaUvs plan Is tha solution of the dlf Acuity of obtaining servants In small com- manltles or of competent help In cities. Tha women's Christian Temperance union of Valentine has opened a rest room under tha charge of Mrs. M. R. Harden. It la tha Intention to make the place head quarters for tha women and tha young women as well aa a resting place, and the space has been divided by means of cur tains that can be pushed back and the entire room used for general services each Sabbath. Tha comfort and completene: of the place has already attracted traveling men to find its well equipped writing table most attractive. There Is another long table sapplied with good literature, maga xlnea. papers aad books. Hera a free will offering box has been placed and the pros pects aro very bright for c most p rentable wore lor good. la reply to tha Inquiry of A White Rib- Doner. iaoy Henry somerset served for fourteen years aa president of the British Women's Temperaaca association, but early last January she announced that owing to continued Ul kealUi she would be unable to serve If re-elected, and at tha annual council of tha association, which closed nay a, tha countess of Carlisle was elected to succeed her.- Mrs.-Hugh Price Hushes. upon nomination of Lady Carlisle, wss eiecisa vice president. Mies Agnes E. Smack was re-elected corresponding secre tary; Mrs. Osborn. recording secretary, and Miss M. C. Oorham. secretary. It la said that Lady Carlisle is a moat ardent anl consistent temperance worker, her own great Influence being augmented fc th.t of her husband, earl of Carlisle, who has cioaea sji or tha public houses on hla s- laiea wnersvsr possible. WOODMEN OF WORLD CARNIVAL ! Sight Draws Big; Crowd ta Sasse Ceaa At-traetlaaa. A Hi. Badly lajared. Or painfully hurt, burned, bruised er wounded gets quick comfort from Backles s Arnica Salve. It conquers pain. lie. Tor sale by Kuhn A Co. PLUNK HENDERSON iNBAD WAY Heterleas Catered Maa Takes ta tha Caaaty Hospital ta Ead His Days. "Plunk" Henderson, colored, a notorious character, who has lived In Omaha for years, wss yesterday removed from the city Jail to the county hospital. He Is to tally blind as the result of the excessive use of cocaine and morphine. During the I last six years he has been confined in the penitentiary at Canon City. Colo. He told one of the officers at the ststion that hs formed the cocaine habit while a convict la tha Colorado penitentiary. Henderson holds ths Omaha record, hav ing been arrested mora tlmea In one month than any other criminal whose name has appeared on the docket He was hauled to tha station In ths patrol wagon twenty eight times In thirty days. Ths most pe culiar phase of the case was that he was not convicted on a single one of ths c ha re ea 11 w thought that his troubles with ths police are about over now, aa he is in a bad condition, being hardly able la walk, and It la probable that he will never corns out of the hospital alive. His mother was at the station tJ accompany him t ths hospital in openuuj mgnt or me Woodmen of tao world carnival at Fifteenth street and Capitol avenue last night brought out a crowd of mora than 1.000 people, and the attractions were certainly worthy of tha interest which they aroused. Ia sddltlon to tha music which la heard from the time the gates open until tha close of ths Pro tram tnsra are nve free attractions, each worth the price of admission. The program has been arranged so that from I o'clock until 11 there la something doing with the free attractions with Intervals between to per mit ine aucuenca to visit the booths, of which there are six In addition to ths re freshment booths upon tha grounds. The program opena at t o'clock with a back ward dive from a ladder ta a mat by Wing, who makes four descents, and one Is made by his dog. which Jumps from the third elevation. This Is immediately fol lowed by slack wire work by Clark. At o'clock there are two high dives, ons by Starlo Into a netting and another by Man gels into three feet of water. At the lat ter exhibition last night a number of In terested spectators who had crowded too close to the tank discovered that water will be splashed by a large body striking it and In future they will watch tha dive from a greater distance. At . there Is an exhibition of fancy bi cycle riding, followed at by Calvert's work upon a high wire. The greatest at traction of the night Is the looping of the loop, which takes piece st 11 o'clock. This Is not a bicycle act, but Fravloletta enters a hollow sphere which is started down an An adjourned meeting of the Board of Education was held last night. Nels Peter sen, who was awarded the contract for building the four-room addition to High land school submitted his bond. This bond Is for and furnished by the Union Mutual Sirety company. The bond was referred to the board s attorney for sp- provaL Work on the addition to this school cannot commence until the bend Is sp-Fved. Chairman Murphy of the ftnanca com mittee presented a slip calling for the payment of bills amounting to 15A. It has been customary to send the bills to the finance committee In open session, but since Murphy was made chairman he merely brings In a memorandum. When tho memorandum was presented last night Kubat and Loechnr entered a protest, but It did no g-vod. Kubat wanted to see the bills and ascertain what the money was spent for. Chairman Morrill overruled the protest, and the bllis were allowed without being resented, except In the shape of a memoranda. Secretary Laverty was directed to adver tise for supplies for the coming school year. These supplies corre under the bead of sun dries and consist of brushes, chalk, drawing paper, sponges, twine, slates, etc. Contractor Anderson reported that he had completed the grading at Lincoln school Residents of Brown Fark waited upon the bosrd and asked permission to tap the Brown Park school sewer at Twenty-first and W streets. This was referred to the buildings and grounds committee. The next meeting of the board will be held on August J. Beat Setting; Stakes. City Engineer Beal waa engaged yester day in setting stakes and securing levels on the high school site at Twenty-third and K streets. This work. Mr. Beal said. was being done at the request of the Board of Education and for the Information of architects who might want to submit plans for the proposed high school building. When this Information is furnished the board it Is understood that bids for plans Will be advertised for. As the high school bonds have been sold the board Is anxious to get to work on the new building. Case af Dcatltatloa. Mr Jennie Bump, who lives at Thirtieth and R streets. Is In destitute circumstances. Besides this she has a very sick child. About a year ago the woman's husband was killed by the cars In the yards here. She was left with two children to care for and very little money. A few months ago Mra Bump married John Crabapple, a packing house laborer. He lived with her a couple of months and then admitted that he had a wife and a couple of children living In Chicago. After making this statement Crab apple left the city, leaving the woman des titute. Dr. Bapp the city physician Is look ing after the sick child. He desires to call the attention of charitably disposed persons to this case. An effort Is to be mads by the police to locata Crabapple. Maagtr Wilt Proaeeate. Assistant County Attorney Montgomery has prepared a complaint to b filed in 'po lice court against Guy Roberts. This com plaint will charge Roberts with daylight burglary. Friends, relatives and church people have endeavored to Induce Tim Munger to drop the matter, the money al leged to have been taken by Roberts hav Ing been returned. Munger Insists that young Roberts be prosecuted. Saturday last Roberta sneaked Into Mungers com mission house, Twenty-fourth and L streets and abstracted 133 from the cash drawer. When arrested by Chief Brtggs, Roberts told where he had hid the money and also told where he had thrown the check aa be ran from the commission bouse. It Is expected that Roberts will be arraigned In police court today to plead to the charge. Mast Make Reports. The Board of Health is preparing notices to be sent to all physicians In South Omaha relating to the making of reports of con- rtreet. la confined to Ms botne on aH-wint of bruises received by falling from a bicycle. A shed belonging In BmV Lucky St Twenty-elxth und Q streets was destroyed bv fire yesterday. The loss will amount to I, fully covered by Insurance. FILE LISTS OF DELEGATES These Time Mas Expired Secretary f Democratic Caaaty Commit tee Receive Them. Although Saturday at noon wss the Urn fixed by the democratic county central committee beyond which no credentials should be presented for delegates to the county convention which Is to select dele gates to the state and Judicial conventions. a large number of the precincts of the county. Including the Second ward of the city of Omaha and three wards In South Omaha, have not filed lists ef d-lcgates. The list as filed shows that the reorganis es are at work In Omaha without the aid or consent of any person living south of the Platte river, end that in the Fourth ward, especially, there Is no loyalty to the silver-tongued champion required to make a man a good enough democrat to stand In the party conventions. There is no certainty .at the delegates whoso credentials bsve been received will sit In the convention because the people ho have announced their Intention of Ig norlng the action of the last meeting of the committee and calling a convention to be chosen at primaries are still talking and the secretary of the county committee says that they may be able to make good. This officer further says that time shall not he an essence of the requirement for filing, and that he wilt take delegations up to the hour of the convention and let pro tests be filed If desired. The list so far presented Is as follows: Omaha. First Ward Dan Gellus Ernest St'lht. John Sheehan. Ocre Sautter. Henry Rassmussen. Chris Klssl. sr.. R. F. Y il Hams, 1'. H. Drake. Edward J. Dee, Charles Kahn. Aliie McCann. 6eond Ward Not In. Third Ward Andy Lawler. Oeorre Dwver. Patrick Ford, G. C Thompson, Louis Plattl. John Jones. Ed Rotuery. William Silk. James Ford. J. A. C. Kennedy. Silas Cclwell. Fourth Ward-W. M. Glll-r. F. E. Weaver. E. C. Page. Frank Heller, T. A. Donohoe. Lysle I. Abbott. W. O. Oilbert. Warren Swlixler. A. O. Elilck. J. B. 6heean, A. L.. Sennurr. Fifth Ward Thomas 8. Boyd. Hobart Williams, Otto J. Kaumann. A. A. Arter, J. E. Reagan. John F. Moriarty. Harry E. O'Neill. R. O King. Krnk Planck. J. J. Spellman. P. J. Martrn. ' Sixth ward L. H. cottereli. c. E. Forces. Ed P. 8mith, C. J. Canan. O W. Shields. W. H. Chadwlck. O W. Covell. J. O. Sherry. Dan W. Canon, S. J. Rothwell. Jntin Lldd-H. Seventh Ward E. R. Duffle. J. W. Wood- rough. R. 8, Horton. J. J. O'Connor. E. E. Klllott. E. B. Moweu. r. A. jacasnn. J. j. Dahiman. Henry Rohlff, E. P. Berry man. Andrew Murphy. Eightn ward P. M. Tootn. ueorge nti Patrick, T. H. Comte, Oeorge W. Cooper, Louis Kroner. M. J. Kane. Peter O'Mal- ley, W. J. Lyle, Charles T. Johnson, Dr. Lee Vsn Camp, H. C. Anderson. N nth wara-c. J. tsmym. c .'. v rtgnt. A. H. Hippie. W. C. Bullara. CJ. C. Martin, C. C. Montgomery. H. 8. Daniel. B. N. Robertson. Churchill Parker, Joseph Kapp, F, C. ygaaro. oath Omaha. First Ward Frank Burness, William Rawlev. James White. James Roach, D. D. Sullivan, R. L. Schuenemann, James Bjlla. Second Ws'd Not in. Third Ward N"t In. Fourth Ward P. J. O'Connor, Pat Walsh. James Horn. Henry Jordan. Fred Hef- linger, Tom Merchant, Ldwara Downey. Finn wara .ot in. Sixth Ward John McKale. Dan Han- non. R- B. Montgomery, J. 8. Walters. Ed Halpin, v. It. Bertin, l nomas u von- nor. Dundee F. K. Munrt. Jonn Harte. John Latton. Oeorge Evan. C. R. Loughlan. Jefferson J. H. Bljrt. M. M. rederlcn- sen. B. w. nail. J. J. BKeuy, tiaus crnst. W aterloo B. J. Stor.glein. A. u. c otnp- ton. James Nason."C. E. Wliklns. O. B. Hall - " " Union H. B. iiuamxton. . w imam oim- stead. Charles Voss, , John , Cameron. H. L. Andtrson. ' East Omaha A. v.- LeiDen. Bert mil. i. Eesseman. Charles Junge. Peter Leech. Douslas Oscar J. Plcsard. Las-art FahL Louis Wohlers. Bruno Wagner, A. C Bau mann. ' COUNCIL GENERAL COMMITTEE Defers Actio a aa Combustible laspee- tav Ordinance and Compiling- ( Clty'a Laws. Councilman Schroeder's statement at the general committee meeting of the city council yesterday that the Inauguration of tho new tl.300 office of Inspector of com bustlblea and explosives would yield not to exceed $24 a year In revenue cast a damper over a favorable consideration of the ordinance. It was decided to defer ac tlon, and the document was sent back to Councilman Schroedef for thirty days. Sev tagious diseases. Inspector Jones declares I era! members said yesterday afternoon that that doctors are careless about making I under the conditions they would not vote these reports, consequently no complete for the ordinance. As to a firs coroner. record can be kept. A new form has been 1 Councilman O Brten volunteered the inror- prepared for the physicians and these re- I matlon that the beard ef Insurance under ports must be made hereafter or doctors I writers will not reduce rates In Omaha on will be called upon to defend themselves I this account unless the office Is created by In police court for violating one of the I and for the state. health ordinances of the city. This new I After the councllmen had. concluded to order of the Board of Health will go into enter Into a contract with W. J. Connell for the compilation of ordinances, to be delivered early in 16, and to contain the charter as amended by the next legislature, Attorneys Adams and Morgan submitted a proposition calling for JM" less than Mr. Connell. The latter specified K.OfO as re muneration. The action was reconsidered and the two proposals submitted to the finance committee. It is conceded that the ordinances should be complied and printed as the compilation cf is so obsolete aa to be worthless. The council Iniormally made a ruling on the question of the cHy paying premiums for the eurety bonds of appointive officers. A bill of 160 for a number of such bonds was ordered rejected, ss no suthortty for euickly and effectively in all cases of Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, umbago, Sea-Sickness, Car-Sickness, Irritability, Periodic, Bearing-Down and Ovarian Pains. "1 have been troubled a great deal with sir headache and vomiting. The sprl's came ft me t regular Intervals. Iir. Miles' Anti-rain Fills a recommemU-d by a friend, snd 1 teg4t taking them whenever occasion reoulred. Ther alwavs cured the h,ad,t'.e and rflmfd tlie dlKtres In my stomach. I ery seldom have thee spells now. but hrn 1 1'. It is hen I am very tired and nervous, but on pill nlwiiys cures me They have s.ved ne much suffering. anJ I gladly recomm-nd them." MRS Si'StE OOIERS. North 1'Iatte. Neb. MK. H. B HAVENS, one of " our bovs." rvcentlv returned from service !n ttie T"h!'iprtrta. fonerly if Atlrlnsnn. Neb. but now living at 1127 Olive St.. St. luis. writes: "1 hae lfn .i stifTcnpr frm ;ch hcadr.rhe nil mv life until about two yewrs ago. when I t'etrsn u!ng 1 T. M;lee' Anti-Pain rills, the first dose affording me alm-iet Instant relief. I h:ive never fVmt.J snytMrg that does the --k a they dii. reins entirely different from otr hradache reme lie. In that they are not In the least depressing whenever I feel that dreadful sickness coming on i take a I'aln Pill, which always wards off the attack." "For manv years I have been a -"nsiatit sufferer from neumlda and he-irtiohe. nnd hne never been aMe to revive any relief from various headache powders and cnpsul urtil 1 trll Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They shsays give me relief, curing my hendachi? In five mm..tes time They are the tinest for pain tht I have ever ued. and 1 will never be Without them." FRED H. SWINGLEY". Cashlr First National Itank. Atkinson. N.-h. "1 have used In". Miles Antl-I'aln I'llls for pain In my sl'le and sho' KTers. end received great benefit from them. My husband had neuralgia In his head, and suffered terribly. Ths doctor injected morphine, hut It e-Ave him no relief 1 then rave him Anti-Iltin IHIs and n t very short time he was relieved of Ms suTerlrs. We think tiey have no equal, and are glad to testify to their merits' M R. MONROE JONES. Pavld nty. N.. "I had suffered a great deal with hedche. and have found that Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln PUIS always give me relief. I know of nothing better." MRS. H R. NSLtOH. Virginia City. Nevada. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, La Grippe, Pain in Stomach, Ague Pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. Ever since I was a l.ttle girl, 1 suffered with nervous headaches, and as I grew older they became more severe, and would conflne me to my bed for two and three days at a time. The pain became ro severe that mv head was drawn back, and my suffering was dreadful. I found nothing that would heln m until I commenced to use Dr. Miles' Antl-Pain Pill, which have greatly benefited me. For the last two yenrs. when I feel one of my headaches coming I uke one pill, which gives Immediate relief. I have never been compelled to give up and go to bed since Jslna- them." M RS. GEO. 8CHMKL7.KU Falls City. Neb. 'Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills have raved me a great deal of suffering dlrlng the past two year For years previous to this I had terrible spells of nervous and sick headn-he. whe nothing I could get would relieve. A frlehd wanted me to try Antl-Pain Pills, which I did. and to my surprlce I sot quick relief. When 1 take a slight old. or feel headache coming en. I take a Pill one to three times a dsy, and they Invariably help me." J. K.VOTTS. Beatrice. Neb. 1 use Dr. Miles Antl Pain Pills, and don't know how to gwt slnng without tnem. as nothing else that I can find will stop sick headache for me. Until recently l had opells of headache evert tew days, so severe aa to seriously Interfere with my business. I found Antl PAln Pills relieved the pain at once, and I now use them aa a preventive with great suce.-' L. J. BLOWERS. David City. Neb. "During the past five years I have Used Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for all kinds of unpleasant sensations, neadacbe. backache, and stomachache, and I wish to say It la the best remedy I have found. I consider them truly wonderful." HENRY C. VRBANER. Sutton. Neb. "I bave been subject to headaches nearly all my Hfe, and I never found anything effectual ns Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They Invariably help me and mv family. They relieve almost Instantly and prevent attacks if taken In time." 8. A. REAR, Palmer, Neb. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by all druggists, 25 cents a box, under a positive guarantee that the first box will benefit or money refunded. c The Genuine Dr. Miles Remedies are Never Sold at Cut Prices, HOLD HUSBAND FOR MURDER Sw Tori Police Belief Wonka Tu Btr&Bgled by Spent. WIFE GOES OUT TO WORK, MEETS DEATH ( FASCINATION Or KACINO IS PARIS rtilibasterlaa; la Caba Oalasj ta Ike Waoas Claaeester rlsherasea Atlaatta Seaaaiar Inclined plane and makes the loop slmtUr 1 to the bicycle act, fetching up against a settlor, which atop the sphere. The Bve attractions for which additional feea are charted Include ths merry-go-round and Ferris wheel, the old plantation, a trip to the moon, minstrels, fancy bicycle riding, a dog and monkey show. Alpha Grove, Woodmen's Circle, has an Ice cream booth upon the grounds and there are a number of booths where articles may be purchased. Last night as the opening number tha drtfl team of Alpha ramp gave an exhibi tion drill at 7.30 o'clock, followed by the team of Omaha-Seymour camp at t o'clock. Today ths gates will open at 1 o'clock and the program ef the evening win be given In the afternoon. Today will be devuted to the people of Omaha. Wednesday an ex cursion will arrive from Fails City and In termediate points and the day will be known as Nebraska day. Thursday will be Iowa day. while Friday will be dedicated to the Knights of Ak Bar-Ben. when it la expected that the greater part of the mem- .indmg1 bershtp of the order will be in attendance. rT pnn hHi Saturday will be the grand finals. effect at once. McGill After Docs. Poundmaster McGill employed some addi tional men yesterday and today will com. me nee another crusade cn dogs found run ning st large without tags. 80 far this summer McGill baa averaged a doien dogs a day, but during the hot weather lie pro poses getting out early and staying out late in order to corral all of the dogs he e.n nnd that are loose on the streets without tags. Tags for dogs may be se cured at the city clerk s office by paying the usual license tax. laqalry for Boats. Otv Clerk Bhrigley Is receiving letters every day from bond buyers In the east payment by the city could be found in the in relation to the Issue of J.VJW overlap cnaricr. bonds. Bids for this Issue will be opend I. S. Hascatl and a committee from the by the city council on Thursday evening. Grand View Improvement club asked the I Tniv 3) Interest at tne rate 01 v-n 1 (.uuutu lit ssuiuun nnr muru in per will be paid ana tne wuun iu .-u 1 - ' -"'"i'".' v- twenty years, one bond to be redeemed tend the Harney street line from Pierce to .. h vtr The Interest is paid seml-an- I Bancroft on Sixth. The committee decided nu-illy Owing to the present condition to do this and Councllmen Back, Hoye and of the money market the council does not Evans were appointed a committee to see xcct to secure a very Urge premium. President Murphy about It. Twelve years Solessa Heaalem Hls Mass. Its work until the report is submitted to the meeting for consideration. Abaadaa Joseph Bleod. The noble Joseph Blood, a full-blooded member of the Sioux nation. Is In the police station, closeted with adversity. It seems that Joseph was a proud and whooping warrior In the Uuella Forepaugh wild west show, the man Indued third in the charge on the stage coach, but In Galeshurg. III.. Joseph was forced to stand, str.ilsht as an arrow, on the desolate depot platform 111- . 1 ..n m'lth all lh AlhP AlAllY I Wlllltr I ...... - - I a - . ...... awaw nM I . ...1c. M - K,.rt. f..und In i sna ine ir-o'"'" ...w - !uiiuuni uraurn i county. Kind proviaence ami ine leaning a sewer, where It had been thrown arter sne Cftixns of tialesburg. who tnougni mat had been strangled to duh. was brought European r71r" n"neT nrt.nTJ ,m. f,.n fr.,m White Plains. I . aJJi..'J.T. Life Partner Accompanies Her bat Betaras Alone aad Resasaes Work as Thongs Sotk inm Had Happened. MOUNT VEItNON. N. T.. July r.-Mar-tln Ebeit, also known as Schaefer. husband these first meetings, for the purpose of J city Press club, which raised the uces formlnr the organisations, members of ! sary funds through special entertainments improvement Cuba wl be mad. welcome ! jWea. tUo, theater rlle, In.e even though they may carry no formal a! caimg pertalnina to the entertainment credentials from their organisations, ss the i of the national association, the club finds ,uetlo of rcpres.nt.Uon ha. not been j that hereema.ns, n -"f aettled. vlsable to return this pro rata to sulecrib- Th. committee will make no statement of ers to the fund, but later considerations rirlnaTiM rail st Ovtdasn aa4 Ha attiiiT Uuna Is OUTING Xrr Ot.e wltb 4 KWo4 Bvjra OtTINO enh that the C.alesburg Indians had over- where he was arrested. run the town, leathered alms and forwarded r. t. j l.:- ,.it ia mt tviriftv ... K,trb in Rock Island. From there lie wIThis moXr: not f7r from' where ,h. ! JlX body was found. On Friday evening Mra j mnn(r be sent from Pine Ridge. Ebelt left hom?. ostensibly to go to work for I Haakripirr tk. (o'lnalnt discharges In bankruptcy destination. have been ordered by Judge Munger In the ' . Vnlted States district court: singleton 1. Is Nora. Nucaoiis counii. i-tu., anui H Lvholt. Brunswick, Antelope county Neb ;"Errest G. Miller. Gtrlng. Seotts Blufl countv. Neb. A petition of smended speclflcstlons In the bankruptcy cas of Ilobert B. Oumm-ll of Burt ciunty. Neb., has been filed in the Vnlted BtateS district court. Press Club Fond Ilrpart. I The entertainment of the National Edi torial association In this city week before last devolved almost ahoiiy upon ine iri- a family atout a mile irr.m her home. Her husband left the house wltn her. saying he would accompany her to ner Two hours lattr Ebeit or Schaeft-r returned. Mrs. Etv.-lt never reached her destination and was never again seen alive. Htrr hus band made no reference to her to his ; mother and continued to attend to his j work. I The police have succeeded In tracing I Ebelt ur.d his aife almost to the spot where j the body was lounu ana nave evidence that they were lost sight of mithin iX yards of the place. According to a younger brother cf the prisoner Ebelt returned alone and was perspiring freely. ago. It is said, the company agreed to dj this If ertstn r&ritnar was ilnn. nn v SVlemn reoulm high mars Will be tele- I The Imnrnvement has Keen aA. bra ted at St. Agnes' church. Twenty-third fc.jt M,.r,lon naj not arrlTei. and Q streets, on Wednesday morning at 1 Counclmali O'Brien talked long and o'clock. In honor of Tope 1-eo XIII. All of ern,,tly !n flTor f an omnibus ordinance the Roman Catholic churcnes in tne cuy lmpo,ns an occupation tax on all lines of business thst escape taxation In the regu- Don't forget the Blue Ribbon Cafe. 1415 Farnam street, the best place In the city. A swell table d note dinner for to cents. t. Patrick's Law a taelal. St. Patrick's church will give tts annual lawa social at the Vinton street ball park Thursday evening, July SI The committees ia charge of the arrangements are doing everything In their poaer to prepare fur a very pleasant evening snd toey cordially invite all laelr etd friends aad as suaay new one aa the caa brlr.g with them. will Join In this service. inc w... rmrtlcioate: Kv. D. W. Moriarty of St, e relebrant; Rev. C. Mugan of St. Mirva deacon; Rev. Father Chundelak. ...v a Rev R. C. Schllnkert of St Agnes', master of ceremonies. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. T. O Callaghan of j St. Bridget's. Msa-le City Gaasla. The Mrth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E. J Carlson of Avery is snnounced. The funeral of Mra Patmtsg was held rel,-r,iHV Interment was at IWIlevue. Fatrvise. t'cmeriv .u own. month at not npnngs. r. A son has teen corn to air ana airs Carl Mlnellt. Thirty-set ond and T streets. Visa Frtlth Dennis has gone to Deadwood. 8. U.. for a two weeks' visit with relatives. Mr' and Mra William Scovllle. Twenty sixth and B streets, report the birth of a son. Teddv Shanahan. one of the tellers at the Packers' National bank, is reported oa lbs Irk list. The Daughters of Pocahontas will give a free rnterLainment at Masonic hall this evening. John t ness, fthr-ln-la w of Chief Brigga has returned from Steamboat Springs. Colo . where he spent three montna. J. O. BUaalng. il3 Nyrla Twacty-sevcnta lar way because of the lack of personal property and realty. Especially does he want money-lenders, Insurance men and rental agents, a 'so Icemen, to contribute from MO to (50 to the city's strong box each year. He produced a schedule used In St. Joseph. Mo., which had listed occu pations running from sewing machine agents to hominy peddlers and horseradish men. not to speak of brewery agents. "Who'll Introduce an ordinance mutating dogs?" ha asked, after be had finished the occupation tax lecture. The councilman from the Fifth evidently wanted to stir up some excitement. "Not I," said Dyball quickly. "Nor I!" "Nor I." said Nicholson and Hjntlngtnn. quickly, while the other councllmen grinned. Building Inspector Wlthnell told the eounrt'men that It Is necessary to have the plumbing done In the market house be fore the building can be completed. He made the statement, also, that stalls can be used at the present time and that there are several applicants for every bit of room. Fourteen application fur ataila were registered yestcrda will warrant the appropriation of the sum to the entertainment if the g-vith Dakota KdltorUI association, which will visit this c'.ty enroute south nrt west arut Anwust 17. It In the Intention, tc have the South Ultnta editors remain In Omaha for a dav or two. if possible, as guets of the Trt-C'lty club. Pythlaas Visit Plattssaoat h. About IV) Knights of Pythias and their womenfolk went from Omaha to Platts mouth last nittht on a special train, to pay an informal visit to the lodge, down there. The train returned at midnight. At Plans month the visitors acre welcomed by Chan cellor Commander 'i'. I. Tldd of Platts moulh lixlse and by Matt Gerlng. Misses Edna Marjhill and Clara Street contributed soli snd Hilt Weatcott furnished In strumental music. The Omaha knights took alrg a mandolin orchestra, wr.icn siso added to the pleasure of the evening. The Plattsmouth reception committee wss F. A. Murphy. Oeoree F. Holsworth. Fred Eblnger. J H. Thrasher and Pr. C. A. Mar shall. Waterman hall, where the knlghta met. was decorated In the colors of the order. Civil Service F.saailnatloas. The I'nlted States Civil Service com mission announces an examination Septem ber i. to secure ellgll-les from S'hlrh to nuke cert.t'icatlfn to fill a vscancy In the position nf testing engineer (male) In thi bureau f forestry, 1 eparimnt of Ag riculture, at tl.zuu to tl.3" per inuum. Afte limit. 10 yesrs or over. September J-l ira. examinations will be mad-s for ellg.btes to fill vacancy In the p"slt on ef miscellaneous computer at the United Stat'-s naval ob servatory. Compensation not stated. Age limit, years or over. DEATH RECORD. F. J. Kimball. PHILADELPHIA. July W.-F. J. Kim ball, president of the Norfolk A Western Railway company, died at bis country home at Radnor, Pa., today, after sn 111- t ne nf about a month following an opera- ! tlon. He was 59 years of age. Mrs. Clarence F Ssaltk. FALLS CITT. Neb . July T. (Speclal.V Mrs Claret.ce E. Smith died at htr home In this city Monday morr.lng after a long Illness. ADOPT PLAN OF ORGANIZATION Joint Cesnsslttee ef Improvement Clabs Will Sabmlt Report at .est Meetlag. The committee from five Improvement clubs appointed by Juls Slabaugh Tues dsy at the meeting of the clubs haa decided upon a plan of organization. It will be submitted to the second meeting, which will be held in the court room of Judge Slabaugh Tuesday evening. This meeting will pass upon ths form of organization as outlined by ths committee and for this reason it is hoped by those Interested that a full representation will be present from all club In tie city. At And many otker painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can lie avoided by the use of , "Mot.ll. FrlSll. This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses "Mother's Frlcnl" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and good naturei Our book ''Motherhood," is worth its weieht in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Bradfie'd Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ca. m. - - - . - . - The Oldest, 5a(est and raatf Rellabl Cure for Alcoholism, Morphine or other Drug Ad dictions. Tobacco and Clga rette habit. All comrauaica Uoa confidential. Wo. 16 Burns, rUaapef m THE KEELEY CURE Cv. Itth aad Lcateawofth Streets. OMAHA, NEBRASKA.