Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    inE OMAHA DAILY FEE: TU USD AT". J 1.LT" S. ir?or,.
os Clicar Lni.aioi
f rmaklf lUr ITIn Ceutaet
let with tVe nT ea Kedias;
Fear t a Three la
tetters Faver
H"JC.AOD, July 27 In a full of
. gakt-oriaJ fielding marred only Vy on
..mbl, the ruDUfi won, 4 to I. by time'.y
hitting and good base rmmUic. AMrnfianpt
1 frUL Scorei
Clr. I, to Clt-I e First ba or h.
rv 'WfcOoru . i r-u.. i pass'-i .:.
Bchrefk. J- Tiro . I.X. Umpire, liaswr.t.
Patter aa a Uvea fcaa Away.
C3H7C A Ju r r "W-(ih th i- a
tie. pstterooB )nt control tr tii sub 1
g. hitting tan rr.eti a-Vi, a mr or
hii. and aliewtr.g thrwe sirri"- r.d a
two-bagger, a hit b sv Itrci: -ver, runk
end tbe At-.endabue, Boor.
A.H CAT1 A H 0 A
l.'.bcrraa. rt..l
kmiml. rt? ...
iiMML lfc.k
A van. a...w.ft
Bale , 4
"r Louis - ., , ,
eago . .,
f t am base
A 10i ' ah e a s
rmr'.L tt - J I 4 k . tt-l 111
1 '.a., lb 11S
1 -ban.. I A ...3 111 1
1 t 1 iamm. rt . , . a lit
kit lla a I I
1 4 hfl, rt-- til
tUl Kin. k 1
1 1 TmT. a 1 I 7 (
1 liutiaeren, 1 1 k
1 11 IT 13 l! Tatala .4 ITU I
1 4444144 11
Clii(ri. ; St. Lotus. 4.
In is: Chance Bur a. Three-
u la tut: B.-ain. Bacrihc tuii Cv,
E -.. LimcMr-fin. P'om tax:
JurraU. XVutrra.n. urk.e. Ltiubl fna.i:
r ta TioAar la v'tiataar. BraB la
Ut.t, Earita ta KiwA'tu Strurk out:
Lunilreri. : rr Mirj-Jir. 1 rm
) to: jff LunOrrant, 1. S Jturjfcr, l
M1B WUt arttla Cmtrtth all taw
,TW TCRK. Jn5y AKbmirn nrt
tiatxvO. Etoatos voa later a ium tnr ron
nruL'vi tuttiiif in tt f-rilun
jiitahar in 47004 form. AttcutiiLiio
4.7uik Scot:
O6T0W t 1IW T3KK.
k..II.O.a.E KM. OAK.
rnx. 1! 1 1 I lr-mma. tl-..l
lB'uauaa. 1 1
1 tnuia, la. J 111 I 1
ftarua. E 1 I I 1
I OjMakk. at 1
1 umt, a 1 1 t
Tmn. e!...l It Pr'ma. ... 1 4
liMti It . .1 t f J-m-t g! . t r
ItrW. K I 1 fcar""!! rh fell
rt" 1. ... lift a.mha t 1 1 I
W'nanar. m 1 4 1 Ita'n 1 1 I a M
-&ur- 1 l ht lmn. r? t 3
1t . ah... J 3 l?wMifiil. Ml I I 1 I
lin 9t 1 J I r m -fm-Mt. e i
Kuilia. ...! Ill lli-i-w. .
Al.-n-k. ...
TataJa - -M ICS Ium 1
I ratal I I r I 1
rt-n:t 1 M M : M P
Chicapo 8 1 C f i-i
la I I
BiitMty n I
( -iti . Tt . .1 1
amru. c...i 1
at turhta, lb 1 1
&Tfnt!nawr. Itu B
Autirnr. ...1 3
Htar, a.,. I t
.32 14 C 1
c 1 ; 1
.l 1 a
j urn 1
Torfon 1 t I t t U
Nr Tcrrk fa 101tlt-l
TvB-taa iiixm: Orcmlnrir. Abhattlahta.
lAuucr. Duu. lic.m run: tt-uufM-
I'rt baa 00 enwa: ir Tort
X L-ft on torn: liortc.ii. 4; Nr Tork.. a.
frtotn ba: lauflrr. rpuhi play: Xuna
to lutba to Mi-iiirji; LavuOrr to L'snn 4a
M(aaa frv tiaJW on twis: Cfl JPittio
rr. : off Taylor, 4. Hit ty plirbfl baH:
xy I"irtinr-. 1. Rtrtiai ut: fcr Tavior.
f. It Pitutifra. 4- Tffliai i-ii. Umpire:
J uhiiFtuiie.
( ImriaauatTa Errrt Ca C
Lft on ta.aif: CTu-rfi. T; Ttroit. 4
Tp-baa hit l-h. Crrr. Ba rtt Bc-
taw: ltU. IkiuK, t.iaT. Crawliirfl
to Carr out Et f nnratji.. 2. tr
Alrr-x-k, 4. r-y liilim. t n-m baa o"
bal): OH rttaron. 1; fT JaltT'-X. 1:
Mui!:n. I Kit -irh bail. J4r AlafTT.
Rrr.a'h. Tinie: Two Laura Vrnji.rt.
lata Oajt-flmaT nrrlL
FT. ITnK July r Pt. Ixniia flfft-a
Cievflar.fl today Id a Blnrirltif nit'L htcTt
Imini tit tt bail hard, ttt Ft- lxtn:t
bujw!bfl Itu fcir to benir a Avar tape A
boiri ru bx HTy;.bill c Ui f.rrt lr.ri'f
anfl hum faat f fling by boh tftn.1 er
Iaaturi. ArtnOanoa. l.4i. Bmn:
rr ivTi-it. 1 cvriu.Ar5
Iti-h W 1 1 1 f 1 lk c! 1 1 t I
klArtiu- I i 11 htrtwr tb . .1 1 1
rn. 3a- 1114 Ljt), 3t - t I
ftnoxraaa, la 111 CPiofcimn. ll 1 I
.mwi. a. l III! "r--. C Jt
KrawaUl. at. 1 II im n 1 a.w.i 14 1 O'Onrbnauar. al I
Hill lb. .. 1 til I Hh' IU. C 1
auOaoC a.. 111 Ufa. 1
Tatala M 14 r If "ll Tatai JUUtt 1
PV lAOlS otll-
Cu-eiatid Stt-t
ml run: St. Louis, t, Clvelarii. S
Tare-la latlai 3t Thra-
ba Jilta: Hill, itrtafin-T. HictmUL Hjip
run: Hmjlaii. ftacrifio liu. Sucjui"
Ioub) j ut'. Fri-! m Waliac to Ajiuer
aoiu Buuln.II to Hill 10 Wallace. Pudt.-off
to Aror-aun tc 'Waiiaoe. Joaa ta G'tuiUiur
to EUcitroan. Hit -y rttcir: tr s.
FrW rirnt baa on ball. Cff Budt.fU. 1.
off Job. L Struck mit: By SuanoH. j..
r Joaa. 1, lft on baB: Bt. lMuia. ,
Ci-;lai4. 4. Tiro: liu. Cmpire; voo
noUy. UtajBBiBir f the TaauMB.
pitted. Wm. Xjoat. f C
CINC3VKATX July ST. Cincinnati a er
ror In th tweond inmnts far Pittsburg
u mna and tn game ttm tb aida ought
to h tieen rured ari jioul a run. Botn
KTbjna jut up a mierrabie 19 ttie fieid,
bui errcra -m-rr tb Dial
cuU . A itenaanoa ZOU Score: a-i.O.AE
Winnont. a.i 1 1 e DutJta. H 111
H n-ina. rt t I 1 1 fwmour. is.. I lit
V urnwr. wl .1 t 1 1 Imlua. ll -1 I
Vnb!a. IB 1 14 1 twti. lb-.. 1 1 1
B.b. lb ... 1 1 l!lnlmX . 111
hit'brr. 2b.. J t I btBtvnrn. e-.- 111
Kut, 11. 1 C nJ, Hi 1 till
Umllt t 1 I I ly -mtt.1. C -41
immt. 1 . 1 Mithrtw J a a i
Kuaraar - t
ZmmJm 1 17 If I
I Tatala J
KBatted f or utbofl is nbit h.
Tlttaburg . ,.,.,. !!
fnrmr-T'l ,
flatanfi'" bJM "Warner. BtoleB baaa:
Ku-t, V irorr, B-uroinL I.rt on bases:
OLncinua-U, a; PUtaburg, 10. first ktaa b
baiiBi By RuthoH. k; Vy Jjoever, 1 Stmt
ut: By Sotbott. Z: by iver, X. ViitX
pircb: SutbuS. ?tBb4 i:0U. Umpire:
Ura Ckatts t nnileav
rim Et E-nSn-ty P3octni
Jf T5tt'i Irf nte Espennrrtt.
raattttia u talaaaVla rialah
Ooa Tgrikrr, latter atctas
Alr4 at fk Fal by klft
lag ai lag.
JfEWTC-KT. P.. 1 . July IT Af:r today g '
rr- be:n!. Court. tutl on and
Columbia, in a-turn tb Itmnr aga.n 6a
inojiKLrtei its v;Tiorrty. tli cbujlet g '
comnutt r.f tb N Tort Tabt club
al-ti Bflanr as th fiTe:.Csr r.f tt
Ami.n ra s run and 6ecio5 to ooiiUi:uc .
Uv trial raws. i
MmiBra jVirFttn of Colutthja and Be:- !
moi.t of ConFt-tution arre porlert.y k.ti- '
6d a-:th tb c boic. Ttiey ar ol the opln- i
Ion tbtt Keliant.-e is tlie lasrent tf tb trio, j
Cn tt eb:-a-lnc of tie tbrre boals during ;
the F!its-r, i.eUanc if fa.r:y r;Utje3 to be j
tb fifffndicg In e-.cry rare It has i
crofi-d tb line abead and baa lt
but Irw ro on time ailoa-anoes. It Is
prcibabl ITTiAer a-ffl go to BrlFtol lor a
Uiorourt ot frbauling.
The thr-e jsbts st.;ia over a Wa-ard
and a-indaard coiime today There a-tt
a ru?r a-ind of trn knots bi.-'aing a-na
the atartlng BignaJ a-a fflran at IJD. Ra.
llanre a-as arrons, ConrtifJtion fril-
loed ation. and Columbia a counie of n
ona lhlnd the handicap gun at 11 .-It
CcmrtitutioB ran by Rellanse BhorCy after
tb Btart, but at 11.4b a-ben Calurobia a-as
on aimnat even terms a-ltb It Reliance
aet a rplTiriRter Cribs; on the rtarboard
The tmat lmmeuatcly felt th effect aafl
-c t"itc a-.H, Tb a-aarT. te- re
Kardifa ol ui r('.T.i v viae c tutrari .
All rraaalaeat tat ( Taata riajrr
at la la tke (ealag
CHICAGO. J-': Z.. Th f.rrt t.od -WiJ
rOfcirtu :& !. ni'd ;-n .m.ii.fc.'"?
r-n-ria in 0"-. in- rt f;ct:n tti
W -"E Tr.ri Ciitn lniif n:j- t--u-TianieTit
on th KnaoMti . uui.try t iut' loaai. .Aj;
Flaocd is CLkffi of Xea fTbs Tir-J Tc
rasassa aa tab
Caaaal tVeaerml at
matrfc i atat DesartsB
Restart a Br riaa Ti aaale
a tke laiksBBB.
tb jirora-.pent oui-o'-t-a-r. juaj rrs
V.trrtL. UI 1T tTdv COT IW.II
f':a in tti a tTTo I'hknij'ioti?" T In bftfc
a and du-uli a u r trrr-en- on lb
Mimf court trrrrirria Amn:f th rrtri"
ft aim if th been knoat! i?rs m tii
Vr.ifc t-iaie
7;ifiiv r-Pit'ia rira: r-nirid. Bit.r'.e :
-r- t..k . . -A rj i l mm...... . a c
E. iitimnr off rktr J J v. by or- -.ujrm .i m ixbiiicui
"WASKINGTOX. July r -W. A. Miner,
the asmrULEt foreinan of the
. t .utj.y, dtfeated E M Asbt-oft by de
fault. t W. Btej bens defeated x. B. 'Weigriey.
t 1
J'E'e-aon dfi.-d J R .1"r,B. rI. f 1
K G Hurt ai6 T Prt.ofc t 1.
J Hammond oe;eaied Vr. H Hates, 41.
L. H vrajfinrr defeatpd "VT. H K.nirbt.
bee. rraumed hi Curs toaay. AlUicr a as
kn.g:jf d to Lis aork in cbarg of tb men
a bo hi. v been a-agring a rigorous campairD
agamat bim, but these men. acting under
tb 6cision of tb uiuol. continued at work
technical; j- "under proiGSl.'
BeiTetary Imugherty of lb Ictamational
Erotherhood of Bookbinders has arrived
Burton defeated Trux Emerson, i her and tiki ronsulted a-itb th local unlnn.
! Preiaert Tatum cf th brotberbood being
detail ed by ilireea. No radical action of
ar.y sitti is bra conterr-iilated.
Fublic Prlr.ter Palmer and Preaiuect Bar
rett of the local Bookbinders unioc differ
in thftr staten-x-nu as to tb consideration
of the rharp-s Mr. Palmer said today
that the charres ar not being Investigated
and a-ould not b exeej.t under pertain ctr
rtnnstanrea. a-hlch be decUned t pecly
e s ge.
3 2 Farstr.n a-reied H L Hyer and J
1L Toure r-v c-'ault
A C Muaiaaiers Ocfes'.ed Paul Gardner,
a. k-a.
C! M Raj-mnnd flrreatS C E. ICartin.
f t
VV. W Krlpht defeated IrL r. Lightener,
tZ. 4 f, l 1
N. Emerson defeated F. E Corneaa, fr 1.
J T liailT 6efed "W' t 4. tl
H I. ieiaen defeated VT. J. Hunt by 6a-fsult
A. C nca- defaated M Hopkins by ae- j Barren at: th tha-ge art undar rcvesa
f uit , gunn. peniir.g a-hlrb tb union floes not
defeated A. Gr-g-ory, 6 '
Fatteraon efeatd H. H. Farber. 1
Florid round single: E reiiJ defeated
E. ti'Tnr f1. fc l
E. lifcrnb defrstea B Jolms'Ti, S 4
P "VV. Btejibens oeleaied .. H. Mundy.
R G. Hunt defeateS J A Eyersrm, t J
. I . "r" . " i C S. Feiers defeated J. Hammond. S-a.
- i- vuui,t.tuuuii. a miie ju;u ur ium
Near Tork
Cbicara ..
pt lx-ui
" 76
Was blurt on
Gum tofiay: Detroit at Clucarn. lv
land at Bt- luuta. W aa.-iinru)n al Philadel
phia, Jiew Tork at Boston.
EROOKiTTC. Jn3y IT Jones aras At his
wt today and tba Fbiladeipbuans aer as
' jtu iiii'js in bis banda Ha abut ibera. out.
alioa-ing- only four bits, ra-o of a-hlt.h "Were
cratcbaa Attendance. tm. Score :
SI100KX.TS1. t raraAOBuruia.
a.u.oa.k.1 a.n.o.a.g.
Btnrac. . til "nmnaa, et...S Ills
HMai, a 1 1 4 S OIia.nn. Ik . 4 1
Ivuna, - 1 4 aai-wnaa. IB t 1
Xaww. Ik 1 IS S kHBar, rt.
IkhM. aa ill fciTT. K SIS
Ufiaaiaaa, i.. i l
Hiuavitt. aa. S S S
Kau. a . Sill
jparaa. S 1
M-Oraar. t. 1 1 i
r.aMl. Ik 1 Silo
j.iaiaank. a.J J J J
11 I
Tatala I IS aj
xFlooa out; &ot touching- sac end baaa.
Tfrookrm I 1 1
Philadelphia, . a 0 t
lft on basest Brooklyn, ?: FBiladelpbla.
g. Tva-baae hit? McCretiry. ftcuen bases
Kbac-Aard ill. iJobba. First baa oa errors
IirooAlvn. 1. Ixnitiif mays: Kota ts Giea-
snn. Jor.a to lis. hi en to rv.yie. Plood to
iNnrlav feacTO&ca bits: tUrang, Iahien. First
,kjH m balis: Off Jones. I, off Bparka 4
Hit bT tiitcbed ball: By Bnarka 1. Struck
out: By Jones. 1; by Sparks. 1 Wild
piub: EpaxkA. Tims; Caopirs:
J txaadtasj kf tkia Taaaaa.
I Kara. Wos, Lost, F C.
'r.bnrr Kl M . rr .n
t it-tori .m M aZ M
f l or
O see ata Iaa4 Twa
CAKLAXri. Neh, July ZT i Special W i
Tb Originals and tne Crescents played two
frame bera yaateroAy before a very larpe
rrewd. Bwpit ttie bad rond tion of tut
grounds both team piayed g-reat 111. Er
rim vert gulte numerous on both sioes.
Ttcit.r. whet tiitohed th Binrnlnr srun'.
beid th Cmg-inaia ocas t lour Btamared
Inis until th sixth inning;, a ben tb-y
landd on hla Zyr sfi runs. BaE04pr f .r
tb Originals pitched a fins game and kapt
hi bits veil aoatiered.
In th afternnxm tun uaptain tsraaiora
aras the star of the day. piaymr a sr-eat
gam at second, having seven aameta a-rth-out
bb errnr. twully piu-.had a Bteady game
lor tb Original and seemed to be a pus-
El for the Crescents. f-exemon aieo
pitched a rood frame for the Cresoe.nta.
but his support wts aery ragged. Scots:
morning game:
Originals 1 1 1 11 i
Crasoants lltl14
Batteries BaSsidr, and JfiUer; Trohy and
Boor, afteraosa ram: rh.1L
CWgtoals J s-Tji
Creaoent t 11 " I
Batteries; Peteraea and Robes, ScuOy
SJui Kllaav
rt. DaAaT Take Bat Cv-
TORT IDOIXSE. la.. Jury Tt. (Special
Teiegram I In a fiercely f ourht game Fort
Zxidge oef eatsd tb Aigona Brea-tuea. Boor.
to 1 Bants a-as tb Fort tiocire pitcher,
and a-hii -Ud. held las 4rj'PDents until
lb bin in Inning, a ben tb Broa-iues ttmk
a biLTtma: railr and made their only scores.
K struck out eight and allowed only four
scratch tats until tn last mnina- r orr
TKida-e Tilaved an errorleae frame. The con
test was tb first of the season between the
two teams, which ar conceded t be the
hampiuu independent teams oi tne state.
Score. R. H. E.
Fort rtodxa. :CI(H W U I)
Alrana KHCHC S-s I
Batteries: Port T !.. Banta and Brush
kirnr.i Uavia aad Johnsoa.
Crralaa B U Heavy Rittlaft Csusae
Beiiant gat by Cohstilution, and turned
the mark J-Jfct ahead, lleantim Columbia
Lad lalien sway in th rear.
Th raetls turned th mark aa follows;
Reliance, l.llrUE; Constitution, lOB.a; Oo
lumbia. 1J.4.3S.
Haclii sheets round th mark Relianoe
began eating out to th weather of Con
stitution. They went ahcut on tb port
tack about I Jj and after that tb new boat
drew ahead and to windward steadily. Co
lumbia Btlied a fart race to windward and
by a fortunate slant of wind close under
the Newport shore, hauled np eo mack
on Constitution that th later barely beat
It across the fmiBh line.
Btart. Flninh. Elunewi
P-elisnra 1; li i:SS
C'oiun.Oia UiX-im'Jl :.ll
Coubtituuon ....mi'iSr :i:l IJfcJS-
L. H "W-aiflner defeated H F. Heimholt.
61. e.
J V. Binghani defeated VL K. More-h-
d. 1. fc 1
"w C Burton defeated E VcKeever, 11,
1 . 4
A J. Forstall defeated J. J. Balmer. 44.
A. C IficMasters 6VfateS P. G Bench,
6 S 4-1.
W TT. Knight defeated C M Ravmond.
61. f 1
C. H. Garaett defeated C I. Beiden, 7 E,
Bt. Laiui ..
, SO
. It
CREFTOX, la July IT. (SpeehJ Tele
m.m k ma of the closest rames Of th
seasos was played bar today between Cree
ton and Ueoexu. rasuinng is a victory for
Crept on by a score of 6 to k. Up to the
ninth imnnr the aeor was i to 1 to favor of
Cwoeola. Th heavy hitting of hoik teams
aas th feature of th game, lifieen tuts
Wamr nade. fmir of which were home runs
i mr& four cwo-nas pita. utouwh. i -i
Gams today: Boauia at New Tork: PhJia-
deiptiia at BrotUyn: (n. vua al Chwag;
Jlttaburg at CHinlnnaU.
Bta IkaM aat Saw Tark. Tkaaas
a IMstaca aa4
BOPTON'. July ST-Tb home tears shut
ut New Tork toAay. IHners was a puaxta
la tb viaitura and received winning sup
port ta tn tield. B-ostoa buncowd him la
tw liminf:. Aiue&oaJna UTk. skitira:
ClIITt xtrw TUBg.
k CAT. I A S O A B
TM(M. Skill (... 4
foiuiia. Xb.... Sill EiMMua m till
Okna. ef.-S 1 I Oncro. SB ..A IS I I
ri. liill t-. 111 SWilltana B I 1 I I
vnit. m J till Bb-mra4. t 1 1
l.liua Ife.l I I TaanattUi, K 1 S k
lama. I 111 SCmiiMk, 111 1 11 1
-naar. e. 1 IT hevi:ia. c.. kill
A 1st a. iwrna sA 14
Total .
Tnsum .
iris 1 aauUs IMS
. i i 4 6 t 6 4 (
Three-base hit- Crigar. Gasael Stolen
Toaaa: Cng-er. Mubl piaya: Pema
Cnter to laChaar iZi. Ptrst baaa an
tial: Ciff IieerUi, 4: oT TUnealv. g. rrruck
.et: By Ii nan, t. by Iatmiif. Time:
l:ii. I snpirai Sbertaaa.
aiiUe SBvat a ahLasrtaai .
PHT1TE3-PK1A. July ST. -TaddeH
rrtctiad ooy at tus -own raooest and
!it:ked tba aVashiT.rueia. Tb tiaidicg tt
1-x.Lh taaaus aras Bupera. Atumdaau. k.JBV
r urualiCUr. a I WAemnarrt.
A ll OAS1 a M O.A. x.
aicaanag. atA k 1 a ". list
u. a 1 t ka.aa. at ...k k k
L im, .-! I 1 ta. Ik ... k k k
kx-fco.a. n .. k 4 k f ait M-.k 1 1 k
h..ea. H.. I - rt A kill
kunx. la... Ill a'.iuattiiB. k I s
B ra. a I 1 1 mi-.-nm sa.k 1 4
! lk... k 1 11 k kkuutw. ..k kit
.cau. . 1 1 k I auruk. k k k 1 k
Total J milt1 Tatala I II 11 1
TMi.atOri-ia S44I1bi
VutlUlirtOB . 4ki
Ta-bta luts Alfwaa. Cmighlia. 1..
Cr.aa. 1 cwr- Btolac baee: fcennjid. lft
oti bi : Wastin g t-..a. Fiuiad-U'tiia. 4
It ui'te plays: Atcxirnuck ts Bluraa tc
tuittanei: Crestun. Wart and Townaend:
Cisceoia, Fhoeniz and Bollock- Umpire.
Isafaak OwtaLar
ARAPAHOE, Neb.. July rr. fBpecial
AloCooa s taaia. laaoara In tb Central Ne
braska leag-ue. defeated Arajiahos bars to
day by tn following scorei r h E
lioCmJc 4 X i t I 4 U 14 4
Arapabo .... .4 4 4 J i lu 4
Batteries- Xunkl and Render, BaHne and
Patlont Tw-M hits: Bender a. Kbooes
W limn. BttufL, Bellamy. JkU aVen&a. feanie
teams play tomurroa. Umpire! iuy
Tibs ItefemtreU
TAULM t'J'l'I. N.. July ST. Bprial V
Befera a larg crowd Buiiday. Fall City
oeleatad Tri- . Kan., by a soar of ID to
4. It a-as aa Interesting game. Score:
Pails City 4 t 1 4 S 41.
Trwy 444444414 i
Batbrrka: Palls City Foiaos and Eijift,
Troy, E, Noys And Flu i. Umpire. ol-lisob.
it. Louis
7-7 7oD
Ttk EilVkt lVioa4 bwt
tVa &t Qtaallty.
At Sprlnrneld Rorkfnr. 4: Bpnnrfieia S
At BiiMimmg-Uin Bloummg-uin. i. Liu
hucju. 1.
At Rock Inland Rock Island. riaven
ptn t, 4.
At Ijecatur Tjecatur. 4; Cedar RApids, 2.
Pragra DafeaAs t enaa.
PRAGUTS. Neb.. July Z- fPpeciiJ
areatem lost to Prag-u ra a h.-uy c u,
teled toes ball gam played at Aiaime
yeaieroay. 4 1. Barter-. Wm-teru. p.
cal and V Vita; plague. LmuaLa and
lav th ajTeeierai Ls.
Metre pelltaa Joe-key ClaB Met-tla
tBS laser Peage!
NEW TORK. Julv f- Th Mirttn)mTrr
meeting of the !tropolltan JiK:ky club
aas uftiiered ui toany under fav-orahie ccm-
Uiuoiia. u he a eattier a as cool and the
truck perfect. Results:
First, mx furK-irra: P.nsetir.t arm. Irlir.
ita second. King PrM-er third. Tims:
Bec-onfl. on mile and seventy yards:
Baure aon Emest Parham second. Petra
li. third. Time: 1:4V
Third, the Touthful stake, sic furtongs:
Haaelwood won. Pentaur second. Race
Ku.g third. Time: 1:14.
Fourth, th Giendale hanSiean. on mua
and a furiong: Hunter bain won. Roc
Hampton seuund. W. S. Condon ULrd
Time : 1 3V
Fifth, fiv and a half turlonra: Flamula
won. Gold Lkuso set.obd. 1 Tbee third.
Time: l:lH.
B:xUu one mile and a sixteenth- Tmkc
of Kendal wan, Iusadvar.tage second. Sber
lff BeU third. Tim: l:4h.
Beventn. tsv and a hiilf furtengs: Oreat
Crnenng won. Black Sticks second, Orteber
Plower third. Time: 1 la.
CHICAGO. July 7 Results-
First, tour and a half furlor.ra: Atlan
tic wot.. My Gem second. Harts ng third.
Tim -m.
Beoond, ateepleehase, short eourae: Cey
lon won, lo4nkllet second. liontaiuc
thb-d. Time: l:t?1k.
Third. July selling stake, mile and a ars
teenth: GiaaEful won. Oral ha aeoond. Serge
tbi rc. Time: 1 4t-V
Fourth, six furiong: Ixmisvfll won.
Ideehanus second, bardin third. Time:
Filth, six furlongs: CTtional won, Elbia
second. Ailexi AtitmTt third. Time: 1.14m.
S'.r-.h. mile: MH wun. Postmaster
"W nght second. Fit'j d K third. Tim
1 4H-
PT TjOT-IS. Julv IT. 'Results :
Firat fti furlrmr: Foilie Berreres
won. second Wigwam third. Time:
f-rvrnfl :x f Llnnc: Idsvor Graham
won. Harry Griffith second. Aylemere
Bruce. Tim : 1 :lirt.
Third, lour ana a half furlongs- Peach
Juice won. St Roc-h aeoond, SbortsLop
third. Time: :!7rv
Fourth, mil and a sixteenth: Miss Vac
rar wrm. Maud Gonn second. Eva G.
third. Tim : 1 :47i
Fifth, on mile: ftand Fat won. Ptrateer
aeeond, Orpbeum third. Time: 1.4TV
Bixth. mil and seventy yards: Aaares
won. Immortelle second. Our Lady third.
Time: 1C
blTFALO. July ST. Results:
First, six furiot.F: Hilary wwn. ABCr-st-tus
second. Animosity third. Tim: JJ.
Second, five and a haif furionrs: Too
lii,xT a on, Her.ry 'Walie second, Tw Fen
ny tlil'd. Time: 1 :(fV
Third, mile and a eixteentht Flora Wrn
lcurhhy won. AIiotmlUi second. Bank Street
third. Time: 1 f.
Fourth, six ftuionge- St w rood won.
John second. Plum Tart third. Time:
1:1 4a.
rifth. mil and an eight: Snare wm.
Znona secimd. Lifter tlurd Time- 144,
Sixth seven furiong "anasvlU won.
Pi'ra Bright second. Reeves third. Time.
l--- .
Paels atelac PrahibiieC at Clewalaa
Few -a4rtaiars Ajttead 6 read
C ircuit BLam-a.
Carter, 4 t
Flake, 6-4.
A. C. Snow defeated F. R.
R. 'rnbrenner defeated C. G
66. 64
C P Patteraon defeated C. Baker, 44.
-I. 6-1
PTel:min.rv muni otib"es- '"oHins anfl
W"aidner defeated and Beach, 6 i
4 r. 6-t
fn"w ana CErter defeated Hunt and
Btepbens. 4 t 62. S
Bir.cham and Proctor delected Jemee ana
Lirbt-ne-. 6 , t fc. k 4
Kichamson ana Miiney defeated Rlcker
ani p.ebn. 7 i. t-v
Firrt round double rih! and Emerson
defeated Beard and Suc.Keever, fi, 4 t
46, 60.
Fie la ta lessa4 Tea ate TarsT
Brtagt Tare Faaaaas Playrrs
BOSTON. July rr. A big erewu g-athared
Bt the tennis court of th Ltmg-aood
Cricket club to witness the concluding con
tests m tb tournament whlrh started on
Its second week today. Champion Lamed
and H. Ward took thetr m tehee ra th
semi-final round with little trouble
Lame was pitted against George 'vTrenn,
and altheugb the latter took the third set.
he finally proved to no match for th
national champion. After tb intermision
Wrena succumbed In th fourth by 6-2.
Earned in tb early parr af th play was
away off his form, and put th ball rnte th
net repeatedly hut bt clew-r piecing was
tne much for TTrenn. whn wbs slow on bis
feet, and Wrenn s fxeotierrt ems rtiared a
big part IB Earned s vtrtsry. Neither mac
Intend to "fort th ptbllc printer hands "
It Is alee stated that If the public printer
does hot sustaic th charge the union win
Eppeal flxectly to the president to remove on the charges on which his e-
I pulsion from the unun a-as based
j A committee represertir.g the bookbind
ers' union called on Secretary CortelTOB
(today. They ar keeping him advised as
to the step taken iti ih Jillier ctse tj th
Another committee of three representing
the labor unions of th city, called on th
Cvll Setric corcmiOTieTT to Inquire
ahether a certificate of reinstatement
would be issued tc members cf unions in
cut thej- went on strike. Tti
aioners repec tint tli incjuiry wa la-gely
hypothetical, and that "the bridge a-ouid
b croseed when reached."
Tresal Itrparked mi Paaaaaa.
Consul General Qudrer at Panama has
ma tie th following report by cabi to the
State department of th rpisod at that
Lst r.igbt shout If o'clock sold.c-s
headed 1 the ooiuTnander-ln-thjef . searched
the governor s nous. Th governor e
capei tried to r-ach th consulate but wet
intercept t-d Tock relur t the bouse ol
at American- Street ur.ed a-;th snlCierr
rre:ed eerretar' of state Jo.lce chief and
departmental enipiL'teA. Iiepartment hat
Another dispatch today from Mr. Gudg'
says the governorship has been tendered
but it is not known to whom. He adde
that th situation Is grave. Acting Secre
tary Loomis has decided to await "further
adx-tcea befr taking action.
It happens that the nsvy is weak on the
Pacific side at this moment, awing tc the
absence of th Pacific squadron m Auuiktn
a aters. But in case of need either Banercft
or Panther, on the grulf side, could bt
speedily dispatched to Colon and a detach
ment of marine Bent by rail t Piaitna
Mr. Gunner furth'sr reported that "the
trouble arose because of th failure of the
governor to pay th national troops" and
adds the troop were wlthdrEwa. at I o'clock
this morning.
Arsay 91 ea Saw alaaey.
The annual eport of the auditor for th
War oiarhment show that dunn th year
Lf ri r"k t" iPel"r'OE i enlisted men of tb army made 13.75 de
af on or two rood rallies. Larned s Use . . .. . ..... ..,
ana -croa court shot were tb only inter- i"au unuer mt ati. i-i vj j .
' 1 -Liuii.. ui ujt uii u a ,
The result: Earned beat Trena. 4-1 4-1
Holoomb 'Ward found an easy victim In
Beats C. 'vl'rlsrht. a ho was tired out from
tug to C7ia.Gl, and ILi.YS deposits were
withdrawn amounting to 44.fKC.llki. upon
which the depositors received tan. ITS la Interest.
Iuring the year FT-Cias was placed tc the
Came tdayt Omaha st Pwii: Pmj
at fcauaaa City; 4T ana-ado Bpnuga 4U Bu
Juarpb, Iat Kuinea at alilauaae.
Games today: City tt Indian
apolis: at Eounrv-iie: Su Iaui at
Columbus, stlZ-nespaliS at 1 oleOa
rtret 411 at Murk ftsy
aa 4 Start mate m Cat
A3 ef (b rnktr-bes in th flret rmmd of
th Omaii SV-.4 club go:f eh .ant . in:r.
aith tt snr.uai a that bereeet, jndr
ia4 and Itujl were .uivad T kl ma. t
and Sundtwiaiifl was given th viatrh i y rt
faukt ibefnr tb brat raund u piarnd the
art aa eHje'aatant im-u it tba laal four
jikynes tn the auaii'vu.g nialcl, pte S
ana Adam. Prma. Bp!irir an Bo! m
ictl in- Tb suore tur tbe first rvtmd are.
If I
ataoney 1 Carrier
nt ...1 Huepny -
Hove . I Bona
Fraotcl . 4 Bpatuar t
Hotn i riK.a ..
Adams 4 Buraing-hkia 6
Bat aari ....1 Majtciuaiier t.
auiioriiid Pruis Tei,uit
In tb second ruund Frauds beat od, '
Tba pawns ta tb utias era as ful-
Ui 1 tirw aia-iiet BH-k Bo;, agaiita:
buAiTiTnaBl. !.'; aramal Vt..,ai.r
Okauw saiaa( Prina. BwcaibcnaJB juai ea
buih I ajh
CTJTV ELJLNTi. July IT new eland wa
tretted ir.L-iiy o the nm-e! sight of a Grand
Circuit trottijig tnext a ithoui poul sailing,
the court having prohit.ited It Thi ac
tion aa tli result of the crusade started
ty Mkyor Goff ct Gier.kiiie. in whose iim.
It th C'M-veikud trac k la located la con
kKnimw ol tli j.rotiibiui.n of betting the
rro c a'b one or tbe smahest that bus
a rt ended th i'-al meeting IB years, ahna
the lieto in tti at-vrrai race ae- a-iao
enialier, in sjnte of the fact that th en
try list had been uuuKualiy large. Sum
ntnw: TT(.t:ing J 11 class, purse CSM":
Alu V uini. b. h.. by Alii WnAua (VQ-
lri 1 I
Haa-thome, r. m H udwmi..... ... J t
1- feu-cng g r i"KTaiii .1 I
Lenia. b m (S&unc-ri-. 4 4
Fnjicts B. th. m .Br"a-i I Ar
E-' v Tout.r. f h m. (.McCarUiy) us
Ttmt-: Z.-'i. Z-vf
Pacing i ' ciass. punt EM1:
ramiie I'llm-d. Ma m.. ly Hall TMl-
lurd 1 tinea 1 ...I 1
lartie Bciuaa. blk m tCeideburgi 1 I
liiamm t, g iHyoei t I
Tf-m tuen. tr. tn (Geersi 4 4
Oara Bb'v H. t- h iPihen A 4
Time. SMH 1 :'-,. 2.
Tri.ttitg. i.3t". ciaaa. purse 41 XC':
kre.t:ie. h. m., by Acoiyt maund
er. l.u -v lie br. in. iKnlwr.i 1 t
J;i ;p o-eetie. 1- g vV klaeri 2 )
T-n.e- t If."-. Z J.lS
Tri.T;i.g J.W riaK puree fl :
John Tk Itt. g g . t r I'utput D WO
ai.ik . 1
K .t.rc h. g rw'kri
-;rT fw-te r g . 14. Itontiir . .
Bermuo Maid, h a- "Oart 1
Kiti.t blur 1 e vBenyuui
i-'-'S- ! -IV
T ac tls f 1 ciaat. pwa fl :
T"H- K-en. g g . by V cm Egoert (ale-
Cartl.i ) 1 b g .Walker. f
K:. I art. b'k. h. o'.iirs' 4
t Wll"tl. t r. K :.M J
h.dii Br. .r. -h. tt.. kfeuo.. . 4
Time: I trv 1"K
his hard work of last aeek. ITard was
Wrirht on the defensive smashed lm ih cred!t of tb permanent fund of the home
corners with te!?:ng effect. under tbe aot of March Z. 18SS. belr.g th
The result: W ard beat "W right, 6-4. 6-4. I retained from th pay of enlisted men
These tw wins ta the semi-finals bring ' 04 lbe tTmT on CCOUBt 01 Iar cml
Ward and Lamed triaether tomorrow in j fund, fine by general court-martial And
the frriaia Tne challenge match with Cloth- amounts due deserters at large and dis
ler a-iu b plsyec on edneedav. ...
This mriTT.irts- Ward snd V ure won the honorably discharged soldier,
eastern doubles charrpionernp. a feature There were u-lthdrawn from the prni-r'w,.r':-l!livvPL"bf3
rent fund durrng tb year for current el
se or. i.d round This make Werd and Ware bhk 2hHW.. The amount of claims filed
the eastern champions and ther will meet by th aeveral stale on account of th war
v aianer. tne western cham- ,.lla Sp-.n Of this amount
im-1 uu rtufuni in 1 ne a in
ner of tils contest will b calid urion to
meet tb Ioherty Brothers a: Newport for
th national rh.amplonsr.rn. In the finais
this Wrd tnd Wje bed a" easv
time e-itb HoU end sferrill. a-ho had won
their wav hnto the final through an ease
ii-m. ana went
.... - -. - 1 . . . n. ij .11 r . p .
went doan before tn eastern
4-4. 4-1.
Freliaalaary Baal sal Tbrea
htaarVea ta First Beaad
riayea Of.
AH th preliminary matches tn th city
arnnis tournament were pityed off at th
Fasid club last evening and three ciaicbe
IB the trn round. Th iiiay beid nothing
unusual in it, most of tb men staying
whs. war expected to. Touiig Hoe maue
aa eatUent showing against BatCr. ai
tbouati he lost two straight aet In tlx
first set hi ioriblr.g aa especiailly bru
hant. anc be hac Battin for a
long; titt.a Con Toung started playing In
it. preliminaries ana u-m jy straight
through tti tnuman-ivnt desjiii tbe ltu.t
that b now botds lb city ctampionshlji.
W bile th commit! did nut think it ic
esaary tor him 10 00 so. lie felt that, with
the new cup donated ly U whinner A
Ryan, it would b letter if be piayed m
ti.e li.urnamvr.t. Bcoren
In the prenminarie
Werner lieat PrrtrheTt. flefan't.
J S. Bewen iieat AtrWfanrter, 7-4. W.
Toutig twat Erain, 6-1, t-4i.
F-itckard ki H. Burr, 4-4. 4-4.
Barttn beat H'wl. 4-4 4-4'
Htttaell beat Chasaoer. 4-4. 4-0
Ir ech!.ei6er Van Camp, 6-4, 4-t
Collet lat Kuhn. 6-1 4-4.
rnren beat Hamilton, default.
In the first round :
Imtnont beat Werr.her. 4-d. S-t. 4-1. beat We:.1er. 4-f. 6-1
B'-rtboer Iwat 4cCtinl. 4-1. 6-1.
Tli pairing in tti Lrat rwunk resulting
fnm the j.reiimiriirie. is as f'.iiloas:
Bmma aTaliist Toung
Packard against Bat tin
Ha a ell against Xsr ax Lneider.
C'.liet apamM riufrene
Ail of the mati-be in the first --iunJ ari'l
play ad n the court cf tn Fiead rljb
a-ih t ex"-ptw.n of t-'aicweli against
H-t Burr palmer .grain- Pollard kti'-l
Tel.birra ag-Hinst H Kt'ha. Ttt tr-ee a- 'I
V l iayed tti evening on tn St. "'i!m
roirrt Thi change tit beer maa tr. t-cit-t'!
th finishing cf the first round tui
Tbe most popuiar j..aoe te eat good dia
ners is the Blue Ril-Un Cafe. 11 Fartiam
Daffy Mil la
MTLWAlTrr uv I Hurt fn-tTy.
a be retu-ae aitk t.ia Wetrt imaroe leais
nii!t. o.iiibs eraphktu-ai'T tt aUtrv fme
I n . Uiat lftmi 1 t l t-at,frred
1e Paefia arid Wt.-aen a te. ia la ta seat
Ha aars. further., that th Uiua-
1 1
4 street.
rsiiaa Bt. a a. haca
A BSNTaaiA a 6a. Sale. Tama. Fsa
A.Z3.m were allewe. tl.m..T3r disalics-ed
and (SM.9 la pending se-itlement
Trala Atwtdeats Fatal.
Th renort of th Inters: le Cennmeec
ntTTntrlMe ra railreaa anctflenta la tVi. t
rtiUid Etates for the three months ended
March 31. ahows that dunt.g that cuarter
VK person wer killed and f.E34 injured 1b
train accidents Other kind of accident.
Including; those sustained by employes while
at work and by paasengrers in getting on
and off cart, making the agirrf-gL te casjal
ties Sfff killed and 11 4S1 Injured Ther were
l.G cillisjons and 1.1RI eierailmer.ta caus
ing tzm ss. damage to cara, engines and
A lleged 3ib taratl Treanrf.
Tlie Secretary of war has sent t th
Treasury department a box of cigars and
tli received from the deparxmest nf Texaa
It ar;ars that Colonel Clem, chief suar
trmitrter of the department, found tb
box on his desk, and opening it discov
ered it was from a contractor wh aras
doing some work under his supervision.
In ti. box was the money. Th colonel
a-as Indignant and referred th matter te
General Fred Grant, commanding- th de
partment. Th cm: tract or acknowledged
sending tl clears by a messenger bey. but
said li did not know anything about th
money. General Grant thought that under
such circumstance nothing could be gained
by prosecutir.g th man- for attempted
bribery arid eeatt the cigars and the money
10 the War department. Prom th War
department they wer sent to the treasury,
whr all unclaimed funds ar ent The
cigar wer sold for (2 and the money
placed with th CM.
postmaster General Pam has aTirten
from Portland. Me . ayii.g that lie a-:i!
resume his official du'ies here on Monday
Issrksrias Parts Aeearael.
While the- has been a lull in th Ml.b
ehurtAB negotiation flurtcg- the last week
up ts this point sausfactuj-y pron-eas ha
been mad and there t every reason ts be
lieve that before aepiemtasr I a treaty Bill
be ready for signature which will define
liie trade opportunities tf th Vni'.ei
States is Manchuria.
An authorised st u tut in of the s it ua ti or
is aa follows:
The Question of opening new localitM to
trade in Manchuria baa been in snatanc
sa: it,factori:y arranseo aits th Chines
gi.veniiufnt and not hu g remairis to he
setilea eatiept ti oate aatd IcKialitie
ui I orwned Th, will t subd la ttte -ation cf tti tretty in Which ti
opei.iug is agreed cpoa.
ladiaa f.aaertaalea P-laaiee.
Thomas H Bee-m. wbe has far Bam
year beer supertntendert of th Indian
actiool at Fort Levia. Cute, was today i
fliamisaad troai tn aervioa. riliiai It j
PeieraoxL aaMistatit auertntei.dei.t of the j
Chinee acheoi in Oklahoma lias been ap- 1
polr.ted his aucceaeur.
ladiaas atwewite Caaftv,
Ti Indian bureau today paid tM.W ts
the Kiowa. CoBTiarirhe and Arapahe In
diana st Atiaaarka. talA, beu th aec
attA itjmrtit aaaoe to theai fur
lands under the act of 1SS,
JikMl e
lend y
Mild Tobacco
Save the Bandm
iound Trip
for round trip tickets
to San Francisco. Los Anpeles
Tacoma, Seattle and Portland,
tickets on sale Atsgmrt 1 to 14.
inclusive, return limit October
I am tiorougniy familiar
wit"h all routes to the Pacific
Coast and can arrange rour trip
orer anj line jou many -elect
and tell ron all about the dif
ferent ways of makinp the trip.
It 'rill pay you to see me.
Th BurBngtoa la th shert Bso t th
3cfret Sonnd ceuntry and ta Denver, and
via Denver la th cautt Route te the
Faotfia Ceeat.
CJty Passenger Agent,
1532 Farnam Street, OMAHA.
SQg-oo if
Pcril-sd rW M
Seittli (YiM) Fascia
1 Tteest Us lagelt
Tickets cn salt Aug. IstlafiA, inclusive
1 1 SiiiiiB bta qslcktr thai aij etbsr Ll.a ts J
ttt Mfit dtsL
J"nr ta3 ininrmaticai ea3 or wrha
JSa citt TiraiKT kfrice, y
NjS rase 114,
and back
August I to
eenald erably leas, thaa half the rata usroaXy is a (faat.
Mae aa account ef the JtaQanal Eacajupnaent of the G A.
tL, but epos 1 the ganaral public aa wall ae to araiibers of th
G. A. JL
Ticket oad ta return uatS October Ik
Rock Isind System offers tw routes te California aia ZS
Paae ant via Colorado. Ten cava g an war aatd rat lira aaother
Ttawugrh Fullaaaa Palace and Taurtat sawatug car aa i lea.
Pull itttnrmariee furnlshad ea appheatiua to aay Rooki lalaad
Oreat ag-atit. ar wT adrtsaalTiaT
City Ti:W Oinci
1323 Firtn Strt.t, Oziii, fc),
f. P. IZstei, I. f . A. (4' , I