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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1903)
THE OMAITA DAILY TJEE: SUNDAY, JULY 20. 1003. VICTORY SMILES AGAIN Bourkeitet Take Another Gam from tha Leaders. ALL DONE IN THE LUCKY SEVENTH Timely Werk at the Bat a4 Seme Milwaukee Mistakes Coatrlbate . e Ike Afteraooa's Trtasapk, for Denver In centeTfleld. Scors first gnm: R H C Pt. Joseph 4 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0-10 1') 6 Denver 0 OliOOOOO .lt Retteries: St. Joseph. Olade and McCon cell; Ienver. Kyler and Vlrich. Score second trains: RH.E. Pt Joseph 1 1 0 4 0 0 1 1 0-1 13 i Denver 0 1 0 0 1 S 0 0 0-4 T I Batteries: Bt. Joseph. Chlnn and Garvin; Denver, Lempks and L'lrlch. Staadlas of th Tessas. Played. Won. I-osL T.C. When Pa Bill burned all of his Jons ticks behind his barn th other night on he ' altar of th lucky seventh, h did a good ' Job ' and It bor fragrant blossoms yeeterdsy when th Rourkltes took another turn at drubbing the topnotchers to the tun of to S. Braun, who played back stop th previous day, wound himself up Into a knot every now and then and threw balls over the oyster for the local lads to bat Into th field. Schafstall waa fur nishing th. snake for Omaha and thay war intangible. Omaha played the earn lineup of the previous day, and O'Neill was moved , out Into the middle garden for the visitors, while Frank Miller supplanted him at sec ond.. But It didn't make any difference. There was some loos fielding on both sides and th seventh Inning. That was th whole story of the game. Hlckey played a remarkably fast and heady game on third and Jack Thomas at short fielded well, despite his two errors, one of which waa quite excusable. Stone started out with a hi t, but never got beyond second when he was sacrificed there. Then Carter came to th doing. He scratched and Lucia mad a bad throw trying to pinch him at first, which gav hltn another sack. Oenlns poked out a dinky one and Thornton let the throw through him. That put Carter on third and Oenlns 'on first. Miller's fly to left brought In Carter on a close decision, and then th add went out. Times Oa Are Serea. Another run, cam In for the locals In th second, and then they rested for their doings In the seventh. When th seventh opened the Creams got busy and snatched a long, lean tally out of the game. It cam about through Oatln'e double and a scratch hit of Lucia's. Th seventh did not open up auspiciously. Blckey flew .out to O'Neill and Oonding drew' a pass 'to first. Thsn Bchafntall plonked one out Oatlns-way and Oatlns tampered with It, but did nothing. Carter singled and a run came In. Oenlns did likewise and another tally was hung' on th buffalo robe. - Miller walloped the ball for two bases, and then Oenlns was pinched by a hair off of third and "Dusty" scampered oa. down to third while they were chewing about It Shugart poked out a dinky one and Thornton dropped the catch. Then Welch singled and Thomas broke a board In th fence and drew two . jacks. Hlckey singled and Oonding got two on a hltr Meanwhile the scores were ' oomlng In like farmers to a circus. But Bohaf stall's out finished It and Pa BUI counted up seven runs on his tally, board. Ia the eighth' a couple1 of errors, two. scratch hits, a base on balls and fielder's choloo gave the -Creams two' more runs, and then it was, all over so far as scoring was conoerneiC Today the earn teams will play a double header, which will bo th last on the local grounds until th next home series. ' ' ''' The scorei OMAHA. : , . . AB. H. IB. PQ. Carter, r. f .'.;. -6 , 1 ' 1 Oenlns, a f , 6 , - 0 Miller, L r :.;.. Bhagart, lb 4 Welch,. h. . 4 TharaMi s. S. 4 Hlckey, lb ...,' 4 Oonding, c. I SchsfstalL p, 4 . " Totals 88 Colorado Springs Milwaukee , Bt. Joseph , Kansas City .... Ienver l'eoria Des Moines Omaha Oamea today: 7 . 71 . 72 . i . 74 . 77 . 7 . 75 49 45 37 K7 35 35 34 a 17 27 Si 88 8 42 42 4 ,6t6 .625 .514 .493 .473 .46a .448 .fe7 Milwaukee at Omaha, Peoria at Des Moines. Kansas City at Colorado Springs, Bt. Joseph at Denver. GAMES, IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Drill Rater Dowi Hew fork After ieelas; Five Ran t Wak te. NEW YORK, July 2K New York lost to Moston today. aitnouR-n tne locals tattea out a lead or five runs in tne second inning. Hard hitting by Boston, particularly In the sixth lnninir, was too much for the home team. Chesbro relieved Tannehlll in the seventh and Young took Winters' place in the sum. Attendance, ,0i. score: BOSTON i' . NIW YORK. K.H.O.A K. R.H.O.A.B PourttOTtr. K4 I I Klr, rf....l 0 14 I tiElb.rf.ld, M. 4 I t t t nnror, lb... 1 4 I 4 4i Wllllama. lb. I 4 I I I 1 llMrFarlnd, ef 1 1 1 .4 4 o (iantel, lb.... 1 I 11 1 1 4' Deris. If 1 I I 4 I o O'Connor, ... 4 1 t 1 I 01 Taanehlll, . 1 1 1 I 0 I 4 aeebre. ... 4 4 1 -4-4 IXU.VUI 4 '4 4 4 t , f II ST 14 1 I Totals T ST 14 1 Boston ,...0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 07 New York .0 50000000-6 Two-base hits: Oanxel, Dougherty, Cot llns, Freeman (2), Parent (2), Ferris. Three base hit: C'oillns. Sacrifice hits: Collins, Criger. Left on bases: Boston, 7; New York, 4. Double play: Elberfeld to Oan rel. First hnse on errors: Boston, 1; New York, 1. First base on balls: Off Winters, I: off Young, 1; off C'hesbro, 1; off Tanne- Colline. lb... I I 1 O-Rrtfti. ef... SOI yminin, it., 1 S 1 Pareut, ee. . . . 1 I 1 Uchtoca, lb 0 4 11 Kerrta, lb.... 1 1 I I'rlK.r. lit Wlnwn, p... 11 Tuunc. p S14 Totals.. today by a score of I to S. Jarrott. the star pitcher for Atlantic, was In the box inl Crestnn soured eleven hits off his delivery,- while Atlantic scored but twelve off. Fleming.' a comparatively untried pitcher fjr Crestnn. Krrors: Atlantic, 11; Crest on, 8. Umpire: llolden. Attendance, 20. The same clubs play again Sunday. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE falats Play Taklag with th Ckaaiploas, Foarteea Polats t Six. Imoot. cf ... I 0 temont, M... S 4 1 I 1 Barclar. If... 1 1 1 4 t Park., lb ... 1 1 4 1 r Harkett, lb.. 1 1 11 4 f Rjin, S I t 11 ( DwileaTT, p.. I 1 4 4 I ToUl. 14 14 n : rrrrsm-RO, July Hi Nine hits off Lee ver. coupled with errors In the first Inning, gave 6t. Ixuil. a lead which could not be overcome by Pittsburg's slow playing. Dun. leavy gave only two hits up to tne Hfth inning. Attendance 6,812. Score: ST. LOl'IS. I PITTSBmO. n h o a e r.h.o.a.e. r.rr.11. lb... I til 1 n.anmont. cf 1 1 I 9 1 Ponoran. rf.. t Sit MSbrlns, rf... t 1114 w agner, aa. .. S 1 a I V Bramfl.M, lb 9 I 11 t 0 Learb, lb ... I t I t 1 Hitch. r, lb. 1 I I T 1 Knit.r, If..., 1 4 1 t t, ..... 4 t 1 4 Ph.lp c I S S 4 t 'wr, p t t t 1 Wilh.lm. p.. I 4 4 I tKODdr TotaU 4 II ST 14 4 xBatted for Wllhelm In ninth. Pt. louis 2 1 5 0 1 1 0 0 814 Pittsburg 0 200011106 Two-base hit: Farrell. Three-base hits: Farrell (2). Sacrifice hits: Demont, Bar clay. Ryan. Stolen banes: Barclay, Burke. Double plays: Demont to Farrell to Hack ett; Burke to Hackett; Hackett, unassisted. First base on balls: Off Wllhelm, 3; off Dunleavy, S. Hit by pitched bail: Wagner. Struck out: By iJunleavy, 1. Time: 2:15. Umpire: Moran. Bottom Twice Beats Brooklyn. BOBTON, July IS. Boston took both ramea nf a double-header from Brooklyn today. Batting, errors and passes accounted ror all the scoring in tne nrst game, xua larkev. though wild, was effective. The second game waa a bewildering com pound of hits, errors and stupid piaying. Four pitchers were used. Attendance, 4,Sul. Score, nrst game: Coolay. If. . T.nn.r, lb. Startler, cf, Carney, rf.. Moran, e. . BOSTON. K.H.O A E 4 110 0 1 0 11 4 4 4 14 1114 4 111 xMcCreery out: hit by batted ball Boston 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 4 Brooklyn 1 01100000-1 Two-base hits: Aubrey, Abbattlchto. Double plays: Strang to Flood to Doyle, Flood to Dahlen to Dovle. First base on balls: Off Oarvin, 4; off Malarkey. 6. Hit by pitched balls: Malarkey, eneckara. Struck out: By Malarkey, 1; by Oarvin, 4. Passed balls: Moran (21. Wild pitches: Oarvin (2), Malarkey. Time: 1:5a. Um pire: Johnstone. score, second game: BOSTON. , BROOKLYN. K.H.O. A.g.l R.H.O.A.X). rooter. If.... I I I I 1 Strain, lb ... 1 Sill " 1 ' I a - o i vi -. 0.8 1 I 0- ' 4 0 1:1 4 1 -a : a n . J4- - 4 MILWAUKEE. Btone. 1. f....... McVlckers. r. t I 0 Corkman, lb 4 1 O'Neill, c. f 4.1 Thornton, lb 4 0 Oatlna, s. s I 1 Miller, lb .., v.. 0 Lucia, C. v 4 0 braun, p. I 0 AH. R. IB. PO. 0 1 ft 0 0 1 1 1 0 !i u 0 0 0 I 4 .3 1 0 0 T M II Totals , U Runs by innings: Omaha I J J Milwaukee ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hits by Innings: Omaha J 1 1 ? 1 ! Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-1 0 13 S 0-1 Barned runs: Omaha, I: Milwaukee, l. Ktt on basee; Omaha, 8; Milwaukee, . leases on balls: Off Srtiaf stall, 4; off Braun. fc-8truck out: By Bohafstall. Z: by Braun, I. Wild pitch: Braun. Two-base hits! MU- ' ler, Thomas. Oonding, Braun. Oatlns. Sao. .iiu XTrVtckera. Stolen bases: Mil ler, Stone, Cockman, P- Miller. Tim of gam: il.'BO. umpire; wov-auu, pa Mala aaa Distillers Eve a Up. TT?8 TrfOtNES. July 25. Des Moines broke even with Peoria In a double-header this afternoon. The nrst was an easy victory frtr Penrta.' Tha second waa a - pitchers' battle. . Attendance, S.000. Bcor firat game: R.H.E. Paoria 1 0 I 0 1 1 .1 0 J II j Dea Moines 0 10 0 0 0 1 1-6 13 I Batteries: De Moines. Barry "nd Fohri Peoria. Hart and Wilson., Score, second game: f ,-., Dee Moines, 1 0 : I af J S Peoria 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0-1 I 0 Batteiiee: Pes Moines, Cushman and Fohl; Peoria, Olmsteed and Wilson. Mlllloaalres Weary with nn.ilsf. fLO!RAT0 BPRIN08, July .-LTedays game waa a sluitglng-match, In which Kan ana City played corner lot ball and the Colo rado Springe playera spent their time In runnlnj the .bases. Both teams were crip pled by tho absence or regular ' playera RHE. Colo. BDrfriss'.. 11 0 1 "T -22 1 I Kanaa City ..10I0OOOIO-6I Battvrloa: Colorado, Sprlnrs.- Jones vanl Biamagle; , Kansas City, Cable, Hall, and Mcaaltt. r -.,- ' t. Je Takes a Caaple. I5KNVER, July 25. Denver loat two aamea to Bt. Joseph bv loose fielding. Both Lyler and Leuipke were batted freely. The only brilliant worn was aacnais s piaying II. lb 1 S 4 1 Smith, lb..,, 0 1 III oon. ;S -i lj,1g.m...3 A 1, 1, I 4 i.bllli fa. I 4 . ." .McAlWoa i S 0 rr,-t,. i ' 1 o;iiuiow. . TTr x i- ft t riab.rtj, p.. t 4 . a! i .ToUls.t..,. f $ ST 14 II Total. 4 11 17 IT 1 x Batted for Kitson In the ninth. ' Chlaago. ,.'.l l.ft-0 0, : 1 t 0 06 Detroit .......1 0 1 0 0 0 1,1 04, niKitni.'.iiit:' oueiow. oacrinre 'nits: Liusn, uarr, -jonea, magoon, Tannehlll. Htolen bases: Yeagerw Callahan (2), IsbelU First base on bails: Off Kitson, 2; off wnite, 2. firat Dase on errors: Detroit, l; .C'hJcajro. 4. Left on bases: Detrrat 7- Chlcag, 9. Struck out: By Kitson, I; by mio, o, vy rianerxy, i. . uouDie plays: Smith to Carr to' Long, Tannehlll to IabelL lime; :iu. umpire: connouy. Wasfcingtoa Wins from Phillies. WA8HINOTON. July 25. In a pitchers battle between Waddell and Dunkl Wash ington defeated Philadelphia today. Wash ington won by bunchlca two hi La with a baa on, balls, and an excusable error by Waddeir in th eighth Inning. Attendance x.iia. tscore: .WASHINGTON. I . PHILADELPHIA. K.H.O.A.aV R.H.O.A.X Kobinson, se 111. 0 Pickering, cf. I I 4 4 tiran, ci i l . . Datia, lb..... 4 114 4 Clark., lb.... 4 1 4 4 0 L. Crcaa, lb.. 4 1114 Salbach, If... 4 1 I 4 tjSaybold, rf... 4 4 14 4 Lf. rf 4 14 4 1 HoSinaa. It.. 4 4 S 4 4 Covxhlln. lb . 0 4 4 4 4 MurDhr. . lb.. S S t S a MtKorm k, Ik 4 4 1 S olM. croaa,' aa.. 0 4 4 I KlUredga, a. 4 4 4 1 v Shreck, 4 4 14s uuuaia, p.... s e s s .,wada.ii, p.. .4,1. 4 1 1 ToUU. ..... 1 IB ll Totals .1 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I J rniiaaeiynia v ovooo,o 1 -l-wo-nase nits: Murphy, Pickering. Three base hit: Selbach. Stolen bases: Rwin, Clarke.- Sacrtflce hits: Ryan, Coughkn, tirst base on balls: Off Waddell, 2. Hit Dy piicnaa oaii: My Lrunxie, l; cy waddell, L Struck, out: By Dunkle 4; by Waddell. ft, Time:, l is. Umpire: Hassett Btaadlaa; tf the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P C, Boston 81 53 Philadelphia ' 82 41 Cleveland 7 43 Detroit ,. 75 , Sg New York 75 87 Chicago 77 36 St. Louis 83 tl Washington B0 27 Games today: Detroit at Chicago, Cleve land at Bt, Louis. 28 14 M 17 38 43 51 53 ,4 .5X5 .644 .607 .4H3 .455 .376 .338 Oremlnfr, lb 4 1 1 I Aubrer, M...1 111 Malarkey, 4 I 1 1 Total! 4 1x24 II hill. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Chesbro, I Ab tichio, Ib.t l I I 1. struck out: isy winters, a: cy xoung..z; bv Tannehlll, 2. Passed ball: O'Connor. Time: 1:55. Umpire: Sheridan. Cleveland Downs Saints. j CLEVELAND, July 23. Pearson, the pitcher secured from Homestead by Cleve land, let Bt. Louis down with six singles today, errors by Lajole and Oochnauer giving the visitors three runs. Lajole's batting was a feature. Attendance, ,447. Score: CLEVELAND i 8T. LOl'IS. R.H.O.A.E R.H.O.A.E. Bay, ef 1114 0 Burkett, lf... 0 114 4 Bradler, lb.. I 14 1 rtuides, lb... 4 4 4 1 4 Lajole, lb.... I S 1 1 1 Frl.l. lb 1 I S 4 4 Hickman, lb. 4 S 11 4 Antt.raoo, cf. 4 0 4 4 4 McCarthy, lf. 4 1 S 4 C-W.llac, sa.. S S S 4 4 Flick, rf 4 0 0 0 IrKahoa, C....1 1110 Oocbnau.r, as 4 1 4 I 2 Martin, lb.... 4 4 14 4 Abbott, a 4-4 4 4 oH.mphlll, rf. 4 14 4 4 Pearson, p.... 4 4 4 1 4Pow.ll, p.... 4 14 4 4 Total. T 10 ST II I Total. W 14 4 I Cleveland .. 0,1,0 1 0 1 0 -T St. Louts ..0 1 1 0 0 0 0 04 Two-base hits: Lajole, Bay (2). Three base hit: Hickman. Home run: Lajole. Stolen bases: Bay, Bradley. Double play: Frlol to Sugden. First base on balls: Off Powell, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Powell, 2. lft on bases: Cleveland, 6; St. Louis, 8. Struck out: By Powell, 7; by Pearson, & Wild pitch: -Powell. Time:- 1:55. Um pire: O'Laughlln. - ' - - Loss Let. White tros. Win. DETROIT, July 25. Long's erratlo work, due partially to a badly injured hand, was, responsible for Chicago's victory today, his errors figuring in four of the five runs. White was -put -.out of the game In the eighth, with the sacks Ailed and none out, and Flaherty saved the game. Green was Injured while running. Attendaaoa, 4.6W. Score: - . CHICAOO. - I DETROIT. - , R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Holmes, lf... 1 114 4 Barrett, cf... 1 114 4 Jonea, cf.....l 14 1 4 Luah, If 4-1 14 4 Onan, rf 4 4 4 4 Crawford, ri.,1 I I I Hallman, rf.. 1 0 1 4 1 Carr, lb 1 til I I Callahan, lb. 4 I 14 0 Yac.r, lb... I 4 S I 1 lab.ll, id Magoon, Iff rnsei white, p 4 1 1 I . K l Upon, p.... 1 14 1 ruu.rtj, p.. o 4 4 4 . (LxMcOnlra .j 4 4 4 4 BROOKLYN, R.H.O.A.E Strain, lb.... 14 114 8herkanl. If.. 0 0 14 0 Dnbba. cf.... 1 I 1 0 1 lol. lb 0 0 T 1 t Dabl.n, as... 0. t I I McCreerr. rf. 0 0 1 t Klnod. lb t 4 1 I I Rltter, e 1114 0 Jarrtn, p.... 0 4 4 4 4 Totals. I I 14 11 1 plays: Crlstall t Klelnew to Turner, Vlog to Donahue. lft on bases: Milwaukee. 7: Toledo, 7. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Mes mer. Indianapolis Dnwns Oles. MINNEAPOLIS. July . Indianapolis bent the home teem today, batting Katoll and Williams freely. Williams, for In dianapolis, was a pusxle and allowed but four hits. Attendance, 1,500. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. , MINNBAPOLII R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Hnerl.Ter, rf.l 111 I Sullivan, rf...l 1114 4 I spooner, 10.... 1 11 . 4 tWaaor. lf t t I t t t t Smith, rf t 4 1 Jonea, If 1 Woo-lmft, ....I Coulter, ef....l Ttmaett, lb...! Starran. aa....l 1 I 1 I 1 t 1 I S 1 H.Tdoo, lb.. .4 4 11 tot, 2b 1 1 T. Wllllama. p 4 1 1 Total! I s I 1 4 4 1 1 1 I lOvler, aa I 4 I 4 1 Mrlntjre, Ib .t 4 4 I t Martin, lb. ...I 4 I I d I.uflwla. o 0' 1 I 1 DIKatnll. p I 4 4 14 IR Wllllama. 4 4 11 ....10 11 17 14 ll Total. 1 I n II 4 Indianapolis 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 6 010 Minneapolis 1 09000000-1 Two-base hit: Fox. Bases on balls: Off T. Williams, I; off R. Williams. 1; off Katoll, 7. Struck out: By T. Williams. 4; by R. Williams, 1; by Katoll, I. Double rlav: Heydon to Marcan Stolen bases: logrlever (3), Coulter t2), Msrcan tl). Tarn sett. Fox. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 13; Minneapolis, 7. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Cun ningham. Batters Outplay Field at Will. KANSAS CITY, July 25-Both pitchers were batted hard and given poor support, but Kansas City's hits were bunched more than those ot ins visitors. Attsndance 800, Score ; XAN8AS C1TT. I COLt'MDfS. R.H.O.A.E ! R.H.O A . Rothfuaa, ef. Gear, rf Nance, lb... Orad, lb... I ., a.... Knoll. If.... Uutl.r. c NcAnd'wa, lb 1 1 I Coons, p 10 1 111 111 111 4 I 14 1 1 4 111 114 I Morrtawy, aa I 1 0 Arndt, It 1 I o Roach, rf.. 1 oFUnnon, lb... 1 1 1 M.I lor, lb.... I 4 . Fni, e 4 1 t Wajn.r. lb.. 1 1 I.McMackla, cfl I 1 Crablll, p.... 1 I 1 I 1. 10 1 1 II Sherkard, If.. 1 Hehbi, cf I Doyle, lb..-,. I Uahlen, aa.. 0 McCreerr, Tf. 1 Flood, lb 4 I I I 1 I I 1 X 0 0 4 I 4 0 0 0 Plttlns.r, p.. 1 0 0 1 0 Total. .10 II 34 11 I Tenner, lb: 11(1 Stanley, cf... I I I 1 Carney, rf.... 10 4 10 Moran. e 0 I o J Ab'Uchlo, 3b. 10 4 10 Oremlna'r. lb I I 4 I A u bre;, ss..:i l a i iinnier, a a Piatt. D 14 0 1 OiReidjr. D 0 Uoeacner, p.. s V V aJackllUKk .. 4 4 0 4 .11 14 ST 11 I I Totala xBatted for Retdy In sixth. Boston '-. J 1.0 0 6 5 0 0 13 iirooklyn 0 1 2 1 1 3 0 2 0-10 Two-base hits: Aubrey, Tenney, Stan ley, Rltter.' Home run: Dobbs. Stolen bases: Stanley' (3), Strang. Doyle, jjoubie olav: Flood to Doyle. First base on balls: Off Doescher, 3; off Reldy, 1; off Piatt, 1; on. .fuunger, i. oiruc out; ny riati, o, by Plttlnger, it by Doescher, 3. Passed balls: Moran, Rltter. Tims: 2:00. TJmplte; Johnstone. Phillies Best Giants In Math. PHILAOELPIIIA. July 25. With two out in' the ninth Thomas got to first on balls and scored en .Oleaaon's . two-bagger, win ning: the gatne. fox, Philadelphia. ; Attend ance, 4,569. Score! , . ' PHILADELPHIA. I BIW TOUU. i - -R.M.O.A.B.f. . ' .' ' R.H.O.A.E. Thomee, ct...l ,1 t. ft . Browne, it.., 11 1. 0. 1 . wi Oleaaon. Ib.t S I ' WbrVtea, Wl-t' 0-. .J KelalW, n.,. s s . a , 1 1 1 4 .01 i 111 4 si Barry. It. Doualaas, lb. 4' 4 10 4 s Hal. wltt, sa.. 4 I I 41 Dooln, c 4 4 I I 0 Fraaer, p..... 114 1. i Totals...... 4 1 17 II Ot vtialtran, ef. 4 1 I 4 4 vcoana. "ltm. - v u s Mertea. It.... 4 4 1,4a Rabb. aa 1 1 4 1 Lander. ,.. 4 4 114 McOraw. 4 14 4. Gilbert, tb... 14 114 Dunn.' lb 4 4 4 4 4 Warner,, o.... I-A. 4 X 4 Mct.lnnlty. p. 4 1 0 1 t uBowermaa. 4 14 0 4 TDtafi.'.:.!. "liM It S xWlnnlng run scored with .two out. xxBatted for Ollbert. Philadelphia 0 0001120 1-6 New fork 7. 0 001J000 1-4 Two-base hit: Gleason. ' Sacrtflce hits McOann, McQlnnlty, Thomas. Stolen bases: BabD. Thomas. Barry. Lrt on bases: flili adelphla, 6: New York. 6. First bawe on balls: Off McOlhnlty, Si'off Fraser. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Fraser, 1.. Struck out: ny Aicuinnuy, z; oy eraser, . iime: i:x. umpire: tmsue. 'Hlerobe Wl and Lose. CHICAGO.' July 25.-Clntmnatl and Chi- caa-o sollt even today, Oie gams being al most direct . reversals. Tha visitors could do nothing with Welmer's curves In the nrst game except In onS-lnnlng and Harper held the locals down the same way in the second. Attendance,. 11,5J. Score, first game: CHICAOO. ' ': CINCINNATI. 81al. It... Caaey, lb... Cbaaot,' lb. Jonea, cf.,. Ey.ra, lb... Harl.y, tL. Kilns. Tlnk.r, aa. , Weimar, p. H.U.O.A. .. 1 1 1. 4 4 .114 10 . 1 1l I I ,.4 4 1 0,0 .. 1 t 1 I ,.lllt ,.4 1 I 4 1 .41111 4 4 1 4 t Lunosnta, p.. 4 4 4 4 v ToUl. .4 11 ST II R.H.O.A.E Don 1 In. It.... 1 4 1 0 0 Seymour, ef.. 1 1 t 4 4 Dolan, rf. .... 0 I 4 4 4 Beckley, lb.. I 1 II 1.4 steinteiac. as o 0 1 I 1 Kelley, lb.... 4 0 1 t I Pelti.. lb.. Berxen, a. Hoole, p.. iUaly ..... ,. 0 0 0 3 0 .. 1 1 t 1 0 ..441 0 .. 4 4 4 4 4 Plnsabers Take the Money. Th N. P. 8. Co. defeated th H. H. Drug Co.'s team of Council Bluffs In an exciting and interesting game. The feature of the game waa Neat's fast work for the Supply company, striking out eleven men and fielding his position like a veteran. ' Score: N. P. S. Cq 0 0 1.1. J 0 0 0 1-6 11 1 II. IL D. Co 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-1 4 I Batteries: N. P. S. Co.. Neal and Bever idge: IL H. D. Co., Brown, Crow and Dooley. . tar Pitcher Batten Hard. CRESTON. Ia., July 25.-(Speclal TeleT gram.) Creston again -defeated Atlantic I .flieteMatism Is Not a SKin Disease Most people hav aa idea that Rheumatism is contracted like a cold, that the damp, chilly air penetrates the muscles and joints n4 causes the terrible aches and pains, or that it is something like a skin disease to be rubbed away with liniments or drawn out with plasters; but Rheumatism originates ia the blood and is caused by Urea, or Urio Acid, aa irritating, corroding poiaon that settles ia xaascles,. joints and nerves, trroducin? inflammation and sore ness ana the sharp, cutting plains peculiar -to this distressing disease. Exposure to bad weather 'or sudden chilling of the body will hasten an attack of Rheumatism after tha blood and sys tem are ta th right condition lor It to . . Bowling Oreen, Ky. About a year ago I waa attacked by aout rheumatism in my shoulders, arms and legs below the kuee. I oould not raise my arm to comb u hair. Doctor, prescribed for me for over two months without a-lv-. tog me any relief. I saw 8. 8. b. advertised anadaeidiwltcitrvU lmm.ii.l. Tma. Mcvciop, out nave uotning o no witu uio. ausucea us use l leu rjetter, ana remsrked tal true cause of Rheumatism, which tomotherthatlwasgladlbadatlaetfound r internal and not external. Liniments, plasters and rubbing will sometime seduce the Inflammation and Bwelllna' and ease- tha naia for a time. but fail to relieve permanently because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. cures - Rheumatism t because It attacks it la tne blood, and the Unc Acid poison is neutralized, the sluggish, circulation stimulated and quickened, and soon the system is purified and cleansed, the aching muscles and joints are relieved of all irritating matter and a lasting cure effected. R : 1, hirmlMi aeirel.tJa MmJ. .. .. ..t 1.4 a blood purifier and Bjaiiejiv, rri: r r int. svfitw snuitic cu., AivuirA, GA sorue relief. I eontiuued it us and ant ntiraly well. I will aiwaye feel deeply tntertd In th suooea of 8. 8. B. siao It did n so much good. - , s 1 1 lath e u ujus. aucd hobto v. ... V 4 Totals 11 II ST 11 a1 Total. I 14 14 II I Kansas City 0 1 1 4 0 4 0 1 -U Columbus 001110400 I Two-base hits: Rothfuss, Nance, Grady, Iewe, Butler, McAndrews, Morrlasey. Three-base hit: Butler. Home run: Nance. Sacrliice hits: Rothfuss, McAn drews, Coons, Mellor. Stolen bases: Hoth-fu-ts, Nance. Arndt. Double plays: Mor rissey to Mellor. Bases on balls: Off Coons, 1; off Crablll. 3. Struck out: By Coons, 3; by Crablll, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Crablll. 2. Passed ball: Fox. Left on bases: Kansas City, 6; Columbus, B. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Mutlane. McCord Trlea Hard, but Falls. ST. PAUL, July 25.-MeCord pitched good ball for Louisville this afternoon, but Bt. Paul bunched hits. Chech was pounded in spots, but the home team's fast fielding held the score down. Attendance, 1,600. Score: T. facl. , Lonsviu.E. R.H.O.A.B. Oeler. lb. 0 8bannon, ef. ..I Jackaon. n....o Brhaeler, aa...l Hugglna, lb...l Flournor. 1I...0 Wheeler, lb. ..0 Pierce, e 0 Check, p 84 64 30 . 643 81 63 29 . 642 83 41 ia .6W 84 42 42 .fl TO 37 38 . 493 83 25 44 .4-2 82 33 49 .402 81 " 30 61 .370 111 OKerwIs, rf....4 1000 1114 Hart, lb 4 4 14 1 4 111 oBraahear. lb.. I 1 S 4 4 111 OUdwell. ct 1 1140 ISS IS SulllTan. Ib.4 1041 ISO OCIrmer, U....0 S t 4 4 1 10 4 0 Sehrlerer, 0...1 lilt Oil otQulnlan, aa...l I 4 1 t aaa eueCard. a a 0 0 0 s ToUl. I 10 XT 11 ll Total. I 11 14 II 1 St: Paul 1 0011020 -6 Louisville 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 03 Twobase hits: Jackson, Flournoy. Oeler, Clymer, Odweil, Kerwln, Quintan. Sacrifice hits: Pierce, Schriever. Stolen bases: Hug- gins; Flournoy. Bases on nails: orr Mc Cord, 6; off Chech, 8. Struck out: By Mc Cord, 6; by Chech, . Wild pitches: Mc Cord (2). Hit by balls: By Chech. 2. Passed ball: Pierce. Double play: Hug gins to Schaefer to Wheeler. Left- on bases: St. Paul, 8; Louisville, 11. Time: 2:16. Umpire: Foreman. Btaadlaa; of th Team. Played. Won. Lost P.O. St Paul Milwaukee lndianupolls .... Louisville Kansas City .:. Minneapolis .... Columbus Toledo Games today: Indianapolis l at Minne apolis, Toledo at Milwaukee, Columbus at Kansas City, Louisville at St Paul. ORIGINALS BEAT THE JUNIORS Fast Game on South Omaha Gttssdi " Is Won by the Old- Tlniers. ' Tha gam yesterday afternoon at Jet ter's park. South Omaha, between the. Union Stock Tarda Juniors and the Origi nals was a very pretty exhibition. Knight was In tb .box for the Juniors, and save the third and fourth innings waa not hit hard. Hachten at first waa easily the star for 'the .Juniors, covering his bag like a veteran. He also secured two hits out of three times up. Hlnton and Ferguson did some fast fielding. Jellen was in the game like he used to play 1t fifteen years ago, leading his team at the bat and cutting off several long hits In left J. Jellen pitched a steady game, keeping the hits well scattered. The score: ORIGINALS. f JUNIORS. R.H.O.A.E! R.H.O.A.E. Jellen, lf I S I 4 OT.Ibot. lb.... 0 1 I I I S 1 Hachtea, lb.. 0 I 14 4 1 I Miller, a 4 4 4 1 1 4 OMi-Lean, sa.. 4 4 1 4 4 1 Lott, rf 4 4.14 4 1 Ferguson, ef . 4 1 S 4 4 t Hlnton, If.... 1 0 t 0 4 1 0 Milieu, lb.... 1114 1 4 l;Kni(ht, p.... 4 1114 aat.Sawi It's a common error to plaster the back to rub with liniment the rheumatic jointa and then to wondeer why relief doesn't come. The aching bark the rheumatic Joints come from sick kidneys nnd plasters and liniments won't cure sick kidneys. You'ye got to get at the kidneys from the inside You've got to make them well. Well kid neys keep the blood rich and pure Leave no excuse for backache and rheumatic pains. Doan's Kidney Pills make well kidneys. They are endorsed by Omaha citizens. Your own friends and neighbors have used them, and testify to their merit. .You couldn't have more positive proof than 7 . " OMAHA PROOF Miss Nellie Mitchell, 415 South 11th Street, says: "After a fall I noticed mj back aching occasionally, and finally continually. It grew so that I could only He perfectly straight and very often was forced to sleep on the floor In place of my bed. Two boxes of Doan'a Kidney Pills, obtained at Knhn & Oa't drug store, corner of Fifteenth and Douglas street, gradually relieved me of the aching nntll It Anally disappeared." Doan'a Kidney Pills are on Ie at all drag stores BOo box. Foster-MIIbarn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Totals...... I 4 14 14 1 Chicago ...1 1 S 0.4-0 0 1 e-4 Cincinnati .: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 ! Left on bases: Chicago. 10: Cincinnati. 6 Two-base hits: Evers. Seymour, Bergen, Casey, Chance (2). Sacrifice hit: Jones. Double play: Tinker to Evers to Chance. Struck out: By Welmer. 2; by Xiundgren, 1; by Poole, 1 Bases on balls: Off Welmer, I; off Lund rr en, 1; off Poole, C Time: 1:50. V mpire: u Day. Score, second game:' CINCINNATI. I CHICAGO. R H O.A.l I - R.H.O.A.B. Donlln, U....S 1 1,4 . Sla.le, If.,... I 4 14 4 Sermour, ct.. 1111 .Taaejr, lb 4 114 4 Dolan. rf 1 III O't-hanc, Ik... I 4111 Kerkler. lb.. 1 S 11 4 , Wllllama. lb. 4 4 4 4 4 Stelnteldt. as. 1114 o'Jonea, cf 1 1 S 1 I Keller. Is.;.. I 1 4' 4 ttr.n, lb.. felii. lb 1 14 1 .Harl.j, rt.. Bersea. 4.... I 111 4 Haub, .... Harper, p.... 4 1 4 '4; Tinker, a... . iMenelee, p. ToUl....... I 11 SI 14 4 I ToUl..... Cincinnati ;...i.0-0- 2A1 Chicago .4) 0 0 0 Left on basea. Chicago, It; Cincinnati, 1 Two-base hlta:, Donlin, . poln. Harper, Jonea, Itaub. Three-uaae hits: Kclley, Pelts, Bergen. Btolen baacs:' Slagle, Jonea. Seymour, Iolan. Beckley, Htelnfeldt. Struck out: By Menefee. 6: by Harper. I Bases on balls: oft Menefee, 2; off Harper, I. Hit with bnll: Chance (2). Time: 2:00. Umpire: QTa. ataadlaaj ef the Teasns. Played. W'on. Ixst flttSDUrg si M 27 New York 7 47 Chicago .; M 51 ' Cincinnati 83 43 Brooklyn 78 39 Hoston TH " S3 St. Louis 83 ' tl PhiladelptvU SJ . M . .14 4 11 . r i i i 4 ..41414 .41141 ,.44114 . l"l Vf lt 0 0 0 0-4 0 0 10-4 32 35 40 39 45 U M PC. .6J7 .tn .618 .6t.) .4.-3 .3W .117 PltU- Oames today: St Louis at Chlcaco. Durg ai .incinnau. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Brewers, Aided fc Toledo's Errore, Hedges' Pttcklas aad Stroag Bat. flag, Prove Vletorlooa. MILWAUKEE. July 25 -Heavy hlttln by Milwaukee, many errors by Toledo mid Hedge's pitching, enabled Milwaukee to win from Toledo today. Attendance, Score: atlLWAt'KEg. R.H.O. A g BobaSey. So . j 4 x , 4'Smltk. ' rt..'. 4 4 Owena. as.:. I 4 Hlauk'siP. U 5 4 Turner, lb. . 4 I Rareer. cf. 1 4. kleta.w, e. 4 bVheub, lb. I i Midi. lb... luaahae, lb. I I 11 Wow4. a 1 4 4 tni.auS. lb 111 Hemphill, cf I 1 I Ilunleatf. " I A. I Oanlej. rf... 14 4 loa. as..... 4 4 1 UeOaas. .. Ll 4 4 I.Crutall, TOLEDO K H O A . 4 114 1 4 11 Totals ....1 f It It 41 Totals ....'4 4 14 IT I Milwaukee 00401010 T Toledo .. 00000000 0-4 Two-base fc!s: Schafley. Kleinow. Three base bits: Dunleavy ?. First base on balle: Off Hedges, ; off Crlstall, 4.' Hit by pitched ball: Schafley. lHrmhus. Sac rule bits: Hemphill. DutU.avy. Struck uts bf Hada-ea. J. hjr Ca-iaialL 4, Double O l boon. lb.... Ill Tracy, lb.... 0 11 Sax., rf I 4 4 Coacroe, aa.. 4 14 Coe. lb 4 4 4 Dunn, cf 0 4 1 Boerlw, c... 1 S T J. Jellen, p.. 1 1 1 Total. I I 37 11 4l Totals 1 T 17 IS I Originals 103J0000 0-4 Juniors 0 0 (f t 0 1 0 01 Earned runs: Originals, 2; Juniors, 1. Two-base hits: Jellen (2), Tracy. Stolen bases: Originals, 4: Juniors, 2. Double play: Cosgrove to Tracy to Coe. Struck out: By Jellen, 2; by Knight, L Bases on balls: Off Knight. 1: off Jellen, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Knight, 2. Left on bases: Originals, 6; Juniors, 7. Passed ball: Mil ler. Time: 1:47. Umpire: Kowley. Trl-Clty League Camea. Oames In the Trl-Clty league Sunday: The Eagles and the Joe Smiths at Manawa, the Ideals and the B. Jetters at South Omaha, the Originals and the Crescents (double header) at Oakland. The Originals and the Crescents line up as follows: Originals. Position. Crescents. Foley first base Petersen Bradford ..second base Tracev Kennedy shortstop . ...Ryan .. leftfleld . centertleld . rightneld .. catchers , Waller. Jellen Scully Taylor Crelghton.. O'Keefe.... Saffelder... and Mcllvalne.. .. pitchers ...Weed ...Drisooll i.Kodman CI ute ....Roben .....Miller ....Troby Tompseit t'eiersen Morning game will be called at 10: So and the afternoon game will b called at I 3j. Kaaaaai Are Outclassed. FREMONT. Neb., July 2S. (Special ) The Fremont Eagles had no difficulty in getting away with an aggregation of col ored base ball players hulling from Atch ison, Kan., yesterday afternoon, by a score of S to 0. Daura pitched for the Eagles and two acant singles were all the colored team could get and not a man of them ever reached second base. Both sides fielded well and the game was a fast one. Score: Eagles 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 I Colored Nine ., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Hits: Eagles, 7: Colored Nine, 2. Er rors: Eagles, 2; Colored Nine, 2. Home run: Vaughn of the Eagles. Batteries: Eagles, Daum and W. Eads; Colored Mine, Lewis and F. Jones. Aaditors Defeat Beaattee. The IT. P. General Auditors defeated Bartiett's Beauties in a game of ball on Crelghton College grounds Saturday after noon by a score of 0 to i. The Auditors now reclaim the honors which were so gracefully assumed bv the Beauties last week. The feature of the game was the applause from the bleachers for Kavan, who assumed the role as "master of cere monies." Batteries: Auditors, Whitehead, Eriksen and Bulllvan; Beauties, Milestone and Lefholts. Struck out: By Whitehead. 12; by Milestone, 4. tare rait to Shiaa?. The Walter Molae team defeated the Chl oetro Street Stars yesterday afternoon in an uninteresting game by a score of 20 to 6. Goring pitched a good game for the Molse team. The score: W. Moloe 1 14(1001 1-24 C. 8. Stars 0 024000004 Batteries: Molae, Goring end R. Carlson; Stars, Peahou and Yellow. CHARLES ELWOOD HAS DERBY Canton Homo Seven Lengths Ahead of Slave at Brighton Beach. FAVORITE, RJGODON, COMES BAD THIRD Haaatn Horse Leads . from Post to Wire, Never Giving; Other Com petitors Chance Evea to Try. NEW TORK. July 26 Before a crowd of 20,000 persons J. B. Haggin's Charles El wood galloped home an easy winner in the Brighton Lerby, worth $10,000, at Brighton Beach today. The Haggin horse was sec ond choice in the betting and was admir ably handled by O'Nell. Slave, from Q. B. Morris' stable, was played, down from 10 to 1 to 6 to 1, and finished second, with' the favorite, Rlgodon, from the Keene stable, third. Only a few moments were lost at the post and they went away to a good start. O'Nell at once sent Charles Elwood to the front, closely followed by RlgotJon and Slave. The Haggln horse led passing the stand the first time, with the field behind close up in' a bunch. Making the paddock turn O'Nell gave his mount his head and turning into the backstretch led' by two length's and' going easily. In the run down the back stretch Cochran, on Slave, moved up to second place, two lengths behind the leader, with the favorite third and in distress. Pass ing the three-quarter pole the race de veloped Into a procession, -Charles Elwood leading by five lengths, with Slave second. three lengths In front of Rlgodon. In the stretch Charles Elwood Increased his lead and won hard held by seven lengths from Slave, who in turn was one and a half lengths In front of Rlgodon. The time for the mile and a quarter, 2:06, was excellent Results: First race, five half furlongs: Topic won. Petunia second. Hazel wood third. Time: 1:08. Second race, the Alntree steeplechase stakes, about two miles and a furlong: Lavator won, Judaje Phillips second, Ma nlllan third. Tlmeiv tM. Third race, the Nsptune stakes, six fur longs: Ormondes Right won, Pentura sec ond, Midshipman third. Time: 1.13. . Fourth race, the Brighton, Derby stakes of 110,000, one mile and a quarter: Charlea Elwood, 104 (O'Nell), I to 1. won; Slave. 106 (Cochran), 6 to 1. second; Rlgodon, 126 (Gan- 14 , in tMr1 Time' 9-ftV . . . Fifth race, one mile and a furlong: Lady Potentate won, Luxcasta second. Sir Voor hles third. Time: 1:&4. Sixth race, six furlongs selling: Ascen sion won, Osgood second, Isala third. Time: CHICAGO, July 25. Results: First, five and a half furlongs: Sweetie won. Miss Crawford second. Buccaneer third. Time: 1:08. Second, abort course, steeplechase; Ceylon won; India II second. Arts third. Time: t:B4i. Third, northern handicap, one and three quarter mllee: Luclen Appleby won. The Conqueror second; Harsls third. Time: 2:0b-i. Fourth, six furlongs: . Ahola won, L'Etrenne second, A. D. Gibson third. Time: l:13Vfe. Fifth, mile and a half: Hayward Hunter won; Compass, second. Little Klkln third. Time: l.b'iH- Sixth, one mile: The Giver won. Ragtag second. Paul Whaley third. Time; I:4uH- BT. LOUIS. July 26 R' suits: First, six and a half furlongs: Ocvrohe won, Mafalda second. Scalper third. Time: 1 :',. Second, six furlonirs, purse: Bid Silver won, Dollv Gray second, Mlmo third. Time: 1:15V Third, six and a half urlops-s: John Terkes won, MacBeth second, Charles C. third. Time: 1:21V Fourth, six furlongs. Homebred handicap, sweepstskes: Bas D'Or won. Croix d'Or second, Deutschland third. Time: 1:14. Fifth, one mile nnd a sixteenth. Light Opera won. Lady Strathmore second, Orris third. Time: 1:49. Sixth, one mile and sn eighth: Josle F. won, W. B. Gates second. Ivernla third. Time: 1:57. Seventh, one mile and seventy yards: Tony Lenplng won. Eugenia S. second, Var ner third. Time: 1:48. BI FFALO. N. T.. July 25 Results: First. Ave and a half furlons-e: Marshal Nev won. lone second, Toomany third. Time: l:09i. Second, seven and a half furlongs: Sir Gallant won. Wlreln second, Albula third. Time: 1:344. Third, mile and an elchth: Hardlna won. Rummer II second. Flora Wllloughby third. Time: 1:6RV4. Fourth., four and a half ftirlonars; Out field won. St. Noel second; Brucevllle third. Time: Fifth, six furlongs, the Fort Frie stake, selling: Little Boy won. Mrs. Frank Fos ter second. Soothsayer third. Time: 1:144. Sixth, mile, selling- Tnlals won. Fortu nstus second. Ratrd third. Time: 1:42V. Seventh, mile, selling: Crestfallen won. Flora Bright second. Briers third. Time: l:4tti- California and back August I to 14 Less, considerably less, than half the rate usually In effect Made on acoount of ths National Encampment of the O. A. R., but open to the general public as well, as to members of. the G. A. R. Tickets good to return until October 15. I Rock Island System offers two routes to California via El Paso and via Colorado. Tou can go one way and return anothes. Through Pullman Palace and Tourist sleeping car service. Full Information furnished on application to any Rock Island' ticket agent, or by addressing City Ticket Office 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, - F. P. Rutherford; 0. iL t 'i- i .: t vf Tourists and Fishermen Low rates all Summer via the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTER!! RY. To St Paul.Minncapolis.Dulutb and the Fishing and Hunt- i .Aa aT IfmnAaAti anH VVT.rr.n.TV Two train! daily I U K ICSUI ir9 - i'liUViJU4Si s.mi- . - g Ly t - a ... le. .hwaeJ C Pe ll l(!nn9iani lei svivs snirawrt1 a . aA ir..V!.n.w4Ae. CI iirlnn W i n H r m WT ffViam i i fU-CCSS IU il Ul Lai 11 IK I VJ la wieSJ VVaaa lu-yut, ...j,-. kv I - Oa. f T a IITaaUiriftiAn 7 o a a Minna. A aUaKC, OI. JrtXUCa, sUetaVC 4tailiUlUU iaot.V4i, hiiumv- . tonlta, wnue ,icar ana omcr rcsons ui iuc muiu. Th0 fifi. cf EVrsthtng. ' For rtte, tkktti full Informatioo, ftddret V Irw H. aCHETNET, GcMnliVfCBU OMAHA pta. trmtt Grse.n Defeat Prlaters. The McCord-Brsdys defeated the Omaha Printing foniny base ball team on the old Toung Men's Christian association diamond yei-r1..j afternoon by a score of I to T. Batteries: McOord-Brady, Gray and brown; Omaha, Cope and Miller. Hold rear W las Asals. . KEAB.NET, Neb., July . (Special Tel erram ) The second game of ball between Holdrege and Minden was played here to day, proving a very exciting game, Hol-da-eae aaaia lbs Uiaa bjf c(4 e( I to 1 Saves Game 1st Nlatk. RED CLOTTD, Neb., July 15 -"(Special Telegram.) Stout, the local center fl eider, saved the game with McCook in the ninth Inning today bv a long run and single handed catch. Score: Red Cloud o' 1 0 0 0 t I 0 S McCook 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 Hlta: McCook. I; Red Cloud, 7. Three base hits: Steen and Moore. First base on balls: Off Adams, 2: off Attridge, J. Struck out: By Attridge, 1. by Adams. 1. Errors: McCook. I; Red Cloud. 4. Batteries: AU tridge and Bender. Adams and VYhllcomb. vClaa-Sa-Gae-1 Pleale, Sunday, August U, ASCOT PARK. TffEJAfllTQH If you have a dirty, shabby office people think it is your fault it does not occur to them that the janitor is careless, neglect' ful or has more to do than can be done well In reality, it is your own fault, because you can move to the Bee Building, where the janitor will keep your office as clean and neat as a Dutch kitchen. A very handsome suite two ooa nectlng offices room lot, sise 18x20 feet, price 130 per month, and room 100. site tvxn ft., price 3 per moot Including light, beat water ana )anHor servloe exceptionally hand eoroe. light, well located offloes, R. C. PETERS & CO., Itntal Afent. Ground Floor, Bee Bldf. The Bee Want Ads Produce Results- 3"l