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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 20, 100.1. MOB THREATENS VIOLENCE Tar and Feather j Talked About ia Quia. Town of Bennington. INDIGNATION OVER STEPMOTHER ACTION'S y.f of Post Master Is Accused el Ha lae; Terribly Abased He Step daughterWarrant lor Iter Arrest. A soon a thy return the wolf wilt be dlalodged and aleln. Captain Mostyn eays he will kill It if It require the whole po lice department to do the Job. Incensed over tales of how Mra. LMIs Klrschner, wife of Postmaster D. II. Klrschner, had mistreated her 14-year-old stepdaughter, part of the population of Bennington threatened to humiliate the woman with tar and feathera. During a week while the -lrl, Etta, waa mlwrtng the people of the place became desperate orer the condition of thine and feared that he child might have been killed and her body secreted. A the residents were on tha point of violence the girl waa found at the home of her, aunt. Mra Oaybrock, at DeBolt Place, a atatlon on the Etkhorn. about ', eight mile from Omaha. Friday afternoon Mra. Klrschner waa charred with assault and battery upon Etta Klrschner, tha complaint being aworn to by Nlcholaa Witt, a resident of Bennlnrton and a brother of Klrschnera flrat wife, the mother of tha girl. Beside the fearful abuse which tha woroan la aald to have Inflicted upon the girl. It la assorted he treated a little atepeon In a cruel man ner. Postmaster Klrschners flrat wife died soma year ago and about two yeara ago he married his present spouse and brought Her home to car for the two atepchll dren. For a lone: time stories that aha was abusing both children by whipping and restricting their liberty by never allowing them to leave the yard have agitated the Bennington residents. On July 13, It la aald. the abuse of the girl, Etta, came to , a climax. It aeems that the child waa compelled to rise at 4 each morning and make the kitchen Are. On this morning she overslept and It la alleged Mr. Klrsch ner beat her with a rawhide, Inflicting wounds on thegirra back ao aevere that the clothing adhered to the mutilated flesh when aha put tha former on. Ran Away from Home. Etta ran away ' from home and tha Klrschner family kept the matter quiet for a few days. Eventually the neighbor learned the girl waa not about the place and began to make Inquiries. Tha answers they received came far from satisfying them, and aa tha week passed and Etta did not appear their curiosity grew Into anger against both Mrs. Klrschner and her husband. Tha latter s had bean making a quiet search for Etta, but the clamor of the population became ao great that Con stable Schneider took up tha matter. Tha stepmother and the officer finally found .the child at the home of Gaybrock, a sec tion foreman, whose wife la related to tha Klrschner family. Etta refused to return y home with, da woman. "If wo had not found the girl that night I don't like to think what might have happened In Bennington," aald Schneider yesterday. "There la no telling what tha people there might have dona It waa a lucky thing the girl waa found." . Crowd of Women. Tela waa laat Wednesday, mora than week after the girl had disappeared. Finally upon persuasion of her father, Etta waa Induced to return home, where he has been since. Public sentiment crystallised laat week and' Friday pro duced tha complaint aworn to by .Nicholas . Witt A wild scene waa precipitated at Bennington - Friday afternoon when r Constable King "attempted to serve tha v warrant. Many women In the town. It la aald. appeared and made a demonstration. By various means tha of ficer waa Induced to leave Mra. Klrschner and yesterday morning he again started out for her. .. However quiet tha Ktrachnera may have kept the girl's disappearance at Bennington they were making considerable effort to And her. aa the Omaha police were aaked to do what they could toward locating her, the telephone message being on (lie at tha police atatlon since July 18. x Mra Klrschner was brought to the city yesterday. arraigned before Justice Altstadt and pleaded not guilty to the . charge of aasault and battery. She waa ' released on bonds of 1600 and tha hearing set for Tuesday afternoon. Postmaater Klrschner aald: "I want to ' enter a general denial to all chargea of a abuse or cruelty to my children. The excitement haa come from a number of tha rHennington residents who dot not Ilka me. ' It haa been actuated without foundation ' Mra Klrschner, who la a woman about W years old, wept In the Justice court. POLICE HAVE A WOLF HUNT .Anlaaal Tskei Refuge fader Perch 4 Chase la Called OtT for Day. ; While tha citizens of Omaha were peace' 'fully sleeping last night there waa a wolf hunt In progress In the northern part of tha City. Mra. Harry Hood, living at S1 Pat rick avenue, wa the possessor of a pet wolf. The family went away yesterday to be gone some time and the wolf waa turned loose In tha yard. Several children found it good sport to tease th eenlmal, which finally became enraged and snapped at sev eral of It tormentor. Aa it la a well known fact that wolves are prona to by drophobla the people living In tha vicinity became alarmed lest tha animal would bit some one. The police were notified and an o facer waa dispatched to kill tha beast. When tha officer arrived on tha acen ha could not aucceed in getting a shot at tha animal, and after chasing It about for aome time It Anally took refuge under a porch at 29 Patrick avenue. The hole Into whloh It crept being small. It could not be dislodged, and at last re porta It waa still In hiding. - The family who owa the porch under which the animal crawled were away from home at tha time and ha tffort waa made to tear up tha flooring. BACK FROM JJIG CONVENTION Arthar Chase Talk of tho Meeting of Christian Endeavor Society at DeaveV. Arthur Chase, president of the state aodety of Christian Endeavor, haa returned from tha Denver convention. "The key. note of tha gathering thla year," aaid Mr. Chase, "waa evangelism. The reports showed that LM societies have been added to tha organisation. A new feature was a graphlo Illustration, of Ita growth In the twenty-two yeara sine the beginning, wherein little boya and older, ranging In tepa from a 1-year-old to a young man. were dreased to represent the years. The great effort of the convention waa the bringing Into closer union all the young people s societies In the varloua churches. The Christian Endeavor la organiied In forty-two denominations and the other principal societies are th Epworth league of the Methodist church and the Baptist Toung People's union, which are confined to those denominations. In Canada and In aome parts of tha ' United States the Endeavor la organlted In the Methodist church. F. J. Horsfleld of London, an Episcopal clergyman, waa one of the prominent speakers and workera for the closer affiliation of tha young people and the Introduction of tha work throughout the Episcopal church: W. F. Wilson of Hamilton, Ont., was a prominent; repre sentative or the Methodist cnuron. - "Thla convention waa not tha largest In tha history ot th Endeavor, but there were probably 1.000 delegate In attendance. These came from China, Africa, Australia, Japan and many nearer countries, Ogawa, the Japanese delegate, waa a conspicuous figure In his native costume and took prominent part. He Is the auperlntendent of the government telegraph and postal aystom. The fall of the tent waa the only accident and It might have been a terrible catastrophe I waa on the platform at the time and there were nearly $.000 people aeated. Mr. Horsfleld waa apeaklng. The tent swelled up with the alight breeze which blew under tha raised curtains, and, after tba aecond puff, began to settle. The great pole came down slowly, crushing the aeats, but nearly every one waa able to save himself." IMMIGRATION MEN 10 GO E3s3S3aS5S risen. Tha failure of Frederick Lowe, a member Fonr Hew Tork Official! Under Fir Likely I of the Stock exchange, waa annnounced. to Lot Porta Boon. 'RESIDENT HAS N0TABIE CALLERS Governor of Porto Rico Aasloas to Resign, Brlstow Ilase Postal Affair and Loomla Interna Ha waa only a email operator. MARSHALL FIELD IS HOPEFUL See "Jo Cause for Alarm Over the Present Flnrry In Wall Street. tlonal War Rales, (Copyright, 190S. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, July 25.-New Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Marshall OYSTER BAT. Jul K.-In addition to rte" f .vChlB?: ,n,,,rv,el today con Secretary Moody, who arrived at Saga more Hill last night, President Roosevelt had several other notable visitor today. They were Samuel McCue Lindsay, com missioner of education of Porto Rico, Jo seph L. Brlstow, fourth assistant post- master general; Francis L. Loomla, as slMtant secretary of state and Wllllama, commissioner of Immigration of New York. Mr. Williams came to president cernlng the Walt street failures, aald I do not apprehend they will have eri- oua results beyond the Interests Imme diately concerned. That there waa undue Inflation' of prleee I undoubtedly true. On the other hand. It la equally certain that the recent disastrous fall In prices has been equally unjustified. The Inherent value of stocks that have gone to such an confer with the I 'Dnorma,1y 'ow figure 1 considerably nigner una me prices mai nave prevailed Brlstow left on the 4:1 (rain for a"d elr alue Is 'ure ba reasserted. COMES FROM GOOD FAMILY Why Name of Young; Cheek Worker I Withheld from the Pnblle. Th Intangible but nevertheless material fascination of woman la aald to ba the causa that made a young man giving the name of Charles Moore cash two spurious check and apend the proceeds, fl8. The Identity of the young man I kept quiet by the police, aa ha 1 well connected and no prosecution will follow, hla people making good tha amount. He used tha name of A. T. Klopp of the Klopp ft Bartlett com pany la lila transactions and presented one check at Sherman At McConnell'a and the other at the Omaha Tea and Coffee com pany. Th lad, who la 11, waa arrested yes terday morning by Detective Drummy and Mitchell. Mr. New Tork, en route for Washington. Hi conference with the president related to the present postofflce Investigation, but he declined to discus It In any way. Acting Secretary of State Looml brought with him several departmental papers for the consideration of th president, but he said before leaving for Now ' Tork that public discussion of them would not proper at thla time. He talked with the president regarding tha work of the approaching Internationa conference which la to be held ar Geneva early In September. The object of th con ference I the further mitigation of tha cruelties of warfare. The American dele gates to the conference will be Mr. Loomla, commander sergeant of the navy, and Judge Advocate General Davis of tha army. The American delegate will urge the adoption of a universal system . for the Identification of dead on battlefields. It Is understood Governor Hunt of Porto Rico has Indicated his intention of re linquishing the Island governorship. When hla resignation will take affect la not known definitely. Governor lunt waa appointed on Decem ber 10, 1901, for four year. The salary at tached to tba office la $8,000 a year, one of the best at the disposal of the govern ment. Commissioner Wllllama talked to tha Already, I see, the London and the New Tork markets have strengthened and I am convinced the worst Is now over. In all probability matters will steadily Improve. I regard tha outlook a hopeful." Mr. Field left tonight for Parts. ART A GOOD DISGUISE (Continued from First Page) tha highest of tha French aristocracy at tha art sale. He la of elegant and striking ap pearance, with large, black eye, muatache, curly, raven hair, fine figure and of grace. ful deportment. He wa greatly ad m' red by tha women. It waa not dreamed that he waa a danger- ou anarchist, a companion of Plni, Choupe, Martin, Bean d I, Ortla and Ravachol. He of fored valuable paintlnas to tha Louvre muaeura a few day before hla arrest. STUDENTS CARE FOR A WAIF Pay for Raising Foundling and Lay Cp Money Each Month lor Her Patrimony. (Copyright. 1908, by Preas Publishing Co.) PARTS Jul v JKVt Tn,W TO..! r. president about affairs of hla office. U 1 blegram-Speclal Telegram.)-Student. of understood that charges have been pre ferred against two of the Immigration of fleer at New Tork, and that they are likely to be dismissed from the service The charges Include Inefficiency and In competency. The names of tha officers are not known. A Trip to Atlantic Seashore Resort Is a delightful outing at any aeaaon. Through tickets are sold at your railroad atatlon, routed via the Lehigh Valley Rail- road America'. Great Double Track Bcenlc I collected money to have It Tared for Half-Dollars Canso Tronble. John Herman Is locked ud at the police station aa complaining witness. Herman's trouble started by his making the mistake of going Into the place of Myrtle Pope at 81 Dodge street. When he went In he as sert he had sixteen hair dollars. When he came out he had nothing. After he had been In the place sometime he missed the monev and drew a revolver nn the Pod woman, demanding his money bsck. She ran out tne Daca ooor screaming. I ne noise at tracted the attention of Officer Dunn, who waa across the street. Herman also ran out the back door when he saw the officer com ing. Aa he passed out ha waa seen to throw something Into the weeds. Tha ob ject wss found later by the policeman and proved to be tha revolver. The Pope woman waa locaea up cnargea witn larceny rrora the person. Both Parties Locked Up. Thomas Golden, resldtna at Twentv-first and Far nam streets, asserts that ha waa assaulted by Henry Ash yesterday after noon, and as Golden had a wound on his race wnicn required six stitcnes to close, it seems Ms assertions are well rounded Golden said he was standing on the street attending to his own business when some one struck him In the back or the head. knocking him down. Before he could re- a-aln hla feet Ann KicKed, him in the race He thinks the trouble arose on account of the fact that he was formerly a railroad contractor and Ash waa in his employ. Ash was discharged about one year ago. liotn oartle were looked tip. Ash charged with assault, and Golden aa complaining witness. Find an Opium Layout. Detectives Drummy and Mitchell arrested William Watson yeeterday and locked him up, charged with larceny. According to tne story told the notice Watson has been act ing In the capacity of porter In a saloon and the snloonlst believes that he has been making away with some or his ngara Watson had been stopping at tne Elkhorn Valley house, and when the officers called there to see what they could find out about him they were Informed that he waa In the habit of placing a package In the Icebox every day when he went to work. The oackage being tnen on ice it was Drougm out and found to contain an opium layout. Mortality Statistic. These births and death have been re ported to the health office: Births Oscar Ll iier. 245 South Nine teenth, bov: H. 8. Reyner. Shin North Twen tv-nrst. bov. H. C. Adams. 1830 Burt, boy: rieorae Boanaier. 5707 Florence boulevard. girl; August Scbagun, 17u7 North Twenty- seventh, girl. rvtta Aiia-uata Treves Sn K3A Tka- Tn. fant Drew, 1 month, 2234' Lake; Gorden K. Seller, I weeks, tu unicago. LOCAL BREVITIES. ' Fayette Cole, osteopath, SO) Paxton Blk First Church or Christ, ricientlat Sunday school st 9:41 k. m.; morning service at 11. Lesson topic, "Love." A combination of boys and matches caused a Are In a barn belonging to Mrs Sarah E. Murray at 714 Pierce street yes terday afternoon, no a ma re resulted. Arthur Blshlamb. 724 Capitol avenue, Is under arrest as a suspicious charaotar. He la euDnosed lo be a partner of Claude Smith, arrested some days ago. charged with daylight breaking ana entering. W. B. Rose, deputy attorney general of Nebraska, passed through Omaha on his .i it last nlaht. Mr. Rose came from Lincoln. He goes east on account of tha death of hla mother. the Borbonne have virtually decided the future of their god-daughter. That young person, who la now neartng tha age of 10, haa a history of curious romance, her parentage being wrapped In mystery and the loving kindness of some of the wildest bladea of tha Latin quarter. On July 8, 1893, tha Latin quarter waa In a atata of leg. On the steps of the Church of 84. Jacquea that day some students found new born baby girl. They were touched at tha alght of the abandoned baby and Highway. Bend I .cent stamp to General Passenger Department, Lehigh Valley Railroad, New York, for booklet on Atlantic City. STOCKS ON SEE-SAW (Continued from First Page.) liabilities of Taylor Co. at not less than $3,000,000. , James R. Keene was at the office of Taylor & Co.' all tha morning, but denied himself to all Interviewers. The assignee of Stow & Co. said that ha would be un able to file even an approximate achedule of asseta and liabilities before Monday. The market became stronger generally In tha last hour on tha belief that a fa vorabla bank statement would be Issued Tha list sold off again. Just before the publication of the statement. Bank Statement a Disappointment The Increase In loana In the bank state ment Instead of a decided contraction, aa looked for, was a disappointment, which waa not offset by the large cash gains. Then aha waa . baptised. She bore the name of Lucie (It being St Lucte'a feast day), Bagarre. Bagarre, In French, signi fies a riot, and aa she had coma Into the Latin quarter and tho world In the midst of one. It waa thought suitable to give her thai for a surname. Afterward, for a time, ahe waa given In charge of the public asslstanoe, but the student decided in a body to adopt her, and ao, at their expense, ahe waa sent Into the country to ba cared for by a worthy couple. Now ahe la 10 yeara old and soon will begin to learn a trade The students put $6 aside for her benefit each month. Thla haa amounted to 1720 already,' and by the time aha la 20 Lucia Bagarre will have a nice little dot guickly and effectively in all cases of Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, umbago, Sea-Sickness, Car-Sickness, Irritability, Periodic, Bearing-Down and Ovarian Pains. "J have been troubled a great deal with alck headache and vomiting. Tha spell ..ZiZ. if intervals. 1. Miles' Anti-Fain Pills was recommended by a friend, and I begJi taking them whenever occasion required. They always cured the headache and relieved the o let r ess In my stomach. 1 very seldom have these spells now, but when I do. It Is when I am 77 i. and B,rVu,, bu.t nn Eul a'was cures me. They have saved me much Buffering, and I gladly recommend them. MRS. SUBIB OGIKRS. North Platte. Neb. MR. H. B. HAVENS, one of "our boya," recently returned from service In the Philippines, formerly of Atkinson. Neb., but now living at 1127 Olive St . St Louie, writes: ' I have been a fr?r! ck headache all my life until about two years ago, when I he ran uslna Dr.' Miles Anu-Pain Fills, the first dose afford Ins me almost Instant relief. I have never found na that doe the work as thev do. hlnff entirely Hlnrnt frnm nth.. MmcMina i they are not In the least denresslnv. Wne never 1 fel that dreadful .litkn... ertmlnv mi a rruii x III. wunn llwiys Hums on ni IIIACK. "For manv years I have been a constant nfTorer rmm lunnUi mnA h.v. never been able to receive any relief from various headache powders and capsuls, until I trte. tr. Miles' Anti-Pain Fills. They always give me relief, curing my headarhe In Ave minute time. They are the finest remedy tor pain thnt I have ever used, and I will never be without them. FRED H. SWINOl.ET. Cashlir Firwt National Bank. Atkinson. Neb. "I have used Ir. Miles' Antl-Faln Fills for psln In my side and shoulders, and received great beneAt from them. My husband had neuralgia In his head, and suffered terribly. The gwinr injeciea morpnine. nm 11 prave mm no reuer very short time he was relieved of his sufferlnc. V testify to their merits." MRS. MONROE JONES. David Citv. Neb "I had suffered a great deal with headache, and have found that Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills always give ma relief. I know of nothing better." MRS. H. B. NBLIQH, Virginia City, Nevada. I then rave him Anti-Fa In Fills, and In a We think they have no equal, and are clad to EXPOSITION 0p CHILD LIFE Caar and Caarlna Patrons of Novel Affair to Be Held la St. ' Potersbargr, (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) ST. PKTERSBL'RG, July . (New Tork Tha market sold off, became dull and nar- World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The row, then rallied here and there and cloned raar and caarlna, who have four children Irregular and unsettled, at prices gener- of their own, are deeply Interested In an ally below the best International exposition to be held In the Soma further apprehension waa exolted Palace of Tauride here next fall called by the weakness of auch stocks as Uvfcna- "The Child World." It la under the pat- vlile A Terra Haute and Dea Mnlnee di rn&ge of tn ctar'a mother and la to Fort Dodge. No definite explanation waa bs comprehensive In scope that It Is forthcoming. expected to produce results of worldwide The formal assignments of Talbot 1L benefit, Taylor Co. and W. L. Stowe A Co.. tha Here will be gathered together from the Btock exchange firms which failed yester- I vrlu countries whatever pertains to the day, were filed today at tha county clerk a moral, physical and Intellectual wellbelng office. 01 Children. There will be a complete plo- The effect of tha Taylor failure upon I tur of ch,1(1 1,fe from blrth to school daya Jamea P. Keene'a personal, tortuno la nourishment, dress. Instruction, physical largely a matter r conjecture, although ha Bna moral education, ana in ract an tne la known to be the largest' creditor. There aurroundlngo of the early year of Ufa ara many who believe that tha Taylor fall-1 NEW TORK, July 15. Russia' oonsul ure ta directly due to the bad blood atlrred general In New Tork, Mr. Nlcholaa up by tha firm and Mr. Keene in tha Leodygeneky,. haa aaked tha American Southern Paclflo and Metropolitan aulta. Institute of Science to assist In organising In fact. It haa frequently been aald thatn American committee to co-operate in the Harrlman and Whitney interests would I ha Child World. not be satisfied with anything less than tha scalps of the Keenes and Taylor be cause of these episode. Keene Chief Creditor. Th appended statement waa Issued at the office of Taylor A Co. laat evening: Talbot J.' Taylor m Co. have this dav execuiea a. arimrm asnianmeui ior the benefit of creditors to Philip J. Brltt and he has accepted the assignment and haa taken charge of the property and assets Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, La Grippe, Pain in Stomach, Ague Pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousss and Sleeplessness. "Ever alnce I waa a little girl. I suffered with nervous headaches, and a I grew older th became more severe, and would confine me to my bed for tvo and three days at a time The pain became so severe that my head was drawn back, and mv suffering was dreadful. I found nothing that would help me until I commenced to use Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, which have greatly benefited me. For th last two years, when I feel one of my headaches coming I take one pill, which give Immediate relief, t have never been compelled to give up and go to bod since using them." MRS. GEO. SCHMELZEL. Falls City. Neb " "Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Pills have saved me a arrest deal of suffering? durln the na.t w. years. For year previous to thla I had terrible spells of nervous and sick headache, noming 1 couiu ni woura relieve, a rriena wamea me 10 try Anti-Fain Fills, which I did. and to my surprlce I got quick relief. When I take a slight cold, or feel headache coralna- on! 4 take a Fill ana to three times a day, and they Invariably helj me." . "I use Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills, and don't know how to get along wMhoutBthem,C aanothln els that I can And will stop sick headache for ma Until recently 1 had siells of lien doc he ever ' few days, eo severe as to seriously Interfere with my business. I found Antl-Paln Pills relieved tha pain at once, and I now use them as a preventive with grest success." M ... L. J. BLOWEU8. David City, Neb -miring me past nve years 1 nave usee nr. Miles' An ti-Fain Fills for all kinds of unpleasant ' Kimiiviw, . ku.v.i., MbM,. i,u wwiiiKiiB-,ir. Hiia 1 winn 10 mt h in tne Deal remeuV I un found. I consider them truly wonderful." HENRY C, CRBANER. Sutton. Neb. -1 nave oeen suDjeci 10 neaaames nearly an my life, and I ne' effectual aa Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Fills. Thev Invariably helo me and mv family almost Instantly and prevent attacks if taken In time." a. A. BEAR, Palmer. Neb 1 never louno. anvrninr mm mv family. They relieve Palmer. NeH Dr. Mil Anti-Pain Pills are sold by all druggists, 25 cents a box, under a positive guarantee that the first box will benefit or money refunded. The Genuine Dr. Miles Remedies are Never Sold at Cut Prices RELATION OF DANT0N A PAUPER Grand Mloca of Famous Revolutionist Old, 111 and Wit boat -Means. (Copyright. 1908. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, July .-Nsw Tork World Cable- of the Arm. The assignment is due to Its gram.-Speclal Telegram )-Publio charity bank, held for Its accounA!! bank, h.v- n" bn k rnlniece of Danton, ing loans with It are well protected, but I the revolutionist, who battlecry, "Audac the Inability to liquidate the toek so ty, audacity, and yet again audacity," waa held, has rmiset the suspension, which It I . ' , I. hoied will be temporary. If the banks " th famoua sayings of that bloody take the reasonable view that bv waiting period. Miss Danton apparently has never"XM.tnch eSrket.WU The h f'" m0"' fr ' larreat unsecured: creditor or th Arm la l" u " "" i immmun, ( FAPA-Oa, what a pain I beUav I bar a favor la tka haart u MAMM A-Noneenaa, It laat your heart. It'a your stomach- Every time you eat, thla fee waather, you gat a a our stomach full of hot aaaea and aulda, and you swail ia fj&ta your heart hardly baa room to boat. If you war not ao obatln ata, yosVe) taka cay advloa and keep your laaldaa cool by taking a CASCARET 0aa6y OataarOo every hlflht bofora going to bod. Tbay work wfcUa jrou aloep a&4 kaaa ye4 regular ta Va aetaaat vaataaa. ( James R Keene. Hot Mark Interest In London. LONDON. July . Comparatively little Interest is taken In financial clrclea here In th liquidation In tha New Tork market. which la believed likely to clear tha atmoa phere. Tha American holdings of tha British people ar Insignificant and, aa a matter of fact, there haa been much selling recently, and profits ware realised from tha falling process In New Tork. A strong feeling prevails that tha low lavel of prices has nar Paris, In a state of almost destitution. Up to now she haa lived by work email Jobs of aewtng that a person of her age could do. But aha haa become paralysed and helpleaa. Her neighbors have aided her aa much aa they could, but they ara almost aa poor aa aha la. FIRE RECORD. Taeeaaa Paetorles Destroyed. TACOMA. Wash., July 26 -Flra late last nla-ht totally destroyed the Cascade Cereal beeen reached, which caused this morning I company's plant and tha Demlng-Berry Pul an advance In Americana and a consequent I ,y plant, adjoining, causing a loas of IIS.- better tone or tne maraeu At tne opening I goo. the general average or prices waa a dollar abov parity, with soma trading on New York orders. Isaao Sellgman aaid: Tha market here haa been regulated by New York. As an Indication of the Im portance of the New York market, the fact may be cited, whk-h 1 strongly believe, that nearly all the European financial mar kia are regulated by the tone of New York. New York la rapidly becoming the! financial renter 01 ine wurio. f or an mat. 1 am afraia utey nave oeen overaoing It. Hesnlt of Uverapecnlatloa, The tone of the market la tha natural re sult of overnpeculailon and tha over Qnane Ine of the lust three yeara. It Is very difficult to say when th bottom will be reni'had. but If H was kiuivo exactly how many weak pools or "lluuea still exist It would be posaible to prophesy with more aeauranre. We will have a series of nii,-iuMLloiis vet. I think. Th situation here is Quite sound, but the market Is also aufferlng from the losses In mining ventures aud from the effect of the-three year' African war. from which it haa not yet recuperated. Now there Is a new agitation, the tariff question, which tends to unsettle business peoples minds. A representative of Brown, Shipley A Co. eM: Va an baAXara, &( re&&ala, Ka ia HATS OFF. ' Pacts Abont the American Indian's Healthy Hair. The American Indian accustomed from time Immemorial to go bareheaded In all kinds of weather la never troubled with falling hair or baldness. The close atmosphere caused by our 'civilised" headgear ia conducive to th breeding of InAnlteeimal germ which dig into th scalp and thrive on th sup of th hair root. Thla true cause of baldness la of recent discovery and explains the nonsuocee of all hair vigor which treated baldness aa a functional disorder. Newbro's Herplclde Is a direct extermi nator of th germ. "It destroys the cause and permits tha hair to grow aa nature Intended." ' Sold by leading drugaista Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. Sherman, at McConoall Drug Ca apodal agnta. TAXES FOR STATE PURPOSES W. 0. Ure Bays Eato for Bouglaj County May Ba ExoeuiTe. SHOULD BE THREE AND A HALF MILLS ocretary of Real Estate Excaaag Committee, However. Hoars that tato Board Will Hake Mneh Higher Rate. W. O. Ure, secretary of ths tax commit tee of tha Real Estate exchange, who was In Lincoln before tha Board of totalisa tion for th purpose of securing a Just levy for state purposes on th property in Douglaa county, saidi "If the Stat Board of Equalization ta really to equalise tha taxea between tha varloua oountlea, Douglaa county wl.l have a atata levy of about 8V mill on the dol lar, for th reason that Douglaa county la ed on all class of property about 26 per cent of th actual value t th prop arty. Some of tha counties of the state ar assessed upon the basis of I per cent of tha actual value. Ths state board la by law restricted In the rata It can Jevy for state purpose and this rate cannot be mora than tVfc mill In th counties as sessed on th basis of t per cent of actual value, ao that to bring exact equality In the stats revenue Doug. as oounty's levy should be one-third of the rate levied on th lightly assessed counties, which tn ac tual amount would b 1 1-1 mill on tho dol lar. I Tha other oountlea have already taken ' from Douglas county about .0Uu,000 of Its property, whloh 1 assess ed tn those coun ties for local purposes. Thla haa been taken through tha operation of tha unit aystem of assessment of railroads. Douglaa county doea not want to be niggardly tn bearing tba expenses of maintaining the atata government, but desires to b and la liberal. At tha same time it does. object to having a double burden placed upon It. Ronaov Abont tho Rate. It la currently reported that tha atata board haa decided that tha tax rata for tat purposes In Douglaa county aha 11 b 6H mill, if thla la true the property ot Douglaa oounty, taken aa a whole, will b paying for atate purpose twice tha amount of tas that Is paid by property of equal value In those counties of the state where the assessment Is only I per cant of th value, and where th rale la th highest that th board can levy. The state board seems ta consider that Ita duty la to raise a certain amount of money for atata purpose, whll th law specifically says that It la to produce equality of taxation. There can ba little equality when Douglaa county la Arat re quired to send to the state tha largest part of the value of the railroad property In tha SCHOOLS. C 1 B II Dr. p. Zlegfeld II Bmue Basra I 38,h Chicago Musical College btebliiaeft 1H7. SR. P. ZHtGFELD, Proeidsat College Building, 203 Michigan Bool., CUcago, 111. The largest and most complete College of Musi and Dramatic Art ta America. ft as tha strongest faculty ever assembled In a School of Mat leal Learning. The New College Budding facing tba Lake Front Park is ths floost structure ia existence devoted exclusively to a musical institution. All Branches) of ELOCUTION PH SCHOOL of OPERA L..J mm SCEOOLOF ACTING Modern Languages. -- BOARD OS- MUSICAL DIRECTORS! Dr. Lost Falk Hans Tee Schiller Willi am Cattle BudolB Gast Bsrmaa Uevnes Bataaanl LUtemana Taeoaocs epleriig Felix Borowskl Hart Coaway, Director, Scioot rl Actio t SMuXS 8ATJKBT Ths world renowned violinist, win become a regular member ol the Collere Faculty (September 1. 1903. Lessons now brinir arranged. SEASON BEGINS SEPTEMBER 14. New Illustrated Catalogue Mailed Free. VOT. AppltearWiea for ths a free and U partial Scholarships nu to reoMtsd anui Aa. ta, Grammar School "THE SCHOOL THAT I'iKES tUfiLY BOYS" Pnplla Study Under aa Instructor. It Uraduata eater any, CuUege or University. Social and Ath letic Advantage. Military DrIU. For More of to IT tear Old. xUtrsm CtUleea at ea aaalUetle is AmencansSjSl Conservatory f Art. Rlstr nliat Imu Inn. fHal4 tt.H..tMn T r.ratftlf pftrtnmt. HixoliU nH.loulnlM p.r. ..ol Mfitui suimj fa, ioaijf. u a rTsr aet, rNuh DVORAK DRAMATIC SCHOOL Kimball Mali, aas wsbsen Ave.. Chicee III. HOWARD DVORAK. DiBBCToa. ACTING - ELOCUTION Fli Tmn flavins Soteiarer Uth. HOTELS. r- county for taxation In ths various taxing pnrTrD ffll I rCC Por Young" Ladloe districts and . then ba compelled to pay , u ,tn WULLLOL Bewllag Urea. k. taxea for atate purposes from SO to 100 per rent higher thks tha tax paid by othar count!." Puaila Ins U uus v loftcaars. Muwsiaa se al Is liauua I lk Vary ssleat. KtaryiAlae ot ta 1 t- areas. twaaaM by laaaiae aw at U. tV Bang ia( sseauna auuegve. a. w osT Chicago Beach Hotel 3 1 at WvA Is Lake Shore, Chicago. Fev a "dry trip" or a "summer ontiag" has all tb advantage ol a secluded Tseort.yet th Illinois Central express takes yea to th heart ot th citv ia 10 aaismtes. Th finest Summer netel oa the Great Lakes, for iamiliet, tran sients snd tourists. Eton and pressed brick. 450 outsid room. Golf, Tennis, Boa tier;, Bathing ana flabing. for ssnli i Sew Olastratsi Booklet. S I'M ME it REIOBTI. Mercury atGO Degrees! THS COOLEST RESORT IN AMERICA. Where blanket are la demand every night Hotel SI. LoaU, Uk Mlaaotoaka. Mlnnoeota. Rata 118 00 to Hi OS a week. AU modern Improvement: steam beat, afuaio aad I dancing every evening. I