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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1903)
4 CO TTTE 01 ATT A DAILY TtEEt SUNDAY, .ILL.Y 20, 1003. l i i i f 1 ! i ? ! f ' HOLDS BONDSMEN OF ELLER District Court Decides Cae of Wheeler Agiinit Former County Jajge. ONE OF THE OLDEST ON DOCKET Demurrer of Ilondsmea on Orod that The Are Sot LlabU Be cause Jnitxr Eaceeaxl Ilia Aatborltr OTerruled. Judge Reed yesterday morning decided the case of Bert Glendore Wheeler against tha bondsmen of J. W. Eller. as county judge, on a demurrer. By this decision the bonds men are required to pay to the plaintiff in the case money withheld from the es tate of his mother by Kller while county judge. The case has been on the docket so long that It Is now third on the trlnl docket in Judge Reed's court, and has been pending on the demurrer for several months. In a former action Wheeler secured Judgment against Eller for the money withheld and this action was brought to decide the lia bility of the bondnmen. It was held by the bondsmen that they were not responsible for the reason that Kller exceeded his authority as county Judge when he received the money due the estate and that they cannot be held for any action of the officer except such aa re quired by law for him to perform. The defendants elected to stand on the demurrer, so Judgment was ordered for the plaintiff. The case will be taken to the supreme court. GOES TO PASTEUR "INSTITUTE Unabnnd of the Victim of Hydropho bia Will Take Treatment at C'hlrajfo. George W. Stover, who was bitten by the dog that caused the death of his wife by rabies, left last night for Chicago for treatment a,t the I'aateur Institute. Ex amlnatlon of the scars on his right ankle showed Indication of Inflammation Friday night. Reports from Mrs. Ge'.lenbeck and Bessie Williams, who are In the I'aateur hnsplt&l, are to the effect that no discour aging symptoms have appeared. The serum is being Injected each day and the blood constantly examined. As to Vena Schaati, the Millard girl who was bitten, nothing la known. Dr. J. A. Cummlngs, who attended Mra. Stover, said yesterday: "In reply to Dr. Miller's letter In last night's Bee I would say that the quotation of an au thority who was eminent sixty years ago is somewhat out of place, to say the least. There is no question whatever but that the disease was rabies. I am preparing a paper on the case for the Omaha-Douglaa County Medical society and it will be reail at the first meeting, which wl'.l be probably In September. I do not care to make a de tailed statement of the case before this paper la presented." Black silk grenadine sale Monday see windows at BENNETTS. The fifteenth annual lllusrated catalogue for the coming yeur of the Dvorak Dra matic school, Chicago, has Just been Issued. It Is a handsome little book, very neatly bound In art vellum cloth. T. C. Calllhan, General A vent For the State Mutual Assurance company of Worcester, Mass., with offices at 602 Bee Building. Issues all the most desirable forma of policies and furnishes Insurance to members at the lowest possible cost. The State Mutual Life Assurance company fo Worcester, Mass., Is one of the oldest life Insurance companies In America, It was Incorporated In 1844 and has been In suc cessful operation for nearly sixty years. It has an enviable reputation for conserva tive, solidity and liberality, and has been aften termed the Gilt Edge company of America. . $3.00 black silk grenadines Monday for 98c at BENNETTS. Strongest In the World," the Equitable Life Assurance society. Its policies are slKht draft at maturity. See H. D. Neely manager. Merchants National Bank Bids! Omaha, Neb. Have Root print It For Sale Due bill on one of the beat New York City hotels nt a good discount. Ad dress E 64, care Omaha Bee. . Notice. Bids wanted for the erection of the boothf fences, platforms, etc., to he used during the Oriental Carnival of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben at Omaha commencing Oct. I, 1903 Apply Purchasing Agent, Armour & Co., South Omaha. tiM blnck silk grenadines Monday for 75e at BENNETTS. Don't Forget the Danish Brotherhood's excursion to Ascott Park, Iowa. Sunday, the 26th. Wanted, Janitor for church. References required. Address J 19, Bee. DIED.' CLAWSON-Rev. WIIIHm H.. at Denver eolo., July 2J, aged 69 years, 7 months V days a wife and seven grown children w!?rv hum'.thr". r"t1ln In Omaha. William. R. E. and Mrn. Dr. lfoitetter Funeral Monday at 2 p. m. from the resi dence of Wm. ClawBon, xm Burt at Friends Invited. A Busy Day. Saturday wu another busy day at the sale of the Levins stock on the second floor of 1C19-1521 Douglaa street .here la where the Guarantee Clothing Co. offer big snaps In men's and boys' wearing apparel. As It la lust In between seasons the people seem to be looking for such odds and ends as are on sale here. The only question Is. are there any goods to suit and fit you. The prices are certainly lower than you can find the same goods anywhere else. If passing 1519-1621 Douglas street take a look at our windows Our prlcea and goods talk for themselves. The Guarantee Clothing company. Vo Seo nothing Alarming or particularly Intereating In the "Special" cigar prices which some 'Drug-Clgarlatii" re quoting ae mir m- r.7 KVK u . V- ...hut-, V1IHI Mljr Kh 1 ' All T1CAI AL CIGARS. Kor Instunce. we veil 60 Tom Moure Kic stralnht rlxe for $3.60 $3.60 c $3.U0 15c u 1 iimuTi ur-iw straight else for 1 gallon Wood Alcohol 1 gallon Grain Alcohol ' t pint Woil Alcohol $1.00 ller'a Malt Whlskov $1 IM Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey " w $1.00 Peruna iv 6e Doan's Kidney Pills $2 fM Cheater Uenulne Pennyroya"pj j, ti The latest .xja creation "APPLE FK AD DA" at our fountain. OPEN ALL, NIGHT. SCIIAEFEfl'S CUT-PRICB DRUQ STORE Twt 'PUmmm TT mm nr. e, Oaaaka. r-oriuonao cigars to anybody for 11 tk M Pete lally cigar, for .. X "' ! ?l 60 Henry Ueorge cigars for tl 7? 60 I'remo cigars for JJ'i. 60 Irish Olrl luc straJihi i.l'V. I,?. . J. PULMONARY HEPATIZATION Thes Two Words Tell the Story ol tho Sickness and Death of Pope Leo XIII. GORGED WITH EFFUSED MATTER These Words Deane the Term Hepati zation It Is Sot a Xrr Disease. Pope Leo XIII, after a manful struggle, passed from earth Monday, July 20th, 19(3, revered by one-fourth the people of the world Hnd respected by the enlightened In every part of tho glole. Prayers for a dying pope in the Protestant churches la a fact of great signillcance. Indicating as It does the recognition of goodness and abil ity and the breaking down of religious prejudice. The good prelate was stricken as ordinary persons are stricken, with a severe cold. The pulmonary organs be came congested and MEDICAL SKILL WAS IS VAIN, for the debility of advanced age could not cope with the Insidious advance of heptlia tlon. To the medical world the dread dis ease Is pulmonary hepatization. To the layman and general reader the big word menrs the ordinary filling of the lungs In cident to pneumonia or lung fever. Many persons suffer from a partial hepatization of the lungs and recover. In some in stances the solidified part remains a dis ease breeder. In others the lungs expel the effused matter and full recovery fol lows. THE BASKKHS HESKIIYK LIKE physicians frequently detect adhesions and solidification! in lungs of persons appar ently recovered from pneumonia. The condition Is a warning of danger and the applicant Is rejected. Any man may be af flicted seriously by an ordinary cold set tling on the lungs and become uninsurable. Hence the Importance of completing an application for life Insurance when In ro bust health. Today is the only safe time for seeking life Insurance. It is always easy to Induce one whose health Is im paired, however slightly, to take a life policy. The healthy man Is the Indifferent subject. B. H. ROBISOS, PRESIDENT of the Bankers Reserve Life, stands with his medical board for healthy risks only. Many applicants are rejected who think themselves good risks. The Bankers Re serve Life Association has the lowest death rate of any American life company, chiefly because of the skill of Its medical directors and local physicians. The president turns away thousands of dollars of premiums an nually, because he Is building a company for all time and not merely for Immediate results. The Bankers Reserve Life Com pany is safe, aggressive and up-to-date. You should investigate Its GOLD IIOND POLICY. LSI KZT, OMAHA'5 FAVORITE sv. The Littlo Things thut won't Htand washing receive Just aa careful attention here as the big ones, dollies, centerpieces, ties, ribbons point l.u e. pillow cover white xlip pers. gloves, plumes, tips, etc. ull cleaned to perfection. Nothing too mall or delloute for u to handle. All work guaranteed In every reapect. Try u. THE PANT0RIU11 OMAHA. 407 So 13tb St. Tel. 003 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Agjrlcaltaral Weekly, LuiLfeAWUjL m J35S MS A WORD TO OUR Great as were the crowds on Saturday buying shoes, they will be greater as this sale becomes known. By coming as early In tha morn ing as possible, you will find It easier to make your selections. r s hits r r y i r 1 1 i 1 1 r mm $55,000 W00RFTH Custom Made Shoes at a Slight Fraction of their Value Men's, Women a, Hoys' and Girls' Shoes. Oxfords and Slippers. The. Greatest Shoe Bargains in the Annate of Omaha' 'e Shoe- Selling. Monday Morning st 8 O'clock Sharp, SALE' OF SHOES REPLEVIED BY THE CREDITORS Great Boston Wlwlesalc Shot Jtnue of Ltmkin cfc Foster Also the entire floor t'ock of tn'n'.i slion of Thttms 8 ios C). The Women's Slippers unci (Jjsfords from the Thuyer, Alayuire t Field Factory. The Women's Street and Dress Shoes from the Boston Wholesaler. The Boys', Youths', Girls' and Misses' Shoes, etc. At Prices Never Before Even Dreamed of for such high grade, up-to-date, swell footwear We quote below just one or two of the BARGAINS IN THIS SALE telling you without the slightest exaggeration what you are to expect when you come to the store leaving the greatest of all thi bargains in the highest grades to speak for themselves OIN SECOND FLOOR if (3 Ladies $3 Oxford Slippers IN THE BASEMENT MEN'S SHOES Real Goodyear Welt Vlcl Kid Men's Patent Coltsklns Hen's Velour Calf Shoes- -Men's Box Calf Shoes- MEN'S SHOES 2d Floor Real Goodyear Welt Vlcl Kid Velour Calfskins Box Calfskins, etc. Regular value up to four dollars. $5 Men's Patent Colts and Vi;U for Ruppert - F.namels - Children's and Misses' Roman Strap Sandals (on second floor) at Ladies Welt Shoes for 1.59 .lEpnrafljvs&TiirB Cigars 5 Cents. For Sale by All Lending- Dealers. Our Una of Clear Havana Clours is complete. Our Meerschaum and Fins Briar Pipes re all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSE. MAIN OFFICE 1404 DOUGLAS Established. 1884. Cut Price List Drugs and Medicines 91.0U Kennedy' Favorite Hemedy..HOc Hat Uleacb Tablet for $c r.Ou Perleeto Tablet for 4c .Oo Paiino Tablet for no Memiea' Talcum Powler for.. lie ,.t Bakei' Harley Malt Wblake? purest and let, we ell T5e 11 HeKlree'a Wine Curdul for ....T4c fioo Kilmer' Swamp-Hoot for . ...31c r.o boa tireea Molet water ior...uv fl l.Uterlne (Ijuiberf) for . ...7c 1 Kilmer's Sami-Hoot for 7Uc 6e Neal'a Uypepla Tablet for..44H lOo King Hy Killer twlre for.... be 11 Sheet Sticky b'ly Paper for Re 1 gtuait' lypepla Tablet for..TJc fl !ebro' :ierplelde for 7e Ke ISj-rup of FlK. aenaiue. for. . . .lltle Km 1 1 tiarflrlil Tea for lc $1 lloaietter'a Bitter, we ell....71e Small Si rap Pepln UH y.Re Hraudieth' Pills for Ittc IWtc 4atl-(erm lllslnfeetaat for.. 4o rvoe William' Pink Pill for . ... 3)e 2Be Ornnaeliie, we sell l'.fc S rake Witch Haiel Soap (small) Kc fl l.ltiiioaone for Kite Site l.iqnoBune for ...4(f Hi bottle Witch H.iifl for . ......'e fl Peruna for .Use fl Cblrhester' Pills T4c VIboI, the great recoimtraet 1 ve for ft f.'i.KO Marvel Wblrllna- Spray Syringe for WRITE FOR CATALOQt'E. Sh6rman& McGonnell Drug Go Wholesale and Retail Drngnlst. Corner 10th and Uodae Bt.. Omaha. Opposite (South of) Postofflce. Warehouse 1511 Dodge. DR McGREW 8fKClAU8T. TrMt 11 lorma t DISEASES OF MEN IT yun mperunt. 17 ycani in Ouibi. "Ju.tot .$ cur4. KjII11. kuc t,CKful. Cur gu.riitad. i. uai ti luff. Trtiuai by utail. Call or writ. Itf. lot. Offl ovr S1& i. XiiU 1 . OMAHA. "KU TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Fin Photograt,hl lllaatratlea. CUSTOMERS n r- v p i n -s & SCO Same as in Show Wjndow 98c 159 Regular Value up to three dollars 'These were displayed in our s'iow window last week: 198 Shoes for Vic'i Kids- Made Box Calf and Velours Children's, Youths' and Boys' $2 and $2 Patent Leathers for .25 1.50 B WIS edUS DKD8i Telephone I960. ELE6ANCE EASINESS ECONOMY are the principal points of su periority embodied In the ONIMOD Shoes, and when ONA'MAN they Invariably give satisfaction. In vestigate our canvas top welt sole hliocs for summer wear. ALWAYS 83.50 and $2.50 Regent Shoo Co. 205 So. 15th St. It&SEBStWSBSgBBaKB Yoor preerlptloa de livered at yoar home with the ITHEST PRIGI at down towa prices. CLARK STREET PHARMACY, lhth aad Clark Street. Phone OT'i. D. C McNeil, Pharmacist. Perfield's Curn'rCo. Bee Bide., Room 7. Telephone 701 VYckr, tr Clark LuaU Scbller. 950 98c i I The Bennett Company The Leading Piano Mouse of the West. 7 l No home la modern or sat isfactory unless Its parlor con tains a piano. For Soundness Solidity and Satisfaction in workmanship, artistic finish, volume, purity and richness of tone, truthful action and rock bottom prices, we yield to none in our values. BENNETT'S SPECIALS for this week A mnhngranv Piano together with a $:'50 1'luno 1'lnyer both brand new anA At k.niiL.Hriiit nhanlutplv euar- unteed together and KlrO complete for .qjOOVJ Ti.iu ia n .nno-iilniia! hn nt Mil and the I! 1 chance of a lifetime. See here! Both are yours on easy payments .." down and 12.00 a month. See Our GLORIOUS GRANDS THr most nobly superb In ntrnments tkaj ever crossed the MIssIhsIp)!. New Pianos selected from our choice and abun dant stocks of the Everett, I vers & Pond, Packard, Chase, Smith and Barnes, Richmond, Urinkerhoft, HaU dorff, Wlllard, Harvard, etc., etc. ONE HIGH GRADE MAHOGANY PIANO valued at 450 JJ)5 ONE HIGH GRADE WALNUT PIANO valued at & JJ)27 ONE HIGH GRADE OAK PIANO- forue.d.ft.,4W $250 ONE HIGH GRADE EBONY PIANO valued at 375 JJ)225 ONE HIGH GRADE MOTTLED WALNUT PIANO ZOiU valued at 35u for 3AVtl PIANOS returned irom rentals, a tri plet, etc. Select bargains this week. A nice mahogany piano, it,kJ latent 1SM1 style, for iplfO An elegant up-to-date oak Cf piano, cost t'Sib, for ipiUO An elegunt up-to-date walnut C fl 70 piano, cost $260, for 4 I O All yours any of them on the easy payment plan. Snaps In Organs for the Week Organs for S75.0O. $40.00, $33.00, $26.00, $15.00 and $10 Call and see what oppor tunities we are offering you. You'd like to own a piano and we'd like to supply your likes. Let's gtt together. Out-of-town parties are specially asked to write us. We will answer promptly and clearly. TCF-jtMnmi-mjunii lHHr""Hhi More Tan Shoes $1.00 We've added four more lota to our tan shoe sa!e In order to complete tho sizes so as to sell them all this week. ' Roys' and youths' tan shoes added to this lot: Tan shoes that were $2.00 and 12.50 go Monday for only J1.U0. Mlssea' and women's tan shoes and oxfords that have sold at U.U0, 12.50, :;.uo and $4.0U in this sale at ll.UO and jOc. While these rhoes are not all the styles, but all alaes are repre sented, and the iuallty Is the regular Urexel kind. 9REXEL SHOE CO., Omaha's Up-to-Dato Shoe House 1419 Farnam Street. NEW I; COLLAR ! TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Make Meat Dfal freaeaC Jin m ii m s3 mm 1 Great Clearing sale of Men's, Boys and Children's Glothing W'v lo not want to carry over clothing, therefore we have cut Men's strictly all wool suits In cheviots. raHSlini-ren and fancy cheviots. In all shades and colors, plain stripes and fancy mixtures, none of thene suits sold for less than $10 to $12 6f-1 inyden s grent Clearing Sale price C flfl only : 9iUU For $7.60 we can show you over 20 differ ent patterns In neat checks, stripes, fancy mixtures and plain colors, made up of all the latest fabrics In serges, fancy cheviots, worsteds and unllulslied wors teds made up with hair cloth fronts, pndileil shoulders and guaranteed to hold their shape none of these suits worth less than $15 to $16. &u great 1 Cf Clearing bale price, only I9U For $10.UU we have the greatest line of men's suits ever shown In tho city. This lot Includes some of our very finest tail ored suits. In this lot you will rind some of this season's swcllest styles, made up of fancy cheviots, fancy worsteds, serges and Scotch cheviots. In uny shade and Color you want all thoroughly hand, tailored by the leading wholesale tailors in America, such as the II., B. & M . None of these suits worth less than $!! to $20 our Clearing Sale price, only 19.00 Men's outing coat und pant suits to ie 1 to le 7.50 closed out in this sale, at $.1.75, $o.00 and "MO men's odd pants to be closed out In out In 2.50 this sale at $1.60 and Tliese lots Include pants that formerly sold nt from $3.50 to $6.00 our Clear- O Crt ing Sale price, $1.60 und 3U 1,500 pair of boys' odd knee pants In ages from 3 to 16 years, worth from 40c to 60c go on sale at only 2bc Great Reductions in Straw Hats e have gathered together all the men's, boys' bihI children's straw h remain in stork and we are determined not to carrv over Into next season hat. Every straw hat In our entire stock has undergone a .terrible slash! siock is large., trie selection Is unlimited your size Is here. Straw hats for children that sold up to 25c, on sale nt Straw hats for men, boys and children that sold up to 50c all In one lot nt Straw hats that sold up to $1.00 on sale nt All men's hats that sold up to $2.00 on rale at All the $2.50 and $3,110 quality on snle at , PI w m TO1 The Gonw,ade$&&wt Ply l-t eil IS.IIIL Jll ..LI, .U.CiC w ILL REGAIN IIliK LOST tality quickly by usino; "Storz Blue Ribbon Beer" This beverage has a wonderful effect In toning up the human system when run down. It cures and pre vents Indigestion, Insomnia and nervousness. t)ostors approve Storx Blue Ribbon for home and t'amily use. Bottled at brewery only. , STORZ BREWING CO,, Telephone 1260. B II F I Council Bluffs Office - 932 TWENTY YKAP.S Axing teeth 1: our record. Don't take chances with irresponsible linns under other na mes. Set teeth $3.00 to 17.50 on rubber. Aluminum plates, $15.00. BAILEY, The Dentist, Lady Attendant. Telephone IG85. 3rd Floor Paxlon Block. MllJlIL..JLMLiU,U.JRlatt.M II I FULL SET OF TEETH To Introduce our methods we give delay. You may not get your work GOLD ffO CROWN5 $L SET OF CO TEETH $L Work guaranteed 15 years. Graduate dentists. ' Remember our easy pay ment plan, it may Interest you. Now under new management. ew York Established nearly ten years In present location. 115 SOI TH 1GTH STREET. Opposite Hayden's and Boston Store. Open dally till 7 Sundays to I. SPECIAL SALE OF Young Talking Parrots Beinu overstocked we offer this week, July 27th to August 1 Younir Tame Mexican Redheaded (LO Parrots, at. only OO.OU Each parrot uold with a written juft'""'00 to loarn to talk. Suitable catfe, Price of parrots aftor Ausf. I will bo $.1. Oil. GEISLEK'S BiRD STORE, J03 N 16th. Omaha. Neb. Established 1838. Illustrated Catalogue Free. For Buggies, Concords, Stanhopes, Country Club Wagons, For Best V.'crk AND A Closing Cut Price THERE IS Guly One Place man I8TN AND HARNEY 111 TIIK RI-.l.tAUia? SIOKK. n dollar's worth of this season' prices to half their regular valu.' Mart Schaffncr Mrx Hind Tailored am tluit simlo Our .. ,15c . ..41o . . .! c .$1.5? 7 atieni?th and vi West Broadway mine i!.!Mrxrzriaw.ii2uBr, exlra low prices until August 10. Don't done at these prices. Fillings 1Ea From .0l BRIDGE 00 WORK $L Dental Co. Sleeping, Cnr i service Between Omaha and Kansas City The Alis.souii I'uelllc lias recently put in operation a new bleeping car eivlu be tween Omaha and Kaunas City. 'i wo of these new rata, the "OMAHA" and ' S'l KKI.iXtl," were built especially for this run and have just heen tumid out of the Pullman shops. They ure models of akili ful wurkmaiiHlilp and of the latest di-mau, being- euuiiii;d with all modern apphanc-a and convenience. They uie liahled wlMi electricity and cooled with electric fai, k niHhed and tho large toilet room for the These car ale reody for oceunanev In lh I'nlon Hlation. Omaha, at it::tu p. in. Thce arriving Jrom Kaiium Pity at a. m. re main In the atatiou until 7 u. in., and for the convenience of thore who do not de sire to leave thein the cars are placed In the Webster Htreet Hlation, where they re main until S a. in. Kor bertha, ticket and further Informa tion, apply at CITY TICKET OFFICE n. K. t or. Illh and Ilonirla nt. .t T. F. OflliFnHY. Pass and Ticket Agent.' . TOM II I til I Krf. Traveling Haas. Anent J. K. ClUMlililtS, Tlckvl Agt., Uiiluu Sta. 1 1 t 'mm J4tf 11 4 mi 0m V , . ...-... . . -. ' f;