Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1003. 10 1 ) CONDITION OFOMAILVSTRADE Demand 'or All 8faDDUe Gdbli Continues of Very 8atisfctorr Prjjxri.io3i. PRICES FIRM OH NEARLY ALL LINES Oatlook for Fntere neatness Seems to Be Improving Each Wk Owing la More Favorable Cora Crop Keporta. The rer.eral volume of business tran'- acted last week hy Omiha J ibners an1 manufacturers was of very estifactory portions for tnl season of the jear. A ; early buyer, of fall goods are bgln- nins to arrive on the market arm It l.k4 s though the rnaj .rity -of merchants will uy their full stories earlier this year than utual. Mall order, are alsi l:bral a, could be expected at thin between-s.'ason period. Traveling men find that merchant, a, a rule have lieen enjoying a g oJ trade so far this year ani that their Mock, of summer giods are boalnrr'ng to iui liw. with Indications favorable for the'r makl-ig a irood clearance before the rloae of the season. The outlook for fall bt;slnes see-ns to " 15-l6n V. closed. Si Vi December. 81 1-16 l"Vi;c. closed. 8::c. (.(mN-l'.Kfivm, Sb.Sd bu ; exports, 27.112 hu.; sabs, ii," -j tiu future. S4.(M bu. spot. Bput, firm. No. 2. 5c, elevator and f. o. b. aimat; .No 2 yellow. Wk ; No. 2 white. c. Options showed a fair advance on cover ing inspired by hot meat her In the south west and further crop damage talk. The r..e w.iB ver firm on g'od outside sup port. based on bad crop news, prlcts shi.w ii. K .c n-t rise. July closed, Vic; Sep tember doted. TVc; December, 6Tc, closed OATS Receipts, 49.500 bu.; eiporta. vi bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, 4u4c; standard 4;Wr'4lJc; No. 8. "c; No. 2 white, CKV; No. t white. 41'641c: track, white w stern. 4"i4;c: track, wnlte atate, 4'"2 47c Options, quiet, but generally steady. I- Eh.iy innl. spring t.rsn. IIS aHilT.OO; middling.,. $l ' 'u J" t'.; winter bran, l.i.r.& 20 m. cliy, 317.: 17 to. HAY-Steady; shipping. SOGSSc; good to choice, Sl.OCil.lO. HoFg-L'uil. state, common to cnoice, IS"'' I.'ijTJlUc: clfln coast, ISstf, lfr'uJlc; 11. liTgloc; olda. lilPES-Easy; Galveston. 20 lSo; California. .1 to 3 lba., lc 24 to iu lbs . 14c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock Bole, EI'ijJo'tC. RILti-FIrm; domestic, fair to extra, 4H Ji',c. Japan, nominal. PilOVIbluNS-Beef. easy: family. H0.O0 fjl9.5u; mm, W'at5fl; beet ham,. tAo"'g 22 00, packet. $S OVgS W; city eitra India mess. ('ul6 .'v. Cut meats, firm; pick led bellies. sfcm.c; pickled ehouldcra. i:Uc- rW-lrlil ham I'JLi, . lftlfaC. Lard. steu'dv: western steamed. li.W; July cloned COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Takei the Let J on thf Board of Trade at Ch eapo. SETS THE PACE FOR OTHER GRAINS Hot Weather Reports Come froaa Oklahoma and Kansas aad I'very oae Starts Haying Provlalona Weak W heat Qnlet. CHICAGO, July t5.-There was conjlder abie strength in wheat at the close to uay. Corn ruled very strong, with tiep. em- dull; rrtme crude, nominal: prime yellow, 4.V Petroleum, firm; refined New Yora. 3 ho; I'l.tludeiflii.i and Haitimore. p . In bula, i w'. I'. 'Sln. steady; sirained. com mon to good, fJ ul'-,!-:- Turi-entine, firm, bljUy. liil,UVJ:Lft,C,,,,-.J?U': mV f tTr'.V were firm to to 3 lbs.. Tezaa dry. acid. OJI WALL STREET. Ilas4ari Stoeks how tabllltr De. aplte Friday's Fallarea. NEW TORK. July 35 Tolay short ses sion of the em-hacge was feverish ajid excited throughout, as an after-eff-rct of the failures of two Important exchange firms yesterday, snd the dread that those failures would have a sequel In the sus pension of other embarrassed firms. Ie spite the wild fluctuations In prl.-es of spe cialties, the standard stocks showed evi dence of the same kind of absorption and comparative stability which characterised tham most of the week, before yesterday a failures had excited and upset the market. The day passed without announcement of additional failures, dosplte the fact that no deliveries on contract are required and that loans made on Friday carry over until Monday, thus giving a breathing spell for hard-pressed operators That some diffi culties exist Is now pretty well understood. Pot the general knowledge of the existing d fflcu ties and of their location seems to Improve each week, as tfa report, reeard- I ,t $7.80, nominal; refined,' steady ; continent. ! to lng the condition or tne corn crop are mum ; jJlt,- gouth America. ; compound, i bushels: Minneapolis and LMluth le more favorable than tney wre a m n time ago. The general Impress Vn n w seems to be that with normal wsither f ro n this time on there will be a mue.i bet er yield than was exported eariier in th" season. With fair crops. Job! era sav they will do a big fall business. Tlielr advanes orders are far ahead of all previous rec rd, and the fact that there have been Tac tically no cancellations would indicate that retailers are not at all uneisy rgrdlng future business. Jobbers are now very busy filling thee advance orders and expect to b for the riexl month or six weeks. If huse traie this fall comes up to what It pro-ple to be there will be no cause for Complaint regarding the volume of busiress There have reen no more thin the uuil number of market change during the wek under review, and. the same a has bei the case for some time past, there Is a good healthy tone to the market on prac tically all lines. Those liest pasted on the general sltustlon look for cont;nued firm prices for some time to come. Collections are in very satisfactory con dlton and no complalnta on that score have been heard. Sagar Market Active and Firm. The B,ugar market Is In much the samo position it was a week ago. so far as re Cned grades are coiK'eri.ed. Rams, how ever, are quoted a little nrtner. lalifrnis, refineries have withdrawn from the market entirely, owing to oversales, and New York refineries are only taking orders subject to delay In shipment. They report the with drawals from the marktt very heavy and the outlook Is considered favorable for a airong market. The cheese market is also a little higher, prices having been advanced on all grades . of both Wisconsin and New York slock. In the line of earned goods additional In terest has developed in future corn. This men, witn stc. roTK, aun; lamny. ii-m.... ported receipts of Lv cars. anoit clear. rCO-vali.Ts; mess. ! i, j. i local recelpts of 60 cars. i4 of contract IJl'TTER Steady; extra creamery, isv, i grade, maue a total for tne three p ints of extra factory. )3ul&4c; creamery, common i care againat a last week and 4tl a to choice, l&u'i&c, Imitation creamery .1 year ago. 17c; state dairy, 14'trlsc; renovated. 13 ll.c. Corn ma(je the pace for other grains and . ri cr-st. l nsriiieu. lun - : neid mucn or the interest oi tne trade fancy small, colored. Frovislons closed steak at loiic lower Wheat was quiet and uninteresting until the later sesMon. shen piices were lower, September being off "ijuc at ij-Ij.-jc. Reports of hot winds nortnwest and dis aptuintlng threshing reporui begin to fi,m In hum-evr unfl an.iria etart.l In 1 cover, ibey soon had September up to deprive the situation or much or tne ois ilMtii .XSc. where a break occutred. It was turhlng iower which the previous mystery oniy temporary ana when corn developed j possess'! and did not check the absorption stbl greater strength the advance continued above referred to. Part of this buying Is to T7sc. tased on a trifle and closed Arm i by shorts taking their profits and It Is at ;7i7Sc a net gain of Vjic. There highly probable that part of it Is also t y wti a littie better uemand from conimis- the hanking Interests ho are concerned slon houses and 8:. L.ouls bought fietly. tn sustained values But It Is reported Clearances of wheat and flour were eaual that there is also some evidence of Invest- nt demand, both from oomestic ana ior- elgn sources. In the belief that the annor- mal speculative situation nrre nss resu:tt-u In forcing prices to a decline as artificial In Its sav as was the Inflation which pre ceded It "and largely has caused It. The genersl market sold oft again on the bank statement, as the report of an actual In crease In the Ksn account In view of the week's violent liquidation is corsidered nothtr less than astounding The pressure OMAHA LIVE SIOClv MARKET Beef Bteen Fully Fifteen Higher for the Week aad Good 0ow Steady. HOGS AT THE LOW PC.NT OF THE YEAR Brisk Demaad fur Fat ftheep aad l ambs aa Well aa for Feeders aad rrlces oa Good Staff Little treagrr This Week Ago. OMAHA, July :6 Cattle, ilogs Sheep. 154. bushels; primary receipts were me 1 I Trading ! damage by aa excited, due to reprrts of hot weather. Oklahoma had lov-c; larte. colored. 1IV-- smull m-hlte. lO'.c; large, wnne, t bijijs oteaay 10 nun. - not winds ano Kansas needs rain, wnn no for credits which count nae prouuceo in' u sylvanla firsts to extras, l.tilSHc; western moisture anvwhere In the corn beit. Local ' a result mut been enormous, al extras, lglc; western seconds to firsts, i traders sold long corn early, without at- I though It Is recopnixid ttat the s.tuation 14.01. c. . ..,,, 'fictlng the prices to any large extent, and i pf the banks must I strengthened uy tne later a heavy demand developed and held and the Improvement until the close. Trade was on a large , n Its character which has undoubtedly siaie and the buying was participated In ' been exacted The bunk statement wia by shorts, outsiders and large and email j nevertheless sufficient to m?ke the closing speculators September clos-ed strong at n atocks weak snd there was late pres the t p. 12 S2-C. a gain of JSc h ixir:g eolJ I nure also upon the bonds. Convulsive con up from joWc. Clearance! e.e t5.4'i bjsT- i traction In prices of manv specialties was LAcai receipts, n cars, wun ti or ' P iTAXOF.ftKteadv: Jersey. t- .IM?--50 southern, l.5'tii; Virginia sweets, $J.wJ TALIvOW Quiet ; city. 4Oi4Hc; country, lk1 ETALS-The usual restricted Saturday half hollaay trade was noted in all metals today and prices were without quotable change Pig lead retained Its strong un dertone on a moderate demand. spot, quoted at M.Wril.Mi. Tin also remained hrm at HkJMi tor spot Copper was dull and more or less nominal; lake quoted at 113 w&13 25; electrolytic, $I3 0fal3 i; cast ing l!2.7V'fl3 pe!ter was quiet and unchanged at o S7V. Iron, nominally un changed and dulh OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltloa of Trado aad 4aoa4loaa oa Staple and Fancy Frodaee. EGGS Fresh stock, loss off. 13c. LIVE 1"ULLTRY Hens. IMVc; spring chickens, per lb., li&l'ic; roobters accord ing to age. 4ic; turKeya. liUc; old duiks, tk.', young ducas, jKaloc. . . , BLTiER Packing stock. UMrSUe; choice dairy, in tubs. liui;c; separator, iSoc. KKESH FtaiH 1-riaa caugnt trout, 9ViC. pickerel. &c; pike, c. perch. 6c; buffaio. o; niusnsn 11c: wniiensn. h.ddock. 10c; codfish, lie; redsnapper c;s. Local receipts, lis card, contract grade. oats followed the leaders, but there was light enthusiasm manifested. The market was not broad at any nlthuueh th?re was some Increase In outside business. Trade was largely local and the market . mildly bullish on the corn situation. S p- j tember closed with a gnln of at 3v;'4c. I after ranging between 33',fi33Se and ;3:c. I Local receipts were 18 cars. Local liquidation caused the weakness j In pravlslona. The hog market and heavl- I ness of receipts apparently Induced the I selling. Closing figures were near the bot tom and the market lackd feature. Sep tember fork whs down Sitc at J13 M. lard was off 10c at 17.75 and ribs Jsc lower at ts.021. h-stlmated receipts ror Monnay: neai. 75 cars: corn, 185 cars; oata, 2i cars; hogs, 34 ' head. The leading futures ranged as follows: loo: la owing to the eerious damage done to the ; lobsters,' boiled per lb., ioc; looaiera. green, crop belonging to the Atlantic Canning company of Atlantic, la. It Is reported that considerably over half of their crop wai destroyed last week by the tornado and hailstorm which visited that section of the country, and the company has so notified their buyers. These affected by this short age say that they fear It will be hard to find aa much corn aa had been contracted from the Atlantic company, aa scarcely Hny anners have corn to offer at any price. The canned tomato market Is practically unchanged. Ooods are going Into consump- tlon rapidly and It Is' thought that a large part of the carryover will have been ab sorbed before the new pack Is available. The market on gallon apples advanced sharply last week and Is now quoted 1(9 lac per dosen higher outside of New York state than It was a week ago. The demand for apples Is reported very heavy and In fact canned goods In general have been selling very freely this year, much more so than usual. The Increase Is especially no ticeable In the line of canned fruit. There la also an active dried fruit market. Prices, though, are practically unchanged, but the general feeling Is that any change In the near future will be In the direction of higher price. Rice is selling In the same notches It wai a week ago, goods going out at full prices. Fish Is also selling freely and prices are firm, particularly on mackerel. The catch Is still reported a failure and every Indica tion points to still higher prices In the fu ture. In the line of woodenware there have been several advances In the different lines and he market is still In a very strong position. Imported sardines are said to be scarce, owing to the short catch last sea son. Reports received from reliable sources show that so tsr this year no better results have been obtained. Higher prices on he entire line are predicted. In regard to the condition of trade, whole sale grocers say that while business is not Suite as rushing aa It was a week or ten ays. ago there Is nevertheless a good brisk trade for this season of the year, with pros pects for the future very encouraging. Cotton Goods (ostlase Firm. The cotton goods market continues In the same strong position It has been tn for some time past, with the tendency of prices upward rather than downward. Those best posted say that while goods may look high they are not as high as they would be. If they were based on the present price of ruunn. i ne oniy ining tnat has prevented ta much more radical advance is the fact thut moat manufacturers had cotmn on hard that was bought at a lower figure. AM aa fast aa that supply gives out most .manufacturers are closing down, refusing to pay the high prices. This, of course, la causing a marked shortage in produc tlon, so Jobbers look for higher prices before there are any reductions. They also fear there will be little relief even when the new crop of cotton arrives on the market. That being the case cotton goods at present prices appear to be good property. Locally the dry goods trade is very satis factory. Traveling men are ricking up a good many orders and mall orders are fullv as liberal aa could be expected. A few , merchants are beginning to arrive on the market to place their fall orders, but the rush of fall buyers has not begun as yet. although tn a short time It is expected that house trade will assume large pronor tlons. Jobbers ere devoting most of their attention to filling their advance orders, and this will keep them busy for some time to come. Good Deaaand for Leather Goods. The leather goods trade Is also in good shape so far aa the wholesaler Is con cerned. A few siting up orders are coming In, but it Is fall business thst Jobbers si now looking at. Their traveling salesmen are picking up a nice line of orders from merchants, who refused to place their orders earlier in the season. Advance orders are being shipped ss rapidly as pos sible, so as to make room for the rush of business which will soon set In. Jobbers ere making preparations for a much larger fall trade than they had last year, and far have fnurd no reason for fearing that they will be disappointed Fralts aad Frodaee. Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Tes'y. The berry eeason is practically at an end Hane grown blackberries, though, are at til on the market, and are at out the best of any that have been here this year. They are selling at t- uu to J". 5 per case. Cali fornia fruit la very plentiful and prices are gradually going down. There has Wen a big dsmand for watermelons and they have also been gutting cheaper. They are now w..rth ft'iiiCv each. Cantaloupe from Texsa are ae'llng freely at .' 0 per standard case or fl 75 tr two-thirds case. In vegetables there has not been much change except In potatoes, which are a little cheaper. Fggs have tieen selling right around Up all the week. There has b-en a 'Xd demand for poultrv. hens helrg worth f'iiJc, and spring chickens are don to l!rc. The butter market ha also changed but little, packing stock being quoted at 1-3 lie. Wheat tJulv per lb., i3e; bullheads. 11c; catfish, 14c; black July bass, ioc; halibut, luc; crappie, lie; herring, rSept. V; perch. c; white baas, luc; bluefitis, be. ISept. UKAN-rer ton. 116. ., , , -vorn HAY l'rires quoted by Omaha TVnolesale July Dealers association Choice No. 1 upland. Sept. Ja.iO; No. 2, W; medium, rrso: coarse. . nee. kiye straw. 17. These prices are ior ; -vaiw good color and quality. Demand lair ana i juv lecelpts light. I Sept. t JH.N 4oc.. I i"ec. OAIS-Ssc. May Kit-No. Z, 45c. Pork- VEGETABLK3. tept. NEW POTATOfcti southern and noma Lard- grown, per bu., sioc. I Bept. CLCL Jlth.HH iiome grown, per uui, oil. iliaf. I Ribs if KAN 3 Home grown, wax. per market Bept. basket. 50c: string, per market basket, sssj. i oct. PliAd Home grown, per market basant. Sic . I CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per eofc, CABBAGE New California, per to., in UKtt.i tun rer aos., TOMATOt. Texas, per 4-uasket crate. 75u&c KHL BAKB per ID., 10. NAVY BEANS Per i.. 11.60. CELERY Michigan, per doi., 30c ONIONS New Calitornla dry, per lb., SO. FRUITS. BLACKBERRIES Home grown, per St quart case, U.ULKU2.50. PLUMS Burbanks, $1 S1 40; P. D., per box. S1..&01.36; Washington, Bradshaw, fl.3xdl.3o. PRt'NKit Tragedy, per box. $1.15. PEACHES California. St. John's early freestones and early Crawfords, $1.15. CURRANTS Per 16-qt case, i- GOOSEBERRIES Per lti-qt. esse, It PEARS California, BarUett'a. per box, $2.u2.75. , CANTALOUPE Texas standard, per orate. 2 50; per crate, fl.75. APPLES New stoca. -tm.. Tic. WATERMELONS Texas. iMjJuc each. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIQS Turkish, l-lb. box. per lb., ISc. ORANGES Mediterranean, all sixes, U.l'i; St. Mickes or paper rind, ail sues, U-iA'Q 1 lift' Valer.rlas. S4.2& LEMONS California fancy, JO0 to 330 sixes. 240 to I7u sixes. K5i.SBJ.i. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SLUAR-Ohlo. per lb., Wo. POPCORN per lb., lc: shelled, 4c. HIL'ES No. 1 green, tcc; No. 2 green, (He; No. 1 salted, 7cl No. i salted, t,o: No. 1 veal calf, k to U lbs.. Shc: No. z veal I calf, 12 to 15 lbs., sc; dry sailed hides, lv Uc; sheep pelts, aiac; norse bides, 1.5of I I uv NUTB-Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 17u; bard shell, per lb., 14c; No. i soft sbe.l. Ber lb., lie; No. 1 hard shell, pee iu., tfc; irazlla. per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., lie; almonda. soft shell, per lb., lbc; hard shell, per lb., lie; pecans, large, per ib , Uc; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doi., oic; chestnuts, per lb., luc; peanuts, per b.. lSc; sweated peanuts, per lb., 7c. blaca walnuts, per bu., 17; hickory nuts, per bu., fl.5u. St. Lools Grala aad Previsions. BT. LOU19, July WHEAT-Higher; No. 3 cash, elevator. 77c; track, 7S-To.c; July, 7c; September. T!it'tc; December, 7KHc; No. 2 hard, 74j76c. CoRN Higher: No. t cash. Me; track. 49VjjOc; September, 61Sc; December, 4!v 4 c OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. JS; track. SMjiiSc; September, 32c; December, S3c; No. I white. 41c. RYE Steady, 51c. FI.OUR Steady; red winter patents. . fj4 00; extra fancy and straight, W.'S3io; clear. 13 nxai 35 S EEL'S Timothy, nominal, new for Bep etmber delivery. 13 10. CRNMKAl-8tly. 11.70. BRAN Higher, in demand; sacked, east track. '114571. HAY Dull; timothy, 33 0015.00; prairie, t7O'il0 50. IRON COTTON TIES 31 06. HAGGIN J ( V H Sc . HEMP TWINE 5c. PROVISIONS rorg, lower: joonirg. standard mess. $14 to Lard, lower. $ ). Ifctcon tboxedi. steady; extra shorts. 387H; clear rllis, ty.U1; short clear, fa olV. LEAD Higher; 34.2o4 'i; spelter, stroll" 15 50. POLL1KY Weak: chickens. IV; springs. 11c; turkeys, 14c, duiks, kc; geete, tc . HUTTER Steady; creamery. 15tf;ic; dairv. 14.117C. EGGS Steady, 13SC 75S! . 7V 75f 75"' 5tHT--'40Hf'lt :35Sfi; 77H' 77 V,; 514 51-H 52H 4i 75H 7SV 7Hi 75, 5AS 60 V. 4fiH; I TS 77S' 7SH I ifs 7H M14 B5iii5:iS cognized es blng nii in many cases to the closing out of collateral for loans or th falld firms srd some of the storks affected confirmed the plaint of the promi nent operator connected with yesterday's nrtncipU failure that the stocks are un sil.ib'.e. Some of the co',l pes served to direct conclusions to the ne'.phborhood of other, troubles, against which struggles are making. A considerable lis: of declines, ramriig from 5 to 1"3', r"lnts. has been compiled. Following are tne quotations on the New 1 fork Stork exchange: SOUTH Receipts were: Official Monday OttHial Tuesday Official W ednesday Official Thursday....... Official Friday Official Saturday Total this week... Week ending July IS. Week ending July 11 16.74 v eeg ending July 4 !(.. Week ending June 27 Same .week last year 10,6j RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table snows tbe receipts ot cattie. bugs and sneep at boutn Omaua for tne )eor to dale and comparisons Willi last year: iavz. inc. lkk. laitle 5fa,sij 4c4.st3 14d,l Hogs 1.44vlia 1.47Z..o4 24 Hi Olleep -Li.ti. 4D,,l.t 14o,4j1 Average price pHid for nogs at South Omana tor the last seveial uaa with comparisons; t ti U1.J l-.l 3.570 , s.a .72 17.5 .1 l.Sil 7.!4 i.o7 43; 4.44 .4 13.074 41. rj 14.744 57.. 07 l5.Kj biv'.t 14..1 1 4.SS 1U..-I8 l.4 l.f.3 sheep men are well pleased with the prices here 1 1.1a week. There has ais. l-een a brlk demand for fe..,l.-rs and the market may ne quoted strong fr the week on sll good stuff Heavy pelted wethers snd sui h as w-re most too fat for fee.lers and yet mt fat enough tor killers are the 01 ly kinds that have dragged St ail. but thoe never do sell vrr Ireelv. For this time of tbe year the demand for fcedvis is considered unusually good (J lotatlotm for grass stock: Good to ch. h e lambs. j5iij.7o. fair to gn,.d li.mhs. 4.7.4i.' "5; g'd to cti.'lce )ear.!ng. H 4 !; tair to g d vrarlings. 33.i'(ii75; good to choice wethers. 3.14"uj'; fair to go d wether. 3 15u3 4': goo.1 to choice ewes. 5J 7:.13.3. fur to good ewes. l. 5""j-.:; feeler lambs, 23 F:i i': feedT yearlings, 3a.fiij3 5.; feeder wethers. 32.75V 2-25; feeder ewes. 31'i.5". 25 cull c wes 1 14! Idsho ewes 50 Idaho feed r wethers I feeder earlinss W Idaho yearlings 24 Idaho lambs Date. 7.. srsnvi'&v 84S 36H; 5JH. t 41VI S3 34 V 14 07H 14 10 7 Ss! T 65 1- 3 rrnl 3 07Hi 7 7 65 8 15 8 07H 33. 35H JHSyH 35St 5"H 41 13 rn1 13 so 7 75 7 55 8 On 7 90 7 75 7 55 8 0JH 7 W 14 i:h 7 85 7 00 8 57H 8 07H No. t tOld. New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 33 759 7.90: straights. 33 50 3 70; spring patents. 34 0r64 4: bakers. 33"ff3 80. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 60c; No. 3. 75SOc: No. 2 red. 75 H1? 78c. CORN No. 2 yellow. 54c. OATS No. 2. 31iSIc: No. 2 white. 41H6 4THc: No. 3 white. SVj42c. RYE No. 2. 61frMc. BARLEY Good feeding. 433440; fair to choice malting, 47653c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 97Hc: No. 1 northwest ern. &6c: prime timothy, 33 35; clover, con tract grade. 312 Onfill.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork per bb!.. 813.5SQ 18 60. Lard, per 100 lbs., r7.55. Short ribs sides Moose. 37.87Mi.fli. Dry salted shoul ders tboxedi. 37 5'a7.62H- Snort clear aides (boxed). 38.508 62H- The following were the receipts and ship ments of flout and grain yesterday: Receipts, anipmenta Flour, bbls 25.8'i0 TftiO Wheat, bu 510 3:.5n Corn, bu ' .153.00 Oata bu Lu7.I0l Rve. bu !" 5:.(J Barley, bu 15 60O ti.&oo On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was weak; creameries. 14ai'.c; dairies. 13jl7c. Eggs. weak. 11q13c. Cheese, new, firm, lvHOHV:- Atrhlios do pld liaitiniur. a uo.o .. au plil Cau.diiui p&clflc . . (.mini ul N. J ones, a utio chuaio a A.iuu do prd C! : Gt. W... da a p:d rh.c(o a N. w I. a T do rid C. C. C. a Si. L... lolo. bsutara do l.t ptd do id p'd Iiets. a huanu ... lhi . u a w Lrter a Rio O j do pld trie do lit pfd do liJ pld Gt. Nur. ptd Hopkins V.ii- do ptd lllinoti central Iowa t'sntr.l do ptd K. C. Southern do ptd Louia. a Nnh M.nh.ttaa 1. Mel. gt. Rj Minn, a St. L Missouri Pacltic .... M , K. T do pfd Nat. K. R. of Mm do pfd N. V. i'ntral Nor. Wert do pfd Ontario W FsDusylTanla 1X1 P.. C. C. a gt. L. RMdlDf do 1st pfd do 11 pfd Rock Itlant) Ce. .. do pfd St. L. . F 1 pfd do Sd prd Et. L. 8. W do pfd St. Taul x Offered. do p'd Pa. ifl- . KAi;war . a4 do ptd ..Xi-Ttia A: Paclfir . U. T . St. L, A W . al-t do p'd . .h faioa Parlnc . II ) do pfd .144 WlSJlh .Hi do pfd .141 tv. a L. E . lv Wla. Central . a. do pf'l . m1? Adama Express . UtAmer. Eiprsaa . u I . S Express . io'-i Wellf-Farico Ex ,.w Amal Copper .Jt-id Amer. C a F . lis. do pfi . ,1 Amer. Ltn. Oil . do pfd . kt As. L.omollTS ... . 44-, 0 pfd .l.u Araer. f A R .71 ! do pfd . " mer. ugar ReSn. Anaconda Min. Co.. . Uric. Kp Tr . .a Colo. K a I . fcl. A Hock. Coal . 1 Cod. (iai . hi; 1 , General Eleelrts .. ,.MX int'n'l Paper . .1U do pfd .. ( lot'n'l Pump .7'4 do pfd . i National Blsrult .. ,. Ji National Lead ..II, No. American ,. t TaelTl- Mall ..llTV Peopla s Oss .. t0 Pr.asd 8tel Car.. .. gt , do pfd .. u Pullnaa Pal. Car.. Kepublle Blsel to ; do pfd .'vRubber Goods Kiii oo pra - . a 1 Lesirjtr pid Rubber pfd !uel pfd July Juiy July Juiy Ju'y July Juiy Juiy t July ., July lu Ju.y July July July Juiy July July July July Juiy Juiy July Juiy J uiy July l iim. ,iu;.,i.i. SU0..13kS.,lKJ.,liBJi s SO I 7 b4 5 tar I k 73, 3 til 3v 1 W 74i 5 01 I 75 J I -.' ihin in. 3 IS i is 3 U 7 64i t 71 t 06. 3 7i 3 66 I 6 6oT 1 a 7s, 5 lui 1, . 6 4Hi 7 76, I t lli fcl, , o a 1 I ui i u I 1 s,! 4 n 11 12.. 11.. 14 . 16.. Is.. 17.. IS. . ID.. i 1. . r.1.. i'4. k 44S; 7 sui 6 fcii 6 11. i 6 IU J fc fci 3 Wl l I 6 iui,, 7 i, ( 3-1 s 04, 1 !, .1 1 7 77, 6 So, 6 0-; 4 U4; I f 2SH, I 6 So 6 13 4 US, 1 5 1 7 77! 1 6 '.i t uo . I 16H T 7i t 77 3 t J I ft o; 4 1H, 1 Ul f lv li UO; VOI 7 66, 5 .; 4 i 5 i-'S 1 s Wi 4 a . 5 IS i 7 53 I I 07, . ! 0 6 t 1 41j 5 6o .j 5 loS 7 iJ, 5 71, 6 15 . 5 i 4i 5 .. 6 lo . 5 05H 7 54, 5 74, 6 IX 3 23 3 i 3 i- , S So I .J 3 70, 3 7J 3 IS 3 s:i 3 14 3 77, 3 1. 3 77 3 17 3 fci 3 3j .l'jl ! n . 60 n.7 1 V) 3 3 So 3 75 525 stone, demolishing the engine, two freight cars and one passenger roach snj then c : llded with a boarding car filled with I- . sons. Eight persons were hurt. Tney will al recover, REAL KTTE TR t'TF.m. CHICAGO LIVE STOC K M 4RKET. Br- Ilea tarter beep ghow Heavy ertpta for a atarday. CHICAGO. July 3 CATTLK Receipts t.W head; good to vrlme steers poor to nvnium feeders. 3.S"1i4 4.. l;i44.i..: earners 3i. 2.ti5t: 14 'Vo5 15. stockers and cows. S14.VB5'Xo heifers. 3l.5ii. : bulls. - ' 4 X: calves, 33 itJ-i Texas steers. .- 4 5 , HOT, St Receipts todav. 14. 01 head; esti mated Mondav. S C head; left over. 5 il"c lower. Mixed and butchers. 3ou5 6.: good to choice heavv. 35 5t'u5 70; rough heavy, ,;6 50; light. 35 e-tie SHi Dulk of sa'es, 35 5ii 5. . 911EKI'-Receipts. N.0K head: sheep and lambs steadv; gixid to choice wethers. 33 75 M00: fair to choice mixed. iX7 30; west ern sheep. $.12.114 00; native lambs. 33.251? 6.3; western lambs. 35 .H1.00. 6 &Llt ' 1 4 It. 3 8-'i 4 1. 3 M 4 la. 1 j, 4 a, 3 si 4 44, 3 I 3 fc, 4 . , 4 31. 3 Sit 3 ! 3 3 3, 3 as ! j 2: 3 J 3 36 it. iTenn. n,h de to c. a. il do 4..v'r- . lsvl do aui Waaler n t'nlon li-k ..17t .. 41 .. a.. s .. 4 .. .. it .. i;4j .. .4', .. MS .. M .. 4 .. 14 ..IS .. 14 ..111 ..174 . .lvu . ls .. JiH .. II .. u .. 4 ... ... IT ,.. X2 .. J .. su ..114 ... 44 414. 41S 1 112 lWt 111 u 4 . 74 " , 71 , II . S2S . 41 . 3os . 10 . a . 11 . 41 . J7 w . a . s w York Money Market. NEW TORK. July 25. MONEY Close Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official numoer ot cars of stock brought 111 today Ly each road was: Caitle.Hogs.Su p.H ses. C, M a St. P. Ry i V abash 3 Mo. Pae. Ry 17 1 L nlon Pacittc system. .. 8 3.. C. or N. W. Ry 2 V.. m. A M. V. R. H... 1 21 C, Bt. P.. M. at O. Ry.. .. B. 4 M. Ry U C, tl. at W Ry s .. K. C. oc St. J 3 C, R. I. 4 P. Ry., east 1 t Total receipts 22 69 2 Tbe disposition ot the day s receipts was as lolljws, eaeii buyer purcnasiiig the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co ... bwilt and Company Armour t Company 18 Omaha Packing co., K. C. 61 Omana packing Co., bt. J. 1 Cuuahy Pacaii.g Co., iv. v.. iii Other buyers 4 St. l.owls Live Stock Market. ST. 1.1"I3. July X CATTLE Receipts, head. Including fi" Texans; market steadv: native shipping and export steers. S4 5efi5 3ft. the too bing for strictly fancy; dre-d beef and bnfher steers. $4 tvti 5 36; steers under l.f pounds. 34ii5 00; Blockers snd feeders. 32 7''f74fH.; cows and heifers. i:2T'i4 75. the top price being for strictly fnnrv corn-fed ro'ifers: cann-rs. J2 'j2 50; bulls'. i:75fi4 fc calves $:.50ifln; Texss snd Indian steers 3Sl"i4 4n. with some as high as 34 Kr. : cows and heifers. 1 2.0 HfHiS-Receipts. ! i'( had; steady. Pigs and lights. 3;. fo'in Si; mixed and packers, r. 3Vu5.ri; butchers and best heavy, 35 ti PMFPP Rece'rts Son head: steady Na tive muttons. 13 off 3 75: lambs. 34 "i5fi5 .-; cu'ls and bucks, 32 -n 4 25; stockers, Z.OU 3.25. Ieeds filed for record esterdv as mshed by the Midland Ouarantee Trust compiny, bonded atstracter, Ksrnam street: W. H. Uates and wife to Charles H. Christens) n. e 3 tt lot 3. and n 30 ft lot , bl.Hk 1. Pope pi Julia C. Harrier and husband to Kd ward N. theparaon, lot 7, block 2. Harriers 3d add to Valley Bernard H. Imng and wife to Tukey Land company, lot 11. bl'Kk 3, Lrwight Uman s add Tukey Land company to Anna L. Strait, same rsatlnnal Ufe Insurance company to John J. Leehy, lot 6 Penson s sub of Franklin Square add Edward F Itiley and wife to Mer chants' National bank, 4i3 In n w corner lot 6. block 121. Omaha Mary Holub and husband to Josef 8vo boda; lot 12. block 4. Potter A Cobb s add School rtstrict No. 53. Douglas muntr, Nebraska, to I-ena C. Rvan. 123xl5. feet In s w H of n w H of sec 13-15-13 fur- 347S lli 1.4v" 5 tT. V7. Farnam Smith & Co. 8TOCK8, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. We buy and sell Union Stock Yards Stock, Stuth Omaha. 0 COMMISSION. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 Kansas t'lty Live Stock Market. KANSAS C1TT. Julv 25 CATTLE Re ceipts. 5o0 head. Market unchanged Cholce xti.irt and riressed beef steers. 34 707?5 25; fair to gofjd. 31.0n'&4.70; stockers and feeders. ;:&'it.3: western fil steers. $-1iii4W; Texas and Indian steers. 33 27.4i 4 : Texas cow s. 3:.ifi3 native cow s. j: 0r4 4": native heifers, 32.4i.V4i; "anners. 31.292.50; bulls. :.5o73 7S; calves, tl .TtS.OO. HOGS-R-ceipts. 3 "1 head. Market 5c lower. Top. s 40; ntilk of sales. 35.315 4v heavv 15 "Kiit.Mi: mixed tiackers. t$.2o'& S4i; light. J5 3:H'a5.45; yorkers. 35 .:65.45; j pigs. o . i'u? . SHEFF-Receipts, none. Native lambs. I3 15G5.5: western lambs. 33vfi6 5o: fed ewes. tZ.Wit 75. Texas clipped yearlings. 3.1 Otfil S5; Texas clipped sheep. 32 754.70; stockers and feeders, 32.7T'i3 65. Burns-llaskell Go. Commercial Paoer Coar Is the I nlon gtork time ta bny Yards Stork. 320 N. Y, Life. Phone 895 y References Omaha National Bank, H B First National Bank. n Hogs. Sheet. 1.4.4 r,i 4.318 a string Mew York Live Mock Market. SEW TORK. July 25 BEEVES Re ceipts. IS head, consigned direct; no sales reported; dressed beef, steady: city dressed I native sides. liVoviv; reported exports. 1.711 : hea1 beeves and 3.'.i-3 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 1 head: no sales; market nominal: dressed veals. S'.ilSc. I Hi Receipts l.4 -fnd: none alive. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 5.7 hHd: shoep. steady t t'. i4.r'i; lambs. M n ti7.15: one cer nt 37 25; culls. 35.5": drsed muttons, SV'Wc per lb.; dressed lambs, i &V0 12c. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Ju:y 25 WHEAT-Spot: No. 3 red western winter, dull, 6s 2d; No. 1 northern spring, steady, 6s 5d; No. 1 Cali fornia, dull. s 6d. Futures: Quiet; July, nominal; SeplemLer. 6s 3sl, Lecember, it fl- . CORN Spot: American mixed, easy, 4s 41. Futures: Dull; July, nominal; Sep tember. 4s 4Hrd. FLOUR S- Louis fancy winter, quiet, 3s 3d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady, 5 12s to it Ml nnea noils Wheal, Flour and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, July tS.-WHEAT-Cash. 7Sc: July. S6V; September. 75t'!i75c: De cember. 7"4c. On track: No. 1 hard. S7.c; No. 1 northern, .c; No. 2 northern, WVj tJSSc: No. 3 northern. Sic. FLOUR First putents, 31 4oi4.5'; second patents. 34 ;5y4 3J: first clears. 33 -6 3.50; swond clears, 3- 4o$150.c. f. o. b.. In wood, Minneapolis. BRAN In bulk. 11.00ii:.r. Prime mercantile paper. STERLING EXCriANUli 8teady, at tl ki.,il .',:i j for demand, and 14 MT.',yi4 X3S75 lW.(a) I for aixty days; posted rates, 34 M4.7; rommero ial bills. 3t.k31i4.a3V.. SIVER iijr. i4i7c; Mexican dollars, 43V UuNDS iioverr.ment, steady; railroad bonds :rre; MONEY on call, nominal; sixty days, 4s per cent: ninety days, 6 per cent; six months. 6 per cent. The closing quotations on bonds art) as follows: .X L N. UU. 4s SkS. .lu4s Mri. Central 4s 4- lu do la lne lis. .:ii i Minn a St. L. 4... .ln. at.. K. a T. 4a M .iiia to u rri .111 ,.v y. c. g. IS. ss .ill iN. J. C. c.n. ia,...12 .lv:V No. Pacific 4a MS .Kej do la vi . VV. W coo. 4. i . ls. Rfadmi (.a. 4s J4 .I00lst. U a I. M. e. Is lltiv. . lst4. L. U 8 F. 4s.... M . ..lim t L. 8. W. Is. tlt .lo I do t ..loll IS. A. A. P. 4s... 17 .. tl' i fo. Pa-lflr 4. tt . .10ui.-o Rallwar 4. 11) .. tt a Pacltc la. liati 71. iT.. t L. a W. 4a. :i I nlon Pacltic 4a ?;, I Total 44 CATTLEThere wa quite cattle reported this morning for a Saturday but they were nearly all consigned direct to . local packers, ao there were not enough on I sale to make a market. For the week re- I ceipts have been limited, as there is a de- crease as compared with last week amount ing to about 2.0OU head, but as compared with the same week of last year there is an increase of about H.'jOu head. Owing to the moderate otierlngs this week the beef steer market has been In very sat isfactory condition. Trading ruled active on most days, with the general tendency if prices upward. The advance for the week amounts to fully 15c in the majority of cases, with some sales going as much aa 'c higher. All kinds have joined in the gen eral advance, but the kinds that sold last week from 34,50 to 34.S0 have improved fully . 7. k. as much as. the choicer arrades. The ton Mock la signs price for the wee is 35.. The bulk of Following were the receipts of live stock tne lair to good cattle sell largely from 4 ws at the six principal western cities yesier to o w, witn cnoice graces selling as nign day: as 35.3, and the common kinds go from tl.iXi down. Omsha The cow market has not changed as much ! Chicago as steers. Common cows, Buch as canners , Kansas City and cutters, or, in other words, those that St. Louis ... sell from 32.00 to 33 tk, have been In poor ; St. Joseph demand all the week, with the tendency of j Sioux City . prices aownwara. Anytning, tnougn. tnat had any kill to it sold without much trouble Sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITT. la.. July 5-Special Tele gram CATTLE Receipts. steady. Beeves. 34"ii.l'j; cows, bulls and mixed, il.f'ii.y; stockers and feeders, 32.7533.85; calves p.nd vearllngs. 32 5 3 75. HOGS Receipt 2 to": WyXfC lower, at 34.!5t)6.15; bulk. 33.fto4j5.C5. It. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July IS. CATTLE Re ceipts Sr nominal. HOGS Receipts. I tW: &910c lower. Lights, 35 ;r.m 5 41 : medium and heavy. 3S.15fiS.3o. SHEEP Receipts, Zh; top native Jamba, I l;.ij; ewes, 33. 5u. DO YOU KNOW We trsde In 1.0OO bushels grain and up ward? Also In 10 shares of STOCKS Now Is the time and this Is and upward? the place. bo vn at- MERRILL. Room 4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phona 1039. PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS 221 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha Phones luus and lull. Members all prin cipal exchanges. Writ for our daily mar ket latter. lilLWAT TIME CARD. LXIOS iTATlOX 10TM AKD MAHli. talon Pacific. Leave, .a :4u am Totals Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ! . . 417 4 t.'-i 540 I ..t&O 14.4ssj 20lJ0i . . 5) 3 iXJ .. 5"! 3.' 5o0 5 .WO o .. 23 3.0 ..ijti 31.343 3.335 ..a 4:30 pm . .all:3u pm .a T:U am ArrWe a 7 -50 pm a I.3s pre rhlltialelphla Prodnre Market PHILADELPHIA. July 3 HUTTER H fiiC lower: western creameries, 30c; extra nearby prints. I2c. EGGS Firm, stood deman-1: fresh nearbv ldvc. loss off: fresh western. !SMy. loss off; fresh southern, isil.c. less on CHEESE Steady, fair demand: New York full creams, choice, new, 10Vl"Ic- gagar and Molasses. NEW YORK. July K.-SUOAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. 3 3 ltc: c 'i test. 3 11-lSc: mola'.-se- susr. 2 lj- firiej, firm; No. 4. 4 4k-; No. 7, 4.5c No. 3, 4 5"c; No. . 4 4 c: No. 10. 4 4ic; No. 71. 4.3. c; No. li 4 3-c; No. 13. 4.20c; No 14, 4 3jc. Confectioners "A." 4 85c; mouil ""A." 5.25c; 1 cutloaf. 5.4)c: crushed, 5c: powdered. i lv; granulated. 5iJc; cubes 5.Sc. MOLASSES Kirm; New i'r:in open kett'e. good to choice. 13 inj4 no. NEW ORLEANS. July 20 St QAR-DulI; open kettle. 2VS1 7-1G--; open kit.e. cen trifugal, S'-tftD'?; centrifugal white. 4',c. yellow. 3S1l4c; second. 3Sc. Mola-se-i, on kettie. nominal. 13 "-: centrifugal, 54jl3c. Syrup, nominal, lW-5c XI. I. rf. Sa. n. do coupon do la, rv( do coupon do near 4a, reg... d coupon do bid t ref ... do coupoo do is, rs. dc iuyo4 Atchison era. 4a.. do ad. 4a B. a O. 4s do 4'.a do ecu.. 4a Canada So. t Ccnlral ot Oa. 4a.... Ido la ine C. a O. 4 ,1 C . B. a U s. 4a .. Cblcaico a A. 3S at a St P f. aa. .Ina C. 4 N W. c. 7.. V.. R I. a P. 4a. C C C H L 4s. Chicago Tr. 4a Colo a So. 4. bnTer a It. C 4a. Ens prior lien 4s .... do central 4s F. W. a I). I' la. UtV. do cemv. i. liiu w'aoaah Is 4 do U '9 ! do dab. B M4 Shore 4s..., :sw L. g. ..., tn W.a r.mral 4s.. a. Ko.k lal.ud 4a 1-i3 1 uu. Tobacco 4a. Hock 4a... .Iu4'. Colo. Fuel con. x Offered. .114 ..1.JS .. 44V, ..1J7 .. ai .. 47 .. tilt .. 4) .. 7 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 25. COTTON The market opened firm, at an advance of 7(65 at generally steady prices, but owing to the unevenness In the market some sales look.'d much belter than others. The bulk of the fair to good cows sell from 33 00 to tl.5. with choice cornfeds from that up to 34 "5 ana some prirue best cornfeds are stronger ror tne week. j , . 4 hid. A...u.t n,i UD to 12.45c; Sep- Bulls have not changed much all the 'fJlXhed on the call andC week. Big. heavy, coarse bulls have been tol(er B0,d 8t 10c. immediately after the rather si w sale, while handyweights have , ;.,, mD,ut ..t ofr on realizing. July n good demand. Veal calves Are . ,u n ,a hlle Auaust nieas rrom tnat up to H I , , under higher Liverpool cables, the heofers brought 34 50. The , PfJ",1" e advance in New Orleans yeaterday are. If anything, a Hula ; Bnd continued hot weather. July opened been about steady, the bulk of them going from 14 .no to X3.UU. Stockers and feeders are still In very light supply nnd while the demand is also limited ! it is fully as good as the supply. The bulk i of the good cattle coming forward Is sell- I lng fsom 33 50 to 33 75, though something choice would undoubtedly bring consider ably more than that. The commoner kinds sell mostly rrom 33 00 to s.I 50. showed relative firmness the latter option declined from 6 to 3 points from the best price of the morning. Speculation was not particularly active and the trading was K-ss excited, though sentiment continued to show the general apprehension as to the course of the nearby options. The market closed steadv. net to IX points higher. NEW ORLEANS. July i5 COTTON Futures quiet; July, 13 bid; August. A few western ranee cattle are berinnlne 1 i 1.1.4- c-..t,mr.r- 1,1 "fiirt "4.1c: October. to show up In the receipts, but not enougn i k 75.'i 7ic ' Dec-mber. &."iii k.-; January, of them have come forward as yet to mane j My55c.' Spot, steady; sales, tvm. Ordin a market. i... tiis-ir irord ordlnarv. llc: low mid- dling. 12'.c: middling. n'-c; good middling It- 1 Uic: middling, fair. 14 1-1V-. nominal. Re- Overland Limited... The Fast Mail California Express. Pacific Express Eastern Express 'the Atlantic Express. The Colorado Special.. Chicago special I Ircoln. Beatrice and Btromsburg Express.. b 4 pm North Platte Ixx-al a STO am Orand Island Local b I 30 om Chicago. Mllnsskrs St. Pant. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:li pre Chicago Fast Expresses 44 pm Chicago Limited a K:06 pm Des Moines Express. ...a 7:45 sm laaaeaiio .V orlhestera. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:00 um Mail a k.uu pm a k:v am Local Sioux City a 10 atn a .M pm LayUgtil bl x'aul a 7. am pal Uayugnt Chicago a ') m all :1k pu Local Chicagt aUiivam iiu lxjcal ea-ir Rapids IM pin Limiteu cincsgo a s:l pin a 1:15 am Local Carroil P" ' i.- ,.t ioi-miij a s.M pru a 3. to pin Fast tit. r-aul a -4S pm a :1 am i- ast Mall , , a"u Local Sioux Cr.y U 4 00 pea t w iu Norfolk 4k Uuneteel....a J:i am al:a am I ioli Ac Loi.a l-nne....b :3 am blu Ji am a 5 30 pm a T:30 am a 1 .40 am a 3:4w am bl2:M ptn a 5:13 pm b am a 3 4u pm . i mi am a 3:40 pin Chicago. BEEF STEERS. At Pr No. Rostoa Slock Quotations. BOSTON, July 25 CaU loans. S7J4 per cent; time loans, n'yti per cent, ufflfiaj closing prices vn slocks and bonds: jlOGjPr here was only a fair run of hogs ? "k.!TTON-8trr,dv. ZZJtZ?; mUr.PrrC.baPlVlSlJ'd ih" ' Middling. V.r. Sales none. Receipts. 1 .19 he marker in bsd shape. Hogs sold all the ( i,.!, ahlnmenta 1 if ba'es: stocks. 2 5W way from We to 20c lower than yesterday. At I l' shipments, i ... aiui.a. t.- , the start the market was a big dime lower. I i hthpooi ik rnTTnvB,i in ' f" 1 bu.t N Y Flour, bbls I Whi-at. bu i Corn, bu Oata. bu loss off. Receipts. Shipments. g...kl .lh'7 ! . 67 i . 59 ,0u0 fi om r7.t aoiaiO JEW YORK GKSEjRAL MARKET. tlaotatloaa at the Day Cammodltles. Yarlana NEW YORK. July FI-OUR-Re-elpts. 1J 777 bbls ; exports. . bbls Market was moderately active, closing steadv. Wlni-r parents. 3Xn;4S0; winter s'rslebts, ft 6iif liS. Minnesota patenta. 34 404 r6: wln'er raa. 32kiu3 30: Minnesota twikem. 3 55.3 I Wheat winter low grades, r ,ilitl. Rye dull: fair to good, tl W(ti 25, choice Kansas City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 25.-WHEAT-8ep-t.-mber. '.;jc: December. 7Tc; cash. No I hard. C,vu-.s-: No. 3. ;i77Sc; No. 4 i-:i70c; rejected. fcoit'Cc; No. 3 red. 71i 7ic, No. 3. M'jlOc. CORN September, 4Sc: Pecember. 4S'c: ensh. No. 2 mixed, 47tc; No. 3 white, Sif; No. 3. 4c. OAT8 No. 2 white, 4oc; No, I mixed. J? l lie. RT E No. 2. rV. HAY Choice timothy, 310 50; choice prai rie f.?ilO (O nUTTEK Creamery. 164713c; dairy, fancy, 16o. EOClS-Strady Missouri and Kanaaa. caa returned. HV: new No. 3. whltewood cases Included. V.hfi. Receipts. Shipments. bu 137. mn 51 Evaporated Apples ana lrled Frnlts. NEW YORK. July 25 EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is quiet, only a small demand being noted, but such transactions as are reported are at unchanged pricea. Common are queted at 4i0c; prime at 5f 4c; choice at OVitlWc: fancy at r,fi7i,c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT3-3pot prunea are fiehaps a ahade easier, tinder a e.-mewhat amaller movement (Quotations, however, still range from 3c to 7c for all Erades. Apricots show little feature, prices eing about ateady and trade light. Chc are quoted at Sc snd fancy at 12'c. Peachea are quiet, with choice held at 7'y 7Hc. and fancy at kwi"4c. CoaTee Market. NEAV TORK. July 25. COFFEE Spot ; No. 7 Invoice). 7lc; mild, quiet. Cord vi, 7(illc Futures opened quiet at uicha"rei pnis and ruled generally The market closed quiet at a partial decline of points under liquidation. Sxles were 1 2 V bags. Including leplrmber, at 1.70c, and March, at 4 4oc. Atchison KtK Central 4s.. Atchlaca do pfd tvfon a Albany Boston A Mains. N. K. A Fltrhburx pfd .. t'nion Pbciftc ... Vtri Central ... Atn.r. Eusar ... do pfd Amwr. T. A T... bom. I. A S Electric M.aa. K Ice trie . do pfd I nll.d Krult ... I. 8 Pteel do pfd wvaTiLan. mnti.on x Ex-dividend. Aduontar 7! AlloiK-I 4' Anulfatnaud .. a. '-. B.r.haai !4i Cal. A Hsels... lt i.stnnlal .... 137 C'opp.r hang. . H.-lsa buoiiQlon CimiI lau Fraxkhn I) Rural. IX Mohawk ...114 mid liomtnlon . ....11 moeola 1V V, Parrt KS iWulncr IS Triroocntsia Iii'l Trtiuiii .... I'nim Stales . l'" I'tart 77S Vict.irta .... 4 'i. w .nona a& Wuiv.rias 4 w . II .4 4 1H . t . siH 'w . r.- . 33 .. 44 .. 11 .. rn .. 41 .. 17, .. 3-s. .. .. 4V .. 44 hut the same as usual, buyers picked out the best lightweights and would not makf a bid on the heavier loads. The first sties went largely from 35 05 to 35 10, and as hich as 35 15 was paid for a load weighing ?"1 pounds. The market kept getting worse "s the morning advanced until the lat tn nrr've had 'o sell around 34 So Salesmen were not wl'lirfg to sell out at i: .--e rsrures. and ss a result there w several loads In flrwt hands at noon. Th bulk of the sales went from to. 00 to 30.10. w"h the late sales rrom 31 5 to 3S 00. The receipts of hos for the week show a decrease as compared with last week amounting to 17. son heart, but as compared with the same week of lust year there Is not much change. The market has been lower every day this week but one. and tbe net loss for the week amounts tn IS?-. It haa been a very unsatisfactory market to operate on. as salesmen either hd to sell to the first bidder or tnke less for them later on. owing to the fact that buvers have been closirg the markat lower every nolnt of the then July 1 and about t2V per hundred lower than a year ago today. Rcpre Hock lalaatt EABT. Chicago Daylight I l 4.. J 50 am Chicago 'ay!.at LoC:. 7JM am Chicago fcUtvrca 4,13.1 am Des Aiumea txprtsa.. a 4.J pm Cbicago rt e.a.pras..a a: pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L i'i.t J:3w am Lincoln. Colo Springs, Denver, Pueblu ai.d West a 1:30 pm Texas, cai. aot er a s .ev pm V favlaas. fair demand: prices 4 points higher: Ameri- ; Colo . Texaa, C can middling, fair. f.P'id: gd middling j Oklahoma Fly SS3d: mi'd'ing. .f.4d: low mlddllnar d.d: good ordlnarv. 612d: o-dtntry. 5 fid. The sales of the day were 8.(rt bales, of which 6 3oi bales were for speculation and export, snd included 7.100 American. Receipts, none. Futures opened firm and clos'd sleidy. Julv. 6Sv1; Julv-Augtist. '7.f!i)Sd; Auptiv- abasli. St. Louis "Cannon ball" Exurtas St. i-Aiuis Local. Coun cil KluSs UUisarl l'sciee. a 3 tAi a... a a pm a pm blisj am a .jb pia a lilS am a 4:00 pm ai2.40 pm a 8:24 am aio 34 pm " September. 4 23d: Soptember-Octcber. 5 f3 " iSI: October-November. 5.47d: November- Vu'". ,p eS' 9. Iiercaber. 5 34Tif. JF..1 : December-Joruary. w- C. dfc Ow. 5Si4t5 3'd; January-February. 8.1d: Febru ary-March. 5.:7d; March-AprlJ. 5.27d. lev v-k rjr'nsr 1 notations. NEW YORK. July 25 The followlr.K are the quotation on the New York St ck ex- ch.rige: A a.m. Con 'Little Cnlef 4 Allr. IS .Ontario Bresce ' 1 HruTi.sHk Con l !.. O K .. Cal Tunnel v a Vi day. Prices are st tbe low Hon: n:lr year and are about 5Tk lower ) Iron i:vr s. nir. dull: fair to g I to fancy. 31 -S 50. ' CUKNMKAl, 8tead V: U: city. 3! 70; klln-d i fly yellow western. -dried. M:"iia. KTK 4julet: No 2 weatern. Uw-. f o. b. state. &Mjc. e I f.. Nw York. H A Rl.Er Steady; feeding. 35c, c. I f . New York; malting. HHt.t.c. York WHEAT Re.-elpta .75 bu 1M3 bu : Spot, Arm; No 1 red and t?Vc f o. b. Tan. 'it h. t. c I. f.. New ; exports. 1 3lc, elevator. afloat: No, 1 northern o. b. afloat: No. I bard atltoba. MWr. t o. b. afloat. Options rr- gull and fairly well sustained, owing a higher corn market and light apecu- 'Ire offerings. Near tbe cloee further ai'ruitas occurred and laat priors showed U;c net rise Sales Included: No. 2 red Vr. Bwic; July, closed, ilWc: Seplember, Corn. bu. Oats. bu.. 4.UU0 1 3 ij Grala Market. Mllsvankea MILWAUKEE. July JS WHEAT Firm. Clie: No 1 northern. 7ve; No. t north ern HAc: new Sentember. ,.v.e. , RYK Firmer; No. 1 s2Hi43c M a RLE V Steady ; No. 2. 5sg40c; aampla. 4:j5?c t'uHN-September. 5rv52tC. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111 . July 23 COHN-Flrra and Steadv: No. 3. c; No. 4. .c OATS-Dull; No. 4 white. 3oe. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. July H-eEEDS-Clover, flrui, Ovtober. 30 42H UA. dull. F.sparla aad Imports at Sew York. NF7W TORK. July 55 -Exports of specie from this port for the week sggregated f 7 160 stiver and flA7 sold. Imports of specie. 35.774 gold and 31 2 silver. Imports of dry goods snd general mer chaiidiae were valued at 310 47S.11L Oil aad Resin. OIL CITT. Pa.. July 25. -OIL Credit bal ances. 31 54; certificates, no bid. Shipments. lOu 533 bb.s : average so 'i bbls.; runs. 34. M bbls ; average. 76,07! bbls. Rr Ipments Uraa. If.SLi bbla : average. 4H.r7l bla ; runs. Lima. 7" t3t bbls ; average. 56 K3 bbla SAVANNAH. Ga . July 3 4jIL Tui-pen-tlne firm. Rosin, firm. A. B. C. D. 31 66; F. 31 74); tl. 31 tt; H. 3.1 SO: I 32 75; K. t- S': M V ; N H 10; W. O . 33 55; W W.. 33 46. NtW TORK, Jul 2S.-OIL-Cottuutjd, Foreign FlnaarlaL LONtvON. July jS.-Money was In mod erate rniuest today and puces were fairly easy. There wai evidence of increasing demands next week, owing to the settiM- mer.ts and monlh-er.d rey -ilrements. Dis counts were firm on a better supply of Mils. Tbe depression on the Sloe ex change was somewhat alleviated by the events in New York, the r.ew position there dominating the rrsrkets here Consols were tirrnir th in -lerd.iy s street closing quo tations. Bales by underwriters momenta rily ceased. Sme rails were heavy. Amer icans rallied smartly and were mostly well above paniy Little business was trans acted and t rices closed steady. The Japan ese market was up-'t by rumors of alleged trouble lietween Russia and Japan. PARIS. July 25. Trading on the Bourse today had a much better tone than yea teijiy under the influence of encouraging i.e-s from New York. Rentes were stronger. At the close prices were quite Arm. Rio tlntus were In demand and at the clone recovt red 4 points. The private rates of discount waa 2 7-14 per cent; 3 r cent rentes. Tf 30c fur the account: ex change cn Loridun, lV.c for checks. BERLIN. July 2i B jsln.t ss on the Bourse today was stagnant, but the trans actions were of small volume. Exchange on Linden, turn 3.pfgs for checks. Dis count rates: Short bills, 2 per cent; 3 months, 3 per cent. entatlve sales: Ho. At. SS. Pt Ka. At Sk tt SM So 4 SS M rt 1M IS !4i IX 4 M I M 1:1 4tl Tl J14 SO I II rM M 4 5 44 JJ an I r. Ml 4 4 7V4j an i 1 HI n i li 77 rt lji. I jt; tst I ' TS t:t 4" rr iw ao i os at tro io 11 j i m m :4 us si t4 its i so n nt 4 (Tl 7M It" 4 4" T I t SO 41 t4i ... i OJI 44 . t .. i t4 ... i n- 74 tn ss u iw I m 7i r:4 n 4 J44 ia 4 SIS ' rvt TS H4 to IMS M t 1S Tl Ml ID I SIV 44 VI 40 SO fk4 IN 3 k. l tm . . (J l S IS tiS 44 T4 1?4 an ( I. 44 1st lis 4! ri M I tf t SM .1. 44 K so 4 ru V i. fj as i ts ti, 74 Ill " 4 4a tl T4 144 SO I SS f-4 tM . 40 147 44 I OS T7 r ijo u r Ui I ra nt . . 4 147 . . 4 as 7 j. in U . . Kl :w t V 74 ?oi SHEEP Two nn of sheep and Dry Uooaa Market. NEW YORK, July I5.-DRY OOOr-The week ends with buyers practically indiffer ent to merchandise, except when they are obliged by pressing to purchase f.r Immediate delivery. In such esses high pncss are being paid. M jnuf ddurers. how ever, owing to the curtailment pf production In prugreaa. are not urging buyers to op erate and this course La likely iu be pursued fur aouia Um lu com. I us I OTt, I eru t S7V. I P"s r, S7. t nvi 4 (rv, 5 o-i4 E (.'H I 071, I rev. "71, I S7 I rrvi t 7i I I 10 I 10 14 I 10 i 10 I It I 11 I 10 4 11 5 '5 rn.rnhs sold st rone to dime hlrr'er. Idaho yearlings brought 33 75: lmbe 35 5 and ewes 3: WV For the week tbe supply of shen has been very heavy, ss there Is an lnrreee over last week amounting to shout 14 (hi bead and as compared with the same week of :st vesr the Increase amounts to about 14 (ft bead. In spite of tbe libers! receipts, however. ?t local market bs hen in very sstls fsrtory condition. The Bret of the week niirea ssgged a little In the face of the be.vv siit. riles, but toward the close the fMltrg Innproved w thst pricea on sll de slrMe grades of klVers are. If anything a lt'tle stronger thsn st the finw of lust week Tbe part fat kinds are shout steadv for the week It was that class of s'utT thst sufred the most the esrly part of the week. Taking Lbs situation as a whole Jvul. Con.. X Offered. . IS S'mtario . 11 iirri.r & iPrmenii Ptitoat . 4S Ha vac. .low &ierr Neraiia .10 fiuall H.ioua . 4 llaoiiard .. It . . i4 .. r-4 .. . :iv were reported today and thev WerWly Baak Statement. NEW YORK, July 20 The statement of aera?es of the clearing hojse banks of this city for the wek shows: Iurs, $'"7.- v;. ,7'i; increase. 4M.. ueposits. '.'; j.o, (f.i; increase, $7.1t;.7J. Circulation. 34J.1V1, 2".; decrease. 3ii.7i I-gal tenders. 7. ili.51"': Increase. tl.!?i.4sj. Specie. 31 'K7, l'.i, increase, 3".0n3 7'. Reserve, 3-e!.5oS.-t". increase. 37,4K.1'4). Reserve required. SJ20.Mil 2: Increase. II 192,175. Surpljs. 31!.- tl?.4i; increafe. 30,rj3t iiJO. Ex-l"nlted State 4 1 posits, 32.7.3 61a: increase, Xo.6i4.iwu. Wool Market. NEW YORK. July 25 WOOL Firm ; fair domestic, ufje. ST. Lol "IS. July 25 WOOL Steady to firm: medium gradts and comlilng, lsjJ2c; light fine. lMi'.sc; heavy fine, 12jl5c; tub wasl.ed. ji-yJl-Wc. L'lNIiON. July 25 WOOL The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of auction sales amount to 11R.036 bales, including 27,uuO for wards! direct In spinners. ATTEMPT TO WRECK A TRAIN One Haadred Passengers an a Isslk era Flyer Have Harrow Escape. LOV'ISVILLE. Ky.. July 25.-It Is the gen eral opinion that an attempt was made to w reck the Islington and Atlanta flyer of the Southern railway last night and more than lu0 passengers had narrow escapes from duth. Tbe twitch at Tuckers, fourteen miles from Louisville, had been thrown open and tbe train crashed Into two cars loaded with ..a i:56 pm i- .a 3:15 am ,...al0:00am t 1:3 pn pm a 4:1s am .lllnois Central. Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 3:10 pm CbicagK, JtLiunsapoils ax dc raul Liuiueu a 7:50 pm a 3.06 am Minneapolis at sit. Paul Ex pruts b 7 55 am bl0:3J pm CnicutJ Local Itle aim Clacaga txpres .... alO Jt am WEBsTFH DKPU1-laTII at WEBITEH, Cklrago, iu Paal, MtaaeapolU V Oauaka. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 4.30 am a 3:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. . a 2:u0 pm all. Ml am Oakland Local.. b .4a pm It 3.4 am Missouri Facile. Nebraska I -oca. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO: am Cklesgo at or Ik stealer a. Itkrstas ad Wyoming Division. Llaik Hills. Dead wood. Lead, hui bpringa a 3.00 pm a 3.00 pm Wyuuiiiig. Cupper and Douglas d 3.00 pm f .00 pa liaiii.a. lor a. David City, supeiiur, otriieva, Avxsler and scsani a J:'JU pm b 1:00 pm BIKL1NC.TOJI STATION 144TU afc HllUI City. St. Jsttlk ak Coaatill lllnns. Kanaaa City Day E...a 1:15 am Bl. Louis flyer a pm Kansas City Nig hi JO pm Burlington at Missouri River. a t 05 pm ail .ue am a aia Beatrice ana ivs. Arrive. W v mum Lincoln a I -SO am Nebrsjn Express a k.Ui am Denver Llmltec a 4.10 pm black Hlila and Pugs Sound Express all:10 pm a tat pm C o I r a a u veauDuiec Flvaa Lincoln Fsst Mail b 2:52 pm Fort Crook and Platta- xtouth t 3 20 pm Rel.evua aV Pa elite Jet. .a 7 B pm BaLcvua . PsciOo Jcc.a 3-5C am Ckleaaa. Barllagto tsalacy. Chicago SpecUl a T:00 am a 3 53 pm Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a 4 t) pm a 7.40 am Chicago Local a t il am all mo pat Chicago Limited a 0 pm a T 45 aia Fast Mali a 40 pa a Dally, h Dally eicept Sunday d Islty exespt Saturdsy. Dally except afooday. bl2:W pm a i 4j put a am a 1.10 om a l ug am blO 34 ana a t .a am