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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1001. f ( rOR IALE-Ht:AL RUTATR. Bargain TSuHO ELEVEN norM .MODERN HOUSES, NO. 6t4 80. JVni 8 r RKCT, $7,500 60x150 NINH ROOM MODERN HOUSE C'UKNF.H LAM-, PAVtli tti'KKfc.1', No. uol Bo. bill at I. $4,200 MASOJf STRKK1. ;!D Irr WEST OF Pi RL1NGTON DEPOT. SITE FOR AN AI'AHI llb.N i' 1IOUBE. $5, 000 6x11i six nooM Mopkkn oottaof;. fUR-NACE, OAS. PATH, HARD WOOD, 421 KOHTH 418T AVK., $2,5oo 9?tT VACANT TRACKAGE PROrFRTT 10TH AND CLARK. STREET. $1,5 oo Howard Kennedv & Son, 209 First National Bank Building. New List Of Bargains OFFERED fuH h.-nr. i T.m i'inhi'1!" TIMii iiKAU Tin., i.irtL. I 1038 S. lih. 1 house., lot 6i44, rents $2); tirlce. il.vOO. S3; a. 2ud, 7 rooma, barn, paved street, rent li; price, li.tuu. 3225 pierce, room, 00; easy term. 14 8. h, corner lot, rxl42, with ix-room house, burn; prior, $i,tiou. 8413 Jackaou, i looiru. city water, gas c.i- tern. ioi 64124. rents $.2; pi lea, !.. 1423 Mon, a-room cottage, rent L; price, JO) Seward, l-ronni cottage, rent 110; price, 6m. 15u9 Corby, 5-room cottnge. renta $lt; price, tl.OuO; want uu ollrr to c!(iN estate. 2212 N. 17 in, rului.', $50; easy terma. 2!sU-0o N. 25. h at., iwo -room houses, city water, am, lent W0; price, 2,iAAi; owner wania an off it; terma easy. lem ov, price, uwiiiewm Arbor, near 2-th iibuiubooii. n locust, lu-room mocem nouse wiin;UM) ,, :.... hnll ,M, two lull low: price. o.oou. hOl'.S I'ZE f LACE. Modern houae of I roms, largo corner lot; a bargain; price, (3.60a ON MO.STllLl PAYMENTS, Elegant muuern 9-room dwelling; slate roof, large burn, tnree lota; near car line; priue, l,a). GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat. bank Bldg, ISA Fa mum 81. ltti-iw ii CORNER lot near 2th and Lake Hte. Eaat front, omy a-iiw. It taken at once, only llu.uj down una llu.OO per month. Hernia, l a ton lilocn. KiC 7U 24 BUYERS, It will pay you to tee ua before aelectlng e home, or a place for Invest ment. 4-room houae at 1D6S N. 16th at., food repair, ll.St.0. 7-room house 1544 N. ISth St., tz.000. 7-room houae 2u 8. 4let St., new houae, city water and gaa, l.H,i. 9-room frame nuuae, all modern except furnace, barn, shade trees; lot 60x140; 8. auh at., near I'aik, S2.KO. 24) acrea, all good land In Knox county, Nehraaka, fa.26 per acre. 3in acrea In Uieelcy county; 240 acrea In cultivation, balance nay una pasture land; 6-room houe, barn, granary, corn crlba and other outoulldingB, well, windmill and tanka, too per acre. 120 acrea In Madlaon county, well Im proved, beat of aoil, $M per ace. There la a I7.UU) mortgage on this farm running tlva years at 6 per rent. R. C. PETERS &CO. Ground Floor, B"e Pldg. RE 9j7 it 10 ACRES eaat of Penon and within of a mile of car line, I1.G00. 20 acres SH miles from P. O., with fruit. grapes, aeparagua. etc., $3 f.fO. I acrea on North 24th St., 3 blocks from new car line, U.ono. 120 acres, 12 mil a weat, $75 acre. 2.ith, near Cumins. fi'xLS ft., $000. Decatur, near 24th St., ixl28 ft.. $900. 1210 N. 28th St., rooma, $1,150. 7-room houae. near ifih and Cuming, bath, cloaet arid gas. 40x127 feet. $? 000. 1844 8. 15th St., 2 houa-a, $1,250. Urlck cottage, neur UU and Leavenworth, $1,860. i -i South 27th St.. 60x132 ft.. $2,700. Two houaes, near ISth and Leavenworth, rental $420 yirarly. SNAP, $J.5oO. Modern houaea, near Hlelt - nool, $3,600. Pargaina In Knuntan Place houaes. Six apartment flat buildings, rental about $720 per year; price. $t.6i0. Waet Farnam district, 110X24T feet, choice and sightly, large houae; price, $,V00. Owner will take acreage, firm land or city property for equity of $3,tno. JOHN N. FllKNZEH, OPP. OL" P " RE-873 rt FLORENCE LINE. Full aYre, six-room houae Half acre, six rooma Half acre, vacant $1.40) ttiJA l.l 4 0 7 Full acre, vacant Will furnish money to build on Ion. tlmj. These are the cheapen acrej in Ora hi On car gud paved street. C. B. SHEPARD, ft N. Y L. RE -701 26 SPECIAL OFFERS . Cat, Bin Diego eo., o,pl, faim. 180 a. Fla., Citrus co., tine 75 a. farm. Ind., E. Chicago, good lot. Lake Shore Add. Kan., Neosho eo fine 180 a. f irm. Ky., Orayaon co., 70 a.; tin sill. Me.. Cumberland co., jo a. timber land, Boston, Newton, 2 desirable bldg. lots. Mo . Phelpa co., $ a. A lmpts. Flouring mill 4V res.. Bralnari. Neb. Good stock drugs and flat., Wellaville. Mo. Machine and cabinet, shop. Lisbon, N. D. Klngevlile, Ky.. eipd. onn'ng fact ry, store, stock gen. mdse., warehouse, dwel. and barn. Furnished hotel. Chsdron. Neb., $4 ?nn. TV. M. OSTRANDER, N. A. BLIG.. PHILADELPHIA. KB-4 8-26x HOME8 FOR THE PEOPLE Th only way to get a IK'ME of your own Is to win. .., .u7..,M . ona or mor of our lot cn new car lines near Uemls and Miller Parks and Fort Omaha, only $HO to $J0o each and only $fi 00 down and only $5.00 rr month. Bemls, I'axton Block. RE 711 M REAL ESTATE BAROAIN8 Good lot and two houses near Bouth loth 8t Will rent for $30.00 a month. Price $1,750.10 I lots uu mil from nostofflee. only r0.00 each. THOMAS RREN.S'AN. M South 13th St. RE-707 26 SNAPS FOR SOMEBODY. 8-roora house, all modern and good bant on full corner lot, two blockt from car. $3.8ii0, half cash. 8-room hnuaa. modern ana birn. on mn lot. thr blorka rrom car. rc.siu. an cisn. 8-room houae, modern except furnace, on block from car. t2,o. hlf caeh. J B. PIPER, IW Ramg block Omaha. RE 4lS) M HAVE an -room house sid full lot near list and St. Mary' which hs an $1 u0 mortgage. I have a $V9 equity which I would like to exchanae for a small cot tage farther out. Address 1 61 Bee RE 999 H NEW COTTAGE I I YE rooms below, two above: beet plumb ing, gas, laundry in basement: wll built. This hou-ta will rant for IS. but If you buy It will eoat you onlv $18 to occupy It. Iks cheaper to own t'-in to rent. You save on-t'rd: see It. tfr! N. 34th SU C. I. Shepard. 6H N Y. '.if bldg. HE 883 Ml I-ROOM bouse naar 24th and Saulthng, U L$v, aWmia, Puloa Uinck. rAH ItLH-HRAL F.KT4TR. Bulletin. KKJHT ROOM MODERN HOUSE, SO. 138 NO. SD AVR, $0,000 oxlJl EIGHT ROOM MODERN HOUSE BOlTH FRONT. LARGE IIARN, NO. 240 HARNEY ST. $4,2oo VACANT TU KINESS teOT, DOUGLAS STREET. RET. 11TH AND 12I1I Oil EA P AT $5,ooo exii ooon seven room house CORNER IAT. CITY WATER S. W. COR 87TH AND MARCY BTS. $2,5oo rxl40 rEStRARLF. HllLDTNO SITE eliza bin it pwck, irrn street. NEAR HARNEY. $l,5oo VACANT PROPERTY Beml Fsrk, lot ixX, south front. Price Wi.rv. It la a beauty 'On '" near Farnwn, two beautiful eat front lota for I3.6i.iu. They are fine. Let tin ahow them to you. The northweat oomer of list and Poppleton. piOxl66; anuth and eaat exposure. The owner wanta M.Oi0, but says If We thltik the price la high to suggest something That meana ret him an offer. IMPROVED, 1758 A amall cottage, lot 26x81 feet, on Arbor, near 20th 8t., only $500. Easy terma. 800a on l?th. near Dorcas. 6-room hou e, city water. In good repair, Price $-0. It a a bargain. 53a4 2722 8. 12th, a 6-room house, cist front. In good shape, lot ;xlts, for 19 xi. neat roo.n cottage, city water. Il.HO. bar ful, , . wtn frult tlee. nd shrubbery. Price tl.Sui. On 4oth and Corbv. a well built 6-room house with three lota, nice sonde and ahrulibery. Price $!.(). M"i On 24th new modern ft-room houae, nice ahnde t'eea, In fine neighborhood, for R.OOO. r ull lot. tiiti On Kartmm, near KA. a new S-roora cottage, modern except iurnace, 12, S. 6080 la a new 8-room houKe, nicely ar ranged, south front, ha baih, furnace, faa and electric light; can b. purchase! 6r $3,000. It la a bargain. Don t tall to ,e It. 633 On tSth Ave., near St. Mary s, a -room houae, gaa, city water, lot 64x132, on a paved street and all specials paid for. Price $3.0. 158 On S. 12th, near Dorcaa, full lot on which there are two cottages which rent for $40. Price $3,000. This is a good In vestment. 609 Is a handsome 9-room house In the Weat Farnam district. Modern in vry particul ar. Pride $7,500. Payne Investment Co., Main Floor New York Life Building. Tel. 1781. RK-Hi-tS BEAUTIFUL lots near 24th and Manderson St., only $10.(0 down and $10.00 per month. He mis, Paaton Pluck. HE 712 26 SOME REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Ala., River park. 6 r. cottage und lot. Ark., Grant Co., 80 A., timuerland. Ark., Independence Co., IX' A. and lmpts. Ark., Benton Co., 40 A. and Impta. Cuba, Manirmragua, 160 A. tobicej farm. Cnl., Riverside Co., 20 A. impd. fiult ranch. Cal., Tehama Co., 21 A. fruit ranch. Cal., Pacific Grove, 6 bldg. lots. Cal.. Calaveras Co., ltio A. farm; I) A. olives. Quel-ec, near Richmond, C8 A. mineral land. Ont., Kingston, fine double res. and lot Col., Dumont, house and lot. Conn., Litchfield Co., ) A. and lmpts. FU Marlon Co., 2 3 A. stocked farm. t;i.. Home, good res. und lot. ,11., Polo, desirable rca. an! lot, 111., S. Waukegan, 2 tin bldg. Iota. Chicago, lot balrd 4k Rowland's uhd'n. Chicago, good bldg. lot. Be lamy's subd'n. 111., Aurora, 1 desirable hlilg. lot. Indianapolis, tine lots, Mudlfon av. Ky., Hyden. 6 t. res. and lot. M.ifs , Plymouth Co., 12 A. and lmpts. Mich., Bay City, 7 A., suburban land. Mich., Ithaca, excellent modern res. and lot. Mich.. Sault Ste Marie. 14 bldg. lots. Mich., Ann Arbor, mod. res. and l3t. Hill at. Minn , Worthlngton. $ fine bus. lots. Mn Texas Co., 16u A. and lmpts. . Mo., Pottawattamie Cr, 40 A. and Impta. Neb., Cherry Co., 7.6X1 A. stocked ranch. Neb., Rock Co., l,44u A. eupd. farm. N. 11., Lebanon. 2 good bldg. Iota. N. J.. Salem Co., 3 tarm. embracing 240 A. Atlantic City. mod. cottage N. lown ax. N. Y., German Flats, mod. res. and lot. N. Y.. Oneida Co.. 78 A. and imnta. N. D., Richland Co.. 30 A. and lmpts. Perry Co., 160 A. and lmpts. t L, U B 1,, A 1. Okl., Norman, lo r. re, and 4 Iota. , Pa., Glana de modern rra. and 12 A. $lciW I R. I , Warwick, mod. res. and lot. . Tenn., McKcnsle. r and 2 A. ; Utah, Ogden. 22 g sid b:dg. Inta. I Vt.. Bennington Co., 1 farms embracing t0' Wash., N. Yrkima. mod. res. and V A W. Va . Parkersburg. 2 fine b'da-. lots. Wis., Delevan. double stire blHg g'l J-t Wis., Green Bay, hospital and grounds; ex cellently locnted for bu. bl ig. W. M. 08TRANDER. ft. A. Bldg.. PHI LA. RE-8.-7 24 1 WILL you buy this If you find It ss rpr seniear An eigm-room nous witn par lor, back purlor, dining-room and kitchen on the first floor, and four sleeping rooms on the secund floor, all large, light and airy. lias -bath, r'oset. gas, hot and cold water, murldc lavatory In bathroom, good cellar, small burn, chicken house and chicken yard, two lota 9Sxl3 ft, south front, larpe ahade and fruit treea. lots of nice shrubbery, flowers and vines. Liwu I heuvy sod. clover and hlu grasa; two and one-half block front Far nan car. For a few days at $1,750. if you wi'l telephone H or call at our office, we will be pleased to show you th above property. R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Be Bldg. UE-SaS 26 BY ADVERTISING In hundreds of th greatest publications la th teethed by which the I. S. Realty Trust. 1S7 Broad way, K. Y., Bull inure re I estate than any firm In the country today. 749 t6x A CHEAP HOME IN DUNDEE. NOTICE The School Board of District No. 61. Douglas county, Neb., will offer at public s.l on Thursday, July 30. lisa. at 7 p. m., on the premises, the arhool build ing l.K-sted near 49th and California ts. In Dundee. This is the cutnmodloua frame building so constructed as to be essily convertible Into a neat t-rnem cottage. D. F. JOHNSON Director REM-750 10 Hay and Stock Ranch. If you see this and mean business and will buy on of th bt properties In th Klk horn valley at V actual value, rail on us for particulars. Homeseckers' Association, N. f . Lit Bldg KE-tm 26 FOR SALE In Colorado a Bouth Park ha and of $ acrea; has Urge waler rights of pr oltv: all Impruvtuenii and Implements Included: hay crop now growing: th finest locality In th moun tains for cattle; alan art J lining largj cattle rang. Owners, 6J Broadway, room 6. Invr, Colo, HJfi-879 3M Western Farms Have Steadily Wise Investors Are Putting Their Money FOR SALK UK At, ESTATE. WANT A HOME? Excellent new home in West Far- nam location; lower floor has a re ception hall, front and back parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, tin closet, Ice chest room; upper floor has five sleeping rooMS and bath; third floor, attic; large cemented cel lar with servants closet; furnace, gas fixtures and plumbing very best quality. This is a modern home, complete In every detail; location choice. If sold at all must be sold at once; worth $10,000, price only 8,500 Another desirable new home, smal ler but just as complete and in West Farnam location. Cheap at $3,750. Residence of 9 rooms with large corner lot; six blocks from High School; biggest bargain in close in property. In the city. Only 54,100. Fine modern 6 room cottage In Walnut Hill location; rooms large; entirely modern including coal and gas ranges; a beautiful little home. Price $2,500. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO, 1320 Farnam street. RE 79 i FOR RENT 8-room modem houa. hot water heat. 2J18 lilnney St $3.00 8-room modern houae, N. 20th St.. 20. 0 THOMAS BRENNAN, 209 Bo. 12th St. D 708 NEW HOMES are scarce. However we have sev eral genuine snaps. NEW 7-room, modern, walking distance, convenient to nigh school. 2,too. NEW 8-room. modern, fin neighborhood, north. $2,000. NEW t-roum, modern, corner 100x128. $2,800. NEW 6-room, modern, nice location, $1,600. Don't buy an old house before seeing us. ERNEST SWEET. 613 N. T. L. TEL. 1472. RE 884 Di FRUIT, GARDEN and POULTRY ACRES ana rarms near Omaha and Council Bluffs, all sizes, all prices and on moat any reasonable terma. Uemls, Paxton Block. RE-710 28 $2500.00 Buy a very neat 6-room modern cottage on the 19th st. boulevard, within walking distance. Nice lot, shade tree, perma nent walks, cemented cellar under whola houB. If you want a home that la a horn let us show you this. TH2 BYRON REED CO. U2 South 14th. RE-883 24 FLORENCE BARGAINS. Over 100 lots In Florence for aula to close an estate. Id block 9s. $3) to $40 per lot. In bloca 114. to v per lot. In block lis, - to ii per lot. Thla is a sutnple. Uihr luw Correspond- Inoli. , hi.nn THE BYRON REED CO. 212 8. 14th St. RE 976 26 $0 MINUTES drive from good Iowa town, at 4J an acre, small la.m nora;; owner wants cash; no agents. Address J ib, Bee. R 9i'0 26x $3,000.00 For' 1329 South 27th. Fine 6-room 2-story, all-modern home. Look at It If you want a naigiln. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 610 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 967 X LOTS near 27th and Ruggles Sts.. only $'Jbo to $ju each and only lu.o0 down and $10.00 per month. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE 714 26 $65.00 AN ACRE Is Not Too High. For a fine Improved farm in Burt county: 'buildings nearly new; fenced and orosa fwi.cud. gooU orchard; two groves; land can all be cultivated: three miles from Lyons. We are going to show this nel Tuesday or Weuuesoay. Com and go with us. HASTINGS HEYDEN. (10 N. Y. Lile Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Kb-Msi 26 TRACKAGE corner, 66x132 feet, N. E. cor ner lilfh and Cass Sts., only $6,500. IT'S A BARGAIN AND NO MlSl'AKE. TWO SToR I BKICK OOE3 WITH IT. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE 717 8 PAYNE. BOBTWICK A CO. VH3 S. lMh Ae. 3-r., city waler, cementel cellar. In good shape, $'. $13 8. 36th o-r. cottage, city water anl gas, splvnald neighborhood, $15. 14iu N. lTth i-r., city water. $7. i.ti Charles 5-r. cottage, city water, Just papered, 110.60. 2iiU Capitol Ave. -r., city water and CAS. $13. 140 N. 4oth Choice 7-r. strictly all modern new houa. UA. 316 N. tn--r.. ALL MODERN. $kX We have two chuli-e houses, 9 and il-r, close In, at 850 each. PAYNE, BohTWICK CO. Fhone Ida. ol-3 N. Y. Llfe RE 964 17 6-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace, paved street, choice location, within walking distance, only 82,100; $600 cash, balance $20 monthly. J 47, Be office. NEW bouse of 10 room, noar J7th and Davei.poit Bis., only IS.M. Com In and get tuil particular. Bemis, Paxton Block. RE 71 WILLIAMSON IrStSaSrA 11-111 W. C. CHISSELL. 83 K. Y. Uf Bldg. RaV-liUM AT 10-ROOM moderu house. 11 b'.ovk from Eostofflce for sal cheap. 108 N. 15th. ncwa Co. RJi-: HOU8ES and lots in all parts ofclty; also tcr properly ana tarm lano in. u. w. lavls Co., Room KM. Be Bidg. HS-8t RANCH anu farm lands for ! th Lulon Pactnc Rallruad eomcany. B. A. McAlieater. land cotrsatraloBer Cr.loa fv UOu liradquai tar. Oniaka, Nb- RE-X19 SALINE COUNTY farms ar th bt. I nav bl'Oi barcalna. Write fur Darllcu Isrs at once. F. U. Johnson, Dorrhestet, IS CO. K&-MyC AZ2 T-ROQM HOUSE naar 40th and Farnam Sia., east front, full lot, only $3,000. Easy term. mla, raston ttlocu. RX 711 M FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. D. V. SHOLhS CO. i SPECIALS $0 4 room. TOxJM feel, 3Sth. near Sprngue, anaD. ll.(o-35th. near Franklin, 6 room., neat, mod rennlr: eaay t,rma :lw 11 8. ioth, room., city water; 6nxltv foot lot. want to cioae out quirk. Make ua an offer for caeh. I!. it'Jt Seward at., 7 room, aewer. water, gaa; W'xU.-foot lot, whlrh eaatrrn owner want to clone out aulrk. I2.U 10-room houae, fine repiilr, newly painted, 2 full lota, uunowe rince, tine view. M,7ti0 Corner Georgia eve. and Woolworth. -room houae. oak ataira. veaillmle and hall, fine cellar, furnace rooma. cemented, good repair, nna corner lot, hnndaome lo cation, cloao to 1'ark church, achool, etc. Kara-Bin. It.70-h.aat front llanaoom Place, 50x142, 9 Mnmi. oak nnlah modern houae. heat bar- nln In the addition; cloae to car. A perfect gem of a house, lnrge rooma. bcnldea bath, hall, etc., In Wcit Farnam district. In the very cream nor tlon of this part of the city; high, sightly, only one block from the car. DOWN TOWN Corner 19th and Burt, an elegant, well- nullt 10-room houae, fine hardwoods, beau tiful arrangement, built by it former banker for line home; large lot corner on North Boulevard, walking dlatance. and offered at about 40 per cent of what the houae and lot cost. Vacant and can be shown any day. See It. VACANT $.50 For 52x124 feet cn Sherman ave. cur line, north part of city, with paving and Sidewalks oald for In full, llaruiln $55tt For fine &ti-foot south from lots near llth ana Mimdrraon, elegant shade and cloae to car. Fine bulKlinr ltra $?75 For some fine 60-foot lots on Larimer, near "4th; sewer. $75iv-For a beautiful lot 8txl38, In Bemls Park. $3,X For a very fine east front corner In west farnam district, one hlock from cnr. ilea perfect, beautiful building site. Noth ing nicer. $3.Joo For rtnxTS feet on Jth av., south of Farnam; swell. COUNTRY PLACE 161x269 feet, one full acre, on 44th. six blocks south of J at: Ilea superb and covered with every variety of fruit, all bearing; fruit alone In good year pay handsome profit on cost; 6-room houae, barn, chicken houae, well, etc. Such a place la hard to find, and takes years to develop. Price $1,850. CHEAP RANCH Holt county. Neb.. 9j0 acres, northeast of Stuart, about $1.0uo worth bullUlnga; 80 cultivated; running water, cut 240 tons hay. some timber, cloae to P. O. and school. Owner's health compels quick sale. Snap at $4,800. KB 701 26 40 ACRES near Florence, covered with fruit and berrlea, grapes, etc. 8 ma 11 house. Only $4,000. Uemls. Paxton Block. RE 715 26 $2,200.00 $-room house In Florence. 1V4 block from car; nice shade, city water, nice lawn. THE BYRON REED CO. 212 So. 14th St. RE 974 26 MODERN, 8-room dwelling, paving paid, near 31st and Pacltlc streets. 150x1 i0, corner, two blocks off Farnam St., $2,000. Two cottages on Parker, near 2oth street; annual rent, $J2; paving paid. Price only $1,600. 10 acres half mile south of Center street road, overlooking valley of Little Paplo, $1,250. Modern 8-room dwelling, two blocks off Farnam St. line. On block In Florence suitable tor fruit; two blocks from cur line. 1 Wyman-Shrlvr Co., New York Life Bldg. RE-977 26 SAME AS RENT On monthly payments. Houses and lots In various parts of the city. S rooms 30th and Charles $1,200 4 rooma 29th and DuDont 750 $ rooms Clifton Hill... rnnma 27th and Burdette . 1.800 ( -.ISSI I 7 rooma 4Ist and Farnam 2,000 8 houses and lot near 26lh and Leav- n worth i.w0 Also other. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE-719 26 7-ROOM house, small barn, near 32nd and California, only $1,400. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE-722 2b FOR SALE. $8 000.00 for 8-room modern houae. new, de sirable locution, in west part of the city. $6.0U) 00 for 610 Park Ave., 8-room house, all modern, house cost $.000.00; lot. i5xlo0 ft. $5 oofl.oo for new 7-room modern house near 35th and Dodge Sts.. full lot. $3,o.00 for 6-room cottage, modem and in first-class oondltlon, near 26th and Burt St. $3.ui0.00 for 6-room modern houae, 2.ol 1 :ra Rt 81.6uC.u0 for 3xlSi feet on Webster street, near 18th St.; buildings rented for $16.00 per month. . $iW).ro for lot on grade near 24th and Burt t $6o0.00 for lot en Pratt St.. near 26th. OBOTiGF. COMPANY. 11 Farnam St. RE WIS !6 9-ROOM house near 25th and Maple Sts.. In splendid condition, modern. $3,000.00, or will take smaller house a part payment. Bmla. Paxton Block. RE .-1 20 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. SOc to $2 per acre for ranches. $3 to $12 tor good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. Mc ALL ASTER, . Land'Co'missioner.Union Pacific R. R. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. FOIt SALE 480-acre farm. Very chMce. New and modern Improvement. Saun ders county, Nebraska. Trice $55 per acre. Easy terms. 10 years, 6 per cent. Richard C. Patterson, 12:4 Farnam St, TWO FARMS 16 acrea eich. Rich black luud. Living water. Very choice. Prlcj $50 per acre. Eaay terms, 10 years, 6 per cent. Richard C. Patterson, 1221 Farnam gt RE-i6S-2 FOR SALE, or exchange, two modern well built and moat eiegenuy huu.wj cvcu- room hou sits In J.pun. Mu. j-iij-, with good stable on eucli. Ad lresa, J 4 1, Bee KK-4 l-3 -ROOM house and full lot near 2tn anu Erskliie, only .t. uemn, raiwn "" He, 7 JO 'Js ron a ext koisus. itMicrr In all Dart of the city K. nvJUOCO c. Peters a Co.. B Bldg. D p. FOR RENT. 7-room house, all modern ex cept turn, ivi . io si,, e.v. aa. Bachman. 4J8-37 Paxtou blk. D Ms UrtllCCC In all part of th city. Tb O. rlUUoCj F, Davis Co., 50b Be Bldg. D lo. PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO. Cbolc house. BUl-eui xuia .ii diu. raunf auib. D 640 WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van A Stor gg Co. Tel 1494. Cfflc, 1711 WbsUr 8U D &a FOR RENT, ten-roorp modern bouse near High school, io. iinnrin xza air set. in quir acil door or at 419 N. Y. Lit build Irui. D-4C CENTRAL. lt-lBJS 7-room houa. 2J0 N. $4 It -M4TI HOUSES, Insurance,, Btuj-kor bik. D 147 TWO 9-room houses, all moOcm. $16.00. C. M., 434-87 Paxtun block. D-M7a TO MOVE rtffht get Oraaba Van Stoiag Co., ofttc UAirk I arnam, or Tl. 15ki kj. D U Increased. Into Land. FOR RKT HIH E. 1"H S. Htli St . 7-room modern house... $V 1JI3 Webster 8t , 11-room modern houae 40. iw Apnrttnent In Normandle, 7 rooma. HENRY F. DA1LEY, Tnon F-M. 6ol Bee Bldg 1 Dii -Ti 6:'4 S. 2lh. 8 rooms, modern $35 W Jit4 liariiuy, -r., mod . vac. Aug. 1.... &.00 -i.lj Poppleton. 7 rooms, modern M-j St. Jdaty a, I rooma, modern.... 1M4 Locual, 10 rooms, modern 2H0 H. 34 1 h, 8 rooms, modern 837 S. 2M. I rooms, bam it. 10 N. liith St., 8 rooms modern 1 n i J M. I' in. rooma 2Hia 8. 171 h. 5 rooms 24J3 t liming, 4-ronm flat ZiH N. JimI. i rooma 2T 8. i'uh. t rooms $412 Jackaou, 7 looms 21.00 in 00 27.60 1SHJ 11 Ii0 17 uO 12.00 ID. 00 10. (W 6.00 i.l n.uo U A R V 1 N H It t) 8.. Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg., luo4 Farnam St I- i5 27 NEAR IIAN8COM PARK. Strictly modern 8-room houne. In splendid shape throughout; special Inducement U Ueslralile tenant. Payne, Botlck A Co., 801-S N. Y. Ur Bldg. D-MS3-27 CEN-R(OM brick. furnace, g-is, bath; everything complete. 114 N. 2ith St. 1 612 30x FOR P.ENT-2318 Dotiglaa St.. U rooms. Apply bC9 N. Y. Life. D-8 2Ji DEWEY AVE. 8-room house, modern, $30. E.H S. 2th 8t.-5-room cottage, city water Inside, $15. t;t wnt St. A dandy 9-room houae, bath, closet steam heat, large barn, two lots, fenced ITI, an Ideul home, $26. 21th & Locust 8ts.-A new 7-room modern house, K'. 4.M0 Seward St. -9-room houae, city water, barn, nice yard. Have special proposi tion to make on this place. We still have two good 1-rnotn flats with hath, cloaet, etc., on 2Hh and Dcwcy Av.. for $10. Payne Investment Co., Main Floor New York Life Illdg. D-SWI-2S A SPLENDIDLY furnished house in Dun-ili-e for rent for the month of August. No children. Inquire of R. C. Peters & Co.. Main Floor, lleo Building. D-972 26 8-ROOM houae and small barn, good con dition. M South ?tl St.; rent, $0. Walter Breen, 209 South 13th St. D 914 26 SEVEN rooms, modern, nearly new. 644 S. 3tKh at.; VS. SIX rooms, modern except furnace, new, with pantry, porcelain bntn. r. Manna f., phone D 725 SEVERAL 10-room houses, one S-room, one 6-room. Bemls, Paxton Block. D 724 20 , FOR RENT, nice 8-room flat, modern, by ! liself. B. 16th. 'Phone AXK. D 73 9T.X BISI.NESS CHAKCEa. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. 312-314-815 Brown Block. 'Phone A3S37, WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS. Family hotel, 60 rooms, elegantly furnished. Furniture coat $7,600. Will sell for $3,500 to right party. Rate per couple, $.0 to $100 per month. Will net large Income. Mill and electric light plant In Neb. county seat. Been In operation but 18 months. Price, $13,600 time on part If desired. One of Omaha's beat known reataurants, with 8 furnished rooms for tranalents. Feeding 45d to 600 per day short order. Price, $2,200. The very best pool hall and cigar store In Omaha for $1,M. 6 tables. Be this will stand closest Investigation. New 80 bbl. mill and elevator combined, In heart of best agricultural district In Ne braska. No mill nearer than 16 miles. An Inspection of this plant will convince you of it desirability. H Int. In one of Omaha's bottling works. Onlv two nlants In th city. Doing big business profits large. $1,400 for best saloon In Bouth Omaha sales from W to stiO per any. investigate una. $300 grocery for sal. New, clean and a Dargain. We have a client who will rent a 26-room fiat to good party. All furnished and full of boarders and roomers. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL OR TRADE, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, WHERE LOCATED OR WHAT IT 18 WORTH. LIST WITH US FOR QUICK SALE. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO, Y-708 $6 FOR SALE, by administrator, good clean Block of general merchandise Id good brick building In good location, ready to begin business at any time; Invoice about $6,000; must be sold soon. Call on or address 8 W. Chambers, administrator, Blair. N0. Y-M 871 FOR SALE Clean, new stock of general merchandise and building; Invoice about $7,000; wejl established trade: good com munity. Addres J 34, Bee. Y M4o A FIRST CLASS business opportunity In Ne btnskn. and adjoining states; from $200 to $1.0oo Cash capital required: this Is no mining stock or gambling schema, but a straight, legitimate and permanent bus), neas. For full particulars address N. R., care of box 770, Hillsboro. O. Y-M620 16k WHEN you want to buy, sail or exchange any property or business quick, see I. H. Johnson. 811 N Y. Life. Y-217 FOR SALE Real estate, rental and In surance uusiness. In Ixst county in Ne braska; a snap for a man with a little money and me push. Established ten year. Address lock box $45, U'tnride, Neb. Y-Mii A6 FOR SALE House and furniture; only $1 ay nouae in town oi i,ao; Deal location In northeast Nebraska. For furlhi-r par ticulars, write to 11 t. Omaha. Neb. Y-M.S3 29. FOR SALE Coal stock In good Colorado mine. W. 8 Butterbaugh. Delta. Colo., for F. W. Ford, J3U W. 40th ave.. Den ver, COIO. y aims 20X 'THIS BEATS NEW JEREEY"-Charters procured under South Dukuta laws tor a tew dollars, write for corporation laws, blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law rence, late nssistunt secretary ot suite Huron, Beadle county, Bouth Dakota. Y 2'ix 100 PER CENT upward per annum, monthly dividends, safe as the bank. A trust com pany has securities for sale In blocks of iuu up. vt in stand fullest investigation. r. c. m. l pton, Chicago, in. Y-991 2Cx AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. For Sale The beat dry goods and millinery buslneaa In county aeat town of 4.0O0. Bur lington R..R. division headquarters, round house and machine nhopa; one of the larg ,eat pay rolls In th state; stock reduced from $16,oiai to $2,600 In four months; profits above store and living expenses, $.,uoo In six years; reason for silling. utuiii ui uiuuiuer vt in nrm. Auuress 44, Be. Y 9M2 14 FOR SALE, excellently located, LarU-r shop, bath outfit, good transient and local trade; town population, 1,200; one other shop. Plica, 1170. Address Bog vi, wiay ienier, rmu. 1 ! Ox WE CAN SHOW YOU How $20.00 earned $1,000 in a safe, legiti mate enterprise. Absolutely reliable. No fake mining or stock schem. This offer la made by an old established flim of 17 years standing. Fltsgerald A Well, lii- 1S4 La8allo St., Blilcagu. y-iM 26x HOW $20 EARNED $3,027 IN ONE WEEK Get the story from, on who accomplished this through our advice, handling hi own money. Write us. STAR ft CRESCENT CO. (Incorporated.) insane Bt., Chicago. Y-8A3 Xx 100 LOTS free. First J00 applicants send ing stamp will rocelve g deed XxblO feet, suburb It. Y., title perfect. Agents wanted. Salary, lior month. th n- tury Iteaiiy Co., $ Wall Bt., New York. Y-946 Mx FOR SALE, barber shop In Nebraska; city or t.xo, rooa uusine; 111 hesitb. Ad or v. AHie. nt mk.b c hi v.n. V IN VFSTE1 WITH US KVHNT I' Mav T to Mav ;7 ' Wav to June IT It" : June l to July T . f Write and l.-mn how w dl, It. C. T. Richard ft Co., 74 Hroadwav. N Y. y -'.: vt 8T(H"K of merchandise at a price to Indure anvone to luv that la looKlng ror a far gain; invoice $2 and must Iw- -old t once' town of I.M two rallroa Is. llfly mllea from Lincoln. Don't rlte. be-l come and 'e. Block can be moved If R referred. 1'. O. Box !., Stromsluii g. ;eb. T 26x patents GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED Oil FEE RETURN ED. Send model or sketch lor MtElii opinion ua to patentability. Send for il luatiated (Jl li'li Hik.iK mid list of In ventiona wsnted. lineal publications Insued for fre, illsiribulloii. Contain valuable Information regardlnK palcnls. trade marks and copyrights, how to obtain and sell litem; loo mechanical movement, etc. Patents secured by us advertised free In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPL13 COPIES FREE. Address. KVANS. WI1.KINS CO. Registered Attorneys. W3 F St., Washing ton. D. C. CASH for your real estate or business, no matter wnere locatro. n you ocsiro b quick sale aenrt tis di-scrtptlon and price. Northwestern Business Agency, Hank of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. FREE, 100 lots to advertise Edgewnter 1'ara, sunurns rsew rora. urnu sinnip for deed 2A feet. Hank references. 8cn slde Homes Co., 1S7 B way. N. Y. Y CONFECTIONERY and stationery store. with soda fountain In Black Hills gold mining town of Kino population; doing ji.imo per month rash; make Us protlts. Will sell st invoice $2,700. C. W. Barker. Lead. 8. D. Y- AN established cereal food company de alres the services f reliable man to flU responsible pmltln; eompciisnllon $",on0 per annum; highest ref,rences required and given. Address Atnlltors' department, Box 4S42. Battle Creek. Mich. T S Per Cent Weekly You can handle your own money and rea lixe an average income at the above rate; send for our free booklet, which explains our method In full. GEORGE F. REYNOLDS A CO.. Haw thorne, III. Y P41 2t;x $C0 EARNS $1,600 weekly. Our phenomenally succeaaful operations still contlbue; straightforward Investment methods hon orably conducted on lemtlmate business frlnclples' by America's most successful urf brokers; extraordinary exclusive In formation facilities; thousands Indorse our dally three-horse guaranteed winning spe cial; telegraphed anywhere. $5 weekly; absolutely safe: handle money yourself; booklet telegraph code free. Prudential Bureau, Assessors' Bldg., Chicago. Y IMS 26x BUSINESS BARGAINS. Ennd. saw and planing mill and 600 A. land. Hardman, Ore., $6.6ofl. Cake, ice cream and confectionery bus, stock and flxt., Fredericksburg. Va.. tl"0. Laundry plant and dwel., Hamilton. N. Y. Furniture, bldg., mstcrlal and woodwork mfg. plant, complete; China Grove. N C. Carpenter ahop and mill, Salem Depot. N. H Water, power, dwelling and 1 13.4 A., Man chester Center, Vt., $3,0on. Vloiir mill, elevator rind mcliy.. Lnmnr. Mo. Millinery stock and flxt., Wasocs. Minn. Complete boot and shoe bus., Wllklnsburg, To. Green house bus. and 1 A., Hudson. Mich. Patent trnuser and skirt supporter, $.1,000. Tstent show case. f'.'O.OOO. Est. genl. mdse. bus., store and dwel. and 1"4 A., Toughkenamon, Pa.; big profits, $14,510. Modern brick mfg. bldg., Pnwtuckrt. R. I. Buggy, harness nnd horse furnlsl-'ro. bus., Iorsnsnort. Ind.. at inv. about la.nm. Fst. ssddlerv bus.. Mason City. Ia.. $5,000 Tron works - Sera nton. Pa., mfa. bnr iron. n. R spikes, wharf and boat spikes. $75.- 000. Flour and feed mill, warehouse, dwelling and ot. Carterav In. Ga.. 315.noo. Complete wood working plant, Chattnnongn. nental olnoe, nutnt ana nns.. jHuncie, inu. Nuraerv and bulb farm and IVi A.: est. bus, and stock. Centervllle, Ind.. $2 500. Mf M. O. bus.: useful article. $800. Block of millinery. Jewel rv nnd racket fronds and hldr.. Ormahv. Minn.. $1 000. Fnc'ory hldr.. prounds, water right and sidetrack. Derby. Conn.. :'5.onn. Peatsnrnnt. bnkerv. confocO bit.. Dnlnth W. M. OSTRANDER. N. A. BLDG.. PHIL x 917 aix EXTRA DIVIDEND NOTICE. A TRIED AVO PROVRV GREAT MONF.Y-MAKING ENTERPRISE For thirty vears C. E Rand has nromntly fulfilled all contracts t M co-operators anrl Investors The K. Rand company. ro-aperatlve owners of race horses and general turr enterprises, receive invest ments of 85nr.fl and unwnrd for which the have never paid less than 8 per cent per week on everv dnllay Invested. Dldl r1 are remitted to nil Investors on Tv.dnearlnv nf each week. All invest menta subject to withdrawal with Interest to date upon demand. Tho hnvlng a little Irt'e monev would do well to heeome tnrvirhlv scnoslrted with all dntslls of the business. Financial end nrofes-lonsl reference envring rrod of thirty vear WHte foe e.-rtcnl-r. TH" C E. RAND COMPANY, rtrendwav. New York City. rut Tnlv 1 1903. we nnld o ill our investor an extm ouarteriy mvioeno m per cent, and this was n exees nf the 8 mr cent reninr wesiy n'voienu. iem quarter dividend duo October 1, 1K03. Y-PII Wx vkrrv. OTT. and mlnlnsr stock. To you own ttoerrl AK ror ssmpie rmv ninr'in",, list of lnslnld shocks, nnd other v'ir1'e InfnrrasHon to Irvestors., Flnsnclnl Ttu letln, Denver, Colo. Y-8i3 'Xx pt-y Bertember corn. The present tin pralle'rt slttiatini in ine corn m-,-- ev pp greatest opnnrunltv for oulcVlv rnsllrlne- enormoiis profit ever known. Those wbo tiVe Imreedl te sdv"ntne of ri.esent conditio" bav everv chance for msrnincent prnnia c i""r"i-j ment report. 1suer1 Julv 10. hon- te rr.rrnpr. of corn nlsnted to be 4 "oo em sere es than V" vear. pnd a1 so sbows tb condition cf the crovng crop J"'v 1 to be lower thnn env corn cron on the s e dote the neat ten veara. PtiCi con rtlttora undoubtedly mean n sm"" ern pnd enraenuent bla-her prices. 8o"h a chnne floes not rnms every flav arrt vnii can 111 afford to let 'Hs rddn nptmr. tunitv ecpe yon. We em corn rlntlis and dvrt our entire attention to the handling of corn tnvtments. For thet reason w sro better fitted to handle vour secoont than nny otbT commission Poi'- In the cnntrv. Seed for our free fnoWlet. ' I the most complete V.noV1et nf tbe kind ever Issued. It etlalns our reetbod. tej's von a'" shout the present sltiietlon In corn. and. In fact, tells you everytMne you won'd wsnt to know be fore In vest In No mat'er where you Ilv nor bow lnexnerlen-ed von mav be. you esp deal e BUeeeasfllllv tbrouirh US a thmiirb von wr sn experienced denier tied lie-. In r.prsn" to niTH-'Vl". your In vetront Tou w'H never -nve a better ooeortunitv to outcklv renl'Te bnndsome profit, on nn Investment. Don't -nlss It Addres Me'ehnt BroVerag" A fomm'-sio- Co . Suite 419. Guy Buidle. St. Ixula. Mo. Y-915 ?6x TOTtN! CORN! PORN ! Piiy Vrdernher corn now: Peptrpber corn I st bo'tom: sure to raise in t-t dava. Sentember corn will reach TV n- on account nf tb cron condition. kdva wiring mi'ebsslng order at ones and let your remlttstiee follow bv mall or writ at one for ""r pnmnlilet nnd rulde xr.lalntnr ell nul cn-n. B .T. Hoge A Co., Ijclede Bldg., St. '"l. Mo. Y 944 2x WANTED, sa-enta evervwbere. bv lnrpe rapsportntlop corr,pnv. in everv eitv. large or small, t" nines lasne nf stock for the roirpo-" rf lneroaslti" Its tresent equipment. Tb' pnvs made necessary in order to hnndle enormous vo'-'mo er frvivht srd psasenaee p.. Th stoeV rf yn rot-panv pava th -nr-nt ree-nl-r iMvlAopds nf .rv t"-nsto'tTt1on shares 'n the United State Even'lo-n offer rsr1 rerr.-nt-t)ve and respnrslble rnnoere or lndlv'du',la everywhere to " "t na f" ntii for the company. For eom-.i,,. l-rr atlnn sddre- at o-e. "B-Llne" 102 Till Trust Bldg., Chicago. T SOT JT.x WE DFSIPF fha aervlces tif btiatlers In everv section of tb roiir'ry ss persons of toedlra; end phttv ran earn bndme rfm Trnpsant''- B a nrt. or ail of tl- time; nor -ion la new: no mnv o- -xper1,-nca tbla pronosltlon will rt- v vou bs "d do rot fall to Investigate t- full psrllcuiars free unon reooest Address Merchants EroVer-ae ar" Commlrs'on Co., Gay bldg., 6u Louis, Mo, Y l'ltlllK.ltTIK Mt(.l:ll. W. FARNAM SMITH' & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act ns RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE" for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS. and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. HMFarnamSt. Tcl.l064. lit MM ( II IM i:, a'raRE CHANCE ' Fur snine'iodv If token soon; fine J4-Ied f:otel i r eilr or rent, doing n big busl luss Vriir to me for p.irtn ulars, Harry J. Herring, l.usk. Wyo Y K)l SA1 h MAGNIFICENT SIOCK FARM f,HK) Acres Excellently watered, owner's declining health cause of selling. 1'. imIii to null i; buyer. For prices und furtlnr particular w rite STEPHEN PECK & BRO AGENT. Lincoln Trust Bldg Pt. Louis, Mo. Y 067-27. FOR SALE Well eBlnhllshed shoH stortt and I. u tie repuii ing ti'Hile at a I'nrgaiii. -Noitli Main ttirvul, Kremont, No. Y 737 i'6x WANTED A location by youiiK up-to-date physician. Aduii'ss C, Hew olllee, Colin ill Hlu ITs. ia. Y 74j 14 $3'" HALF cash, hit lance from profits; ae- i'Uri'1 one-hall I lit, rr-l in real estuU' anil Linker s olllio. Addroa J 53. Hu Y-M7I4 t'Tx I tut i:t hax.i:. TO EXCHANGE, merchandise, farms, lands, hiiHiiiiss mid residence pi opertlis, llouilug mills. hotxls, nn; over I. I'll piop,i.iis lor . ti'liniiM'. hend full do fi l.p'l ui of what you nave to exchange. K ri Mather, established 1U. Cedar Ilaplds, la. y.-9!'i 26 TO EXCll ANUK for hum cliainllsu or In- ome pri perly. line iJO-uere, well Im pi oved. niui'K and inain l.uin In Cm nt Co.. WIscoiik.ii. I'rlce, .m an ucre. P. O. Box If, Cedar Rapids, In. . WsJ 26 FOR i.LU. or cxi Imim'o fur Denver prop- tilv. 'n:e Improveit proK'ity, close in. Box 565. Denver, Colo. Z ! 26 IMI'KOVKD NEBRASKA FARMS for Im proved Omaha or South Utnalia property. Call on or write "Owner, " 6o4 Bee lildg., phone 1442. ',-7'Jrt 2t,- OBI'UOPATIIY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Eulte. 515. rsew iora iuo uiug. ii. i".i. 239 The Hunt Inflrmury, McCngue Bldg. T. 2352. no Atzen & Farwoll, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T l iui DR8. FINCH & MILLER, 124 S. 26th St 481 Dr. Grac Dccgan, 609 McCague. Tel. 2352. , 264 ntG MAJilFACTtniXG. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. rel. 20W. 242 SHOHTIIAXD AXD TYPEWniTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. H7 N. Y. Life. 248 NEB. rtuslneoa & Shorthand College. Bovd' Theater. 249 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bldg. 217 g TOR AGE. CM. Van Stor. Co., 16UV4 Farn. Tela 155-kj;i 250 TICKET BIlOKERg. CUT RATE railrond tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 15u6 Farnam. "Phon 7K4. 653 TRIMK.S AKD DAGGAGK. THE DEPOT on time. O. M. B. Tsl. 780. t When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw th ad IP The Be. TKAMSHlfl. ANCHOK LINK V. MAIL STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK. LONDON bKKRY AND GLASGOW, NEW YORK, OIIIHALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior accommoa.tlona. Rinllent rul.ln. Th comfort of p.-iiser. i'r-fullr i'on.l1.ri Rlngls or Kouua Trip Ticki-U iMuod ltra New fork and 6-ot.h, Bnnll.h. Irish and all prlii. ipsl coiilin.ui.l point, at sttraclive ftrtid fur bok of Tours. For tlckrt. or sii.r.l Information apply lo an lot-at .KiU of the Anchor Lin or to HENLlliRBON UKOU., UtfO'l An.liu. Cblcaso. 111. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New Tvln-Scr.w of U.tOO Tons NKW YDHK KOT1 EKUAM. via UuLUXlNS, galllDf Vc4nr.dMir at 10 A. M. notterdam Julr a Rrod.m Aug. II I otlsm ,...Aus. 6INoor..oi Au. M Bt.t.ud.m Au l: Holirrdma .. .SpUuilw I HOLI.A.MI-.OIl.ltICA I.IAK, 4l!t Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. H.rrr Moor., ltol Fsru.m St.. C. Ruth.rford, Uit raruia .1 . J. II. H.tuolda. U02 Fanism at. I.ECi.'.L MlllCi;. Sealed blda will be received at the of fice of secretary of state up until 12 o clock l:oon of July 'J, 19!, tor lumber for usa kt 8. & S. Iiome at Grand Ixlund as per erehlli. t's ei-1 1 mute on file in the olllco of eecretury of state. The board reserves tb right tu t-eject nny and all bid. UEOROK W.' MAHrtll, Kccretsrv of Bourd. J 19 d o tm AWARDS GRADING CONTRACT County Hoard MiLn Preparations fur Opening of .ew llrldg t Galley. The county comnils'loncrs met In spa da! session yesterday und let a con tract fur grading to Adarns & Huse, who will do the work for 17 et;t u fuot. Thu next lowest bidder wanted 19 cent for the same work. Three email bridges were ordered In Valley precinct. The grading and bridges urc ordered to make an ap proach to the new bridge ut Vullty over the Platte river, wl-.leli will soon bo rendy for trafllc. Blda for constructing a culvert were re ceived from three persona, but the work was not let, ua the bids must be tabulated to ascertain the lowest. This will be done by the bridge committee, which will re port next Week. trench Legislators Go Home. LONDON, July 25. -The French eginl:itoi forming the arbitration group, who bav been visiting here. left London, for Pari today. Sir Unity Campbell Bannerman and other member of the Parliament bll them farewell ut the railroad station.