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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1903)
r The Omaha Sunday Bee I PAGES 11 TO 20. jjj EDITORIAL SHEET, g ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 2(1, 1903. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. PJI vagus im MEAN "3 iffl Lb TIIK HKLIAHI.K STORK. I1IK HKI.I A II IK MdllK, To what extent this great business shall continue to grow depends upon the quality of the Tallies given. Can we fail to reeognize that? If lasting relationship is to exist between the pulie and "The Big Store" then we must give and you must get values that mean a KKAL saving." 3 fi0B3s V TIid Busiest Cloak tPBCIAL oou dozen made of made In uesigns for SPECIAL NO. 7o0 doien white and colored waists, made of hnu llnnn, percale, madrases and twenty other materials, worth up to $25iv-8ee I6th CO,, street window at Uf WASH SKIRTS 8U0 doxen wash skirts, made of the best quality of denims, coverts, ducks and piciiue, worth up to I2.oo A Or Clearitig sale price Dl Women's wash skirts made of the best quality of plcque and linens worth up to $4.U0 for I.2j Grand Clearing Sale THIS WILL, BEGIN THE SECOND WEEK OF OUR JULY CLEARING BALE ON RIBBONS, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. PRICES CUT STILL DEEPER FOR THIS LAST WEEK'S SALE, MONDAY'S CLEARING PRICKS. 60c hand-made pure linen cluny bands, at 26c. &c hand-made pure linen cluny bands, at 39c. 75c hand-made pure linen cluny bands, at 60c. $1.2.i hand-made pure linen cluny bands, at 75c. $3.i hand-made pure linen cluny bands, at $1.66. $2.76 hand-made pure linen cluny bands, at $1.60. 25c and 30c wide nottlngham bands, 10c 1 his Is a bargain. loo torchon eages and insertlngs, 3c yd. Fine line of val laces at lo to 6c a yard. Wool Dross Goods Department One more grand cut price sale of high grade wool goods before the arrival of our fall stock. London cord voile, mistrals, etamlnes, crepes, eollenne all the most desirable fabrics of the season at less than one-half price. 44-Inch votlewr tTt-blnoi -tan, gray,--brown. .! the quality that sold In all the , stores at $1.00 reduced to 690. 44-Inch crepe eollenne. the only creps that will stand damp weather end give good wear and satisfaction If used, comes In blue, gray, tans, brown, reds and greens has been reduced for this day to $1.25 yd. Our black goods, as all well dressed la dles of Omaha know, comprise the well known make of Priestley's, Lupins, Court- CHIEF PAPAL CANDIDATES Cardinals Most Frequently Mentioned in Connection with Throne. CHURCHMEN OF EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY Sketches of the Hen Looked L'pon aa Moat Likely to Sneered Pope Loo XIII Pontiff. LEADING CANDIDATES FOR THE" SUC CESSION Cardinals. Rampolla. Vannutelli, S. Batolll. Svampa. Gottl. Oreglta SECONDARY CANDIDATES FOR THE SUCCESSION CardlnalB. rrlsco. Celesta. Moeennl, V. Barto. Cnpecelatro. Vannutelli, V. Ricnelmy. Ferrari. ""Who will aucceed Leo XII on the throne of St. Peter T This question ia now asked In every cor ner of the civilized world. Every member of the Roman Catholic church, from the humblest layman to prelates and cardinal princes, la Interested In the answer.and aov ministers and cabinets of the earth's great nations delve Into interna tlonal politic In striving to shape the an swer. Six cardinal, as given In the first group named above, stand out a the most promi nent candidate for succession to the papal throne and the fisherman's rliig. Since the first suggestion several year ago that Leo's light might be near Its end their name have been forward In speculation a to the uccesnloo. Other Possibilities. There are eight candidate of lesser ira portanc aa given above in the second group. These seeunaary canoiuaiea are u respectively friend and allies of one or an other of the five leading candidate. In th event of a crisis or a deadlock In the choos ing of a successor to Leo XIII which would preclude the selection of any one of the Ave chief candidates, the election would proba bly fall to one of the eight secondary can didate. Cardinal Seraflno Vannutelli, bishop of Porto Santa Rutlna, one of two brother lit the t cred college and a strong candidate for the triple crown, represent the extreme "modern." He I the diplomat, the pol ished man of the world, rather than the typical ecclesiastic of ascetics tendencies the "first gentleman" of the Vatican court. Politically he Is at the head of the recon rill.itloiilsts, who favor acceptance of pres ent conditions and compromise of dlffer fitces with the Italian government for the ultimate good of the church cause. He is on Intimate term with the king and queen f Italy, although he ha never gone to ourt. and 1 supposed to be In high favor with the triple alliance. Cardinal Vannutelli come of a family bat helped to make modern Italy. His elatlve are In the great business line tnd In high political poaltlon throughout 'he kingdom. Born at Genauano In 1&14. is 1 6S year old and In hia physical and nental prim. After taking hla collegiate tnd theological degrees, he took up dlplo- Dept. in Omaha. The big clearing sale of new summer ready-to-wear garments now in full blast. Our department Is crowded with buyers. All garments at your own price Nothing reserved, as we must have the room. Shirt waists, wash skirts, silk shirt waist suits, wrappers and kimouns, at less than one-third price. SPECIAL, NO. 1 l,tA dozen women' shirt waists, In col ors and white, made of the brut quality real linen, fancy dimities, French percale, Imported batiste, tine lawns and other w-Hsn material on the market, including white chinu silks worth up to D3.W for 95c NO. 2 tine white and colored waists, best quality of wash materials, all the prettiest patterns and worth up to $o.o9 150 300 etainlne skirts in black and blue, nicely trimmed in taffeta bands and f Oft Miming, worth up to i.od, tor tWi70 50 accorcieon plalied skirts, made wnu ex tra yoke, trimmed in satin 9 OK bands, worth up te T.b-i. for . (i9Q dozen perca.e wrajipers, made Willi rutlles over shoulders, trimmed In braid and 15-inch flounce A fV, worth $1.25 for tf 25 dozen Kimonas worth llir up to $100 for U5JU Ask to see our new line of fall suits as displayed In our 16th street window. Ask to see the "Czarina ' underskirt. Imitation cluny bands, at 10c. 6c and 25c. Big Job of embroideries and insertlngs, worth up to 65c at oc, luc and 15c a yard. One lot all-over embroideries, worth 60c, per yard, clearing price, 15c. We control the sale of Zion City laces for this cltv and vicinity, and will add the present stock in our grand clearing sale, a saving of over 60 per cent. SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE ON RIB BONS. No. 40 all silk taffeta ribbon at 9c a yard. No. all silk, satin and gros grain rib bon, at lHc a yard. Colored velvet ribbons at lc a yard. auld Read's the best from Europe and America. 45- lnch voiles, mistrale, London cord and etamlnes, that has not been sold for less thn $1 75 to $1.98 a yard, for Monday only $1.00. 46- lnch voiles, mistrals. London cord eollenne Courtauld' goods, always sold at $3.00 to $4.00 a yard, reduced to $1.96. 60-Inch black Sicilian, $1 quality, 69c. 6-!nch black Sicilian, cravenetted, $1.98 quality at $1.26. 42-Inch cream brllllantlnes, 75c quality, at 60c. , , , Lansdown, the queen of dress fabrics, the only place In the city where you can find all the 72 shades made macy, although he taught theology In the pontifical seminary at Rome for about a year. Went to Mexico. His earliest service abroad was as audi tor of the apostolic delegation which ac companied Maximilian on his disastrous expedition to become emperor of Mexico. After similar service at Monaco he was sent as papal nuncio at the courts of Brus sels, Munich and Vienna followed rapidly In succession. At Brussels he had difficulty with the famous Frere Orban of the king's cabinet. which made him known in European poli tics and gave him fame In hla church. He served at Vienna during a crisis In the affair of the Austro-Hungarlan empire, and hi work was so brilliantly successful that while there he was created and pro claimed cardinal by Leo XIII and as signed to the see of Frascatl. He 1 grand penitentiary of the holy Roman church, member of most of the congregations and protector of a large number of societies, chiefly In Italy. Cardinal Vannutelli Is a giant In physi que, standing about six feet two. He Is aristocratic In taste and maintain a splen did establishment. There he lavishly en tertain the Roman nobility and give spe cial consideration to dignitaries of the church from abroad when they visit Rome. He carries on a prodigious correspendence, keeping In touch with Roman Catholic statesmen and representatives of the church In all parts of the world. He 1 on especially Intimate terms with most of the prelates of America who are often called to Rome. Rem poll a the Diplomat. Rampolla del Tlndaro has for many veara fill the office of Vatican lecretary of state, and by his great diplomatic wit, hi ready resources of Intellect and his fine tact In negotiation he has won the title of "the grand silencer." All the most glorious Incidents of the reign of Leo XIII are Indlssolubly associated with the name of the youthful prince of the church, and it has long been a matter of world gossip that he was the choice of the supreme ruler for-successcr to the chair. Cardinal Rampolla is a Sicilian marquis. He Is quite lacking, though, In the volu bl'lty, the volatility and the levity of th Slclllar.s. Tall, grave, ascetic, severe and silent, one fancies one can see In him the effect of his long association with the hldnlgos at the court of Madrid. Educated at tho College of Ecclesiastical Nobles and at the Colleclum Romanum In the Eternal City, he was from the outset of his career devoted to the diplomatic service of the papacy. Hla first appointment after his gradua t'on from college wa that of secretary and auditor of the embassy at Madrid, and on the recall of the nuncio. Mgr. (subse quently ' Cardinal) Slmeonl, he became charge- d'affaires. When, on the death of Cardinal Antonelll, Plus IX nominated Cardinal Slmeonl to the secretaryship of state, Rampolla wa promoted, first of all, to the post of secretary of the Oriental department of the propaganda fide, and Inter on to that of secretary nf ..trair. dlnary ec leataatiral affair, where he obtained a remarkable Insight Into the relations of the Vatican with Germany. erttcea at Madrid. After the accession of Leo XIII to the papal throne he wa sent a papal nuncio to Madrid, where the aervloea which he Our Final July Clearing of Silks, Monday. A sale that will surpass all previous ones. FINE IlLACK AND COLON ED SILKS IN THIS UKEAT CLEA1JINU SALE. You save money on every silk purchase. Center aisle bargain counters, and sales counters in main big silk department, loaded with thousands of yards of choice silks for this sale. BIACK SILKS small figures, the quality the most excellent, a silk appropriate for any purpose, a silk that will wear well, in this ttnal July ")!,, Clearing Silk sale at FOt'LARD SILK best qualities twill, satin and broclie, worth 1 to $l.i", In lengths from 3 to 12 yards, swell fur kl nuMiii or House gown all colors In this final July QQi Clearing sale at w3l WHITE 81LK SPECIAL grand lot-you will find taffeta, prau de cygne, embroi dered taffeta. Bayadere, fancy , white Wash silks, white crepe de chine silks worth up to si. 61 in this July Clearing sale at while grand 69 BEST QUALITY WASH SILKS corded wash silks, wash silk in pink and blue sfigf 1 Stoves end ings HOT WEATHER GOODS MUST GO Special cut on everything In that line 27 GREAT BARUAINS-27. 118.00 3 burner with step, gasolHie Q in stove with best National oven lw,Vf $6.003 burner, high gaso- M m ollne stove ?? $2.50 National double I Hi oven IU? $36.00 standard sieel range $11.W No. 8 cook stove $3.602 burner gasoline stove (15.0032x20x46 Refrig erator ... $6.50 Ice box, at $1.75 wood frame wringer Walnut stained screen door Warranted cotton hose 27.49 b.49 2.66 11.9b .4.95 1.19 . . 59c Be Meat Saw 9 Of. 14 inches 4.0 Potts' Iron La handles 3 Steel grass IP hooks 13 Hardwood hose A n reels ;flJ No 8 copper nlckle 1tlr Tea Kettle IJ Very fine warranted QCf raxor 33 No. 8 Ironlte Q, Lawn 9 AQ Tea. Kettle.... I 3 Mowers ft.if3 Best Screen ...lie Rubber uarden E Hose U t-foot C Rules 0 IfWnch Hand CJg Gmivaniaed i4n Palls ,.(... ..JO' W ire Poultry 1,, Netting I 14x21 Photo 7c 5c Holders .. Dover Egg Beaters ... rendered to the present dynasty were of simply Incalculable value, especially when the sudden death of King Alfonso placed hi widow, who could scarcely peak the Spanish language at the time, In a situa tion of so much difficulty and danger. It was while acting as nuncio in Madrid that he began the policy that ultimately led to a reconciliation between the German government and the papacy and to the termination of that conflict which is known in contemporary history as the Kultur kampf. It was on the occasion of a visit of Emperor Frederick, at that time crown prince, to the late King Alfonso. "Unser Frltx" had made all his arrangement to return directly from Madrid to Germany by way of Barcelona, Genoa and the St. Gothard. But as the esult of several long and confidential conversations with the, nuncio, to whom he seemed to take a great fancy, he changed his Itinerary at the last moment, and, to the astonishment of all Europe, proceeded straight to Rom after leaving Spain. Peace With Germaay. Although he took up hi residence at the Qulrtnal a the guest of his old friend, the late King Humbert, to whom he had offi ciated a best man on the occasion of th latter' marriage to Queen Margherita, be wa received with the utmost pomp and ceremony at the Vatican aud with the most marked distinction and cordiality by the holy father, who never tired of expa tiating on the nobility of mien, of charac ter and of manner of hla Illustrious visitor. It was the Interview between Emeror Frederick and the pope that brought about the end of the contest between the Vatican J and thiy German government, which was one ol me pi iiic-i(ii mi.iiicv;iiiciii ui me reign of Leo XIII, and for which his holi ness wae In a measure indebted to his sec retary of atat. The latter, ever since he assumed his office, made a special point of attaching himself to no particular party, of which there ar several at the Vatican. He waa above everything else the pope's man rather than the man of any particular fac tion, his most remarkable quality being that of Implicit obedience. And while he would occasionally, with a tact that be long to a bygone age, bring over the holy father, almost without the latter know ing It, to hi own .views, In the eyes of hi master, a of the outer world, he appeared to be obeying order without attempting to give any color of hla own to the acta of Leo XIII. Should he succeed him he may be relied upon more than any other prince of the church to continue that policy which won for Leo XIII the renown of being the most enlightened, sagacious, liberal minded and, above all, successful priest that ha ever occupied in modern time the chair of St. Peter. Arrleaas Know gatolll. Cardinal Francisco SatolU la the only one of the four who 1 known to Americans generally. Before the appointment of Car dinal Sato 111 as paial delegate to America the clerical work connected with the ad ministration of the church in America was ! la char of Ronmn congregation known as the congregation of the propaganda. In whose hand were the Koman Catholic affair of all missionary countries. Whenever this body of th church in a missionary country I of a alse to warrant the change the propaganda turns over the work of th country to that body itself. .mini y yJiSiji Nile, Hello, Maize. Jasper, rose, tan and white in this Dual July 9Kc Clearing sale aW SPECIAL IN DRAPKKV SILKS 50 pieces in both plain and fancy oriental 'drapery silks all 32 Inches wide all styles and coinrs worth $1, in this final AQ' Juiv Clearing sale "tl PONGEE SILKS In pink, navy, blaca, 82 Inches wide, embroidered pongee, hem stitched a ml polka dot pongee worth up to In this July HQo Clearing sale U3 FINAL CLEARING OF BLACK GRKNA I ) I N KS -YOl ' K UN R K H T It 1 C T E I) CHOICE of any black grenadine in stock all fine imported silk grenadines full 14 inches wide, In stripes, plaids, em broidered and plain iron frame, worth $1.60. $1 75, $2.50 Hnd $'i.H In Qftt! this Clearing sale only SU China Dcpt PINNER SETS. $15.00 decorated Imported English Semi Porcrllan Dinner Sets, complete set of 10) pieces, the decoration Is black and green, interlaced border traced in gold, on sale tomorrow A 11 R only H'99 Decorated French and German China Ini l.orted samples there are cups and sau cers, bread plates, trays, preserve iltc dishes, nappies, etc., each I.M The Glow Night burns 200 hours at the cost of lc has no smoke O Cc and smell, and absolutely safe fclv" Decorated Holland Cf Bowls 3V Crystal Cream Sets, IQC 6 pieces in set I J Fire Proof Baking Cp dishes Jardinieres, Decorated Cups and Olc Saucers 3b Optical Dept. Gold filled frames, spectacles, eyeglasses, 10 year guarantee, I Crt usual price $3.00 at liOif Alumlnoid spectacles or eyeglasses fitted with tine crystal fjfl . lenses, $2.60 values, at V...J0(' Our special spectacles good Mftn lenses, $1.00 kind "18 c Department In charge of experienced op tician whose services in fitting FREE. - If the pope has treaty relations with the particular country a nuncio from Rome resides at tho capital; where no treaty relations exist, as In the United States, the pontiff is represented by a delegation such as Cardinal SatolU established at Washington. The man thus honored by the first ap pointment of Its kind In the United States is physically a plain, unpretentious in dividual. His eyes are small, but set so wide apart as to look large. His mouth is wide to the point of ugliness, his skin ! i dark and sallow. His figure Is lean and possesses the Italian suppleness and grace. The one feature which mark the man above hi fellows Is his splendid head, with the vivacity of hi expression. Few public men have a head so Indicative of character and Intellectual power. Cardinal Sat oil! is a ripe scholar. He has filled the chair of the professor with distinc- tlon and is a specialist in the Thomistlo theology. His success In difficult research first won for him the regard of his great friend. Pope Leo, who waa a disciple of the famous Dominican, and wa the re storer of his philosophy to the schools. History of Gottl. ' Cardinal Gotti was born in Genoa, the son of a dock laborer, and at the age of li he entered the Order of the Barefoot Carmel- ite. He rose rapidly In the order and wa.n .pre8'nt membKer of. the Con-reiaUon promoted through It. various rank, until he ! .0ra,0rl' He wa8 Dorn ,n Frn US. became superior general. In 1870 ho at tended the ecumenical at Rome as a repre sentative of the Carmelites. On November '"1 1 S.i". T,1 .... Tun " .-- , , .. .1 kl - , -.". '!'.. . " ' iiruicu 1 1 J II I a ! (1 U1I1HI. He is the prefect of th. congregation of bishops and regular and the protector of many societies, including all of the Carmelites. He Is still a barefoot monk. although not now an officer of this famous and most austere order. Cardinal Svamna. arcklilsh t is one of the youngest members of the s:icred college, only 62 years old. but ln spite of his age Is a strong possibility for succession to Pope Leo. In relation to him the prophecy of St. Malachl Is much quoted By persons who like tn h.ii.. i- foretelling, the prophecy of Malachl Is said to have been fulfilled In the selection of previous popes. According to Malachl, the next pope should be distinguishable a "Ignis Aniens" The word "Svampa" is translatable Into Latin as "Ignis ardens," or a flaming torch. Professor of I .a vt. Soon after becoming a priest In 1887 he wa called to Rome to become professor of law ln the Seminary Apollinare. He was promoted successively to spiritual director of the titular hlshop.ic of Apollinare. In 1893 ho wa made archbishop of Bologna, and two year later' wa created cardinal. Cardinal Bvampa la a hlg man, both physically and mentally, a fighter and yet a diplomat. He I an intense Roman, but ha not quarreled with either the Italian government or the majority ln the enlle. of cardinals. He I aaid to be friendly with all political powers. Cardlnal Oreglla 1 th only living cardinal created by Plu IX, and I 75 year mm any otner member of the acred college, probably, he 1 preferred by the reactionists. His opinions have been oi ieo Alii, and 1" criUclaed the policy and even the views of his superior. Dismissed from Llabo When Victor Emmanuel captured Rome Oreglla wa papal nuncio at Lisbon, and he pleaded so hiX with Qaeeb pu. daughter i 25 PIECES. FINE BLACK ALL SILK CHINA will wear and wash, is full 16 I Inches wide and a most decided AQc bargain on sale at t FINAL JULY CLEARING SALE ON I FINE BLACK TAFFETA SILKS I BIACK TAFFETA extra grade 27Mn. wide, worth $1.26 on sale at 69c. BLACK TAFFETA extra grade 1 in. wide, worth $1.39 on sale at i6c. BLACK TAFFETA-extra grade 36 in. wide, worth $1.50 on sale at 9Xc. BLACK TA FFETA extra grade 44 In. wide, worth $1.75 on sale at $1.15. BUCK TAFFETA extra grade 54 In. wide, worth $2 50 on sale at $1.59. We fill MAIL ORDERS promptly, any orders for above silks should be sent in at earliest possible moment. The Great Mid-Summer Grccsry Sale HI'hcFt Tatent Minnesota F'ocr, per sack Lar-e sacks White or Yellow Corn Jleal Laundry Soap, any brand, per bar Pearl Barley, Sago, Tapioca! etc, per lb Good Japan Rice, Dcr lb 98c 10c ..2ic ..3?c 4c Neutrlta, Vim, Malta Ceres, etc., if Breakfast food, per pkg I 3-Ib. can Baked Beans, with or RVr without sauce 03 3-lb. can fancy Golden Pumpkin 3-lb. can Saucr Kraut, per can 5c 5 I2ic 124c .....9c 3-lb. can Green Gage or Egg PlurnM 3-lb. can fancy stock Apricots or Peaches 1-lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon 1-lb. can Condensed Milk or Tlr. Cream 9t fc-lb. can potted meats, A per can Fancy 4X Ginger Snups, . M i per lb jiC U-lb, can OH or Mustard j Sardines 4C Lare Italian Prunes, Oil,, per lb 0 Fancy Mulr Peaches, "II per lb I 3 Fancy Messina Lemons, ($r per dozen 13'-' Fancy Sweet Oranges, each Good Rio Coffee, Q per lb 5f " Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, 101. per lb Fancy Snider Leg or Sun dried 4Q, Japan Tea, for Ice tea, per lb ft 3 ; FREE TO ALL. An",lce cold drink ofi Wild iCherry Phos phate or Root Beer In our Grocery Dept. of Victor Emmanuel, to ha,ve her use her Influence for preservation of the temporal power that he was dismissed by the Lisbon government. Three years later Piux IX made him Oreglla I dean of the college of cardinals, camerlengo, or chamberlain of the holy Roman church, and member of all the prin cipal congregations. As camerlengo he will officially proclaim the death of Pope Leo, arrange for thehlne funerals of the dead I pope, assume charge of all affair of the church, and become, in effect, acting pope. It is a tradition In the church that the car dinal camerlengo never becomes pope, but the tradition was broken in the case of Leo XIII. Joseph Prisco, archbishop of Naples, Is one of the most prolific writers of the Roman Catholic church. With Cardinal Capecelatro he has been closely Identified i with the libraries and blbllotheora of the ' church. He I the author of the standard llfe of Pope Leo and also of St. Thomas Aquinas. Prisco was born In Naples In 1836 and became archbishop of Naples In Come of an Old Family. Aiionso Capecelatro, archbishop of Capua, is a member of one of the moil distinguished . families of southern Italy 1... I- M ,!... I.- i iicaiitiiuuii in iamuy ana symoa- thles. He was educated In Naples and has long been one of the citizens of that I metropolis In a public sense, I r. I . , , hl. T , p"elnooa 10 ; "w ' Th : Prd fU" nowlede' He ia generally ' co""'dered t,81 educated he i COllefe", e tnonsig- nor ln 18'8' Rnd made nlm under librarian ul l" cuurcn. . ne Decame arch bishop of Capua, and ln 1S85 a cardinal. At the consistory of li&6 he wa elevated to cardinal priest and made librarian of the church, an office he still holds. The cardinal wa long the confessor of Queen Margherita of Italy and U unpoaed a ueller wl,n ula Closer to the Ital lan government than any other cardinal. Celesta .Now An Old Man. Pietro Gerenua Michelangelo Celesta, archbishop of Palermo, is from a distin guished Sicilian family. He Is very old, having been born in 1811. Pope Plus IX ln 11m9 created him titular bishop of Pott!. Ho was one of the active promoters of the ecumenical council of 170 and determinedly waged the battle for the dogma of the In fallibility of the pope of the Roman church. He was an extremely warm friend !.and uppriei of Pope Piu, but waa made a cardinal by Leo in l&M. J Mario Mocenni, bishop of Sabine, first won 'amo as secretary tc the noted Mgr. j Falclnelli, nuncio at Vienna, Pope Plu created him titular archbishoD of EIIodoII nd ent him as apostolic delegate to Peru, j Eculador and Bolivia. He became a cardl- nal In 1883 and In 1K94 a cardinal bishop. He ' wa born fn 1823. Cardinal Vincenso Vannutelli is a younger brother of Seraflno, Cardinal Van nutelli. He was born in l&Jtl. After attain- I lna the oriesthood his first ImiMirtant an. polntment was as auditor of the aixmollc delegation at Olanda, whence he wa transferred to the same apostolic delegate to Constantinople, and in 1M3 was made I nuncio to Braxll. He represented the pope at the coronation of tba cr of RussU o) fo) ) ill Hero Arc a Few of OurSpecial Prices for non day and Tuesday. N Parlor tables, 24x24, worth $3.96 Monday Parlor tables, 16x16, worth tl.96 Monday Enameled Iron beds worth $S Sueclal brlce Monday 1.95 75c 400 Solid oak chiffonier, large 6 drawer, wed finished, worth . 4.75 Special price Monday Steel folding couch, made from AiiKie steel two sides can be raised up forming a double bed 4.95 Special price Monday Full size couch. best velour covering. worth $K&o - J QC Special Monday Ti33 Bt. John's extension tables beat In the world: 6-ft., worth $7.85- Q AC Special Monday W.Ol 8-ft.. worth VS.85 i DC Special Monday t0J 6-iiiece parlor suites, wortn $40.00 Monday 25.00 Kitchen,, dining room, parlor and 11- brary furniture all on special sale Monday Last Week of the Gigantic Piano Sale THE LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR SOME TIME CUSTOMERS WILL, HAVE TO GET A PIANO AT ONE-THIRD THE ACTUAL COST. As this Is the closing week of one of the greatest piano soles that ha ever taken place In this western country, parties who did not expect to purchase Instruments for some time yet, found that they could not afford to wait any longer, when they heard of the extremely low pricea we are making. As this will be the last week of this sale, we' are going to try to make It the banner week of all. We havu set aside 57 upright pianos to be closed out this week. These Instruments must bo sold re garless of their value. Customers who do not feel that they can afford to pay all cash, will get the same prices on our easy payment plan. In order that you may fully realize that we expect to make this the great bargalu week we auk that you glance over the prices we are quoting below: 1 upright piano. Ivory keys 1 upright piano, Ivory keys 1 upright piano, Ivory keys 1 upright piano. Ivory keys 1 upright piano. double veneered case, .1 $ k6.ou double veneered case, 05.00 double veneered case, Uo.ou double veneered case, 125.00 double veneered case. j All of these Instruments are full sized, guaranteed In every way. Any customer I purchasing one of them and not satlstlcd can have their money back" by asking for ; it. Our stock consists of such vc known .akes as Chlckering. Fischer, Decker, Conover, Wegman, E-stey, Franklin, Cable. Krell. Wellington, Kingsbury, Haines, Stoddard and Price & Tccple. Telephone 16&3. Catalogues aud prices furnished to out- of-town customers on application. Ladies' Furnishings. A large assortment of ladies' corset cov ers in line nainsook and cambric, elegantly tnmmea wun lace ana uudjt nouon i ., i and 60c. t Indies' line cambric gowns. In all the I newest styles, at 4!'c. ' Ladles' straight front habit hip corsets, i In batiste and ventilated, at 4!ic. I.- . . .. , .. ... I v. XJV. M I lie I n I UL IMlMll VVJima, null front and side hose supporters, at $1.60. A large assortment of Kabo, W. C. C, Men's Furnishings. Men's 5oc half hose, at 25c. .100 dozen men's fine lisle thread half hose, 1:; black and fancy colors, all regular, 600 quality, at 26c. ".Jen s $1.00 neckwear in aU the new styles ad colors, at 6oc. All the new styles in men's colored and white laundered shirts at $1.00 and $160. and also at the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria. His cardinalate came to him In 1S90. Silica then he has become prefect of the congre gation of bishops and regulars aiui a mem ber of tne congregation, or ine. council, the propaganda, oriental rites, acred rites. studies, the commission for tbe reunion ot dissentient churches, and, next to Cardinal Parocchl, protector of a larger number of Catholic organization than any oilier ou dlnuL Augustine Rlchelmy, archbishop of Turin, was born In Turin in 186U, unci became bishop of Irvia In 1884. lie vice ni.tJe an archbishop in 1X17 and a cardinal in UW. He Is a member of the congregation of sacred rites and studies. Joseph Sarto, patriarch of Venice, was born ln 1835. Itis career has been thul uf a parish priest, spent almost wholly ln tha north of Italy. Sarto was raailn patriarch in 1891 and proclaimed cardinal in 1S93. He la a great preacher and fairly well known aa a writer. The church Interests of Venice have prospered under hi control. Ferrari and (ilbhon. Cardinal Ferrari, archbishop of Milan, la another young cardinal, only 63 years old. He was educated ln the seminary of Parma and" the college of the propaganda at Rome. After serving ten years as a parish priest he was made bishop of Guas tatta in 1891, bishop of Como in 1892. arch bishop of Milan In 1SW and a few months later was created cardinal. He ts a mem ber of the congregations of bishops and regulars, Indulgences and sacred relics and studies. Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore ha been mentioned ln the recent dispatches from Rome as a possible successor of Leo XIII. His name Is brought ln as that of a possi ble compromise candidate, in view of the factional rivalrloa In the sacred cpllege, and Cardinal Gibbons is undoubtedly highly esteemed by hla fellow cardinals. but It is hardly conceivable; that the time has come when a iope will be taken from America, which Is only a "missionary country" ln the clavllicatlon of nations at Rome. Following Is a list of the cardinals of the sacred college: Cardinal Bishop. LCTGI ORECLIA DI SANTO 8TEFANO, bishop of Oslla, born lKi8; created, 1873, Italian. 8ERAFINO VANNUTELLI. bishop of Porto Santa Hullna, bom 1S3I; created, 1887; Italian. MARIO MOCENNI. bishop of Sabina, born 18J.1; created. 1!)3: Italian. ANTONIO AGLIA K1I. bishop of Alba no, born 1832: created, '.Ml; Italian. VINCENZO VANNUTELLI, bishop of re.l- estrlna. born 1836; created, ltf9; Italian. Cardinal Priests. JOSE 8EBA8TI AO NETTO, patriarch of iisoon, oorn iu; created, lv; Portu guese. P1ETKO GEREMIA CELESIA. archbishop of Palermo, born 1M1, created, lv4; Biciuan. ALFONSO CAPECELATHO. archbishop of Cupna. born 18:4; created. lii; Italian. PATRICK FRANCIS MOHAN, archbishop of Sydney, born 130; created, lVS.".; IrlBh. BENOIT M. LA NGKNIEl'X, archbishop of Helms, burn xv4: created, 18;it; French. JAMES UIUl'OXS, archbishop of Haiti more, burn 1W4; created. 1HVI; American. MARIANO RAMPOI.I.A. pontifical b ro tary of slate, bom 1813; created, 187; Sicilian. FRANCOIS MARIE RICHARD, archbishop of Paris, born 1819: created. 19; French. PETER LAMBERT GOOSSENS. arch bishop of Mechlin, born ls"7 ; cieated, lv'.'; Belgian. ANTON JOSEPH GRUHCI1A, archbishop Every dollar's worthy you buy Is guuran teed. Ivory keys 135.00 1 upright piano, double veneered case, ivory keys 145.00 1 upright piano, double veneerod case. Ivory keys '. .' 155.00 1 upright piano, double veneerod case. Ivory ke s 165.00 1 upright, piano, double veneered case. Ivory kejK lia.UU G. D., Justrite and Thompson Glove "Fit ling corsets, up from $1 00. 1 ..lilies' tine lisle thread vests, In plain ami fancy neck, at 25c. ladles' fine lisle thread pants, umbrella. tvle, at iM .'6c and 5(c. Ixidies' and children's fancy black laea F.nd colored hose, at 25c. Ladles fancy back tnd clored hose. 12V4o All the fancy olored raiasol In ludles" , and children's at halt price, Monday only. Men's 60c suspenders, all kinds, leather ends, at 25c. Men's 25c half hose, in plain and fancy colors, at 15c. , Men's plain and fancy colored balbrlggan shits and drawers worth up to $1.00 at 25c, 35c and 60u. of Vienna, born 1820; created, 1891; Aus trian. ANGELO DI PIETRO, pro-datary to tlia pope, born 18J8; created, 1893; Italian. MICHAEL LOGL'E. archbishop of Armagh, born 184U; created. 1X93; Irish. CLAl'DICS VASZARY, archbishop of Gran,- born 18.TJ; created, 1893; Hungarian. OKOKO KOPP, bishop of Uroslau, burn 1SI7; created, 1893; German. ADOLPHE LOl'lS I'EHRAI'D, bishop of A lit nil, born 18JI; created. 1893; French. VICTOR LUC1EN LKCOT, ariiihishnp of Bordeaux, born 1X31; created, 1891; French. GIUSEPPE SARTO, patriarch ot Venice, born 1S35; cieated, 1893; Italian. C1RIACO SANCHA Y 1IERVA8. arch bishop of Toledo, bora lius; created, 1891; Spanish. DoMENICO SVAMPA, archbishop , of Ilolugiia, born Iffc'l ; created, 194; Italian. ANDREA FERRARI, archbishop of Milan, ftorn 1N50; cieated, 1894; Italian. , FRANCESCO bATOLLI, bishop iifTias- catl, born 1839; create 1, 18j; Italian. QIHOLAMO MARIA GOTTI, prefec t of the propaganda, born 1834; created, l'&i; Italian. SALVADOR CASANAS Y PAGES, bishop of Barcelona, born 1&34; created, Ji9i; epa nisn. AC Hi LI. K MANARA, bishop of Ancona and L'mana, born 1821; created, 1893; Italian. DOMENICO FERRATA. prefect of the con gregation ot bishops and regulars; born 147; created, 1890; Italian. SKRAFINO OR ETON 1, prefect of sacred. rites, born 1833; created. l9ti; Italian. GIUSEPPE PRISCO, archblsnop of Naples, born 1838; created, 189ti; Italian. JOSE MARIA HERREKA DE LA 1GLES1A, archbishop of Suutlugo, boru lh35; created, 1897; Spanish. PIERRE HECTOR COl'LLIE. archbishop of Lyons, born 18W; created, 1S97 ; French. GUILLAUME LA BO (J HE, areiibiKhnp of Hennes, born 1841; created. 18ti; French. GIOVANNI B ATT I ST A CASAl.I, born 1838; created, lxi'9; Italian. FRANCESCO PAOLA CASS ETTA, born l4l; created. 1899; Italian. ALKS3ANDRO SANM I MATELL1, l;cirn 184o; created, 1899; Italian. GENNARO PORTANOVA, archbishop of regulais in Calaberia, born IMj; created, 1819; Italian. OUISSEPPE FRANC1CA-NAVA DK RON'. TIKE, archbishop of Catania, born 1816; created, 1899; Sicilian. FRANCOIS MATIIIEU, former archbishop of Toulouse; born 1839; created 1x99; French. PIETRO RESPIGIH. virar general of the pope; born 1X43; created 1S'."9; Italian. AGOST1NO RK'HELMY. archbishop of Turin; born 18hi; created 1x99; -Italian. SEBASTIAN!! MAHT1NELL1, bom 1818; created 19il; Italian. CAHS1MIHO GENNARI, born 1839; created l'.nl; Italian. I.EO VON SKRHENSKT, archbishop of Prague; born 1803; created 1901; Aus trian. GH'LIO BOSCH I. arc hbishop of Ferrcra; born 1S3X; created 1M1; Italian. JAN Pl'ZYNA KN1AZ KOZIEL8KO, bishop of Cracow; born 1842; created Itul: Polish. BARTOLOMEO BACIL1 ERE, bishop ot Verona; born 1843, created 19ol; Italian. Cardinal Ilearoiia. LUIGI MACOHI, secretary apostolic briefs; born 1X3H; created 1-.X9; Italian. ANDREAS STEINHIBER, prefect con gregation of tbe Index; born l3u; created, 1X93; German. FRANCESCO SEGNA, prefect of Vatican archives; born t83"i; created 1X14; Italian. RA FFA ELE PlERoTTl, born 18J(i; create.! lx9tj; Italian. FRANCESCO 8ALESIO PELLA VOLPE. lairn 1X44; created 1x99; Italian. JOKE CALA8ANZ. V1VES Y TUTO, born lxM; created 1X99; 8panlh. Ll'lGI TKIPEPI. prefoct of Indulgences and. H,ur.-d Relics; born 18.16; created lil; Italian. FELICE CAVAGNIS, born 1811; created 1'1; Italian. FISCHER, archbishop of Cologne. TALIANI, papal nuncio at Vienna; created June 19o3. CAVICCHIoM, secretary of the congrega tion of the council; created In 193 AJl'TI. papal nuncio at Lisbon; created In na. NoCELLA, secretary of the conslstorlal rmiKre :itlon ; created In 19n3. K ATS! 'H THALER, archbishop of Sals tiorg. Austria: crest.d pji3. 11 Kit HO V LbPlNOaA, archbishop of Valencia.