Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Jump Oat j ths DiitiUen for aa Eth
Dwi Tilly Marks,
Etrrrk4r la the Hirk Fsaally,
Earwpt the Plteber, Baa a Oool
Tlaa rllnli l' Bla
Battlasr Average.
Tha Distillers put a cuta llttla boy by th
nam of Kllllan In tha box yesterday and
Pa Bill children did sundry thing to
him.' It wsA a wicked day, with both teams
changed around eo much that they had to
put tags on tha players MUM know
where they really belonged. But tha ar
rangement worked Hka a charm for tha
Peoria at TVs hfrtnea. Kicva City at
Colorado PprlngB. St. Joseph at Denvrr.
tjlaats Bit Oafjarteaely, lrnrl( Five
Baas aad Tletery fraaa
PHTI.ApF.I-PrnA. July 23 .Philadelphia
escaped A whitewash In tha ninth on Oiea
ein'n triple and Kelster e Blow grounder to
Rabb. New Tork'a hlta came when thy
did tha moat good. Attendance 1,879.
R H O A B 1 H H O A B.
turn rt.. i i i e eTtmu. rf .ee t
V.aH a. rt . t I noiMim. lb I 1 I I I
!sOan, lb. HI ow,T-t o. lb.
Menac. rf ... 1 tit OB.tater.. rt... 1 I 4
Babb. m 1 1 1 I B.rrr if..:. 111!
Ia,,t. .1 ... t I Doi(. lb. 1 I 1
oiib-ri. ik... I I I e .H.'.iit. m. 4 t e
Warner, e ... t 1 Donln. 1 i I
Mlllor, p.... 114 Mitchell, .. I 1
Totals .. ( t 17 11 0 Totala ..1 117 14 1
New Tork 1 0001100 I 5
Philadelphia 6000000 11
Earned runa: New York, 3; Philadelphia
AWott. a.... 1 t I aifeeirkJl. K. 1
Idtm. p - I 1 i .. t I
Trtali ..tUVH Totals .. I 14 11 I
Cleveland 0 1 1 I 0 t 2
Bu Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned runs: Cleveland. 1. Two-base
hits: Hickman. Lajote. Joe. Sacrifice
hits: (JortmauT. Double piara: och
naue. Lajoie and Hl kinan. Klrst base on
balls: t'ff Solvere, 1; oil Joe. 1. Left on
bases: Cleveland. ; 8t. Louis, 1 Struck
out: By Sefvent. : by Joss, . Time: 1.4a.
Umpire: O'Laughlin.
Standing of the Teaaas.
Played. Won. Lost. PC.
Poeton Tl Rl JS .W
Philadelphia Hn 4 33 ."
Cleveland 77 i 36" .645
New York 71 37 M
Detroit 71 17 3 .607
Chicago 75 34 41 .4M
Ft. Louis 73 31 6J .45
Washington 7S 3 53 .SI
Oames tnduv: Bt. iouls at Cleveland.
Chicago at Detroit. Philadelphia at Wash
ington, Boston at isew tork.
and they got a big bunch of hits I Two-base hit: Miller. Three-base hit:
through that wouldn't generally bar. gone htV: McGannT sTolen bwe:
farther than tha diamond limits. With Browne. Left on baee: New York. 3;
Oenlrm In tha outer garden and Welch on Philadelphia, 4. Double plays: Hulswltt
, -.... . . , ,,. wr to Oleaaon. First base on balls: Off M'.tch-
flret and Thomas out at short things were, eU J; off M)I)er j Hjt plu.hed ball:
fairly good for Omaha, and they worked Mitchell. J. Struck out: By Mitchell, 3.
hard, deeplt their five errore. Time: 1:25. Umpire: Emslie.
Just how It all happened Is hard to un- Mlrraha Dow a rlarlanatl.
derstsnd. as It was as much of a three- CH1CAGOi JuIy 3Four YM In the
ring circus aa that at Twentieth and Paul third, three In the fourth and two In the
and aomathlng doing In all three rings all eighth gave tha locals an easy victory to-
.. Mm- a. . .i ,- it nmhahl. day. Cincinnati's hits were scattered one
T . . . .. i to an Inning, except in the seventh, when
had Rlngling's aggregation backed off of tn team bunched two. Attendance 3.200.
B H 1 A I R.H.O.A
ayn. invi jncvftnnj, in. bciiim i r yt w- it.
the schoolroom globe, and even Bill Wil
son's yawp was a ringer for tha pipe or-
aemtarlve of The Hftanie neaca conferenca r far. b..
. . " , . .t ,. I i haace, la.
aepi everyooay pieasani wringing me weiia
Jonaa, cf....
Ever, lb ..
Harlay, rf..
Kilos, e ...
T1nbr. ..
Wtckw. p..
eut of his anatomy that the foul tlpa left
every little while. Anothet sight was the
Teteran Preston, who soldiered for a ninety-day
call In the garden for Omaha, but
::; :. : :r. .".:": cwcago
as cig as any hailstone ever written
Peorlaa Get Pear Rita.
1 4 0 1 ttnnlin. It... 1 1 1 1
1 e I 0 toraaour. cf . 1 19
I III t I Dolas. rt 1
1 I Ofrtcklrr, lb.. 11 I 1
lit f!nMdt. ! I I I I
111 rKrW. ... 1 3 I 1
l t t i v Pi.ti, ta e i i a
lilt I'Bwan, c ... till!
114 lSulhiS. ... 1 I
I 11 nil S Totals .. 1 M II I
0 022001 S
0 0 t 0 0 1 1 0 02
Left on bases: Chicago, 7; Cincinnati, i.
Two-base bit: Evera. Three-base hit:
Kline. Sacrifice hits: Casey. Kllng. Stolen
Whn It was all counted up at the end It plays: Even to Tinker 'to Chance: Evers,
was plain to see that Omaha had the game unassisted; Suthoff to Berkley; Donlln to
by a score of 12 to 4 and that Peoria had "'gf tfl Tim. 7 ' ittf. U
only scraped up four hlta oft of Benny pire; U'Day.
Poatsxtaaal Gaaaea.
Henderson. It- certainly was revenge,
Kllllan was a little wild at the start
and was touched up for eight swats of t1: J
various size, with a few passes and errors.
blossomed Into sis large and Juicy runs
during three Innings. Then tha Distillers I Pittsburg 7
taadlag ( taa Taaaaa.
Played. Won. Lost. P C.
grabbed three tallies by tha scruff of the New York
feather. That all came about by Hen- KnaU
v'7 on rTBsrcon s Daiting Brooklyn
average ana furnishing him transportation Hoaton
to first., Lasotte singled and Wilson drew
a double That let In two runs, and W1I
St. Louis
..... 75
nam tniltf Vjr V irk t l, lladlnhla
son scored on a sacrirVa and a couple of Brooklyn at Boston, ClnclnnaU at Chicago,
errors, in the next they garnered one Louis at fltuburg.
more run on Shugart's errors, a hit. a sac-
for Bill Wilson's tribe.
Omaha grabbed Its runa every now and Sew Tark mad Bostea Break Erea,
men. ana in the seventh did a star per
formaaca of batting that brought tsars of
sympathy to Billy Hart a eyes out In right
garden. By the way. Hart wore a beautiful
pair of blue goggles out there and looked
like a chauffeur or soma other lawless or
ganisation. Gondlng started out the
Each Taklag Oae la Doable-Header.
NEW TORK, July 23. Honors were easy
In the double header betwf-cn Boston and
the locals today. Both games were close
- I until well toward the end, when batting ral.
mm with a single and Henderson sacrl- I Put them beyond doubt. Young clearly
(Iced. Carter drew a slna-le Oentn. . I outpltched Chesbro In . the first contest.
Vlilr . .! nl. Oenlns a triple, whll. Deerlng. who made hia first appear-
Muier a single, Bhurart a dnnhia Hm in h. r.7. hnrn. twiri.H
Welch a single before Kllllan could ret I r'ns around Hughes. The fielding' was for
straightened out. and then . . . the most part clean and both gamea were
men flaw r,t t w.i. " " , " quickly and well played. Attendance, b.tuo.
. " iuii was an otr I ocore, nrai game
w.m wm nonraeitea and flva runa for their
Carter, rf ,
Genlna, cf....
Wilier, If
Shugart, lb..
Welch, lb
Thomas, es...
Hlckey. Jb...
Kmnamg, o
uenaerson, p 4 4
AB. R. IB. PO. A. E.
j 4 a a a
.... 1
.... I I
-. S 2
. 4
1 ' 1
$ : 0
R.H.O.A.E B.U.O.A.g
Deafhertr. If 1 I I Knlr. rl...l 1111
Collins. Ik... 1 I i alElb.rf.ld. aa. 1 (
O'Brtaa. cf.. 1 t OlCoorar. lb... t I
rmnu. rf. 1 t t l.wuiluaa, II II 1 I I
Psrant. as... I 1 1 t crulti. cf I T I
LuCfcaneo. lb 1 1 II I k MrParra, U. I 1 I I ik.... 114 1 CUaauU lb... litis
rnir, ... 114 1 aCoasor, ... litis
Yennc s,. 1114 kiCbosbro, ... I 1 1 I I
I T7 11
Thlel, If
Preaton, cf
Ijisotte, lb ,
Wilson. 2b
Hartsell. 3b
HoUy. aa. ,
Heeeler; .. ,
Hart. rf.....i
Kllllan, p
, 42 U
AB, B IB. PO. A. E.
t M I 0
Totals .. I U n 14 1 Totals' ..1 T IT 11 t
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
New York 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Earned runa: Boston. 4. Left on bases
New York. 4; Boaton. 7. Two-base hlta:
Gansel. Dougherty (2), Collins (21, Parent.
Sacrifice nit: O Brlen. stolen Dasea: xoung.
Parent and Lachance. First base on balls:
Off Chesbro. 3. First base on errors: New
York, 1. Struck out: By Chesbro. S: by
Young, 4. Time, 1:36. Umpire: Sheridan.
Score, second game: .
a. H O. A. B l R.H.O.A B.
Baelor. rf... I lit t Douhrty. It t 1 t 0
Elborlald. aa 1 1 I I tColllos, lb... I t t I
Conrar. Ik. .. I I I t SO Brion, of., lilt
Wuilaaaa. Ik. 1 1 I 4 irrMuu, H. t lit
w . . , a . 1 D . i , . a
Runs bv lnnlnra I ui.-.'' "1. at a a t .f..lM ik a 11 a 1
Omaha "... 21I001IA 12 Bannl. lb... 111 I Fama, Ik... 1 1 4
Peoria 0001100SO 1 Ba.uio, c till thl. c 1 1
Hlta by Innings: iMorLos. ... t t 1 I Uuios. ... t t t 1 1
Omaha 1 i 4 a 1 a 1 ais -J
Peoria 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0- 4 TatU " " U ' ToU1 " r 4 14 1
Earned runa: Omaha 7; Peoria, 1. Left ST Tork 5 ?22!t!2!!,i
on baaea: Omaha. 11: Pri. it ol TT.- Boaton 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
"."a. v r 11 xienuerson. 1: off K illUn A I r-vi um rum. ow iui n, a. i.vnu.
e-w 4
Mllwaakee'a Defeat by Celaaabaa Fol
lows Cieaeral Mlxap
MILWAUKEE. July 3 Columbus won
today In a game which was Incidental to a
row. in wmm Moacn. wnnon. Business
Manager Qulnn. I'mplre Messmer and half
a doicn police were concerned. It Is said
that Roach called Meesmer a vile name for
calling a base runner out at second and
he was at once ordered out of the grounds.
Bannnn and Qulnn objected Bannon
Anally pulled Mewmr'l nose. The players
and the police parted them. With five
pitchers in the game Columbus then won In
tni nlntri. ecore:
MnraaeT. as 1 I 1 1 1 ooJot. lb. I I 1
Arn.11. ri ... 1 I 0 rmnahua, lk. 1 4 t 1
Rock. IT.... wot, lb
Kaymar. 2b.. 111 1 H.mphlll. ill I I I I
Bannon. cf... 1 1 1 DunlBay. If. 1 I
rni. e 1111 OanloT. rt... 1 t t I
M.llor. lb... 1 Viox, as 1 1 I I
Warner, 3b.. 1 4 I tper. - o I I
M'Mlfcln. f . 1 I 1 1 Mertdlta, .. 1' I t
rrabtll. cf .. II MrUor, ... I 1 I I
Borfiara, It. I t 4 I L
Totals ..I tflli I
TnUla ..tun I i
Columbus 12000000 14
Milwaukee 0111O0000 3
Earned runs: Milwaukee, 1; Colurrbus, 4.
Two-base hit: Morrtssey. Home run:
Donahue. Base on balia: Off McMakln. 1
Stolen bastes: Morrissey. Ganley (2, Dona
hue. Sacrifice hit: Mellor. struck out
By Meredith. 1: bv McMakln. 4- by Mueller,
2. Double plays: Wagner and Raymer;
Vlcx and Schaney. Left on bases: Mil
waukee. 8; Columbus, 7. Time: 1.50.' Urn'
plre: Messmer.
parbasa Wise Two for Kiasas City,
KANSAS CITY, July 21 Kansas City
won a double-header from Toledo today,
due to Durh&m'a excellent pitching in botk
games. Toledo was shut out In the second
game. Attendance, 60O. Score, first game
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B
Rothfuom. ef . 1 1 4 0 tlSmlta. lb.... 1 1 I I t
Gear, rf I II Oven, aa.... Ill
haaoa. Ik.... (II i Blank's. If 1
Oradr. lk 1 10 1 0 Turner. Ik... t 1 t
Knoll, If t 1 Barnard, ef.. 11
Loawa. as.... 10 11 1 Kleloov, c. 4 1 I I I
Butl.r. e.... 1 1 t 1 0 Schaub. lb... t 1 I 1
MrAnd'a, lb. 1 t t 4 1 Renlini, rf. t I 1 I I
Durham, ... 1111 liCristall, p... 1114
Totals ..I 4 17 11 l Totals ..I I 14 U t
Kansas City 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0'
Toledo 0 11O 0 0 0 0 02
Two-base hits: Butler. Owen. Blanken
ship (2). Relsllng. Sacrifice hits: Gear,
Lee we. Owen. Stolen base: Rothfuss. Dou
ble clays: Durham to Grady; McAndrew
to Nance to Grady; Klelnow to Smith
Bases on balls: Off Crlstall. 3. Struck out
By Durham. ; by CristalL 7. Left on
basea: Kansas City, 4; Toledo, 4. Passed
balls: Klelnow. lime: lao. Umpire: Mul
ecore. second game:
R.H.O.A E. R.H.O.A B
Rothhisa. ef. I I 1 t Smith, lb.... I t t I
Gear, rf t I 1 t 4, Ow.n. as..... t 4
Nanro, lb I 1 I 1 HBIank'a'p. cf 1 1
Grady, lb.... lit! e.Turnor. lb... 0 1 t 1
Knoll, If 1 lit c Barnard. If.. I I 1 t
Laewa, as.... 1111 0 Klelnow, c. t 1 I I
Butler, e I I t eichaub, lb... t 1 I 4
McAad'a. lb. I 1 t 1 1 Raiallna. rf.. 1 1
Durham, ... I 1 4 t nDtrla, p t I 1 t t
Totals ..1111 IB Totals .. I I It 11
Kansas City 1 t 0 ( 0 (k-15
Toledo 0 0 0 1 0 0
' Oum called at end of alzth Inning to al
low iqieao to oatca train.
Twovbaaa hits; Nance, Knoll, Butler, Dur
ham, Klelnow. Home runs: McAndrews,
Knoll. Sacrifice hit: Nance. Bases on
balls: Off Durham; off Davis, t. Struck
out: By Durham, 3: by Davis. 1. Hit by
pitcned ban: uy uavie, 1. wild pitch:
Durham. Left on bases: Kansas City, 2;
Toledo, 7. Time: 1:12. Umpire: MuUana.
St. Pa. art Moves l Oae.
if A Doctors ReaoonQ VV1 1
If I Patient: "Why do you say, Schli'z beer? precautions, every bottle is sterilized -by Pasteur's X
If B Isn't any other beer as good?" process-after it is sealed. I know that beer El
J 3 treated in that way is pure." U U
M n T itD.-l . 1 T Innn. If I
n ijocior: rcriidus, uui 4 uuw 1 nn-r
II do know that Schlitz beer is pure."
Totals.... jj
4 27
I Struck out: By Henderson. ; by Kllllan h,t,: Prrla Freeman, McFarland. Sac-
.1 Two-base hits: Shugart (1) Gonding' rlflce hit: LaChance. Stolen bases: Con-
rWllson. Three-base hits; Welch. Thomas' roy, Fulta. Left on bases: Boston, 5; New
Gealna Sacrifice Mr.- rtJ,A." i York. 7. First base on- balls: Off Hughea.
soue. Holly. Stolen bases: Carter Gen- ofr Deerlng. 1 First on errors: Boston,
Ins. Miller. Preston (2). Hart. Double nlar- : N,w Vor. 1- Hit by pitched ball: By
Shugart to Welch. Tims of gams' l i Deerlng. L Struck out: By Hughes, 4; by
Umpire: McCarthy.
D Molaea Twlea Beats Brewers.
i't.o Humw, juiy n. ues Molnea won
Deerlng. 2. Time: 1:2. Umpire: Sheri
Detroit Skats waits Bwa oat.
T-hBTWa-iTT T.i 1 v fl C, im mt eilw1 tile
both games from Milwaukee this afternoon. I basea In ths first and second Innings and
i na nrai was a clean victory and well 1 were retired runlesa in eacn. Alter mat,
played. The second was brilliant t h I nnnnna allowed but two men to reach
ninth Inning, when Morrison let down and first base. Crawford's triple, with the sacks
the Milwaukee batted him tor six runs, full In the third, followed by McGulre s
Attendance 1.3C0. double, decided ths victory. Altrock was
First game: bit In the face by a Une drive from Y eager s
pea Moines. ...0 1 0 1 0 1 J I bat in the eighth ana painfull y injurea.
aiiwiuua .,..u o 1 V S 0 9 I t J g 1 auanaaun, O..M- oviv
Batteries: Dea Molnea Cuahmsn .,. PBTROIT 1 CHICAOO.
r"L: M"""-.- 8'orm.tadt and I -".. MHo.m. if.... 1 . .
Dc-orva. hcddq aam: - " T r . . . . . . . . .
Luaa. U.... 1 1 ( o'joooa. a a
Des Moines.. 1 0001 1 0 0 ( 1 IIS 1 1 Cravtor. rt. I 1 1 I !Or.u. rt.... 1
Maaoon. lb.. t 1
TaaoeeilL aa I I I 1 1
sjiatiery. e... 1 1 s
Altrock, p... s
Dvaa. p I t I 1 t
Milwaukee ..til 00410(0 t 17 1 1 fair. Ik 1 111 tHaiianAs. Ik. 1 1
Ratferlea- rea Mnlnea Unrrlm. Unr.e I MuUulrs. s... I 1 t 1 Haball. lb.... U
St. Jaa Dctwaa Mllllaaalna. I Baa. .. till
- nnro irrt BDorvna t.. mA - I Totals ..I till t
v.v-ivrvAw u, .11 f I 1 a-,i- a , 1, 1
- - . with-'m K. ,,1. -I,k Vf..K .1.. 1 I TOU1S .. t IIIU 1
silghtly outclassed. Ths local twirler with Detroit 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0
his home run. however, tied the score In the I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0
elgth and but for NiU'a error la the tanin I Earned runa: Detroit, S. Two-base hits
tha hAma team would have won. Score: I fturrett McGulre. Smith. Three-base hit
Bt. Joseph.. 0 00011010 1 II I Crawford. Baorlflce hit: Long. Stolen
Col. Springs! 00000010011 1 1 base: Holmes. Basea on balla: Oft Dono-
I a . aa almKAht- 41 a. " losaal aaaaaa AS"! akks Wti aa
Batteries : St. Joseph. Falls and McCon- I van, .. u.i '. rV."LT
tiell; Colorado Springs, McNeely and Stan
Cagle. Hlehala' Pttehlag Ispork.
DENVER, July IX Nlchol'a pitching was
the faatura I'onvsr fans have never scan
It equalled. Score:
Patient: "What do you mean by pure?'
Doctor: "I mean free from germs. Impurity
means bacilli; and in a saccharine product like beer
bacilli multiply rapidly. I do not recommend
a beer that may contain them."
. Patient: "How do you know that Schlitz beer
is pure?"
Doctor: "I haye seen It brewed. Cleanliness
is carried to extremes in that brewery. The beer
is cooled in plate glass rooms, in filtered air.
The beer is then filtered. Yet, after all these
precautions, every bottle is sterilized by Pasteur's
process after it is sealed. I know that beer
treated in that way is pure."
Patient: "And is pure beer good for me?"
Doctor: "It is good for anybody. The hops
form, a tonic; the barley a food. The trifle of
alcohol is an aid to digestion. And the custom
of drinking beer supplies the body with fluid to
wash out the waste. People who don't drink
beer seldom drink enough fluid of any kind. A
great deal of ill-health is caused by the lack of it."
Patient: "But doesn't beer cause biliousness?"
Doctor: "Not Schlitz Beer. Biliousness is
caused by 'green' beer beer tnat is insufficiently
aged. But Schlitz beer is always aged for months
before it is marketed."
- Ask far tlie brewery bottling.
Tni. . Itnln. Orestnn for violation of
OT OIT'T T , . 1 . C T3, . . 1 . . .1 I " ' - 1
da. n - f u , y ,0. u l. imu uuuiiUN I , . , mimm , n itainv.inM nmnfi uj m t rt i m
c 1111 1 1. 1 u .uu . tt (iiiu urai I
place, jtnemang succeeaea wewun in me n,IIMI -m r CT TUnotlTfTiM
fifth, and after his first inning Pitched OMAHA "TO GET THUKIMIUN
gooo. oaii. vvatKins rras reieasea AJiemang
to DC rui, ana ou mui mi Mm ntcner I Traaifarrad In
Vols to the Winnipeg Northern league " Player Trans re rre in
team. Attendance. 1.260.
R.H.O.A B. I '
Oolar. lb.... till I Horr, ef-lk. I I 1
Shannon, cc. 4 11 Jonea. If 1 I
w rua. lo-o. 1 4 I
General Shaflle ef Ball
Jackaoa, rl.. I I 1 I IN
l ha.Ior. as. I I 1 1
Husflna. lb. I 1 1 I V
Flourooj. If. I 1 4 t V
Whealar. lb. 1 4 t 0 (
Sullivan, c. 1 I I I
Fiorca. s 1
FarguaoB. p. 1 I
6-1 and 8-. The semi-finals will be played
off this evening.
Reliance Beats Old Yacht by Twenty
Mtnntes More Than Ever
NEWPORT, R. L, July 23. In a race
for a special cup today Reliance gave
Columbia the worst beating It has ever
received. The course waa thirty-eight miles
In length, nearly twenty of which were to
windward, constitution went to Bristol
r"! ! ? uc"" DJ;InJS . .kV nlWZi yesterday to have a new topmast put on.
'-.' ! 1 i ! T"1'" th Bprlngflald team of the Thn-l iDd dld 7not return unui too late to go out
p. t I t l league to play first base. James Walsh, a to the starUniT nn-.
T3T rv-ivrTvnTr"C rtl . Jnlv 23 Wrlaht.
tTZ; ! . ! formerly of Rock Island but lately of
yYro J..'. j I ) Omaha, has signed with Peoria and Thorn-
Fox, rf 0 1 lun u iaUiWSUavefJ w rm uia-Aiiu v
K.iturm, cf... I I Bucks of Vtncennea, Ind., has mgned
wiin. p
Toc&ls . it n I I r I rlLrhr in ih Eastern leaxus. ha 4Vlso
Tnl a la I 11 i it I f . . a
w- y- a i Kaan mi Mrn m nv hnnnmeia.
fit TD...1 sasswSiAe..a1 -a " '-
DU X U1 J"J9VV-V i 1 I
inaianapous wwuoesiooI Jetter'a Park.
iwo-Dase nits: jacason. w neeier jonea
i n.-ipuui iui: jatKBun. stolen oases: I woiicr. . - game time outfooted Its rival. To an
Flournoy C). Shannon. Jackson. Hviairlna I Union Stock Yards Juniors win try con- ...-h a rimhhina- in weather that
Wheeler: Double plays: Geir to Huggins I elusions with the L. O. . A, Originals. Bal- th, eharp8 Kl wa, jugt uted to brlng-
w netier anemang to t. ouiter. Bases I tenger wm no in" ins- out the old boat s speed is looked upon
on halls: Off Newlln S: off 1 I Uaaniera and Adams for the Juniors. An nnthin. ,hnrt nf nn.rl,,l
6truck out: By Newlln. 2; by AJiemang, I exciting contest la looked for. The game ,Be:,aes th, special event for the nlnety-
. Left on baaea: 8r 1 will be called at i:au p, m. im imuia i., footers, there were races today for the
For a few minutes the old boat held its
own, but as soon as Reliance gal Its wind
clear it shot through the lee of Its rival
and crossed Its bow on the next tack,
. , , a . . worked steadily to weather of It and at the
At Jettere park Saturday afternoon, the eame tlme outfooted lt, rtval. To v, Co.
I: by Ferguson.
ram, 12; Indianapolis, 7. Time: 1.00. Urn- I line up aa lollows
pire: foreman.
Loalsvllle Beats Oles la First.
Junlora. Position.
Hirhttn First base.
T.hri ..Becond base..
MlSSEArOUS, July 23. Eaann keot tha I Mil'.tt Third baae..
hlta weU scattered today and Louisville Bohner 6hortstop ..
won In the first on vasbinder'a sildmu. Left field..
The feature waa Ciymers steallne homa In I v.rnunn. Center
uie lunin. Aiienuance, l.uw. ncore: I Lotl ,.H,...tUKai ueia.
LOC11 VILLI. f msKiipni ii I Miller Catcher
R H O A B I B.U.O.A.B. I Adams FltCher ..
Mart, is i i eapooosr. lk.. in r-lmwtmim. Oatnlays Crealoa.
Btuhar. aim Y.r. if... lit Clarlaaa u,'
oi.ii, cf... 11 8miu, rf.... I I I ri uivni I- July 23 tPpeeial Tele-
slnele-stlcker vachta of the New Tnrk
Origlnala Yacht club fleet that have not been hauled
.. .Stiff elder . out for cleaning since tha annual cruise
...Bradford began.
...Minnikus ; The trophies were presented by Captain
...Cosgrave . John Jacob Ator, and consisted of a cup
Dunn ! valued at fl OOO for the schooners, and one
gage ' worth feuO for the sloops, yawls and cut
Mr. Morran. who steered Columbia, and
Captain Birr of Reliance had a lively
fight for the start, which resulted In the
amateur gaining a decided advantage. The
new craft waa handled so prettily that It
was hut 39 seconds behind Columbia In
ered, but the two racers made easy way
through them. Reliance turned the wind
ward mark at 1:31:34.
Columbia wore around at 1:36:55. The
old boat bad therefore beaten Its rival an
even five minutes In a thirteen and a half
mile thresh to windward.
Aninnakers were set for the run to the
second .urn and Relianoe increased lu lead
In every mile. A slight tog was encount
ered near the second turn, but Captain
Barr has steered a true course ana nit tne
mark so exactly that he was able to gybe
around ahead of Vigilant. which had
worked off to the southward of the turn.
Columbia failed to hit the mark, but was
a little to the north of Its course when Re
liance passed on tne way to me nnisn une.
It was a close lay to the line from the
aeon no turn, but the wind hauled to the
westward still more and Reliance was
obliged to make a short tack off shore be
fore It could fetch to the line.
Ingomar led the schooner class around
the course, but lost to Elmlra on time al
lowance. Vigilant was the first of the
single-stick vessels to finish, and as it has
not been measured, it is compelled to give
time allowance to the others. ,lt Is figured
out that Isolde takes tha cup on time al
lowance. Special class ninety-footers, summary: .
Btart, Finish. Elapse1.
go1,-::::::::::::::il;iT iff lliS
Flake Allows Old -Beat t laatea
First Vtetary Over Cap
twenty minutes It slipped away, leaving ita
sister racer almost becalmed.
Beating back to the finish Una a shift of
wind gave the old boat an advantage.
Shamrock I. gained five minutes by Its good
luck. It finished 1:53 ahead and beat tha
challenger by 3:50 elapsed trme.
Start. Finish. Elapsed.
Shamrock 1 11:51:18 4:: 1:34.04
Shamrock III 12:48:18 4U:ll 1:37 :S4
Alleged Crwoked Racing Maa I ar rea
ders te Folic te Aaswer
"Ringing Charge.
tKirnit 1 Ift on baaea: Detroit. E: Chi
cago, I). Struck out: By Donovan. T; by
Altrock, 1 Double play: Hagoon and Tan
nehill. Tlme, 1:26. Umpire: Connolly.
. rkUllee rtad WaiUiitea Easy.
WASHINGTON. July a-Phlladelphlas
m, KeMtna- and Waddell'a Ditchlnc
Denver 0 0 1 01 I proved a combination too strong for Wash
Kansas Clty...l I I I I -IU I Ington's crippled team today. Aloran re
Battarles: Denver, Whltridge and Schlei; ceived Injuries from Pickering s spikes
Kansas City, Nichols and aloasllL which will keep him out of the gam tor
. soue daya Attendance ICS. Score:
taadUaal t Taaaaa. yHlLaOLPHlA WASHINTO!.
. a nr.- I-.. WC M O. A B.I BH.O.AB
I,?"- A i Pick..,, cfl I t I I'kloa, -; .. t I
.. 74 47 27
. A
.. '0 " tboid. rf.. 1111 alk'ek. U-tk 1 111
..7a M 17 .4 I aosmaa. If . 1 111 Loo, rf 11111
.. 74 14 40 . I Vna. .. lit (kob'B. as-lb. 111
..14 -l 41 I M. Croaa. as. 1 4 MoCor-k. 1. 1 I 4
Tl 17 S jralehracfc. .... I I t 1 Kntrlo. I I I
v 1 1 i. n.v,. I .4il. p.. I 1 l p.... til
Boiii.aa. Ik. 1 1 I Oriw, as I 1 I t l -."lli-i-rinda. won today s game by bet- starting. After further skilful handling at
. I 17 t Total, ..lUflU I Clarlnda, Bridges snd McMlllen; Creston. tne ,"ia one teT and outfooted
I 0 0 0 0 1 ai Havllanl. Welch and Corn. tt. Struck out: ! In the r ugh water ncl outfooted
1 0 0 0 0-1 gy Bridges. I; by eicn. i. i "' p0,t jud!th heavier seas were encount-
hits: SulUvan. Kerwln. Odwell. ,miw 8aturdav)
a!ls: Off Vasbinder. 4. Btmrk Ply tomorrow (Saturday). -
Ixuis vllle
Bases on t
I) .. V.. ...I . J ,. . .. l... r , v
ble play: Braahear arid Hart. Earned Arapak Oatplayed,
runs: Louisvuie. z. Bacnnce hit: Clymer. ARAPAHOE, Neb., July 73. -(Special Tel
Stolen bases: Kerwin, Clymer. Left cn e-7n, V-Minden defeated the home team
bases: Minneapolis.. ; LouisvUle, . Time: filTT.v h .h. foUowln score:
CHICAGO, July 23. E. E. Farley, who
was ruled off the turf for alleged "ringing"
by the Detroit Jockey club, and for whom
a fugitive warrant has been Issued by the
Michigan authorities, walked Into the Cen
tral police station today and gave himself
up. Farley was taken before Judge Chet
laln, who set the trial for Thursday. -
Under the Michigan law It Is a felony ta
enter a horse fraudulently In a speed con
test and the penalty Is three years. The
Detroit Jockey club claims that Farley
fraudulently entered Aimless aa Sarah
Black on June 14, at the Gross Point
Farley waa expelled by the Grose Point
official. He appealed to the Western
Jockey club for a rehearing, which was
given him yesterday, when the stewards
sustained the ruling of tho Detroit Jockey
club and refused to reinstate Farley and '
alx of hia companions who are said to have
been Implicated with him.
Fo.rlev rier'area h. hum hail snvttifnar tit
A TI 1 VTTC TTTriTTLANDa. N. J.. July SS. fair treatment at the hands of the Western
A fluke and a shift of wind cheated Sham- Jockey club and claims he will be able Co
rock III. out of a victory In a drifting
match wltn Hnimroci I. on nanay nooi
today and gave the old boat the first vic
tory It ever had over the new cup chal-
''ThV boats had drifted about nln miles
before the wind to the turning mark, with
prove 4hls Innocence.
lust enmisn urran iu h -t. v ir,,hf a r
when Shamrock L's sails filled and for , by Kuhn Co
The Slaaal of Distress.
Whites of eyes snd skin yetlow show
livtr trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New
Life Pills cur or no pay. Only 28c. For
Milwaukee ..
Colorado Springs-
Kansas City
Bt- Joseph
1 enver ............
les Moines
Games today:
"Si Da.lo. lb ... I III fWllaaa.
Fnn lb.. 1 II t lltaa. .
i'! L Croaa lb. 1 I 1 1 Dnil. 1
If... I I I I I
ef till
lb 11 1
M Perty Sass. s ts Mc fat.
A. SANlAiiXA Ca.. tUkera. 1a
Totals ..U It V II 1 Totals ..I IT 1 I
Philadelphia I t 0 1 1 1 0-11
Washington a a a a
Earned runs: Washington, t; Philadel
phia, a. Two-base hits: kittredge. Hoff
man CI. Three-base hits: belbach. Lee,
Davis, L croes. Murpny. nome
runs: aWvbold. Shreck. Stolen bases: Pick
ering :. Davla Double plays: Robinson
to McCcnnlck to Drill, Drill to Mciorraica
L. Cross to Powers. First base on balls
nrr p&ttea. 1: off Wad J 11. X. Struck out
K p.tton. !: bv WaddelL 4- Left on
bases: Washington, t; Philadelphia. A Wild
pitches: W addell. J. Time: l.w. empire:
alBte Again sai uu
n KVELAND. July . Cleveland shut
t. Ituta out asaln today, the visitors be
ing unable to get a man to nrsc sue aiter
th first Inning. Joe struck out nine men.
Slavers pitched a strong game, keeping the
hit well scattered. Laoie s baltli.g was a
feature. Attendance, iw. score:
B H t.l t B.H O A B
ot 11 Mania, cf .. t 1
Bdtoy. Ik.. Ill sloa. lb... I 111
L.J4HO. Mm... 1 m a a wrn.i. v i a a i
klkiaAoa. la 1 10 o onMran. n. o I I 9
Sjiutar. kt I 1 1 I Waiia.oo as.. I till
y,w. rf V 1 I I (Kalkoo, I t I
tun a, ss. I t t tawL a.. a a t t
uu. Umpire: Cunningham.
Slaadlas f the ereasas.
Played. Won. Lost. P C
Bt Paul
Milwaukee ....
Indianapolis ..
Kansas City...
Minneapolis ..
S3 30 .435
tu 29 .633
42 3 .1.
42 40 .51!
36 38 .471
16 4 .432
33 47 .413
30 4 .AM
Mlnden 0 1 I I I H 1 W i
Arapahoe ..... 11001000 04 S i
.. I r. A Cam and White:
... I warn . n , u, "
?5 1 Arapahoe. Saline and Patton. Two-baae
lilt: Tanner, case cm oaiis: ja wwt .
Struck out: By Croco, 8; by Saline, t.
Fast qasae at Craig.
CRAIG. Neb.. July S3 (Special Tele-
w.n. i Tk. hMt a-niiie of th. season was
in hi r- iiiui.ii.ijuij. .1 Aiinof i played her l (XI y oetween vraig anu jn
apolia. Toledo at Milwaukee. Columbus at I croff. on the Craig grounda The work dom
Kansaa City, LouisvUle at St. PauL
Mllwaake isae Rest.
Hughey Duffy, the angel-faced boy, and
nia Dana
rney uuiy, tne angei-iaceo ooy. ana en.t, j Crala 4. Struck
and of wandering ball players will 1 10. bv "Tarrent 11. Bal
,h!?.y.!! ,?"n,7,,..'t...,.h 't1! Tarrent and Harvey; C
by both teams shoirs them to be among
the fastest amateur wuma or me aiain.
Score, I to 0, In favor of Bancroft. Er-
rora: Bancron, i. craig, l mis: dam-
sstruca out: ay nooney.
Talg. Rooney and
llltrir "V .m - a ivasa v aiia;i wutru. AT I I -
A . .. . , 11 UJloa' o4iv on nn lunlau 4 Vx ......
will be two fuli-slied games for the price of I Gasss la Thr-I Leagwe
one gate money. The lineup; I A, rcatur Decatur, 16; Dubuque, t
Omaha Position.
Thomas First base Thornton I RaDlda. I.
Shuarart Second base O'Neill I At Rock
Cenins Shortstop Gatlns I Island, u.
Hickey Third lase.i Cock man I t Springfield Davenport, t
.Mi:ier m u-iu ..oiuna n. A
Welch Center field Duffv
Carter Right field MeVlckera 1
iHindlna t'atch.r Rraun I
latcner Lucia I nABll.liS, nto., juiy a. lepeciai leie
At Bloomlngton bloomington, 4; Cedar
Island Rock ford. 1; Rock
Henderson Pitcher Kenna I rram.l The game of base ball here today
romnanioa. Pitcher Swormstedt I was an entirely one-sided affair. Friend
Sanders Pitcher Voliendorf 1 defeated the local team by a score of 17 to
Bchafstail Pitcher McPberson I 1 Batterie: Hastings, Schaubl andltos-
enbaum: Friend, n itcomb and Jonea
Kresglkcs t. restea Tessa. I
CRE9TON. Ia. July . (Special V-Creav I '
ton s Baa Ball e'.ub has been strengthened I The second round of the handicap touma-
thi week by the return of Hugo eequutt I ment at the Young Mens christian aseo-
for third base and Harry Lohr. a pitcher 1 elation was played off yesterday evening I
and fielder, both of whom are good at the I and resulted as follows: Tebbins (owe 16)
bat. and the addition of James Corbett and I defeated Coeaelln (scratch, s-u and 4-4: i
Alfred Townsend, the catcher and out- I tpjncor (scratch) dete.te.1 'r.artngton
fielder of fhe defunct Shenandoah club. I (one-half 15 1-1 and 4-4; Frankfurt (one-
Th president of the southern Iowa league. I half 16) defeated Jones lacralchi. 0-1 and
of which Creeton Is the Ion notchrr at I 4-1. The last match waa betwean Hunt
rireaent waa In town last week and a. Uad I ana Hr.tuitr. scriicn men. an 3 resul'ed
I aU cj'fflcj" la rtgart w tL FeurUi ef 1 La a vuaor tor Lba larmax la tw seu.
Cigar Smoker's Protection
The band on Cremo cigars is to protect
the smoker. It stands for reputation ;
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It stands for a cigar not ashamed of ita
fli sf
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The Lariett StjIUni Brand of Ga ia th WmrU.
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