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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, JULY 24, li03. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM along th way for a number of new town. T" y''V X "X 7 A i and this specially " Dallas and Guthrie 111 I countls. A splsndld country will bs JL VX V V L . I opsnsd up and ths line In assure) of raying business from the tart. COUNCIL BLUFFS. HI50R MESTIO. Davis srlls druir. Btorksrt Mils carpets. Crayon enlarging-, I0S Broadway. Expert watch repairing. LITert, 409 B'y. Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Lefferts. 40 Broadway. . 14K and IRK wedding- rings at Lefferts, 409 Broadway. Contractor TVIrkhnm began yesterday the paving of Uraham avenue. The newest thing etched brass toaat tab let. Alexander's Art Store. When at Manawa visit Colonel Beck's saloon for a nice cool glass of beor. Mies Anna Walsh of Ida drove, la., is the guest of Mrs. E. P. Grancy of Avenue H. Mrs. Lewis Cutler of Fourth street left last evening on a visit to relatives In La torte, Ind. A. L. Munger, Jr., formerly of this city, row a resident of Denver, is in the city vis iting friend. The Nebraska Telephone company will begin the work of laying Its underground conduits Monday. Wanted A single man to drive and work about house and barn. Apply to Leonard Kverett, 18 Pearl street. Colonel Alexander Hngeland will address the newsboys thTs evening at the corner of Broadway and Pearl street. . H. Klllott and Miss Maude Meek, both of Omaha, were married In this city yester day. Justice Ouren performing tne cere mony. Mrs. Davis and Miss Lyls, evangelists, will conduct services In Pentecost church on West Broadway (Sunday afternoon and evening. For rent, office room, ground floor. One of the most central location In the business portion of the city. Apply to The Bee office, city. Miss J. Z. Lone, local manager of the Pos tal Telegraph company, arrived home yes terday from a visit with relatives at Dwight. 111. Mrs. Clara Kckhert has been ordered naroled from the asvlum at Clarlnda. In care of her husband, U. W. Kckhert, by the tats board of control. There will be a special meeting this even ing at 8:30 o'clock of the degree staff of Palm Grove' at the residence of Mrs. W. B Rue, on Washington avenue. There will be a special meeting of Coun cil camp. Woodmen of the World, this evening. Refreshments will be served at the close of the business session. W contract to keep publlo or private houses free from roaoiies by the year. In sect Exterminator Manfacturing company, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone F634. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. N. M. Hover, fx East Pierce street, instead of in the First Baptist cnurcli. W. A. Maurer of this city yesterday en riched the customs house of Council Bluffs to the extent of 16 as duties upon a car load of chlnawara imported from Germany for the holiday trade. The Woman's Missionary society of St. John's English Lutheran church will give a missionary tea Saturday afternoon from I to s o clock at tne residence of. Mrs. Alln nlo Petersen, 636 Bluff street. Henry J. Smith, the missing treasurer of the Trades and Labor assembly, is believed to have gone west. The question of exam ining his accounts will be brought up at the meeting of the assembly this evening, ins wife and daughter, whom he left peunileas, have gone to Mrs. Bmitn s parents. The proposition for a union picnic of the Sunday schools of the county has been abandoned. The larger schools declined to take part in the project, preferring to hold tneir picnics inaeiwnaenuy ana tne mission schools are not sunicientiy strong to under take such a proposition without the assist ance of the larger ones. The firs department was called at 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning to the Eagle laundry on West Broadway, where spon taneous combustion of coal had set Are to the fuel house and boiler room at the rear of the main brick building. The damage is merely nominal. This la the second Are at the same place from a similar cause and It was statsd yesterday that, the company would be required to replace .the structure now used as a boiler room with a brick building. PICNIC SEASON IS NOW ON 8eral An Announced to Be Held Early in August, ROYAL ARCANUM GIVES PRETENTIOUS ONE Knights of Maccabees, Danish Broth erhood and Dr Long's Industrial School Also Claim Dates. At the meeting of Fidelity council. Royal Arcanum, last night arrangements for the picnic to be held August 8 at Lake Manawa were practically completed, ins ptwiiu this year will have a double Importance, as It will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniver sary of the organisation of Fidelity coun cil and the establishment of the order In Iowa, Fidelity council being the first one organised In this state. There will be in addition to a lenginy program or races a mii 'tt".. Fldallty and Omaha councils ana a dowi ing contest between Fidelity council and one of the omana councils. inw n.ui saal has been engaged for that evening for the exclusive use of the council and Its in vited guests, and hers a dance will bring the day's festivities to a close. Supreme Regent Robinson of St. Louis has been extended an Invitation to be present and the members are hopeful that he will be able to see his way clear to accept. Invi tations have also been extended to the grand regents of Iowa and Nebraska. These have been appointed as the commit tee on arrangements: George Nicoll, M. Maynard, P. C. DeVol, Jr.. W. A. Grone weg, W. E. McConnell. M. M. Osier is chairman of the reception committee. Council Bluffs tent. Knights of the Mac cabees, will hold its annual picnic Tues day, August 4, in the Driving park at Mis souri Valley. The committee In charge of arrangements constats of J. W. Kllbana, C. A. Epps, . L. Solomon, Frank McGukln, L. Bishop, G. II. Gable and Charles Holden. There will be a good program of athletic events, together with a number of other kinds of amusements. The members will march In parade order, headed by a band, to the Northwestern local depot on the morn ing of the picnic. The members of the local tent Is nearly 300, and with their families and friends it Is expected the at tendance will be nearly 2,000, as It Is ex pected that a large number of members of the order from Missouri Valley and sur rounding towns will be present The Danish Brotherhood society will hold Its annual picnic ftunday at Ascot on the Illinois Central. There will be shooting contests and a number of athletic events for which handsome prises, now on exhibition In the window of the Illinois Central city ticket office, will be awarded. Rev. Henry DeLong Is arranging to give the children of his Industrial school their annual plcnlo and outing on August T. The young folk will be given a trolley ride to Omaha and then to Lake Manawa, where the picnic will be held. Bpeclal cars will leave the school at 623 East Broadway at I o'clock In the afternoon. where he was operated upon during the afternoon, Mr. Burke rallied from the op eration In good shape, but owing to com plications the attending physicians reported that his case was exceedingly serious. Drs. J. M. Barstow and D. Macrae, sr. and Jr., are the physicians attending Mr. Burke. Trades Assembly Meeting;. The Trades and Labor assembly Is sched uled for an important meeting tonight. In addition to the semi-annual election of offi cers the question of continuing the office of business agent, now held by J. A. Raabe, will come up for action. Many of the prom inent labor leaders and several of the unions are opposed to continuing the office, claiming that the results do not warrant the constant drain on the treasury. Several of the unions have refused absolutely to contribute anything toward the support of the office and the greater portion of the ex pense has been borne by the Trades and Labor assembly Itself, with the result that Its treasury has been nearly depleted. The trouble among the barbers Is also likely to come up before tonight's meeting for discussion. FLOYD MONUMENT IS RUINED Lightning, Play Havoc with the Obelisk Erected la Memory of Explorer. SIOUX CITY, la., July 23. (Special.) Lightning practically ruined the beautiful Floyd monument, constructed here to com memorate the death of Sergeant Charles Floyd, a member of ths famous Lewis and Clark expedition. ' The monument was constructed here in 1900 by the state and general government, contributing 35,000 each. The rest of the money, $20,000, was raised by private sub scriptions. In form ths monument was built after the manner of the perfect Egypt lan obelisk. From the knoll upon which It Is located one can look into Nebraska, South Dakota and Iowa. Iowa Is planning to have a replica of the monument at the St. Louis fair. Lightning destroyed the apex of the monument and gouged out large stone from the side. It was examined today by a special representative of the government engineer's office. The supposl tlon Is the stone cracked clear to the Inter lor, which will necessitate the entire re building of the upper structure. An effort Is to be made to Interest congress In the re' pair of the monument. Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son. Matters la the Conrts. D. H. Moss yesterday filed In the district court his appeal from the award of the ap praisers appointed by Pottawattamie coun ty to fix damage to abutting property long ths proposed route of the Harrison Pottawattamie county ditches. 'Moss was awarded 1296.40, but places his damages at over 32,000. Ha 1 a resident of Omaha and accompanying the papers In the appeal Is a petition for a removal of the action to the United States circuit court for the southern district of Iowa, The petition In the divorce suit of Alex ander Warren against Kate Warren was filed yesterday in the district court The Warren were married in this city No vember 15, 1894), and the plaintiff alleges that his wife deserted him August 1, 1900. John C. Clementsen, 2230 South Sixth street, was yesterday appointed adminis trator of the estate of his deceased wife, Johanna Christina Clementsen, who was truck and killed by a motor car on the Manawa Una on the morning of July 4. The administration is for the purpose of bringing suit against the motor company. John Miller has brought suit against ths Fidelity Loan and Building association al leging a breach .of contract. Miller claims that a loan of ll.MW has been repaid by him and that stock for which he subscribed had matured, but that the association has failed to deliver the certificates of stock. RETAILERS TAKE A DAY OFF Aboat Two Thousand People Attend Annual Pienle at Mlssoarl Volley. The streets of Council Bluffs presented almost a Sunday appearance yesterday. This was due to the fact that more than 2,000 of Its cltlsens were In Missouri Val ley enjoying themselves to' their hearts' content at the annual picnic of the Retail Grocers' and Butchers' association. Two special trains of twenty-seven cars left the Northwestern local depot at 3:30 and 9 a. m. In the first train there were about 1,200 picnickers, while the second train carried another crowd of about 700. Those who could not get away at that time In the morning left on the noon train, to which were attached two special cars. In addition to the merry-makers from Coun cil Bluffs at least 1,000 people from Mis souri Valley attended he picnic, which was held In the Driving park, about half a mile from the town. Ths members of the association, with hundreds of their employers, friends and families, marched to the depot, the parade being several blocks long. Heading the procession was a band and In the line were to be seen a number of banners and decor ations of various characters. An Immense loar of bread, twenty feet in length, sup- puneu on xne shoulders of twelve attracted much attention. men. Revives Veteran' Association. Ths Western Iowa Veterans' association, which for the last four years has been In a state of somnolency,, has' been revived with A. J. Patrick, of TJte, commander; Hon. J. C. Mllllman, of Logan, former lieutenant governor, vice commander, and P. C. Stlre, of Manilla, chaplain. The as sociation has accepted the Invitation of the eltlaens of Ute to hold the annual reunion there and has fixed August 10 and 21 as the date for the gathering. The association's membership is made up of veterans of the civil wer 'living In the counties of Potta wattamie, Monona, Ida, Crawford, Shelby and Harrison. Until four years ago It held annual reunions In different places In ths dlstrlot, which, owing to ths lack of attend ance and Interest were discontinued. The association has now been revived and a big old-fashioned campflre gathering Is being looked forward to at lTte next month. Family Badly Affileted. CEDAR FALLS, la., July 23. (Special.) What was a week ago a healthy family, today seems to be doomed to detth In whole or in part. One week ago the Walt ers family held a reunion in this city and Henry Walters, who Is old and feeble, was surrounded by his three sons and their wives. Since then two of the wives have given birth to babies and both are crltcally 111. The husbands of both women are also Ml, one with typhoid fever and with no hope of recovery, and the other with obstruction of the bowels and with slight hope only. The feeble condition of the father renders him unfit to stand such a strain and his collapse Is feared. The young men and their wives reside at Sumner, where the brothers are hard ware merchants. ' Haloed by Politics and Whisky. SIOUX CITY. la., July 23. (Bpeclal Tele gram.) Ruined by politics, J. F. Robinson, who has been prominent In Iowa and South Dakota, committed suicide at MornlngHlde today by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver. Robinson was ones recorder of Turner county. South Dakota, and has always mixed In politics. He con tracted the whisky habit along with poli tics and alleged It was brought about by ths necessity of being a good fellow In his political work. His wife was devoted to hlra and ran their .business for him. Some time ago she endeavored to have him con signed to the asylum for Insbrlacy. He went and shortly after his return killed himself. WEATHER FOR THE FARMERS Rural Te'ephons Lines Distribute ths Fore- out of Weather Bureau.' START INTERURBAN: SURVEY TO WEST Labor Talons in Iowa Show a Largo Growth In Roth Number of v Organisations and Membership. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, July 23.-(Speclal.)-The success of the experiment begun In the state of Iowa for having a free dlstrlbu tlon of weather reports to the farmers and other 'phone patrons over the 1,200 tole phone lines of the state has proved suc cessful beyond the expectations of the Weather bureau men. Dr. George M. Chap' pel, In charge of the Weather bureau for this state. Is responsible for the innova tion. He found that a number of tele phone managers had gained some reputa tion and credit by sending out the weather report to all patrons. He entered Into correspondence with all the heads of the Important telephone systems In the state and a a result he I now sending to the managers or central offices dally reports on the weather and these are In turn transmitted free to over 111,000 persons re siding on farms In the state. He Is con stantly adding to the lint, and even now Is In negotiation with six other companies. The reports are sent by telegraph to cen tral points or transmitted from one tele phone system to another until the subscrib ers are reached. Dr. Chappel ha received a great many requests from the patrons of these lines for this free service and much commendation for getting It started. No such experiment has been conducted on an extensive scale save In this state, and the Weather department Is seriously con sidering the advisability of extending It to many other states. It is found to be muclumore satisfactory than to rely on the pnstofTlccs and rural free delivery routes. The system Is regarded as established In this state and neither the Weather bureau nor the telephone companies would con sent to change from It now. lnterurban Snrvcy West. A surveying party of ten persons under the direction of James Wilson, a veteran surveyor and locator of railroads, stsrted out yesterday from Grimes to run a pre liminary line for the projected Western Iowa lnterurban from De Moines to Omaha. Engineer Wilson has driven over most of the route In company with some tt the official of the company and persons locally Interested In the line and Is pre pared to make a pretty accurate survey on which may be based an estimate of the cost. The money for the survey and pre liminaries was raised In the seven counties of Polk, Dallas, Audubon, Guthrie, Shelby, Harrison and Pottawattamie, and It Is es timated that about 310,000 will be needed to get the movement fairly started. As soon as the survey Is made the bonds of the company will be put up and tint Una will be constructed, and there la no doubt In the minds of the promoters that this line will be built -Within a year. The De Moines connection will be with the lnter urban to Colfax' and. Newton, which may be extended to cthfer parts of the state. It Is also believed that locations will be mad Growth of Labor talons. Statistic have been gathered hero to how the growth of labor unions In ths stste, and they show that there hss been an enormous Increase In the number of union and la the membership tb last few years. According to the official report of the bureau of labor statistics for 1900, there were then 394 unions In the state, with an aggregate membership of 36,068. The latest collection of statistics for the same pur pose, though not yet complete In every par tlcular, will show that there are now up wards of 950 unions In the state, with a membership of over 45,000, and the work of organ! ts tlon Is going on rapidly all the time. Of the different unions In the stats, 353 are affiliated with the State Federation of Labor and 720 with the American Fed eration. Could Kot Go to Thibet. At the tlm of the general convention of the Christian church here a tew weeks go Rev. and Mrs. B. G. Griffiths of Boone offered to go as missionaries to Thibet and accompany Mrs. Sarah RJJnhart, who had labored a a missionary and doctor in tnai Held. The money was raised her with which Dr. Rljnhart was to replace her medical instruments lost. The Griffiths have been refused permission to go to Thibet after a medical examination, as it was found that Mrs. Griffiths Is of a ner vous temperament and could not stand the work there. Mr. Griffith will therefor re main as pastor of the church at Boone. Iowa Colored Celebration. The colored people Of south and central Iowa are arranging to hold their Joint cel ebration August 4 at Marshalltown, and special trains will be run from here and from Oskaloosa, Muchaklnock, Baxter and other places. It Is expected that several thousand will congregate to celebrate the anniversary of the emancipation proclama tion. Rev. J. D. Underwood, pastor of the First Colored Bsptlst church of Lincoln Is to be the principal speaker, but N. E. Ken dall of Albla, George H. Woodson of Oska loosa and others will pealt also. MAXIM'S MAXIM. Modest Claim Often Carry Mora Con. vlctlon Than Load Boasts. When Maxim, the famous Inventor, placed his gun befor a committee of Judge he stated Its carrying power to b considerably below what he felt sure the gun would ac complish. The result of the trial was there for a triumph of surprise Instead of disap pointment, as It might hav been If he had overestimated his gun's efficiency. Our claim regarding Newbro's Herplclde Is based on actual scientific facts. If a living germ Is causing your hair to fall out If th most sensible thing to kill that germ. Newbro's Herplcld doe thl quickly and effectually. Destroy th cause you remov the effect. Sold by leading druggists. Send Wc In stamp for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., special agents. Hartmann to Bo gentenced Monday. ST. LOUIS, July 23. Judge Ryan will Monday pass sentence on Emll Hartmsnn. convicted of bribery In connection with the city lighting deal to six years In the peni tentiary; Jerre J. Hannlgan and Louis Decker, convicted of perjury In connection with the suburban railway bill deal, to four year and T. Ed Albright and John Sheri dan convicted of bribery in connection with the suburban railway bill deal, to five years' Imprisonment All ara former mem bers of the house of delegates. Ooes to Circa and Disappears. CEDAR FALLS, la.. July 23. (Special.) Saying she was going to the Rlngling circus at Waterloo, Mrs. Ira Ankersen of New Hartford purchased a ticket for that place last Thursday and since then nothing has been seen or heard of her. She left her husband and three children on th farm and ide to Waterloo, where all trace was lost. A young man of this city, who was a lover of th woman before her mar- riaaa. disappeared the same day and it may be that an elopement will develop. Photographs of the woman are being sent over th country. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel 260. Night. F6S7. Real Estate Transfer. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of Suulre sY Annls, 11 Pearl street: K.- C. Hutchinson and wire to David J. Hutchinson, n H n w 9-77-44, w d.... 34.000 W. K. Doane and wife to C. H. Toane, Jr., lot 1. blk 34. Ferry add., w d ... C. D. Dllllng , and wife to Scottish American Investment Co., und H lot 1. blk 14. Potter Cobb's add. t c d . John J. Hess and wife to W. K. PHtser, lots ( and . blk a. Howard add., w d Fred J. Bole and wife to Robert G. Co, lot k blk I. Hancock, w d.... 400 10 Five transfer, totsl. 300 300 34.910 Marrtaa Licenses. License to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: . Nam and residence. Age. George Hatlirr. pf tawattamle Co.. Ia... .23 Mary Lavardurr.! ntawattarol Co., la.. II H. H. Elliott. LsVaha 28 Maud Meek, Omaha. 14 I Berger. Council Bluffs 43 fernery Beunell, Omaha 47 LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. M Pearl St. CoaaeU bluff a 'Phono Wl. s Reception to Commander Raymond. Th member of Abe Lincoln post, Grand Army of the Republic, are arranging to tender Department Commander Raymond and staff a reception In this city Saturday evening. August 8. Commander Raymond and staff will reach Council Bluffs from Hampton that even ing at t o'clock over the Illinois Central. They will be met at the depot by th mem bers of Abe Lincoln post In full uniform, headed by McFadden's drum corps. From th depot th party will march to the post headquarters on Pearl street, where sn Informal reception win be held and refresh- r..ntV?rrd- Comm" Raymond and his official party will le,v ,t U 0-cIock over the Burlington on their way to the ............. mPment at San Francisco. Major D. M. Reed of this city has been monted,a.membr f mmander fiTy. mondg staff and will leav. August 2 fo, oar!nC'p Wr. the Iowa head quarters. p..t Commander John Llndt n! Captain L. H. Cousin, of this city' wl. Fran?,1.'"' Cmmanar -rmond to s"n Francisco. Joining the party , Council Good Crop in I'nlon. CRESTON, la.. July 23. (Special.) With the exception of a mll portion of th county which wil visited wtth a destructive hall and rainstorm Tuesday th crops are In excellent shape ir the kind of a season Nearly all the corn Is laid by and Is doing nicely. Most of It will produce a good crop but some will make only fodder. Harvest Is In full blast and a large portion of th hsy ha been put up without rain. Oat are turning out finely and the hot night are making corn grow rapidly. Bos Barbara Object. tTl,!b05LC0Ulnr of thre falling to a bid by the new closing hour schedule promulgated by the union Ea. Tro'Z I th. the proprietors of the various shops hss hotel to discus th situation i.T .?hv.nC" 'I th clo"ln ho,,r n 8tur- meVwHh .I!" BUnUr "" no. "PP'oval of ,h boa. barber, and the meeting thl evening I for the purpo. of uniting 1, obrvanc of the former closing hour, which were 19 o'clock BMurday night, and at noon Sunday morn- Th. mploye. it I. .aid. will re.i.t ny such movement oa th port of th bosses !k. k4!!" that lf th bow wfu" to abld by th rulings of th union there will D trouble. Flnley Bark Caacoronsly m. firm"!!? i""ir "mb,r f h firm of Burk. Harl Tlnley. who was taken suddenly ill Wednesday, was found yesterdsy morning t be suffering from appendicitis and . . " m , .. rrom hi 'today for atat horn, on Oakland to Merc, hospital, Davl. district Woman floe Trnstco of Estate. CEDAR FALLS, la., July 23. (Special.) Because he failed to remember her In his will, Myra A. Fllklns, who kept house for Solomon Haney, a widower, has filed suit against ths trustees of th estate. L. H. Beverln, a banker of this city. The Droperty Is valued at I5.000- and was left solely to Beverln In trust for ten years, when it Is to be disposed, of as Beverln may see fit Boy May Lose Hand. CRESTON. Ia.. July 23. (Special.) The t-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. McCloud. re siding three miles south of here, met with an accident that may cost him his right hand. He got that member caught In the pulley of a hay loader and it was so badly cut and bruised that amputation may be necessary. At any rate It will leave him a cripple for life. Knoavlllo Paper Baspoa'ds. KNOXVILLB. Ia.. July 23.-The Reporter bss suspended publication. It was estab lished by Captain J. L. McCormlck In 1380 and he announce that he will collect th back subscriptions and refund to those paid In advance. Captain McCormlck 1 th vet ran newspaper man of the county as h started ths Democrat In 1S!6 and Its name was sfterwards changed to th Express. Monk Ar To Staid. DUBUQUE. Ia., July 23. (Special )-Two young men cam to this city to Join th monks at th Trapplat monastery at New Mellery. On of them left the Institution yesterday and Is seeking other emplojient. He says It la too quiet to suit him. Tb monk own a fin farm, which I seven mile long and three mile wide. Swansea for Senator. MOULTON, la.. July 2J (Special )- Jemea H. Swanson of Mystle was unanl moualy nominated by the republicans her today for atat senator In ths Appanoose a OTHER PEOPLE.., Are taking advantage of our 25 Per Gent Discount Sale :OP: Men 's and Boys' Clothing. Go and do Likewise. You will save money. METCALF & METCfiLF, 9m 3 Main Street, Through to Pearl Street, COUNCIL BLUFFS. hi H a at ftBEEElSUniBB.8IMH QUICK MONEY RAISING Is the result of the great sal started last Monday. That's Just what we must baye the money even If tve only get Lnlf the value of the goods. 100,000 Rolls of Wall Papar to Qo During This Salo Se Wall Paper, per roil Vtic Wall Paper, per roll .2c 46 5c 10c Wall Paper, per roll Kvorythlns In stock at pro portionately low prices. PAINTS AT tl.OO PER GALLON Twin City paint Included In thl sal at tl.OO per gallon. Art Ooods and Picture Frame at 33 13 per cant discount. Everything In these departments Included In thl sal. Picture Frsmeo, l.ftOO styles. Pictures, by the thousands, all at th ONE TH1HO OFT PRICE. All framing order left before August 1 will bo filled at a discount of S3S per pent. Visitors welcome. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil & Glass Co. BROADWAY AND FOURTH STREET. Is your water supply pure? Yon can p.nmv J 9f PabstBlueRibbon in tlie absolute security of its being pure and whole some It is a brand to be re lied on; tke name Rbst on the bottle guarantees its purity. Pabst BlueRibbon is a bottled beer of excel" lent flavor reflecting the highest attainments in the art of brewing. Orders filled by Pabst Omaha Branch, Telephone 79. 2 Tourists and Fishermen Low rates all Summer via the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY, TV I Paul Minnannl is. Duhith and the F .shine and : tf;nnaBAi ttnrl V7io-nin Turn train! , HID Trai II IB til 111. 1 11UL DVSLSS smilVsV liIWIIIIiiN " w Hunt- daily I ? between Omaha and St. Paul-Minneapolis give direct access to Worthington, Slayton, Windom, Bingham .tonka, w nite iiear ana otner rcsous ui mc uui m. Tha Best of Everything. For rales, tickets and full Informstlon, address H. C CHEYMEY. General Ageat, OMAHA, NtU. The Beer of Good Cheer. It's made to suit you. There is a difference in Beers, just as there is a difference in all food products or anything else, Gund's Peerless Beer is made on purpose to be best to suit you. Send for Pre Souvenir Booklet. JOHN GUND BREWING CO., - La Crosse, Wis. Omaha Branch. S01 8. 13th St, Tlphon tM and A2S4. 1) j n s 1 FEW TEOrLB REALIZE what the mechanical department of a groat office building Is. Be Building Is one of the few In Omaha, which maintains Its own power and lighting plant Like everything else connected with Its service, It Is In every way efficient, which is a great sat isfaction to the tenant, who has but to turn the button for bis electric light at any time of the day or night; where the elevators run without Interruption and with perfect safety. There 1 no additional charge for electric light In the Bee Building, uelther are the rents higher because It offers all day, all nlgbt and all Sunday elevator service to Its tenants. Good slssd. plsaaant room, hurdar proof vsult. (or $11.00. This Is on of ths choicest rooms In th building, whica Is vacant. n. G. PETERS 6 CO., Rental Aaronts. Ground Floor. Bee Building' V