10 TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, tTULY 22, 1003. TRIP OF COMMERCIAL CLUB Etcond Trade. Excursion Will 8Urt Out Next Tueiiaf Mom nj. NORTHWESTERN IOWA 10 BE IN THE FIELD Itinerary Shows Towns to Be Visited, repelatloa and Time of Arrlral and Departure of the Special Tr'ola. ' The Commercial club excursion Into northwestern Iowa, over the lines of the Northwestern railroad, wUI leave the Union station In this city at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, July 28, and during three days fol lowing will cover BOO miles of rail, reach Ins the furthermost point at Harlan, 135 miles from Omaha. While Creston, Red ORk and Shenandoah, visited on the last trip, were perhaps larger towns, the aver age for the small towns on the coming trip Is better than that In the southern portion of the state. It Is a country particularly tributary to Omaha, principally because Its railway connections are such as to make quick trips to this city possible. The ex cursion train will carry a baggage car, day coach, three Pullmans and a special car, this being one more sleeper than was neces sary for the last excursion. The Fort Crook Military band will, as before, furnlah the music and the regular souvenirs and adver tising matter will be prepared. The Live fltock exchange and packing houses of South Omaha will use one car and there Is every prospect for a large party from this city. The book of the exctirslon will be distributed Tuesday morning. The Itinerary follows: FIRST DAT JULY 28. Population. Towns. Arrive. Ieave. Stops. Iyeave Omaha 4"0 Mod ale S.10 400 Monrlamln :40 0OPlsgh. 10:16 20O preparation 1:.T0 200 Moorehead 10:46 -Soldier 11:10 400 ute 11:33 2W Bchleswlg 12:15 100 Klron 12:38 MO Wall Lake 1:20 1.440 Ode bolt 2:05 170 Arthur 2:50 J.OOO Ida Grove 3:15 60 Battle Creek 4:05 30 :'J8 9:55 10:11 10:40 :56 11:20 11:43 12:26 12:43 1:45 2:35 3:110 3:50 4:20 4:50 6:35 :05 6:25 0:18 0:16 0:0 0:10 0:10 0:10 0:10 0:10 0:06 0:2: 0:30 0:10 0:35 0:15 0:15 BOO Dan bu ry 4:36 1,100 Mapleton 6:05 SfiO Castana .. 5:50 160 Turin 6:15 2,000 Onawa 7:00 0:30 0:15 0:10 Supper and breakfast. SECOND DAY-JULY 29. Onawa 675-Whltlng ftio Sloan 8:00 ,. 8:15 8:30 0:16 .. 8:45 9:00 0:15 ,. 9:15 :30 0:16 .. 9:45 10:06 0:20 ,, 10:45 11:05 0:20 ,. 11:25 11:45 0:20 .. 12:00 12:15 0:15 .. 12:26 1:80 1:0G .. 1:45 1:55 0:10 ,. 2:15 2:46 0:30 ..3:05 3:26 0:20 .. 3:40 - 4:00 0:20 .. 4:15 4:35 0:20 .. 4:60 6:30 0:40 .. 6:50 6:10 0:30 .. :2t) 6:30 0:10 ,.i 6:45 6:55 0:10 .. 7:20 9:00 1:40 .. 10:30 600 Sergeants Bluff !Wv Plerson 6.V) Correotlonvllle 240 Cuhlng 400 Breda 1,900 Carroll 2,600 Harlan THIRD DAT-JULY 80. Harlan .... 9:00 210 Kirk man 9:15 9:26 0:10 oo Irwin 9:40 9:50 0:10 1,200 Manning 10:30 10:50 0:30 100 Halbur 11:06 11:15 0:10 8.900 Carroll 11:30 12:30 1:00 410 Arcadln 1:00 1:20 0:20 400 West Side 1:30 1:50 0:20 600 Vail 2:00 2:20 0:20 ,W0 Denison 2:85 8:35 1:00 300 A r km 3:50 4:00 0:10 470 Dow City 4:06 4:20- 0:15 1,30 Dunlap 4:36 6:06 0:30 1.260 Woodbine 6:28 6:65 0:30 1.400 Logan 6:10 6:40 0:30 4,000 Missouri Val'.ey ... 6:65 8:30 1:35 Omaha 9:10 'Breakfast. Supper. Lunches will be served on each train. RAIDS , PRODUCE NO FINES As 9s Complaints Are riled Against the Women They Are DIs. charged. Several raids on alleged1 houses of Ill-fame outside the burnt district Monday night by : the police did not work out In police court yesterday morning as well as did those of last week. The difficulty was In the fact that no complaints had been filed against the women arrested for keeping disorderly houses. For thla reason Judge Berka dis charged Bertha Kline and Elsie Harris, The cases of the Inmates, however, were continued until Wednesday morning, when It Is probable a light fine will be assessed against each. The raids made Monday night were on JJoward street establishments. In the one conducted by the Kline woman five other women and four men were found. The women gave their names as Ella Dixon, Ella Madison, Bessie Hurst and Maggie Saunders, and the men as Frank Burt, Ben Miller, Frank McKlnney and George Peters. The men were discharged. In the Harris place were found Bill Anderson and BJ. J. Van Hllle and Ella Wither and Nellie Huston, besides the Harris woman. The men were dismissed because the charge of vagrancy could not be made to tick against them. Inasmuch as the keeping of a disorderly house la a violation of the state law. the prosecution rests with the county attor ney's ofllce. Last week two women ar rested on the charge were held to the dis trict court under bonds of $200. The raids are part of the plan of the police to stop the social evil outside of the proscribed district, but apparently the wires were ndt properly laid yesterday morning to execute the entire program. AX UDITOK reaad That It Pays to Take Bis Wife's Advice. Mr. A. U. Grouby, editor of the Abbe ville. Ala., News, has the following kind words for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy: "Several days ago I was taken with something like bilious dys entery In a malignant form.' I took medl- etnea for two or three days, but got worse all the time. We had a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and my wife prevailed upon me to take a dose. The one dose? relieved me within an hour and I have hot been troubled with It since. I consider this the most wonderful bowel remedy I have ever seen." To Appear Before Stare Duard. The members of the tax committee of the Real Instate exchange and the attorney em ployed by the Hoard of County Commis sioners are getting ready to go to Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. Breen will be accompa nied by W. O. I'm, secretary of the com mittee; Vf. a. Shrlver. D. V. Sholes. F. 11. Mvers and probably by Thomas 8. Boyd. chief clerk 'of the tax department of the county clerk's oltice. It is expected that the hearing will last all dav and that the committee will show good reasons why the tax rate for state purposes In louglas county should be much lower than In other counties of the state. Cleans as well as polishes GORHAM Silver Polish The most economical ' in use. Contain no injurious iubunce. All roopoasible Jewelers keep it aj coats a package TUB HEETT COMPASY. arir la the Grocery noisiness Many Bales, "mail Profits. THIS IS WHAT KEEPS THE STOCKS MOVING. FREE CUP AND SAUCER with every pound of Tea. JAPAN RICE, special, worth tc lb., 4c lb. Worcester sauce, bottle, 10c. Salmon, 1-lb. can, 10c. OH sardines, can, 6c. Bennett's Bargain Soap, 10 bars, 25c. Stick Candy specials new, fresh, deli cious and assorted flavors, 6 sticks for lc. 30 sticks for 6c. Free Ice cold buttermilk In butter dept. THE BENNETT COMPANY. SUTPHEN GETS NO DIPLOMA Judge Estelle Decides Against the Cadet and Case Will Be Appealed. Joy Sutphen lost the first round In his fight In the courts for a diploma from the Omaha High school, Judge Eatelle deciding that he had not shown clearly that he was en titled to the credits which would be suffi cient to secure the certificate of proficiency. The case was before the court for sev eral days and during that time considerable light was thrown upon the present system of credits In the school, but not sufficient to enlighten the judge fully as to the mode of procedure. In summing up the case the judge aald In part: "I cannot say thst I am fully enlightened as to the present system of marking grades and standing In the schools. I am some what familiar with the old system, where pupils might be perfect In all of their studies and still come Into contact with a shovel or a switch If they did not obey or ders of the teachers or rules of the school. We used to start out with nothing and If we were perfect In our studies we received 100 per cent, but that did not mean that we would be exempt from punishment If we did not behave ourselves. But the present system, I must confess. Is somewhat be yond me and the evidence does not make It Vain." The hearing was rot ended without a show of feeling In which Judge Estelle took a prominent part, Intimating rather than saying that he had not been treated fairly by O. W. Shields, attorney for Sutphen. After the case had been submitted and the arguments were being reviewed by the judge the attorney broke Into the remarks by saying that, according to the evidence Introduced, the relator would be entitled to at least 84 points, 32 being necessary to se cure a diploma. In support of this he called attention to the record of the fourth year's work, and upon the face of the record his contention was borne out, but In his argu ment he had not referred to this point and the judge had not considered It. The judge therefore was taken by surprise, but re marked In an Injured tone, that this point did not make the matter clear to him yet, and continued his remarks, concluding by saying that tha motion of the respondent for a denial of the writ would be sustained and the case dismissed. Judge Shields Im mediately gave notice of a motion for a new trial and said that In case It was denied the case would be appealed to the supreme court. A Wonderfnl Change. Weak, sickly Invalids are soon changed by Electric Bitters Into healthy men and women. They cure or no pay. 60c. For sale by Kuhn A Co. DECORATION OFNEW THEATER Representative . of Kekmrt Company Arrives with Four Skilled Men to Do the Work. Empire red will be the predominating color In Hudson St Judah's new. theater, with old Ivory and gold and a large amount of plastic work. The decoration of the Grand Opera house In Kansas City has been the model tot the work In the new Omaha house. E. Keller, the representa tive of the William Eckart company of Chicago, arrived Monday with four skilled men, and will have charge of the work until early next week, when George Eckart cornea to superintend the completion. The company Intends, If possible, to have fin ished by the first of next month. These same decorators did the work for the Boyd theater. The proscenium arch will be paneled with rather elaborate design of flowers In colors to harmonlie with the wall tints. This work will be the principal decorative feature. The stage opening, which has an asbestos plaster base, will be ornamented with plastic details. There will be pillars at the sides topped with Ionic caps and joined to the boxes by a plastic cornice. The face of the boxes and of the balcony and gallery will be of plaster. On the former ornamentation will be of Fleur-de-lis In three alternating rows, and on the latter will be a central row of rosettes holding electric lights. These rosettes will be covered with French gold leaf bronxe, with the wood work of Ivory shade. The forward edge of the proscenium arch will also have a row of rosettes and lights and there will be others ovet the boxes. The base of the boxes and some other wood work la of hard pine, and will be of natural finish, but all other wood will be of Ivory tint. The walls, ceilings and friezes will be stenciled and worked out by hand. The lobby, which will be ornamented elabo rately with plastic work and panels, will be In general tone a rich cream color. There will be pillars at the sides of the box office and rosettes and lights. OFT, GLOSSY HAIR. It Can Only Bo Had Where There Is No Dandruff. Any man or woman who wants soft. glossy hair must be free of dandruff, which causes falling hair. Since It has become known that dandruff W a germ disease, the old hair preparation were mostly scalp Irritants, have been abandoned, and the public, barbers and doctors Included, have taken to using Newbro's Herplclde, the only hair preparation that kills the dandruff germ. E. Dodd, Dickinson, N. D., says: "Herplclde not only cleanses the scalp from dandruff and prevents the hair falling out, but promotes a new growth. Herplclde keeps my hair very glossy." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Henu clde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & Mc nell Drug Co., special agents. Qalet Soamr Ilrsorls Along the Lake Shore it Mlchla Southern Ry. Is tha title of a pamphlet that may aid you In deriding the perplexing question of "where to go" for your vacation. Copy may be had by addressing M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A. G. T. A., Chicago. Moaey Orders. We sell money orders, payable anywhere In the United States. Banking hours, till &. Saturdays until p. m. J. U BRANPEIS c SONS, Bankers. Mortality Dtattsilcs. These births and deaths have been re purled to the health office: Hirtha Olvde A. Davis. at3 South Tren y-elishth avenue, boy; Oxear Bchwsra. 14t'.l 8mth Fourteenth, boy; Michael Mccormick, 13 South Twenty-second, girl; Kuell Rnef, Rou'evard. girl; William Cr nin. f-Nti CumliiK. girl. Iteatha John t.t.pplngton. 60. 1311 Casa; Frank Raxter, , Ht. Joseph's hospital; May C. Jon?, U. t!(Jk North Twenty-til lb; VWl Fotux, la, la SouU fleweuteeiiUi. I Boys' I Clothing I Third t Floor i JO 0 am mosicea mm Y m T Klni as. A I All the newest patterns These ginghams became slightly wet in a railroad washout Special bargain to day at 2ic a yard. Also one case of fine Colored Outing Flannels at yard This is Beyond Question the Most Extraordinary Bar jfrain Ever Offered in Staple Merchandise. Standard Prints at 41c Yard Three cases of the best Standard Prints In full pieces at a yard 4c I5c HOSIERY AT 8ic Ladies', men's and children's fast worth fifteen cents a pair at black PEARL r BUTTONS jfj a t dosen. . Excellent grade of worth as high Wednesday offer dozen lOc LACES Fine French Valenclenne: regular ten cent quallty- In Laces, a big special for today, at a yard Pope Leo Pictures at 10c Very fine reproductions of famous portraits of Pope Leo In black and white mounted with gray mat for framing special at each LADIES' WASH Well made Summer Wash Skirts made crashes will launder perfectly worth $1.25 today at each Clearing Sale Men's Summer Suits Is now In progress. The finest cool Summer Suits for men going at prices never before equalled for high grade clothing. Watch Our J Windows Smoke Omaha's Finest So Cigar the INSISTS ON FULL MEASURE Inspector Mthammitt Starts Crusade Against Short Quantity Milkmen. FILES COMPLAINTS IN POLICE COURT Will Proseente All Dealers Who Re fuse to Have Their Measures Of ficially Sealed Tells of Peculiar tin art. Now that the milkmen have been closely examined as to the purity of the fluid they are selling they are to be watched to see that full measure is given. Inspector of Weights and Measures Mahammitt has begun a fight on short quantities and says he will keep It up until every measure In use la of standard capacity. Yesterday he filed complaints In police court agalnBt several dairymen, who, he says, refuse to permit him to Inspect and properly seal their vessels used for doling out the lacteal commodity. One ot them so far defied authority as to run away 'from the inspector when h approached and re quested permission to examine the pots and pans. This made Mahammitt rather Irritable, as he thinks the man must have had scant receptacles. His course has always been a remedial and corrective one and not allied with persecution and he naturally felt re buffed. In these hot summer days when the In fants need much and good milk the supply frequently runs short In the homes of the poor and the Inspector thinks It almost Im perative that every family gets Its money's worth. AVI tli the majority of the milk deal ersespecially tne large ones mere is no difficulty, but recently a lot of short meas ures have been found In the wagons of the smaller milkmen. Peculiar duart Measure. "This year I have come across a peculiarly constructed quart measure," aald the In spector. "It can be made to hold a quart, but has to be crowded somewhat to make this possible. The ran is made with a very large Up, or projection, and If supplied to capacity contains a standard quart. How ever, It Is an easy matter to till Just to' the lip and this means a quart minus one glil, or an eighth. To persons who have plenty of money such a small amount makes no difference, but In poorer families It cer tainly does. "I have refused to stamp any of these measures and no measure can legally be uaed in Omaha unless It has been officially sealed. If customers will insist upon the seal It will help me greatly and Insure them the full quantity for which they pay. The measures in point are made right here in Omaha by a, tinner on Clark street. but there la no way of reaching him. The only course left open to me is prosecution thrwugh the police court under the ordi nance forbidding the uae of unsealed meas ure?, and this la what I propose to do until 1 have bettered the coudlUoua aa far as powlUe." 3 MET' "'llcT mmmmnm (0) a re ra r r Third Floor warns 25c Lawns and Dimities at 7ir. Yd. Fine I,nwns and Dimities in black. white and all colors pretty floral designs worth up to L'5c a yard at a yard 7c and tan Hosiery 8c Penrl ButtonsIn every size as luc a doien a special at 2c Yards AT 2c YARD Beadlnga and Insertlngs 2c 10c SKIRTS AT 69c of good duck and 69c IS. Watch Our KEY WEST CIGATt' Park tc Tel ford Mi . Favorlta 15 SiSlS 8. ' Rodrlpuei Charles tha G rent 12 sixes. Enuellf Lopes Lord Temple--lO size. liaMMMBaWa "It Tel. 15UO for a box. IVe dellTer i I W. F. Stoecker Cigar Company ( j THE BKKXETT COMPASY. Hot Peanut ! Hot Peanuts. SC A QUART A QUART 8C. 6.000 quarts to sell fresh roasted peanuts. ALL DAT WEDNESDAY BASEMENT. BLACKBERRIES! BLACKBERRIES!! Now's your time for preserving! BLACKBERRIE8 FANCY HOME GROWN. 24-QUART CASE FOR $3.00. pon't miss the chance get your supplies NOW Fruit department, basement. The Danish Brotherhood Lodges of Council Bluffs, South Omaha and , Omaha, Grand excursion and picnlo To Ascot Park, la., 8unday, July 2S, via Illinois Central Railroad. Round trip tickets, Including admission to park and dancing floor, CO cents. A great program for the day. Shooting, fishing and dancing. Train leaves Union depot, Omaha at 8:80 and 10 a. m. Chautauqua T.ah-, . r., and Re turn, ft4.'M, From Chicago via Erie Railroad. July S4th. Return limit thirty djs. Trains leave Chicago 10:30 a. m.. 6:16 p. m. and 10:00 p. m., for Akron, Youngstown, Chau tauqua Lake, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, 'Al bany, Boston and New York. Write H. L. Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111., or D. M. Bowman, General Western Passenger Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago, for information and Illustrated Chautauqua Folders. Have Yon Kver Seen Maararaf If not. your education hae been neglected. In going to New York, Boston, or anywhere east, make It a point to take the Michigan Central. "The Niagara Falls Route," and get stopover at the Falls. Send for Illus trated Summer Tours, to Niagara Falls, The Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence, Ad Irondacks, Hudson river, lierkshlres, White ! mountains. New England const, Mackinac I Island and the Boo, etc. Send a red stamp I to O. W. Ruggles. O. P. & T. A., Chicago. Special Con Kate 4'haataaqaa Eirir. eloa July t. Via Iake Shore Michigan Southern rail way; 114.00 for the round trip from Chlcngo. Return limit 30 days. A handsome Chautau I qua book, with any Information desired. may be had by addressing M. 8. Giles. T. P. A.. Chicago, or C. F. Daly, chief A. G. P. A.. Chicago. For Bala-TLue bill on one of the best New York City hotels at a good discount. Ad dress 64, care Omaha Bee. JOHNSONMrs. K. J., at 1:30 o'clock, July 2l. Funeral at residence. 1420 Decatur street, Wednesday at 2 p. in. Friends invited. Pontiac. lil., papers pleaae copy. WOOD Harry. July . 1!iS. aaet Si years. Funeral services will tie held from North Side Christian church. Twenty-sixth und Orunt streets. Wednesday afiv.noon, July 22. at I o'clock, luteriucut 'uiel. Uu. " fiends lit vl led, SCllf.iOLLER MUELLER 1313 Farnam Street July Clearing Sale Affords Rich Piano jacking Astounding Offers All the New Pianos at One-Third io One Half Discount Used and Shopworn C.r.md, T'prijjht and Square Steln ways StPKPr & Sons Braorsons KimbcM ("bickerings Bradbury Ivrs & ronil Vobp TUB OENU INK OHAMKK Waters Krbe Mclntyre &. (Jodell Hale Ilensel Ha I let & Davis and others all polished and tuned at prices one fourth to one-linlf original cost $i4, fSO. $02. $115. $128, $143. $170, $ls.S nnd up. Square Pianos and OrKiniM nil makes $8.00, $12.00, $l.r.fKI, $L'3.00, $32.00 to $48.00 on payments ot $2.00 per month. On the Extra Terms off Nothing Down and S3 to S5 Monthly Un til Paid. THEY ARE MOVING FAST Call or Phone at Once " PHONE I625. ' I3I3 FARNAM ST. i OMAHA, NEBRASKA. QUITTING AND CLOSING OUT the finest lot of Stan hopes, Park .Wagons, Carts, Phaetons, Etc., ever seen in Omaha. HARNESS ALSO. DRunriofJD, 18th and Harney Sts. ONIMOD CANVAS TOP WELT SOLE SHOES ONA.MAN MEANS , COOLNESS, COMFORT, STYLE AND ECONOMY ALWAYS S3-50 and S2.50 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 13th St. k3 all you need eat for a com plete summer breakfast Be- ides being nutritious they ore very Toothsome Ask r grocer for Malt-Too rtaaes SwrG it """ZT"'" ff-' porflsnd (Iff San mm Flakes KxS are 1- tl sJ vl run ill MS Til K ntl.lABLK I'I'UHK. A Big Grown Sample Shoe Sale Bought at" a big sacrifice, the entire floor stock 2,500 TAIRS, of this well known brand of shoes. These goods do not need any "send off," as thousands of our customers have worn them and can tell of their good qualities. On sale Wednesday morning at 8 a. m., at ONE NINETY-SIX. SI.96 SI.96 SI.96 We are closing out the entire stock of misses' and children's Fedora's and strap sandals from QQft the Lynn factory at' 70c and i OOU JULY LACE AND TUESDAY MORNING BEGAN OUR LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. THESE ONCB. 100 pieces of Torchon Itces worth 6o, le, and 15c o Clearing- sale price AC One lot of extra wide Wash Lace Han1 regular price ZSc Iflu Clearing sale price IUC A big; line of fine Val Laces worth 5c lt i.w ivni ins 'M JL ffc sale price "G MILLINERY SNAP. fl.OO and 75c street hats all colors, all stylos. Wednesday IN MILLINERY DEPARTMENT SECON D FliOOR. LEMONS, LEMOriS, LEHOliS. ORANGES, We have purchased from the California Fruit Exchange, a car load of fancy, large, juicy lemons, and fancy sweet St. Michael oranges, which we will place on sale Wednesday, i f in our grocery department, at, each lw LIEN'S CLOTHING SALE 5,000 men's pants worth fully $3.00 to $5.00 on sale at $2.50 and HAVDERJ KC UNION PACIFIC n I UA Seattle frU' Francisco Tacoma Los Angeles V j Tickets on sale Aug. ist to 14th, inclusive, I I GOOD SIXTY DAYS RETURNING. if i II Slxtiin hours qulckir than any othir Una to 1 j tha Pacific Coast. JJ j For fall Information call or writs J W. CITV TllKUT OFKICK, 11121 FAItNAM STREET. JT S Xi. 'Phone L-O' Mr BOTTLE - DEER i vfta The real pure old fashioned beer not found everywhere IJi53 1 Ut.tZrzX these days brings a relish for dinner good through and thro'. f 0 ISSd DllTn to nr part of Omaha, Coancll Bluffs or Booth Omaha. DollTone to any part of Omaha, Coancll Bluffs or Booth Omaha. Order a esse from JETTER BREWING CO. or LEE MICHELL. Wholesale Dealer, Council Bluffs. Tel. 80, or Hugo F. 6ILZ, 1J24 Douglas Street Telephone 1542. Oval Fairy Soap 4c Cake Yes. It's Fairbanks, and. of course, that seines i ou uwiiilj yi .yKc.fc.vr... selling Falrbank'a Glycerine Tar Soap, the large caae wmppcu m mn, . Bee these soaps In our big- window and ...I... 4a n.a a A nf this Sn&D WhilS it la.Htft. $7.00 Bath Cabinet-guaranteed.. XIM Chester s uenuino rnmi ' " $'0O La Bon Ami Capsuli (French). .1.00 i nn p.ri.i.n Hair Tonio (guaranteed). .750 1XW Peruna all you want at ...67c Sac uenuine unmui m j. 2oc Hires Root Beer Extract .,..140 r., Taloiim I'QWder 1-0 HAVW IUU iiir-i- l.fc oisr . 1100 Iler's Malt Whiskey tm Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey... ..64a ..ro .40o L0O U. 8. Tobacco' Cure guaranteed.. 600 OPEN ALL N1U11T. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STORE Two 'Phones T4T ana 70T. tOth aad Chicago Streets. Omaha. We Clean China Silk, Mull, organdie and alpaca dresses nd make U.em look Juki like new. U makes no difference how much la and other trimmings are on tliem, m will not injure them In any way. All work guaranteed In every respect. Goods called for and delivered. Ask for a price list. THE PANTORIUM OMAHA. 407 Bo 15th St Tel. 0C3 IIOTbLl. HICAGO BEACH HOTEL lafclfrssa4Ua.Sra.taara, U A Summer Koaort on the city's ede. Nesrly 10JU toot ol veraodaovcr-kM.klcg ..aire Mioli. 430 Mtlaid town. W flowu tvwo. oUel toes, ll MVI!i$ T1IR RELIABLE) tTOItB. EMBROIDERY SALE GRAND JULY CLEARING 8 A LP) ON STOCKS MI ST BE CLEARED UP AT Extra wide Corbet Cover Embroideries worth (Hie to 7Sc ttl Clearing sale price I WW A fine line of patterns In medium and wide Embroideries and Insertlngs at and I 'I $1.00 All-Over Ires renm, hlark QQr and white Clearing sale price W3W 10c GRANGES, ORANGES The Best is the Cheapest Acknowledged to be the easiest and best painless extraction In the west. Gold frowns ...,,(I2.8S Set of Teeth ii.85 Killing's, (rum ZBe Bridge Work from XMIi Teeth Extracted FREK Incorporated under state laws. Work guaranteed ten years. Kvmember, you have no students to pact ice on you all old, expert den tistH to do your work here. Our re cord has stood the test eight thou sand patients In the last eighteen months. We heat the sore-head den tists and dental Hec's. Complete vic tory for the Union. Established for years. Union Dental College. 1522 DOt'OLAS BTRBET. Open dally till k. Sundays t to 1 Merchant National Dank i M K IW - W itu Tr mto PalJ mr caatul ataa.aw Ksryta faarf flmMm.' IJXITIZD HTA7BH OHHOmiTOHY. lilll timfc. rmmtt 9 V T I .niittn .m Xeputy State Teterlnarlas. Food Inspector. H. L.RAf.UCClDTTI, D. V. S. CiTT VETHRINAALIK. , T Office and Infirmary, Sola and Mason 8ta SI.S0 BROS.