Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1903, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Reachinf Ireland Edward Expresses Borrow
at Pope Leo'i Demise.
Thoniandi Che at Klngsto.. A hen
Monarch Lanii cn Piet.
Assaraares of Hnila la Maaeharlea
Matter Arc Not Felly
LONDON, July 21. The Associated Pree
learn that Japan la not satisfied with the
assurance Russia haa given the t'nlted
State In regard to Manchuria and hna
been actively urging Oreat Britain to Join
It In a more energetic attitude toward
Great Britain thu far haa been disin
clined to take any action, but Japan Is
persistent In urging the Immediate evacua
lon and the restoration of atatua quo
" . New Chwang, and that a number of
Pablio Baildlngi All Are Layuhlj DeOO i additional porta be opened to the com-
Tated Except Ciij Hall. ,ntnrmrA forel.n offlre
here that Russia haa nut ceased to nreaent
PONTIFFS DEATH CURTAILS REJOICING or Chinese acceptance the conditions
ru which it presented some time ago and
which Russia denied submitting.
CRONK PRESIDES OYER ELKS geronimo joinsjhe church
Former Terror f the Soathwest
la Baptised d Become
I Theatrical Parformaaeo
la Cat from, bat Otharwls VUM
Will Bo Carrlo Oat
If the ports are opened In compliance
with the Japanese proposal, Manchuria
will be honeycombed with trade routes.
The Manchurian porta suggested by
Japan are Fuln Han Chen, Tagustlan,
81 u jane, Llo Tan, Bemmlnchln and Tuncu.
Eopliei to Baltimore Major Weloome
Before LetTing Offioe.
GUTHRIE. Okl.. July 21.-Perhaps one of
ORDER ADDS 27,824 MEMBERS IN YEAR the moat Impreaslve Christian ceremonies
ever witnessed west of the Mississippi
I remlndpr of the earlier flays when the mis-
Richard Wood of "loua Fus r,irru slonarlcs labored among the Indiana was
Oraaa Esteemed Loyal Knight, I the conversion and baptising of the aged
Wall Mooaler "uccand Geronimo and a doaen, of hla Apache war
riors last Sunday before a large crowa m
Indiana and white. The ceremony was per
formed by a Methodist minister.
With the Comanrhpa sitting on one side
of the tabernacle and the Apachea on' the
other, each tribe, with Its Interpreter stand-
Oanahaa aa Raler.
BALTIMORE, July 2L The Grand lodge
of the Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks met here today.
Paper Discovered Since Hla Drill
how that Pope Left
ward and Queen Aieinuifc -
by Princes. Victoria and their suites, ar
rived here at 6.35 a. m. . v
On arrlvai a salute was fired. A heavy
rain.; which had been falling since an early
hour, ceased at I o'clock and the sky
cleared, giving promlee of fine weamrr (opyr-ht. 1903. by Preaa Publishing Co.)
the royal entry Into Dublin. ROME, July 21. (New York World Ca
in replying to an addreaa here. King Ed- blegrara Bpeclal Telegram.) Documents
ward said he In the aadneaa of are reported to have been discovered In
multitudes of hla subject over the news of tne pope's apartments since his death
the pope's death. which prove that his private fortune
The klhc added that his visit came at a amounts to $17,000,000. The announcement
time when a new era l opening In lreiana. i produced a sensation, as nobody supposed
A 1.1 nrfrt'fflftnr. which had been I ne had amassed such a sum.
planned for the royal theater In Dublin Mgr. Merry Delval has been appointed
July 24. haa been countermanded In oonae- secretary of the conclave, provisionally,
quence of Pope Leo's death. In case the nomination Is confirmed It
. ., . would exercise an Important Influence on
nam spoil.
Grand Exalted Ruler George P. Cronk of " In the foreground repeating the words
Omaha. In his response to Mayor McLean's " wn prmiyr. n" '
speech of welcome, dwelt at length on the the story of Christ hf how the Indian
. .... -.,, for the "' hve full and free salvation and
- i V . 7 .7... n" through death to the "real happy
ji vi am biui iuuo i u i u .
Governor John Walter Smith of Mary
land was received with three cheers and
delivered a brief speech proffering the hos
pitality of the state to the visitors,
Ths annual reports of the officers showed
that eighty-one new lodges were organ
ized during the year with a membership of
27.B94. making the total membership of
the order 163,722. This Is the largest In
crease In the history of the order. During
the oast year 147,000 was expended In the
purchase of a home for aged Elks, and
ovctr 110,000 was voted to the flood sufferers
In Kansas, Missouri and Oregon.
During the year 1.294 members of the
order In good standing died, 3.4IS were
stricken from the rolls for non-payment
of dues and 190 suspended or expelled.
. . - i -.a tum
The morning's rain haa Dearanei i SpBnIl,n ambassador to the Vatican and
j ...... n,vinh had been most ei-i . . w. u
the conclave, as he s the son of an ex-
Spanish ambassador to the v
hates progress and Americans.
lie would
fectlvely carried out everywhere, i i favor the moBt ultra monUme candidate.
were signs or welcome - Tonight's papers devote Important artl-
publlc buildings and amall craft ana cJeg t(j ardlna, 0bbon, Baylng he will
great battleships in the naroor tne champton of modern Ideas In the
-.i.k Ansa ana Dunlin, i i.. . . hi.
v till ww ! - - - I " aiivi hid aiviutiii, uia ram aa
Thousand of people linea ino profound Influence on the decision of the
and wharves, awaiting tne iii. conclave. Cardinal Gibbons Is considered
majesties. While they were as the mainstay of the Vannutelll candlda-
note of mourning waa sounoea ture.
.i ..iniritin. it came iron rj i
: i ii'i . . " j d - ... .
bell of the Roman Cathollo ""STOCKHOLDERS IN A FIGHT
Michael, wnicn waa um -
memory of tha pop whose, death un
deniably mars tna sponiaeivjr
n,.tr malestlea were rowea irom
Victoria and Albert In a royal barge to
the Victoria dock, where they landed at
gtrattoa'a Indepeadeaee Mlalac Com
pany Bvcomri Iavolvad la
IXDNDON, July 21. At an adjourned
11 o'clock. They were received by the earl me,etlrur of' the shareholders of Btratton s
of Dufferln, lord lieutenant oi ireiana, nu independence Mining company today a dlv-
a. number of offlclala and were conducted Wend of 5 p,,r cent wa, aeclared. leaving
to a pavilion, where an address of welcome aoout 3oo,ooo in the treasury. Lord Ches-
was read on behalf of the Kingstown terfleld th, chairman, said the board hoped
municipal council. ... I the affairs of the company would be set
Immediately after the ceremony their a-jtled on mor, favorabia terms than yet pro
j eat lea, accompanied by the lora ireuienani
nil m brilliant ataff. and e cor tea oy m Th mMtlnr bwiim verv turbulent.
guards, drove off n tba dilution of Dublin, roany of ahareholders demanding a
amid the greatest entnusiasm on w v targer dividend.
f th crowds lining ..toa roaa neiwewii tj,, cpjtlon of accepting the resignation
Kingstown and Bulla bridge. . lof John Haya Hammond, the American
Proeeesloa to Dahlia. ' (engineer, which had been placed in the
-v.- i tn DJbHn oonaUted of hands of the board, evoked another storm
four carriages Th first were occupied by The chairman announced that the director
their malestles. the lord lieutenant and the had decided not to accept It. as the loss
,t ih. nii..r thru n o( Mr. Hammond's services would be
' ,. I severely felt.
" , r-nnnauaht commander of An amendment waa submitted aiming
. " t. ..4 .ni th. Thip.i at retaining Mr. Hammond's sarrlcea until
Iv coma and his staff, accompanied the litigation was concluded, but It was
.. 1 J .A K a ailk.tattflal vn.4r.f4ta.
the royal cmrrtane on noresMCK. ai uuiii i
. .UA.inM VibUaiI tinrl thft kins I "
raK from th. suburban CHICAGO POLICE FIND PLOT
councils of Black Rock, Ratnmines ana
Pembroek, to whjlch his majesty replied
briefly. .
The procession then passed on and en
tered the city of Dunlin, preceaea Dy po
llca, a detachment of royal .horse, a brll
tlun' tff.. the lord lieutenant, the head-
.,. .tart of the Third army corps and
yui ws
other military ana coun ""-''
hunting grounds." At the close of the ser
mon the minister "opelied the doors of the
church" and Geronimo and twelve of Ills
warriors, prisoner of war at Fort Bill,
went forward, and. through their Inter
preter, told of their Move for the white
man's Christ and nkiM to be received Into
hla church In order.' that henceforward
they might travel the ."Jeeiis road."
In the afternoon ta bnptlsmal 'eremony
occurred. The mlnlcter sprinkled the clear
water over the aged chief's bead, repeat
ing the words: "In' the name of the
Father, the Son and' the Holy Ghost,
amen." and Geronimo pecame a Metnnoist.
Geronimo and 20 of his warriors, cap
tured twenty years ago by Generals Miles
and Lawton. are still retnlned as prisoners
of wrtr at Fort Bill.- Oeronlmo was con-
CITY COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS conditio- ofthe wtheh pjQijv fl J)
Mayor Moores Objects Strenuously to Former
Distribution of Funds,
Speriacatloas for Pavlac Sabntltted
by Board of Pahllo Works Are
Attacked by City Ealsr
Ordlaaarei raised.
This communication from Mayor Moores
to the city council at Us regular meeting
last night will receive Immediate and care
ful consideration:
On a nt the 1ut official acta of "Foxy
Isaac," the late lamented from the Flrwt
ward, was a concurrent resolution
Forecast for Nebraska-Fair In 8uith and .
Showers In North Portion V eum-suaj , :
Thursday Showers.
Temperature at Omaha Vrsterdayi
Ho nr.
n a.
a. m
T a. m ..... .
M a.
to a.
It a.
IS aa.
. IH
n ..... ,
1 P-
SI !
4 V-
n a.
it V.
T p.
N 1.
I .....
Thlel Giving in of ftnilth Works
Sooth Omaha Conmlssloa
Intro- A ease of horsetheft which for boldness
duced by him and passed April 28. 'PjM. 0f execution has perhaps never been sur-
?;V;n?h.T,PVnsTof c..y 'treasurer'. P-ased In the Bouth Omaha market na,
m... h. nmr.a ih ii rani-Must come to llaht.
mlsslonerB' omce and the comptroller's of- A car of horses arrived In South Omaha
r"esV",;verv,aCsUw"e?et .w"- Thursday morning consigned to W. V
u iut v.r" Thi rr..,intlin PiKsecl the I worth II linker, a commission firm tor
rnuncll Anrll 2D ItKLl the week before OUT I ,.rlv In hmlnui it that nnlnt. but which
l,Kl. rJ,L,!t!'"'v:!!dMr.",r. Ci el"!;l,dt; HwontlnuKl bi.lni about one month
proved by the mayor May 6. tne ame
ih. ,-itv !.,-! I, ,n whn he was a very ago. The lioises were In charge Of W. f..
busy man.' This resolution provides for the gmth, who claimed to be the owner. As
payment In full of the aa'aleii i of the .f- th. Walwortn & Hllllker company Is no
i nn niin niiiini.jro i'i u"
Area for thia vear. un to January. 1904.
Owing to the deploratile state oi our rn-
longer In the business, the live stock was
turned over to John 8. Cooper, a horse
The amount of money expended during j Mf.rf.A the mo(lt bipod -thirsty Indian of
the year for charity was I189.61G.19. The
amount of money on hand March 31, 1902,
was $l,0O9.R7, and from March 31, 1902. to
March 31, 1903. the total amount received
was $2,82f.Gf3.1. The total amount ex
pended during the year wns t2,766,35.67.
F.Iks Pack the City.
At Elks' hall, which Is the general head
quarters, there was a surging mass 'of peo
ple going and coming all day, while the
hotels and cafes were filled with crowds
seemingly bent on merriment and good f el
lowshlp. Elk badges and other devices of
the order were visible everywhere. There
his time.
Gossip at Maryrllle, Mlssoarl, Finally
Culminates la a Shootlna;
MARYVIIJE. Mo.. July a. (Special.)
Allie Bradley, son of J. 8. Bradley, whs
shot In the calf of tho right leg In the
town of Elmo, twenty-two miles north
west of here, yesterday afternoon by
Frank Younger, a farmer living two miles
was scarcely a business house large or southwest of Elmo, within half a mile of
email In the canter nt tVio ollir whlxh I the Victims none.
not decorated In honor of the visitors. The trouble wnicn cuimmaiea in me
In the afternoon, after the owning ses- shooting has been Brewing lor ,some nine
slon of the rtand lodae. manv Elks nro- and was the reauu oi neignoornooo. ex
ceeded In carriages and tally-hos to many sip about a girl. When the two men met
parts of Baltimore and suburban resorts an angry discussion at once ensued and
to take In the sights, while others went Bradley, being unarmed, got the worst of
for a sail on the river and bav. It '. I the deal.
eetlmated that there are 80.000 visitors In Younger at once Jumpea into nis ng ana
the city. The police department has taken eacaped. but waa later arrested, by Grant
extra precautions to guard the multitudes Elrod and Dick Waddell and taken back
against pickpockets, but so far no arrests
have been made.
At the session of the Grand lodge, which
continued until after It tonight, the fol
lowing officers were elected for the en
suing year: Grand exalted ruler, Joseph T.
to Blmo, where he was suDeequenuy re
leased In $600 bond In Justloe Wood's court.
Taking advantage of the excitement In
the little hamlet, which waa almost wiped
off the map by the cyclone of May 26, an
unknown robber entered tha houaes or
eral fund no other officials or employes t an . reunite of the
receive their salaries after July 31. iwo, fx- - .7 ' , j, .v..
cept such as are paid oiu or me npi mi m -m niuui 'ucu m -
riinna net aaine lor mat Dunmne. i m nnan. Tint Mr. ivioner rerusmi (o in j
Your honorable body, the city engineers , m, .,.teBi1 aave
offlce. the mayor's office, the employes o ' .
h. Mi hnii .noh lunltora and elevator Smith a check for 1600 and $40 in cash.
boys, must wnlt Tor tneir saiariea jum when he got the money he maae r.iniseir
lh?rv.' "7 Ma..n,:?.l r?: t.rtnr. . Mr. Cooper became suspicious of
lernl. Cnder this resolution $M,64(1 was set Smith and notified the Omaha noll"'-
aside out of the general fund. There has -Saturday night a man answering the de
been epended from this amount. Inc lurting scrlpton of the horseman registered at the
Irg an unexpended balance at this date cf Dellone hotel. He left a call for an early
$.7,586 53 train the following morning, but In some
I therefore recommend that your honor- . . ln fll) ,.nj
r.hle body rescind concurrent resolution No. V. J. Jt, IL 5,Cw rTl .Tr.
ysl and return tnis naiance unexpenoru i '.!. .to unm u ..c
$27.Mi.B3 to the general fund to be ex- the hotel Immediately when he came down
pended In Its legitimate way. as your hon- . haa ,
nmtila luulv m a V hor.U ftflf OTfler
Aain. $2,600 has been set aside to be
nlven in the hoard of governors of Ak-Bar
Ben for the purpose ot illuminating the
streets at the annual parade-. I see no
reason why ln the depleted condition of our
general fund the board of governors can
not wait until next year for this $2,500, ns
well as compelling the city employes to go
Shortly after the sale of the horses
Bishop A Pankontn of Grant. Neb., noti
fied the horsemen In South Omaha that a
number1 of horses had been stolen from
their ranch. The horses had been traced
to Wray, Colo., from which point. It was
Tflthout their pay, as far as this amount learned, they had been shipped to South
may go. , , I Omaha. The horses were purchased from
reureTOh C" y A,am, of Nellgi,
over urgent demands or claims upon said Neb., and It Is supposed that they are still
fund that cannot afford to waft until the n possession of the Nellgh firm. Mr. Bishop
board o7 governors"" Ak"8ar"Ben has gone to Nellgh to Identify hla stock.
A veto of the ordinance creating the of- lirnn. .
flee of city claim agent and fixing the sal- POT HERBS WANTED AT POSTS
Military Authorities Want florae
Orowa Vegetables to Feed the
Soldier Boys.
Fanning, Indianapolis; grand esteemed William Aldrlch, where he got $40 and a
leading knight. Charles A. Kelly, Boston: pair of trousers, and Prof. Cook, where
grand esteemed loyal knight, Richard J. he secured $2 and some valuable Jewelry.
Wood, Eloux Falls. S. D.2 grand esteemed Unsuccessful attempts were made to en
lecturing knight. C. P. TomUnson, Winston. I ter the house of J. B. Joy. Ervln Horn
N. C; grand aeoretary. George At Beyn- land William Cohered.
Old. Saginaw. Mich, ftanth tarml' I --
ww , iMuimaii, m lumi"
ken. N. J. (re-elected). Robert W. Brown,
lxmisvuie. Ky., waa elected a grand trus
ary at $1,200 per year was sustained. It
was based on the .salary having been raised
from $1,000 to $1,200, In Increase which the
mayor did not think justified under exist
ing circumstances. The same ordinance,
wifh ViA lalnrv fl-ftA at 11 000. we a m later in.
" 1 ,m.. . i . . ...
troduced and will be passed next week. 1'" """"""" commissary omcer or me
Frank J. Norton was appointed and con- "i""' 01 lno un naa aaver-
flr-i1 eltv ahatractnr and title ax- l,eu ,ur "uppuea or rseDrasaa-grown
-miner and .TmM Cameron, mairter Products of potatoea. cabbage, beets and
onions 10 oe snipped to f orts Niobrara
and Robinson, Nebraska. These posts are
garrisoned by about 000 men, colored
troops, the Twenty-fifth United States in
fantry and Tenth United State cavalry,
respectively. The troops at . these two
Emblla Holiday Garb.
Plaa to Slay Kaiser Discovered la
Windy City ' aad Commual
t cated to Berlin.
BERLIN. July H. The authorities are In
formed that the Chicago polloe have dis
covered a plot against the emperor.
The news came aa a complete surprise to
the Berlin police officials, who preserve an
nnauu juiy 11. The .entry of King I air of mystery and do not Indicate the
Edward and Queen Alexandra Into Dublin steps they intend taking, but express great
wat made tha occasion oi a general nun- i appreciation ui wnicuvi vigilance ana
day. The decorations or tne city surpassed i prompt communication.
hiihurto attempted, not except-1 '
oueen Victoria', last visit. To Rel-foro. Tarkl.h Fore...
The grandstands erected at various I CONSTANTINOPLE!, July a. Accord
nianaa were crowded, while . the people I ng to dispatches from Salonlca. a battal
maaaed on the sidewalks. Their I on of troopa has been sent to Dolran, In
majesties continually bowed their acknowl- I the vlllayet of Salonlca, to reinforce the
Mi-mants of the warm greetings, especially Turkish forces. There are already 1,100
at the college green, wiml- w v u m i iroops ai vu"u n uiuiuii i w
. ,,mtiirle ot people. I ported to have occurred. It la believed
it waa late in the afternoon when the I the revolutionists are resisting effectively
r..i Lodge was reached. Their I Eleven additional battalions have been
majesties lunched with the lord lieutenant mustered to replace sixteen which were
and the day's program waa conciuaeu wim i receniiy onmiuwu,
a formal vlalt to the auke ot wonnaugni.
Th whole day'a proceedings were not
marred by any unpleasant incident. The
Earthqaake la St. Vlaeeat.
ST. THOMAB. u. w. i July a. A se
city hall, alone, of all public buildings, waa I vers earthquake shock was felt throughout
not decorated. Tomorrow will be devoted I th Island of St. Vincent early this morn-
to receiving addresses from pudiio ooaies mg,
and to the levee, which win d neia in tn
oastl at noon.
- Gives Measaro It Third
Readlagr After kfesiag troaa
Demaad Caaaed hy th Caanlag Sea.
oa 1 Said ta Bo Caase at
tee to aery three years.
EisrtH Borrow at Pop' Death.
At tonight' 'meeting of th grand lodge
resolutions of sorrow on the death of Pope
ieo were adopted.
The grand band contest took place at
Electric park at' 2:30 and at 7 JO n. m.
a large number of bands competing. The
contest was under the direction of Charles
A. Zimmerman, director of the Naval Acad
emy band. The conditions were that each
Missouri Paclae and Burllngtoa De.
cllne ta hl Grain tev Mls
aourl Center.
KANSAS CITY. July H.-Th Missouri
Pacific and Burlington have, announced
that they will not receive grain shipments
for Kansas City, and the Missouri Pacific
I also refusing to receive grain routed
through Kansas City for other points.
The Santa Fe probably will issue an order
tomorrow placing an embargo on. the Bur-
eomnetm. haa- ...... .7.7 "A" " "P" llngton. Missouri Pacific. Wabaah and
roiiiuiwn in -... -...u T-hi. -,n. ih.i
street parade, each wa required to play -""" -
one piece of It. own choice at the I SO p I tne 8Bnta Fe W,,U n0t C" V
m. contest, time limit nor li roads named until some assurance to given
m. contest, time limit not to exceed fif
teen minutes.
' At the 7:30 p. m. conteat the final selection
of all the bands having received two points
that these line, will return cars promptly
The railroad officials contend that the
flood brought about conditions making it
or mora of merit In their own selection. to refuBe fa'n h,Pn"nt"
uunng m ariernoon were contested. Th
awards will be announced tomorrow after
Th prise are a follows: First, $1,000;
eeoona. sow; tnira, 1300; fourth. $200
mt juugei are tnanes A. Zimmerman of
the Naval Academy band, W. H. Santie.
man of the Marine band and John Itile of
Unless th railroads tak speedy action
to relieve the situation here a serious block
ade will result. Under normal conditions
nearly all the Kansas wheat crops passes
through Kansas City, but this year the
congested condition obtaining here will
compel the shipment of grain by circuitous
route to point other than Kansas City,
major wiiiua MUler aad Captain
Mosea G. Zallnikr Ordered to
Dairy Commissioners Prealdeat De
clares Manufacturers Take Ad
vantage of Legislation.
ST. PAUL, July 21. The convention of
the National Association of Dairy and
Food Commissioners convened today. Presl
dent V. J. Bailey of Oregon presiding.
A. H. Jones, commissioner of Illinois,' In
haa been an Increase In the price of raw
LONDON. July 21. Th Irish land bill I sugar In th Hawaiian laland from 8 to
passed It third reading ln th Hous of $ 11-18 a pound, that Is to say $-18 cent a
Common today by 817 to 20. pound.
Just before th division Mr. Balfour said This I equivalent to an Increase of $3.76 a
th king had commanded him to aay that J ton. This 1 said to be due to a greater aware of the purpose of th bill, hi
placed his Interest at the disposal of Par.
On Wtass Seriously Hart aad Maay
Other Shaken ti la
CHICAGO. July 21. Miss Kate Mlnard. a
passenger, waa seriously Injured and a
hundred others wer thrown Into a panic
by thei wrecking of a Chicago. Rock Island
A Pacific suburban train at Forty-seventh
street today.
The wreck was cauned by a head-on
rnlllslon. The following car was tele-cored,
immediately caught fire aud was burned.
laloa Bank Robber aad Murderer
roaad Guilty aa Capital
UNION. Me. July a. George Collins,
tne bank rnhber, waa tonight convicted of
murder In th first degree for killing pe.
teetlv I'rarles J. P luunacher near Btaiv
t'n Mo., on Jsnuary 24.
Th penalty pieacrlbed by law Is death.
demand for sugar because th canning
season la at hand and also to th report
that th sugar raiser of Europe will form
a selling combine, all sugars to be sold by
on firm. Beelde this, the bounty to
European sugar plant will close on Sep
tember 1.
Under th bounties these sugar cannot
be dumped, on the country any mor and
this. It i believed, will help the Hawaiian
plumber, a a member ,of the plumbers'
examining board.
Publlo Work Specifications.
Specification for all classes of paving,'
for cur-bin-, curbing and auttarina. sewer
ing, grading and aldewalka war received I P8ta have not been successful ln raising
from th Board of Publlo Works and ie- I egetaoie ror tneir own consumption this
fem-1 - . l year, ai run vroox ine troop. Twenty-
Cltv En-ineer Roaewater. ln a communl. I second United State Infantry, white, have
cation, called attention to sections 93 and a nounaning garaen ana win oe supplied
101 of the charter, which ha stated are with vegetable from It after August 1.
conflicting Insofar a th making of speel- 0w,n t0 the "aturo of the soil at Fort
fieatlons are concerned and asked that the "lODrara ana nomnson ana tne adjacent
cltv attorney be asked for an oolnlon on military reservations, the troops there
th matter. The d'soute concerns the ex. have not been able to make a success of
elusive rlarht of the cltv enalneer. or tha I the post garden.
right of the Board of Public Works, to I 1 na uanuiy or vegetaDie to bo used at
make specification for paving. The com- tha Pt8 by tne troops will average about
municatlon stated further that the board one Pu of vegetables per man per day,
had annroved and sent to-the council for This Will require about 80,000 pounds of
approval specifications which had been Pttoe and 10,000 pounds of onions.
prepared by and ln the interests of con- "mauer quantities or caDDage ana beets
tractors and which were not soeciflo wUl b" "Quired. " Is the desire of the
enough to compel good work or for th commissary department to deal exclusively
protection of property owner, and also wltB lne growers or tne produce needed
Woman iuflerlng from Bydrophobla
Able to TaUe Milk and
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON,. July 21.-(Speclal Tele
gram.)-MaJor William II. Miller, quarter.
master, haa been ordered to Omaha for
duty as chief quartermaster of the Depart- responding to the governor's welcome, said
ment of the Missouri, relieving Captain tn movement which the association sup
Peter W. Davidson. Twenty-second in. ported was Just beginning to mean some-
fantry, of hi temporary duty In charge of thln" to the Publlc- Illinois gave $340,000
that office. Captain Moses Q. Zallnsky to national guard and $36,000 to its
quartermaster, ordered to Omaha for duty alry commission, while Kentucky gives
as assistant to enter quartermaster of the I r'.00" annuuuy y uuun
Department of the Missouri, ln ctirn nr I President Bailey said:
tha Quartermaster's nVtw.r . k. I The work of the association is in Its in
Adams Orlmea nf wn., .. , w fancy, but is growing, and if only public
Aaams unmes of Wagner and Frank M. Mntlment la behind It. It will accomplish
Slebach or Washington. S. D.. were today great good. A national pure food bill must
admitted to nractlca ifn t. . I ha nreDared by the commisalonera. those
denartment which have been Introduced In congress
I having failed.
Reserve agents approved today: Tontla. I It Is lmDnrtant to have a uniform law
Lemon National of St. Joseph for First 'r " statea. It Is essential to Incorporate
National of Columbus. Neb.; National Bank L"dthm "."res" "for Xrrj0' At'
or nnpuonc ot Chicago for Security Na.
tionai or tsioux City. la.; Continental Na
specification containing provisions con
trary to the charter provision forbidding
the designation of any particular brand of
paving material. Referred to city attor
Railroad Litigation Coansel.
Howard H. Baldrlge and John P. Breen
were by a unanimous vote appointed ape- Dr. Cummlngs, who Is attending Mrs.
clal assistant counsel to the city attorney 1 George W. Stover, the woman suffering
in the railroad tax litigation at a straight with hydrophobia, reported late last sight
fee of $5,000, to be equally divided between that Mr. Stover was resting comfortably,
them, and an additional fee of $5,000 con- but he can glv no hopes of her ultimate
tlngent on the final decision of the court recovery. She waa able to tak some milk
of last resort affirming tike right of the yesterday afternoon and also succeeded in
city to tax tallroad property on the same swallowing a .mall quantity of water, but
basis as all other property. Dr. Cummlngs said that It was only an
O'Brien, at the request of Colonel Hoge-I apparent Improvement,
land, introduced a aeries of resolutions re- I It will be Impossible to secure any virus
citing that curfew crdlnances have done a I from the Pasteur Institute in Chicago for
great deal of good in other cities and that I the reason that th virus cannot ' l
th Omaha curfew ordinance has never shipped. It Is necessary for the patient
been enforced and calling on the mayor to be In the Institute for successful treat
and chief of police to enforce It. Hunting- ment. Mrs. Gellenbeck . left for Chicago
ton objected, declaring Omaha people are yesterday evening to take treatment. Her
able to take care of their own children I case had begun to develop iiite noticeably
without the advice or assistance of out- when she left. The swelling In her foot
aiders. O'Brien said some parents were I had Increased to some extent and other
not able to control their children, that no symptoms had begun to be manifest.
harm could result and much good mlaht
result from an enforcement of the ordi- STEEL OUTPUT LEAPS UP
nance. Zlraman aaia tne ordinance had
been passed and It was the duty of the I Increase 184 Per Ceat la Six t ears,
Cardinals Fulfil Ancient Precedtnt PrtcecU
insj Formal Announcement of Death.
Sacred College Kneels Aronnd Bed While
Ceremonial Slowly Proceeds.
Emblem of Authority Muit Bs fierasds for
New Cstholio Ruler.
Treata Ecclesiastics Harrying to ren
der as Prlare of th Blood
Royal, Giving them S per I a!
Railroad Cars.
ROME, July Sl.-Th body of Leo XIII
lies tonight In the hall of the thron
room, a few steps from the room In which
his death took place. The same vestment,
the comauro hood, the rochet and the
white gown, which were put on yesterday,
cover tlie form, which rests In semt-stat.
surrounded by the , lighted candles, the
noble guard and Franciscan penitent lariee.
Tomorrow the diplomatic body, the high
dignitaries and the Homan aristocracy will
pay tlidr tribute of respect to all that re
mains of the pope who won the respect
and BfTectlon of the world. In th after
noon tha body will bo arrayed In all th
glory of the pontifical robes, the rnltre re
placing the hood, and at sunset It will ha
taken Into the Chanel of St. Peter, where
for three days the public will be given an
opportunity of paying a Inst farewell. Th
interment will occur Saturday evening.
ine nooy lay all day In the chamber
where he died, and which has been trans
formed into a mortuary clianel. It ,Mm
afternoon his body was embalmed and
clothed In full pontifical robes, preparatory
ii me runerai ODSeqtlles.
Cardinal Carry Ont Death Ceremony.
This morning began the f.rst of those
grandiose and unique ceremonies which
iouow the demise of a pope. and. althou.h
private, it was conducted with great pomp
and was most Impressive.
All the cardinals present in Roma num.
berlng twenty-nlna. assembled at the apos
tolic palace to view the remains of th lat
Leo XIII and to officially pronounce him
Cardinal Oreglla. dean of the Barred nl.
lege and camerllngo of the holy Roman
church, had to put aside hi cardinal sign
of deep mourning and was gowned entirely
In violet. The other cardinals wore crim
son robe, with violet collar. Indicative of
Within th death chamber the body lay.
with a white veil over th face. ur
rounded by th Franciscan penitentiary.
wnne ouiBiae tn noble guard maintained,
a solemn The brofound sllenc was
only broken by th chanting of prayer for , '
in ana, . . ,.
. Into this solemn presence cam th
mnutnl.ur crnea-slnn ,r naaullM.i-
kneeling sUentjy. prayed. Then th prelates
reverently looked.on while Cardinal Oreglla
approached tha remains. For this momlr.g's
junction tne pope bed room had been
transformed Into a mottuary chapel, . an
altar at one nd, having In the center a
crucifix surrounded by rtx lighted candles.
Four candle stood at th bed corner. Th
white veil was then rtmoved from the dead
man's face, revealing the cameo-like fea
tures of the depsrted pope, rendered
sharper and more transparent by death. Bo
lifelike was th body that those present
half expected Lo to raise his hand in the
familiar gestur of blessing.
Ko Response to HI Xante.
Wleroasla Boy Bella Fresh Water Gem
far 92.6TS. Far Less Than
' I Valae.
PRAIRIE DU CH1EN. Wis.. July a.
What I aald to b th largest fresh water
pearl on record wa found at Genoa, Wis.,
by s 17-year-old son of Willi Hasting and
brought to this city yesterday. . It weighs
1SS grains and Is pur whit. It measure
flfteea-alxteenth of an Inch In diameter.
Frank Hastings, the boy, found It In a
mussel shell, while ln a boat fishing. John
11. Peacock, a local dealer, bought It It
came from the ahell for $!.7o. It wa In
cised ln an Interior shell-Ilk substance
which, when removed, disclosed a beauti
ful white pearl. Ita real value Is said to
b many .Urns th pries paid for It.
tlonal of Chicago for First National of
Brttton, 8. D.
These rural routes will be established
September 1; Dexter, Dallas county, one
additional; area covered, twenty square
miles; population, 60S. Rlppey, Green
county, one route; area, thirty square
miles; population, 620.
Iowa postmaster appointed: David Lod
wlck, Clarksdale, Appanoose county; B. C.
Clark, Mlnkler, Bremer county; Georg
N. Peet, Morley, Jones county.
aa On Hart la Accident, bat
Will Prov Easeaslva
to Road. '
LAMAR. Colo., July a. A costly freight
train wreck occurred on the Santa Fe last
night, four mile west of Caddoa, Colo.
A train composed of thirty car of Call
fornia fruit wa running at a speed of
thirty-five mile per hour, when the four
teenth car from the engine Jumped the
track, followed by twelve othera.
The strange feature of th wreck wa that
the last ear and raboose atayed on the
track. The loss will be heavy, as most
of th freight will be an entire loaa.
Traffic over this part of the main line
wa del) ad several hours Ko on was
lnjur4 .
present time manufacturers make one
brand of goods for a state where the laws
are lax and a better for state which are
most strict.
Sheep aad Cattlemea Likely to Clash
If Flock Grase oa Dollars'
BAKER CITY, Ore., July St. A war is
brewing between cattlemen and sheepmen
in Grant, Metholr and Harney counties.
The cattlemen have posted notices threat
ening to kill sheepmen unless the latter
keep their flocks out of certain districts.
Several encounters have taken place al
ready ln remote districts, but no on has
baen killed.
Reported Invitation to Edward's In
Declared Wltkaat Political
OYSTER BAY. July 2L The reported in
vitation to the prince and princes of Wales
to visit this country as the guest of
President Roosevelt, It can bo said. Is with-
aut political foundation In fact.
It is said to be quite unlikely that any
such visit Is In contemplation by th prince
sad princes of WsJea,
mayor as chief executive to enforce all
ordinances; he did not favor calling on
him or the chief of police to enforce or
dinances. Nicholson saved the resolution
from being laid on th table and had them
Repair at Eagiae Houses.
Th recommendation of the advisory
board, based on an examination by ths
building Inspector and nre chief, that
2,0u0 be expended in repairs on the engine
While Capital Invested
HARRISBCRG, Pa.. July 21 In th re
port made public today by the Bureau of
Industrial Statistics, the production of
steel ln Pennsylvania In 1902 is shown to
have been 8,511,191 tons against $.346,529 tons
tn 1896, a gain of 164.4 per cent.
The capital Invested In plants producing
a rolled production in "-8W waa $123,851,317,
houses at Eleventh and Dorcas. Sixteenth which has Increased to $247,870,821 ln 19U2,
and Nicholas and Twenty-fourth and Cum- I a "aI" 01 per conl
lug was referred to the public property
and bulldlnga committee.
Inspertloa to He Less Obnoxious.
Building Inspector Withnell asked that w,"tK ' 7.11 iLVi '1 f.JT'lh.0lr,tJh
provision be made, at an estimated costlpiarlng returning travelers on the Inquisi
torial raca aim omauiing rrom ui-m a
declaration aa to what their trunks contain
and tnrn turning out tne conl en Is of the
trunks on the pier, In search for undeclared
articles, are likely to be modified ta the re
sult of a trip to fiurnpe by John illation
deputv surveyor of customs at this port. It
is uniierwiooo ne win rvcummena to Hecre-
of $2,100, for tne neating, plumbing aud
lighting equipment of the Capitol avenue
market house. Except for these things the
market house Is nnlshed. . Referred.
Cltlxen" Isaac Hascall notified tba coun
cil of th seventn annual session of the
League of American Municipalities at Bal- I ,arV hhaw changes wnicn will make tha In
timor. on October 7. 8 and 9 and .uggested Pett,,n ot ''""" less trouble.ome.
that the city b represented. Judge Has-I Movement of Ocean Vesaela .loir 21.
call is an officer of the league and also xt w York-Arrived-Victoria, from
suggested that ne d appointed on of Genoa; Cevlc. from Liverpool; KrledilchJ
the eltv representative in order that hs at-r uinxsr, i ran memi-u ami i neroourg.
.n invitation to rH . Balled-Victorian, for Liverpool; Kalaer
ma T m;'r - y-foi i hi inr Hreman. -i n i irun . n
at th meeting. Referred. for Liverpool- '
Th Woodmen of the World were At yokoiioma -arnven impress of
,,w .. t a frnm Vancouver, for Ifnnv k'r,n
a, dvilnv N fl W. Arrive! I'r-v.i. ..
teenth street and Capitol avenue, where Moans, from Vancouver, U Honolulu
... nr tha Wnrlil fatm -in I a ml Krishane.
h"d JuTa to Auguat 3. "rAntwerp-Arr.v.d-Zl.nd. from New
City Attorney wrignt wa formally an-I At Ixmdon Arrived Minnehaha, from
,,. rsureaentative of the cltv bf,, N York; Anglian, from Hoeton. Balled
the Board of Waterworks Appraiser, .nd 'ruSrt-VZd-Mo,,,,,, ,rom Ne
...hnriud to call on the engineering ml v. irk. via I'lvmouth and Cherbourg.
nv other department for any aaalatanos I At Queenstown Arrived llaverford. from
any omer ut-y i wmiiiiM . , , flir IJveroool. and r.rncef-ri.1
needed. I At tilat-gow Arrived Astoria, from New
The new peddier ncens ana tne general York.
,( Hem erdinauce war At Liverpool Arriven-rretorlan, from
W'v' ' . 1 Montreal. oU4-Cailonia. for Boston.
A moment of breathless silence ensued
and then the Cardinal camerllngo, taking
th aspersorlum, sprinkled the lat pontiff
with holy water and aald in a firm voice.
"Gloachlmo" OH Christian name of the de
ceased holy father). When there was no
answer, the same word wa repeated three
times, louder and louder. After which,
turning to the kneeling cardinals, th cam
erllngo olemnly announced, "Papa vertu
mortuua est" (the pope i really dead).
A the words were Uttered ther aros
f'om the kneeling cardinals a sigh, a
tribute paid tn.the late pontiff by those
princely heads of the ehurch.
After this, in voice trembling with
emotion, the ranking cardinals recited th
De Profundi, gave absolution and sprinkled
the body with holy water.
Following the ceremony of the rec
ognition of the death of the pop by th
sacred college rsme mother, shorter, but
no les significant and symbolic. On Leo's
finger was the famous Fisherman's ring
which the camerllngo, with a whispered
prayer, drew gently off and which, later,
will be broken In th1 prisence of the
cardinals, reset and presented to tha new
pope when he I sleeted.
t ereraoay of th Ring.
The ring !s of great atfqulty. It
Is even said to have belonged to St. Peter
himself. It Is a stone of little valu, cut
with the cen of St. Peter drawing In
fishing nets. It waa first used about tha
year 1355. Officially It is one of the symbols of
office most prised by th church. Although
lost two or three times, it has always been
Hundreds of offers have com from Itlv
and abroad from doctor, druggists and
specla Hts to embalm the remains of pop
Leo, but naturally not cn of them ha been
Cardinal Rimpolla intended to leave the
Vatican last night Immediately after th
death of the pop. After having officially
trnounced the demise of the pontiff to the
diplomatic body accredited to the Vatican
and to the papal nuncio, with Instructions
to have the news communicated te the
various foreign ruler, he considered hi
duties as papal secretary of state to have
ben ended.
Rainpnlla was on the point of leaving
when :arainai iiregna insistently begged
him to remain In the apartment he had
occupied for over alxteen years nd the
secretary of state acceded to th requeat.
Vlear at Rama Take Action.
The vlrar of Rome, Cardinal Pietro
Resplghl, ha cauaed to b attached to' th
doors of th churches an announcement of
the death of Pop Leo. with Instruction
regarding th prayers to be offered and
alio giving Information about th fiiosral
The government of the Catholic church ha
been officially assumed by Cardinal Org
lia, dean of th sacred college and a
dean ot the cardinal bishops. H mill he
asHlHted by the (leans of th other two
orders of cariliudls, Cardinal Macclil of th
cardinal deacon and Cardlnst Rampolla
for th carilliml priests, the latter, how
ever, a a auhaiitut fur Cardinal Nstto,
th vatriarch Of Lisbon, who, when h sr.