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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY ItEK: TU"ESDAT! JULY 21. 1903. MICROBES DOWN PIRATES Ea e oa Balls, Three Singles ana a- Doable Give Winner! Three Bunt, PITTSBURG KNOCKS OUT A COUPLE ONLY f hi-so Tram Takes Fair Came from National I.eaame Leaders Before Nearly Fonr Thousand Spectator. CHICAGO, July ao.-Chlcngo defeated Flttsburg today, a base on balls, three Ingles and a double scoring the three runs, A gift, two singles and a triple save Pitts burg; two run. Attendance, 1.300. Score: Ft-1en base: I.aChsnre. First base on balls: Oft Klselnssr, 4; oft Winter, 1. Htriick out: By Kleslngr. 2; ly Winter, 1. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Connolly. White Bos Thrice Beatea. WAPIMNOTOV. July 20.-Washinfrtnn took Its thlM consecutive game from t'hl esgo today, winning out In the last Innlnit. Maroon wss put out of the fame for dis puting decisions. Attendance, 1,428. Score: WASHINGTON I CHICAGO. .HO. A.B.I H.H.O.A. 4140 Hoi maa. If.. 1 0 .Ton., cf 4 Graen. rf.... 0allahan, ib. 0 Moras, M... Rr.n, ef Clark., Ik., rlbark. It.. Cmifhlla, lb. 1 M nr'. b. 1 Kittradsa, o. 0 Wllaon, a t I 14 ToUli 4 T7 17 lahell. lb-Z. 0 Slaltary, lb.. 0 Ma.oon, 1ft. , Tannohlll, M 1 MrK.rlaaa, o 1 ow.n. p 0 If.. CaaT, Jb.. Chance, lb Jnnpa, ef. . Evfr, Sb.. Hariajr, rf. Kllna. .... Tlnkar, a . W.timar, CHICAGO. I R HO A El PITT8Bt.RO. R.JH.O A b Raaumont. ef 0Mbrlni, rt.. 0 Wagner, aa. . 0 4 Mrannf ld, lb ... 1 1 1 t 0, . . I 17 11 V I..h, lb o,RUiha, lb.. 1 Krur, If... 4'W.av.r, c. OjLMT.r, a... I 1 t 1 11 Total. ..I 117 11 a' Total. .. t 124 11 I Chicago 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 Pittsburg , 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Left on buses: Chtcngo, 6; Pittsburg, I. Two-base lilts: Casey, Kllna-, Welmer. Three-base hit: Leever. Sacrifice hit: Leever. Htolen bnnes: Chance, Beaumont I. Wagner. Double plays: Jones, Chance. Struck out: By Welmer, i. Bases on balls: Oft Welmer, J; off Ieever, 2. Time: 1:44. Umpire: o'Dajr. St. I.ools Roarhtd Hit Wla, ST. IXL'I8. July 20. St. Louis won to day's game from Cincinnati by bunching Ave hits In the eighth Inning. This, coupled with two errors by Hahn. gave St. Louis five runs and the game. McFarland, who pitched for the locals, was effective and but for an error of Brain's would have shut the visitors out. Attendance, 1,800. Score IT. LOUIS , CINCINNATI. Total. ..I 77 II I Washington 2 0 0 1 Q 0 0 0 14 Chicago 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 08 Two-base hits: Helbach (5). Three-base hit: McFarland. Stolen bases: Lee, Cough- lln. Holmes. Snorlttre hits: Mornn, Jones, Callahan. Double play: Moran to McCor- mlck to Clarke. Bases on balls: Off Wil son, 1; orr Owen, z. BtrucK out: ny wn son, 1; by Owen, 8.' Hit by pitched ball: Coughlln. 1eft on bsses: Washington, ; Chicago, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire: O'Laugh- lln. St. Louis Downs rhlllles. PHILADELPHIA. July 20 St. Loula made two trloles In the fourth, which, with a base on balls and an out, yielded three runs, one more than Philadelphia could make. Hoffman, who Jumped the Philadel phia American league team and returned loaay, piayea iciuieiu. niiHiiuaiiuc, i, io. Score: IT. LOt'lS. . PHILADELPHIA. NH.O.AEI R.H.O.A.B Martin, If... H.Wrtr. cf. 1 rnal. Ib 1 Andarsoa. lb 1 W.llaca, a... 0 Buaden, ..... Hill, lb 0 Hemphill, rt. 0 itarara. p... 1 I 11 0 Fli-karlnf, ef 1 ori.vii. lb.... 1 2 L. Crnm, Ib. ft 0 Krbol4. 4 Murphr. lb.. 0 9 Hodman. If.. 0 1 M. Crosa. aa. 0 0 0 I I 0 i 1 II 0 0 Famll. lb Donoras, rt. Mmoot, of.... 0 Bruin, aa. .. . 9 Barrlar. If.. 4 Burka. lb.... 1 Ha. Km, lb. 1 1. O'N.ll, c. 1 McKarlao. p 1 H.H.O A.E.I 110 1 1 Roller, 4 0 0 4 1 1 1 I 0 I 4 1 1 I 1 II 1 t 4 If. H.H.O. AC. Total. t" 4 17 11 1 4 a i 1 o i it 1 14 11 I 4 Baymour, cf . 0 Dolao. rf ... 1 rk-ckleT. lb. ORtalnf'.t, aa Oi Daly, lb..., 1 Flela, lb OlHar.OQ, c... MHahn, p.... ixlUrpM Total. .. (Batted for Hahn In the ninth. Bt. Louis 0 000000&- Cincinnatl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Karned runs: St. Louis, t. Two-base hits: Burke. Hackett. Three-base hit: riarrell. Sacrifice hits: Donovan, McFar land. Passed ball: O'Nell. Stolen bases Berkley, Pelts. Bases on balls: Oft Mc Farland. 3; off Hahn. 1. Struck out: By Mcrarland, 4; by tiann, 1. iert on bases; St. Louis. 3: Cincinnati, 10. Time: 1:45. Lmpire: Moran. idlo Stai at of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. G3 4 4X 41 37 80 29 23 25 Pittsburg 78 New York 74 Chicago 81 Cincinnati 77 Brooklyn 73 Boston -..74 St. Louis 79 Philadelphia 79 Games today: Pittsburg at Chicago, New York at Brooklyn, Philadelphia at Boston, Cincinnati at at. iuis. 33 86 86 44 (0 65 PC. .679 .6il .SM3 .632 .607 , .416 ' .87 .96 0 Power., 4 Plank, s xShrack 1 1 7 11 1 Total. ..1 7 IT 1 1 xBatted for Plank. St. Louis 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 08 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 02 Two-base hits: Anderson, Hoffman. Three-base hits: Heldrlck, Anderson Pickering. Stolen base: Hoffman. Doable nlavs: Powers to Murphy, Wallace to An derson. Left on bases: St. Louis, 4; Phil adelphia. 7. First base on balls: Off Plank, 1. Struck out: By Plank, 1; by Sievera, 4. Time: 1:66. Umpire: Hassett. Kew York 'Vldes with ClOTeland. NEW YORK. July 20. New York and Cleveland played a douoie-neaaer today Griffith pitched steadily during the first same, while joss mane two errors ana weakened at critical stages, the home team wlnnlna by 7 to 8. In the second game woire wu nomine the visitors well In hand when he strained a tendon in his pitching arm during the fourth Inning and Chesbro relieved him In the fifth. The change waa unlucky for the locals, aa the visitors scored two runs on Chesbro In this Inning. Attendance, 8,600. Score, nr.t game: NEW YORK. CLEVELAND. K.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.B KMl.r. rf... l I i 'Bar. ci o i i o a. Drauiejr, id., v 1 Lajola, Ib... 0 1 Hickman, lb. 1 0, McCarthy, 111 Blbarfald, a. 1 0 Conror, Ib... 0 1 William., Ib. 0 1 Fulti, cf a i McFarl'd, If. 0 Oanial, lb... 1 4 Barilla, a.... 1 Griffith, p... 1 1 1 K1U k.. rt.. I Oochna'ar, OlAbboU, a. OJoaa. p.... 4 a 1 ... ... 0 II 0 t 1 4 Total. ..I 4 14 16 1002300 7 00010020-3 New York, 2; Cleve GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit Bunch Hits In tha Fifth lamlngr and Down the Bean Eaters. BOSTON, July 20. Detroit bunched hits In tha fifth Inning and won from Boston. The locals could do nothing with Kissinger - rf Until II was too laie. Atienuance, vo. nrKdl. lb score: , - i Laioia. st DETROIT.' BOSTON. Total. .. T ( XI I 4) New York. 1 Cleveland First hue on errors: ion a Left on pases: new lorn, v Cleveland, 7. First base on balls: Oft nrirttth. 7: off Joss. 2. struck out: By flrifnth. 8: oy joss, o. i urvo-uiuie mi: Mc Carthy. Two-baso hits: Keeler, Fults, noaville. LaJole. Sacrltlce hit: McFarland. Stolen baaea: McCarthy, oochnauer. Double play: rilDerieia lo unnmi. nu oy puunea ball: Joss, 1. Time: 1:30. umpire: bheri dan. Be ore, aacona game: CLEVELAND. I NEW YORK. H.H.U.A.B. H.H.U.A.B. RELIANCE AGAIN DEFEATED ConiUtutioa Showi Bo Well in Trials it Maj Tat Defend Cup. OLD YACHT WINS ON TIME ALLOWANCE Flnkr Wlad Aids Victor, Both Boats Getting; Sam Treatment from Inconstant Elements Dnrlna; Race. NEW YORK. July 20.-ConstltuUon la rapidly becoming a dangerous rival of Re liance for the honor of defending the cup, fur the older boat beat the new one In to day's race of thlrty-eeven miles. This Is the second time on the present cruise that Constitution has won from Its rival on time allowance and while tha vic tory on the first occasion from Glen Cove to New Haven was due In some measure to changeable breeies, the conditions today were as fair for one as for the other. The two yachts sailed on practically even terms for nearly ten miles along the southern Rhode Island shore with sheets well flat tened and It was not until half the course had been covered that Reliance was out from under Constitution and safely In the lead. Columbia sailed a lonesome race, drop ping behind from the start and finishing more than ten minutes behind Reliance. The run today was made in good time in a strong breezo from the southeast. The yachts sailed almost the entire distance from the Race Rock to Point Judith, sharp on the starboard tack, and the last seven miles to the finish on a broad reach Tomorrow the fleet will continue the cruise to Vineyard Haven. Tha time of tha ninety-footers follows: Start. Reliance 10:30:34 Constitution 10:30-54 Columbia 10:30:02 Ptillmsn. 8-3, -: E. H. Lamed beat F. P Rhodes. -0, 6-2, -l. R. D. Wrenn beat J. W. Spring, s-1, 6-L 6-0. Madison Beaten nt Sehayler. SCHUYLER, Neb., July -(Bpeola1 Tele gram.) Madison played at Columbus yes terday and were beaten again. They picked four Columbus players snd came on down to Schuyler for a game today and were beaten bore. Score: Schuvler 1 0 0 1 0 0 -10 Madison 1 000800003 Earned runs: Schuyler, 4. Two-bnseMt: Dworak. Stolen bases: Schuvler, 11; Madi son, 3. Btnick out: Hy compton, iu; Dy Owens, 8. Errors: Schuyler, 8: Madison. . Batteries: Schuyler, . ompton ana vuriey; Madldon, Owens nnd Becroft. Schuyler will play a return game at Wahoo Friday, having defeated Wahoo earlier In the season In a thlrteen-lnnlng game. Finish. Elapsed 1:5(5:36 8:26:00 1 :;: 8:27:29 2:07:66 8:36:64 Barrett, R.H.O A M-1 cf.,. 4 114 0 Luah. If 0 14 4 0 raw ford, rt. 4 0 I 0 0 Carr. lb 0 17 0 0 McOuIr. c. 4 4 4 1 0 Yaaa;a7t '.. J:: t' "41 Smith, lb.... 1 II 4 Long, aa 1 1 1 a 0 Klaalnsar. p. 1 4 4 1, 0 Total. i n r o DouKh.rty. If 1 1 Collin., Ib... 4 I o Brian, sr.. f 1 rraaman, rf. 0 Parent, ..... 0 I La'tiarlea. ' llr 1' 1 Farrlsr Ib... 6 4 Crtfar, ... 4 0 Wlular, p.... 4 4 iJ. Stahl ... 4 0 xiOlbaoo ... 0 1 R U O A.E. 4 4 t I 0 4 14 4 0 1 Hlokmas, lb. 1 14 Mctianby, If 1 1 I Flick, rf 10 1 Oochn'ar, a. 4 1 It 4 Abbott, .... Olii Barn hard. p. t iKaeler, rf... 0 O EIbarfald. aa. 0 4 Conrpy, lb. .. 0- ToUls a 17 80 X WllUama. lb. 0 Fulti, of McFarl'd. It. 0 Oanial, lb... BOTlllO, c... Oil)' Connor, s. 4 Wolf., p Uhaabro, p... 0 1 1 11 ToUls ..I 7 17 14 t K Batted for Crlger In the ninth, xz Batted for .Winter In the ninth. Detroit 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 01 Boston . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 Two-base hits: Dougherty, O'Brien. r mm ALWAYS EVtEYWUERE -WMi ' r.-lr ARE MILD Save4 the Band ' Totals ..4 I 17 11 1 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0-2 Hn York qwowuuuu v v First base on errors; New York, 8. Lrt on bases: Cleveland. 3; New York, 3. Struck out: By Wolfe, 3; by Chesbro, 2; by Bern hardt, 2. Two-base hit: Chesbro. Secrlflce hit: ftuits. Bioien Dane: uauiEei. uouuie Slays: Bay to uoennauer to .eraaiey, hnauer to LaJole to Hickman. Hit by pitched ball: By Chesbro, 1. Wild pitch: Chesbro. Passed ball: O'Connor. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Sheridan. tandlac of the trimi, New .77 60 27 .649 .76 44 82 . 679 .74 40 84 . 641 .70 85 85 .600 .72 86 Rfl .m .73 84 39 . 46 .69 81 38 .449 .75 24 61 .83) Chicago St. Louis Washington Games today: Chicago at Washington, Bt. r.onla at Philadelphia. Detroit at Boston. Cleveland at New York. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES St. Panl Opans Hew Ball Park by Se- verrly Trosnclng Minneapolis. BT. PAUL. July 20. St. Paul opened Its new park with a victory over Minneapolis. The home toam hit Stlmmel with ease. . At tendance, 4,200. Score: ST. PAVL. I MINNEAPOLIS. H.H.O. A.E. I R.H.O.A.B. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Seventeen Trainers Fined nt New York for Bringing Horses Late to Paddock. NEW YORK, July 20. The following trainers were fined $200 today for being late In arriving In the paddock with their norses: m. uaiy, j. Meacan, j. Hennessey. F. Grace, M. Malone, H. Lewis, jr., W. C, Daly, H. Warneke. H. Harris. B. Woods, F. Regan, S. J. Lawler, J. Boden, B. Boyle, H. Mason, E. L. Graves and E. Connell. Kesuits: , First race, mile and one-sixteenth: Ros tand won. Albany Girl second, Syrlin third Time: 1:474. Second race, steeplechase handicap, about two miies: lanKarn won, unnet second. tioo Alone tnirri. Time: 4:sz. ' 1 hlrd race, handicap, one mile and a furlong: Lord Badge won, Flllsafe second, w. k. t-onoon tnira. lime: 1:03. Fourth race, the Seagull stakes, six fur longs: Astarlta won, Futurita second, Biamping tirouna tnira. rime: i:i3Vk. Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs Pentaur won, Iatheron second. Race King tnira. 'lime: i:U3k. Sixth race, mile and one-sixteenth: Roe Hampton won, Counterpoise second. Time l:47j- Only two starters. CHICAGO. July 20. Results: First ra& six furlongs: Schwalbe won. Crusader second. Rag- Tag third. Time 1:15. Second race, steeplechase, short course Paul Aker won, Ceylon second, Indian. II tnira. Time: l:5S4. ' Third race, the Premier stakes, one mile Dick Welles won, McUee second, Orolna tnira. Time: 1:41. Fourth race, one mile: Bessie McCarthy won, Lucie n Appleby second, HaTgls third. Time: i:4tf-Tk. rrrtn race, mile and one-auarter: Hay ward Hunter won, Barrlca second, Little .ikin tnira. Time: z:o. Sixth race, six furlongs: Evening Star won, LiUia -aecona. Moranaa- taiirL rime i:itik. s r. LOUIS. July 20. Results: First, race, four and one-half furlongs selling: Minnie Johnson won, Pinky B. sec ond. Rerlna D. third. Time: 0:5814. Second race, four and one-half furlongs, selling: Grantor won, Leila Barr second, weuesiey third. Time: 1:25. Third, race, one mile: A. Lark won, Plrateer second, Howling Dervish third, Time: 1:44. Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards Maud Gonne won, Lady Strathmore second Light Opera third. Time: VMU. Fifth race, five furlongs: Clifton Forge won, -jrotaion second, Jenans tnira. Time 1:03. Sixth race, mile and one-sixteenth: Or pheum won, Montana Peeress second, De Rewzke third. Time: 1:50. BUFFALO. July 20. Results: First race, seven and one-half furlongs Tommy Hill won, Veneer second, Emma u. iee tnira. Tim": 1:43. Second race, five furlongs: Solon Shingle won, 1. c Scarborough second, Tonnes seean tnira. nme: liUMi. Third race, one mile: Flora Wllloughby won, Hopedale second, Proaador third. Time: 1:45. Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Iole won. Two Penn second. Too Many third. Time: i:i. Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Tribes won, Fortunatas second. Little Boy third. Time: 1:1a. Sixth race, one mile and seventv vards Blnehello won, Branch second. The Bronie Demon tnira. Time:, 1:49- oi.r. lb I Sbannon. ef...l Jaekaoa. rf....l Charh. rt 4 schaafer, as... I Huislna. lb... I Ptarca, c Flournoy, ir..l J Suiliran. ibO et.wart, p....l 0 D Suiliran. cfl OjSpoonar, lb...l Yaar, rf 0 Imltb. If 4 Oylar, aa t Mclntrra, Is.. Martin, lb. ,..4 Ludwlc. 0 attmmal, p.... 1 1 I 10 1 0 Totals 1 4 14 14 11 17 XT 1 ...4 0 1 8 0 0 1 1 -U ..2 000000002 Bchaefer, Oyler. ITome Bpooner. Double play Play: Hug- Total. . let. Paul Minneapolis .... Two-baso nits runs: J tick son. riuggins to Bcnaeier. saennce nit: Hug Ins. stolen bases: scnaeier 121. Fiournov. julllvan. Bases on balls: Off Stlmmel. 2: by Stlmmel', 3. Passed ball: Ludwig. Left on bates: St. Paul, 6: Minneapolis, b. Time: 2:09. umpire: f oreman. Standing; of the Teams. Milwaukee .., St. Paul Indianapolis ., Louisville ... Kansas City Minneapolis . Columbus Played. Won. Lost PC. .640 .620 .638 .619 .466 .418 . .3Ui Paul Games In Three-1 I.eagae. 7; Bloom- 1. At Bloomlngton Davenport, ington, l. At itM.flTiir l laraiur. a: norKion . At Rock Island Dubuque, ; koc Island, 2. . , At Springfield Cedar Rapids, 4; Spring field, 3. Heemer Defeats scrlbner. rkkmf.b Neb.. July 20. (Special.) One of the best games of ball played here this season came oft yesterday between Scrlb ner and Beemer teams, resulting In the de feat of Scrlbner. Score: Beemer, 2; ocno- ner, 0. Bennington Defeats Brndfords. RKNTMINGTON. Neb.. July 20 (Special.) The Bennington Juniors defeated tne Pradford Juniors of Omaha on tbe local grounds yesterday by tne aecistvo score 01 19 to t. CANNON AND SHAW CONFER (Continued from First Page.) SHAMROCK NEARS BEST TIME Oo-rers Thirty-Mile Cut Course fraction Vnder Three Honrs. la (bST l.-'tV-''' 9" j T- . ) .75 4S 27 ....T 49 80 ....78- 42 34 79 41 88 ....68 31 87 ....78' 33 45 ....76 31 45 Toledo 74 29 45 Games today: Indianapolis at St. Columbus at Milwaukee, Toledo at Kansas City, Louisville at Minneapolis. Peoria, Conies Next. On Tuesday, which Is ladles' day. Big BUI Wilson and his bunch of galvanized won- , ders will make their bow at Vinton park. The combined ages of the Peoria team Is nearly aouoie mac or any omer in ins league, but the ancients ars playing ball like youngsters. Dannie Friend and Billy Hart, wno nave Deen piimini; lor nneen years, are still doing excellent work, and old Bill Wilson Is catching like a 2-year-old. In addition there will be a fin oppor tunity to see rreslon ana Stewart play bull, something they wouldn't do for Omaha. The line up is: Position. ....First base.., ...Second base. ... Shortstop .. ....Third base.. .... Leftfleld .., ... Centerneld . .... Rlghtfleld ., .... Catcher .., Catcher ... Pitcher ... Pitcher ... Pitcher ... ..... Pitcher ... Pitcher .. Omaha. Wright..... Shugart , Fremmer.... iilckey Miller Uenlns. Carter Gondlug Thomas Schafstall... Companion. Milton Zanders Hendsrson.. Peoria. Lesotts Stewart , Holly Tlbald Thiel Preston Hansell Wilson Hesaler Hart Olmsted .......Friend "!.'.7...KlUen ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J., July 20. Ten miles an hour for thirty miles, wind ward and leeward, was the rattling pace set by Shamrock III In a race with Sham rock I over the International course oft Sandy Hook lighUhlp today. The chal lenger's exact time for thirty miles was 2:69:20. nearly record time for a cup event and on a par with Reliance's splendid per formance off Newport In June, when It cov ered thirty miles In leas than three hours. Shamrock Ill's windward leg today was however, not a beat to windward. A shift 1n the wind sfter the start made It piMsl-, ble for It to fetch from the starting line to within two miles of ho turn in quicker time than If It had to beat all the way. It's reach of fifteen miles In 1:09:0S, an average pace of rtnlnr thirteen knots, Is near the record for a cup race. Despite Its splendid performance. It only beat Sham rock I. by 1:22 elapsed time, but lost st least 2 'mlrtut -by the parting of Its Jib topsail sheet four miles from the finish. The race was Railed In a splendid wind, rising from 10 knots at the start to 15 at tne nnisn, ana a goon part or the time the yachts were dragging their lee rails through the froth from under their bows. The yachts were preparing for another brush when Sir Thomas received notice that the pope was desd. Sir Thomas Im mediately stopped the raring and tonight Erin's ensign Is at half mast t Molso Team Wloe'Ont. The Walter Molse team defeated the Bwamp Angela on their grounds at Eleventh street and Ames avenue by the score of 12 to a. 1 ne teaiure or ine game wss a dive Into the lake after the ball by Chase. The score: Molse 18400110 212 Swamp Angels 00001000 1 3 Bntteries: Jones and Brown, Chase and Carlson. The Walter Molse would like to bear from anv team under 17 years old In the cltv. Address Captain Carlson, 1618 North Thlr- ty-sixtn street. enemies to punish and friends to reward. the evil effect of such a course having bean manifested In numberless instances which have been brought officially and un officially to his attention. Mr. Jones stands for the bonded school superintends aa against a political agent. He argues that the bonded superintendent Is from the very nature of things In a far better position to perform the duties of his office wholly removed as he Is from the domain of poll tics than the political agent whose very life almost depends upon his ability to bring his district Into the convention and to see to it that the vote Is properly polled for the personal faction representing the party In power. At the last session of congress as a result of Commissioner Jones' recommendations the heads of some eleven Indian agents were lopped off and In their stead bonded achool superinten dents were named. It Is true that genrally the Indian agent was named aa bonded school superinten dent and In reality lost nothing In point of salary. In fact he Is the gainer thereby, because he Is covered Into the classified service and placed beyond the pale of poli tics. There are twelve Indian agencies which a year ago were In charge of Indian agents, but which are now under control of bonded auperlntendents. the change In nearly every Instance being satisfactory to the Indian office. There still remain In the service twenty-threa Indian agents pre siding over that many reservations. A number of these,, however, will be recom mended for dlsoontliyiance at the next ses sion of congress, and only the most power ful political Influence will hold the agents upon their reservations. The light which the South Dakota delegation made to hold the Indian reservations In that state as agency reservations Is still remembered The South Dakota. delegation., however, will v. n ... . .... ...--. ' . . . - . win iiavo un iijo nam. powenui innu- ence they did In the Fifty-seventh congress, for Commissioner Jones is determined to place bonded auperlntendents at Cheyenne River, Crow Creek and Lower Brule, lead ing the other reservations in the state, Pine Ridge, Rosebud and Slsaeton aa at present constituted. , t .., Roatlne of Departments. These Iowa rural carriers were appointed today: Audubon, regular, Wllbum M, Keese; substitute, Maggie D. Keese. Cor rectlonvllle, regular, Fred A. Weeks, James O. McKenna; aubstltutes, John H. Morgan jonn Freeman. The Merchants National bank of Omaha naa oeen approved as reserve agent for First National bank of Fullerton. Neb, Alfred T. Allen of Perry, la,, and Ernest B. Bachellor of Fremont, Neb., were to day appointed clerks at $1,000 each In the office or the Interstate Commerce commls slon. Ernest T. Burchard of Sioux City was to day appointed editorial clerk in the geo logical survey at 81.300. C. L. Anderson, Valley Oarllnger and B C. Gentle were today designated members or tha cl-rll service board for the Norfolk Neb., postofflce. Arthur C. Norrts was today appointed ciara in tne postofflce at Orlnnell, la. GAMBLING PALACE TO BE SOLD Famous Pennsylvania Clnb Hons Seised hy Sheriff on Attach ment Papers. NEW YORK, July 20.-Phll Daly's famous Pennsylvania club house, with Its gilded domes at Long Branch, which for years was the finest gambling palace In this coun try and frequented only by thoso who could wager unlimited amounts, Is advertised to be sold by the sheriff, August S, at Free hold, N. J. The bric-a-brac, draperies and decorations of the Pennsylvania cost more than I2K0 fton Vhen the club was closed by the county of ficials last July the elder Daly waa not In cluded among those Indicted. Phil Daly, Jr., was Indicted and fined 81.600. Up to that time the club had been closed but twice since Its erection by the late John Hoey In the early '60s. The aelaure waa on an attachment pro cured by W. H. Hallowell and Mary, the widow of Bookmaker Edward Marka. : Falls City Oartelaased. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. July . (SpecUl.)- The Nims City base ball team defeated the Falls City aggregation yesterday afternoon on the grounds of the former team after I sn exciting game by a score of 18 to t. The Nims City lads were reinforced by eeveral players from Hum 00 lot and the visitors were entirely outclassed. A larse crowd waa In attendance. . rerty Via.. HK 4. Mc Each, a. JATUtlLA CO.. Baa art. Tana. TV fUCHARUikOrt URUO CO. KakneOart. In tha Western L-aiT. Games today: Peoria at Omaha. Mllwau- t Dm Mulnee. Bt. Joaeoh at Colorado I aurlnaa, Kansas Clt alt Daavec ... Hampton Is Shnt Oat. FORT DODGE. Is.. JifTy ). (Special Tele a-ram )-Fort Dodge defeated Hampton todv. Score. 8 to 0. The visitors were un. uhla to find SrVavab. who allowed only one bit. S-ore by Innings: Fort Dodge 0 0 0 T 0 0 18 Hampton 0 00000000 Batteries: Fort Dodge. Bchwsb and Bcnarer; Hampton. tiara ana Marsh. Pool Selllatj l.epjal la Vtah. SALT LAKE CITY! Julv 80 According to a declolon by Police Justice Dlahl In the case or F. M. Nelson, arrested for con ducting a poolroom, pool selling on horse races is legal in au uik. t'ttv. The racea at Agricultural Park, which were suspended because betting was not auoweo, win do resumea. Lonawood Tennis Toarney Opens. BROOKLYN. Mass . July 20 .-The annual Longwood tennis tournament opened to rt -t v The forenoon matches resulted s fol Vows: J. D.- F. Jonas beat A. C Butler, 4-1 4-1. (-1: A. F. Fuller heat F. B Hll. Hard, t-0. 8-0. M; W. 8. Wiulaad beat A. FALLS FROM FOURTH STORY Harry Wood Drops from Window of Eioh- ardion Drag Ocmptnj Building. DIES SOON AFTER BEING PICKED UP Entire Right Side Crashed and Rack Broken o Ono Knows How ln fortaaate Maa Cons to Fall front Window. Harry Wood, aged 87 years, who resided at Thirtieth street and Avenue A, Council Bluffs, fell from the fourth story of the lUchardson Drug company building at 80i Jackson street at 6:45 yesterday afternoon and was nlmost Instantly killed. He alighted on the stone sidewalk on the east aide of the building and waa terribly man gled. His entire right side waa crushed and his neck was broken. No one knows how tha accident occurred, as Wood was alone in the wholesale liquor department of the drug company, of which department he was manager, at the time he fell. John Sokl, a bartender at Ninth and Jackson streets, waa the only man who w the accident He did -not aee the un fortunate man at the time he pitched out of the window, but first saw him In midair. It Is supposed that Wood ollmbed onto one of the window ledges at the time the storm came up early In the evening for the pur pone of closing tne window and In some manner lost hla footing. One of his shoe heels was torn oft when ha was ploked up. Dlea la Pntrol Wagron. The polios station waa notified aa soon aa possible and the patrol wagon responded ta the call with Police Burgeon McDlarmld. There were still some signs of life when the wagon arrived, but the man died al most as soon as he was placed In tbe wagon. The body waa removed to the po lice station and Coroner Brailey took charge of the remains soon afterward. Wood has a wife and three children. Hla wife was notified by Coroner Brailey. Tbe time of the inquest has not yet teen de cided upon. Five brothers of the dead maa live In Omaha. Two of them eire In the employ of the gas company and on of them la a clerk In the Union Pacific head quarters. He waa a member of Druid camp, No. 24, Woodmen of the World. Wood has been In the employ of the Rich ardson Drug company for the last fifteen years. He haa held the position he occu pied when he met his death about two years. Up to six months ago he was a resident of Omaha. He removed from this city to Council Bluffs, where he has lived since. JEALOUS MAN SHOOTS WIFE Ho Is Slxtr. While the Woman Is Flfty-Foor Also Wounds Her Daughter. NEW YORK, July 20. Only by drawing their revolvera and threatening to ahoot to kill did aeveral Brooklyn policemen pre vent a mob from wreaking vengeance on Frederick Xriaelmeyer, after he had ahot hla wife and hla atepdaughter. Up to the doors of the Hamburg avenue police station tha clamoring mob went cry ing "Lynch him I" and it waa necessary to call out the reserves. Kriselmeyer waa ao badly beaten before the policemen reacued him that It waa necessary to call an ambu lance. Although be la years old Kriselmeyer wag driven to the.ehoottng by Jealousy of hla wife, whom he married three yeara ago and who la 64 yeara of age. Bhe own the house In which they lived, and In the ata tlon house he asserted that ahe had been receiving the attentions of a wealthy butcher for aome months and that he saw her and her daughter with this man just before the shooting. In tha hospital, suffering from three bullet fccunde, hla wife aald In reply to hla asser tions that he waa crasy. The shooting fol lowed a quarrel, during which Kriselmeyer waa temlnded that he did not own the house. The wife will probably recover, but it la thought the daughter la fatally wounded. Returning from the house after the ahoot Ing, Kriselmeyer waa aurrounded by neigh bors, who beat him down. He escaped, but was again aurrounded, a policeman finally reached his side, revolver In hand, held the mob back until aid was secured. The crowd followed, however, until the prisoner had been aafely locked up. THREE LOSE LIVES IN WATER Inexperienced Man Capsizes a Small Sail Boat at Everett, Washington. EVERETT. Wash., July 20. By the eap- slsing of a sail boat In the harbor yester day Miss Nina Solomon, a telephone oper ator, Miss Edna Warner, a school teacher. and P. G. Foster, an Insurance man, were drowned. A boy who saw the accident from the Jetty, 200 yards distant started to their rescue In a row boat, but all disappeared before he could reach the spot. The place where the drowning occurred Is regarded aa very dangeroua on account of an eddy formed by the river current. The accident la attributed to the Inex perience of Foster in sailing a boat. SUPPOSED DEAD MAN ALIVE .lamps Iron Tnhle nnd Swears at Vm dertaker for Handling; Him Roasbly. ROCHESTER. N. T.. July 20-George Wilson, an old resident, who was pro nounced dead by his attendants Saturday night, haa come to life. When the undertaker arrived Wllson'e body waa stiff and cold. Preparations were being made for embalming when the sup. posed corpne suddenly Jumped up and swore at the undertaker for handling him so roughly. Tha coroner has Issued an order forbid ding embalming uatll twslvo hours after certified death. SHE IS MARRIED TO A COUNT Divorced Wife of Colorado Mining; Man Makes New Matri monial Vcatnro. NEW YORK, July 20. Daisy Ellsworth Kirk, daughter of a wealthy resident of the Bronx and former wife of William Mo Kay Barber, a mine owner of Colorado Springs, Colo., haa been married, according to the Herald, to Count Paul Martel da la Cheaneye. ' The ceremony took place July 4, at Wheeling W. Va and haa been kept a secret owing to the severe Illness of the brlde'a father. 1 The count formerly lived in Colorado. Ha left hla family aeat at Rouen, Franca, aeveral yeara ogo and will continue to reside In the United Statea. WOMAN CURED BY A MIRACLE Belle of St. Anno la Little Chareh la Mow Credited with Groat Power. NEW YORK. July 20. In tha llttl brick church of Bt Jean Baptist, in East Twenty. elxth street, thouaanda of ertpplea have prayed three days before a rello of St. Anne on tha altar. The rello la credited with many cures, tha moat remarkable one of the prea- ent novena, being that of a woman from Troy, N. Y., who waa injured three years ago by a troll. y car and waa able to walk only with the greatest difficulty. Bhe haa thrown aside her crutches and serta ahe haa been completely cured. n tlsatw itnJl.U JUL alu. 'W When you want a quick cure without any loss of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. It is emiallv w1iiaKle fnr -KiMrer If So fummia fnr ttm mtwa orer a large part of the dlizedworij. jgji aTreaaa'in . V71a. Ir l?r m.- nV Si? II" A V ay. 1 htn- I f. AR A'ICOMM ENDED fOR THHR PURITY AND WOLESOMENESS. YOU CAN HAVE IHEMEVERyiYHFRE. MGHRBTIMMOMnNBRBMGCO. CINCINNATI , OHIO. vrmamwvm atjh' wanm IorTiay- IIILLER LIQUOR CO. Who:Ma,e Sr: A,MU FIREREC0RD. City Jail at Rapid City. RAPID CITY, 8. D July 80. (Special Telegram.) Fire deatroyed the city Jail last night and an unidentified vagrant, ar rested the evening before, waa Incinerated. The remalna cannot be Identified. The fire Is supposed to have been set by the prisoner and waa discovered at t o'clock thia morn Ing. fa KWl I ommn "KlnS Of on Bottled tors." from Boh4rmiajk Hop. Otdar from -yU. May tosnpamr y""'1"" """ I annnPBM.llBll.lsMI S -.' JSaTJIIVn aawai TlfEEHQIUEER FEW PEOPLE REALIZE what the mpchanlral department of a groat oflice bulldlug Ik. The Bee Building la one of the few In Omaha, whteh maintains its own power snd lighting plant. Like everything else connected with Its ' service, it is In 1 every way efficient, which is a great sat-, isfaction to the tenant, who has but to turn the button for his electric light at any time of the day or night; where the elevators run without interruption and with perfect safety. There la no additional charge for electric light lit the Bee Building, neither are the rents higher because it offers all day, all night and all Sunday elevator service to its tenants. Good aised, pleasant room, burglar proof vault, for $18.00. This la one of the choicest rooma in the building, which la vacant. R. G. PETERS & CO., Rental A rent a. Ground Floor, lice Building-. Touristsj anil Pick a "tri All 11 1 HI A iOHWi mvyii Low rates all Summer via the CHICAGO & HORTH-WESTERH RY. To St Paul.Minneapolis.Duluth and the Fishing and Hunt ing resorts ot Minnesota ana w iscon&in. wu uwu. uuj between umani ana ot i-aui-miimcapuiia 6. uww. ... t . .-i . 1 ' : .1 tlinnliam access to W oruungion, oiayiuu, ii iiiuuui, Lake, St. Tames, Lake Washington, waseca, mmnc tonka, White Bear ana otner resorts oi me norm. Tf Vest ef Everything. f OF rallCB, tltKCia BUU lUII IUWt-aasaavsa, aw. war- -any- . - Sv H. C CHETNEY, General Ar.aU ajV" OMAHA. NEB. w DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Traal. all form, ef DISEASES OF MEN fT ysari sprtiic. IT ?4rs In Omaha. ao.OOO eurvd. KaltabU, auc fMful. Cudm c uarftnttl. . nariea sow. irauniai by mall. 11 mr writ. Hut 1U. Offlc ovT SK ft. lik Ml.. OMAHA. KKB. to 1 to fJ QsnVSiSiaaaaj m as tVS is) MrteHvra. B fi nMato CMtetjtos afesnit EM1 CttM Ai C4 sisttaatail""! SjoM ay r V Zt r Is lais i I aasraaa, praaa v i aa a Knt 11.. a. -- " liiwlai aaM ea MEN ANP WOMEN. I h Bt( 41 fnr sasatsrat 4iacta,r.a.,lliaaJunialloBat trrlutttou. er alraralluos of Biiill Biambrana.. Palulaaa, a4 But aatrls. ant er nuiauaoua. tegtsta. ra, id. fa I 7. taaa4. WAKE PERFECT MEN nt no i Jlp.trAlIt T Lo not Bu( tr Longarl 1U joy tvud aiubttluaUtjf life can bm rtord ( yuu. Tlia varf wuraicaiaatf Ma7 lifblMt r tr a.tbolutrMj curel ft H t I TO TA IILET. G1t vroniptrlitf( torn sonny, favUuiff niaaiory and lbWMi 4nd drain of vvowara, tn4urrs4 b intl tavrrttkoaa or iietiiM of avrl r vaavra. iinueartviffor avid stoWnct tovtrf (ub f'B. BiMptba7-taa. j' t Mito lit mm In Un Cbaa ana iur w u wjwm m g-w a tuuu or a. Lrji bvlfl M Tf or umumf ISa-Bocka-i. mold p' Oil rrrrlpl ut MsM-t. old iu Omaha, Neb., by Vnna t Co., 16th avtaa rHtugieVJ-, Hhsii man 4ft McCuoAall lnsT Co., liia and iMMltfai in Council Bluff, la . t C- ll. brown, . aia4n. tVa-3fW finattkan bo rsMVl vital onararT ?t.fc0acon.pltrtsuarantflcurv utuiaMl. ( ait b carrltd la t Ttrjwbtrf.or maWd in Plain wrwt fC'DRUHKARDS 4VHITS OOVp. CUHl Defer .'alia tu utalro i ra. Ids fiar itruns ilrtnk, ilia arptiua for wlil. h canool .."I afirr uiiua Uila rmiir Olrn Id aiif li.ul . , ... I.miI . . . , HI. Ian, I ut..,U: Bl 8hrman a McConneL) lrug Omaha. v